Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , April 28.
Pateram sells coal.
Frederick , .Leading Hatter. n > tl <
Nice Brushes atZubn'e.
. Try Saxe'g celeteated praam Soda.
Saie's celebrated Cream Soda now c
Coat makers wanted , C. J. Canan
GJ' . ' 22-lf
Whlpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewe
Bn , Crtighton Block. o26-tf
A meeting of Ihe Land League w ill I
hrid this evening.
. Fine cigars by the box , very cheap , a
Kuhn'aDrugStoe ,
For FINE Commercial Job Printing
ca'l at THE BEE Job room's.
Full line of Imported and Domesti
Cigars at Saxe'a Drug store.
lea cream at Mrs. Spoerri , Masonii
Hall , ICth and Capitol Avenue.
Mr. J. S. "Wright's valuable trcttinf
horae.which clippe J a few weeks since ,
is dead.
Nmdel SKrelle , Hatters , Sign of th (
Golden Hat , 14th St. , between Farnhan
and Douglas. 15-tf
The Phasant Hours club give a com'
plimentary party at the residence of one
of their number this evening.
Deputy U. S. Marshall Ball returned
yesterday from St. Louis , with a mac
who uunier attachment fti a witnew ir
the TJ. S. court.
If you want Bill-Heads , Letter-Headi
Envelopes or any job work. Call at THI
B&E Job Booms. Prices that will suit
otery one.
On Friday evening German is to be
given by anumber of young gentlemen of
the city at Masonic Ha'L It is reported
to be a " swell" affair. . *
Prof. Attg.AValther annouaces a grand
concert and lecture at Masonic hall one
week from thia ev.-ning. . Ht will te as
sisted Ly his pupils , by the Omaha Glee
and Zither clubs and Prof. Chambers ,
violinist. . - _
The contract lor erecting the temporary -
ary building for the approaching Saenger-
f est has been let io Mr. G. Schill , whose
bid was the lowdit The hall ii ta bs
completed by June 1st. The committee
has decided to isrue tickets , gel f jr gen
tleman and ladyf jrall the enteitainmsnts
of the week , for § 5.
Warrants are out for the arrest of a
Mrs. Hoyat , of this city , who is charged
by a certain Mm. Kulh with having ab-
d acted her twoboysfive and eight yean of
nje , on Tue iday. It is charged that Mr * .
Hoyat it an accomplice of Mrs. Ruth's
husband , who was at the bottom of the
WANTED Good Store , centrally
located. Address "T. B , " , Be office.
A full line of DOZIER , WEYL &
00'S Celebrated CRACKERS , at
A fresh milch cow. Apply to Mit
chell Fleming , 14th and California.
GEr TOUR WATCH repaired ,
MeeErf. Guild and Mclnis who
have opened "The Peoples' One
Price Dry Goods Store , " corner of
Sixteenth and California streets , ex *
press themselves more than satisfied
with the undertaking , and will nn
doubted bnild'up a largo trade. They
have a fall line of Dry Goods and
notions , a'l ' now jjoods and of the
latest patterns , which ara marked
prices that are astonishindly low ,
For the present the basineBS is unde :
the management of Mr. Mclris , lati
manager of the 'Boston store. " Thli
gentleman thoroaghly understands
the business , and will be pleased to
see his old friends and customers and
an unlimited numbar of new ones
Green street cars pass the door.
Watchcs in Omaha "at Edholm &
Erickson's. - - - - -
f-f j , -r
The United States circuit conrt
commences on Monday next. The
jury will be cilled on Wednesday.
Judge Miller,1 "of'the uprema court ,
and Judge STcCrary yrlll both be pres
ent. Amang the Important cases -to
be tried is that cf theTJnitod.State
vs. D wight J. McOann. This case is
one which Involves the value of a
train loid of supplies , which MoCann ,
when ho was Indian agent , claimed to
hare been stolen by the Indians. It
Is alleged that considerable crooked
ness is mixed up in the nutter.
Lang & Foitlck removed to 13th
between Farnham And Harney Stc.
apr22-eod-tl i
New stock of the finest hats , latest
fashion and style at
14th street , between FarnhVm and
* *
Denglsa streets.
Sign-pi the Golden jgst. tf
We keep only the BEST KIND of
Jewelry. EDHOLM & E&lcteSO > . *
Pamtlng In alllta branches. L"eive
order at Wnltehoose's drug 'store.
Hugh McMannls. ' Telephone con
nections. - -
- p21-6t
A meeting of nil the carpenters is
called for Wednesday evening Aptll
27th , 7:30 o'clock at Metz Hall , south
10th street. , Jay order of. the commit
If you. Vant * youT * JEWELUT
MENDED Uke it to Edholm & Er
ickson's. All work warranted.
TERS are complete in every depart
ment ap4tf
Opening the Track.
The driving park track Is to be put
in shape Ms weekly John D. Creigh-
ton. Bjj he first of May four bones'
belonging to Mr. Creighton , and sev
eral belonging toMr. . Chris. Nevius
and Beanlfiley sndTeny , among which
" " " Clark"
are "Charley DougUs , "May
and "Will Her , " wiU bo at the park
stables , and daily exercised.
WE SELL'at prices to suit all cus
Negotiations for a Lot Stil
The Lutheran Church Property
Blocks the Enterprise.
A reporter of TUB BEE had a con
venation yesterday with a gentle
man who has been active in helpinj
forward tne enterprise of a mammott
hotel on Doughs street and learned
from him that the only thing now IE
the way is the unexpected figure whicl
the trustees of the Lutheran churcb
have placed upon thtir prop <
erty. What is desired is the
lot at the north east corner of Dong-
las and Thirteenth streets , on which
the old Visacher block stands , which
has a front on Doughs street of 132
feet , and the Lutheran property sd-
joining , which has a frontage cf 88 ,
making a total frontsga of 220 feet.
Mr Shears , the gentleman who is at
the bottom of this hotel enterprise ,
has been the proprietor of leading ho
tels in eastern cities , and Is a man of
arge capital. He proposes to erect at
once a hotel building of stone and
brick , five stories high , to cost not
less than 100,000. Various Doughs
street property owners have con
tributed liberally toward securing the
lot , and all that now remains is to get
the Lutheran church property , on
which stand a brick church and a
brick parsonage. Gentlemen who
have been active In the movement
chim that for three years this prop
erty was held at $12,000 , the society
being desirous of going else
where , but the price being
too high. The interested parties
went to Mr. C. F. Goodman , , leading
trustee , a few days since and offered
816,090 for the lot They were in
formed .that the price of the lot Is
$20,000.This difference of $4,000 is
what now stands in the way of the
hotel , and which the parties claim will
effectually block the enterprise.
In conversation with Air. Goodman
yesterday , he denied that the church
lot had ever been la the market fo :
$12,000 or any ether price , and eai
that the trustees considered twent ;
thousand dollars only a prope :
amount for the lot and building.
stated that Mr. T. J. Nichols , Mr.
Fred Drexel and himself had indivi
dually purchased the lot at the north
east corner of Harney and S'xteenth
streets , which they were holding fo ;
the use of the church when their
present property shall be sold.
SILVER POLISH for cleaning sll
ver , at Edholm & Erickson's.
The Best in the West.
u can be found as Bushman's in
Silks , in Hosiery , in Drets Goods , in
Fringes , Cord and Tassels. Fancy
Ornaments , Buttons , Prints , Glng
hams , Table Linens , Shawls , Ribbons
Ties , etc. , etc. , etc.
risiNO DODOES , but the genuine bar
3ains [ and fair dealings in all departments
monts at
3. W. Corner Douglas and 15th St.
ap2G t
toei and Onion Sets , at
Tne Catholic Library Social.
Among the many social and musica !
ivents to which the week has already
; iven birth , that of the Union Catho ,
lo Library- - Association Tuesday
'inks ' at the head. Members and
riends were there in large numbers ,
Completely filling the large rooms , to
elebrate the advent and opening of
ho grand piano recently purchased bye
-e association. The Instrument is a
Ihlckerlng concert grand , probably
be largest and finest of its class In
bis city. Under the practiced hands
f Prof. Walthnr the beautiful "con-
ord of sweet sounds" rolled out from
a polished depthBre-echolng through
tie rooms and entrancing all.
.n instructive and entertaining
rogramme of readings , recitations
ad short addresses followed , inter-
Doraed with vocal and instrumental
) los , each individual receiving the
nstlnted plaudits 'of the audience.
; will not detract from the efforts of
ay one io s y that the most pleasing
rent of the evening was the warm re-
jptionof theMcCrwvry boys. Their
og absence from the association and
om the city made their welcome the
armor and heartier , and their
arformance proved that their time
id not been wholly wasted in the
rerglades and orange groves of Flor-
'The entertainnnnt did not close till
) :30 , and was an artistic and social
rent that will .long liogar among the
leasant memoriesof those who at-
mdod and participated. The bene-
id ion was pronounced by the audience
oglng "Home , Sweet Home. "
WE DO NOT adrertieo what we
ave not got. -
On the first page of our issue to-day
III be found a description of some
ctraordinary bargains now being of *
irod at the Boston store on 10th
root , already known as the cheapest
[ ace in Omaha. These goods are
itfect and at nctually lower prices
L U bargains in imperfect goods are
lered up town. a23-4t
Accident to a
A scrlons accident occurred ycster-
ay mornitg to Mr. C. 0. Littlefield.a
:51kman : residing In the northern
art of the city. Mr. Ltttlofield had
ut started out on his morning's trip
id at about 5 o'clock , when juit ths !
de the State Fair grounds , oc Sher- '
nan Avenue , the axle of his wagon'
rokrthro wing , hba sideways to the
ground , andbreaklng both bones of th
lower portlen of the right leg. Tin
unfortunate man was picked up b ;
neighbors and taken to his residenca
DIB. Van Camp and Biggies were sum
moned and set the limb. The f radon
was found to be a very bad one.
and Diamonds , at Edholm & Erlck
TF. S. Dust. Atty. G. M. Limbertson
and T. M. Marqnett , Esq. , a e in town
Captain McClore , northwestern passen
per agent of the 0. & M. U. , has returnee
from Colorado.
Miss Carrie Pauline , of Coaticock , Qu *
bee , is stopping in the city for a tune , al
the home of her uncle , Mr. J B. Poisant
Mr. E. A. Street , of Colorado , and
wife , aie visiting friends here. Mr. Stieel
is an old resident of Council BInffg and
a friend of Manager L. M. Rhcem , of the
Western Union office. Mr. Street wat
married at Council Bluffs on the 25th inst. ,
to Miss Mary Kinkaid Haladay , and will
leave for Colorado with his biide in a few
Mr. W. Nichols , private secretary to
Mr. P. J. Kichilsdiviiion [ superintendent
of the U. P. R. R. , leaves the employ ci
the company to-day to go into the stock
raising business at Las Vegas , New Mex
ico. Mr. Itichols has been in the employ
of their. P. company t even years and ia
an efficient man and f nil of business. He
will be remembered as the young deputy
iheriff who arrested I. P. Olive and his
men , at the mnzzh of a revolver , for the
murder of Mitchell and Ketchnm.
helm & Erickson's.
Turquoise Jewelry , at
Edholm & Erickson's.
Their Designation at Wash
ington Yesterday.
1 he following special dispatch was
received by THE BEE last evening :
Spedtl dispatch to The Ecr
WASHiKGToy , April 28 1 a. m. The
foliowinj have bcn designated cs the
government directors of the Union Pacific
railroad f o r the ensuing year : A. Konntze ,
of New York ; S. T. Ererett , of Cleve
land , 0. ; R. H. Baker , of Racine , Wis. ;
Chas. B. Peck , of Port Huron , Mich. ,
md Geo. W. Frost , of Omaha , Neb.
In Jail.
John Holland , who was arrested
ibout two weeks ago on the charge
if disorderly candnct , and placed an-
ler $100 bonds to keep the peace , was
band under the Influence of the ene-
ny on Tuesday , and gathered in by
he police. He was consigned to the
tounty j&i ! .
n Attractive Programme of
Races , Sports and Fire
The special Fourth of July com
mittee of the Omaha Driving Park
Association , consisting of Messrs.
Dhrls. Hirtman , D. T. Mount , and
jreorge Oanfuld , met Tuesday | and
completed their programma for the
coming celebration at the Driving
Park. The total expense was fixed at
\ little less than $3,000. The pro
gramme will comprise a classified list
} f horse races , the premiums for
which will be very liberal , a glass ball
ihoot for sportsmen , a base ball game ,
i competitive drill between military
; ompanies , a greased pig race , sack
race , men's foot race , boys' foot race ,
ill for liberal purses , and a balloon
A contract was nude with Mr. J. H.
Pierce of this city to make the ascen-
iion. Mr. Pierca has recently por-
ihssed a balloon which will contain
12,000 cubic feet of gas. A hall on
he grounds in which the balloon will
IB expanded with air , and all necessary
ireliminary preparations made , has
> een secured and the balloon was ex *
landed with air yesterday afternoon.
Preparations are also making which
111 probably result in a grand display
f fireworks from some prominent
oint , perhaps the neighborhood of
be High School building , on the
ight of the Fourth.
The Driving Park association is
amposed of some of our wealthiest
ad most enterprising clti73ns , and
IB fact that they have the matter in
and guarantees its success. They
ava determined to make the matter
f money making a secondary conaid-
ration in this celebration , and make
an event which shall properly adver
se Omaha , even if it is done at a
> as. The celebration will probably
mtlnue during the 5th.
Arrangements are making for spe-
al rate ; , and probably special tnius ,
i all the railroads centreing at this
ty and Council Bluffs.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costive-
2ss and Sick-Headache.
At C. F. Qcodm&u's.
A * Challenge to Shoot.
r. Robert CoUint , Lincoln , Nab. :
I hereby challenge you to shoot a
atch at 100 to 200 glau balls each ,
om a J. 'G. Mole rotary trap , for
om $50 to § 500 a aide.
Mitch to be shot at either Lincoln
: Omaha , between the 1st and 16th
' . June next , and to be governed by
6. Mule's rules for glass ball shoot-
This challenge is to remain open till
[ ay 7ih next. If accepted by yen ,
) u to deposit § 25 forfeit In the hands
Gen. J. C. McBrldr , of Lincoln ,
id on notification "by him of theme
mo , I will immediately cover said
rfelt. Gen. J. 0. Me Bride to be
lal stake holder. Other details to
5 mutually agreed upon.
Yours , respectfully ,
. Nebraska during the week ending
E > ril 23,1881 , famished THK BEE by
m. Van Vleck , of the postoffice de-
rtment :
Established Greeley , Holt coun-
, Jas. D. Van Erara , postmaster ;
innyside , Hot county , Hiram G.
illaon , postmaster ; V n Wyck , Red
illow county , Joseph S. Hulmei ,
imuter ; Walton , Lancaster coon-
, Chas. D. Griffin , postmaiter.
Tral package ot" BLACK-DRAUGHT"
" " "
x of charge.
TAtC.r.Ooodaan'B , \ -
Meeting of the Board of Man
agers in This City Last
Extraordinary Attractions
and Exceptional Facilities
to be Provided.
The Entire Grounds to be
Lighted at Night by
The board of managers of the state
agricultural association met at the
Withncll hocsa last evening to discuss
and decide upon the attractions
which arc to be presented at the state
fair , to ba held on the fair grounds In
this city next September.
The following members of the board
were present ; cbairmain G. W. E.
Dorsey of Frement , secretary J. 0.
Mo Btide of Lincoln , treasurer Chris.
Hartman of this city , and Maj. J T.
Olarkson of Schuyler.O. H. Walker of
Bloomlngton. Es-marahall Wm'.Dai-
ley and D. T. Mount were also in at
tendance. Ex-gov. Fnrnes , judge
Klnney and prof. A. D. Williams are
all water bound and could not got here.
On motion Mr. Hirtman was di
rected to secure an engine and make
necessary arrangements for power ,
and to submit the result at the next
meeting. Mr. Hartman was also di
rected to cause to ba printed , or en
graved , all tickets , pisses and badges
necessary for the coming exhibit
On motion the secretary was di
rected to draw a warrant for Andrew
Baylis for six dollars for four days'
labor at the state fair of 1879.
The proposition of Gibson , Miller
& Richardson to furnish all material
and print 200three sheet bills in four
colors , and 1,000 one sheet bills In
three colors and 5OOC window bills
( half sheet descriptivee ) four colors ,
as per samples furnished , for $210 ,
was accepted , and the secretary was
directed to furnish copy daring the
month of May , and the bills to be
furnished not hterthan the 25th of
The question of lighting the build *
ings and grounds with electric light
was dlscussad. The following letters
were read by the secretary from the
Brush electric light company :
CHICAGO , April 7,1881.
J. C.McSiWcScretary :
DEAB SIR : In reply to your favor
of the 4th will say thtt the Idea you
suggest would certainly ba a most tx-
cellent tdvertisement for your fair ,
and would doubtlecs attract a large
number of paople who might not
other wise attend. It would not , how
ever , pay us to take a machine already
sold and put it up in the way yon sug
gest , just to advertise the light , ai our
light is too widely known to need an
advertisement of this character.
I shall be glad to give more information
mation , however , es to the cost of
lighting your entire city with electric
light , and If we come to terms such
an equipment could be used at your
fair , as you suggest. Our system will
cost inside of a thousand dollars a
year for running expenses to light a
large tarritory.
Respectfully yours ,
General Agent
CHICAGO , April 1C , 1881.
J. C. McBrMe , Secretary :
DEAR Sia : On my return to the
city I find your letter of the 8th. I
would recommend a sixteen light ma
chine for your purpose , and append
herewith estimates on the cost
of an equipment of that size
without engine and boiler , HI
you could attach it to your
own power si mentioned. You
should have about eight lamps in the
interior of your building and put the
others where needed on the ontsido
and on the race course. I would ad
vise placing a mist , 150 feet high , in
the center of the race course and plac
ing three or fonr lights upon it. This
rhonld light the whole ground so that
you could reed at almost any placa
within a quarter of a mile of the cen
ter. The cost of maintenance wonld
be but one cent per hour for the caa-
bon consumed in each lamp and the
power which yon already havo. You
see that thi& would give yon 32,000
caudle power or the light of 2,009 gai
burners for very little m moy es far
us running expenses are concerned. A
horse race by the electric light would
be very novel and would , of course ,
ba much cooler than if run in ann-
llght , and the novelty of the thing
( Tould make it a fine advertisement
for you. Wo are putting up a perma
nent equipment In the New Orleans
jockey club grounds. We are unable
: o make any arrangement for renting
ipparatua. Soliciting your order ,
irhich shall receive prompt attention ,
[ remain , yours truly ,
General A.uont
Accompanying this letter was an
sstimate upon aa ebulpmenf , amount-
ng to $3,140. The cost of running
s placed at sixteen cents an hour. An
mglneer would have to bo hired by
he board.
On motion , Mr. Hartman was dl-
ected to confer with Mr. Dickey on
he subject of l-'ghting the grounds
ritb electricity and report at the next
The secretary laid the following
iropoaitlon before the board :
tcmrdoJ Managers Nebraska State Fate
GBJTLKMBN The undersigned pro-
nse to furnish the entire apparatus
nd light the buildings and grounds
rith a eiiteen lamp J3rush.electr.ic
ighr , except expenses of the engine
nd engineer , and as a compensation
re to have one-half the gross receipts
f the evening entertainments , the
ther half to go to the state board.
J. 0. McBwDB & Co. .
Liid over until the next me'eting.
) nis proposition was made byvGen.
IcBride in order "that the electric"
ight should be used lu my event , if
ba full board did not see fit to buy
be machinery.
The secretary was directed to cor-
espond with captains of militia and
scertain which of the companies are
rilling to accept a detail for guard and
lolico duty.
Mr. Hartman was appointed a corn-
ait tea of ouo to confer with the Oma-
i& B/clcle club ; and * hear their
fishes as to a contest.
A letter was read from Mnj. J. W.
) e nnanwho his a squad of Otoe
'udians , offering to show them at the
air for $200. laid over.
The members of tne board who were
intent were ana'nimously in favor of
ightlng the grounds by electricity and
dding all the attractions it will be'j
possible to secure in ordar to maki
the fair the moat successful yet held
It ia proposed to introduce the nov
elty of hone races , chariot races , arii
a grand vocal concert by two or threi
hundred voices In the evening al
under the brilliant light of "the elec
trie lamps. Arrangements are to hi
made with all of the railroad compa
nies to run excursion trainsarrivinj
at an early hour in the forenoon o
each day and returning In the af tar
noon and evening. The next stati
fair is bonnd to be a magnificent sue
The River Slowly Uut Surel3
Ff om t 6t Evening's Pee.
The river has been steadily subsld
ing since yesterday , and ia now in E
fair way to retire from the flooded
districts in abort order. The govern
ment gauge at the smelting worki
marked 23.35 last night and 23.2 this
morning , a fall of 1.8 inches. At the
highest point of the flood this gaugi
stood at 23.70. The smelting worke
have received no injury to theii
buildings by the flood. In conversa
tion with a former government engi <
neer this morning he stated that from
the manner In which these building !
are built and their foundations laid ,
there will be no loss aside frcir
that occasioned by the long delay.
Considering the immense value ol
this interest the loss from the delsj
must be many thousands.
The lumbermen are still receiving
their lumber , and have met with nc
further losses.
The Union Pacific is keeping up
its connection with the Transfer de
pot , though the water Is still wash
ing away at their long embankment.
A construction train was at work this
morning repairing the damages. On <
threatened point is at the foot of thi
heaviest portion of the embankment ;
and just east of the Missouri rivei
bridge. Here the strong south anc
south-west wind had made consider
able impression en tha foot of the em
A telegram from Sioux City thh
morning brings the information that
there has been a fall there of 18 inches
since yesterday , and a total fall of 53
A telegram was received to-day al
the Omaha & Northwestern railroad
headquarters , the first through tele
gram from Sioux City received ovei
the line for some days. It brought
the information that the water is rap
idly falling between Jackson
and Dakota City , but ia still
running over the ir ck of that
line in places between Dakota Citj
and Govlnqton. The water was still
running two to three feet deep from
Covington depot to & point half a mile
The C. & N. W. railroad is run
ning traliia to and from Henry creek ,
a station ten miles northeast of Coun
cil Blott ; . The Wabash , 0. B & Q.
and 0. R. I. & P. trains start from a
point In the neighborhood of the
leaf and dumb asylum and runlet
lot same distance on theWnbash track ,
when the trains cf the two latter
roads strike their own tracks at a point
high and dry above the flood. U. P.
trains leave as usual. All other roads
out of Onviha are still blockaded.
The Chicago Lumber company has
purchased a half block of land the
south half between 14th and 15th
streets , on Marcy , and are removing
; heir lumber yard to that point.
They have completed arrangements
with the U. P. railroad for a switch to
run through the yard.
SILK GUARDS for watches , at
Edholm & Eclckaon'a.
"WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only.
At C. F. Goodmin'g.
Jacob Johnson and Ellen Joinson , bij wife ,
vitl tike noiico that on tne 20-h dar of April ,
SSI , Wlllhm T. Scmin , iiltluUff , herein tiled
ils petition In the Dist'ict CODU , of Douflaj
County , Kebra-ka. ? aiost laid ce'cndautn , the
object and prater ol uhlcb are to foreio o a
certain mo-tfiiJ tiecut'd by the taH defend-
uiUtoone F. B. Grant , aad by said Bryant
uly sold and iranstcn cd to one C. J. Canan , and
> y said Chnan duly sol d and transferred to ald
- let nice In Uotk "r " in
: caman. up-jn (9) ( ) ,
htnn'ij Sd addit on , to I'ue City ot Omab * , In
Dou-IasCo. , Neb ,10 secure the payment cf a
crlainpromisity note ditcd Ap-ii 9th , 1874 , for
the sum of ? 1'0 SS and Interest , and one and
payable In tbiee month ! from the date thereof ,
ind taat there Is now due upon said no'o
ind mortgage the sum of $11625 ana Interest at
the rate "f 12 per teat pa'annum from maturity
ind an altorne/afce ; rlamtift p-ajs for a do ree
tht defendants ho required to pay the same or
.bat ra'.d prentices may bo sold to satisfy the
tmount four.d dno. *
Yon are rcqu'red to ansrers\'d petition en
T before tha SO.h day ( f M y , 18S1.
By A. CUADWICK , nls Attorney.
Dated , Apjil 20th , 1SS1. apSler thtt
Charles d. Lot , non-re sident defendant :
You are hereby notified that on April 16lb ,
SSI , n petition M filed in the District Court ,
nthla and for Douglas County , Nebraska , by
saao Edwards , plaintiff , against you , as defend-
.nt , the object and prayer cf whuh petition is
hat an account may betaken cf tbo amount doe
in certain notes , and a mortgage executed and
leliveredtn April 16th , lK78by said Charles G.
.ot to one Theodore L. Vai Corn , and by the
aid Van Corn duly as I ncd to said plaintiff ,
.nd that in default ot the p yrocnt of snch
mount BO to be found due , wlthjn'erest , costs
, od attorney's fee , with a short time to bj fixed
iy Baiu court the premises described in pa'd wlt : S uth 21 feet of north 111
eet , part of lot one (1) . block 72. in the City of
Imaha , la d G unty and State , 'ojrelher witli
he a ipurteninces may be ordered to be sold ,
ndtha proceeds applied to the payment of the
mount so founl due to said plaintiff , together
rith interctccsts ind a reasonable sum which Is
'rayed ' to be awarded as anattortney'sfee herein ,
nd that you may beforo-cr excluded from all
Ight , in'crcst and equity otredempt on in or to
aid premise or any part thereof , > nd for gener-
l rcl.ef you are required to nniwer tald petition
n the 30th day ot May , U)8L ) '
aplB e sat4t Plaintiff.
'o ' N. Schmithroth & Co. :
You ro hereby notified that on the 19th day
[ March 1J81 , Joseph B West Mid Cbailcs L.
rltscher commenced a civil act.on against yon
for 0astar > Renccko. J-i-tce of the Peace in
n 1 for the county of Douglai nd s'ate of He
ra ka , to recoTer the am of $90 90 and intsrcst
icrco i from the 27th day of May , ISSO. An or
er ot attachment has been issu d m sa'd action
nd your property taken thereunder
You ite lequirtd to app-ar , answer and de-
iud sale action on the 17.h day of May , 1SS1.
.ttorney tor West & Fntscher. ? 5-eTm-3t
Will Buy and Sell
n'd all Transactions Con
nected therewith.
'ay Taxes , lent Bouses , &o.
all at Office , Rooms , Creighton Block , Cmaha ,
Kcb. apS-dtf
far ranted * Safe , Certain and Speedy Cure for
.heuuiatUm in all ii , Meun'gb. Lame
-ck , Pin ! ia the Breast and Side , I aln In the
tomtch and Kldnej * . &c It Is an tnterna.
smedy , a Tonic and Elood furlficr , and whilri t
stnoves tbe Disoasj it Improves the genera.
C. F. mu , central * > & *
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , FflfSale ,
Lost f onHd , Wants , Hoarding , &e , will be in-
scried In the e colntans cnce tor TEH CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE C TS
per line Tha first Insertion never less than
TO LOAK-215 8.1 Ith St. Clorkson
MOSEY . 67-22
"OMBT iO WAH-CaJl t Law Ofttw
D. L. gaOUAB , Room 8. Crtighton Blcclc
ONKY TO LOAM UWarnham street.
Pr. Edirara' Lou Ageili ? . cor-M-tl
- girls in laundry , corner 16th
and Dotulas. 723-27
\TTANTED-A conipotent girl for gcne-al
YY homewjrk : WJJBJ liberal. Inquire SI s.
Cray , St. Miry'savcnuo and 22dSts. 715-28
'ANTED AMir.ce unfurnished rx > rn on the
hill or bill-side- . F. , Bee Office. 72023
A cnODBKEHWantaa steady situ * ' I > n on
_ rL all fprj of bieid and cakes. Addre * lUler ,
i > eo Officur 716-28
A irood boy Immediately , at
WANTED Rsh Muket , 1213 Douxl's bt.
- icnt or i ro > ase a cottaga of
WANTED-To > om , ia the vlcinUy of
the Hiih School. Addrew by letter O L S ,
PostOfflce. 719 SO
\TTANTED To se'l the good will aid furnlj
VY tureofa ho'cl In Cmaha. InquIreatBco
office 7C5-i9-e-
ANTED A neat cottatro of about 5 rooms.
Address A. 11 U. P. Ileadijuartcrj
TT' ANTED A girl for private boirJlr.s.h
YV at northwest comer llth ana Djycnpott
streets 719-27
/MRL WANTBD-Frtnch Coffco Home. lOlh
VT ttreet. _ 703-27
\\rANTED-Chamber miid snd ki.Ch n tlrl.
Tt Inquire al tlc Emmet lluute. 7C9 1
\TTANTED-Few Utle boarderj. at 1803 Call-
W fjrnlaSt. C23eodtf
Good alniig room girl , C nfleM
WANTED : . 7CC-17
FEW DAY BOAHDEUS 011 bo accommo-
A .t NJ. 1511 , Chicago Btieet.
A MED A No. 1 barber. 7(6 " south 10th
W t. DELOR. C7327
By a joung man n situation aa
WANTED clerk In. hotel or board n ; hou-e.
Mu wajfis dtsirtd , limply 1 oard Good tc'crrenco
free y Audrcsa by letter R.\V. , Bee otBco.
ANTEU 2 men to work In p rdcn. Ap
W ply on Sherman Atcnue. D. J SMITH ,
AlsTED Ti > sU 10C 0 black cap rupoorry
boshes and 2000 gnu o vines , at John 0.
WilUj , the Dodga Street Commission House. Al
so a large quantity ol tcpind bo'.tcm on onsets.
A Blm ttlon by a man of ,
WANTED , ! ' ) and willing to be nee-
fullnany lion > iabe ! cipaclty. Compensation
aicord.nj to capability. Please cdd.esi J. E.
IL. rire of Ree office. 6C4-tf
> ANTED Immediately a cook at Tizarda
W P Iaco. 654 U
Situation as copyist or at an ;
WAMED writing , Iy a icmpetent young
lady. AdJress "T. A. " Uco office. Reference
given and required. 52 Uf
A par ncr wits 82,000 to Join ad-
WAXTKD In the extension o an established
and ne cf Ihe bast pi ) la ; Susii'css in th i est.
Apply to K. W. Simeral , Koom B , Creiihton
Blo.k,15thSt. (
" \T7"ANTED Two more benders at 313 North
YV 17lh streetbetween Davtnport and Chi-
cage , east gldo 3S7-tf
rpO KENT Slnzle room , nicely furnished. N.
JL E. corner 17th anl Capitol Ate. 717-30
"C OR RENT A coed barn. Applf to 309 Farn-
JJ bam street , between ICth ind 17th st.
T7IOURENT Unfu-nishedroomonFa nhamSt.
J ? between 10th and 17th No. 309 697-27
I niihed or unfurnished to respectable par-
tics. Apply at office < fS P. Mm so s C ? . . 1319
Farnham fct. 713-23
AO r UEST One Urpe room and cl sef ,
. northeast coiner 10th and Douglas St. 714 23
lOR RENT Furnished rooais. Inquire at
1 1313 CJicigo ttrect. C9C-t (
RENT Ihe building 1930 I urt i tie t
formerly used bv John C ni ra > hs London
meat market. Sjine butchir tools for zale. Ap
ply on the premises or of John I3ium r , 1314
Farnham ttrect. 63.-tt
T > OOMS FOR BENT With or w.tlout boatd ,
J.X at ICliCallfornUSt. C44-tf
HE NT A store , corner 10th and Leaven
EOU . Inquire next door , at Pete-son's.
TJtOR RKhT 2 ( ornUhed rooms over Mer-
ij chants exchange , N. E. Cor. loth and
U dgo ctroctt. 2S9-U
FGB 8Ale.
SALE , CHiAP-Mustbe sold by May
lit. Call > t our fe d store , 10'h and Davenport ,
or at garden on 18th St. CH ARLT JN ORus.
FOR SALK Beautiful residence let ; location
fint-c. 3' . Price 81600. JOH.V L. Mc-
CAOUE , opposite Post dffle. 7I2-tf
SALE-Houae and lot on Nirth ISlli
FOR at 41603. Inquire of Join L Mo
Caguc opposite the po3t otlce. 7C4-tf
EORSALE A good payinjf rcstiurant. In
quire at this oin e. 703-25-lm
SALE : ide bar top buirgy , g.icd . SB new ,
FOR to B. . , at S. P. Jlorse Cx C37-t
17 OR SALE CUFAP 1 acrj ground , home with
L ) 4 room1 , tiprn , cistern , small fruit , etc ,
South Omiha. T rms eisy. Enqriro 811 N.
18th et , bet. Hurt and Cuaimlngg. es 4-eoJ-O
240 acres choice land J mile eait cf
CHEAP , 150 acres brokeand 20 acres
timber , 40 arca pasture fenced , large two story
lieu e and KOOO oat builimm. Titles perfect.
Owiicd by a uidow ladr deslrin ; to move. Casher
or city property in exchange
674-tf EARL B CoE.
SALE A cottage houte of 5 loonu with
FOR lots ; ground for raef cheap. Inquire
2dl4 FarehiBi St. , Bojrt'addition 467-tj a23
"TT OU BALE Mars of Tlouzlsa and Sarpy
J } counties. A. ROlEWATEB , 1520 Tarn
ham Street. 320-tt
SALE Lease and furniture of a tirst-
EOH hotel la a town of 1300 Inh ibltantA , in
fctate of Nebraska. Has 24 beds , the traveltini
men's report. Inquire at Bee office. Zi8-tf
rjlORSALE A BARGAIN A building with
Jj raloon Bxturea , furnituroand stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P. depot , forgile very cheap.
Or the fixture ) , furniture and stock will be sold
and building rented. Inquire of El ) . KREISS-
SALli Two close carriages , at A. fJ.
FOR ' . 911-tt
JL mporialSelf Rtisin ? Winter Whert Flour ,
for Pancakes , BisculU , and all kinds of pastry.
Try it. Ask your grocer for it. 478-tf
i t M.'BROWN , corner of ISth and Chicago
T > . streets. Is ready to bore or dcepan wells.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 503-tf
mEAUS CAN BE GOT At John Barrs stable
JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures
near corner ISth and Leavi-nw'irth St. 378-t
' FORGET 1 he su-cersor of the Ameri
can House , on Doughs at. , bat. 9th and
1 Oth , for ooard , boirdin ? . lodging and transient
customers. Respectfully ,
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orap ! Cream ] Tartar. No othtr
> rep > nticn makes ( ach light , flik ? bet bread * ,
ir laxutUui pantry. Can be fated bj : Djipep-
ica without fear of the Ml resulting from heavy
niiae ! ; llble food Sold oily in cun , by ul
Kew York.
Third week of our great sale of Goods damaged
by smoke and water.
But Goods must be sold to make room 'for our
elegant new spring stock now being
Dress Goods at 7c , 8c , I0c , that before the fire readily sold for 20c , 25c , 30c. Lace
Buntings , lOc. Grey Mohairs , 12 l-2c. All-Wool Suitings , I6c. Best quality All-Wool
Figured Dress Goods , 25c to 35c , that cost 60c and 75c. BLACK Silks at 55c , 75c , SI.OO ,
that cost double as much. Black Cashmere-Finish Gros Grain Silks , our best Goods al
$1.25 , $1.60 , $1.75 , that originally cost 50c to $1.00 a yard more.
OUR BEST QUALITY BLACK SILK AT $2.50 , It formerly sold at $3,50.
Black Satin De Lyon at $1.25 , worth $2.00. Black Satin D > Lyon at $1.80 , worth
$2.50. Black Satin De Lyon at $2.50 , worth $4.00. These are ah" pure Silk , best French
Black and Colored Sarah Satins 85o , worth $1.25. Black Satins at 75c and 90c , formerly $1.25
and$1.40. 24-inch Black Satins , $1.00 , $1,25 , formerly $1.50 ard $2.00. Colored Latins , 90c ,
worth $1.25 ; all new Shades , Colored Satins , $1.25 , worth $1.75 ; all new Shades.
Bleached Mnslins at 8c , worth lie at wholesale. .Bleached Muslins at 10c , worth 12 l-2c at
wholesale. All-Linen Large Size Napkins at 65c , 95c , $1.00 , $1,10 , $1.25 , $1-50 , $1.75 , worth ,
doable as much. Pull 3-4 Linen Napkins at $2 00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , worth $1.00 a dozen more-
Hotels and Boarding Houses cannot aSord to let slip this opportunity to refurnish their
Bleached Table Damasks at 45c , worth 7oc ; at 75cworth $ l.25c ; at $1.00 worth $1.50 and
Have all arrived and our enormous business enables us to sell them at less than other houses
pay for same qualities.
S. IP. IMIOieSIE ] & CO.
x il
* * et-
M *
Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty
leading Shoe Store ,
Ceo.U. K.ithUan , Principal ,
Oreighton Block , - OMAHA
Send for Circnlar.
Io .Nervous Sufferers The Qreat
European Eemedy Dr , J ,
- E , Simpson's Specific
It Is & positive cure for 8 permatorrhea , Seminai
iVeakneis , Impotcncy. and ail diseasea resulting
'rota ' Self-Abuw , M Mental Anxiety , Loss ot
Jemory , Pains la the Back or Side , and dUeasca
Insihlty and
Tbe Specific
Medldno Ii
being u o
with wonder
ful success.
lent free to all. Write for them and eet full
Prica , Specific , fl.CO per package , or six pack-
igesforU.eO. Address all orders to
Noa. ' Hand lOfl Main St. , Buffalo , N. T.
Sold In maha by O. F. Goodman , J. tf. Bell
L K. I Jh < nd all droczli ! * everywhere.
> ii ) week fix * d y at acme entlj
5 'nntfll lr tridrriM Trn * fo Porlln.l
The undenlgned ill raei e rr-posals from
artlts desiring to fell flfttcnflM to thirty (30) (
ere ] of lani on which the o It situated a tear
pnn ? whose outlet U in the tide of a bluff not
CM t an five fet above the general level cf snr-
oundiogand contiguous Und PA tics offering
uch 1 > n J will ta to the site or number of L-tllon *
r minute ot inch spring , itj exact distance
romne rts sta Ion and the number
t scctio , lownshi'i and range in which it Is
These proposals will bo opened on the 39th
lay of Apri' , 1831 , and tbe C-'mmUdon reterves
he riitbt to reject at y at d all bids.
W. L. MAY. F.etacnt.
H 8 KALEY RelCli-H.
R. U. LIVINGSTO.V. Platlsmonth.
EUt B ard of Fiih Commisiicn.
Omra or PnRC'Astso ASD D-ror , )
OXAHA. NKB . April Sth , 1881. )
Sealed proposals. In dupl'cat ? . subject to the
naal con Itlor.s will be rewved at this office
ntll 12 o'clock noon , on May 15th , 1S81 , at
rhich timaand pl ca lh r will Ye pusd In th
rtsencerf bfcldersfort : e fnrnlshin ? and del.very
t the Subsistence Shorchou e IP thl c-tj of
irenty tnonond ( iO.COO ) pounrts flmr.ln new ,
Tune , tingle e Uoi Tobemidalr > m
to Isprnjw eat , ha'fhirJ , haf oftorod sa
jb48 eated before grndln ? nd mixed In mil
ifo ba hljh cioand. Simpla cf floir tn ba
: nt i i wl h prop sas , and alt be do iveied on
r b < fi re Ju-.c 10th , 1SS1.
The gover ment tewrves the right to reject
ny or all proposals.
UUnk pro.osali can ba obtained at this office.
rofcssla must be enclowd tn I ealed envo opri
larked "Prorcaals for Flour , " and vUr.sstd to
J3-3t CUei.C.S. .U.S.A.
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
.oj.ose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
e.itire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organf
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20oer
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.
Spring Suits 1 All Styles !
Largest Clothing House West of Chicago !
We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds ,
Gents Furnishing Goods , in great variety , and a heaw
stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Cips , &c. These
joods are fresh , purchased direct iron the manufac-
; urers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever he-
fore made
We Sell f r Cash ? nd Have l > nt One Price.
A large itaiorins force is employed by us , and we make
Suits to Order on very short notice.
1311 and 1313 Farnham St. , Corner 13th.