THE DAIL3T BEE. JAKA PUBLISHI.IC so. . PROPRIETORS. PIS f arnham , bit. Stk and lOtk Strettt TERilS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , Ic advance postpaid ) . fS.00 t month- ! " " . 4J S ciwtaa " . 2.00 _ _ TIKE TABUS. THE MAILS. r > , & N. 7f. iw a tso . IE. , . U. & Ct.b ao . m. , 2 ; 0 p. m. C. S. I * T. K. B. , b 0 a , m. , 2-.4C p. ' Q C-iBt. JwS30 . , . . V. P . * . , 11:40 1. in. K. * - V. to LlncolL , 10 a. m. C. t H. Ii , K. . 8:40 : a m. crruiM < 3. 4t F. . W. B. U. , 11 * . m. , II p. m. iC. B. & O. , 11 . in. , 640 p. m , -0. K I. 4 r. , 11 a. ra. , U p , si. C. U. * Et , Jo6.ll , in. , lip m. 'U. P. R.U. , 4p.ra. 1 0. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12aO p. Bi. . . - 1J. & 5L lnheb.,4 p. m. Local mails for SU.Ua lom leave bnt ODOt a d&y , vis : < : SO a. m. O3oe open from 12 to 1 p. tn. Bnndayi. THOMAS F. HALL. PoatmMfi. Arriral And Departure of Trains UKIOX PACIFIC. UiVZ. i&tm. JDally Exprogj I a5 p , IB. do Klzj-d.,6:10p. m. 1:25 p. a. do Freight 623s > .n. 1:10 p , XT. do .8:15 , tn. 11:20 a. m. TIKE CARD Qf THE BURLINGTON , LX1VI OIUBi. ARRITKOK1BA. Xxpress : Express . 1030 a. m , aiall fcfl v m. Mail . Snndayi Ctojrtod. Sundays Executed. CHICAOO.lROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC. Mall 6:00 : a. a. I Mall 1030 p. m. Express. . s0 : p. m. | Express.- . .10:00 , m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. 11 _ .6:30v Q.I Mall . . . . . . . .BtOpm. : ! | Express , Sundays excepted. KANSAS CITYST. JOE fc COUNCIL BLUFFS Liivz AMfrt. Htkll _ .fi:00 a. m. I Express..7 : 0 v m. IXxTTess 60 p.m. | Mafl 7:23 } . la. The only line tunning Pullman SloaplncOari out ot Omaha to Union Depot , iOUAUA & NORTHERN NEBRASKA E AIL- WAY COMPANY. Leave , Arrive. r.xprew . .80 * > . ra. I Fxpress . : SO p. m. iisjd 1:50p m. ( Mixed 10:15a. : m Dally Kxc pt Sundays. B. & M. R. K. in NEBRASKA. LliV * . 'Through Expro" ? . 7:3Da m .Accommodation 7.0J p m AP.BtVl. TlirouRh Express i7"0 P m .Accommodation SiOam SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. U.J1 B:10 a m I Expren 10AO . m Express _ 8.40pm | tl , -.7:20 p tn WABAEII , BT. LOUI3fcrACIKia LXAVXS. ARR1VU. Hill 8 . m. I Hall 11 5 a. a KipreM..ItO p. m. | Express. . . .i:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVIBION'U. P. R B. L * re Omaha , dally. 8 a. m. , B a. m , 10 m. , 11a. . m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p , m , p. m , , S p. xc. , Leave Coundl Bluffs ; 8S5 a. m. , 8.-J5 a. xa , , : iO:25 a. m. , 1135 a. in. . 1:25 p. m. , S:26 p. m. , : S:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , ' Four tilps on Sunday , lea vine Omaha at B sad II . m. , 2 and G p. m. ; Couacit Bluffs vt tUXB , 11:25 a. m. , and 2U and 5:25 : p. m. risasaeiH TRAILS. L ve Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7. v m. , P8 : Q. , 1 p. m. , i-M p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , LO TO Council BluOe : 3:15 : * . . m , , P : J a. tu , 11Q a , m. , 7.-03 p. m. , 7 0 p , m. PftSy except Sunday. OMAAA * KEI'UBLICOI VALLEY R. . Lt&Vt , iF.RIVI. i ! ll .iu:4r : i u , . , ,4ii p. m. D\llv Fxvit PnnrtnVP. J. ENCL'SH ' , * TTORXEY AT LAW 310 South ? hirteenlh JSt. . , with J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , TCST1CE OF THE MJACE Corner 15th and tl Farnham .Hts. . Omaha Mcb , . 8ISEP.RL , AT LAW Room B. Cre'.ehton ATTORNEY St. , OH ADA , NEB. A. G. TRQUP , TTOKNKY AT LAW Offioo In Htntaom's , . Block , with George E. Frltchctt , ItOfl gamri\m 81. OMAHA.KB. DEXTER L THOMAS. AT LAW Cralckuuinl t Build ATTORNEY tp/fitf A. M. CHAQWICK , AT LAW Office 1SOI faratam ATTORNEY y * fH.L.PEABODYt ? AWTEB Offlco In Orctghtoa Bl ? jk , ct rt U Ll Poet Office , OUAHA , KEBRAPZiA. ruBUO. corjusonon Q'BRIEH & 3ARELETT , Attornpys-at-Law , OrriOE-Dclr q Block .Fifteenth iai Pamtarn ATTORNEY AT LAW. A ARBAP'.i BLOCK.'COR. DDUQ. ft I5TH STS , OMAHA. NKB. J v\ W. d. Gonneli , /Lttorney-at-La / w , Office : Front roomf.cp euln. In Htnicom'i w hrick hnlldtpg , N. Vt. corner nrUwnth mnd ( arnham Etreeta. . Klmct. CIU.B. B. BlEtOf REDICK , Attorneys t-Law -a - , 8p.dil ittcatija 7111 be tfTft. to an talt itziin * & corporAloneoivicrydoecriptloa ; will procure In j ItiieOoartioi the Btate'and the United Pt-e . ORlce , Furahura 8t , oppoilte Oourl EDWARD W. S2MERAL , a TTOUNET AT LAW B om 6 CreltttCn fl. Block , ISth and Doutlas ttretta , nnMh 2. F. KAHDEfftGh' , A 7TOR1TXT AX LAW-SiJ Farnham Uwt 4. Onaha Nebraska. Joa R. CHRKSOX. Q. J. EOHT. CLARKSON & HUNT , h Successor * to RICHARDS i HU > T. or i ? ays-at-Law , , 513 S. lltlt street , Omaht , Neb. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Acre. Wonuerfnldlecorerltsln tht world hveb on m d Amoui ; other thtars vrhcre Santa CT.atu etaj ed Children oft ask If he msteg coodj or not , It really he lives iu a mountain of enow. Last JOAT an excursion sailed clear to the Pule And suddenly dropped Intcmhtteoeccdlikei-bole Where woaijjr of wonders they found aucwlind , VTillo latry-uka Iwlnse sppearwl on c ah han4. There trtre niocnta'us like oura , vlth more " " ' beautiful preen , And lir brighter nklea tnan eur were teen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , Whllo Bowers oj exiuhlte fragrance vcre prow lag around. Not long were they left to wondar In doubt A beltur eoon ctme the/ had beard much abont , TWM Santa Clius' rcif and thUtht-y all say , ! looked like the picture r ciea every day. He drove up s , team that looked very queer , 'Twai a team olOTawhoppere Instead of reindeer , He rode In a iholl Inntcvl ot a elelfh , Cut he look them on board and drov them way. Ue showed them all over hla wonderful reilm , And factories maUn < oods for womtn od mm Furriers were workla , ; on halo gretl nd nnill. To Bnueo's th v ( aid they were ssudlcn ; them alL Krio Klnilc , the Glove Slaker.told them at once , AU our Gloves we sre a ending t Bunoc , - - Santa ehowed thtm eujjundars and many thlnffl more. Bay la ? I aU took these to MaaJ Bonce'i tote. 8anU Cluis then whlipsrei a McrcVhe'd te3,1 As In Omaha every one knew Bunca well , IIo therefore ehjxd vend his poodj ta hit can , K-nowlng his friends 1H jet their fall ( bare. ' Now remember ye d-ecreln ! ! Omaha town , All who want Crcjcnti to BnnCs't fo rocnd , ' - For ihirtc , coU x , or cloves great tad email , Send TOUT sister or aunt one and ! . . Ounce , Champion Hattar d the Wott , Douglal . * t. Omaha Hamburg Line. WERKLY LINE OP STEAMERS LEAVING NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY AT 2 r. . , TOR England , Prance and Germany For r8 ijc pply to C. B. RICHARD & -CO. General Fassengrr Agents , Ol Broadway , Now Tort. RANK . . . . E.MOORES\m..n. . . HENRY PU.NDT. fOMAH.Y. VINEGAR WORKS ! : - 'EBNSTKREBS , Manager Manufacturer ot ail kinds ot Si. Eel. 9tk and I0a OUABA Ji . OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS- J. U. R03 'S Art Emporium. 1518 Doige Btreet , Steel Enrrannfs. Oil Paintinja , Chrornos fancr Frame * . Framing a Specialty. Low prices. J. HONKER. 1S03 Douglas St. Good Stylos. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite portofflce. W.R.BABTLETT. 817South 13th Street ; ARCHITECTS. DUFRENEfcMENDELSSHON.ARCHTITECTS , Boom U , Ctelftiton Block. A T. LABOE. Jr. , Room 2. Orelghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES DiVIXE & CO. , Fine Boot * anil Shoo * A good assortment of home wcrk on hand , cor. 12th and Ilarney. a'HOa-EBlCESOX , S. E. cor..Clh aadDonglai JOHNFOBTUNATU3. ' 00310th St. , manufactures tc order good work at fair price * . Repairing done. BED SPRINGS- J. F. L1BIUMER , Manufacturer. Tlachers' EBK BOORS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. J. FRUEHAUr" , 1015 Farnhana Street. B TIER AND ECCS- Me SHANE & SCHEOEDEB , the oldest B. and E. bouse in Nebraska , established Ifc7i , Omaha. BOARDING " " CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , lonthwctt cor. 16th and Utdge. Beit Board ( or the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Itall at a 1 Bonn. Boird by the Day , Week or Month. i Good Terms ( or Cish , Furnished Rooms Supplied. ' CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. SXYDEK , No. 1319 Ulh and llatney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- , ANDREW BOSbWATKR , 1B10 Farnham St. Tovm Survey i. Grade and Sewerage Sj stems a specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN Q. WILLIS , UK Dode Street. U. B. BEEMER , For details see large Advertise- I peat in Pail and Weekly. I CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST FRITsCUER , Manufacturers of Clear * , "and Who eaal Dealer ? in Tobiecos , 1305 l > eug , V. r. LOKSNZEK , manufacturer , Eli 10th SI. CORNICE WORKS Western Cornice Workt , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Hn , Iron and Slate BPotinr. Orders from any locality p romptly icuted In the be t manner. Factoiy and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window rapt , etc. manufactured and rmt up in any pan of the country. T. SIKUuLP , 416 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. BONXKR , .1809 Dougla < St. Good Line. CLOTHING ANDFURNISHINCCOODS GF.O. II. PETERSON. Alss H t * . Cap ? , Boots , KiocB. Notions and Cutlery , SCi & 10th St. " CLOTHING BOUGHT. C. SHAW -nlll pay highest cash price ( rsccond hand clothing. Coiner 10th and Farnbam. DENTISTS- DR. PAUL , Williams' Block. Cor. ISth & Podge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUHN&CO. , Pharmacists , FIr.o Fancy Goods , Cor. 15tu ilid Dcuglas Streets. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , Wholcsa'e & ReUll,16 St. C. C. FIELD , 022 North Side Cumlng Street. M.PABR , Druggist , loth nd flovard St DRY GOODS. NOTIGNS. FTC- JOHN H. r. LEIUIANX&CO. , New Turk Dry Goods Store. 1810 nd 181S Farn- ham street. J. C. Kncwnld , also toots & ilioef. 7 th k Pacific FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS. New and Second Ha-id Furnitnrc and htoi co , 1111 Douglat. E. O. Turgcon Apt. J. BOXNKR , 18Q9 Douglas St. Fine Goods. &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. O CST FRffiS i CO. , 12 IS Harney St. Improved - ed Ice Doxi8 , Irou and Wood FencesTcfBo * Bailings , Counteract Tine and Walnut. FLORIST- A.louarliue , plants , cu dowers , seeds , boqncts etc. . K. W. cor 16lh > ml PonglM Sts. FOUNDRY. JOUSVKARKE & SUNS.cor. 14th & Jackson It. GROCERS. Z.STEVEX3 2Ut between Cumlug and lurd. T. A. MoHAKE , Corner 23d aid Coming Sts. HATTERS. W. L. FARROTTE & 00. , 1ECG DMIU ( Street , Wholestle Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL DOLUN & f.4NGWORTHY . Wholesale , 110 and 111 15th St. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B.\VE1ST \ , 32'1 13th St. , bet. Farn. & Har. HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles get roar Straw , Chip and Felt HaU dons up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol Avenue. WM. DoYE. PROP HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. CacOcld , Bth &Farn. DORAS HOUSE , P. II. Cary , 013 Farnham St. SLAVES" : } HOTEL- . Slaven , 10th Street. Southern lloUl , Gus. Kamcl 8th& Loavenworth INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. MRS. LIZZIE DEKT. 217 16th Street. JEWELERS JOHN BAUMER. 1SU Farnhim Sttoet. JUNK- H. BCRTHOLD , Ears and Metals. LUMBER. LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER & GRAY , corner 6'h and Douglas SU. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. "J. BONNER.1S03 Dcurfis-SV Good Variety. i MERCHANT TAILORS. i O.A. LINDQUKSr. One of our mntt popular Merchant failure Is re ceiving the latest detlgns forSprlmr and Sam * mer Goods ( or gentlcm'n's we r. Stylish , darabla and prices lowai vor.S15 1 Sthbet. Dong. & F r. , , .MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retell. Fancy Goods fn'great varietyr Zephvrs , Card Boards , Hoiierv , gloves , corsets , fee. Cheapest House in the Wrst. Purchasers save 30 per cent. Order by KaiL llBFifKenth'St. MILLS- OUAHA CITY MILLS , Sth and Farnhim Sts. Welihans Bros. , proprietors. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W.'R. GIBBS , M7'D _ KoomTfo.14 , Creljrhton Block , 15th Street. - P. 3. I.SISENRING. If. D , Masonic Block , i Q L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poitcfOce DR. L. B. GRADDT , Oculist and Anrltt , S. , W.l.Mh andFarnh&mSt. PHOTOGRAPHERS- GEO. llfcVN , 1'KOP. Grand Ontral Galler > , 213 Sixteenth Street 'nevlfasonicHall. Ftnt-clanWorkandPrompt- ness Guaranteed. ' - PLVMBINC , CAS AND STEAtf FTTTIKC PrW.TiRPViCO. . 216 12th St. , bet. Fara- ham Ar Douglas. Work promptly attended to. 'D. ' FTTZPATRICK , 1103 Douglas Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING JIKSRY A. KOSTERS.U12 DcJe Street. PLANING MILL. A. MOVER , raanufaclurcr of cash , doors , blinds , m odinc ! , r.ewe 8 , balusters , hand rail' , furnish * lrT ( , Scroll savrinp , &c. , cor. Dodce and Sth sts. PAWNBROKER'- J. ROSESFELD , Sit 10th St. bet. Fain. & Har. v REFRIGERATORS CANFIELD'S PATENT' C.F.GOOUMAN , llthSt bet. Farn. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O. J. WILDE , lUnutactnrer a.nd Dealer in all kinds of Show Cafe * , TJprlrht Cases ic. , 1S17 Cass St. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealer in Stoves and Tinware , airl Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of BuDdln ; Work Odd Fellows1 Block. J. BOXKK8. 1M9 Doug. St. ' Pool an J Cluap. SEEDS J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed ( Drills and Cultivators. Odd Fellows Ha.Il. _ SHOESTORES. . ' Ph'.lipp Linjr , 1S20 Tarnham et. bet. IStU 414th. SECOND HAND STORE PEKKlfTS & LEAK , 1416 Djn as St. , New and Secpnd Hand Farniturr , lie use FnmlsMnr. Gooda. ii , boncht and sold on narrow marpns. SALOONS. - - HENRT-KAUFMANN , _ In tht cew brick block on Douglas Street , has Jnst opened a most ele nt Beer Hall. „ , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everr day. * " FLANNERY. On Farnham , next to the B. 4 H. h dqnart ri. has reopened a neat and complete establish- pent which , taitiag FIRE , and Mother Ship- tons Prophecr. yill be open for the bois with Hot Lunch on and after presrnt date. "Caledonia. " J. FALCONER , C7 ICtfa Strat UNDERTAKERS - OHA8. R1EWE. 1012 Farnham bet IQta & llth 99 CENT SCORES HENRY POHLMAN , toy * , notion. , pictures Jewelry , tc , 13 14th bet. Farnham & DouR'as. P. C. BACKUS , 1205 Farnluia .at. hncy foods. MODE UK MILLS. . FORTY-TWO HUNDRED BARRELS PER DA\ THE CAPACITY OF A SINGLE MILL. The modern flooring mill ii B hu e stracture , employing msny men , and the wheat is turned into flour by the freight-train load daily. One of the monster mills In Minneapolis , Minn. , covers an area of of 380 by 80 feet , and Is seven stories in Its capacity is 4,200 barrels daily , which requires about 20,000 bushels ol wheat or fifty car loads to keen the mill in operation. It does not depend upon the old faahionsd burr xnill-stonej to convert the wheat into flour , but the process of manufacture U to first run the wheat through a brushirg ma chine , the old-fashioned smut ma chines having been discarded. After the wheat has been cleansed by run ning through the brnah machine it is run through corrugated iron rollers , which split the crease of the berry open , thus liberating the dust which lies in the crease , BO that it can be re moved by tolling. A very small per centage of low grade flour Is made during this first reduction. The grain then passes through a prcc-388 techni cally known as a scalping reel , to re move the dirt and flour , after which it passes through a second set of corru gated rollers , by which It is further broken ; then it is passed through * second reel , which re moves the flour and middlings. This operation is repeated successive ly until the flour pirtion of the b rry is entirely removed from the bran , the necessary separations being made after each reduction , somet mes re quiring five or six. Tne middlings from the several cperations are re- duood-tp flour , after being run through | the pnri6er by Successive reductions , 1 on smooth fron or porcelain rollers. One of the principal object ? sought ' by this system of grinding is to avoid oil bruising of the grain ; another , to extract all the dirt from the crease of the berry , and a third , to thoroughly free the branjfrom thojflonr in order to obtalnjs * large a yield as possible. There are in Minneapolis twenty- eight of these huga merchant mills , making It the largest flour manufactu ring place in the world , and'its pro ducts are sent to all parts of the oarth. The grower of wheat no long er pitronisea the grist mill , but bnjs his float of the retail dealer. The grists of the eastern or middle states are small and unpretentious concerns , only useful in grinding provender for the neighborhood for the purpose of feeding their horeos , stock and swine. And even now they are forced to com pete with large milh in the west and northwest- , which make a specialty of grinding feed by the carload and send ing it to an eastern market. The miller of ancient times , who used to be regarded as an important factor of factory , is nearly obsolete , and the time is not far distant when he and his toll-dish will ba relegated to the domain 'of the flax-spinning wheel , the handloom and the reaping sickle. A Wyoming Sheep Ranch. L&ramie Boomerang , April 9 , It was our privilege , lait Sunday , to visit the country seat of that old veteran of the rail , J. B. Simpson , who a year and a half ngo gave up lib time-honored position of locomotive engineer on the Unlen Pacific1 , and de voted his attention and energies to adorning a home and Improving a sheep ranch. Mr. Simpson's ranch is about six milea south of Liramie , situate at the foot of the Black Hill ? , m a beautiful valley , overlooked by a giant red butte on the east , and stretching down to the railroad track on the west , while south and north roll away gentle hills in all the grandeur and beauty of a western landscape. Although but f no year and a half old , this ranch already bears marks of the enterpriiing husbandman and the prudent and tasteful housewife , than whom no homo possesses < a more ex cellent one than that of which we speak. A geed stone residencs , surrounded by a neat fence , inclosing dower beds and gratsy lawns , forms the attrac. tive and most prominent featura of the place. Opposite are a substantial log barn and stable , a comfortable log house for herders , and a sheep-fold capable of holding 4,000 theep. The latter is kept white-washed , and is clean enough for the abode of human brings. Seven miles of bitb d wire fence inclose about 1,000 acres of grazing and meadow land. On the rolling knolls feed soma 3,000 sheep , white down toward th ? railroad stretches the expansive and luxuriant meadow , from which about 250 tons of hay are annually cut. , At convenient distances from the house bubble up in crystal purity fif ty-two springs of sparkling cold water , a oft as the dews of heaven. From several of thtso pipes lead the limpid streams to the kitchen , the pantry and the stock yards , whera tanks re ceive and discharge continually , thus ever keeping full of fresh , cold water. A short distance down the beautiful stream , flowing from these springs ia located the sheep corral , where the dipping and shearing are done. Mr. Simpson has just completed one of the most convenient and practicable dipping apparatuses we have seen in this country. It consists of a swim ming bath , two feet wide , thirty feet long , and four feet deep , one and being perpendicular , and the other a gen tle incline , with cleats fastened on the same to enable the animal to walk out when he has swam the length of the bath , the whole being lined with galvanized iron. A shute from one of the corrals leads to the vertical end of the lank , and into this the sheep are crowded , one by one being forced in to the plunge bath. At the outcome another narrow shute leads the cleansed theep to a second corra' , where he Is allowed to ramhiato over the trying ordeal through which he hat been so uuceremoniously forced to pass. The heating of the sheep dip is done-by a small engine which ejects steam into a larga tank filled with to bacco and water. From this'tank lead feed and waste pipes , so that the solu tion is always kept at the desired tem perature Mr. Simpson has not fed his folds a pound of hay this winter , and ia- .formod-us that out of > 3,200 sheep ha will not lose 300 , although the season haabeen the severest over experienced by sheep raisera on the Laramie plains. _ , _ It Is the purpose of Mr. Simpson to set out ornamental trees abont the premises , and in a few years his home wilhbg aparadise on earth , a shaded , yerdaint bower , in which he andr-his estimable wife may spend in ease and happiness the afternoon of life's de clining years , and wait for the golden sunset which shall summon them to sleep the alecpjof the just. EGGS IN/PIKE COUNT ? . THE SHERIFF'S BXPEBIEKCE WITH A W- \ - j N BROOD.OEi SNAPPING TURTLES , 'WAY BACK U FIFTY-FOUR. t ' * K w York Suo. MiLTOKD , Pa. , March 26. "How ao > ggB to-dayl" inquired the fheriff as he leaned ana elbow on the Grits- man House bar and watched Frank mix the ex-poundmaster hits favorite beverage of seltzer and lemon juice. "The ecg-market is In inch s state that thia b r don't break another egg in a glass for you , and let yon flavor it with four fingen and a thumb of SIC brandy , unless you get over the im pression that"ybu can pay for it with 10-pence and get back p cents change , " said Frank , as he handed out a 5 cent cigar to the editor , and put it on Ilia slate. slate."That's business , " gild the county clerk. "Keep that up , Frank , and after awhile you can buy a now slate , won't have to sponge this one tff every time you fill it. " "Eggs , " eaid the sheriff , taking a cbeir by the stove , "eggs is eug ! , I know , but I remember a time when eggs wcra to tcarca that if the yolk of all you could bsvu feund iu the whole cotmty had beou rolled Into one it wouluu't have filled the cavity in the milk tooth of a spring chicken. That was in ' 54 , 1 think. " "Do you mean the year that crows' eggs was fetchia' four an" six a dczn 'lot-g the Lackawack , &n * Charley King opened five bushole o' the suckers to git eg S for breakfas' on the moraiu" o' Paas ? asked the old 'Squire. "That were ' 53 , sheriff. " "Well , sir , in the spring of ' 54 , " said the sheriff , "we had an old hen , and she wanted to set bad She was just spoiling to set. She'd get up nights and go spooking around to find a place with eggs in it. She got down in the cellar and settled herself herself on a peck measure of turnips and commenced hatching them out. We drove her away. One dsy I found her out in the garden huddled down in peace. She was engaged In warming up a china door-knob to see what she could go * out of it. I felt sorry for the hen and let her set. A day or EO afterwards I found a snap ping turtle's neat in the sand along the river. There were two eggs in it. I took them home and put them under the old hen. I thought I'd have some fun , anyhow. Well sir , she hatched those eggs out , and I want to tell you that ihe experiment satis fied mo that whatever a hen hatches Is a pact of her or the family she belongs - longs \o. \ Mayba you won't believe It , but those littla turtles had feathers on their legs. " "How old was the henl" asked the ex poundmaater , as the sheriff paused. "They had feathers on their legs , " continued the sheriff , without noticing ' 'and had littla ing the inquiry , they spars. The old hen was a littta sur prised at first , when aho discovered vhat a brood aho had , but she got along with them first-rate until they were three or four weeks old , and then ahg found them hard to manage. There waau't enough chicken in the tnrtles to makcrthem feel at home in the poultry yard , and one by one they disappeared until they were all gone. They had found their way to the river , and I never expected to see any of them again. The next summer I was fishing up in the eddy , an3 very soon I saw a pretty good aized ensp- plng turtle swim in to shore and jrawl up on the aand. Ho wasn't more than ten feet from me , but ho either didn't see mo or else didn't mind me. Bo walked around a mihuto and then cegan to ecratch in the sand. I thought vhat was funny , and couldn't under stand It. His next niovo made every- ihlng clear to mo. He raised up on iis hind legs , flapped his flippers against his sides , stretched out hii neck , and you may fire mo through ; hat wall if he didn't crow ! He was me of the tnrtles that my old hen had latched on ; and his chicken nature lad developed. I tried to catch him int ho was just S3 good a turtle as ho was a chicken , and ho got away into he water. I never saw any more of lira , but if ho has any descendants I may get one one of them yet , and if [ do I'll bring it down and show it to you. " Burdettts on Politicians. Burlington lUwkeje. "I feel , " eaid the fat passenger , aa the train croised the Ohio side , "that I am In the land of statesmen. There is a smell of a poatofiico in the air , and the low sweet sound of a consu late is heard in the dewy distance. I SiO the shadowy forms of marshals yet to be , and out of the dreamy gates of impossible , I too the sad procession of never to be supreme judges. It is a dear and favored land , this grand old step-mothor of presidents. " "Wo all love our country , " said the sad passenger , "hnd wo fight and swear and work and lie and sweat and shous for the privilege of administer ing her finances. Oh , Amorlcj , America , what would country bo without officee ? " "It would bo like a cit without a voice , " the man on the wood bax said. "Or a cigar without a match , " the cross passenger said. "Or a room without a bed , " said Endymion , the sleepy passenger. "Or a bar without whisky , " said the tall thin passenger , whereupon several voices Immediately asked what that was. was."After all , " the Jester a id , "politi cians are no worse then they uae to be , but there are more of them. And therein ia all the evil. Grasshoppers are no moro voracious in ouo season than another , but it the years when they multiply their census by countless millions , they ara able to do indefinitely moro mischief than when there are barely enough of them to furnish fish-bait for the indus trious citizen of the republic And all the mischief in the country isn't done by ihe politicians. There are lawyers who would honor the bar by getting themselves kicked out of it. There are editors who disgrace jour nalism. There are ministers who pro- 'ane the pulpit. There are several jsople outaido of politics who need a ittlo killing. There is " And seeing that hia audience had ; one to tleep , the Jester prepared to ollow their example. THOROUGHBREDS AT SEi. A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF RACING STOCK COMING TO NEW YORK. New York Evening Telegram. One of the largest batches of .horoughbred horsei ever shipped to this csuntry is now on the high seaa iboard the Anchor line steamship "Australia , " which loft London for Sew Yark on the 22d inat. Among the instalment of blooded aniraale , which is consigned to The American Horse Exchange , of * thh city , are the celebrated atallion Elsham , by Knowaley , out of Violet , through whose veins flowa the blood of Stockwell , the emperor of stallions and winner of the Two Thousand Guineas and the St. Leger , and also of Voltigour , who won the Derby , St. Leger end Doncastor Cup. 3pth by parentage and in appearance ? isham leayea nothing to be deaired. tfext conies Blue Mantle , a beautiful lorae , although no longer very youth- ul , who , as a three-year-old , when he first faced the Aator Hill , won three races off the reel. His alre , Kingston , was a very good herse when in train- ng and won tha Goodwood Cup , beat- ng Teddington and all the cracka of that day. Paradigm , from the same dam , was a fortune to her owner. MORE &TOCKWBI.L AND VOLTIGEDT. BLOOD. Third on the liat ia Muscovy , who , ike Elaham , haa on hla tiro's side a Sl&agow pedigree , aa the Duke waa jred by the eccentric old Scotch Earl being by Stockwell out of a mare that producad Pintail and many other good irinner . Hla dam waa Lidy of tha Manor , and he also boasta Stockwell and Voltigeur blood. Ha la noted aa afinej'imper , having won the San- down Open Hunters' Steeple-chase , jesting several very successful horses. One of the beat bred horsea In the En- gllah stud book is Silverstream , who Is also a passenger on the Australia , an animal that , carrying high weight * , las been most successful on several occasions. He is by Tynednle ( winner ' of the Fiying Dutchman's Handicap at | York and the Shrewsbury cup ) , out of Lina , own sister to Caterer , also of the famona Stockwell stock. Then again comes Midlothian , an anioiel that will doubtless be ap preciated in America , as he has won many valuable stakes. Thia horf o is by Rataplan , brother to Stockwell or Strathcon&n , and on hia d m'a aide ! Midlolhlan Is r.vely bred , as Luira ia I also dam of LowUnder , Lord Uttat- ! ley's famous horsp , which at heavy 1 weights was invincible. OTHER KINK MOtK. Still another , braving tha perils of the deep , is Woodlands , a handsome and remarkably sound horse , who has done an Immeuse amount of hard work. His sire , Nutbourne , * ras a great two-year-old , and when un trained defeated both Thorrnanby and Thunderbolt lor the Findon stakes at Goodwood. Peggy Whituthroat , his dam , also foiled Lumley and other winners. The other ocean voyagers are Tympanum , by Kettledrum , out of Gildermire , and a finer hoise can not well be Imagined ; llnluacardoch , a smart horse , is by Rataplan , out of May Chaise , and Is a blood rslative to the famous Doncaster , that cost the Dnke of Weatminster 14,000 guineas ; also Conatitution by Restitution. Then come a 3 year old colt by Fauonius , winner of the Derby , the Goodwood cup and other racea for Baron Rothschild , out ot Nutbush , the faateat mare of her day , and King of Athena , a 2-year-old colt by Cecropa , out of Woodbine. A per fectly untried fillyj though likely to grow into a good mare , la the animal by King Lud , out of North Wind. Still another to be noticed Is a mare by Knight of St. Patrick , out of Gentile. The lot further comprises several very fine English trotters , stallions and other thoroughbreds , all of which will be disposed of by private contract. Farmers ana Mechanics. If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble , besides a no small bill of expense , at this season of the year , you should take prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed , blood puri fied , stomach and bowela regulated , and prevent and euro diseases arising from spring malaria. We know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this aa Electric Bitters , and at the trifling cost of fifty cents a bet tle. [ Exchange. Sold by Ish & McMshon. (1) ( ) Litcii news from Marlon , o-t DrThomas' Eclectric Oil tnumphint. Mm. Setefrietl used it for ecverc cold and pstn in side , relieved in a few minutes. Geo. Mutchlcr , an old citizen siya it beats everything hs has ever tried f jr Rheumatism. Pan'l. Hoffman , farmer , a HttU couth of Marion. B.IVS It cured him of a sere throat of 8 years staiding. Al. Rnnyan says ho lias been a Rre > t sufferer roiu Rhcvmatlsm and has tried scores of Rem edies , but all to HO purpose , one bottle of Dr Thomas' Kclcctric Oil has cursJ him entirely L. P. Follct hag used it for Burns , and ea > d iff the Bo ; Remedy CHICAGO AHEAD. All the world now looks up to Chicago cage as the graat western metropolis of America , being far ahiad of all competing cities ; but none tha lets EO , in ita line , ia Electric Bitters. From their real Intrinsic value they have ad vanced to iha front , and are now far ahead of all other remedies , positive ly curing whore everything ols8 falls. To try them Ia to be convinced. For sale by all druggists at fifty centa per bottle. (1) ( ) PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORT- ATION. T-vEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR , Office ± J of Indian Affairs , WashinRton , March -23 , 1SS1. tcalcd proposals , indorsed Troposa's for Beef , Bicon , flour , Clothins orTransfortatlon , ? . , ( i9 the case nrxy be , ) and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Ko . 05 and 07 Wooster Street , N tw Yoik , will bo received un til 11 a.m. of Monday , May 2,1331. for fnmUh- ine for the Indliii service about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40,000C03 pounds Beet on the hoof , 128- 000 pounds Beaae,70 000 pound ? Bakine Powder , 2.3CO.OOO pounds Corn , 750.000 pounds Coffee , 8- SOO.OOOpounds Flour.212,000 pounds Kecd.300,000 founds Hard Bread , 75,005 pounds Hominy , 9.- 000 rounds Lard , 1,650 Inrrels Hess fork , 233- 030 pound * Rice , 11,200 pounds Tea , 72,900 1 ounds Tobucco , 200,000 pounds Salt , 200,000 pounds Soap , C.OOO rounds Soda , 1.250.COO iKjnnds Sugar , and 809,000 pounds Wheat. Also , Blankets , Woolen anl Cotton goods , ( cnsibt'n. . ' in part of ) iciinj30,000 jards ; Standard Calico , 300,000 yards ; Drilling , 25,000 yards ; Duck , fres from ah sizing , 175,010 yards ; Denims. 17,000 jards ; Gingham , 60,000 ) an.B ; Kentucky Jeans , 26.COO yardSatinat ; , 4.500 yards ; Brown hhcetirjr , 218,000 yards ; Bleached Jihtetini , ' , 9,000 yards ; HLkory Shirtin ; , ' , 12,000 yaids ; Calico Hurting , 5,000 yards ; Winsey. 2- COO yard * ; ) Clothing , Groceries , Notions , Hard ware , Medical Supplies ; and a Ion ? list ot mis cellaneous articles , euch as Harness , Plows , Rakes , Forks , &c. , and fcr 475 Wasons required for the service in Arizona , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho , Indian Ter. , Minnesota , Montana , Ne braska , Wisconsin , to be delivered at Chioip.0 , Kama * City and Sioux Ciiy. A'so , Transportation icr such of the Supplies. Goods and articles that may not be contracted for ts be delivered at the Ajenciee. Bids must be nude out on Government blanks. Schcdu'oi showing the kinds and quantities of subsistence supplies required for each Aijeii- cr , and the kinds and numlities , in cross , of all other sjo ls and articles , toxeih rnith ohnk l > rop"8 lj and fcrnnfor contract and bond , con ditions to be obscricd by bidJcrs , tims and p'acetf delivery , terms of contrast and payment - , ment , transportation roatts , and other necessary Instiuctionswiilbe furnished upon application to the Indlin Office in Washington , or Kos. 05 and 67 Wooster Street , New York , Wm. H. Lyon , No. 433 Broadway , Ne\\ York ; and to the Commlfsirici of Subsistence , U. S. A , at Chicago cage , Saint Louis , Sa'nt ' Paul , Lcivenworth , San Franc'nco , Omaha , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and the Postmaster at Sioux City. Elds will be opened at thchourlaiulday above Blatcd , and bidders arc invited to bo present at the cpeninz. CKRTIFIED CHECKS. All bids must be accompanied by certified checVa upon eoma United Stitc * Depository or Assistant Trcwurcr , for at least five per cent , of the amount of the pronosalj. THOMAS M. NICHOL , mar23-lm Acting Commissioner. AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy , Profusely illustrated. The mo t imporUnlin best book published. Every family nanta Extraordinary inducements offered Agent" . Address Aeityrg'PuBmmxa Co. ft. Louis , Mo. SPECIAL MASTER COMMISSION ER'S SALE. By urtueof aucrderof sale i sued out o ! the District Court , In and for Douglas County , Ne braska , and to me directed , I will , on the 9th day of April , A. D. 1831 , at 10 o'clock a. m. of raid day , at the south door of the Couit Ilouje in the city of Omaha , Dousbs County , Ne braska , sell at public auction the property ue- ccribrd In said order , to wit : LoUlx (0)in ( ) block 0113 hundred an t eevertyone (171) ( ) , in tin citv of Omiha , DougUs County , Nebraska , together with all the.ippuitesance ! thereunto belonging , to sitbfy a judgment of said court recovered by Ferdinand Streitz , p'aintiff , and against Andrew II. Orchard , ct. al. defendant. W. S1MERAL , m'l-St Special Masttr Commissioner. EAST I I'J 'J 6OLB MANUFACTURERS , OgAHA. frcb. ( T > p ( j a weet In youi own toi n. lerms ipO1) ontflt free. Addrem Q. Hallett & Portia M . JiNO. G. JACOBS , ( Forrcerly cf Glib & Jacobt ) rs No. 1117 farnham OL. Old btsnJ ol Jacob Ol ] QRDHRS NO CHANGING CARS BKMWEES OMAHA AED CHICAGO , Where Direct connections ar Made tVith Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash- ingtou , AND ALL , EASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for IndianapoliSjCincinnati , Louis ville. AXD ALT , rOLNTS IX TU3 BEST LINE F6R ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in tha UNION DEPOT with Throuzh Sleeping Car Lines far all Points S O TT T EC . The New Line for 3DES The Favorite Eoute for The unequilcil Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists , are as follows : Ihe celebrated Pullman ( IG-whcelj Palace Sleep ing Cars , run only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. PiUca Drawlnjj-l'.oom Core , with Horton'a Re clining Ch Ira No ciL-a cluna for Ssats in Reclining Chairs. The famous O. , B. & Q. Palace Diniiur Cars. Gorgeous Brooking Cars CtUd with Elegant HUh-Backed Rattan licrolrlii ? Chiira for the exclusive use of first-class passen gers. gers.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favorite Route to the East , South , and South-Eist. Try It , and you will flnd traveling's luxury instead of * discomfort. Through Ticket * via thh Tcle'rated Line for sale at aU offices In the United SUtcsand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , & . , will lie cheerfully given by apnhiiw to 'JAMES R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Manager , Chicago 1SSO. K. C.ST.JOE&C.B.RR. , Is the only Direct Lliio to ST. LOUIS AND THB EAST From OMAHA and tha WEST. Ho change of can between Om ? ha and St. Looil ind but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With Itm charges andtn fidvanco of other lines. This entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Can , Palace Dsj Coach- MMUIer'fl Safety Platform and Coupler and the cclabratcd WeailngboiicO Alr-Brake. tSraKK THAT TOUR TICKET yVlaKanw City , St. Joaojh WCoundlBluCa ! ; .R.vUv StfJH tZTJov an4St.LoaU.Tia TlckeU for sale at all coupon stations In tha Wert. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWK3 , Oc-n'l Snpt. , Ocn'I PSM. 4 TIckst A't St. Joseob , Ho. BJccenl * , Ho , W C. SEACHREST , TIciel Ag n. , 1020 Farnhaa Street , ANDY HORDES , A. B. BARNARD , Pa < s. AgantOmaha. Oen'rl Accnt , Omaht. BY THE VS DR. BOSAKIKO'S ' REMEDY. IHTERNAL EXTERNAL , AND STCHING PILES Irtd nt pare on the nppllotlon of Dt loaanUo'a Pile ItcrooUy. which act * A Bdly npon the parts nffectetlt bf Tnrnota. allaying the latema Itai U other rcmedlea h Te tolled. ake no other , and tell yogr inulg i rn i srj l mertU. mertU.DO DO NOT DEB.AU totn the drnln on the jatcm product tennancat Ulanbllltj- , bat bO7 It , TRY IT LOURED 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , adirrienyoacnnnotobtalrjlloriilnj.iv Till lend It , prepnld , on receipt of prlc ) r. Boouibo1 * Trent I e OB Pile * ecnt fro nappIIetUIon. Addreu DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO. PIQITA. O. WROUGHT fROH FENCES. m msmm Vflio Fondng and Rsllln ? ft Speciality. Their beauty , permanence and economy dally working the extinction of all fencing cheap material. Elt ? nt In diilzn , Inilejtractlble Fences for Irewna , Public Orasndj nad Ceme tery Plats. Iron Vase ? , Lawn Settees , canoplsd and oi nMtic patterns ; Chairs and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work designed anil manufactured by E. T. BARfrtJlI'3 Wire anil fron Work , 7 , 29 and 3t Woodward Ava. , Da- tr itMIch. 8oDrt'i-Hna. .t. | < uioirae anil rice lint. " Mp2i REED'S ny "Almont , " he by Alexander's "Abdallah , Sire ot "Gcldsmlth Maid ; " First dam "On Time" by ' War Dance , " son of the ieorned "Lexington ; " Second , " 11 Breckonridge" by "Colloesus , son of imported "Sovereljn. " "Almont's" fint dam by "Mambrlno Chief and hiiSiro by Hysdlck's "nambletonlan " This remarkable hone will be flve yiara old in May , he will rTe only 35 marcs ( half of which number ia now endued ) at $2500 per mare , payable at time of lervice. Season commences April 1st nnd will end Sept. 1st. Alter that time hia service will be out at $35 00. Any mare that h a trotted In 2SO wrrcdFR5 . AtLTIMEwillgtandMondays' Tuesdays' and Wednesdays' each week , begin ning the first of April , on Twcntlatb , west of Eighteenth trcet car-track tcrminu ? , and the remUnder of each week at the comer of llth and Howard streets. D. BEED , Proprietor. Stable Corner llth and Howard Streets. nurlcodSm PBUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL 8CIENOE. Tlie only exltlii remedy for OTery ip * . ele cf Acata or Chrouto Dlieu * of the Organs of Respiration , and an abaoluto SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! THIS nil-powerful Tegetable prepara. tlon expels from the lunais and air pau- ncef , the inucui mid muco-pui produced l > y pulmonary Inflammation , h aU th Irritated membraaai. and r noT tc every organ which stillx i tha breath of X.fe. ! It contains no itupefyinr potion , nnd It in all respects a healthful medi cine. The raplditj and certolatj witb which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is nstonlalilngr. Its effects fo deeper than the mern symptoms of pulmonary dli- en and discharges the eausa from tha atem. . Free nnd pMnleas expectora tion Is the mode by which It rellercs th lung * , chest nnd throat from the bordani vrliich oppreas them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the Kerm bo- fora they reach the more dangerous stages. The emnclated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE rrlth the most terrible scourge of orrr cM- iiiute will find Frltsch's Pminlan Couch Syi up a potent ally , nnd will astnredljr irin the fight by adhering strictly to tbU great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD in which It has been admlnlttered with entire mircess ns n remedy for eTeryTa- ri < > ty of malady which affects the Ke- vpirntory functions , amount * to mora tlinn FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , nndyet the prepara tion ik only in the infancy of IU useful- neii. The grent tlefect of nil Cough Hcmedies hitherto introduced Is that thny are simply expiilsory. Ilence they nre iisolosa ; for unless the causes of the ncrld secretion * which nre coughed up nro removedand the ruptured. Inflamed or maturated surface * healea and re stored to tholr nntural tone , a cnra Is impossible. I'rltsch'n PrtiiMnn Cough , Syrup accomplishes these objects. Tha mticiK and muco-pus which are the con sequence of Lung IlUenso , are thrown off by it. while rttthosnrae time it soothe * nnd invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " Tor rough * , cold * , influenza , bronchial dinicultics , tlghtnessof the chest , honrse- m-ss , sore throat , trachltis , inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy nnd nil disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sole aser.U In America , KICHASDS03 A CO. St.lJJUjj.iIo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE OIW.T 25 CENTS. ' A new An < 1 hitherto unknovrn reaiedy for'all diseases of tbo Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Organs. It will pnntiv ely euro Diabetes , Gravel , Drop > sy , Brteht's Disease , Inability to retain or ip ll thi Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high coir red and scanty crine , Painful Urinating , LAHZ BACK , Ueccra ! Weakness , and all Femala Com < plaints. It avoid * internal meiUctnes , 13 certain In It affects arjl cures when nothing else caa. For 8tlo by all Druggist ] or gent by mall frM upon receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY VEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. yonrsd _ < lr B for ocr little bock , dew fl&Vl K. IStj , Agent ( or Sshrwki. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ASTD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. Tht Uld JRdialh Sioux , City Rouit ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , nd all polntoln Kor1h m Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thia line Is equipped with the Im > irxned Wce'.luihoosa Automatic Air Brakes and iilUr Platform Cotip ! r and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AMD COMFORT a unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Koom and Sleeping C rowne , 1 and controlled 7 the com may , run ThrouK'h Without Change betwMu Jnlon Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffe , and St. Paul. Trains loara the Union Pacific Tranffor Depot at Council Blnfii , at 6:15 p m. , caching Sioux City at 10:20 : p. m. , lad St. Paul at 115 a. m , making sfr-TEN HOURS KT ADTAHOH OF ANT OTIIKK Ronn. Returning , Icava St. Paul at 830 p. m. , u. rlvbr at Sioux City at 1:15 : a. m. , and Union Paclfta Transfer Depot , Council Bluflj , at 9:50 : a. m. B * aura that your tlaketa read via "H. 0. fe F. B. B. ' F. C. HILL3 , Superintendent , Missouri YalUy , Iowa' P. E. EOBINSON , Wt flsn'l Paea. Agent. J. H. ( VBETAN , and Paaeenjrer Agent , CouadI Bluff I Gentle Women Who want glossy * luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair most nso IION'S KATHAIEON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , beeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a rnrling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthyTlalr is the sure result of using EatbairoOt MAKE NO MISTAKE I MICA ATT.F. GEEASE tomposad largely ot powdered mica and blngUwa * the best and cb apc3t lubricator In the woild. t ia th best becxusei t dwi not ircm , but farnU a highly nolUhed surface over the axle , detn ? nway with a Iare amount of friction. It Ia the cheapest because YOU need rue but hall the [ uantlty In greaelnx your waon that you woull if any other axle grease mule , and then ran our waeon twice aa Ion ? . It aniwtn equally as we 11 for Mill Gearing , Threehlng ( Uaehlnet , Juifitleg , * C..M for wagoai Bend fer Pocket Jyclopediaof Thlnjj WortH Knowinf. Milled res to any address. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , Your Dealer For It octJ KIDNEGEN is hiehly recommended and un8arp Med for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright'o Diseaa * , Loaa of Imergy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructionn mriainjr from BZidney or Bladder THaeaaea. Also for Yellow Paver Blood and Lidn 7 Poisoning1 , in infected malarial sections. i TBy the dfatautlon of a rORESTLEAf with JUKIPBR BKRRIBI aad BAKLET KALT w h Tt discovered KlDNEGEX.whlch acU tpedflcauT on the Klda y an4 DrUwy Orj n . rtmormj In uiwi dtpoilta formed In the bladd r anil pnventln aay Itralnlag. imartlax MOMtlsii heat er IrrltaMoa In the membranoas llalnirottBe ducts or water p-v js. It eicit kWthy Miton In th Xldrttjl glTlnr Ihem itruogth , vigor and restortnf the o orfan * to a healthy ceadltlon , ihowint- ! * < * on both the color anil M y Sow of nrtn * . It c n bo Uk at all tint * , la all ellxuit * * and aadeotU clrcumnances without injury to the system. Unlike any other pnpr U a for XJda y dlBouUlM It hag a very plfMMit and axiMtble taite and favor. It hM been dlflcolt to make a pr p r tfo conUlnlnz positive diuretic proptrtlt * whUh will not nannate. but b aocepubla to the itomacb Before Uklnjr aayLivei medicUetry b fJe ot KI3XBQKX to CLBaHSK the KIDNZT3 troa foul matter. Try It and yon will always usrf t u family medldn * . Idlt Mpeclally will Ilk * it and ( Jontlemen will find KIDSrOEN the b t KIdn y Tonls tv r nnJ ! NOTICE Each bottle V r th. ii a ture ef LAWRSHCS * MARTIX. * Io Proprietary 0 T ra ment Sump , which permit ! KIDXEUZX to b < eld ( without lloen * * ) r IJrasjirti , 0rc4ui U Other Fenons irerywhore. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Us . If not found at your DrotifiM or Groc rt , w will ncd a kottie prtpaU to tha ntueit office to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBUGGISTS , GBOOEBS and DEALEES rTholecaJe ajonta In OmahA , STXXLX. JOHNSOJT ft OO. , vlll rsppljth trU * IT TS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it ii stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblio taror. The White Machine instly olaima to be tha best made , the easiest running , tha 'simplest ia construction and the most perfect Maohin * in the market , The White Oo. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satluflad , because they find everythinsj' Jnafc M r pr - ented. Evarybody should naa this Machine. Th eales so far thia year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha will be promptly filled. filled.ZEHRUNO , Cor , I > avcQDort and 15th Sts. THIS HEW'AOT ) CO31SECT rroYte beyond any rcuon&Mo ( juertloa that tiia CHICAGO : & { NORTH-WESTERN i R'Y Is by all odds the test road for you to take when traTtllnj la either direction between r t Chicago and all of th Principal Points In the Wait , North wd Norihwsat. Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the Tf crt and Northw * t are 8t tIocJ- on tbU road. Ita through UIii3 m&lca do34 cooc ctloai wit * lha train * ot all nUroadi a > Junction point * . THE CHICAGO Jt NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal Hnes.rn.ns each war dally from two to foorormare .Trains. Itla tlio only road west of Chicago that uses the .o'&yro ' i ran' nrnMi Sleeping CMS North or Jforthwwtoi1 Chicago. * Itha * nearly fOOO XILJuS OFSOAJt. Itforms thefollowing TrunkUnea "Council . . , A.I Bluffs , Denver & California Lln . " "WInona , Minnesota , * Cento : J. . - _ f .c A.1A4Q . JJ ty'N , ( 'Nobra3' < a& YanktonUne."Chicago , Bt Paul and Mlnn p lls One , . "iTnr. Illinois. Kroeport A Dubnnno Ltae. " "Mllwankoe. Green Bar * U * Superior LJus. " Iicfcets over Ulsjoad ara sold by all Coupon Ticket Agena in th Unlt d Btatea sod liemerabor to ask for Tickets Tla tola roadb saw they re d orer It. and take none otheaf EaRVlS HCQHJTT. Genl Manager , Chlcago. iVW. B. 3VWJJTT , Goal ? . jsnt , CUc ! o. HA.RBYP. UDEL ) , TIck t AnntC. fc K. W. Railway , HtK ftJ nj rafllf ! U. L ) . B KIMBA.LL , AsslitantTlcktt Aftata 4 V. . kallwiy.llth ind Ttrikan Mr * . J. BELiIi. Tlcktt Aient C. & W. W. Railway , U. P. 8. Jt , D p t. .TAMK fT CT.A RK VJin rml itsot. itsot.HiVERIGK. . OHMfTURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to th Fnrnlfrare anl upholstery Trada , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SEW GMDI A ? 1518 and 181 * rankiM ip U moo Ux u OF MAMMOTH G LOT ING HOUSE. Hard Wearing Goods 1 Men'a Cotton Suits. . . . . 400 Mea'iCottonu3 PAaU. . . . 1 9 U 1 H Men' Cotton Worsted . SOU M n' Oiiiimer * Patf. . . 3 00 to 509 Men'a Jeani . W1' 552 Hen'i WonUd Paati I SO to ijt Men's Satinet SaiU . > 5 0 to 6 CO Spring Overeo U COtol 0 Men' Union CSM Snits . 8 00 to 10 00 Whit * Vewt lOOto J3 0 * Men's All-Wool SniU . 12 M to 1 3 00 White Shirts ( IX Men's Worsted Suite . 13 50 to 20 00 F ney Shirt * . 17 $ to 1 It Men's Blue Flannel SuiU. . . . 7 50 to 13 50 Cttrtiruer * Hhirt 100 to i > H ' . 4oto 900 Blue .FJanael ShirU 100 to 1 7f Yonth'sSuita Ovtralls and Jutnperi..SOc and upwards Suip nders . 3 > Men's Jeans Pants . . . 2 00 Cotton Half Ue Wa to 115 CO par Complete line of Neck Wear , Linen Collars and Sum- r mer ITnaerwear. Silk Handkerchiefs , Bats , Caps , Gloves , Trunks and Valises , Boots and Shoes. Agent for San Francisco and Oregon City Woolen Manu facturing Company. M. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Farnham , Corner 10th Street.