THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JUNE ! > 0 , ISSi THE WORLD OVER , A Okoios Collection of Events ' . Bathorecl in a Day , lUmbracing Every Phase of Life at Home arid Abroad. ' PAIUS Juno IS. There wnsn great anti-Italian ilcinoiistrntion at Mar seilles last niqlit , which , nt ono time , threatened to assume vury serious proportions. When the firfct detach * incut < if tlio troops returning from the Tunisnn expedition inarched past tlio It : il inn clnli house some of tholtnlinn.s gathcied on the stops nnd at tlio windows dews hissed , wliicli so infuriated tlio French populace on the sidewalk , that in n few moments there was hardly an unbroken pane of glass in the entire front of the building. Stones How thick nnd fait and uticsto lynch the Italians were frequent. Homo of the mob en- dcaVorcd to carry out this threat by chasinu members of the club into thd upper story nnd into tlio neighboring buildings. The mob was n well- dressed ono. Several local officials were conspicuous in it and ono mem * her of the municipal council tore the Italian escutcheon from the club and thro.v it into the streets. Tlio mob did noi disperse until it had created a general havoc in the club rooms and then only with long and prolonged cheers of "Abas L'ltaho. " The police , who seemed to 'be ' nowhere in sight when thtt tu mult was at its height , arrived nfter the mob had loft the club-house , nnd . formed a guard at the door to prevent further excess. News of the ull'air spread quickly over all Marseilles and ' the greatest excitement prevailed late into the night. Fresh crowds gathered in front of the Italian club from time to time , giving utterance to the Name resentful tooling towards the Italians , and "Abas L'ltalio" was heard in the streets nnd cafes until long past midnight. Ocean mjin.ftt.or. National Anocintul 1'rcM. LO.VDOX , Juno -Dispatches from Melbourne confirm the loss of the Austrian mail steamer Tararna , to- . Aether with over one hundred lives , iticludiii" four Now Xealand delegates to the Wesleyan general conference , which meets at Adelaide. The names of the four ministers are Connelly , Armitago , Mitchell and' Richardson. The steamer was makitig her regular voyage from Dunudin to Melbourne when the disaster took place. SAH Antonio Paragraph ) ) . Niitloml ociatcd I'resi. ' , SAW A > 'i > oxio , Juno 18. The reve nue cutter Corwin , on exploring ox- dedition , has arrived at Ommlaska , en. route to Seal Islands , thence to Plover Bay'and the northern shores \of Asia. Houry Williams , an assayer , was killed by the bursting of a shotgun at Brooklyn iniiio , near Reno. William Shaw committed suicide at Tucson by tying his hands and lying down in a water ditch. ' < Prlsoo Plushes. National Associated 1'rcss. „ SAN FUANUIMIO , Juno 18. The HU- . promo court haa issued a writ of prohibition - . , _ hibition against the superior judges , who have granted injunctions , com manding them to stop nil proceedings in the Slicken'w case until further or der of the court and show cause on , , the 15th of July why the writ should not be made perpetual. This takes , the debris question out of the courts. Moses C. Andross , ox-stato ! senator from Tuolunno died to-day. Blazing Tnllow in Hogvillo. National AMiotiaUM I'rcm. Juno 18. At IJiiiO o'clock this morning , Girt \ - Atkin son's soap and oil works , Fifth street , near Eagleston avenue , was found to be on lire. Tlio flames spread with wonderful rapidity and alarm. nfter alarm was turned in. At ono , time it looked as if the whole of that of the city would go. "Burning oil and 'grease nmdo a great bla/.o , visible all o vor the city. The fifth bouse of the same firm took fire , and all are a total loss. At four a terrific explosion took place-in the building by bur ning oil and grease. A few moments after the wall fell in with n crash. Tlio building destroyed was full of ' " Heap and tallow candles and bon/ino. The loss is not less than $100,000 , , Haincs1 Hoaij works ami two ro\vs of brick dwellings adjoining , used as tenements , wore badly damaged but it is not known to what extent. A Dyer to Llvo , National AFioi'Utcd I'rcJS. CiivKt.AKii : ( pliio. , .rune 18. The Penny Prosu contains an account of a clear case of Enoch Arden , Five years ago James Dyer was reported lost on the steamer Harvest on Lake Michigan. After some time his wife married n man named Andrews. Lately Dyer turned up and Roiighl , out his ox-wifo and during the ab- sense of Andrews , removed Homo o the furniture nnd wearing apparel t < ' Chicago. The woman is respectable nnd sensitive , nnd brooded over he inisfoiluno , but decided note to yield to Dyer'u demands. Another Expedition. National AtxH'laM I'rtiw. AMOIHA , Oivgon , Juno 18. Ad vices from OunalaHkn to-day , undo date of May ' "J , state that the revenue nuo cutter "Corwin , " Cnpt , Hoopei arrived there May 17th , and wa making active preparations to leav for Seal Island , going hence to Nun irok , on I'laver bay , Siberia. H will there land sledge parties to vis ! the shores of Asia. At Ommluska h took on a full supply of fuel and cov ered all hisslodges with soalionskins NEW YORK NOTES. - National Assochtixl J'rcw. NEW VOKK , Juno 18. The presi dents of the trunk lines at a meetin i just held resolved not to countenanc any time contracts. floury llergh , president of the BO cioty for the prevention of cruelty t animals , lias written a letter to th New York State association for th protection of iish and game , sharpl criticising the coming pigeon shoot u 2,000 birds \u test Iho skill of th members at the Conuy Island tournu . inent. ' William Elnor , aged 15 , died las vvening from ovorstudy at school , an Lizzie McOuiro , aged 10 , residing few blocks from Elnor'n , uttempte . * , ' 4 I uiciilo yc t6rjfty by jniiiping into tlio Cnit river liccauso fiho failed to paf.1 xnliiinntion for tlib Normal college. ho was rescued liy a bofitinnn as she as sinkintj f ir the third time. The contract of the Italian govern- lent for nil the Kentucky tobacco it fill want this year , was closed with Inns * Mathias of JMainbein , Ger- inny , a few days ago , hut the exact onus are unknown yet , and trade ere , is much excited on the mibicct. Jids woio invited for fifteen million liloaraininos , uqtml t i 22,000 hogs- cans. aieiMH. Abonhoim ifcCo. , Now i ork , agents f'ir thoBticccssful bidders , ay that tlioir cable advices uniuntiico hat the contract was for 7 )00,000 : ilograii'imcs only , or about 11,000 ogshoads , hut tho'firm ' gain the priv- e/o ! of delivering a few thousand ogshoads moio , and was secured gainst competition by a condition mt no other contract was to bo nmdo lis year. Other firms say the Italian ovornmont would not have ndver sed for 22f)00 , hogsheads if had wanted only 11,000 , id no government that Authorizes ; 10 tobacco trade o vor grants condl- onal contracts. Yost , Koso fc Go , , nd Gieuson are said to have received able dispatches milting the contract 121,000 hogsheads without condition.- ) r privileges Future prices of to- acco hero and in Kentucky depends irgely on thu extent of this contract. Doitruotlvo Flro. atlonnl AnvKlatcil I'rcxs Ai'i'LKTO.v , Win. , Juno 18 , The Vpnloton woolou mills , owned by lutchinson , lleovcs it Hanvood , and largo furniture factory adjoining , wned by J. F. Atkinson iv IJro. , f New York , were burned ist night. Loss on mill , iiO,000 ; on factory , 825,000. , An mployo at the latter place , named Jorun , was caught in tlio building nil burned to death. Those being lie principal industries of the place , ver ! IOO men are thrown out of cm- loyment. A Now Nolirnska Rnilrond. TOI-KKA , Kansas , July 18. The itost important railroad enterprise ioro is the incorporation ol the "No- iraaka , I'opoka , Iowa it Momphis" oad , the papora for which Jiavl ) just been liled. The road is to run from his point south , to Girard , Kansas , bunco south through Missouri ami Vrkansas to Momphis. It will ilso run from this point lorth to Lincoln , Nebraska , iistorn capitalists Imvo agreeil to take ho bonds and HB.IMIIIU thu construe- ion , aid for which will bo voted by ho townships through which the oad passes. All preparations are made or the survey. f.Tho route will raverso a country having nil railroad acilitips at present , tapping the rich oal mines in southern Kansas and lissouri. Tlio Stomach. Aolio. 'attonal Associated I'rcss. OIIIOAOO , Juno 18. For the first iiuo nincu the commencement of the ust Griscom to-day complains of feei ng badly. Ho slept about six hours ist night , but it did not rest him. 'ho trouble this morning was weakness nd sinking sensation. lie explains liat these symptoms are not alarming , liat a fasting man must expect fiud- o i ottintc down oyorypveelcor two , nit after goUiiig accust'omed fo theme o expects to feul as well as ever. His voight , this noon , shows iv loss in the last 24 hoiirn of -pounds 1 , or 2 ! ) in n the past 21 diiys. The tomporatiiro s ! )8A ) , respiration 1-1 , pulse i > 8 , but ery weak. Twasn't Iioniloil. 'iittonal Axsoclatvil 1'rexK. llixo : , Novv Juno 18 Assayer ionry _ Williams was killed at Urook- ; n this morning by the bursting of u iiotgun. A Dnrk Layout. atloiml ABDOclatud l'res.1. LKAIIVII.I.K , ColJuno 18. Gilbert , ho was to have boon hanged to-day , iw been reprieved by Gov. Pitkin for urty-ono days : Poorliv's doat Pallors. 'utlnnixl AMoihituil 1'renx , CiuoAfio , Juno 18. The crows of lie Furragust boat club loft for Pee ia this morning to practice over the ourso of thu , Mississippi Valley ro- ; atta , which begins Wodnesday. A Terrible Death. Corroimndcnco of TIIK llr.K. FUKMONT , Neb , , Juno 18. Last ovtiiing Dodge county met a severe QSS in thu accidental death of Mr. fohn Kern , a .prominent man ami armor of this locality. At the tinlo of his death .Mr. JCuni owned quite a lord of blooded tcattlu and it was vhilo nttonding and caring for them .hat1 ho came to his horrible death , lo had been out in the pasture herd- ng the cattle all day , nnd towards evening ho lay down upon the grass .o rest , first tying his horHos's bridle rein io his ivrist so that it might not gut away from him. Being tired am p-eatly exhausted Mr. Kern fell ti sloop , and his horse , becoming fright ened , ran nway drawing him alonj , until ho was bruised and beaten to death. When found ho was fearfully mangled and life was wholly extinct Mr. Kern was an old and highly OB teemed eiti/.en of Dodge county , ami at the time of his decease , quite i wealthy nmn , Ho IOIVVOH throe o four Bens , men grown , residents of th county , who are all well-to-do. Ii their present allliction they have' ' th unqualified sympathy of the ontir community in which they live. J. T. S. niJOKLEN'S AUNIOA SALVE. The MUST SAI.VK in the worW fo Cuts , IJrusios , Sores , Ulcers , , Sal lUioum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chnpp od llaiuld , Chilblains , Corns , and a kinds of 8kin Eruptions. This Salv is guaranteed to give perfect sutisfuo tion in every case or money rolundet Fi ice 25 cunts prbox. For sale b 8dly W A MuMulioji Omaha. Tito Bound Uulooied C'hau , Tliouiiuon , Franklin tix-ct , Uuf fulo , ayB ! "i Jmve BUfremj fr n jOI . tmi ( VJthconstlpatioii , mid jricd alnntet cyerj innvative uilvertlbCil , but < dy nuultini ; ii teniiiorory relief , un.l nfter ' 'coiwHiwUiiii HUIiinr | | nitfravuteil.1 I wiw toW noon your hniiMi liuixhou ami tried it , 1 c i now bay I urn cured , nnd tluiuiHi BHIIII iiwiiUw lime elaiwed , utill renialu wi. ] khall , luiweyer , idwuyd Leep tuiiiio un liam ' , , " "f "ll1 cuiuiilftluU rvtnniiiii.1 Price W ) cents , t ial bottle * 10 cents. lOetxtlw , SOCIAL SIMMERINGS , Over the Flame oud Dust of the Heated Term , The Festive Pionio and the Light Fantastic , While Cuoid Stirs the Com pound With His Arrow. Society Noton and Polite Personal ! tlen , If heat and dust oxcrciso any inllu- nco over social pleasured , the past cck flhoultl bo sot down as very un- vontful. IJut society refuses to bo mmpored by any such trilles as a lack f sprinkling carts or the height of io thermometer , and while Hanscom iark and a shady lawn are available ill not bo deprived of its accustomed ( ensures. So although thu closing ays of Juno can scarcely bo called the eight of thu social season wo have overal important events to chronicle uring the week , the first of which is to MOONMIIIIT I'IC'MI hich took place at Hanscom's park n Monday evening. The picnic was cry informal and correspondingly en- lyablo. The following ladies aim untlemcn composed the party : A. 12. 'ouzalin and daughter , Mr , and Mrs. 'brail. 1 Miss Alice Thrall , Col. J. J. ) ickey , Miss Hello Dickey , lion. G. V. Doano and wife , Miss Doano , Miss Veils , Miss Uarkalow , Miss Stuelo , lisa Wakoloy , Miss Horlin , Miss lull , Messrs. Uoss , Morris , llingwalt , 'atnpk. Drake , Wood , and Nuwt. 3arkalowt COMiaiMKNTAHY HUl'I'KIl. On Tuesday evening a' supper in loner of Consul Uenj. Harrows was iven at the residence of Mr. Joseph ilillard , on Farnham Htrcot , to a so- cct circle of that gentleman's friends , 'ho close of the afternoon was spent i ; social converse , and at seven 'clock the party sat'down to an olo- ; antly prepared Hiipper. The invited ; uests were Judge Wukoly , General ilanderson , L. M. Uennett , P. AV. litchcock , Marahal Uiorbower , 0. E. rest , E. M. Horseman , J. W. (5an- ett , W. V. Morsu , William Wallace , jyman llichardson , G. W. Liningcr , . C. Cowin , Exrsi Millard , Webster Snydur , L. S. Heed , J. M. Watson , Uclmrd Carrier. A IIKMOIITKUL OCl'ASIOX. A most delightful little party was ivon Friday evening by the Misses ittuand Lixzio Wells. The early veiling until eleven o'clock was picas- ntly spent in conversation and danc- ng , when the Gorman was taken up nil was not concluded until early in ho morning. Although * the party was Imost impromptu and very informal most enjoyable evening was spent iy all the participants. Among those ircsunt woru'tho Misses DoanoStcele , Jerlin , Wakcly , Horbach , IJurkalow , loss , Hall , nnd Mrs. Price , of Fro- nonti muFHoBsrs. Drake , WoodBor- in , Jos. M. Ross , Clarksou N. Uarka- owSavagoW. U. Scottand llingwalt NOTK.S. "It isn't that kind of a picnic. " Master John McCormick celebrated lis thirteenth birthday on Thursday ifternoon. by giving a party to his nimerous young friends. About fifty 'oung ladies and gentlemen respond- -d to the invitation and passed such in afternoon and evening of onjoy- nont as only children can. If Mas- cr McCormick has one-half of the uippy anniversaries of the occasion vhich were wished him by his friends to will live to bo as old as Mothnsa- eh and enjoy his thousand years u lundrod times as much. A number of Omaha's young Indies lave been spending the week with the liases Wells nnd participating in n carnival of social enjoyment. The Pleasant Hours club contom- ilnto giving a moonlight party in Honscom park early in July. I'OI.ITK VKHSOSAUTIKX. Herbert Thayer , of Rock Creek , is .n the city. News from Now York reports Mr. Arthur Wakoloy as rapidly recovering Tom his s'evoro illness. Mrs. llaapke returns this week Tom Europe , where she has been Bponding'oightoon months. Mrs. M. T. Latcy , who was in this city last week to witness the niarriagu of Jior sister , Miss Elln Spoor , has ro- ; irnod | to St. Louis. Mr. Dana S. Landur has gone cast on a visit to his old homo in Michi gan. gan.Miss Miss Mnttio Kennedy and Miss Ad- die Kennedy have gone to St. Louis on a visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonncss of Detroit , are visiting their daughter , Mrs. Cas per E. Yost in this city. Hon. William II. Ijams , who has been sufiuring for two months past with inlluinmatory rhoumatifiiii leaves next week for Hot Springs , Ark. , whither ho will bo accompanied , by hia daughter Miss Lou Tjama. Mi-s , Price of Fremont , formerly Miss Josie Goodalo is visiting hoi friends in this city , 11VMKNEAI. . On Wednesday afternoon Mi Thomas F , Rogers and Miss Elln Spoor were married at the residence of thu bride's father , Capt. N. T. Spoor , the Rev. W , J. Harsha officia ting. Although the near approach ol the event ivaa generally anticipated thu wedding was n surprise to manyol thu numerous friends of thu contract' ing parties , nonu but the near rok' lives being present nt the ceremony , The newly married couple will spend their honeymoon in the east. Mr. T. P. Mnhonoy of the U. J' , auditor's office and Miss Nellie Powol were married at St. Fhilomonu cathedral dral on Tuesday morning by Rev Father English. A largo number p friends witnessed thu ceremony am accompanied the bridal party to Coun cil Ulufi'a on their way cast , Mr. Pf trick Do\yitt ami Miss Knti McCafi'roy , were married at P i. Philo menu cathedral Thursday , by the Rev Father English. Mr. and Mrs. Do vitt left on thu afternoon train fo Washington , Iowa. , whore they wil nmiain a few weeks among relative and friends. The many friends will join TIIK lir.r in wishing them n long and prosperous life. A SURE SURERECIPE RECIPE I FOP Fine Complexions , Positive relief and immnnity from complcxionnlblemishes nifty lo ) found ill Hngnn's Mag nolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug * gists everywhere. It Imparts the most brilliant and Hlb-llko tints , and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly dlscolorn- tlons , eruptions , ring marks nndortho oycssallownessrcd- ness , ronglmcsg , nnd the flash of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag nolia. Balm. It is the ono incomparable Cosmetic , ' the most direct , qulclcst , nnd C'or.vcit lli.rrn and OMAHA , the COVSIKKCIAI , C'KNIKRH from whlih mdl.ito EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from Hie .Missouri lllvcr to tlio I'adflc .SIoi ] . The CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PA CIFIC IIAILWAY Iti the only line from Chicago ouiilii - track Into Kainai , or which , liy IN o n road , reaches the polntdahoto nanitil. No TIIAMHT.IIS nvCuiniuiKl JlO MlKtl.SU lUVNrCTlONHl No hllddllll III 111- \cntll.itulor uiiLltnn i-.irn , as c\crv ] seii'cr Is cnrrleil In roomy , clean nnduntllatcd coaches , u ] > oii Kant KxtirvHS Train * . DAY CAKH of tmriuilcd inn ilflcencc , Pn.uux PAL\CK SLKKTIMI UAIIH. nnd ouroum\orM-famoii ! < DiMsn CARH , < MKIII vhich mcaNaruBcncd of 1111- Burixisswl cMellciK'c , nt thu low rate of SKLNTV. . KINK CKNTH KACII , ulthnmplo time for healthful enjoyment. 'llirouj-h Cntn between ChliaKO , I'corln , Mil- nankcc ami Mls < ourl ltl\ur Points and clov.- con * iifitlons at nil iwllita of Intersection Hi til othir roads. Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to every place nf InijiortAtice In Ixnnsas , Nehni ka , lUauk 11111:1 , W.Miiiiln , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , California , OrcrtiiVnshliiKton ! Territory , Colorado , Arizona and New Mexico. As lllieral nrranjcmcnts rcKardliiff ha sase as any other line , and rates of faro nlwayo as ow as competitors , ho furnish but a tithoof the com fort. fort.llo s nnd tackle nf sportsmen free. Tlckctx , maM and folders at nil principal ticket olllccs In the United States and Canada. It. U. CAHI.K , K. ST. JOHN , Vleo 1'ret't & ( len * > 0 en. Tkt. mid 1'ass'r Ajjt Mauajfcr , Chicago. No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whore direct rannoctiona are made with Through SLKKl'INO OAll LINES for * NEW YOIIK , nOSTON , rillLADELl'IIIA , BALTIJIOIIE , W'ASIIINQTON AND ALL EASTERN IT1ES. .The Short Line via , Peoria Vat INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- Vll.t.i : , and all points In tlio TIIK BEST UMI For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connection ) are made In tlio Unioi Depot x\tth the Through Sleeping Car Lines for ALL POINTS soxr-apjac. NEW LINEDES - MOINES THE FAVOUITE 110UTE FOK Rock Island. Tlio unc < ivalcd Inducements ottered by this Ilm to travelers and tourists are as follow ; The celebrated PULLMAN ( lJ.\\hocl ( ) J'ALACl SLKKI'INO t'AIIS run only on this line C. , II H O , . i'ALAUi : DllAWINO UOOM CAIISltl Morton's Itccllnlng C'lialm. No extra thargo fo tusvts In Itccliidng Chain. The famous C. , 1) . I O. J'alaco Dining Cars. .Uorgiom Smoking Car tutud Ith elegant hlgli-backod rattan \oUlni clialM , for the cxtlushe use of tlr t-clu jawcn uvr ? Steel Track and superior equipment combine ! with their gauat through car arungemciit , make this. alK e all others , the favorite route to th Kant , South and bouthoast. Try It , and ) ou will Hud tra > cling a luxury In dteaa of a ilUomfort. , . , , , Tlirough tlikt-U \ io this cclebratwl line for eal at all oilfccs In thu United States and Canada. All Inlornutlon about rates ot fare , Sleciiln Cur aocoiuuukhtloiw , TIme Tables , etc. , 111 L clieirfully gt > eu by ajipljlng to JAMES H. WOOD , Genera ! Paswnger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTEH , Ocjiiiral Miuuuur Chlcatro , /1IVIL. MECHANIOAU AND MINING Eh \j QINEERINQ nt the Rennelear Polytecl nlc Inttltute. Troy , N. Y. 'nie oldc t engliiec Ing - l In AiuiTlia. term in be tfiuU-r ISlh. The KctfliU'r lor ISsO-Sl IU ul thu graduates ( ur the ju t M j on > , ir their j .i ltT < > iuj a1 j , courw vl study , .res menu , , tc. I , GREENE , Director. AOENT8 WANTED FOR FX8IMI SBLU50 DOCKS OF TIIK Ponndations of Success IHUS1NBSS AND SOCIAL FOHMS.I trrulB , lcjr I forms , how to trans act tm lnc % vulii.itile taWc' , racial etiquette , tnrllniiientnry tiia c , how to conduct pulille bn l > new ; In fact It H A complete Guide to bneccM for All eA c < . A family nwc lty. AiMrc i for clr < ctihr * nml n < cclal tcniu ANCHOli rUULtSIIINO CO. . SU/niU. Xlo. KENNEDY'S" EAST - INDIAn S § E O O i _ 3fl P3 " > BITTERS ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. BVROS RKRD. LHU1S nHKD BYRON REED & GO. 01.Ur.HT mAlUIURD Eeal Estate' Agency IN NEBRASKA. Keep n complete abstract ot tlllo to nil Ren Estate n Onulm nnd DouvlM cotuity. mntf Nebraska Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , ICOB Farnham 8t Omaha , Nebraska. 400,000 .flLGDEUEISS Carefully selected l.-viul In Knitcrn Nebraska for Kilo. Or cat Ulrf.'niiia In Improved farnu , nnl Omaha city jirotrerty. 0. A. IJAVIS. WEDSTKIl SNYDKIl. lAte Uml Com'r U. T. II. 11. 4p-fclitf Dexter L.ThomasMro , WILIi BUY AND SELL A.VD ALL TRANSACTIONS Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. IF TOU WANT TO llty OH BELL Call at Office , Room 8 , CrclRhlon Block , Gnuhsi. THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE HM rcnio cd to 1420 Douglas Street , bct 'ccii lUli nml street * , ( Opii. lliihhnian'a ) . Nuw and Second lliiim Inxiku buu 'h c\i-lmi''f'cl. RIPVf1 ! EC lamAsciit forCOLUJIUIA DIU I ULuOinii'lUlTO ' IHCVCl.Kd. Send three-cent stamp for Catalo uo and I'rico List containing full information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oil and Glass. OMAHA , NEB. BOAUD OF Notice H licrcliy xh en that In accordance u Ith section TO of an act of the I.cililntiirc of the tatuo ( Nclimslin entitled "All act to ] iro\Idu a } tcni of llvteniiu , " approved Jlarcli 1,1S7I ) , the county commissioner * uf DOIIKI H loiuitj , No braika , will at tlie ottlceof the unnity elcrk at O MI.ilia , In mid county , for ten Mici.-0-Nivu , commentIll.Monday ! , .lime 20. IbSl , for the pur pose of ciii.illzln | and correcting ; the ausexsmcnt rollxof thetiexcroliirccliicU of KtUI county for the year 1831. All persons feeling aggrieved , liy an\ tiling contained in said avsc-wnient n > lls must rpply at the time above tatc l as pro Ided by law. JOHN It. AlASciikHTPii , Omaha , June 13th , 1881. Countv Clerk. _ _ ilOtlt J. R. Mackey , DENTIST , Corner 15th and Douglas Sts , Omaha , Neb. Prli-cs Hivasonalilo. op23-3w A. I , KASOI , Bentist. OKFICK Jacobs' Block , oorncr Capitol a\cnuo and Fifteenth utreet , Onulia Neb. Any ono ha\ins dead animals I will remove them free ol charge. Lca\e orders Boulheast corner of Hartley and 14th St. , second door. CIIAULES Sl'MTT. Business College. THE BKEAT WESTERS CEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. jtZTSend for Circular. nov20J4 t SO ? . X.OT7XS PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 219 Norlh Slain St. , St. Uuu , WHOLrSALK PKALKKS IN BOOK , i DADCDC jwniTiNar NEWS , r rnrtnO IWUAWMNO , ENVELOPES , CAUD HOARD AND Printers Stock. f2TCash pnld lor JUgs and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and Mtt.ib. I'ujier Stock' Warehouses 12-29 to 1237 , North SUth utrect. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , E ICth and Dodge Sti. , Omaha , Neb t ThU agency docs HTUicTLTa brokerage biulncsa. Doc * not iKcuUto , and therefore Any tiargnlna on Hi book * are Insured to IU patroni , Inttead ol bglni ; irobbled up by tlio a'fiit. JOS. R. CLAKK80X. 0. i , HUNT , Glarkson & Hunt , Successors to Itlchards & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , S. 14th Street , Omvha , Neb. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with d. M.Woolworth. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Room 0 CrclghtouUth&ml Doughs jtrtxti. Omaha , A POT. A HIT Collins Cheyenne , * VJJAWikj Colorado Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! , - . . -.i- ; LATE 'AND NOBBY STYLES' ' "l * FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. : t Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ' " ' ' .U THK LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Prices to Suit All ! I 1322 FARNHAM'STREET , \ . ' \ NEAR FOURTKKNTII. A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor , Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BAKGAINS IX LADIES' AND GENT'S , M > r AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diamonds. Wo Guarante the Best Goods for the LeastMoney a g21-stt _ _ - t THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHINC HOUSE. M. HELLMAN. & CO , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Largest Clothing Hoifse lest of Chicago , A Department for Children's Clothing. We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower' than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDE3R on very short notice. 30 ! and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 13th J. A. WAKEFIELD , * ' ' ' * * - * ' WIIOLESAEE AND IHZTAIL'DEALEIl'T : ? 1 Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , * 3TSTATE AGENT TOll illLAVAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB. TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA ! We take the liberty to call your attention to the fact that we have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF THE ONLY First-Class Summer Stove EXISTENCE. Bonio of its many advantages aru that timlor no coilditionu will it PRODUCE SMOKE , DIHT OR ODOR , Thu furniture from any other slovp can be used on them , including any sized WASH HOILER. The work required f any wood or coal c < ) k utovu bo ( tone on them , liciiij , ' IH.T- feet in each dqmrtiiiviit : Oooking , Baking , Washing & Ironing They can bo iihed out in tlio uiiul M well iw in door * . They can only b < j appreciated AFTER A FAIR TRIAL. In imrtlia. < iii ( ; a kiiinmer F to\e , you \\ill have cau e to rejjiet if you dun't iiiBi > oct and give time atuvei afalr and iintmrtbl trial. For Sale Only by byDAN. DAN. SULLiyAN & SON'Sv f < . / . eU-eod-lm I'UCf'Parnham St'/Omaha , Neb.