Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1881, Image 1

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Hie President Will
lot YitMraw BobertBmY
.Stand "by "En Unti
It-is Settled by the
National Associated ITess.
CHICAGO , May 1I > 10 p. m. Thi
Journal's "Washington special says
Several iepSblican "Senators , hereto
fora knoKHas fnenos of Scnato
CorikHng , but now extremely aniioui
to maintain friendly relations id th thi
* ] ) residenthave not abandoned all Ide ;
of bringing about a compromise bet weei
these two officials over the Robertsoi
nomination. The prevailing opinion
however , is that the time has passec
for any satisfactory arrangement 01
lie forced to dispose of thenominatioi
at this session. , One of the senator !
appointed by the republican caucuaj <
talk the matter over with the presi
dent , .Bays the latter was not disin
dined , at first , to transfer Judge Bf > b
nson to some other office , provide *
Conkling would agree not to opposi
the other name sent in for collector
which would be that of a man identi
fird with tlie anti-Corikling element ii
Isew Yor"k state. AMien assured thai
this projKtsition would be ivcceptabl (
to Conkling the president wavered
and finally gave expression to the sus' '
pitions that jie wouldTje involved in :
political trap. "Wlule the matter wa ;
under consideration , however , ii
leaked out through the -newspapers
and then the president announcec
that he would not adopt it , "bui
would let the matter remain for thi
senate to d iqwse of. The jiresidenl
liasiyvde known thaVle would 1101
witlTdraw tlie u'oBiinafion ofillian
E. Chandler , as" he "has been -urgec
to do.
Under the rule it would go ovei
until Tuesday when % 'lie slTould ta"k
occasion to state to the. senate hi
objections and thetithere could doth <
same. Scarcely a senator can be
found to-night nho does not thiul
that Robertson will "be confirmed ano
that the Labors f tie senate will b
concluded before the middle of neri
week. 3o senator is willing to ex
press an opinion on Conkling's caucus
speech , but it is evident that it it
interpreted as throwing up the sponge
inasmuch as the end is recognized.
sESATOUiAi orunoss.
Senators Dawes and Don Cameror
were among the callers on the presi
dent to-day. Tlie former stated after-
tranis that he thought the senate
would adjourn by Thursday. Sena
tor Cameron hojwd as much t > ut de
clined to expraM-jgpwion. Senatcu
15 lair said to-aight4iLat.he expectec
to be able to go home next week-
Senator Edmunds has gone liome anc
seems tohave lost all interest in-th
business of the senate since the con
firmation of Stanley Matthews. He
reported to have said before
leaving that BoberUon wai
ire to be confirmed and that the final
adjournment of the senate would fol
low immedlSSj- Senator Ingalb
hlated to-dsy flat he saw nothing. , to
lander the senate's adjourning bj
Friday next at the furthest , Senatoi
Hawley declined , to tell what the Treei
may bring fprfh. He ym the aenatt
ought to adjonrn nexfweek , but no
one could tdl bow long the debate
might ensue over the Robertson case.
Southern ( senators are anxious to gc
home.Vish may l > e father to the
thought , but f they are almost unani-
3UOUB in tlid ppiiiion that -"business
'ill not beTOshwi to that end. Sen
ator Toorhoes said he was glad the
republicans had opened their eyes.
j empcrate would helj
d UsAy to confirm Hob-
If bjid ongl > eon evident it
the democrats that thfl hope of Rob
ertson's witiidrawal was a Tain one
and the.iBspe would now be met u
nice. * H r < did not believe the"oppo
mtion would be as great a * was ex
pocteda.nd that the nomination woulc
t e confinued Tuesday.
casriuLvcE or BErnajcAN LEADERS
> Uon 3 AmoeUt d I'rcas.
XKW YoEK , May 1C 1 a. m. Th
"alhcring ( Saturday of republica.1
leaders , wliichlias been Icld in thii
city evtay week since Robertson'i
iioininRtion , wjis unusually well at
tended. Mcc President Arthur , Sen
ator Platt , Attorney-General "Ward
Senators Davenport , Strahan and Bid
man , Justices Patterson and Smith
JohnJ. O'Brien , and Asseroblymei
Carpenter , Hamilton , Bradsky Rud j
number ) f-feth'erB "were -attendants *
yesterdav afternoon the gatherini
in down-town restaurant , though i
few of stlie leaders were first In con
f ereace'Jit'Ariliur'B dftice. Gov. Cor
sell is alio reiwried to be in the city.
The announcement by Senator Plat
in the regular caucus in Wasliin t n
yesterdaj- , that if a jKistpoaeuien
as had till to-morrow a coinjtromiw
would be reached , does not seem to bi
founded on facts. Senator
was in the city yesterday , and in cori
versation with a reporter baid he Lac
110 intention of asking the president
to "withdraw liis name , -and. Uie presi
dent liad assured him that his mi tin
wouid not be withdrawn unless on M
fvm request. Senator Platt -was ii
Altiany on Thursday and endeavorw
to get Mr. Rol > ertson to resign Ihi
collectoraliij' in case he Was confirmed
nud take Rome otherjoffice. To hii
request Judge Robertson refused evei
to consider the requests that wen
made th&t he withdraw jn con
' sideration of being promised the nonj
-1 ination for judge of the court of ap
- iKsals this year"or for any state ofiiw
wiiich he might select for himself RUC
anv oiheririend in the anti-mochin *
-party. Senator Platt fairly bepgoc
Judge Robert-son that he tike thes <
requests into consideration , and thus
s ive ihc party in the start al theTiexi
election. Judgs Rol tirtf > n Baitl J
would l > e unfair for lum to er n con
sider these matters when his nomina
tion was made by the president with
out any request from himself , but hi
was willing to do all he could , ev
trhen confirmed , for the benefit of thi
party. This appears to be all tie ba
ais Senator Pla had for promising i
c3Bif 3e'vx5Qre Monday.Judg
RsL-eftso sayiie has iotHbe slight
st doubt of his confirmation , ani
that the longer Senator Conkling secures
the wi !
cures a postponement greater
be his majority when a vote is taken
WASHISCTO.V , D. C. , May 15 a. m
Jhe newest thing in relation to th
present political situation is the grot
able effect oa Senator Mahone. I
tras considered before the Chicag
convention that Jilahone Trnuld sup
paS ; Gt eral Graat if he - as-Uomi
nAted , and beiice the reasaa''dy h
has been -so .thoroughly champione
by the stalwart * . J3oa Cameron !
open chagaf&liiai &f ihe Tkpni
catorJw S'apla 1L-1 Ci 013 "
inididektblof | o t far Hnj , pgi
BbV'iie4u * 0 - & ° fies If the confij
mation of RobertMn causes continua
coobaess between tie gtalwarts ani
the adminiBtration , irill ti executiv
five their protege the patronage o
iheTegnlar repablicaas o
the Old Dominion chum that they hav <
had virtual promise of patronage thai
Mahone has done nothing but giv <
committees to the republicans , anc
that his reward will be smalL Ai
abandonment of the "fight on senate
officers is conceded , and thus Gordor
and Riddleberger fall to the ground.
They are to be dropped simply because
the democrats wfll never let them lx
elected. The republicans knew that ,
and it is also said , that no attempi
wfll now be made'even atihe rierl
session to change theofileers of the
senate. The question of "Robertson !
confirmation and the final adjourn
ment has assumed no different phase
since Saturday. stated that the
last canvas of the committee on com
merce showed a majority in favor oi
a favorable report -Robertson bui
in defiance to Senator Conkling's -wisl. !
the nomination wfll be reported. : * *
morrow without recommendation.
Enough democrats will support him
to overbalance the disaffected repub
licans , and it is safe to say that the
chances are in favor of his confirma
Thnaa irssCCSlfiideiablB f. ltS fny.
day about"Chandler's cHancesf or con
firmation as solicitor general Some
democrats say he cannot be confirmed ,
and that the'presidoBt nvilldoubtless
withdraw his nomination. The presi
dent's recent disposition , however ,
makes such an idea ridiculous. He
selected Chandler as the" right man ,
and his friends say he will not with
draw Inm. Among republican sena
tors generally it has been conceded
that Chandler wfll be confirmed. The
report of the committee on judiciary
will be forced by a disposition of the
Robc-tson case.
Itseems impossible , in view o"
Conkling's definition of his position
end other circumstances , that the sen
ate will be delayed longer than the
end of this week. A final adjourn
ment is expected "Friday , if not.before
and it will be disappointing to many
if the debate filiould "carry it ieyond
that date. * ' * 3
- >
Information obtainable this morn
ing , in regard to the .repubb'can cau
cus , yesterday , fully confirms the
rumor that Conkling gave up the
Robertson ghost , and has washed his
hands of it in cansequence. Those
who called the caucus moved on such
a mysterious way that even1 senators
hardly knew of it in time -to be pres
ent. Conkling was among those who
came Lite. He came when half the
timehad , been consumed in talk. .As
soon'as he entered he cunly chided
lis brother senators for such hasty
action in calling a caucus , particularly
since only a few liad been consulted
as to its advisability. He would have
Liked very much , at least , to have
known at what hour the caucus was to
have met. He also thought he should
have been asked whether he was
ready for a caucus. His being thus
so far .ignored , .lie considered a
personal affront. It ' was , he
said , plain to lie seen that some power
had decided that no senator from , any
state should have a voice in filling its
most important offices. He supj > osed
that Robertson would be confirmed ,
but lie dreaded to think of the danger
that threatened the republican jmrry
therefrom. He spoke for some time
n definition pf his ideajof impending
republican disasters , and it lssSXed ;
iat his remarks T > eeanie so ofieio
sive that several senators left be
fore he concluded. Whether any re-
tdy was made it is difficult to find out.
5incc the news of Conkling's speech
ias become .known senators ofkboth
Eidus are dumb. The general opinion
isihat Conkling'lias , "by this action ,
turned some of his best friends
against him. The Robertson nomi
nation is "now expected to be disposed
of by Tuesday at the furthest. The
Bnaladjourumeritis fixed for Thuu-
JIBS. , GATrrr.i.T > 'a jmrtss. , ,
JS - - * *
Mrs. "GarBeld's condition this morn
ing is slightly improving , " and'hei
physicians have .renewed hopes of hei
recovery , i Dr. Uoynton , of Mentor ,
who has been the family .physician foi
years , and who was specially Bent foi
when her disease assumed an alarm
ing form , E3ys "that she is not suffer
ing from typhoid fever or intermittent
fever , but the disease is more of the
old typhus fever.
Mr * . Garfield's condition yesterdaj
afternoon was not much changed from
Saturday night. She slept well
through the nighi.jaid hertempcr-
attire to-day is no higher. If tithere is
any change it as for.the etter , anc !
hoj > es of her recovery are ateadilj
gaining ground.
National AF > i.ie3 Press. * -
Blocking BucinecK. " \ *
CHICAGO , May. 14 4 pa m. Jlie
Times this'morning says : Jasl 'Culler-
ton , president of the' Switchmen's
Union , andleaderof thei > resent strike ,
privately admits the movement is on
its last legs and cannot last much lon
ger , thouch very few men arc return-
1113 to work , Tlie trades'union through
out city made the strikers numerous
offers of pecuniary aid. The greatest
indignation is springing up atflong
large mercantile houses and huavj
shipper * of all kinds over the delay in
their freight. TJip miblic 'has about
made up its mind that lallj-ggij compa-
nioi jjjust stand tlie enormous lost > et > vik
tailed throngh non-delivery of perish
able and other freight ,
Chicago' * Big Saencerftct.
CHICAGO , 3fc y 14 4 p. m. The
executive committee of the Xorii
American Saengerfest Association is
discussing measures to get Cincinnati
singers "here on tlie occasion of the
comiijtr festival , which takes place in
June. A dclf-yation of singers from
Cincinnati is in the gjrv and state
that the Turners of that city h rc
made each contracts-with all railroads
between Cincinnati and. Chicago thai
none but Turners can gef reduced
rates to the JeitiraL If this proves
to he true the railroad companies will
be petitioned to rescind the contracts.
A guarantesd fund of over § 30,000
ha already been collected to secure
the-success Af the festival
Hew York Netef ,
JvEwYoEK , May 14 i p. m. Th §
death is announced to-day of Mis *
Darj nCj aged 21 , from injuries re
ceived , fcy 3 'fiyi -trariezGVfleap Ji
Bsrrmnvfi ciren's , 'vhife ' * e hibitingia1
T\rilkesbarre , Pa. , on tlie 3d inrL
Seven European steamships sail to
day , with 700 saloon passengers. Oi
no-previous day this season have sc
manv persons sailed out of the port o :
" * "York.
Shovert of the Queer.
313Iay 14 4 p , m. J
IJeclc has been arrestec
here for attempting to pass counterfei
money. " "There is Quantities of it ii
cxrcBlationmHSis aeighborhoodi ant
officer ; have'a'long time been triiui
to discover thf shovers ,
A Female ThroitCvlrr
14-4 p
jhaving attempted totcat'
thro t * f Jer Jover , rbung Gfeislm r
has been liberaua < jn 1000. Greisi
mer is in a fair \ray to recover , Hi
Declines to prosecute , but the countj
tornev yill not drop thexase.
A Yast Amount of &ravel Exhib
Itei liy the Propreitor of
"Hays tacL"
He Administers a Counter Ini
f * * r
rwo Horse Thieves
Fort Niobrara.
Correspondence ot Tut BEE.
FOKT XIOBBAHA , May llth , 1B3L-
Fort Xiobrara is getting notorious fo :
shooting scrapes. It has been but :
short time since a half breed Indiai
from Rose Bud agency was shot b ]
the Sutler's bartender and the guarc
from -which he died , after lying in th <
hospital a few days , and last nigh
there -was another shooting whicl
comes under "the head of robbery.
The facts as near a I can gather then
- - - -
ore these ;
About three miles easl of the For
on the prairie is the "Hays Ranch , '
sometimes called Three Mile Ranch ,
a place of ill resort , a dance house
which has been doing a rushing busi
ness for the last ten days since paj
day. Castedine the proprietor had a
large amount of money somewhen
near a thousand dollars , which tool
the eyes of several suspicious charac
ters which have been around the post ,
Among these were Janres Read , alias
Teddy , and Dick Burr , and it is
thought the rest of the gang consisted
of soldiers which deserted here thij
spring , there "being about fire in all
It seems that Read and Burr havt
been scheming to "hold up" the pro
prietor sometime , but never put it in
action until last night when one oi
the soldiers by the name of Johnson
deserted his post of guarding horses
and took four good horses and secret
ed them until all were ready. They
then mounted and jode to "the"ranch. .
Riding up they dismounted and told
two men who were sitting in front to
hold up. their hands but -not 'waiting
for them to do it , they fired with a
Winchester rifle and revolver killing
the half breed who . .hadjust come over
from the agency and was rounding
up the agency cattle. The other
escaped with a slight scalp wound and
threw up his hands without any urg
ing. "While one held a Winchester
on him another stepped inthe room
where the-girls had been dancing and
ordered-"hands up , " and leveled Tiis
rifle at the proprietor who was stand
ing behind the bar. He threw up by
goim ; down" and coming up with , a
double barreled shot gun loaded with
buck shot and emptied the contents
at Read , breaking his gun stock in
two pieces and wounding Read , it is
thought fatally , as blood and * Sesh
was on the remaining piece and his
trail -was bloody. After Casterline
shot Read he glanced around , and
caught another fellow named Dan.
Cunningham , alias "Wild Bill in the
net of firing at him -with .his six
shooter. Casterlfne dropped behind
the counter the second time and se-
jured his six shooter , ' and . as Bfll
nme around the end of the counter
be shot him twice. The first shot
took effwt in Bill'a hand and side , the
next in the breast above the left nip-
[ lcj .going through his lung , lodged in
the scapnld , where the doctor found it
when he examined-liimat the hospital
Spotted-Tail * with-iexcral Indiana ,
happened to be here , and they -and a
detachment , of soldiers are out after
the wounded bbers. Tlus shoot
ing , coupled with the shooting of the
half breed in" March , will be Tory apt
to make some trouble here , as the
half brued is brother to Xoui Bor-
deux , agency interpreter , and related
to Spot in some way. Loui came
over from the agency this eveningand
will start out with more Indians to
morrow on the trail of Lieut. Cherry's
party , who is doing his utmost to catch
them. It is hoped that they will
catch them and give them their just
dues. If they don't make an exam
ple of some of them , the first thing
we know there wfll be another gang of
cut-throats like Boo Hiddleton's. The
girls that came to the Fort after the
row have returned , and are resuming
business on the old scale.
Since the foregoing Lieut. Cherry
has sent in Sergeant Poppe for more
rations , when they will continue to
push ahead toward Ft Pierre , Dak. ,
the course they think the fugitives
have taken. He also sent hi one of
the stolen horses that was found near
the river. It is the general supposi
tion that "Teddy" has died from his
wounds and been dropped in the river.
"PjmiV3Iay 15 10 p. m. M.
Roustan , French consul at Tunis , was
yesterday morning gazetted French
resident minister at Tunis , under the
provisions of the treaty with the bey ,
and General Breard Roustan has been
promoted to the rank of plenipoten
tiary .first-class , and will be awarded a
sufficient salary to enable him to main
tain , -with due dignity , his new hou-
ora. The whole French press is jubi
lant over the result of the campaign in
Africa. The republican journals , es
pecially point out that in this , as in
former years , the greatest and most
brilliant triumph of Franco have been
those won by her under a republican
administration , and not by her monarchs -
archs or emperors.
DCBUJT , llay 15,10p. . in. Four
more.arrests uudur the coercion act
wenl made yesterday at Gastlo Island-
The prisoners were taken to the jail
at Limerick. On the way the officials
in charge were surrounded by crowds
of people , who sympathized with the
pnsoneis , Tjnt did not offer any'resist
ance. _
Tiere | are Tumors that the Feaians
are now plotting to bltjw p , by dyna
mite concealed" among coal } several
English ironclads , and tli govern :
ment is taking extraordinary precau
tions against these plots. " The ad-
nijrralty board had a special sitting yes ;
terday to consider -what precaution *
wjll best prevent the thraatenod ca
LONDON , May 15 15 p. m , It is
reported that dynamite bombs , coaled
on the outside to resemble lumps oi
coal , haye been found in the bunkers
of anoro than one jrpqclad. and thai
others have been discovered * mixoa
among the coal bins of tha dock ard.
ROME , Hay 14th. A sensation was
caused here to-day by the announce
ment-thai the entire Italian cabinel
had sent in their resignation to King
HumTjerJ , Thestep was cSnsod by
the recognition on , the -put of- the
cabinet of their inability toTrithstancl
the storm of popular indignation ex
cited Against them in consequence oi
\heir fa > lurp to adopt effective meas
ures against the itsps whjcJi Frantw
had taken in Africa , and \yhich' liave
resulted in converting Tunis practic
ally into a protectorate of the French.
The Knglajf notyet acted "Bpon-tKt
resignations. It is said this evening
thafheTmay induce the ministers tc
retract them and "remain in-office , bu
the popular indignation in Rome am
throughout Italy against the Africai
Tunisian .treaty is increasing , and thi
administration , into -whomsoeve :
hand it may fall , will find it difficnll
to resist the clamor for a warlike dem
onstration against France.
National AsscxSated Tress.
ROME , Slay 15 10 p. m. Th <
Italian ministry , who tendered theii
resignation yesterday , have concluded
to remain on duty for public busineai
until a new ministry is found. Th <
government and public generally art
very angry at the Franco-Tunisiai
treaty , a summary ofwhich was pub
lished here yesterday morning.
New York Money and Stocks.
WALL STREET , N. Y.f May 14.
MO ET Closed easy at 3 per cent , ex
change clossd firm at 4 8CJ@4 8SJ.
Closed firm.
( TslSSlcoups. . 110J 4'scoups . . . . . . U \
JTsconps 123 ? Currency G'ts..l3 ]
4 ' coup. . . . . . . HCj
Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows
Union fin-t , llS allSJ : land giants , 111
bid ; binking funds , 122J bid ; centrals , IK
The stock market this morning was _ active -
tive and buoyant with an advance in prices
of Ja3J per cent , nearly every stock on tht
list participating in the improvement , the
only marked exception beinu H. k St. Jo
common , which broke frum 7 | per cent tr
72 , and rallied to 7Cj. Elevated thares
were noticeablv strong , advancing 11J pel
cent for Xew "i'ork elevated , 2J for Metropolitan -
politan and 2 * for Manhattan. Among
the low priced shares Chea i > eake & Ohk
were most prominent ; Southwestern shares
rct5ve and advanced sharply during the
'ternooa. There was sime reaction from
.e higher point , but new the clo e _ a
a strong tone again prevailed , and closing
quotations were genen-Jly jja3 I > er cent
abo\e yesterday's closing. The principal
dealing were in devated street , U. P. ,
WabaSh , K. k T , . T. P. , D. , L. & W. , IL
&St. Jo. , C. & O. , Pacific Mail , and L. S
Following are the closing bids :
New York Produce Market.
ISEW YOKE , May 14.
Flour Dull and weak ; southern
3ourin fair demand at unchanged
Wheat Moderately active ; spot ,
t@llcc lower ; options slightly easier ;
spot sales of Xo. 2 red winter were
itei24i125JSo. 3 do at § 1 20i ;
S'o.l white at ? 1 23J < 51 24 : > o. 2 dG ,
? 1 191@1 20.
Corn lj@2c lower ; spot sales of
So. 2 , 57i58c ; No. 3 , 50c ; steamer
nixed , 57c.
Oats - Generally heavy ; mixed , low-
; r and in moderate request ; No. 1
rhite , eec ; No. 2 do , 53@54 ; No. 2
nixed , 4GS4Gi ' , No. 3 do , 45i.
Rye Quiet'at § 1 12.
Barley Nominal.
Pork Demand slack , early delivery ,
? 1G 00 for old ; ? 17 00 for new.
Lard Quiet , active and lower ; spot
sales of western steam at 810 80 ; city
io , 810 GO ,
Beef Unchanged.
Cut Meats Unchanged.
Whisky Nominal.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , Slay 14.
To-day there was a fair business
: ransacted in banking circles , and
money was in fair demand and' steady
it previous rates. Eastern exchange
between city banks was again firm at
50 cents premium per § 1,000. The
hearings of the associated banks were
Flour Quiet and dull ; spring wheat
Hour , , $4 005 25 per barrel ; low to
choice fine Minnesota brands , $5 70 ;
wrinter wheat flour , § 4 oC C 00.
"Wheat Quiet and inactiveTNo. ; 3
red winterr $1 02 for cosh ; No. 2
spring , dull nt § L OlJ for cash and
May : 51 02f for June ; ? 1 02J for
July : 931c for August ; No. 3 , OG@9Gic
Tor cash.
Corn U * settled , weak and irreg
ular ; No. 2 , cash , 41i@41c ; No. 2 ,
May , 41c ; June , 40c ; July , 44c ;
August , 42Jc ; high mixed , 4CS43ic
for cash ; rejected , 37s37ic ; new
mixed , easier at 39c ; new high mixed ,
steady at 43@43 | = .
Oats Weak andinactiveon account
of the excessive receipts ; No. 2 , 3GjJ@
36c for cash ; 37c for May ; 3GJ@3G.Jc
for Jane : 35 jc for July ; 2G c" for Au
gust ; No 2. wTutenonunal ot SJic.
-Quiet and demand limited
RyeQuiet ' ;
No. 2 , S11G for cashl ; 15 for May ;
$1 10 for June ; 92c for Julyi 77ic foi
A gust ; rejectijd , SI 10.
Barley Very dullandoSerings small
No. 2 , lK c for cash ; No. 3 , 95c ; No.
4 , 83g54c ; nothing doing in futures.
Mess Pork Insight demand and
market unsettlodand irregular ; ? 1G IS
@ 1G 25 for 'cash ; 'SlGlSfor June ;
S1G 20 for July ; § 10. 22 for August
Lard- = Weak and decHned unde-
Ijberal pflerings ; $10 12i 10 15 fo :
cash ; S10 12i < slO 25 for May ; 10 12 *
for June } § 10 12J@S10 15 for July
and Augugt ,
-Bulk-Meats Fair demand , but of
ferings were large and prices declined ;
short clear sides 3S 40S 45jshort rib
rides , 7 95 ( 8 t' ) .
"Whisky Quiet at § 1 08.
Receipts and shipments Flour ,
8874JS,03C ; ; wheat , JO , 5S , 127,327 ;
com , 185,019 , 51,2GO } ; "oats , 103,535 ,
30,1G9 : rye , 1,024 , 3,447 : barley ,
4,445 , 4,301.
Biltlmare Produce Market.
"BALTUIOEB , May 14 ,
"Wheat "Western , easy and closinc
firm ; No. 2 , winter red , spot , § L 25i
@ 1 251 for May ; ? 1 231gl 23J foJ
JnnefSl 20J@1 205 for July ; SI 15S
@TlO for August , ? 1 21i "bid. '
Corn Western" mixed Spot , oOig
GOc ; May , 57c : June , 5555ic-July | ,
. . - .
Oats Quiet and firm ; western white ,
23.0 ! rijixed , 49SOc. "X
and un ;
changed. " * =
* Butter Doll ; prime to choice west
ern packed , 18@20c.
* T2gCS-I > ull at 4 < gl2c.
"Whisky Dull at $1 10. "
, Cnlcago Stcck Mzrk t.
. -A. . .CHICAGO , May 14-
The Drovers' Journal reports as fol
lows : ,
Hogs -Receipts , fl.OOO head ; ship.
meats ; 4,7 3 head ; > lje tq l rjjce ls
for- the week105,000 bead , : djauaaa
good and market aotlvo and dtpong ,
fiie bulk selling at 5c advance , but
closing weak ; common to good mixed
packing $5 60 5 95 ; choice heavy
packing and shipping , ? < 5 OOO&C 25
light hogs , $5 GO@C 00 ; culls , $5 20 (
540.Cattle Receipts , 42,00jhead : ship
ments , 3,600 headi total receipts fo
the week , 29,000 head ; the early mai
ket was fairly active "and steady , bu
prices averaged 5@10c lower , and dull
$5 75 < 56 25 for good to choice ship
ping , § 5 50@5 G5 ; for common to fair
$5 OOjyS 35 for "aistniery Btock ; So 3
for butcher's stock , and canning cattl
of the best quality , strong at S4 25 < <
5 00 ; common to fair , dull 'Bt $2 75 < <
3 75 ; stockers and feeders moderateli
active , but values weak , sales. $3 50C
490.Sheep Receipts , 1,000 head ; ship
ments , 750 ; demand-weak : iten cars o
choice114 ' pound , wooled sheepSG 00
common to fair , § 4 40525 ; shon
sheep , 04 00@5 00 ; market closed dull
but about all sold.
St. Louii Produce Market.
ST. Louis- Hay 14 ,
"Wheat Easier ; SI 10-for cash
$1 09 | for May ; $1 07i " for'June.
Corn- Easier at 431"forcJshj43 | fo :
for May ; 43gc or June.
Oats Slow at 37ic bi'1 * *
Port "Dull at $10" 75"lor cash. '
Lard Lower at $10 12 bid.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOCTS , May 14.
Hogs Lower ; Yorkers and
Baltimores , $5 50@5 70 ; mixw
packing , . " 5 40GJ5 62 ; butchers to fan
cy , $5 755 77 * .
Cincinnati Produce Market.
CiscisKATi , May 14.
"Wlieat Easy ; No. 2 red , § 1 10
Corn Dull and easy ; No. 2 mixed
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
40c.Rye Weak and quiet ; No. 2 , SI 31
@ 132.
Barley-NominaL ; No. 2 fall , $10 ;
@ 10G.
Pork Quiet at S1G 50.
Lard Firm at glO 25.
Bulk Meats Weak at § 5 25@S 25.
Bacon Easy at G 509 15@9 40.
Whisky Irregular and weak ai
Liverpool Produce Market.
LIVERPOOL , 3Iay 14.
\ Tieat "Winter , Os@0s Gd ; spring ,
Ss Cd9s ; vrliite , 8s 10d9s Gd ; club ,
9s 5dg9s ( ltd.
Coni ! New , 5s ; old do , 5s Cid.
Pork 72s Gd.
Lard 50s Gd.
Buffalo Produce Market ;
BUFFALO , Slay 14.
"Wheat Inactive and nominal.
\ [ Com Dull ; car lots of .No. 2 mixed
western , 51c on the track.
Oats Quiet and easy ; two cars oJ
to. . 2 mixed western , sold at 44c on
the track.
Rye Inactive.
Bsirley Inactive.
Toledo Produce Market.
TOLEDO , May 14.
"Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red Wsrlosh ,
May.81 13 ; June , § 1 llg ; July ,
? 1 073 ; August , SI 04J ; year , SI 02i.
Corn Unsettled ; high mixed , 48 c ;
o. 2 , cash , 47ic ; June , 453c ; reject
ed , SSJc.
-The membership { < fMh > &nTtrgeon'fl
: hurch is now 5 , 1154.
In Pennsylvania there 5G8 Baptist
: hurches , containing , G4,572.m embers.
The first Protestant church in Al
buquerque , New Mexico , has just
been oj > ened.
Twelve Chinese converts have been
ordained as ministers in the Church of
General Sherman's only sonThomas , ,
has just been admitted to the Catho
lic priesthood by Archbishob Gibbons ,
nf Baltimore.
It appears that there are twenty-
5ve distinct Methodist denominations
in the world , with a total of 4,630,780
In thirty-seven years the Church of
England has erected 2,581 churches ,
[ ind lias expended on church buildings
Forty-four Mormon missionaries
xre on their way to Wales on a pros
elyting expediton among the mining
ind iron districts of "Wales.
The synod of the Southern Morav
ian province has voted in favor of
union with the northern. The synod
of the Litter meets this month.
The Catholic bishops of the prov
ince of Baltimore "have met and se
lected three names for the Vatican to
choose a vicar apostolic for North Car
The yearly meeting of the religious
: > ciety of Friends for Pennsylvania ,
New Jersey , Delaware and the east
ern jiart of Maryland lias commenced
its sessions.
The 382,920 Congregationalists in
in the Unitejl States gave last year ,
for their religious work , 83,092-
! > 22.24. or an average of nearly SIC
per member.
Eabbi Misrachi , a native of Persia ,
is collecting money among the He
brews of New York , -with which to re
pair the tomb of Mordecai and
Bishop Burgess , of the Catholic di
ocese of Detroit , has issued a pastoral
letter , forbidding the holding of any
picnic excursions by water or rail , and
priests are commanded to enforce Ms
In Trinity Protestant Episcopal
church. , Pawtucket , K , L , at the re-
Easter "Monday election , three womer
were made members of the vestry.
This case is said to be without anj
precedent in the history of that ehurcl :
in tlqs country.
Among the Tunkers , or Germai
Baptists , there are 1,578 ministers.
Of these 300 are in Pennsylvania , 24 {
in _ Indiana , 227 in Ohio , 142in Uli
nois , and 133 in Iowa. Then denom
ination is represented in twenty states.
The present month wfll be noticea
ble for the prominence of Presbyte-
rianism. The general assembly ( north
meets in Buffalo , , the sqnthern ir
Stauntqn , Va.j and the Cumberland
at Aqstjq , Texas ' ' - all qn the same dav
May 19 , at'll 'p'doclv a. m. " " T
One -of the
- papers says that a con
troversy has arisen in the Winthroj
Congregational church of Holbrook
Mass. , over installing a pastor , aftei
they had listened to 240 candidate ;
during tha nine years that the chord
has been without a pastor.
An ancient piece of architecture , thi
tower of the cathedral church of St
John , Chester , England , has" fallen.
, ,
the height of 150 feet , and was a land
mark for the surrounding country.
Thechurch _ itself , and the abbey ad
joining , date from Saxon limes , anc
the tower , built of the red sandstone
of the district , -was one of its mosi
beautiful features ,
The. highest perjcenfage of Presby-
teriaii communicants lo" the population
of 13 leading cities in this country is
4 * _ X Mi rm. _ r-ii _ ' _ V * * * -
in ihe'cjlies referred to , : San Francisco ,
2,001 ; "Cjnciniurti , 3,77 ; Cleveland ,
3,115 Indianapolis , 2fi ± i ; Pittaburg
4,936 ; St Louis , 2,630 ; ThdadelpKa-
23,090 ; Brooklyn , 10,093 ; Xev
18,359 ; Rochester , 3G71 ; Louisville
The whole number of Second Ad
ventists in this country is estimated a
85,000 , who exist principally In fou
divisions the Second Advent Chris
tians , the Evangelical Advcntists , th
Seventh Day Adventists , and the Lif
Advent and "Union. The hitter hold
to the non-resurrection of the wickei
dead , the first to the annihilation o
those who die impenitent , and thi
second name to the conscious state o
the dead and the eternal conscious suf
ferrng of the wicked.
She Gallops up "Dodge Streel
Screaming at the Top of
Her Voice Just for
Towards midnight Saturday night
Dodge street in the neighborhood o :
Eighteenth street , resounded with th <
yells of a woman , evidently in greai
peril In the darkness it was. soon ob
served A gray horse , ridden by a wo
man , apparently in becoming ridinj
habit , WAS tearing up the hfll at a
break-neck pace , Awhile the ridei
screamed in a fearful voice , giving tht
impression she was in great periL
A gentleman , a resident of Dodgt
street , hearing the screams of tht
woman rushed to see what was tlu
matter , end seeing the flying animal ,
made a bound for the street and ruah-
ed after the flying horse Presently ,
along came a man on here bade , whc
appeared to be rushing after the run
away. The screams of the womar
were still to be heard , though it was
impossible to see more than a men
outline of the gray horse in the dis
tance. A short ways the other side oi
the High School the lady driver cami
to a stand still , and the gentleman ,
who by this time had been joined ii ;
the pursuit by three others , on approaching
preaching the foaming animal discov
ered the woman was considerably
under the influence of liquor , as was
iier male companion , who had suc
ceeded in overtaking her a moment
The male companion was in eamesl
protest with the wild young woman.
Indeed she was so , but she responded
she meant to have some fun. The
queries of the gentlemen who had
rushed to the rescue were answered
impertinently , and the two quicklj
continued their course out Dodge
It was evident the woman had taken
it into her head to have a wild and
exciting run , and as the speed of her
: iorse increased , her excitement swell
ed to ungovernable bounds. Her
screams were fearful , and seemed
most convincing proof that she was
> eing run away with-
it is a pity the name of this indis
creet person did not transpire , for il
would be eminently proper" admin
ister some rebuke to her conduct ,
even to printing it with this report.
Young Men's Christian Association.
At the handsome new rooms of the
issooiation , corner of Famam anc
Tenth streets , an almost unbroken
series of exercises continued f Jom Sat
urday evening till late yesterday after
noon , thus exemplifying the tireless
efforts of the association here in behalf
f religion.
The well known exercises of Satur
day evening are alwaj-s well attended ,
notwithstanding the many attractions
or young men in other quarters. The
singing exercises on the street are none
he less heartily and numerously
oined in because of the jeers of pass
ers by. The young men who do this
noble work are satisfied to snatch a
very few from the meandering crowds ,
jut they are happily rewarded -with
numbers , as the workings of the asso
ciation show.
The labors of Sunday are always
jreat for the association. At 9 o'clock
in the morning there was a bible exer
cise at the rooms , conducted by the
jeneral secretary. At 1 p. m. thej
conducted services at the county jail ,
Mr. John Nichols , leader. At 2:3C :
i. m. there wis a song service at the
rooms. At 4 p. m. a young men's
meeting in the rooms under the leader
ship of Dr. Leiseuringand-atthesame
lour an " .everybody's meeting" at tlu
Tenth Stret Mission , between Dodge
and Capitol Avenue.
If this be notjan immense labor , ii
will be difficult to say what is. The
w rk of the association is not only un-
iring , bnt is happily greatly suceess-
ful , and it is to be hoped there will be
ao lack of encouragement to these no
ble young men from all quarters.
A Mysterious Murder.
NEW YORK , May 14 1 p. m. The
body of a young woman about twenty
years of age was found in the woods
at Guttenburg , N. J. , opposite thi
city , last evening. Circumstance !
point to a foul outrage and murder.
About thirty yards from where tht
body lay the ground is trodden anc
the _ long grass rrushed and benl
as if a desperate struggle had taker
place. Two switches of dark hau
matching that of the dead woman , a
back comb and a lot of hairpins were
found on the ground. The clothes or
the body were much torn. Close bj
the body two large stones -with clottec
blood And black hair "upon them were
found. The bkuil is fractured in sev
eral places and there \s an ugly gasl :
over th.e left The ear.ringswere
torn from the ears , -which were badlj
lascerated. The woman was wel
dressed and had the appearance of re
finement. The body had lain in the
woods several days. No due has yei
been made to her identity.
Honor Justly Won.
cSfi May 14 4 p m.Yorl
has bejB egun qn th e foundation foi
a memorial tqlj erected to , GeJorce'jJ.
Al trQSSt * fftn'njfer. of the ra&waj
mall service. The memorial itseU
will be a bronze , surmounting a gran
ite pedestal , eight feet high. It will
be situated on the public grounds , a
few feet from the northwest of the
new custom house. Te } ; u
will take place next Thursday
Attempt at Jail Breaking.
Yesterday mornjp * 1 $ prisoners in
ineOouncir Bluff"jail broke , abed :
btejad tq pieqes fcjr ? ns i i a Leajy
Rpci f > | Iron , and attempted to , get
put of the main cell by kncking out
a portion" the walll' Sheriff Reed
discovered the attempt in time to stop
' * !
inoraj ;
XOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sail
Lost , Fouad. TVaats , Boarding , tc. , uin be ii
s rted in these columas once for TEN CEST
per line ; each smlwequcnt insertion , FIVE CENT
per line. The first insertion nercr less tha
TO LOAt 6pa cent it
tcrest in sums oJ J2.SOO an
upwards , for 3 to 5 yaars , on first-class citj an
f ana property. CMIS HEAL ESTATE and LOJU
AOECCT , 15th and Douglas Sts.
OKEY TO LOAN'-Coll at Law Office of
L. Thomas , Koom S , Creighton Block.
ONET. . TO LOAX 11O > Farnhain Streel
M Or. Ediranls' Loan Agency.
.4 SITCATJOX 1 5 WANTED By a yocngma
Xx ( Soindinav-ian ) with 7 years" experience ii
drj poods business , speaks Ueruan. Apply a
hotel Ifenmark STC-14
\T7"ANTED Two men to work in
D. S. SMITH , North Shjnnan avenne.
, .
HoteL James A. Read. SX-11
\ X / JILJ > A neatjimjtt&ifjriri ; Ccrma :
T V preferred enquire Sundar " or Jlondav , a
170 Itouclas st 891-17
"I TOASTED Situation in any Vcrchantile bus
\ \ ines , hare had 9 > ears ' < a ] > crivncc , add re *
C. A , W. thi office. B90-a >
V\7"AXTE1 > iwnbii : room Rlrt at
> 1 Restaurant corner of 13th and Jackson st
VCfANTED Second hand ico-lttx at tlje PhHa
> > delpliia restaurant , on 10th Bet. DonrU.
and Dodire. M-4-17
TASTED A wa.tcr or ScooL at the Fhila
> \ delphia COfiee House , No. 11210th St.
VirANTED IMMEDIATELY A first-da * cool
at 141s Dudi-e St. 394-14
TTOL'SE ANTED By a prompt jayinc man
_ LJL not over J mile Irom V. F. bridge. I'
Muller , V. P. R. K. R. . No. 1.
> > bnck moulder. Can on or addretw J. F
FLYNX , Norfolk , Neb. _ S97-17
T\7"ANTED-Tlirt roonw for li 'ht hou ickecpinj
IT in central location. Give termi , adran
tages and refcrencia. Addrtss G. P. Q. , Bee office
TT7"ANTED A coiiijietent man , \IK > under
\ > stands cardeninr , at southwest corner o
St. Man' At enue aiid 2oth St. S 0-14
"V17ANTED At Canfield llouse , a good dinin :
I \ room prL S75-14
I I WANTED Immediately' at the Occidental
TT7ANTED An office bov at the Emmet house
VV ST4-14-
_ _
\T7AXTED Chamlicr maid , at "Emmett House
"ITT ANTED 5 carpenters and 2 cabinet njak
TT7ANTEU Two first-class barbers , and noni
otlu-r need ajijily J. fl. CUKKT , Unioi
Block. 823-tf
and colts to sraze in i
. Steers and she cattli
piazed in separate ; ia tares. For terms , location.
fie , applj to MILTON HENDKIX , 21st and How
ard sis. , Omaha. Xeli. 820-eodiC
TTJANTED Man north of the end of 16th St
> V IL W. BAIL. SOs-tt
TT7"ANTEI > Two twardcrs In prjvate .
f I For terms , ic. , address S. , Post Offi
Hoi 337. 7M-tf
ATTANTED A situation bj a man of famHj ,
1 1 xteadf , industrious and wfllin to be use
ful in any honorable aajocity. Comi > ensation at-
cordinf : to capability. Mease " address J. E. H. ,
cara oi BEE othce. _ _ CM-tf
T\7"A TED sitnation * eopyist or at an v kind
> \ of writing , by a competent younfr" lady ,
Address "T. A. " BKR omcc. References ciia
and required. B20-tf
Ol'SES AXD LANIi-Beiuio rents houses ,
utores , hottb , faruu , lots , lands , offices
rooms , ete. Sec 1st pa-re ,
RENT A hand = omtlv funmhed room al
± e 117Bt corner California.
T The tu-o tipper floors of Na 131 :
JU 1S14 Dons-las St. Enrjnire at A. H. Glad-
stoneV &S3-18.
"OOP. KENT Brick dsrellin ? , conicr Iftth and
5 Faniliain. IrKjuire ot L. C , lluntincton &
Son , Masonic BlocL. 85i-16
A 3oa Karnham St. , bet. Itth and 17th. S70-1I
TO EENT N. E. comer 10th ai.d
. Hurt. . SC3-14
TJ OR RENT Ne ly funiiihed room irith noard
Jj in pri ate family. For jorticulani address
S Box 33" b62-tf
TT'OR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for lichl
J } housekeeping or ruouicrs. Inquire at 151S
' - - ' - Street.
; 8GC-tI
RENT A larjre furnished room on firsl
FOR , with lioard. Also a few day boarder
wanted. IsOS California street. a2S-7S3-tf
I OR REXT On first finer , furriJied rooms ,
P southwest corner 1Kb and Davenport.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 151 !
Chicago street CHO-tf
KENT The buildinc 1WC ! Burt street
formerly used by John Cane as the Lender
meat market. Some butcher tuols for gale. Ap
] > ly on the preml-ws or of John Baumcr , 131-
Famham street.
I OR RENT A store , eomtr 10th and Leaven
F worth. Inquire next door , at Peterson's.
OR RENT 2 furnished rooms orcr MCJ
F chants' Exchange , S.E. cor. Itth and Itodcr
1 REALE3TATE BOOM. See 1st jofe
SALE House of four good rooms , one
comer lot ( XJxl40 it flMO. Terms easy
Location seed for forties working st Shops o
Smeltmr Worka. Inquire of John L. ileUafnii
ojijt Postoflice. 8 C-tf
' NEW CITY > lAl > S,2Sc. See 1st joce
SALE A small , well-built house of fou
rooms and rammer kitchen , with corner lot
well laid out , trait and evergreen trees , etc. ; pooi
a eU and cellar ; price , 1350. ApjJy to R. LARGE
27tband Itodge utreetg.
TTtOR SALE 2 Mockiiir HirtU , coed Kn ers , a
J } 1107 Douglas St. , \ > vi. llth and 10th. B7li
has rattlin ? Ion ? lists of houses , lots
BEMIS . - , aud linns fur lule. Call and xv
them. ll r
SALE Brand new t o-t ated Par !
Phaeton. Enquire at Kidd's Boot and Sbo
Store , JacoW Blocli hs4-17
T70R SALE Earlier shop. Inquire at No. 200
P Cmnin . l twcen 20th and 21 t Sts. Rcaton
for selling , desires to quit tlie busineMS. B70- ]
TjlOR SALE 2 acres pround In West Omaha
Jj Inquire of J. Henry. No. llOlCth. S73-t
FOR SALE Hence and lot , oj > ) > oite red ca
street tar liorn. Inquire > o. 2022 20th am
( Jnminc St bC7-21
FOR SALE The frame buildin ? on what 5
known as the VBwcher Block , comer o
Donrlas and 13th rtreet , Omaha , consisting i
seven stores ; alto the frame dwelh'n-j adjoinini
said bloct on. Douglas street. Sealed bids will b
recch ed up to May 20. Direct to Samuel Shears
Secretary Hotel Ai-wxnation of Omaha , careo
Omaha Xatioual lUnk. atiQ-17
T7IOR SALE A djsai lav horses , good homes
jL aad wacon. Inquire Cor. 1W and laven
] ort Rtreetfi at Mmuiin , 9 212
R1CK2.00 a thousand. T. JIURRAT.
_ 04-1-1
T7IOR SALE Ten elegant residence lot * , situ
Jj ated near terminus of red-car street rsJlwai
line ; nc\cr in market before. Inquire of E. G
IICMMIKEY. & 07 X. lath utreet _ 73SJ
SALE Cottsffe on Tenth icreet , betweer
FOfc and Iloard. . h. LEHMAN , lift
Karnham Ktrect _
P'OR SALE Cheap , two hou with four anc
JD six roorn wiUun two and lour blocks of ih <
postoffice. InquireofT. f rDSPIKE. ' " at Cniick
' Stl-tf
R g.\Ll -jrEAT'li.\lKZT Ilavlnff to po tc
jj Europe neit month , I win neU my markel
bufldinz. fixtures , tool % harness , -aeon , c . ,
etc. Southeast comer 10th and Dodge street *
SALE beautiful residence jq { ; kicatioi
FOR t-class ; price , tV < l JOHJTL. MeCACrE ,
' _ 71g-tf
CVJh bALE Hoiwe. and lot on North 13th gi.
JP atiicoa. Inquire of JOE { L. i
opposite } p tofnce.
rextauraiil. In-
- 703-aS-lm
77 P8S.U.U riKle-lar top buror , aootf atneir.
J ? Apply to E. Jl. K * , I . Moiie Co.
/ JHSAP-Ma acres cUnpe fcjuj ono-bilt tuUt
lJ east of Senufler : 150 acres tnio and 2Q acra
timber ; 10 acre < paiture , ftnoetS ; lanre t o storj
honsc and. BCoS quVliundin ? . ; tilk i rf t ;
owned hr a wtOow ladr d-sinne to move. Cash
w ejty juujxatj in eichanpe.H.D.
T7OR SALE llai * of Doujlai and Sarpy com >
1 ! tiea. A. KOSEWATEir , 1520Fsnihain erect
- ' * '
616 Tenth Street ,
Men's Straw Hats 19c , 15c , 25c , 35c , 45c.
Men's Straw Hats 75c , S1.OO , $ L5O , SL75.
Boys' Stra-w Hats lOc , 15c , 25c , 35c , 45 < x
Finest Canton Hats 25c , 35c.
Finest Milan Hats 75c.
Misses' Sailor Hats 25c , 35c , 45c , 5Oc , 66c.
Ladies' Sundown Hats 25c , 35c. i
50O Trimmed Hats S1.0O upwards.
Arriving Daily from New York
2 Bales Unbleached Muslin 5cworth 7 l-2c.
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
616 Tenth Street 'See Flag. )
Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets.
Jewelry , Silver-Ware and Diamonds.
"We Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Moner. ang21tt
Real Estate Agent and Notary Public ,
Cor. Douglas and Fourteenth streets.
ONE THOUSAND LOTS in the city and addition * , from ? 200 to 2,000 ; alia. 200 hounn and lota ,
Irom ? leioo to * 10,000 ; also , land in IXraslas and Sarpy com > tie , in mnaB and hirre tnctt ; l o ,
? iOO,000 to lean at S > j > er cent. , aud flOCI.OUO to loan at 10 j > cr cent. , in cuins to nuit aiiplicanfai. AS
busdnewi with John > L Clarke STRICTLY confidential
Taxes paid ; dtla and mortjraye executed oa short notice : only icll exclusively on commission ;
don't speculate ; cive ray jintrons all the lorraint Notarr Public al avs * > in office , iwuthwwt comer
Douglas aud Fourteenth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. mp ± 9oodlm
TT'OI ' ; SALE Leaxe and furniture of a first-class
J ? hotel in a tmrn of 1300 inhabitants in state
o ! Nebraska ; ha * 24 t dn ; the ten elm ? men's re-
sort. Inquire at BEE office. SS-tf
JC caloon fixturtM , furniture and Mock , on 10th
fctreet , appotdte t. P dejiot. for sale tery cheap ,
or the fixtures , furniture and stock will be Bold
and building rented. Inquire of El' . KUEI&r
iAN. 79-tf
ilE BEST THING TET-IL G. Clark & Co/ !
_ L Imperial Self Ratainir 'Winter Wheat Flour ,
'or ' pancakes , bixcuits , and all kuidx of } n. itry ,
Try it. your FTOCT for it 47S-tf
1st page.
LOST A Setter pup ; dork lonj hair , doublt
no , tip of taol white , 2 months old. Fin
der will receive ? 2.UO reward on return to Omahs
House ,
STRAYED One black mare pony , five jear
old , star In forehead , white gjiot in left ere.
Taker up Mill please notify Chariot P. Birkett
Mason street , aty , or Bee office. JWS-14
O bran experisnced teacher .Ea y and rapu
method , terms moderate. J. WILSON , 13 !
Farnham St. 877-cod
riLAIROVOYANT Mrs. Florence Hewitt , bum
\J DCS9 clairovoyant , tells your jnst , pre ew
and future , all about journcjn , Uu-suitn , fo t pi
stolen proi ] rty , business and lore affairs. Sati"
faction guaranteed. lUjsulence , 2712 Burt street
two squares west of military bridge. M711
TTMBRELLAS And I-arasoIs rcraired by M
U SCULTT , llth and Famam rts. 7tf
BlajWN Corner 12th and
. streeta , is ready to bore or deepen veils
Satisfaction i-uaranteed , M3tf
rpEAMS Can be pot at John Barrs Uble fo :
JL all kinds of nork at rcaxonable figures , nea :
JOT 13th and Leaven-north streets. 37s-tf
' FOltGET The TOcceHwm of the American
ican Houw , on Douslaa street , lietween till
and 10th. tor luord , led in and transient cu
turners. IlejqicctTully.
The Drifts Open and She
Beaches Daylight
Acmfn ,
.Nebraska and "Cool Minnesota'
are again neighbors , the Sioux City &
Pacific and the Sioux City' & St. Pan
railroads being open from Omaha t <
Sioux City .and St. Paul. Minnesot ;
enters upon the summer of 1881 tritl
unusual advantages to tourist , -yrho art
in search of cool weather , for in addi
tion to her usually delightful climatx
nature has stored away during tht
past winter among her hills and arount
her lakes a quantity of snow and ict
which will hardly disapiair before tht
middle of July.
The fishing at MInnetonta and the
other superb lakes is said to be better
this year than ever and sportsmen are
already whipping the clear waters foi
pickerel and bass.
Many Nebraska people have alread j
declared their intention to Bpend the
heated term in Minnesota , but there
is no danger tlia.t tha new and beauti
ful hotels springing up every yeai
along Uic lakes will have more guests
than they can accommodate.
Maj. O'Bryan , the agent of the Siouj
City lines , which take pwmengers
through from Omaha , to fct. Paul in a
iew hours , yi } < j addressed at Coun
cil Bluffii for information regartlinn
Minnesota hotel accommodations , and
railroad fare.
Undoubtedly the beat shirt in the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The snperioritj
of material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
that is reinforced fronts , reinforced
tecks , and reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price oi
SL50. Every shirt of our moke u
guaranteed firrt-xkss and will refund
the money if found necessary.
We make a specialty of aH.woolj
* f eft's.
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , -warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
Irsons we offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chilla
antl fever impossible.
At C. F. GoodmuTt.
4 '
Absolutely Pure.
Uade from Grape Cream Tutar. No other pr -
paration make * uch Iiht , Caky hot bread * on
meritorious paltry. Can be eKteo by DTcpeptie.
without fear of the ills resulting from betry rodl-
estible food. Sold onlv in cuii. by an Grown.
New Tork.
Rooms in Jacobs * Block , np sUira , corner Cap
ital avenne and Fifteenth street. Residence , HI *
Sherman avenue , llay be consulted at raudencn
from 7 to 9 p. m. , except Wednesdays.
SFECIALTT OlwU-trics and lAwawo of Women.
Offlce hours , 9 to II a. m. and : to 4 p. m. ; Sun-
da ) * 5 IO7D. m. mH-gm
Hand Sewed Shoes a Bpecialtj |
AI ; i
Leading Shoe Store ,
DlO T''LtO. nd OTTO BICYCI S. 8 a4
tiurcnt stamp for
and Price List mt
5 , L D , SOL010I ,
Faints , Oil and Glass.