Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1881, Image 4

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The Daily Bee.
'Tuesday Merging , May 3.
P terson sells coat.
"Frederick , leading Hatter. milt
-3Tice Broches atKuhn'e.
Try Sare's Peruvian Beer. *
Try Base's celebrated Cream Soda.
- Wbipple , McMfllan. S Ce. , the jewel
n , Crtlghton Block. o26-tf
Those lovely baby bonnets come froi
" - Fine cigars by the box , very cheap , a
_ j Knhn'e Drug Sto- ,
For rnrz Commercial Job Printing
'call &t THE BEE Job rooms.
Full line of Imported and Domesti
Cigars at Sare'a Drag store.
NIndel &Krelle , Hatters , Sign of tin
Golden Hat , 14th St , between Farah&n
aad Douglas. 16-tf
A large number of members wen
added to the Presbyterian church Sun
day by letter or baptism.
Mr. B , H. K Kelly has been unabli
to obtain bail. 1 he caiewill come up a
the June term of court.
If you want Bill-Heads , Letter-Headi
Envelopes or any job work , call at THI
Bee Job Booms. Prices that will sur
i ry one.
Mr , Jacob lleichard , proprietor o
thelEmmet Home , died Sunday morn
Ing. The funeral notice will appear here
The Omaha Glee club gives its firs' '
public rehearsal at thePresbyterian churcl
this evening , at which time a choici
programme will be presented.
A gang of "crooks' " are in the city ,
among whom are three from Peoria , His
_ Keepjour coat buttoned over yeur watcl
and'a "barker" in your pocket , if yoi
tieed to be out late ,
The Messrs. Swan , of Wyoming , wht
are again in this city , are goinfc to pul
about six hundred head of cattle in thi
Willow Springs distillery barns as soon M
the mud can be hoed out of them.
The observations at th cignal servici
officsMondny indicated anything but settle (
" weather for the present. It was raining a' '
, .North Piatte and Davenport , and thi
' cirro stratum clouds observed from thi
point are the usual precursor of a storm
"What Shall the Harvest Be ! " wai
sweetly wafted upan the air Sunday
morning from a Sunday School in session.
Inquiry last oening developed the fatl
that up to that hour the harvest had b'eer
jiiae hitters , bummers , and one well knowx
' "crook11with more precincts to heai
We are -closing oat onr $1.50 blaci
Hats and Bonnets at $1 50.
Then goods are from onr wholesale
department and are special birgalnr.
He d quarters Millinery ,
* mcleaale and Retail.
; Great reduction in prices of Ladies' '
ready-made suits and costumes. Tbe
"following are a few of out special bar <
$15.00 were aold for $25 GO. BLACK
SILK > BUITS , & rare bargain , foi
$17 00 material alone can't bsbought
for the price. Satin DeLyon Suits
| 30 to $50 , vet A nold for $35.50 to
$65. A very nice stuff suit for 85
can't be made op for less than $8.50.
Don't fall to eee oar ? 10 unit , in all
shades and all size * . Every
Imdy that baa aeon these exclaims ,
"How can they be made for the
'price ' ? " Similar reductions in jackets ,
ulsters and circulars. The reason for
Xthte sweeping reduction ii , those goods
were bought in anticipation of a big
, spring trade , but owing to the severity
of the weather and the recent floods ,
ire have them on hand and mast close
them out Perfect fit guaranteed.
No extra charge.
1408 Farnbam street.
ItlT | / „ Hear Dr. O'Leary'a lecture on
"Lore , Courtship , Marriage and Di
vorce. "
- t tfte acknowledged leading boose
; .v Spoerl , Masonic block , 16th'
street , has opened her ice cream par
lors for the aeascn and will serve the
JMse delicious ice cream which hss
taade her parlors so popular. Orders
for parties and families will be filled
promptly. 29-31
TERS are complete in every depart
ment. ap4tf
tv Died.
* * OAUFBELL Sunday morning at 4
.o'clock , at the residence of his broth-
'cr-ln-law , corner Dodge and 16th
streets James Campbell , aged 23
years. The funeral took place at 2 p.
m. to-day.
'It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
Blick Milin Hats and Bonnets re
duced to 8100 , at HICKMAN'S
Lang & Foitick removed to 13th
between Tarnham and Harney Sts.
* * * spr22-ood-tf
. nr' " Remember tha.mmical and drama
tic entertainment to-night at the
Unitarian church , under direction of
Hits L A. Rogers and Miss Julia
. * , y Hardenburgh.
Having secured ' "
At a very low pries we offer the foi
Blowing .birgalni :
" * [ Embroidery at 5 : . wnrthlO ; . '
" * *
TT ii 10a „ 15s
„ „ 12ic , , 20c
15c 25c
„ „ „
„ „ 20a „ 30c
Everybody invited to call and see
these ( roods. v
Kurtz's Store , Crelghton
Quarterly Ezammatlon.
k3e is hereby given that I
ill be in my oflice , room 10 , Creigb.-
ton block , Saturday , May 7th , for the
jmtpOM of examining those who may
yls ofif theaselves as candidates for posi
tions in the schools of Douglas coun
ty. Monthly examination the first
Saturday in each month. Examina-
; one dollar.
* * 'J. J. Porxrs , Co. Supt.
Disgraceful.Attempt to Take
a Prisoner from an
's1"Officer. . .
The Policeman Calls in Vain foi
Help from the Crowd.
At about 5 o'clock If at evening t
fight occurred in Carry's saloon , OE
Tenth street , between Douglas and
Dodge , the participants being Tom
McCue , a white man , and a colored
man named AL Lewis.
Officer Pat Ford , who is proprietoi
of the Niagara house , in the same
neighborhood , was seated at his sup
per , being ofi duly , -when he was in
formed of the trouble , end started ai
once for the "saloon. From what lie
could see and learn JlcCne was chit fly
responsible for the trouble , and he
arrested him at once. McCae insisted
that the negro should be arrested , and
the crowd with bim joined in the de
mand. It was evident , however , to
the officer that under thecSrcumstances
he had his hands' full with one
nun , and he ordered his prisoner
along with him. McCue declined io
go , and a scene followed which it is
hoped may never be seen In Omaha
again. The prisoner was > a strong
man , and while Ford could get him
across the room to the narrow door he
was unable to get him through the
aperture. He Attempted to do to
again and again , and finally called on
the crowd in the saloon and at the
door , which by this time numbered
two or three .hundred , men , to assist
him. Hot a'man would do so. In
the meantime the prisoner was violent
and uglrj and "had struck and kicked
the officer several time-whoso bruised
and bloody countenance gave evidence
of. the force ot the blows. The officer
at last drew his billy , when all other
means had failed , and used it effec
tively , for the moment bringirg the
prisoner to terms , and .starting with
him , forthe * jail. Wnen a few steps
from Ihe saloon the prisoner again
made an .effort to get away , and for a
moment succeeded , bntcFord was ac-
{ Ire , and Jn an instant had him In
hand , and once more appealed to the
crowd to assist him.By this time it
was evident-that-Ford and his man
were immediately surrounded by
friends of McCne , and that none of
the few respectable men In the out
skirts of the crowd would ba per
mitted to assist the officer. '
By this time the officer had been
struggling with his prisoner for nearly
an hour. Many ruffians and despera
does in the , crowd were urging
McOue to breakloose or to ' 'hit the
'cop * agaiu. " „ TheN crowd had been
momentarily increasing untU it form
ed a vast mob. One saloon keeper ,
named Julius Ross , openly advised the
crowd to "make Ford let McCue goer
or take the nigger , " and at last nv--
ted the steps iu front of his taloon
and proceeded to make a speech to the
crowd to the same effect.
Officer Ford succeeded In reaching
his house at last and allowed his pris-
er to enter and wash the blood from
his face. At this juncture Officer
McEtren joined Ford and the two
proceeded up Farnham .street with
their prisoner.
The incendiary talk'of Ros and
others had borne fruit-however , and
at the corner of Twelfth street the
officers were violently attacked by a
mob of some ; twenty roughs , headed
by an old man named Connelly
and his sens Mart and Tom and Mike
Gillicsn. Ford was brutally ponnded ,
kicked and bruised. One of the gang
drew a revolver and brandished it.
Ford also drew a weapon , but refrain
ed from using It. * The officers were
joined by Officer Black , and proceed *
ed to take the three Connellys into
custody. Two men in the crowd of-
Jored to take the elder Connelly to it.looked unlikely that the
officers woufd reach the lock-up with
their men were permitted to do so.
Instead of taking. Connelly to jail they
took him home. - _ ,
Another movement to capture the
prisoners was "made and a rush made
up Farnham street ? thVpollce having
got B > couple of blocks the start.
About regimcnt of men , most of
whom were probably moved by cu
riosity , passed up Farnhaa street on
a ran and joined the mob In front of
the court house , but whatever their
intentions -were the officers got
through to"the jail in safety with Mo-
Cue and the Connelly boys and Idcked
them up. ,
Officer Ford evinced during the en
tire transaction the grit , tenacity and
st powers of a bull dog , and it
will be a source of regret to law abid
ing citfzsnsto "learn , "that he received
some injuries in the fracia which may
prove serious.
No person who saw the affair can
doubt the necessity of an immediate
addition to our police' ' force , which in
time of emergency is wholly insuffi
cient for the demands of this city.
Michael Connolly , the-senior , hia
sons Tom andJlartrTom McHugb ,
Miko.Gllligan/and S. G. McDonald ,
were arraigned In police court this
morning for participation in the assault
of an .officer Sunday , be ggn
guflty. "ifichaelwas fined § 20
and costn , Tom $10 and costs ,
Mart $5 and costf > ( tMcHgh "TTttot Me-
Ouo,1 ! , asfctiio reporter > was given the
name yoeterd > ) 'fS kndj-coBti ; Mike
Gilllgan wardischan ed fcnfl the com
plaint against McDonald withdrawn.
* % *
J { f- *
Ylslt Kurtz's Storo. > = 5 nrw
Yon talk about school .hate , why _
You can boy them for a * soup , A *
By coing-.down to , Atkinson' * , the- * >
f Leading Wse in tp n. | ?
The acknowledged 'LEADING house
n f otcn. ,
Do-your shopping" Kurtz's.
_ _
jg -I < *
Beattns the Boys in Bine.
The base ball nine from Ft. Omaha
came down on Sktur ay3au3"cro"Bsed
bats with the Union. Pacific clubKlfae -
playing was falr'on both sides , batting
being quite strong. Score : Union
Pacific , 21 ; Barrack's club , 3.
Black Milan Hals and Bonnets re
duced to SLOO at HICEMAN'S.
Boots and Shoes made to order , bj
M. Olson , 112,16th St. , bet. Dcuglai
and Dodge. Repairing neatly done. .
All those Children's Nobby Hati
came from ATKINSON & CO.'S.
The Water Works Ditch Cut-
tera Demand an Ad
vance in Pay'
A murmur of discontent among the
men engaged in cutting the ditnhei
fer the water works company has beer
growing louder for the last few daySj
and culminated yesterday when
the several gangs , before commenc
ing work , refused to accept any longei
the pay for which they hare been
worklngL40perday. The bosses had
no instructions in regard to the matter ,
and the men proceeded to Sixteenth
street to find Mr. Smith , of Smith
aud McCane , contractors for ( he pipe
laying. They demanded througb
their spokesman , a raise to $1.75 pei
day. Mr.SmlthofferedSl.50which wac
refused , and said sooner than pay the
amount demanded he would dig
the ditches with mules. Seme
further talk ensued , when
Smith told tha men that he
would refuse absolutely to pay the
amount demanded and told the moi
they could go to church for the nexl
two weeks. The men claim that when
they hired to the contractors they were
promised $1.50 as aion as the frost
was out of the earth , and the ground
in condltlon'to push forward tha work ,
That time they claim arrived severs
days ago. After quitting work thi
men proceeded ta THE BEE office in i
body and requested that the followln ;
call bo pabllihed , stating that will
present prices of living in Omaha I
was Impossible for workingmen t <
support their families at less thai
? 1.75 per day , when they "were obliget
to lose their time on stormy days o :
when the ground was wet :
A BEE reporter saw Mr. Smith , o
the contractors , a half hour later a1
the Metropolitan. He stated that thi
agreement was to piy the men $1.50
per day after May 1st , and that thej
intended to carry out the agreement
The strike was the work of i
few leaders and most of the
men desired to continue al
their work and would do so If properlj
protected by the city. Work would
be resumed on Wednesday morning
and he had assurances that all laborers
would be protected in their work. He
bad taken pains to ascertain the wages
of workingmen employed at similar
labor in Nebraska and found that the
Union Pacific paid $1.40 , the highest
prica paid , aud the Omaha & North
western $1.10. He stated that the
men were paid regularly once in
two weeks and were paid in full la&t
Saturday night.
Ho stated that the company would
throw up itr. job and go homa before
it would pay $1.75 per day to its la
The strikers held a mass masting
last evening in the open air at Jeffer
son square. About five hundred people
ple were at the meeting. Mr. Mao-
Donough , of The Watchman , was
chosen as chairman. His remarks
were brief , but loudly apple uded. Pre
vious to the selection of a chairman
ihe meeting was addressed by
J. H. Pierce and John H. Fisher.
Both speakers referred to the difficult
character cf the work which the men
were obliged to do , to the uncer
tainty of steady employment and the
justness of the demand for an In
crease. They were loudly cheered.
Upon motion , a committee of seven
were * appointed by the chair to meet
at 7 o'clock this morning and wait
upon Messrs. Smith & McCune , the
contractors , to see if some basis of
settlement could not be arrived at.
The meeting then adjourned until
8 o'clock Thursday evenlnp , at the
court house.
Having opened a stora for tha exclu
sive sale of butter , eggs , and cheese ,
we Invite the public to give us a call
and examine our goods. Our motto
will be "Qalck Sales and Small Prof
its. " We will endeavor by courtesy
aud fair dealing to give entire satis
faction to all who honor us with their
patronage. G. W. TIBBALS & Co.
Now is your time to buy Embroi
deries cheap , at Kurtz's. m w
The rapid rate at which the Royal
St. John Sewing Machine is selling is
not surprising when its real merit
and acknowledged superiority It con
Black Milan Hats and Bonnets re *
dnced to $100 , at HICEMAN'S.
A moment's scrutiny will suffice to
SATISFX the whole community that
HOUSE is the place to purchase cloth
ing , 1001 corner FarahanTand Tenth
Help wanted at Atkinson & Oo.'s
Sales Indies and Trimmers can find
situations byapplylngatonce at Crelgh'
ton block , I5th street , naar the post-
office. tf
After tne Flood
The Union Pacific shops are in full
operation to-day.
The Smelling Woiki Company has
a force of men cleaning out the works
to-d y , and expect to have the furna
ces running in three or four dsys.
i A BEE reporter crossed the river to
the Omaha transfer Sunday , on the
U. F. train from the west , tbUJbeing
the firet east Abound train which * had
reached the transfer depot since the
fljod. The railroad yards preeent a
scene of-ruin , tracks being every-
wheie washed out or removed. _ Tlje t
fiatrar bridge is still in pla- ougn
all is dryaround U and its occupation i
gone. Gangs of men were engaged
in ballasting the track over which thi
train passed , and which led into thi
freight yard south of the depot. Ii
is evident that an immense amount ol
work will be necessary to repair thi
damage done.
AH east-bound trains were in theli
place , on the east side of the depot
The Burlington la atill cut off by i
wash-out en the K. C. , St. Joe & 0.
B. railroad , over which track they rni
to Missouri Valley , and is rnnnlnj
Its trains via the Wabash t <
Malvern and thense over its owi
main line. The Wabash and Burling
ton both run their trains to the mait
track of the Wabash over the Bur
lington yard track , the destruction o
the Wabash bridges on the Lous ;
having mido this necessary.
The Rock Island is open and Is run
ning all trains recularly.
The Northwestern had been In aim !
lar fo rtunate condition since Friday
having repaired its wash-out north o
the Bluffs. It has about 1250 loadec
freight car * on the line between Obi
c&go and Council Bluffs , destined ti
points we > t of Council Bluffs , whict
are being got through as rapidly a
The Sioux City & Pacific is tunninj
trains to Sioux City. The line betweei
Sioux City , and St. Paul will not b
open for some days yet.
The Kansas City line , whose wors
washouts are between Council Bluff
and Missouri Valley , Is expected ti
be repaired in thraa or four.daya.
On this side of the river the B. &
M. is again running Its trains fron
Omaha , the Platte river bridge a
Oreapolls being completad. The firs
train ainco the bridge was ccmpieted
arrived horcr on Saturday evening.
The Omaha.Northwestern . i
running Us trains to-day to Tekamp
and will reach Oakland in a day o
The Burlington is bringing in fet
ty.five cars of live oysters to-day an
the Rock Island nineteen , all of whlc
are destined to ba placed in SB
Francisco Harbor.
as can be found as Bushman's ii
Silks , In Hosiery , iu Dress Goods , ii
Fringes , Cord and Tassels. Fantr
Ornaments , Buttons , Prints , Ging
hams , Table Linens , Shawls , Ribbons
Ties"et , etc. , etc.
TiaiNo DODOES , but the * genuine bar
gains and fair dealings in all depart
ments at
S. W. Corner .Douglas and 15th St.
ap2G tl
The second annml private entar-
; anmentand ( ball by the Liederkranz
society to-morrow , Tuesday { evening ,
Hay Si. The programme includes
'our songs by the society , one double
declamation and zlthoc solo by Julius
0. Festner. Tickets 75 cents , ad
mitting gentleman and lady , can be
irocared of members of the society
and at Whlopls. Mc5IilW * < * >
jroighum block.
Ladles' Sacks reduced from § 5 to
Indies' Sacks reduced from $3 50 to
Ladles' Sacks reduced from $12 to
Ladies' Ulsters reduced from $9
to $7.
Lidiea' Ulsters reduced from $12
Lidiea' Ulstors reduced from $15
All to be sold this week. Do not
ail to see these goods.
300 Dozan Hosiery.
300 Dozan Hosiery.
In all the new designs.
Linen Handkerchiefs at 103. "
Linen Handkerchief * at 15c.
Linen Handkerchiefs at 20c.
Linen Handkerchiefs at 25z.
They ara all very cheap , and the
quality the best.
It is now conceded that no anch
Ine has ever baen shown in Omaha.
We shall be pleaied to show them to
Kurtz's Store , Grelghton Block.
Kurtz's Score , Creighton Block ,
Have you .priced , those lovely Cor-
ets , at ATKINSON & CO.'S ?
Mr. Ezra Millard has closed hit con-
racts for his Harney street block.and
he building will ba pushed rapidly
orward. _ The _ contract , , for the iron
work was awarded to the Omaha
foundry and 'Mauhino Company in
competitioa.with both Chicago &nd Sf.
jouls. It speaks well for one of onr
lome manufactories , In operation but
one -year , when-it. can succestfully
compete wlth those eastern ) cities and
carryh > fMKe "prize * . This company
a now working ever forty men
and expect within thirty days * to
double their force. In addition to
heir building work , the establish
ment is turning out every month from
lix to ten of the "Omaha Staam En
gines" which meet with ready sale in
Nebraska and Colored ) . The con
tract mentioned in THE BEE , for z
arge addition to the pha of the nail
works has > bean completed by the
Omaha Fonndryand the work promis
ed will be at'onca-plac'sd in position.
Several of ( ha castings for this work
weigbrover'four'tona eichs
. "WINE OF CARDljl" . cures Irregu-
arpainfulor difficult-menstruation.
: u. t- - - '
It Divides in Omaha Keene't
Beal Name.
Mr. Tom-Keene and a part of th <
company Trhich appeared here las
week in tragedy left for thejwest Ban
day. The company was joined hen
by Mr. Laarock , an accomplished ac
tor who trill be rembered as having
carried the principal part in the firs'
production in Omaha of the drama , "A
Celebrated Case , " and this morning
Mr. Arndt , a Baltimore actor of ster
ling merit , reached here and will join
the company at some point west ,
Years ago Mr. Arndt was a near neigh
bor iu one of the valleys in the Hart ;
Mountains , " Garmany , to Mr. Otto ,
father-in-law of Councilman Hotnei
Stull , of thla city. On reaching
here Mr. Arndt at once begat
searching for Mr. Otto and soot
found Mr. Stull , w-.o though not i
German , spaaks the language fluently ,
Mr. Arndt , though a Gorman , epeaki
as good English as does Carl Schurz
A few words of the conversation be
tween the gentlemen is interesting.
"How long havs you known Mr
Keene ? " said Mr. Stull. .
"A long time. He was some yeari
ago our "leading man" at theatri
'Baltimore , and I was leading heavy. '
"Keene , I presume from his name ,
is an Irishman ? "
" "Oh , no ! Keene is a countrymai
of mine. He tpaaki good'English
. His is Iv-u-o-h-n bn
though. name - - - - ,
he has changed the spelling. "
The balance of the Keene company
including Miss Henrietta Yaders , Mr
Roche , Mr. Hurley , and Mr. Thomp
son , left Sunday for New Yorlr
where they organize the Henrietti
Yaders dramatic company.
Beal Estate Transfers
The following transfers wara re
corded at the county clerk's offic
yesterday , as reported for this pape
by J. L McOagne , real estate eijen
and conveyancer.
MOHCS F. Shlnn and wife Henry A
Delanev , lot G , in block "H , " Shinn1
2od addition ? w.-d. § 400
Clarence G. Mitchell to Henry Bir
man , sw J ; tection 8 , town 14 , rangi
12 east , deed § 2,377.60.
Andrew J. Han&com to Charles F
Manderson , 14 lots in block 4 , Hans
com Place , w. d. § 6,200.
Frank D. Kent te Bogga & Hill ,
lot 9 in block 3. Boggs & Bill's 2d ad
dition , w. d. $250.
Union Pacific railroad company to
Boggs & Hill , s. w. of s. w. J sec
tiou 6 , town 15 , ranije 13 , east deed
Charles E. Bantan and wife to Ed
T. Cooper , et. al. , lots 15 and 1C ,
block G.JJoggj & Hill's addition , w !
d. § 2,000.
Gao. H. Guy to Cornelius Collins. .
lobOanl 13 , in block 458 , Granc
View addition , deod. § 28. ,
Cornelius Collins and wife tb Fell )
McQaade , lot 9 in block 458 , Gram
View addition , w. d. § 75.
Emily Satterthwait to S muolBoan :
s. e. section 12 , town 15 , range 10
east o. c. d. § 61.50.
Gathering Them In.
The police made an extensive haul
of tramps last evening. They made
two trips and succeded in corrsllng
fifteen specimens.of the turnpike sai
lor genus homo. Part of these chil
dren of adverse circumstances were
bunking iu the U. P. round house and
the others were near the Thirteenth
street bridge. A tramp is good
tramp only wiion no Is behind a grated
At the last meeting of the Ladles'
Relief Society , Friday , April 29th ,
the best disposition to be made of the
small sum on hand was fully consider
ed and the treasurer instructed to send
one-half to the industrial school and
the other half to St. Joseph's hospi-
lal , trusting that this would moot the
approval of thosa who have kindly as
sisted us.
The Ladles' Belief Society would
acknowledge the following donations :
Mrs. Haine ? , Mrs. Carter , Mrs. Hus <
; in , Mrs. Knight , clothing ; Dr. Kings-
land , a sieve- _ ,
Bricklayers' Union
Will meet at Mechanics' Hall , on
L2h : "street , between Douglas and
? arnbam streets , Tuesday night ,
May 3rd.
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
At A thinson & Co. 's. .
Have yon priced those elegant pa'-
erns at , " ,
" BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspep
sia , indigestion and heartburn.
.AtC. F.Goodman's.
Dissolution Notice .
The , co-partnership heretofore er-
sting between LiuUBoindorff a.-j < l F.
klausshas this day been dissolved by
mutual consent , Mr. Beindorff con-
tinning the business on 1322 Douglas
street and Mr. Manss taking charge or
the busineis at No. G19 10th street.
Thanking our friends * for the paat
latronagoand soliciting a continuance
or the future wo remain respectfully
yours ,
ml-3t F. MAUSS.
laces , Gloves and Parasols !
Shirts' an'd Dusters , mice 1
Have you priced that elegant stock
of- Fans , at ATKINSON & CO. 'SI
' Llverymen'sJNQtlca , '
We the undesigned liverymen ot
Omaha , agrcc.on account of the great
advance in cost cf hay and grain , to
charge Jho following prices for board-
ng from sud after May lit un
til further noice :
1 horse and 1 buggy per month . .315 00
" " .
i. 28 00
2 snd'arriage. . . . 3) 00
and saddle per month . 1200
"Iwason " " . . . / . . .3200
2 24 00
2 ' 1 " bngsyor-carriage. . . . 27 00
1 " 1 " V " " . 1500
Horses in box stalls . 81800 to 20 00
_ GEO. W. HOHAK , -
J. H. McSHANZ , ?
Bhck Milan Hats and ' re
duced to § 1 00 , at HICKMAH'S.
' "WINE OF CAfrDUl' makes lsy
cheeks and clear complexions. t '
At C. 7. Goodman' * . :
Gen. G. Lambertson and Hon. Charle
P. Mattnewion , of Lincoln , ate in thi
! city.
| U. S. Judge McCrary is stopping will
his niece , Mis. H. G. Stride , on Fifteentl
'street. '
j Gen. J. C. McBride , secretary of th <
, state board of agriculture , is stopping al
I the Withnell.
S. A. Searles , Usq. , of Edgar , Claj
county , Neb , , was admitted to practice ii
the U. S. court yesterday.
It is now csnsldered improbable that U
S. Judge Miller will be present at th <
term if tlis U. S. court now in session.
Mrs. C. A. Coeleft on Sunday afternooi
for Columbus , Ohie.
| Mr. W. D. llie , an energetic citizen o
Kearney , is in the city yesterday.
Mr. H. BAwitz , the boot aud shoe man
left for the east to-day on business.
Mftj. J. "W. Paddock , post trader a1
Fort Robinson , left fo : Chicago Sun
, day.
Mr. W. H. Ijams , clerk of tha distrlc
court , is confined to bis bed with an attacl
of rheumatism.
Mr. C. Spechtleftfor Lincoln yesterda ;
to take charge cf the cornice and roe
work of the new B. &M. depot.
Ex-Mayor Brewer , of this city , now :
{ resident of Chicago , who has been in Gma
! h on buMnes" , left for the east yesttrda ;
j Rev. Mr. Hanhawill lava in abou
Iwoweelsfor Buffalo , N. Y. , to atten
the meeting of the general assembly , t
< which he is a delegate.
J Mr. Robert Armstrong , chief clerk 5
the money order department of the Oman
post-office , resigned bis position on Satui
day , to take effect May 1st.
Miss Jessie Millard , daughter of Hoi
J. H. Millard , Miss Jessie' Barton , c
North Platte , and Mi s Ca-rie Stevens
daughter of S. S. Stevens , general agent c
tha C. R. I. & P. R. R. , left yesterda
noon f jr Chicago to attend -.the s rin
term of Miss Grant's celebrated echool fo
young ladies.
Lieut. John G. Bourse , aide-de-camp t
Gen. Crook , returned Sunday afternoo
from a long journey in Idaho , Wyoming
Colorado , New Mexico and Arizona , mad
under orders trom Gen. SKeridarj. Durin
his absence Lieut. Bourke visited Foi
Hall , Idaho , Santa Fe , Fort Wingat <
New Mexico , the NYajoe ogency , an
Fort Advance , Arizona.
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , KcrSali
Lost Found , Want ? , Boarding , &t , will bo Ii
sarled In tlC3e co'umiu once for TEN CBN1
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CEM
per line The firat Insertion never leas tha
TC iQAK gaatv.
(2OKA ( AHA T0 LOAN At8 per cent IE
U > /4tUUUU ) tcrest. in inns ot $2500 an
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on firft-c' n
( aim i loperty. 1 SKIS' H'AL EiTAiB and LOA
. .OBICY , istntnl liouglaa ite.
< S AAA TOLOAN Onflnt-c'asj real eitiU
npOUUU Apply to T. W T. Richards , nortt
west corner Fainham aud 18th Eti. 755
ON EY TO LOAN 216 S IHhSt. CUrksoi
M & Hunt. 6iT-'t
UltSI fO WlAJl Call at IMW Offloa
M P. I. TnOiUS.Koomg.Crelchtoa BIcek
fOXF.V CO LOAH 11C9 Firnhun street
L Dr. EiwartRLo/in Acencr. nor-22 t !
AN I ED A first cla s laundress at the Oc
eld nta ! Hotel immeJiitely. 742 t
- haid on ublrts. at 1125
WANTED-Machino . IIARRI DON. 7691
BOY WANTED To attend b r ; must bi
A \\cll recommended. 3U south 10th St.771- :
/ CARPENTER A- good carpenter and tw (
\ j vood men to set posit and build fence
anted by Dr. rijffird ) , 110) FirnhamiSt
W.A.TED Dy a young man (22) ) ,
SITUATION - , osrrespandent , smlttm n
orln any othroai lojircnt. Speaks Enzlian ,
German Siveedul , Danish. It ilia n and French.
Small si'ary to beiln with. . ' ddress I- ; Office
O. E. 500. 107-4
-Twenljr-flve tfama to work on
WANTED reservoir ; steady work. A R.
/"ANTED To rent a derfrablo houe of 7 or
YV S rooms , good size , from a mile to mile
.and a halt from poet office , and If pofsibla near
s'rect can. Mast ba in a good Io ality. If su'tj
will p y 3 or 6 mon ha icntla amincB. Apily
1515 Fainham St. TC4-2
"VTTA > l3p A young man ( Scandinavian )
YV friint to work in a con.misilon or wrole-
gal * house. Address X. X , Bee Office. 772-4
) Koom and board for f elf Kite and
WANlfil prlrate family , if desirable will
( ! lvo first-class p'ano'cssons in part payment.
Address B , Bco Office , 774-2
To rent four or Q\o rooms , su table -
* able for housekeeping , in some bus ncsa
block located in central part at city.dJress
C. E. F. , Bee Office. 773-0
A frlil far penerallhousswork , at
WANTED land's , 1813 Os St Small
imlly and good n age i. 793-2
. Tose'lthe good will aid furnl
WANTED.Tose'lthe . Inquire at Bee
office 7CS 59-ecd
WAITED Two benders in prirate fumlly.
For tjrmj , &c , address S , Post Office
Emc 337. 754-tf
WANTED Man tot ika care of horges , pri
vate expresslngwork ac house , etc 112
Farnham St. 7CO 3
m\VO GIRLS WA : TEUCltvHotel , cotrtsr
J.10th and Harney. 703-1
biker trade , or one uho his been la the
business for come time. { Inquire it Georta ;
Weber's ttakery , ionts loth street , or Peter
Gooj. 730-29
! ED A competent girl In small family.
WAN nottbeast corn > r Webster and 53rd
streets. 724-tf
-TT7AN1 ED A'good grl ! , at 2317 Dodje Si.
TTTANTED-Clumber mild and litclun girl
YV Inquire at the Emmet HOUEC. 7C9-1
WAMED By a young man , a situation as
cBUe cleric in * hotel or board ng hou'O.
No wijts desind , ( imply board Good rcferrence
freo'jgifen. . Aadresa by letter R. W. . Bee office.
WANTED To Bill 10,010 blwkciprajpccrry
busheaandSOOOjcra c vmts , at John O.
Willie , the JJCKlje Street Commission House. Al
to a laree quantity ef top.nd Lo.tom en onsets.
\TTANTED A sllUatlon bjra man of fumly ,
YV tttadyindu trions ind willing to bo UK *
fill In any Ion > rablo cipacit > . Compensation
atconling to capability. Plena addresi J. E.
H. , 7ire of Dee office. ' GOl-t'
ANTED Immediately a cook at Tliard's
Palace. 654 U
TTTAMED Sitmtion as copyist or at any
YY kind of writing , by a irmpetent young
lady. Address "T. A. Bee office. Reference
given and required. . 020-tf.
Two moro bowders at 311 North
17th atrcet.bctween Dannpoit and Chicago -
cage , east ilda
'TrnORTBEST A Itree furniihcd room on firct
JJ floor , \rith board. Alto a few day boarders
wanted. 1S03 CallfoniU s'reet. a23-cod-72S-tf
BEST Largj front roem , farniihtd ; N.
-E.corLerlrJth and Butt. 751-2'
TTIOft SENT Ono J rite nnfuroUhsd room with
_ 0 closet 1513 Cuss t. 752-2
TTIOBREl T Onfrst floor , fnmUhai room
_ C touthwest comer 15thand Ditenporl.
' 709 tf
"TTOR VEST Ckjmfort.bledwelllrp , 7 roomir ,
JD all modern improTement * , 2'd and C > K )
ttreeto. Enquire 307 S. ] 2th s . 745-tf
RENT 11 aontrconw , futniated or nn-
FOR . E torntr ! 8th and C Iifornl.
street. ; 740-tf
_ ,
rjlO BEMT Sinzle room , cicely furnished. H.
JL g. corner 17th aniCtpltol AT 717-3
RENT Farolthed rooms. Inqnire at
EOR Chlctgo street. 6Pg-tt
RENT The building' 1900 Turt.tie t
FOR nsedbv JohnCtnais ihiLondoi
meat market. Sbtne butcher tool * for tile. Ap
ply on the premises or of John Baom-r , 1311
Farnham street. ' " _ * ' C9i-tf
< J . i , ' .T . - "
S. P. MORSE Co. ,
Third week of our great sale of Dry Goods
damaged by smoke and water.
Black Silks at 55c , that sold before the fire at 80o ; Black Silks at 75c , that sold before the fire at
$1,00 ; Black Silks at $1,00 , thatioM before the fire at $1.60 ; Black Silks at $1.25 , that sold before
the fire at $1.75 ; Black Silks at $1.50 , that sold before the fire at $2 00 ; Black Silks at $2.00 that
so'd ' before the fire at $2,75 ; DUE BEST BLACK CASHMEBEPINISE SILK AT $2 50 THAT
Black Satins at 75c , sold before the fire at $1.00 ; Black Satins at 90c , sold before the
fire at $1.25 ; Black Satins at $1.00 , sold before the fire at $1.50 ; BlackSatins at $1.25 and
$1.50 , sold before the fire at $1.75 and $2.00 ; Black and Colored Surah Satins at 85c '
worth $1.25 ; Colored Satins in all new Shades at 90c , always sold at $1 25.
Black Satin de Lyon at $1.25 , previously retailed at $2.00 ; Black Satin de Lyon at $1.80
previously retailed at $2.50 ; Black Satin de Lyon at $2.50 , previously retailed at $3.50.
Wool Mohairs , Delains , Lace , Buntings , etc. , 7c,8c , 9c , and lOc , worth 3 times as much.
All Wool Suitings at I5c , formerly 35c ; All Wool French Suitings at 25c and35c , former-
iy sold at40c and 60c.
Bleached Muslins slightly Damaged at 8c , worth wholesale cost , He ; Bleached Muslins lOc ,
wholesale cost 121-2c.
Table Linens at 25c , worth 40c. Table 1 inens at 35c , worth 50c
" " " 45c. " . "
75c. 75c , " $1.0O
" " $1.0O , that cost $1.50 , retail price $2 00.
Linen Napkins 65cDozen , that costusTScDozsn.bnt Insurance Companies paid the dif-
arence ; Linen Napkins 75c , 9pc , $110 , worth double.
SO dozen all Linen Larfie 3 4Napkins at 2 OO , worth $3.00 ; 5O dozen all Linen Large 3-4 Napkins -
kins $2 0 , worth $3 50 ; 50 dozen all Linen extra flee 8-4 Napkins at S3 00 worth $4.00175
dozen all Linen Large Huck Towels $1.25 , retailed before the damage at $ < 5.00150 dozen all
LintnHuckTowels $1.75 , worth $2.50 ; 100 dozen allLinen Huck Towels very large size and
and extra fine at $2.50 , originally $3.00 ; 50 dozen extra fine Damask Towels at 35c each , worth
50 cents.
. , ( Mte were Slightly wet , bat not materially damaged , and we will sell a large 12
by 4 Marseilles Spread for $1.25 , that cost $1.50. Marseilles Spreads at $1.50 , worth $2.00 Mar
seilles Spreads at $2,25 , worth $3.00 , and all higher priced Spreads at 25 per cent , less than vdne.
Hotelsj boarding houses and all consumers canner afford to pass th's stock of Goods. Men's Un-
laundned Shirts , Mens Collars , Caffi ? , etc. , at half price. Only a few Men's Shirts left at 45c , that
sold before the fare for 75o. 50 dozen men's double reinforced Bosom Shirts with finest linen bosom
and full s'ze ' cuffs only 65p , worth and always sold at $1.00Men's Linen Collars slightly soiled and
wet 5c each. Men's Linen Collars Best quality in perfect order 121-2c each , sold everywhere at
25c. Men s best quality linen Cnffs at 21o a pair , worth 40c. Men's best quality Striped British
half hose 25o a pair , worth 35c to 50c.
Remember the chance now offered you only comes once in a lifetime.
s. IMIOIRSIE ] oo.
1319 Farnham St.
TT10R RENT-A store , corner 10th and Leaven
Jj worth. Inquire nextdcor , at Peterson's.
KENT 2 luinlahcd rooms ovei Merchants
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. Idth and
Dodge etreeta. 289-U
HOUSE & . S K. toner 15th and
Douglas Sts. 7d2 3
_ 1\JL to Europe next moth , I will i ell my mar
ket building , flzturtf , tools , harness , warons
etc. . eta Southeast corner iOh and Dodze Sts
A. JIEYEIf. 76111
SALE A good farm of 160 acres , only 7
FOR from Omah , rude' cultUatlon , liv
Ing-water , at $15 peracrt. Gin rent it to ray
10 per cen * . on price. Bjr Gco.W , 11111 , Firnham
street , opposite Couit House. 765-2
7\OR \ SALE Good new ho'el , in town o ;
JL. Stronnburjr , termlntu of the O. & R. V.
Kailroid For fall particulars inqalra at Com
mercial II use , Stromsburg , Neb. 77H (
SALE CHFAP 1 acra groard , house with
FOR room * , ri rn , cistern , small fruit , etc ,
feouth Oniiba. Terms eisy. Entiaira 811 N.
ISth tt , bct. Butt andCua mings. 684oda
T710R S-'ALE-$2500 in 8 and 10 re cent mort-
JD gajes. Address Pua * . Oflito drawer 02.
T7TOK SALE Ha f lot. cottage with thres rooms
I' ce lar , rlttern , we 1 and stable. Apfily on
nremiso ? . 24'.b between Cbicaro and Cayennort
FOR SALE CIIE P-Inqulre at
HOUSES i. Ikhmt15 h and Jackson.
SALECH < AP-Mn8tbs sold by May
lat. Call at onr f ed store , 16ih > nd Darenport ,
or at earden on 18th St. CIUBLTJN BROS.
721 tf
TTIOR SALE Beautiful retidence lot ; location
J } nrjt-ciii' . Pnce 81600. JOHN L. Mc-
CAQUE , cppotita Post Uffi.e. 712-tt
SALE-iiouso and lot on North 18th
FOR at $1600. Inquire of John L. Me-
Cagne opposite the post otflce. 704 tf
TJIORSALE A good paying restinrant. InC -
_ C quire at this office. 703-23-lm
T70R SALE Side bar tcp bncgy , gocd ss new
_ Acdlrto P. P. . at 3. P.MoiSoCo. 687 tt
210 acres choice land { mUo eait of
CHEAP , 150 acres broke and 20 acres
timber , 40 acres pasture fenced , larje two story
house and gooa oat builimzs. Titles perfect.
Cwiiel by a widow Jadr desmnto moYe. C sh
674 tf EARL B COE.
TJ OR faALE Maps if Douzlis and Sarpy
C counties. A. KOjEWATEB , 1520 Kara
ham Street. 320-tf
BALE Lease and Inrnlture olaflrst-
EOIl hotel In a town of 1200 inhabitant * . In
BUto of NebmVa. Has 21 leAj , th.traTeIInr !
men's resort. Inqnlrn at Bee office. Ii9-tf
r-lOKSALE A BARGAIN A bulldmj ; with
JL ) saloon flxiurea , farnitura and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite tha U.P. depot , for sale rerylchcap.
Br tbo Oxturcf , furniture and stock will ba sold
and building rcntci Inquire of EU. KKEISS
SUIT. 74-tf
Af.t1 * > < - ! < r-a carrU , ' . at A. IJ.
EOR . . ' * . . 911-tf
mH E BEST T0INO TKT-H. C. Claik 4 Co. ' *
JL mpenal Sel' RiUn-r Wlntar Wheat Flour ,
forj > > nc kej , Bismitr , aad all kinJs of pastry.
.Ask your --ricr for l\ 47J-U
JT" C3T-A mjill da k brind e cow , with white
\J \ p , tg , : ope arounJ tat h rit Jnforpation
eai My lewardod , at
leadin > td HT re irerv
J M TrfORSTOii'S , SOth rdDTMmt8treer |
ST A Bobber fcatjpejween " *
onlzrd r Cart. Te Ivtr to C.T. Cor
f ct'Ve reward , < 0-1
" M BKOWS , corser f 15th and Chiap
r . B rcetf , f reidy to t o er ' - 'P " * U .
, - i - U rr i >
T l work , at rtrwirubl * Otuna
IbeJU CMSorol ! the ' Ametl-
DONTFOrtCET I oatl't , b'J. 9 h and
llth Oirdbo nHn/.xUnrand transient
costamer , .
the Lat * t no-re fc d Tele-
ol th Dav.
* -
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
P.0j.ose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ ?
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20ner
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their .
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.
Spring Suits I All Styles I
Largest Clothing House West of Chicago !
We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds ,
Gent's Furnishing Goods , in great variety , and a heavy
stock of Trunks , Yalises , Hats , Cips , &c. These
roods are fresh , purchased direct fron. the manufac
turers , and will bo sold at prices lower than ever he-
bre , made.
We Sell f..r . Cash snd Have but One Price.
A largej > tai orlng force is employed by us , and we make
s to Order on very short notice.
1391 and 1303 Faraliam St. , Corner 13lbc
A 1