Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1881, Image 1

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YOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY APK1L 25 , 1881. . 251.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
15th and Douglas Sts. ,
* , . - v.
Omaha , - = -Neb
A rCrResidence Lota ,
- HUJ \J
§ 100 to ? 2500 each.
Houses and Lots ,
§ 275 to $18,000 each.
Batlnesi Lots
5500 to 110,000 each.
QQQ Farms.
1JQ OOO Acrcs 'n Douglas Oo. '
Large Amount of Suburban
Property in I , 10 , 20 or
40-Acre Lots Within
I to 5 Miles from
Post Office.
$2.50,000 TO LOAN
At 8 per Cent.
Published by tlr's Asencyf
25 cents Each , Mounted SI.OQ )
Houses , Stores , Hotels , Parma
Lots , Land ? , Offices , Booms ,
Etcto Bent or
Taxes paid , rents collected
"deeds , mortgages , and all
kinds of real estate
doouments made
out at short
This agency doss strictly 8
brokerage business. Does not
speculate , and therefore ay
bargains oa its books are in
sured to its patrons , instead of
being gobbled up by the agent
Notary Public Always ir
Call and get Circulars and ful
Particulars at
15th and Douglas Sts. ,
Five Men Blown to Pieces by
a Torpedo at Melbourne ,
Beaconsfield's Bcmains Taken
f om His Betidence iti Lon
don to 'Hughenden.
St. Peteraburg.StlU Stirred by
Nihilist Operations and
Discoveries. '
MKLBOO&KB , Auatralia/April 25 1
m. By tha explosion of a torpec *
on Saturday , five persons were blr
to atoms.
DUBLIN , April 25 1 a.
noli yesterday attended a xr . f
Catholics and Protestants
% t Qag io
William. A resolution r udemntng
c tain portions of Iho j * j jjill w&8
passed. '
LONDON , April sgi a. m. 0a
Siturday at 2 o dock Lird Beacons-
' '
fie'd'a remains 03. out frjm
his late P deoea and placed in a
ne rBe' jflw coffin wit covered with
a black 0 t ani then a number of
" " * * j. wreaths were laid upon it There
w'jt bnt a small crowd present , and
tbey reverently took a last look at the
coffin. The only person who followed
DM romtins was Baum , Lord Beacons-
fold's confidential servant , who rode
in a cab. The cortege then went di
rectly to the Great Western railway
terminus , where the remains were put
in a special train that was waiting ,
which proceeded at'once to Wycombe ,
and from thence waa transferred to
Hnghenden , where they will lie until
The viceroy of India telegraphs the
Indian office that the local officers
fear much trouble at Pherawara , and
has ordered reinforcements from Bom
The Eirl of Granville , who hts
been quite ill , is reported as having
somewhat improved.
A fire broke out in the civil service
stores in H ymnrkit Saturday night ,
and much damage w as done.
LONDON , April 24. The ShPeUrs-
bmg c irreBpoudetit of the Daily News
( ays : A printing prcea was discoye
In S : . Petersburg on the 10th "tu
and twenty throa persons < oce ar
rested. A few d ys ago Bother preu
"believed to belong ' thB hillst
paper , "Will of the people "
, wn di -
COTf rl ' a Veraons were ar-
reeted OR the , faf o { ecutjon Of
( ion. Three perrons engaged in
Prl < jrfug notices icferrlng to the cxe-
stttton Wore arrested. The proprietor
of ( he h'juse containing the press ,
Ubratory and three occupants and
two porters , also have bei n arrested.
Executioner Fronoloff hes received
ono hundred lashca for mismanage
ment in hanging MicLaeloff , whaso
rope broke twice.
A from the Berlin Times
says that Russia hrby a circular , in-
viud the powers to a conference , for
thu purpose of considering the meas
ures sgalnst the anarchic ! * .
The Tiraaa say * that the conference
of the Boculist'j which was to have
been held In L mdon at the end of
April , ban oeen abandoned in order to
wait & little lougcr to what
. . _ . . . _ . . _ see , . _ _ _ _ course
. political * * - Jll i I ? T * I J
events will tske in Roasla and
Germany. fc If the socliliat conference
at Zurich durlcg the summer is pro
hibited immediate alcps will bo taken
to summon an international confer
ence in New York.
The Daily News says that since the
publication of Carlisle's damaging
. reminiscences where a little advance
fats been made in the collection of
subscriptions , before the reminiscen
ces wore published largely and freely
made , have almost entirely stopped
since the publication. , _
A strike is threatened among the
Durham collier * .
The English tones have carried
Persons have been arrested at Mos (
cow for posting revolutionary procla
The porte has been advised by the
powers to take immediate efeps to stop
Albanian disorder.
Emperor William" has recovered
from the affection of the throat with ;
, which he was recently attacked.
The fighting in Albania is reported
as being very severe. Dercish Pasha
inflected great damage on the in
surgent * .
Mr. Parnell baa been refused ad-
mlsuon to Kilnmnhstn prison , to see
the peraons in custcdy under the co
ercion act
The surplus of the Duchoes of .
Marlborough's Irish relief fund is
only 3100. It will be used in forward-
, , Inc emigration from Ireland.
The honfo of commons , when it
meets on Monday , will pass a vote of
condolence on the death of Lord
Beacons eld , moved by Mr. Glad-
atone' , and will immediately adjourn
until after the funerrl.
Russia has cent circulars to hate
, , powers giving her views in respect to
the .conference for tha purpose of
crushing assassins. The circular is
cou hed in very moderate terms.
Three imperial powers approve hoES
CHICAGO , April 21 Supt. Holmes
a of the South Division street railroad
has returned from Sin Francisco more
enthusiastic than over over the end
less cable system of working street
cars. It will be introduced in the
south tide lines which do not crou the
. river. The work is to begin about
May 15. The cables will be first introduced
troduced on Jh Cottage Grove avenue
and. State street lines tbis'year , at ta
coat of $ l,5COCOO. Mr. Holmes siy
that the San Francisco cars run at the
rate of eight miles an hour np hill >
and down. There are four lines In , illp
or tlon there , and all give good Balis-
.The Bonanza Mine ? .
SAX FEASCSCO , April 24 In Irre
glnia City there are reports of > rend
bodies found in several mines , end
. covered up to keep the knowledge
from the public. One report Is thai
the ore body In the S'erra ' Nevada sa
mile long. Semi-official reports say
' * i * : . * . - . , . ft
- & . - - '
J&T.vr *
however , that all milling ore has been
reported 1c in that mlno aa well n all
others. The hydraulic pump in the
combination shaft baa been in opera
tion several timts , end will go regular
ly 1 at work Mondag. Promising ground
has been discovered In several mines.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 25 1 a
ra. The night
passenger train on the
Linlaville & Nashvill ranr0ad , leavIng -
Ing this city at 1 : 0 this morning ,
collided Station wj , a fright car at Upton's
, fifteen miles B0nth of hero ,
? ? . 7aVihror'n down nl embankment
thirty er , j . The eDgino Ia a
total < and lies .In a pool of wa-
T- The engineer and.fireman were
r .Jly bruised. The D ' 1 rar , con-
.mlDg five mail clerk' , rolled over
fire .timesand wts badly emcshcd ,
bat tire clerks escaped. All the other
STS except the last sleeper were
thrown from the trak , and all were
more or loss daninc. d. The 'rack
was not cleared until two o'clock yes
terday afternoon. Tha cr-s were
crowded with passengers , and it is
considered ' a miracle that nobody was
killed. ]
WAIUINGTON , April 24 10 p. m
It has been dodided to' recall Minister
Hilliar from Ro ! Janerio. His me-
cesBor will bo announced in a few
It is understood that the Italian
mission will bo vacated shortly.
SAN FEANCISCO , April 24. The
house of H. D. Boll , mayor of Salina ,
California , wra destroyed by fire yes-
day , his wife and two daughters per
ishing iu the flames before assistance
could reach them.
Cook Hall , convicted of shoeing
Elmer Foster , in Pittsburg Ic t Janu
ary , war sentenced to twelve years in
the penltentiaiy. PrMcMaCee for
a similar crime , gpc a fot'.t years sen
Fred S'
' K ) a teannler in Pittsburg ,
'vva8 B tiC by an engine while driving
ae ij a track. Thd wagon and horses
were thrown off the truck , bnt Sink
fell nndor the locomotive and TTM in-
Btoatly killed.
Itine hundred dollars' worth o ! gbld
pens were stolen oct ol a Newark
bookstore by burglars.
ddie Root , aged 14- living in Cin
cinnati , frightened at a threat of his
father to punish him , committed sul
cide by hanging.
Representatives from 150 lodges of
the Amalgamated Stcd cssociation
convened at Allqulppa , a email town
near Pittsburg , to fix a date end place
for holding the annual tariff demon
stratum. All Important etel mann
facturing towns were represented. A
committee wei appointed to arrange a
programme. President G.nSeld and
Secretary Blalno arj expected to bo
present at the demonstration.
Mrs. Italia J. Robinson applied for
admission to practice at the bar of
Massachusetts. The judge reserved
decision , and will refer the matter to
the fall supreme court.
A five-mile race is to be ran nox
month near New York city , between
Price , the champion ten-mile runne
of England , aud P. J. McDonald , o
Now York , Price to glvo hii opponen
ten minutes' start , fur § 250 a aide.
Bishop bpauldlng , of Peoiia , Ills. ,
whose transfer to Newark , N. J. , has
been talked of , is strongly opposing
such a move.
Haverly is to erect a new theatre in
Chicago , which will bo reedy for oc
cupancy August 29.
Eleven deaths from smjll-pox wore
reported in New York during last
The bench show of blooded dogs tore
bo opened In Now York to-morrow
will bo the hneat over held. There
are 12CD entries , valued at from $1C J
to $1000.
> A fire in New Castle , Pa , destroy-
od five atablea and burned two horses.
Ella Brnco , a four yosr old child ,
in Titnsvillei , Pa. , was drowned by
falling in four inches of water.
Joe Mobra , of Jersey City , while
on a protracted spree , hung himself.
His littl j son died a short time ago ,
and the father's grief b supposed to
, have driven him to drink.
A train on the D. L. & W. railroad
at Jersey City , jumped the track , but
'was ' miraculously preserved from de
struction by the rails banding at em
angle of 45 degrees.
The Pee memorial fund benefit given
at New York , on Saturday night , was
, largely attended and financially a great
SHEBOTQAN , Mich. , April 24 10p.
- m. There are about six miles of ice
between this port and open water on
Lake Huron. No water can bo seen
up the straits. The ica is rotting very
slot ly , although the weather is mild.
It needs a heavy wind to brcr.k it d.P .
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , April 24.
. The Tribune's specie ! saya that tie
Minnesota river anditi tributaries re
still rising , and the damsge is ly
heavy. The whole upper valley Is an
immense lake. At Redwood Falls the
dams have been washed away , causing
a loss of several thousand dollars. The
, lower Mankato Is inundated. Travel
, on the Winona & St. Peter , Sioux
City & Omaha , and the Northwestern
and Southern Minnesota railroads is
wholly interrupted. Sj far six per
sons are reported to have been
drowned. Tno streams are still all
riling and great damage must inevita
- bly result.
Tne Cnlcago "Telegraph" Cnansrea
CHICAGO , Anril 25 1 a. m. The
Daily Telegrjph of this city hrs a.-jain
changed hands , having been purchai-
- ed by a stock company headed by nJ. .
- M. ilill. manpger forDenman Thomp
son. The editorial management will
editorial management will be entrust
ed to Mr. W. D. Eaton , late drimatic
- critic of The Times , and author of tha
pUy "All the Rase. "
Tne Yorntown Centennial.
NEW YOEK , April 25 1 a. m. It
is stated that tha headquarters of the
, Yorktown centennial rssoriation will
bo opened at tte Fifth avenve hotel ,
this city , oa the evening of the 13th.
The French and American fliga will
ba rais' d in respect to the alliance of
and America ono hundred
.rs ago. There will ba music by
* Jne German and French singing clubs ,
and speeches will bo made by the
Hon. Lavi P. Morton , now minister
to France , end'otbers.
WASHINQTON , April 25 1 a. m.
The attention of the interior depart
ment having beoncalled'to the mag
nitude of the movement led by J.
Milton Tutner , late minister to Sibe
ria , which contemplates occupation and
settlement of a largo portion of Indian
territory by the Freedman's Oklahoma
association. Tuiuer , on behalf of the
organizitlon , addressed Secretary
Kirkwood yesterday the following
communication by telegraph from St.
Liulp , which the Post will to-day
publish :
So-retiry J. S. Ktrkwood , WashlUR'.oii , D. G. :
Sm In a purported Interview with
you , which wai published in the Chicago
cage Tribune on Tuesday last , you are
made BO say , among other things , that
this Oklahoma project hrs the appear
ance of a revival of the illegal Okla
homa movements of recent years in a
new form. In this you are utterly
mistaken , You are made further te
say that you are not yet prepared testate
state that it is fraudulently conceived.
8I 8E to-day's general dispatches , as
published here , you are represented
aa referring to the treaty aa made by
the United States with the Creek and
Samlnole Indiana in 1866 , but no
mention Is made therein of the
treaties with the Chickasaws and
Choctaws , to which your at
tention , as well as to other
treaties of the sama year la invited
before the eommissloner who formed
treaties. The
the question came
whether or not the ' .gut of freedmen ,
other than thoi who had belonged to
Indian tr'Jues , ahould be zllowed to
aettlo tj10BQ land * . Upon part of the
oommistlonor for the Indians it was
objected that tlie fr e < Jaen from the
southern states houla be allowed to
settle these iandi. The commissioner
on part of the United State * ootitehded
that it meant t > H frb'edmcn , and treat
ies were made with that understanding
in support of which statement I refer
to the minutes of the commissioners.
The terms of the treaties beginning
with this statement : Thojo lands are
ceded In campltanco with the desire
of the United States to looatj other
Indiana and freedmen thereon. The
government has already located some
Indiana upon these lands but further
location of the Indians thereon is by
law interdicted. No interdiction ,
however , hn been placed npcn the
right of freedmen. Wo invite the
fullest investigation of our movement
E3 we hold that we have been fully
authorized to employ up to 10,030
laborers on rates , and the terms set
forth iu our circular are : That our
rights shall not bo passed upon with
out n perjonal he ? ting. liaving an
abiding faith in the disposition of our
government to acord just'co to all
persons , without regard to race or
color , wo can rssuro you that we
contemplate no trespass on the lands
or the rights of any Indian or any
other persons.
[ Signed , ] J. MILTON TUKNEH ,
President of the Freedmen'a Okk
homa Association.
Secrdtaty K-rkwood said ho hai
read the telegram above given , an
would probably bavo his official answo
ready by Tuesday.
A Terrible FiKht.
CHICAGO , April 25 1 a. m. Ed1 [ .
ward Gibbons and John Mahy , living
in a tenement at No. 47 North Green
street , quarreled yesterday , and pum-
mcled each oihor frightfully with
bricks and boards. Gibbons bad his [
skull fractured , and is now dying at
the county hospital. It is said the
quarrel originated from Gibbons' say
ing that Maby'a children looked like ;
Catholic Y. M. N. A. at ChlcaRO.
CHICAGO , April 25 1 a , m. The
Catholic societies of this city are
making extensive preparations for the
reception of the delegates to the con
- vention of the Catholic Young Men's
National Union , which is to bo hold
hero May 11 aim 12.
A Respectable Strike.
NEW YOHK , April 25 1 p. m.
The journovm&n bakers met yesterday
afternoon to demond from their em
ployers a reduction of the hours nof
the hours of labor , and a resolution
was passed to strike for twelve hours
a day on the first week in May. They
now work from sixteen to eighteen
hours a day. A meeting of master
bikers was also held to take action
concering the threatened strike , and
a commltteo was appointed to confer
with a view to coming to an amicable
Important Railroad Purchase.
SAN FKANCISCO , April 24. . A or
is t float at Oakland that the A B ,
Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has nego
tiated for the purchase cf the South
Pacific coast road , narrow gauge , in
cluding its feny franchise between
Oakland , Almeda and San Francisco.
The Iron Strlse.
PrrrsuDRO , April 24 10 p. m.
The truck rollers o' the Amalgamated
association have asked for an increase.
They now recele eirty-five cents. o.If
their demand is not favored they will
strike , as the Union will stand by
them. This will cause a general lock
out in the iron worki throughout this
city. The puddlera , boiler-makers
and mill hands In general will unite in
the strike.
Farrasut'a Statue Unveiled To-Day.
WASHINGTON April 24. The
, pre
parations for unveiling the Fdiragut
sUtna to-day are nearly completed.
The decorations have akeady been ar
ranged in grand style along the pro
posed route of the procssstan and seat
ing accommodation ample for those
who will view the csremony. The
admirals of the navy ara in the city for
the occcion. MM. Farragat arrived
from New Yorkto-d y , and is a guest !
at the executive mansion.
Heavy Failure In St. Loula.
NEW YOBK , April 24. The failure
of H. D. Mann & Co. , dry goods
merchants of St. Lmis and at No. 54
Worth street it is
, announced
occa :
aioned much surprise in the trade
here , es their credit was good and
there was no intimation of any finan
cial trouble. Their liabilities are
S10D,000 , the greater part of which la
duo in New York end Boston.
The Glimmer of Official Stars
Gradually on the
The Postmaster General Causes
Wild Commotion Amoog
The Hamea of Present andJPast
Officials , Congressmen and
Publishera Implicated.
Bjr National AnodataJ Press.
WASttlNuroiT , April 2& The Irreg
ular and fraudulent transactions whl'ch
have been nhcoVerod In the contract
office of the postoffice department by
the investigation of Ppstmaster Gener
al James , are the principal topics of
conversation throughout the cily , es
pecially in the executive department ,
where eager inquiries are made of
these who are supposed to bo ac uain-
ted with the facts , aa to tha number
pf persona and who they are th l will
be effected In thvir capacity.
A membttr of ex President Hayes"
cabinet , in conversation on the sub
ject , oxpreased great surprise when he
was told that the corruption extended
over the entire period of the preiovs
administration. When the gentleman
expressed his faith in tbo handily and
integrity of the imme&atepredectsaors
of Poatmarto ? General James , he said
that If the current statements were
true the parties Implicated were clear
ly indicted and that those officials hid
been sadly ignorant of the dutlej and
operations of the various bureaus un
der their care.
The case against those alleged to be
implicated in theae irregularities was ,
so far aa it has beeh iuade out , pre-
tented to tie president at a cabinet
raBatlng , and the discussion occupied
nearly the entire session yeaterday.
It was decided that when the evidence
is complete to present it to the attor
ney general for snob ncUon as he may
deem necessary for the best Interests
of the government. In the meantime -
time very little information of an offi
cial character can ba obtained , but it
is intimated thai statements will bo
furnished for publication as rapidly as
seems judicious by those having the
investigation in hand ;
There is a good deil of uneasiness
in and about the cor' set office of the
postoffico departmert. As yet no
removals have been made , but it is
stated that several clerks will be dis
missed in a few days. It is amen §
the rumors too that the affairs o !
Auditor McGrew , cf the tresury ,
who has charge of the auditing of the
postoffice accounts , as'well as this de
partment , are to be inspected.
Charges of irregularities in the
office of the sixth auditor that were
made two or three years agoj bu
which for sumo reason or other weri
hushed up , are now brought forwarc
for the consideration of thopostmaste
general. It Is known that the devel
opments when made public ) will de
cbro the existence of a powerfa
combination , the members of 'whicl
wore bonificiariea in appropriation
for the star route service , and in i
are included congressmen , ex-con
gressmen , newspaper proprietors
newspaper correspondents and proa
inent lobbyists. It Is tsserted that
letters are in the possession of the
special ngout of the postoffice depart
ment , fu'ly Implicating these parties.
The frienda of Gen. Brady allege
that the stories now afloat are merely
a rehash of wb'.b was developed be-
fore the sub-committee of appropria-
tiona two winters ago. On the other
hand the officers of the postoffico Q'
partmont eay that new facts have been
developed , showing conclusively the
existence of a star route ring. Secre-
tary KJrkwood authorizes a contra-
diction of the statement that General
Williams , commissioner of the general
land office , had been requested to re
sign. _
WASHINGON , April 24 Tha Star ;
route scandal continues to be the inquiring
quiring ( sensation and conflicting and
lonsational stories were freely circu
lated to day. A number of Star route
oontractora whoso names have been
mentioned in connection with the
alleged Irregularities have arrived.
They omphatica ly deny any irregulai
contract business and propose to stand
equarely by Gen. Brady. It is stated
by the gentemen { near the president '
that the latter determined to make
clean aweop in tha postoffice depart'
ment of allpersonadirectly or Indirect
ly connected with the Star route scan
dal. Oiher departments of the gov )
ernment will be thoroughly overhaul
ed and ell crookedness lopped off.
The president is thoroughly deter
mined upon reformlnglhecivll service.
In tha case of Auditor McGrew
who has asked for an official invest !
cation , to his auditing of thopoitoflice
" icet
accounts , his request will bo "great-
od and the investigation will be thor
ough in every particular.
In connection with the alleged tar
route Irregularities a tabulated state'
ment has been made , showing the
manipulation of ninety-three heof
those routes , the total number being
9,225 , whereby the pay of ninety
three routes was raised between thi
lettings of 1878 and June 1,1880
from § 727,119 to $2,802,214 , the In'
crease being $2,075,095. 1 he regalai
appropriation for the star route ser
vlca for the year ending Juno 30,1880
was § 5,900,000 , and deducting fron
this the amount absorbed by thi :
ninety-three routes mentioned , then
is left of the appropriation only 83 ,
097,780 for the other 9,132 routes
All In Sport.
CHICAGO , April 23 4 p. m. Tw '
Chicago-sports , while shooting yestcr
day , a few miles out of town , ere
assaulted by tramps and robbed of twi
valuable breech loaders , niekle platei
revolvers , two watches and a smal
sum of money. The aporls were ely
left with two formidable dirk knives *
which thsy said they were afraid to
Illinois Crop Prospects ,
CBNTBALIA , 111. , April 24. Th
winter wheat has improved in appear
ance one hundred per cent during the
last five days and the present proa
pects are that southern Illinois wil
yield the largest wheat crop ere
known. The acreage is fifteen per
cent larger than last year. Scm
| fields which the farmerasupposed ere
entirely ( dead , now show 15 bushels
per acre. The harvest will be four
weeks later than last year. 1'be ' farm
ers are busy rowing oats nod prepar
ing the ground for the coming straw
berry and apple crop , which will bo
large. The Indications are unfavora
ble tb peacheBi
, A bevy of twenty vagrants havb
fteen tireised into a chain gang in
Erie , Pa :
NEW YORK , April 21 Nearly 3,000
Immigrants have arrived here within
the past twenty-four hours.
The South Division street railway
company } pf Chicago , has increased
the pay cf their conductors , thns
averting the threatened strike.
President Garfield declined the in
vitation to attend the grand Masonic
celebration to bo held at Louisville ,
Ky. , by Kentucky Masons ) on the
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , April 24. The
legislature baa granted the right of
way to the Rogers and Eureka rail
road company for a twenty-five mile
rdad from Rogers to Euroka.
Col. &eo. T ; Rogers , agent for the
Yorktown Centennial aasrciation , re
ports that § 15,000 has already been
subscribed in Virginia and $10,000 is
promised from the people of Washing
ST. PAUL , April 23. Reports re
ceived from the Northern Pacific
wheat bolt present a marked impreve-
ment in the agricultural outlook. The
work of seeding ia progressing satis
Charges having been preferted
against General George A. Sheridan ,
recorder of deeds f jr the District of
Columbia , touching his contract for
furnishing of mail bags for the gov
ernment , that official applied to the
president for an investigation of the
charges , and the application was grant
Gumber , the Hungarian , who had
been in a trance in the Lehigh county
( Pa. ) alms house for upwards of two
months , opened hli eyes for a few
rainutoa , yesterday , then closed them
again and slept until noon. At that
hour his attendant left the room to
bring dinner and on returning found
the Hungarian sitting in achair staring
about him. His physiclrn states that
Gumber may expire at any moment ,
yet ho has strong hopes of hia recov
ery. , _
plundering Indians.
FORT BCFORD , DAK. , April 23 , 4 p.
m. Lleat. H. J. Slocum , of the 10th
cavalry , with a detachment of troops ,
has left for the Yankton camp on
Twenty-Mile creek , fifty miles from
this post , to investigate the charges
made to Msj. Brothertcn by ranch
men to the effect that Indiana are
plundering and robbing ranchmen and
commuting other depredations off the
Tha Moredoaia Disaster.
CtiNloN , la. , April 24 = 4 p. m.
The body of Louis Kelllonj who was
the fireman on the engine which
plunged into the Mississippi river by
the breaking of Moredoaia bridge , ha s
been recovered , bnt the body of th e
engineer has not yet been found. The
current in the river b so swift tha t
piera for the DOW bridge will not b e
completed for a week or two.
Tno Law's Bevongo.
NEW YORK , April 23 4 p. m.
A SDcdal from Monticello , Fla. , say a
a negro named Andrew Fell , aged 40 ,
a notorious thief and ruffian , was
hanged there yesterday for the murder
YOUNOHTOWK , O. , April 24. Mks
Moseluy , a domestic in a family in
- West Middlesex , Pa. , died suddenly
- a few weeks ago. The physician
could not dirgnoso the case , and her
death was pronounced very mysteri
ous. Her family had , previous to her
death , moved to Missouri. Miss
Moseiy was given a respectable burial
by the family in which she was em
ployed. On Friday Meads from
Missouri arrived here to remove the
ar remains , and upon opening the coffin
the most heart-sickening spectacle
was presented. The young lady had
been burled allvo whila in a trance
had turned over on her sldo and was
dying face down ward , hands clinched
in her hair , and with distorted fea
. tures , plainly showing the intensity laof
her suffering.
, WASHINGTON , April 25 1 a. m.
a Fur the upper Mississippi aud lower
- Missouri va'loyg , partly cloudy
- weather and occasional rain , frllowod
- by clearing weather ; winds shifting to
V- cooler north or weat , riling ed
- in the former district by falling bar-
. ometar.
. Blar Fire Burning In Louisville.
> , LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 25 1 a. m.
- Stafford's largo coipar establish
ment and several tenement houses hn
t- the eastern of the
part city are burn
ing at this hour. The tire is alii'
raging. The loss will be heavy ,
St. Louis Produce Market-
of : ST. Louis , April 23.
Wheat Lower and unsettled ; No
rod , $1 10 | cash ; offered at $1 10 a
close ; April § 1 lli@l 101 llie (
, 1 10J ; $1 10 31 09i@l 09 | for June
- § 1 05g@l C4g@l 05 | for July , $1 02i
@ 1 01j { for August ; 81 001 04 for
- the year ; No 3 do , $1 05 ; No 4 do
, SlOlf.
Corn Lower ; 42c for cash ; 42jj(3 1 (
42c for April ; 4242o for May
4242c for June ; 43j@43o for July
4444o for August.
. Gate Lower ; 36 § < g33o for cub ; 35
for July.
RyeFirm ; $1 20@1 23.
Barley Dull , at 75c@l 10.
< Butter Steady ; dairy , 16@26c.
- Eggs 13c.
Whisky Steady at § 1 00.
Pork Slow ; § 17 70 asked for caah
$17 70 for June.
Dry Salt Meats Lower , at $5 70J (
8 60 ; $3 85 aaked.
< , L < rd Slow , at § 11 12 $ bid.
- War rutted a Sate , Certain and Speedr Cure to
Rheumatism In alllta Jorma , Henraigia. Urn
Bock , P ln la the Breast nd Side , Pain In the
- btoinich and Kidneys , &c. It is an intern :
remedy , a Tonic and Blood Purifier , and wnilei
removes the Diauiao it Improves the eenen >
| O.r. < , man , general -ag „ b
llow York Money and StoCSfl
WALL STKHCT , April 22.
MostT Marketat-l@5 per jent. ; prime
mercantile paper. 4i@5J ; sterling ex-
cliance , 00 days ; farm at SI 82J ; demand ,
0- . p. ,
Coupons ' 81..1032 U P firsts 115
New 5'sJ I02l UP land crant 115
New 4is 113i Ufsakgfund.12. )
New4s. 115 Lehijh & W..131
Tao fe of ' 93..131 St P S CIstsK'SJ
CP bonds 114
SlOCKS-i@2ic lower ; tlo ea lower.
KI. 13 > J I E&W
Paikina :2W P&DE
EtWayno. . . 132 O & W.
6 ft P. J32J B , CB&N. : . . 70
1C 13' | A. &T. H. . . . .
C..B. & Q 1W { pfd 122
C&A 133 W.StL&P. . . 4C5
pfd 14) pfd 90
NYO 143 Han&St.J.'W3
Harlem ICO pfd 103 $
Xj S / . . . . . . . * 1 Al. . . . . . . . . . . 65
OR T.'S StL ftSF. . . . 43J
JI C lOOi pW 65
Erie 45J 1st pH 97
pfd 80 C.StL&N. . . 73
NJW 121J K&T 40i
pfd 132. UP 116 !
St Paul lilj C. P 86
PW..i l.2i NP. -13
StPftO 4'Ji i.fd 72
pfd ; 97 L& N. SOJ
DL&W 118 N&C 8n
M&E 120 L , NA&C. . . . 73
Del&H 108i II & T C6
NJO 37g WUTeL 116 ; }
Reading 5 If A&P 46
0 & M 42 PacMail 50
pfd 103J D&RG 108
CftO 24 AdamsEs 129 ,
M&O 28 tfarco. 1174
C&C 87 Amvn Er 78
CC&IC ? o U.S.Er. C1J
Ohio Cen 301
Quio'rsilver 10J Standard 23J
pfd 05 Excslsior 5
Caribou 23 Little PitUbg. . 3J
Cen Arizona. . . . 4\ \ Ontario 374
Ilomestake. . . . 2)
CniccKo Produce Martcet.
CniCAQO , April 29.
fairly active , weaker and
lowerNo. ; 2 , cash , § 1 04 $ ; 81 04 g@
1 05J , closed inside for April ; ? 1 05 ®
1 05 ? , cloted at 1 05 | bid for May ;
$1 CGJ , closed § 1 06g bid for June ;
$1 071 07 | . closed SlOCf bid for
July ; S103i@104i * closed at inside
for August jJ3o 8j $1 00 ; rejected ,
Com Fairly active , weak and 16V
er ; No 2 , 43J@432c , closed 42Jc for
cash ; 43&43jS , closed at insldo prices
for April and Msy ; 43J@44j3 , closed
at 44j@44gc for June45@46 J , closed
at 46c for August ; rejected , 24 ? .
Oils Unsettled , weak and lower
No , 2 , nominally , 36Hc for cash , 3CJ ®
37 o , closed at 37 } for May ; 371@38c
-closed at 37ic for June ; 37@3S2 , closed
at 37c for July.
Rye Ko. 2 , cash , 81 20.
Barley Dull and unchanged ; No 2
$1 10 for cash ; § 1 07 bid for May.
Pork Moderately active , weak and
lower ; $17 37 for cash ; $173517 37J
for Msy ; $17 47@17 50 for June
817 GO for July.
Lird Fair demand and lower
§ 11 20 for cash ; ? 11 20@11 22fc fr >
May ; 11 30@11 32 * for Juno ; 811 32
for July.
Bulk Moats Curfld shoulders , $5 77
short ribs , $3 60 ; short clear , $0 00.
Flax Sjod 81 17@1 18.
Whisky 81 08.
Receipts. Flour , bbls. , 4,000
Wheat , bu. , 0,000 ; Corn , bu . 69,000
Oat' , bu , 45.000 ; Ryp , bu , 300 ; Bar-
ley , bu , 13.COO.
Shipments Flour , bbs. ! , 8,000
Wheat , bu. , 76,000 ; Corn , bu.C7C3D
Oat * , bu. , 58,000 ; Rye , bu. , 3,000 )
Barley , bu. - , 6,003.
Chicago Live StockMar&et ]
CBIOAOO , April 23.
Hogs Receipls , 12,000 head ; ship
ments , 4SCO , head ; fair and steady
strong rates ; common to coed mixed
packing , § 5 6c ; lisht , 85 90@G 10
choice heavy , SG 20@G 45 ; qnollty
very fair , but hogs mainly ot medium
Cattle Receipts , 3,000 head ; de
mand fair aud atpply good ; shipping
grades , common to fair , lOa lower , at
84 35@4 90 ; good to choice , 85 15 i
500 ; export , $5 90 < gG CD ; butchers'
stocK slow and weak , common grades
lOc lower , sales at S2 50@4 25 ; active
mirket for good stockers and feeders
at 83 604 65 ; common to fair slow
at 83 905 3 35.
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 head : ehip
meats , 500 head ; demand weak bul
falrS470@540. ;
St. Louis Live Stock : Market.
ST. L'JUIS , April 23.
Uogs Active and higher ; Yorkeri
and Baltimore ? , 85 75G 10 ; mixed
packing , 85 806 CD ; choice to fancy
§ 6 2CC 40 ; pigs , 85 00@5 50. Re
ceipts , 3,000 head
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 head ; ship
menta , 1.800 head ; nothing doing feral
lack of sopply ; demand fair and values
uos firm , viz : fair to good shipping
steers , § 5 005 50 ; common to medl
urn , S4 50@4 00 ; butchers' ateorv
84 254 90 ; caws and heifers , 83 00
4 50 ; feeding steers , 84 G3@5 00 ; Col
r- orado steers , $1 40(55 ( 35 ; stockers
$3 604 00.
Sheep No receipts or shipments
and nothing doing ; value nominal !
. unchanged.
Milwaunoo Produce MarEet.
- MILWAUKEE , April 23.
' Wheat Steady : opened { { a luwe
and closed easier ; No. 2 , $104 ; April
$104 ; May , $1 04J ; June , ? 1 (65 (
July , $1 07 ; No. 3 , 97c ; No. 4 dc
88J ; re-jected nominal.
Corn Quiet and firmer , at 43c.
i Oats Scarce and firm ; No. 2 , 37 !
at Rye Dull and unchanged , at § 12
Barley Unsettled , at G8Jc.
Now Yorfc Produce Market.
NEW YORK , April 23.
, Whe ; ' Unsettled andfeverlsh.cloi
ing lowur ; receipts , 100,000 bu.c3 ;
® ports , 42,000 bn. : ungraded spring
; § 119 ; No 3 spring , $119 ; No 2 dc
; 1 24 ; No 2 Milwaukee , 1 2G ? ; ungrac
ed red , 1 24J@1283 ; No 2 do , 124
; 1241 ; No 3 ao , 127@127g ; steame
do , 1 24 $ ; No 1 red , 130i ; mixe
winter , 124i@l 25J ; ungraded whiti
1 21@1 23 ; fto 3 do , 1 23@1 23 ; N
2 do , 124@124 | ; No 2 red , April
12G@1 26J ; M y , 1 23&1 23 | ; June
121J < § 12 < 4 ; July , 116g@l 20 .
Corn Heavy ; receipts , 87,000 bu.
exports , 92COO , ; uogradeJ , 5760t (
@ No 3 , 57g58s ( ; steamer , 60@59i ; N
2 , 6t@COfNo2white. 63lowmlxed
60ic ; No 2 , April , CO@C95c ; Maj
66 j@565c ; June , 55i@55c- .
OalE Unaettled ; receipta , 9o,00
bu. ; western mixed , 45@4Cc ; whit
do , 40050
: Firm at 19s.
or Pork Dull ; old mess , ? 16 30 (
17 CO ; new do quoted at $18 00.
. Beef Quiet and steady ; long cles
. middles , S9 12 $ ; short clear , $9 50.
Lird Lower ; prime steam , $11 G
, @ 11C5
Butter Weak and unsettled , at 1
@ 28c.
Just Opened at the
61G 10th St. , Bet. Jackson and Jones.
The entire Stock will 10 offered at the following
unprecedented low prices , and continue until the whole
is disposed of J
Standard Prints 6c , up-town price 81-3c ; Lonsdale Moslin 8 l-3c
up-toWn price lOcj Unbleached Muslin 5c , up-town price 71-2o ;
Lancaster Ginghams 8 l-3c , np-town prica 12 l-2o.
Zula Brocades 7 I-2c , up-town price 8 l-3c ; Manchester
Brocades I5c , up-town price25c ; English Cashmeres 37 N2c ,
Up-town price 50c } Black All-Wool Cashmeres 40c , 55c ,
70c , 80c , up-town prices 60c , 70c , 85c , $1.00 ; Black Gros
Grain Silks 90c , $1.00 , $1.25 , up-town prices $1.26 , $1.50 ,
$1.75 ; Cheviot Shirtings lOc , up-town price I5c ; Brocade
Silks ane Satins 33 1-3 per cent less than up-town prices ;
Bleached and Unbleached Table Damasks 40c , 50c , 60c ,
75c , up-ioWn prices 50c , 65c , 75c , $1.00 ; Scotch Huck and
Damask Towels 20c , up-town price 35c ; Turkey Red Dam
ask 45c , up-town price 65c.
Men's Unbleached Half Hose 5c , ' up-town pi ice lOc ; Men's
Brown Mixed Half Hose lOc. up-town price k.0c ; Ladies' Hose
lOc , up-town price 15c ; Ladies' Real Balbnegan Hose 25o ,
worth 40c ; Children's Hose 5c , up-town price lOc.
The above are all perfect Goods , and at lower prices than
damaged Goods offered uptown. CALL AND SBfl AND BE
P. G. IMLAH , - - - Manager.
33 3 = C , 23 00 Xk. .
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' aud Gents !
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least
; A ISO ] "W" STOIB-IE ] !
; _
We carry a selected stock of Corsets , from 25o upwards. A
French CoutiU Double Class Side Staels , Embroidered Bust Cor
j ee White and Colored , only 50c. A fall line Hamburg Edging
; and of Insertions , from 2c upwards. Eeal Linen Torchon Lce ,
Al afuUAa nsent oFrench Brabint Miltoso , Runls mn.l other Lc | fatlhotTeI7.pJS5 .
m p.fce ? 1 Tic. Collars nd Tishu * of crery digcriptlon. fro * ICc m "rds. L l ! Calico
? competition. Plo w call and continca yoatmU.
® , ' ' ffiSfSBU OMAHA BAZAR , v &SP
ve , Rubin Bros. - - - Props ,
, Traynor's New Brick Building. .pi am
iqi - mtf- " mif fm m -
Best ! -signs , latest Ftyles and Artistic Work. Prices and
SpoSionsfarnuhed. Get my Bcnres before Ordering -
dering Work Llsewneie.
, SIGNS , Paper Hanging. Plain Painting of all Kinds.
r- 1318 narncy Street ,
, " , . . ( CANDY . .d SOdAR ,
, = no. tk tal to the matkel. A lag .lortmtnt
TOYS I * . - '
IH'F EEMAN , 510 , Uh
"er , _ . . - a7or KcomJ D. B. BEEMER , - '
7c. Jobber ot Hams. Bcon , tod. Batter. Rlf " o. , , _
20. ( _
General Western Agent for BOOTH'S OVAL
d Wholesale Dealer la
Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish
o ,
@ < OMAHA , Ku . April Sth J881 )
sr iroposals. In dunl c t * JT "
srd : mini euu Itlor. wUI bo re.v < I
until 12 ( . 'clock noon , on Jujr >
which tim na pUca Ihuy willie-p
prraenccof bidd r , forU. rurn..bintf . i
at the SubBbtenco Sborebou on t
twenty Ihoa-and O.COO ) ? ur * . " " ; . ' "
c ; lent U wl.h pro * . .rfJ " ' cn
[ n or before Juno 1' PI liwi.
L ThegoTer mint ici.rrcs the rl ht to.tejtet
jjlitik PI" " ' ! c n b > oltilo * I t t b office.
ProiK IiiinD lb cn.l din icaled ntelop < 8
marked "I'roronb for Flour"and vHr : ed to
" "
.3..1J. . H. FL1EGEL.
Successor to J. Q. THIELE ,
x >
No , , T0 Douglas Street ,
03 C
Friday Evening , April 22nd.
Admission , Me ind 7Sc. All referred ( atta
tl-tOcoch , nowon le tl ! < lholin4Krleksoi i.
WiU Buy and Sell
And aU Transactions Con
nected therewith.
Pay Taxes , Bent "Houses , &c.
C U at Office , Room 8. Creljnton Block , tnulu ,
N b. p6-ou
, v