Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
. Thursday Morning , April 21.
_ p terBon sells coa ! .
TTrederick , .beading Hatter. mlltf
t * - Nice BruBbesiat Kuhn' * .
Nine dozen eggs forSL.00 afWiemers1.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewelers -
' ers , Creigbton Block. o26-tf
Fine cigars by the box , very cheap , at
Ktdra'i Drag Store ,
For riSE Commercial Job Printing ,
- ca'l at THE BEE Job rooms.
St. Earnabas' Parish School begins
iU Trin'ty term on Tuesday next.
The voting people of the Baptist
church \viU give their monthly sociable at
the church this evening.
Fresh supply of Handkerchief extracts
and Toilet Soaps just received at Saxe's ,
Nindel&Krelle , Hatters , Sign of the
Golden Hat , 14th St. , between Farnham
and Douglas. IB-tf
If yon want Bill-Heads , Letter-Heads
liavelopesor any job work. Call at THE
BEE Job Kooins. Prices that will suit
ciery one.
City Marshal Angell has appointed
. A. McClure deputy marshal and jailer ,
and Jailor Wcsterdabl was relieved by
Mr. McClnre to-day.
The examination of Joe Brown , who
is charged with defrauding hu creditors ,
was begun iTnesday before Judge
Benecke and continued for a week.
Omaha can be truly called the city of
the Seven Hills Capitol hill , College hill ,
Oak Hill , Convent hill , Uowery Hill ,
Shinn'a hill , and lliverview or Kountze
The Ivanhoe Dramatic club will hold
a business meeting at their rooms over
Max Meyer's on this evening , at
which all having tickets for'the late per
formance are requested to account for
The man who was stabbed on the em
igrant train on the "Union Pacific railroad
a few days atjo is in the hospital at Chey
enne , and it is reported that he will fcur-
vit e his wounds.
The Standard club will give its closing
ball of the season at its hall on the evening
of April 27th. The reception committse
consists of H. Pundt , A. J. Simpson , A.
Traynor , and J. E. House. The floor
managers are Julius Meyer , C. E.Ber-
meister , G. Heyn nnd S. J , Fisher.
A harness maker , corner of ICth and
Doulas streets , advertised in the BEE for a
boy &nd paid for a week's insertion. In
two days he was begging to have the ad.
taken out , for it tok all of his time to at
tend to the boys who came in answer to
the special. Moral , advertise in the BEE.
The First National Bank will prob
ably abandon its plan to erect a three-
story brick block at the southeast corner
of Farnhara and Thirteenth streets , the
architects having decided it impracticable
to carry np the walls of their present
block another story. In order to secure
the additional room which their business
demands tbcy are preparing to extend
their present building by an addition on
the eait side.
Omaha's society for the prevention of
cruelty to animals can find a gaod case on
lower Famliam street , on the ravine east
of the Union Pacific headquarters. For
two or three days * live cow has stood in
this ravine , half buried in the mud and
refuse and unable to extricate herself.
The oornor of the animal is said to live in
the neighborhood and to have made no
efforts to release her. The animal should
At the annual meeting of St. Barna
bas church-on Monday evening the rector's
salary was increased from § 1,200 to $1,450
a year , and it was decided to erect a new
rectorr this summer on the north mde of
the church. A new vestry wag elected ,
consisting of the following gentlemen :
Senior -warden , George F. Labagh ; junior
fjjjf warden , C. W. Mead ; vestrymen , Wm.ll.
Bowea , L. J. Eheem , Milton H. Goble ,
< D.SW. . "Woodman , Dr. R. C. Moore , W.
J. Stratton and E. W. Simera' ; delegates -
* - , gates to the diocssan council-C. W. Mead (
George F. Labagh aad W. J. Stratton ;
alternates , D. W. Woodman , L. J.
llheem and Dr. Moore.
A grand levee will be given at
Standard Hall , on 15th street between
Farnham and Harner streets , Thurs
day evening , April 28th , by the young
folks working club , of Trinity Mission ,
for the benefit of the new church
building , which they hope to more in
this fall. The patronage of the public
Is kindly solicited.
one and two pound cans. Only 27
cents per pound.
CALL and examine oar assortment
, * of Ladioi1 Vest Chaini.
PURE Maple Sugar , new crop jnst
received direct from Vermont , at J.
B. French & Oo.'s. 20-2t
"One of the best
things this sea
son , " is the universal comment on the
play at the Academy last evening.
The company appear again to-night in
"Unknown" , another of Stevens' best
Extra good bargains in all kinds of
Rubber Boots and Shoes , at Full
riede's , Douglas street , near 13th.
Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm
& Erickson's , April 2Gth and 27th.
A.F.&A. M. [
There will be a special communica
tion of St. John's lodge , No. 25 , to-
jnorrow evening , for work in tholLI. M.
degree. . Visiting brethren are cordial
ly invited.
Messrs. Orchard & Bean have the
largest and most elaborate stock of
carpels , oil cloths , window shades ,
carpet B weepers , etc. , ever brought
weat of Chicago before. Every de
partment of their store is complete
with rich and elegant geods. Those
desiring a nice cirpet should call on
'Orchard & Bean.
Messrs. Kiholm & Erickson are
making elaborate preparations for
their Jewelry opening , Tuesday and
; Wednesday. They will have on oxhi-
tlon all the latest novelties of the set-
ion. It will be the finest display ever
shown in Omaha.
SILVERWARE at WbJpple , Me-
Millen & Co.'a.
* CLOCKS The largest sttck and
finwt variety -at Whipple , McMillen
& Co.'a.
Again a Mighty , Moving , Eesist-
less Sea-
Within a Cubit of its Highest
Inflicting Grat Damage , Delay
and Desolation.
"She's almost there , " was the an
swer that c&me to the ears of the mud
stained inquirer as he pauasd before
the little shanty from which , In the
darkness of midnight , gleamed forth
a crack of light , and where two faith
ful watchers in huge tarpaulins were
posted to note the progress of the
flood that was creeping , inch by inch ,
up to their doorslll , and threatening
all within its mon&ter reach. 0abide
on a heavy tie waa a notch , which
showed where the water had lapped
when at its former highest point. A
glance sufficed to show that "she was
almost there. " The length of the
hand was scares required to measure
iha intervening space. Again the vast
waters had broken loose , and seemed
about to sweep everything before
The river at 1 o'clock yesterday had
reached the height of 19 feet and 7
inches above low water mark , showing
a rise of one foot six : inches since yes
terday at the same huur.
The water has again invaded the
lumber yards and has rushed in be'
hind the Chicago company's proper
ty. This was anticipated Tuesday
and a large forca of men with teams
were set at work in the afternoon
building a coffer dam , about four hun
dred feet In length. This dam is
doubly boarded on the north side.
Yesterday seventy-five men and fifty
teams were industriously at work ,
having all they could do to check the
constantly rising water. If it comes
up six inches more the dare will hard
ly to able tobear tbo Immense prcssnn
brought against it.
are again visited by the muddy tide. .
In the brick shop there Is about six
Inches of water , and the Leary she
has about as much , or more , on it
floors. Nearly a hundred men WOP
forced to suspend work , but all wen
given employment at unloading tw
sand trains which were run upon th
main ( rack and their contents usei
for ballasting that embankment am
forming a dam to tha water that i
nearly up to & level with the ties ,
Around the
which are a second time subjected
.an involuntary bath , the water rubhe :
In a strong current , and may tak
away such portions of the fences an
outbuildings as the last inundation
spared. The flals are once more on
of sight and , as far as can be deter1"
from this eido of the river , the waie
commencing"1 to ponr through
Spoon lake. If the rise continues
another inundation of the track i
feared. As it Is , the Chicago &
Northwestern and the B. & M. tracks
'able to get out on"lbcao roads this
At four o'clock in , the afternoon
throe inches had boon added to the
vast body of water that wai gradual ! ]
nearlng the tops ef all barriers. The
sand embankment which waa BO care
folly raised in front of the invading
flood was still [ n its , place , but the
water , had worn a hole beneath the
ties , and wiih a sudden rush took
away a long line of newly piled up
earth. Nothing could then atop its
progress , and while the workmen flee
for safety the pent up flood poured
over the main track in a hundred
places. By six o'clock the track waa
between the chops and the smelting
works , and in two hours more the ior.f
line of ties and rails between the
shops and elevator WES "off its base , '
with portions of it entirely borne of
the embankment. Nothing now im
peded the progress of the flood. II
came against the coffer-dam which the
Chicago Lumber company had con
structed with much care and expense ,
with a spiteful "swish , swash , " and
that coffer-dam was no more. In ten
minutes all of the yards below were
being rapidly filled to the mean
height of the strcamandboforo an
other hour lud passed , Douglas and
Farnham streets were covered by the
muddy sheet.
By 5 o'clock the water was up so
high in the U. P. shops that it was
impossible to continue work , and the
machinery was all stopped. At eight
o'clock there was two feet ot water in
some places , while ell the floors were
more or lees flooded. Through the
tmolting works a stream six feet in
depth whirled its way , so that no part
of the works was accessible. All of
the outbuildings ol both the shops and
smelting works were deeply submerg
ed , and the families in the few houses
that had not already been vacated ,
precipitately took their flight.
The only immediate damage feared
waa to the rolling stock in the U. P.
vards , and the lots of the lumber.
During the afternoon aaveral engines
were bnay pulling loaded and empty
cars to higher ground , while all of the
umber companies wera preparing to
save their property. The Chicago
company's coffer-dam proved of little
ralue , but below that yard Foster &
array tnd George Hoigland were busy
until late at night strengthening their
booms. Around all there is now a
ioublo boom , and in addition an inch
&nd a half cable rope connecting a
chain of heavy timbers , aud if these
will not hold , nothing would. Both
the latter named firms announca their
j-ards better prepared to stand a raise
than ever before.
List night the following dispatches
were received from Sioux City and
Sioux CITT , April 20-At 8 o'clock the
rater Lad risen afoot at tlfs point and is
low rising at the rate of an inch an hour.
YANKTOX , April 20-At 7 o'clock this
svening the water is steadily rising at the
ateof _ three-fourth * of an inch an hour ,
md IB considerable higher than it was this
What this news means for the river
it this point it is not difficult to foretelL -
telL It undoubtedly presages a bigger :
lood In quantity of water than the
one which has so recently partially
subsided. Mr. Brown , an old lum
berman , and a member of the firm of
Heriey , Bean & Brown , of Stillwater ,
who came to this oily on Saturday last
from Sioux City , Utes that the mow "
atill lies , on the level , In many places
above that city three feet deep , nd
at there are drifts twenty feet in
depth , which the sun's rays have nol
reached. He thinks that the worst
has by no means come.
news obtainable from Council Bluffs
last night waa to the effect that the
water wai running over all of the hot
torn lands and the tracks were flooded
The people living In houses on the
low lands had generally vacated.
Water was in places up to the ties o
the main Union Pacific track andwil
probably ba over It by morning.
this morning the water had risen to
twenty-one feet and four Inches , 01
within five inches of tha highest re
corded rise in the recent inundation
' Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm
& EricksonV , April 2Cth and 27tb.
At Crnicl-shank's grand opening
there waa nothing attracted more at
tention than their splendid display o
This la comparatively new de
partment with them , but haa grown
with great rapidity , till itjis now one
of the most important in the House
Everthlng here is aold with the ordi
nary dry goods profits ( not at tailors
prices ) , and the richest goods are
shown at most moderate prices. Gentlemen
tlomon of ten express regret that the ]
had not found the place before. They
are now showing splendid lines o
Neckties and Silk Handkerchiefs , and
an immense stock of Hosiery of every
kind and description , among which
are the celebrated 0. &S. Half Hose
also fuli lines of gauze and merino
underwear ; also complete lines o
Wilson Bros' , fancy shirts , also their
splendid unlaundrled shirt at § 1.25
with the new improvements. Thii
shirt is absolutely unrivaled. Do nebo
bo deceived Into buying shirts a
higher prices , expecting to get bette
goods , for a better shirt cannot be.ob .
t&inod , nor can a better fitting shir
be made.
TERS are complete in every depart
ment. ap4tf
Watches , Whipplo , McMillen & Co
Grand Jewelry Opening at Edholm
& Erickson's , April 2Gth and 27th.
"Sans Ceremonie "
The last reception of the season was
given by the club bearing the abov
pleasing title at Standard hall Tues
day. Thirty-two couplea participated
in the enjoyment of the occasion
Music was furnished by Huffman's or
cheitra. It was throughout an ele
gant affair and will bo long remembered
bered with pleasure by those who at
Attention Hooks.
All membera of Pionoar Hook JL
Ladder company , are hereby request
ed to attend a special meeting on
Thursday , April 21 , at 5 o'clock p. m
sharp , at the Truck House , for exor
cise and truck. By order of the
work on Thursday , Friday and Satur
day of this week , at
The acknowkdtjcd Leading Millinery
and Ladioa Furnishers.
Creightoii Block , 15th street , near the
New stock of the finest hats , latest
fashion and style at
14th street , between Farnham and
Douglas streets.
Sign of the Golden Hat. tf
Gen. John M. Thayeris stopping in this
city , the guest of Col. Mat. Patrick.
Dr. Lewis , one of the leading citizens of
Albion , Neb. , is in town.
Mr. Alfred Burley went eastward yes
terday afternoon.
Mr. Joseph Lewel'yn , father of our es <
teemed townsman , Lew Lewellyn , has re >
turned to his home in Antelope county
after a visit with his son in this city.
Hon. Lsw May , of Fremont , is in the
Sir. ILItomer'nasLeen appointed a con
ductor on the Pullman Pacific line.
C. J. Emery , foimerassistantcityclerk ,
has become secretary to Mayor Boyd.
Mrs. John L Itedick , who has been
seriously ill , is now rapidly recovering.
The sad news of the death of their
mother has summoned Messrs. A. G. and
D. T. Higginsun toChicajo.
C. H. Mack , of the Union Pacific
15. Iroatl , who was called east by his
mother's deatth has again re turned.
George O'Brien , jr. , assistant train de-
statelier at the U. P. depot , is confined
to his home by a severe attack ( f rheuma
Maj.Wm. McKinley , member of con
gress from Ohio , and Major of Ex-Presi
dent Hayes' regiment , accompanied by
wife and family , is ( he guest of General
Crook at Fort4)mah . The Major is on'
his way to San Francisco.
Mr. B. Hansen , land and passenger
agent of the U. P. It. R. for many years ,
and who for the last fourteen years has
been a resident of Omaha , haa resigned
bis position , and it is understood will be
come one ol the partners in a manufactur
ing firm in this city.
E. P. Ferry , a brother of Senator Fer
ry , of Michigan , is at the Withnell Hous .
Mr. Ferry has large mining interests at
Park City , Utah , in partnership with an
other brother , and is making arrange
ments with the U. P. railroad company
ind the Omaha Smelting Worls to ship
large ( quantities of his ore to Omaha for
Revs. Hareha , Little and Blaney , Mrs.
Nicholas , Mrs. Perrine , of this city , and
Mrs. Robinson , ol Nebraska City , left for
Columbus yesterday , to attend the annual
meeting of Omaha Presbytery and the
Woman's Home and Foreign Board of
Missions of the same church. Mr. Nicholas
las is to deliver an addresj on "Woman's
Work among Heathen Women. "
Ex-City Clerk J. F. McCartney has be-
ome interested in several large contracts ,
including one in connection with the build
ing of tLe water works , and will now de
mote his attention to thesa enterprises.
Mr.McCartney turned over ths city clerk's
affice yesterday to his successor , Mr.
lewett. The least that can be said or
"M > c" ii that he has been one of the best
clerks the city has ever had , and leaves the
business of that office in excellent shape.
A Member of The Chalk Club
Unmasks Himself.
To the Editor of I he Bee :
I BOO tht.t our jolty old "awamp
angel , " A. D. Jones , loads hlmtelf to
themnzzlewlth hla little tripod , Y level
transit and rod , and discharges the en
tire load into my person. This is very
unkind , as I had merely been firing
paper wads manufactured by the eel
entifio president of the "Chalk Olub. '
Our excellent old land surveyor , who
seems never to have put to practice
use the axiom "that a straight line IB
the shortest dlatanco between two
points , " now lays claim to some knowl
edge of civil engineering , but I assure
him that this , his latest assumption ,
would bo resented not only by uvcry
civil engineer but by all self-respect-
Ing chain met. However , before ]
measure swords with him on engineer
ing I deaire to say a few words in re
gard to the Introductory of his lumin
ous article. He intimates that I am
withself . '
gifted with -appreciated oratory.
If so , it would merely show that I hac
at least one admirer of my polemics , n
distinction not enjoyed , I regret to
say , by our urbane fellow-citizen , A.
D. J. If I have ever succeeded In
choking him off at any public meeting
It waa bocauao he wasn't there , for
upon all occasions , and under all cir
cumstances , , our distinguished antl
quarlau has made the air sulphurous
with his dismal wailinga , which he
dignifies by the title of "Remlnis
ounces of an old settlor. " But tore
turn to the scientific portion of this
disu8aion. It seems that tbJa elo
quent old tropho scalper thinks that ' .
imagined I WAS enunciating some fun
damental truths in my recent article
on floods , etc. I beg him to believe
that if by accident I told the truth i
was foreign to my intentions. My pur
pose wf i to aveid the truth as much a
possible , as I was ambitious to outdo
my ancient friend in that respect. ]
really did not know but what the Mia
souri river bed was seventeen feel
higher than it was in Ib50 , neither di <
I care , because I waa merely handling
the weapons of the "old settler , " who
always paralyzes the "tender-foot'
with the musty records of by-gono
days. For instance , if a now comer
has the temerity to tsaert that he own
a faithful hen who lays two eggs per
day under favorable circumstances ,
A. D. J. immediately proceeds to
wallop the life out of the transaction
by claiming to have owned a common
unostentatious rooster in 1854 tha
laid four eggs per day in midwinter
or if the above mentioned n. c
should with pride assert that his v , ifi
had twins , old A. D. J. would waltz
into the ring and hammer the breath
out of it by claiming that he had him
self been the mother of triplets in
1854. It ii becauao of such mendicity
that the new cjmer has raised the
standard of revolt and will hereafter
assert hia rights and strive to muu-
tain them. To this end the "Cbalk
Olub" recently held an iadiu \
meeting and determined to reorganize
on a firmer bails. None but first-
the club and any member who dares to
speak the truth will ba instantly and
ignominionaly expelled. All orders
for mntderiug truth will bo promptly
attended to , and wo shall shortly bo
prepared to pound the supreme stuff
ing out of your little narratives of
former days , Mr. Jones.
The Sacrament Its High Priest
Gives a "Bee" Keporter.
Hearing arhmor thatthe Academy
of music was to undergo numerous re
pairs this summer , and bo continued
aa an amusement hall for-Omaha , a
BEE reporter called on Jadga Rodlck
yeaterday for the facts :
"Yea , " said the iadgo , "the Acade
my will continue to run , and will be
Sited up In A No. 1 shape this sum
mer , putting in new scenery through
out , and making it a model little tho-
atre. We think that an academy of
music in Omaha that will seat 800 to
LOOO people is large enough for this
city for the next ten years. We are
glad Mr. Boyd is building bin opera
louse , for there will bo occasbnslly
iroupes passing through here of very
ilgh character that might call out a
arger patronage than our academy
will accommodate , and in that event
Jr. Boyd'a opera house would be
very handy , but we think ours the
ilaco for general purposes , and that it
will be more go no rally used after
Joyd's Is finished than now.
jt"In my judgment Boyd'a opera
loueo bears about the came relation
o ours that the Grand Central hotel
Id to the Metropolitan , but the Met-
opolitan made the most money all
he same. To induce men to take the
Jrand Central hotel an enormous ,
big , grand hotel and run the experi
ment of making money , the proprie-
ors were obliged to give them the
whole hotel structure for $2000 per
ear , and the landlord then contend-
d that ho waa having a hard time
f It.
"I have been offered $15,000 for
my half of the Academy , bat refused
o sell on the account that Boyd'a
pera house will increase its value in
) uainess. Wo have already had many
ppllc&tions to rent it for the next
year. "
"Good day , Mr. Redick , " said the
WASTED Good Store , centrally
ocated. Address "T. R. " , Bee office.
A Eotel Rumor.
The rumor of the proposed erec-
ion of a now and magnificent hotel
on Douglas street , which was pub-
[ shod in yesterday's Republican ,
of this city , is at the beat premature.
As yet no articles of corporation
lave been drawn , nor has a site for
ho proposed structure been - determined
mined upon. The gentlemen inter- .
stod in the matter at a late hour this I
afternoon stated that they were doubt
ful as to the success of the enterprise ,
and deprecated the publication of a
rumor which had no foundation ex
cept in talk , and which would lead the
citizens of Omaha to expectations not
probable to be realized.
The New Marshal Starts Out
Promisingly. '
Marshal Angell called the roll of the
night watch last.night at precisely 7
o'clock , and every officer responded ,
"present. " The marshal then In
structed them to carefully guard their
beats , according to their previous
orders. In addition he said : "Thero
Is one other thing I wiih you to do.
Notify each ealoon keeper on your
beats that his saloon must bo closed
aad lights out at 12 o'clock each
night , and that his front door must be
closed and locked on Sundays. I wish
you to enforce this order and report
immediately to mo the name of any
parson refusing to obey It. "
The now marshal starts out well ,
except iu what may have been and
probably wai , an unintended error ol
speech in his direction in relation to
closing and locking the front door * of
the saloons on Sundays. He should
have s&id their doors , and thereby con :
veyed the assurance that the saloons
were to bo prohibited from selling or
giving away liquor on Sunday. It late
to be hoped that that was what he
meant. There is an old saying "A
new broom swjepp clean. " All gooc
citizens have a right to expect that the
marshal's broom shall remain now.
Bumored Changes That Will
Make 'Frisco Nearer.
It is reported in railroad circles tha
the trains on the Central Pacific rail
road , running from 'Frisco to Ogden
are to bo pushed through on faster
time. The train which now leaves
San Frarcico in the forenoon will no
start , according to the report , until 3
p. m. , and yet vrill arrive at Ogdon. an
hour earlier than usual. This nil
enable the Union Paclfi : train , ar
riving here at 3:25 : p. m. , to start an
htur earlier , which advantage , it i
reported , is to bo increased by accelerated
eratod running , so that it would ar
rive in Omaha abont 10 o'clock in the
forenoon , making an entire gain e
nine hoars. How this arrangement
if made at all , would affect the east
ern trains it ii impossible to say , bu
it would certainly be an advantage to
both overland and local travel.
The Belief Committee Make
Their Last Canvas.
The relief committee concluded
their third day's work yesterday after
noon , and obtained nearly three hun
dred and fifty dollars additional sub
scriptions. It wci decided by the
committee that they wonid con
elude their soliciting with this , but
[ ntrBUDscrijmuii papur win DO leis at
the office of Mayor Boyd on Thir
teenth street for the convenience of
any who may not have been visited by
the committee acd who wish to sub
scribe. A meeting of the committee
will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock ,
when provision will be made for the
transportation of supplies and the
ends to which the money shall bo used
determined upon. The following are
the subscriptions of Tuesday and
Wednesday :
John A Creighton § 10) 00
Rt Eev James O'Connor 25 00
Reed , Jones & Co 25 00
ThosLKimball 23 00
Pratt&Towle 25 00
James M Wool worth 25 00
ALStrang 20 00
Henry Pundt 10 00
Edward Eosewater. 10 CO
JE JSlarkel 10 00
OS Stebbins 10 00
Nave , fifcCord & Brady , wholsa'e
grocers 10 00
GITargraves 10 00
CD Gorman 10 00
Peycke Bros : . - 10 00
Orchaid&Bean 10 CO
Thos A AlcSliane 5 00
Rubin.AHen 5 00
EBWeist t 00
Schtn'c& ! Prince 5 (0 (
Meyer & Raapke 5 00
Dick Wilde 600
BPKnisht 5 CO
HGoble' 5 CO
Wm L Adams 500
P Lowell 500
Metcalf ItaH 5 00
TBFrench 5 03
Maurice Elgutter 5 Ofl
Pearon & Cole 5 00
Philip Gotheimer 5 CO
Mrs Wm Clebnrne 5 CO
3eorge Canfield 5 00
Thos Gallon . - . . ' . . . . - 5 00
J Merritt 3 00
MMuVittie 3 CO
SLehinan 2 50
Cash 2 00
LHKorty 2 CO
GB Hanis 2 00
PCBackus 2 00
A J Qnistard 1 03
3enry Baswitz ttO
3 H Goodrich 1 00
Ura Edwards GO
Urs Lambertson 50
Cash 1 00
Ca. 50
Stripe - . . . . 1 00
APB1L 20.
Cash 1 CO
GeoP tt rson 5 00
, VSStreet ' . 500
) mahn Republican employes 3000
W L Parrbtte & Co 10 00
Charles Gruenig 5 00
JB West 5 00
HB CSteele&Co 10 00
ee.Fried&Co i.1000
) maha Smelting andRollingworki 50 00
JJBrown 1000
Jodfrey&DavU 500
tfarcey frUo 5 00
Cash 1 00
llobertPurvis , 5 00
Jdward Roddis 1000
Jonrti &Lingworthy 500
W WLowe 10 00
Little & Williams . ' . . 5 00
SheelyBrcs 0 00
W N Whitney 5 03
3 T Dnke. . . . 5 00
H Hickman 5 00
Cash 3 00
A J Simpson.- ; 5 00
LB Williams 10 03
Harris & Fisher 10 CO
Cash 1 00
TRice 1 00
EWyman 1 00
JO Cowan 1000
JeorgeW Doane 1000
ewisSReea SCO
S"PMoree&Co 2500
JBDetweiler 10 00
MWKennedv 5 ° °
CruickshaLk & Co 250)
$343 CO
The entire amount of money aub-
crlbed is over § 3,000. . Of this amount
$2,429 has been paid in.
"WINEOFCARDU1" four times a
day makes a happy household.
At C. F. Goodman's
No head-ache or back-ache for ladies |
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
At C. F Of odmra'd. '
! Durant'a Sociable.
| The private firemen's sociable given
byDurant engine and hose company
in Masonic hall last night was a suc
cess in every particular. About one-
hundred aad fifty couples wore pres
ent. The members of the company
appeared in full uniform. Tke pro
gramme included thirty numbers ,
which were enjoyably divided by re
freshments. Among the dances were
six dedicated to the five companies in
this city aud the Council Bluffs de
partment. Mnaic waa furnhhod by
Gewinner's orcheatrn. The dance
lasted till a late hour.
NOTICE Advertisement ? To Loan , FcrSale ,
Lost Found , Wonts , Boarding , &c. , will be In
serted In theje columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per Haa The first insertion never less than
IONEY TO LOAN 215 S. 11th St. CUrkson
M 4 Hunt. C'27-22
ODBT ' TO LOAU-CH1 al Iw Offio *
M' D. L. THOMAS. J'.ouni a.Orclghton Block
ONKY TO LGAi-J 1100 Farnh&m ctroot.
M Dr. E-lwirds Lo n Aconrv. nov2tt
WANTED A good cook and homo girl , at
Bishop Clarkson's , corner of 29th itreet
and St. Marj'd Avenue. C59-21
A tearns'cr , one that is acquaint
ed in the city preferred L. DJiiran 1112
Suilth 13th street. CCO-21
! TED Djiinjf room pirl. at northwest
WA corner Cipitol & 17th SU. CC3-21
Asmallniri to do Iteht hou e-
WANTED Apply ICth cor. Grace Sts. 662-21
TTTANTED A girl , 1813 Chiago street.
IV GGl-tf
A slltntlon a3 cook in a lirst-clasa
hotel or icstanrant , have had 17 ycar-i ex
perience in cooking. Can eivo go.xl reference
and w.uit peed reference. Pastry j referred. Ad
dress L A , lioo clflce. C51-2G
A c oed show to make money. Enquire at
B. F. Midseii's grocery store , corner Pierce and
Otn S > a. OS5-21
JL Immediately bDr. . Elnurdi. 1109 F rn-
ham St. G5C-tf
: ANTED-A laundressr , at the Oc-ldcntal
hotel. ' 057-11
> . . NTED A r urse girl , at Merntt'a rcstau
w rant , immediately. 1037 Farn. St. 064-22
'ANTED Two or threa farm hones. Ad
w dress W. U. , this office. 031-20
VlfAN TED A farm hand Addms W. C. ,
YY this office. 652-20
\TTANTED-A fresh milch-cow. Address W.
W C. , this office. 653-20
Girl to . 'o general homework ,
WANTED cc ok , Ironcr aud washer. Liberal
wagts will be paid , lili Douglas St. 647 21
Good girl for general housework ,
WAIvTED cmpl .imcnt. Apply it 1414
DodgeSL JOHN O. WILL S. C13-tf
\TTANTED AGENTS G od piy to god men.
VV Enquire at office of Whee cr & Wil-on
M'lV. Co. , 669 15th St. , Jacobs' Block , Omaha ,
Neb. 015-tf
secure paying cm
AFEWOaODMBNCan at office of whf cler
a. \ > ilson Jl'f'g. Co. , 6 9 15th St. , Jacobs' Block ,
Omaha , Neb 616 tt
" \TTANTED A hou'o of about 8 rooms iu
VV gooJ loca ion , furnished or nnfumisheil.
Former preferred ; Will , cittein , Ac Address
glvinglotatioa and terms , B B. , card I'm office.
WANTED A competent nsau , at Bhliop
Clarkson's , St. Mirj'd Are. Must under
stand gardening at d give goo I reference G5C-21
"ANTED A dlninj room girl and chamber
W maid , at the City Hotel , ClO-tf
To hire housio of about 0 or 8
rooms between California and Ilarnoy ,
14th and 19th Sis. Address Permanent Tenant ,
Bee Olficj. GJ3-tf
"tT7ANTED 2 rood caat-malce.-s. Apply at
TT7 AN I ED Bv a younj man a 8 tuation as
\V offio clerk ia hotel or boardinc house.
No wares desired , sirap'y board. Oood refer
ences frvelygivsii. Aiidrets by letter R. W ,
thla oflice. C37-20
WANl'KD A few more day boaidera , at No.
fScatsde 17th H , between Capitol
Avcenus and Davenport Sts. CJO-22
" \TTANTED A first-class sboa-makcr , at C. J.
VY SCIJMIDT , 1419 , Dodge streets.
Womanccok and dinini ? room
WAITED the Pacific Houso. C219
WAhTED A oih'ution by a man of ,
tteady , inductions and willing to be use
ful In any honirablo ctpacit ) . Compensation
according to capability. Please sddrcsi J. E.
II. care of Bee office. 6Cl-tf
TX * ANTED A eood cook , washer ami ironer.
YV Oood wages gi\en to a com . .erson.
Apply 2011 Caas St. pctcnt' ' 591-tf
Immediately a cook at Tizard's
Palace. 554-tf
"ATTANTED Situation as copyist or at any
YY kind of writing , by a tcmpctent young
ady. Adorcss "T. A. " liee office. lUfcrence
given and required. 520-tt
WANTED A rarmer with 82,000 to join ad-
vertiseria the cxtensijn o an established
and one of the bejtpaying business in th ; west.
Apply to F. W. Simsral , Room 6. Croighton
Block , 15th St. 4',0-lra
Two more boarders at 313 North
17lh streetbetween Davinpoit and Chi-
eao , east side 387-tf
| WR RENT Furnished rooms , ISIS Chicago
| street. CGl-tf
TOOMS FOR KENT With or without hoald ,
JA ( at 1014 California St. 644-tf
TOR REST Four rooms , at Royal St. John
J Sewing Machine Office , 16th St. 636-18
T710R RENT A store , corner 10th and Leaven ]
Jj worth. Inquire nextdcor , at Peterson's.
-TTOIl REST A new hotel at Plattsmouth.
_ C Ner > . , of 43 rooms , only hotel in town , CCOJ
people. Beat opening In the state. Addrpss to
Outhmann Bros. , Plattsraouth , Neb. 607-20
TT10R RENT FurnUbcd room with board , In
J" pr.vate family. Address W. U. S. , Box 337
P. O. , Omaha. 613-U
TJ OR RENT Rooms , furnished or nnfurniah-
I ? cd : suitable lor houac-kcepiny. 519 If.
14th St. 693-10
J7IOR RKNT 2 Inmlshed rooms over Her-
L1 chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodge atreeta. 239-tf
A FAJIILY About to leave the city offer for
J\ . sale their hoimhol I { uraltuie , which h 3
teen in use less than a month and 1) gocd 01
new. Apply to Ko. 1413 Chicago St. C53-22
OR SALE A one-horae buTcy. Knqnlra 61
E Paciflc St. , bet. 6th and 7th 639-23
SALE A cottage house of 5 roonu with
FOR lota ; Rrnund for tale , cheap. Inquire
2814 Farnhun St. , Bogjs' addition 467-to 23
[ 710R SALE flood dwelling house , 3 rooms
[ j aud kitchen , stood barn nd outhon ses. ) n-
ulro at Benson & Johnson's ice office. 333tf
n OR SALE Maps of Douzlis and Sarpy
[ j counties. A. ROjEWATEH , 1020 Kara
ham Street. 320-tf
nOR SALE A small well built honso of four
P roonn and summer kiuhon with corner
ot , well liid ou > , fruit and evercreen trees , etc. ,
ojil well and cellar , prica J1100. Apply of
' . JENKINS , 27ih and Dcd e SU. 640-ra w-s-t
SALE Lease and furniture of a first-
EOIt hotel In a town of 1300 inhabitant * , In
fatata of Nekrasli. Has 21 leii , the travelling
men's nsort. Inquire at H e ofDco 218-tf
TnOKSALE A BARGAIN A bulldinsr with
_ 1J saloon fixtures , furniture and ttock , on 10th
St. , opposite tha U. P. depot , for sale very cheap.
Or the fixture * , furniture and slock will bo mid
and building rented. Inquire of EO. KREISS-
HAN. 7S-tf
OR 2ALU T ro close carriages , at A. 5J. .
F Simpson's. 911-tf
mil E BEST-THINO YET-H . O. flaik & Co.'a
_ L Imperial Self RiLJnjr Winter AVheat Flour.
for P ncake-j , Biscuits , acd all kinds of pastry.
Trylt. Aak Tour grocer for 1 1. tin-it _
. HROWN , comer of 12th and ChloKO
. streets , is ready to bore or deepen wells.
Satisfaction ccannUed. 603-lf
AlIS CAN BE GOT At John Barr s stable
JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures
near corner 1 3th and Ltan-narorthSt. 378-t
FORGET Ttesu.ccMorof the Ameri
can House , on noun's : t , bet. Otli and
10th , for board , board in sr. lodging and transient
costumers. Bespcctfully , .
S. P. MORSE & CO. ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
1319 Farnham Street
The damage to our stock by smoke and water
in the FIRE OF MARCH IITH , has been adjusted by the
Insurance Companies ,
i ;
We will offer our Colossal Stock of
Dress Goods , Cloaks ,
Hosiery , - Cloths ,
Notions , Domestics ,
Underwear , Table Linens ,
Shawls , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. ,
At prices heretofore unequalled and that we can
not again duplicate. The first choice is an im
portant thing in such a sale.
We feel that it is hardly necessary to assure our
patrons that a complete and competent corps of
clerks will be in attendance to wait on all cor
rectly and in turn.
P. MORSE & CO. , j
1319 Farnham Street \j |
" -I
Hand Sewed Shoesaspecialty
AT'S. .
Leading Shoe Store ,
OMAHA , - - - -
rn'liia woes ilia ily at bomo eaullj mjJet BO
4milflt < fra * A < l.r ! < i l Tin * *
Will Buy and Sell
And all Transactions Con
nected therewith.
Pay Taxes , Kent Houses , &c.
Call at Office , Room 8 , CreigUton Block , rmahn ,
Neb. p5-dtf
Friday Evening , April 22nd.
Admission , COc and 75c. All reserved toiU
( l.(0 each , now on Bale at Kdnolm & Kiiclcsou'a.
War ranted a Safe , Certain and Speedy Cure for
Rheumatism In all its forms. Neuralgia. Lame
B clf , Pain in the Breast and Side , Fain In the
jtomach and Kidnojo , &c U 13 an Interns ,
remedy , a Tonic and Elocd lutifier , and whilctt
removes the Diseasi It imjrovea the genera
C. F. man. trrneral as ha
Sn essor U .1. II. TIIIELE ,
No. ,1O Douglas Street ,
Tno nnderslned will ricciic rr .posala from
urtUs ( leaning to toll liruc'i (15) ( ) to thirty ( So )
.ire * of Ian Ion which the oi < situated a c-'ejr
pr.njr whose outlet ii IT the lUe of ; a Hud not
en t an nro feet alxivo Ihe K-neral lerel of atir-
oumlli ( fin ! conUxu < jin l.iul i > a tics offering
n : h Nil I ill itatfllbenizo ornunitxTofeallon
icr tr.lnntc of nch tprlnjr. 111 rxtct distance
rom netrid rilr. ) J sU'ion and the number
f sfctio , lowQshln aud r.njc In which it Ig
> < a cd.
ThCTop-on < yiJ till ] „ , oi neil on the 35th
y of Aprl , 1831 , and the C'mimliulan r < scries
he ritit | ( tn rrj.ct i-y a d all biJu.
W. L. JIAY. Kronoiit.
II H KAI.KV. KnlClond.
U. It I.IVINT.STO.V. 1'Iattsmonth.
Htito I ) ard of Ki h Goraintaion
ap' > Mlot-wlt
Tlio Bunt in tbo Weat
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
P.opose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell theii
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
SilverWare ,
Pianos & . Organ ?
At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.
Spring Suits I All Styles I
Largest Clotliiug House West of Chicago !
We have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds ,
Gent's Furnishing Goodsj in great variety , and a heavy
stock of Trunks , Yalises , Hats , Caps , &c. These \
roods are fresh , purchased direct iron the manufac-
; urers , and will he sold at prices lower than ever be-
'ore made
We Sell ior'Cash and Have but One Price.
A large fetal oring force is employed by us , and we make
Suits to Order on very short notice.
1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , Corner 13tb.