Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning , Juno 11.
About three e'clock this morning t
fltrangcr rushed into the Davunpor
house yelling that some ono was pur
suing htm. Ho gesticulntoel for n moment
mont , then pulled n pistol find shoi
himself through the head. The vvouiu
is n frightful ono mul may proYo fatal
jit is reported the man's name in Capt
, :
Patterson sells coal ,
, , Get your lints tit Donne'n.
. Drink Satc'o I'enivinn Uerr.
I 1 Drink Saxe's celebrate * ! cream soda.
ibOO residence loin , Hernia , agent.
000 Imiiness lots. Cull on He'iiif.
Henri * ' now map of Oinnlm , UTi ccnU
Hcmis * real cstnto Ixtom. Vlrnt pi } ; c
2."iO hotucs and loU. UciniH1 agency.
'JOO fanns and ' 5)00,000 ) acres 6f Inml
Ucmi * , aKcnt.
Smnko Saxe'fl clioicr , fresh supply j'K '
j Kiclitcr , opp. 1 * . O. , Belli straw hats
For KINK Commercial Job Printing
call at TIIK ! ! KK .lull roiiniH ,
The Linn continue * U ) roar for Mcxiro'i
IIarncK.1 and Swldlury.
.Tutit received a Inrgc lot of fincsi
cigatu in Onmlin , at KulniV Dnij ; .Store.
r Whlpplo , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
-nrs. Croiirhton Dlock. o' O-tf
Ycstcnlay , after the parade , whei
\ the Atlantic City Cornet Hand left the cltj
tlio TJ. I' . Hand accoinjianicil them to tin
lepot , nnd together they played n flnn
Tun UFK has lieen faxnrcd with a com
Tiltnientary ticket to the lleil Oak Driving
1'arlc asHociatinn mueting to hu held ol
.Inly iHt , 'Jd nndIth. .
Some evil minded jiernon nawi'd iienrl
in two the tloulilo'troe of a fine carrin y , ti
tvhich was liarncxHod a Spirited team
.ivliile hitched iti front of a residence ii
tills city yesterday. Tlio turno'iit he1
longed to Houmn , thu livcrymnn.
Attempted Suioido.
J.P. Metzbaum , of Cleveland , Ohio
a guest at tlio house of Mr. Levy , ai
Thirteenth and Jones streets , attempt
cd suicide by taking a dose of lamia
num Friday. Ho was restored to com
1 aciouBiicss under immediate mcdica
attention from Dr. E. L. Siggins , am
will recover.
Pleasant Entortnluors.
After the concortTliiirsday night tin
members of the several Sii'iigorbundi
adjourned to the Tivoli upon tiio invitation
-vitation of the St. Joe Mionnorchor
extended through its president , Mr
IS. Padberg. There the truests gavi
themselves up to the pleasures of tit
liour. The St. .loo band was presen
and discoursed music between time
while the members of the visitinj
bund exerted themselves to extern
their hospitalities. Songs were smij
and various other features to the Gor
man "commcrse" enacted. Altogethe
a jolly party was present and a ver ;
pleasant lime spent. As entertainer
the St. Joe men are successes.
A Serenade.
The combined Union Pacific am
Atlantic bands tendered Tin : HKI
cilice a very enjoyable serenade yee
tor'day. The Badger State quid *
Hlep was given in elaborate style
Home lime ago when the Union Pac
fie band vinitod Iowa they were Hi
guesls of the Atlantic band , and i
turn they to-day were the enterlaine :
of the Towans. Both -bands wear tl
name style of uniforms and the Imp ]
idea to-day struck them to pool the
issues and appear as n single ban
This they diel with line effect and fu
niahcd some of the best music hear
at" the parado. "
, A Sorlmnmijo.
; At about 030 ; last u veiling 11 fig
occurred"m n disreputable house e
Twelfth street , between Dodge ai
"Douglass streets. As near as con
, 1)0 learned an American became jc ;
ous of an Italian and boat him aim
the head with a bottle or beer glae
culling several deep gushes from whit
the blood flowed , besmearing his fuc
and saturating his clothing to an e
tent which made the victim a frigli
fill look ing object. Doth parties we
lodged in jail to await trial to-day ,
Senator Vail Wyck.
Senator Van Wyck loft for his hoi
last evening whore he will ronia
until .Inly. It is the Senator's into
iion to go e.aat in order lo suporintei
the erection of a fine residence whi
lie is having built in Washington Cil
Racing Red-Shirts-
The chief-feature of the Piromoi
Tournament across the river yesle
day , was the novelty foot-race mid
the following conditions , and with t.
following results ; v '
First prize § 100 , distance BOOynrt
and won by W. 0. Ryan , of the Ual
Lose company of Denver , in 3
seconds. Second prize , ? 50 , dislan
200 yards , won by Kdward Harriso
of the Baino company , in 20 } seconel
Third prize , $50 , distance 100 yare ]
won by J. E. Langtakor , of llcsc
Lose company , of Council Bluffs ,
9 | seconds.
- ! > youVant n pleasant team of ai
"kind , go to J. H. McSlmno's Liver
ia07 , | 1307 tuid 13011 Hamoy stwe
MPar&sbls and Buii-umbrollas at tl
2)9 ) cent storo.
t Proves to Bo the Most Success
ful of the Series ,
- *
Largest Audience Ever Qatb
orod In Saongor Hall ,
ArranRomentfl for the Ball tlil
Tlio last of the Bories of concerts
iven under the auspices of the Sixon
urfcot last evening wvs oven mon
uccessful than the ] > ruvioiia evening ,
Notwithstanding that thoj olomuntf
eenicd to conspire against it , the at <
cndanco was larger than at any enter
linmeiit during the week. The ladle ?
ere out in full force although-
renching Boomed cmo of the
lossihililies a couple of hours before
10 concert was to lake place. An
sun ! it was n representative audiunco.
t was excessively hot ( hiring the
reater portion of the evening. Tfl
acilitato matters Trof. NValther's
{ rand chorus were seated upon tin
Ugo in order to moro quickly grour ,
icm when they were called upon lu
ing. The programme was quili ) an
engthy us on the previous evening ,
ut the entertainment concluded
inch sooner.
The introductory overture "Miri- :
tana , " was begun promptly by the
; rand orchestra under 1'rof. Stein-
latisur. This fine composition is by
Vallaco and in it the roaring of the
ca , and the humming of the wind in
n ocean storm'aro worked out with
calistie effect.
Kuiitzo'fi "Gormania" afforded ( mi
cope to I'rof. Wallhor'n grand or-
icstra to exhibit their metal and
raining. The immense chorus uuny
i excellent time and with admirable
orce. The production 'is a very
rotty one and was done ample jus-
co to.
When the programme announced
Von ISroo'n Chorus of Men , " by tin
) maha Glee Club , Homething in the
p-top-order of excellence was ox-
ected. The audience was not disup
ointeil. The club was accompauiui
n the piano by Miss Kennedy , am'
S. Smith led. The entire. mako-up o !
10 organization in far above the aver-
[ jo. There are no weak parts in tin
liorus. Every voice is up the stand
rd. The club was given a very heart }
eception , and being encored respond
d with "JJaliy Taylor , " which wai
ven bettor suited to display the uni
ersal strength of the club ' _ tliin ; tin
rst piece.
Ik'iidolari'H woll-kuown production
'Vivat the Lauijh , " was the first pieci
11 which Miss Mabolla appeared. Tli
eng was admirably suited to elovolo
IISH Mabolla'n greatest strength. ]
equired no great expansion of voice
nd was confined almost entirely ti
ho lower registers. Miss Mal-elli
ad an able accompanist in Mr. Muvlii
Calm , who presided at the piano
Miss Mabella wns called upon to re
pond to an encore , which she did ii
very pretty air , entitled , " \Voleom >
'rotty I'riiiirewo. "
The Lyran society , under the lead
ership of Prof. Ilofman , sang a piec
vliicu they called " Natnreii , p ;
Ijertat. " It 'did not call into refill
Hitiou a very extended compass of v < ;
cal powers , but showed the society t
> o in excellent training. An encor
was called for and given.
A brief interlude followed the run
ilitiou of the allegro and finale of IU
Ihoven's Fifth symphony and the ei
tro-act of Lohengrin , by the gran
orchestra , "Dor Saongor-Kid , " lj
Prof. Walther's gmml chonm. follov
od , after which Miss Mabella mad
her second appearance. The song nil
had chosen was the "Three Fishers ,
by Hullah , which has a very tuV
ing laughing chorus. It was enthi
siastically applauded. In answer to ,
recall Miss Mabolla Bang a .Scotch ha
lad , "Oh , Whistle and I'll como 1
Yo. "
The Loavonworth Maonnor Gosanj
vorein made its first apiHiaranco I
sing Waessec's " DoVolel , " which wr
satisfactorily rendered.
Prof. J. Strassur followed in J.
Horiot's seventh concert for the vii
lin. The performance was a very a
tistie bit of Work and received a we ]
deserved encore.
The Columbus Maonnorchor f <
lowed in a selection from Husclini
which was nicely rondered. They we :
heartily encoreil.
The next event of the evening , tl
appearance of Miss Kittio Lowe , wi
looked forward to with anticipatioi
of considerable pleasure by the and
once. The piece which the * vow
liuly had selected to sing was Ab |
song entitled "Embarrassment , " ' .
was given in a very pretty style ai
secured a recall. '
The entertainment closed with tl
introductory to "William Tell , " re
dered by the orchestra.
After the concert , members of tl
Saengorhuml and n largo party of i
vited guests remained in the hall'
participate in the "commers. "
Thin evening the grand ball tak
place. Great preparations huvo'boi
made for the event by the committ
of arrangements , consisting of Mossi
JuliiiB Meyer , John Erk , A. II. 11
boriiiann , E , Wirth and L. Ilelbor
I'rof. Steinhauser'a full orchestra w
furnish the music. The following
1. I'olonaUo "Colohouiu" F , M , fHei
J. . WaUeo "A Toi'ViWftldtouu'l.
3. I anuterd "JJyccaccio" Supiw ,
4. Schottscho "Mar.M 'erI- & Hro
RteinhnUBcr ,
5. ( Salop "Holjo" Strnuss.
G. Waller Quinlrillo "To onr CSunl
Stenh ! uer ,
7f Polka " Umlard CluVJ Stelphauwr.
8. Walter "KreudeuVlaeiiKe" Steinhau *
0. ( JuadrilU ) "twiw for Glory" lluw.
A fine line of Gents' Furnishing
Goods at reduced prices.
eod-2w M. HF.M.MAS it Co.
The Nonpareil of Juno Oth had ar
item in regard to the consolidate !
band in which item they gave tin
praise to the Mnscatino tenor drum
mer for some solo playing , which it
reality was done by JJajor Clark of tin
Atlantic opera 1JM. Clark is the chain
pion drummer of Iowa and doubtles !
of the entire west , lie hairepeatedly
challenged the Muscatinc drummer tc
play him and heen refused each time ,
The public in decided that the
U. P. and Atlantic consolidation play <
cd better than the former consolida
tion ,
TF you want a good dtivo in the
country go to J. H. McShano's Livery ,
1I107 , 180'Jnnd JH11 Harnoy street.
Sunday will lie quite a day at Trini
ty Cathedral. It is the Siith anniver
sary of the parish. The Dean wi l
deliver an anniversary sermon in the
nioniinir. ' The children of the Cathe
dral and Mission will meet for the an
niversary sermon at 4 o'clock. All
the old pupils of Hrownoll Hall are in
vited to bo present at the Cathedral at
8 o'clock in the evening for the
Baccikuirato Sermon ,
IFiOO imported Fayal Hats fiOc each
at the Uonton Store , 010 , lOtli street.
Wiurri.K , MeMiui'.N it Co. ,
c8d-lt. CuiuaiiTON DI.OUK.
Go to II. G. Clark & Co. , for nodn
water syrups and extracts. jO-Gt
Lemons cheaper than ever at
jC-lw .Unffott's.
Good pic nic mitts JiOc at Kurt/'t
Strangers visit Kurt/'s store.
500 piece moHqiiiUo netting , ai
for.i10c per piece , at the ISoston
tore , 010 10th street. j7-5t
I bought my parasol at Kurtz's.
The Alpha Literary and Social Cir-
lo will give a strawberry festival am ;
all at the Standard Hall on Thurs
iay evening , Juno 10th.
It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
Don't miss the bargains in the ban
nipt stock in Straw Hats on sale ai
bout half price at Frederick's Hai
inporium real bargains. Iw
Fan yourself at Kurtz's Storo.
Another lot of men's and boys' hat
2 for 5 cents , at the Uoalon Store , Gil
Oth street. _ _ J7-51
Feenoy & Connolly have started it
ivitli a good trade in boots and shoe :
, t their now store , No. 512 Sixteontl
. jlO-Ot
treot. _ _ -
About Garbage DopoRlta.
According to the order of the conn
ill , Street Commissioner Ford ha
ilaced Douglas street in a passabli
ondition to the river. The garbagi
deposits at the foot of Douglas am
arnham streets have bccji removed
\nd tlie commissioner gives nolle
bat any persons dumping offal a
.hese points after this date will b
IJoy wanted at Frederick's tiio leai
ng Hatter. Iw.
TK you want a pleasant carriage rid
.50 to J. H. McShano's Lively , 1307
11109 nrnUHll Hnriioy stieut.
No licad-achu or hai'k-nclic for lodi , <
who drink "WINE OF CAnDUI. "
At C K OrtKlmav.'d
Pic me at Kurtz s more.
Moroboutu and Miumftiotnrorti
A meeting of the merchants an
mannfacturers' union was held i
Turner hall yesterday with Presidoi
Her in the chair. Speeches wore mad
by Messrs. Hodeo of Grand Islam
Hosier , of Niobrara , and llaldwi :
, M et/ and Stull of Onmhi
The object of the meeting is undei
stood to be to ] > erfect a state organic
lion. The meeting was adjourned (
I ) o'clock this morning. Yesterday
meeting was held with closed doors.
My collar's wilted , I must go
Kurtz's store.
Everybody trades at Kurtz's.
You may need a parasol.
You may need a linen duster.
You may need a Dressing SiwV.
Do you want a handkerchief ?
DC you want hosiery ?
Do you want gloves ?
We have prepared for our visitii
Picnic Mitts ,
Picnic Gloves ,
Picnic P.-rniBols ,
Picnic Sack
Everybody invited to BOO our stocl
8-3t _ CroighUm Bloclc.
Indies linen ulsters clieap at tl
Boston Store , QIC 10th street. j7-
Do your shopping at Kurtz'i.
S ! P. Mono & Co. , 131D Fnrnlinn
Street ,
Among the attractions of our city ii
ho store of tins firm , situated in tin
loart of business ( near the corner o
' 'ourtconth and Kaniham ) and having
u their buildim ; the largest stock o !
Iry goods cnmod by any retail liousi
west of Chicago. M essrs. Morse J
2o. may verily bo styled onr rcprescti'
ativo store. The first and second
leers of their building , 22x132 feet
re used exclusively for retail drj
ry goods. The third story contain !
heir wholofl.ilf and surplus stock
naking thein the largest dry goodi
n onr state. Thirty-two employes at
end to the uants of customers. A
> ranch store of Morse it Co. , sitnalcd
t C22 and iVJJ South Tenth ntreot ,
onior of Jiirksoii , and three block ?
orth of the I'liinii Pacific depot , sup'
ilics the wants of residents of Soutli
Omaha. Visitors will bo welcome and
ecoivo every attention at either oi
ilorao A Co. s stores. Their adver-
iscment occiipius the right had cornet
f our local page.
Kurtz's store Creiuhton block.
It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
Messrs. A. Cruickshaiik & Co. ex-
end a cordial invitation to all stranger.
isiting Omaha to call and examine
icir magnificent establishment , and
lave detailed two of their clerks ti
low visitors all through the store.
This store is one of the sights ol
Omaha. It is the largest retail Drj
Eoods House in Nebraska , and no-
cnowledged by all to be the finest and arranged store west of Chicago ,
rranged on three floors , having fifteen
opartmcnts and forty-five employees ,
ml retailing nearly a quarter of a
lillion worth of Dry Goods. A trade
o inijiioiiHo as this coulel only be
chiovod by good goods at low prices ,
nd strangers cannot do better thai :
> rico a few of their goods as they past
lirongh , and see the oxtraordinarj
ilferenco that can bo made by mer
liants that go for a largo trade al
lodorato prices. Amongst a few ol
lie noticablo things they ofler are c
[ > lcndid line of Gents' half Hose , ai
5c a pair. These goods are oxcellonl
uality and really worth 50 cents. A
plondid line of Ties at 50c , wortl
U.25 , and those beautiful white dress
liirts , unlaimdried , the very besl
uality , at 7i > c. This is almost in-
rediblo , but they ask strangers tc
all and examine for themselves. .
Their line ot Silks , Cashmeres am
? ancy Dry Goods is simply superb
11 offered at New York and Chicagc
jrices. Their stock of Parasols am
unshadcs comprise an assortment nee
o bo met with outsiele of Now York
rranged in a line of glass cases si
bat purchasers can see at a glanc
every style in stock.
Do not fail to visit this store even j
on liavo only time to spend a foi
ninutes. jo8-4t
Pic nic gloves , inc. , at Kurtz s.
Lemons 25 cents per doxcn at J. I
Nichols' .
Lemons 25 cents per dozen at J. I
Nichols' .
The Iteliable Jeweler ,
Corner Thirteenth and Douglas street
The largest jewelry house in th
west. A mammoth stock of new au <
'oahioimhlo goods just opened. jolO-2
For duliciom ; ice cream , go to Mrs
pocrri , Masonic block , Sixteen !
street. maylG-lm.
II. I ! . Clark At Co. make the bet
soda water syrup and extracts. jG-li
buying youths' , boys' and men' '
clothing at POLACK'S before moving
Farnam street , near Fourteenth.
thu it friday.
Do your shoppinir at Kurtz s.
Wo ore making a specialty of fu :
mailing Syrups and Extracts fhr Sod
In Kvery Department.
Summer Coats , Knit Suits ,
Working Suits , Shirts and Waisti
Linen Collars , Cassimoro Suits ,
Skeleton Coats , Uusiness Suils ,
Ollico Coats , Handkerchiefs ,
Drcs.s Pantaloons , Underwear ,
Children's Suits , Gloves , Trunk
Satchels ,
White Shirts , Neckwear ,
While Vests , Linen Clothing ,
Dross Suits , Straw Hats ,
School Suits , Jeans Pants ,
Children's Hats , Fancy Shirts ,
Dusters , Fancy Half HOB
Cigarette Cops. Cheviot Suits.
1001 Farnham , cor. Tenth slreots ,
ake "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and yo
bu bilious.
Still extra bargains in all kinds
boots and shoes for ladies' , children
and men' wear before moving , wi
not move until Monday next.
Douglas botwoet 12th and 13th.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures cesth
ness mul tjick-lluiuluchu.
A O. P , Onodmn' .
CfOKA flAA LOAN At 8 jxr cent
> OU.uUU t < nt in tumid 2tOO i
upwudt , lor S to 6 y > on , on flnt-clu city
f&nn pro | tty. Omu Kiib KutATi nd Lo
Agtxcr , 1Mb ( Uid IXiuxUs SM.
Mutilor of a farmer ,
Sr. PAUL , Nob. , Juno 10. The
iody of Lon Paxton , 1 ! ) years of age
ivtng ton miles north of St. Paul found in a field yesterday , when
10 had been plowing , with a bullei
) le in his h cad. His skull had alse
) ocn crushed with an iron rod ,
Lemons 25 cents per dozen at J. I ,
Vichols" .
S. P. MOKSE it CO.
Oc , 25c , 20c , 2oc , 20c , 25c , 20a , 25c.
) pen to-day fifty pieces. New designs ,
Elegant patterns in pure
at 20c and 25c , fully eiiial { in ( pialitj
o those sold at 35a and 40o else-
3c. 05c. 03c. G5c. GJC.
For sbis week only , wo offer BO
oxen Alon'a Reinforced IJosom , fine
non Cuff and Neckbanel Shirts at 05
cuts. Compare them with anything
ligh-priced stores sell at § 1.00 ; re
member our shirts are all cut to order ,
ot odds and ends from factories , are
arranted to fit and give perfect sat-
sfaction or money refunded ; what
more can yon ask ?
25c. 25c. 25c. 2oc , 23c.
Any one can show you a Half-lloao
t 2f c. , but our extra tine silk clocked ,
nd onr fine fancy striped Hose at 250.
ro equal to anything any one * else
ells at ! ! 5c. and f > 0c.
50 doz. Seamless British Sox at
Gijc per pair.
50 eloz. Seamless British Sox ( best ]
Ic per pair.
Very best qualities $1.50 dozen.
Celluloid COLLARS , Wholesale and
35 doz. Silk Mitts extra long , 50c.
Worth Sl.OO.
25 eloz. Silk Mitts extra long , 80c.
Vorth 81.25.
40 eloz Lace Top Lisle Gloves , -10c.
Worth 75c.
25 doz. Lace Top Lisle Gloves , 90c.
Vorth SL 50.
2L doz. Ladies' G.mzo Vests , 35c.
Vorth 50c.
20 eloz. Ladies Gauze Vests , 45c.
Vorth 75c.
20 doz. Ladies' Gauze Vests 75c.
Vorth Sl.OO.
25 doChild's Vests , all sizes , 20c.
Vorth 3.ric.
20 doMen's Gauza Vests , 37ic.
Vorth COc.
15 doz. Men's Best Joan Drawers ,
)0c. Worth 75c.
50 eloz. Ladies' Balbriggans 25c.
, Vorth 35c.
25 doz. Ladies' Balbriggans , 3 ic.
Vorth 50c.
20 doz. Ladies' Balbriggans , 45c.
Worth GOc.
20 doz. Ladies' ( best ) Balbriggans
iOc. Worth $100.
30 doz. Children's Seamless Hose ,
,11 sizes , 25c. ( an unusual bargain1 !
rarth double. )
20 doz. Ladies' Pure Lisle Hosm ,
! 5c. Worth § 1.00.
S. P. MORSE it CO.
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale
jest , Pound , Wants , lioardimr , ie. , Mill bo In
icrteil In these columns once tor T1'.N CKNTI
icr line ; each suhicquont Insertion , I'lVKCEXTl
> er line. The tint Insertion netcr ICM tha :
r\vn.vrv-KivB CITS. .
ONKV TO IOAN-Call at Uw Olllcx of I
M1 I , . ThomM Hoom U. Creizhton lllock.
TnoicirHforKoncral house * * or
WANTKD ) ; room. Hudson Hlver lloum
llarncy street. 131-10.
- new luff Rlrl , 413 , south Tent
btriet , between llarneyand Howard.
Immediately , a dining room K\ \ >
WANTED Charlw Hotel , Hurney t.t. 131-1
. HOY WANTKDAt I * C. Knewold
A.SMAHT . Oneuhois KOIIIU aeijualnte
nitlitheilry Koodn husin i and peukn tlio ( Ic
inn Innx'imK'c , prtft'rred. 133 1
- Coo.1 rar | > entern or lahinetnmkei
WANTKD after 0 o'cluck at thu Omaha lloui <
I. . 11. 125-11
II ) a man 'JSiarn of axe , nnlci
WANTKD ] and Kooif accountant , n Mtu :
tlon. Am willing to work ut AMTIIII.CI re pe < b
hie. Ik tof references AddriM J. II. ( ! . , IU
otllce. 129-11
" \\rANTii : > nituatlunuiliouiekrfiier. WMov
> V ers family preferred. No nhjutlon to K
in country. Adilrevt e ) . 1 ! . , lieu Oillcc. 130 '
\\rANTKD-A ( 'O.xl i-olored Kirl. Apply '
1510 Hurt street.
\ \ rANTr.DAwKlnKKlrlatllS "toiith Tent
\ i utreet , IwtwiH'ii llarney and Howard.
. . . KD-Nur o girl , N. W. cor. 18th ar
Clllai''o utrtetii. 1231) .
Situation by a > oung man an
WANTED for emploi int. Han had expel
I'lieo in groeer ) , dry g < Kl * , fancy tnvie and hoot
olaoos trmcler. Apply to H. , lIKEolllce.
110-0 ,
r'.D- Cornice hamU and tinners. Wet.
i-rii Cur nice Worku , 1310 Dodge fctrec
M1I.I.INKUY AND SAI.KS-A ) oung la.
wanUa bituuti'Vi a < < above ; loiif oxjiei
nice. Pleo eappl ) to A. II. , thUotlk-e. 117-11.
" \\rANTED A girl for general housewor !
> > two In a family. North tide of Cldeae
IUecu 17th and loth KruU. JIHS. ESI.
"ItrANTKIl Ily a lady , a room witli lioai
lV within afeblixt ot the potollicc pr
ferred. iUdrcncv * giu-n , Addreu 1) . , tbl c
ttiv. 12i-10.
TrANTEIT0 med to * ork In L-ardcn <
W north end of Ibth ttrett. II. \ \ , HAIL.
\TTANTED-A uur o girl for ntntco during U
W d y only. 733 Ibth Hmt , ntar Cut
ulng < . 120-10.
ITirANTKp-A barber to run a shop on 6t
on I icrto and Pacific utrctU. 11&-10.
ir.VNTKH A flrit rlilM Untitr at onrn hy T.
V J. PAKKIHII. Henrney. Mb. 110 Ct
A free < l Klrl f r general houcc-
. . Apply on Thursday IIU weikat fM
.North I'.lshteenUi street. 7-
"V\rAXTKt A nnt-claw "tore , iiptunlicr l t
> V or later W. M. tllFfc ollki' . 10115
rANTKl-tloo l dining roam K'irl. A 'ly
> > the Kiiitiutt house. loa-ia
-A Car.wntcr tn ! hli nlfo.
01 t
_ _ _ _
\\rANTKI ) -lloo > J blackunilth t Omnha i No -
W elly WorKu , Hth flrect. I'eruiMiint tin-
1 pioiucnt ' , . u'uUFKKY & UAVIS.
A.VI'KH Ten hamls for a-vortin , ; rass , II.
AXTASTKIi Fundlnc liriJite nuit > ( .hool boml * .
> V II. T. Clark , lltlletue. SO-tt
f M.1. AT MttH. II. K. Ct.AUKrr.S No. 1 Itoaril
U Ilic lloutc , cor. 13th mid Dodge SK llcat
11 lliu tlty. 1U-14
S ami cabinetmaker *
\J Wa''ei from2to $3 iterda ) . Iii'l
to lice oltlie. IWO-tf
ASTii-A : cook at 1,300 Farnham street'
"ANTKD Carpenteri anil cabinet
next to KTK oillcc.
.U & canwiitert and 2 cabinet nmk
\VM. KViitinT. : MD tf
\irANTKI ) A "Itnatlon b > a man of fanill } ,
> \ iteady , IndustrloiH and wllllni ; to he u o
fill In any hoiiorabto aavicit- | . C'oinxiiMtl | n ae
conlln.r to eii | hlllty. Plca'e aJ Iress J. K. II. ,
earn of IlKR olllcc. H04.H
11HST Two furnlvlu-d roonn gentle-
tlOll 1 onh , Month front. No. 1,012 I'ariiham
Mreet. 1'AT 0. HAWKS. bl-m-K&H
' AM ) LAND llcnils rcnti hon t ,
HOt'SCS , hutcli , fnriin , lotK , lands , otlkei ,
oonix , ete , Sue Ibt | I.IKII
7\OU UCNT-h'nmlfilieil room at 19th nnd liar-
1 iiu > , suitable for two [ wrsom. Inquire un
_ L Farnham strict , between lllth and ITtli.
OIl HKST Tlireo iiiifurniiluil roonm , north
JT ? side of Howard , 3nUloorAust from Tenth
street. Neuly jkilnted house. KM-iri
1710U HUNT Three unfurnished rooms , nortli
L side of IIoHftrd' 3d door west from 10th nt.
S e ly jxilnted house. ( Ht-lH
"I710H UKNT Front furnlthwl room for t o
J } KentH. Iminlrent 1510 UoAfa. U3-H
mOU HKST A furnished' rent room nt 309 ,
J * Farnham , bitvtccn ItJth and 17th. 7S18
ITIOIt UKNT-Hooms at 1110 Doughs street
J.1 103-t f
I710H HKXT-Kently furnishc.1 room at 1,717
L1 CuinuihiKs St. , Itet. 17th nnd ISth t.tuets.
. e raoin on 11 rst lloor furnished , ulth . A few Uililo lioarderx Uiken , 1S03
t'ulitornl.t street. 74-tf
rp < > l.irr A furniihwl room to Itt with tmrd In
J prl > ate family. Inquire at No. e > o7i 17th
utreet , Omaha. iTT-tf
IT OU IlKNT Nlecly lurnliliwl lanjc room anil
Jj pLino .S. W. corntr Ihth and Capital A e.
9S > 3-tf
HKST On flrst floor , furrhhod rooms ,
8outhuc t comer llth and Uaen | > ort.
-I7IOH KKNT Furnished rooms. Inijulru nt 1818
J } Chicago street. _ 098-tf
W.NT Tlio "limldinij Tn06 Bnrt street ,
FOIl used by John Cane 01 the Loiulon
neat market. Some butcher tools for Kilo. Ap-
> ly on the premised or of John IJaumcr , lan
1'iirnham street ,
HUNT 2 Inrnlnhed roonii o\er MCJ-
FOU KxihangcN. K. cor. 16th and Podge
8treU . 2 n-tf
> KICK FOU SA1.K Ten dollars per thouHimd.
) KSTAllHOOK & COK , 1515 Farnham street.
ANTKD A laker at the Omaha ItaXcry ,
W 61U 10th street. 70-lst
SAI.K A Mills iwrtaUle CUKIIIO ot la
FOIl power. Very economical of f nil and
v.utor. Jacketed nitli oed and eoterecl vtith
Uiihsia Iron , brass bound In locomotlt e bt } le , oil
( , ' 0 ernor , automatic raltii , brasH boxis , oil nips ,
t Iai i w nter truagc , kteuin forcu pnmp-i and Han-
eock patent Inxpimtor. ( 'oinjilete , In coed order
and nearly new. Iteaion for Bellini ; , uM > to
Mithilnin from hii'tliieKs outoldu of our uvular
imnufacturlnVrlteto ( ircennlch Mannfac-
turlngCo. Urecnnich , Ohio. 94-lm
OU SAl.i : flllJArOne aero ( -round , hoiith
. end 10th btreet. House of four rooms , barn ,
cistern , Hiirxll fruit , etc. Terms riasonablu I n-
| iiUo i717 CumliiK'.i strict , bet u cell 17th and ISth
itretts. _ . _ ei ! ) 'Jt eod "
SAI.r.A Miiall engine , II. W. 1'ayne A
. Son'n mike. In perfect under. Inquire ! of II.
ei. Clark efc. 3i ( tf
M ! An almost new phaeton liujrcy nt
A. J. blmiw'jn'n uirrLi 'e faitory. 3l"-tf
SAI.KOn easy tenim , a hausu of B rooms
. ' with lot WvllO Ibtli St. , between Nlckob
and Paul. Kiicpiire at 1140. 21-11
a.\UK l.e.wo and furniture ol a ttrat-clawi
1 hotel In a town of liiOO Inhabitants , in xtatc
of Xibraskn ; hniI hciU ; the trutelinir men'a re
sort. lnciilre | at IIKK oillcc. . 218-t (
1)EMIS'MWorn"MAl'SS5c. : See Ibt pa o
710H SAM ! Largo lot and two good housce al
1 * ; ) ,000.
House and lot In South Omalmat 81,200.
lloiibo and lot In North Omalmat $1GOO.
Houe and part of lot near California utreet , 91 ,
600..Small homo and full lot at $ 0.
Inquire of Jno. L. McCaguo , oppositepostoflloe ,
I TUMI SAliK Houne and lot 3.1x132 ; miitahle foi
L' warehouse. Inqulro of I'ctcrnon , 10th Ht.
W > 1-U
.SAl.i : ScM-rnl KOO < | lota In Unerutw od
JriUK , John L. JlcCoRiie , Opp. l'o t Oillcc
.H.\ll > 'j ncrvH ground In NV'u > t Omaha
; Inquire of J. Henry , No. Ill ) lOUi. b73-tl
171011 SAI.K Two btory house and jmrt lot , neai
L1 dejxjt , IxK-ation sood. John I , . '
Opp. Post e > ! llce.
1) P.J1IS * IlKALKSTATK I100M , S o Nt f&ge
" | 7ell SAI.K Slaps of Douglas and San'J' eoun
J' ties. A. HOHEWATEK , 1620rurnham trtrec't
I"T10U I" SAM' 'Hireo good lots in North'Omaha
1 " at 1)1.000 ,
"Ut in Shiiin' * addition at * IW ,
1/jt in South Omaha at IW.
llrautihil resilience lot at 31,000.
( } oed earner lut ItiJxlOO , un uu > Uronta o a
Tlireo loU one wjuire fronilBth street car line
HCO each.
luqulraof JohnU UcCRtfuo ppObita pottotnca
15 KMIS haa rattllns ions ll t of houses , lot
13 land * and farms ( or Bale , Call and gc
Oil STOI.KN From the Bubserihej
on Eighteenth anil eVnter btreet , on Mon
Uay nUht , June tith , one bright liay hone. Ion
jears old ; had n head utall on , a hear on left him
foot , a trmall here on the right tide , and lili ; !
hips. An ) Information tluxt will lead to hU re
co > tn' will bo kultahly rewanlcd. Addrtfcj or re
turn the horse to 1300 ItougUM btrett.Ali
I.ACEO. 1100 EUS 1tt. .
rPAKEN L'P At jjETVamlorcook. on Jun
1 Eth , IbSl , in Wt.t Omaha , one three ) ta
ol < l smiill Lack mare , w hlto upot in forchuid ; also
one 6orri.ll mare , three jears oM , a little whltu ii
forehead Cull be faunu at blue barn 10th tt
rilAKKN UP Three rc l cows.f nd has a crook
L rd horn and Mm. , uhlU ) noU on her , al *
one red heifer. JOAijict'Al"KJ' ' Htot to hl
ground * , Sanders kt. i&o-M
t KV Infonuation rejrardinf the uhcreabout
\ . of John MuHliran IU Iw thankfully re
eei > cdbyaEOUGE MULMOAN , ManhalltOMn
Iowa.MO To men with large or ( null mean
MO in ready money , n opportunity U oflero
to maV fifty ] < < r cent and upward * , on IU Irnent
mint for lour monthj , biuiniku ul legitlm t
jwrk p cklnf. | ' Additw'-'MONrTlf'Bw" offlc *
: * ' A notch. Ottntrcwn hatothc wimp
1 bvi vlnK . for thlndmtl , . . . . ein nl . ami . prov. . . . . . _
" " * " *
I . - . .1 I ( t 1 f 111 * ! * l.Jkt . 11 It t l
njr p"ro | 'ttj. at 1S12
and rtivtc'tith ttrect < . UJO
rpo WIIOI.KRASK HOt'SliS A competent
1 tiiuinm mnn fetk < a io ltlon M Traullne
> aicmn n fnr a jfooil houno In any bu imM lth Nunplc * . Drux tnulc paefcmtl. Addn
W K"H KOfflcc. _ 109
fllAKEN f I1l > rk red cow , rather nnMI ; ha *
I crooked horai ; been at my place since about
the 1st of June. J. K. KNAI'P ,
lid llet. COM and fbltago 8t < C 88 4t
OTHAED Oil 8TOl. V-A llifht red and whlto
j cow alioutear old , with lone trail and In
> oor condition ami lar e crooktt horni. I/ort on
lay 13th , left a young calf. t-VOO reward will ho
nld for her return to Simon Kaclmed , one block
mntli ol Ilcr'n Distillery. Bi-btd2tw30 <
JjOUND ) Slher atch. Inquire at this office.
. And 1'nra.ooli reputed by M.
UWIlUEt.LAS _ I and Faniam rt.1. "KM
. IIROWN Corner 12th Mid Oilcapo.
, itroitii , in ready to bore or dcij j > n willa.
atWoctlon guaranteed. KOU
pEAMS lan bo got at John llarm stable for
i nil klndt of workat rcaHonnblo llgurc.i , near
uir 13th and LcnNcnworth etrects. 378-tf
KOIIOET The mtceaisori of the Amer
ican House , on Dougla * street , between Dth.
and 10th , for Imard , loilRlng and tranxlont cuo-
mnoM. Heswctfully
B(14 tf JlTMffl ft LOUISE IIOSS.
DIPVOI CO turn Agent for COI.UJiniA
juYlL.bOiande | > TTO IIICYCI.KS. Heml
three-cent stamp for
and I'rica 1. 1st eontalnhu ; full
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
PniutB , Oil niiel Glass.
Absolutely Pure.
Undo from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe.
parallon makes such light , flaky hot breads or
neritoilous jiastry. Can be eaten by Djspeptlc
nitlioutfcar of the Ills resulting from hcaty tndlii
eatlbl food. Sold only In caiiH , by all Graceru.
New York
Seventh Biennial
_ 4T ,
v 1 J "
June 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 and-12 , ' 81 , .
JUNE 8th :
Reception of Guests and.
Reception Concert.
JUNE nth :
JUNE 10th :
. Grand Parade !
Participated in by all Civil and Mili
tary Societies , Fire Department ,
and Manufacturora'
JUNE llth :
JUNE 12th :
Prof , E , STRASSER. . Violinist ,
The I3rand Chorus ,
350 Voices
Under the Direction of
* n of the best instrumentalist of the Q ,
Conducted by
Prof. P. M. Steinhauser.
REDUCED FAKES on all flail
roads Loading into Omaha.
All FcetlUUw will be held In the inadou-
liUSIC HALL , txlng erected Mpcclally tor the
Siengcr-Fent , and locaUxl on the