PAILF BEE. OHAHA PUBUSHINC COPROPRIETORS. . S16 Farnhsin , bet. SA and lOtk Strut * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Oopy 1 year , In adrance pottpaW ) . 18.00 " ' " Cm > nthi tJJO 8 m ant ha * | " 8.00 TIKE TABLES- THE MAILS. C , AN. W. E. E tSOa. m. , SiOp. m 0. B. 4 Q.5 : SO a m. , 2tO p. m. C. R. I & P. K , B . fiSO a , m.SiOp. m' C * t St. Jo * EXO a. m. 8. City & P. f > 30a.m. U. P. , ! ' O. & R. V. to Llncolr.aO . m. * ' B. AM. H.R. . E : < 0a.m. O. fcK. W. , 730 a. m. ormM 0. fcK. W. R.B , 11 a. m. , U p. m. O. B. & q. , 11 a. m. . 820p.m. O. B I. & P. , U a. m. , llp.m. O.B-kSt , Joe. , 11a.m.lip ra. n. P. R. R. , 4 p. m. t. . O. ft R. V. from Lincoln , UaO p. m , 8. City It P. , 11 a. d.- t B. ft M. Inlieb. ; ! p , m.T Local mills for EUUS Iowa leave but OBM a day , vie 430a.m. , t Office open from 12 tel p , m. Sunday ! . THOMAS F. HALL. Postmait'i. Arrive ! And Departure ef Trains UHIOH PACH1C. Dally Expn . . . .Iilfip.m. do Mlicd..i.eaop.-in. do Freight _ . p. n- . do - .8:15 a. m. 1130 a. D. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON , . LUVX OtUBA. AJUUVa OTUJU , Kxpre B StO n. m. Eiproes..lO 0 a.'B. Uall6:00 a. m. Kail 10 Op.BJ. Sundays Krccptod. Bcndaya Ezcepted. CEICAQO.fROOS ISLAND & PACIFia Uall _ .60 a. m. I Mall 1CWO p. m. rxprc _ . . .S:10 p.m. 1 Erprc _ . .100 a. m. CE1CAOO KORTUWESTERN. KaU _ .SMC a. m/l Matt. - 730 p. n. K rrow.t : pi m. | Exprou 10M a. m. Bnndiya ezceptod. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE * COUNCIL BLUW8 IUVC ARKIVI. Kail _ .SW a . m. I Kiproo > _ . . .7 : 0 a , m. Ezrress OM p.m. | ilafl. . TSaj-1- The only line rnnnlnc Pullman Bleepmc Can out of Omaha to Union Depot. OHAHA & KORTHERH NEBRASKA EAJL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. ' Arrive. ExrreM . . & 00 a. m. I Fipreas .iSO : p. m , Mned. . . l:50p m. [ Mixed. 10:45a.m Dally KxccptSundays. B. & U. B. R. in NEBRASKA. LlaTE. Tltrough Express. . 7:30a a Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 X1 p m ARRIVE. Tlirouih Expret * IaX ) p m Accommodation . . .EiOam siouz crrr & BT. PAUL R.R. M.11 _ , eaOam | Exprefi 1 < WK ) am Erproas _ 8,40pmM. | . | 730 p m WABABU , ST. LOUUftPACiria UiTU. AHTTH. Call 8a.m. I Mall . ll 5a.m Expren 5:40 : p. nu ( Eiprea.4I6 p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Leave Omaha , dally : S a , m. , B a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 8 p. m , 5 p. . „ 6 p. m. , Lrave Oonndl Huffs ; 835 a. m. , B3E a. m , , lOAfi a. m. , llSfi a. m. , 1 5 p. m. , 23S p. to , S:16 p. m. , C3S p. m. , 6:25 p.-tn.- Four trips on Sunday , Icavlny Omaha ' at B and II a. m. , 2 and p. m. ; Council'ISnSs.sA B3t , 11:25 a. m. , and 2:26 und 535 p. m. rlESCBOIR TRUX8. trave Omaha : 6 a , in. , 7. a. m. , 830 . m. , 1 n. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 735 p. m. . Leave Council Bluffs : 6:16 a. m , , fcUa. m 11:40 a , m,63Sp. m. , 7.OO p. m. , 720 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OHAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . LI1VI , ARRIVK. llill lU:46a.m. . . : S5 p. m. Dallv exeunt SnmU\- . ATTORKET8-AT-IAW. J. ENCUSH , A TTORKEY AT LAW 310 Couth Thirteenth St. , with J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Corner J6th and JUSTICE Sta Omaha Heb. - . . SIWERAL , A TTORSET AT LAW Room 8Crephton ! A. Block. 16th Bt. , OMAHA , NEB. A. C. TROUP , A ROBKKT AT LAW Offloe In Hacecom't L Block , with George E. Prilct tt , 1BC3 tarnham St. OMAHA. KKB. DEXTER L THOMAS , . ' AT LAW OrcleUnaiiV * Sulid A. M. GKADWICK , AT LAW OOce UM Farnbain ATTORNET , PEAIOBY , ' Office In Oretghtoa Block , orrl M L'lWTlR , OUAHA , KEBBABKA. JtfFattnU Proeur BOIABT rUBLIO. OOLLBOnOHB O'BRIEH & 8ARUETT , Attorneys-at-Law , ornCE-Cnlon Block.PVtoenth an < ? Farnham ATTORNEY AT LAV/ . ARBACK BLOCK. COR. DCBBft IBTH STS. OMABA. HER. W. d.Oonnelii Attorney-at-Law OBn : Front rootn * . no ctalrt , In nantcom's new brick building , K. W. cornet Fifteenth and tarnham Stracts. . KIDIOK. VB4I. B. KUIOC REDICE & REDICK , Attorneys- t-L a.w. . . Spedil attention will be gi res to all rolU ijnuBt < urparatlon ( of every description ; 'will pnctlie in U itho OoarU ol the SUtfl ard the Unltoj Statoa. Office ; Farnbam St. , Court nouaa. EDWARD W. 8IMERAL , A TTORNCY A ? LAW Room e XX Elixk , 16th nd Dongbu BtrrcU. noMh C. F. MAKDERSCN , AT LAW US rambam flreet AITORNXr Mtbratka. Jos R. Q.4RK80X. a. J. naT. CLARKSON & . HUNT , Successors to RICHARDS & HUNT , t-Law. Attorneys-a - . S15S. Hth fctrecl , Omaha , Neb. SA.NTA GLAUS FOUND. Qreatoat Discovery or the Age. * Wonaerfnldbcovrileoln tbe worldhavebeen toad * Amonj ; other thlngan here Santa CUua stayed Children bft auk U he makea coeds or not , ' It r Uy ho brn In a tmrnntaln of enow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Po ! And eudJjnly d roj > p J Into what seemed llk ahol * Where won. r ot wondrrt.tbcy found a new land , vfhile fairy-Ilka belnrt appeared en each hand , There irera tcocnlaina like can , with more beautiful ( rrccn. And tar brUbtariklce than ever were wen , Birds with lab hue * of a rainbow were found , While flower ? of exquldto fragrance were grow ing around. Not long were the ? left to wendcr In donbt A belug noon cucc tht/ had heard much about , Twae banta Claus' iwlf and this they all y , l lK > ked like the picture * wee every day. He drove up a team that looked Ttrrqueer , Twas a team < if gravhofpers instead of reindeer. He rode In a shell Instead of a sleigh , But he took them on botrd and drov * them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm. And factartes making goods f r women and man Furriers were working on hats great and small , ? o Bunco's they said they were sending them aU. fell Kln < t , the Qlore iUker.toldtiem at one * . A 11 our Oloves wearlending to Bonce , Saita showed them luipcnden and many thmn more. Baying I al : took these to friend Cnnce1 ! etc * * . Santa Claus then trhlepcred a secret he'd tell , Ai In Omaha every one knew Bunc * well , ue therefore sbetud eend his goods to fib car * . Knowing his friends will get their fall than. New remambar ye dwellers In Omaha town , Ml who want prcMntt to Runes' * go round , Forshlrn , collars , or glovcagreat and small. Bend your ! ter or aunt one and aL. * Banee , Champion natter ot theTTeet , Doorl i et , Omaha Hamburg Line. WERKLTLINE OF STEAMERS tEXVINO NEW TORE KVEBY THUBSDAY AT 2 r. H. , FOR England , Prance and Q-ermany for rxsjafc apply to 0. B. RICHARD & CO. General Passenger Agectt , 61 Broadway , New Yort. VINEGAR WORKS ! ERNST " KREBS , Manager Mutfcctnrtr ol all kinds ot " - l Ed , ' OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tr , ART EMPORIUMS- J. U. ROSE'S Ait Emporium15U Dolge Street , Steel Enrranngs.'Oil Paintings , Chromes fDCV Fnmea , FramlucaSpedalty ; low prices. J. BOKNKK , 1309 Douglas St. . Good Style * . AKTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. UcCAGUE. opposite postbffice. VT. B. BABTLETT. 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. _ . DUFKENE 4MESDELSSHON , ARCHTITECrS , Boom II , Creighton Block. A T. LABOE. Jr. . Boom 2 , Crelghton Clock. O , " ' BOOTS AND SHOESi - r JAMES DiVINE..4 CO. , " " - . Fine BooU and Shoes. A good assortment of home work on hand , cor. 12th and Ilamey. TH03 ERICKSOK , S.E.cbr. : ClhandDongli | K610th St. , manufactures to order good work at ( air price * . Repairing done. , - .BED SPRINGS- - J. F. LABRIMER , Manufacturer. VI a eh erg * Bit. BOOKS , NEWS AND STAT10NESY J. I. FBUEHAUF , 1015 Farnham Street. " " BETTER AND ECCS- IfcsHANE & SCEEOEDEEl. IheoldcttB. andE. house in Xebruka , established U7o. Omaha. BOARDING CENTRALBEaTAURANT BEaTAURANT , SIRS. A. RYAN , southwest cor. 16th and Pedge. Best Bosrd for tbe Money. . . . . . ' Satisfaction Uuarantecd. Ueall at'a 1 Hours. ' _ - ' ' ' ' * > ' { Boirdty tbe D y , " Week'or Month.J * Good Terms for Cash. . -Furnished RoomsEuiSplUd. . , . - I 'CARRIAGES AND ROAD-WAGONS ' ' WM. SNYPKK , No. 13U 14th and Ilarney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- * ANDREW BO3KWATER , 1510 Farntiam St. Town Surreys , Grade and Sewerage Syttcms a specialty. .CWHUSSlOil MERCHANTS. 'v- 'JOHN O. WILLIS , lili Dodge Street. - B. B. BEEMElf ; For details we large Advertisement - ; ment In Pall and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST * FBITrCllER , Manufacturers "of Clears , and Wholesale Dealers in Tobicco * , 1305 Ie W. t. LORES ZEK. giDUkctiirer. Eli 10th' ' CORNICE WORKS " Weetem Cornice Work * , Vanafacturers Iron 3orni > e'T < n , Iron a nd Slate Eoofinr. Orders Iromany locality roropHy executed in thq be V manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. ' Galranized Iron Cot niece , Windoncap * . etc. manufactured and put up in any part ol the country. T. ELM1OLD. 415 Thirteenth bt. . CROCKERY. 4 J. BONNER , 1309 Douglai St. Good Line CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS ' OKO. II. PEIKKSOX ; AlseTlaU , Cap ? , Bools , , Shoes , Kotlong and Cutlery , SOi B. lOlhtt. CLOTHING BOUGHT. C , SHAW IU pay highett cash price ( T second handdo'hlng. Corner 10th and Farnhara. DENTISTS.T PR. PAUL , Williams' BloA. Cor.lSth' & Oodgo r DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. " ' .KCHN&CO. , Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and D uglu Streets. W. J. WHITEHOUSK , Wholesa'e & ReUU,16 st. C. C. FIELD. S02 > jKorthSido Cuminc Street. M. PARR , Druggist , IQth nd goyard SM DRY GOODS. NOTICNS. ETC- JOHN H. F.'LEIIMANN&CO. , New York JJry floods Store , ISlOircd 1112 Farn. ham street : J. C. Encwold , alio touts & shoes , 7 tb & Taciflc FURNltURE. A. F. GROSS. New and Second Hand Furniture ard stores , 1114 Donglar. Highest C'Bh piice pJd fjr Bfiocd hand w d . J. BONNElt. 1X3 Donijias St ! Fine Goods , Ac. FENCE WORKS OMAHA HiNCK CO. OUST. FBtKS & CO. , 12 3 Harney 6t. Improv ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office halUns , Counters of Pin > an J Walnut. FLORIST. . < A. Donachne , plants , en flowers , seeds , boqueta etc. . N. W. cor 16th and Doaclas hts. FOUNDRY. J01INWKA"BNE i SO NS.cor. 14th & Jackson st. FLOUR AND FEED OMAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and Farnham Sis. Welihans Ilnw. , proprietors. GROCERS. Z. STEVEN'S 21st between Cumin ; and Izard. T. A. Mo nAXE , Corner 23d and Coming Sts. HATTERS- _ _ W. L.PARROTTE&CO. , UC6 Pnglag Strret , Wholcg ie KTclnaiv ly. HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL D3L1N & LiNGWORTllY , Wholosalr , 110 and 112 15th it. A. nOLUES , cornel16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. . F B. WEIST , 321 13th St. . bet. Farn. & Har- HAT ANDJONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles get TOOT Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done up At northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE. PROP . i - , HOTELS CASFIKLD HOUSE , Oto. Canficld , 9th & Farn. DOR AN HOUSE , P. II. Gary , 813 Farnham St. BLAVEN-S HOTEL , F. Sltven.lOth Street. Southern IIoUl , Gus. Hamcl,9th& Leaden worth IRON FENCING lie Western Comie Works , A cents for the Champion Iron Fence Co. , hate on bandall kinds of Faucy Irra Ftncei , Crcstln is , Fineals , Railings , t'.e IMOPoagcttrcet. a ; 12 IHTELUDENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE PEST. 217 18th Street. JEWELERS JOHNBAUMER , J8H Fainhim Street. JUNK- H. BERTHOLP , Baa and Mf tals. LUMBER. LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER A. OKAY , corner gh'and'DbtiglaaBtB. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1303 .Douglas . St. Good Variety. ' MERCHANT TAILORS. 0A.LlNDQURSr , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors is re * reiving the latest dctigns for Sprue Red Sum * rotr Goods for centlcmra's wear" Stylish' durabl * and prices lowatrrer. SIS 13th bet. Don ? . & Far. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , , Card Boards , Ho-icrr , gloves , corsets , &o. Cheapest HOUM In the West. Purchasers savr 30 per cent. Order brKaO. 115 FUKenlh tit. , PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. . Room MoCrelghton Block , 15th Street. = , P. S. I.SISENRINO , V. D , Masonic Block. OL. , HART , M. D. , Eye and Kar. opp. posUffico DR. L/B..GRADDY. Oculist and' Auriit S. W.15th and Fambam St. PHOTOGRAPHERS- OEO. llhVN , i'KOP. Grand Central Galfcn , 12 Sixteenth Street n or.Mk onlcHjJl. First -class Work and Prompt * net * Guaranteed. PLUMBING , GAS AND STEAM FITTING P. W. TARPY & CO. , ' SIB 12th" . St. , 'beti Farn. ham & Douglas. , Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK , 1(09 Douglas Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING' HENHY A. KOsTERS.1112 Dodirc Street. PLANING HILL ; A.MOYEB , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds , i oldlnm , neve s , balusters , hand rail < . -Turn" * JIJT. scroll towinpteT , cor. Dodca and 9th PAWNBROKER ) J. ROSENFELD , 3 10th St. bet. Fam. & Har. REFRIGERATORS CANHELD'S-PATENT C. F. GOODMAN , llth St. , bet. Fain. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY - , . O. J. WILDE , * Manufacturer and Dealer in all kind ) of Show CasCT. UprirhtCasej &c. , 1317 Caw St. STOVES AND TINWARE. A. BTJRMESTEB , Dealer In Store * and Tinware , and llanulacturer of Tin Roof * and an- kinds of Buildinr Work' Odd Fellowa Block. J. BONN KR. 1809 Doug. St. Coed an J SEEDS J. EVANS. Wholesale and Retail Seed'Drills and Cultivators. Odd Fellows Hall. SHOE STORES. Pnaipp Lint. IMP Farnham it. bet. 13th & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE TEKKIKS 4 LEAK , lilfiTDonfrlH t. , New and Second Hand Furniture , Hecae Fumlsilnc Oooda. &e- , bought and sold on narrow margins. SALOONS. HENRV KADFHAKH , In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has Jnrt opened a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot lonch from 10 to.12 ererrday. FLAKKERT. On rarnham , next to the B. & M headquarters , has reopened a Beat and complete establish , ment which , barrios FIRE , ana Hother Ship- ton's Frophecr , vill be open for the boys with Hot Lunch on and afttr present date. "Caledonia , " J. FALCONER. 679 Igth'Street 0NOEBTAXERS CUAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet 10th i llth. 99 CENT STORES HENRT rOHLUAS , "toys , 'notions , pictures ; Jswelry- , 613 llth bei. Fambam & Douglas. F , C.'BACKUS , IZOSTamham ( st. fancy roods. ' EHM&ED BEUIN. . A California Brown Bear Creates rSavoc in the DenverjStook * Yards. ? - , , . Jurstin g Open its' Cage the Beast Attacks and Kills Three Sea Lions. J > eav r Tribnns. April 2) . -The Through freight fronQne &ope to .he. Atlantic brought to Denver .yesterday mornfng a Union Pacific venflht ed box-car containing thirty- three Pacific sea lions , a true grizs'y baar and a Oaliforuia brown bear. .TJio animals were in charge ofthe _ | owneriGapt. J. H. Mullett7"a.noted <'d collector of . .California * , iahdt jrere consigned 'to the English "Zoological. Garden , Kensington'"Lon don. The trip from Sin Francisco to Denver had consumed thirteen days , and had proven one of hardship to the animals , which , confined necessa rily in close quarters , exhibited un doubted signs of failing under suck severe experience. Capt. Mullett con cluded to , renuln over one , train in Denver , and securing.thoproper ; ; perX I mission "Tils " ( jar , ' ' with its curlo'us" freight , was side-tracked in the stock yardXjnlbyTtheJuricllon. it 'The captain has been engaged in .making collections Q wild and pecu- Har animals for years , and his card an- nounclng his avocation has found a standing position in The New York MDlipper for a long time.He recently Furnished to cars o'f * rare , specimens From the animal kingdom of the slope to Forepaugh , one car to Barnum and one car to Cole , the latter collection being shipped to Australian Captain Mullett-clalme , and It isundoubtedly" true , that ho has made all the impor tant collbctlous of. sea lions , or seals which hayojbcen aeiit , frotn. the..coast . of.QaliforuU7 , Hej"securest.theflo am-r phib'ldus animaVby"means of the lasso which from long practice he'Js now ablento throw wlth great precision around * the bodies " "of "ihef Icrea'turea from * " some' ' high cliff or prominence while they are sporting in the waters bensath. , This mtda he has demon- , _ /rated / to be very" successful , "particu larly "aVtho'Dady'of the animal is very seldom injured in the least. The Ciptain did not at first intend lo burden hlmeelf on the trip with the bears , but haying received a good of fer for1 a pair from "New York , parties , aud sbolng an'opportunity to transport then ? across the continent practically * free of cost , he concluded to accommo date the car to these wild beasts in addition to the seajjons. Thejatter , thirty-three number , ' \vrere \ r placed' in boxes built strongly- enough to pre vent their getting out by reason of their .struggles , or , the .motion , , of the ; car. These boxeij were made water- tigh't at the bottom and for. . some dis tance up the' ides , while acrossthe , top boards were fastened at each dis tance from each other aa to furnish free ventilation. . Of. the , thirty-throe seals all'but two'wero ' young animals , these two being full grown , largo and powerful. The boxes containing , each , three sea lions , lying partly covered , with water in a apace perhaps six feet long , by three feet wide and three feet high , were picked , vary "much , by way of illustration , as brick are laid , every alternate brick , however , being omitted. . These boxes of soala occu pied about , three-fourths pf the car , and in- the otHervquarter of the space were placed two strong wooden boxes , containing , one the grizzly bear and the other theTjrown bear. It-may be stated that the grizzly has been in the possession of the captain for some time and though.a very largo animal , weighing fully 1500 pounds , haa gained the reputation of being a rlocilo old fellow. The brorn bear was captured but a few months ago , is young and very wild. Ho was not considered as particularly - dangerous however. SealBas , is well known , constantly give vent to a peculiar and distress ing cryj similar , it has been said , to that of a horse In pain. As it Is now 'theorized ' th'eso noises , continually ma'do'by the thirty-odd sea lions , angered the young bear until he be came frantic with rage and toro about his diminutive cage in his fruitless at tempt to reach the objects of his brute spleen and wreak vengeance on the en tire company of seals. Yesterday morning , between 7 and 8 o'clock the young bear after days of effort broke the bars of the cage , and with a wild cry bounded over among the bozes containing the seals. The two old seals were in a box on the top tier , and at these the boar bounded , striking with his feet and standing npon a box containing three young eeals. The old animals were "secure in their box , and though the wild-ba'ar made every exertion to get at them , prowling fiercely and loudly and st'riking with great force at tbe face of the'ca e , the box withstood all attack. But in the exertion of the boar to reach the old sea liona , the cage on which the savage bruin stood gave way under the weight and caving In crushed and killed the three younger eeals within. "When the commotion was at its height , Captain Mullett , who had been attracted by the terrible noise created , 'rushed up to the car and took in the sit uation at a glance. It would have been impossible to have stayed the bear by'force of word , the bruto'was in the wildest rage , and perfectly un controllable. For a human bo'ng to have entered the car would have been instant death. And tha boar , If the boxes could be demolished by his mas sive paws , would annihilate every seal in thecollection. / . The boar must be secured , was the instant conclusion ol the experienced hunter who Eaw hia 'Valuable collection In imminent dan- "ger of [ self-destruction , for it must not be taken for granted that in a combat the bear would eomo off uninjured , for the sea lion is a strong adversary when on the defensive. Captain Mul- lott glanced about him in daspair for a minute , 'and then , espying' a saloon near by , ran thither in quest of assist ance. As ho entered the door of the saloon the captain discovered a large , old-fashioned bar ice chest with large -spsco within , a good sized door and lined withzlnc. The very thlngl The cjptain explained hia awfnl dilemma to the bar-keeper , offered any price for the chest and men to handle It , and in no time the cumbersome picca of-furniture was being transported by strong arms to the oar , where the bear was etill keeping up. his assault on the cages ofseals. . When the car was reached.the ice chest was propped up by loose ties and pieces of railroad iron until its opening was exactly on a level fcbd directly against the lobr'of the car. ' The latter was "then raised sufficiently to permit the bear to pasa from the car Into the ice cheat. Then several'of the meii , headed by the < captain , went to the opposite side , of the car and by moans of long prods succeeded first in attracting , the bear from hia fight on the seals and finally by forcing the animal into the chest. No sooner had this been dona than withsome difficulty and danger and chest was moved back from the car and the door swung to and strongly nailed with cross bata-of heavy tim ber. This ended the excitement , and I the crewd , which congregated In spite of the early hour , felt encouraged to como somewhat nearer the car than /caution / aud fear first permitted. Capt. "Mullett entered the car and found that the damage had been con fined to the three seals who had been crushed under jhe bear. These were dead and werel'e'movdd from'tho car. Later in the day the captainhad a massive wood and iron boximadefor , the savage brute" which had caused- him so much loss and'trouble ' , and in to this' the bear was safely removed and then replaced in the'car. . Mr. Taylor , the mussum nan , learning of thebffiirfvuited the stock yards In the .aftor.noon and purchased of Cant. Mullett "tho dead seals , which were , placed on cxhiblticn at the museum last evening , and attracted a great deal of attention. Oipt. Mullottpro- cecded east with his car last night. TOWA BOILED DOWN. J * ' l The Baptists of Vinton are to" have a new churchcosting'about-7000. ' The town council of Walnut places the saloon license at $200 a year. The J&liraukeo railroad company Is sinking an artesian will at Britt. * - -AJsoldler'd reunion is to be held at Webster , City sometime _ next fall. At least fifty new residences will- bo built at Marlon tha coming sum mer. mer.Tho LInseed.Oll factory at Dubuqno Imjbeen completed and will eoon ba in operation. The Home Insnranca company has just been organized at'Waterloo. Cap- ! , § 100,000. . The Boone County Agricultural So ciety has decided to join the National Trotting association. Seventy-five * families , about 375 persons , are golsg to Emmetcounty In a body this .season. ; Articles of incorporation of the -Newton coal company have been filed witti the secretary of state. Capital atockj § 5,000. The indications are that this will be the best andjncstprosperoas season Clear Lake Park has eyer ex perienced. .Dickinson and Emmet are now the only counties in the state without a railroad- and they are pretty apt to be taken In1 , out of the wet this year. On the 14th mat. 100,000 salmon trout were shipped from a private hatchery at McClond's Springs to tha fish commissioner of Kansas. Engineers are at work making per manent location of the Des Molnes , Oaceola &Sonthern narrow guage road , and ttuTwork of construction will soon commence. It is reported that the Central Iowa r&ilroad company about to con struct a branch northwest from Mar- shalliown to Sioux City. Fourf carloads of horses belonging to now ; settlers were unloaded at Prim- ghar hat week , together with eoveral cars of machinery , farming imple ments , " stock , etc. An "energetic movement has been Inaugurated by the citizens of Tipton to secure a southern outlet by bull 1- iog a railroad on an old road bed from that city'to Mnscatine. It is rumored that the Chicago , Rock Iali > nd PaciSc company will ex tend their branch oji wesj frpm Win- teraot this summer , , and that a force * of laborers will c-jmrnance operations aa early aa May. There is a determined movement on foot among the .farmers of Monroe , Woodbury , Ida aud Crawford county to prevent herdsmen with cattle from other places going into that part of the state and eating up their home grass and'hay. At the regular sals of the Cedar Rapids dairy board of trade on the 20th Inst. , 14G tubs of butter were sold at ; from 25 to 30 cents , and' 80 cheeses ; at 1G& cents for full cream and U cents lor three-quarter skim med. , At Burlington sails have been commenced against the John Taylor estate by both the city and county for back taxes extending , over the years from 1870 to 1880 , and aggregating the large sum of $84,554.37. At Des Molnes on the night of the 17th , Thomas Thompson , superinten dent of the stock yards at that place , fell between two cars , was run over and killed. His head was crushed out of all shape. He was G8 years of age and was highly respected. At a palo of short horn cattle , near Kellogg , Jasper county , from the Mil ton Bripgs herd , 78 animals were dla posed of ; 59 females at a total of § 5- 385 , or an average of $91 ; and 19 males at a total of § 1,640 , or an aver age of $86. The highest price paid was $185 and the least $50. An examination of pork in the de partment of natural science in the Btito university of Iowa City haa been in progress , the purpose .being to .as certain , what proportion of Iowa pork was infested with trichiua. One hun dred different places were examined from as many different hogs , and no evidences of these parasites were feund in any rf them. The Climax Coal csmpany , of Coal- town , on the'Fort Dodge road , jusl above Perry , Dallas county , operated largely by Des Moinea capitalists , are doing an enormous business. They have Oiected 16 new houses for their workmen and have 45 others on the draughtsman's paper to bo built be fore another winter. They are also making arrangements to sink another shaft , which they claim will fully double their business. A Bear Fight. n nanu En'.erprizc. Judge Harry Webberone _ p.f the bonanza kings of the camp , had an en counter with a largo cinnamon bear last evening , and came out victor af ter a tiatd Turd-desperate fight. The Judge had been visiting his San Joa- qnin property , some distance from the city up Copper gulch , and was return ing when he met his baarahip be tween'John Robert's tent and John Rosa1 cabin. The Judge fortu nately had his Winchester and immediately opened fire on Mr. Bruin : Three shots took effect in his head , but did not cause death before the wounded and infariated btute reached him. The judge finding es cape impossible , entered into a hand- to-hand fight with his grizzly foe. He struck him. twice over the * head with hia gun without effect , and think * Ing that blows could not ward off the qntitretched strong arms , that "would probably give him hia last embrace , he dropped his gun rid retreating backward 'as fast as possible , dren a largo' ' camp - knife that he always carries with htm , and , spring ing to one aide , plunged hia kriifo into the throat of tha monster as he sprang at him. Already weakened , by the shots and the blows , Mr. Bruin was forced to succumb , The Judge , somewhat excited and very much ela ted , went to Roberts' tent , where'he obtained assistance and carried "his game to the tent , .where it was dress ed. Having , no scales , the weight could not be ascertained , but it was estimated at 700 pounds. The Judge now considers nimielf a hero. Keal Estate Transfers. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office Saturday , as reported for this paper , by John L. McCsgue , real estate agent and conveyancer : A. M. Dahlgren and w If e to Hannah Hartman , lot 4 in block 212J , Omaha q c. d. $1. Oscar Hartman and wife to A. M. Dahlgren , lot 4 In block 212 } , Omahs. q. c. d. 81. Mnsea F. Shinn and wife to J. J. Gerber , lot 2 In block "g" Shinn1. 2d add , w.d ? 250. ' D. H. McDonald and wife to Thoi. J. Beard , e $ lot 4 , block.47 , Omaha , q c. d SlOO Thomia Jenkins and w.'fe to Ras- mm Lge , lot 10 , block 1 Boggj" & Hdl'a addition , w. d. SHOO. Omaha National Bink to Charles Turnar , 2 acres in section 21 , town 15 , range 13 , east , deed$2500. . Hiram Plerson arid wife to Isaac Noyes , north i section 27 and north "Vnw J , section 28 , town 16 , range 10 , east , T7. d. $1000. United Statoa to Herman Persan , ne qr. BEC. 27i tp. 16 , range 10 e , pa tent. United States to Mark Billiter , ne qr. sec. 27 , tp. 16 , range 10 e , pa tent. Augustus Konntzo and wife to John Roalcky ; part lota 5 and 6 , Kbuntze's 2d add. , w. d. $643 21. Samuel E. Rogers and wife to John A. Lend , lot 1 , block 44 , Credit Fon- clar add. , w. d. $200. J. M. Parker and wife to Sioux City and Pacific Ry. Co. parcel In nw. i ace. 19 , r. 13 , o. , w. d , $345. J. W. Gannett , trustee to J. A. Llnaban , lot 9 , block 6 , Konntze and Ruth's add. , w. d : ? 900. Herman Konntze and wife to John Kane , part lota 13 and 14 , A. Kountze'i add. , w. , d. $525. iSamnel E. Rogers and wife to Luella Norton , parcel In block 9 in Bowery Hill add. , w. d. $503. Dying by Incnoi. Very often we see a' ' person suffer- irg from some form of kidney , com plaint aud is gradually dying by inches.This no longer need be so' , For Electric Bittcra will positively cure Bright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys or uniary organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting 'directly on 'the ' Stomach and Liver at the same time , and will speedily cure where every other remedy haa failed. Sold at ifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Mc- Mahon. (3) ( ) EacKion'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world foi Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sore * , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns-and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. - This Salve La guaranteed to give perfect satlafac- t'.od In every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For'sale by Sdly Tab & McMahon Omaha , Facts that We Know. If you are suffering with a severe cough , cold' ' , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in th e throat , or any affection ot the throat or lungs , wo know that DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY will give you Immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of has completely cured , and that whore all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half aa many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that DH. KINO'S NEW Discov- KKY will euro you of Aathma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if yon will call at J. K. ISH & McMAUoN Drup Store you can get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size bottle for $1.00 jan61y(2) ( H. R. BISDON. General Insurance Ageiif , BKPff . .NTS : PHOENIX ASStma cw < A , . . J Lon. don , Cash Assets.- . . . : . | 5,107ll cVESTCHKSTEH , N. T. , Capital 1,000,00 } THEMERCnAMIS. ofKew rk.N. J. , l.OOC.OO G'I\AnD FlUE.PhlUdclphU.ClpttM. . l.COt.OOQ NCftTHWKSTERN NAT10NALC p- IU1 EOOM)0 ) FIREMEN'S FUND , CalifornU. . . . . . . . BOG MX. U It ITI3H AMERICA ASSURANCE Co 1,200,000 NEWA IK FIRE INS. CO. , Awcta . . BoO.COO AUKRICAF CENTRAL , Aeeta SCO MO S ait Cor. of Fifteenth & Douglas St. , < OMAHA. NKB. EAST INDIA HER & GO. , .OL.H MANUPAOTURHRS , OMAHA. Nob. PKOPOSALS FOR SPETNa. The undersigned will receive oroposals from parties dcsttlog to sell fifteen (15) ( to thirty (30) ( acre ! of Ian i on which thee ! is situated a clear spring whose outlet is In the > IJo"bf 'a bluff not less t'.au five fsct above the general level of sur rounding and contiguous land. Pa tics offering cuch lind will state the sixa or number of gallons per minute ot such spring , its exact distance from nearest riilrcad station and the number of scctio ; ' , townahin and which it is lorated. Thcje proposals \\ill bo opened on tbe 30th day of April , 1SS1 , and the Commission reserves the rlgbt to reject any and all bids. W. L. MAY. Frenont. II. S. KALEY. Red Cloud. H. R. LIVINGSTON , riatlemonth. State Board of Fish Commission. ap23-d0t-wlt , D. T. MOUNT , Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES AND HARNESS , 1412 'Farn. St. Omaha Heb. Agent for the Celebrated Concord Harness ! Two Ucdalaand a Diploma ef Honor With tha "Tery Highest Award the Judges ConU Bestow was Awarded tbia Harness at the Centennial Exhibition. Common also , Ranchmen s and Landless Sad dles. , We keep the largest stock in tbe West , and Injite ill who cannot examine to tend for prices. ap9-tf $2,250.000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. EXTEAOBDINARY DRAWING , APRIL12th. 15000 TICKETS ONLY , 722 PRIZES. SMALLEST PRIZE , $1.000. 1 Prlzs Il.0t0.000 1 Prize 825,001 1 Prize 200.0TO 8Przcs$10COOescb 80,000 1 Prize 100,000 8 Prizes , o,000 a-h 40,000 1 Prize 60,000 722Prizesamrfgto 2,250,000 Whole Tickets , 81COH I es , $80 ; Qnartera , WO ; Tenths , $10 ; Twentieths , J3 , Fortieths , ? 4. " LUtfe Barana is gorerccd entirely by the above drawin j. 1 Prize , $6OOO 722 Prizes , $16,119. ' Wholet , * 2. Ualres , L ROMAN & CO. SUCCCSBOJS to TAYLOR & Co. , New York. Direct all communications and money to ROMAN & CO. , General Agents , 233 Chnel Streets , $ ew llann , t onn. mHlm GEO. H. PARSELL , M. D. Rooms In Jacobs Block , up stairs , corner of Capital Avenue and 15th atnet. Bnidenra 1125 Sherman Avenue. May "e consulted od at rcsi lenco 7 to 0 p. ra. except Wednesdays. SPECIALTY. Obstetrics' "Diseases ot Wo. men. COcc hears 8 to 11 a. m , and S to i p. m. Bunoays 5 to 7 p. ra. mli-em T1 A Tg"Tn NO CHANGING CARS BK1IWSE3 OMASA AKD CHICAGO , Where Direct connections are Made With Through Sleeping . , , Car .Lines 10 , New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wasli- AND ALT , EASTERN CITxBS. THE SHORT LINE \\3i \ PEORIA for Indianapolis.CincinnatiLouis ville. 4ro ALT. romts rx TUI JHE BEST LINE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are nude in the UNION DEPOT with Throuzn Sleeping Car Lines for all PoInU s o IT The New Line for ZDDBS The Favorite Epute for i A The nneqnalod inducements ottered by this Une to .Travelers and Tonriits , are ag followa : Ohe celebrated Pullman ( IS-wheel/Palaco Sleip- Ine Cars , tua only on' .this Line. C. , li. k Q. Pilacs Dnwing-Hoom Cora , with Horton'g Re clining Ch irs No extra charge for Seats in Oecliuine Chairs. The famous C. . n. & Q. Palace Dinlnz Cars. GorgeouK Smokinj Cars nttad with Elegant Hiili-B&clced lUltaa lierolrlu ? Chairs for the excluilro use of first-class passen gers. gers.Sttel Track and Superior Equipment , com * Lined with their Great Through Car Arrange. ment , makes this , . above all others , tbe favorit * Route to the East , South , and Soath-fost. Try It , and you will finj traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort. Through Tickets via thii 'Celebrated JTJne for said at all offices in the United States and Canada. All Information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , &c , will be cheerfully given by appli inr to JAMES R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. TlJ-POTTtR , General Manager , Chicago K.G.IST.JOE&G.B.RR.1 b the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and tha .WEST. Ho change ol can between Omaha and Bt. Lonla and but one between Omaha and Heir York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With leaa charges andin advance ol other Ilnc0. This entire llae b equipped with Pullman' ! Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Da > Coach * ; eg.Mlllcr's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated VrestinghouM Air-Brake. TSEE THAT TOUR 'TICKET BEADS-M. VYia Kansas City , St. Joa fh andM 4rCotmdlBlumiH.B.Tla 8tM tOTitM and3t.Loals.-Bt Ticktta ( or sale at all coupon stations In tha West. J. r. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Oen'lSupt. . OenlPasa. * Ticket Art St. Joeeoh , Mo. BL Joseph , Mo , W 0. SEACHREST , Ticket Agon. , lOZOFarnhao Street , ANDT BORDEN , A..B. BARKABD , Faaa. AKcn Omaha. Qen'rl Azent , Omaha. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES - ' PLIES AND TRANSPORT. ATION. T\EPARTUENT OF TBE INTERIOR , Office JLof.Indian Adatrs , Washington , March 23 , 1SSU Sealed proposals , indorsed Fropojiig for Beef , Btcan , llour , Clotning or Transportation , &c. , ( an the catemty be , ) and directs ta the Commissioner of In-llan Affalm , hoi. 65 and 67 Wooater Street , K ttr York , will be received un til 11 of Monday , May 2-1331 , for furnish- in ? for the Indiiri service about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40,000,000 pound ] Boc ! on the hoof , -128 , * 000 pounds , 70.000 pound ! Uaking Powder , 2.3CO.OOO pounds Corn , 750,000 pounds Coffee , 8- 800OCOpounds Flour,212,000 pounds reed,300,000 round ? Hard Bread , 75,000 pounds Hominy , 9- 000 pounds L rd , 1,650 barrels Mcu Pork. 233- OOO.-pounds Rice , ' H.iOO pounds Tra , 72,900' rounds .Tobacco " , 200,000 pounds Salt , 200,000 pounds "Soap , 6,000 loundj Soda , 1,250COO pounds Sugar , acd 839,000 pounds Wheat Also. Blankets , Woolen auJ Cotton goods , ( c-nslst'n * in "part f t Icklnp , 38,000 yards ; Standard Calico , 300,000 y rJs ; DriUIni , 25,000 y > rdi ; Duck , fres from all sixinj , 175.0X ) yards ; Denims , 17,000 yardi ; Gingham , COCOO yar. s ; Kentucky Jeans , 26,000 yard * ; Sttinot , 4.500 Tardi : Brown Sbcetlrg , 218,000 yard * : Bleached Sheeting , 0,000 yans ! ; Hickory Shirting , 12,000 yaids ; Calico fhlrtiDjr , 6,000'y rus ; Winsey , 2- 600 yards : ) Clothing , Groceries , Isotions , IlirJ- ware , Medical Supplies ; and a lonp list ot mis * cellaneoua articles , such as .Harness , Plows. Rakes , Forks , &c. , and for 475 Watons required for the Borneo In Arizona , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho ; Indian Ten , Minnesota , Montana , Ne- hraeki , Nevada acd Wiecon.'in , to be delivered at Chicigo , Kantai City aud bloux City. A'eo , Trargportatlon tor suchcf tbe Supplies. Gooc's ' and articles that may not be contracted for to be delivered at the Agencies. Bids most be Jmido out on Government blanks . Scheda'ei showlnr tbe kinds and quantities of tubsUtence supplies required for each Agen * cv , and the kinds and qutntillef , in grogs , ot ail other Roxls and articles , tozethcrwlth blank proposils and formifor contract and bond , con ditions to ha observed by bidder ? , time and p'aco of delivery , terms of contract and pay ment , transportation roatea , acd othernecesiwiv instructions will be fnrnlskod upcn application to the.lndlin Office in'Wfshlngton ' , or Nos. 65 and 57 Wooster Street , New York , Wm. n. Lyon , No. 483 Broadway , New York ; and to the Commbsariei of Subtittence , U. S. A , at Chicago cage , Saint' Louts , Saint Paul , Leavenw'orlb , San Kraneuco , Omaha , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and the Postmaster at Sour City. Bids will bo opened at thchourjandday above stated , and bidden are invited to be pnaentat the opf nine. ; CXRTinED CHECKS. . 'All tlds must be accompanied by certified checks upon some United SUtei Depository or Assistant Treuurcr , for at least five per cent , of the amount of the proposal ! . r , THOMAS 31. NICnOL , 'mar23-lm - Acting Commiauoner. CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Uetollc Casts , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farn m Stre . Oth and llth. Omah * , Neb. Tal graphic orJsrs nromntlv attended to. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC J 'AHD St , Paiil & Sioux City RAILROADS. TM Old .Reliable .Sioux City .Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROOTBI From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTITH , orBISMAROE ; And all polntaln irorthern Iowa , Mmncsota and Dakota. ThU Una la equipped with the Im proved Wefftlnjhouso Automatic Air Brakes and Jiiller Plitfonn Coupler and Boffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is ongcrpaaBed. Elegant Drawing Booin tad Slwpln ? Cars.owncd and controlled by tns com piny , run Thronjh Wlthsnt Chanfe betw n Union Pacific Transfer .Depot , Council Bluff * , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Blnfb , at 6:15 p m. , teaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. . and St. Paul at 115 a. m , making pa-TEN HOURS IK ADTAKCB or AKY OTHBB Bonn. Returning , leav * St. Paul at 5:30 p. m. , ar- rivLie at Slonz City ai iM a. m. , and Union Pacldo Transfer Depot , Conndl Bluflj , at 8 0 a. m. Be rare that your tickets read via "S. C. k V. R. R. ' F. C. HILL ? , Superintendent , M'JEXrari Talley , lowa P. E. ROBINSON , Aast Otfn'l Pass. Agent. - J. H. 0-BRYAN , and Passenger Agent , Council Bloat MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA , ASLE' GREASE ComposedlargBlyoi powdered mlcaanaislnglatl ts the best and cheapest lubricator in the world. It U the best bocausci t do 4 notirnm , but forms a highly poIUhed surface over the axle , doing away with a large amount ol friction. It is tbe cheapest because von need use but half the quantity In greasing your wagon that you won ! J of any other axle greaee made , and then run your wacon twice as Ion ; : . It answers equally aa well ( or Mill Gearing- , Threshing Illaehlnaf , Busies' , 4c.'aa for wagons Send for PocVet Cyclopedia of Thlnjfg Worth Knotting. . Mailed free to any ajircsa. ! _ MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , 31 MICHIQAN AVENDE , I CHICAGO. -Ask 'Your Dealer For It ( , ra-12 AGENTS WANTED PuR CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Prolujcly illustrated. Tha moat Important .in cst book published. Every family wanU K-xtraorJinary Inducements offerea Agentv Address Aon.Trs' Co. St. ton Is , Mo1 WROUGHT IRON FENCES , Wire Fendugand Railing a Speciality , Their beautr , permannnco and economy daily working the extinction of all fencing cheap miter W. 'Elegant ' In dtelihi. Indestructible Fences for Lawnj , Public O rounds and Come , tery Plats. ' Iron Va e , Lawn Settees , canopied and ol rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental workdaslirned ami manufactured by E. , T. BARKTJU'd Wire and Iron Work , 57 , 29 and 31 Woodward Are. , De troit , Mich. 8an i-'in- l -atalogue and rlco list To Nervous Sufferers The Great .European . Kemedy Dr. J. E.i Simpson's Specific Medicine , It is a pool tire cure for Spermatorrhea , Somlnat Weakness , Impqtency , and all disease * resulting From Self-Abuse , aa Mental. Anxiety , lots ol Memory , Pains la the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity ami anearlygrave The Specific Medicine is being ; US8 with wonder- talsuccce * . Pamphleti sent free to all. Write for them and got fall particulars Pries , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack ages for $540. 'Address all orders to i . B. SIMPSOS MEDICINE CO. , . Noa. ' Hand 108 Main St. , Buffalo , H.T. Sold In maha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell i. K. Ijh .nd all drusirlsta oTerywhere. a wuet m your own town , lonns ani , outfit fro * . Hallett & Co. Portland , Ha. REED'S " " "AILTJBE , Dy "Alraan' , " be by AKxaiuler's "Abdallah , Eire of "Ooldinilth MaidJ'Hrst dam "On Time" by ' War Dance , " son ol tha reioarnet ! "Lexington ; " Second , " lla Breckonridge" by "Colloasus " of " ' , aon imported-"Bovtreiyn. "Almonl'g" first dam by "Majbrino Chief * and his Sire by Rysdick's "Hambletonlan. " This remarkable hone will be five yare ok in May , he will serve only 85 mores ( half of which number is new engaged ) at $2&00 per mire , parable at time of service. S a ou commences April 1st and will end Sept. 1st. Afler tbat t-me his rtrvice will be nut at $3500. Any mare that h-s trotted in 2:30 KnedfUVL. ALL ' 1IME will I land Mondays Tucsdajs' and Wednesdays' each 'week , begin nine the first of .April , on TwentUtn , weas o Eighteenth ftrect car-trick terminu * , and the remainder of each week at the corner of llth and Howard streets. JBD. EEED , Proprietor. Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. marl xl3m Machine Works , J , Hammond , Prop. & Manager Tbe most thcroogh ppolnte-l and complete Uschlne Shops and Foundry In the state. Cuticgs of every description manufaetad. Englnee , Pumps and every class of machinery made to order. order.pedal attentlen gUen to Well Augurs , Pulleys , HanRcrs , ShaftingBridge Irons , eer DnttinKt etc. PUuatornow Hachinery.Meachanlcal Dnnzht n ; , Uodeh , etc' , neatty executed. 56 Harnev at. . Bet. 14th nnd 16th -A-IETID APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. CONSUMPTION - . TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. rbo moat acceptable preparation in the known world. By adding to TOLU ROCK ami RYE 1UU jemon Juice , you have an oxellent Appotlzor and Tonic , for general and family use. Th mmtnso and inereasing'salea and the numerou * testimonial ! received dally are the best evidence * of Its virtue ! and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. fAlTiniI .DOST BE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm off upon yea lm > l LIU III common Rock and Rye la placed our TOLU ROCK and RYE , which la lh only MEDICATED article made , the GENUINE Darin ? a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMEHT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVESU I WAsncraioa D. C. , January 19,1880. J MCSBB. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago. Illf. : Hits cempound. in tha opinion of this office , would have a sufficient qnuitKvi he BALSAM OF TOLU to ( the it all tha advantage * ascribed to tbia article In pectoral complaint * while tha wbbky and th * yrup constitute an emulsion rendering It an agreeable remedy to th tatlent. Compounded according to the formula , it may properly b clawed al a MED1C1WAL PREPARATION undtr tha provWons of U. 3. Revised Ststctw. and when to stamped , rcayU old by Druggists , Apothecaries and Othtr Persont without rcnderintr them liable to pay tpeolal ax as liquor d alers. Youn RespecUnlly , ( Signed ) QREEN.B. BA0M , Commlaaloner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROOEBS and DEALERS everywhere C. F nOQDirAJI.AOEST. 0\fAnA. THIS "NEW AND CORRECT < ? rroTea Ucyond any reasonable question that the o L CHICAGO : & ' NORTH-WESTERN iR'Y * Is by all odds the best road ( or you to toke when traveling In cither direction between/ ) Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and NorthwesU * - Carcfnlly.exarn'ne this Kap. The Principal Cities of the "West and Northwest are Stations ontblsroad. lu througU trains make close connecUous with the trains ol all railroads aS Junction points. crilCA6o A : NORTH-WESTER a - - THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all or its principal lines , rnns each way dally from Iwo to fourormoro Fast Express Trains. It Is UiooulyroaU west or Chicago thanuos the PTJLLMAN'HOTEL DINING CABS.1 It Is the only runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago It has nearly 3OpO > 3I1LES OFROAD. Ulorms the ibllowlnfr Tronic Lines : * - "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " "Wlnona , Minnesota. & Central Dakota Uno. " * . SiouxC ty.Nnr.Nebraska& Yankton Line."Chicago. St. Paul and Minneapolis Line. 1 or. Illinois , Freeport & Duburrao Line. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Laho Superior Line. " Tickets over this road are sold Dy all Coupon Ticket Agents In the United HtaUa and - " - - , Itcmembcr to ask for Tickets via this road , be sure they read over It , and toke none other. J1ABYI3 nCOnm , Genl Manager , Chicago. JR , W. H. ST855BTT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HA.TCRY P. DUEL , Ticket AztntC. &K. W. Railway , llth and rarnham BUwlt. 11. B KIM B ALL , Asstitant T.cket Azent C & N. W. Ba11mylith and FarnUm EtretU. J. BELL , Ticket Arent C. * N. W. Railway. U. P. B. B. Depot. JAMES T. OTj&BK'Oeneral Ag.nt. Ag.nt.VERIGK. . IRE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And Everything nertaining to the Furniture and Ifpholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1210 Farnham 8tre t. th ut ap 11 mtta -OF- LIST y MAMMOTH CLOTING HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods 1 Men's Cotton Snih. . . . Man's Cottonade Pants 10 to 1 60 Men's Cotton Worsted Men's C-uiimere Paula 3 00 to 6 00 Men's Worsted Pants 3 BO to 575 GCO Spring-Overcoats 800 to 1800 \TpnVTTnion Casa Suits SOUlolOOO White Vests lOOto 200. , Merl's Al" Wool SniU. 12Mtol300 White Shirtg W to 125 Men'sWorteTsuU . . . . . . .1350to20y ( ) Fancy Shirte. 374 to. 175 M 'gBlne-FbnnelSuib. . . . . 750tol350 CarairaereShirt , . . ICOto 350 Vonth'TSniU . . . . . .I 0. ) to 900 Blue flannel Shirts lOOto 175 R ' . ? nibi " " " ' " ' ' . .275to 300 Overal3an'lJnmp ] r . . . .50uandTjpw rd Phfldren's Suits" . . . . . . . . 250to 000 Suspenden 25to 450 M n'sJeana Pants 100 to 2 00 Cotton Half UOM 40c to 315 00 per dozen Complete line of Neck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum mer "Underwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , llats , Caps , Gloves , Trunks and Valises , Boots and Shoes. Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Farnham , Corner lOtk Street. THIS IPimoiPIGimS' OIsTE ! ZPIR-IEOIE ] Cash Dry Goods Store , ; : : ? r / CORNER SIXTEENTH AND CALIFORNIA STREETS , k , 1 ' ' [ With a Fine New Stock ot DRY GOODS , NOTIONS AND CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. It will pay you to examine this stock as everything is entirely new , and great bargains will be given. GrTJIIjID & & ZIVCcinSTIISriS. , - - IPIBOIPS- ' A " ma M r MBMiM * j O.AJ . . . ' ! "i U t J :