rr r < * " 4 YOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 , 1881. NO242. . Established J87I. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents HOUSES LOTS > ' FARMS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 15th and Douglas Sts. , Neb Omaha , - - A ( \f\r\ Residence Lot ? , * + \J\J\J to 52500 end Homes and Lota , § 275 to ? 18COO end Business Lots § 500 to 510,000 cac' OAA Farm ? . AcresL&nd- 900,000 IQ 000 Acresin Don81&5 AcresiaB rpyCo. Large Amount of Suburb Property In I , 10 , 20 or 40-Acre Lots Within 1 to 5 Miles from Post Office , $250,000 TO LOAt At 8 per Gent. NEW MAPS OF OMAt Published by tlisAgencyi : 25 cents Each , Mounted $ ! . ( - Houses , Stores , Hotels , Tarn Lots , Lands , Offices , Booms , Etcto Bent or Lease. Taxes paid , rents collecte -deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate doouments made out at short notice. This agency does strictly brokerage business. Doesn speculate , and therefore ai bargains on its books are i sured to its patrons , instead , being gobbled up by theager Notary Public Always Office. and get Circulars and f / Particulars at BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANC 15th and Douglas Sts , , OMAHA. - - - NI ASCOl 1CHER , Senate DaYl6 ' Davis 'Un' " very Farmer i VLir18 : - Bound Hand s.N * At Their His Crop Absolu. 1y Mercy. " They Ar * Seizing t. & Aven ues of Power. " Dispatck to The Bte. WASHINGTON , April 13 1 a. TO The ft Kowing letter from Senat or Da- vidj ) vls explains Itself : WASHINGTON , April 8 , It < 8l , To John Martin , &q , Topela , K csas : DEAR SIE I am much obltgei 'l jOI Jriendly expressions in your lett ar. jn the best for th , . my opinion hope , ,0 oun. , ry is In the construction of grille' 3ur politics are degraded into fc i > t,4nie- ! nl scramble for the snoils For weeks past the senate supposed to repres. nt tbe * " . * . in -i , lect of both sides , has b , ' In an unseemly etrugg / . y ' places , and now , at the " . new administration , . , eac' 'at > ffict' ° i " arrayed aginst 0 ' b other over pat- romce v > reai c r - , , jrpoiauons and con- fiolidatCQ monn . . c" jinhis are fast seizing * ° . olof ' ' Power that- lead to tbe con jHSOVeinmcn Ithan " * * * tfaat thtjy rula 6tates throor * y 4ft procured legislatures and cor- court a ; that they nre strong In _ a , and that they rxo unscrnpu- f loirs in the use of moans to conquer y ft prejudice and tquire influence. This H condition of things la truly alarming , | j for unless it be changed quickly and j thoroughly , free Institutions are doomed to be substituted by an oligarchy garchy , retting upon % basis of money and corporate power , Ever/ farmer in the west is boud hand tnd foot by the manacles rf monopoly corpora tion ! . The p/escribed value of his hard labor ar.d his crop is absolutely at their Viercy. Who proposes on either si jo to protect the just rights of th'jj great agricultural commu- n"y with twenty five millions of pop- "LatioL ? The corporations not only levy toll ciitbo industry of the farmer , but every blanket with which their children r < s warmeo , their plough shares that turn the soil , and the nccesary articles of household econo my are taxed by exorbitant tat iff for the profit of monopoly. How can resutance be sucaesifully made against corporate power when both of the great parties are organized and run es close corporations ? When leading newspapsra , recognized as re publican and democratic organs , are owned and directed by prasping mo nopolies to snbserva ihelr selfish Bv-'liemea , and to restrain opposition to them in cither party. Their only politics is greed of gain. One party retains possession of the government for a quarter of a century by methods which would long ago condemned it to crnihing defeat but for the errors of democratic leaders , always commA % td at the worst time. 'For long * 0a"rB past the republican party has Quieted upon sectional agitation , ' jQ by e follies of its opponents There are hundred * jf thous J(1J ( o { pura and patriotic men ir , oih organize ions who are. ter/iered : wholly powerless by the -machine management of each , * nd crlio are politically ensla.-ed by * BP > lers who necretly unite whenever p venal object ii to be gained by a combinitlon. "Regular nominations are dictated by professional politicians and irresponsible caucnsea , dictated by A few ambitious leaacrs wno cpu- trol state and mnuiciphl politics. They put up candidalts , coi.struot platforms and proclaim patriotic punj ciplei In fine phrases , which are mere shams. Practical reform is imposn bio on a large scale , while one hun dred thousand offices and the pitron- an : Hge , represented in lomo five hundred millions jof annual receipts and ex penditures , are offered aj the prize of success. * The parly disciplined and led like regular army his the most advantage , which Is scmewhat crippled - plod by the bitter rivalry of its chief. Unfortunately for the democratic party , a prejodlce exists in the northern mind that It was hos ille to the Union during the ci 'il war. The faot that tens of thousands of democrats , many of them , too , from the slavs holding slates , nobly volun teered their services for and offered up their lives In the defense of the old flag , doea not effect this belief. HA Whllo that prtjadice oxlstr , the chances for the democratic pirty are limited , however patriotic tta pur poses may | be. If the moro name oo shonld be abandoned , the republican party would die from want of an op position that now reeks to keep it us alive. A national party , founded on , harmony between all parties of the Union , on reform of abuses , economy in public expenditures , rigid account ability of r Shore , honest civil service , free and fair eletion , upright ob servance of all constitutional obliga tions and the maintenance of public credit , would ' be gladly welcomed by the people. Republicans and demo crats alike reck to be emancipated from the vulgar despotism of this mi- chine , which is common to both par ties. There are choaring signs that the end of this dominatoin draws in popular dem nd for good government , without reapcct to purty. Ring rule must be overthrown or it will stop the wheel of progress and destroy tha foundation of social order These opinions have Ion ? been entertained a by me without the lent desire for lot ooncailment. With high respect , ( Siijned ) * * - > * DAVID DAVIH. in- Helrjlns Sufierera. 6p cial DJipatch to tha M * - " > at. WASHINGTON"D. C. , April 13. 1 a. m. Sir Edward Thornton , Count Lewenhanpt , Austrian minister , M. in Outray , minister of France and Secre tary Blaina. each subecribsd fifty dol- lau to day in'Bid of the sufferers. at Ohio.- > - Ohio.An An appeal having been made for Full government aid for fiufferara from floods in Dakota , it was decided at a cabinet session to-day to Issue rations , blankets , etc. , to sufferers. Orders were accordingly iuued from the war ' ' ' ' . - * " .departtaoat-tbis i ' GE' 1 Murder of a U. S. Marshal. Ep cal ! dUpltch to Tht Utc. NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April 12. 10 p. EB m , Details are received of the asaas- sinationof Henry Seagreaver , deputy United States marshal. Ha was stopping for the night at the resi dence of Mr. Rutherford , in iMicon county , when he heard a i.Un shot and went out Four conceded men fired on him , killing him Bt once. The murderera robbed t'Je dead man and ? Th ° b ° d Ir ia the : ? * Ban > e epot until the next dr.y. dr.y.N N EVENTS , Paraell Takes Unfavorably to Gladstone's Irish Land Eli. Lord Bear onsfieid shows No Sions of Improving. Funeral of Prince Pier fe QLADSTONE. Bee. N , April 12 10 p. m. Sir. i'innegan * , member of parliament , a liberal and an advanced nationalist , in a speech at Ennis , gave great credit to Mr. Gladstone for his land bill. OHIO SHAKEh'AOAIN. tJp d J tlbtutch to Tbe Bee. CossTANTiNOPiE , April 13. 1 a. m. Further violent shocks of earth quake have occurred at Ohio. Forty- fivejvillageB in all have been destroyed. In many of the ullages the people are absolutely swamped. KESCUE IICR , YE SPIRITS. Spe Ul Dlgpitch to The Bee. LOKDON , April 13 1 a. m. In the criminal court , at < ; he Old Bailey , the trial of MrB. Fi Jtoher , the eo- called spiritualist , vraa concluded yes terday. She was found guilty on the counts of tbe indictment which ac cused her of obtaining property under false pretenses aud conspiring to pro cure by fraud the deed of certnm property belonging to one of her dupes. The judge , aftar a very few words expressing his concurrence iu the verdict , sentenced the woman to twelve months imprisonment wth hard labor. She waa immediately re moved from the dock , and will bo sent to-morrow to serve her eeutenco In Milbaak prison. SPARING HIS THRONE. Speclil Duptch to The Boa. PARIS , April 13 1 a. m. France haa informed the bey of Tunis of her determination to chastise the Krou- miers , but has repudiated any iijteii- tton of dethroning the boy. HOW rr LOOKS TO-DAY. Special Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , April 13 1 r , . m.An Athens correspondent t legrapha a * follows : The court inflp > enceja jn fa. vor of peace. The der arture of troopB for the frontier cor.tfnueainforma. . tlon from Consts aiinopoi0 wnish ii entirely too foil',0 credlt atatcs that > Germany eecr ly encouraged the sul tan to wiles' . tjB preasare of the powers. A-hB Greek offi.-ial world is hrmly c jnvmced that Germany de sires warj anj ( jf Greece accepts peace , will come too late for her to profit it. CRAWFISHING. A Berlin dispatch says Gen. Skobe- loff is retracing his steps eastward , and this attracts much attention. PARNELL. Special Dispatch to Tbe R e DDBLIN , April 13 1 a. m. Mr Faruull provided at a land league con ference hold in this city yesterday. He said that he could not then de clare any definite opinion of the liud bill , but ho thought the provision of the bill regarding the free sale of land a mockery ; aud also , that re my of the other proposals were delusory. BURYING A BONAPARTE. Special l ) . pateh to The B e VERSAILLES , France , April 12 1 B. j m Four hundred persons attended the funeral of Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte. Prince Rjhnd Pena parte , his son , was cMef mourner. The funeral waa very unpretending. UUACONSriKLD NO BETTER. Special diBpalcb to The Bca. LONDON , April 13 1 a. m. Lard Beaconstield's condition is scarcely ao favorable as en Monday. THE DOOMED NIHILISTS. Special Dispatch to The Beet LONDON , April 12. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says : The pris oner Jellaboff , in hia speech at the conclusion of the trial of the nihilists on Saturday last , asked aa a favor that hia last speech In hia defence * might be printed and published word for word. Tno prisoners received their sentence with perfect calmness and indifference. DILLON CONDEMNS IT. Soccial dnpatch to Iho Bee. DUBLIN , April 12. Mr. Dillon , in speaking at a lind moating to-daycon- demned the land bill aa beini ; iucom- complete and confusing , and warned Irish members not to accept it. TURKEY-GREECE. Special Dispatch to the Km. LONDON , April 5 1 a. nj. An. Athens' correspondent aaya : It n be lieved that the Greek reply to the powers , instead of accepting or re- je-ting the Turkish proposal , wll point out tbe moral aspects of the quaslion involved. The correspondent cays the Grc.-ks lay stress not in mere acquisition of moro or leas territory , but of the emancipation of their kin dred from Turkish domination where they form an overwhelming majority of the population , THE YOUNGEST KINGDOM TTNEA Y. Spocul Dtepalch t Tai Kxt L * DON , April 12 , 4 p. m. A bill passed by tue Roumanian senate and sanctioned by the government , haa been introduced in tno chamber ol deputies , authorizing tbe govern ment to expel all foreigners reasona bly suspected of compromising public security and urgency haa been de clared for the bill. WATCHING FENIANISM. Special Dispatch to the Bee. LONDON , April 12. Notwithitand ing the contemp : alleged in certain quarters forthe reported Fenian plots against the life of Mr. Gladstone extra police continue employed watch ing its development at Liverpool am Queenstown. CABLEGRAMS. SpecUl Dispatches to Tni B * The applications among capitalists o I London for the Atlantic < fc Pacib j Railway loin are nre very large. In the four-handed racquet mate ! between Cambridge and Oxford , th former won by four games to one. THE LATEST NEWS. The Senate Still Sitting on Little Mahone. Some Texas Rowdies Eun Amuck in a New Mexico Town and Get Just a Bit Hurt , Sitting Bull Heard From at Last. Help to Dakota . . Sufferers by the Floods. CAPJAL NOTES. tfrvdal Dlroafchss to The Eeo. Jennie Melay , a bosom ffiend of lira. Chrlatiancy , testified to-day that the latter was at homo all day on the day that Giro alleges she was with him at the St James hotel. WASUINUTON , April 12 10 p. m. The secretary of the treasury has re ceived telegrams from several national banks , accepting the terms offered in his notice yesterday relative to the G per cent bor.de. Several Individual bank holders of G per cent bonds called on Secretary Wlndom yester day forenoon , and informed him to day by telegraph that they will not present their bonds for redemption , but will allow thorn to continue , ac cepting the rnto of 3i per cent Inter est. It will ccsl but very little to is sue the registered bonds in place of the sties to thosa who desire to eon tinuo at 3A per cent. The registered bonds will be printed from some plates that the original bonds were worked off The only change io the boHd will be the stamping on the back , the condition under which it is issued. Tht bureau of engraving and printing has been ordered to pre pare bonds in conformity with the plan of the department. Another point in favor of the treasurer's scheme the fact that the redaction of the rate of interest does not carry with it any specified time for which the rate of three and a half per cent , will ba pai'j. As the revenue of the treasury will permit , the secretary can pay off at Mill any of the bonds of the nan ' .can. Certain time * hat it should run vouid have to ba specified in issuing he bonds before making the impor- ant step that ho has. Secretary Vindom received assurances from the argest holders of maturing bonds that hey were perfectly willing to retain hem at three and a half per cent. ) hese atsnrances had great weight In haping the policy to be pursued. The prediction is freely made that before oncraaa meets in December , the 700,000,000 of the sixes and the ives , with but little aubstraotiou from he full amount , will have been prac- ically refunded. The rate of inter- st , three and a half per cent , fixed > y Secretary Winaom , is the same hat the republicans In congress urged hen the \etoed refunding bill was under consideration. As regards the ale of 5104,000,000 of fours or lour md one-hdUs , jutnonzed by law , it Is not thought that they will bepujtvoTi ho market unless it should he found o realize on them in carrying 01 pol- cy determined on in dealing with ives and sixes. If Is believed at the reasury tint th's eurploa revenues will be ( ufficiunt to psy of all called tits , wuoso owims may rofusa terms of fives. SENATE. Dl'p&tch 10 lui U u. WASHINGTON , April 12 L s * than a quorum was present when the ae ate was oilled to ordnr at noon. The uiuil motion to proceed to considers- , um wa < omitted by general consent , nd a resolu'ion offered by Mr. Burn side pttsed , requesting th eecretnry : jf sUte tc forward to the senate any information not inconsistent with pub lie interest , in regard to the allayed confinement in t foreign prison of Michael Boyton , an American citizen. Senator Beck then took the floor and made a speech in defense of hie position in the minority He pro ceeded to i > ive his opinion on the coal ition batwoen the republicans and Ma- hone. The courtesy of the fceuti'o would not allow him to tell inst w aat he thought , but he hoped to go. into the Virginia canvas : , and Vflen ho would give his entire opinion of the bargain , the share of which the re publicans had received to ms > ke a proper return for what they were try ing so hard to ret in. If the demo crats believed the republicans were trying to consummate a corrupt bar gain , they would do right to oppose it. If such opposition tfaa based on an other i.lca , the country would judge the case and probably keep them at home hereafter. H denied the re publicans' claim that they had a con stitutional majority or even quorum , as would be shown , should the demo crats becDmo disgiutod with the fail ure to have the regular business at tended lo , and retire from the cham ber in a body. Senators Burnaido and Dawea re minded him that Mr. Davis had voted with them on the prnsont issue. Mr. Beck replied that.tho senator from Illinois might vote for the con sideration of the resolution for elect ing officers , but never for the officers proposed. In answer to an Inquiry by Mr. Merrill , Mr. Beck said the democrats had made no programme involving de sertion of the field. He had m erely tried to show what might be. After some further disultory re marks , the seiiete adjourned. An Unnatural Parent. Special Dkpatch to The Bee. ORANOVEILLE , Ky. , April 13. 1 a. m JRB. Oresr , of Montgomery , Ala , has bean arrested by his brother , charged with forging his father's name for 750. Hia fathe : haofofferred a reward cf § 70 for his arrest aud de livery to the authorities. O d Vets Stepping Oat. Special Dispatch to THS l ! i CHICAGO , April 13. 1 a. m. The Journal says Mr. David McKee , who , next to Mr. Gordon S. Hub- bard , was the oldest survivor of the early pioneers of Chicago , died at his farm home , near Aurora , lil. , en the 8th , in the 81st year of his age. He camB to Chicigo , then Foct Dearborn ir. 1822. The death of another of the early pioneers , Mark. Beubien. who same to Fort Dearborn In 1826in [ announced to-diy. H * died at Kan- kakee , 111. , last night , aged 80. Work of ihe Storm Special dlp tch to Th EVANSTON , III. , April 12 10 p. m. Tne foghorn has been blowing al night , the Erst blast of th ) season. A heavy blinding etorai prevailed off Oroaae Point during the greater part of the evening. The lake' , shore is strewn with debria of tl e"Vwrecked piora. Very few breakwaters remain along tbia coast. * Sitting Bull Heard From 11 Special Uldpatcb to Tin BSE. , ' _ ' WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 12. 10 p. m. Major Brotherton of the Seventh infantry , reports from Fort Buford , D. T. , on the 4th luatanf , that he had just heard from Alli son , by courier from Poplar river , that two of the four Indiana cent to Sitting Bull's camp , reached ; Poplar river on the 2d instant , accompanied by twelve Sitting Bull's bostilea. They report that the camp consists of 200 aoula and are fifty milea from Poplar river , en route for Fort Buford to surrender , the camp moving-slowly and will reach Poplar river .i C-.it the 6th. Sitting Bull promises to 'ollou aa soon aa ground driea np enough to render traveling good. Will atait transportation and provisions to Pop lar river in the morning to meet them. Bully fcr Frenchy. Sptail Du patch to The Bee. SANTA FE , N. M. , April 12 10 p. m. Oa Saturday throe Texas despei- adoea , too leader of whom was Baker , rode into a small town on the Denver & Rio Grande extension , and with drawn revolvers robbed every store and ealoon in the town , making their victims fall into line and follow tharn. At the laat place they visited , kept by a Frenchman , all were made to w lk up to the bar and drink at the expense of the proprietor , after which the sconndrela went through him and started to leave. As Baker turned , the Frenchman jumped on himwrest ed the revolver from hia hand , and put five balls into the villain. The ether twn men ran to their horaes and es caped , one with a ballet In him. Ba ker waa wanted for previous crimes , there being a reward of $1500 for his capture. Should Have Snot ; Both. Special Dispatch to Tbe Itec. MoNONGAHELi CITY , Pa. , April 13 1 a. in. Yesterday two rowdies en tered a saloon , called for drinks , and insulted tbe proprietor's wife , who objected. They kicked and beat her uuamofnlly , until her cries reached bar huaband , who waa sick in bed. Arriving ; at the scene he shot at the ruflhna , dangerously injuring one , while thi ether escaped. It mg from New Jorfc. 3eci l Dlroa ch t The Bee NnwYoBE , April 13 la. m. At the inqueet over the body of the blackmailer Sigert , Vogel , the prlncl pal actor lit the conspiracy , made a long statement , which only differs in a fewdetaila from th t already published. He aaya that he and Sigert were the only fcnes co ncerned in the affair. The jury found that Detective Campbell was justified in shooting Sigert A mass meeting of citizens hold to-night to consider the ar _ of atreet cl ennlng , and to d'xermino what r.ctioi. shall bo taken by the peo- dle. The hall was crowded by tha moafc respectable and wealthy people of the metropolis. Hon. John Jay presidedr Speeches wcro made 4" uouncing the streo' cleaning * bureau and the members of the legislature * who attacked the atreet doming bill , nd 111 favor of givtag the mavor full power to ci'ean the streets. Resolu- tiona were adopted denouncing the assembly for refusing to paea the bill imposing the duty Of cleaning the streets upon the mayor , or to defin itely Bnparalastreet cleaning from politics. While the I .st car of a freight train on the Pen miylvanla railroad was lying across the track at Bjr ; en tun nel , haviny ; been thrown off by a switch that - aa jarrsd ou ot phce , the weat m exprcts , duo at Jeraey Olty at 9-20 , ran into it and threw the tram /rom the track. None r ( the paa engei * were seriously injured. Tno firer jan had a leg brokan. America to Krln. Sptclal T > fcpuch to The Bee NEW- YOKE , April 13 1 n. m. A nir.se meeting , under tha auapicea of * ae united land leagues of thia olty , ws held to-night , t Cooper in- t'.tute , to protest Bgainet thn Irnpria p ntuont without trial , of an American f citizen , iu Irelandand to express sym pathy with the Irish people in their struggle for land reform. The platForm - Form was occupied by members of the leading Irish societiea. After apeecbea made by William 0. J. Requler , Henry George and others , resolutions were adopted condemning the action of the British government. Wlndom's Call. Special dlapitchei to Tus Baa. NEW YORK , April 13 1 a. m. The order of the secretary of tbe treas ury in reference to the redemption of aix per cents becoming payable on the firat of July , was the chief topic of coavergation by bankers yesterday. The prevailing opinion seemed to be that It would make the money market o ay and help trade along. Spain Murdering. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 11. A ape- clal to The Louisville Commercial from Vicksburg aaya : Aahocklng mur der occnreed there yesterday at one o'clock , near t he elevator of the An chor lino. Henry Spain , who was drinking , killed John Sheehan , a rail road employe , shooting him twice in the region of the heart , causing in stant death. Spain had no provoca tion. AForeatEire. JAMAICA , L. L , April 12. A large fire la burning in the wooda south of here. The barn and outhouaea of John Remaen , the toll-gate and the Br6oklyn water works bridge have been destroyed ; also , several horaea and cattle. Farmers' property ia in great danger. They are battling the names , but are unabli to check them. Acres of valuable wood land have been destroyed. Dr. Tanner Outdone. IOWA Cur , April 12. Miaa Hatte ? Deuel succeeded in committing aul- cide by fasting. She died at 12:46 : yesterday afternoon. At noon she i completed the 47th day of her faat. It t ia said that her last square meal waa oaten en Washington's birthday. Having a Good Time. INDIANAPOLIS , April 12 4 p. m. Naar Greoniburg , Ind. , two families , L wrence and Ice , engaged in a row with pistols , guns and axes. The older Ice received a lot of ahot in the nhoulder , and will die. Liwrenca , who ahot him , received a pistol bul let aud ia dangerously wounded , while one of the fetnhla Liwrencea wa * shot through the arm , and one 01 two of the boys wounded leaa aeri- oualy. DOMESTIC DOINGS. Another Kid Nabber Depaits from Her favored Haunts in Ohio , A Family of Hoosiers Badly Mutilated With Buck- shot. The Cincinnati Art Museum i A Howl of Rage from the Alps. Observing : Hoiy Weelc. Special Dlfpalch to Till Ui .Niew YOBK , April 12 4 p. m The produce , cotton and stock exchanges will be closed on Good Friday. The cotton exchange will alao be clcsad on Saturday. Devens in the Supreme Court. Sptciil Oiipatcb to The fW. BOSTON , April 12 4 p. m. A special saya the realgnation of Judge Soule , of the supreme court , has been received and ex-Attorney General Devena nominated to the vacancy. Scandalous Insult to America. Special DUpatch to The "Bee NEW YORK , April 12 4 p. m. A Liussane special aaya The Journal Do Geneve , one of the moat influ ential papers in Switzerland , in an article on the return of two Swiss women sent bi ck to their native country by the authorities here , be cause they were objectionable charac ters , treats of the United Suites aa Europe's reform atory and claimi that Switzer land was justified in sanding to America the two women. It com pares the United States to the ptnol colonies of Great Britain and aaya in very many caaes reformation ia im possible at home and can only be at tained by emigration. The English have obtained moat satisfactory result a by deportation , which is , after all nothing bnt forced emigration. Broad Acres Galore. Spedal Dispatch to The Bee. CINCINNATI , O. , April 12 4 p. m. The warmly contested que tio/i of a alte for the new art museum ia to be settled Saturday by a VO'.Q Of the stockholders. Sentiment is divided between Lincoln park And Burnett woods bnt further , conjplicationa are in progreaa by Hon. P. , I ) Pmien of fering a donation Of forty acres , known aa Walker \roods , juat out of the city , near ' 0 Twenty-fifth ward. Duplicating Omaha's Example. Special Dir tch to x Bee iNNATi , April 12 4 p. m. Furls , ot No. 9 Renner atreot , about 40 , haa eloped with Con stant Keller , aged 19. The woman lewea a husband and a family of children. Several about the ago of her latest love. A Secretary's Brother Dies. . Special dispitch to the Bee. WOOSTEB , 0 , April 12 , 4 p m Wm. Kirkwood , brother of Secretary Kirkwood , died at the residence of his son laat night , aged 70. Strllnnf ? for Wages. Special Dispatch to Tux Bin CINCINNATI ! , April 12 i p. m The carpentera' strike ia spreadirg with no hope of an early settlement. Builders say it will have the effect to atop tbe construction < > f many contem plated buildings. The atreut-cnr drivers and conductors are paid to be contemplating a strike. There are twenty lines in the city , employing over 2000 men. Chicago Notes. Spe.lal Bis atch to The Bur. CIIICAOO , April 12 4 p m. The stable employea of the West Division railway have been granted au advance of 25 cents per day without striking. The twentieth anniversary of the firing upon Fort Sumter will be eel ebrated thia evening by the Chicago Dnion Veteran club , and apeechea trill be made by Leonnrd Swett , State's Attotney Mills and others. R. A. Bryant , ot Boston , a man who haa been in Chicago about a year , waa ireated-last night on the charge of polygamy , preferred by h-s Boston wife. Ht denies be haa any wife in this city , but eays $1500 is due him from a friend in Boston and he thinks his wife wants ? to' get him back ] to get a share of it. A Washington special saya that Mrs. Senator Logan haa a touch of cerebro- apinal-meaingetia and there ia danger of brain fever , althc ugh she waa some better last night. Dr. Blias aaya her illness was brought on by over work during the winter , ihe having shared the unusually heavy labors of her hus band mainly imposed by constituents wanting help. Gen. G. W. Honpt. the newly ap pointed general manager of the Mis- jouri Pacific railway , left hero for Blamarck , In company with H. E. Sargent. Perry Sargent , the present general manager , alter turning the affiiraof the office ovur to Mr. Houpt , will retnrn to hia home in Chicago. General Frye's Mother. Special dbratch to the Bee. JEBSEYVIILE , 111. , April 12 , 4 p. m. The widow of the late Gen. Jacob Frye , mother of Gen. Jas. B Frye , chief Gen. Hancock's staff , died at the old homestead , 8 miles north of here yesterday. The remains will ba taken to Springfield for interment. i Railroad Decision. RoCKroRD , 11' ' . April 12 Judges Eustace , Brown and Bailey , in confer ence at Freeport , have decided the Chicago and Iowa railroad must be surrendered by the Milwaukee and St. Paul company to Receiyer Hoi- comb It ia expected Milwaukee people ple will still offer realatance. A Prisoner of State. Special Dispatch to Tbe Gee. CHICAGO , April 12 4 p. m. J. M. Roas , the convicted murderer , ar rived at the armory to-day on his way to Albany , N. Y. , under charge of United Statea officers , where he will enter upon a life aentence ii the pen- itentiary at that place. Ross was the aallor who killed his mesamato at Yo kohama , Japan. He was tried by the United States consul and sentenced to be hanged , but through the interces sion of influential parties the aentenco w a commuted to imprisonment for life. As he hailed from New York , ll became necessary to send him to thai slate. He left Japan March 2d , and arrived in Chicago laat night. He will leave this evening for his desti nation. The Blessed Crewl Spedal DtapaUh to Th Be * . PLAHO , 111. , April 12-4 p. m. The annual conference of Latter Day a - . - Saints haa been in session since last week. Elder Joseph Smith is the central fi.ure among the brethren. Entire harmony prevails. Chicago Notes. Special dispatch lo TBi Bi . CHICAGO , April 13. 1 a m. Mrs. Katu Wmnsey , living at 250 North Franklin street , attempted suicide by drinking threa tunces of splr its of turpentine. The doctors saved her life after two or three hours hard work. A little quarrel with her hus band was the cause. They are well connected and have been two yeais mailed. The Mornin ? News to-morrow will give the results of an interesting se ries of experiments which have been carried on by the health depar'meot cf this city , to determine the uature of Chicigo sewerae gas. It haa been clearly demonstrated that ammalculv are carried through tht > sewer trrp with dangerous effect. Several hun dred physicians will visit the Palmer House to-morrow to witness a micro scopical exhibition of the bachlerla. Prof. J. C. Thompson , a circus per former of this cily , gave The Nuws the details of his preparations to cross Niagara falls next July en a ilick wire. He will posh a car to which will be suspended a trap zj , on which Edward Tbierren , the well known athlete , will perform. He has per fected contracts with the different railway lines and hotels , and will be gin building his machine at once. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dispatches to The B o. Albert Bra. dimore , a brake man , was killed on the Port Huron and Northwestern road at Ctiswell , Mich , Monday night. His head struck a fence while leaning from the train. A child named Warren Newcome was fatally burned yesterday morning by its clothes catching fire while playing near a stove , at Coral , Mich. A heavy snow storm prevails all along the Hudson. Several inches of snow have already fallen. Friends of Mrs. John Wesley , who wandered away from her home In Esc - c .noba , 111. , In a supposed state of emporary derangement , are now in Chicago prosecuting a vigorous search for her. MARKETS BY TKLKGKAPR. Chicago Live Stock Market CHICAGO , April 12. Bogs Active ; 53higer ; § 5 G5@5 95 for li ht , smooth lots ; $5 60 < g6 00 fur heavy and light , and $6 00(36,40 ( for good to choice heavy packiug and ship log ; receipt , 7,000 ; shipments , 5,56(5 ( Cattle Steady demand for good stock ; active , but choice stock , in cluding common to choice , fair ; cows , heifera , bulls and sta s , $2 70@3 50 for good to choice ; du. § 375g46lt ( for good to choice shipping ; steer ? , 24 UQ35 50 ; choice to f ncy , 5 75 ® 750 ; stocfcers § 300409 ; feeders , S3 50(34 ( 50 ; nceipts , 4,300 head ; shipments , 2,053. Sheep 54 60 ® 6 50 for low to choice. ( Jtv.c. . o Produce Uarkec. CUICAOO , April 12. CtOSINO Wheat Active and higher. Spring , SI 01 bid for Miy ; § 1 07i@81 07 * for Jnns ; 3107 for July ; 9798c for the year. Corn Fair request and steady ; 39o bid for April ; 43i@43j3 for Slay ; 43 < ? 43Jo for Jim43f@43c ; for July ; OatsQ'ritjt. ' . April , 31c bid ; May , 35jc35 } ; c ; Juno , 35c@35g ; July , 34i-34gc ; August , 3CJ@30jo. Rjo Firmer but no sales were madeMesa Mesa Peak Moderatively active and irregular on May and June op tions ; 317 17 } f r April ; $17 05 for Mny ; § 17 i2 i'3l7 25 for June ; S17 25 bid tor Jnl > . Lird Active , but prices show no change from clcmo. ; < n change ; § 1092 for May ; $11 10 < 8ll 12J fir Juno , Sll 17J bid , § 11 22J for July ; $10 27A@10 30 for Augu t Slort Ribs St'ailj ; 58 1508 17 $ : or May ; 8 25S8 274 for June ; 88 35 @ 837 fer July ; 58 45 bid for Au gust , and ? 8 47 8 50 asked. St. Louis Produce Uarzet- ST. LOOM , April 12. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , § 1 08 | ® 108g for cash ; § 1 08i@l 05J for Miy ; SI 075 103J@1 08 for June ; $1 031 04g@l 04 for July ; 81 08jj @ 1 OSj-gl 02 | for August ; § 1 01 ® " lli@l 01 for year ; No. 3 do , Si 03 © 1 03J ; No. 4 do. 97jc98 bid. Com Better ; 42j@42jc for caah ; 42i@42c f r April ; 42 o for May ; 32j@42g for June ; 42 042 3 for Jnly ; 43Jo for Anguat. O ts Higher at 37c for cash ; 36c for April ; 35a for May ; 36c for Jnno34o ; for July. Rye Firm : § 1 15 b'd. B rley Steady at S0c < § § l 10. Whisky Steady at 81 06. Pork Lower at $17 25 for caah ; $17 15 bid Kr Apcil ; $17 20 bid For May. L rd Nominal ; $11 for dry. Silt raeaU Active and higher $5 10 @ 5 20 < § 8 20@8 2538 45@8 50 Eicon Highsr at 5 § 9@9J < § 9jc. St. Louis Live titock Market. ST. Louis , April 12. Hogs Scarce and higher ; Yorkeri and Baltimore ! ) , $5 G0@5 85 ; mixed packing , $5 405 90 ; choice lo fancy $5 9006 20. Receipts , 2000 head ; shipments , 2600. New Tors Produce Market. NKW YORK , April 9. Flour Quiet but steady. Wheat Shade lower ; No. 2 red winter , 81 23J@1 23 $ ; N = . 3 , $ ) 19J ; No. 1 White , 91 20@1 21. Corn Firm ; No. 2 Now York , | @ 58- ; steamer , mixed 5G < 357e. Oats Lower ; No. 1 white , 50J > s ; No. 2. 45@45ic ; No. 2 miiad , [ 45 ® Rye Firm at $109J. Barley Nominal. Pork Fair demand forifordinary mesa for e rly delivery ; old , $16 25. L < vrd Strong ; steam weatero , $1122J ; city , $1110. Tallow Steady and unchanged , Beef Firm and unchanged. RHEUMATIC CORE War ranted Safe , Certain and Ppeedr Care for Rheum at Urn In all Iu forma , Nenra-frU. Lame Bck , Pain In the Breast and Side , Fain In the atomic ! ! and Kldnejo. Ac It Is an mterna < remedy , a Tome and Elood Fnrifler , anJ whllelt re-noTta tie Du aa : it-improves the genera , health. SMITH. BLACK & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSMQU1H. NEBRASKA. C.F. . Ktman , general ag I * b A. CRUICKSHANK & GO , SPECIAL SPRING OPENING -OF- Silks , Dress Goods , Trimmings , Buttons , Fringe ? , Cords and Tassels , Ornaments , Parasols , Hosiery , Gloves , Ladies' Dolmans , Ulsters , Walk ing Jackets and Millinery , ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. SILKSi SILKS ! SILKS ! We invite an especial inspection of of New At 37 l-2c , 45c , 50c , 60c , 75c , 85c , and $1.00. COLORED DRESS GOODS 1 The Most Complete Stock to be Found in the City. Fine Cbeli k Gasbm ores , French Shoodah Cloths , Homan a. d Bayadere Stripes , Fine Ail-Wool Plaids , Plain and Lace Buntings 100 pieces excellant quality of Dress Goods in a Variety of Shades , at lOc and 15c. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Special openirgef new Sty lea in Ladies' , Gent's , Miesea' and Children's Hose in Cotton , Lisle and Silk. CRAND MILLINERY OPENING , On Wednesday Evening. April 13tb , ' 81 , aad durin'g the week , our Patrons and the Public are respectfully invited. A. CRUICKSHANK & CO. A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATGES All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money , s tUgll- * " EDHOLM EEICKSON Wholesale and Retail Mann facturlti JEWELERS. V1KOIST 870CK Of Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry in the City. Come and See Our Stook as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ER1GKSQH 15th & Dodge , Opposite Postofflce. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Assortment of WHEELS , ' in the West. At Chicago Price * . W.J. BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. largest B. BEEMER at Omb Ii Refrigerator HoomJ D. . , 1171. Witt of Chicago COFMISSIOM MERCHANT . d Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and Domestic - General Western Agent for BOOTH'S OVAL BBAHD OYSTEBS , ard Wholesale Dealer in Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish. . It '