Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    rr i TT A Trrr "R"I.T7 ! . 1VTA YT"n A V TTTvr-n
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75 :
Omaha "Wholesalo Mnrlrot.
Saturday Evening , Juno 18,1881. f
Grain markets to-day wore qniotand raw
very few changes in prices. No. 2 and 3
wheat declined Jc ; rejected , Ic.
Provisions , steady and mostly un SI ; ;
changed. Eggs , Jc lower than yesterday's
quotations. All other quotations eamo as 74 ;
yesterday. stogo
0 ;
Local GrainDealing ! . 25 ;
WHEAT. CftshNo.1.03o Cosh No. 1 ,
3 , 85J ; rejected 04c.
UlLEY.-Ca'shNo. 2 , 07c'No ; , 3. 73c. A ,
KYE.-CaBh. 84c. - , dian
COHN. Casli No. 2,31c. , ? Ci
OATS.-Cash. 20o. ' * " , ' River
Livestock. . . ii ,
Cattle Wo quote as 'follows ! Choice
shipping steers , 1,300@1,400 , $4 50@5 00 ; gin L ,
choice butchers' steers , 1,000@1.200 , ,
83 73@4 CO. J A ;
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. Cabot
Sheared , § 3 70 ; urishearcd , 91 50 per hun Fruit
dred . ! U ;
i . , York
Hogs Wo quote as follows ; Light
packers ) , 85 00@5 10 ; medium mixed twiht.
packers , S3 ] 0@5 2j ; extra choice heuvv ,
j.r , 25@ri 30. 8 ;
Provisions. heavy
FLOUH Spring wheat , straight grade ,
S280@300 ; patent , $4 00@5 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 25(53 ( 75 ; patent , solid
> S4 00@4 75 ; KI attain rye , $2 25 ; Wheat , S2 white.
4'25.11YE ' ton ,
11YE FLOUR S3 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 60c ;
screenings , per cxvt. 70@80c ; shorts , per
cwt.'Oc ; chojiped feed , pur cwt. 75c ; meal
bolted , yellow. 80c ; white , SI 00. piques
POTATOES Per bushel , peach blows , double
COc ; new , per bushel $1 25 , and '
> POULTllY Live chickens per dozen , son's
-1 < 3 00 to S3 25 ; old , spring chickens , $3 50 "
to S3 75.
EGGS Shippers count , lljo Candled , brown
12c.BUTTER ;
BUTTER Choice , 12 ; poor , no market ; 0 oz
creamery , scarce , 20c. brown
APPLES Baldwin's repacked , § 500 (8 ( oz
tier bbl. colored
HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif ,
ornia btrained , lOc. 1QJ ;
ORANGES Terrents repacked , per Bton ,
liox , 80 00 ; Palermo , per box , § 0 50. Glasgow
Muin6s , per box , § 7 OOjIinperials , per box ,
8800. , , Co ,
' LEMONS Fancy repacked per box , glove
85 00 ; good repacked , $1 50.
STRAWBERRIES - Good shipping S. &
firm ; per case , 82 50.
GOOSEHKR1UKS In light receipts ; Augusta.
quotable at lOc per qt. . . . . . . , ell ;
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
prices. Coin ,
BEESWAX-Yellow , 18@20c.
CIDER Sweet , 20c per gallon.
Grocers' Ll t.
COFFEE.-Rlo , fair. 13ic : Rio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , fijoj Old gov't mills ,
Java ; 205@28ic , Mocha , 2CJc ; Arbuckle ,
tEAS.-Gunixiwder , good , 45@55c ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imjierial , good , 40@45c ;
Choice , C0@75c : Young Hyson , good , , 3C ®
I50c ; choice , C. c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
85c ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , goud ,
35 ( < NO ; Oolong , choice , 40nS5 (
- . ; Souchong ,
. a-ffi.(0c ( ; choice , 3o@45c.
SI GAltS.-Cut loaf , lljc ; Crinhcd ,
JJcj ? Granulated , life ; Powdered. lUc ;
J me iHiwdered , 12c : Standard Coffee A ,
11C ! New York Confectioner's Standard
A , He ; Good A , 10Jc | ; Prairie Extra C ,
"SYRUPS. Sugar home , bbls , 4r > c ; half
bill' , 47c ; kegs , 44 gallons _ , ' $2 30 ; choice
" " "
Mnee. 61 00. Nutmeg
SODA. Dwight'n Ib paper * , $3 10 ; De-
land do , S3 00 ; Church' * , § 3 00 ; Keg s < xla ,
r. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , 7J
© 8c ; Com Starch , 8jc ; Excelsior Gloss ,
0'c ; Com , 7fc.
SALT.Drny loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks. 3 M ; bbls dairy , 00 , 6s , 3 45 ;
bills dairv , 100. 3s. 3 IK.
DUIKl ) '
Flll'ITS-Choico halves ,
t > caches , new cmp , 7Jc ; Kvaporatwl Ai > nles ,
50 Ib boxes , fi c ; Michigan , CJc ; New York
J apples , 5Jc ; St. Louis No. 1 , flc ; I'runcs ,
old , Cc ; now , G7c ; Currants , 7@71c ;
Blackliorrios , new , lOc.
CHEKSE Full Cream , lljc ; Part
Skim , lOc.
WODDKNWAUK Two hoop pails ,
1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 ; No. I tubs ,
900 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs. 700 ;
pioneer washlioanls , 183 ( Double Cmwn.
275 ; Glebe Washboanl,250 ; Well buckets ,
350. '
chain , and 6 ply , 20J@21J ; Colored cariict
chain , per lt > , 20 ;
LEAD Bar , § 1 C5.
MATCHES-Fcr coddle , 82c.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , lie ;
choice lard , HJc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; shoulders -
ers , canvassed 7c ; hams , canvassed lljc ;
bacon , sides , lOlc.
NEW PICKLES-Mcdium , fn barrels ,
§ 9 50 ; do in half bbls , R 25 ; mnalls , in bbls ,
12 00 ; do , in half bbls , 0 CO ; gherkins , in
bbls , 13 50 ; do , lit half bbls , 7 25.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 18c ;
pure apple , 15c ; Pnisalng pure apple , 15c.
HOMINY New , S3 80 . bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked S3 00
per bushel. < ,
ROPE Sisal. J inch and larger , lOc ; ?
inch , 10Jci ; inch , "
CANDLES'5 Boxes , -10 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s ,
13cbo\es ; 40 Ibs. , 1C OK. , ( Is. 13o ; boxc.s , 40
sets , 14 oz. , 8i , 12ic ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
14 oz. , Ss , 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 33 :
Western , 2 75 ; Noith Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 IX ) ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
case , 3 3't ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , to
100 ; Anchor Ball 2 do'z in cose , 1 CO. 14
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice ,
now , § 5 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
now. § 5 75 ; white clover , new , § 14 00 ;
alfalfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; nlsikc , new ,
13 00. Timothy , good , new , § 2 C0@2 05 ;
blue'grass , extra clean , SI 25 ; blue grass ,
clean , SI 15 ; orchard grass , S2 00 ; red top , 24
choice , G5c ; millet , common or Missouri , 68c
25 ; millet. German , § 125 ; to § 150 ;
Hungarian , 8115. Ib.
HEDGESEED Owige orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 85 00 ; osagc orange , 10 bushels or and
over , § 150 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 55c
ICWlbs.625 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 75o
GO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 0 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kitH , 1 00 ; family
Ib kit ' 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colum per
bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00/Gcorge's
Bank codfish , Cc ; Gen , boneless codfish ; 33o.
; boneless fish. 4Vc. | oz
MACKEIlEL-Hall [ f bbls mess mackerel ,
Ibs , § 12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , ka
100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 per
, 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; foil
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shoie ,
Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS-Oyster * . 2 Ib
Field's ) , per case , S3 00 ; do 1 Ih ( Field's ) , 2
case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , No.
75 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2
Iti ( slack ) , per case , 2 GO ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , §
er cose , Ij85i ' Salmon , IJb , per , clftzen , ' § inch 1
Sardines , '
per dozen , § 40
. . per dozen ,
40 ; do half IKCS , per dozen , 2 40. Lob
, 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , S35
per case , 2 25 ; do 3 Ib per § 45
, 2 05 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
case , 3 40 ; hoaked corn , 190 ; do No.
lt > ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 350 ;
string beans , per case , 1 90 ; Lima beans § 30
case. 200. Succotash per case ; 2 > 10.
, common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , Lath
; strawbetries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 25@3
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 753 00.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per , 2 25. Bartlett
per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber 35c.
per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per bbl
, 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 W felt
Green gages,2 Ib per case , 3 30 : do choice , 2
caso,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , percose ,
COS4 ( 50. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : ted
3 Ib , case , 3 G0@4 20 ; do , ( tile ) , 3 tt > , per skirtin ,
case,200 ; do pic , ( I Ib , per dozen , 2 80. 21c
RICE ? . Carolina , OJ@7c ; Louisiana , 5j liemloi
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten Ib @ *
nessee , 8\c per Ib ; fancy white , Do per Ib ; II ) ,
white Virginia , 7@7 c. 2 per ,
Dry Goods. leinloc
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic , 0 to French
Adriata , T'\ \ ; Atlantic , A. , 7J ; Ashley , oak
Androscoggin , 12 ; Appleton , GJ to 8 ; per [
Bedford , R , , 5i Boott , M , family cotton , .
Bangor , F , 74 ; Capitol , A , 0 : Cone- ssiTooi
, 27A ; Conestogo , D , fl\ ; Dwight , X , 30@35
Fruit of the loom , 22J ; Fruit of the loom , iloz ,
.Fruit of tlio loom , 27J ; Farmers , No ings
4J ; Fanners. A , 7 ; Fannew. B. B. , CJ ; per
GreatFalls Oto , 7'J ; Indian orchard , A Xbla ) ;
8Jndiari'orchardl ; honest width , 7 : } ; In S14.00
head , "i ; Indian head. 12Aj Lawrence ,
to 8 " ; Lawrence , X X X. 01 ; Mystic Ic ;
; 7 ; Now York Mills , 27j ; Pepjierell , lOc ;
8 : Pepiieroll , Jt. 74 : ' Pejiperell , K , lij.
, AA , Gold medal , 10 ; Androscoggiij , Morris
0 ; Blackstone. 8 } to Hi ; Blackburn , 'A innji
0 ; Boott , R , G Boott , "K , 7 ; ijCalxit , 12 ; ump :
imf , 11 ; Cabot , 8J ; Dwight ' Anchor , int. ;
of the loom , 10J ; IlillH , 'JJ Lonsdale , HII
Lontulalo Cambric , ISjNassau , 01 ; New cured
mills , 13 ; New York mills , water hides
. 14 : Pepperell , JI ; Peppercll , 12 ; calf
Peppereli , 274 ; Pocahontas. 9 ; Pocahontas , 11@12
Senate , half lileeched , 8J ; LTtea | : extra gicen ;
, 11 ; Wamsuttas , 13 ; Wamsuttd cam- greenj
13. il
PRINTS-Albionfancitt CJc Albion cut
( ? ; ,
.birds , , ,
colors ' , 0 ; Albion indigo , blue an 4 ' „
. ! ) ; American , ( ii ; Shirting , 0 ; Carle- Coon
0 ; Cocheco , 7 ; Cochico shirtings , 0 ; 20c ;
Frceman.H robe , 0 ; Freeman's pink , 0 ; We ;
Freeman's block , 54 j Hamilton fancies , 0 , Ma ;
Hamilton ted , 8 ; Mcrrjmack , F pink , "l ' ! 5c ;
Merrimack purples , 7 ; Mjerrimack printed iroad
, 7i ; Richmond fanoy , tij ; Richmond
pinks , 7 ; Richmond German , blue M
led , OJ ; Regatta blurting , 5J ; Simp- > 3@15c
mourning , 7 ; Simpson's alpaca finWi , -
"COTTON DUCK Boston X dyed -0c
, net , lO c ; Beaten XX dyed brown
124Boston , XXX dyed btown 12J ; Boston
dyed brown net , 9 ; Boston 10 oz dyed Driental
, 10 ; Royal (8 ( ot ) 29 inch. 11 ; Stark ,
) , 13 : Stark , (10 ( oz ) , 1GJ ; Stark , (8 ( oz ) , ing * egs ,
, 144 ; Stark , (10 ( oz ) , 17j. ,
GINGHAMS-Amoskcag , lie ; Bates ,
Bates minton dress btyles , 11 J ; Earl-
0 | ; Glasgow checks and fancies , 10 ; P. P.
royal dress ntylex , 114. ! ej
6 ; Garner. 5 ; Hooksett , 6 ; Keystone , cd
finish , 5A ; Red Cross , 5. -0c ;
ROLLED OAMBRICSCo , c | ; s. ind
Sons , 01 ; High colors. 1 cent more. > unit
DRILLS-Adrtatic , 8 | ; Awleton , 8 ; efuiod
. 7J ; Boott Bleached , 0 ; Pepj > er. \
8i ; Stark , A. 8 | . due ,
SILESIAS-BIackburn , 9J ; Capitol , 15 ; green ,
11 : Lonsdale , 0. n-een ,
red , 22
j v * * j i
114@15i. dn-er ,
TICKINGS. Amoskeag , A 0 A , 17Jc ; oak ,
net , 3
dry ,
each ,
ny , 0 B O , 30 in , 20 ; Falls company , O B
0,32 hi 17 } .
DENIMS. Amoskcacr , ICcJj Atnoskea ?
9 oz , 10. Beaver Creek , A A , 14J ; Beaver
Creek . 0,12J ; Franconin , XXX , ISi're.
donio , , B , 124) ) Old York , double weight ,
1C : . Otis 12felUJ : Palmer , 9.
' CAEVIOTS.-Amoskcag , lljc : Araia-
'pirn , CJ - : Knickerbocker , fijj Prairie , 81) )
Heal California I , 0 J M , 94 ; Real C-'Ulfor-
iiio , double i weights , 12 ; Uncasvllle , 9j
Whlttenton , A A A , 10J.
CRASH. Stevens B , Sc ; Steven * , D ,
8J ; Stevens X , 01 ; Sto > cn , P. 10J ; Ste
vens ; M , 11J ; Stevens. N N , 12J ; Stevens ,
X X , 15 ; Slovens , T 1" D , 1IJ. Bleached
one cent higher.
RUSSIA.-X X X , 14c ; X X , 13 : M ,
12J : A : 11 J : B. 11 ; D , 04 ; E , SJ ; F , 75.
CARPKT WAI ! PS.Anchor , Site ;
Broadway , 20 ; Cottage20 : Golden Ball ,
ox fine , 23 ; Peerless , 21 ; Washington , 21 ;
White Star , 21 ; White Star , cobred , 2 .
TWEEDS. Allen , Cuban * A , 19 : Allen -
len , Cubans B , 10 ; Belgian , 20 ; Cocheco ,
55 ; Coventry , 31.
KlINTUCKYJKANS. American Doe ,
40c ; AbWiford , 11J ; Agcnoria , 27A , Bal
kan , 13J ; Buckeye , ISi'Dunker Hill , iijj
Calcutta. 13J : French Tweed , 15 ; Golden
Fleece , 25 ; Hugo Doe , 30 ; Indian Crook ,
[ ' : Mohican , 15 ; Model doeskin , 174 ;
North Adams , 27.That \ low , 15 ; Table
Rock , 18.
Hob Roy , 3-4 , 3 ic ; Aswabet Rob Roy ,
'M , 75 ; - Assabct - - 1 rcnch plaids , 50) ) Bine
Ridge , 21 ; Cocheco ; 37 * : Caromlalct , 32J ;
Fairmount , 18 ; Green Ridge , 224 ; 1'equn ,
34 in , 374 : Pcqitii , 28 in , 32J.
Carliolic , OOc ; Acid , Tartiiric , 55c : Balsam
Coi > nbia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafias , per
Ib , 13c ; Calomel , perlb , 75c ; Cinchonia ,
per 07 ' , 95c ; Chlorofoim , per Ib , 05c ;
Dover's p < iwdcrs , tier Ib , § 1 40 ; Epom
waits , per Hi , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , pcrlb
35@40c ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car-
lion oil , 110s , per gallon , IHc ; do 150s ,
pergal , I3lc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal ,
SI 00 ; Oil , Co-stor , No. 2 , nor gal , ! > 0c ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI CO ; Oil , Origanum , 40(5) ( )
55c ; Opium , SO 20 ; Quinine , 1' . k W. & R. .V
S.ier oz , S2 00 ; Potassium , Indinc , per Hi ,
S2. GO ; Salacm , per oz , 35c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , per oz , § 4 25 ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 5c ; Strychnine , per oz , Hi 40@1 00.
Horses and Mules ,
The market is brisk and all grades arc
selling well at a slight advance in prices.
The demand for rood horses exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range ns fol
lows : ed
Fine binglo drivers , 8160. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , § 175. to 225. ; Common draft
horses , § 100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
S110. to 125. ) Common to good farm horses , 81
SOO. to S100. ; Extra plugs , § 00. to 75. ;
Common plugs , § 20. to § 40.
MULES. 15 to 154 hands ( extra ) , 8125.
150. ; 14to 15 hands , S100. to 140. ; 2 ,
to 144 Lands , § 75. to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , SOX ) , to 75.
Cigars and Tobaccos , .
CIGARS. Seeds , § 15.00 ! Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , § 35.00 ; Seed Havana , S50.00 ;
Clear Havana , S75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
Ib , 5Gc ; Spotted Fawn , 57o ; Our Rope ,
; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 5Cc ; Horse
Shoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 5 ( c ; Purity , 24
. butts , 62c ; Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts. 53ci
Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 57 ; Army
Navv , pound" , 51c ; 'Bullion , pounds ,
; Lorillard's Climax , pounds , 57c. of
FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Beat ,
; Golden Thread , GGc ; Fountain , 73c ;
Favorite , 05c ; Rocky Mountain , 55c ;
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib boxes , fair
Ib GOc ; Lorillard's Tiger , COc.
SMOKING All grands Common , 25 to
. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 1C inal
4Cc ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 45c ; Seal of for
North Carolina , 1C oz , 40 ; Seal of NebrasJ
, 10 oz , 38c ; Lone .Tack , 4 oz , linen bags , and
Ib , § 1.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin
, 55c ; Dog Tail , Goc.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1J , 1J and for
inch , § 55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S0 00 ; 1
. 2. finish 1 } , 14 and 2 inch , § 5000 : No.
finish , 1 inch , § 45 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch ,
4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
25 ; well curbing , S35 00 ; rough J and 2 ther
battens per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 845 00 ; B 2
00 ; C , § 30 00 ; common stock , § 25 00. 45
FLOORING No. 1 , 810 00 ; No. 2 ,
00 ; No , 3 , 82G 00 ; yellow'pine , No. I , 44J(5
SIDING No. 1 , 82500 ; No. 2 , § 2300 ;
. 3 , § 20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , ? 3 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , gust
00 ; No. 2 , S25 00. i
CEILTNG-S25 00SI5 00.
LATH : AND SHINGLES A starbest ( ) for
shingles , S3 75 , No. 2 , § 3 00 ; No. 3 , § 2 50. '
, § 400.
Building Material. I.-
LIME-Per barrel , § 1 35 ; bulk per bu. , tc5
. Cement ( , bbl , S2 50. Iowa plaster , . „
, S2 75 , Hair per bu. 23c. Tarred ' '
100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , 84 00. place .
v The Leather Trade. .
@ .1G
Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsburgh selec , ive
40@43c ; hemlock harness , 37@39c ;
skirting per Ib , fair , 44c ; black collar 14 © ewer
; fair do ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , lG@18c ; Tuly
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30 for
34c ; hemlock solo , B. A. slaughter per
25@32o ( ! ; ; oak sole , 40@13c ; oak upper easy
foot , 25o ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No. short
23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , 80c@Sl.10 ; sides
hemlockkip skins per'lb' , 75c@Sl.00 ;
kip , skins per Ib , S1.00@1.35 ;
calf per Ib , 81.20@S1.25 ; hemlock calf 017
Ib , 81.10lfS1.25 ? Prench calf per Ib , bu
S1.25@82.10o Simon Picard goat per doz ,
S3G.OO@$48.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 34,045
30@35c'calf ; ' kid per foot , 35o ; toans tier liu
S9.00@$10.rX ) ; white and yellow fin- ;
tier < doz , § 8.00S10.00 ; pink linings
doz. § 7.00@S9.00 ' ; Russctt linings , ? 7.- ii )
blacksmiths' aprons per dozen , 812.00 ® > bls.
, , . . . head.
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag pajior , graiu
dry goods paper , 7c ; manil/v / paper , ard
news paper , 8c. Iw.
COAl > -Cumb'erlaird blacksmith , 812 ;
Run Blossburg , 812 ; 'Whitebreast 000
, 80 ; Whitebreait nut , 80 ; Iowa
> ' 80 ; Iowa ' nut , 80 ; Rock Springs , 88 ,
Hld'et , Fun , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's bide , OJgreen ;
hides.'TJc I ' ; green salt , part cured
, SfS'sJc ; dry flint , sound , 1314c ; dry J,700
nnd kip , 13llc ; dry Bait hides , sound , ( ffjlOo
; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 llw. . 10@llc ; all
calf i , vt , under 8 Ibs , 'pqrfskin ' , < 50c ; Ight
pelts , Si 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins , Kood
10(5,1 ( 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , §
scored and one grub , classed two- '
„ rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. 4,100
skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , ler
No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , could
No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , Co. Fox , No. 1 , to
No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , fair ,
short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe , ' 25c ; nnd
btripe i , lOc. Tallow , 5. } . ers ,
Woof. calves
erino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; henvyx mis ,
; medium unwaslied , light , 1820c ;
tub-woshcd , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy 1,800
w. , 28c ; butry , black and cotted wools fair ,
SHOT. Shot , 81.00 ; Buck shot , 82.15 ;
Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , half
83.48Bdo. ; , ( juarter kegs , S1.87 ; Blast
kegs , $3.35 ; Fuse , per 100 feet , COc. for
PalnU , Oils and Varnlthet. August
PAINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha ® 1
, 7c ; white lead , 0. P. & 0. C < . , jiure , 1 01@I
M aryellles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; Com
zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , 4G@45i
seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish os t , or
French zince , in oil asot , 15c ; Raw .he
bunit umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and Oats
Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13c ; July ;
lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lOc ; Hye
\oryblack , ICc ; drop black , ICc ; Prusnian
SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
L. M. & D. , 14c ; brind and shutter 1'ork
L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green. 18c ; ] ,
red , IRc ; Venetian re < i , Oc ; 1 uscan
22c ; American Vennillod , I , & ! ' . , 18c ;
yellow , L. , M. , O. k D. O , , 18c ;
ochre , Oc ; golden ochre 1C
t/Vf ff * / nVI * VV141 P , + Vf IHtbdJV
Gc ; graining colors : light oak , dark Cattle
walnut , chestnut and a h 12c. mainly
Heavy Hardware Lltt. ping
l > ect I
, rates , 82 80 ; plow utccl , cant , 7Jc ; cattle
tool do , 16a,2d ( wagon ix > kes , do vhipplng
00 ; hubs , par set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed @ 5 40
1 60 ; tongue * , each , 76&85c ; axles , hclffrs
75c ; wjiuro nuU , per lt > , 7@llc ; Hheep
wafers i\ * r \f ' ri ts wr Ib , 11.
coil chain U "N < > @ 12c ! niftlfoftblc , S'r
iron wetiife * ' " * cnnvlwrs Oo ;
teeth , 4cTiot ; 'whoe * , per kfg , 500 ;
. .v. . . 32V8to 10 , 3.-0 ;
Cd , 3 75 ; 4d. 4 ( X ' ) # ' , common , 4 i i M ,
fine , 0 25 ! clinch , " 'J ' * " < " , * < 6 ° 0 ; Cd , ca in- ,
4 60 : 8d casing , 4 . - ' ' I'M ' Mst"K' 4 , ° ° J KM
finish , 4 60 : S < 1 finln. " > * i5Gdlimsh ; , 500.
half keg * , lOo extra.
Llc "or.
ALCOHOL-187 IK JJL * nt , $2 1C. j.or
wine gallon , extra California iipirit ,
187 per cent at 118 p * r proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 18. p , ° r cent.Sl K > ! p.'r
proof pal redistilledhisk to" , 81OOCT1 > ,
fine lilonded , SI 60r .2 50 ; K ontiicky hour
lions. § 2 OOftf 7 < K1 : Kentucky nml "
\ania rvrs , 32 007 ( 00.
niJANDlKS-lmported , StJ OOXg.IC 00 ;
d mc < tic 1 40 © I 00.
GlNS-lmiKiitod , 4 60 ® 0 00 ;
1 40f ( ! 3 00.
RCMS--Imported , 4 60CCO 00 :
England. 2 OOC 4 00 ; domestic. 1 50 3 M :
175 400.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per ca o.
20 00@34 00 ; American , per case , 12 00(5 (
1800 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 60@10 00.
WINES Rhlncwine , per ca o , G 00@20
00 ; Catawba , i > or ea , e , 1 ( X7 00 ,
Dry Paints. . „ , .
White lead , Gjc ; Fiench zinc. 1
whltelng ! 2Jc ; whiting gililei , IJc ;
whiting com I , lie ; lampblack Uc nil on
Lou n , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8oj ) Pnis.
Inn bine , f 5c ; ultr.kmarinc , 18c ; Vandyke ,
iroH n , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umlH-r , row ,
4c ; Mcuim , burnt , 4c ) sienna , raw , 4c ;
I'aris given genuine , 35c ; Paris green cont'l
J5cj cliromo gioen , N , Y.1 20cj chiome
jreon K. , 12c ; vennilllon , Eng. , 70o ; % er-
million , Amctica , 18c ; Indian red. lOcj
m e pink , 14c ) Venetian , Cookson's
2c : Venetian red Am. , lfc ! ; rod lead , 74o ;
chronio yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromu vcl-
ow , K. , 12c ; othro , nxhclle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2 'c ' ; ochre , American , 14c ;
Winter'n mineral , 2JC ; Ichlgh brown. 2to : '
Hiwiiish brown , 2\c \ ; Prince s mineral 3c ;
' VAKNISHES BairelH per gallon.
I'uinlture , uvtji , 81 00 ; funiituro , Ao. 1 ,
Kc ; fundture , U , 75c ; coach , extio , § 1 25c ;
2oath , Ni . 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , 8125 ; itaiian ,
70c ; nsplmltuii ] , 70c ; shellac , § 3 60 ; hanl
ill finiah , 81 'M.
OILS 110'carbon pergallon , lljc : 150"
licadlli'ht , per gallon , 12.e } ) 175 * headlight
liergalloii , IGc ) crystoline , per gallon , 20c
iiiccal , raw , pergallon , 50c ; Linseed , boil 25
, per gallon , 53c ; lard , winter Ktr'd , per
Ballon , 85o No. 1 , 70c , No. 2 , GOc ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 95c , No. 3 , 87c ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; sjierm , W. B. , per gallon ,
3 , ) ; fiisli , W.B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 76c , No. 1 , 05 ; lumber- !
eating , 7cro , per gallon , SOc , summer , 15c ;
golden machine , No. 1 , pergallon , 35c , No.
28c ; spenu , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur
pentine , per gallon. 60c ; naptlm , 74 deg ,
per gallon 18 , 03 deg , 17c.
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO. Juno 18.
On 'Change the
grain markets were cos-
The receipts of grain wcro 40,000
bushels by canal and 1,214 car-loads by rail ,
embracing 179 of wheat , 800 of com , 220
oats , G of ryo.
Flour In moderate rcquestand firmbut
transactions were limited ; common to
choice western springSl 00@5 75 ; Min
nesota brands , § 4 ( U ; pitentH , § 0@7 50 ;
to choice winter brands , § 5@G 25 ; rye
lloilr , § 5 75ffiO 00.
Wheat Winter , ouietnml entirelynom-
; spring wheat ruled more quiet than
many days past , there being less dis
position to operate under the offerings ,
thu character of influences were
brought to boar on the market and prices
langed lowerjNo. 2 spring 1 10i ( < $ l 104 for
cash ; 110J for .Irnio ; 1 llj for .Inly ; 1 12
Atunist ; 1 10 ? for September ; 1 OS3 ©
08J for ' the year ; No. 3 dp , 9S@1 03 , ac
cording'to elevator location ; rejected , 110 ,
Corn In urgent ( demand , both on spec- Mens'
illative jiml shipping accounts , and a fur-
advance in prices was realized , par
ticularly for cosh and future delivery ; No" .
high mixed , 40 } for cash ; 45J'for June ;
for July : 45J- for August ; 45 for Sep
tember ; 43 for the year ; new high mixed ,
( 45 ; new nlixed , 42@43 ; rejected , 41.
Oats Very weak and dull at a moder
ately low range of prices : No. 2 37 for
coshor June ; 30J@30J for July ; 284 for Au
; 27i for' September ; 2iffor ( tho'vear ' ;
ejected , dull and quoted at 31.
Rye Dull and demand light ; No. 2 , 98
cash ; 884 for July ; 82 for August and scarce
September. choice.
Barley . . f. T T Inactive _ and _ nominally _ _ _ . _ * im- _ . Hog
/ \ f
changed ; No. 281 10 for cash ; 87 for SopYorker
lumber } ; No. 3 , 90 ; No. 4 , 82. mixed
Pork ' In moderate demand , and light
offerings , and a , decline of 20 to , 25c took
; mess , 13 374@13 CO for cash , ac
cording to quality ; 1C 40 for July : KJfi2J
65 for August ; other deliveries inac-
and nominal. '
Lard Fairly active nnd prices n shade June
; 10 00@10'J2i for cash ; 10 'J5 for year
; 10 ! )5@10 074 for August ; 10 82J >
September ; 10 05(5)10 ( ) 074 for tbo year.
Uulfc Meats Freely offered , prices
and lower ; shoulders , 5 70@5 7fi ;
clear sides , 8 ( X8 ) 70 ; short rib
, 8 35@8 37 $ .
Whiskey Firm ot 51 09. '
Keceipts Flour , 8.340 bbls Wheat Whet
; , 70- 9s@'Ja
bu ; Corn , 327,895 bu Oats
, ; , 103,021 Us Jd
rye , 1,311 bu barley
; , 2,400. Corn-
Shipments Flour , 5,111 bbls ; Wheat , Lard-
bujTcorn , 420,220 bu ; Oata 143,227 Tork-
rye , 1,893 bu ; barley. 1,400.
Daring the week the roccipta and
shipments of the article * named sum Com
as follows : Receipts of flour , 82,420
. ; grain , 3,848,205 bu. ; hogs , 114,581 Whci
. Shipments ; of flour , 54,075 bblx. ; Corn-
, 3,136,67 bu. ; pork , 4,587 bbls. ; Ilay-
, 5,251,220 Ibs. ; cut meats , 11,770,510 Oats-
The niimbur of hoga slaughtered in WOH
Chicago from March 1st to data is 1,03 ! > , - S7 50@l
head against 1,301,000 , for the cones- Hogs
pending period of lasf year. * Cattl
tie ncti\
Chicago Iiivo Stock. DutU Shec'l
CHICAGO , June 18. Uggs-
Hogs Hecolpts , 14,000. Shipments. Poiilt
, Demand good , nnd early unlex at 5 Totat
higher , but closed with the advance per
lost ; mixed packing , $5 OOfrO 05 ; Oniot
bacou. 5 85r/0 ( 15. mainly 01i@f 15 ;
to choice heavy packing nnd shipping ,
U10@040 ; two lots , 80 50 ?
G'attlo-l-Jle'celjits , 2,500 , ; shipments , Flout
; vr > ' 'juiet nnd slow market ; an or-
in hand for crn
export cattle , however ,
not be filled for choice
lack of supply good
choice shipping , 85 70feO 00 ; poor to
35 00@5 40 ; butchers' utock , steady strongci '
finn at 270@J 00 ; stockers and feed < do at
8340@5 10 ; fair demand for stock 2 do ,
nt 11 00@10 00 Corn-
mainly ; grass Tex-
No. 2
2 KOCa 4 35 ; com fed do , 4 00fe5 30.
SHKKl' Iteceipts , 400 yellow
; ,
; market steady nnd firm Oats-
; common to
3 45&i4 ( 00 ; good to choice , 4 404 00 ; * OatsV
moderate , nil sold and tionu but >
sheep ofFejed. Butle
cash ,
St. LouU Prodnoo Market , l < urd
Sr. LOUIH , Junu 18. 27J ; Jn
Wheat LowerNo. ; 2 ltd , 81 VMa133 \ Beef-
cash ; 1 13J for July ; 1 12JCU 134 for Cut
; 1 Ul@l 14i for September ; 1134 | '
121 for the year , closing finncr ; No. 3.
08 bid ; No. 4. 81 02 bid.
Slow and lower at 45i for cash ;
( for June ; 453 for July ; 45flo ( ) V > \ Pork-
August : 4045 | for September ; II for T/ard
year , liulk
Lower ; 35 for cash and 33 bid for 885 :
27i for August. - " Flout
bull ; 8 J bid , Whei
Barley Nominal. Corn-
Whibky 1 07. Oats-
Ouiet nt 810 70. Itye-
ard Quiet , 810 80 asked. Birle
StXouls Iitye Stook < Cm
Br. LOUIB , Juno 18. The
Kccelpts , 500 ; iiupply light ,
of grass Ttxansj offering * of ship- ICth i In
grades vcant nd demand slow ; pros- lawn i :
r next week good for nil well fatted Then
, but poorfur conuuoa grades ; heavy umo ol
gnulea , 6 40 5 80 ; light do , 4 70 k ,
; grasn Tvxani , 3 25 ; native cows and liberal
, 3 25g4 25. June , u
Keceiptj , ! XX > ; thipments , none ; meat . ii
At 1319 Farnham Street.
Lawns Orgajidies Swisses
, , Ginghams !
50 pieces j : fine Linen Lawns 20c , sodelsewhere | | for 30cand36c25
pieces Best Linen Lawns 26cr sold elsewhere forSBc and 40c ;
150 pieces fast color dress Ginghams , lie , sold elswhere
for I5c ; 60 pieces fancy OraJidie Muslins , 12 l-2c ,
sold else for I5c.
25o ; SCOTCHGTNOIIAMS , 25o ; DOTTE 2fre ,
LACE SWISSES. 40c , 45o , OOc.
Having Closed out-a Largo Stock of Bunting vro open to-day
Pieces : all wool Buntings , black and colored ! , at 15c sold elsewhere a&20c and
and 25c ; 50 pieces best quality , all wool Bunting , 32 inches wide ; Blkck ,
Blue , Cream and White , 26/ inches wide , at 25c ; . others ask SOcand
35c for Imitations.
s :
19 inch DRAP DE FRANCE Qros Grain Black Silk .50 worth .75.
" " " u
" " " . . .
.75 worth 81.00.
" '
" "
" " " . . .
.00 worth 1.25.
" 's ' " " " " . .
§ 1.00 ( best. )
Extra Fine Qualities in Cashmere Finish Black Silks from $ U5 > to 83,00 for the Best , At fll'.OO.s. '
yard we show 50 pices of 22-inoh Colored Bros Brain Dress Silk ; others ask $1,25 and
$ .50 , At 75o a Fine Black Satin , Usually sold for $1,00 $ , At 75o , 85o and [
OOo , Surrah Satins that sell elsewhere for $1,00-to $1,25 $ , At $1,25 $
$1,50 $ , all Silk Surahs andMervilleux , worth $1,75 $ aiid$2,00 $ ,
Hosery ! Hosiery ! ' ! Hosiery ! ! ! Hosiery HE i
75 Dozen Seamless Balbriggin Hose for Ladies or Children , 25 Cents.
Mens' ' Linen Collars , Best Qualities lade , $150 per JDozefl ,
' Linicn Culls , best qualities made , § 2.50 per dozen. Mons' Best Foiled Senm Joan Drnwurs , COc , worth 7Da.-
McnsJ Summer Merino Uundorshirts , S7Ac , worth DOo. Mons1 SuamJeHs Fancy Sox with Colored Silk -
Chicks , 2oo a pair , worth from 40c to GOc. Mons1 Unlnundriod Shirts CDc , worth $1.00.
1319 Farnham St.rflnfc
co' and firm at 3 25@4150 forjfalr to
ojfli ItccciptH , 2,700 ; faiily active ;
ki-rn and Baltimore * , $5 00@5 75 ;
sd necking i , 5 05@5 85 ; choice to fancy ,
0(3 ( 0 10.
Toledo Produce.
TOI.HIIO , .Time 18.
Whet Firm ; Nn. 2 reil ca h , 1 18 ;
e , 1171 1 ; July. 1 l"i ; August , 115J ;
rn uiet ftiiu uncliaiiyi'tl.
Oata- Nowinul.
Liverpool Prodnoo.
Juno 18.
lour Amcrlcnn , SB@lls. )
'hoot Winter , On d © H fid ; wlilto
Jn 7d ' ; Hprinff , l > a@'JaId ; club , Oa 7d@
ni - 1t lid.
irtl - Tifi
ark -
juncll Blufifi General Market.
COUNCIL Ili-urns J na IH.
- .
ni - Knir demand ot 20@20c.
ny - l.'nlr market , with jiiicca nt § 18.
its - Market quiet ; JiliceH , 2Uo.
rood Market ijuiut , with good Hiipply ;
@ 00.
ORH Liifht demand ; prices S-l fiO7B. ! .
ittlo AInrket well Htipplinl , with lit-
ctivity ; prices , § 3 50&i-l ( fiO.
lecp None in market.
liter Good duniaml ; fair , 12c.
gn - 10c.
niltry l10c. )
itntowi New , ? T 00 jicr bbl. ; old $1 00
Inmlifl ,
iloiw-Sl 80C .2 00.
Now Vorlt Produce
NKW YOIIK Juno 18.
our Quiet nnd unchanged. South-
Hour htuady nt % > lO 'fl 70 for good to
whipping extras.
heat Spot closed easier ; options
iL-cr and faitly active ; Hiiot Bales of No.
1 22 ; No , 1 whlto.l 25J and of No.
at I 22J.
- Dull and lower j f ) | > ot Halen of
mix l d at WUii ( r'7i and do white and
iwatlll. i
- Opened dull and 1ft 2e lower ;
for mixed ; 13@50 for white.
'o-Qiiiet at 1 % 10.
ley Nominal ,
- Firm hut ( | idet , Ki7ri@1700 for
Steady hut ( inlet ; June 11 20@11
July 112316 ' . " .
- Quiet and unchanged ,
Meata tjuiet and unchanged ,
'liluky Nominal.
Cincinnati Produce ,
- JfesH. fjtdet at810 50&10 75.
Steady ; prime Htcam , $10 11.
MeaUQnlutj clear nidcH , 88 80 ®
bacon , Ktcauy ; clear nilei9 ( _ 75 ,
Firm ; family , ? , ri " " ' "
neat Firm ; No , 2 rw
- Active ; No. 2 mil
- No 2 mixed. 48c.
ye-Dull ; No. 281 00.
Nominal ,
'htakyrirm ot $1 W. _
Current Paolciair Operatlotui.
Cincinnati 1'rlco.Current of the
hist , reviews the week'u work an fol. ,
ban l > cen little change in the vol v
picking operations during the
The run of IIOKII U proving to lx ) ajj
an . wan anticipated lor the month of
and there in n mateilal impruve-
in the quality at all of thu larger
packing points , which IH favorable for an
increased production of lard , nnd rm thi
article incctH a. better demand nnd more
prompt Halo than tbo other product , there
U more inducement for packurn to
operate freely. Ourreturnn indicate that
the total packing for thu week wax 175,000 ,
agaitiHt the H.IIIIU number last weak , and
J'J5,000 for the corrcHpondlng week last
year , making thu total to ilatu thin BCONOII
Binco March 1 , 1,070,000 , againxt 2,325,000
a year ago , iwowing a decreaxu of 055,000
in the number nf hogn packed this HCOHOII.
Our infonnatinn la to the effect thnt
there will bo a fair supply of hogH of good
quality , for minimcr Ntock during thu re-
malnder of thin month , and poHsibly until
the mlddlo of July. Thu high prlci-R
which ha\u prevailed during the Hpring
havu had the legitimate effect of inducing
the fanncrH to fatten all available Block
for early mimmer marketing , hut thcro IH
not enough of Hiich Ntock to bring the re-
eel nt.i up to last year.
Hiiecial reports nhow the number of hogH
packed from March 1 to clatu mid latent
mail daten at thu undermentioned placcx ,
with coniparlxoiiM , as follows ;
To Juno IB 1881. 1880.
Chicago 075,000 3,820,000
Cincinnati 47,000 40,000
St.JyjulH 143.MX ) 158,500
Milwaukee 43.7U4 40,415
Konnan City 101,208 105,000
Cedar llaplda 74,001 114,005
Cleveland 82,555 145,000
Ottumwa , Iowa 27,170 23SOU
Detroit 12,415 10.200
Dun Moinen , Iowa. . , . 20,200 27,000 ,
IndianapollH 110,700 185,000
Atchlho 115,013
In Which Poisoning Plays a
Prominent Part.
Special lHnjiaUli to Tlio Duo ,
BUTTON , Neb. , Juno 18 , The cor-
onor'fi jury in the Anderson-Johnson
poisoning case , has issued a warrant
for the iirrcbt of Anderson , who ap
peared before Juatico Lahow for pro-
liiiiimiry oxaniination , nnd nftor hearing -
ing thu case the prisoner WIIH commit
ted to the county jail without bail , to
appear nt the diatriut court. Thu
widow , Mi'H. Johnson , \vaa held under
lioavy jUbouda to nppunr as n
witness for thu stntu. Wlion
in the course of tlio examination
. .
tion Mm , Johnson'd clmructer WIIH as
sailed , olio became much excited nnd
testified < thnt she licensed Anderson ,
who arrived just previous to the death ,
of giving her husband whiskey. He
replied , "My God , do you think I
poisoned him. " If ho did lie admitted
ho would have to answer to God for
it. Immediately after this ho Bat
down and offered a strange prayer for
tlio soul of the dyiiiL' man. Boon after
the funeral , Anderson proposed to tlio
widow that ho would como over and
live with her , taking the old man's
place , she assenting provided it was
God's will.
During Mr. Johnson's testimony ,
Anderson becnmo much agitated. .
The prisoner watched the witnesses.
closely until Dr. Clark was called
, ,
The doctor exhibited to tlio court ,
the apparatus used for detecting the
nrsonio showed the characteristic
metallic deposits in the Marsh tentr
when ho , the prisoner , looked down ,
nnd seemed very despondent. The
unsolved problem in the case is , waa.
tlioro uny conspiracy between tlm
widow and Anderson. Uagloy nnd.
IJoinis are counsel for defense.
_ LJ of Indian Attain , Waihliij'ton , June 15.
1881. Brnluil lirojioiinlH , Iniloreuil "I'roporaU fur
Hoof , " ami directed to the CoiiiinlsMlonc'r of In
dian Alfalrn ' , Vathlnuton , I ) . O. , lll bu rc'ccUcil
until 11 o'clock a. \Vedncjda ) ' , July iOUi 1081.
for funilehlnir for the Indian Hervlcu , HWAOOO
liouiiili Ilt't'f on tlio hoof.
Itldu miikt he niado tint on ( lot eminent Manic * .
Belied iiluHnhortln the imnntltleii to l/i > deliver
ed nt each AKC'tu-y ,
together with lilank Iiro.osal |
and form uf eontractn anil hand , conditions , to
liu obsorvcd by hlddcni , tlniu and jilacu of. dull v-
i'O' , and all other ncvnuiary liiutructlonn lll Ixi
furnlnlicd Uioiiaiiilliatlon | | | to the Indian Ofllta
at Washington 1) . C. or Nov. ( ifi and 47 U'ootter
Ktroot , New York ; W" . II. I on 4SU llroadnav Nuw
Vork , ninl to Comml ( > N.irlfn ot Sulnlntento , U. H.
A. at Rilut l/iiln. '
Chicago , Kalnt I'aul , l. < aviii-
Horth , Uiimha , L'huyviino , and Yankton , incltlm
I'ontinaiitcr at Nloux City ,
Ulds 111 | jo opened at th .ho rilndd y abo\u
Mated , and biJdcru aru United to hurcetuitattlio | )
AH lildsniunt hu > ecoiii | > aliiud hy certulcd tlicckt
UKiiHoina | United titatun Dvjioiiltory or AwUtanL.
Treasurer , for at leant lltujic-r rent nf the amount
of the projxxnl , II , I'ltlUK ,
U , B. Ltxp Ofrici , WonroLK , NKB. )
May mhlStil. |
Coiiccriiltifr N. W. J Kcc. ( l , Touimhln 18 , North
of Uangu 11 , Kahtolctli 1'rlni-ipol
To William Corlxtt , - Jforrcll , Tliomas
IJojcru , J , II. Wlilttlcr , Klijali ii. llobbs , and
to all whom It imy concern.
You are licrcliy uotllltxl tlmt on Ilio Dth day of
September A. I ) . 1U57 , onu WlllUm Corliutt , Illwl
lila Dcdnratory Ktatcincnt , No , tOOO , upon thu
N , W. ] of Bvctlon fi , Township 10 , Noith of
HaiiRo 11 Kut of the Utli rrliclal | Meridian , and
on tnu lllitilny of naiuo month loratnl thcrcou
Military Itounty I iiiil Warrant No. M,17I , act
of 1B17 , Mhlih warrant was found to h\u l > o >
located atUoundl Illnrrn , Iowa , October lit , 1869
on land In that land district. Tlio "location" wa
rancilud liy letter of Hon. C'oiiiiululoiier of th
llencrol Land otllco , dated July Wth I BOO. an
tlia counterfeit ccrtlflcato returnud to thu loca
oillco , and tli otllcru ln tnat l to notify Corbet
of thoaUlou taken | and tliataa his pre-emptlo
rlyht luul been approMxI.ho ould bo | WfmlttoJ to
locate said tract with a talld and legally 01-
olinid warrant , or to substitute caJh In launcnt.
therefor ; that no lof'al notko of the said uttloii
of the cominltsloncr Mubroiy lit hoinu U nalil
Corbctt. or to any jiarty r naf tics who succeeded
to his rlk'hts , and It np | > carinr from the record *
of Douglas county , Nebrnka , that J. U. Whlttler.
and KIIJuli M. llobbi , are tbo legal nuccxusorstot
tiald Corhitt to the titlu of yalcf N , W. i Sec.
Town. 10 , North of italic 11 Kantof Otli 1' . JI.
The lion , Commissioner of thu General IrJ
otllco hog under dito of Hay 4th , 1KSI deckled
that thu Kild Whlttcr
and llobbu arc entitled to
locatu IhoHulJ tract with MarranU , or to BUli tl-
tutouuh In i > a ) merit therefor ; an follow * , to-wlt
J. II. Whlttfor for the KJ of N. W. 1-5-lU-tlK
Elijah U. llobl.a for thu Wi of K. .
Thirty clajslrom tbo date of tto flrut publi
of thla notice aru allowed. In which n apj >
from talJ decUloa may bo Clod lu thg local
oillco ,
If 110 appeal Uniod , ninety 'darn from cxrira-
tlouof the said thirty daj sro allowed the ulil
Whlttlcr and lloblui In uhlch to offer the
coiuldoratlon for the talJ troctt ,
niSO vlrin