Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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    TllK OMAHA DAILV BBltl : SATURDAY , JTNI5 II , 1881. o
w.w " UK wmta discard tlio title "Mi . "
'tj ' , Ka ilod ; rings rc discardect liy adult
' ] f"ll(1'i'
14 V
AJ 'v finiall shoulder capes nro inado cntirclv
> of jet.
Belts nnd hand-bags are inado of real
White chip's are trimmed with maroon
feathcr. < .
Crimson shades are in favor for library
An Alsatian bow of shaded ribbon trims
thu new hats.
i nrc solid colors , half gold and
half cardinal.
Camelcttes are trimmed with Unyadcrc
( tripes or Koulce cloths.
Cherries aru dowdyish , and aristocratic
millineri refuse to hixtidlo them.
A Cincinnati paper says that Cinclnn.iti
girls study boxing. Paper collars , for in.
Tlic averai'e woman is composed of 'JI3
liones , Iti'.l ' muscles , L'J old newspapers , and
-U ) hair-pins.
Hosiery are of silk and ll lp tin cad ,
made of ( .pen work. Old fold and fawns
ale favorite colors.
The haniNonio thin window-curtains arc
of black Mlk gauze on which are brocaded
figures in old-gold bilk.
The fnvoiite eoloi-s in Paris
anlobster -
pink , parrot KIVUII , red , moss-green , mid
mustard , both dark and light.
It is very fashionable for young ladies to
Icain to play the violin , and there are
several orchestras throughout thu states
haul to make \ cry good inn-ic.
A Deadwood woman tried to open n can
of nitro-glycerinu with a hatchet , andwheii
she lit about nine miles down the Uhoycnnu
toad she said she ne\er was so surprised in
all her life.
We have heai-d considerable about the
habit girls have of sitting on one leg. It's
n very bad one , imitlculaily if thu leg
I1 doesn t belong to thu young lady. 11 tart-
ford Sunday Journal.
1 P * The most admired hats of the season aru
the old Panama otraw , with the brim lined
with white Surah or black or brown velvet
" while white pompons and feathers , but no
* * - ' - - ribbons , decorate the outside.
' The Latest Parisian iloven aru in un-
dre.-setl kill , whi h lit the hand icrfuvtly.
/Imt / the wrist ami arm are full and large
They aru eight in , lies deep , fastened with
two buttons , and called "Mosiniitaire. "
Among thu new Vieiich linen fashions
are delicately colored table-cloths , which
throw up in greater distinctness and relief -
lief the ornamental dishes and glasses and
vases whith now adorn the dinner table.
Miss Hello Hodman , of Diibwpic , hat a
patchwork quilt , made liy herself at odjl
times , which contains 10,01 ! ) pieces. Miss
liedtnan is now at work on another quilt ,
which will be composed of " ,000 pieces.
The Saratoga wave Is succeeded bv the
water wave , wh ch is made of nnturaf curls
anil fitted to the head by a metalli spring.
This wave defies heat or water , is light ,
comfoi table , and not only easily adjusted ,
bnt alwayfi ready.
Sleeves are skin tight for plump arms
and have four-inch scallops lined with
! ruches of coloied satin and Spanish or
point gauze. Sara Hcrnhardt arms have
close ciiffs and thu elbow trimmed with a
full shirred pleat , confine'1 with bows of
till : or ribbon.
Miss Cool's sharp-pointed icicle : Mr.
( Jusb : "Oh. what ecstatic music ! It
would make a stick dance ! " Miss Cool ,
with great deiniireness : "Won't you trv
a turn , Mr. ( JiisliJ" And yet Gusli didn't '
see it , and said , "Chawineil. I'm sine. "
[ London Punch.
! Indianapolis has had a novel funeral a
woman followed to the gravu by a band of
music , with femalu pall-hearers" , and men
and women in procession. It was a funeral -
oral of a _ member of tint new order of
Chosen Friends , a benevolent society com
piled of both su.xes.
A Xoriistown woman returned from a
Jay's visit to New York yesterday , anil
when a-ked how hho enjoyed herself , re
plied : "I had a delightful time ; 1 spent
four houra at the morgue , and live dead
bodies weru brought in while 1 was there.
It was better than a funeral. [ Norristown
The old set of jewelry used bv ladies HO
long is completely a thing of the past.
Kariings are preferred in a different de
sign from the jiin , Kgyptian and Cesnola
designs prevail in all jewelry. The asp ,
the lotus leaf , theXile key and other pat
terns are shown , Miggestive of the limit of
he Xile.
The Hungarian women are described as
wtifnl , as with line figures as the
ladies , but preserving their willowy
- - , . , s long after the Austrian has be
come fat and shapeless. They aie dark-
Hkinned , with glorious eyes , and one can
often find traces of the vagabond blood of
the gypsy in their faces.
Two young men , unmarried and having
mine iiionoy to squander , promNed to give
a ladies' hewing circle in Frankfort , Ivy. ,
! ? 10 if its _ members would keep absolute si
lence at its meeting for the space of one
hour. The ladies took ten minutes to ex
press , all together , their opinion of these
young men , and then resolutely bet to work
and actually won the money ,
A philanthropic young' woman of Tea
Moines , one of the "praying band , " became
infatuated with a prisoner awaiting trans-
rer to the state prison , and conceived theft
heme of aiding his escape by making him
t cine of the hand in thu disguise of female
Apparel. Hein discovered , she has now
left town for a Kcason , and the object of her
misplaced affection is safely lodged at Port
Kmporia News : A strong-minded female
went through Kmporia ye tcrdayiu charge
of two car-loads of catt'c ' , en route for Col-
orada , She stepped off the train at this
place to attend to Homo business at the sta
tion , and in paying her respects to the rail
road company showed a far familiarity with
rigorous Anglo-Saxon that would do credit
to an old rancher.
As he sat on the steps on Sunday evening
he claimed the right to kit * for every shooting -
ing star. She nt first demurred , as'lwcame
a modest maiden , but finally yielded , Shu
was even so accommodating as to call bis
attention to Hying meteors that were about
to oscapu his observation , and then got to
"calling" him on lightning bugs , anil at
last got him down to steady woil ; on thu
light of H lantern that a man was swinging
about a depot in the distance wlieru trains
pvere switching.
The latest modofo'-dressiiig the hair is a
twist of coils in the bhape nf a figure eight ,
which reaches from thu napu of the neck
to the crown of the head. The front hair
is then paited and waved as near to thu
part as possible. HraiiU are still worn ,
and crown braids are popular with many
people , Scollops for thu front hair are
entirely gone by. A false piece of ntitu-
ally wavy hair is worn by many ladies , as
* ir saves thu front hair from being injured
by crimping , and remains wsiva a much
longer time.
The va ioun designs for fana nro very
odd. With the exception of those having
artUtio and cla ie figmes , all others are
very large , like the fans carried several
yeam ago , They only resemble tha latter ,
however , in size , as thu deaigns are quite
-new. Some HTO in Louis XV. style , of
> cretonne , with figures in the centre. The
laces , wig and stockings of these aru
worked with thread , whilu the garments
are enriched with gold. Other fain have
shaded stripes and a lmnd oine , bright-
colored biid perched on a branch. There
are also fans will designs of exotic flowers ,
Japanesti figures , and French landscapes.
Ladies now aUo use their fans to replace
autograph albums. Some of them are
cove ed with verbUj or with the autograph *
of celebrated artists.
The lesthetic craze seems to bo at its
height in New York. A hingle flower .of
large size U now worn on the waist of a
lauy'ti dress ( not a bunch , ) because it in in
agreement with Home rule , of high art.
Another freak of fashion In to wear an em
broidered butterfly on a ulesve of a drenn.
? ivin t" run in the fnnn of sn.ik.-
ii.l the claw ( ifnn4. \ \ . \ jirctty
Rirl uc.iiKninet niadp of sUvm-il silks ,
vnth k'Amill fltmers of nil very inatctiM
fn'tpiieil to ( IMP siilo with ft M\tr turkey
claw . What arc cnllnl "thcator Inuitict' . '
AU > made ontirrlv of 11owcr ; * . One \vmii
n a l.iilv uf fn liinn i coiiii cl < > f a jnir-
IMP pamy , nno tlowcr ntont1 , the ot'titcr of
the llowvr licini. on tintoji of the hfail.
the imriili' Ati'l ji'llow UAM ilrniipinj ;
( 'iaoufully over hrr Ktililm liair. Hut uau-
ally thi' c liu nets are inailo of timtiy { low-
VM of n kitul , ny nws tiolcUand lillies
of the va ley , with a few green leavox. niul
art- tied \vitli loti } } lace string muter the
Several iiflicnns have hecn killed at
Xcoxlm c-oiintv lately. It is n rare bird < o
far from thu n-a.
A canary bird in Klmim , Xeu- York ,
who p liiiti'iits ami iraiidi > an'iiU ended life
in the same way. recently committed sui-
by liatigin .
A fntmer in Ko * uth county , Iowa , has
a hvo. < w.tli twu mouths the second one
lioitij * under the Hijhl ear , nnd it ope s and
shuts with the other ,
A rattlesnake live feet Ion : witli t-i.\tocn
rattle * and a button was killed on the
South Vulu.nt llojt's old cro liij : , ln t
week I'V a ditchtender namiil ThtiMlore
Anders < iii.
On the. 21st lilt , n colt wns foaled on Dr.
( ilriin'i fann which meas fed -IS in. lies in
hfhjht , Kirth 3.'i imhes , and weighed l.'iO
| ioiind < . The dam lived but twelve IIOUM '
after the foal ng.
Two Mack ea lef , 0110 a female , meawr-
ing seven feet four inche.s fiom tip to tip ,
and the other a male , xexeii feet , were nlmt
on the Heacon furiii. at Katon'.s Neck , 1 > .
1. , one day last week.
A 1'eoria lady picked up the other day ,
tw dead Kn li.-h sparnmx , their ills in-
tcrlookcd HO fir i ly that tlmv ' ould not be
oepanitctl until lirokeii. The belligerent
birds had e\iduitlj been having a hottimu
of it.
A 1'eabody , Mas ? . , pet eat in a currylug
shop went to sleep inside a larje ily-wheel
and wivs caught napping when the engine
was started. She came out without a
Mcrntrh after eleven hours , after traveling
170 ! miles.
A petrified forest has been found in the
hills near Calovenw valley , Alameda eoiin-
Lv , California. Uue pilicitied trunk which
Ifen exposed is about twenty feet Ion , and
seven feet in circumference at the base.
Much interest is shown in the discovery.
The Xovada I'ity Transcript describes a
battle between a dove nnd a half-grown
rooster , wh ch took place in that city the
other day. The encounter lasted for ten
minutes nearly evenly balanced , but finally - '
ly chanticleer put iu his l > e. t licks and
drove thu pigeon from the fi'ild.
The two favorite iicacocks oi the late
Lord Heitcnnstield liave been forwarded
From lliiglienden manor to her majesty the
queen , at Windsor castle , at her desire.
No more benefitting legacy could have been
.eft the queen by .Hugo than these gor
geous peU , HI emblematic of the life of
Ixird Uuncnnslield mid his services to the
emprcsB of India.
Thomas l.ipseomli recently had some
mnks set out in Little Kiver. Two of the
looks were set pretty close together , and
me of tin m caught an eel during the night ,
Mid the eel , in attempting to get of ( the
look had tw fted thu line up until he was
entirely out of water , When he went to
examine his hooks he found a large hawk
caugh on the hook near the eel llethinks
.he hawk H w the eel above the water , and ,
n attempting to catch it , got caught < n
.hu other honk dangling close ; b/ . - [ Washington
ngton ( iiizettu.
Maggie Mitchell is now at her home at
Long Jtr.inch.
The Harrisons will have a new specialty
ilay for next season.
Frank Mordaunt intends to ntnrjiext
scnsou in a new play. * '
The erection of a new opera house is be
ing agitated at Ogden , Utah.
J Carl Schurz is said to have written a four-
act comedy lor the German stage.
Clara Loui e Kellogg and her mother will
eave 1'ari.s for New York .Inly 28.
Theie is every leason to believe that
Modjeska will not return to this country
tefore ISS'Jr
Friends of Frederic I'aulding have spent
iver10,000 in iiromoting his theatrical
It is fashionable now for the musicians to l
sing for dancing. The idea comes from
I'ariof course.
Lawrence liarrett will pass the summer
it .Stuttgait , ( Jcnnaiiy , where hisdatighters
ire now studying.
Miss Ida Lilian , the daughter of a pmni-
nent physician oi Brooklyn , is preparing
to appear on the stauo an a star.
Mr. Hubert MoWado achieved a hril-
iant success in ' Itip Van Winkle" during
lis Denver engagement , according to the
papers of that city ,
Cl.icago in to have a musical [ festival in
1882. 'J'he requisite funds have been gnar-
uiteed for the purpose , and Theodore
Thomas will be ihu organizer and con
Uooth's jnxpn'cd lendition of Hamlet in
Knglish at the. Berlin theaters will be u.s
highly appreciated UH Uernliardt'i * rendi
tion of I''icncli dramas in the oiiginal at
our American theaters.
When seven different piano-makers ad
vertise their instruments an "the best in
the world , " it is a relief to come across an
old hand-organ which jumps the last \erito
of "Captain .lenks" into the first of "Mol-
lie Darling. "
f Signora Uistori wishcn to play Lady
Macbeth in Knglish with utme actor of
position , and an application has been made
to Mr. Irving in her behalf. Kistori is
nad ! _ to have now quite mastered the
Kng.uh language.
Kdwin Forrest was standing near the
door of a theatre in which lie was then
playing , xarly in thu evening , when a man
approached the gatekeeper and tuiiil : "Do
you aihnit the profession " "Yes , when
wo know ' them , " wan the reply ; "who are
you ? " "I've got the trained hog here , "
said the man. "Walk right in1 ' interposed -
posed Forrest ; "I'vu got a whole company
of 'em inside. "
Mile , lihea , the Fieuch actress , who , for
the hist five years has been the leading ac-
Ire.- * . * of Ht. I'eternburg , came to 1/owlon
tNojnontlis ago , without knowing a word
of I'lngliili , Vesterday hlip uutdo her de
but at the ( iaiety iu Beatrice in "Much
Ado About Nothing , " speaking thu purest
Knglish. rihu created an extraordinary
t.uiiaatiun , .She intends tii stur heru for a
year and then go to America ,
Lotta , who has madu more people laugh ,
probably , than any other woman lit nig.
u a member of the Episcopal church , and
was continued at New Orleans in IWi'.l.
Throughout a busy and not altogether easy
life , Lotta has not only miccce-dcd iu extending -
tending her fame from one end of the con <
tinent to thu other , hut she bus done what
in far moic to her credit and gloryiho
has kept that name unboiled by any
breath ofscuudal.
'l'abor'n opera house , in Denver , will ac
cording to all accounts , he a very gorgeous
affair. The building will cost something
like ! r.0,000. W. H. Biith will be the
manager , and the house will be opened in
iSwptvinbor , The decoration of the theatre
will hu done by Marshal , Field & . Co. . of
( 'hicago. Their bill alouo will net § 15,000.
The carpets will he of loyal wilton , thu
draperies will be of the finest fabrics that
the looms produce , the IJOXBH will bo up
holstered after the style of Louis \ J V.
bThe , Kansas state 'musical jubilee , to b
held at DUmarck , Kan. , August 18 and lit ,
promises to beonu of thu grandest utfairn
ever attempted in the west. J'rof. 0 , J $ .
Leslie , of Chicago , has charge of the ar
rangement , and has organized clauses all
over the ktate. These will be under drill
from now until the jubilee. Mr. Leslie
ha with him in the Ute twenty-eight
or teachers totanht
ill arranging and conducting. Kvory town
in thestate of one thousand inhabitants or
over will bei ited. and choruses organ- !
cd that willl. . under drill until the 18th
of August , so that when all the choruses
in the stale come together in < > no general
teheai-jial , tin-day und e cninp before the
jiibiu-e , all will sing together at one voice.
Twuity-iiglit towns in the state have been
( itvnnizcd. and the number of voices en
rolled is : < , S'.l' . and fully one-half the Mate
to hear from yet.
Lcmon-juico pievents malaiia , and a
little Jamaica rum , with ice , prevent * any
injurious effects from the b'tnun.
When the telegraph wires are tnn under
ground , nd the poles abolished , the lump'
posts should be increased. Then- must lie
something left for drunltcn men to cling to.
Hill N ye tells of a tiamp printer who
traded boots with a deeping wayfarer , and
dialk l on the oles "I'nidclilitied Kx-
cbange. "
A Uhicapii dmmmer is in liinlm in a
Wisconsin Jail for hitting a hotel landlord
with twenty-one out of a possible twenty-
three codli h ball < .
IX A London | uper says that "in linseia a
student Is looked Upon as a King-killer. "
Ill America it sttutent i < looked upon as t\
third ba > eman or bow our.
The government has spent 8li0,000 ! in
imcstiyaling the locust , aimy worm and
KiiiKshoppcr , and the only result thus fur
rcpoitcd is that none of them wear sptc-
TJA man in Greene , Chenango county ,
'New ork , recently wrote , HKt words on
a postal card , then wrapped it around a
micriHco o.and chucked it into a lamp-pust
"Who would llvo without children ? "
plaintively usks 'Jhe New Yoik Herald.
That depends on whether your wife can
make thu oldest boy a pair of pants out of
your old coat.
_ At Deadwood balls it is no longer con
sidered en regje to smoke a clay pipe wldlw
dancing , ami if a man does it his partner ,
if she has any self-respect , will Kick the
pipe out of his mouth.
"Sam , you are not honest. Why do you
put all tlte good peaches on the top ( if thu
measure and the little ones below ? " "Same
reason , sab. dat makes de front of .your
house marble and du back gate chielly slop
bar'l , sab. "
Some philanthropist has saidthat | a man
who tiuly loyes a horsu cannot be wicked.
He must bu in the wrong , for Texas jails
are full of men who loved other people's
horses , mil wisely , but too well.-Now [
Orleans Picayune.
"Hw do you like Austin ! " asked a gen
tleman of Uncle Mose. " 1 like the town
filihtrate , but 1 feels sorry for du folks ;
iley is so p ro. Yesterday I wanted to get
change for a fn-e-dollar bill , I put my
ban'in niv pocket and hunted fureberin
long , and 1 irint found it yet , 1 nebber
seed a town it was so hard to get
change for a live-dollar bill ,
A receipt for "curing skins with the hair
on" says : "Carefully remove all the pieces
of flesh , dry the surface with a towle , and ,
laying the skin on a flat board or slab ,
scrub tbeinside thoroughly , " etc. Persons
smtFering wilt-rheum of the scalp
should not try this remedy. They might
not be able to get the skin back in its pro-
perjplace as neatly us it wau before. [ Nor-
ristown Herald.
.Tones made an [ elegant garden , planted
early gem peas very early , started his let
tuce umler glass , and had plenty of little
young beats almost before his country
neighbors thought of digging ground.
They laughed at him for a book farmer ,
said ho was a fool , ami prophesied he
would not be able to gut back thu price of
the rake. Yet when he had bis "garden
truck" in just such quantity that he was
able to have a cucumber at about a dime
of cost his neighbor's children came over
with u bushel basket and said , "Father
wants a penny's woith of cucumbers.1
It always produces a queer kind of ben-
sation to meet a lady relative or friend
after nn absence of ten or fifteen yearn.
You look at her and think "JJear , dear ,
what a change to be sure , what an old
Icoking hen she has grown lo be , " and she
looks at yon and thinks. "Well , well , and
this podgy , bald-headed old _ rooster is _ all
that is left of my handsome , " > liin , Dick ,
Kill or whatever your hideous may be.
Then you both exchun with ouu breath.
"Why , how well you're looking , not a day
older. " What liars we mortals. [ Nycinn
The double page cartoon in the current
Puck takes thu cookie. It represents the
republican tree with all of its branches : full
of fruit except one , and all of them laden
with indu-trjous monkeys plucking the
fruit , with a singlu exception. One solitary
branch is barren , and on the extreme end
of it sits thu stalwart ( 'onkling , with 1'hitt
pel died upon bis.boulders , and he in the
act of sawing oil the worthless branch , while
humid his little burden are Mire to tumble
into the democratic camp. This exhibition
of petty spite by the boss monkey is ac
counted for by Hohortson having captured
the only fruit there was on his branch.
The caricatures of the cabinet and leading
senators are so startling , their acquaintan
ces will need no label to distinguish them ,
it was my fortune last year to stop for
a few days at a country pottoflice , to which
manv of these cards came. " Anyth ng for
me squire ? " would be demunded , "Yes ,
here's a keerd. Hctsey says she can't come
111 after harvest. " "tilio , soiry to bar
it " "Well , " he would i > ay to ano her ,
"Si Moody's overbid you on them ;
you'd better ha" done it as I to d you at
the t me. " "Mary. " said he to a pretty
red-cheeked girl , "Hill isn't coming h'me ,
and you'll have to make up your mi d to
it. Wants you to send him his fowling
piece. " "All , widow ! " to another , "them
eggs you sent to Hardy wasn't fresh. " AH
ho addressed them he would hand them
their cards , and fe t haiipy that ho knew
what was , oing on , Now his mouth in
sea ed forever and the rill of his wisdom is
damned , as lie has been many a time. [ li.
P. Shillaber , in Hartford Po t.
High Price for Bonus
Tom Wutrons , . commercial traveler ,
whipped oir tit the Marshall , Mich. ,
eating IIIIUBU several years ago.
Hu was not very hungry , and called
fur u plate of bonuswhich ho received.
Jle iuuuireil thu priuu , and was in
formed that it was seventy-live cents.
"That's a thundering price for
bums , " said Tom ,
"That's the " said the
price , pro-
pi iotor ,
The train was just starting ; Tom
paid the bill and the coaches carried
him niul his indignation nn toward
This was on .Saturday. On Mon
day , Gilnuiro , thu outing house man
received a telegram collect on delivery -
ery , 81.2. ) , which ho paid , and readon
opening it , "A thundering price for
beans ! "
Thirty days from that date a neat
express package was handed in to Mr.
( jilinoro , 0. O , 1) . , who paid ninety
cents for the privilege of opening it to
discover a lot of sawdust , on the top
of which lay u slip of paper with the
cabilistio symbols : "A thundering
price for beans ? "
Two months from thin Ciilmoro was
summoned to Chicago Ik meet a
former business partner , anil the hotel
clerk handed him a letter convoying
the pleasant information : ' 'A thun
dering price for beans' ' " Costof thcso
articles , § : ) .80. A gcnuino telegram
from Gilmoro's mining share broker
advising him to sell win refused , and
the loss of it entailed an actual damage -
ago to Gilmore of 91,500 ,
A year rolled away , Gilmore or
dered a case of Mackinaw trout from
Detroit. They came 0. 0 , D. , 813.83 ;
whoa opened ho found every fish had
boon removed from the ice and saw
dust and a shingle met his oyc" ,
marked with ft blue lead pencil : "A
tliuiK orinn price for beans ! " Trim
Ido arose between ( lilmoro and tin
Detroit fish , and they went t.
law , ( Jilmoro winning the suit. S 1
damages , and all at a cost for the at 1
torney's services of $80. ( X ) .
( Sibnore grew dejected. Iiife looked
gloomy. Letters poured in on every
one of his family at regular interval *
from all parts of the world , beaviiu :
the unpleasant intionn.ition tlmt it
was "a thundering price for beans ! ( |
At last Gilmore sold the Marshall
eating house and moved to Chicago.
He carried his deep afllietiou along
with him , gnawing like a cancer at
his vitals. The persecution never
ceased. Gilmore dropped , faded , ami
finally died. The terribly atllictcd
family followed him lo his last resting
placej and the widow , with what little
money she had saved from the ex
penses of bogus telegrams and express
packages , erected a plant innrblo nl b
to the memory ot the torlurod Gil-
The following Sabbath the mourning
family went out into the cemetery to
plant some violets on Gilmore'H grave.
Arriving on the ground , they observed
iu silent horror that another legend
appeared above the name of Gilmore ,
on the tombstone , It , was chalked
on a small blackboard and read : " 1
Ihunderiinj jiri'cc for beans ! "
A Woiulorftil Lulio.
The Uodie Free Press publishes the
following description of Mono lake , a
remarkable body of water : Notwith
standing the steady inllux of live
largo fresh water creeks and innumer
able small streams , its bitter but pel
lucid waters continue to give a sedi
mentary analysis of15 parts soda , -tO
parts stilt and 15 parts borax nnd lime ;
thai the lake is Uxl ! ) miles in
diameter and more than 1200 feet deep
in places ; that , it contains two largo ami
several small tufa islands , the first in
mairnitudo having an area of 2200
acres and the second 1500 acres ; that
upon the second island is ( ho crater of
a volcano that was in active eruption
as late as 1358 ; tlut upon the larger
island suul out 100 feet from it , in 70
feet depth of water , are boiling springs
of asphalt , and that no living thing
exists in the waters of the lake except
thu 1'iute shrimp , a pint-eyed worm
which attains a length of about , throe-
fourths of an inch. The valley
commonly called a desert surround
ing the lake is about IJOxoO miles in
diameter , and liasaisomo not remote
period of the past been wholly sub
merged by mineral waters similar to
those which now occupy the deeper
portion of the basin , as the water
mark along the western wall is nearly
1000 feet above the present surface of
the lako.
OriginalSiu Accounted. For.
Hnrtfuril Cniirunt.
Li a certain minister's family the
conversation once turned upon the
character of the baby. Why was he
BO naughty ? The brother who had
reached the ago of twelve , and was
studying the steam engine in his in
tervals of catechism , gave vent to his
orthodoxy in the following sugges
tive inquiry : "Papaas wo all inherit
the sin of A driii , and the baby is such
a little follow , is there not a greater
pressure of sin to the mni.ire inch in
the baby than in any of the rest
of us/ / "
Thi'iv is perhaps no tonic oftbred to
the jifoplo that possesses as much real
intrinsic value as the Hop Bittern.
.lust at this season of the year , when
the stomach needs an apportixcr , or
the- blood needs purifying , the cheapest
and best remedy is Hop Hitters. An
ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure , don't wait until you are
prostrated by a disease that m.'iy take
months for you to' iccovor in. [ Bos
ton Globrt. jlc d\'ulf >
Why is a person getting the iheumatisni
like a man locking a diKU-V HccaitM * he is
turning a key ( achy ) the best cine for iheu-
matism or Neuralgia fs Dr. Thomai' Kclcc.
tric ° " '
Tf you are suffering with low and
depressed spirits , loss of appetite ,
general debility disordered blood ,
weak constitution , headache , or any
disease of a bilious nature , by all
means procure a bottlu of Electric Hit
ters. You will bo surprised to see the
rapid improvement that , will follow ;
you will bo inspired with now life ;
strength and activity will return ; pain
and misery will cease , and henceforth
you will rejoice in the praise of Elec
tric .Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a
botlto , by Tsh & McMahon. ( U )
U , S. LAUD OWCB , NonroLK , Km. \
.HI ay 18th IbHl. f
Concerning N , W , J Sec. 0 , Towimlilp 16 , Nor A
ot llanjio 11 , Rut of ( > th rrlncll-ol
Meridian ,
To William Corliett , - Mom' ! ' . Thomas
Ilim-r , , J. II. Wlitttler , Klljali .M. llolilix , unit
to ut' ' * hem It'inay cotuvrii.
Von iri hi reli } uotlflcil that on the dth ( lav of
SVpti ii'lt. r A. II. 1B57 , one William ( Wrlu'tt , tllixl
hUl"-liratory SUU'iucut , Wo , fifiou , upon the
N. SV .of KeUion 6 , Towiinliin 10 , Noilli of
Hun- 1 1 K.vit of thu Otli Principal Meridian , nml
nn tin llht day of Banio month Inenteil thereon
lllliVu-y lloumy Land Warrant No. hO,17l , ait
of I-.J7 , uliirh warrant HO.I found to htvu l > ri-n
II..UM ! lit Council Illuffu , Iowa , Octobui Ibt , 18M ) ,
at to ml in that land itintrlct. The "locution" H H
unnlixl l.v kttiT of lion. ( . 'oiimilhHloniT of thu
( Jvnurul l-and ollke , lUUxl July 20th IbdO , nnd
thu counterfeit rtrtlflcnto returned to thu laial
ottlci' , nnil the olIiiTH Initructi'd 10 notify ( 'nr'jutt
of this action taken ; mid that an Mix | iic-einptlon
riilit hiul been appro\i lhu , would litipuinilttol to
locutu raid trait with aalid and legally vi-
linf < l warrant , or to ntilictltntu cath In pa ) mint
therefor ; Unit no IOKU ! notleo of thu said iiUlon
of thu commlHiloner wan brought homo U said
Corbutt , or to any party or particx who miccccdrd
to bin rifthto , and it appuiriiiK from thu rivordn
of llouKlaJtrounty , JicbmKa , that J. II , U'hlttlrr ,
anil iiijjli : M. llohbt , aru the legal siim'morK.of
H | I | ( 'orbett to the title of said N. W. 1 Hi * .
Town. 10 , Northof JUngoU Kutoltith I' . Jl.
Thu Hon. CoininlHHlonLr of thu ( lenrral Jjinl
ottlco lias niidur d.itu of May 4th , Ibil dccidul
that thu t > ald Whltter and llobliu arueutitlul to
loratu thu saM tract with warrunU , or to hnhxtl-
tutu tasb in piiiu-nt ; therefor ; us follou a , to "it
J. II , Whitticr for thu KJ nf N. W. 1-5 Ill-Ill' :
Klljah M. Hoblm for thu W } of N. WJ.6-10.'li ' :
Thirty dayH from thu date of thv llrst imblita-
of tliiJ notice are allouul , In which aa apiical
from bulO ikxlslon may bo Illuil In thu local laml
If no nppi'ftl la filei ! , ninety ilayi from cvrlra-
tlon of thu tald thirty daya aru ullow ua thu Haid
Whlttierand Jloblmfii which to offer the Icgul
conuldi'ratlon for thu tuld tractn.
K S. Wn.KHVM. . | J. I.AMIinilT ,
_ in20tivfflit (
fiillrt Wesson will taVuimtUo that on the flOth
ilaof April , A. JJ. 18S1 , the Count j Judiju of
ItouKla * County. Kebra k , I MIIM | an order of
attacbincnt for the mini of fcai In an action iieiid
Ing buforu him. wherein Arthur A. I'arkirlii
lilaintlff , and ( lilbert Weuon , defendant ; that
projierty , to-wit : I-'undu ha c licen ittarhod un
der Mild order. Said caukc wan continued to thu
till Jay of July , IbSl , at U o'clock a. m.
Jun 9 , 1881 * rry thunilw
* * * * Vt"B'
For You ,
Madam ,
\Tlioso complexion botrnys
some liiunllinlliip imncricc-
( ion , rchoso mirror ( ells yon
that yon nro Tanned , Snllow
nml disfigured in count cnnnco ,
or Imvo Eruptions , Kcdncss ,
Itouglincss or uinvholoflotuo
tints of complexion , VfO say
use llngnn'H Biagnollii llalnt ,
It IsudeHcfltc , hnnnicssnnd
( li'lf litful nrtlclo , nrodnclug
( liu most nntnral niul cntraiic-
inc tints , ( ho nrlillclallty of
nlilch no obscrvoi * can doted ,
and which soon becomes per
manent iftho Maq
Is judiciously used ,
No Changing Cars
Where direct connections nrc niacto with Through
SI.KKl'INd CAH LINia for
Ni'.W YOU 1C , ItOSTON ,
The Short Line via. Peoria
Vll.l.i : , ami nil points In tlio
S O AJ jL.'J
Where ilircct connection nre inado In the Union
Uciwt itli thcTfirnuuh Hlcuiilni ; Car
Liiu-s lor Al.l , 1'OINTH
Rock Island.
The tUHiva | ! l Iniliirrincntfl offered \iy \ this line
to tr.Uflcrs niul touiNtH nru ns follow :
The cclclimtnl 1'1'I.I.MAN (10hrrl ( ) I'AI.ACE
SI.KHl'INC CAHS run onlv on tlii line. U. , II.
k ( J. 1'AI.Afi : IIHAWINO 11OO.M CAUS , with
Ilorton's Itcclinlnjf Clinlrs. No extra charge ( or
wnta in Itiicllnlni ; ClmlrH. Thu ( ainuiiH 0. , It , k
( , ' . 1'alacu Dining Car . Onr eoux Sinoltlii Cnr
( ittcd lth clctrant hlL-h-liackeil mttim rt\olvini ! ;
( hairs , for tlie excl e tiboot llrHt-i-lasn panacii-
Ken.Steel Track nml 8iiK'rlor ] c > inlpincnt combined
ulth their i-Jerit through cur nrnnircmcnt , nmkeH
thU , al > o\u all othcTK , thu fuvorito routu to the
Hast , South nml .Southeast.
Try It , and jnii will Ilnil tra\i'lni- ! I'lMiry In-
btcail of a tlNtoinfort.
Throiiifh tlcliutslo this crlcbntwl line for Bale
at nil olliccs In thu I'id ltd SUile.s anil Canada.
AH Inforinatloii uhout mtcs nf fnrt1 , HlfciIn
Car nt'cnininoilatlonii , Tiinu Tablu ) , etc. , will liu
ihfcrfully shell hy njipl in ' to
Octicral rasnoujtcr AKUIII , Chicago.
T. j. rornsii ,
_ Ocni-ral .Manager , Chicago ,
lint runioveU to H'-W Douglas Street , hetwi-on
Htli and IMh htretts , ( liin. | lliiMnnan'M ) .
N'ew ntnl Sei'Oiiil Iianil liooUu hon fit. KoM or
I'Mihnniri'J. JKMin"
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.
I l.a\o mlnptcil tliu Mon Hi a Trade Mailt , and
all my Kood will be STAM1T.I ) with thu I.KIN
and my K AM H on thuwuiuNO COODH AUK
Tbubeht material In lined und thu n o l hkllli'il
workmen nrv emplojcd , and at tliu luwiHt mull
pricu. Anyone i > < huiKU pricu-lUt of L' ° od will
confer a liu or bv H'mllng for cue ,
John Da i ept will taku notlcu that on the Oth
day of Jlijr , l slt Charlw IlrandcH , a Jiiktlcu of
the I'uaw of Iht precinct , Hon lcn County , Nub.
iiuucil an order of attnchintnt for thu bum o
? 2&.f.O In ari action punilln ? before him , wherein
Jlorriu Kl utlrr u pUmtitf , and John llan cpt
ilefendant , and tliat proiicrty contUtliiK of one
trunl. ami contents liu been attoc'liul under raid
order. Hald r u u wati continued to tliu "Oth
Juno , 1811. 1 o'llixk p. m.
To IlullderB and rontructors :
I Notieui * hereby f'itcn that sinlial ] irO | sal
will hu revelled by thu Hoard of Trustee * of
School Dintrlct No. 1 , of Cumin ) ; iniinty , NchraB-
ka.iintll a o'clock A.M. of thu Will day of Junu , A
l > . IbSl , for ercitlon of a whfiol houiu In the town
of Wu > t 1'oint , In laid School District , during the
preHentyiar , ilie kamu tobo built and tliu ma
terial nswl In thu construction theruof. to bu In
occordancu with thu plain and upuclncatioiiH
thereof , on tile with the IMnctor of thu Hoard of
Trustees of nal < | School DLtrict , and vthlch plaiiH
and nic'itication | may bu Keen at the furnltiir
toru of Ixiul * Hlcy , In said town of Wr t 1'oint ,
and a duiilicate copy thereof at tha ottlco of
Charlcg Druvoll , arcbltoit , 111 thu city of Omaha ,
piThe kald lo ! rd of Trimtewi hereby rexen-e the
right to reluct any and all bldi received. Adilruv ,
J , W , 1'oLUocn , Director ,
may31-d3t t Wcrt rolnt ,
* Troves licyond any reasonable qtiestlem that the j *
Is fry all odds the road for you to take when traTcllns In either direction between '
Chicago and all of the Principal Points In iho West , North and Northwest.
Cftrcfully examine tliN y.ip. The Principal Cltlrs of the Writ nml Northwit fire Stations !
on tMs roml , Its through trains nmko close connections with lliolrultioullrun > ouu'jat
junction point * .
- . ? > < f * < $ $ $9' V1' " N ° >
° tvA tfe0
? f
" } ? ' ) J'1,1)1. ' ! ) " . ' ! , " ' . " ? Wylw Cnw ° rtti or KorthwMt of Chicago. It has
" * < > ' "
! S" ft. ? : * " - ' .t InruwtliofollowlnitTmiiltlJiiM. _ . . . . . '
Jtemcmhcr to nsk for Tickets via thN road , bo sure they road over U , and take nnno other.
JUT.V1S llfUlUrr , Oun'l ' Jhinagor , Chicago. W. U. STESNKTT , Oeu'l 1'ass. Aecnt , ClilcaRa
11AU11Y P. IH'Kt. , Ticket Apnil 0. k N.V. . Hallwiiy , 14th ami 1'iU ilwm ctrrcU
I > . K. KI.MIIAI.Isl tuiit Aifi-nt I' . * N.V. . ' Itnllwav , lUli nml K. rlllmm Klretts.
J 1IKI.I , . TU-hi't AKfiit 0. A N.V , lUlUay , V. V. It. 11 , l > ciit.
HAMK.ST. , rm\nil \
3m /iJUmii ' iS f VUwbft ft
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Everything pertainiiig to the Furniture and Up
holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of
New Goods at the Lowest Prices.
CIAS , SHIVERICK , 1208 an 1210 Earn , St ,
-l nion thwvt
Wholesale Liuor
And Agents for Kentucky DistillingCo. \
Corner llth nml IViuulivt HK , lluu\hr > , Neb
Edward W. Simeral ,
ItooinD. . S. BENTON ,
Cor. DoiiRlni ftiid IMh St . , ( linnlM , Ni'li.
OIIN I. imill'K. CHAM. It. HKDICK'
Special nttcntlon w ill Imgl * tn to nil HiiItH njrnliiRt
corMiiatlonH | of t'\i'rj'ileiicrlitliili | ; will { irnctlru in
nil thu eonrlM of the .Slnti : and tlin I 'lilted Stntc'H.
_ CKHCK--rnriihnin ) .St. . niMislti ) | > ( 'oiiit lloilxn.
In HiitiHconili'a Illnck , with Ocoriju II.
I'lii licit , IMifi Farnliani St. , Oin.dia , Noli.
Dexter L. i homas ,
Onmlin , Nuhrnalin , iiifr"t |
" " "
310 South Thirteenth Street , with
J. M.VVoolworth.
JIM. II. CMHKNOK. U. J. lll'M.
Clarkson & Hunt ,
SiHTiwiorH to Illcharila It Hunt ,
8. 14th Strix-t , Oinvha , Nell. _ _
Omen Krnnt ROOIIM fnji utalrn ) In IIannrom'
now bilck liiiilJinn , N.v. . uorncr KftviMiUi nd
Kurnlnni Htr 'ti.
Weekly Line of Steamers
Irfftvlnj : New York iVilVTIIL'ltblAVut2 : ) : ) | i
in. , fur
for \aw&a amity to
0. It. ItlCIIAIlll&CO. ,
Oi-n , I'ttsH. Aljfiit , III llroaiUuy
KKANK K. MOOKKH , llnxur I'IJ.VUT Omaha.
' 17 and 219 North Main tit , , Bt. I/mm ,
NKWH , f ,
Printers Stock.
jryCaOi jiald for lUya nni ! Paper Stock , Scrap
Iron unit MttnU.
1'apur Stock \Varchounfa 12i9 to 1237 , North
Sixth Htrcot ,
nsu.Ht KKLLISO HIJOKU or init AOK |
Foundations of Success
Thelaw of trade. legal fomu , liow to trans
act Umlnwalualile table * , ( toclal etiquette ,
larlUnitiitarr usajft ; , how to touilULt public biul-
tiitu ; In fact ft In a compM Oulilu to Success for
alien * * . A family necoulty. Aildrww forclr-
cultr * and ipeclal Urm < Ah'Cll '
CO. , Bt. I/JUl * . Mo.
To Nervous Sufferers.
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is ft | vjstlvecuru | for Bpcniuitorrtiua , Seminal
rohnrx * , Impotnncy , niul nil illKittsm resulting
from Helf-AbiiHe , us Mental AnxUty , I.ONS of
Memory , I'ulii * In thu llvk or Slile , nml tllsuasca
Hint loiul to
Coiisiiinitloii |
Insanity nntl
an early uraro-
I'lio Specific-
.Mi'ilk'lno In.
ng moil ,
ulth womlor-
( nl mici-ess.
wilt free to nil. Write ( or them ami get lull ror-
1'rlei1 , Sprc-inr , $1.00 per package , or six pact-
nu'ia for sft.OO. Aililress all onlere to
Kn . 101 niul 1011 Miln ; Ht. Iliiflialo , N. V.
Solil in Omaha by U. F. GoOilmnn , J. W. Null ,
. ) . K. Isli , niul ull ilrti iytHuvnry where.
n i2H-il.Vwly
Vfurt fur licmi ; the Innst iliroct , ijujrlioit , and
Hnfcnt line connecting the irrvat Mctroiolin | , CHI-
( MOO , anil the HAHTKIIN , Noinn-HAHTitkV , HOUTII
nnil .SIIIITII KAHIT.UN LINKS , ulikh trriiilnnto there ,
L'dl'Nril. lll.l'KfH Illnl ( IMAIIA , thr C'OIIMKICCIA ! .
c.'ityniis : from ulikli nullutu
Hint pciiftratr.s the Continent from the Missouri
Itlter to the I'ndllc Slopu. The
IK the only line from ClilHiRO o iiln trnck Into
IvniiNnx , or ulili'h , hy IU own row ) , rrncheM thu
iiolntti abovu immeil , No TiushtKitM HV OAIIHIAUK !
S'O MIHHISII CONNKfriOMil Nl ) IlllllillllIK' ill III-
Vtntllati-il or unclean ( aru , as every msseiiKvr Is
clean amientllalwl I'oaulu-s
currlcil In roomy , \ ,
ii | > on Knst Kxiiri.HH Truin ) .
DAV CAIIH nt iiiirl\ali-i | niaKiitHrcnrp , ITI.I.MAN
I'ALACK KLKKIIMI ( 'AHH. nml ourounuorlil-fnmouti
IIIMMJ ( 'AIIH , HIHlll Wllk'll lUI..ll-l liril Hir\l l Of 1111-
unr | > ai > Hiil evi'cllcneu , nt tliu low rutu nl NKVKVTV-
I'lNK CV.NTS KAl.ll , ltll Mlll'lll tllllu for hukltllful
Throiiifli far * hi-tncdi rhlnnjn , I'corla , .Mil-
uuiikro nnil SllsHiiuri HhiT I'lilnt * ; nil close con-
iicc'Uoim ut all jiolnU of InUrviction ulth other
roniln ,
\V tlelict Oln not for -ft thU ) directly to cvcrv
I'lai'u ot IniiKirliiiHii in Kninui , N'uhca kii , Illack
llllln , Wyomliiit , titah. Malm , .V nil , California , H
Orcifoii , WauhliiKton Territory , ColornUo , Arizona
ami New .Mtxli'i ) . ,
An liberal nnanwemcntH nr nnnni ; bajfRago an
any otlii r line , ami ratun i/t Iiiru uUujn an low M
conipctltors , who fiirn h tut u tlthu of thu com.
mil tatllo of f jiortmi'cii free. c
TickuU , ma ] * anil luMcrs nt all jirlndiml ticket
llci H In the I'liltul .Suites ami ( ! unaia | ,
It. It. l . I ! . HT. JOHN ,
Vleo I'run't & dun. ( ien. Tkt. andrass'r Agt.
The Famous Seltzer Spring of Germany Is
c cry American homo.
lo ! i l uponandenUllcaniiljsljo ! thin celoliratui
( Irrman Bpolni.'v , In IU ootcentrated duplicate ,
with thirty to forty tpurklln ; done * In each bot-
lc. u world otcr.