IT i jib jibr THE OMA1IA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE M , 1881. uiii.uo ior tno complete and perma nent improvement of the Missouri river will not probably exceed ? 10 , . WO per mile ; provided liberal appro priations arc made and are available at the time when works of channel rectification can be constructed to best ndvanaagc. I cannot too strongly emphasize the importance of considering seriously the improvement of the river as a whole , if any improvement at all js contemplated , and of making such appropriation as. will admit of con ducting operations on a larije and sys tematic scale. Hy appropriating for small and do- tacheil works no general improvement can bo made , and the total expendi ture bocomi-s much greater than though appropriated in a lump to be gin with. As soon as there exists a general will that the rivershall be completely improved more liberal appropriations may be expected , and xvith means to execute contiintousandcomplutework , satisfactoiy and substantial results xvill follow. > The state of Kansas has boon agita ting the scheme of a government freight railroad to the Atlantic sea board. In the fall of 7 ! it was li.-ISl miles from the Omaha bridge to the mouth of the Missouri by the channel , and 12,87 miles from there to the delta of the Missis sippi. It is now about 1)00 ! ) miles from Omaha to blue water. A dou ble liack railroad from the Missouri river to New York City , Philadelphia or JtaUimoro xvould not bo less than 1,500 miles. The cost per milo would bo live times as much as that for Mis souri river improvement without any doubt. Again , such a railroad xvithout a inn It Kudu of radiating branchesxvould only strike the Missouri river states at one point , while the river borders one entire side of them. Noxv in order to bring up the most recent and approved engineer practice in the improvement of dctrital rivers , lot me outline the objects sought and the means of attaining thorn. First it is expected that by reducing tlio chan nel way to certain definite dimensions , practical rectification and stable regime - gimo may bo secured. This involves in nearly all cases reducing both high and low water widths to approximate ly uniform dimensions , and in all cases a reduction of slope to approxi mate uniformity. The width of high and low xvater channels and the grade which it is deemed advisable to work for in the Omaha and Council Blulls reach , ex tending from Florence to Bellcvuoaro as folloxvs : Depth , loxv water , 12 ; high water , 084. "Width , loxv water , (550 ( ; high water , 814. Per cent of elongation , : io. io.The The depth to give the requisite cross- section can , it is thought , always bo obtained by the scour duo to the in creased concentration , though the point should in all cases bo determined by bed-rock soundings on the pro posed channel line. Tlio reduction in slope should in all cases bo carried as far as practicable. The length to bo given to radius of curvature of the bonds is still a matter of study , but it should probably not fall short of 2A times the width and maybe greater. Connecting reaches betxveen bends should be as straight as possible. These conditions may not all be at- tainablobut should bo approximated teas as far as possible. In case bed rock is liable to interfere xvith the attainment of the requisite depth the high water width may be increased , and in any case the width at a bond will not probably be the same as in a straight roach , oxving to the concentration of xvatcr on one side of the section. The stream in its normal condition has a very wide and shallow section between limiting banks , and xvhilo the xvholo width is covered at high water , only a small part of it is occupied at loxv stage. In running from one of the bend pools to another a reef is formed in the crossing , and though very wide it is so shalloxv that it is only with great difliculty navigable. The change of the cross-section from low to high water is not simply duo to the difference of a surface gauge , but also to scour , and as wol the change to loxv water is nol simply oxving to the fall of tbt surface , but also to the elox'a- tion of thejbottoms , called fill-back. IfaTho base of the section xvill adjnsl itself to many conditions imposed slope velocity and its length , am upon the alteration of any one of the independent factors , there folloxvs a series of complicated phenomena. It is evident that if the channel way is confined between narrow limits so that this scour and fill back take place in the bottom of the deep sec tion , there xvill bo no danger of higl' bars forming that xvill impede navi gation and disastrouslydellect the cur rent from its proper course. In the xvintcr the flow is quite uni form , and the bottoms are furroxvot like a corn field , andaro , xvo might say , set upon edge. Noxv , when the firsi rush of water comes in the spring floods , an immense volume of sand is sxvopt along xvith it and deposited principally in the broad reaches , where the velocity is in a mcasuro over come by friction xvith bottoms The heaviest bars are caused by the first rush of xvater in the spring am' their position properly depends upoi the magnitude of the tlood. If the floods are excossii-o as xvero those of this spring , the river takes a very much straighter course thai : though the floods xvero of an ordinary character. The deposits are made in nooks am corners and in the heads of chutes , &o In the later or usually the .Funo rise , although much heavy matter is moved , a greater percentage of the sediment is the light matter of loxx specific gravity. Hero xvo have evidently a factor o : great importance. The channel xvay must bq contracted and millions of cubic yards of earth required to fem the new proper banks. Cannot the natural forces of the stream bo utilizcc in correcting its oxvn imperfection ? ] f there ia such an immense amouir of material in motion during the floods , cannot it bo denosited where it will do some good rather than letting ting it goto xvorsothan waste in form in" ugly bars ? To properly govern the doposituro of sand [ and silt in transit durini , a Hood stages has been attempted it r important xxorks , and results have [ con obtained that equal the most sanguine expectation * . Alter the proper limits of channel xx'iiy have been secured the surface of he nexv ground may bo considerably n'loxv the Hood suiface , but is far above the low stages. These noxv shores must bo raised mil finally held by suitable mattrass vork , sn that in no event , the liver nay depart from a course of long loxving bends and straight roaches. If the lloxv is alloxved full liberty in x broad reach it generally starts dig ging into one bank and from the ) ocket thus formed it shoots across to .ho other side and digs another there. This goes on until some sharp and well conditioned bond is reached and ho irregularities are lost. Noxv by confining the tloxv within larroxv limits the danger of cutting poekols'and short crossings is greatly liminishcu if not altogether overcome. To sum uptlio improvement xvorks should consist in building up nexv shore lines by deposit from Ltho river , in raising these deposits by sand catches or other suitable means till xyilloxvs xvill groxv upon them and inally in serving all shores against in- x'asion xvhenevei- may prove neces sary. sary.Having stated in general terms the ibjectH desired let us trace the evolu- : ions and present status of improve- nent xxorks for dotrital rivers. These xx-orks may bo divided into , xx'o classes. The purely defensive and the aggressive and defensive com- lined. Thu former have been tried jonorally in cases of great urgency .vhere . immediate action xvas required n preventing a disastrous erosion of wink fronting valuable property. The xvork.s are comparatively small ind detached and are applied usually upon the sites of effects. The attempt to mould a bad piece of river by means of powerful dikes and revretments is not necessarily impracti cable , but is generally inexpedient. When valuable interests are at stake and call for immediate ac tion it would bo xx'oll to hunt up the notix'o causes of the disturbance , per haps a dozen miles up stream , and ap ply the remedy , but , nevertheless , the jnuso should bo determined and moans instituted for its remox-al , togothoi xvith its train of attendant irregular ities. ities.Tho The purely defensive improvement xvorks xvero suggested by the engineer practice on eastern rivers of an entire ly different class , and the application of those principles has often failed. Heavy rock-xvork , piles , and heavy brush mattresses loaded xvith larg rocks have some.times been successful , but only upon the expenditure of great sums of money and under the most favorable conditionsof proximity of permanent strata. On the banks of eastern rivers , like the Hudson , for example , it is gener ally practicablejto build 'ctaining xvalls of rock and to make close piling suc cessful in defining the river banks , be cause of tbo permanent character o : the shore and bod. This method xvill not xvork on detrilal rivers because permanent strata is rarely found above a depth of forty feet from the xvator surface. Oxving to the light and unstubl character of these banks and beds piles xvill scour out and rock will settli until clay , hardpan or bedrock is met , In rivers of stable regime , lloxvhi { , within permanent banks , the channc xx-ay can bo contracted by piles or rock jetties at moderate expense , but 01 the Missouri such xx-ork , if successfu1 at all , involves great dilliculty and ex pcnso. The first experiments upon the im provement of dotrital rivers by a nev method , xvero made in India by tin royal engineers. The problem to bo solved rcsem bled closely those presented upoi our oxvn river , and the engineers rec ognizing the fact that little to bo realized from dike xvork as ai immediate c.iuso in deflecting the river in a desired direction , under took to utilize the natural materials ii the xvay of sand and selt sediment to build up bars in the right places xvith the aid of floating dikes. The island , toxv head , or bar , oftci caused by a tree or mass of bushy drif in the current charged xvith .sediment , probably suggested the liroxvnlox Weed. This device named for II. S. Broxvn- loxv of the Royal Eng. of Indiais sim ply an artificial tree make by tyin , a bush on a polo or ropeand is locatei in the stream by anchoring one cm and buoying the other so tha it hangs in the xvator fron the suifaco to the bottom Noxv it is xvell knoxvn that the rive xvill carry an amount of sediment tha depends upon its velocity. If the ve locity is checked by any means , only that part of the initial sediment is carried past the interrupting mediun xvhich corresponds xvith thediminishei velocity. By the rapid accumulation thu formed a bar or sand pit is thrown up xvhich deflects the current and form the nexv shorn line The irregularities af a detrita stream may generally bo traced to some primary cause , perhaps suvura miles up stream , and the aggressive method of work seeks to correct the fault by applying the remedy at tin cause , and not at the effect , llatho : than stopping a leak in a barrel bi catching the xvater in a tub , it seeks to plug up the hole. My a series of gradual stops it leads t < the rectification from the cause doxvn ward until the local disorder is rcmu died. ThoUrownloxv Weed is good , but xvo have noxv something better. The xveod dike is not homogeneous and much material sxvcops througl unavoidable breaks in thu xvork. It was noticed on the Missouri rive that a largo amount of rootlets am grass , as xvell as willows , cornstalks etc. , from cutting xvero in transi during high stages , and the idea was suggested of utilizing these in build ing up the deflecting bar and nev shore lines. A largo mesh screen of No. 11 anneal ed xvire xvas made and suspended sim ilarly xvith the xveed xvork by anchor ing the ground and buoying the ai edge so that it xvould hang across the current and catch the submerged matter tor at all depths. The results obtained were most sat isfactory and although at the firstOK periment so much matter was col looted that the buoys dragged under very uniform and solid bank was made , The supports of the screen xvill IKJ cnerally piles and poled trestles , aa di'tliculty is found in inakinL' iiioys hold up the screen charged xvith , rift. llesidcfl , great tension is occa- ioni-d in the screen , and the drag at ho anchorage is excessive. After the nexv shore lines have been eqtiired they xxill bo raised by sand uncos or other devices until the mat- ress , xvhen required , can be put over nil carried un to above tlood-height. The governing principle in revet - nent is that of subjecting the banks 0 no mete prc.ssuio from the xx eight of ho mat than it xxill stand xvithout slip- ing or allowing it to settle. Tlio old form of mattress xvas sec- ional and made about ( it ) feet square , vhilo all the xvork for the Past txvo ears has been continuous and not ox- ceding generally ten inches in thick- loss. This riblund is launched from 1 boat and finely balanced xvith rgck. Noxv , having heard some of the pros , " let us consider as well a foxv 'cons. " The first criticism that is usually nado upon this nexv system of xvork s this : Your xvork xx out last. Why don't mi build something that is solid and ii-curo like the Chicago iVr North- vestern railroad dykes or like the rock revetment of the Union Pacific rail- vay ? Why don't yon put in a revet- nont entirely of rock , or xxhero dykes ire necessary , why don't you build .bum of timber and fasten them xvith and load them xvith rock ? In the first place our brush rovot- nents are very listing , and 1 hope hat the people of Omaha have not condemned tbo government rovet- nent because of the demoralized condition of the upper xvork. The lainago is really slight and can easily jo repaired. The great danger of a lisastrous erosion of bank lies in the iosnibility of undercutting. The stratum ( if quicksand undorly- ng tlio surface material xvhen exposed M Hxvift currents xvasdios out and doxvn Wimbles the upper layer. Let the loxver bank be xvell pro tected and the principal danger is iverted. The Omaha xvork has been damaged only above the ice line , xvhilo it is intact - tact beloxx * . The life of brush , xx-hen exposed al ternately to heat and cold , xvet and dryness , is from three to four years , but xvhen alxvaya under xvater it xvill last too long. On the Missouri river it is customa ry to protect the "banks by mattriss : xvork about 100 feet xvido from the toj of the bank. Of this , about one- third is exposed to unfavorable condi tions. JJepairs can be made cheaply over ) tnreo or four years until the regime ol the stream becomes permanent. The rock xvork on your front has stood xvell , Because the bedrock am' stable strata are met at a deptl from 18 to 30 feet. _ Put the same xvork on the othei side of the river and you might put ii a dozen rock quarries before your revetment xvould stop settling as 1 as the current xvas sxvept beside it. The picr.s of our Missouri rivei bridge have to go to bedrock befon any confidence is bad in their stabil ity. / It is eighteen feet from low xvater it the bedrock at tbo Northxvestern dyke above us. Put the same xvork in i mile beloxv , xvljoro the boilrock is 1O feet doxvn , and they xx-ould xx-ash on as quickly as a stalk xvilloxx1. Noxv is it not evident that xvo mus have a dike or rox'rctmcnt that xvil stand in all places , under all condi tions. Our dikes as revetment systems arc not perfect yet. Only four years have been spent in study and experiment upon the river. There has been no literature to draxv from not a single book thai xvonld be a guide is xvritton. What has been done has been determined termined by systematic experiment , The possibilities are by no means- exhausted as it is fully rccognim that foxv things can bo so xvell done but that they can bo done better Important governing principles hax'o determined hoxvever. Now how about rock and piles versus brush and xvire fiom the finan cial stand point. I am not advised as to the cost o cither the Northxvest dykes or the U. P. revetment , but I know thej must have been very expensive. I have built similar xvork xvith th railroad dykes upon Lake Michigai xvhich cost from § U8 to § ( iO per linen foot , depending upon depth. Hock at contract prices costs hero from § 1.50 to § 2.25 per cubic yard. The I1. P. revetment has no less than eight cubic yards of rock jio lineal foot. Say this costs § 15.00 fo rock , § 2.00 for brush , and § 5.00 fo labor and superintendence , § 22.0i over all per ox-ory foot. [ A , gentle men in the audience said they cost § < ! ! a foot. Our dykes cost from -10 cents ti S1..IO per foot and revetments fiomS" cenfs to § U.OO p"r foot. Ciix'cn an appropriation like those xvo have had lately and how miicl xvork could bo done at rock and pili figures. Small xvorks , however finely con Btructed are in great danger of boinj cut out and only u pier of rock is safi xvlien there is a xvell conditioned am permanent river for miles abovo. Wo claim for our xvork that it principles are broad and more thai all systematic. In many cases imme diato local action is necessary , but i it not nfuch better to break a hors in the lirnt place than to provide bin xvith a simfllo bit and kicking bar' ( ° pen the conclusion of the addresi Mr. Pease said ho xvas prepared to an sxver any niicstions asked him am made lengthy explanations by aid o the map. . The mayor said : " Wluit we are most interested to knoxv is hoxv t < protect our river front to keep xvate out of our bottom lands. I judge yoi are not hero to ansxver this question. ' "These appropriations , said Mr Pease , "aro not intended to protec iirivato interests nor oyorlloxv , but t ( limit the channel provided for navi gatifin and to protect corporate inter ests " Mr. Gibson " "Hoxv long do you ox nect that bank at the bridge xxouli Lo in construction ? " Mr. Peajto "That depends entirely upon the time you gentlemen take ii getting the appropriation. It migli tako'h've or ix years. " Mr. Gibson "Then it is to bo private vato enterprise that will make a dyke n prevent the tlood from c < ming gain ! " Mr. Pease "Yes. " Mr. Hlickensdoifcr- I mulei- tand , the protection which y > u do- ire to give , that channel above the iridgo is one which takes it , uay rom the present government .nk ntirely. I'or that pnrjioso the pu sill - ill government work would be of no , vnil' " Mr. Peaso"Of no avail. " Mr. lllickonsderfor Wlialuiu the ibject of placing it there noxv' Mr. Pease To protect the front of Omaha and to keep the ijver from onig further away. Mr. UliekensdorferVhal H.mld . oil nnppoRu the expense would amount o , necessary to enable you to do tins Mirk' Mr. Peaie Ten thousand dollars mile. The Mayor What 1 want to i t at s thisVo : here at Omaha expect to mitcct the river between Omaha and , 'onticil ' Hlulls. Air. Pease- That act means the ini- irovement of the rixor in the vicinity f Omaha. A voice--That is not what wi-ex- iecle.1. . The Mayor We have an ide.i that ho interests of loxvaaroof much more mpoilance to the government than ire the inh'rocts of Nebraska Wi > lolievo these appropriations \\oidd bo erv beneficial for Iowa and of xeiy ittio benefit to Nebraska. lU'lieving his idea correct we want to be in- 'ormed ' ? Mr. PeaseAH regards the benefit lone Iowa ( hero is nothing inoiv ben eficial than to Nebraska. What has > oen done has been to preserve the in- egrity of the shore. The Mayor Have you any objec- ion to stating the amount of the ; ip- iropriation ? Mr. 1'easo-lt xxas S.'iO.OOO. The Mayor As 1 understood it was lo bo spent between Council lUiillsaml Omaha ? Mr. Pease The act road , "m the vicinity of Omaha. " The work will : > o conducted from fifteen miles above : o twenty miles bcloxvt When jlhero is a fault in the rix-or at a paiticular [ loint it is seldom good policy to at tempt to remedy it at the immediate spot. That is why wo began below. The mayor mentioned the conven tion to be Iiuld at tbo IJlulls next week , and on motion a committee , consisting of Mr. W. .1. Uroatch , Mr. Thomas Gibson , Mr. .F. A. llnb.ich , Mr. C. W. Mead , Mr. J. A. M. Shane , and s alternates , Col. C. S , Chase , Mr. .John Kvnns , Mr. X Mor- riain , Mr. E. 0. Hancock , Mr. \ . L. Strung , Mr. M. P. Her , was npointed , Mr. Allen offered the following res olution. That a committee composed of en gineers of'tho city of Omaha , the U. P. and U. it M. rail roads , the engi neer of the city waterworks , also a committee of citizens composed of Mayor-Uoyd , E. W. Mead , of the smelting works ; P. E. Her , of the Willow Springs distilling company and John A. Harbach be appointed for the purpose of making a careful investigation of the river channel with such further recommendations as they may doom proper for ] iurma- nenting the river and harborjiminovo- mcnts in the interest of water nax'iga- tion for the north-xvcst. The resolution was adopted after which the meeting was adjourned. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. IIONKV AND STOCKS. XKXV VoiiK.runc 13. Money closed at 2 ( ( < ? 3 | iuient. Kx- cliaiigo closed bteady at SI Sl fii I MH. ( JoycinmentH closed firm ; curieniTy ( ! V 131 bid-I'H coup , US bid ; 'IJ'n .oiip , 115 bid. bid.Pacific Pacific raihnad liondH cloned as folloxvi < : Union funs , Il'.l to 110 ! { ; land gnmtu , 1181 bid ; Milking fund * , olFeiedat 130- Central 117A bid. Tim ntoek maiket this nioining opened a fraction higher , but towaid mid-day fell oir. ) to 11 per cent. ; at 1 o'clock , him over , a bluing tone net in and under nn actixo demand the decline ; wan full * recovered and pijcvH further adx'anced , the highest ( | iuitalinnH being gencndly cuiient at the clo o. The. adx'anc.iaH compaiMl xvith Kat- uiday's closing pi iocs ranged fimn i © . ' ( pei cent , in the geneial list. JIONKX IN CIIICAOO. CjlK'.xco , .lime KI. The demand for money to-da ) xvan fably actix'ojlnaiiabli ) fnndH In goiKl i-npply ; anil rati-Hweri ) Ktcady alIi5 ( per rout , on call , and ( ! (5 ( 7 , per cent on time. DaHtern ux- change oily bankK xi.i-i < | noled at par at 25 centH discount pei $1.000. The oloaiingH ot aw-ociated bankH xi. 10 Sl,700- ! 000. Omalm "Wbolosnlo Murkot , OrKici : pi- Tin : OMAIU .Monday K\cnim , ' , .lime 1 : ! , 1KK1. The grain nmiket to-d.iy xu unsettled , xxhetit ailxancing hevcral ccntH during the day , closing I J cents higher tli.ui Satin- day'rt quotations. O.itn a cent higher : barluy a cent nnd rye U cents loxver than Kntmtlay'H priri'i. The piovl-ion umikit in dull ; not much doing. I'otatoc * 5 centx and cggM Jc loxver. In the dinx maiket x\e note Ho advance in canter oils , all other markets lemain unchanged. On account of largo HhlpmenlH of ntiaxvlii'iiiea expect ed in from the cast to-morio\v , thopiicex aio expected to go very | o Thulixe stock market rcmidim iinchiingud and xery little doing. Livestock. CatthWo fjuoto as folloxvx Chnlccht export Htci'in , l.100rrtdi00 ; , l MCiT , ; chojco nliiiipingnteern , 1'iOOCu 1'KX ) , .si 10 Gift 00 ; choicu butchei-H1 Htceiii , ] ,000 u i 1'JOO , W 7rf , I W ) , Hliceji ( JcKid mutton in fail demand. Sheared , ? : 75 ; mislieaied , SI > 0 per hun dred ponndH , llogK Wo iiioto | at fol.ixn | . ; Myht packet * , 85 ( KJC/r. " 5. meilium mxt. | | | packeiH , Sr , 00&5 'Si ; c.\tia choice heaxx , .pi 'jrif.ri 10. Local Grain Dealings. WJIJAT.CaHh : .1 , ; ij ; i.gectwl ( Bo , { At.l'lvV | , < 7l'llHh- - ' . - Ui I , . Caul ! , 87c , < 01tN.-Ciu.hKo. ' JtOo. OA'J'.S.-Canh , HOc. Provl lon . c sJ ; ; } } Sl'.rI ' B wm'ut' lral ht grade , SliHOfaHOO ; patent , SJ 00 ( 5 .10 ; winter S''i ) ' t/rJl ! ; 1't 'wle' ' Sv" : : i 7-r > : patent , - S4 OOfe 1 7.- . ; graham rye , a i" . ; Wheat , * 'J " ' - - , - * , * , , | KT cxvt , COc ; Hciconlngii. per cut. 70uSOc ( ; nhorU , i ir cxvl.70c ; choipcd | feed , per cwl. 75c ; meal bolto.d , yellow. BOc ; white , 81 00. ' I'OTATOKS-Per bushel , peach blown , POUI/ntY Live chlckcna per do/en , SJ 00 to , 3 25 ; old , upring cliickciiB , 3 50 txj . 3 75. KGUH-.Shijii | rtf count , 12c Candled , IJU'lTKK-Choice , 12JiHK.r ; . , no market ; creamery , tcarcc , 20c , APPl.r.S-Rildxxin's repacked , $ .1 00 -r bbl. HONKY Kxlracted , fir-a-clft. Calif. nla "trained , lOc. OKAXtJKSTorrent' * repacked , | .or < ( Sti 00 ; I'Alrmin , per IKI\ , Si. 50. Wiin * , perKix , S7 00Imporiftli ; , per lm\ , 1.KMONS Kanev repacked per box , i 00 ; good repacked , $1 No. STIi.xWlll.KKlKS ( Jmnl ihii.i.inir m ; per ease , &t ( Hu ) ( 3 75. SHIT IU',111 ! I I'.S S'2 5CV < f 3 75. . . . SIn light rcerpt ! ; lotablo at lOc | > or < il. VKUKTA1U.KS All kinds In demand , id briim t > rioo < . iwr.swA.v " . ci low , is so.- . CILMIH Sw oot , 2lKlier gallon. Oroccrt' Lltl. corrr.i : . m , . , fair , isjo : iio : , good , Ic ; Itin. prime to choice , lljc ; Old gox'l nxn-JiJ : ! ( i'2Slo , Mocha , UlUc ; AilmckloX Tl'S ( tunpoxx.lrr , gooil , iVff.VH1 ; hoico , (10ri ( "fie ; Imperial , good , -10(1 ( ! I5e ; 'holce , iXKn'.V ; Young llyonn , tjix-d , ; tt.u ( IV ; choice , irica.l ( ( HI ; , l pin Nat Leaf , Jo ; < ! iauulatod , IHe ; P.mdcred. lljic ; inc ( Nixx-drrod , l'2c ; Standard CotTeo A. I3c ; Nexv York Confectlmiet'H ) Standard . 11 c ; < II K | A , llje ; 1'r.ilrio IMnx C , ) JiSYKUPS. SYKUPS. Siiar ( ; hou- , bblnI5c ; half li ( il < , I7c ; kog-H , IJ gallonS2 'M ; bbl , ISc ; alt bbl . -lOc. SPICKS.-Popper. 17i : Allspice. 20c : loves , 50c ; Nutmeg" , ijf 00 : Ca-s ia , 2.V ; laeo. SI ( K ) . SO I ) A.-Owli-hl's II. paper * . $3 10 ; Do- mil dii , S3 CHI ; O'hurohX § 3 00 ; Keg wln , S'fAltClI. 1'eail , 3o | ; Silver ( Jhw > . 7 ? ! * c ; Corn : -i.irch , 'Jo ; liutralo Silxor ' HAt/l' . Pray load * , per bbl , 1 80 ; Auli- in , In sacks 3 50 ; bbl.t dab ) , W , OK , 3 25 ; Midairv , 100 , IK 3t5. : ) ! ; ) KUUlTS-Choico Imlxi-H , eachoH , nowcnip , 7Je ; Mxaniratod | Appli-H , 0 Ib IIOMSijfo ; .Slichigaii,5Vc ; Noxx N oik apple" , 5Jc ; St. I.ouN No. I , 5o ; 1'1111101 , Id , IV' ; nexv , I' 'fi c ; t'linant1 * , 7 ( < i'7.Jo ; llavkboriioi , nexlOc. . IlKHSi : Kull Cream , lUc ( Part SI kiln. HV. WOOOHNWAKK-Txxo hi ip pailn , ' SS ; thice boon p.ii\i \ , 2 10 ; N'o. I tub- , , , , 00 ; No. 2 Inlw , . 8 ( H ) ; N'o. 3 tub-t , 700 ; J ioneor xvashl unlM , 1 W ; Double Crown. 75 ; Olobe Wa-shboaiil-2r > 0 ; Well buck , COTTON YAUN Cotton : ! } ; eheap , Will ; inodtnni , Slf.fllOi ; No. St. Louin , II ; Candle wick , IB ; Carpet h.iin , and 5 ( ily , 201 i'21J ( Coloreil carpet bain , per 11 , , L'li ; I.KAD liar , 81 05. MATCIir.S Perc.iddio , S-2c. PUOV1SIONS lironkfiixt bacon , lie ; hoico lard , lljc ; diiodbeef , 13Jc ; i-hould- IT , canx'asHed 7c ; haui" , canx'iiHsed ll c ; iiicon , yidiM , lOlc. NI'AV PK'KLKS Medium , in barreln , " . ) W ) ; do in half bbl , 525 ; MiialN , in bbls , 200 ; do , In half bhK lir ; glierklnn , In MK , 13 M ; do , in half bblH , 7'25. VINIXJAK I'mo apple e.xtni , ISo ; iuiuiiiplo | , lee ; PriiMMiigpurc apple , 1" I1OM IN Y- Now , S3 80 pi-r bbl. , UKANS-.Medium , band picked $ : i 00 ier bushel. JOI'K SiNal , 3 inch and larger , lOe ; neb , 10\c \ ; 1 Inch. lie. SOA1TS-Kiik'sSaxon Imperial , 285 ; ivjrk'K sterling. 210 ; Kirk'n ulandanl , 3 'M ; ivirk'K white Kussiaii 50 : Kirk'x ICuloca , 85 : ICiikV Prairie CJueen , (100 ( oakew ) , 3 10 ; Kirk'H magnolia , 3 ' .10. ' CAN'lIKS--l5oxe- UN , Hi 07 , 8n. 'telio\en-IO ; HM. , lli 07. . , IK 13o ; boxen111 otH , M < u. , 8s , lliic ; half boxes , i0 ! w 11 nf. . , So , 13u. LY1 ! American , 3 35 ; Greenxvich , 3 35 : Western2 75 ; Ninth Star2 50 ; l.exvin' lye , -I liOj.Toxxolllyo , a75. POTASH I'oniHvlvauia cansI [ do/ . , in case , 3 35 ; Itabbilt'H Hall , li doin ca e , 1 IK ) ; Anchor Kill 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIKU ) SHKD lied cloxer , choice , lexx5 30 per liUKhel ; inanimoth clover , nexv , S5 75 ; xvhite clover , nuxv , SHOO ilfalfa clover , nuxv , 811 ! 50 ; alsike , nexv 913 00. Timothy , good , new , S'2 50ii ( 2 5 blue granx , extra clean , SI 25 ; blue gra clciin , SI 15 ; oichard gra s , ft.2 00 ; roil to | choice , ( ; millet , coinmoii or .SliHsoiiri SI li."i ; niillet , < ! erman , SI 25 ; to SI 50 " nnga ! ian , SI 15. IIKDOKSKHD Owigo orange , 1 to T ishi'ln , S5 00 ; usage orange , 10 ImshelH o over , $1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35o ; pe 100 Hi , . . . 82.1 00. KIS1I - I'aniily xxhito fish , ! K ) Ib bf bbh ) S.'l DO ; No , I uhiti' lish , ! KI Ib bf bliln , li 00 No. I xvhite lisli , in 10 Hi kits , 1 00 ; famil ) 10 Ib kitn , 75c ; Noxv Holland heiring. pel keg , I0 I ; KaixlincH , 75c ; Cohnn bia liver salmon , per 1001I ) * , 8 ( K ) ; fJooiyo'i Hank codfish , lie ; < ! en. boiiele s codlish 71o ; boneless 1Kb , l'(5. { | MACICKHKh H.ilfbblninowiiinukciol , lOOlbH , 811.50 ; hfbbl No , 1 ov nhoio do , 100 His , liOO ; hf bbls , fat familv do , KM Ibs , 3 h5 ; inrhs mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 No. I HKhoio , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore 12 Hi do , 1 ( H ) ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNKI ) tSOOIW Oyhters , 2 II ( Field's ) , per case , S.'l ! IO ; do 1 Hi ( KieldV ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Hi ( Standard ) , per ciuse ; i 75 ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , per CIIHO , 2 10 ; d < 2 Hi ( slack ) , per caf , 2 li ( ) ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) per case , 1 85. Salmon , 1 Hi , per do/en I ( ' ( ) ; do 2 ll > , per do/.en , 250 , SanlineH small lsh : , impoiti'd , half boxcx perdu/en I 70 ; Ainoiiciin , quarter IMIMM per do/en 1 10 ; do half boxes , | ier do/on , 2 ! ( ) , l.ol , htew , 1 Hi pel do/en , I 80 , Tomatoes Hi per esiM225 ; do 3 Ib pe ca'-e , 2 Ii5 ; Coin , 2 Ib ( .Mountain per ca o , 3 10 ; nuked corn , I ! X ) ; < li 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca u , 350 xtiing boaim , per c.iso , I'.HI ; Lima beans per case , 2 00. Hiiceotash per case , 210 , common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , eholc. pel I case-I 50 , Itlackbeiiles , 2 lli , per IMSO 211) ) ; htiaxvbi'iiioH , 2 Hi , per oat-c , 3 25rti. 75 : r.wpbonios , 2 Hi , per case , 275f'300 Damsons , 2 Ib , per ease , 225. Maillot poaw per case , 3 Oof I ( K ) , Whin Holier i IUH per case , 2 50 , Kgg plums 2 Hi pei ease , 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 Mi , jiorcaM ! . -150 i iiecn gagort,2 lli | M-r c.ise , 3 'Vl : do choice , ' „ Hi 1 per case , I 50. PineAiiples , 2 Hi , per ease 3 50C/ I TO. PeaehoH , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 do 3 Hi , case , 3 tMa I 20 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Hi , per casi-21,0 ; do pie , 0 Ib , p.r do/.en , 2 80. KICK Caioliiin , ( ii7c | ( ' ; l.oiiisiaiui , ( a file. PKANl'T.S Hoasted , choice , led Ten lieasce , 8/e per Ib ; fancy white , ' .lo per Ib law xvhito Virginia , 7 ( < i7ic. Dry Qoodt. III10WN COTTONS- Atlantic , I ) 2."i ; Kinlt of the loom27J ; Knnuern , No 1 , I. ' . ; KarmeiM. A , 7 ; KaniierH. 1) ) , H. . li ( ii > at I'nl11 , li1to7i / ; / Indian mchard , A , K ; Indian orchaid , honest width , 7 { ; In , "i _ . ; Indian . . head. ll ; . I V XX' L , ( I ; ISluckhtone , Hi to ' . ! } ; Itlnekbiim , A , ( i ; lioott , K , li Jtoott , 1C , 7 ; tU.ibot , 112 C.dmt , llC.ili.t , / ; Ixxl ht Anchor , 10 ] 1'iiiit of thu loom , Ull ; Hill ; , 'J.J ; LmiMUi ! M ; I.oiisdalo Cambric , 13Nas ; ui , li | ; Nex Yolk inilN , KI ; New York mill * , wate txvl t. II ; I'cppercll. 11 ; I'elipeiell , 1'2 I'ejiiieroll , 27A ; I'ocahontas , .I ; 1'ncahontiiH 8 ; 8 ( note , half bleeched , Hi ; IHiea ; uxtr he.ivy. 11 ; WaniHtittas , 13 ; Wanmitta cam 1 ilc. 1 . I'ltlNTS-AlblnnfaiicicH , ( He ; Albio Holld colors , li ; Albion indigo , bluu an xvhite. ! l ; American , I'i ; .Shliting , li ; Cailu ton , li ; < Vicheco , 7 ; Cocheco hhii t ings , I Kiceman.d inbo , I ! ; l''ieeiuan'H pink , I I'rcemaiiri block , 51 ; Hamilton funiiviy ( Hamilton red , 8 ; ellImack , I- ' pink , 'i Merrhnack purples , 7 ; Merriinack piiiite piipics , 7i ; ICichinimd fancy , UJ ; Kichmvii doublu pinkri , 7 ; Hichmomi ( ierinan , bin and icd , lij ; Jlegatta i-hirtlng , 5 f ; .Slmi HHH'H mouinitig , 7 ; Hiinpson'H alpaca liniH ' COT'HJN IUCK-I5o ton X dye brown , nut , lOU'i ISonton XX dyed brow lliljlJodtortfXXXdycil brown 12J ; IJoolo U iu dyed brown nut , U : HOB ton 10 o/ dye brown , 10 ; Hoyal ( Hozj 2U Inch , 11 ; Stark (8 ( oz ) , 18 : Stark , (10 ( oz ) , 1CJ ; Stark , (8 ( u/ colored , 11 } ; .Stark , (10 ( o/ ) , 17 * . < ; iNCIIAMS-Aiuo keag , Ho ; llixfe < , 10J ; Hates minion dross ntyloH , 11 } ; Karl- ton , 0 | ; ( ilasgow check * nml fancier , 10 ; ( ila-sgovvrox-al dres * - < lvlev 1lJ. coi.oifn : : CA.MHKICH.-u. D. k Co , 5 ; ( Jariirr , 5 ; llooksolt , 5 ; Key tniie , gloxo tinl h , 5x ; Ked Cnws , 5. uoi.i.Ki ) CAMHIUCS o A < x c > { ; H. S. fi SOIH , ill ; IIlab colors , 1 ccnl inoro. DK1MS Adriatic8f : Appleton , 8 ; ugiistn. 7jf : Hoott Hleachnd , II ; Popper- ell ; 8 } ; Stark , A , Xj. SI I.P.S1 AS Hlackbuni , ! ij ; Capitol , 15 ; Coin , 11 ; l nisdalo , ' . ' . WIUANS. Horlin.l'lc ' : ( Junior , " ; Hose , 8 ; Caledonia , XX. , 11J : Caledonia , X. , 11 ; Kamii'tV and Minor * . ' , No. 7 , 111 ; ' 4'niint-nt' and Miners' , No. 10 , 10 ; Park TICKlNl.S. Aunwkeag , A C A , 17ic ; Amoskoag , A nexHi ; Amotkong , H nexv. 15 : AiniMkrag , li new , 13 ; Amoskeag , M uox12J ; Ainnskcair , II new. lOJi Amos- koag , 3if Inch. 21 ; Clark's millIK ) In , 32J ; Cordis \ C K , 17J ; Cordis , A A A , IflJ ; Cotiestoga , extra , ; i'2 in , 15J : Knlls compa- nx , OHO , M in , " 0 ; Kalli company , O li 0,3'2 lu 17 } . DUX-IMS. Vinoxkeng , 1'cAmoskoag ( \ ; ' .lo/ . 111. lie.ixerCioek , A \ . 1 U ; Hoaxer CrookC C. 12J ; Kialieonla , XXX' , 15 ; Kro- ilonl.1 , U , I-2J : Old York , doilblo xxeighl , lli ; Otis 12fi < 1l5 ; Palmer , ' . . CAKY10TS. Amoskeag , 11c : A raw- pli.1. C.J : Knlekoiboekrr , fij ; Prairie. XJ ; ItoalCallfoinia , C.I M. ! IJ ; Califor- nla. , , | dimblo xxolghli , 12 ; I'licasxillo , U ; Whittoiitoii , A A A , 10 J. CKASII. Stoxelis. It t , Kc : Stoxen. , 1) , 1 ; Stoxeiif , X , UJ ; Stevens , P , 10J ; Ste- voim : M , HJ ; StoxonN N , 11J ! ; StovoiH. X X , 15 ; Stoxons , T ID , 1IJ. llleachod one oonl higher. Kl'SSlA. X X X , lie ; X X , 13 ; M , 2J : A:1H ; U. 11 ; I ) . UJ ; K. 8J ; K , 74. CAKPUTVAKPS. . Anchor , 2V ( ; " "roadxvay , ' 20 ; Cuttago , VOj ( ioldon Hall , k line , 2it ; Pooih-Hi , 21 ; Washliigton. 21 ; X'hito Star , 21 ; NVblto Stai. col mil. 21. TWKKDS. xllon , Cubans A , HI ; Al- n , C'ubaiis H , lli ; , 20 ; Ccehecfi , i ; Ciixontix' . 31. KKNTt'OK Y.I KANK. AmeiioanDoo , V ; Abbotsfottl , llj ; Agenoila , 27x. Hal- m , 13J : Huckoyo , 18 : Hunker Hfll , tlj ; .ileutta , 13Kionob \ ; Txxooil , 15 ; ( iiildon leeoo , 25 ; Hugo Dee , 30 ; Indian Creek , Mohican , 15 ; Model doeskin , 17V 01 tb Adamx , 27J , Thuiloxv , 15 ; Tixblo nek , 18. SlIIKTINC 1MANNT.IS. Assnhot ill Hey , ! < I , ; i7.\c \ ; AHsabet Uoli Hey , I , 75'Assidot ; , l'rreiich plaids. 50 ; Him- idgo , 21 ; C'ooheco ; 37 " ' , t anmimlct , 32J : 'abmonnl , 18 ; ( Jroon "llldgo , 22J ; 1'o.iua , lin , 37J : Pequa , 28 in , 321. AND C1IUM1CAJ.S.Acid , 'aibnlio , l',0o , ; Aoid , Taitario , 5.V : llal-ialii 'opabia , per Ib , 70o ; Hark , Sansafiai , per i , 13o ; ( alomel , per Hi , 75e ; Cinehonla , or 07 , ' .I5c ; I'hloiofoim , per lb. l)5c ) ; lover's poxsilen. , per lb , SI10 ; Hpsoin alts , per lb , to ; ( .lyoerine , liuio , per lb 5MOe ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car- on oil , 110s , pel gallon , I He ' ; do 150 ° , or gal , lJo ! ) ; Oil , Castor , N'o. 1 , per gal , 1 OO.BOil , Castor , No. 2 , tier gal , ' .Mo ; Oil , Jlixo , pergal , SI 50 ; Oil , Oiigamnn , I0ln ( 5o ; ( ( plum , . * li 20 ; ( Jiilnlnc , P. .t W. k. K. k i.HT | oS2 ( iO ; Potasnimn , I inline , per lb , 2 IX > ; Salaein , per 07 , 3.V ; Sulph.ito of \Iorpiiino , per 07 , ll 25 ; Sulphur ( lour , or lb , fie ; Stiyohnine , per oSI IO ( ) IJiO. Hones nn.l Mules , The market is brisk and all giadoti ate. lling xx oil at a slight , adxanco in pi ices. , 'hu demand for go < Ml hoises c\ooedi the upply considerably. Piieo.s iiingu IIH fill- own : Vine miigle drivers , 8150. to 300 , ; Kxtra I raft horses , S175. to 2'25. ; Common draft IOI-SCH , S100. to 150. ; K\tin fann horses , < 1IO. to 125. ; C'ommon to good faim liorsoH , ? ! H ) . to S100. ; ICxtia plugn , SOO. to 75. ; " 'ommon plugs , 820. to SIO. AI ITU'S. 15 to 1BJ hands ( extra ) , S125. 150. ; MV to 15 hands , S100. to 110. ; II to llj IIIIIHU , § 75. to 100. ; 131 t" I'1 to 75. Cigars nn < l Tobaccos. CIOAHS. KoedH , Slfi.00 ; Connecticut , ? -25.00 ; Mixed , 15.00 ; Seed Havana , 350.00 ; Clear Havana , § 75.00. TOBACCO VUJCColdcu lliile , ' 21 Hi , 5ie ( ; Spotted l-'nxvn , 57e ; Our Hope , fiSc ; Star , | HMIIIIH | , -I Hi , hnttM , 5lc ! ; Itnrm- Shoe , pounds , -21 Hi , lintts , fi H1'iirity ; , iM Hi , linttK , 5L'c ; Queen Hi-o , 1 Ib , bnttn , Klc ! ( tilt ICdjji1 , poinidi , 'Jl Hi , butts , 57 ; Aiiny and Navv , ponndx , 51c ; Dnllion , pounds , c ; Ijoiillard'H Cliinav , pnniulH , 57c. KINK CUT -In jiaik Ilanl to Meat , 75o ; Uoldun Tliioud , lilio ; I'oniitain , 7 'lo ; Kuvmiti * , IMC ; Itockj * .Monntiiin , f > "c ; l''ancy , 50o ; Dai y , -I5C.-.III tin f jil CatlhiH O. S. , i ! 1 ii/ickiiKi'H , 5 Ib boxes | ier Hi I'lOe : Loiillard Tiier , l0i ! % . HMOICINIJ AllKi-nmN Coininon , 'J."i to Illtu. ( iraiinlatcil lilackuelN Diiibain , Hi > / Ilic ; DnkoK Diiibain , Hi ; of N'oitli Carolina. lSo ( , ! ( ! ; .Seal of Js'ubiaH. < : \ , Hi eKe ! ; l/oiii'ilauk , I o/ , linen b.'iK'S ier Ib , ! ? l.l.ri ! ; JMarbnixH1 I'liulc , o/ , tin oil , 5.V ; DoK'I'ail , llfie. Lumber. FIMHIIINC-No. 1. nnMi 11 , H and J inch , S.Vi 00 No. 1 linlnb 1 iiieli ? f.O 00 ; No. a , liniwb 1 } , H and 'J Incli , . < 5000 : No. " J fiiiixli , 1 incli , $ lfi 00 ; N < i , ! l linisb , 1 inch , < IOOO ; O. C. battoiiH per 100 feet lin. , 5J1 ITi ; well cinliliif , ' , . iriOO ; loiiKJi i and 2 inuli biittoiiK per 100 feet lin. , HOe. HTOOIC HOARDS stock , 815 00 ; 1 ! SIO 00 ; C , SJtOOO ; coinnioii hloek , S .l 00. VLOOIMNC ! No. 1 , ? IO 00 ; No. ' * , . * : tTi 00 ; No , : i , Sin 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , | .ri ( K ) . SIIHNli-Nii. I , S-'JOO ; No. ' _ ' , Si'JOOj No. : i , . u'o < K ) . HIIII' LAI'- l'l..iiiSiOO0. . : ; ( ! . No. I , SIM ) ( K ) ; No. 2 , Si" . ( K ) . 01:1 : I.INCii . oofasifi oo. IjATlI AN.SIIIN'ii | ) ; < iS : \ Htarbeht ( ) iiirfles ! ? : i 75 , No. ' . ' , S-'l 00 ; No. : i , , W M > . Katb , SI ( X ) . OulliIliiK Mntcrl.ll. LI.MKI'er bin ml , SI ! ) . "i ; bulk per lin , , ! ( . " < . Cement , bbl , # 1 ' , ( ) . Iowa planter , Mil , ? a 7.'i. llalr per bit , arm. 'J'aned felt 100 lin , SI ) 50. Stiiiw boiinl , ? l 00. The Lcnlher Trade. O.ik liiiuii'HH , liOWIIe ; 1'ittHliurnli i-elec- ted , -lOfr/.IHe ; heinloek lianieKrt , ; VJ ( i 'file ; Hkiitlni ; per Ib , fair , Me ; black eollar 1 K tile ; fair do ; IKfx'JOc ; fair No. a , llr ! lSo ; lieiubiek hole , Itulfalo HliuiL'liter , per Hi , 'M 6' 'lie ; beinloelt wile , H , A. Nluiigbler per Ib , a.V < / 'Kit1 ; oak wile , -lOfu llc ! ; oak upper per foot , a5e ; hemlock upper , .Tic ; do No. 2 , ' koak ; kip MM pel Ib , 80e ( i8l.lO ; liuiiiloek kip Hkiim per Ib , 75e < * ? 1.00 ; Kieneb kill , Hkiim per Hi , 81.00 ® % sl.H.ri ; oak calf Ib . ' ' . ' . ' per , Sl.-'Oft/iSl..i'i ; hemlock calf er Ib. Si.lO l..i.'ir French calf per Ib , l.a.'ifi'.ia.lOo .Simon J'icard oat per do/ , . ' i,00L'lKflOj ( iHMitk'K Morocco per foot , , ' 10fu ; ; calf kid per foot , 'I5i ; ; maim per < \ f. , S.00f ! ) < i ? IO.W ) ! uhite and yellow lin- IliKHjierdo8K.CXf ) 810.00 ; pink llnin H . do * , ? 7.00 ( < i 40.00 ; Himxiitt liiihiKH. S7. 00 ; blackHinitliH' aiiioim tier down. PAPKK - Hlraxv paper , 3UKag ; paper , Ic ; diy gooilH paper , 7c ; nianila jiajiei , lOo ; IIUXVH paper , Ke. COAU-Cnmbeiland blacksmith , SI2 ; MoirN Hun Hlo bm-g , § 12 ; Whitubioast lumpS < ! ; \Vhitebio.ut nut , t l ; loxva lump , SO ; luxxa nut , SO ; Hock tSiiingu | , S8. Hldci , Furs , Etc. . ' . ' ureen calf , wt. S to 15 Jin. , j'o@I Ic ; green calf , Mt , iinclerH 11 , per skin , fiOc ; Kieon jieltn , 81 00iol ( 15 ; ( iteii Iamb hUn-s ijt lOfel a.1 ; damaiicd hlden , ttto-thiid rate , ( cut hcored mid oilu xnicluKhed \ t o Wool. Mi-lino unwashed , light , IH&lfic ; lieavy , ] . ' < 15c ; medium HUM ashed , IlKht , JKtS'JOcj tub-wo lie < l , ciiotcv , 3' c ; fair , 30c ; diiiKl' and w , , a8cj buny , bluet and cottul would Shot. SHOT. Slmt , $1.(0 ( ; lluc-k xhot , 9S.1B ; Oriental 1'oudcr , kejr < , ? 0.40 ; do. , Jialf ke $3. 1 injf , koKf , $3.3Ti ! KUKP , per 100 feet , 50c. Paint * , Dili nnd Vnrnllhes. TAINTS IN OIL While lend. Omaha I1. P. . 7c ; white load , O. I1. & C. Co.pur < ? , tics Mar oillpn Krceii , 1 in ! > Ib cam , 20c ; Kretieh 7inr , ( rei'ii H'nl ; l'-c ( Krench ? inc , led eal , lie ; Krendi 71110 , in vindiili at t , 'JOc : French zinco , in oil mu-t , l.'ic ; Itaw and Ininit umber , 1 Ib cant l"c ; r.xw nnd burnt Sieinm , 13c : vandvkc brown , l.'tc ; refined l.tmpblni'k , ICcj omcli black , lc ( ! ; horyMaek , le ( ! ; drop black , IGc ; 1'riixninn blue , no > ' ; uHr.iumilno blue , 18o ! chrome 1 1. M. fi IV , llu ; brind anil shutter ttreen , I , . M. * M. , Mo ! l'ari < green. ISc ; Indian red , IV ; Venetian red , s > c ; I u cmi red , aie ! ; Alneiirnii VfUnlliod , I. ft ] ' . , 18c ; chrome vellow , 1. . . M. , O. k \ ) . ( ) . , 18c ; yellow ochre , "A- ; golden m-hro , 10 ; patent dryer , ( ! c ; uraitiiiiK rolort : llj-lit oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and a h lac , Dry Paints. White lead , ( V/c / ; IVnrli ? iue. lOo ; 1'nrft hiteiii ) ajc ; wliitliiK wildirx , ijc ; Mhitln POM I , lies laiiipblaek ( Jcnnan- town , lie ; lampblftek , iinlinaiy , Se ; 1'nn- i-i.ui blue , B.V : iiUintiinritii > , IHeaudykc ; , In-own , Se ; umlier , burnt , e ; umber , raw , 1e ; iiMina , burnt , Ic ; nienna , raw , -lc ; 1'ari1 ! Riven genuine , : ir > o ; 1'ailt green eom'l a"e ; eiiromo Kri > en , N. Y. ' aOc ; chronio Ki-een K. , V.Vermillion ; , Kilt ? . , 70 > ' ; vermillion - million , Anieriea , 18o ; Indian red , lOo ; ixmo pink , lie ; \enetian lead , Cookmm'i ac | : % eiietlaii red Am. , l e ; led lead , 7Jc ; ehtnnie yellow , | euuine , 'Ad',1 chroiuD vel low , 1C. , llo ! ! ( H'hri' , loehelle , 3e ; ocfiro , Frpiieh , l'Jo ! ' ; oehri1 , Amerieun. Wlntei'H , aje ; lehiKh brown. niniii ] h brovMiic : 1'riuee'K mineial nnuvld per i llon. 1'nrnitute , e\tn. 81 00 ; fuinituie , No. 1 , IKVifuinituie , IT , "fie ; coach , i-vtta , SI a.ic ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , 81 a. ' : .laiuii , 70c : lophnituni , 70o ; xhellac , SllfiO ; haul oil liHi h , 81 110. OILSllO'farboii pernallon , llje ; l. > 0 * beadliKht , per gallon , l'Jc | ; 175 * headlight iieivallon , Ilic ; eiyotoline , per ( jallon , aOo llnceed , law , perKiill11' ! , 'Oi1 ; Llliieed , boil- iil , per gallon , 5He ; lanl winter Ktr'd , per gallon , .Vie No. 1 , ( ! .V , No. a , 5.r > nj castor , XNX. per K'dlon ' , li.'ie , No. H , 87c ; H\veet , peri-allciii , 8.V ; vponn , W. II. , per gallon , 81 : > " ; tiinh , W. It. , per gallon. rtV ; ncatwfnot , extia , per gallon , iBe , No , 1 , ( ! . * i ; lumber- ! eating , ? ere , per gallon , IKV , Riiinnivr , 15c ; golden nmchinCj No. 1 , pergalloii , ICic , No. a , aJx1 ; Hpenn , mgnal , per gallon , 80c ; tur pentine , per gallon , lie ; naptha , 71 de | , ' , jier gallon 18J , lil ! deg , I7c. Heavy Hardware Llit. Iron , inteK , S'J S < ) ; plow nteel , cast , 7Jn ; eat tool do , IBC''Ji ) wagon Npokci , .llo het , .1 IX ) ; hulw , net , 1 ili ; Mloen , awVd ; dry , 1 W ) ; tongue * , each , 7ii ( 'H.rK ! ; < axlcn , eaeh , 7fip ; wiuaio nutn , per Ib , " © 11 1" \\aHhern , per id , SOilSc ; rivetn , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , i' > ( u 1'Jo ; malleable , SJo ; inui wedge-i , IV ; crowbarn , He ; harrow teeth , IP ; hnrseshoex , per keg , fi 00 ; prinj ; steel , 7i'.Hc. NAlL8-10lo'J0.1 , na.V.T8to 10 , r,0 , ; M , ! < 75 ; ' 111 , I 00 ; ltd , common , 1 75 ; ; id , line , I ! a.'i ! elineh , all -.i/es , 5 00 ; fid , casing , I 50 ; 8.1 caxiiiK , 1 1 ! . " . ; HK1 easing , I 00 ; lOd ( inihI 5(1 ( ; .SI tinixhI 75 ; Od finish , 5 00 ; half kegn , lOc extra. Liquor. ALCO1IOL-187 per cent , 2 111 per wliiu gallon , uvtia California npiritw , 187 pur cent at 1 18 per pioof gallon tiiplorelinedHpiiitt , 18i per cent , 81 liper ( ; proof gal ie-dlstilled uhinkien , 8VOO < yil TiO ; line blended , 81 BOfii'2 ' BO ; Kentucky bour- bdiiH , 8a)0r7 ( ) ( IK ) ; Kentucky and IViniKyl- Miniii rves8aiMii7 ) ( 00. HHAXDlKS-lmpoited , & 5 OOglOOO ; dome ti ( ! -JOfif-l 1 ( K ) . ( ! 1NSImpoited , -I 50 (500 ( ; domestic , llOfii : i oo. HUMS Imported BOffiTi 00 ; New England , a ( HlftU I 00 ; dome-die , 1 50njt ( : 50 ; I'KACII AND Al'I'hi : I5HANOV 17B.100. ( OIIAMI'ACNKS Impoited per ease , aiiOOfe'IM 00 ; Ameiican , per cjuse , la 1HOO , OLAHKT.S I'er CIIKP , 50@lli 00. WINKS Hbinewine , tier cane , 00 ; C'atawba , per caieI 00@7 00. St. liouiN Hvo Stock. Hr. hi HUH , .1 Ifoccipts of catllo2,100 , hogs 7,12,5 sheep l80. ! Hogs unchanged. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago Produce. C'mu.xiio , .lime 13. On 'Change the grain markets xveio firmer and higher. Thu roceiptH of grain xx ere 2 ! > ,200 biishels liy canal and 1,207 car loads by mil , umbr.ieing 3'tli of , IKK5 of coin , 227 of oals , li ofyu and 2 of bar ley. J''lour ( jnlet and tiim ; common to choice wpiiug xxesteni brands , SI < XK' < 5 . " ,0 : Jlin- uohtota , 8-1 ( KM/5 75 : patents , ifi@7 50 ; xvintor xvheal ( lour , ! f ! > OOfnli 25. Wheat -Winter , ( pilot ; No. 2 led , 81. 07 ( ii ] 11 , according lo eluxalor localion ; spring , aclivu , nervous and unsullied , , ic- companied with a higher range of prices ; No. 2 , 81 Hi cash and .lime ; SI 13J .Inly ; SI M ) Augiwl ; SI 121 September ; 81 W % year. No. 3 spiing xvlieal In good ieiiiest | al ! l8f ( I OH , according tolocalicmjiujecled , Coin Itnlcd strong , Irading aclixuand pi ices higher ; No. 2 and high mixed , llj cash and . .Inly15' ' , AugiiHl ; lli September ; neiv mixed , I1C"'II3 ' ; "uxv high mixed , I3iy ( M ; lejeetud , 37Aii 38. OaU In good demand and al incieascil piioos. No. 2 and 3 xvhlle , 38 $ cash and Juno. ; 38jf " 3Si .Inly ; 28 August ; 27S Soptembei ; 2li ] ( 27i year ; injected 31-J llyu Ifnled dull but firm ; demand Hm- ItuljNo. 2 , 81 01. earth ; SI 02 .lime ; 88 .Inly ; H ) Angtisl ; 7U'i ' September. HailoyHtuady ; olferingH small , Jiufc moio or lens lniiiry | ! for all grades ; No , 2 SI I0f i | 12 foreaslr.81 18 for Septum- bei ; N'o. 3 , iinotaliln at 8lic , I'oik Light demandotreringKNiiiall and pi ices steady and a shade higher ; SHi - ' < ( " ' ' IK 1174 ciiMli , acoonling lo iiualily ; SHi 35 for .July * SHi 50 for August ; S13 70i/13 ( 72i for the year. haid Steady ami .inlet . ; 810 70 ® 10 72J for cash ; 810 72Wl'l " ) 80 for .Inly ; SIO 80r ' 10 82A August ; "SIOIi5&jlO 70 for September ; if'S 87ifel ! IK ) for thu year. Hulk .MeatHIn modor.ito demand and eiuy ; Hhoiildeis , 515 ( ( < 5 50 ; Khoit clear isldcH , fj 50ft8 ( 55 ; Hlmit rib sides , § 8 17i C',8 20. " Whlhkiiy ITnchaiiged al 81 08. HeceipU-Flour , 12,521 blw ; Wheat , 91- 0I7 ! bu ; Coin , 211,0(13 ( bu ; Oats , 213,212 , bu ; lyu , J,005 bii ; b.uluy , none , ShipmentH Klour , 11,818 bbls ; Wheat , 5351 ! bu ; corn , 3.17,2ii7 bu ; Oatn llIRiJbii ! ; lye , 2Mi7 ( bu ; luiley , ii'25. CI.OSINd I'lllCKS. On call booid at 2:30 : p. m. , the folloxving xxcruthi ) cliwlng iiiotations | : Wlivut-Kining , .lune , SI 119 ; .fuly ohcd at SI 13 } bid ; Angni. ! , SI HiOl'l ' 111 bi id ; Koiitember olmed at 81 121 bid ; < Jo- tuber closeil al SI 12JJ bitl ; year clo-ed at SI 10J bid : lotal salon , 2.210,000 bu. _ Coin .lime , linn and closed xxithIfio bid ; . .InlyHus ; August , I58c bid ; Septem ber , Ui oj year , I3J } Lilal nalus , 2,025,000 , bu , Oaln-.limi' ulosed al 38j ; July and An- gnat , 2k > Ai-j September , 2 < | e ; total tales , 115,000 fin. live - J ime , 81 O'Jj.I uly , 87Augu ; t,80Jc ; total rideH , 5,000 bu. ; July clohed al Slrt 35 ; August SHi fiUJ bid ; yearolfered al SI 1 00 , x\itb 813 80 bid ; total union , 1,750 bblH. haul Khmer ; Juno , nlfered at 810 7- " , xuthS10724 bid ; July closed xvith 810 bO bid ; Augnsl , 810 82J bid ; September f.oUl al 810 72 { ; Oclober , SIO 05 ; year , S'J OS ; total sales , 5,750lIuiceM. Hulk .McaU--8hmt ribs , July. 88 20bid ; Aneniil , chiBcd at 88 30 : Seplember S810 bid ; Miles , 50,000 Iba. Liverpool Produce * Livmi'ooL , June 13. Flour American , le@lln. ) Wheat Winter , * @U * W ; " > t @ 9nGd ; Bpriutr , { > b < SOd ; 4d ; club , 9 * 7d@ Us M. " Corn la. la.MH -MH Ud.