Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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Nmv Yoiik.JunoS.
The general list WM hcaty to noon , with
prices generally down to the lowest figures
of tbo nea nn. Vattderhilts and the Crang-
ors were the weakest and most pressed for
Kilo. Coal charts wort- depressed and div
dined but , '
fractionally fnion 1'nclfio was
also fairly sustained. Elevated shares w ere
heavy and dull at lower price * . 0. , C. .1
I. C. declined 2 per cent. I'acilic Mail
was weak. Late in the afternoon , howoxer ,
a strong time set in nnd prices showed 11
recou-ry of Jfol per centfrom lowest ) > oint.
Iox.ii Paoific , I uion 1'ncilic , &
Northwest leading the improvement. Lai-
cr cm part of thU advance was lost , but to
ward the close a strong tone again i-ct in ,
and the market cloned up strong at some
Adt mice.
Money closed steady at 4 per cent' exchange -
change closed nt S4 85o4 ( ! 87J.
Governments closed with steady curren
cy ; Gs , 130 bidj 4s , coupon , 117. } ; 4Js ,
< lo , 114 } .
1'aclhc Uailro.vl iKinds closed as follows :
Union , firsts , 120 bid ; land grant * , 1181
Mil ; sinking fund' , 128 bid ; Centrals , 117 { ;
118 htuck.
LONDON , Juno 8.
Consols for money , 100118 ; for account ,
lOOKo-1003 ; U. S. bond * , 4fc , 120f { 4i118 ;
5s , 10 , " ) ; Krio nhares , 49J6j .UIj3 ; preferred ,
33 ; Erie , 2.1s , 107i ! New York Central ,
103 ; Illinois Centre ! , 140 J ; Heading , 301 ;
l.ako Shore. 3."J-
MO.NHV IN ClllC.Vai ) .
CIIICAOO , .Itino 8.
TIM local monuy market remains steady
At 45 per vent on call and 0@7 per cent
oh time. loanable. funds are in good sup
ply. Ottering of A No. 1 paper were fair ,
although below the vvi-ihes of leading dis
count nouses , .Kanturn exchange between
city bank * ( ( uiet ut a discount of 25c per
W. U 123 n&llio ( } . . . .
USE * 74 } Krie
GG&l 0 27f K& T ,
X VC 147J L.S
. 111. Cent 142 lKk W
MO 110J
XP 43 O&M
Preferred. . . . 83 } I'M
UP 1274 Ok St Paul.
C P U5 Preferred. . . .
X Y Klevated .HO } St. P.
Metr Elevated. 03 rrefcrrcd..l34
Can. South 75 Wabasli fit
D&Jll C 110 Preferred' . . . . 03J
DL&W 120 M L S & W. . . Cl
Omaha WholoKnlo Market.
Wednesday Kveiiing , Juno 8 , 1881.
Trade wan less active to-day than yes-
tcnlay , and prices niled generally lower
than last quotations. The grain market
was Hluggish aud weak , with a downward
tendency. Wheat dropped Ic per bushel
for No's 2 and 3 , and rye and oats in email
. demand at former price * . Live ntock was
dull and unchanged , thu prices of hogs ,
Hhoop and cattle. Juling at yosterday'H quo.
tations mut little foreign demand. Pro
visions were active. Kggs advanced ic.
Butter dropped 5c owing to largo receipts
from the country. Strawberries dropped
73c to 51 00 per case , the declinu being duo
to the largo shipments of Michigan .straw
berries into the market. There was a gooJ
demand for vegetables and garden produce -
duce at last quotations with the exception
of potatoes , which declined lOc from jei-
tcnlay'n priced. Thu hardware trade was
reported as active , the country demand for
.staples slightly exceeding that of last jear
but with no material change in the list.
Lumber ] and building mirtorialH ruled
firm. In paints and oil , trade is reported
as hlii'htly dull , owing to the difficulty ex
perienced in obtaining goods from the
east. Oils are louking up with the proba
bility of an advance in thu iar futnie.
Castor oil in quoted at fie to 7c above last
quotations. Dry goods were htationnry
with good jobbing demand for domestics.
An advance is noted in bleached t'abots.
Local Grain Dealings ,
W1IKAT. CwJi No. 2 , Olc ; Cash No.
3 , 8t ; ; rejected ( ilic.
1JAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 82c ; No , 3 , 7-'c.
KYi ; . Cash , U(5c. (
CUllN. Cash No. 2 , 28 c.
OATS. Ca-sh , Itlic.
Provisions ,
FLOUR Sprins wheat , Ktraight grade ,
32 05(0 (
34 00 ® J
25.ttYK VLOUU 93 25.
MILI.STUFFS Uran , per cwt. OOc ;
screenings , per cwt. 70g-80c ; nhorti , per
cwt.70c ; chopjied feed , per cwt.7.r > c ; meal
bolted , yellow , SOu ; white , SI 00.
PCJTATWUS Per bushel , peach blow ? ,
r c.
c.POULTIIV Live cIiickenH per dozen ,
33 00 to § 3 25 ; old , wpring chickens , § 3 25
to S3 W ) .
JiKS ! Shippcw count , 12o Candlwl ,
13c.IJU'ITKH Supply larger than the de
mand. Choice , 10 ; poor , no market ;
creamery , 15.
APP1 J Jialdwin'rt repacked , § 5 00
per kill.
HONEY Extracted , first-cla-sH California F-
ornia strained , lOc.
1 OK ANISES Terrents lepackod , per
box , ? 00 ; 1'alenno , per kox , § 0 .00.
Mi inoH , per box , $7 OOjlmperialu , per kox ,
§ 8 00.
LKMOXS Fancy repacked per kox ,
$5 00 ; good repacked , SI fX ) .
STJtAWJlKKKIKS ( Jowl hhipping
firm ; per c.ine , 82 7f > < ! ! < 3 25.
SOFT UiKKIIW-2 : ! 50S3 ( ; 75.
< iO.SKHKKKlE.S-In ) lih'l't ' receipts ;
nuotable at lOc per ( | t.
VKCKTABLKS All kinds in demand ,
and bring good nricun.
UEESWAX Yellow , 18ff.20c. (
( JIUEK Sweet , 20c per gallon.
Grocers' List.
COFFEE. Ill" , fair , ] | c ; Rio , goxl ( ,
14o ; Hio , prime to choice , HJc ; Old gov't
Ja\ ; 2H@28Jc ( , Moclia , 2iijc ; Arbucklu'x ,
i. Gunpowder , good , 45R55c ( ;
, /j '
f ,
3. " > c ; Japan , choice , ( )0@75c ; Oolong , good ,
: iri@10 ; Oolong , choice , 400 MI Souchong ,
food , ; i5fti40c ; choice , 35S45c. ( ;
SUC ! AltS.Cut loaf , HJc ; Crushed ,
lljc ; ( iranulated , ll/cj ! / Powdered , lljc ;
Fine pim'deml , 12o ; Ktandanl Cnlfro A ,
JISc ; New Yin k t'onfcctioner'n Standaid
A , ll cj : ( JoodA , llicj Pruiriu Extra C ,
SYHUPS. Sugar house , bbl. < , 4r c ; half
kkls , irckegs.4i ; gallons , ! 2 30 ; kbln , 4 c ;
half klikKlc. .
SPICKS. Pepper , 17i ; Allspice , 20c ;
C'loves , ftOo ; Nutmegs , $100 : Casii , UBoj
Mace. il 00.
SOOA. Dwight's lb papcn ) , 83 10 ; le-
Jand do3 00 ; Church' * , S3 00 ; Keg wida ,
S'rAHCH.-lVarl , 3jc ; Silver ( Jlwn. 7 ?
( S'8c ; Corn Starch , 'Jc ; Huffalo Silver
' SAI/A Dray load * , per bkl , 1 80 ; Ash-
ton , in backn , 3 60 ; kbU dairy , ( X ) , 5s , 3 25 ;
libl * dairy , 100 , 3s , 3 .15.
imiKI ) FilUlT.S Choice halves ,
lieaches , new crop , 74c ; aerated Apples ,
,10 Hi lioxes. Ofc ; Michigan , Sic ; New \ ork
4 applun , Sjc ; St. Louis No. 1 , 6c ; I'rune.s ,
< ild , Cc ; new , G'ju7c ( ; ( Sirrant , 7@7Ac ;
iilackherriu * , new , lOc.
CHEKHE-Full Cream , lljc ; Part
WOODENWAHE Two hoop pails ,
1 &ri ; three hooii paiU , 2 10 ; No. I tulw ,
fl 00 ; No. 2 tulis , , 8 00 ; No. 3 tulw , 7 00 ;
pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown ,
70 ; ( Jloko Washboard , 2 50 ; Well buck.
t , 3 50 : Paper Pftils , 3 70.
COTTON YAKN-Cotlon vann , 1 } (31 (
21J ; cheap , Vff. ! > l ; medium , "p.10jj No.
1 M. Louis , 14 ; Candle wick , ft > j Carjiet
chain , and 5 ply , 20J,214 ; Colored carpet
chain , per IK 20 ;
LIADliar : , si < v > .
M A'I'd 1 l'.S Per ivul.lip . , S2c.
PROVISION'S Hreakfost bacon , lie :
choice lanl , 11 Jc ; dried beef , ISjc ; ihoiild-
er * , canvassed 7e ; hams , lljc ;
bacon , lde , lOJe.
NKWP1CKLKS Medium , In hat-rein ,
S9 50 ; dn in half hl.N , 5 25 ; smalls , In bhl ? ,
1200 ; do , In half bbls , 050 ; gherkins , in
blil , 13 50 ; do , itt half hbK 7 25.
VINF.GAK Pure apple extra. ISc ;
pure apple , 15o : Trussing juire npple , 15c.
HOMIXY - New , S3 SO per bbl ,
11KANS Medium , hand picked S3 00
per bushel.
UOl'K Sisal. g inch and larger , lOc ; 3
inch , lOJcJ ; inch. lie.
SOAl'S-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 285 ;
Kirk's sterling. 2 40Kirk's ; standard , 3 30 ;
Kirk's white lUnwian , 4 M ) : Kirk's Kntoca ,
1 85 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 10.
CAXDI.KS-Hoxe.s , 10 UH , 10 or , 8s ,
13cjboxes 40 Ibs. , 10 or. , Os , 13o : boxes , 40
sets , 14 oz. , 8s , 124r ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
lloz. , 8s , 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich. 3 35 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye. 4 00 ; Jew ell lye , 275.
POTASHPeniiMhaUm cam , 1 } loi. ,
in case , 3 3"i ; KabhlU's Hall , 2 doz , In ,
1 IK ) ; Anchor liall 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIKLD HKKD Hed clover , choice ,
new , $5 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new , S5 75 ; white clover , new , SHOO ;
alfalfa clover , new , S1250 ; alsike , new ,
813 00. Timothy , , new , $2 WH * ! ! 05 ;
blue grass , extra clean , 81 25 ; blue grass ,
clean , 81 15 ; orchard gr.iss , $2 00 : mi top ,
choice , fi.'c ; millet , common ur Jlissouri ,
$1 a1 } ; millet , ( Jvnuan , § 1 2.1 ; to 31 50 ;
Hungarian , 81 15.
] IKlXKSKKl ; > OsaB'o orange , 1 to 5
bu hcln ( $5 00 ; OHage orange , 10 bushels or
over , 91 fiO ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per
100 Ibs. . $2.ri 00.
FISH Family white , 00 lb hf libN ,
83 (50 ( ; No , 1 white fi h , DO lb hf kliln , ( 00 ;
No. 1 white fi h. in 10 lb kitw , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits , 7'"c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 20 ; llUHnian nardinen , 75c ; Colum
bia rivtT Maliuon , per 10011m , 8 00 ; Ueorge's
Hank codtish , lie ; ( lull. boiieleM codlisb ;
7ic ; boneltus iinh , 4c. ! { |
MACKEUEL - Half hblrtincs * mackerel ,
100 Ibs , 8 12 CO ; hfbbl No. 1 ex nhore do ,
100 HH , 0 00 ; hf bbln , fat family do , 100
llw , 3 85 ; mvt * mackerel , 12 lb kitis , 2 2.5 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ik do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c.
CANNED UOOnS-Oyster * , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , § 3 110 ; do 1 Iti ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lli ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 75 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 _ ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 ( > 0 ; do lib ( slack ) ,
pur case , 165. S.ilmon , 1 lli , per dozen ,
1 CO ; do' 2 tti , per dozen. 2 50. Sardines ,
small full , imported , half boxes per dozen ,
1 70 ; American , quarter boxen ] > er dozen ,
1 40 ; do half boxes , per dozen , 2 40. Lob- ,
bters , 1 lb per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes ,
lli per cise : , 2 25 ; do 3 Hi per
cane , 2 I'M ; Corn , 2lb ( Mountain )
per case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 DO ; do
J lh ( Yarmouth ) , iwr case , 350 ;
string beans , per , 1 'JO ; Lima beans
per case , 2 00. Succotash pth- case , 2 0.
Peas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50 , Blackberries , 1Mb , per ca e ,
210 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 2. > ( o 3
75 : raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75 ( ? > 3 00.
Damsons , 2 ll > , per case , 2 25. Bartlctt
pears per case , 3 Out' , 100. Whortleber
ries per ease , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per
case , 3 30 ; do. choice , 2 lb , per "case. 450.
Green Bnges,2 lb i > er case , 3 30 : do choice , 2
lb per case50. ! . Pine Apples , 2 HI , per case ,
3 f > 0S-1 ( M. Peaches , 2 ll > per case , 3 10 :
do 3 II. , case , 3 OOQ ? J 20 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
case,2l > 0 ; do pie , 0 It ) , per dozen , 2 80.
KICK CarolinaOJ ( i7cj Louisiana , 5J
PEANUTS lloabted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 8Jc per lb ; fancy white , ! ) c per lb ;
raw white Virginia , 7@4c.
Dry Gofads.
BllOWX COn'ONS Atlantic , 0 to
8c ; Adriata , 7j ; Atlantic , A. , 74 ; Ashley ,
-Andro'.cigRiii ; ( , 12 ; Appleton , Ojf to 8 ;
Hedford , K. , 5 ] ' . Hoott , M , family cotton ,
7J ; Hanger , F , 7i ; Capitol , A , ii : Cone-
stogo , 27i ; Conchtogo , D , Oi ; D wight , X ,
0 ; Fruit of tbeloom , 221 ; Fruit of the loom ,
25j Fruit of thu loom , 274 ; Farmers , Xo
1 , 4J ; Fanners , A , 7 ; Farmers. H. 1 ! . , OJ ;
Great Falls * O/to / 7f ; Indian orchard , A
A , 8 ; Indian orchard , honest width , 7 : } ; Indian -
dian head , 7A ; Indian head. 12.I.awniice \ ; ,
( H to 8 ; Lawrence , X X X.'Ui ; Mystic
I "fiver ; 7 ; New York Mills , 27.J ; Z'epjierell ,
K I , 8 ; Peppercll , i { , 7i : Peppcrell , N , l ! .
gin , A A , Gold medal , 10 ; Anilroscoggin ,
L , 'J ; Jjlackbtone , 8J to ! ) J ; lilackburn , A
A , 0 ; IJoott , 11 , 0 li'oott , K , 7 ; aCabot , 12 ;
Cabot , 11 ; Cabot , 8',1 ; Dwjght Anchor , 10 } ;
Fruit of the loom. 104 ; Hills , ! IJ ; lyonsdalo ,
' .H ; Lonsdalo Cambric , 13Nassau ; , 0. } ; New
Yolk mills , 13 ; New York mills , water
twiht. 14 : Pepperell , 11 ; Penperell , 12 ;
Peppereli , 27 * ; Pocahontas , II ; Pocahontas ,
8 ; Senote , half bleechecl , 8A ; Utiea ; extra
heavy " , 11 ; Wajnsuttas , 13 ; WaiiMiitta cam
bric. 13.
P1UNTS Albioni fancies , OJc ; Albion
solid colors , 0 ; Albion indigo , blue an I
white. 0 ; American , I5J ; Shirting , 0 ; Carleton -
ton , ( ! ; Cocheco , 7 ; Cocheco hhirtings , 0 ;
FreemanH robe , ti ; Freeman's ini\k , II ;
Freeman's block , 5J , ; Hamilton fancies , Ii ,
Hamilton red , 8 ; Merrimack , F pink , 7 ;
Mt'rrimack purples , 7 ; Merrimack printed
piipius , 7J ; Kichmoml fancy , 04 ; Kichmond
double jiinks , 7 ; Jticlniiomf German , bluu
and red , OJ ; JEegatta shirting , OJ ; Simp.
Hon'.s mourning , 7 ; .Simp-ion's alpaca fiiii li ,
COTTOX DUCK IJoston X dyed
brown , net , 10 ; limton XX dyed brown
124loston ; ! , XXX dyed blown 124 ; Hoston
U at dyed brown net , U ; Itoiton 10 o/ dyed
brown , 10 ; Itoyal (8 ( o2U inch , 11 ; Stark ,
(8 ( oz ) , 13 : Staik , (10 ( oz ) , llij ; Stark , (8 ( o/ ) ,
coloied , 144 ; 'star . (10tu17J. ( )
( JINiJHAMSAmoskeag , lie ; Hates ,
10 ; JlatotunintondruhS btyles , .114 ; r Eurl- ,
hton , U4 ; Glasgow cheola and fancidi , 10 ;
Glasgow royal dress htyU' , .H1i. k t
C'o , 5 ; Garner. 5 ; Hooksett , 5 ; Keystone ,
glove linich , 54 ; Jted Cross , 5.
HOLLKD OAMJJKIC.S-0 k Co , 0 } ; S.
S. k Sons. 0 | ; High colors , 1 cent more ,
DKILLS-Adnatic , 8 | ; Alipleton , 8 ;
Augtinta , 7V ; Hoott llleached , ! l ; Pepper-
ell ; 8 } ; Stark , A , 8 ] .
S1LKSIAS Itlackbum , 04 ; Capitol , 15 ;
Coin , 11 ; Lonsdale , 0.
WIGANS , Uerlin.GJc ; Garner , ? ! Itose ,
8 ; Caledonia , XX. , 114- Caledonia , X. ,
U ; Fanners' and Miners' , Xo , 7 , 11'
Fanners'and Miners' , No. 10 , Hi ;
milk 1U6 154. *
TICKINGS.Amojkcag , A C A , 174c ;
Amoskeag , A new , lli ; Amoskeag , Ii new ,
15 ; Amoskeag , D new , 1 ; Amoskeag , L
new , 124 ; AmoJkea 1 , H newJO Amov
, . . . . A , UJ ; Heaver
Cteek.C C. 12J ; Franconia , XX.X , 15 ; Fie.
donia , II , 124 ; ( ) | | I Yl > rl < . iloublo weight ,
10 ; Otis , 12CC" 1IJ ; Palmer , U ,
CAKVIOT.S. Amoskeag , 1140 ; Arasa-
iiha , < ! J ; Kniekeibocker , 5J ; Prairio. 8J ;
liVal California , C.FM , ! ' 4j Califor
nia , double weights , 12 ; Unuuvillc , U ;
Whittenton , A A A , 10J.
OJIASH. Stevens , H , 8c ; StcveiiK , D ,
i ; Steven , X , 'JJ ; Stevens , P0 \ { ; Ste
vens ; M , 1H ; Stevens , N N , 121 ; .SUivunn ,
X X , 15 ; Stevvns , T F D , 14J. Hleached
ono cent higher.
Hl'SSIA. X XX , 14c ; XX , 13 ; M ,
121. ; A ; HA ; H , 11 : D. ! A ; K , i' I1' . 74-
C'AUPK'i' WAUPS , Anchor , 20c ;
Hroadvvay , 20 ; C.ittage , 20 ; Golden Hall ,
hex line , 23 ; PeerlesH , 21 : Washington , 21 ;
White Star. 21 ; Whitu Star , col jiud , 21.
TWKKDSAllen , Cubans A , 1'J ; Al-
Un , Cubans H , 10 ; Helgian , 20 ; Cocheco ,
55 ; Coventry , 31.
KKXTl't KYJKAXS. AmeiicanDot' ,
40o ; Abbotsfoni , 11J ; Agcnorla , 274 , Hal-
kan , 13Huckeye \ ; , 18 : JSunlcer Hill , ! ' 4 ;
Calcutta , IJt ; Frencli Twewl , 15 ; Golden
Fleece , 2.i ; ffugo Doe , 30 ; Indian Creek ,
'J ' : Mohican , 15 ; Model doeskin , 174 ;
Xprth Adauw , 274 , Thurlow , 15 ; Table
HiniltlXK FLANNELS.Ambet
Hob Hey , 31 , 37Jc ; As < ialet Hob lloy ,
( it i , 75 ; Asvabet French jil&lds , 50 ; Blue
Hidgc , 21 ; Cocheco ; 87ii Caroudalet , 324 ;
Fainnount , 18 ; Green HMge , 22J
31 in , 374 : Pequit , 28 in , 32J.
Dru ( ; .
\rl > olic , OOc : Acid , Tartaric , 5. " > c : Halsani
> pabln , per Hi , 70c ; Hark , Sassafras , per
lb , 13c ; Calomel , per lb , "So ; Clnrlionia ,
per or , ! ' .V ; Chloroform , per lb , 9. > c ;
Dover's l > ovvders , per lb , SI 10 ; Kpsom
G 40c ; Irt'ad/Aeet'ato , per 111 , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110 ° , per gallon , llc ; dol50 ,
] wr gal , 13c | ; ( ill , Castor , No. 1 , per gal ,
SMo ; Oil , Castor , No. 2 , ner gal , NV ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Oiigannin , 10 ®
55e : Opium , , * 020 ; Quinine , P. .t W.ill. A :
S..per < > z , S2 70 ; Potasjmmi , Indine , per lb ,
S2 ( X ) ; Salacin , per oz , 3.V ; Sulphate of
Morphine , tier 07 , SI 25 ; Sulphur llour ,
per lb , Be ; Strychnine , JUT or , $10 \ < a 1 00.
Horiei and Mulct.
The market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at a flight advance in prior * .
The demand for gixxl hnr es exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine finglo drivers , S150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , 3175. to 225. ; Common draft
horses , S100. to 150. : Extra farm horses ,
SllO. to 125. : Common to good farm horses ,
? W ) . to S100. ; Extra plugs , SCO. to 75. ;
Common plugs , S20. to SIO.
MULES. 15 to 151 hand * ( extra ) , S125.
to 150. ; 144 to 15 hands , SI00. to 110. ;
14 to 144 hands , $75. to 100. ; 134 to 14
hands , SW. to 75.
FINISHING No. 1. finish H , Ii and
2 inch , S00 Xo. 1 finish I Inch $50 00 ;
Xo. 2. linl-li U , U and 2 ineh. S.V)00 : No.
2 linlih , 1 ineh , Si' 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch ,
$1000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
SI 25 ; nell curbing , 3500 ; rough 4 and 2
inch battens per 100 fuel lln" , 50 < ' .
STOCK HOAKDS- stock , SI5 00 ; 11
SIO 00 ; C , S30 00 : common stock , 825 00.
FLOOHlNG-No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 ,
$35 00 ; Xo , 3 , S25 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SI5 00.
SILlNG-No. 1 , S2500 ; Xo. 2 , $22 00 ;
No. 3 , S'20 00.
SlHPLAP-Plaiu , S3000. ; G. No. 1 ,
S30 00 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CEILING- OoljlS30 00.
LATH ANDSH1NGLKS A starbest ( )
shingles , S3 75 , No. 2 , S3 00 ; Xo 3 , S2 50.
Lath , S < 00.
Bulletins Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI . ' 15 ; bulk per bu. ,
3V ; . Cement , bbl , S2 50. Iowa planter ,
bbl , S2 75. Hair per bu. 25c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , S3 M ) . Straw board , S-l 00.
The Leather Trnde.
Oak hanirss , 30@41c ; Pitt-sburgh
ted , 40@l3c : hemlock harness , 373c ! ) ;
skirting per lb , fair , 44c ; black collar 1 IS ( >
21c ; fair do ; 18r.20c ( ; fair Xo. 2 , 10ff18o ! :
hemlock sole , HulTalo slaughter , per lb , 30
fii)34c ) ; hemlock sole , H. A. slaughter per
lb , 25n32c ( ; oak sole , 40 $ ' > 4tc ! ; oak upp er
per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak' kip skinH per lb , 80c@S1.10 ;
hemlock kip skins per lb , 75cjS1.00 ( | ;
French kip , Bkius i > er lb , S1.00 ( S1.35 ;
oak calf per ) b , S1.20C ' 1S1.25 ; hemlock calf
peril ) , SI. 10US1.257 French calf per lb ,
Sl.25rnS2.10c Simon Picard goat per doz ,
S30.00o ( SI8.00 ; liootlcg Morocco per foot ,
30o ( 35c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans tier
doz , Sfl.OOfS.310.50 : white and yellow lin
ings per doz , S8.OOfijS10.00 ; pink lining *
per doz , S7.00fo.S.00 ! ) ; Hussett linings , S7.-
00 ; hlackHiuitkii' apron * per dozen , S12.00 ( < n
SI 1.00.
PAPEH Straw paper , 3jc ; Hag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper ,
lOc ; news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ;
Morns Hun Hlohsburg , S12 ; Whitebreast
lump , ? < 3 ; Whiteljteast nut , SO ; Iowa
lump , SO ; Iowa nut , SO ; Hock Springs , S8.
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , G } ; greei
cured hidew , 7 c ; green Kilt , part curei
hides , 8 ( < sjc ; dry flint , sound , 13(714c ( ; drv
calf and kip , 13oll4c ( ; dry halt hideshouiui
lUnil2c ; green calf , \vt. 8 to 15 Ibs. , IOC" lie
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c
green pclt < , $1 001 15 ; gieen lamb skitiSi
Si 10&1 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
( cut scored and one grub , clashed two-
thinls late , ) branded hides 10 per eelit. olf.
Coon skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; Nn. 3 ,
20c ; Xo.1 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , Ific ; No. 4 , 5c. FoNo. . 1 ,
OOc ; Xo. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
05c ; short htripclOc ; narrow htrijte , 25c ;
broad htripe , lOc. Tallow , 5j.
Cigars and Tobaccos.
CIGAHS. Seeds , S15.00 ; Connecticut ,
S25.00 : MixedS : < 5.00 ; Seed JIavauaS50.00 ;
C'lear Havana , S75.00.
TOHACCO PLU ( ! . Golden Kule ,
21 bl , 57c ; Spotted Fawn , 57c ; Our Hose ,
58c ; Star , ] ) ounds , 21 lb , butts , 51k ; ; Horsi ,
Shoe , ] ioiindn , 21 lb , butts , Site ; Purity , 2-1
lb. butts , 52c ; Qiiven Hee , 21 lb , butts , 53c !
Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 lb , butts _ , 57 ; Ami )
and Navv , pounds , flic ; Hullion , pounds ,
55c : Lorillard's Climax , pounds , 5"c.
FINE CUT In pails.-Hard to Heat ,
75a ; Golden Thread , tjlic ; I'ountain , 73c
Favurito , 05c ; Uocky Mountain , 55c ;
1'ancy , fiOc ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil-
Catlins O. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 lb lioxes ,
INT lb OOc ; Lorillard n Tiger , OOc.
SMOKINft All grandsC'ommon , 25 tc
Me. Granulated -Hlackwells Durham , H
o/ lOc ; Dukes Durham , 10 07 , 45c ; Seal ol
North Carolina , Hi < ) / , 10 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 10 oz , 38cj lione.Tack , 4 07 , linen bags
peril ) , SI.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , til
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , 05c.
Merino unw.-u-hed , light , 1 \a \ lOc ; heavy
13ii.l5c ( ; mediuni unwanlied , light , 18f < ' ,20e
tub-washexl , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingj
and vr. , 2Sc ; burrj' , black and cotted wool
2 ( < tOc lean.
SHOT. Shot , SLOO ; Huck shot , S2.15
Oriental Powder , kegs , S0.40 ; do. , hal
kegs. S3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , SI.87 ; Hln
ing , kegs ; & 3.S5 ; Fuse , per 100 feet , 50c.
Paints , Oils and Varnltlict.
PAINTS IX OIL White lead , Omaha
P , P. , 7c ; white lead , 0 , P. & C. Co.pure
Cc ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb. can * , 20o
French zinc , green neal. 12c ; French zinc
red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish iiht
'JOc ; French ziuce , in oil aftt , IHc ; Ifav
and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw am
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13c
rufined lampblack , 12o ; coach , black , Klc
ivory black , ICc ; droj ) black , IGc ; Prutsiai
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrom
green , L. M. & D , , 14c ; brind and nhutty
green , L. M. Ic. D. . 1 Ic ; Pari green , 18t
Indian red , Ifio ; Venetian red , ! > CJ I'll
nx.1 , 22o ; Amcncaii Vermllioil , I , & ] ' . ,
chroino yellow , L. , M. , O. ii D. O. , IKt
yellow ochre , ! ) e ; goldcadchro , 10 ; patcii
dryer , Cc ; graining colors i light oak , ilarl
oak , walnut , chestnut nnd anil , 12c ,
Dry Paints ,
Whitu lead , OJcj.Frenc h zinc , lOo ; 1'ari
liitfiiiK 2ir ; w biting
\\hitiiiK coml , He ; lamiiblaek ( ieniian
town , He ; lampblack , iinlinary , Ku ; 1'riiH
slan bine , 5.1c ; nltramarine , IKc ; vnndyki
brown , He ; umber , burnt , -Ic ; und -r , r.iw
4r ; ienna , burnt , Ic ; hiuniia , law , It
I'aiin KWII Kemiine , 35o ; I'ari. ( jreen uom
2.V ; ; chrome fjreeu , X , Y. ' 20o ; chmm
Kreen K. , 12cennilliiiM ; , KIIK , TOcr ;
million , America , l.V ; Indian led , lOc
pink , He ; Venetian read ,
2/c / : Venetian led Am , , He ; red leiwl , 7 c
rhninit' yellow , ( enuinn , 20e ; cliromu ye
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roehnlle , 'ic ; ochrt
Krenvh , 2fc ; ochie , Ameiiean , Ut
WiuterV mineral , . ' 'Jo ; lehfcu blown. 2 (
Hpaninh blown , 2. c ; I'rince'K mineral lie
VAItXlHHKS-BarrelH | > er Kall
Furnltuiy , exta , ? ! 00 ; furnituie , No.
ItOcj furniture , V , 75c ; coach , extra , SI 2.V
Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 ; D.imar , SI 25 ; .Iiiiiai
70c ; oNiilmltuin , 70c ; bhellac , S3 50 ; ha
il lint eli , 61 '
OILS J10'carbon , pel-gallon , lljc : 15f
headlight , | r gallon , 12ic ; 175" headligh
iH-rgallon , llic ; ciyntollne , per gallon , 2 (
linceed , raw , jier gallon , 50. ; ; Linsee < lbui
e < 1. per gallon , 53c : lanl , winter btr'd , pe
gallon , b5c Xo. 1 , C5c , No. 2 , 55c ; caste
XXX , per gallon , Me , Xo. 3 , 87c ; swee
per gallon , K5c : sperm , W. Ii. . per galloi
1 35 ; frish.W.H. , | x-r gallon , COcj neatsfoo
uxtra , iwr gallon , 75c , No. 1 , C5 ; lumber
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , Hinuiuer , 15c
golden machiae. No. 1 , r gallon , 3.5c , Ni
2 , 28c ; spenu , signal , per K Hon , 80c ; tu
IK'iitlue , per gallon , lie ; naptha , 74 deg
per tfullyu 189 , 03 clef ; , 17c.
ry. W ) ; toiiirn | , eac , < s ; axe ,
arh , 7r c ; wiuare nuts , \ r Hi. 7r < ? 'lle ;
W.IIITH , | MT lb , 8ftil ) c : ri % I- i rib , lie ;
ill chain , per lb , tX < i 12c ; ! , . . , , . , sjc :
on wedges , lie ; crowbar * , r * ; harrow
roth , 4c ; liorseshoei' , per IM\- , f > ( nl ;
eel ,
N A1LS 10 ti > 20d , 3 25 ; s t , 10 , 3 50 ;
1 , 3 75 ; Id. 4 00 ; 3d , comn , , , , 4 75 : 3d ,
ne , 1) 251 clinch , all sires , . " im , , , , easing ,
50 ; 8 < l casing , 4 25 ; 101 canuI I 00 : HXI
ni-h , 4 M ; 81 ] finish , 4 75 ; t l inuOi , 5 00 ;
alt kegs , 1CKextra. .
AJ.COHO.L 187 l > cr c.-m jjf \ , , , , .r
ino gallon , extra California plrits ,
87 per cent at 1 IS per | .n.f gallon
riflle refined spirit * , 18i per i . 'iit , * ! Ill ; per
roof gal re-dlstllled whiakli's. * 1 OOfirtl M ) ;
me blended , SI 50 ( < fi2 M ; K. ntuckv hour-
mis , S2lWi7tXj ) Kentuck.v < in I Peuusjl.
ania rves , S2 Wa. 00.
KHAXDIKS lniMirtr | < l , * OOdr 10 00 ;
ome tlc 1 lOCn I IK ) .
( HNS-lmported , 4f > 0&iiM ( ; domestic ,
HUMS ImiMirted , 4 tMa.f lH ) ; Xinv
Ingland. 2 Wa00 ; doinostie , I : ,0 ( 3 50 ;
75inJ ( 00.
CHAMPAGXES-Tmport.- . , ! cas , . ,
ii ( Kif ) { 31IX ) ; American , JHT . . , „ . , 1'J
StH ) ,
CLAHKTS Per case , 4 ' .n 101X1 ,
WIXl'.S Hhinevv Ine , ) > er. w ,
0 ; Catawba , per case , 4 WXa ; on.
Council Bluff * General Murkot ,
Cl fNl'lL Hl.l V > s , .liltio 8.
Wheat Xo. 1 , \ery llttliin market
ith good demand , and sellin ut S."ij ( 8lJc. !
Corn -Fair demand at 25e
Hay Fair market , with pu. .sat SISfifl
bats Market stronc ; prir' . 'i-J Wc.
WIMH ! Marketiiuiet , vvith , iod nupply ;
" r > 0iT.8 ( 00.
Hogs-Light demand : prices SI 50W.1 75.
Cattle -Market well niipphii ) , with lit-
lo activity : prices , S3 75 ( .l 2. " > .
Sheep None in market.
Hutter Good demand ; folr. lOr ; prime ,
5c.Egifs Ific.
PoultryHffllOc. ( . '
Potatoes "Offi "fie.
Onions-Si ar > c.
Cblongo Produce.
C'lllCAi.o , , luno8.
Foreign exports from Chien nineu.lan-
ary 1st. include 123,72'J b.iriels of t'.nui ' ,
.2118,481 bushels of wheat , 1,01(1,315 ( bush-
Is of com , ( .i,0"3 barrels of pork and 201-
87 boxes cured meats.
The clearings of associated b.inks were
, ( , .
On 'Change wheat was unsettled and
The leeeiiJts of grain were 17 , 100 hush-
Is by canal , and 1,201 carloads by rail ,
mbracing 25S earn of wheat , 732 of corn ,
1)7 ) of o.its , J ( of rye , and 5 of luiley.
Flour CJuiet and steady , rummnii to
hoice Western spiing , SlOHtufi 50 ; do
\linnesotas , S-lf 575 ; patents , $ ( \if \ > 50 ;
vinter wheat llourx , S5f < MrJ"i ;
Wheat Winter wheat , dull buyers discriminating -
criminating iigainst northern groun wheat ;
No. 2 red , SI 03ii ( 1 07ncco ; lmn' to loca-
, ion ; spring , fairly activ anil mar-
cet governed again wholly In local in-
l enci > : nlferings liberal and lower iame
ctabli hed all around : No. 2 , M OSJ , oa-li ;
l 08i. .lime : $1 101 , .ldy ; 1 ( Vii , , August :
Jl ( MijfMlOliJ , Sepember : forvear , SI OIJ ;
S'o. 3 Hpring , U5 ( ' ' 1 IX ) , accoiding to loca-
Jon ; rejected , 74 ( < i70o. , do.
Corn Modeiately active , steady and
imnhaiiged ; Xo. 2 and huh mixed ; 12je !
cash and .Inne ; 43t * .Inly ; l.'l/o / August ;
new high mivedIlic ; new mixed 3llJ ( i
; tl'/c ! / ; lekcted 35.
Outs -Firm at a fractional decline : lib
eral business transacted ; N'o. 2 , white , 372
( a 37c caOi : 37jr ! , .IUIIL' ; : i7Sf''x37J.Iuly ; 27
August ; 2"ic , Septembir ; 20Jc year ; re-
iecteil , 31 c.
KyeDull and quiet ; little doing ; No. 2
? 1 OS cash ; 81 00 .lime ; ! Kc ) , .July ; 7Hjc ,
Jiarluy Neglected and nominal ; No. 'J cash ; No. 3 , 85c. N"tliing doing irl fu-
turus. .
1'OKK In moderately activu demand ,
ml prices Go higher ; MI-I.S , Sir ( KKif.lli 12J ,
cash , according to ipidlity ; ! ? lliO.'i June ;
il250r 15 July ; SKi 25 August.
Lard Irregular and Inner $1070 , cash ;
10 < > 5 < i10 ; 85 .Inly ; SIM 77HC" 10 80 Au
Hulk Meats Fair rei incut and steiuly ;
rihouldcrs. $5 4 ! > ( V550 ; part ribs andsiili-4 ,
$8 07J ( < ' 8 10 ; pot and clear * , § 8 50G ; S 55.
Whiskey ( Juiet , S10S
IJeceipts Flour , 1 l,8l.t ) bbs ; Wheat , 1 10-
1113 bu ; Corn , 457,4li" bu ; Oatn , 181,852
m ; lye ! , 2 , 175 bu ; IJarh'V , 1,825 bu.
Shipments Klonr , 11,323 bbls ; Wheat ,
11 , Ili2 bu ; Corn , l .l2iW ( ! bu ; Oats , 73,030 ;
bu ; Kye , 1,333 bu ; barley , 5,722.
Sprins wheat , ? ! 0STrl } ( 08g June ;
lOK'/rmlOill / July ; 81 ) © ! OilA August :
51 003(0(1 ( 0Y-t ( September ; SI 055 ( 1 OOJ
Jotober ; SI 0141 013 year. Sules , 81,00(1 (
Corn-I25 l2c June ; 422l3c ( .Tilly ;
WC"513Jc August ; 4ljt September ; year ,
VCwlllJ. Sales , 70,000 biiBlielH.
Oati Juno , 37c ; July , : IS © : > 7e ; Au
gust , 27 ( L' 27jcj ( September , 20 y27c ;
year , 3 ( < 3.
Hyo July , 80c : August , 7USc ; Bentem-
IK.T , 7 ! ) .
Mess" Pork -Tune , ? 10 10 asked , 810 00
bid ; July , Sit ! 10 ( .1I5 . 20 ; August , SH125L'i (
1030 : year , 913 50fo)13 ) 75. N'o sales ,
Lard-July , 810"75 hid , ' 810 80 asked ;
Augiiht , bold t St077Ji September , SIO 05
liid , 310 72J aHkud ; October , SIO SOfu 10 35 ;
year , $ i KOi'J82l bid. 5085 imked ; hhort
ribs , * 820fr.822J ( July , ? 8 306/8321 Au
gust ; S8 37 8 0 iJej.Umbcr- .
" " '
3 * " " V \
Now York Produce ,
Niw : YDKK , June 8.
Flour- - ( t uiwl unchanged , § 5 25 ( )
7 50 , for good to choice shipping extra * .
'Wheat- Opened weaker and cloned firm
er ; > n fair demand , sixit sales of No , 2 red
-wifilcrHJi1t < SilC-r > )6'"f ) Xo. 3 do , at SI
214 ; of No. 1 white at SI ! > 3M > 1 ! > l ; of
nuxialWinter at 1 214(5. ( ? ! ! , and of
NcJ. 2 spring at SI 1 ! > f" 1 ll j.
C/Vrn In folr'dumand ; jirices at opening
were weaker , hut cloMid firmer ; Hxit nali
at 50g57c for No. 2 ; 5Io for No , 3 , and 5U
@ 55) ; for steamer mixed ,
Oats Fiilrly active and higher ; No 1
white , 52i/,52Jc ( ; No. 2 do , ftt 48\f < i52e | ;
Xo 3 do 47f < ? 47Jc ; and No. 2 uilxeil , I'lfe
48c.IJyu Xoininal ,
liarley Nominal.
Pork -Dull , didinary inci > sfor early
delivery , S15 70illi ( 00 for n'd.
Lanl In fair demand ami caller ; spot
sales of western steamer Sll 10 , uiul city
do at SIO 0. , .
BeefIJncliangiil. .
Cut Meats L'ncii.inged ,
Whinky Xoininal
Cotton Spot , ( juiit amlrinn ; mlddlingH ,
Sll Otlj ; futuies , hte.idy.
Toledo Produce.
TOI.MKI Juno 8
Wheat Hauler ; No. 2 red rash , SI 15' ;
June , SI 15 ; July SI HJ ; Augu t , SI 12Ji
year , SI llNo3iel ; , Si 0- ) ?
CiriiDull ; No. ' . ' , cash , Hlje a ki'd ;
lOcbid ; June , 15Je ; July , -I7c asked ; lOJc
bid ; high mixtxl , Hi' ' , ' .
OATS Xominai :
lilvoi-jiool Produce.
LlvenrooL , June 8.
Flour American , Ii4@t\ln. \
Wheat -Wintei , ! i fufl < 7Ui ; white , 8s 10,1 ,
@Qt lid ; dpriug , 8s M < u'J 2ij ; club , SN Odfij
lid td. )
Now Yorli Dry Good *
NKW Yoith , Juno 8. There has been no
material chnugu in thu general condition of
the dry good * market. There wwt a Htctuly
movement iu htaplu cotton uo < KUun account
of back orders , but the demand ut first
hands was irregular , and upon the whole
leM active than of late , Ire t goods ,
prints , lawns , piques , etc. , were only in
moderutu request by package buyer * , bnt
ginghams worn in good demand , and there
was further imniiry fur hosiery and knit
underwear , lich resulted in fairly
factory bi
LlvoStnolc ,
CtllC\r. < t , Juttit I Hogs lleeeipK 21-
OOOs shipments , 3.100. Thu demand on
Jiackitiif and * hii | | > ers nrrnnnt gmnl ; mar
ket steady and aetUe , but ela ses weak ;
mKiil imeking , 95 506' . * ! S5 ; Light hogs ,
$5 70u. ( ) ! i : > ; ( 'holre hea y , S,1) ! XXii 0 15 ;
al > otit all eli { and quality imirh impnned.
Cattle Itoreipt * , l.'lKX ) ; ( .hipments ,
2.SOO. Market strong and active on * hip
ing account ; jHHir to fair Helling nt $5 20
( fl.GOOj gDml to choiru $ . " > IOi > .tiOOi ne\eral
ears liiu heavy export held out of market
at Sll 25frfl ( 10 ; dMillerv eattle. $5 35fn 51" > ;
diKtlllery cows , $ ; ! 45 ; Imtcliers' Ktix-k ac-
the , S2fOfo. 20 ; stackers and feeders ae-
tlve and higher , S350n J < K ) ; grass Texam.
light siiiiply and giHxl drmaml , $ . ' 1 tXW. I 20.
SHifP : ; Keeeipts. 70l ) ; shlpliieliU ,
100. Demand iiiaiuly on local arrounts ;
trade slow , but all wild nt steady rates ;
supply con l ts only of shorn stock , scatterings -
ings , S3 " 5ul ( I 10 , good to choice , 81 I0@
Milwnultno Mnrltot.
Mn.wAfKV.K , Juno 8.
Wheat -Strong and higher ; No. 1 ,
SI 15J cash ; No. 2 SI 07) ) cash , 81 07J June ;
? 1 0lJ.lul ! > ; No. .1. ll ) .
Corn Stendy , lllc.
Oats -Steady , . tt'ft&Ufc. '
11p Klrm , SIOH.
ItarlevFirm , WJc.
St. Iioitln Produoo Marlcct.
ST. Louis , June 8.
Wheat Steady , SI UJ : cash , 3112 ;
June , SI 15J.
Corn Steady , Hie June ; lle.luly.
Oat't Umer" ; ; i5jf < : .3V. (
Cut Meats Steady and more demand ;
shoulders , 85 00 ; short ribs , S8 40 ; short
clears. Sh IX ) .
Pork Ouiet ; j.ibbiiw at SIO 75.
Iirdllrmly held at * 10 70.
St Louin Llvo Stock.
Hogs Steady ; Yorkerx to Haltlmore ,
SJ > 05ii.5 ( 85 ; pncking , $5 506' ' > f > 85 ; butchers'
to Philadelphia' ! * S5 DOfeli 20.
Edward W. Simeral ,
liooui fl CrrlchtonlMliftnil IVniftlM ulrrcto ,
Any ono IUITII | < ( ilitul nnlmils I 11I rcmo > a
Uu'ru free ot clLirRf. Irn\o onion. Miilhcjut
corner uf llnincjniul Nth tit. , m.iml door.
Great German
or Til r.
ini >
All ether Fain :
No l'rcar | ciun iti arili e'u 1i rir Jimm ( lit 11
ft sirr , flUitK , &IUI'IK And curjii * l ttvrnal Itauivl/ ,
A trial entllli tut lli conipirnllielj trining oullnj of
M Cinri , anil vfr > - oim luUvrinx Kltl. ) < ulu u littc
cbcififtDtl | Mffitl. pr < H > ff > f iti cUluti.
Jlultlinnrr.ild. , V.B.A-
Knr morn than n lliliil of n rnnliiry tlio
kiuiwn to mlllloiiH nil tint woilil
Ilin only Bulu reliance for llin ri'lliif of
iicblilcnta niul juilii. It IH u imxlluliui
nliovii inlcu iiiiil puilso the li t of ll
Mini , , J'ur uvcry loiui ol < ztunnil pain
.lnlniunt in v Illioul nn eniml.
It iiciictriilm flooh iin.l iiiunclo to
Ilir very hour imiUJni ; tn.i . contlnii-
linen of imln niul liilliiinniiitlou | IIIKM.
Mlilr. IIH oiroctBiipon lluniiin Klrsli unil
tliiiliiiitiiCri'iitloii uro cijimlly 1
fill Tlio Mtulcan
I.liilinriit IB nccilcd liy BOiiKilioily-
nliinian. . Kvcry.lii.viKt \ \ \ \ nuwHor
tln < nc < ' ) ' "r < l > l ui fill MCI III or hum
Niiliilutiil , of iliiiiiniitlc iiiurtyr * to-
HKiin.l , ur a vnluulilc Inn in or UK
HHtt-il Ijy tliu licallm ; puwuruf llila
wlilcli Biiccillly cm on mich nllmcnts of
the 11 I'M AN KI.KSI ! UH In in , NwrIllliK * > HHfT
Jtoliiti , { untrnctiil niiurln , Jlnrn
lid NruliU , Cutu , ItrillNr * anil
Niirnlu , INilmiiioiiN Itltm mill
NlliiK * . Htimirm , I.ninriifii , M
h-i > rr , IUtcr , I'ronlWUn.C'lillliJaliiK.
More Nlpiilri , Cnltril , mill
liulfc.l evrry form of rxteriiul .1U-
en r. It liruU > vllliniit r r .
For thu llllUTI ! CIIKATION it ruros
Niirnlus , N\vlnnj , MIT Joliiti ,
I'oiiiiiler , Ilnriirm Horrn , llouf IH -
i-umi , ro < it Itol , Hcreiv Worm , S'rnli ,
Hollow Ilom , HCI..I.II.K , > Vlml-
UBlIu , Nimvlu , , UliiKltonc ,
Ohl Horen , I'oll Kvll , I'llin iii i >
the Nlulit mill every iitlier ullinriit
to tvlilcli Ilie < > rciiimi ( * iif Uio
Ntiilile mill Stocli Yunl urv Untile.
'J'liu Jtleilrmi J Iii tuiif I.liiliiient
nlwiiyu ciiii'B uiul iiovur dlbuiipuluta |
mul U in , pobltlvuly ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB.
lias UKMOV12D from Oroighton Hall , llth niul Fnntliant , to
For the Largest Araortmcnt , the T > alc t Styles and
TIIK NKW Yoim COMPANY LEADS THKM ALL. Satisfy yourself by
Examining the Stock.
A hill line anil ix mniplflo numrtnicnt ol Uio l.M t Htjlcn of Straw Hat * juiit opcnwl.
Max Meyer & Go.
vuns.AmmunitionjSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards.
Clothing & Furnishing Goods
-\vi : AKU , PAH i.vcKriiNci- : : :
1212 FARNHAM STREET , 1212
Horse Shoes and Ms
At Chicago Prices.
1209 & 1211
} anl8-0m HABNKT ST. , OMAHA
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stofe Eepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
O3E" rx > s ox *
Tenth and Jackson Sts. , - - - Omaha , Neb.
To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of
Wo respectfully call your attention to the largo and varied
assortment of Boots and Shoos , including some of the very best
grades in Ladies' and Gents' Hand and Machine Sewed , from.
several of the loading manufacturers in the East , whioa will ba
sold at about
: ' To Close Out ,
This ia a rare olmnco for BARGAINS. Como Quo , Como All , oiid Shoo your-
sulf at HALF rillOE. llomember the Place ,
216 So , 15th St. , Union Block , Bet. Farnham & Douglas *