Tfie Daily Bee. f : . - Saturday Morning , April 30. " BREVITIES , P tergon Bells coal. Frederick , Leading Hatter. mill | _ Nice Brushes atJKuhn'a. ' Try Saxe's celebrated Cream Soda. Saxe'e celebrated Cream Soda now o draught. The summer cars are to be put on th street railways in a few days. Coat makers wanted , C. J. Canaa i ' 22-lf Co' . , . WUpple , "McMillan & Co. , the jewd e , CrtfehtonJBlock. o26-tf Tine cigars by the bor , very cheap , a Kuhn'sDrngSto c , For rise Commercial Job -Printing caM at/THE BEE Job rooms. Full line of Imported tad Domcsti Cigars at Sase'a Drag Btore. The New York Hat Co. have receive ! their Spring Styles. See their card ia thi issue. . inndel iKrelle , Hatters , SJf" of thi GjldfnHat , 14th St. , betweea Famhan Aud Douglas. 15-tf " If jron want Bill-Heads , Letter-Head Envelopes or any job work , call at THI BiE Job Rooms. Price * that will sul eiery one. The Pleasant Hours club gave a fare well hop Thursday at Masonic Hall , tc Mr. C. E. Squires and wife , in acknow ledgment of Mr. Squires' services aspres ident of the club during another season , It was deemed a fitting acknowledgmen' ' of the services of the veteran Trejidentjto present a keeps ike in the form of an ele gant silver service. Hon. J. J * . Webster made'a neat and appropriate presentatior speech , and .Mr. Squires responded wilt i witty and graceful -acknowledgment. Jim "Whitney , the former pitcher oi the Omahas , is the most talked about * oi any number of Boston' * new team. In t game against Yale college the other day , the latter team .failed to score and were completely puzzled by "VVhitney's pitching , "who playeil the same through without an error. An exchange says : "Whitney , . " Boston's new pitcher , uses sir teet and'one I inch of body when hi prepares to delivei ' the" ball He is said to throw such a swift ball that it will pass through a "batsman's -dub ithont knocking it out of his hands ! Harry White is BOW busy preparing plans lorHi patent-catcher to gather in and re- Uaia tliewill delivery -of bis untamea 'California bonanza. " „ * „ .LADIES' . Children's and Men'a ' Straw-H t Sale , at the "Boiton Store , " > G16 Tenth ttreet , just com- mcnce f Come early In the Say to ' avoid tUo rush afternoons. 29 2t * * GE ! * .T SALE of Lsdlca1 , | aud Gents' Straw'H&ti , all the .latest * styks , for a short lime only , at the ' { Boston Store. " C16 Tenth at.292t & 2I rtln'o Japanese Water proof Blacking , at French'a. * JKEENE HAS ARRIVED AND * WI L POSmYEHY ATPE1RTO- JS1GHT. THE LATEST SENSATION. Great reduction In prices of La31es' ready-made suits and costumes. The following are a few of our special bar gains : SUMMER SILK SUITS for $15.00 were sold for $25.00. BLA.OK SILK SDIES , n rare bargain , fet $ l7.00-m\teda\ e n't be bought for the price. S tin DeLyon Suits -30.00 to $50.00 , were aold J or $35 50 to'SCo.OO. A very nice stuff suit for $5.00 can't be made up for less than $3.50. Don't fail to aee onr $10 00 anlt/ln all aha'des and all sizes. Erery lady that has Been these exclaims ( "How can they ba made fer the price ! " Similar reductions in jackets , uliters and circulars. The roison for this sweeping reduction Is , those goods .were bought in anticipation of a big spring trade , but owing to the severi ty of the weather and the recent floods 'we hare them on hand and must close them ont. Perfect fit guaranteed. No extra charge. & HAKBJSON , 1408 Farnham street. SILVER POLISH. ! or til- vor ware , atJSmroiai & EBICKSON'S. Dayr & .Martin's Japanese Water proof ijBlaclcing7 at French's. " - * - b jHOTEL BOARD , at the , Hudson River-House$3.50 to $5.00 perweek.1 Should you change It will pay you to call. Newly , furnished throughout. ) 29 2t J. 0. GREEN , Prop'r. Full line of Kennedy's famous Crackers , at J. B. French & Co.'s , SUSPENDERS t ' at half price. ' ' L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' , M 'SILVER POLISH for cleaning sil ver ware , at EDHOLM it ERICSSON'S. Another large invoice of those fine Roods just received at ATKINSON & CO.'S , Creighton Block , near P. O Full line of Xeunedy'a famous ' Crackers , at J. B French & Oo.'s. * ' ' * - Fresh DreBBod Chickens and plenty 1213 Douglas Street. GRAND FREE LUNCH. vTo-morrow at > 10 o'clock at Henry Kaufmann'e , in the new brick block cm Douglas street , between 13th and , _ 'B and Bauman's BOOK BEER will be on tap. ORANGES and L"emon , 25 cents per dozen , at J. I. Nfchol's , 29-2t HICKMAN'S MILLINEBY HKADQCAB- iiK-nrar complete u $ every , depart * _ "FOR'slLE. A frcah u.i ch w r. Apply to Mit chell Fleming , 14th nd California. ap37-2t GRAND Ot ENI > G of dry Styles at EDHOLM & EBICKSON'S , Next Tuesday and Wednesday. " WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only. Oi ; _ ' . , ' ' , _ At c. k.-oootoiny . , * " 'i ' * ' _ J. Jl i. _ fcW * Day & M ruu's Japanese Water proof Bltokin ? , at French's. _ \ - * _ r * * - ' - V i ' " " % 1 ' ' " * Lang & Foitick removed to 13th between Fainham and Harn.y St * . apr22-eod-tf lnV JapaSeee Water- fr'--1- " CAUGHT ON THE FLY A B , & ; M. Clerk Attempts to Embezzle Punds of ' the Company , But is Arrested at the Depo While Preparing to Leave Town. * He Confesses to the Crime anc is Held for Examination. Mr. Rollin H. N. Kelly , clerk ir the general ticket office of the Bur licgton & Missouri River railroad was arreetod at the U. P. depot a about noon Friday by Officer Blackj charged with the embezzlement of s largo sum of money from the B. & M. railroad company. A pert of the monej was found in his possession and he confessed to the offence. He was ar < raigned In police court , waived exam ination , and was committed. Mr. Kelly had been in the employ of the B. & M. railroad company for about eighteen months , having bsen previous to that time in the city treasurer's office. He was for merly a farmer In Saunders county and was a man of very genial temper ament and formed many friendships. It has been noted of late that he was apparently living beyond the means of a young -man with a salary of only $75 pe ; month , and it Is presumed the rail road company has had its suspiciont excited. uAttvny rate it was decidec to check up his accounts a day or two ainceto ascertain their correctness. Under , ordinary clrcumstajicea thU would have baen only a matter oi fact proceeding , but in this case It at once forcad the young man to some action to conceal the defects whieh be was aware hi accounts would showj or e'scapa the unpleasant teanlts. The worU of checking up his accounts was notcompletedThursday.'but1 it was understood it would be finished this morning. Thursday , the 4 mbney in bis cash box > ras counted by himself aud Mr. 0. D.-Freeman , who has charge of the ticket auditing depart ment in Ticket Auditor Dorman's of fice. There was $380 in the box , which was of tin , closed with a Yale ock , of which Mr. Kelly had the key. Yesterday- . "Kelly cent' word to , he office that _ he was sick and did not come down. A boy wan sent to hisTeaidenca to get the key to the tush box ; Mr. Kelly sent jack word that- the key was in pos session of Mr. Yale , a clerk in the general ticket office. Mr. Yule stated that he had noirxcen the key , when it was decided to break the box open And it was .found that the money was missing. It at once became evident that Mr. Telly was a defaulter , and precautions were lit once taken for his arrest. Jr. Freeman found him at the depot , apparently intending to take the U. ? . train for the west. He had a package under his arm containing the funds. Officer Black arrested him , and ho at once confessed to having a large sum of money in hli posses sion. The amount was found to be § 1031.79 in cash and notes Ho was immediately taken to the Police Oourt. O'Brien & Bartlett ap peared for the B. & M. railroad com- > any. Kelly was nearlf crazy with grief and threatened at first to kill ilnuelf. "Oh ! my wife and children ! my wife and children ! " he cried. He has a splendid family and the causes which have driven him to this step cs.n only be guessed at. There s no doubt , however , that he had for some time been leading a fast life. 1AIEH FACTS. The following statement of the facts s obtained from a B. & M. official , and ia correct : _ Kelly was clerk and cashier in the general ticket office. 'There has been a suspicion that he was not doing what "was right. , The auditor iroceeded to check up Tiis ac- ounta and found some shortages. On becking up hta accounts last night he auditor left some four hundred dollars to be turned in by Kelly to the treasurer. This morning he com ilained of being nnwell and eft for his heme. He was ollowed and found about to board a train at the tJ. P. depot with & package that on examination was found to contain currency and re mittances of drafts , checks andcashre- elred in the office for the last 10 days , 11 in his possession , amounting to bout § 1000 , which he was'about to any nfL He was arrested and taken > efore the police court. Evidence was so slrong no defence was made , le was bound over in § 4,000. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT BUSHMAN'S. NO SUCH VALUE I NOSUCHTALUE ! NOSUCHTALUE1 IN OMAHA u can "be found as" Bnahman's in Silk * , in Hosiery , lu Dress Goods , in fringes , Cord and Tassels. Fancy Ornaments , Buttons , -Prints , Ging- itms , Table Linens , Shawls , Ribbons , Flea , etc. , etc. , etc. ' - " COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! COME AND SEE ! . - > % * No JKAUD , NO HCMBUaSKODVEK - TISINC DODQES , but the genuine bar : gains and fair dealings in * all depart ments at BUSHMAN'S , S. W. Corner Douglas and 15th St. ap26-tf GENTS' GAUZE Underwear at I. B. WILLIAMS & Sons' . ofKennedy's - famous Crackers , , at J. B French & ' 0o. ' * . Haverly's. It Is'donbUattf aoy min trel tronpa ias yet vistd ; Omaha whose appear * , ance has given more general satisfac'- . Uon than did Haverly's Black Forty at the Academy of Music Thursday. - It is certain at any rate that no' com * 00. pany of any kind has ever succeeded in packing the Academy more closely. There is an impression with a good many people that white minstrels are better than the "genuine , " but last evening's performance would hare a tendency to change that opinion. The music , the Bongr , andall the eccentric Hies which go to makeup t > minstrel performance evinced a degree ol talent on the part of the members of the company which entitles them at least to an equal rank with the bast white troupes In the country. The opening part was especially good , and the inimita ble Kersands , the "Coonrille Guards , " the Hamtown Saztette , the Bohee Brothers ( in banjo , song and dance ) , the clog tournament , James JLtohee'a banjo solo of "Home , Sweet Home , " and the sketch of southern life , by Molntotb , Bowen , Banks , Johnson and Grace , were all features to ba re membered. i Full line of Kennedy's famous Crackers , at J. B. French & Go.'s. GRAND OPENING of New Jewelry - elry Styles at -.EDHCiii & ERICSSON'S. Next Tuesday and Wednesday. Day & Martin's -Japanese Water proof Blacking , at French's. MISSES' SCHOOL h&ts 35 and 45 cents at the "Boston Store , " 61610th street. a29-2t THE BEST canned fruits and vege tables can always be found at French's. Low , light , oft , cool and easy shoes. New Stock , Large Assortment , Litest Styles. HENRY DOHLE * .CO. Leading Shoe Store. Mrs. Spoerl , Masonic block , 16th street , his opened her ice cream par lors for the season and will serve the same delicious lea cream which has made her parlors so'popnlar. Orders for parties and families \iill be filled ' promptly. 19-3t Day & Martin's Japanese Water proof Blacking , at French's. LADIES' GAUZE Underwear at -L. B. WILLIAMS & Sons' . LAVTX MOWERS , AM. OF TUB BEST PATTERNS , at Evans * SBBD Store , a28-3t " 14th and Dodge. ATKINSON & CO/S , .For Hit Latest Styles in Millinery. FOR DP SS'GOODS , Go to ATKINSON & Co.'s. ATKINSON & CO.'S , For the best Una of Parasols. FOR THE LARGEST STOCK OF FANS , go to Atkinson d : Co'.s. ATKINSON & CO.'S , JFor the Best Stock of Corsets. FOR HOSIERY , go to Atkinson & Co.'s. ATKINSON & CO.'S , For Alexander Kid Gloves. FOE LACE MITTS , go to Atkinson & Co.'s. ATKINSON & CO.'S , For Lisle Thread Glover. For the Latest Style in JEWELRY , Go to ATKINSON & CO.'S. ATKINSON & CO.'S , For the Best Goo s , the Finest Work and the JUowest Prices. For all the Litest Novelties , go to ATKINSON & CO.'S , Creighton Block , near the postoffice. SILVER POLISB for cleaning ail- var ware , at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S. BARGAINS AT POLACK'S. SPRING STOCK nowjeady. The > est bargains in the nobbiest suits can be had by calling early. Full line of Kennedy's famous Crackers , at J. B. French & Co.'s. > ATKINSON & CO. , the acknowl edged leading milliners and ladies' fur nishers , Orelghton Block , near P. 0. GENTS' HOSIERY , Collars , Oaffj , NECKWEAR , etc , etc. , At L. B. WILLIAMS & Soys' . FLEMING'S PATEWT SNOWELAKB Tlour equal to the old reliable SCHTTT LEK SNOWFLAKE at FLEMING'S. Houses for sale cheap. Inquire of Jsldwin and Behm , 15th and Jackson. Boots and Shoes made to order , by M. Olson , 112,16th St. , bet. Douglas and Dodge. Repairing neatly done. a293t ' ' Died. ZEWEIFEL K&te , aged 12 years , April 29th , at 9 a. m. Funeral Sun- , iyat2p.m. , from residence , 1221 north 16th street. SILVER POLISH for cleaning sil ver ware , at EDHOLM & EEICKSON'S. Genuine Country .mode Apple Butter , At FLEMING'S TO CUSTOMERS : Or leg to the high water our goods or onr opening did not arrive on time sad BO we have postponed our opening until next week , Tuesday and Wednesday. EDHOLH & EBICESOK. FINEST " CREAM SODA WATER BELL'S DRUG STORE 820 10TH STREET. LADIES' and MISSES' straw hat a rtlailtd at wholesale pritss at the 'Beaton Store , " 616 10th\atreet. \ a29 2t GENTS' Shoes , LADIES' Shoes , * - OHILDRENS'Shoes , ! ' SLIPPERS' Tlet , \ NEWPORT'S Ner Goods , end sold for less \ Than "Shoe Store' Prices. . j. Shoo Diputment , j r * - L , B. WauAMS 4 SONS' . - SILYERPOLISH for , clfcnlng sik T jnzj , aVEsuoLH ' * EMOZHON'S. fl i V . - U-iJ Ai.T - t , BRUTES UT HUMAK POEM. One Inhuman Wretch Who Should Feel the Arm of the Law. Important Meeting of the Nebraska S. P. O , A. Certain facto came to the etr of a BEE reporter yesterday , which will perhaps be found interesting to the Nebraska S. P. C. A. They are vouch ed for by men whose word la un doubted , and though the party's name was not learned , it could very easily be obtained. If a raoro aggravated case of cruelty to animals ever occur red , it did not come to the notice of TBB BEE : On Tuesday last a man was observ ed by several pwBers-by to-leave St. Mary's avenue , at the earner of Eigh teenth itroet , and advance to a tree a few reds north of the avenue. The individual was Radius a dog and carrying a gan , aud after reaching the tree ho tied a rope around the animal'a neck , fastened him to the trunk , aud f stepping n fa wyards away The gun was loaded with small bird shot , and instead of killing the animal they simply caused him the most intense toiture , and ha howled and begged plteonaly , while the inhuman- brute calmly loaded his gan with 'anothez charge cf the bird shot and again pointed it at the dog. The dog had been loosely tied , however , and dodged behind the tree. Tha man changed his position , but the dog did likewise , in tbo meantime whin ing and begging aa if ho had 'been : t human being. At last the murderer for there could ba littlf doubt that such a brute only heeded ' and opportunity to become one advanced to the trea for the pur pose of shortening the rope. The dog groveled on the ground , lickedhla assassin's feet , and made an appeal for his life which was quite as touch ing and piteous as a human "bolng could have made under similar circum stances. At last the rope wng short ened and again the attempt \rr.a made to shoot the dog , but the animal once more succeeded in getting bsbind the tree. A few stops , however , truuiid np the rope , and passing further round the tree the assissia planted another load of shot in the animal's -body. The dog fell to the ground , not' jet dead , but no longer nblo to appeal ioi his lifo. The brute , in t'.o ' guise of a man , gazed at the dog'n iaozn t and then went tway. An individual who had scan the transaction Trout to r. neighbor's resi dence and procuring a gun pat an end to the dog'a suffering's. MEETING OF THE SOCIETY. - A special meeting of the Nebraska Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was hold last evening at the residence of Jndge Savage , a good ly number being present. A very in"- teresting meeting occurred. A committee was appointed to as certain to what extent the water company and the city are going _ to creel driuklug fouutalnu fur man and beaat , with a view to the proper dis position of 8100 donated to the N. S. P. C. A. by Mrs. Appleton of Bost-ou , for that purpose , and to probable steps by the society in the same direc tion. tion.It It was decided that it was Impossi ble for the society to do effective work without an agent , who is paid for his time , cr a part It , and will devote some attention to such complaints aa are made , in order that no prosecution may be made without good ground. It was therefore voted last night to appoint a committee to raise money for paying the salarj of such an agent , and the following were made such committee : Mrs. J. W. Savage , Mrs. P. L Parrine , Mrs. J. W. Wocdworth , Mrs. JohnT. Ball , and Mrs. O. F. Davis. The committee will collect the funds which are now due , and also solicit such contributions as the pnblic will give towards the object of the society , and establish the salary of sonio com petent man , to look after the interests of the soc'ety. Mr. D. B. Houck was elected agent Far three months , at a salary of $20 For the first month , giving such time as he can devote to the society. Oa motion the secretary was ii- itructed to order several copies of ch of the principal humanitarian publications , soma of which will be ilaced in the city library and In the ST. M. 0. A. rooms. The Boclety decided to make an jffort to procure desk room for its igent on the first floor of some block n the business part of the city. Day & Martin's Japanese Water- praof Blacking , at French's. Far , Felt and Straw HATS , in peat variety , at the SEW YORK HAT COMPANY'S. 29-2t THE LADIES thonld call at iVhipple , McMillen & Co.'e , and ex- imlno those beautiful OHATELAIN i7atches , before they nre gone. Day & Martin's Japaaeao Water- jroof Blanking , at French's. CHOICU FLOWER SI.I.DS French , rerman and American growth , at i28-3t Evans' Seed Stcro. GRAND OPENING of Now Jew- ilry Styles at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S , Next Tuesday and Wednesday. Day & Martin's Jnpnueso Water proof Blacking , at French's. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costiveness - ness and hick-Headache. < At C. F. GRAND OPENING of dry Styles at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S , Next Tuesday and Wednesday. A special meeting of the Omaha jodge No. 141,1. 0. G. T. , Temple of loner , No. 26 , and the Social Temple s hereby called to meet at 1315 Capi- ol Avenue , on Friday evening , April ! 9th , at 9:30 : o'clock , to confer about itting up the new hall that hta been ecured. By order of committee. Trinity Mission festival Tbe members of old Trinity Mission hnrch ( colored ) gave a very-pleasant BStivalaud ball in Standard Hall "hursdayfor.tha benefit of the church , j loth pecuniarily ; bio sochl occasion the festival , under the supervision of the pastor , W. A. Green , was a decided success. , I ' No lecturer bzfore the public csn make you lau h as many times in one evening as O'Leary can. Remember his lecture Saturday evening Is free. Day & Martla's Japanese Water proof Blanking , at French's. GRAND OPENING of Now Jew elry Styles at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S , Next Tuesday and Wednesday. THE WATEE WAY , Laying the Main Pipe on Six teenth Street. A Preliminary Experience with Direct Pressure. The streets in the northern part of tha city unusually bus ? sight nowadays , with the long lines oi pipe layers tearing up theearth foi the pipes of the Water Works compa ny. To-day two hundred men are en gaged in this work , the largest gang being engaged in laying the eighteen inch main pipe through Sixteenth street , while gaogi were also working on Eighteenth , Twentieth and Call fornia streets. Tbe pipe is no- 1 through the streets , west of Sixteenth from Dodge street to California inclu sive. Aa the gang progresses along Sixteenth street with the main pipe , the pipe will be laid in the lateral streets east. Thia * 1U bring the pipe layers into the business part of the city in , a fewjay8' The pfce is placed five feet bolon the pfde line of the street. In placet iraero the grade will require cuts thii brings the pipes at a considerable depth. Where streets are below the grade line the pipes will beplaced lov enough to be secured from any dangei of f rosh Ihe water works company will al first pump direst from their river set tliug balna into the main at the cor ner of 16th and Cuming streets , tht rcservo r supply-pipe passing up thai street. When the works are com pleted , Including the main reservoir the water will of course be taken fron the rsse'rvolr. Work on the river bottomi , com pbting the pump home and the set tling bailna and ersctlng the pumpa will bo pushed forward to completion at once , so that by tbo time the pipe : are through the central part of the cit ] there will also bo a water supply This part of the water works Trill b < cut off from the outside pipai by ate- and will form a complete system , unii ell is completed , which will probablj bo within three months , at the farthest. The prccsis of laying the main ppe * on Sixteenth street Is Interest ing.- Each piece of pipe has a weight of 1,693 pounds , and ia handled with' a tackle , by which they are balanced and suspanded from the middle and san be laid accurately , forming a perfect joint. A lead furnace accompanies each gang and ihe joint is made complefe by filling the interstice between the outer nurface of the one pipe and the Inner sur face of the other withnr oUan lead , which ia aftorcrard pouuded until the main becomes as perfect as a single Dlece of matal. These mains are submitted to a hydrostatic pres sure , of 300 pounds to the square inch befcro being shipped from the manufactory. The main pipe , will pass through Cumtng , Sixteenth , Dodge , Fif teenth and Howard streets. ' No Cheatee Me. " Wah Lee is a good nuturod China man , who keeps a laundry on Tenth street , next to the Green Tree hotel. Yesterday afternoon a colored man , who had some clothing there , went after his Roods. Ho refused to pay wbat Wah Lee charged him , and start ed ont with ihe clothing under his crro. The Chinaman ran after him and caught him by the coat , and with the assistance of two Chinese heloers pulled the reluctant debl or bick into the shop. One cf the Chinamen then rushed Into a back room and procured a meat , axe , while another sailed out with pigtail streaming in the air for a policeman. The fellow made up his mind he had a bad bargain and gave up the goods , when peace reigned again in the neighborhood of the ce leatial washing establishment. Falling1 Steadily. The river is falling steadily and ra pidly , standing at 18 feet and 10 Inches above low water mark at one o'clock yesterday , and at 18 feet and 2 inches at nine o'clock last evening. General Court Martial. A general court martial will rceotat Fort Fred. Steele , W. T. , on the 4th day of May , 1881 , or as soon there after as is practicable , for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought be- 'ore it at that time. The following is the detail for the court , as ordered by General Cook : Major A W. Evans , 3d cavalry ; Captain E. M.- Coates , 4th Infantry ; Captain Daniel G. Cald- nrell , medical department , IT. S. A. ; Captain Bernard G. Semig , medical department , U. S. A. ; Second Lien- tenant Francis H. Hardie , 3d caval ry ; Second Leufenant Leonard A. Levering , 4th itfantry ; First Lieutenant - tenant Albert D King , 3d cavalry , ndge advocate. Company Q'a. , competitive Drill. Company G. , 2d Regiment , .held a ompelltivo drill at the aimery , cor- ler 10h and "Firnham streets , Thursday. A latga number of friends > f the company were in attendance "red B. Lowe , formerly an officer of he company , ircs awarded the prize. Lftar the drill , dancing was indulged n till a late hour. THE LADIES "ahould call at Vhlpple McMillen & Oo.'s , and ex- mine those beautiful CHATELAIN Vatcbes , before they are gone. i. balpackage of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" ree of charge. At C. I1. Goodman 4. Z C / LVi ' - - * PERSONAL , Hon. Lorenzc Cronme , ofFi Calhoun , Maj. J. W. Paddock , of Ft. Robinson , and Juilje Hull , of Lincoln , are register ed at the Withnell. J. F. Eamage , Esq. , left for Denver Thursday. Hon. Geo. H. Thummell ftud wife , of Grand Island , are in town. ( Jhauncey Wiltse , Esq. , of the Grand Island eating house , is ia town. J. T. Tajlor , of the TJ. P. auditing de- pal tment , left for Denver Thursday. W. H. Price , ofDenver , Col. , trawling agent of thelTI. P. K.JKw in the city. Geo. L. Seybolt , rpecial agent of the post offi.'e department , returned trom Cleveland Thursday. Mrs.Fitch Dewey and her dinjjher.Mrs. SLjler , who have been visiting the family of C. L. Maine , left for Toledo Thursday. atr. Charles H. Dewiy is expected to complete his journey around the world , by reaching Omaha abcut the middle of May. Beal Batata iranafars. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office Saturday , as reported for this par-ri by John L McOague , re1 eatato agent aud conveyance' Simon H. Witteo and wlfo to Ed ward Deldrlch , lot 3 , block 12 , Shlnn'a addition , w. d. § 1250. Andre * Carlson and wife to Pe ter J Johnson , lot 4 , block 15 , Credit TViUcler addition , w. d. $1700. Catherine A. Anthony to Charlet W. Hamilton 2 73 100 actea in sec. 16 , tp. 15 , range 13 east , w. d. 81500. Ruth Horn to Michael Dee , 20 acrei in sec. 9 , tp. 14 , ran e 13 east , q c.d. 50. Martha A. Simpkins to Michael Dee , 20 acres in sec. 9 , tp. 14 , range 13 east , q. c. d § 50. Augustus Kountza and wife tc James Kreppel , lot ' 10 , block 5 , Kountza'a third addition , w. d. 8250.William William Garnet and wife to George Ohrt , nj , swj , see. G , tp. 16 , range 12 e > at , w. d. $880. POff&f Absolutely ITado from Orap"Crcam5Taitir. X" ctho prcpintlcn makes Bach light , Ihky hat bretdi orluxuiiqu'jpwtry. C n bo c.aie'1 bj Dyspep tics without fear ot the lib res ailing irom h iv nJIseatlblo food Sold oily in Cm ? , by si Grocers.- EoTAl/BAKlxa FonoiK Co , o York. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE AdrertliementeTo Loan , For Snlo , Lost Found , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will bo in serted tii thesu co'nmos once for TEN CLNTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE GEM'S per line The Grat Insertion fccveiless th.n IWENTY-FINE CENTS. 7D llMfl UGH V TO LOAN 2158 ItthSt. Clarksou MONEY . 627-t OB8 ? CO ; , OAH Call t. ' . Liar 034 D. L JU'JMAL-.ltoomtl.OreUfrfcn Block fONKT VO 1,0AiJ 1109 Tarnham etreot. L Cr. Kdwwdi : Lean Ajencv. tl KELP WANTED "TTTANTE ' 2J team * to do s'rapinjr on Union \Y Eletator. Inquire corner 13th and Lea- \cnwortb st. DAN hHANAHAN. 733 30 A good girl for fcneral house WANTED MM. J. J. McLin ! corner 8.un- dcra and Imd st. 741-29 ANIED A first cla a cook atthe Occiden tal Hotel immediately. 742 tf Girl , 2400Divenportstreet. WANTED 74S-30 Girl for general housework , $1 a WANTED t ) a competent girl. Apply at soutiwcst curncr California and 21st sts. 747-33 AgoodkiUhen girl , 1417 Howard WANTED . 748 29 I ED Situation as coachman by a young WAN of exieriemo and good reference. Private family preferred. Address 1210 this office , before 15tU of Jlaj. 72C-29 YOUNG SUN WANTED To learn the baker trade , or one irno has been in the busincgj for some liinj. { Inquire it George Weber a Bakery , souta loth street , or Peter Goo . 730-19 \ competent girl in small familj. WANTED noithrast corntr Webster an J ! 3id streets. 724-tf TI7AN1 ED A good girl , at 2317 Doj-e S : YV 7J9-tf "TT7"AE TcD A food cook , washer and irocer , YV tt Mrs. Bwkalow , 22d and C ts Sta 75-29 Woman cook , at tha O'Connell WANTED House , 10th street between Douglas and Dodge. 732-00 By two younz men. a larjte fur nished room fn a [ oed loca ity , board ds- ened. Would prefer to rent wbera there arc no other boarder' . Rtferencej given. Address "P. D. " , ce Office. 734-29 "CTTANTED To se'l the good will aad furnl V V turo of a hotel In Omaha. Inquire at Bee office 7(5 ! > 9-ecd A neat cottagrc of about 5 rooms. WANTED . R U. P. Headquarters 7C3-27-eod " \77"AJ [ > TED To rent or purchase a cottage of YV four or more roonw , li tha vicinity of the Ilith achoal. Addre br letter Q L S , Post Office. 719 C9 Clumber mild nnd kitchen girl. WANTED at the Emmet House. 709-1 -VT7"AtiTED By a young roan a fituatlon as YV office tier * In. hotel or board'n ; lieu c. No vrajf s deslnd. ( imply board G < xxJ rcfem-iKe free y given. Audres ) by letter R , W. , Bee oi 2 men to nork in purilcn. Ap ply on Sherman Avenue. U. J SMITH. coa-tf " \T7ANTED To sail 10.0CO hhcfccao nsntcrrv VV bushes aad 2000 prate vines , at John G. Willis , the Dodjo Street Conjroij ion House Ale - > o a larja quantity of toprnd bottom un onic'a. Ca3-f A situation by a man of fimily , WAKTED , indu'trbus and wiliia ? to bs ue- [ al in any bon nable cj ( > aoit ; Compensation ncordlng to capability. Pleaw sddtes" J. E. B. . are of Bee otnee. 6C4-U Immediately a cook at Tizard's WANTED . 554 if Situation as copyist cr at any WANTED writing , by a umpeicnt vonng ady. Adjress "T. A. " Uee oEce. Itefercnce jlven and required. 52ft-tf A partner with 82,000 to join ad- WANTED ' the extension o an established ind DC cf tha best piyin ; SusinesJ ID th < eat. Ipplyto K. H' . Slmeral , Room C , Cceigbton Block , 15th St. ANTED Two more botrdera at 31" ! North W 17tb street , between Davtnport and Chi- , east side 3S7-tf BENT Comfortible dwellin.- rooms , FOR mod-rn improvemcn' ; , 21d and Cass trceta. Enquire 307 9.12th St. 75-tf RENT PI aantroom , furnisijedoruji. farnisacd.N E. comer ICthaad Ctlirornla treet. 749-tf niAfiil TO REST T. MURRAY. 7234 C T10 RENT Sinzle room , nicely furnished. H. JL E. corner 17th and Capitol AT 717-SO P. MORSE & Go. M Third week of our great sale of Dry Goods damaged'by smoke and water. PRICES RUINOUSLY LOW ! SILKS , SATINS , SURAHS , BROCADES. Black Silks at 55c , that sold before the fire at 80o ; Black Silks at 75c , that sold before the fire at $1.00 ; Black Silks at $1.00 , that told before the fire at $ L50 ; Black Silks at $1-25 , tha ? sold bet re thefire at $1.75 ; Blaok Silks at $1,50 , that sold before the fire at $2 00 ; Elaok Silks at $2.00 , that sold before the fire at $2.75 ; OUR tfEST BLACK CASHMERE FINISH SILK AT $2 50 THAT ALWAYS SOLD READILY AT $3.50 , Black Satins at75c , sold before the fire at $1.00 ; Black Satins at 90c , sold before the fire at $1.25 ; Black Satins at $1.00 , sold before the fireatl.50 ; Black Satins at $1.25 and $1.50 , sold before the fire at $1.75 and $2.00 ; Black and Colored Surah Satins at 85c , worth $1.25 ; Colored Satins in all new Shades at 90c , always sold at $1.25. Black Satin de Lyon at $1.25 , previously retailed at $2.00 ; Black Satin de Lyon at $1.80 , previously retailed at $2.50 ; Black Satin de Lyon at $2.50 , previously retailed at $3.50. G-OOIDS. Wool Mohairs , Detains , Lace , Buntings , etc. , 7c , 8c , 9c , and I0c , worth 3 times as much. All Wool Suitings at I5c , formerly 35c ; All Wool French Suitings at 25c and 35c , former- ! y sold at 40c and 60c. HOUSEKEEKING GOODS , LiNENS , MUSLINS , TOWELS , NAPEIXS. Bleached Muslina slightly Damaged at 8c , worth wholesale cost , lie ; Bleached Moalins lOc , wholesale cose 121-2c. Table Linens at25c , worth 40c. Table Linens at 35c , worth 50c " 45c. " 75c. " " " 75c , " $1.00. " $1.00 , that cost $1.50 , retail price $2. 00. „ 3 Linen Napkins 65o Dozen , that cost ua 75c Dozen , but Insurance Companies paid the dif- erence ; Linen Nepkins 75c , 9pc , $1 10 , worth double. 50 dozen all Linen Large 3-4 Napkins at 2. OO , worth $3 0 0 ; 50 dozen all Linen Large 3-4Nap- kins $2 O , worth $3 50 ; 50 dozen all Linen extra fine 8-4 Napkins at $3 00 , worth $4 00 ; 175 dozen all Lie en Large Huck To walsS1.25 , retailed before the damage at $4.00 ; 150 dozen all Linen Huck Towels $1.75 , worth S2.50 ; 100 dozen allLiuen Huck Towels very laree size and and extra fine at $2.50 , originally $3.00 ; 50 dozen extra fine Damask Towels at 35c each , worth. 50 cents. Oar Marseilles Qnilts were Slightly wet , bat not materially damaged , and we will ssll a large 12 by 4 Marseilles Spread for $1.25 , that cost $1.50. Marseilles Spreads at $1.50 , worth $2.00 Mar seilles Spreads at $2,25 , worth $3.00 , and all higher priced Spreads at 25 per csnt. less than Value. Hotels , boarding houses and all consumers cannoc afford to pass th s stock of Goods. Men's TJn- laundried bbirts , Men's Collars , Caffs , etc. , at half price. Only a few Men's Shirts left at 45c , that sold before the fire for 75c. 50 dozen men's double reinforced Bosom Shirts with finest linen bosom and full size cuffs only 65p , worth and always sold at $1,00Men's Linen Collars slightly soiled and wet 5c each. Men s Linen Collars Best quality ia perfect order 12 l-2c each , sola everywhere at 25c. Men'sbest quality linen Cuffs at 21o a pair , wonh 40c. Men's best quality Striped British halfliose25oapair , worth 35cto50c. Remember the chance now offered you only comes once in a lifetime. S. IP. iMicmsim & oo. 1319 Farnham St. \ ) SPECIAL NOTIOES-Continued One large roam ani cl'se * . .L northeast comer ISthand Doojhs S : . 711-23 I OR RENT Furnished rooau. Inquire at F 1318 Chicago street. CSC-tf FFOR RENT The building 1300 hurt ( tie * t FOR ustd br John C na IB iha London neat market. Some bntchi r tools for sale. Ap ply on the premises or if John Baum r , 1314 Farnbam street. C3j-tf T710R REJiT A store , co-nrr 10th nd Leaven Jj worth. In quire nex dcor. a * , relerson'a. 612-tf riUj. HUM i'icj r.vver iler- j } llichi' 6 , .t. . i ui 16th aid < > o.l * f'Cct- < 288-tf FC1 SALE. SALE-IIi f M. co tatw , t. threorooms FOK . rittern , iclanJaialc. Apply on luttnls : ? , U h Lc.ncin Cbaoai.t ! , I avcauort Tie 6 OUS S F R SiLK CHP Iiqulre at fkl vtln i , IS.hrr , 15 h n < I J-i kson. ir < OHbALECtJ Al'-lairi > ) oiid hoajewlth I' 4 room * , Mr.p , 'is in small duit , etc , ' , - . ira 811 N. S-m'h Oituha. T rmi oisbnq 18th tt. , let. ISmtaid-u inntd. < 84 eod-6 iKin LI or i iiU Ain LOOTS FOR < lO\l faALa.CH AP * .L tb > fill T May li > t. Call at our fe o o > e , ' < ! h > n I Davtnp rt , ot nt garden on 18th ht. t II u LT X "It 721-tI ; i K SAL : 1 t-iutlfi.11- i Jui-0 I ; I < ic t o I * fin-els. I'rcj gllPQ. J II. I. ) uc CAGUK , miTio.itK P t 1.1 e 7'2-tt J OR SALE Hjue rd 1 > t on V rth 13ih I H rce at > 1COJ. I qui c of Jo n L M Caiie opptsileilie po.tome. 7 M-tf T70HSALE i. nmd pyrtc lestiarant. la- J } " . "OJ-iS-Iin Ide bir trp hi ? ) , . . d 5 new F A d.yio . . . t8 P M.g C' . 637 tt 210airwihoic Itnd j nie cast of CHEAP , 150 a'roj t > k and iO acres t ra * c , 40 aic | astu-e fin o , la--e two story louneand LOo ii ui . n r T. is perfect Cw.'d by a iJ < > vady ] Ue ir.n.tu .ove. Cub or city prow 11 y 11 cxchaue ( ; H.U. E3TABROOK , 671 tf EARL B CuE. T : OR SALE liars it Domlaa and Sarpj JH csnntles A. KOE\VATER , 1520 Karn him Street. 320-tf _ 170R SALE Lease and furniture of a. tint- h clasa hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitant' , In State oi Nebraska. Uao24 he-is , the travelling men's resort. Inquire at Uee office. S 3-tf BARGAIN A building with jj si'oon fixtores , farnitara and stock , n 10th St. , opposite the U.P. depot , for sale very < -hcp. Or the Qiturc ) , furniture and itock will be aad building rented. Inqlire of Kt . KKE MAN. 79 tf I OR SALA lKO close carrU ea , at A. U. F Simpson's. 911-tf - . . Hark it Co.'a THEBESTTinNaTIT-H.C. Whcut Flour , for Pancakes , Biscuits , a d al' k n Js of pa try. Try It. Ask your croear f < w i t 478-tf A Bnbberccatte'Tcen 2I taM 16th LOST Izird r liort. Fe ivirto G. T. Co-ii h and receive reward. 7 0-1 MISCHUHEOUS- T OST A gmall da'k brind'e cow , nith whi'e JJ tpots , rope around tb h irii Inforn atton leadlnr to her rccorerv tJi ably rowardel , t J. SI THURSTON'S , COth acdt'avenpoit ' streets a27-737-tf Has rattling Ion ? 'i-Uof ' hontCT , Iota , BEMI3 and faring f it > a e. Call and get 4cm. . BROWN , comer rf lilh nnd Chlojfo . streets. Is ready to bo e or deepsn ellj. Satisfaction uixanted. 5C3-U mEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Earn stable JL for all kinds of work , at rraaonakle fliurcs iearcomer ISth and Leavpnw.rth 8t. 378-t rVOSTFORQET Them ceesorof the Amerl- U can Hoose. on Poncbi * t , b = t. 9.h and 10th , for Board , boardnr. Iod1.5 . and transient : ostumer . Bcstectful.y , itt tf JULIUS t tOtJISE ROS3 J. H. FLIEGEL. Snefeaaor to J. H. TIIIELE , HERfHiNT TAILORS , No , , " ? 10 Douglas Street , _ _ JEa With the Best Selected Stock of CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS in Omaha. - We are PAS EXCELLENCE THE YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHIERS. BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE , FARNHAM STREET. SGHLANK & PRINCE SO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P.Of-ose for the next ninety (90 ( } days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ ? -A 1ST 33 GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing ; Prices , WMeh is from 15 to 20Der cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convince ! . THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE ! M. HELUIAN CO. , Spring Suits I AH Styles I IMMENSE STOCK ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! . Largest Clothing House West of Chicago ! A. DEfAETMENT FOE OfflLDBEN'S OLOTBIN& . We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , jent'a Furm'shiDg Goods , in great variety , and a heavy Jtock 'of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &cThese joods are fresh , purchased direct iron the manufac turers , and will he sold at prices lower than ever he- ore made We Sell f r Cash end Have but One Prici- . A large fctai erin ; force is employed by us , and we make , Suits to Order on very short notice. C -XiL ATTX ) SEE TTS. 1361 and 1303 Farnham St. , Corner 13th. i/fri /