Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1881, Image 1

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This Week We Will Offer
at'25c and 35c per Pair ,
1 OASE ,
Ladies' Silk .Clock J5al-
briggan ,
$ Be ulir ( Made ,
At 125c a Pair :
This is a K ABES ASSAULT of
which it would be well to take'
" ' ' ' ' '
These are all New Designs and
We Also Offer :
Ludics''Hosc at lOc
12 l-2c
And up to $3,00
, , ,
1 Case Gent's Half Jlose
* * V *
4 At 35c per Dozen.
Seat's Fancy Half Hose ,
Regular Made and Fast
Colors , at 25c aPair.
These Hose are -worth , andiave
never been sold for less
' - than 40c
We are displaying a very
Large and Elegant Aesort-
mentot "
At Prices that
Don't Fail to See these
Goods ,
" "
"CashEetailera , '
Cor. Dodge and 15th Streets.
( D
0)U (
0)I I
War ranted a Safe , Certain and Speedy Core for
Ilhcumatlsm In all Its fonns , Kcnraffii. Lame
lUck , Paul In the Breast and Side , Pain In the
btcmtch and KldnojR. &c It is aa tntcrna.
remedy , aToaic and L'lood Pnn9er , and whildt
remo\es the DUeasj it Improves the jenera.
C.F. m-.n , ceneral 'at ha
Oadoubtettiy the oeai start tn tbe
United Stales is manufactured at the'
Omaha Shirt Factor ; . The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com-
olnod with their treat ; improremento , is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , make *
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the Moderate price of
$1.50. Every shirt of our make ia
guaranteed first-dugs and trill refund
the money if found othenrlso.
We make a specialty of all-wool ,
Shnker , . and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To Invalids and xreik-lunged
persons we offer sposlal inducement *
in thejnauner these goods are made
for their protection.
To Whooi It May Coaccrn :
rCOirnen of outlet number 210 Ia Florence , Ne-
Tea arc hereby mllned t > at on the ISthday
of Aucust , A. .
D. 1SI9 , oncTham < t Baoctt pnr-
chmsed ial i ontlot number S10 In Florence , Done-
las County , > ebn8\a \ , and Urn the time of re-
dempaon wdl expire AUTOS ; ISth , IS'l. Said
ontlot as taxed for Vhe } e-j A/D. 1S77. for
which taxes It wtssold as a'ort ild. 8 Jd ont-
lotvasUicdlnnoname. The CMliQct'eM old
pale ha ijbeen transferred to an4 Is now he'd hy
- ' -w : " :
: , - , -
The Bepublican Sub-Committee
' of the Senatorial
Caucus ,
A. LivelyExecutive - Session
i.P.roniised to Take
, . . ,
- placeT
- T % r i
A-frWhich Oyer Two Hundred
" Nominations Will be
" " ' * " "
15 „ OoneideredT ? . ' 1 *
" \VASHISOTPN , April 30. I a. m.
Senator Davrca , chalrmanlJf the Republican -
publican caucus comtnitteo"had a'coh-
fereoce-with.tho president yesterday.
The presidenttis emphatic in.urcing
consideration" execntivelb'usi'
ness , and-cspecially rapid confirmation
of the nomination ! . . 4-aumber oLthe
panding nominations arertoTiil vacau
cies , tha existence of which scmewhat
embarrasses the work of the departments
' '
ments , and as's'oon aslhe senate re
sumes its executive sessions the presi
dent has e number of nominations to
make , some of which he hta been re
quested by parties selected 'forthe
offices to hold back while.the deadlock
continues , ai the gentlemen do not
like to have "their names hung up , in
the senate. There is no doubt Jtmt
that the committee wiH'JarranRe"for
an executive session next/Tuesday to
consider the Chinese "treaties. This
will take two of three days , and in the
meantime the committee * will arrange
for acton npjn the nominations. The
prevailing sentiment among Ihe re-
pnblicana eems to be In-favor-cf let
ting Robertson's nomination go over
until nest winter , but th'o caucus
committee not feel authorized lo
single out tHia casfyci the-courtesy
of the senate demands'that It be left
en'.Irely to the New York senators.
THe tclal number , of nominations
sent to the senate by.tbo president to
date-and awaiting ection in execu
tive session , is 217. There are 95
postmasters , 14 army officers , G navy
officers , 17 collectors of customs , 3
surveyors of cuiloms , 4 judicial , 6
diplomatic , 8 collectors of internal
revenue , 7 Untied States marshals , G
United States district attorneys , 15
receivers of land offices , 5 registers of
hnd offices , 4 Indian rgonls , 1 gover
nor of a torri'ory , 2 csodate jusUcer
of the saprtmjcaujt of territories , 2
assistant appraisers , 1 s-islstant tretn-
urec of the United States , 1 naval
officer of. customs , 2 surveyor generals -
als , and 7 mhccllineons. These nom-
inathns include Wm W. Philps ,
as'mlnlster to Austria , Wm. H-Rob
ertson , as collector of customs at .New
York , Wm. O'.iver , rn second PSSJS-
tant postmaster general , Gen. W. A.
M. Grier/Rs third assistant postmas
ter ifomral , Mr. Hitt , as assistant
secretary of state , Mr. Price , as com-
urssloncr of Indian affairs ;
WASHINGTON , April 30 1 a. m.-
The repull cau tub- committee of Ihe
acca-'a ciucus hive not yet had a con
ference with tVe president , and no
definite iqfnririaUon can be had of the
plan to be pursued. The cancas cim-
m'.t'oeisan cxce dlngly cbse corpo-
ntion Rene of the members would
admit tc-dty that any action had been
t ken. Cun'erencjs have alreiJy baen
ntlJ , at d it la cxpectcl that the com
mittee w.ll eel the president to-mor
row. , , j. <
Anoint r dispatch says : The clos
est corporation in Wcihlngton just
now. is the republican senate * caucus ,
the committee of seven. No correct
list o2 the membzrd of the committee
has been published. Senator Dawca
Is chairman and Senatora Rollins , In-
gill * and Hili , of Colorado , ' are hovr'
known to be members. Senators Sher
man md Hawley do not deny that
they are of the committee , and cir
cumstance point toward the balief
that they ere. Senator Dawes called
upon the president yesterday , es it It
said , with a view , of securing a conference -
once between th'o committee -and the
executive. This conference is liable
to take place , to-day , perhaps not un
til Monday. It is-the general belief
that the result will be that an pxecu-
_ | b session of the senate will bft held
next week , probably on Tuesday , If
for no other purpose than fo ? consid
eration 61 the Chinese treaty.- The
concession Is me le that the nomina
tions will no donbt come np. Stanley
Matthews is conceded and , if the teat
seems likely to be too risky , the prcs
Ident may advise delay on Robertson
and Chandler until December next.
In default of a settlement on some
plan similar to the above , it is at&tcd ,
on good authority , tha the president
will at once withdraw all nomina
The prospect of the Chinese treaties
being considered soon by the senate
in executive sc.ston gives rise to con
siderable comment thereon. It is un
derstood that the Boiton merchants
will bring a heavy Inflrenco to boar
on the NetrEngUnd senators in oppo
sition to the claece cf the treaty pro
hibiting the opium trade by vessels
under the American fl g. The people
of broader views recognize the advan
tage to be gained by a consummation
of the treaty as proposed The loss to
the few American opium merchants
will be comparatively Insignificant
beside the prestige to be gained by the
-accruing of affiliation rwlth China.
That country will never forget the
opium war with England , and the
country who first consumables a satisfactory -
factory treaty oh this question will
reap untold benefits in other branches
of commerce.
WASHINGTON , April 30 1 a m.
The Missouri is two feet two Inches
above the danger line at Omahawhere
the water is rapidly falling. It is
three feet ten inches above at Leav-
enworth , five feet and one Inch at
Kansas City , one foot and two inches
atXexlngton , three feet at Brunswick
and within one inch of the danger
line at Hermann. The Mississippi is
five feet two inches above the danger
line at St. Paul , one foot two inches
t Keoknk , ten iacLas at St. Louis ,
one footeeven inches at Ciiro , two
laches at Memphis and Yickiburg ,
andaftho danger. lne ? at New Or
"ancle Tom's Cabin" Come to Grltt
ATLASTA , Ga , April SO 1 a. m.
A dispatch from Augusta says that
the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company ,
which recently plsyed In this city ,
came.jto grief JThprsflay forenoon , .
They were on their way from Savan
nah to Columbia , where they had an
engagement to play in the evening ;
but , being unable to pay the charges ,
abont SCO , duo the fort Royal & Au
gusta railroad , their baggage and
stage properties , including a blood
hound and-donkey , were seized as se
CHICAGO , April 30 1 a. m. A
stock company , with a capital of § 500 ,
000 , baa been formed in this city , and
Galasha A. Induraon , president of the
Chicago university , chosen president ,
to manufacture the new Yandepoole
electric light , a private exhibition of
which WM given last evening. Mr.
Yandepoole , the inventor , ha been
currying on his experiments in secret
and c'aitDs ' to produce lights tmy
whereJrom forty ' .o filty candle power
to two thousand candle-power , and
also to make a pertectly steady bit ze ,
regulating the distance of carbon
points from each other by electricity.
An application will be made to the
city council to have it tested in light
ing the streets. A company has also
been formed at Denver , with $1OC3-
000 capital , to control all the western
territory , Yr. Averill president.
ST Louis , April 30 1 a. m. The
street cars are mostly running to-day ,
each company making its own terms
with ill nun. The only disturbance
to-day was on the Crsa avenue line ,
where some twenty Irish women filled
a driver with mud and threw cold wa
ter on him , and some men throw
stonei. Nobody wci bur ! : . No ar
rests have been The strikers ,
who are still out , are much demoral
CHICAGO , April 30. 1 a. m. The
brickmakers struck to-day for an ad
vance of 25 cents a day. Four yards
nad sbrtad to make brick , and in
these the men have struck.
CIGARVILLE , N. Y. , April 20. 1 a.
m. The cigar makers employed by J.
W. Conghtney & Go. yesterday went
out on a strike , and have have given
notice that they will kill any who at'
tempt to take their placc3. The men
some time ago petitioned for the re
moval of their foreman. He was dis
charged , but recently reinstated.
Some of the men then quit. Mr.
Coughlney thereupon went to New
York city and secured non-union men
to fill their places , and his arrival
with them yesterday hta caused the
DENVER , Col. , April30. 1 a. m.
A Durango special cays that informa
tion from reliable sources comes of a
raid made a day or two since in Canon
Lirgf , about fifteen miles below Far-
mington , in New Mexico , upon the
Bottlers there , who are mostly Mexi
cans , The raiders were a party of
about forty men , composed of four
white men and the balance Mexicans ,
the former acting ai leaders. Their
object was plunder. They would enter
a house , throw out things , take what
they wanted and then go to the next
and servo it in the same way. The
people fled , firing on the robbers as
they'went. It is stated that four of
the settlers were killed. The robbers
left , driving one hundred head ot cat
tle with them.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Apr'130. 1 a. m.
Bkelp Napier ehot and killed John
Story in the npper part of Dooley
county about 11 o'clock Thursday
night , at the house of Alonzo Collins
and Jamc3 Folks , two bachelors living
together. They had been drinking
and gambling , and went to a lot to get
their horses. Napier and Story wres
tled and fell in what is tilled n dog-
fall. Story got mad , and told Napier
that he was going to whip him , and
drew a knife and made at Napier.
Napier drew his pistol , and shot
him through the heart. N
p'er had but one ball in
his pistol , but made good use of it
He said ho had to do it.
NEW YORK , April 30 1 a. m.
Mrs. Louise Harvey , forty years of
age , was ehot yesterday In the spine
and abdomen by her brother , Wra-
Mclntcsh , aged twenty-six , and fa
tally wounded. Mclntosh , whcis ad
dicted to liquor , hai frequently an
noyed his sister for money. Yesterday -
day afternoon ho entered her TOOOI ,
and being noisy the hresiened tocall
in a policeman , when ho deliberately
fired three shots at her.
DETROIT , April 30. 1 a. m. Geo.
H. Snook , Dr. W. Decker , Morris
Axtell and Chas. Wood , of Mt. Clemens -
ens , went fishing on Lake Sr. Clalr ,
and'aro missing tinco Wednesday. It
is believed they were lost. All are
prominent men.
An Amazon'm Court.
CINCINNATI , April 30 1 a. m.
Gabriel Gebhart , a woman against
whom a decision was given ia the U.
S. sourt yesterday morning , began to
upbraid her opposing ccansel , John
Johnson. She was ordered out of the
court room , but when the attorney
appeared she greeted him by grasping
his whiskers , and gave him a severe
shaking. Ho at last broke away and
ran into the marshal's office.
A Horrible Accident.
FBEEPORT , III. , April 30. 1 a. m.
J. W. Stack , the night watchman
in Goddard'a mills , was killed Thurs
day night while at his work. On en
tering the mill this morning the day
miller fonnd the body literally wrap
ped around the main shaft.
Getting Out of Tnelr Latitude.
CINCINNATI , April 30 1 a. m.
Jndgo Baxter , of the U. S. circuit
court , stated in court yesterday that
he had been informed that the receiv
er of the 0. & N. railroad , wai carry
ing on an express business , which was
not provided for in the articles of in
corporation , and a restraining order
to prevent the receiver from conduct
ing this express business would be
issued. *
Mr. ' Bradlaugh Liable to Win
i " the Fight in the long
A Parliamentary Oath's
Amendment Bill to be
" - Pushed Through :
Bitter Feehng Engendered in
the Cabinet Over its In
Badical Reforms Proposed by
the Land League , if the
* Lords Consent.
LONDON , April 30 1 a. in. The
jovernraeat has been batter than it
promised respecting the introdnotion
jf the parliamentary oatho amend
ment bill. It gave notice yesterday
cf its intention to introduce the prom
ised billon Monday , and to Ufce every
effort to have it pushed through. The
irst effect of the bill will be to seat
Mr. Bradlangh. It now aoeraa that
Mr. Gladstone encountered very biter -
; er opposition among hfa own associ
ates in the cabinet on the question of
srin ing in the parliamentary oath
jill. It is freely announced that
[ jord Selbourne , lord high chancellor ,
and keeper of the queen's conscience ,
says that ho will resign hia office If
: hq pending bill is so framed as to ad
mit Mr. Bradlaugh. That it is so
Tamed is evident In the fact that tko
only reason for the bill la to admit
litn. Lord Selbourne is a very ardent
churchman of the evangelical stamp ,
tie has always been rather ostenta-
ioub y pious , and he can't reconcile it
with his past course to become a party
to the compromise which Mr. Glad
stone's bill proposes. Since the bitter
loatility ot Lord Selbourne to this bill
us become known , its chances of sue
cess are less brilliant. Wagera were
made last night in the clubs that
neither the Irish land bill'nor ' the
> ath bill would get through both
lousea this BS3sion ; that thoudmluia-
ration wonKl end with tha session
a disgrace ani failure ; and that no
ittlo trouble was in the near future.
It ia rumored that Sir Edward
ihornton , the British minister at
Washington , is going to St. Petsrs *
) urg , and that Mr. Layard will suc
ceed him at Washington.
It ha * been resolved to reoccupy
The radicals are moving to oppcsa
the proposed memorial to Lord Bea-
conafield in Westminster Abbey.
A Vienna dispatch says that the
janks and newtpapar offices of that
city have been threatened with de
struction by the revolutionists.
Referring to the fall In Anglo *
American telegraph stocks , The Daily
Delegraph cays : An arrangement is
negotiaticg by which the new cable
company eball not compete with the
existing company's telegraph. The
advocates of lower rates as a Eolation
are many.
A St. Petersburg dispatch says th&t
rcsh nihilist sheets have been issued
n the city , and that there Is consider
able anxiety consequent upon the re-
uctance of the new czsr to initiate
the new policy.
DUBLIN , April 30 1 a. m. Jotice ,
who was involved in the brutal mur
der at Gonnemaso , a short time since ,
was arrested yesterday on a steamer
as she was sailing from Gelway for
An outrage' occurred at Cloqne ,
county Cork , yesterday , where farm
ers and laborers' houses were fired into
by a mob , who alao abused a woman
LIVERPOOL , April 30 1 a. m The
London correspondent of The Daily
Courier reports that a young and well
known earl has eloped with the wife
of the proprietor of a large colliery ,
and that they have gone to the conti
DUBLIN , April 29 4 p. m. The
manifesto of the Catholic clergy is
substantially an endorsement of the re
port adopted by the recent land league
convention. It is warmly approved
by the advocates of the tenants ,
although it is thongt hardly probable
that the proposal to elect land league
r.tsesaors to administer the law will be
sanctioned by the legislature , that
being the first step towards establish
ing the American mode of making
judicial appointments by votes.
LONDON , April 29 4 p. m. At
a meeting of the conservatives yes
terday it was pointed out that the
land bill would not only deprive the
landlords of their rights , in dealing
with their property , but would take
away a largo portion of that property
without giving any compensation.
BERLIN , April 30 1 a. m. Prince
Bismarck , in the retaining yesterday ,
at the close of the debate on the
house tax bill , announced that at the
next session he would propose the re
moval of the German and Prussian
government to anotner city , morojust
in its demands.
The Weather.
WASHINGTON , April 30 1 . m.
For the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : i'artly cloudy or
cloudy weather , with occasional rain ,
warmer southerly winds , and lower
NEW YORK , April 30 1 a. m.
Geo. Schnmp , a boy eight years old ,
living with his parents , die J yesterday
from injuries received on Wednesday
through being beaten with a club by
Frederick Donner , aged 22. Donner
was arrested and locked up.
Imprisoned for Forging.
CHICAGO , April 30. 1 a. m.
Adalbert Relnke , clerk in the county
clerk's office , -was to-day lentenced to
two and a half years In the peniten
tiary for forging , in connection -with
tax warrant * .
A Negro Murderess.
HOUSTON , Tex. , April 30. 1 a. m.
A negro woman , named Sarah Joa-
icass , was sent to the penitentiary for
life yesterday by the criminal courl
for murdering a woman last July In
this county 'by braining her with an
iron bar.
The Land-League Meeting in Chicago
CHICAGO , April 30 1 a. m. The
central land league , composed of iomo
of the leading Irish cittzans , in sym
pathy with the Irish tenantry , met
Int night and completed arrangements
for a city and state convention to beheld
held here next Sunday. Several hun
dred delegates are comicg from all
ELGIN , Ills. , April 30 1 a.m. The
search for the bodies of the victfms of
Thursday's catastrophe has proven
fruillozs. Supervisor James Carlisle
offers a large reward for the recovery
of the body of his boy. Six persona
are known positively to be lost. They
are Thomns Murphy , Guy Carlisle ,
Elmer Foster , John Corbin , Georga
Taylor and Francis Creightou. It also
seems probable that a stranger named
Emerson Huntley , from Harrington ,
is lost. He left tiis stopping place
early in the morning to go acruui tha
river , and has not been saen slnco.
John Troop , William Burton , and
two commercial travelers thought to
be lost , have been fonnd to be safe.
People watching the catastrophe saw ,
seven parsons drown after the heap of
struggling humanity hid been scatter
ed by the current. Undoubtedly
some never rose. It is now thought' '
the number lost will not bo oversight.
WINDSOR , Vt. , April 30 1 a. m.
Royal S. Carr , for the murder of
W. W. Murcomock , has been hanged.
BALTIMORE , April 30 1 a m.
John Gothsrd , alias Sandy Smith ,
colored , convicted of the murder of
Hre. JoBb.nh Woods , was hanged at
Towsentown yesterday morning.
WINDSOR , Vt. , April SO. 1 a. m.
liegal Cirr was hung hero at 1:50 :
o'clock yesterday afternoon for the
murder of the half-breed Indian ,
7o < mnack.
DETROIT , April 30 1 a. m. A
amily named Weaver , eight in nnm-
> er , living near Cereaco on an island
n a largo marsh , are all down with
malignant scarU't ' fever. They were
onnd destitute , without covering ant4 ,
tungry. The atrinosphero is cQiaami.fe
and they were di inking snrfaca w ter
which was unfit for even beasts. The
myeicien fonnd one child dy'.ng and
he body after da ath turned black at
once. Three children died , within 24
loura. The type js the moat malig
nant evar mot.
CHEYENNE , Af ril 30 1 a. m. The
Leader's special from Rawlins , Wyo. ,
aya that Coloro- , the Ute chief , and
eventy-fivo lodi .ea af Utea are camp
ed within threa miles
of the post on
Vhito river. Oolorow told Colonel
rloore , comma ndlng a troop of the
Sixth Infantry , to leave with all the
roops within five days. The action
of the India us indicates trouble.
3olorow is no : it in authority to Jack
n the band o f White river Utes.
WILKKSBARRE , Pa. , April 30 1 a.
n : . Andre w Porteck , Adam Uricho ,
and John. 'Martin were killed by a fall
of rock -yesterday afternoon in a tun
nel of tl .
le. Susquehanna coal company
at Hant-'icoke.
. l. Great Gram House.
NEW YOBK , April 30 1 a. m.
Ever sii ice the unsuccessful termina
tion of , b Keene -wheat deal of last
year , w bich wa-3 headed hero by Jesse
Boyt & Co. , there have been rumors
from to time at the produca ex
change that the dissolution of that
firm waa threatened on account of a
dieagreai aent among Its members over
that and kindred speculations. These
rumors are now semi-officially con
firmed , and it is definitely stated that
on the list of May the Hoyts retire ,
and the junior members , Leonard Ha-
zelton and Theodore Husted , will
continue the business of the old firm ,
which has stood nearly half a century
alongside with David Downs & Co. at
the hend of the grain commerce busi
ness in the Uutted States. It is nn-
( 'erstood that both Jesse ani Alfred
Hoyt will leave their capitil in the
concern foe a while as special part
The Fire Mend.
PRESCOXT , Ont. , April * ) ! * m-
A largo block of fan'1 bulling ? on
King atreat , ocor > 1ei ( aa a general
storehouse , was destroyed by fire
yesterday mor mg. Loss , $40,090.
Miller , dtr goods , and Chamberlain ,
drugs , are the principal sufferers.
POSTON , April 30 1 a. m. Oha .
DeUno'a currier shop at Stougbton
wr.a destroyed by an Incendiary fire
yesterday morning. Lose , § 6COO.
An Officer Under "the Influence. "
PrrrsBURo , April 30 1 a. m.
John Collins , a first-lieutenant in the
Ninth U. 8. cavalry , wai brought to
this city Thursday night from Now
Mexico , and was stopping at the Cen
tral hotel , where he was taken with
temporary insanity , and becoming un
manageable , threw his clothes out of
the window. The sufferer was remov
ed to a hospital.
Gone to See About Hts Position.
DESMOINES , ! . , April 30 1 a. m.
James A. Wilson , United States land
commissioner , left here for Washing
ton last night.
Not That Kind of Cattle.
LIVERPOOL , April 30. 1 a. m.
The Daily Courier contradicts its
statement published Thursday that the
feet and mouth disease was discovered
among cattle landed recently at Birkenhead -
enhead from the steamer Like Mani
toba of Portland , Maine.
Killed by a falling House.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 30. 1 a. m.
The temporary underpinning of ahonse
in course of elevation gave way yes
terday afternoon and It fell , instantly
killing Gnstave Gunderson , aged 23 ,
and Geo. Hanson , aged 50.
Anotner Mysterious Disappearance.
CHICAGO , April 30 1 a. m. L.
Bczirt , deputy sheriff of Be&verdam ,
Wis. , has mysterlouilv disappeared
with $1,175 of the city funds.
Railroad Purchases.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 30 1 a , m.
The Santa Cruz railroad , from TV at-
sonville to Santa Cruz , has been pnr-
chaied by the Union Pacific , and will
be immediately put in order. The
Bulletin still insists that the narrow
'gauge ' road from Santa Crcz to San
Francisco has been purchased by the
Atlantic & Pacific railroad.
By National AaociateU Press.
Actions have been commenced
against the Louisville and Nashville
railroad for violation of the Sunday
LOWELL , Mass. , April 29,1 a. m.
The brick-layers association hold a
meeting last night and voted to de
mand three dollars per day from the
first of May. There is a very large
amount of work to be done this sea
son and as the association Is very
strong , the members believe the price
will be paid at once. A strike will pro
bably occur if the demand ia refused.
Kentucky's Eruption :
LOU SVILLE , April , 29 1 p. m. A
volcano has broken out on the tnrm
of N. A. Jarnagin , in the southern
portion of Ohio county. One day-last
week Jarnagan was attracted to the
place by gas as It escaped front the
earth , and found on examination that-
the earth was seemingly on fire. . He
held a shuck over the place , and the
heat caused It to ignite. Many per
sons have viilted the place ; and it is a
source of wonder to all.
California Ahead.
SAN FRANCBCO , April 29. Nevada
City is the first city on the Pacific
coast to adopt the Brush Electric
The Ivanpah mall carrier reports
that two whlta men and one Chinaman
were murdered in their cabins while
asleep , at Resting Springs , Inyo
coubty , supposed to have been killed
by Indiana. The miners are greatly
excited and active steps will be taken
to punish the nssa-jaina. ,
. , Fatal Flrea.
CHICAGO , April 29 , 4 p. n _ _
Evening Journal's special r y , , .
morning the whole bns eas portlon of
the vlllar of MorQt Morris , Mich. ,
was buvaou.Ti0gg very jjeaTVirjijjg
town , fa almost wiped out.
" Jvhe house of James Parsons , near
narlotte , Mich. , burned last night.
"Th e family slept till the roof fell in ,
and Mrs. Parsons and child were fa
tally burned.
Suicide of a Lunatic.
ATLANTA , Fa. , April 30 1 a. m.
A warehouse , man in Monteznm ? , Macon -
con county , committed suicide by
shooting himself over the right eyu
with a pistol. Ho has been thought
to be quite crazy for some time.
The National Game.
TROY , N. Y. , April 30 1 a. m.
Treys , C ; Atlantlcs , 7.
NEW YORK , April 30 1 a. "m.
Bostons , 3 ; Metropolitans , 2.
DETROIT , Mich. , April 30 la. m.
Detroits , 15 ; Clevelanda , 2.
The "Heathen Chinee. "
SAN FBANCISCC , April 30. 1 a. m.
Mess meetings are announced to
sustain General Miller in his avowed
intention to procure action on the
Chinese treaties.
A Good Bill.
BOSTON , April 30 1 i . m. The
senate yesterday paseed to a third
reading the bill relaatvo to advertis
ing applications for liquor license , af
ter amending it so that the occupants ,
as well ci the owners of adjacent
property may objecb.
Death of an Actor.
NEW YORK , April 30 1 a. m.
Osarlea Lovojoy , aged 61 , a stock
actor , died of cerebrial hemorrage In
the city hospital yesterday.
Arkansas Democrats in Trouble.
LITTLE ROCK , April 30 1 a. m.
Efforts to amend the differences be
tween the pro and anti-amendment
wings of the democratic party by a
compromise Thursday night , failed
utterly , and both conferences adjourn
ed sine die.
Crop Reports.
CINCINNATI , April 30 1 a. m. TAe
Times and Star's crop reports ahpw a
large acreage and encouraging prcs-
pects of wheat in Ohio and Kentucky.
The prospects in Indiana are encour
aging for wheat. Barley is a total
New yorJe Money and StocSB.
WA STREET , April 29 12:30 p. m.
aovERNMEara Firm , J per cent , high
Currency G'a. . . 131 New 5'a . 102 ?
New 4s . 116 6'g of ' 81 . 103 *
New4is. . 114J
Stocks openoJ irregular , but remained
firm in tarly dealings and advanced i to 2 ?
per cent. , the latter Mar. &Cin. , second
preferred ; Texaa Pacific , Oregon
Navigation , Mid Reading being also prom
inent in improtement ; Metropolitan Ele
vated opened at ; \ decline of U per cent. ,
but subsequently recovered ; general list
reaated a fraction a\fte first board.
Following are the 11 a. n. . prices-
PW . " 0 WTJT& . 116
Pac . f2 DL&W . . . . lira
HI . 135i O&W . 4 > |
StP&O . 41 LS . 124 *
StPaul . 1112 NYC . 144
pfd . 124) 1C . 130
Wabaah . 47i Erie . 46 *
pfd . 874 C.B. Q . 1G4
Northwestern. . 121 1 Ft. Wayn . 128
pfd . 121J C&A . .134j
St. Loula Produce
ST. Louis , April 29.
Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 81 07
@ 1 OeJ for cash ; $1 07J for May ;
§ 106&106J for June ; ? 101JO1 Ol
to * July ; 98 for August ; 97 for the
year.Corn Easier ; 42g@42J for cash ;
42@42J for May and June ; 42fc for
July ; 43 for August.
Oats Lower at 35 for caih 35 ©
34 for May ; 33 | for July.
Kye Lower ; § 1 16 bid.
Barley Unchanged.
Whisky 81 06.
Pork Jobbing , § 17 60.
Lard Slow at $1125.
Dry Salt Meats Better at ? 8 103
8 6038 85.
St. Louis Live atock Market.
ST. Louis , April 29.
' Hogs Receipts , 6,700 ; active and
5@10c higher ; Yorkers and Baltl-
more * , S5 90@600 ; mixed paeMnjj ,
55 85 < g6 00 ; cholco to fancy , ? 610
@ 640 ; pigs , 8500@540.
Chlcatro Produce
CUaCAOO , April 29.
fairly active and prices eaa-
iat ; corn , in fair request and steady ; ,
oats and rye , quiet and unchanged ;
, , rT !
mess pork , steady demand and light ;
lard and short ribs , easier.
Wheat Spring for May , 81 00 | @
101 ; Juno , $1 021 02J ; July ,
SI 021 02g ; August , 8799. for
the year , 951 < 395g.
, Cora May , 42@42gJune.42 | < § 42i ;
July , 43J@43J ; Au8ust , 43J44.
Oats May , 355S6rJuna,35355 ,
July , 34j@345 ; August , 28l@28 § .
' Bye May , SI 14@1 16 : June ,
31 10@112 ; July , 00@91 ; August 77
@ 78.
Pork Mess for May , $17 35 ®
17 37 $ ; June , § 17 45@17 47 $ ; July ,
8175001752 $ . .
Lird For-May , sold at Sll 17 $ @
11,20 , ; June-at $1125@11 27 $ ; July ,
at Sll 321135 ; August , 81135 ©
1137 $ .
Short Ribt May , $8 358 3 * ,
June , $8 50@8 52 $ ; July , 88 5'/i@
8 60.
New Yortt Produce Ma Ji.
x r NEW Yonx. Aprfl 29 <
i Flour Quiet and nr4Cjanged. in.
ferlor to very choice a lppW extras.
84700462 $ .
Wheat Upene-j a shade higher and
closedmoderatpjy active for spot sales ;
No. 2 red winter , Sr27@127 $ , No. 1
do , 81283 130J ; No. 1 whit3,8123 $
© 1 24j , and no sales ; No. 2 spring ,
81 35.
1 Corn Qoiet and lowsr for spat
Palest' No. 2 , 6365-No. 3 , 67@52J ;
steamer mized-5960 ; ; No. 2 mixed
for April sold at 53@63 , and May at
Uats Steady and moderately ac
tive ; mixed , slightly higher ; No. 1
white , 53 ; No. 2 white , 50 ; No. ' $
mixed , 4546 ; No. 3 do , 4J.
Rye Quiet and heavy.
Barley Nominal.
Pork-Quiet ar-j
8teady ; ordinary
mess for early delivery , 816 00 for
Liard i,3wor and in , fair demand
for sp'jt 8aj08. . western steam.Sll 70 ©
P2 $ ; city steam at 81150.
Beef Steady and in1 fair demand ;
tplain meis810 CO ; extra mess , 81150
@ 12 00.
OatMeats ( Quiet and unchanged.
Chicago Live StockjMar&et
CHICAGO , April 29.
Hog ? Receipts 11,000 head ; active
and firm ; licht 85 9C36 10 ; mixed
packing , 8575@610 ; heavy , 615 ®
Cdtile Receipts 6,200 head ; de
mand only ( S'T , and market quiet and
weak ; common to fair shipping , 84 75
@ 5 30 ; good to choice , 85 505 90 ;
stockerj and feeders , 83 304 80 ;
butahers , ? 2 40@4 30 ; corn-fed Toi-
fins , 84 40@4 75 ; grass ColoraJoa ,
Milwaukee Produca Martet.
MILWAUKEE , April 29 ,
Wheat } @ | c higher ; No. 1 , 81 OOJ
fer cash ; $ L OuJ fur May , 81 02j for
June , $1 031 fjr July ; others nomi-
bal. l
Oats 35 |
Rye1 8110.
Ilarler 84
Liverpool Produce Mar&et.
1 LIVERPOOL , April 28
Whrat Wmtor , 9. ' < s9 < 8d ; white ,
9s@9i7d ; spring , 83 6J@9i 2d ; club ,
9aGoa9 ( 1H
C < r. Nrw. 5j 3d ; old , 5 * 6d.
Lard 67 9i.
Pork 68s.
'Hand ' Sewed Shoes a specialty
leading Shoe Store ,
OMAHA , . . . . NEB.
Philadelphia , Penn'a.
Office No. 310 Walnut Sreet , Pa ,
D , A. D.I810.
Capital , $100,000. Surplus , $340,910.63
Liabilities , $504W8.5I.
ASSETS , JANUARY Is. , 1881.
vends and Mortgage ! , First Liens . . | 310,539 a )
R-al Estate lizecooi
Railroad Stock and Bond' , Market
U. S. and State and City Bonds , Mar
ket Value B1H37259
Loans on Demand , with , . 83 015 81
Ground Ilents , well sheared JV-24 i ;
Interests and Rent' , dno and teemed. JJ.79S 01
Net Premiums , tn coarto of eollic-
llon 9,303 5
Cash In Bank , and on band 3,015 0
Totil Assets - Jl,545,88T 17
A , 0. L CRAWFORD , Toos. R. JUnu ,
secretary. President.
MURPHY & LOVETF , Agents , Omih , Neb ,
AcDrroa's Ones , J
Liscow , Februuy 1st. J
It Is hereby-c > r < lSel that Murphy & Lorett ,
ojOmihalnthi County of Dowlas , Sate ot
l ebra-ki , Isnenbjr duly authorized to transact
tha bujinr s of ft * Insurance for the rat rent
Jjar In said CoanV , M Ajent of the Amtrlcan
fc ire Insi3T flce conpany , of Puilalelpbu in tha
State ot Pennsylraja , gublact to all the re-
rttlctlons aiul llmltaons - .
of t-le , aw rc-rul tm.
Fire Insurance Combes | n this Stat- .
In rtstimjmy Whersf , ihive hereunto set tny
land nd the teal of ije Auditor of Public A-
coantr , ths diy and yea jr , wri't-n
. An < IIto.r 'Public Accounts.
In Charge of Iftyanee D partm nt.
AnOrdlninee ett&bfiihtnzUbirarb lists on
streets within the City olfaaby
Ee it ordaljed by the city cotncilthe dty of
Omaha , as follows : \
SECTIOHI. ThtcurblIne > ohaUstVta withIn -
In the City of Onuhi , eicep Dg th , aru of
hothFanuta street and Domfcu itree : 0 [
Sixteenth street , atd the paitt l all itre tul
of Sixteenth strtet between r rnh ra.stre > i 4
Bougias street , and tht part of TtnUstrsrtb. .
twe n Pierce stresand Hcory ( strjetb M
the SAme are heilby tslabllshed aUa disUm ,
Irom U street Hie , on each side ef tie ( rset o
one-fiKh the width of the stre. t i
8 < : 2 1 he grade elevation of said rab lines
stall be the sime it the IntenecUa ? p < lnts as
now flxed by exiilinj Ordinance ! .
Sic. 3. All psits of OrdinanetS contictlnj are hereby repealed.
Sic. 4. This orfinance shall aks eflet ud
be In force from Aad * fter Its puaKt.
( Sipied. ) TH03 . ' . DAIUT.
Prea't City Coocfl
j. j"L C. Jnrwr ,
aty Clark.
Approred April 28tb , 1331.
( Signed. ) JAME3 E. EOT |
i - , *
04 an'iw si
_ . _ , . _ Just Opened at the i
G16 10th St. , Bet. Jackson and Jones.
entire Stock will le offered at the followin
F Jprecedented low prices , and continue untiLthe whole
] r disposed of :
Standard Prints 6c , np-town price 8 l-3c ; lonsdale Muslin 8 l-3o
Jp o-wn price lOc ; Unbleached Muslin 5c , np-town price 71-2c ;
tacaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , op-town prica 12 l-2c. „ , -
R 7 N2c' uP-oa P ce 8 I-3c ; Manchester-
Brocades I5c , up-town price25c ; English Cashmeres 37 l-2c ,
pnce 50c ; Blaclc Ail-Wool Cashmeres 40c , 65c
? . ! ? P068 * ' 6 ° C' 7 ° C > 85C SI ° ° J Black GrOS
- rh - ? ? ' sl-25 , up-town prices 81.25 , $1.60 ,
, ? * Shirtings lOc , up-town price I5c ? Brocade
J'f ' 3 U3 Per cent less than up-town prices ;
and U.nfaleached Table Damasks 40c4 50c , 60c '
W cnes 50c' SBc/TSc / , $1.00 ; Scotch Huck and
2Qc' uP'town Price 35c ; Turkey Red Dam
, up-towvi price 65c.
e .s Unbleached Half Hose 5c , up-town price lOo ; Man's
-own Mixed Half Hose lOc , '
up-town price iiOc ; Ladies' Hose
lOc , up-town price 15c ; Ladies' Beal > Balbriegan Hose25c ,
worth 40c ; Children's Hose 5c , up-town price lOc.
The above are all perfect Goods , and at lower prices than
" " " * fi J- offered uptown. CALL AND SBE AND BE
P. G. IMLAH , - - - Manager. :
_ Wholesale and Retail Maimfactnrinp :
Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry in the City.
Come and see fur stock , as we will be pleased to show Goods.
J. W. Murphy & Co. .
Kentucky Distilling Company , Corner Hth anH DoazlaaSts. O if AHA. , WSB.
apl dtt
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Beat Assortment of
in the West.
At Chicago Prices.
1269 & 1211
Harney Street , Omaha.
The New York
For the largest assortment , the latest styles and the best
quality of Hats and Uaps , the New York Hat Company leads them
all. batisfy yourselves by examining the stock.
Corner Eleventh and Farnham Streets.
cr ;
The Oldest Eeal Estate Agent and Notary Public ,
CornerDoiiglasand 14th Streets.
.OOO ; also. ! 00 hous a 4 lota , from Jl.OOO la
otrart - AIio$209OOOtaloaa , *
'PP c nt'U busing , IU ,
Taxe lddteds and mortgages exeenUd on short notice ; only sell excloxlrelr on commMom ; j
don ; speraUtejlre ; my tatrons alltha bariilns ; Hotary Public always In offlce , Soathwwt corner'
Douglas and Fotrteenth BtreeU , Omaha , .V , rajka. . \ ipMxdlm. , - ,
t iff .i : ' ! ! . ' : ; * . . n f ill .