6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JULY G 1881. The Alliance Movement in Adnm * Cotmty- Correspondence of Tun I > H JVSIATA , July , 1881. The far mers' "hllimico movement lias bccomo nu important factor in the political ns well ns other interests in Adams county. Wo now have seventeen subordi nate alliances in the county , with n loUil membership of 543 , and ft county alliance , holding quarterly meetings. The last meeting of the county al- liancfc was held on Saturday July 2d , nml was largely attended by delegates and interested spectators. It wn n gathering of men , who , forintelligcnco and'cullurc , would compare favorably with * the average state convention ; vvhilo th'o purposes they have in view , and the determination evidenced to accomplish those purposes , may well challenge the thoughtful attention , not only of politicians ; but of corpora tions , nnd-of nil the people. The proposition at the Saturday meeting that elicited the strongest and most animated discussion was that looking to the formation of a fnr > mots' , or independent party. It was opposed with a great deal of tact , elo quence and vehemence by certain members of the republican party who were present , who remembered that their party had ever hold the political interests of A damn county in the hol low of its hand , and who were loth to witnosa the departure of any portion of its power. They counselled the do ing of alliance work within present party lines by controlling' caucuses and elections. "Hut the arguments in re sponse appearcdtobo conclusive. "It is time to Imvo done , " it was said , "with clinging to the shirt tails of the old parties , and appealing for relief and protection. Wo have been doing this for years and matters all the while Imvo been growing worse and worse. The old parties caru nothing for us after they have gottenourjvntus. They will make any demanded promise before election and then when they get toLincolnorWashingtonsoll out to the moneyed monopoly that will pay the largest price , nml so rivet still tighter the chains upon us. It is time to set up on our own account , and 'Juivo party and candidates of our own , upon whoso integrity and in whose- fealty to principle wo can depend. AVe have wearied of giving one-half of our crops for the privilege of carrying tho.other half to market. You nay we cannot succeed. Whyl Already we have more than five hundred voters in our ranks in this county. By No vember next wo shall have nt least one thousand , and that is more than one- half of the total vote of the county. In addition to this a largo proportion of the voters not in the alliance arc with us in sympathy , and will act will : us at tho.polla. If wo do not succeed this year wo may next , or the next at all events we ; will go on until wo dc ' achieve success. / These sentiments wcro warmly re ccivod by the audience and were nol without oflect , as , when the time for voting upon the pending proposition came , two-thirds of the delegates cast their ballots in favor of the organiza tion of a now party. The work of or ganization was placed in the hands ol a committee composed of one mem ber from each alliance in the county this committee to meet in Juniatn on the last Saturday in August and dis charge this duty. This movement will doubtless ctl'ect a change- tho'status of pending noli tical affairs. It ia too formidable to bo ignored by the paity heretofore so largely in the ascendency ; and the men who have committed themselves to the now tlopixrturo are altogether too consequential to bo. trilled with More than ovorj * therefore , will the claims nnd interests of the , farming community bo regarded by the noini nations to be made this.fall. Wheth er with all the concessions they ma ; bo disposed to nink'o the old managers will save themselves from deteat a the hands of the new patty , remain to bo determined , OTHlIll MATTKJIH. Our entire community was slnrtlei and rendered indiuuant , on Saturday on receipt of intelligence that a deu porate attempt had been made upoi the life of President ( iarfiohl. It ear ried us back , in thought and fooling to the memorable April days of 18 ( > IJ when the whole country was olectriliei by tidings of the assassination of Prcs idoii't Lincoln. For the murder of Mr L. , { ho shadow of'an excuse could \b imagined , but for that of Mr. G.non whatever. Some attribute this to enmity mity growing out of the Albany im broglio , and others to other causosbu none could conceive an adequate mo tivo. : The assassin and { Ins uccom plicos ( if there bo any ) should receive little mercy at thohan'dsofthb author Jties. Jties.Our Our crop prospects are still of i most encouraging character , and engrain grain buyora , iMessru. J. M. 89\volli Co.j and Ira. 0 , Dillon , are olovnthij their plans and arrangements accord inqly" DID wheat crop , wo think will be the best had for years , and th corn will do much better than wan a lirst supposed. The rye is ulreadj necurcd and in good condition Pota toea are being interfered with to som extent ' by the Colorado beetle , but th crop'will be at least a fair average. Yv'hilo ' at Hastings , the other day wo stopped into The Gnzuttu-Jounia oflice to sou so many evidences prosperity on the part ofVigtoi Brothers. They liavo not only un excellent collent power press and several jobber of superior manufacture , but Irov recently introduced a mammoth iroi paper-cutter weighing 2000 pounds ; very fine standing press , also of iron for smoothing impressions alread , made , and a new-style papor-rollin' machine. The necessary npparatu for a bindery is also daily uxpectet and not long hence , we presume , steam engine. These , with the growin business of the Messrs. W , will necei sitato nn addition to thisoliico. Good wd say ! for the prosperity ia well do served. JAUNTEH. The Fourth at Greenwood. Correspondence of THE UKK ; ( i it KENWOOD , Cass county , July 4 1681. The day ia beautiful mid crowd have coino in from every direction t celebrate. Aahland , WuverJy , Green woodland the people * f all this rcgio ; _ . join m the exorcises. The Green wood citizens erected a bcnutifu Looth in a little grove close by thu D M. depot and furnished seats for a lousand. Fully three thousand are n attendance. Col. Champion S. Chase , of your ity , was the orator of the day. Upon iis arrival hero this morning a brief onsultation was held and on his sug- cation the ceremonies hero made to onform to the conditions of things at Vashington arising from the nssas- ination of the president. Col. Che so pronbnnccd a very olo- ,110111 , tribute to Garfield and discuss- d the causes of his assassination , 'ho display of the horsemen was very no , and the Elsmond brass band avo.tts excellent music. J. W. Buck- nlust was president. Fully three housand people were in attendance , oniing from three counties , and the iniversal verdict is that the whole af- air was a complete success. High nconiumi on the address of Col. Ohaso are heard on all sides. His effort vas equal to the occasion. E. A. Rvpr.it. STATE JOTTINGS , Lonp City greatly iicc < l mill. Arapalioo lioiitfto have a woolen mill 0011 , Tliere Is .1 great demand for building lots n Kxclcr. ' ' Nenmlm City will soon liavo two bilek 'mils ' rimniiu , ' , Miullion'iiCntliolloclmrcli will soon he cndy fur occupancy. A fanner near Juniata has walnuts on ret" ! ( if Ills own ( { rowing. Wnhoo's new Methodist church is np- oaclilnK completion. Work hat coininencod on the new hotel milding at I'awneo City. nfctern parties ) nro negotiating for a voolen mill at liltie Spring * . Twenty-two car lo.vU of stock wens hipped from Hanly last week. Caimda lilll , In Hnwnnl oonntv , wantH M liu inmlo a separate precinct. The new Iron bridge nt Invalo , Webster county , was blown down by this wind. 1. ( ! . ArniKtrntu , ' , of Heaver City , ban recently Hhipped 2t , > ( X > pound * of wool to oa tun. The Grand Inland cornet band will bo reorganised noon and novcrnl new pieces Norfolk in discussing the advisability of lonatlng land and money for u Congrcga- ioiml college. Ar idea of incorporntlon liavo been filed or tlio J'lillerton national bank , witb a capital of S 10.000. ThcUnlted'States ' land ofiicc. at lllooin- ngton , liau bean opened for tliu _ transao- ion of business. " Mr , Iteynolds , of .Spring ( Jrccn , 1'ur- las comity , shipped twci hundred sheep o Chicago lant week. Thu Itoynoldi "boys , " of Kremonl , liavo ought 1'J.OOO western Hbeop , which they ill bring into Nebraska. The Pennsylvania Live .Stock com- .iany liavo put tip livu miles of wire on .heir lange on South Loup. Alexandria 1'resbyteriuns are workjn. , nrd to erect a church. Tlio organization limbers forty.Hoveu inemberH , A new town has been located on the line of thu railroad through I'awneo county , .welvo miles west of I'awneo City. Three men wcro HCiioiiily injiiicd la t iveok by the fnlllti ; ; off n bridge at Hum- inldt , which was heing.takcn down. A NnekollH county girl hiv refined her over till he 1ms alone and xin lo-handcd , ilain eleven wolves and laid their ncnlps at icr feet , Arapahoe precinct , 1'tirnas county will on the Kith of July vote on the proposition 'O ' bond the jirccinct for Slr > 00 to build Bridge ucrobH the Republican river , The Bporting men of Palls City propose .o organize "a , stuck company and buy a , rnct of laud near that city , to bo fitted ip for n driving park nnd for lioldingBtock 'airs. 'airs.Three Three thousand nix hundred and fifty logs and enough cattle to Hwcll the cash paid nut to 177 , IfiO wcro Chipped 'nun Washington county during twi weeks of the present month. The U. it M. Kent outa novel machine .o-day to cut the weeds along the track. I'lio patent of the machlno is ouned bj ; ho coniiany ] , and they liavo : i bonanza , i'ho maeine inowH.down the .weeds along the track in an astonishing manner. Lin coln-Democrat , . During ono week thin spiing four or five men llviui ; near the deseited ilog town 01 lUtiili creek , adjoining IVrry'n claim niadt u bco and waged a war on the rattlesnakes killing nearly three hundred of the venom oils rcptllen. It was a commendable job. O'Neill Krontlei Last Simdav evening a largo macanav handleil by live men landed here , loadei with 1:1,000 : pounds f dried bnlfalo mca and 1,500 , liiilen. Tliey came from tin YelloWHtono and la t winter .the crew in dnlged In a little Hpcculation on'lloiir ' b\ goiiiL ; over Into the ( lalkitin valley for ( and bringing It tn the wilder pottionn o thcj YvllowttoneNiobrara I'loncer. Debt and Taxation of tlio United States1 Compared with liuropo- A table prepared by Mr. Edwan Atkinson shows how much lighter are the burdens of the people of thi country than are those of the peopl of Europe , and how much bettor are the opportunities for advancement 01 this side of the Atlantic than on the other. It is shown by this table tha while Europe has 1-lft inhabitants to the square milo , the United Status has onlylOA. Since 181 ! ) the debt o Europe lias nearly trebled , wherca our debt is now less than it was ii 05 by over n thousand inillioi of dollars , Wo liavo already pait more than a third of the cost of tlo | great civil war , and our debt ia bu § l,800,000,000)ngainst2,91 > 7n8JtO ( ( : atthe close of that contest. The debt of Europe in 1880 was § 10,701,800- 000 , or an average to each iulmbitair of 87-1.01 , while hero the average 01 the lirst of last March was only § 30.85 though in 1805 it was 88U.io. : The natural expenditures of Europe wore § 2I'82) 800,000 in 1880 , or an average to every ' person of § 10.15 Our expenditures , for the yea ending June ilO , 1880 , were 82 < i7tU2l)57 , ) , or , an average , o § f > : ir > to each inhabitant. The stand ing armies of Europe number ovc 2,100,000 men , besides the still moio numerous reserves who may bo callm into the Held at any moment. Mor than ono in every 110 of the popula tion is a soldier in active service Reckoning ono able-bodied man to eyery live inhabitants , each twenty two men sustain one soldier , Ou army ia only 25,000 strong , and 'cacl 2,000 inhabitants , or each -100 met sustain a eoldier. In the light o thouo facts and statistics it is no surprising that the people of Europe witnessing our prosperity and euvym } our comparative freedom from the burdens which' rest on their industry nro now crossing the ocean at a mor rapid rate than ever before to shuro ii our , goyd fortune. , Jt wquld seen tlp pie luagijifjconce of .the ioiiiai ompiraisitu bo exceedediin the cultnj nation of th ) grandeurthat awaits tlii republic. THE POPPY PLANT , 3i oovory of the Spontaneous Growth of Supposed Opium Plants in Colorado. Tribune. .1. II. Lukins , chief engineer on the astern division of the I'ennsylvania Central , while making n tour of Color- do during the past week , was attract' d in a peculiar way by the thistle- ike , white-llowercd plant that grows pontnneuusly over mountain , valley nd plain. Thnso who liavo observed ho plant will recognize it at once vi n useless weed , noticeable only jy reason of iis pretty whi'e lower , whoso petals encircle a pod of rellow seed. Mr. Lukins was at- racted especially by its resemblance o the poppy or opium plant. Having n his earlier years been a student of jotanyho made an examination of the ilant in various portions of the state , ind the result was almost invariably n accord with the history and de scription of the poppy. In some por- ions of America the poppy is ncommrin .ilnnl , growing luxuriantly in field mil g.irden. Vet while all farmers .nd . gardeners are familiar with its ISOH , the product has never been itilizcd as a merchantable commodity. In many instances n many states the natives liavo ex tracted the juice from the stalk and rendered it into a compound rcsumtil- "nu and nerving the purposes of opium , Lint it is not known that an article of narketable opium has ever been de rived from it. If the American pop- > y can bo utilized in this way , and if ho plant hitherto unnoticed in Color ado should provo to be the genuine onium plant , there is wealth on the ilnins surroundingDonver equal to the ; old and silver in the Itocky Moan- : ains. In order to ascertain some factscon- corning the plant , n reporter of The Tribune yesterday visited a number of earned gentlemen with n specimen of .he stem and ( lower in hand. The result was unsatisfactory. Nearly all wowed tint they know not what it was , while one gentleman un conditionally declared it to bo a species of thistle. The reporter then ook the plant to a number of Chinese vash houses and .interviewed the Jelestials , youii" and old , but bund none who know , or at east would acknowledge , that 10 was in any way familiar with the plant or its uses. Oho old 'ellow , who looked as though he night have spent * u half century in ; ho ilowery kingdom , cast a suspicious 'laiico at the reporter when ho asked ! f it were an opium plant , and de clared lie had never seen a poppy or a specimen of the opium plant in his country. Some enterprising botanist might enrich himself now by an in vestigation of this matter. Too lliato for Llos About the River Route- "roin the New Orlfaiis Times. A few eolid , incontrovertible facts ire worth all the theories that any combination of so-called scientists can nako in a life time , nnd never has the truth of this saying been more conclusively established than in the : iso of Now Orleans as a grain port , [ 'or 'years interested parties have leclarcd that grain could not bo safe ly shipped down the Mississipi river nnd through the Gulf of Mexico , be cause of the risk it ran of being dam aged by heating or fermentation. True , there were no scientific rea sons why grain properly ripened and cured should not stand this climate , since it is well known that grain can not bo damaged by the heat of the most tropical climates , but that the presence of a deuroo of moisture which would bo highly damaging in any climate must be conjoined with the heat before any injliry can result to grain stored or in transit in these latitudes. In spite of science , how ever , such an outcry was rained againsl the climate of Now Orleans that until within the past two or three years the advantages of the Mississippi river as n route of transit for the grain products of the \ \ cst were totally neglected. A trial was finally made in spite ol the most violent opposition and the most actively propagated prejudices , That trial , exposed to every possible condition necessary to make it coin plcto and thorough , has been going on for several years , and lias ended ii the incontrovertible establishing ol the fact that the climate of the Gull coast and the Gulf waters is no more unfavorable to the safety of soum' grain in good condition than is tliu climate of Now York state and the Erie canal. This fact has beer triumphantly established by the safe and satisfactory shiument from this port through a term of years , at all seasons of "the1 year , of many .million bushels of corn and wheat and mil lions of barrels of Hour. This overwhelming burden of testi mony has just been crowned , if it needed any additional emphasis , with tht ) reception hero of three barges containing thirty thousand bushels ol wheat for foreign shipment , trans ported on the river nil the way froir St. 1'aul , the head of navigation of the Mississippi , to this port , in excel lent on'.or and condition.t is nou being put on board the British steam ship Winston , for its European des ( illation , and in twenty-four hours doubtless will have passed through the jetties nnd be riding the blue waves ol the Mexican Gulf. This wheat , coursing the entire length of the Mississippi river in the midst of the hottest season known in this latitude for half a century , ami arriving hero in such perfect order , BO completely sweeps away the hixi vestige of a doubt as to the entire safety of ( ho river route , that its ono- mjea have nothing left to make an argument of eave deliberate and ma lignant falsification. The entire mat ter haa como now to bo a quostioi of freight , in which , as the shippers have decisively declared , the rivt'r route has immense advantages. The last doubt as to the superiority ol the river has had its back broken , and argument is nt * an end. The mos able-bodied liar that over cleared his throat and blackened a reputation cai make no headway against the soiu facts that have established ( ho river grain route. Hope Ou , Uopo Evor. No matter what the ailment may be rheumatUm , neuralgia , lameiitcs , nuthnia bronchitis If other treatments havi fuilea hoi on ! go at once for THOMAS KUcTitio OIL , ' It will becure your hmrte utAttt relief , eodlw. Mothers , Wlvet , Daughters , Sons , Fntheri , ,1inlstcr , Tcnchert , Business Men , F.irm- crt , Mechanics , ALL should ho unrntil nunln't i iii'ntnl liilroihulMt ! Into their HOMES NOT- mini nml AUoholle rcincitlM. HMO no * uch irrjuillio ftffalmt , or Icnr of "Warner's Snfe . 'onle Bitters. " The * fire what they nrcUnimcil lie Imrmlcsi ns tnllk , nml umtnln only ineill- tnnl lrtm-i. l-Xtrnit of jnirc t vyctnhlv < mil ) . lioj tin lint belong tothatilax kiimui nt "Cuio- \ll , " but only ) irofe i ttrcarh ca cs hero the lltfaocorlu'lnatei In ilcbllltatoil frninci : ui < 1 lin- niru htooil. A pcrfut Spring and Summer ncilltlne. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Icawnt to the taste , iinl omtlnx to the body. 'ho most eminent | > liklnMs moimncinl thiiu or their curatho iitopcrtlcs. Unie used nhrn)9 ircferriil. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , IHO notlilnif "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY nnd LIVER CURE. " It BtniiiU Unrivalled. Tlions- ntid * o o their health nnd Impiilniis to It. I'rlre , S1.SS IK.T bottle. Wo oiler "Wnriur'a Safe Tonle Jlttcra" with npial eorilldcme. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. Jo 10-tii-th-raMy AQENT8 WANTED FOR FASTMT SKLLI.XO HOOKS or TIIR Aon 1 Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOIIMS. The laws of traile. Icgnl forms , how to trans- ct bnilncM , MUu.iblo tables , social etiquette , xirllantentary uiaxe , liow to conduct jniblic bml- ICHH ; hi fait ft U a complete ( iiiiJc to Succosj for ill msus. A famllv ncccssKv. Aildrcm for clr- cnlara nnd cpcdal terms ANCHOH I'UULISIUNO JO. , St.Louii , Mo. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . Owcx In IIanReoinb'3 Illocklth George E. 'rlchctt. ' Uflfl Karnhani St. , Omaha , Neb. BROWNELL HALL , YOUNG LAD1ES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NEB. Rev OOHERTY.M A Eector , . , , , , ssisted bj an iihlo rorp ? of tcachcra In English 1'lnu Aria. THE NINETEENTH YEAR UUGIX . * 7 , For particulars , apply to | o21-eod-2m TIIR IlKCTOR. The Oldest Established E IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , transected same 03 that of an Incor } > oratcd oank. Aceonnta kept In currency or gold subject to all-lit chock without notira Ccrtifictitcs of deposit issued payable In three six and twelve months , bearing interest , or 01 demand without Interest. Aihmiccg made to customers on approved seen ritlcs at market rates of Interest. Day and sell gold , bills ot exchange , go\crn ment , state , county and city bonds. Dnxw sight draftn on England , Ireland , Scot Kind , and all ) K\rU of Europe. Sell Kuroxan ] passage tickets. COLLECTIONS I'UOMITLY MADE. nugldt United States Depository OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Paruam Sts. OLDEST BANKING E3TAI1LISIIMENT IJ > OMAHA. euccEssons TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. STABUeilKD 16'fl. OrRanlzcd na a National Bank August 20,1803 CAPITAL AND I'ROKlTSiOVEK 9300000 OmCKliS AND rilRKCTOBS I IlKHMAN KOI'STZK , j'rcslilcllt. Al'ui-bii-H Ko-'MZK , Vice 1'resldcnt. II. W. YATKS , Ouhlcr. A. J. I'oiTLKTON , Attorney. JOHN A. CRKIOIIION. K. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cashier - Thli bank rccches dt' | slta w ithout regard to amounts. Italic * time rcrtlflratca hearing Interest. Dmnn ilrafts on Sun FruncUco and | irhiclpa cltlea ol thu United HUtes , rvli.0 London , Dublin Kdlnbiimh nnd the principal cltlts of the conti nunt ol Kuroix. , KelU lassciifcr tickets for emigrants by the In man llnu , mivliUI AGENTS WASTED roa ecu NEW BOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , ' being the Story of the Scriptures , by Itov , Geoni < Alexander Crook , D. I ) . , In klinnlo and attraitlvi anguuyo lor old and young , 1'rofiuely tlhutra ted , inuklng A most Intcrcbtlng and Imprcfeilu joitlli g Instructor , Every ivtreiit will securu tld work , 1'reachcr * , you ( liould circulate It. 1'rlce 8J.CX ) . Ki'iul for L-irculani wIth extra tcrmi. J 11. CIIAMHKII8ACO. St. Ixiula Mo. Neteka Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IGOG Farnlmm St. , t t Omaha , Nebraska ObOO.OOOA.C30ECHS Carefully selected laud In Eastern Nebraska fo bale Ureat lUrgaliu In ImproM'd farms , am Omaha ilty property , O , F. DAVIS. WKBSTER SNVDKR , Latu Und Com'r U , P. H , II. 4u-fcbtl A lentist , . NASi , , Orricc Jacobs' Illock , corner Capitol a\cnu < and niteciith utreet , Omaha Nob. Notice to Contractor * CjKAI.KI ) proposals for the erection and octuple kj tiou of thu new Crund Central Hotel at Oiiu ha , Neb. , for Kltihcn lire's , will be nitlvcda the Withnell House. Omaha , and the 1'aclllc Houb Kt. Josepli. Mo. , from July llth to t o'clock r > m. July KM , Isti. 1'lans and \iiications onflow at both ol th abe e mentioned houses. The right to reject any and Ml bids Urmruil. KCKEL& MANN , 806-i Arcliltctts WISP Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Vfion \ Wnton ; , Untrmcs , Heapcr * . Thrcuhtr * and Mill MuhlncT } . It NivvjaiutiuiTo IMRW [ Ri AVD TKUmr.no. It cure * RcratchM and all Inds olsorco on Horns and block , ns well as on 11CII , OLARK & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illinois Street , Chicago , /2TSEVI ) Toil PRICKS. Jo LM-Gm-uo An overdose of Dinner often deranges the sy - cm , brings nn flatuUliconnil wind colic , and ub- cits the patient to great bodily suttirinfr. A slit- ; lc doe of TAnnANT'S SELTZER APERIENT , II corrci t the ai IdUy , t-nrr.v oil the offending au i' , and tave wjmetlines n lort tpcll of Illness , to tlfectsaruL-cntlo and thoroituh , audits gen eral use would prevent lulled BiilTerhnr , SOU ) IIY AM * UUUdOl&TU. 1'IIOPOSALS FOIl BEEF. ' OK TIIII ISTCRIon , Ollico DKt'AUTMUXT of Indian Affair , \Vfthlnttnii , Juno IS , ISHl. Sealed Jiro ) < oial , tnitor ! l "Proposal ? for Ik'cf , " nnd dlreitcd to the ConmiMoticr of In dian AITalr" , WnsliliiKton , l . C.\vlll bo revchcil until U o'lloik a. in. , Wciliasilay , July JOih 1SS1 , for fiirnWiliitf for the Indian umlce , 11,210,000 pound ] Hccf on the hoof. Illih inu t hi : made out on Oo\ eminent blank * . SehcdnlcH lie liii ; thu ruantltlc' | to be deliver- cd at tacli Agency , toctlicrlth ; blank iiroposaU nnd form of tout nuts and bond , conditlona to hcobbcrNed by bidder * , time and place of deliv ery , and all other nceciory Instructions will bo ftmiNhcd upon np | > lk-atlon tothclndlnn Olllcc at Wixshhijflon I ) . L' , or Noi. fiS ntnl 47 Wooster Street , New York ; \V. \ II. Lon 4S3 ItronduayNcw York , nndtoCoiiinilivnrlesof SubsUtcnec , U. S. A. nt Saint Louis. Chli-ago , Saint I'nul , Ica\cn- woith , Unulia , Clio otuic , and Yanktoti , and the I'o'tinaKter nt Slonv Cltv , lllds will lie opened nt tho.hour and day above 6tate < l , nnd bidders ore In. ' tobeprcscntatthc opening. CRRTiriRD 1 ll-.CRfl. All bids must to. accompAlncd by ccrtlncil checks 'ipon some Unllril States DelK ltory or Aiils-tant Treasurer , for at least Ih e per cent of ttie amount of the proposal. II. I'KICK , . CoinniUsloner. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Ii a positive euro for Spennatorrhea , Pcnilna foUnesi , Impotnncy , and nil dj | > enee resulting from Eclf-Abu c , ns Mental Anxiety' , Los Memory , I'alns In the liaek or Side , 'and diseases tlmt lend to Consumption Infinity nnd The bpecillc Medlcino is being nsci ] with wonder' ful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write for them and get full par' tieulnrs. 1'ricc , Spccidc , 81.00 per pacl.nc , or six pack' ' ages for $5.00. Address nil onlers to II. SIMSON MKDICIKR CO. No * . 101 and 100 Main St. Ilumdo , N. Y. SoM In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J.V. . Ucll , J. K leh , and all ilru 'lstsux cry where. CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Mails , am all my goods will bo STAMPED nlth tha L0t ! andnivNAMB on the same. NO GOOUd AllL ClKNl/lNi : WITHOUT THK AHOVII tint MI'S The bcfct material Is used and the n out skillet workmen are. employed , and at the km tat nisn price. Anyone wishing a iirlee-llst of good vl\ \ confer a fat or by seiulliij ? for one. DAVID SM9TH MOORE. o. R. IVIackey , DENTIST , Corner 16th and Douglas Sts , Omaha , Neb. J'rlrcs Itcasonnlilc. ' ap'Jj-3\v J. G. RUSSELL , M. D , , HOMCBPATHIG PHYSICIAN. Diseases ( of 'Children and Charonlc Diseases a Specialty. Office at lleoldtnco , 1009 Ca sttritt Hours S to 10 ft. ill. , 1 to 2 p. in. , and alter C 11 m. anl lidl m Notice to Contrnctom. Svnlcil iiropuiulslll li rwlw'cl hy llio lliiunl of County Coiimilsslnut'ni of Doutlas c'oiintj' , Nclirntkti. until Wciliicsdiiv , Julj U7Hi. A. I ) . , 1NJ1 , atJ o'clock p. in. , 'for HIP erection of of u court lioiiso building at Oniiiliii , In sahlcnunty , in iiccordancu will idiins anil .spcclllcatloiiH nindi ) hy K. R Myers , lircliltfet of Detroit , Michigan , an now on no ! In the county clerk's ollleo at Omaha. Eacli hlil mwl ho uccompniilcil by ngond nml bnlllclcnt honil In thuhiiiuof tun thous and dollar * , (310.0UU ) , conditioned that the bidder will enter Into a contract , and glut a u'liocl and Mitlk'lont bund , slioiilil tlio cuntraci he awardeil lilin , A cony of thu speculations will ho for warded iiMin | aiiiilleatlnn to the county clerk at Omaha , Neb , , and In all c.ucs must accompany | iropoiaN , Thu ho.inl reserve- ) the rl ht to reject am or all bids , ' lly order of tlio Hoard of County Conunls- OMAHA , Neb. , Juno ? : th. IRSI. JOIW It , JlAN'CHKSTKIt. ] uiieS7-tf County Clerk , BICYCLES.I am Accnt for COLUMBIA . and OTTO 1IIOVCI.E.S. iend three ct'nt ttanip forCatalogui and prim ll t c-oiitalning ful Information. m , N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paluts.Oils and Glass OMAHA , NKU. REMOVAL , THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE IUs removed to1420 Jlougla ? Street , between 14thand ISth ( Opp Buihman'O , New and tJccoiut Hand books bought , ! sold am exiluui ced. MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate o ! the St. Louis School of Mldwhcs , a < 1508 California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north side , where calls will be promptly respond' ' cd to at anr hour during the da ; or nlif DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , LEWIS HOUSE , HARTNEY HOUSE , McHENRY HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , MENDIN HOTEL , THE CENTRAL HOUSE , IVES HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DELDEN HOTEL , LUSK HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , BURKE'S ' HOTEL , CLIDOEN HOUSE , SCRANTON HOUSE , ASHLEY HOUSE , HEAD HOUSE , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CITY RESTAURANT , CHAPMAN'S SESTAURANT , FRANKLIN'S RESTAURANT , NEOLA HOTEL , VVOODWORTH HOUSE , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , WALTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , CENTRAL DLOCK HOTEL ruomiRTons. MARKEL & SWOOE , JOHN 8. LEWIS , W , P. HUNTER , T. W. BUTLER. SWAN & BECKER , JUDKINS& BRO. , ADOLPH WUNDER , JOSEPH SANKEY , O. T. IVES , WM. LUTTON , W. J. OARVIN , A.W. BELDEN , JAS. A. LUSK , 0. F. CASSADY , C. R. DURKE , S. M. LEV/IS , JOS. LUCRAFT , DAN EMBREE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHEMEY & CO. , CHENEY BROS. , J.JTUCK , T. O. CHAPMAN , OEO. FRANKLIN , F. SIEVERTZ W. A. WOODV/ORTH , S. P. ANDERSON , A.L.SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN T. C. WALTON , CHENEY & CLARK , W. W. BROWNING , E. D. COTTRELL , FRED , 8TADELMANN , MAX MEYEE & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver "Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine "Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. TOWS. U. P. Trantfer , Council Bluffs. Dow City , Iowa. West Side , Iowa. Vail , Iowa. Crciton , la. Red Oak , la. Mendln , la. Walnut , la. Mailings , la. Vlllltcn , la. Corning , la. Woodbine , la. Logan , l.ii Denlson , la. Carroll , la , Glldden , la. Scranton , la. Grand Junction , la Jefferson , la. Sioux City , In , Mo. Valley June. ' , Ounlap , la , Stanton , la , Shelby , la. Neoln , la , Atlantic , la. Mnlvcrn , la , Emmerson , la , Cromwell , la. Onawa , la , Blair , Neb. Brownvlle , Neb , Nebraska City , Neb. Plattsmouth , Neb' IAI IEYEE & BRO. , O 3MC .A. OBC THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos und Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- . chasine1. ARE NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS \ IKT- Ladies' ' Ms , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits. $10.00 : 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo Imvo several lots of staple goods which will lie offered at All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. MCDONALD & HARRISON. EDHOLM & ERJCKSON , WIIOLE3ALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTUHISa JEWELERS. LARGEST STOCK OP Gold andSilverWatches and Jewelryinthe Oity Come and ttc our lock , aa wo will bo pleased to show goodj. " EDHOLM & ERiCKSON ,