THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY JULY 7 , 1881 , THE PRESIDENT'S ' CONDITION , The Doctors and His Attendants Agree that Ho is ( letting * Along Finely , 33ut nt the Snmo Time Their rCaroo'f the President Does Not Relax in the Least. . , Dr. BlisB Says the Bulletins Wore Not Rose-Colored , IBut I Represented the True Con dition of The President. WHAT THE DOCTOUS fiAY. WASHINGTON , July G. Consider- nblo comment lias bcuii caused by the reports inmlo of the wrangling among the president's corps of physicians. The truth of the matter is thauioino of the other physicians had criticised Dr. Bliss' treatment and Mrs. Garfield was worried thereby. As near as can IMJ learned the reportH of professional conversations on the subject has been greatly exaggerated. Finally to re assure Mrs. Garficld Dr. is said to have placed the names of a number f the most distinguished surgeons in -tho land and had drawn three , Dr. .Agnow , of Philadelphia , Dr. Gross , of the same city , and Dr. Hamilton , ot INc\v York. Dr. Bliss had those sum moned to consult and give their opin ion as to whether the treatment the president was undergoing was a pro per one , Dr. Hamilton and , Dr. 1 Agnovr arrived and held the consulta tion and certified to treatment. Dr. Cross reached the city , but by sonic mishap his card which was sent to private secretary of president , Mr. Brown did not reach him , and Dr. dross departed for homo without hav- ingattondod thpconsultation. Dr. Bliss says the bulletins of the president's condition are not rose-colored , but ropresdnt his actual conditioii based on an examination in advance of their is- nuo , The doctor also desires to deny the statement imputed to him , that ho Already considered the president out f danger. Ho says that while ho is ilow morothopoful than at any time liorotoiorp , there are so many ncci- . dents incident to a wound of this character - actor that no man would bo warranted I in oasortinp that danger was passed. , II The mind of the president is clear and "bright , ho has slept flincp last evening I .fully seven hours of the time without opiates , Ins sleep has boon calm and natural and has bonolittcd him great ly. In reply to the question as to the BOUTCO from which danger was to bo feared , the doctor replied tlmtit would bo difllcult and improper testatetlioro might bo pus in the cavity of the wound , there might bo iccondary hemorrhage which , however , ho did not seriously apprehend , or n variety of other causes to make the symp toms Unfavorable. At this time ho felt , und-r the circumstances , strange ly hopeful of recovery. In an inter view with another person Dr. Bliss said'that ho could not say definitely with-regard to the president's wounds unless the ball were bettor located than it now seems to bo. The ball mutt bo in vr near the liver. "Will you probe for it ? " "Wo don'tintond ' to. " "What is the president's condition at this hour ? " "It is very favorable , Ho is sleep ing. His ftlcop is as quiet , peaceful and natural as it can be. " "From what do you fear the most danger ? " "That I cannot and should not say , if I had formed a final opinion on the Bubjoot , Thorn is danger from the formation of a pus cavity and from secondary inilamation , of which there nro no signs. There are a variety of accidents which in such cases may bring great danger. " Dr. Woodward stated this p. in. that ho was surprised to see so great nn improvement as the president has developed in the last 10 hours ; from his knowledge of the case it Wan fait to suppose there would bo n changofoi the bottorvory soon , if indeed it wet temporary , but the change was docid cd and so comparatively rapid , was r glad surprise indeed. Certainly tin situation is exceedingly hopeful , lit liopud no complications would uriso U retard the favorable progress , Dr. Barnes , Burgoon-genoriil , statci that a change for the better has boot remarkable , and nothing but the won derful constitution and will-power o the president could have wrought it All was done that could bo done , bu matters looked dark on Monday nigh and now the sky was brighter. Dr. Mayburn has been rather hope ful of a final and successful issue witl n happy change. He does not oxpoc that there will bo no moro dangoroui features in the case , or even that fata effects are impossible , but ho luu strong faith in present evidences , am hopes that the worst will soon hoover A prominent local physician wh < thinks most people are in too groa haste cither to kill or euro the president dent ' 'You ' don't recollect says : or nuv not know that such a wound us hi' lias its tips and downs amongst it symptoms of n most decided cliarac tor. When symptoms are bad yoi don't seem to bo taking into consideration ration anyting but the fact that yoi must publish without any oxplanatioi or without qualification. When symp toms nro good you do something 01 the other sido. Out of this growl ! the constantly changing public foolin that the president is going to livu i out , at ono hour , and that lie is goiii ] to die at the next. Now , the woum is a most dangerous ono , and th president's condition is very critical A change either ono way or the otho unless it is a rapid sinking does no demonstrate anything , It will b three weeks , I think , uoforo the president idont can bo regarded as out of dan gor. " THE PRESIDENT'S ATTENDANTS. "WASHINGTON , July 0. Mrs. Gat field in the only person , except doc tors and nurses and Gon. swain . -who are allowed to enter the pros ! dent's room t will. The other k dies , wives of the cabinet pilicera an intimate friends , are permitted occa eio'nal visits to the room , ono or tw ' .a time. Whenever Mrs. Qarfieli , gee into the room ho welcomes ho with a smile , and she invariably speak jib him encouragingly , The surgeon do not remain continuously in the president's room , They can , they say , judge bettor of Jlio case by stay ing away , except when they make an examination , nnd tKbn they compare his condition * with what itwas nt the last time of of their last visit. A good portion of the time ono of the ladies is allowed to remain in th s room to fan the pres ident. Mrs. Blnino frequently re lieves Mrs. MoVoagh at the bedside , and she is relieved in turn by ono of the other ladies , Tlio president is inclined to talk to visitors moro than the doctors think for the best , nnd ho always talks in n cheery way. In re sponse to nn inquiry as to how ho felt he said , "My good friends bo of good cheer , I mean to pull through and I Commissioner Dudley , who is an in timate friend , was admitted last night to the presidents room. Ho was rec ognized nnd beckoned to the bed. "Dudley I am glad to see you. " was the remark of the sick man. "I know you Imvo como hereto to sco Unrficld and not the president , " Still addressing Mr. Dudley , ho Hnid : "I nm very nnxious to hvo indeed nnd if necessary I could lot them cut off my limbs inch by inch. Still , if I have to die I am ready to go. Keep your conrauo up. " The president frequently chats and jokes with these about Ins bcdsido. Col. llockwell and Judge Swain nro his most con stant attendants , although Private Secretary Brown goes in every few minutes , when the rush of business by which ho is surrounded will per mit , WASIIINOTCN , July 0 7:30 : a. in. Dr. Bliss left at (5:30. ( : Ho stated that the president was better than nt any time since the shooting , his pulse was less than 100 , respiration nnd temperature normal , nnd his condi tion in , every way favorable. WAHIIINOTON , July 0 0a. in. The president still sleeps. Mrs. Garfield nroao at 4:30 : nnd has been at the bod- sido. Senor Seamocann , the Mexican minister , was the first inquirer and lias just loft , much gratified nt the favorable - vorablo news. THE MOST COMFORTABLE N1OIIT VIST. No oflicial bulletin until J ) a. m. Thu night was n night of hope nnd the morning almost brings assurance. The president rested easily , and as naturally ns if in ordinary health. His mind is clear nnd vigorous , nnd if he feels nny pain ho lets no ono know it. With his pulse nt n hundred nnd temperature normal , it is but natural to expect thnt this day will bo" the most comfortable ho has 'yet ' passed. Siinoon'Gonornl Barhds , who 1ms just como from the sick room , says that last night was the best ho has ex perienced since the shooting. An oflicial bulletin just'issued ' is as follows : "Tho president has pass ed a most comfortable night and has slept well. His condition remained'throughout as favorable ns when the last bulletin was issued. The pulse is becoming less frequent and is now 08 ; temperature , 98 , nnd respiration 23 , ( Signed. ) D. W. Buss , J. K. BAUNES , J. J. WOODWAIID , Ilon'r RKYIIUHN. Tito president is slowly but surely gaining. Secretaries Windoin and Kirkwood and Postmaster General and Mrs. James came to the white house nt 9 n. m. Mrs. James will spend the day with Mrs. Garfiold. Tlio cabinet oflicors mentioned remained long enough to bo assured by the morning bulletins , nnd then wont nway to the duties of their general departments. HIS KECOVEUY UEUTAIN. 10:30 : The president has moved himself slightly in the bed without causing severe pain. Ho speaks of his recovery as n sure thing nnd Mrs. Garfield has the same fooling. WASIUNOTON , July 0. Mrs. Edson , the nurse who sat up with the presi dent last night , has gone homo to rest. AB she loft the white house slio said he had n very comfortable night in deed. Ho had taken nourishment fre quently , not much nt n time to bo sure , but in encouraging quantities. EIo talked very little until ho had slept considerable. Ho was cheerful is usual this morning and wanted to know where llockwoll was. He Iocs not seem pqrfectly satisfied un less Col. Swam or Rockwell nro aoniO' where about. Mrs. Garfield was with her husband a few minutes tills \\wnv \ \ ing. nnd they conversed quietly to gether. She cnmo nway with appar ently increased confidence , Subao quently she expressed a wish for the preservation of certain nowsuapoi articles on the shooting , remarking thnt she wanted the general t9 so < them when ho got well. Secretary and Mrs. Lincoln arrived just lujfon 10 o'clock , nnd Mrs , Gnriiold receive * them with n beaming countenance , WASHINGTON , July 0 10:30a. : m.- Tlio president's symptoms nro still entirely tiroly favorable. There iu nothing t < indicate a relapse to-day. Murder of a Surveying Party. National AiwocUted I'rcu. SANTA FK , N. M. July 0. Mongn reports have been received of the massacre sacro of a surveying party of Americans cans , The bodies were found on the prnirio nt n ooint whore the Moxicni Central rood enters the sand hills between tween El Paso and Chipunhun. Thii surveying party originally-consisted o thirty men in charge of Locatlng-En gincpr Mophnin , of Illinois , am Engineer M. J. Cunningham The general manager , has sent n bed ; ' of armed men to the scene of the re' ported massacre. It is not known a this time whether the outrage wai committed by Indians or Mexicans but it is thought to bo the work o soiiio of Victoria's chiefs who rocentl ; joined in the Troscnssilos fight , bu escaped. The reports cnmo from ai entirely reliable souro. The south bound stnjo between El paso nnd Chipunhua was yesterday nt tacked by Indians n hundred mile south of El Paso , and four passenger and two drivers killed. Tlte Farter on His Tliiriy-Nintl Bay , National Awoclatcd Trent. CIIHUOO , July 0. Griscom starts in on the thirty-ninth day of his fas at noon to-day , feeling badly used u from the heat but still cheerful an confident of his ability to hold out Ho now weighs 1544 pounds , a loss o 4'-'J pouuds since uogiuning , Ho i twp pounds lighter than yesterday Pulno , 72 ; respiration , 14 ; tempera , 00 , _ , . LONDON , The Land- Bill Succeeding Strong Demand for Botalia- tory Duties in England * A Cry for Tuilff Reciprocity-Tho Cornell CrewV Miihap. CaWe Utter to New York Trlbnne. LONDON , July 6. "Few people hare Mr. Gladstone's confidence that parliament will adjourn in the first week in August , but everybody agrees hat the land bill is going smoothly inco the government secured prcco- Icnco for it over all other business. Pho seventh clause , touching fair rent , im-cs leas trouble than was expected. Tlio Pnrnellito opposition is no longer ormidablo ; the house now pays little attention to Parnell or his satellites , > ut looks to Mr. Shaw nnd Charles liiBsoll ns sufficient authorities on : rish radical views. The government , hough often unable to accede to heir proposals , finds no difficulty in' lealing with them frankly. The con servatives have practically abandoned opposition , sxichguerillas ns Mr. Chaplin and Lord Randolph Churchill oxceptcd , THIS NKW OllKEK FUONTIEU , The Greek debate in the house of ords on Thursday was remarkable for ho agreement of Earl Granville representing the government , tLord Salisbury reprcsontint ; the opposition , nnd Lord Rosobory representing the nctivo English friends of Greece , nil , hrce considering the present frontier cither satisfactory or the best nttnin- able unucr the present circumstances. IIP.TALITOIIY DUTIES. llenorts from various parts of the dngdom indicate that retaliatory re ciprocity theories are making converts nmong manufacturers , both employed nnd operatives. A correspondent affirms that the conservative loaders invo been seriously considering , since ho Preston election , the advisability of adopting reciprocity ns n party cry. Their local agents in manufacturing listricts nro strongly urging this lolicy. The same authority says that jord Salisbury supports the proposal nd intends , during the autumn to loclaro his views publicly Other ? ory chiefs , recognizing the impossi bility of taxiifg wheat , fear the ofiect on farmers of the adoption of n pro- cctiva policy bcncfitting manufnctnr- ore exclusively. THE TUENCH TREATY TEnrLnXITIEa. The growing irritation on questions arising out of the French treaty , com- ) incd with the obvious reluctance of .ho" French negotiators to make any orious concessions , and the hostile ono of tlio French minister of com- norco , equally favor the reciprocity ndvcment. M. Tirard's declaration and the French general tariff will bo enforced against every country with which no treaty has been concluded > y November , alarms English manu- acturcrs , nnd , coupled with the faci hat the negotiations for n now treaty cnrcoly advance , creates n vivid ap- irohonsion of a froah blow to English ndustrios. The Telegraph declares ho attitude of the French represents- ives to bo almost insolent , and ox- > ects the cry for rctailiation to bo- : omo general in the north of England , allowing a period of severe depres sion in the cotton and woolen trade , which is deemed probable. The Tele graph's article is the strongest yet published by any important journal , 'avoring ' the modification of English rco-trado doctrines for the purpose of self-defense. KNQLANI ) AND THE MLVEll MOVEMENT. The Economist , referring to the nn- louncumcnt of the willingness of the Dank of England to resume the purchase of silver for thoiss'uodopartmentif suit able arrangements are made by Franco and the United States , says it would create a fulso impression if it wore supposed that the bank proposes any nrgo operation in silver. It will buy only such amounts nnd on such terms ns insure profit , The same Journal advocates the sending of Mr. Goschon to the Paris monetary conference , but reaffirms that each country must judge 'or itself whether to employ ono 01 , wo metals. THE imioiiTON IIAILWAY MOUDEU. The police believed last night that they had trustworthy information of Lofroy's thereabouts , the evidence indicating that the Claytons could produce him , Later they received the astonishing announcement thai Lofroy intended to appear voluntarily to-day. Witnesses at the coronons inquest at Bnlcombo testify that evorj raid-path near B i Icombo and ovorj railway station on the Brighton and other lines were watched. Orders were sent by the police , that if Lefroj took the train on the road from any point for Bnlcombo not to nrrcst him , but to accompany him , nnd allow hin to travel with freedom , but if ho pass cd Bnlcombo to arrest hin : instantly. The inquest opened this morning. Nothing hot boon yet heard of Lofroy nt the police headquarters. The police say thoj neither behove nor disbelieve his ru ported intention , but they nro per fectly confident that they will capture him if Jio is nlivc. They fcul certnir that ho has not gene nbrnad and thai ho is near homo. Extreme irritatioi prevails in Scotland Yard at the goiv oral criticisms on police inefficiency , llenco the detectives are using measures suros previously unknown in En gland , and of doubtful legality , OIK high authority declares that it maj bo neccssary to enforce n houso-to house search if Lcfroy is not other wise found , it is admitted that nc theory of facts yet advised clears uj the mysterious points in the case. Tin public interest is unabated. THE COllNEU , CHEW. I know no ground for the ollogatioi that the Cornell crow were unfairly treated , in the foul between them an ! the London crow on Thurtday , Tin umpire's decision showed both oqualb to blame ; hence , n fresh start was or dored. The Cornell crew ngaii steered badly , but were very oasil ; beaten , losing the race from inferior ity of style and place , ns most oars inon predicted they would. No hostil ity was shown by the public , bu marked cordiality , the crowd cheer ing. The fiasco to-day , when in tin match with the Hertford crow tlv Cornell men ran into the bank , show sufficiently that something was wroii | with their steering. If they wish t vindicate their reputation as oarsmen they will have no difficulty iu makinj a dozen matches. No first-clog English four would think them dan gcrouB. G , W. S. BROWNELL HALL , fOUNC LADIES' ' SEMINARY OMAHA , NED , Rev , RDOHERTYMA , , , Hector , AwIsUil by nn * able corps oltoftcheni In English lAnguftgerfj Sciences find Kino Arta THE NINETEENTH YEAR WILL IJF.01N ror parUoihrii. umilr to Jc2l.eoil.2ra THE The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA , ' Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , trannttted Bftme M that ot Ml Inter- orated conk. Account * kepi In currcncj- gold mbject to Iphl check without notlno Certificate * of iltpodt ugunl payable In thre , Ix and tnrolro months , bearing Interest , or on demand without Interest. Adtanccw msdo to customer * on approved * ou < rltln at market rate * of Interest. riuy and veil gold , bill * of exchange , govern' mcnt , state , couut ; and city bonds. Drew right drafts on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and. all rnrta of Europe. Bell European pamago ticket * . COLLECTIONS PHOMPTLY MADE. AGENTS WANTED roR oca NEW HOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " > t\ng \ the Story of the Scripture * , by Ilev. George Alexander Crook , I ) . D. , In simple and attractive aniru&K for old and jonnK. Vrofiiscly lllu > tra < cd , maklriK a most Interesting and Iniprnwttc outh a Instructor. Every parent will secure thli work. 1'renchcrii , you nhould clrculato It. 1'rlcc 3.00. Bend for circulars ulth extra tcrrni. J II. C1IAMBEH3 A CO. St. LoUla Mo. Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 505 Farnhnm 6t . Omaha , Nebraika , 9 > OOOOO OZCXIS ianfully iclcctul land In Eoitern Nebraska foi ealc. Great IlarKtvlns In Improved farms , and Omaha ilty property. O. K. DAVIS. WEBSTER 8NYDEU. Late Land Coin'r U. P. n. R. 4p-Jcbtf Notice to Contractor- AI.V'D propowlg for the erection and complc- tlon of the new Grand Central Hotel at Oma- , Neb. , for Kitchen Uro'i. will be received nt ho Witlincll House , Omaha , and the Vaclflc House St. Joseph. Mo. , from July Kth to 4 o'clock p. n. July 22d , 1SS1. 1'lans and Bpeclllcatlons on \ lew at both of the above mentioned houiicg. The rljfht to reject any and all bids Is reserved. ECKEL& MANN , 80U-22 Archltccta. i I , MOT , Dentist Omen Jacobs' ntock , comer Capitol nvcnuo and Fifteenth trc t. Omaha Nob. _ PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. ' T\EPAnTHENT'OF THE INTERIOR , Office \J \ of Indian Affalra , Washington , Juno 15 , 8S1. Healed proposal IndoriMid "Proposals for : icef , " and directed to the Commissioner of In dian Affairs , Washington , D. C. , will bo received until 11 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , July 20th 1B91 , or furnliihlni : for the Indian sen ice , 14.250,000 ) oiinds liccl on tbo hoof. Uldsmustbt made out on Goicrnment blanks. Bchcdulcn showing the < | uantltlen to bo dclh vr- cd at cadi Agency , together \Uth blank proposals and form of contracts and bond , conditions teX X ! obtm cd by bidders , time and place of deliv ery , wid all other necessary Instructions will be 'uivUuxl ' uponiixppllcutton to the Indian1 Office at WaiihlnBlonD.C , or Nos. 05 and' 47 Wooetei Street , New York ; W. II. Ljon 483 MroadttnyNeiv York , and toCoinnilnwirlesoI Subsistence , U. 8. A. at Saint Louie. Chlrago , Saint Paul , Leaven- worth , Omaha , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and the Postmaster at Sioux City , llid < will be opened at the hour and day abou stated , and bidden are in / . ' to be present at thi opening. CERTiriBO 1 IHCKS. All bids must be accompalned by certified chccki upon Homo United States Lcwsitory ) ) or Assistant Treasurer , for at least flo per cent of the amount of the proposal. H. PIUCE , Commliwoncr. REMOVAL , THE ANTIQUAEIAN BOOK STORE Has removed to 1410 Douglas Street , bctwcci I4thoudlKth (0pp. ( Bushman's ) . New and Scoonu Hand books bought , e sold ant cxchan xcd. Notioo to Contraotom. Rented proposals will bo rcoelvud by tlu oiinl ill Onunty Cunimlssloncni of lniigliu < County , Ncbnisku , iinlll Wednesday , Julj intli , A. ! > . , 1881 , at 3 o'clock i . m. . ifor tin erection nt ot a court building ai Oinnha , In sulil county , In ncconliincc vltl plum unil dpeclflpatfoiH m.idc by K. 'E Myers , nrcliltect uf Detroit , Michigan , unc now on Illo In tlio. county clerk's utllcu ui Onuih.i. Kadi bid innrt lie nccompnnled by nnd auniclcnt bonil In the riniii ot ten thuus niiil dollnra , ( ) , conditioned that tin bidder \\l\\ \ \ enter Into n contract , and K'VO ' i iood ; and xiitllclcntbond , should ( lie coiitriici bu awarded him , A coi > y of the specifications will bo for warded upon application to tlio count ] clerk at Omaha , Neb. , nnd in all cu&es inuv accompany proposals , Thu hoard reserves tlio right to reject an ; or all bids. , lly order of the Hoard of County Comnils sloners. OMAHA , Neb. , Jnno2MliiS8l. JOHN It. riiA.vciutfiTitii. Jtine3T-tf County Clerk. WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagonii , Huggics , Ilrapcra , Thresher and Mill Machinery. U It INVAIA'ABLB TO YARN KR TRAMDTRKI. U euro bcrotchci and ai kind * of eorco on Hones and block , as w ell as 01 men. men.GLARE & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illlnolt Street , Chicago. IJTSKSD FOH miCES. Jo 21-0m-bo J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J , H. Thlele , MERCHANT TAILOF No. tSO Douxlu Street Omaha , Neb. W. J. CONISELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Orrici Front lloomi ( up itoln ) In Haniccro' ' new brick bulldlnc , M.V. . corner i'ltoeuth n Farnhuu EtrvcU. ' M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent REPRESENTS : rilOENLX ASSUHANCE CO. . ot Lon. don , cub MeU . , W.lOT.l ! WEbTL'HESTKK , N. Y. , capital J.OOO.OC TAEMCUClIAriTS , ot No ark , N. J. , l,090a GlllAUll KIIIK. rhlladeh > hla , capital , l.OOO.OC KlHKUAN'd FUND. Callfonila , . , . . . . . 600 , < X MOKTIIWESTKUN N ATIONAL.caplfl WO.OC IW1T181I AMEUIOA ASaURANCE Co l.SOO.OC NEWAHK 1'IUE INS. CXX , * wcU. . „ . 600.0C AMERICANCENTKAL , aMeU bOO.OC Houthwut Cor. Ct Klftcenth and K mh m8t. OMAHA , United States Depository. NationalBank OF OMAHA.- Cor. 13th and Fnrnnm Sts. OLDEST DANklNO nSTAIiLI31IiEKT IN -OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DROTHER8. ) as a National Bank August 0 , 1SC3. CAPITAL AND rnOFlTS.'OVKU MOO 000 orriCRU AXD PIRKTOM : IIRMAR AfflfBTiB KofitTti , Vice frnldent. II. W. VATM , CMhlM. A. J. I'omrrox , Attorney , JonsA. Cxjiioiiros. F. H. DATU , Atat. Cafthler. r This bank recdres < Upo lU without regard la atnounU. I Knit * time certificate * ! licnrlrg Inlcrrat. Drawi drafU on San Francl co and principal ItlMOt thoUnltfd SUU , aim London , Dublin , fxllnljiirph nd the principal dtlc * ol Uit conti nent ol Kuropo. Sells rancngcr ilckeU tor t mltrranta by the In- man line mavldtf AGENTS WANTED FOR FASTEST SPUING HOOKS or TUB AOB I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL , FORMS. The laws of trade , lejtul forms , how to trans act bu.iincw , Miluable table , toclal ttlqnttte , xullamtntftry lime , how to conduct public buri * nww ; In fait It Is complete Onldc to bufcc j for all canes. A family nccculty. Addrons for cir culars and ppeclal temu ANCH CO. . ht.txiiih. Mo. MRS , LOUISE MOHR , Graduate o ! the St. Louis School of MldHhcs , at GOO California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north side , w hero calls 111 be promptly respond ed to it any hour during the day or nlfc'ht. ' ml 7d 3 u. R. Mackey , DENTIST , ComerilMh and DoujclM Sts , Omaha , Neb. 'rices Ro aeotmblo. ap23-3w J. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , HOMCEPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Dlnoaeca lot Children and Charonlc Diseases a ipccialty. OHlco at Residence , 2009 Cam street. Hour * 8 to 10 u , m. , 1 to 2 p. m. ' and after C p. W' A SURE SURERECIPE RECIPE For Fine Complexions , Positive relief and Immunity from complexional blemishes may be found in Hagan's Mag nolia Balnii A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drag- gists-everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant and life-like tints , and-tho clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. 'All unsightly discolora- tidns , eruptions , ring marks nnder the eyes,8allownes8red- ness , roughness , and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. ' NOTICE. J. AI. Stanton ( full name unknown ) Har riet Henn and MnryShiltock , non-resilient lefendantssill take notice that Milton Elendrix , of the county of Douglas las , in the State of Ncbnudca , did on the 7th day of May , 1881 , file his petition in the District Court of the State of Nebras ka" within and for thonaid county of Doug- la ? , against tlio said J. M. Stnntpn. Har riet Henn and Mary Shillpck , impleaded with George Mill ? , Maggie McConnick , Josiali S. McConnick , MatthewT. Patrick and John N. Patrick defendant * , Hotting Forth that by virtue of n deed issued by the treasurer of uaid county , he has an abt > elute - lute title to the feoutheaHt quarter of the northwest quarter of the houtlieaut quarter of section nine , (9) ( ) township fifteen (15) ( ) , range thirteen (13) ( ) c , in said Douglas coun ty ; that yon and each of Baid defendants claim to Iiavo nonio intcreit in xaid land , ind praying that lie may bo adjudged to have an Indefeasible title to tiaid iireinlBCs ; but that if liirt title should bo lield invalid. lie lhay ! " . decreed to have n lien on Baid land , that it may be sold to satinfy the same , and that you and each of you be for ever be debarred from Betting up or asserting any right or claim thereto. And the said J. M. .Stanton , Harriet H nn and Mary Shillock are hereby notified that they are required to appear and answer f > ad ! peti tion on or before the first day of August , 1881. MILTON HKNDKIX , By CLABKRON & HUNT , liii attorneys. Dated Omaha. Juno 23 1881. w4td LEGAL NOTICE. In the Circuit Court i/l / the United States , fpr the the District of Nebraska : At a session of the Circuit Court of the United Statu , for the District of Nehnwka , continued and hilil punmant to adjournment , ut the United States court room Iu the city of Omaha , on the Uth day of June , 18S1 , the lion. Elmer H. Dundy being jircmcnt fand ) > rc ldlng In | baid court , the follow Ing among- other proceedings u ere had and done , to-wlt : No. 63 0. Sherman W. Knevali , complainant , vs. Ed\rard II 111. Mehln Hill , Mne llill , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , ( ruardlan of minor defendant * . In clianccry. Order on absent difendantn. And now , on thli Uth day of June A. D. 1S8I , bctnn-nt the May term , A. O. IbSl , of the wild court. It having lictin miulo to a ] < pcar to the ( at- laft'tloi ) of the tald court , that thin li a buit ponuncnced to cnforcu an equitable claim UIKIII n l proiwrty within the ald district , and that IMn-ard Hill , Mehln Hill , Axnta Hill , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John HID , guardian of minor defendant * herein are not Inhabitant ! of. ami l" e not been found within the Mkld dUtrltt. and haio not \oluntarll } ap- pcarud In this suit , on motion of James M. Wool. itorth , ! > ] . , solicitor for the ald complainant , It U connldcrou ) > y the court and ordered that the tald defendantv above named bo and they are hereby direct * * ! to appear and plead , aniv < cr , or demur to the toimiUUnant'ii bill of complaint , on or before the flret day of August , 1881 , and that In default thereof , an order be cntcrud In this cause , taking the wlcl bill pro tonfenbo. It la further orderid by the court that at least twenty d jg before the uld lint day ef Au gust , 1SS1 , a copy of this order bo served Tijwn KdHurd Hill , Mehln Hill. Agnci Hill , Ah in L'lll , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian ol the said defendant * . whcroeier found , if practicable , and also upon the per- ton orfpersons In possession or charge of the real property dotunU'd In complainant's bill ol comiaalnt. if any there tic. and that a certified copy of thli order be published for four constcu < the nceki la the "Omaha lleo. " ( Signed ) ELMEIl S. DUNDV , Judge. TlIB L'KITD ) BTATK3 OT AUIKICi , ) M PUTRICTOF KlBKAIKA. f ' I , WaUon U. Smith , clerk of Uie Circuit court of the United Btatt * for the dUtrlct ot Kcbroska , do hertbj certify , that the abe > e uid foregoing U a true cony ol on order entered upon the journal of the proceeding ot sail court , In ( he c u o therein eptltledj that 1 he compared th ( aamg with the original entry of Bold order , and II U a true Uuuicrlpt therefroa , and of the wholi thereof. Wltneei , mjr officU ] ttgnatart , and Uii ISHAL1 K l of Mid court , at Omaha. In nli dbtrict , tUiUthdiy of Juoe/A. p.61 Vf ATbON B. BMITH , Clerk. T ' JAUE8 M. WOOLWORTH.T je wU . bgUcitor for PWlntlfl. Pianos and Organs 1 i ] m sj _ > ix.- v x _ . , U JL ! _ _ _ J. S. WRIGHT , - l-AGKNT FOR - B THE GHIGKERING PIANOS. AND SOLE AGENT TOR Hallet , Davis &Co , , James & Holmstrom , and J & C. Fischer's Pianos ; . also Sole.Agent for-the Burdett'aYi'd C-e'FoA - Estey , - ' ' if V IT \ * * \ -v < , . ' > t % ' Wayne Organ Co.'s Organs , I DRAL IN PIANOS AND GROANS EXCLUSIVELY. HAVE HAD YEARS EXPERIENCB THE BUSINESS , AND HANDLK ONLY THE I1EST or. s.iV 218 Sixteenth St. , City Hall Building , Omaha. . lHALSBYV , FITCH , : : ' : Tuner. More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE ' i .New- , Family Sewing Machine. The popular demand , for thoOENUISE SINGER In 1870 exceeded that of any prc\Imn voar durioc- the quatUr of a century In which this "Old Reliable" Machine has bc n before the public' In 1878 wo sold 360,422 Mochln In 1879 we sold 431,107 " Excess over any p ti * year 74,735 ' OUU SALES LAST YEAU WERE AT THE RATE OP OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A For e\cty business day In the year. REMEMBER : THE " OLD RELIABLE" THAT EVERY REAL SINGER SINGER BE\VI \ Q MACHINE HAS THIS 'IS ' THE STRONGEST , SIMPLR TRADE . MARK CAST JNTO THE MOST DURABLE SEWING- THE IRON STAND AND IMBEDDED MACHINE EVER YET CONJ. BEDDED IN THE ARM OP STRUCTED. ' THE MACHINE. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , IT. Y. l.BOO Subordinate Offlcc-In\bc United States and Canada , and 3,000 offices In the Old World nd. South America. / seplCdiwtf MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale anil Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver "Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , ' Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MIL ! O3VC.A. THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. ' A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knab& Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. O. H. BALLQU , , ! DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , * Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks- If north of I ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-op d-3m. THE NEW YORK Has REMOVED from Crcialiton Hall , llth and Faniham , to ONE DOOR WEST OF B. & M. HEADQUARTERS. For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Styles and THE BEST QUALITY OF HATS AND CAPS , THE NKW YOBK COMPAKT LEADS THEM ALL. Satisfy yourself by Examining the Stock. A lull B and a complete assortment of the latest Styles ol Straw IUU juit opened. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in [ Hardware , Cooking Stoves | : r TIICsT Stave Eepairer , Job Worker and , Haniifactiirer Tenth and Jackspn * * * . . . . Omaha , Neb :