Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1881, Image 5

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NEW YOUK , JttlyC.
Money closed nt 0tr \ cent ,
Kxcliange closed steady at $4 83J@4 SGJ.
Government ? closed hrin.
Currency < ! * , 1 30 bid' Is coup. 11GJ bid ;
\ 4J , coup. 1 14j bid ; Cs continued , 102j > ;
x > s continued , 1 02 $ .
Union 1'ncilio Iwnds clo cds < follows :
Union firsts , 1 15\110Und ; grants , 1 IS ;
@ 120 ; sinking fund * , offered nt 1 31J ;
Central's , 115 ? ® ! 10.
The market thU morning opened strong
nnd buoyant on tlie favorable advices from
Washington conccinlng the president's
condition. The general belief that he
would probably survive the a a.ssin's bul
let , nt the opening , lending speculators
who through private HOWCCS wore kept
thoroughly posted n ? to the condition-
were lame buyers and prices immediately
advanced ( ff per cent , compared with
Saturday' * closing prices. Snlxeiiueutly ,
however , there was c n idernblo pressure
to sell , under which there was a reaction
of 4 to 1 | per cent. ; but this was
soon recovered. As thu day wore
on and f.ivorablu bulletins of the
president' * condition c utiuued to bu
received , there wan renewed demand
for sto ks of nlltkiuds mid later in the day
the highest prices of the day wcro gen
erally current. Towards the close the feel
ing again set in and there was some reac
tion from thu highest point , but the mar
ket closed i to 2g higher thanon Saturday.
The most active stocks were Lake Shore ,
Western Union. Union Pacific , Erie , Kan-
.sos k Texas , Wabnsh , Northwestern , St.
Paul , D. L. k W. , Canada Southern , M.
C. and J. C.
The following nre the closing bids :
A D T L.S 1253
A. fcT. H 01 N & L S 5 ! ) ?
Preferred. . . . 5C > M C 104 }
1) . P. .t W. . M&Oprfd..l03
II & Q M& O 37J
B Air Lint. . . 00 82
C Vk I C 231 KPn 43
OS 0 ? Preferied. . 84
Cedar Falls. . . . 30 Northwestern 128 *
Colorado Ceu. . . 01 Preferred. . . . 139 ]
C P N Y C..1..11G
CCC & I ! )3 ) N& W 54 }
CC&C 01 OitM 413
C St L & X 0. . S3 Omaha 42
DLfcW 1233 Preferred. . . . 101
D & K 103j Ontario Sli
Krie 40 % ' '
D&UO iosi PD &
K and W P Mail 50
Adams Exp..l3l > Kock Island. . . 141 <
W. F. & Co. . .120 StPaul 12I |
American Kxp. 78J Preferred. . . . 133
U. S IMS StL& SanF. . 50. }
H&St. J 01 ? Preferred. . . . "fi
Pfd 1144 1st pref 1121
H& Texas ! )3 ) TD& B 31
III Cent 130\ TP k C 44 ?
IB&W MS , U P 129.t
K k T 48s WUTcl 80
Kk DM ! 23 Wab&Pac. . . . 57i
K&DMpfd..53 Pref'd Q3i
Following are the closing quotations for
mining stocks at the New York mining
board :
Bodie C87i Leadville 130
Albion 400 State Lne2&3 ! G12\
Bcchtel ISO Silver Cliff. . . . r.2T
California . . . . 110 Kobinson 1030
Iron Silver. . . . 200
CHICAGO , July 5.
The demand for money was on a f irly
active scale and rates were unchanged at
4(3\T , per cent , on call and 0@7 per cent , on
time. Eastern exchange between city
banks was quoted at 81.25 discount per
$1,000. The clearings of the astociated
banks were $ " ,700,000. On 'change the
markets opened weak and lower but after
wards htrengthcucd. Orders for currency
"were fair.
I Omaha Wholesale Market.
Wednesday Evening , July fi , 1881. J
I/ . drain market unsteady. Wheat declined
2c ; corn a fraction higher than last quo
tationbarley , rye and oats quiet and tin
Live stock in better demand , but nc
quotable changes in the market.
Provisions quiet. New potatoes ad
vanced 23c. per bushel ; no old potatoes in
the market ; eggs advanced Ac ; butter is
s > quoted Ac. lower than Saturday. Other
markets firm and unchanged.
/ Local Grain Dealings.
WHKAT.-Cnsh No. 2 , 92o Cash No.
3 , 83 ; rejected Clc.
BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 87c ; No , 3 , 73c.
llYK.-Cash. S''c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , SUc.
OAT3.-C.v < m. 21)c. )
Cattle We quote as follows : Butch-
r'n COWKS3 3o3 CO ; choice butchers' '
steers , 83 7" > @ 4 00.
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand.
Sheared , ? 3 50 ; unsheared , 84 23 per hun
dred pLimU.
Ho0's We quote ns follows ; Llghl
packers , ? l ! K ) ( ri 00 ; medium mixed
packers , ? . " > 00@5 23 ; extra' choice heavv ,
S3 10o 23.
TLOUPi Spring wheat , straight grade ,
12 80@3 00 ; patent , S3 ( iO4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 00@3 23 ; patent ,
S3 73@4 00 ; graham rye , § ' - ' 23 ; Wheat , S2
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per owt. 50c :
Bcrcenhiffs , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , pei
cwt.OOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 73c ; meaf
bolted , yellow , SOc ; white , SI 00.
POTATOES New , S2 00 per bushel.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen
-S3 00 ; old , | irin ; , ' chickens , S3 50.
KGGS Shippers count , lie ; Candled
BUTTER Choice , 125jpoorno market
creamery , 20c.
APPLKS JJaldwin'B repacked , So ( X
per bbl.
HONEY Extracted , firat-clasa Calif
ornia btrained , 15c.
ORANGES Terrents repacked , pc
bo * , 80 00 ; Palermo , per box , SO 50
Mldinos , per box , § 7 00lniperlals ; , per box
LEMONS Good repacked per box ,
S3 50 ; best , S7 00.
STRAWBERRIES - Good shipping
scarce ; per case , 83 23.
RASPBERRIES-Percase of 24 quarts
GOOSEDEHlUiS-In light receipts ;
quotable at I'-c ) > er ( it.
VEGETABLES All 'kinds bring Rood
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
CIDER Sweet. 20c per u-allon.
Grocers List.
COFFEE. Itlo , tair , 13\c : Itio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , f4lc ; Old gov't '
Java ; 20i@,28ic , Mocha , 2lljc" ; Arbuckle's ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@53c ;
Choice , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c ;
Choice , ( XXSj75c ; Young Hyson , good , 30fS (
SOc ; choice , lJ5c@-l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , G0@7,5c : Oolong , good ,
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
good , 35faH < k ; choice , 35ffi45c.
SUGARS. Cut loaf , Crushcil ,
A , 10j ; Good A , IOc ;
SYRUPS.-Sugar house , bbls , 45c ; half
bU , 47c ; kegs , 4 J gallons , S2 30 ; choice
table syrup , 33c ; half bbls , 40c ; kege1.85.
SPICES.-Pepper , 174 ; AlUpice , 20c ;
Cloves , SOc ; Nutme--8 , 81 00 : Cassia , 25c ;
Mace. SI 00.
SODA. Dwlght'a lt papers , 83 10 ; D ,
land do , 93 00 ; Church' * , * 3 00 ; Keg sod ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3jc ; Silver Glow , 7 j
& 8c ; Corn Starch , 8Jc ; Excelsior Gloss ,
Cjc ; Corn , 7ic.
SALT.r-Dray loads , per bbl , 1 ? 0 ; A h.
ton , in > ack , 3O ; bbh dairy , CO , 5 < , 3 45 ;
bbls dftirv , 100. 3 * . 3 05.
DRIEl ) FltUlTS-Chotce halve * ,
Blackberries , new , lOc.
CHEESE Full Cream , lljc ; Part
Skim , lOc.
W001)iXWAlU-Two : : hoop pal ! ,
1 83 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 ; No. I tubs ,
0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 UO ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 ;
iioncer washboarils , 1 85 ; Double C'wwn.
2 75 ; Globe Washboard , 250 ; Wcllbuckcts ,
3 SO.
COTTON YAllN-Cotton yani , 20i@
21J ; cheap , S @ is ninlium , HtfflOj ; No.
1 St. Louis , 14 ; Caudle wick , 25 ; t'arpet
chain , and fi ply , 20J 21J ; Coloreil carpet
ch.xln , per lt > , 20 ;
LEAD-B/vr , SI 05.
MATCH KS-Pcr caddie , 82c.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , lie ;
choice lard , lljc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; fli < mld-
crs , cnnv.cil 7c ; hams , canvassed llc ;
bacon , side' , 10c.
NEW PICKliES-Medium , In barrels ,
50 50 ; do in half bbls , n 25 ; emails In bbl ,
1200 ; do , in half bbls , 050 : gherkins , in
bbls , 13 50 ; do , lit half bbls , 7 yj ,
VINKttAU Pure apple extra , ISc ;
pure aiuile , 15c : Prussin ? pure apple , 15c.
HOMINY New , S3 SO per bbl.
BEAKS Medium , hand picked S3 00
per bushel.
HOPK-Si al. | Inch and larger , lOc ; 1
inch , lOJc ; i inch , lie.
SO APSKit k's ' Savon Imperial , 2a- > ;
Kirk'.s stciling. 2 40 ; KirkV ftandaixi , 3 oO ;
Kirk's white Russian , 4 50 : Kirk's Eutoca ,
1 85 : Kirk's Pr.xiiie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , : i
40) ) Kirk's magnolia , 3 1)0. )
CANDLES IJoxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , Ss ,
lcbo\es ; 10 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Os. 13c ; boxe-s , 10
sets , 11 oz. . 8s , 12Ju ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
14 oz. , 8s , 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 33 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye. 1 00 ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 do/ . ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt' * Ball , 2 doz. in cawe ,
1 ! K ) : Anchor Bull 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice ,
new , S3 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new , S3 75 ; white clover , new , SHOO ;
nlf.Ufu clover , new , S1250 ; alsike , new ,
S13 00. Timothy , good , new , S3 50@2 05 ;
blue grass , u.\tr.i clean , 81 23 ; blue grass ,
clean , SI 15 ; orchard grass , S2 00 : red toj ) ,
choice , 05c ; millet , common or Missouri ,
51 25 ; millet , German , SI 23 ; to 8150 ;
Hungarian , ? 1 15.
HEDGESEED Osagc orange , 1 to 5
bushels , S5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , S4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per
100 Ibs. . § 25 00.
FISH Family uhite fish , 00 lb hf bbl ,
S3 00 ; No. 1 white fish , IK ) lb hf bbls. 0 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 73c ; Colum-
bi.x river aalmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen , boneless codhsh ;
7Jc ; boneless fi h , 4'lc.
MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel ,
100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex dioro do ,
100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 23 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 73c.
CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , S3 90 ; do 1 Hi ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , i > er case ,
3 73 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , yer case , 2 CO ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
per c.vse , 1 So. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen ,
1 00 ; do 2 Jt > , per dozen , 2 50. Sardines ,
small r'sh , imported , half boxes per dozen ,
1 70 ; American , quarter boxes per dozen ,
1 40 ; do half boxes , per dozen , 2 40. Lob
sters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes ,
lb per case , 2 23 ; do 3 lb jjer
case , 2 03 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
per case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 90 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 350 ;
hiring beans , per ca e , 1 1)0 ) ; Lima beans
per case. 200. Succotash per case , 2 0.
Peas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
2 10 ; htrawberries , 2 lt > , j > er case , 3 23@3
75 : raspberries , 2 lt > , per case , 2 75 ( 3 00.
Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 23. Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Ooffj4 ( 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per
case , 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50.
Green gages,2 lb per case , 3 30 : do choice , 2
Ibper case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lt > , per case ,
3 504 50 , Peaches , 2 lb per case , 'J 10 :
do 3 lb , case , 3 C0@4 20 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 lb , per
case,200 ; do pie , 0 It ) , per dozen , 2 80.
RICE Carolina , ( )4@7c ; Louisiana , 5J
@ 0fe. '
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten , 8.Jc per lb ; fancy white , Oc per lb ;
raw white Virginia , 7@7Jc.
Dry Goods
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic , C to
Sc ; Adriata , 7-j ; Atlantic , A. , 7J ; Ashley ,
3 | ; Andro'coggin , 12 ; Appleton , 0 to 8 ;
Bedford , 11. , 5Ji Boott , I , family cotton ,
Bungor , . . v. F , 7V " . Capitol m * . . .i , A - * ; C * : * Cone- .
Great FnlU , Of to 7 < f ;
A , S ; In.lian orchaixl , honest width , 7i ; In
dian head , Ti ; Indian head. 121 " ; Lawn-nee ,
( H to 8 ; Lawrence , X X X , 1U ; Myntic
Klver ; 7 ; New York Mills "
K , 8 ; PeiMierell , n , 7 ; To
fin , A A , Gold medal , 10 ; Andro-jcogsiu ,
/ , ' . ) ; Uliickstoiiu , 8to ' Hi ; Blackburn , A
A , 0 ; Uoott , It , 0 15'oott , K , 7 ; , Cabot , 12 ;
Cahot , 11 ; Cabot , 8f ; Dwisht Anchor , 10 | ;
Fruit of tlie loom , 10i ; Jlills , ! ) J ; Lonodale ,
1H ; Lousdalo Cambric , 13 ; Nassau , 0 | ; New
York mills , 13 ; New York mill * , water
twist. H ; Pepperell , 11 ; Pcnperell , 12 ;
Pepperell , 1'ncalmntas 9 ; I'oc.ihoutai ) ,
8 ; Seuote , half bleeched , 8i ; Utiea ; cxtia
heavy , 11 ; Waniguttan , 13 ; Wauwutta cam-
1'IHNTS Albion fancies , CJc ; Albior
solid color * , 0 ; Albion indigo , blue uui
white. U ; American , OJ ; Sliirthi' ' , 0 ; Carleton -
ton , 0 ; C'ocheco , 7 ; Cocheco ( .hirtiiifjs ! j ;
Freeman.B robe , 0 ; ' Freemor. ' * pink , 0 ;
Freemixn'K block , C ; Hamilton ftnciw , 5 ,
Hamilton red , 8 ; Aferrimack , F pink , 7 ;
Merrimack purple * , 7 ; Mcrrimack printed
jiiques , 75 ; llichmoud fancy , OA ; Uishinond
doulile plnlcH , 7 ; Kic'uiiond ' ( Jeriimn , blue
and red , OA ; Itvgntta nhii tins , Oft Simii-
Hou'd mournlu , 7SiniMoii'H ; | alpaca finish ,
"COTTON DUCK Boston X dyed
brown , net , lOic ; Boston XX dyeil brown
12iBoston ; , XXX dyed brown 12J ; Bostoii
'J ot dyed brown net , U ; Boston 10 oz dyed
brown , 10 ; Uoyal (8 ( oz ) 20 inch , 11 ; Stark ,
(8 ( oz ) , 13 : Stark , (10 ( oz ) , lO * ' ; Stark , (8 ( oz ) ,
colored , 14.J ; Stark , (10 ( oz'I7j. )
GINGHA5IS Aiuoikens , lie ; Bates ,
10J ; Bates ininton dresa styles , 11J ; Karl-
Eton , 9j Glasgow checks and fancies , 10 ;
Glasgow roval dress stylej , 11J.
CJLOUfcD OAM1J11ICS.-0. D. &
Co , 6 ; Garner , 5 ; Hookdctt , 5 ; Kej > tonc ,
glove finish , 5J ; Hcd Crosa , 5.
HOLLEU CAMBK1CS-G k Co , 0 } ; S ,
S. & Sons , 01 ; High colow , 1 cent more.
DJULLS Adriatic , 8J ; Anplcton , 8 ;
Augusta. 7Vj Boott Bleached , 0 ; 1'eppcr-
ell : 8 } ; Stark , A , 8 } .
HILKSIAS-Blackburrf , 9J ; Capitol , 15 ;
Coin , 11 ; Loiudale , 'J ,
WIGANS. Berlln.OJc ; Oanierj ! Itoso ,
8 ; Caledonia , XX. , 11J ; Caledonia , X. ,
11 ; Farmer * ' and Miners' , No. 7 , 114 ;
Farmer * ' and Mlnem' , No. 10 , 1C ; Park
milU , in ( < fil : > \ .
TICKINGS. Amoskeas , A C A , 17jc ;
A new , Kij Amoskea ? , 11 new ,
lr > ; Anioskeajj , H new , 13 ; Amobkeag , h
new , 12Amosktas' ; , K new. 10J ; Amos-
keai 3fiiich. ( 21 ; Clark' * inilU , 00 in , 32J ;
Cord ! * ; A C K , 17Cordi ; * . A A A , 10J ;
Concstoga , extra , S'J in , 15J ; FalU comjia-
ny. O B O. 30 in , 20 ; 'FalU company , 0 B
0,32 in 174.
DKNIMS. Amoskeajf , ICeJ ; tr
10j"6'tl ; 12 { < al4i ! ; Palmer , J.
CAKYIOTS. AmoskeaL' . lljc ; Arana.
pha , ( U ; Knickeibocker , 51 ; 1'rairie , 8J
Steal Callfoniia , O J M , 91 ; Heal Cidifor
nia , double weight * , 12 ; Uncasville , 9
Whittenton , A A A , 10J.
CKASH. Steveiu , B , 8c ; Stevens , D
8J ; Stevens , X. 9J ; Steven1' . 10J ; Ste
vena : M. Hi ; ptoven * . N N. 12J ; Stevens
X. X , ! { / ; Steven * , T F D , 14J , Bleaqhec
one cent higher. '
RUSSIA.-X X X , 14c ; X X , 13 ; M
12J ; A ; Hi ; B , 11 ; D. 9J ; K. 8J ; F , 7J.
OAUI'KT WAUPS. Anchor , 20c )
Broadway , 20.Cottage ; , 20 ; Golden Ball \
ex fine , 23 ; rccrlc , 21 ; Washington , 21 ;
White Stnr , 21 ; White Star , colifcd , 24.
TWUKnS.-Allcn , Oulttti * A , 1 ! > : Allen -
len , Cubans 11 , 10 ; Belgian , 20 ; Cocheco ,
< " > ; Coventry , 31.
KKXTL' r ICY J HANS. Amcrlcnn Doe ,
40c ; Ablwt fonl , 11 j ; Agcnorin , 27A. Bal
kan , 13J ; llwckeye , 18 ; Bunker Hill , J'i ' ;
C.xlcutta , 13 ; rrench Tweed , 15 ; Golden
Flecco , 2. ' > ! Ilupo Doe , 30 ; Indian Crwk ,
' . ' ; Mohican , ! . " < : Minlcl doe. < kiu , 17) ) ;
North Adams 274 , Thurlow , 15 ; Table
Kock. 18.
Kob Itoy , 3-4 , 37ic ; A abet Hob Itoy ,
0-1. 7 < " > : As abet 1'reuch iilaid * . 50 ; Blue
Nidge , 21 ; Cocheco ; 37J : Carniumlct , 32 :
Fainiinunt. 18 ; Green Itid-'e , 2u'i ; I'einia ,
3Un,37j ! Pciitiu , 2S In , 32f.
Cailx > Hc , "iOc ; Acid , T.iitnric , CMC ! BaKam
Copnblix , per lb , 70c ; Bixrk , H.x afrft < , per
lb , 13c ; ( . 'nlotnel , per lb , 7i"c ; Cinchonidin.
per oS.m ; Chlorofonn , pellb. . P. > ci
Dover's powders , per lb , SI 40 ; 1'psoiu
salt , per lb , 4c ; Glyceilne , pure , peril ) .
35if40o ( ! Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c ; t'nri
bou oil , 110s , per pillon , ll cj do ir > 0c ,
i > er al , 13c | ; Oil , ( Antor , No. 1 , ) > or ( j.d ,
$1 00 ; Oil. C.ntor , Nit. 2. ner gal , HOc ; Oil ,
Olive , | > crt.xl. ; $1 60 ; Oil , Oilijiimmi , 40 ( < il
55c ; Opluin , $5 7" . : IJuitiluo , l\'k W. kk
S.peroz , $ 33."i ; l'otix sium , loilldi1 , per II ) ,
S2. W ) ; y.ilixcm , per oz , 35c : Sulplmto of
Morphine , per oz , S4 00 ; Sulphur Hour ,
per lb , 5c ; Strvchniiie , per oz , SI 40@1 00.
Horse nnd Mulct ,
The market is brisk and all grades arc
f-clllna well nt a Might advance in price * .
The demand for SIVH ! howei exceeds the
Mipply fen tdcwbly. 1'iices range as fol
io W !
Fine cinqlo diiver , Sl.'O. to 300. ; F.xtra
draft honies , ? 17" > . to 22.1. ; Common draft
hor. < es , 3100. to liMX ; K\trx farm hoixcs ,
S110. to 125. ; Common to punl fnnu horse * ,
S'.K ) . to ? 100. ; ICxtra plugs § 00. to 75. ;
Common plugs , § 20. to S40.
Mt'LKS. 15 to lflj lumds ( extra ) , 8125.
toloO. ; m to 15 hands S100. to 140. ;
14 to 1IJ hands § 75. to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , $ to. ; to 75.
Clears and Tobnccoi
CIGA1JS. Seeds S15.00 ; Connecticut ,
525.00 : Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , 650.00 ;
Clear Havana , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hide ,
2t lb , f > 0c ; Spotted Fawn , f > 7c ; Our Itope ,
5Sc ; Star , pounds. 21 lb , butts 'r'0c ; Horse
Shoe , pounds , 21 lb , butts , fiOc ; Purity , 21
lb. butts fl2c ; ( Jueea Bee , 21 lb , butts. 53ci
Gilt Kdge , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 57 ; Arftiy
and Jfavv , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , pounds ,
55c ; I.orillnril's Climax , pounds , 5"u.
FINK CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
per lb Me ; Lorillard'a Tiger , tXc.
SMOKING All grands-Common , 25 to
33c. Grnnnlated BlackwclU Durham , 10
oz 40c ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 45c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone .lack , 4 oz , linen bags ,
per lb , § 1.33 ; Marburus' Puck , 2 oz , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , We.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , U and
2 inch , S55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 850 00 ;
No. 2. finish l1 } and 2 inch , 85000 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $4 * 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch ,
$4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
8125 ; well curbing , 835 00 ; rough i and 2
inch battous per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
S43 00.
SIDING No. 1 , S2730 ; No. 2 , 82500 ;
No. 3 , S20 00.
SHI1' LAP Plain , S23 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
S3" .10 ; Nn. 2 , S25 00.
CE1LING-S27 30S4r 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A starbe ( t )
shingles. S4 00 , No. 2 , S3 00 ; No. 3 , 82 50.
Lath , S4 00.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI 33 ; bulk per bu. ,
33c. Cement , bbl , S3 f > 0. Iowa plaitcr ,
bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 23c. Taned
felt 100 llu , S3 50. Straw board , S4 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak IianiesH , 3U@41c ; Pittsburgh selec
ted , 40QT I3o ; hemlock harness , 3"3'Jc ;
skiitiii ! , ' per lb , fair , 44c ; black collar 14 ®
21c ; fair do ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , lG < § 18c ;
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per lb , 30
Ca'Slc ; hemlock sole , B. A. slaughter per
IB , 25(532i ( % ; o.ik sole , 40@l3c ; Ojik upijer
per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 23c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , SOc@S1.10 ;
hemlock kip skins per. lb , 7w@Sl.00 ;
French kip , skins per lb , S1.00@S1.33 ;
o.ik calf per lb , S1.20@-S1.23 ; hemlock calf
per lb , Sl.10tf81.23 ? Fienchcalf per lb ,
tfl.23@S2.10o Simon Picaitl goat per doz ,
S30.00@S48.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot ,
80@33c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; mans per
doz , St.00S10.50 ) ; white and yellow lin
ings per doz , SS.OO@S10.00 ; pink linings
doz . ' . Russctt S7.-
per , S7.00@S'J.OO ; linings , -
00 ; blackMidths' aprons per dozen , 812.00 ®
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; inanila paper ,
IOc ; newt ) paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , S12 ; Whitebreast
lump , SO ; Wiiitebreiist nut , SO ; Iowa
lump , SO ; Iowa nut. SO ; Rock Springs , S8.
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Gieen butcher's hide , Ggreen ) ;
cured hides , $ c ; green salt , part cmei :
hide.s , 8SfiJc ( ; dry ( lint , pound , 13@14c ; dr\
calf and ki | > , 13lic ; dry Halt hidessound ,
ll@12c ; gieen calf , wt. 8 to 15 It * . , 10@llc
green calf , t , under 8 Itw , per skin , 50c.
green Pelts , SI 00fnl ; 15 ; green lamb skins ,
Si 10@125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
( cut scored nnd ono grub , classed two
thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3
20c ; No. J , IOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2
SOc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1
! Xc ; No. 2,23c. Skunk , No. 1 , black
l)3c ) ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow htrliie , 23c
brwd htiipe , IOc. Tallow , 5J.
Merino unwashed , light , 14lGc ; heavy.
ISQlfts ; medium unwashed , light , 18S'20c (
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingj
nnd w. , 28c ; burry , black and cottcd woof
2@0c less.
SHOT , Shot , Sl.OO ; Buck shot , S2.15
Oriental Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do , , hal
kegs , S3.18do. ; , quarter kegs , S1.87 ; Blast
ing , ke s , § 3.351 Fuse , 100 feet 50c.
Paints , Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Oman ,
P. P. , 7c ; while lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure
lie. ; Marseilles tveen ; , 1 to 5 Hi cans , 20c
French /inc , green veal. 12o ; French zinc
red seal , Ik Kiuicli/inc , hi varnish nssl
20u ; Fi nch xince , in oil asst , 15c ; ltn\
and burnt umber , 1 tb cans 12c : raw an
burnt Hli'iina , I3c : Vandyke brown , 13c
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , IGc
Ivory black , Hie ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , IHc ; chrome
green , L. M. & 1) . , Me ; blind and Mmtter
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; PaiU giecn. 18c ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , lie ; ruican
led , 22c ; Ameilcau VermiliiHl , I. & ! ' . , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D. O , , 18c ;
yellow oclue , He ; golden ochre , 1G ; patent
dryer , ( ic ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oak , walnut , chestnut und aih 12o
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc ;
cast tool do , 15(320 ( wagon Hiiokcs , do
set , 3 00 ; hubs , par feet , 1 23 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 150 ; tongue * , each , 75@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; wiuare nnUi , IKJC lb , 7(5)llc ) ;
washer j < r lb , 8Sil8c ( ; livcts , iwrlb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 8)c ) ;
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
teeth , Ic ; horeeshoes , pur keg , & 00 ; spring
stiel , 7@8u ,
NAILS JO to 20d , 323 ; Sto 10 , 3M ;
. fid , 3 75 ; 4d , 4 00 ; 3d , common , 4 75 : 3d ,
] fine , G 23 ! clinch , all blzes. 5 00 ; Ud , casing.
4 50 ; M caiiii' ' , J 2.5 ; 1KI casing , 4 00 ; lOd
; finish , 4 W ) ; 8d finish , 4 75 } Gd. finish , 5 00 :
half kegs , lOu extra.
, Liquor.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. $2 1C per
wine gallon , extra California spirits ,
187 proof at 1 18 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 187 proof , SI 1C ; per
, proof gal re-distilled whiskies , 81 OOfuJl 50 ;
tine blended , $1 5061250 ; Kentucky bour-
; l-inn , S'JOOu7 ( 00 ; Kentucky mid Pemuyl-
, vania ryc
BUANDIKS-lmixirtotl , SO 00@lf,00 ;
domestio 1 40@4 Oil.
GINS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 : domestic ,
1 4tXS 3 00.
HUMS Imiwted , 4 Wfff ) ( 00 ; Now
Kiigland. 2 00 ( < f I 00 ; domeUlc , 1 50(3:3 ( : 50 ;
1 75 ( 4H > .
CllAMPAONKS linjiorlc. ! per ca c ,
20 00(2 ( 31 00 ; American , per c.i--e , 12 OOftf
1800 ,
CLAUKTS-Pcr , 4 < 'Xn ) ( 10 00.
WINKS Hhincwiue , pcrc.-x , 000@20
00 ; Cntnwb.1. per case 4 007 ( W.
Dry Pnlnti.
White lead , O c ; French zinr. lOo ; Parts
whlteim ; 2Jc ; whiting piMm , IJc ;
whiting conn , lie ; lixtnnblnck Gcnimn.
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinar } , Sc ; Pnn-
cl.xu l < hie , 55c ; ultramarine , 1 * ; \uidyke ; ,
biii\Mi , 8c ; uudier , Innut , c ; unilier , i-.xw ,
4c ; Hlenua , burnt , 4c ; siennn. ta\\ , 4e ]
Pails green genuine , 33c : Pnn's -iwn conn
2.V ; chrome green , N. Y. 20v ; chrome
tfieon K. , 12c ; venidlllou , I'.ng , "Oc ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian ml. 10c ;
io e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , I'ookoou's
2/0 / ! UMii'tiau rod Am. , I9c ; red Ic.ul , 7.Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chmme vel-
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , . ' ( < ; ochre ,
Flench , 2 < c ! ochre , Amerii-jn. lie ;
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; Ichlgh bmwii. 2Jc !
spanUh bnmn , 2\c \ ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISH KS Unrreld \ < rr gallon.
Furniture , e\ta. SI 00 ; fundtuie , No. 1 ,
! Kc ; furniture , U , 7" > c ; coach , i-xti.i , SI 23c ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 , ' Daiimr , SI 2"i ; .Injiau.
"Oc : nsplialtuni , 70c ; shellac , S3 N ) ; hard
oil linl-h , SI 30.
OILS 110'carbon perjrallon , lljr ; 1 * > 0'
headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 lic.ulllght
pergallon , IGc ; crystollne , pel w.dlun , 20c
lincet'd , raw , JHT gallon , 50c ; Liincod , boil
ed , per gallon , 53c ; lanl ; winter str'd , pur
gallon , Mo No. 1 , "Oc , No. 2 , ( < V ; castor ,
XXX , | ) er gallon , H."e , No. 3 , s'c ; sweet ,
per gallon , S3c ; epcrm , W. B. , per gallon ,
SI So ; lii hW.ll. , pergallon , fiOoi ncatsfont ,
extra , per gallon , i.'c , No. 1 , G"i ; hunlierU
cntlng , zero , perjjnllon , 30c , muniiipr , Ific ;
golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , XV , No.
2 , 28c ; upenii , clgnal , per gallon , MVtur ; -
l > entliit' , per gallon , " > 5c : naptlu , 71 deg ,
per nallon 183 , GI ! deg , 17e.
Conncll BlnfT * General Mnrkot.
Couxca BLUKKS , .Inly 5.
Wheat No. 2 , S3@j83c.
Corn Fair ilenwud ; 23o to shippers , 30c
to consunicra
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , SOo.
Rye No. 2 , ROc.
B.irley No. 2 , 83c.
Wood Market quiet , with goixl supjtly ;
S7 50.
Hay Fair market , with pricosatS12.
Ho0's Light demand , prices SI 735/5 ; 00.
Cattle Beef , S3 50@4 23.
Sheep S3 oO@ I 00.
Butter 12\c.
E''gH IOc.
Poultry UCjlOc.
Potatoes New , SI 23 per bu. ; old , 70c
per bushel.
Onions 8200.
Grand Junction Mnrliot.
GUANO JUNCTION . la. , July 5.
Butter From Oc to 13c
Chicago Prodnoo.
CHICAGO , .luly 5.
Flour Finuly held and in tnnderatc
demand ; otTeringH light , which inteifeted
with active trading ; common to choice
western spring , 4ii5 ( 75 ; do Minnesota ,
4 ( < i 0 25 ; patents , lf@7 50 ; fair to choicu
winter brands , r > i li 35.
live Firm at 5 C0@5 75.
Wheat "o. 2 red winter , quiet and
prices nominal. In No. 2 Hprin , ' an nil-
ccttled feeling xvas developed , anil prices
fluctuated within a lower range , at one
time ruling 3c per bushel lower for August
than the highest price current Saturday.
Thu maiket opened about lc * pur bushel
lower than Saturday' * closing ngtiiea , in
fluenced by fine and forcing we.ither for
the crops -uu. ' the unfavorable tenor of
Kmopeun advices ruled weak , nnd under
freeolferiugsdeclinedan additional l.12. }
At the decline noted the speculative de
mand increased , and prices rallied Ijc ,
then fluctuated , and finally clopi'ilutl O'J.CfS )
1 OOJc cash and July , 110J August , 1 OSJ
September and October , 1 074 f ° r year.
No. 3 in good demand at Oc , according to
location ; rejected , 1 07Jc.
Corn Opened rather weak at jc decline
in price , and under the influence of liberal
receipts and unfavorable foreiun advices
from depending markets , a fmther reduc
tion of .jjC. was Biibmlttcd to , Later tlie
demand was inoro m-gent and tlio offerings
somewhat better , which had the effect to
Htiengthcn the market , and a good poition
oj the decline was recovered , the dcin > nd
being active on both Bhiping [ and specu
lative account. No. 2 nnd No , 2 high
mixed closed at 45\(3 ( > 45Jj cash and July ;
45J5@40 August : 40f@4li September ; 47
for year ; new high mixed , 41 ; new mixed ,
44J ; rejected , 42.
O.xts Quoted lower , in sympathy with
other grains , but in fair demand. No. 2
nml IS it. 2 white chwud at ! ! 7 for cash
37J for July ; 374 for August ; 27 for Sep
tember ; 20J for year ; rejected , 31.
lye ! -Quiet on entirely local demand.
No , 2 , ! )0 ) for cash ; 80 for August ; 80J for
Barley Inactive or nominal. No. 2 ,
t 00 cash ; No. 2 , 83@85 future ; nothing
Pork In moderate inquiry nt 5@10o
higher. Moderate business transacted at
advance ; mess closed nt 10 M cash ; 10 40
for July ; ID f > "i for August ; 10 05 for Sep
tember ; 10 77J for year.
Luril Active , firm nnd higher , closing
1155 for cash ; 11MJ for July ; 111 \ \
for August ; 11 20 for September ; 10 ! I"J
for year.
Bulk Mcnts In moderate inquiry , am
prices generally averaged higher , Shonl
dew , 5 80@5 H5 ; short clear hides 8 t'nO
870 ; short lib sides , 855 for July ; 8 57
fur August ; 8 05 for September ,
Whisky Steady at 110 ,
IteceipU Flour , 17,818 bbU ; Wheat ,
103,1)311 ) bu ; Corn , 500 313 bu : Oats 13.'i-t
520 bu ; rye , Slilbu ; barley , 1,500 ,
Shipments Flour , 10,351 bbls ; Wheat ,
211,773 bu ; Corn , IV.IG,002 bu ; Out * 4U.317
bu ; rye , 4,027 bu ; barley , 1,054.
Chicago Live Stock ,
CHICAGO , July 6.
Hogs llecclpts 15.000 ; shipment *
none ; demand very good and market ac
tive at strong prices ; sales : common to good
mixed packing , 5 8,1 0 15 ; light , 5 ! > 5@
0 25 , mainly 0 20i0 25 : choice heavy , 0 20
@G 40 ; cull * mill light Yorkers 5 5 75.
Cattle Receipts 4,500 ; shipments none ;
trade good for fat cattle ; value * firm ; tx
jtort , OfeO 25 ; good to choice shipping , 5IX )
( aG 10 ; common to fair , 4 83f B 40 ; butcher
stock weakened , 15l/20c ( lower nt2MXii.
4 25 for poor to jiitme ; receipt * of through
grans Texnns , 70 ; ca h ( emund X'ciygoud
for both canuerrt and butchers ; sales : com
mon to fair , 2 75@3 50 ; good to choice ,
3 75u4 ( 25 ; stockers and feeder * not doing
much : sales : 'M f \ 75 ; old daily cow * dull ut
Sheen Receipt' , 300 ; shipments , none ;
good ; kteady market export demand , but
offerings suitable for that trade very limit
ed ; fair to common , 4 40@4 73 ; choice , r (
& 75 ; common and inferior weak and * low.
. i
New York Produce.
Niw YOIIK July 5.
Flour Opened dull and weak , at
4(5,4 ( G5 for flipping extras ; 300f 370
for favorite ; southern flour unchanged.
Wheat- Dull , heavy and lower ; i > ot
na'ea of No. 2 spring at 1 20j/j / imxraJcd
ami red. 121 ; No. 2 , 12GJ ; No , 1 white ,
Corn- Dull and i@c lower ; closin
weak ; spot sale * No. 3 mixed at 51 and
No. 3 at 55)o,50. ) (
llyeDull nt I 01@1 03.
Barley Nominal.
Pork and Lard Nominal.
Beef Fairly active ; extra mess , 12 & 0@
13 00 *
Cut meat * Steady and in moderate de
Pickled Hams-
S. P. MORSE & CO ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
Dress Goods ,
TodftVvo olFor fiO niL'ccs of Silk nnd
Wool , nil wool , mid Molmir Dress
Hoods light mm ( lurk colors at lOo n
yard ; not n yiml of thoao could bo
bought nt wholcsalo for leas than i.T >
to 40c. Ti pieces nil wool Hunting
blnck nnd colors lie yard , worth ut
wholesale 20 ; 50 pieces best U(5 ( inch ,
all wool Hunting , nil colors at 2oc ,
inannliictnrurs iuk JW j for nixinu itmlt- )
ty ; nil wool -li ! inch. DelJegos 50c ,
worth ( > 0c ; all wool -12 inch Chuddn
Cashmeres f > 0c , worth OOc.
Wo import our own -18 inch blnck
CixUimores ami note na being special
DnrgnhiR. nt THc nml 81.00 nualities
they being fully Ciml ( ] to thoao sold by
other houses nt 81.00 nml 81.U5.
Lawns , Percales ,
Linen Lawns at 20 nnd 25c , superior
to those sold at 25 and -lOo elsewhere.
Heat cotton Lawns J2\c \ ; FreiiehOrgan-
dies at 2 < V. others nsk"i5 : and -I0c ; 2-JOO
yards of D 'ess Plaid Ginighatns at lOo ;
wholesale , price to-day 12\c. \ Fine
Scotch Cheviots from 15 "to 07Ac ;
Scotch GiiiKhnnii from 25o up.
S. ] ' . MOUSE & CO :
Lace Department ,
75 styles Valenciennes Laces , one
toK inches wide 25c Am. ; 100 styles of
Alencon 1'nlanxa Vermicelli Laces 75c
to $2.50 ado/ . Special mention is
made of n Cream nnd a Black all Silk
Spanish Lace 3 in. deep , aUlao. 41 in.
deep , at 50c , cannot bo duplicated
for 75c to $1.00.
MBn'sFumisMngGoods '
Men's four-ply Linen Collars very
x'st quality with hand nuulu button
Indus all sizes , now styles , six for 7f > c ,
rthors ask 82.00 to $11.00 ntlo ? . for no
jotter qualities ; nt the r.xto of 82.00 tx
K , wo oll'or u case of Seamless Uri-
: ish Sox , sold olsowhuro for 8.00 ! a
lox. and at $2.oO dox. wo sell ixsnpor-
line lintiah Box of a quality never
sold in Omaha under S4.00 n do/ .
Moan' Sninmor Ties ( ! c , 80 , ntul lOc
each ; tnens' Silk and Satin Tics H5 to
"lOo each ; inens' White Shirts with re
inforced bosom full sixcd cull's nml
linen neck band Oco each and our cus
tom inndu best Shirt for $1.00 each.
These joods nnd prices cannot l > o du
plicated elsewhere.
Silks , Satins , Suralis ,
No firm west of Chicago shows as
largo n silk stock as ours. 20 in. Dlack
Brocades 50 nnd 75e. , worth double ;
20 in. Black Satins , 75 nnd ! > 0c. ; 24
in. Black Satins , $1,81.25 , nnd $1.50 ;
20 in. Snrah Satins , black or colors ,
75 , 85 nnd ! )0c. ) All Silk Surnhs and
Mervilloux , $1.25 nnd $1.50 ; 21 in.
French Gros Grain Silk at 75o nnd $1 ;
22 in. Cixshmeru finish Silks , from
Gninot , Ginind , Bcllons , Bonot , nnd
other well known makers , . $1.50 ,
81.f < > 5S1.7fi , 82 , $2 50 ; 21 in. at $2 ,
$2.50 , $2.75 , nnd $ .1 ( the ; highest
prices hero quoted are for the best
qualities. ) Our colored Silks range
from 40c. to 81 for thu best , and em
brace all new shades ; 24 in. Brocaded
Silks and Satins , 81.25 , 82.75 , $2.25 ,
82.50 and $ a.
We solicit country orders , wholesale or retail , always
guaranteeing the LOWEST market prices ; the
most perfect system and care is used in fill
ing orders for goods or samples.-
S. P. MORSE & CO. ,
Baltimore Produce.
ItAt.TnioiiK , July 5.
Klour Quiet ami unchanged.
Wheat Southern ianyt Kultz , 1 18y ( )
IWjLmiB ] Ji-rry , 1 ffilfti 11M : No. i ! ied
inter , ( inner but ipiiet nt 13 cusli ; 1--
l 21J.Tillv. !
Corn \Vhito hotithcni , ijuiet and cany
t 5Siti.)8J ( ; yellow , quiet at ft" .
Cinolnuati Produce.
C'r.NciNNATi , July 5 ,
Pork Mecs quiet t 810 AO.
Lard -Qulut ; juiine hteinii , 12 ; hulk
troiii ; ; hhort i ! ! ) . , T/K-TSSO.
HncijnActive ; clear lilii , 'J 'M&'J 2. . .
Wheat -Easier ; No. 2 ted , 1 20.
Corn Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 111.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 10.
llyu-Qiilct ; No. 2 , nt till.
Bnrluy Nominal ,
Whisky 108.
Toledo Pradaco
Toi.Kim , July 5.
Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red cash , I 187j
Inly , 1 15Jjr.l ( 13 } bid ; Si'litember , 1 13J ;
inbvr Michigan , 1 I'.l nuked.
Corn Dull and nominal ; cash 48 ,
Oats Inactl\e ,
Liverpool Produce.
LIVKIIPOOI , , July (5. (
Flour American , 1U Od@llH ( id.
Wheat Winter , ! U Olrt ( ! > < lOdi white
MGi.'l * tld ; spring , Ui 2di ! ) M ; chili ,
Corn irw lid.
Laril Wi.Od.
1'ork 74n.
Philadelphia Prodnco.
] 'ini.AiKi.'nw ! , July ft.
Wheat-Firm ; 1 'Jlfel 21 } ca hj 1 25J
OnU-Qulct ; ll@ll } ca h ;
lull.Hyc QiiietMOOc.
A 15o box of "Hough on Hats" will
up ix Jiouso free from Hies , inosqui
t'H , rata and mice , the entire season
Druggists sell it. (2) ( )
Tlio thing desired found nt last.
Ask druggists for Hough on Hats. It
clears out ratst mice , roaches , flies ,
u 's , 15c. boxes.
If yon are suffering from a severe
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling it
the throat , or any atl'ection of thu
tliroat or lunge , we know that DJI.
Kixu'ii NEW DihUOVKKY will give yoi
immediftto relief. We know of hun
dreds of cases it has completely cured
and that where all other medicines
had failed. No other remedy cat
show one half iis many ] > ermanen
cures. Now to give you satisfactorj
proof that Dr. KIKH'H NEW Discov
KUV will euro you of Asthma , Uron
chilis , Hay Fever , Coiisuinntion , Se
vcro Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you
will call at J. K. Imc & MUMAIION'H
Drug Store you can get a trial Ixtttlo
free of cost , or ix regular size bottl
for $1.00. janlUly(2) ( )
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
Haa REMOVED from Creh-htoii Hall , llth and Faniham , to
For the Largest Assortment , the Latest Styles ana
THE New YORK COMPANY LKADS THKM ALL. Satisfy yourself by
KxamlnhiK the Stock.
X full a and a coranleta wmortmeiit ol the late t Styles of Straw IUU Jiwt otwneil.
Gilbert Wtasnn will take notice that on the 30th
day ol April , A. 11. 1SSI , the County Jiuli < uof
> ouila County , NchrnHkn , lwuv < l on onlcrof
attachment lor the mini of fc > 0 In an action trend.
iijf licforo him , uhvrvln Arthur A. I'arker l
lUlntlll , anil ( llllicrt Wfs > ou , ilvfcmlant ; that
iroiicrty , to-w It : Fund * havu been attached un-
IIT salJ order. SalJ caimo uaicontlnuvd to the
Stti day of July , 1S31 , at 9 o'clock n. in.
I'UltitlfT ,
Jun ,1581 evrv thur-dlw
JOS. a. CLAKKttOX , 0. ' . HUNT.
Clarkson & Hunt ,
Successors to llkhards & Hunt ,
B , llth Street , Omuli N b ,
910 South Thirteenth Street , with
J. M. Wool worth.
D. F. Manderson ,
212 Kunhim St. . Oinala
Cor. Doujlia and 16th SU. Uinihi Keb.
Edward W. Simera,1 !
Hooiu 6 Crulghton Uth and DdUflis itrvet * .
Parasols I Parasols !
We nro convinced that our Parasol
nmincsi this season hns been the
arrest west of Chicago. To close out
M.II that remain we oiler the balance )
xt n discount of J3per \ cent from
tsuixl retail prizes. 'Among the bar
gains here shown nro a largo size
'Silk Umbrella paragon frame very
) cst quality setvesilk atSD.75 ; $15.00
I'arasols now $8.00 and 810.00 ,
810.00 Parasols now $8.00 and 8U.OO ,
mil $5.00 Pnrnsols now $0.00 tu
$ ; ; s. P. MOUSE & co.
This and next month we sell all the
idd si/.os in ladies' , mia.ies' , and chit-
dron'a hose that accumulate from our
spring trudo and bycallinif here before
purchasing yon will save ! WJ to CO
per cent. In lace to ] ) lisle Gloves wo
nro olleriiig one at 40c nnd one at DOe
eottnl to any shown before or else
where for Too and $1.25. To-day wo
have in Stock the cheapest and best
stock of ladies Corsets in the west ,
prices 50c , 75c , OSc , $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$2.00 , $2.50 nnd 82.75.
S. 1 MORSE & CO.
" \Vo cull the attention of economical
housekeepers to our stock of 1)0 ) and
100 in. linen Shootings nt $1.00 ,
$1.25 , 81.00 , $1.75nnd $2.00 a yard.
Our nil linen table Damask nt 22c ,
3oc , 45c , nnd SOc , nnd best doublu
satin damask nt $1.00 , 8L25 nnd $1.50
a yard ; S linen Napkins G5o , 75c ,
$1.00 , 81.25 , $ LeO , 81.75 , nnd j
Napkins at $2.00 , 82.50 , 82.75 , $3.00
up to 812.00. These goods nro all
urchased by us direct from Irish nnd
Jcotch manufacturers and sold to our.
customers without the jobbers profit
paid by all Omaha retailers.
1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEB ,
lloJv Ilnmcli. 81.J5 to J1.7S ; Tapestry Drua-
stls , $1,15 tojl.a.1 , ; 3-nly Camel , 81.2S to 1. < 0 ;
Ilo.tply Ingrain , * 1.00 tovl.U ; Cheap 2-ply
Ingrain , 4Uu to U.'c.
Miittings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades
nt Lowest Market Fricea ,
Largest Stock nnd Lowest Prices.
Samples furnished nt yard-rates.
nUIlSl KOIl SALK-Ono of the best fonnt In
J < tlio county , 100 acres , inllo anil a lull ( rout
Omaha i-ltv Limits. Tonns to stilt imrcliuer.
1'or lartkuUri ddrew Win. U , Ainu" ortti.Onialu.
"IMble for the lotmjr , "
Beln * the ttoty cl the Scrlpturrf by Her. Oeo.
Aleiander Crook , P. 0. , In ilaiple J r c-
lite Umrua e ( or old anil youii ; . Prctuiely
Illuitrateil , unklu * a mod lutereotlni ; and Ira-
prcMivt youxh'i laitmctor. E rv jurent wiL
iwurd Uili work Piuicbin ) , jou k uld cli-
cuUtcl' . Price W 00.
ben''for clrcul ri with xtr ft ma.
J , U. CHAMIIKKB & CO. . bt. Lnoli ,
Steubenvllle ( Ohio ) Female Seminary. 52
Yiar * SucccMlnl Horlcnco , Klrst-claja School.
Tviuu low , Suiiil tor catalogue. A. M. line , Ph.
! > . , I'rlii. tfl 80-wSt
Taken up by the undcnlgned on Uay 15thl