THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JUNE 18J18816 HONEY FOR 1HE LADIES. jacket * arc again worn. ' In thin materials belted wal ts are fash ionable. The latest cra e in art-work is bronzing pla ter ca ts. Very little jentlry is worn with white toilets. The bracelets are In Scandinavian of Coptic designs. White linnets are worn with ( black and f-ober toilet * . Cut jet Is glittering , Pea jet Is dull and iion-lustrou > . Hovplalted and "hit rctl corsages grow in l > opularity. Bright yellow silk mit me worn with toilets { lilack. Leadville servant girls w car ornaments of virgin gold. Vlat , ( screen-shaped fans of Japanese lie- Mgns are the most fashionable : The new rocco buttons have steel facets and are studded with mock jewels. Wreaths of oats blos ems arc twined around hats designed for country weir. Pulls of thehoft , sagging kind called TjOtils XIV. arc much u ed for grena dines. It is the correct thin ? to fervc strawber ries at dinner in llttlu 'baskets of utraw or gla s. Obelisk hats are trimmed titofuscly around the crown with long , rich , heavy ostrich plumes- Vancy bracelets and neck ties and pins , mounted w Ith injects and < xld designs , lire much wont. Throatletonnd wrintlets of black velvet , trimmed with a network of bead and with coin jiendauts , ate coming Into vogue. The large Ann of Austria collars , covered - ed with fine embroidery , are worn over dresses of white linen lawn. Chair stripes w > fi pillows , mantel lam- breipdn.s , and tidies of blur satin , worked in bright colors in silk and wool , suit any kind of furniture. New parasol handles are in the form of Hword-hilU or champagne corks. It is hard to tell which is the worst taste. Self luminous photographs arc attracting much public attention In Vienna. They nrc intended for housu decoration and in the nark are beautifully phophoiCMCcnt. "Five o'clock cream jugs" and ' 'tennis aprons" are among the latent agonies. Nn truly cxthetii : family ran alford to bu with out them , but all the rest of us w ill have tu struggle along juat as of old. An eccentric faidiion is to put while and bl.ick ostrich plumes on opposite sldu ol the brim of a. black chip hat , separated by n bow ol white satin over vvhlto Spanish lace , while thu brim Is lined with white satin nnd white .Spanish late frilled in nnd held down w ith ft row of largu cut jet beads. An Indianapolis girl hns written n poem nbout icc-cicam , nnd calls It a "frnren ilieam. " Wait till It thaws inside of you , HIS. You will not feel like writing any more poetry , but your general knowledge on the mibjcct of ice-cienm will be puluful- ly enlarged. The newest styles in I'Vcm-h jiai.asoln are called Artiste , liohini-im mid Ninon. The At title is In cretonne , studded witli birds nnd decorated with n palette of colors ; the Itohinson has fifteen ribn , and Is covered with f ion ens : the Ninon is in Indian foil- laid , embroiduicd with gold or silver thread. The wife of Piofessor Ko , of Ilaivard , lias begun to compress her baby's feet in the Chinexo fashion , and the cries of the little sulfoior nro hoard day and night by thu neighbor * . The Cambridge uiiti-citicl- ty hociety is nbout to inturfuio. A new figure in the German is thu wiud- mill. I'our > ladics cross their right hands , nnd with the left select gentlemen , who in turn give their hands to ladies , then the ladles to gentlemen. They then all change from the right hand to the left until nil the dancers nie whirling in windmill fashion throughout the room , Thu feelings of thu short lady w ho looks at the fashion plates in the join mils and in n the stoics must frequently heat ebbtide. Dili anybody ever seu n fashion platu which was not entirely Inhabited by very tall ladles ! Must the clmbby lady forever chome her patterns from thu half dozen lengths of fish poles , elegantly duipod , that adorn the pictuics in the fashion papers ? "Wo me all waifs , " hu said , bonding toward - -ward her in the moon-light nml holding on to the lace window curtains like n man giddy with his emotions , "waifs cast upon the rugged shores of existence. " "Hut , " she lepliud , edging on * a little , "you're too thin for u wall , Charlie ; you re n wafer , and I like n healthy-looking man. " lie chewed up two yards of the cm tain in silence , and then went away without say ing good-night. Thu tambourine dance consists of a small musical instinmcntof that name , to whlcli eight knots of ribbon nro fastened , four led ones for the ladies , four white ones foi the gentlemen. At a given signal the knots aru nulled , the tambourine falln ninrt , nnd tlio ladles and guntluiiiun lim ! themselves curiously fastened to thu white riblxms which the gentlemen hue pulled. The unexpected piutners the ! danced together und'tho fun begins. An ugly , cross , hordid , hateful , cynical exchange says : A lady graduate of inedl cine In Washington bus been tundeied tin ixsltlon of resident physician on onu of tin largest Indian ivnurvatlons in thu West " \Ve hopusho will accept and proceed theii at once. We know of no cheaperor mori certain method of ratisfnctoilly solving tin problem than by placing nil the tesurvn tloiiH under the medical charges < f hidj graduates. In about ten i earn n live In diu\ ; would bo a genu'no ' curiosity. Among the novelties ju dregs oniamenli are white or gray inother-of-iieuil ringadus tluwl for thu cordeliuies , wlitch IULU ovoi the waists. Tht'su rings havu two holes like ordinary buttons , to fasten then against the Before the waist I : laced it mu t bu hooked underneath In means of a fali-u band. Another new aitlcfi It u double fustinlng of mother-of-pearl oi ms > > enicnterlu , The waist close * down tin } rout us it does for thu pearl ringx , and tin ornaments aru down thu contru of the wait ami suits. White mothor-of-peail clasp aru charming over light-colored costumes Two lovers were out for a morning wall lu the leafy nUlos of a Now Jersey forcut The birds Bang blithely upon thu boughs thu early sunshine quailed thu dew fron grass and petal' , tied nil natiiiu seemed t < rej ice like a bride on her wedding day The maiden gathered violets , arbutus , am cownlips , while hugathcied what hu sup pined to bu a white liltttn that had takei refuge in the hollow stump of it long-do parted tree , MUerablofatel Itufurrlng t thu incident afterward In letter to ; friend , the maiden wrotui "If Georgi were boiled for u thousand years In thu ho fcpringo nf Iceland , I don't bcllovu hiA ever smell sweet again. " They stood nt the gte beneath the star light. Inafmv hnurwh * \ \ uld be whiilei away acroaa thu prairie * and she would ra tum alone to wander wearily uml adl ; amid ttcenes emleaied by u , thousand tende' i collections- it hadn't been that * h wasn't that sort of a girl , " "Olio lust kl s' ' he murmured fondly , "ono last look- nne lost word what bhall It bo ? " Bhoguv him the kiss , thu gave him the look , am iihe gave him these last words , "Kemeiii b r your proxho to mu not to cat i n ; onions , " "Paul , " exclaimed the fair daughter of t California bonanza king , addressing ono o her tultors , "Paw has bottled ยง 500,000 oi me , and I thought thero'd be no harm ii telling you. " . ' lorinde. " lie uuld , ner vously fingering a few nlckeU In hi * vvabt coat pocket , and btriving to hide the ovi deuces of the profound interest which tin communication jsxcltedj "Florinde , dc you think I'm wj sordid an to let such i consideration affect me ? " "No , " nhe oddei ! nonchalantly , " "I didn't nupjiose you'd care so much , M I engaged myself to Mr , . Hlaker hut tiight ! " It wa A ten strike. and he flopped , but she was a cool girl , ami buuunonln0- servant told htm to tot the miffcrcr mil on tlio back Hoop until lie felt xiltoi. A w Icked t'coriftti ncwpaper prnpo e tr. print the name * of tlie yowie woinfn who npplicd to Ail.itn rorrpangh for the situation of "tnr t bountiful woman In the world. " The lltl for Central Illinois iium- k-r iimre that one hundred name * , ami thorowrra twenty-throe applicant * from Vcorin alone. Naturally the minouncp- tncnthai cniii-cd nhnrr > in ( { to anil fro of the relatives of the yoniiL' ladies concerned , and the editor hai broil IC oii'ht , to relent. 15ut ho will not. The list Ii to lie forth coming m won nn the circus pets out of the State. The hatilrM. pntt of it i * thai the mUertisemcnt wai a humbug. The "most twAiitiful woman" belonged to the circu , and instead of netting 810,000 ft > ear w probably delighted to rcteho30a week and expense * . IMPIETIES , Ninc.tontlnof the religion of tlio present day h nothing but liolyntnnrgnnno. Monograms on poroui plaster * for young nlnintoM nrc worked in coot pink or blue 'or the summer Beacon , Would it he according to Hovle and the New Testament \ considered profane to say "It IHBI hot M Hndci ? " We atk mere ly for Information and If it U wicked wo are ready to resign.Derrick. [ . New York liverymen liai Increased the | irlcc of hacks for funornlsiiO per cent. In Itino it nlll coitiM much tn go to heaven an it cost * in 150 1 1 Niagara. Your hack- man Ii a granplng creature. After the elli ialu of a Kansas town had vainly otideavured to disperse a mob , n minister mounted a hot ami made the Him- | ilo announcement ! "A collection will he taken up. " The rcoult can be easily guess ed , It is stated that "ft plain damn In Avon , III. , c'ists three dollar * . " The Htatcmcnt ' 'damns" in Avon It misleading. All Iho M elsewhere , are plain It IH only the one nhouses them that Is rulllcd.- [ Detroit 1'oiit aiidTrilmnc. You can nlwayn tell a Brooklyn man on n railway Journey from the fact that when he'gots to the lunch counter ho remarks to the girl in charge , "L'riiiHo Oed , my ilear , I'll tnko apiece of pie. " [ New York Com mercial Advertiser. I'licotiHciout profanity often comes to the most exemplary Christian. A real good brother Mild yentorday , "I must get me a cdpy of the new lllble. I heard the rcvl cr have knocked - out of it. [ New Orleans i'iuayimc , "I think idl Kilmers will hu lost , " na'id Mm. Nlmbletunir. "ThoroV my hiiHh.iml now. HD'H a bail man , hut I trust that he uill ho Ka\ed at last. I Ixjliuvu he has mif- feral his duo nlmro in thU life. " "Amen ! " Khmitcd Niinliletung fiom the hack neat. Mis. N. ga\o hlmmichn look , hut Bald nothing , At u recent ehnrch gathering the ouen- , lion camtMip for dicciisHion whether n ser- Ii-Hiif pinyennt'etiiiKH Hhould lie huld or a strawberry festival bu given. Tlio advo cates of the strawberry festival were of cournu triiimplunt. They argued that the : hmch might live without prayer meeting * Ijtrt without fttrawborry festlvaln , ne\ir , When the contribtition-lm < c W.IH paused in n wull knuwu church recently , it young man piencnted his mite , but did not din- cover until too late that ho had given two Len cent pieces xtuck together. Then ho miked nit and mulled , mid thu deacon willed. They both know how it IH. Beer , ' n AometimcH adhesive as well uHConduclvu. Osttcgo I'alhulitim. A gentleman , evidently w Itlunoro money than liraiiiM , has bought ft chinch at Wn- > asli , Ind.j and advertises I\H follown : ' ' 1 want to Jure n preacher ; I don't uaru a him what denomination I HI belong * to , if lu is virtuous and votes thu demociatio .icket. None need iipply unlesH they have the ) above rciiuiiciLCiiU. I will | > ay a lib eral Mitnry. ' l'.intor Henry K. Ducr , of Sliiloli Uaptist church , Williams street , Newburg , N. Y. , m been arrested on ft charge of grand lar- cuny. William Hawkins , ono of the olli- ccrM of the church , applied for the warrant to Recorder Waring. Hawkinri nilcgcH the stealing of the organ , pulpit , chain * , mid othei fiirnituiiMif thuLliinch. Thorn ban lieen xerioun trouble in the congi cgation for Hume time. It will now bo Huttled in Lho courts. Ducr was admitted to bail. An absent minded man on the West Side went to church last Sabbath , carrying over Ids arm what ho mippoMcd wax IIIH now Hpring overtoil , but was horrified when ho found it was hix now pair of spring pants. The package came homu fiom the tailor lute nnlunl.iy night , uml tbogarmcntHwcru liuiig over the banisters in the fiont hall. Hlswife huriied hiniHo that ho was "rat tled , " and , making u grab , he got hold of the wrong nrtiolo. Ho ciowded them under thu heat of Ids pow , and , vvhispeiing to thu Hoxton when thu horviceri wt'iu over , madu an ariangement to call for them Monday morning. [ Chicago Tribune. EDUCATIONAL , The I'nivernltv of Loyden , Holland , pioperty valued at $1,000,000. Kan Ki.incisco bo.ird of education an1 H fur the mipport of thu public bdiooh almost ij-rf per nipita. RA lai-go class has just _ been mixdimtc-i : fiom thu MuHsticliUHt'ttx institute of tech nologv. It included tvvu young womei who had miccoHifully complctcil the foui yeaiH * course. A BOH of .lustico Hai Inn of the Unltei fitates Hnpicmu ( 'olirt , will bo the valedlc toiian of the hcnlor class ut Princeton College logo this year. I An implcaslng comment on 'the euorjn of the moilurn Htuilent is a fact Ntatudii to thu ( Joluiiibiu Kuhool of minus - that the btatintics of the school xhow thai not more than 'M per cent of the student' graduate with thu class they enter. The reci'iitl applications for admibslon tc the UnivorHlty of Califoinia numhm'il nbout sixty , and it I * thought that thu uexl fieshman class will havu a hundred mem hers. One of tlioHO who passed thu exiun inatlons tiiiimphantly WUH u young womai who U duaf and dumb. KxiindnaUon forthuiulinlsHlnn ofOIIIIM to Him .ml uiiuei-hity will bu held nt Cam bililge , June 80 , and July 1 and'J. A Bee end examination will bu tin September 'J8 ' . " .I and : tO. Thu university gives the ladlv who II.WH a hutisfaetoiy four years' coursu i "curtllicatu to tliut ellcct. " liolgium promises to become thu giv.i Industrial .tvuchcr of Kuropo. Many for ei 'iiers aio now attending her bchooU .Sho has lifty-ninu nchoolu , thirty two KclicHilH , mid higher com mcrclal hciool ! nll receiving funds ly fiom the state. Soinoof the aouthein people aio begin nlng to bo nrousod to the necessity of mori educational facilities A prlvatu li < ( te mentions that in a recent u-port Mayo Couitemiy , of Charleston , K , Cntatw that o\er ItOOO cldldicn had no room In tin tcliooU of that city or money to procun teachern , A btatvment > vas uppondod U the letter Haying that thu matter vvotih probably bo laid before conga-ss duiinjr tin coming ni'salon , Suporiiiti'iident i'linco , of Wiiltham Man * , , ivad a judlcioas paper on nuititr to htudy ut the lucent meeting of tin teachers of Worci-bter county , ifecouwid cred that the onu great crnir committed Ii the bchool iiutriietiuii of to-day U the look ingto Immedluto father than future iiwilt and oonseimcntly tliei * Is nlaoknf Ihi ipint of study among the gmduateu. Tin mind ILTOWH naturally , and the teacho : uliouhl lead , not force , thu child from ttei to bteii , and promote u love for learning He thought that uine-tentlu of thouo-cnllei teaching i < In reality but | > oor iiutmction the thlia beiugprevented from developini Ing Ills natural itowern of oUorvation am originality from too ckwo u a of thU am that , The pructice of daih marking , ( jiving prizes ami other incentive' to enable the ( 'i > Undard i > f the school to U kept up , " was not considered the bes mejhoil of training the mind. I wa fcixtwn yeaw ( if ago , ami occordlnj to a common ciutom of German famlllei ) 1 had to go for twelve months tu what ii called a cnokcry school , In order to learn ve.-ythiiig that is expected from ncrman iou ewife. Thii custom Is not universal n Germany , but It prevails In many dis- ricts , sitcially In the northwcsteni rirov- nces. A girl may ho a countess or ft Imro- u" < , a clergyman s or a general's daughter , > r cl p the child of a butcher or a nhoc- nakcr. It does not signify how or where 'he ' has been born , < ir whit her rank i . The manners of her country require that , whoever chu Is , she .should know how to cook , wash , iron , to clean the rooms , mend he linen , anil plant the gardrn. Of cnur-o , do not mean to nay that all girls , even In hose parts of Germany where the custom s most general , nro forced to undergo this raining. Very many , as may be imag- ned , plilrk It , and MHIIO parents do not col the nt cos ity nf imposing UiN useful education on their daughter * . Yet the { oed ncii"0 of the majority makes them ilivo t" its advantage" , For it must K- remembered that , whether a woman's fu- Lure life obliges hi r to do thew things herself - self 01 not , mid even If her position In the world allows her to keep M many servants as she choo es , these very ncrvants , being fenii.iu servants , expect her to know how to do all thu work which cho requites of them. There Is only one difference be- .ween ft baroness and the child of a tradcH- nan. The latter learns the several duties [ have mentioned In her father's house and 'rom her mother ; whllo the former leaves UT home to learn the catno details of do- nestle service in a Htrunge house.The [ ornhlll M.igar.Inc. JOHN LOGAN'S BAD LUCK. Kcw York Sun. " .John A. Ijogan employed some men to : mrc for coal near Murphysboro. At the depth of 110 feet they reported that they struck n rich vein of coal , John went to work to sink the shaft , but when he got down to the place he found that the men had Valtcd' the mine there was no coal there. It cost about 8 ,000. " [ Saline County Democrat. " ( Jo , sink me an augur , nml bore me a hole , In the I Mid I own on the prairie , And search tlio Karth'n bosom for signs of coal , And don't let the job mil-carry. " So said the great Logan , by some called Jack , To the men of fair Murphysboro ; lie hot > cd of black diamonds to tinil no lack , And wanted the search to be thorough. They bored , and kept boring , iml deeper than that An augur you scarce ever .saw go ; They brought forth the carbon bo black anil HO fat , And sent it to John at Chicago. Then Logan , the mighty , vas stirred to the BOUl , And pride nml delight was elate with : "I now , " he remarked , "will have plenty of coal , And money to carry my state with. " lie ordered his workmen to mnk him a Hliait , And cash ho disbursed very freely , Although in their sleeves the old miner ! ) laughed , And hinted that Jack must be ve.tly. The shaft was sunk deep in the carth'n tender crust ; lint lo ! the black carbon defaulted ; And Johnny perceived , to his utter dis gust , That thu holu In the gioimd had been salted. lit ! pulled up hit ntikes , but hid money he left In the hole so utiplcas.intly buried ; Of pride and of nhckols no sadly bereft , Straight back to Chicago ho hurried. CONNUBIAL SIPS. Krie furnishes ft woman nineteen ycain > Id who has been married and divorced .luce times already. Think of her icconl > y the time she is sixty ! A Davenport couple were married in n cave. Dining the ceremony , when all was romance , rock fell down and iminlieil thu jtido'u foot , and her yells were hunrd over a mile. A license has been issued in Boston for ; he marriage of two young Japanese.Tin expectant groom is : i student : hisliiide i' icvfiiteen yearn old , and his playmate 11 their native land. Thu marriage of MisH Minnie Kvaits am : Mr. Tweed Is announced to take place tint month in Now York , according to the ar rangemeiit made bcfote the departuie ol Mr. and Mrs. KvarU for Km ope. It ! the intention of the bride and briilegroon Lo join the family party now assembled ii Varls. The marriage of Miss Minnie Kvnrli and Mr. Tweed U announced to take placi this month , according to the nrinngeiiun made before the dcpaituic of Mr. am Mrs. livartu for _ Km ope. The wcddiii ) will bo a very ipiiet one , and it is the In tention of thu bride and bridegroom to joii the faintly party now n tumbled in I'aris immediately niter their nmiriagu. At nn I'nglish wedding the other da ; daisies appealed in all the decorations The liriduHuhito _ duchess satin was em broidured with them , nml her veil was fas teneil with pearl daisies , and her bride * maidH woin gowns of white nuns' clotl and Hatln enibroideied with daisies , am daisy bonnets and broochet * , and caniei bounuuU of natural daisies picsented b ; thu bridegrooii | , Mr. I-M wind Humphioys , Iho HOU o Solon Humphreys , Ksi | . , and for years , ! professional lady killer , was married las Wednesday ; at the now llpiscopal chapel ut ISorgon I'olnt , to Miss Mniy Dttano. i Kient-gi and niece of lieitjamin I'rniiklm Thelittluudllicu was decoratml most pro fttbuly and tastefully w ith daisies , even th mats upon which the newly-wedded pal knelt for the benediction bemg formed ol musses of this popular lield-llower , with t border of daik-groun ivy. ' ST. JosKVir , Mo. , Juno 10.- Mr. JJenj. C. 1'oiter and Miss K. were married In King City , Andruw conn ty. The gioom ii almost 70 years of ag and the bride Ii5. Mr , i'oitcr has beini ii St. Joseph for 10 yuuix , and IH n vriy po | ulur utul highly vsteeintsl gentleman , Th bride is ono of the old man's tirst lovrsani hU eatly i\\\eetlieiut. They \\uia engagci 15 years ago , but thu alfair wu.s broken eland and ho nurrlcd another lady , with whoi ho llvod happily and raised ft large family Shu died about ono year ago. Thoywei given n reception to-night by their friends On Tuesday , thu 1 Ith in t. , the maiiiag of Miss Kllen I'aulding mid Dr. John C I'cmilngton took placu at the lusiduncu o the brlde'a father , Mr. P. Kemblu 1'nulil Ink' , at Cold Spring , on the Hudson. Onl lelations and u vi > ry few Intimate friend weru pteseiit , and thu weildlng was it atrictly private as a large tamily conne ( tlon nml nn cxpaiuiveclrclo of "hot friends" would admit. On thu mimu da Miss Tow iweml Cox was mauled ut tli village church of ( Jlen Cove , and thU aU was a small and very private alfnir , IIOii Thuixlay the Church of the Ascen slon , ouo of the oldest JIplH-oiial churchr in Now York city , was cruuded to its ul most cuiucity by gnents at the wedding n Miss Kllcn .Smith , the eldest daughter o thu R v. John Cotton Smith , and Mi Chalmers Wood. An informal but ver pleasant reception followed the ceiemon' ? M ! ! ? n'cto' > ' " " 'joining ' the church. Mi William Wood , thu father of the bridi groom , made n present to the young poopl which is baid to ha\o taken the substautia foriii of a check for bovcial thousam dollan ) . At a wiHldlng in 1'rodej ick , MJ. , a littl dog that had been thu pet of the bride , itm that won Mipiwscd to lie safely locked a home , marched up the ntale of the churcl jtiht an the miuinter wan about to begin th ter > ice. With a yelp he looked up in th face of hit inwtrciu and itet-med to ask tli mcftnlns of "all this. " The dog then , tak Ing in the solemnity of the occasion stretched himself out on the train of th bride i satin drew and remained there nnti the marriage service was conclude < l , I may add tu the romance of the ttory ti nUte that the little dog was as ugly as pin , "id Hint the fair spectators agreed that the neidcnt was "one of the cutest , cunningest .hlngnever * een ' ' On Wedncvk/ last Mr. Tred Mar- nunnd , sun of Henry M. Marquand , ptcsi- lent of the Iron Mountain road , was marled - led at Newport to Miss Ogston , of Now York. We nro told that Newport never ooked more lovely than when the young > ridc nml her train of eight ridetimaldfl stepped from under Trinity's time-honored "orcli , The bridesmaids at this very pic- .urcsquo v > cddiiig were Miss I'mlly Ogs- on , Mim Mabel Mariu nd , Miss Marion Howard. MiMlImlly lloppin , Miss Lucy 3haunrpy. Miss ( trace Itusscll , Missl'jno and Miiis , NciUon , and ft very striking group they tnwle In their cmaint , old-time costtitnts and large ( lainshorouxh hats , Mr . Gladstone , the daughter - > f the > rcmior , i" slinrtly to be married to Dean Nakc. I/indnn society , the CaidlfT Times rei > rts , believes that tlih announcement causes mii h grief to Prince Lcoiwld , the luecns joungeat Him. The pi nice bos fccn ncco tomed to show marked prefer ence fur the company of the young lady , md M the two are very fond of music , they iftve hern wont to practice together by the tour. It has long been among the most ntcreftting problems which have troubled .ho brca t of society whether , after nil Mr. jladstono and theqncen would bo brought nto family relationship like those which existed lietwcen her majcst > and the duke of Atyjll Poor "society" probably wor ried Itself unnecessarily. All event * which is xald to bo without iHxlern iiarallel , In the department of Seine Inferieure. has just been celebrated I'V ft three days festival at the village of I'ftVllly , where ft highly resected pair , M , xnd Aline. Thepphue Noel , have repeated -he soluiiiiii'-fttion of their marnago in the Church of the Holy Virgin , in which an cient fane they were ; united fifty years ago. After mass , the euro delivered an eloquent nnd appropriate address , dwelling on the remarkable facts , not only that M , and Mine. Xotl were christened a-s well rvs mar ried in thu village of their birth , but that their parenta and grandparents wcro like wise carried as Infant * to the same font , and knelt as bridegroom and bride before the came altar. A rnndchild of the vener able couple was christened after the cere- nony of the golden wedding , mul ft large llstrihution of loaves nnd cakes to the poor ) f the commune then followed. Haunted Mo. Christian Aihocate. A \\orkingnmn naya : "Debt , pov erty nnd Bulforrinij haunted nio for" " years , caused by n sick family and large hills for doctoring which did no Tood. I was completely discouraged , until ono year ago , by the advice of my pastor , I procurrod Hop Bitters , ind commenced their use , and in one month wo wore all well ; and none of us hnvo been Rick n day since ; and I want to say to all poor men , you can keep your families well a year with llop Hitters for less than ono doctor's visit will cost. " cod-jyl BUOKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The ! UsT : SAI.VK in the world for 3uts , Brusics , Sores , Ulcers , Salt llheum , Fovcr Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all iinda ofSkin Eruptions. This Salvo is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion in every cuso or money reiunJed. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by Sdlv IsK it McMahon Omaha. Visible Improvement- Mr. Nonn liates , Elniira , Is' . Y. , writes : "About four yearn ago I had an attack of : > ilious fever , and never fully recovered. My digestive organs w ere vvoakencd and 1 would bo completely prostrated for days. After URJng two bottles of your liunlock Ulood Hitters the improvement was so via ble that I was astonished. I can now , ; hoiiL'h 01 years of age , do a fair and lea- Hpnahle day's woik. " Price $1.00 , trial size 10 cents. UJeodlw. A SURE SURERECIPE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief and immunity from comploxioiinl blemishes may be found in liagan's Magnolia - nolia Bnlm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by drug * gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant nnd llfe-libo tints , and the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly discolorations - tions , eruptions , ring marks under the oyessallo\vnessred- ness , roughness , and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mag- uolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic , U'e t for licliiK the moit direct , quickest , ani Md'ot line counettliiir thu irnat Mctroiwlln , CHI CAliU , and the KAHITKM , KOUTII-KASIKU.N , HOUTI and SOITII KADTCUN LIXM , whlih tcnnliiato there with KANBAH Citr , I.KA\KV OKTII , ATDIINOS L'OINCIL llLirrri and OMAHA , the COMXKKIIA CE.NTEKU from uliicli radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD tint penetrate * tlio Continent from the Mlssoui llhor to tlio 1'iultlo Mox | ) . 'ilio CHICAGO , KOCK ISLAND & PA OIFIO RAILWAY U the only line from Chicago OMiiIng track Int Kansas , or whlih , hy lu own road , reachiii th t > oliiu uhot o nannxl , No THAM.KiiHa iir UAKHIAUK Ku MIKHIMI roN.\KCTiOMil No huddling In 111 initllatwl or itncliiii i-aru , as cerinfiiser I carrieil In roomy , clean and tcntUatwl coachct ugion Foot Kxiireu Trains. DAVOAIISOI unrhulwl magnificence , 1'riaMA I'ALACK HLKKfivu OAKS , anil oiuowiiworM famou HIMKO CAMS , m > onlilcli meal * are ecrift nt ut eurinsuvi exwencu. at the low rate of HKK.NTI KIMI t'KMS KAMI , wlthamjilo time for lioaltlili. injojincnt. 'Ihroutih Can hcturen Chicago , I'eorla , Mil wauU'O and Missouri 1th tr 1'olnU : and iloso i-oi : nectlons at all inlnU of Intincctton with othc roaiU. and Hevr Mexico , A liberal arrangtmenU regarillnt baggojjo o any other line , and rates ol faro al a > < a * ow couii > tltor * , who { urnlih but a tlthu of the cou fort , Do and taclle of sixirUmen free. TliltU , matx and folder * at all principal tlckc offlc . In th Cnltod BUUt and Canada. U. U. CA11LK , K. ST. JOHN , Vice Prta't fc en. Gen. Tkt. andl'asar Ag ! Manager , Chicago. Chlca.-o. AQENT8 WANTED FOR FARTMT SILLIIO I3ooxa or Tim Aoit Eoundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOnM3. ) The la tot trade. IcR l fornn , how to trans act bujlncm , Mliutilo tahloi , lioclal etiquette , nrllamentiry ntiMie , hft to conduct public bnrt- ntm ; In fact ft Ii a wmplftc Guide to Succc s for all ca c . A family ncce slty. Atldrcfn for cir culars ami Pjwclnl tcrmi ANCHOR I'UIJLISHINO CO. . Ht.lx ) l . Mo. _ KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ss i : o c = > - < f = ! CO CO D t = i a i I l ! - - BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. BTROK RKBD. LRW18 XBND BYRON REED & CO. OLDKST Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all Rca n Onuha and DouiUa count ) . ma\tf Mrash Land Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , GOBFarnhamSt . Omaha. Nebratka. Carefully icloctcd land In Jixstorn Ncbraiku for nalc. Great Itarpilns In Improved larms , nd inuha city nrcn > crty , 0. A. DAVIS. WKUSTKn SNYDER. I ate Laud Com'r U. P. R. 11. 4p-fcb7tt DeiterL.Tliomas&iBro. WILL BUY AND SELL AND ALL TRANBACTION8 CO.SNBCTI1D TIIERXWITU. Pay Taxea , Sent Houses , Etc. I ? TOU WANT TO BTV OH BULL Call at Ofllcc , Itoom 8 , Crolfthton Block , Cmahs. BEMOYAL. . THE AMQUAEIAN BOOK STORE las removed to 14CO nouchs Street , lictn eon 4th and 16th streets , ( Opn. llushnian'a ) . Now ami Second Hand books lough \tlungcd. IIPVPI CQ lamAwnt forCOLUSIIlIA DIUTULuO.nmlOTn ) IMCVCI.KS. Send three-cent stninp for Catalogue nnd Price List containing full infomiatlon. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oil and Glass , OMAHA , NEB. _ 130AJID OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is hereby given that in accordance uith acttlon TO of nn ait of the U-gUlature of the state of Nebraska entitled "An ait to provlda a Bjntom of ltc\onuo , " niipro\dl March 1 , 1879 , the county commissioner * of Douglas county , No jraiiUa , wlllat thootlltoof the county ilerk at Omaha , In bald county , for ten siicccssho da\s , commencing Monday , Jnno 20. 18S1 , for the pur- )0fc of i quallzlni ; nnd correcting the : iKM.Bnicnt roINof tlio BC\ oral prctintts of Ktid county for Iho jcar 1831. All irersmis fcelinf ; aggrieved hy an } thlnjf cnntalncil in ! > aid a'txCHsmcnt rolls must rjijilv at thu thnu above btaUd as jirov ided by law. Jens U. JlANciiFnTnt , Omaha , June 13th , 1881. Coiintv Clerk. dbt-ult J. R. Mackey , DENTIST , Comer 15th and Douglas Sts , Omaha , Neb. ItoAsonalile. BW23-3W A , I. UASON , Dentist , OPFICK Jacobs' Block , corner Capitol tuenuo anil Klltecntli etrcct , Onialu Neb. Any ono ha\lng dead animals I will remove : Iicm free of charge.\o orders Multicast corner of Hartley anil Hth St. , second door. CHAUMCS Sl'MTT. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO , R. RATH DUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. farSond for Circular. n 3C.OTTXSS PAPER WAREHOUSE , CRAHANfPAPER DO. 217 and 210 North Main fit. , St. Lout * , WIIOLKDILX DKALKRS IN HOOK , i DADCDC jwiuriNOf NKWB , f rMrtnO i WHAI'VINO , KNVELOl'RS , CAHD 110AUD AND Printers Stock. f < jrCash raid for llagi anil 1'ajwr Stock , Scrap Iron and Jlitali. I'aper btotk Warehouses 12iO to 1237 , North Blxth ttrcct. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th anil Dodge 8t . , Omaha , Neb ' Tills agency does HTBICTU a brokcra o business. Does not s ] > eculate , anil thcrcforu an } Ijar ilni on lu books nre liuurod to It * ( utroiis , iimtcad ol being fobbleJ up by Uio agent. IOH. R. CLARKSOK. O. ) , HUNT. Clarkson & Hunt , Successors to Hlcharils & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW 8 , Hth Street , Oincha , Neb. J.P.ENGLISH , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M. Wool worth. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Itoora 0 CrclgtitonHth anJ DougU * itrcct * , Cheyenne , Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. GIC.OTCBCXJNTGtXtOLAJDIEl < 3TO OXUDXIXC , IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Prices to Suit All ! ! I322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. A. B. . . HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND GENT'S AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diamonds. We Guarante the Best Goods for the LeastMoney aug21-stt THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO. , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago , A Department for Children's Clothing. We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Grant's Furnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Truaks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from he manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever \ lefore made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING- FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. 33X33EI TCTS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 13th J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ' \ SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , \ 3E T. A.fc 'JL'Jb33EC , 3E3TTC3. X3TSTATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB. TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA ! 1 We take the liberty to call your attention to the fact that we have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF THE ONLY First-Class Summer Stove EXISTENCE. Some of its many advantages are that under no conditions will it ' PRODUCE SMOKE , DIRT OR ODOR , ' ) The furniture from any other stove can bo used on them , including any sized WASH BOILEU. The work required of any wood or coal cool : fctino can be done on them , being per fect in each department : Cooking , Baking , Wasning & Ironing / They can bo used out in the v ind as well as in doors. They can only be appreciated AFTER A FAIR TRIAL. In purchasing a summer | tove , you will have cause to regret if you dou't inspect and give these utoyea a fair aud impartial trial. For Sale Only by byDAN DAN , SULLIVAN & SON'S , joH-eod'lm 1410 Farnh&m St. , Omaha , Neb. ( }