THE DAILY BEE ; E. BOSEWATSR : EDITOR ! _ _ > A LATE spring and frozen ground can't prevent Omaha's building boom. EVEN the "oldest Bottler" Is silent over the present rleo in the Miss oarl. ' SCBSTIKXIAL public Improvements In Omaha -will soon be the order of the day. CITIZENS' tickets scorn to have been very popular throughout the state at the rpring electioni. WASHINGTON gossips predict an ex tra session DS the cure for the jjrosent senatorial dead lock. PBESIDKNT GARFIELD'S ' 'backbone" shows no signs of weakness on tha New York nominations. THE kte rise in lunaber on the bottoms toms was even less satisfactory to the dealers than to the public. A DISPATCH eaya that Mahone and Alec Stephens have fraternized. Their combined "weight is one hundred and sixty pounds. THE Rtpublican is horrified at what It considers a shameful attempt of the pool lines to compel the Union Pacific to reduce freights on the overland route. WORE will be begun on the new Grand Central within sixty days , and before twelvemonths Omaha will have two imposing hotels in course of con struction. THREE Ohio men who refused nom inations to office in Washington have been elected ruling ciders of Presby terian churches. Ohio js bound to re cognize merit wherever found. WISCONSIN , like Nebraska , passed an anti-treat law at the last session of the legiilaturc. A case has already been-made up in Milwaukee to test its constitutionality. j ? * Mf" ' ' ' = A BOSTON man baa astonished the town by leaving the bulk of his prop erty to his mother-in-law and cutting off the rest of his relations with a few dollars apiece. Boston is bound to maintain her reputation for eccen tricity. SILAS WEOO , cf the Republican , has again "dropped into poetry. " Ella Wheeler and the "Sweet Singer of Michigan" will Btand aghast -at this latosf fabric of nonsense and rhyme , "whuro devastation harshclashes upon 'thelieart of hlmirho looks. " COUNCILMAN DAILY has been agreed 'upon by the members of the olty coun cil oa their president for the coming year. Mr. Daily haa made a very creditable record during the past two years and the compliment Is well de served. THE Holly water la growing worse. Its condition Is an insult to the people and an outrage upon Ihern , and is the result of cither imbecility or criminal There can beno excuse for a company's offering.auch slnff to a people ple as is impoted npon the Inhabitants f Denver. [ Denver .Republican. r Denver people .must bo hard to f suit. If they had viewed the true In wardness of tto Holly .water through the Burlineton nVmmpagno gUaees , they might cxprecs different opinloni entho subject. JL BEOKEN DOWN REPUBLIC Broken in fortune , and lying at the Ife'ot of her conqueror , without gov * crnment and with no authority to treat with iho Chilians , Peru is Indeed In a lamentable and unfortunate con dition. Her people are In want and poverty increases from day to day. * So crest is the distress In Lima that the mass of the people wholly de pendent npon their conquerors for sufficient food to keep themselves 'alive. ' Pierola , the dictator of Peru , ' \t a wanderer , and the Chilian auth orities will not recognize him as a . ruler. He IIM convoked a constit- 'uont assembly to' meet at Hnanicayo , with a view of tendering his . .resigna tion , but thejcoantry ( s In such a state of prostration and subjection that the body will never come together. An attempt has been made to have Iho Chilians evacuate Lima that a provisional government may be in- " "stalled , but they refuse to remove their forces. To make matters worse the Chilian government has determined - to collect $1,000,000 per month for the expenses of its army , and a de o mand for the first million has been A made upon fifty property owners in 1 Lima , each being required to pay 1a 1C $20,000. These citisans held a meet a ing and some of them declared that 1- 'they could not pay , but they must 1te either furnish the hard ten cash by the n : 18th Instant , or submit to a destruc c < tion of their cci jjrcjjerty. ci An an added horror , a war of races cihi has brok'enout " In th'e valley otCanete' hiCE hiT ? where Tnore - "than 2,000China CE men have been barbarously mur- 0 Fdere4 * by i the . .Ohaloa and ne 0a 0w * groes. On one plantation alona a GOO inofTflnslTomenjwere murdered in in cold blood. All the cane fields , sugar inP1 houses , machinery and other property , P1In P1W the whole valued at millions , have In ' 'b'o8ri burned or otiorwiso destroyed InBt by 'thetemiscreants. . Foreigners re- Btal Idlng'io ' the valley ? Trhloh-is ono of ts the most fertile and productive In tsT : -Peru , have-been killed , while tho' living in * ing tiavo barely eaoped with their it llvea. nil itTi If particulars iavo-not-been - - Ti 1 obtained , but-at the laat advices the Tih work of murder and plunder was still ' goim ; on. Feara arc entertained that ru , like scenes -horror will be enacted inl thrfmchont Pera v. du Plundered by "both friends and foes' ba ihe.oondltiou of Peru Is desolate In en the extreme. The work of destrnc- . in i lion is accomplished , the'repnbllc Is to "bu vbe united with 'Bolivia and even the nationality of the land sacred to the si. Inoas and replete with historic recol- lectione is to bo swept away. po HABITUAL JUMfEES. The question as to the motive of republicans who voted for Mr. Uoyd is ono which wo cinnot anawerr We have simply to sny that we did not vote for Mr Bojd , and wo do not see how any good republican could recon cile such vote with any just BPDBO of party principle and fidehy. Wo pre sume that very many of tha alleged republicans who voted for Mr. Boyd arc men who have hitherto habitually " jumped" the parly rails ; who have been responsible for every republican dif at in Omaha end every partial or ppprcximtio demo cratic auccust , and who care more at all times for their supposed personal interest and fur factional tuccess in marring what they cannot nmke. than they care for party success and for the republican adminutration to which this city is clearly entitled. [ Repub lican. lican.The The Union Pacific monopoly onan ; evidently thinka that Omaha voters have exceedingly short memories. That paper long ago earned for itself an unenviable reputation for "habit ual jumping , " not only in city elec tion ; , but also In state and national contests. It jumped the nominations of Lew Reed , Fred Metz , and lias- call himself for the legislature In 1870 , and worked at the polls to de feat their election. In 1872 It jumped the nomination of Al fred Burlcy for sheriff and need every effort to elect his opponent. In 1876 it jumped John M. Thorston , republican nominee for district judge , because at that time b hadn't jumped over to iho monopolies. In 187G It jumped Wm. J. Connell for district attorney after it helped to nominate him and pledged itself to support him. In 1877 it jumped John R. Manchester for county clerk and peddled bogus tickets in the var ious wards. One of ita present edi tors , In 18T2-jnmpod the nomination of Gen. Grar-t for president and worked for Horace Greoloy. Each and all of these exhibitions of political athletics were performed without any attempt to "reconcile such votes with any just eenao of par ty principle and fidelity. " Wo sre reliably informed that after Haacall's nomination' fcr Mayor the junior as sociate editor of the Republican held a personal Interview with James E. Boyd and atsurod him of hh vote. Either the editor lied to Mr. Boyd or else to his readers when ho assured them that he did not vote for Mr. Boyd , nor could he ECO "how any good republican could reconcile such vote with any just EOHBO of party prin ciple orfidelity. . " But what has such a raongr l sheet as the Omaha Republican to do with party principle and fidelity. It in no eenao ropro- sen'a Nebraska republicanism or Ne braska republicans , It has coniietently for the last six years championed and endorsed those measures and men which have been defeated in conven tions rejected In the legislature and spurned at the polls. Its efforts in local politics have been directed to wards deb&ushlng the caucus , pack , ing the primaries and nominating in the party conventions men whom reputable republicans could not and would not endorse at the polls. I'a endorsement of Hascall and hia over whelming defeat by the votes of the better class of Omaha republicans , was a consistent link in the chain of th'o political renegades that run it. In every instance the interests of great monopolies and the personal in terests of a ging cf office hunters who iraln In the wako of the monopoly faction , has been tbo solo motive that has governed their support and ac tion. Tn no case kaa public welfare or the noterions nnutuess of men for positions had the least influence npon their conduct. As a mat ter of fact there are only about 2,503 republicius In the city of Ooiaha , and if 2,000 jump habltuaiythe ! band of true and truaty stalwarts Is not inoro numerous or ef fective than the gallant three hundred who charged into th < S mouth of hell at Balaclava , especially when it is berne in mind that those political Cardigans Instead of gallantly leading the charge , enaak to the roar in every bittle and assure the enemy that they wore only playing aoldlor and let the fooh who followed them perish in the last ditch. That is the most contemptible part of it all , for men "who have convictions are entitled to some credit even if they do fail , but political Hessians who barter their manhood for money and fight In a canto they know to be disreputable , deserve to bo execrated. And this is why the fiepttblican has no respectable following in Omaha and Douglas county. OHIO , tha scene of the late terrible ; larthquaks , is an Island of the Grecian Archipelago , lying off the cost of A la : Minor. The chief city and capital it 3hlo , or Kastro , tltnated near the niddie of the cast coast and having 4,500 residents. The , city Is pro ectedby a castle , has a harbor aid nanufacturfes of silk , velvet , and . otton. In ancient times the chief ity was called Chios , and claimed to lave been the birthplace of Homer- he history of the Island rum back entnries before Christ. In 494 B. s I. It was invaded and laid rjwto by the Persians. Ohio became member of the Athenian League ; a 479 B. 0. , and recovered its indo. iendence in 368 B. C. Philip V. of Inoedon took posieasion of the Island a.201 B. 0. , and It afterward became ubject to Eome. Turks cop'.ured tfce hief city and massacred the inhibl- nt early in the fourteenth century , 'hon the Genoseie gained possession 11346 , and held it nntil 15GG , when atre again- fell into the hands of the real ttrk . With the exception of alert alh. lort period when It belonged to agwl wl 'enlce Ohio has been ' wlH , under Turb'sh H [ lie up to the present time The fir ibabitants rose against the Turks frl iring'the Greek revolution in 1822 , to : it were soon put down and m do to iffer terribly for their ac ion. With- TH two months 23,000 persons , with- it regard to ser or age , were put t6 Uti ie sword , 47,0)0 ( ) were eold into very , and 5,000 fled to escape bo < sath. As a reeult , the Chiistian W ] pulation of nearly 104,000 were ace redaced to 2,000. A Greek force commanded by Col. Fabvier , a Frenchman , attacked the Turkish garrison of Ohio In 1827 , but vrere beaten \nd driven from the Island. Any cauBR that the Omaha Repub lican champions seems to go under ! Hascall Is Its latest victim , and Jim Boyd walks Into the Mayor's chair by 1000 majority. Our Val should take warning. If he permits Brooks to manage his senatorial boom he Is a dead duck. [ West Point Progress. Nineteen hundred and ninety-fire majority , if yon pltase. DUNCAN DOOMED. ColumbusMoving for the Black Hills Branch. Correspondence of Tui EBB. COLTTMBUS , Neb. , April 11,1881. It will ba remembered that at the time the Omah , Niobrar * & Black Hiilt railroad was In contemplation , the eztenilon of the Atchison & Ne- beraska , known as Iho Lincoln and Northwestern , hid been projected from Lincoln to Oolnmbai , and was asking a bonus in bonds for opening a southern route of travel and trade to the city. The U. P. railroad offered to make the junction of the 0. N. it B. H. with the main line at Colum bus if the town and county ironld lve them 5100,000 in bonds and re- inse all overtures from the L. & N. W. Tht U. P. had mtny friends In the place who were willing to divide the bonds in their power to give be tween tke two roads , but were unwill ing to kill the possibility of a com peting line by an unfriendly at titude. The U. P. took offanse at the independence exhibited , and to eplte the place built the reid from Jackson , afterward named Duncan , in honor of a veteran pas senger conductor of the lice. The experiment of building from Jackson over barren sand hllli , and making an ertra bridge over the treicherouu Loop r.ver has proved very expensive. The road has been blocked by sand and snow a part of the winter and as a fitting climar the bridge put over the Loup OB this line was carried away by the ice when the river broke tnia spring. Now they are willing to build th road on the natural rtute from Columbus along the north bank ot the Loup obviating tha necessity of bridging the Loup on the branch line ; they aik $25,000 in subscription or bonds , a much less amount than they could have had in the first piece had they not Included the suicidal and selfish demand. The psople of Columbus are very anxioDs to secure this branch road and the leading business men heartily endorse the proposition made them and are subscribing cheerfully in sums from (50 to (500. It is estimated that $25,000 will grade ihe road from Columbcs to Lost Creek where the old road bed is reached ; and also furnish rails and ties for two miles , the excess in distance from Columbus to Lost Creek over from Jackson to Lost Creek. The consummation of this project will be hailed with joy by the people of the whole state , as it brightens the prospects of one of our best towns. The future of Nebraska will derive more benefit from a dozen cities than from fifty villages , and the building up railroads and manufactur ing centres should be encouraged by overylegitmate means. JAY. GARFIEL.D AND ROBERTSON , SPECIMENS OF r.EPUBUCAN Elmira ( S. Y } Advertiser ( Conlling Rep. ) The position of the president Is an cAmsouiupy UOIICJIIO ODB. TDO IDCle- pendent republicans made bis nomina tion passible at Chicago , but it was the stalwart republicans , under the leader ship of Grant , Conklicg , Logan , Ar thur and Platt , who snitched victory from the very jawg cf defeat. That he should feel grateful to both , would be only natural , ana that he should seek to unite and harmonize the two factions , 'would ba precisely what everybody would expect and ap prove. In the character of his ap pointments thus far , with possibly two exceptions , he has exhibited rare discretion and sound judgment. The country generally was somewhat sur prized at his appointment t > f Stanley Matthews , aad it may be although we are not quite able to see U that ho haa erred in nominating Judge Robertson for Collector of the Port of New York. But oar ssnators , In the interest of harmony , can well afford to overlook this latter appointment , Inas much as the personal fitness of the appointee is universally admitted , and he has been Indorsed by the unanimous vote of the senate and assembly of thla state. SOMEIJTTEHEgTISO CONUNDRUMS. From the Buffalo Bxprest ( ConVling Rep. ) Judge .Robertson helped to nomin ate Garfield ; Senator Conkling didn't. Both loyally supported him after his nomination. If the president b forced to choose between them , to which is his obligation the greater ? Judge Robertson is no democrat. If ho Is as good a republican as Senator Conkling , or as President Garfield himself , In what does his deficiency consist ? If the president had waited Fcr Ibo senatore , the vice president or the postmaster general to suggest For office the name of Judge Robert- ion , or of any republican of like mind , i iow long would he probably have hade o wait ? What reason has President Uarfield for excluding Judge Robert- ion from party recognition ? Is the act that Senator Conkling wants him ixcluded a sufficient reason ? Sins' ; ho president make the local quarrels if all the senators his own , and pun- ih those who fcave been and are his riends at another man's bidding ? 4 THE OUDSAaAINSTCOSKllNa. .vractue N. Y. Journal ( Rep. ) It should be borne In mind that no uch division of partial exists IH the Jnited States senate as thatPretident Tayes had to de l with. The senate now a lepnblican body , with the Ice-president's casting vote ; whereas hen It contalnsd a democratic work- ng majority. The senate has been re tly Improved by the new mea hoscn to'it the past year. With tha teat ingle exception of Platt , of Now Lork , all the now rspublican senators at re special friends to Garfield , and not atps < no actively sympathizes w th th ps o-called stalwartlsm that dominates be politics of this state. The reptibh. an reliances of Mr. Conkling have 0nl eon greatly weakened by the changes nl rhich took place on the 4th of March , nlPt nd not moro than four of the present Pt spublican senators ara peculiarly-hU PtCi Hies. On the other hand , Garfield Cibi as a positive , and when needed an bi jgressivo , support in the senate , tli hich Hayes never had ; and yet ro ayes' nomination of Merrltt was con robt raied ! Ha has , also , warm personal lends among the democratic sona- irs who when driven to choose sa , , be- fir reen republicans , will give him all bu 10 requisite "advioe and consent " ot : : CE UNDOUBTED sEXTOfEirr or THE en * STATE. l enmi lcaN.T.HeraliRcp ( ) - ' The course of the president has roi n greeted by an earnestness of ap ini oval by every division and interest stc the party , such as has Bildom been ' tai corded to any public proceeding. gr < The unanimous commendation of fho legislature was unique in political an- _ n'als. The attempt to nullify , Iho ac tion of the asiembly onlyeraphesjzss the real eontlmout of thn members. The republican press of the atato has reached a degree of unanimity mojst encouraging. The journals which even pretend to object to the nomination of Judge Robert- Thoss who have been close In their adherence to the senior senator present - . sent some of the moat pronounced ap peals for confirmation. Especially are journals which are tasumed to apeak the wishes of the governor outspoken in the advocacy of the harmony which this nomination typifies. Whatever the senators m y. say , whttevor may be the pretense of any factional auto mation , the body of the republicans of the elate rejoices in the evidence that the president seeks to unite the party in New York , and to continue the good feeling which gave us victory n November. STATE JOTTINGS. Oxford wants a flouring mill. Blair Is to have a new ward school. Cambridge has voted bridge bonds. bonds.A A fire brigade Is talked of at York. Hnmbolt is lo have a plow , fao tory. Loup City is an incorporated town. Saward is raiding ita gambling dene. Schuylsr Is to have a new steam flouring mill. Tne new mill near St. Paul will cost § 18,000. St. Paul has organized a hook and ladder company. Sarpy Centre is to have a cream ery this summer. Twenty five ladiea voted at York In the late election. The temporary bridge at Arapahoe is being rapidly create i. A commercial business college la soon to bo started at Lincoln. B. Foot , of North Bond , lost $1000 of lims in the late flood. Oakland is to have a new school house to cost not lees than $2,600. Ashland bridge is to be rebuilt In a more durable style than before. Large numbers of settlers are on their way to the Republican Valley. "Work has been begun on the foundation of Franklin Academy. West Point's school board ha ? voted to erect a ? 10,000 school house. - Cumlnq county has voted to issue bonds ( o fund the floating indebted- ness. In ono year Blair's school popu lation has increased one hundred and four. Plattsmouth baa hopes of an opera house , COxlOO , seating 1,000 persons. The democrats of Nebraska City eleeted nearly their whole ticket last week. Ashland creamery ahippcd 750- 000 pounds of butter to Bsston the past year. -Lincoln's Odd Fellows will lay the corner stone of their new building on the 26th inst. A Sportsmen club has been or ganized at North Platte with twenty- iivo members. There are eight men in the jail of Cuming couuty , at West Point , on charge of murder. The dwelling of Henry Diabrow , at Harvard , was consumed lest week by firo. Insurance , 2350. The railroad bridge at Ponca was so much damaged by the outgoing ice that it will be rebuilt. The resldenco of Mr. Orlo Bunt- Inn , living naar David City , was des troyed by fire list week. George P. Tucker , of Lincoln , proposes to erect a brick block on N and Tenth street of 150x148 South PaplUIon la to have a now Methodist church. Six hundred del- lars have boon already subscribed. Pawnee Presbytery of the United Presbyterian church mot in the church of that denomination at Pawnee laat week. Over a thousand head of cattle have been purchased in the vicinity of Nebraika City for shipment in tbo last two wceltt. Patrick Powell , of Grand Island , hot and killed himself in his sleep last week. The jury rend red a ver dict In accordance with the facts. The annual shearing festival of the Southern Nebraska Wool Grow ers and Sheep Breeders' association , hts been set for Muy oth , at Beatrice. During fhe "bulge" in the Elk- hornj { t the late rise , a catfist weigh- about CO pounds was thrown over into Mr. Lamb's corral , near Bell Creek. The people of O'Neill narrowly missed lynching the murderers of Sher iff Kearns last week. The prisoner is notr confined in the jail at West : Point. Samuel Atley , of Lincoln , fell dead from his chair In the Washing ton house last Wednesday. Heart disease was the canee. The annual meeting of the grand lodge of the Knights cf Honor of the state of Nebraska will " * " * * -IW * * QQ t TTUt meet In J Nebraska City on Tuesday , April c : < Four hundred and thirty-fivo dol- ars have been raised towards building rs Methodist church atlndiauola rsci , nd ci vork will be begun during the present cicc nonth.Tho ccG The voters of Tecamieh decided G ut Tuesday that they did not want at irokibition in tnat town , so elected ates he license ticket by a majority ot esw lighty. lighty.A A yonng negro boy named Thorn- Carry , was accidently hot through LIh he abdomen , while out with n party LIV f hunt er § from North Pl tto on San- Vhe / lay oflastweeV. He died the tame hepa venlng. pa allan [ About forty families from Pennsyl- ania will settle in Hitchcock county an uring the coming spring , snd the CO respects for that county getting Its COmi nil share of emigrants from other laces , are good. The B. & M. depot at Red Oloud is be enlarged at once , by the addt- Tl ion of thirty-five feet and a second asi fcory. The second story will bo divi- so ; ed Into offices for the use of the com- tit any's subordinate managers. " " Uli Mr. Josh Stevens , of Syracuse , th , Itoe connty , was fatally injured by fri eing thrown from his wagon 'aud ' to lighting on a sharp stale which < ji ierced hia abdomen near the navel. p Last week , Tuesday night , at an rote , Tidball & Fuller's elevator a uilding , grain and fixtures were en- ho > rely destroyed. Thursday the rail- ad house of . boarding Mr. TVhite wa nrned to the ground. bri A man offers to In put one thou- be. . md dollars cash toward starting a rat cltsa , creamery in Crete , if the uaineis men vrill uke stock for an- her thouiand. He proposes , If the all K ! iterprise cin be started , to uce the ilk from 500 cows. spe all One of the ilatera . engaged on. the nei iof of the new B & M. depot build- cot g at Lincoln , fell from the third Elt ory of the building last week , a dis- the nce of neatly forty feet , to the all ound. Strange as it may seem , the man arosa to his feet almost Instantly and walked away. One Dr. Da Nayors enticed a Hed Willow girl to go with him to Indian- ale where ho put up at the hotel. The next day her father and a nun- bur of citizens of Red Willow appeared on the scene and captured the maiden , requesting the doctor to leave the country. Refusing to do It he was arrested ' charged * lth gelling irLisky aud'held under ball to answer. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Fort Dodge is to have a board of trade. A big hotel ie to be built at La- mars. mars.Humboldt Humboldt county claims 76,000 bushels of unhusked corn. Oskaloosa is to have Bell tele phone exchange by Juno 1. Maple sug&r festivals ara now popu lar in church circles. Des Moines is taking steps toward paving her prominent streets. Cedar Rsplds wholesale dealers load from eight to ten cars dally. The Marshalltown glucose works will be ready to begin operations this month. Ida Grove is to h&vo a new brick school homo at a cost of $9,450. There ara eighty-two children in the soldiers' orphans' home at Daven port. port.Eight thousand new members have beed added to the order of Odd Fel lows in this state during the pait year. It is reported that coal has been discovered in Kossuth county , near Algons , at a depth of thirty feet from the surface. There are twenty-eight creameries in Linn connty , thirty-three in Jones and forty in Delaware. A series of games ol checkers for the championship of the state are being played at Council Bluffs. The supervisors of Mahaaka county ara busy considering plans for a new 375,000 court house. The building will be 77 by 100 feet , throe stories hifjh. hifjh.Clark Clark connty is somawhat excited over the attempted removal of the county seat from Osceola to Murray. On account of the floods the Keo- kuk < fc S . Louis railroad carries its passengers f Jom Kookuk to Alexan dria by steamer. The surveyors on the Wabssh branch from Des Moines to Albla are rapidly pushing the work , and the line will ba definitely located soon. O'Brien county farmers aay that a good deal of the corn which ha re mained ( n the field and under the snow all winter is rotting and becom ing wholly worthless. The Des Moines board of trade now numbers 250 member * , and efforts are being medo to erot a building es pecially for the use of the bcdy. The Sioux City pork hocse hai closed for the season , and hereafter all hogs marketed there will be shipped direct ti Chicago. A convention will meet in Daren- prrt May 25th to take action with reference to the opening up of a con tinuous water route of transportation from the upper Mlislsalppl to the east ern Atlantic seaboard. The Marshall boys who attend the firemen's tournament at Council Bluffa will take along tents and camp equip- page , and live independent of the hotels , which , it is alleged , are dispo sed to charge exhorbitant rates. Thirty-two survlvcie of a regiment of Muscatine soldiers who took part in the battle of Shl'oh ' celebrated the 19th anniversary of * , hst eventin , that city , on the Gth inst. After a careful canvass cf the dis tricts affected it hai bsen ascertained thai over 2000 entile perished in Clay county during tha terrlGc snow storm of February 5. R. A. Osier , a peaceable cltizan of Brooklyn , wsa brutally murdered by an unknown hand the other nighi. The affair is shrouded in mystery , as only th head was found lying in a neighbor' * yard with an ax beside it. A creamery is about to b erected at Mt. Etna , Adams county , to bo op erated by tlio owners of a creamery at OscocU. It is to bo a joint stock concern. The Iowa City cutlery worka haa made an assignment to Richnrd Long. He will continue on present orders , and it is expected that ho can lift an indebtedness of $10,000 and restore the company to solvency. Alexander Peddle , of Emmettsburg , has purchased 20,000 acres of land In Palo Alto and Etamott counties , from the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway company fcr the Scottish- American Land compuny. This com pany now owns 100,000 acrea. The regalar Cadar Rapids dairy board of trade sslu occurred on the 6th. Fair to fine creamery Gutter brought 28 to 32 cenU , and low grade creamery 25 cents. One hundred nd ofghty-nino boxes of full cream jheeie , sold at 12jJ cents , and skici heee at 9 to 9J coots. A now railroad company has been Drganized , known aa the Humeston ind Shencudoah railroad , owned iointly by the C. , B. & Q. and the kVabash. The road will be about 100 nlles long , extending from Humo- iton , a station on the Charlton , Leon md Mt. Ayr branch of the C. , B. & , In the northwest corner of Wayne ounty , to Shenindoah , ue. r the west ino of P ge CQunty. The Chicago and Northwestern ) - ailway company has purchased the nllra stock of the Consolidated coal ompany , of Oskaloosa , dwned byH. L TUcNeil , of Oakaloyisa , and J. K. Iraves , of Dubnque. The consider- lion was 5500,000 , making the Ifirg- st transaction over known in tha rest. In the beginning of March , says Ir. H. Sohultz , WinneocnnoSTie. . , I ad occasion to call on Mr. August /ill , who had the Gout BO badly , that o could neither lie down or aU , the Ekinsworeao terrible ; his wife was so suffering with theumatio pain. I ive them & bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , id by the next morning both were mpleleJy cured. I never aaw two [ lore thankful people. Woman's Trao Friend. A friend in need h a friend indeed. his none can deny , especi lly when isistnnce ia rendered wbeu ono is iroly afflic ed with diacaie , more par- cularly thoao comil&iuta ) and weak- esses so common to our.female pop- ation. Every womfn should know uit Electric Bitters are woman's true iend , and will positively restore her health , even w' > eu all other remo iCa i tes fail. A single trial will blwfcy * 14 Ca : rove ouc assertion. They ore pkaa- Ji I it to the thRtti And only cost 60 sents Jrae i bottle. Sold by Ish & McMa- rae D < (0 ( = = = = = = = = = = = "ENVIED BEAUTY. What is more handsome than a nice , A clear completion , showing the h. s of poirect health ? All can joy tbeso advantages by using ectric Enters. Impure blood , and ( P disoees of the Stomach , Liver , Idnuya and Urinary Organs , are eudily cured. For nervousness and i attendant ailments they i , are a j ver falling remedy , and paiitivoly f per ro where all other fail. Try the f ° ectric Bitttw and be 'onvinced , ' of i new sir wonderful ineri'3. For atle by ' ° " druggists , at fifty cents a bottle. ft ] (1) ( ) i RHEUMATISM , Heuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bac&scfio , Soreness of the Ghost , Gout , Qufnty , Sore Throat , SweH- ing * and Sprains , Burns and * 5calds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and'Headacho , Fretted Feet anrf Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Prtpantloa on earth tqcili ST. JICOM On u a tafe , rare , simple an < } cheap Iztirnal Btciedy. A trial entalll but th compantiTiIy trifling ontUy of 60 Cent * , anil triry on * lufftr- lag with pain oan bate cheap and poiltiT * oroef of itf elaimi. fJt , Directions In Xltren L njnijw. 7 / > eOLDBTALLDBTOGISTBAITDDEilESB IS MEDIOINE. A. VOGELZR < Sc CO. , Qeo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ISihtb Douylcu Sit. , Omaha , Nib. This njeucy doe araKTLT bioi r ge boil necs. Dc j not < p calatf , sad therefoia any ? galna on itx booki ara Inraied to iU pitroiu , In gteid ot btlnt gobbltd up by the nent BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS ffo IjOS Farnkam Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office Neil V SIde opp Or nd C ntril Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAViS & SHYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr. 400.C93 ACHE3 carefully folscted load la Kutera Mebruki for sn'.o. Great Bargains in izaprcicd fvmj , &adOm&hi city pronert" . O. F. DAV1B. TTEESTER SITTDIB , UtoLandCom'rU. T. X. B. 4-Ub7t ! BTBOt KEU. LIVIS KI13. Byron Reed & Co , , REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. % complete abstract ot title to all Real EaUto in Omaha and Donelai Count ? . msyltl $2,250.000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING , APRIL 12th. 15000 TICKETS OHLY , 712 PHIZES. SMALLEST PK1ZE , $1.000. 1 Prl 81.0CO.OOO 1 Pnzo $20 < X > 1 I'nza 200.0CO 8Prz , $ IOOOeach 50,000 1 Pnzo 100,000 8Prizes , 6OOOoa'li 40,000 1 Prize tO.000 722Priz ain1l'stoJ-J,260,000 Whole Tickets , $160 ; Hakes. & 0 ; Q larUrs. 40 : Tenths. SieTnentieths , $3 , Fortieths , ? 4. L'ttle Havana la gorerncd entirely by the aboiedrauin ? . 1 Prlre , $6.0OO 722 Prizes , $16,119. Who'e , 82. Halves , 81. ROMAN & CO. Succc8loistoTAYLOl& ! Co. , New York. Direct all c mmuniratlons and money to ll'IMAN 4. CO. , General /cents , 233 Chafol Streta. Vew Hnver. , 'onn. ml4lm , Machine Works J , Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Tha ra < : Uioroaih appolnta I and complete lUchino ShGju and Foundry in the state. Cutln K of every description mxcnfactad. hmlnta , Pump * tnd every cliss of raichinory Dads t ? order. order.pscUl attentien lren to ? 7ell Angnrs , Pnlleys , Hangers , Shaftin&Bridge BronsSeer Cutting , etc. Flaraiornaw aachlneryUe chanial ! Draught n ? , i'odels , etc. , - 08 Hnrnev St. . Bat. 14th And 18tb. 39. B. General Insurance Agenl , PHffiXlX ASyOh , . .uw * AI. . J Loa. don , CaahABseta. , . _ $5,107,1:1 ffESTCEESTEK. N. Y . Capital . 1,000,0-- . ) tHE MERCIIAJ. fS , ot No % . k , N. J. , l.OCC.OO QIUARD rmEPhlaJephaCap'tal. ! ! ! ' . 1CO < , COC NORTIIWESlKItS KAT10KALC p- Hal . _ COC.lOi F1REMKN'3 FOND , California . EOO tfr liHITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co l.-CO 000 NK A IK FlItE 1N8. CO. , AaoOl * _ SoO.OCO AUKSICAF CENTRAL , Aeets . SCO C 3 aat Cor. of Fifteenth 6 DotulM St. _ OUAHA PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LWE BETWKEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner of SAUNDERS and HAMILTON J STREETS. ( Kndof Red Line aalelloits : LEAVE OUAI1A : 320 , i:17 : nd ll:19a : m , 3.03.6:87 : and7.-23p.Bi. LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 : a. m. , 9 : 5 a. ru. , and 12:46 p. m. * 4.06tUG and 8:15 : p.m. Tha 8:17 : a. m tun , leaving omiha , and the 1.00 p. m. run , leaving Fort Omaha , are ugnaliy ondcrt to full capacity with renter pswcngors. The 6:17 a. m. run will be made from the pott. iflBce , corner of Dodge and 15th tnrehtt Tick ota can he procured froua utreet cardrii- ra , or from driven of hacki. r-ARS. SS OENTS. INOLUDINO 8TRE CAB i W-tf BUSINESS COLLEGE , FHE GREAT WESTERN llco.U. . Unlh'oun , Principal. a i 3reighton Block , - OMAHA b ; I I for Circular. I. THE MERCHANT TAILOR , as rtreueil his Spring- Stock , and bajISO ten s to sulect f-om. Call early and ijetyoar boice. Cleaning and repairing of ail kinds. Ono Door West of Orniclr.ahank'B. epoiy CHARLES RIEWE , Motallc Ce , f'ottin * , CMkit * , Shronds , etc. rn mfl.rnt . Oth nd lltb , Omaha , Neb. TJ ! arnh' ' oflan nri.imtlv * ltnnd d to. 2EO , tf. PAHSELL , 51. D. Room } In Jacobs 1'lock , up stairs , earner of iplulenuo and llth street. Residence 125 Shermin Avenu . May a conttiit t reai eata 7 lo 9 p m. except Wednesday * . SPECIALTY Obttetnes and Disea * of Wo- en. Cfflrc hours B to li a. m and 2 to * p. m. inn B 5 to 7 u m mH-6m 3STOTICE , Iny on [ ha lnf dead anlm ls I will remote im free of chu e. Lcaro orders southeast m r of Ilarney and 14th St. , iecon-1 door. TR CHARLES SPLITT. CANE I t llOfl ' ay * l Homo. n ap BS wet U I UUU frM AddliU Stln-nc A Ol NE / HARNESS SHOP. . Ihe unJenlgned hivinp had nine years exnni rience nith O. II. & J. S. Collin , and twentyuul ir jears o ( practical rarntss millcp , 1 as now nracn ed buelncsi for bimaelt in the large shop l door south of the southeut corner Kth and Hamey t < . lie * ill employ a large ca of skilltd workmen ard ? ill fill all orders hia phne promptly and cheioly. t KAN CIS K. 1SUKUICK. fc NKISC HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHAMLTONCO ! Ezslaan trens&ctixl same w that o an In cor- panted. Bask. Acccuau kept In Currency or { Old raVJect to sight chock without notice. Certificates ol deposit l&nttl payable In three , six and tw lvo moatha , bearing Intareit , or on demand without laterest. Advances nude to cnjtomera on spproreJ so- cnrllUi at mtrk't rates cf iaterest Buy and iell jro'd , bills ot eichango merit , State , Connty and City Bondi. Dr T Sight Drafts on England. Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. 811 European Fastage TlckKo. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY HADE. tuzldt U , S. DEPOSITORY. flRST NATIONAL OF OMAHA. . Cor. IStb and Farnhatn Straeta , OLDEST BANKING. ESTABLISHMENT IK OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO UOUHTZE BROS. , ) MTABUEniD IB IBM , OjfinlieJ u A National &nAujast 0,1853. Capital and Profits OverS300,000 flp clally anthorliodbytiia Secretary or Treatur/ to rocotre Snbgerlptlca to the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFIOZRS AND DIRCCIOBI PCTIOH Kcrani , President. AuaoBTna KOCHIII , Vice FfetUant. H. W. Tins. Cuhler. A. J. ForrLiTOi , Attorney. tout A. CKBHHYOX. r. H. Dim. Aitft Outlet. Tali bank icceiTos depoeit without regard to ucoonij. Imraea time certificates baa/ing intaiast. Draws drills en San Iiancisco and principal dtlca of the United State * . al j London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal dtiw ol the contl- n > nt of Europe. Bella paagagt tickets for Zmljrranta in the In. man no. nr. yldtf HOTELS THE JRIGINAL , BRIGGS HOUSE 1 Oor. Randolph St. & 5th Are. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES HSDDCED TO 82.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located in the bui'nesa centie , conTenient to placoa of amusement. Elegantly furnished , containing all modem improvement ! , pwacnjrer eleralor. &c. J. H. CUUMINOB , Proprietor. oclCtf . MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council Bluffs , Iowa ? Cn line o Street Uallv y , Omnibus o nd hora all trairp KATES Parlor floor. $3.00 per day ; second floor , gi50 per daj ; third floor , 82.0Q. The best furnished and most commodious honje nn the cuv. GhO. T. PIIELPS Prop Laramie , Wyoming , The miner's resort , good accommedatloni , ante eaa plo room , charges rwoTibl * . Bp daJ attention iH'CD ; to trateiin ; man. 11-W H. C UU.LH.r.n I'foprietor. INTER- Cheyenne , Wyoming. First-ells' , Kin * rjte armpit P-oomj , oae block from depot. Tjlr ! top from 20 mlnutee to 2 hours for dlnrer Vns Bus to and from Depot. Kates J2.00. S' 0 -J * 3.CC , according to room ; a'ujla ' meal & cento. \ O IU.LCOM , Proprietor. Tf PORiJB'f. Ci lef "lerfc mlO-t AO EN IS Vi A S IKI ) FOR Ot P. VL.W BOOK , ' * I5ibc ! for the Yonnj ? , " Celnir tlie 8'oijr cf the cii > tnrri by Rev. 0 o. Alexandar Crook , D 0 In ( Imp e and attrac tive hruuago far oM an-t yM\if. \ Profusely Illustrated , icikm ; a mo-t iiite.cstir.jr and Im- fircujive youth's instructor Excrr parent will secure tnis work. P.cacbors , joa should dr- cniatel' . P ice $100. Sen' ' for circnlon with tttr ( rn.a J. Ji. Cl ) AilUEKS a tf . , J bt. Louis , llo STILL THE LION Continues to Eoar for Moores ( ) - HARNESS s = t * IK ) IJ2 I J2 J2tf 3 62i a sf I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Hark , and all my Goods will be stamp- id with the Lion and my Name on he snme. No Gooda are genuine rlthout the above stamp * . The best uatcrial 13 used and the mott skilled rorkraon employed , and at the oweat cish price. Anyone wishing pries list ot goods will confer a favor iy sending for one. 3AVID SMITH MOORE. fa OAxr , M. D. K. SIQOISS , U. D. NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , - PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Sow open for the recertlon cf ra , lente far th * lEVTJIEVT OF AtLCHRMMO ANDSUBOI iL DISEASES. RS. VAN CAJ1P & SICGISS , Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. 3DD El LOWS BLOCK CORKER I4TH DEE J.TSOMAHA , NEB _ A. W. NASOtf. w rici : Jacob's U ck , coruer OipiU > v and 1Mb. Strett , Omit * ' eb THE NEW YORK GLOTHSNG HOUSE * Has .Removed to 1309 FARNHAM STREET , ( Max Meyer's Old St nd. ) Where They Shall Keep Constantly on Hand an Immense Stock of MEN'S , BOYS'AND CIHUWEN'S CLOTBLYG , HATS , CAPS AND GENT'S JFJJRNISIIJNC GOODS. PEIOES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. and Examine Goods and Prices.- HI , IM : . Jj DVC. IPIEL V 1809 Farnliam Street , Omaha , IVcb. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine + SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Tha popular demand for th. GENUINE SINGER In 1873 excseJml tfntof any prenoui i year > dnrba ; the Quarter of a Century in which thL , "Old " Reliable" Machine ha * been before the public IxU8T9 we old 356.422 Machines In 1879 we sold 431 167 . Machines. Excess ver any previous year 74,735 Machinee Our salea laat year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day 1 ' For wybatlaea8d | . jr th8j r. xtBarxxi : < rBxix& : Thfl , , That Every BEAD . . , ; the cu oinger is Strongest , rt Singer Sawing Ma- the Simplest , the Most chin * has thi * Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma Iron Stand and embedded chine ever yet Constructed bedded in the Arm of structed , the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING Principal Office : t4 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States and Canada , and 3,000 Office * in the Old JWorld and Sontk America. epl6-d&wtf PIANOS i ORGANS. OT. S. AGENFTOR CHICKERING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co , , James & Eolmstrom , and J. & C Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , IJ deal in Pianoa and Organs exclusively. Have had yeara experience in the Business , and handle only the Beat. J. S. WRIGHT. 218 16th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , HAL3EY V. FITOH. Tuner. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING \ POWER AND Steam Pomps , Engine Trimming ! ! , Mining Machinery. BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND ( ROM FJTTiNCS , PIPE , STEAM PACklKC AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL SELLS A. L. 8TBAHQ. 206 Pfmihftia atroet Oranlm. ff sb J. A. W A K E F I E L D. . WHOLESALE A3D RETAIL DEALER IX LUMBER , LATH , SHINGLES , Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , Cement , Plaster , &c. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT CO , , Fear Union Pacific Depot. OMAHA , NEB. IM : o ID. ! ! THE CARPET -las Removed From His Old Stand on Douglas St. , to His JEW ELEGANT STORE , 1313 Farnham Street , rhere He Will be Pleased to Meet all His Old TatroDS.