6 THE OMAHA DAILY WEDNESDAY JULY G 1881. Tlio Alliance Movement in Adams County * Corropcmlcnec of Tim > JCNIATA , July 4 , 1881 , The far- nicrs'vnllianco inovcniont has bccoino an important factor in tlio politic.il ns well ns other interests in Adams county. Wo now Jiavo seventeen subordi nate alliances in the county , with a total membership of 543 , anil n county alliance , holding quarterly meetings. The last meeting of the county al liance was hold on Saturday .July 2d , mid wns largely attended by delegates and interested spectators. It was n gathering of men , who , for intelligence and'culture , would compare favorably with the average state convention ; while th'o purposes tlioy have in view , and the determination evidenced to accomplish those purposes , may well challenge the thoughtful attention , not only of politicians ; but of corpora tions , and-of all tlio people. The proposition at the Saturday meeting that elicited the strongest and most animated discussion was that looking to the formation of a far mers' , or independent party. It was opposed with a great dual of tact , elo- < [ Ucnco and vehemence by certain members of the republican party who were present , who remembered that their party had over held tlio political interests of Adams county in the hol low of its hand , and who were loth to witness the departure of any portion of its power. They counselled the do ing of alliance work within present party lines by controllinncaucusesand elections , lint the arguments in 10- sponse appeared to bo conclusive. "It is time to have done , " it was said , "with clinging to the shirt tails of the old parties , and appealing for relief and protection. Wo have been doing this for years and matters all the while have been growing worse and worse. The old parties care nothing for us after they have gotten outvotes. They will make any demanded promise before election and then when they get to Lincoln or Washington sell outto the moneyed monopoly that will pay the largest price , and BO rivet still tighter the chama upon us. It is timu to setup up on our own account , and Jiavc party.and candidates of our o\yn , upon whoso integrity and in whoso fealty to principle wo can depend. We have wearied of giving one-half of our crops for the privilege of carrying the .other half to market. You say wo cannot succeed. Whyl Already wo have more than five hundred voters in our ranks in this county. By No vember'next ' wo shall have at least one thousand , and that is more than one- half of the tottil vote of the county. In addition to this a largo proportion of the voters nobin the alliance are with us in sympathy , and will act will us at thopolls. Jf wo'do not succeed this year wo may next , or the next ; at all events wq will go on until wo do ' achieve success. y Those sentiments wore warinly received ceivod by the audience and were not "without oflcct , as , when the time for voting upon the pending proposition came , two-thirds of the delegates cast their ballots in favor of the organiza tion of a now party. The work of or ganization was placed in the hands of a committee composed of one mem ber from each alliance in the county1 this committee to meet in Juniata or the last Saturday in August and dis charge this duty. This movement will doubtless cll'eci a change in tho'status of pending noli tical affairs. It is too formidable to bo ignored by the party heretofore "so largely in the ascendency ; and the men who have committed themselves to the now departure arc altogether too consequential o bo. trilled with. More tluin ovcrj "therefore , will the claimsarid interests of tho.farming community bo regarded by the nomi nations to be made this.full. Wheth er with all the concessions they may bo disposed to make the old managers will save themselves from deteat at the hands of the now party , remains to bo determined , OTJIKK MATT1MIS. Our entire community was startled and rendered indignant , on Saturday on receipt of intelligunco tlmt a des perate attempt had been made upon the life of President Garfioltl. It car ried us back , in thought and feeling , to the memorable April days of 1805 when the whole country was oloctritiod by tidings of the assassination of Proa- . idon't Lincoln. For the murder of Mr. L. , { lie shadow of'an excuse could\be imagined , but for that of Mr. G.nono whatever. Some attribute this to en mity growing'out of the Albany im broglio , and others to other causesbut none could conceive an adequate motive tive/ The assassin and ( Jus accom plices ( if there bo any ) should ropoivo little mercy at the han'ds of the author ities. ities.Our Our crop prospects are still of a most encouraging character , and our grain buyorsj Messrs. J , M. Bowoll it Co.j and Ira G' , Dillon , are elevating thuirjijans and arrangements accord- inglyl : Tlio wheat crop , wo think , will bo the best had for years , and thn corn will do much bettor than was at lirat supposed. The rye is already Hocurcd and in good condition Pota toes are being intorlored with to some extent by the Colorado beetle , but tin crop will bo at least a fair average. While at Hastings , the other day , wo stopped into The Gazette-Journal cilice to BOO so many evidences ol prosperity on the part of NVigton Brothers. They have not only an ox- cello'it power press and several jobbers of superior manufacture , but have recently introduced a mammoth iron paper-cutter weighing 2000 pounds ; t very fine standing press , also of iron , for smoothing impressions alroadj made , and a new-stylo paper-rolling machine. ( Tlio necessary npparatui for a bindery is also daily expected and not long hence , wo presume , t steam engine. These , with the growinj business of the Messrs. W. will necea mtatc an addition to thisoflico. Good wd say ! for the prosperity is well do served. JAUNTCK. Tlie Fourth at Greenwood. Corrcipoiidence ol Tiie liius ; GREENWOOD , CUBS county , July 4 1881. The day is beautiful and crowdi have coma in from every direction t to celebrate. Aahland , Waverly , Green woodland the people < * f all this rcgioi join in the exorcises. The Green wood citizens erected a beautiful booth in a little grove close by thy B it M. dcjwt and furnished scats for a thousand. Fully three thousand are in attendance. Col. Champion S. Chase , of your city , was the orator of the day. Upon his arrival hero this morning a brief consultation was held and on his sug gestion the ceremonies hero made to conform to the conditions of things at Washington arising from the assas sination of the president , Col. Ch&so pronbunccd a very elo quent tribute to Garljeld and discuss ed the causes of his assassination. The display of the horsemen was very fine , and the Elsmond brass band gave.us excellent music. J. W. J3uck- onlust was president. _ Fully three thousand people were in attendance , coming from three counties , and the universal verdict is that the whole Af fair was a complete success. High enconiums on the address of Col. Chase are heard on all sides. His effort was caunl to the occasion. E. A. RYitr.il. STATE JOTTINGS , Lonp City greatly ncedn a mill. ArapalioO hopes to have a woolen mill 8(10)1. 8(10)1.There is a grc.it demand for building lot * In Kxctcr. ' Nemnlm City will HOOII have two brick yards running' . Madison's Catholic cliurch will soon bo ready for occupancy. A fanner near Jimlnta has walnuts on trtt'S of hin own growing. Wnlioo'n new Methodist church is approaching preaching completion. Work 1ms commenced on the new hotel building nt Pawncu City. Knstcrn purlieu arc. negotiating for a woolen mill at Blue Springs. Twenty-two car loads of stock were whipped from Hardy lout week Canada hill , In Howard crmntv , wants to bu imulo a separate precinct. The new iron bridco at Invalo , Webster county , was blown down by the wind. J. 15. Arnmtrong , of Beaver City , IIOH recently tthlppcd 'J.500 pounds of wool to Dnstnn. The Grand Island cornet band will be reorganized noon and several new pieces added. Norfolk Is ( Uxcusning the advisability of donating land and money for u Congroga tlonal college. Ar iclos of incorporation have been fded for the 1'nllerton national bank , with a capital of 810.000. The United'States ' land office , at Bloom hijj'ton , has bcJn opened for the transac tion of buslncHs. " * Mr. lleynoltls , of Spring Green , Fur- Has county , dliippcd two hundred sheep to Chicago la t week. " " of 1'remont have The ItoynnlcU "boys , , bought IL',000 western slicop , which they will bring into Nebraska. The Pennsylvania Live Stock com pany have put up fivu miles of wire 01 their > ango on South Lour > . Alexandria Preobyterians are workmg hard to erect a church. Tlio organlzotioi tnunbern forty-seven member * A new town hai been located on the line of the railroad through Pawnee county , twelve miles west of Pawnca City. Three men wcro RCiiousily injuicd last week by I ho falling oir a bridge at limn- boldt , which waa being taken down. A Nnckolls county girl IIOH refused her lover till ho has , nlonc and xinglo-hamled , xlain eleven wolvc.s and laid their ncalps at her feet. Arapalioo precinct , ICurnas cnuntyf will on the Kith of July vote on the proposition to bond the precinct for $1,500 to build n brldgo across the Republican river. The sporting rnen of Falls City propose toorganizo'a stock company and buy a tract of laud near that city , to bo fitted up for a driving park and for holdiugntock fairs. fairs.Three Three thousand six hundred and fifty hoga and ennugli cattle to swell the cash paid out to § 77,1150 wcro shipped from Washington county during two weeks of the present month. The U. & M. Bent outa novel machine to-day to cut the wccdx along the track. The patent of the machine in owned by the company , and they have a bonanza. Tlio iimclni ) mown.down the .weeds along the track In an astonishing manner. "Lin coln , Democrat. , During ono week thin spilng four or live men llviun near the denoted dog town on Blush creek , adjoining Perry's claim made n bco and wagiid n war on thu rnttluMiakvH killing nearly three hundml of the venom' ous reptiles. It was a commendable job. - O'Nfill Frantic Last Sunday evening a largo m.icanaw haudlod by live wen landed hero , loaded with III.OOO pound * f diied buffalo invat , and 1,500 hide * . They came from .tin Yellowstone and lust wintertho , cruw In dulged in a Httlo speculation'on'flour ' bv going over Into the Oallatln valley for fl and bringing it to thu wilder portloiiH o the Ycllowbtono , Nlobrara Pioneer. , - Dolit and Taxation of tlio United StaCoi'Oouiparod iinropo- . A table prepared by Mr , Eilwrm Atldnsou sliowa liow much lighter an tlio burtlona of the people of thii country than are tlioso of the poupli of Europe , niul how much bettor nn tlio qpnortuiiitius for atlvuncomont on thin siuo of the Atlantic' ' than on tin other. It IB shown by thia table thai while Europe him 1-15 inhabitants t ( the square niilo , the United States hiu only iOj. Since 18it ) the debt 01 Europe has nearly trebled , wherein our debt is now less than it. was ii 18(15 ( by over n thousand inillioi ofdollara. Wo have already paii more than n third of the cost of tlic great civil war , and our debt ia bul 91,800,000,000iiijainst2Ul)7,380ao , ) : attho close of that contest. The debt of Europe in 1880 waa $10,701,800- 000 , or nn avonujo to each inhabitaul of $7-1,01 , while here the average < n the tirat of lust March wna only $1)0,85 ) though in 1805 it waa ? 83. j. Tlu natvinil ospendlturea of Europe wen S2'J82,800,000 in 1880 , or an ayonif 'e to every ' peraon o $10,15 Our expenditures , for tlio vein ending Juno DO , 1880 , ro 8207,042,057 , ot ; an nverago < of ? 5i5 ; to each inhabitant. TJiu stand ing armies of Europe nuinbor eve 2,100,000 men , besides the still mon junnerous reaorvea who may bo callo < into the field at any moment. Mon than one in every 110 of the pojmla , tion ia a soldier in active service Ileckonint ; one able-bodied man t every live inhabitants , each twenty two men sustain one soldier. Ou army Is only .25,000 strong , and chen 2,000 , inhabitants , or each 400 mo ; sustain u soldier. In the li ht o these facts and statistica it ia lOt surprising that the people of. Europe witneusinjj our prosperity nnd euvym , our comparative freedom from ill burdens which' rest on their industry are now pressing the ocean at a mor rapid rate than over before to share i - our .gojid fortujio. , tvpuld aeei io luug'jiCccnce ' of the .Iloina - ia'to bo exceeded in the culml nation of tk 5 grandeur that awaits ttii . rdjiublic. . THE POPPY PLANT , Discovery of the Spontaneous Growth of SnjiiioBcd Opium Plnntn in Colorado. Derncr Trlhiinc. , ) , II , Lukins , cliief unyincer on the eastern division uf the i'cnnsylvania Central , while making n tour of Color ado during the past week , was attract ed in a peculiar way by the thistle- like , whito-llowercd plant tlmt grows spontaneously over nionu iiti , valley and plain. Those who have observed the plant will recognize it at once a n useless weed , noticeable only by reason of ita pretty whie ( lower , whose petala encircle n pod of yellow seed. Mr. Lukins waa at tracted especially by ita resemblance- to the poppy or opium plant. Jlnving in his earlier years been a student of botatiyho made nil examination of the plant in various portions of the state , and the result waa almost invariably in accord with the history nnd de scription of the poppy. In some portions tions of America thu poppy iancommnn plant , growing luxuriantly in field and garden. Yet while all farmers nnd gardeners are familiar with ita uses , the product has never been utilised aa a merchantable commodity , Tn many instances in many states the natives have ex tracted the juice from thu stalk and rendered it into n compound resomol- int ; nnd serving the purposes of opium. But it is not known that nn article of marketable opium has ever been de rived from it. If the American pop py can bo utilized in this way , and if the plant hitherto unnoticed in Color ado should prove to bo the gcnuino opium plant , there is wealth on the plains surroundingDcnver equal to the gold nnd silver in the Ilocky Moun tains. In order to nsccrinin some facts concerning corning the plant , a reporter of The Tribune yesterday visited a number of learned gentlemen with n specimen of the stem and llowor in hand. The result waa unsatisfactory. Nearly nil nvowed tltat they knew not what it was , while one gentleman un conditionally declared it to bo i species of thistle. The reporter then took the plant to n number of Chinese wash houses and ( interviewed the Celestials , young nnd old , but found iiono who know , or at least -would acknowledge , that ho was in any way familiar with the plant or ita uses. Oho old fellow , who looked as though ho might have spent- halt century in the ilowery kingdom , cast a auspicious ulaiico at the reporter when he asked if it were an opium plant , nnd de clared ho had never seen a poppy or n specimen of the opium plant in his country. Some enterprising botanist might enrich himself now by an in vestigation of this matter. Too ILato for LIoi About the Klvor Routo. I'rom the New Orleans Times. A few solid , incontrovertible facts are worth nil the theories that any combination of so-called scientists car make in n life time , and never haa the truth ( if thia saying been moro conclusively established than in the rise of Now Orleans aa a grain port. For Jfyuars interested parties have declared that grain could not bo safe ly shipped down 'the Mississipi river nnd through tlio Gulf of Mexico , be cause of the risk it ran of being dam aged by heating or fermentation. True , there wore no scientific rea sons why grain properly ripened nnd cured should not stum ! this climate , since it ia well known that grain carnet not bo damaged by the heat of the moat tropical climates , but that the presence of n decree of moisture which would bo highly damaging in any climate must bo conjoined with the heat before any injury can result to grain stored or in transit in these latitudes. In spite of science , how ever , such an outcry waa raiaod against 0 the climate of Now Orleans that until within the past two or three years the , advantages of the Mississippi ' river as n route of transit for the grain products of the west were totally neglected. A trial was finally made in spite of the most violent opposition n'ml the , most actively propagated prejudices. That trial , exposed to every possible condition necessary to make it com plete and thorough , has beengoinj on ! for Bovoral years , and has endet in the incontrovertible establishing of the fact that the climate of the Gulf d coast and the Gulf waters is no more unfavorable to the safety of sound grain in good condition than is the climate of New York state and the Erie canal. Thia fact haa been triumphantly established by the safe and satisfactory shiument from this port through ix term of years , nt all seasons of the year , of many.- , million bushels of corn and wheat and mil lions of barrels of Hour. This overwhelming burden of testi mony hns just been crowned , if it needed any additional emphasis , with thp reception hero of three barges containing thirty thousand bushels of wheat for foreign shipment , trans ported on the river all the way from at. Paul , thu head of navigation of the Mississippi , to thia port , In excel : lent on'or and condition , It is now being put on board the British steam ship Winston , for ita European des tination , and in twenty-four hours doubtless will have passed through the jetties and bo riding the blue wares of the Mexican Gulf , Thia wheat , coursing the entire length of the Mississippi river in the , midst of the hottest season known in this latitude- for half n century , nnd arriving here in such perfect order , so completely sweeps nway the last - vestige of a doubt na to the entire safety of the river route , that its onp- mjcs hnvo nothing lott to make nn argument of eave deliberate and ma lignant falsification. The entire mat n- ter hna comu now to bo n question . of freight , in which , na the shippers have decisively declared , the river route haa immense advantages. ur The last doubt ns to the superiority of 'the river has had its back broken , and argument is at * nn end , The moat of able-bodied liar that over cleared hia throat and blackened a reputation can , make no headway againat the solid facts that have established the rivei grain route. . in Hopa Oil , Hope Ever , No matter what the ailment may be rheumatism , neuralgia , lomcnesu , asthma IronchltU if other treatments ha\ ( failed hoi > o oil ! go at enc for Tiiov s KLicTiiio OIL. It will becure your Imirie diata relief , eodlw. VEGETABLE ! M ED CCIN OfNaiTietttX * RINK Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL slinuld henrnuil flKftlnst u lnj : ntnl IntnxliutiiK Into their HOMES Nos trums niul Alcoholic rcincillc' . HR\O no mch VrcJniHco a alnit , or fc.ir of "Warner's Safe onlc Bitters. " Thcv are what lliey aroilalmwl tul-c hnnnlcasni imlk , and uoiit.iin only meill- ilnillrtues. . Kxtrnit of pure tu ctnblcnonly. Tliuj ilo lint belong to that tla t known ai "Ouio- Alls , " but only profc's it reach caies where the easoorlvinatcH In iU-bllltituil fnunei iinil Im pure hlooil. A pitltct Spring anil Summer incilldnc. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. I'lcawnt to the taste , hulcoratlns to the hotly. The inovt eminent phlc.lans rccommciul them for their euratho | iropcrtlis. Once usicl fthrajs jircfcrrcil. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary orRa use nothlnir "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It etaiMl-i Unrivalled. Thoug. nniUouo their hentth niul hainilness toll. 1'rlcc , S1.2S i r bottle. Wo offer "Warner's Safe Tonlu Bitters" ttlth unial conflilincc. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. Jo 10-tii-th-sat-ly AGENTS WANTED FOR I'ASTWT HKU.IXO llOOhH OP TUP. AOR I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOKMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , how to trans act bnshicM , Miluanlo Ublcj , social etliicttc | , larllamentary usi'c ; , how to coniluct public bmi- IK > HH ; In fait ft U a complete Ciuldo to Succou for all tancs. A family necessity. Aililrci-i for cir culars nml special terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. , St.Louh , Mo. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OFKICK In Hanscoinb's Block , with George E. Prichctt. 1MO Fartihnm St. . Omaha , Neb. BROWNELL HALL. YOUNGJ.ADIES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NEB. Rev R DOHEBrTI I A Rector , , , , , , , Abslated bj nn nhlo corps of teaehora In Kngllsl ] Lan uugvii , hi-lenc.ua and Fine Arts. THE NINETEENTH YEAR nioiN 1. 7 , 3LSS3L : For particulars , apply to ) oil-eod-2m THfi IlECTOn. The Oldest Bstal'Ushed IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , , Hamilton & Co. Business transected same as that of an Incor porntcd oank. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject t slcht chuck u Ithout notlra Certifiratcs of deixtslt issued pajablo In three , six nnd tucho months , bearlnK Interest , or o : demand n Ithout interest , Ad\nnccs made to customers on nppro\cxl sccu rltlea nt market rates of Interest. Buy nnd sell Rolil , bills of exchange , govern mcnt , btite , county nnd city bonds. Drttw : ; ' ! drafts on England , Ireland , Scot l.ind , nnd all i rtd of Europe. Sell EuroH.in ] passage tickets. cor < L : CTIo s PUOMITLY MADE. United States Depository , NationalBank OP OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DROTHER8. ) IITABLlSlirO IS'O. Organized aa a National Bank August 20,1S03. CAPITAL AND PROKITSIOVEII 300 000 OrriCKB ! ) AND PIRKCTOB8 : IlKRklAN KOU.VTZK , VrCtldcilt. Al'ui'bTi'H KiivsTitK , Vice PrcslJent. II. W. YATKS , Cathlcr. A. J. I'oiTunoN , Attorney. Jonx A. Cnmonios , V , II. DAVia , Atst. Cashier. Thl bank recch C3 deposits without regard to amounts. hsuc * time ( citlfieates bcarlni ; Interest. Ira s drafU on t nn KruncUco and principal cltlca of tlio United States , also London , Dublin , Kdlnbiux'h ixnd the principal cities of the conti nent of Europe. Helln past > enicr tlcla'tj for emigrants by the In < man line , mavldtf AGENTS WANTED FOR ova NEW BOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , " being the Story of the Scriptures , by Her. George Alexander Crook , D. D , , in simple mid nttraitho nnguaco lor old and young , Prolusely Illuttra- ted , uukliitf n most liiUrcbtlntf and iinprcsslto jouUi s Instniitor , Every lyircnt will secure this work. I'reaihet * . jonhlioukl clrculato It. Trice { 3.00. Kc'ul for clrculam u 1th extra tcriiu. J II. CIIAMHKIia&CO. Kt. I/iula Mo. NetaskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYOER , 1605 Farnham 6t Omaha , Nebraska. < 4LOOOOO A.OXCX1S Carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sals , Great Bargains In iiuproiej farms , and Omaha city property , 0. F. DAVIS. WEBSTER SN'YDER. Late Land Com'r U , 1 % U.K. -Ip-f cbtf A. I , NASON , Dentist , ' Block , corner Capitol a > cnuo and nitecnth ttrcvt , Omaha Nab , Notice to Contractors- EALED proixisaU for the erection and comple § tion of the new 0rand Central Hotel at Ouia- , Neb. , for Kltdicn Uro' . will be ruccltalat the Withncll Hou.e , Oiirnha , and the I'aeiflc Houbu lit. Jo cpJi , Mo. , from July 14th' to t o'clock p. in. July S2d , Ibsl. I'lann and | wIticatlona onew At bath ol the abe c mentioned housci. Tile rlcht is reject any and all bidi Uriwm-d. KCKEL& MANN. 306-t ! ArchltccU. Wl Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! t > cd on Wagon * , litiirsics , lle.ipcr . Thresher * ftllll Mill Mlcllllier } It IttXIALIMRM ! TO MR VI * nits . \vo TKWrrFix , It ciirci ScmtcliM nnil all Kinds olsorcu on Horns ami Stock , ns well as on men , OLARK & WISE , Manuf 305 Illinois Street , Chicago. /2TSEN'I > roil I'lticns , jo ai-Cnvlie An overdose of Dinner often deranges the aye- tem , hrlnvs on flatnhneoand ultidcolle , and mil ) ' Jceti Iho patient to ( 'reat bodily nulfcrlnp. A sin- ( ; lc do o of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT , llconcctthoaildlty , vnrry off < ho offenillns Mt c , and uu toinotlnwi n lorv ni > cll of Illness , Is . . { lects are ucntlo and thorotivh , and IU gen- : rat use would prcxcnt limed ftillerlni : . 801,1) 11Y AM , JJlll'CCllSTU. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. OF TIIH INTERIOR , OHlCe DKPAHTMKNT of Iiiilian Affairs , Wellington , Juno Ifi , SKI. Sealed tiroiKxnls Indorsed "Proposals for tctf , " and directed to the Coinml loncr ot In- Ian Affair * , Washington , D , O.will ho retched ntll 11 o'clock n. m. , Wednesday , July 20ih 1881 , or furnishing for the Indian ecrtlte , 14,250,000 omuls Ikef on the hoof. Ilids must hi ; madu out on Go\ eminent hlanks. Schedule * show Ing the quantities to lie deliver- d nt I'iuli Agency , together \tith blank iiropobals ml form of uontratts nnd bond , conditions to eohscru'd hy hldders , tlnio nnd ] > ! acc of JclU- ry , and all other noccw-iry Instructions \\IIlho umiihcd upon application to the Indian Olllcc t Washington I ) . U , or Xos. OS nnd 47 Wooster trect.New York ; W. It. Ljon 4S3 UroadunyNcw i'or ! : , and to CoininU aries of Subsistence , U. H. \ . nt Saint I/ui , Chii-ago , Saint Paul , Leaven- \oitli , Uniaha , Chr.\ennc , and YanXton , and the 'o'tniastcr at Sloiiv City , lIds ! 111 ho opened at the hour and day above fated , and hidden ) are In' ' to ho present at the CpnnriRD T IF.CKS. All bids must lit , neconiulncd ] by certified checks upon some United States Depository or Assistant Treasurer , for at leant ( l\opcr cent of the amount if the proposal. H. PRICK , Commissioner , To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure for Spcrinatorrhen , Scnitnt IVeoKness , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting 'rom ' Sclf-Abu c , ns Mental Anxlctj' , Loss ilcmory , Pains In the Hack or Side , 'and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity nnd The bpucillc Medicine. Is being used Ith wonder ful success. _ _ Pamphlets > ent frco to all. Write for them and get full par .Iculars. Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack- .yes for ? 5.00. Address nil orders to 1J. SIMSON .MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 arid 100 Main ist. Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha bv C. F. Goodman , J.V. . Bell , ' * . K Ish , nnd all il'ru 'glstsev cry where. CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. I have adopted the Lion as aTrailo JIail ; , and all my gocxls will bo STAMPED with the LION and my NAME on the same. NO GOODS AllE ( lENUINi : WITHOUT TI1K ABOVK SfAJIl'S. Tlicliett material U used niul the irout skilled workmen are employed , nnd nt the lowest cusn price. Anyone \\lshni'a ) price-list of gooU will confer a fat or by sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. u. R. Mackey , DENTIST , Corner 16th and Douglas Sta , Omaha , Neb , Prices Hcasonablc. ap 'Jd-Uw J. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , HOMCEPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Disrates | of 'Children nnd Charonic Diseases a Specialty. Office nt Residence , 2009 Cassetrttt. Hours S to 10 . ui. , 1 to 2 p. in. , and after t p. m. anllMl'n „ , .Notice to Contractors. Scnlcil jiroposaHwill lin rcechfil hy thu Iliiiinl of County Commissioners of Uunglas Counly , NohnisNa. until WL-iliiwiliiv , July S7tli. A. I ) . , iMl.ata oVloi-k p. m.'for tht- orectloii nf of u court liousu liuildliii ; at Oinalia , In sahU'inmty , In aocorilancuItli iilans niul Npcclllcatfous Hindu liy K. u. Myers , nrvliitcut or Detroit , Mclil | iin , nml now on filu In tlio county clerk's oillco at OllKllKl. Each lihl must ho accompanied by n good ; uiil snlllelont boiitl In tin ) Mini of tun thous and ilollurs , (3iowxi ) , coiulltloneil that thu blihlerlllfuier Into a contract , anil iilvnu Kooil ami Milllclent homl , shoiild tlio contract boa ardeil him , A comof the specifications will ho for- \vanlfit upon application to the county clerk at Omaha , Nel > , , and In all cases limit itccoiiijiany proposals , Tlju Iiiunl Ken w the rl'ht ( to reject any or all hlils , Ily order of tlio Hoard of County Cpinmls- bliwfrs. O.MA1IA , Neb. , Juno 25tll. 1881 , i , . . JOHN It. JIANCHKSTKH. Junc27-tf County Clerk , RinVHI FQ I am Awnt for COLUMBIA DIU luLCOi andorroDICVCLES. cmi three cent ktainp for Catalogue and price litt vonUUilA ; , ' full information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paiuts.Oils and Glass OMAHA , 3fEB. REMOVAL , THE iMIQUAKAN BOOK STORE II&s rcmoxcct to 1130 pauglati Street. 14th and lith ( Opp Buihman't ) , New and Kecond Hand books bought , ! sold and ei.iluni.-ed. MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate o ! the St. Louis School of MUwtvci , t 1608 California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , north tide , where call * will be promptly respond. cd to at any bout durloj the day or night. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , LEWIS HOUSE , HARTNEY HOUSE , McHENRY HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , MENDIN HOTEL , THE CENTRAL HOUSE , IVE8 HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DE'LDEN HOTEL , LUSK HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , BURKE'S HOTEL , OLIDDEN HOUSE , SCRANTON HOUSE , ASHLEY HOUSE , HEAD HOUSE , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CITY RESTAURANT , CHAPMAN'S SESTAURANT , FRANKLIN'S RESTAURANT , NEOLA HOTEL , WOODWORTH HOUSE , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , WALTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL PllOPRIKTOKS. MARKEL & SWOBE , JOHN 8. LEWIS , W. P , HUNTER , T. W. BUTLER , SWAN & BECKER , JUDKINS &BRO. , ADOLPH WUNDER , JOSEPH SANKEY , O. T. IVE8 , WM. LUTTON , W. J. QARVIN , A.W. BELDEN , JAS. A , LUSK , C. F. CASSADY , C. R. BURKE , S. M. LEWIS , JOS. LUCRAFT , DAN EMBREE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHENEY & CO. , CHENEY BROS. , J. JTUOK , T. O. CHAPMAN , GEO. FRANKLIN , F. SIEVERTZ W. A. WOODV/ORTH , S , P. ANDERSON , A. L.SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN T. C. WALTON , CHENEY & CLARK , W. W. BROWNING , E. D. COTTRELL , FRED , 8TADELMANN , MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver "Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions -Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- * ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. TOIt'XS. U. P. Transfer , Council Bluffs. Dow City , Iowa. West Side , Iowa. Veil I , IOWA. Creston , la. Red Oak , la. Mondln , la. Walnut , la. Hattlngs , la. Vllllcea , la. Corning , la. Woodbine , la. Lognn , la , Denlson , la. Carroll , la , Ollddcn , la. Scranton , la. Grand Junction , la Jefferson , la. t Sioux City , la. Mo. Valley June. ' , Dunlap , la , Stanton , la. Shelby , la. Neola , la. * Atlantic , la. Malvern , la. Emmerson , la. Cromwell , la. Onawa , la. Blair , Neb. " Brownvllc , Neb. Nebraska City , Nob. ; Plattsmouth , Neb1 ' \ { IAIIETEE & BED , , THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos -and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pianos - anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , , \ ) Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- . chasing. ARE NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS Ladies' ' Suits , Oloate , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $1O.OO : j 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. ? Wo have several lots of staple goods which will be offered at All lailics should avail themselves of this great sale of CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOSAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAAVN SUITS AND SACQUES. Jc 2a'u' ' ' MCDONALD & HARBISON. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURISQ JEWELERS. < v LARGEST GTOCK OF GoldandSilverfatonesandJewelryintheOity Come and eec our ( tack , aa w o w III bo pleased to ( how good * . EDHOLM & ERICKSON ,