Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
Thursday. , jtformng
, "Finest eec unent of tooth brushes
' ' * , warranted.
ovel Ten. Cent- , clears , five' for
* quarter , Btiuhn'a Jrng Store.
a f \ , -
* Forgot 'Commercial Job Printii
Acalls't TnE-"BE Job rooms. -
i The B. & . M. K. H. eipecte to op
its line between Omaha and Lincoln 1
TJie oldest inhabitant of top boots
Omaha 'lmts that he never saw muddi
streets during all his life in KeLraska.
J.i 3'ou want Bill-Heads , Letter-Hea
Envelopes or any job work. Call at T
BEE Job llooms. Prices that will BI
every one.
g Painters were busy yesterday |
putting several handsome signs for diffc
' ent firms on the front of the freight' '
Euiklins on Fifteenth street.
; The Concordia Society gives a en
ecription conceit and 'ball at Metz Hall
3 > [ . nday evcutiug , April 18. Tickets a
uot sold at the door , but those who ha
Attended the previous affairs of this Soci
ty can procure tickets at Alar MeyerV.
All the Jot7ivroads made their regul
oounrction with the Union Pacific train
the transfer depot at Spoon Lake y <
tcrd y , and all bag-gage , mail and c
press matter , cast or west bound , was re
ularly transfcred.
T "Jlobcrt Emmet , " which.will be play. .
here on next Monday afternoon and evei
- -MTpokwiof iiy-The Des .Moines lie
istcr , where it was recently witnessed by
delighted audience , "ns sparkling with wi
and free and rich in pathos , the mo :
affecting. ,
Mrs. J , TL Clark , who has bee
pursuing a course of musical studies i
Chicago , will give a concert at the Acat
cmy of Mu ic about April 5tb , assiste
by prominent Chicago vocalist ! and Mi
J. W. Wilkins , choriste of the PirstBai
list clmrch of Omaha.
llolaad Heed and his "Arabiai
If iglit " company appear at the Academ
of MUJIC on Priday and Saturday ever
ings , and in matinee Saturday afternoon
in "Snoir Ball" and "My Mother-in
Law. " Mr. lleeJ js supported by Mis
Alice llasting * . The sale of reservei
Beats began yesterday with a lively de
John Devoy will speak"at Clark'i
hall this evening on "Ireland'i
Causa and the Present Crisis" anc
Hoy. Geo. W. Pepper on "Ireland'i
Wrongs. " Both men have a higl
topntatlon as orators , and their lee
turea will bo especially Interesting t (
the Irish people of this city.
The largest , cheapest , and beat as
Vaortment of "ladles * ready made gar
* monta ever ehown in Omaha. BLACI
and Colored Cashmere and Silk Suiti
at extremely low p ces. Call and oei
" "MOTHER AWts T7LSriaANifDo ; LMAifj
These ore the kteat/and most
Ular garments now worn.
t Our Underwear department com
< plQte.and prices to euitall.
' "
> ' ' \ * . 1408 Farnbam St.
.of Eggs , at Baffett'a.
% aprlS-it
, Toight without fail. a3-2t
3Ir. Thos. Swobeof , ALirkel \ & Swobe ,
'has rotaraed from the east.
. JIcoLrts ana wife lelt for
Kansas City yesterday , by irtiy of the
Ed. Dickicson , Buperinteii ent of the
Irt-ainio division of the U , P. K. E. , is
in the city.
Win. J. Bush , Lieut , of the 2nd cavalry ,
TT..S. A. , and Capt Win. S. Arthur , of
Baltimore , are registered at the Withneil
Major D. S. Barrigor has returned from
" Bowling [ Green. Kentucky , Mrs. Barrig-
_ er's old home , where thelatter will remain
* = :1 orsereral weeks , .
General K. Jones , of Binghamton ,
kncm-n all Tover 'the world as "Skale
„ , WorkiJ nes"is ia Omaha , having been
Bjiendinr ; a month in Texas on business.
Mr. W. M. Bushman and his brother
Henry left this morning far Ilulo , Neb. ,
to wliich point they are summoned by the
fatal illness of their mother , who resides
with one of her sons who is a Catholic
priest located at that point.
Mr.'G o. P. Bemis is rapidly recovering
from his attack of pneumonia , but ia
obliged to bo on guard against a relapse.
> W le cannot be two ambitious to commence'
too < iuickly again to ztir up the real estate
cauldron , Dt. Grossman ayn. He will
keep away from his office fcr several days
yet. "
ATKINSON & CO. , the
Icdgcd J adinjj Milliners will an-
nontico their eemi-Bnnnal millinery
diepUy Si eoon aslhe weather is sult-
ablufinjlie meantime parties desiring
anythinglln Ihoir-Une for the Easter
f osuvaY 'can 'bo - * 1 accommodated.
CfcJghton Ifilock , neat -PoBtoffice ,
> "Finest'nd Richest Stock oror.shown.
- ' * APPLE Jelly , at Bnfletfs. alS-4t
_ ' Ringer's opening , to-night.
Budwsiser Bnttlpd Boer at Julius
To-night without/ail. a3-2t
_ . , , , „
J.100U 15cJM
IBO' Headlight , lOcl
lota lets ,
FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
tulns at
H r PI i If I 0 .
MF ; < *
- * _ x
The City Qemeteries nd th
at Which They are
Being Populated. -
gVhere the People of this bit
Die , and When-and
" " *
? - How , „ i
, In the outskirts of Omaha , and ge
orally at elevated points commnndi :
a wldo-Bpreiding view of the bro
valley and distant bluffij of the Mi
soutl , are located a half dozen aettl
incuts , the aggregate pspulation
which ia several thousands , but whi
are never visited by the caasus lai
In his rounds. Many el these horn
are decorated with orqutalte tag ;
are made beautiful during the sni
mer months with exquisite flo
en ; and on moat of the
the name of the occupant appears
chlaelied marble. That these sett'
ments are certain to increase eve
year with more and more rapidity
assured , beciuaa the poorest ai
wealthiest of our people , whatev
their habita and their tastes , Iocs
here at last. A few facts on the coi
paratlvo growth of these sottleraer
have been obtained from Dr. Iniso ;
ring , city physician.
Prospect Hill cemetery is the me
Important of these settlements ci
its increase iu population during t
year ending April 1st was 255. Tethers
others were populated at the folio
Ing rate : Holy Sepulchre , 59 ; Gas ;
dy' , ( Oithelis ) , 41 ; County grounc
49 ; Jewish cemetery , 3 ; St. Josep
1 ; Plcard's , 3 ; Souther's , 35 ; Germ !
Catholic , 15. Forty-two we
removed to othertowns. Thoao , wit
three whoso placas of burial were n <
reported to the city physician , incluc
the entire numbsr of deaths in t !
city of Omaha for the year , 493 i
which 291 were males and 204 f
Of this numbar nearly ono-thlrdc ,
183 , died during throe of the siitnmt
months , 44 dying In June , 80 in Jul
and 59 in August , a majority of who ;
were infants less than one year olt
moat of whom died from dlarrhoe ;
diseases. The Intense heat of the.
three months last year will thus b
seen to have caused a _ frightful morl
allty among children. The fatallt
of the other months was as follow
April , 28 ; May , 34 ; September , 33
October , 30 ; November , 39 ; Deceit
her , 24 ; January , 30 ; February , 3C
March , 54
In his report last year City Phyui
cian Labouring recommended tha
Immediate steps 1)0 taken to purlf ;
the filthy and pestilence breedinj
creeks of north and south Omaha
whose stagnant streams
all along their banks , and predictoi
that unless such steps were taken :
heavy mortality would bo the result
The report of wards shows the mortal
[ ly to have beenln preclaelythopartB o
the city named. The figures by ward
were as followsfFirat ward , 127 ; Sec
oud. 129 ; Third , 30 , Fourth
28t Fifth , 3C ; Sixth , 115
in. hospitals , 17. The princlpa
were as follows : Cansumptlon , ,4 !
( many of whom came Jiere with thi
disease in the hope of becoming bet
ter ) ; convulsions in children , 31
pneumonia , 3Gj typho malarial fever
30 ; diphtheria , 29 ; Scarlet fever , 23
heart dlseise , 13 ; whooping cough , C
There wore sir suicides and foui
leaths from alcoholism.
A comparison ofthe _ six coldei
nontha of 1880 and 1881 with-eacl
Jther 1880 having been a very want
dnter and 1881 a phenomenally cole
me shows only about the increase It
lumbers which
rould load us to expect. Tha figures
re as follows :
> ctober . 52 30
jovemter . 29 31 ]
December . 23 24
'anuary. . 33 SC
'ebruary . 21 30
larch . 33 51
174 213
The following ia a comparison of the
gnros for the remrining months :
1SSO. - 1SS1.
Lpril , not reported 23
Uy. . 19 31
une. . S3 41
uly . 49 SO
.jgust . 33 59
eptcmber . 37 37
171 2S2
The number of deaths from malar -
tl diseases in the fall of 1831 , was
.rgo , which the Doctor ascribes in
art to the throwing up of new earth
i grading and in laying gas pipes.
Of the deaths In 1881 , 265 were un-
2r five years of 330 and 151 under
10 year. Eleven wore over 7 0 years
I age , and one or two ( number uot
Hned ) oyer 80. None over 90. Ten
ere colored. One hundred and olev-
i were married , 371 single "and thir-
len widowed. The most remark blo
mllarity in figures occurs between
to two years iu the following dls-
1880. 1SSL
rlet fever . . . . . .22 23
iphtheria . 29 ' 29
Icoholism. . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
5 0
Astronomy and Geometry are the
LAMENTS of wisdom : Go to
1001 , Farnhara , cor. 10th at.
ORANGES and Lemons , Buffitfs.
! -
BEST watch work done at Edholm
Erickson's , opposite U. S. Post-
Ringer's opening , to night. tha bushel , at Buffet's.
13 4t , .
Ringer's opening , to-night ,
Go and s o Treitschke's fine sample
om. io.t
Those wishing first-class dresemak-
g should call at 317 N. 15th street.
Whose Charge Against th
Waterworks Company
is Denied ,
The Fallowing letter was brought i
this office for publication yesterdt
by aboht twenty workingmen , pu
porting to come from and to represei
the sentiment of the labeling men <
Omaha : "It explains itself :
' .OMAHA , April 13 , 183i.
Wo , the workinijraen of Omahi
having been informed by reliable ai
thority that the City Water Worl
company has advertised in some oas
era papers for 1,000 menj offering S
per dav per ffiad , knofr that thlp
nothing but a snare to entice men I
come here In order to create a conip
tition among wcrkingmeu cud ke <
wages down.
' The following resolution was passe
by a large body of worklngmen c
Omaha :
Resolved , That we , the workingmt
of Omaha , will not work for the Gil
Water Works company for less tha
? L75 per day per man , and week
payment. WOEKINOMEN.
Messrs. Smith and McEwan , i
Detroit , Mich. , the contractors f <
the water works to bo construct *
hero , wore foucd at their office , c
Sixteenth street , and , in rep
to a question as to wh
there was in the rope
of an alleged adverUoement for oas
oru laborers , taid : "There ia i
foundation whatever for the repot
Wo have not advertised for caste ;
laborers and do not expect to , Th
card is published by "a lot of f allo ;
who will not work at any price , at
who wish to incite troub
among those who wlah omploymen
Wo have had fifty applications th
morning for jobs , and if the weath
is suitable we expect to commence o
work next Monday morning , ! ! not b
foro. Wo shall put on about 150 me
which force we will increase to 200
a few weeks. The work will bo pus
ed as fast as possible and if labor ai
skill can do anything we will comple
the job by the 15th of July. "
Immense Destruction of
erty by the Ice Gorge.
Corre pondence o ! The Boo.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , April 12. In
letter previously written I mentione
that largo losses were confined I
country and railroad properly
Though in the main true , other losec
have been reported which are not ii
considerable , and the unfortnnal
people all lived within one-half mil
from the river and on the low bottoi
land. Gorges formed In both th
Loup and Platte livers , within
few miles of their confluence , and th
Platte gorge went out first , but di
very little injury to any property. IE
tense excitement was occasioned b
the breaking up of the Loup , for im
mense flakes of Ice had collected am
were borne on the breast of a wav
four feet high , and rushing forwan
with great speed , btrlklngall witnesse
with commingled amazement , adtnira
tion and terror. It carried all fence
before it , whether inclosing stock o :
not. A aiugle cake of ice swept awaj
the stock yard of Mr * Kinzle ant
killed twenty head of j cattle withou
ever pauilnsj in Us majestio course
Further down the stream some hogs
the propsity of David Anderson , fel
victims to Its fury. The fiah pom
of George Stevens was completelj
dredged , and a grove of trees eur
rounding was moved down as thougl
plpestems or brittle reeds. Alonj
the Loup below Columbus , Jamei
Haney lost 130 head of cattle ; Henrj
Beinder lost 200 sheep ; George Gal
ley and others -also lost cattle. Mr.
Beinder's farm was on the north side
of iLe Platte river , but now forms parl
of an iiland made by the no ! r branch
of the river. The flood lasted five
hours. As the water retired to the
regular course Df the river Urge quan
tities of ice were lodged upon the
land. It George Galley's yard the ice
was six feet deep three days after the
inundation. Photographers wore
busy several days and have exhibited
lome marvelous scones of the havoc
ind destruction. Houses on the low
bottom adjoining the town had to ba
iesertcd , and some of them were
[ bated down the river.
. So far as wo
ire able to learn no human life was
ost. The family In George Galley's
louss took shelter in the second story.
This bnilding was in the direct coarae
) f the lea drift aud was much damaged.
Che windows on the west side were
jroken , and the first floor was covered
irith four feet of water.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were re-
: ordod at the county clerk's oflice
Monday , as reported for this paper
> y John L McCague , real estate agent
md conveyancer :
Union Pacific railway company to
i. FolkenanJ F. H. Divls , lot 1 and
! , block 0 In town of Waterloo , w. d.
Philip Norton and wife to George
Jurkc , w i of lot 3. block 21 , Omaha ,
r. d.-$2lOO.
A. J. Poppleton and wife to Amelia
3. Page , lota 15 and 18 in Koumze's
at add. , w. d. $1600.
John L Redick and wlfo to Anna
Jowon , lots 23 and 24 in Redick's 2d
dd. , w. d. § 400.
Geo. H. Boges and Lew W. Hill to
ohn Qulnn , et section of town , 15
anga , 11 eastw. d.
Thomas Pnrdy and wife to Boggs &
[ ill , sej section 7 , town 15 , range 11 ,
ast , case , w. d.
G. C. Manell and wife to Boggs &
Oil , se section 7 , town 15 , range 11
ast , q. c. d. § 1.
Aug. Kountze and wife to Ernest
Vindhoim , part of lots 23 and 24 ,
umntza's 2d add. , w. d. § 407.
Samuel E. Rrgera and wife to Thos.
rowry , part of lot 1 , block 14 , Roger's
dd.w. d. 415.
Alois Rois to Ernest Wiudheim ;
art of lots 23 and 24 , In Kountzo'a
nd add. ; q. c. d. $100.
Aug. Kountza and wife to Leonard
nible ; part of lot 11 In Kountz 's 2nd
ddw. ; d. S400.
Union Pacific Ry. Co. to Gsorge
lumbeck ; nw. of so. J section 5 ,
jwn 14 , range 11 , east ; w. d. § 400.
The following transfers were re-
irded yesterday :
Geo. II. Boggs and Lew W. Hill to
ohn G Lee : o A lot 3 , in block 50
aiiba , w. d. 2,000.
Charles C. Houaelto Wm. E.Smith :
e J section 15 , town 16 , range 9
ist , q c. d 5375.
Michael A. Stly to Mrs. Susan
braham : lots 32 and 35 , Griffin and
aac's addition , w. d 52,200.
Wm. C. Hunt to Jhn ACruigh -
n , e 31 lot 5 , block 83 , Omaha , d.
Byron Reed and Jt-hu Campbell to
ty Water Works Co. , lot 1. block
' 8 , Omaha , w. d. § 100.
, .
* - T VU-tL * X 3-j. ' T-- ( * * - * "
Ohief GalHganto Hold Bis Offic
Another Tear ,
An Exciting Contest In , th
City Council Chamber ,
Between the Boya who "Eu
Wid de Maaheen. "
The city council chambers ia tl
city hall were curly filled Inst evenh
by nearly two hundred member of tl
fire department nnd their friends ,
attend the election of chief cnginci
and other officers. So much intere
had been excited in this contest ov. .
tle poiltlon of chief that every met
her of the department who couH po
ilbly attend wa * on deck , aud prepan
to cast one or many ballots for h
choice. The mooting waa called
order at 7:30 o'clock by Preside :
The following tellers were a
pointed , ono from each company : .
W. Nichols , P. F. Hanlon , LOD
F'alst , Charles field.
It iras determined upon molio
that an informal and formal balli
should bo taken , the names nf tl
members of O&eh company beit
called by the secretary of that cor
pany , and the ballots being deposit *
one by ono. Baforo the f irmal ball
had proceeded far , only one compat
voting , , the question of the correc
ne of the secretary a list was raise
Considerable dieci silonj aud aomo
a very excited nature ensued , on tb
point. There was evidently an A
rlcan in tha feiico which the snppoi
era of ono of the candidates tenrc
The question was determined for tl
time being by the reading nf section
of the constitution of the departmeu
which is as follows :
AH members of the different compani
of the Oinaha fire department , iu go
standing , shall be members of this asso
ntion , and the companies shall inako a i
turn of their members , honorary , active
otherwise , thirty days bctore the anac
meeting , to the secretary , from which
shall make up his roll of the departmei
and none others but those on the rolls th
made shall bo considered members or
entitled to vote at meetings.
When , however , the question r
curred during the voting of the mot
bora of company No. 3 , the preside :
ruled that any member of the fire d
partment , In good standing , wheth
his name had been put upon the rol
or not , was entitled to a vote ar
should erst that vote on the form
ballot. Several exceptions were taKe
to thla ruling , but were declared 01
of order by the president and , ami
great uproar and intense excitornen
the balloting continued. When tl
count was announced it stood : E. C
Ryley , of Hook and Ladder company
63 ; J. J. GaHigau , of No. 2 , 51
Charles Hunt , of No. 1 , 20 ; S. 1
Mealio , of No 3 , 11 ; scattering 4.
S. N. Mealio nnd Charles Hui
withdrew their names , and the fi l
on the formal ballot centered in tb
two leading candidates , Chief Gallign
and Assistant Chief Ryley. The ver
close vote on the Informal ballot b <
twoen these two gentlemen enl
served to intensify the oxcltemev
which pervaded. Previous to con :
mencing the formal billet several pe
sonal disputes occurred which threal
ened to ripen into altercations , bu
which happily had no serious tirrui
nation. The president'and the fiecre
tary indulged in an exchange of compliments
plimonts , the tellers onde&vored t
explain matters but wore preveutci
by the cries of several individuals In
side the Tailing , esch of whom clairaei
the floor , while ono enthusiastic am
eager partizan mounted a chair am
then a table in order to obtain th
recognition of the presiding officer. a time , however , order wa
restored , and the formal billet pro
ceeded. According to the president'
decision several members of the department
partment , whose names wore not upoi
the secretary's lists , were permitted ti
rote. The result was a victory fo ;
: he Galligan party , the chief rocoivini
vptBs oRylyy'aGO. Upon motiot
jalligan's election was made unaci
now. Being called upon the re
; locted chief briefly responded anc
laid :
iVhen I came hero this evonlnir , ]
raew I didn't have a 'walk away. ' ]
ixpectcd a hard fight to bo made bj
isaiBt-mt Chief Ryloy , and I was no !
lisappointod. I thank my frjendi
rho have worked for me hero to-
light , and I thank all those who have
teen In the department since I have
leen chief engineer , for their help ,
nd I hope that whatever may have
icon the feeling here to-night , thai
very man will be at his post ready foi
uty if the boll rings in the morning ,
again thank you. "
Assistant Chief Ryley was called oul
nd eaid :
"GENTLEMEN I don't know as
here is much for mo to say. This Is
he eecond time I have been before
on as a candidate for chief engineer ,
nd twice I have been defeated , bo-
ause I had a hard man to beat. I
new this fact before I srent into the
ontest , but I did the best I could. 1
hank all who have worked for mo ,
nd I have nothing but friendly feel-
ig for all who opposed me. Bat
hers Is one thing I want to aay now.
have heard it said repeatedly that I
ad promised some men offices if 1
ot the position of ciiof , and hod
hreatened to cut off the heads of some
ow holding places Tne mm or
ion who started these stories said
iat which was false. I never made
promise or a threat , and since my
ame was first mentioned for chief , I
ave said nothing that could bo takou-
i that way. . You have elected Mr.
alligan chief. You all know his
bility , which I have always acknowl-
Jged. I hope thrt you will give him
10 same support that I should have
tpected had I been elected. "
The department then proceeded to
ie election of president
, vice-presi-
ent , secretary and treasurer "the
scretary in each instance being In-
ructed to cast the ballot. The fol-
> wing getitlemen were elected :
President , E. G. Ryley ; vice-pros- !
snt , F. Hanlon ; secretary , Jerome
Pentzel ; treasurer , E. Shirt. The
ection of trustees was costponed un-
l the next meeting of the department.
After number of motions and
lanit-r motions , ono to adjourn pro-
iiled , and th meeting adjourned to
'ednceday evening next , when thn
ustees will bo elected , and other
isiucss transacted.
August F. Malhisen , member of the' '
nish Veterans , aged 51. '
Funeral from cower of Third arid
! erce streets , to-day at 1 o'clock
m. Brothers of the ledge and
ends are invited t'j attend.
A.P. & A. M.
There will lea special communica-
sn of St. John's lodge , No. 25 ,
is evening , for work In the F.
gree. Visiting companions are cor-
illy invited.
Organization of the'Couipany-
OMcera Elected and Ar
rangements Completed. . ,
The Council Bloffi Nonpareil . "nt
nouncca that the organteilton. of th
.Elevator company to * build a man
moth elevator ia that oily thin sure
mor , io completed. The company i
utyied the Council BIuus Union filevc
tor company :
A meeting of the majority of stocl
holders was hold at the Union Paclfi
hottl yo-terday morning. The follow
ing named gentlemen wdro prassnt o
this infesting ! Hogh Riddle , prealdsr
of the Rock Is'androtidjR. 11. Cable
general manager and vice-presiueni
A. E. Kimball , general super
iutendent , and H. F. Royce
divl.'ion superintendent of th
sarte ; Thos. L. Kimball , nsalstan
general manager of tha Union Pacific
and J. T. Clark , eneral superintend
entj T. J. Potter , general manager o
the Chicago , Burlington ahd fyiincy
Albart Keep , president of the Chicago
cage and Northwestern ; Marvl :
Hughitt , genori.1 manager , and E. D
Johnson , chief engineer , and Gao. E
Writjht , of this city.
The gontienion proceeded to olefl
the following named stockholders
board of directors : Sidney Dillon , c
the Union Pacific , Marvin Hughitt.c
the Northwestern , R. R. Cabloof th
Rock Island , T. J..Potter , of the Bui
lington , A. L. Hopkins , of the We
bash ; T. L. Kimball , of the Unio
Pacific , and Geo. F. Wright , of thi
The following named gentlemen wer
then elected officers of the companj
Sidney Dillon , president ; Blarvi
flughltt , vice-president , and Gee , F
Wright , secretary and treasurer.
It was ho Intention of those prcf
ont to settle on a site for the elovatoi
but owing to the bad weather this wa
not done , aud Mr. Kimball was ct
thorked to secnro plans of propose
building aud map of deairabio grounc
and report at an adjourned meeting
to bo hold iu Chicago the latter pai
of the present month.
But ono elevator will bo precto
during the coming summer , which wi
have a capacity cf (500,000 bushels (
grain. This building will bo added t
from tirao to time as the needs of tli
company may demand. Work will I
commenced by Juno 1st or soouer
the wealhor proves favorable and wi
be pushed with vigor and dlspatcl
The building to bo put up th
summer will cost about § 200OC ,
and employment will bo given to
large force of men.
Remember thojparlor concert t <
morrow evening at the roaidonca o
Mr. C. B Rmtin , it is a treat th ;
none can afford to loso. Tickets ca
bo h d of the ladua of thj Cjngrega
tioual church.
1208 mZ 1210 Faniham st. , Omaha.
Beauty , health , and happiness forladie
At C. F. Ccxxlirwn'd.
Undoubtedly the best ahlrt In thi
United States la manufactured at thi
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
oined with their great Improvements
that ia Reinforced frouta , Rulnforcec
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makci
their shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ovei
manufactured at the w .iderato price ol
§ 1.50. Every shirt of our make ie
guaranteed firat-clnss and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of a'lwool ' ,
Shaker , and Ginton flannel , also
chemois undirwenr , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and woak-lun cd
persona we offer apoiial inducements
in the in.innor these goods are made
for their protectfon.
' -n .n street.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes ckills
xnd fuvcr iuipotsil lc. ,
: od-lw > ' At 0. F. Ooodmau'g.
Police Court.
? lTho police conrt oponedj yerterday
vith Judge Boneko occupying the
aeuch. Several warrants were macle
> ut forthe arrost-of parties in thla
itty , but no judicial business transac-
; ed. ' * ) f
Forty years' trial baj proved "BLACK-
3RAUGHT" the best liver medicine iu
.he world.
' At C. F. Goodman's.
Dr. Charles Telslny , ono of the most
uccesaful healiogmediums of the ago ,
taa loci ted iu our 'midst , and is pre-
larod to treat nil kinds of chronic die *
aaes without medicines. Ho partic-
ilarly dusires cases despaired of regu-
ir M. D.'a , aud guarantees a euro if
ronounood curable by him. No
uesrions asked , diagnosis by aid of
lairvoyanco. The pcror are always
Livorably considered. Call and satisfy
ourselves , at the , Magnetic Healing
nstituto , Burt street , west of milita-
y bridge. nufra
Marshal Niel llosea loft for E istor.
lome , see and order. C. E. Erlhng ,
leavenworth and llthsts. 12 tu-thu
Day Board § 3 50. Hudson River
louse , Hirnoy street.
11 3-ood J. C. GREEN , Prop'r.
Laudreths ' & Sons' celebrated gar-
en seed , iu bulk nnd in packages ,
elect onion scis , choice seed pota-
DCS just received , etc. , etc. '
3red-tf Sixteenth & Cal. Sta.
Easter Monday , April 18th ,
The Ivanhoe Dramatic Club ,
r. IlJiryJ. Parr. . Director.
Tliij pavcmbolics ths tnic sfntiirciifs rf the
leh ps < ic ns hyttru , ; led for their Gcd
cn Hi ntroes , o ily smbition du Ing
r -Trrrf nl femH of P3 jnTtra i K li's ' t-na
otivts nd depictin ; hl < wonderful qnalitics of
If fcrlficin bvpv dnoblc'jrenerosity. Scents ,
i non amisinsaroso h'pjiry intersorenin
cplot as tomnkathc pity at once the mas'
autifu'afil ' inlca'elyin'c rsttne on the modern
we. A sironi ; cast and elepin't ccstuniea.
Tickets SOc. Hts-.wJ seats at Edtmra k
rlck opH 'in-eit ' ° 3Q. _ apl c d3t
T OTICB The firm o. Kin ? , Armstronz & Co
XGrocers , N. K c rner Kjth nnd CUifon : !
5. , has been d'Eso'.rrd liymatuil consent. J.O
liter will continue tbe bnsiness za f > nne 1
d will y y all debts dua by the firm and collect
accounts duo the firm.
firm.J. . W. KISO ,
, April 1 , ' 81. - r 666-codl3
Smith S. Cjldwell and wife to Sam
ual D. Mercer , north 99 feet of lot
'WTjlock 1C4 , 0013087 * : d $2500. =
Joseph Bell and wifa to Samuel D
Mercer , lota 7 nnd 3 in block 151
Omaha , w. d-S1200.
Heirs of Jacob S. Shull to Johc
and R. AL Vithn.oll 2i acres' In sec
tion 2 ? , townlorarigo ' " , 13 east , w. A ,
-$2WQ. , , , , . . . .
Gaorgo Burke and wife to St. Barn
.abai church , w * lot 3/In block 21 ,
Omaha , w. d. S lOO.i
Loavitt Bnrnbam and wlfo to , J. H.
MilUrd.lot 7 , B.irtlott'a addition , w.
. - . , .
Thomas C. Polio to John Bean , lol
8 , in block 1C , Credit Foncier addi
tion , v. d. § 800 ,
Henry St. Felij&and wife to Snsan
Lehman , north. ! lot 7 , in block 152
Omnha , w. d. $3000. _
NOTICE- Advertise mcnt ? To Loatl , Tct SMc
Boardice. Sc. , till 1 > ° in
Lost Found , Want * ,
sorlcd in ttio < w columns once for TEN CENT
rUon ,
ptr Hnecich8ub8ciiuentIns < :
Insertion never les Uiai
\i \ Itao The first
rOKRY TO I.OAK 1103 Farnh&m gtroot
iVi Dr. Kdwarii Lon Agrocr. nor-22-tf
MAN WANTED-Te work in Bar-Jen - , norlj
oJ turtxblc of street car linr. II. W. Ball
OUlIi W.iiti'U cenerxl housework can oh
t\ia pUi-o with enull family , J212 L'odg
OIKL WANTED TO do K ncral house
AW "ANILD A w.rnin cook , at tlio DoM
W House , cppotitotho Heeolfico. COW
To take charRe of or work on
WANTtD lij a man who understands hi
bu inc3 . Jltintl'ro 1101 Hnaril St. tornc
llth. 603-19
A sitl for general homott'ofk. {
WANTED ' to a competent elil. App !
M southwest corner of Californi.iaiid 21st fcti
rwJ RlrlB , cook nJ recmid sir
WANTED 1915 WebatcrSt. S34 15
ANTED Woman cook , at the O'Connc
W lionso. botwctit Docgaa ! nd Dodfte.
$250 on real tstite security. Ad
WASTED II. , Bee offlto , and etatc terms.
TT' A TED A seed cook , washer and [ ronci
\ V Good wa ej g > vea to a competent preoi
Apply 2011 COBS St. 63M
Llelit employment oJ any Mn
WANTED by a y 01111 < man experienced I
Kcneral clHco dutit. Apply book-keoper , lit
office. 671-16
- Weman to waib. and Iron , at U :
W EminsttUousO 679-13
\T7-ANTED-A firat-class blackemlth ,
V plow work. M. J. Kellcy , Loner 5th SI
Council Bluffs. _ S6M3
"ITT" ANTED Immediately a cook at Tizard
W I'alace. _ 554-U
Situation as copyist or at an
Kind of wrltliif , by a irmpetent youn
lady. AdJress "T. A. " IJco ollico. Heferenc
gi\en and required. _ 52J-tt
A tituatlon in a private famil
byacompctentBeaniiitreaa to do famll
s Ini ? , can cut an 1 H : for ch-Mren. Apply sean
stress , at 715 17th St. , between Wcbjter an
Hurt. 618-10
ANTED A ( int'iier ' with § 2,000 to join ai
\crtis' r in the cxtcnMon of an cstabllshe
and one of tliDbcitpijin ; "lusinesa in th ! wcsl
Api > ly to I . U' . Siuicral , Room 0 , Crci hlo
Block , 15th St. _ 4 561m
Y"\7"AI 'TED Tuo more boarders at 313 Nort
W 17th street , bet ACen Davmpoit andCh !
caio , eist side 387-tf
170H KENT Furnished rooms for centlcmai
JJ widwifoor two centiemcn. Ucferenco ic
quired. ' Aply to 403 Cass bt , bet. 20th am
2Ut , south side. A ao stable for 3 hordes.
T710K KEST Suit of rgomx , suitable for pcu-
JL Hcinan and wife or two ? cntUmen , at 111 :
rOR KENT Rooms , furnished or nnlurnhh
L' e < l ; suital le fur house ktcpin ; . 19 N ,
14th St. 5-J3-19
KENT Offices anil looms in Eirkcr'i
FOR ' . ' , ojer Driicoo'e eatc store , Fanihan
Direct , thquirj U.IMJ & Snydcr and tlie go :
olhce. 60J-13
KENT Boonis. 18tS"CliIcigo St.
KENT To a reasonsLie ! party the entire
FOR ind floor of the block , N. L. Cor. ICth
and CalRornia it. , especially adapted fora hotel
or first-ella boarding huutc. Ilcnt ? 5300 per
month. Appl } on fromi'sea to J. O. Slatter.
TTOK RfcNT Flret floor of house 1308 Wcbttor
r nd Ibth StJ. JA. . Lillie 578-tf
j\ll Kl..1'l i lutuistiml rooms oi Mer-
rUchange , N. E. Cor. 16tb and
FOH SALE A cottage houte of 5 rut mi with
2 lots ; gronnd for rale , clicap. Inquire
! ait Karnhtm St. , Co ga' addition 467-to a28
r.AOR SALE Good dwelling house , 3 rooms
1 ; and kitchtn , coed barn and outhouses. In-
Ullra at Kf naon & Johnaon's ice ofUco. 393-tf
Oil ( -ALE Hays ) ! Douglas and Sarpy
Ej 1 counties. A. KO = EWATER , 1520 Karn
ism Street. 320-tf
\LE-A small well built house of four
roonn and summer kitchen with comer
ot , nell 1 iid ou * . fruit and eicrsreen trees , etc. ,
10 p l well ami cellar , prim $1100. Apply of
P. JENKlNj , 27th and Ucdce &U. 6J8-m w-a-H
SALE Lease and furniture of a flret-
clasa hotel In a town of 1SOO inhabiting. In
jtato of Nebraaka. Ilaa 21 beds , tbo trarcllii e
ncu'a rexort. Inquire at Bee office 218-tf "
A BARGAIN A bulldmsr with
Ealoon tUtnrcs , furniture and stock , on 10th
it. , opposite the U.P. depot , for sale very cheap.
) r the fixture < , furniture and stock will be sold
mil building rented. Inquire of El ) . KREISS-
FOR " -ALri To close carriages , at A. J.
Simpson's. 911-tf
rill E BEST TH1NO YKT-H. G. t laik s Co.'s
Imperial Self lUisIng Winter AVhcat Flour ,
'or ' Pancakca , Biscuits , and al < kinds of pastry ,
rry it. Ask your grocer for rt. 478-if
LOST A. pair of ihlldren's shoes , hc'.wern S.
1' . Jlorsi & Co's. and Cruickshank's. Fader
i ill plctso return to county clerk's ollio' .
NOlICrt TO BUILDERS Scaled propoiils
for the erection of the ( cmporary Music
inll foliolilin ? the cominj Sicmrerfcst w.ll
orccsi\eiby the undo sizncd until the 2fllh
ist. PlaiisandareciEcatioiutobo seen at the
Illcc of Henry Vos ? , ( Architect , Jacobs' r.Iock.
henght to reject any or all bid ? is reserved. By
rder executive Committee of "Mueiu Fcatival
isociatiou. " II. K03ENZWEIO.
S'2-tf ' _ Sccrct ry.
; t il.KP.OWN , corner of ICth md Chicago
i I . streets , H ready to bore or deepen wells.
itiafactlon guaranteed. _ 503.
CAN BK HOT At John Earrg stable
for all kinds of work , at revocable figures
rar corner 13th and Ij pnwrth St. 37S-t )
' FORGET Theau-cessorot the Aracri-
can House , on Doughs bt. , bet. 9th and
? th , for Bond hoarding , lodging and transient
> stumers. KcaDcclful'y ,
j tt _ JUl.ltla & LUUISF. UOS3
TVrEr.MlY Where w.ll Youiptmllt ? Acts
ll XVI-31. * 550-20
_ . .
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other
ep riticn makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
luxurious pastry. Cm be fated by Dysrep-
s without fear of the ill * resulting trom heavy
Jyestiblo food. Sold oily In < an , by all
a. J -Cash dobbers"and Retailers of
S ! DRY j
1319 Farn ham Street
The damage to our stock by smoke and water
in the FiREOF MARCH I1TK , has been adjusted by the
Insurance Companies ,
We will offer our Colossal Stock of
Dress Goods , Cloaks ,
Hosiery , Cloths ,
' '
" ' " '
Notions , Domestics ,
Underwear , Table Linens ,
Shawls , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. ,
At prices heretofore unequalled and that we can
not again duplicate. The first choice is an im
portant thing in such a sale.
We feel that it is hardly necessary to assure our
patrons that a complete and competent corps of
clerks will be in attendance to wait on all cor
rectly and in turn.
. P. MORSE & GO.
1319 Farnham Street
t/3 > -s
* * 1
< ra
Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty
leading Shoe Store ,
OMAHA , . . . - NEB.
"Will Buy and Sell
And all Transactions Con
nected therewith.
Pay Taxes , Eent F oases , &c.
Call at Cilice , Rjotn 8. Crci lTrn ntoclc , ' mifcn
Neb. p5-dtf
Sncccseor Ui .1. H Til KI.K ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
ILER & 00. ,
' 3AKA , Neb.
- - - - - - Safe , Certain and pee lv Cure for
Itieumitism In oil iu forum , Srura'gii , Lame
Jick , Pa'n ' in thn Hreut an I Siile. > in In the
Itonwch and KMne ) . ko \ < - Ii an intern * '
emfdy , a Tonic and EIowl l-nrinrr , an 1 whilcit
cmores the BUcisi it Ira MTCJ ihc centra
C. F. man ,
i *
The Beat in the West.
' Tf1- . * < . , - .
* e i suit > ) j -f j
With the Best Selected Stock of
in Omaha.
P.opose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
SilverWare ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 oer
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean linsincss. Come and be Convinced.
Best ] 2sigt ! ? , latest Styles and Artistic Wo k. Prices and
Spojificationsfuinuhed- my Figures before Or
dering Work tlsewheip.
SIGN < ? , Paper Hanging Plain Painting of all Kinds.
1318 Hnrncr Street , , Ni5 .
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Heat Ansnrtraent of
in the West.
At Chicago I'rl e .
120 ! ) *
Harney Street , Omaha.