Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee.
Friday Evening , -Aprilji.
Frederick , leading Hatter. mlltf
Easter Cards at Euhn'a.
"Sparks" this ereLing.
Additional local on first page.
Try "Saxe'n choic * , " beat 5c cigar in
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel.
_ , Cwijhton Block. ol'G-tf
. finest assortment uf tooth brushes at
SaieV , warranted.
Novel Ten Cent cigars , fixe for a
quarter , at Kulm'a Drag Store.
For rncr Commercial Job Pointing ,
e U at THE BEE Job rooms.
Hixeil paints , Whiteman's drug store ,
16lh and California streets. aS-eod-ltn
Laditf Derby' * , new style jnt arrived ,
' 'all 3 Jors at.Fiederick's , Leading u. , . _ . .
If yon want Bill-Head ! , Letter-Heads
Envelopes or any job work. Call at THE
BEX Job Booms , i'ricei that will suit
every one.
' Drtrter L Thomw & Bro , rea' e ta'e
deal * , have lot- , nine blocks 'r m TJ. P.
depot .t 53 J to 2:5. Room 8 , Cieigtoii
Block. 5Jt
Tbe Waterworks company wj 1 resume
the work of pipelayini ; on Monday wiih
a fo'C * of 15) ) men , who will commence
operations at two distlnc points.
The Qnnitette clnb uf
Boston appear at tb Academy of Music
on" Wednes lay evening , assihted ) y the
'famous you& { contralto , Miss Mune
Ne.llinl. Sea swill be on sale on Monday.
Willie E louln andth * unapproach ble
comedy company of S louin .nd Hiue , ap
pear at the Academy of Music this even *
ing in the dramatic and music J produc
tion of ' Dreamt , or Fun in a Photograph
Gallery. "
A movement U on foe * for the organV
sation of an amateur dramatic and musi
cal organisation , which wi 1 inulude uttiong
iU mem > ers rentlemen and ladies of social
prominence ani will embrace excellent
talent. It is the Intention to produce by
and by me standard drama. Among the
gentlemen actively interested in the mote
mentis Major O. Stevenson.
The new iron safe for tbe U. S. col
lector's office has reached its p'aci in the
custom house building , t > ftermuch expen.
diture of muscle and patience on the part
of Lumerous laborers. It is a miturive
piece of ironwith the laetest improvements
in bolU and combination. .
Two tramps ( tha genuine aiticle ) drop
ped to to.THE BEE ofEce Thtmday , saying -
ing that they had just returned from a
trant-continental trip and expressed their I
wish to rel.evethem , elvej of two or three I
ViflumM f'f experieuce. They were re
quested to call around m August , when
tblogo would b dull
Deputy Marshal Westerdahl returned
from Lincoln Thursday with a deoeiter ,
mamed Frank Clark , who deserted from the
TJ. S. rankb at Fort Sinieri , iu 1877.
Clark hai juit been nerving a neut n e in
the penitentiarrforhorsaUealiag at Kear
ney , and his time was up Thursday.
Instead of stepping from the penitentiary
a free man he found himself at once in the
cn t < xly of the United States. C lark was
identifi'd as the deserter by Captain J. B.
Johnson , o' thi Third U. S Ft. '
Sanders. Ha was turned over by Mr.
Westerdahl , last evening to the military
authorities at Fort Omaha.
Landreths ' & Sons' celebrated gar
den seed , in bulk and in packages.
Select onion sets , choice seed pota-
oes just received , etc. , etc. j
HENUT Boujf & Co. ,
2Srad-tf Sixteenth & Cal. Sts.
Edholm and Erickson have a large
tock of Gold VVa'chea.
Edholm and ickson hare a large
lock of all kinda of Jewelry.
* Edholm and E.-icksnn have an end-
lew variety of r.ncLs.
Edhnlat and Erickaon do take thu
lead on watch work.
Ed hoi in und Ericksin have a largi
tock of Silver W toha ;
And Edholm and Erickson ara the
Leading Jovelem , Ftfteumh street ,
opposite the pu-tuffi e.
Bargains in _ Hin's H-p Kubhur
Boats at Fullriede'a , Doiul.s stret. ' ,
ne r ISih
Me ir
Saratoga Poti es ,
Jet sty S e t P.'tnti-es ,
- Green 0 tiuns and R.dnhes ,
Luttuce and Pie Plant ,
Berinadi * Tomatoes.
STOP in at Wnipple , McMillan &
Oo. ' and see the finest dirp'ay ' of
L idles * Diamond Lxce Neckhces ever
' brought to this market.
Xlgntter'a Mammoth Clothing House , '
corner Tenth * nd Farnham. It
Edholm and Erickson have a large
tock of Gold Watches.
Edholm and Erickson hare a large
tock of all kinda of Jewelry. a
_ _ Edholm and Erickaon have an end-
! variety f Clocks. fl
.Edholm A Erickson do take the
lead on watch ork.
Edholm & Erickson have < * largo
tock of lilver watches ; and Elholm
A Erickaon are the L adinc J > weW ,
Fifteenth street , opooute thu P. O.
A Successful Entertainment
t _ it
J3iven"by the Eighteenth
Street Church.
> „
' ' 'The fair given by the ladies of the
Eighteenth Street church last evening B.
wi quite well attended , despite the .
almost impassable streets. The ( great I
variety of fancy articles , the handi
work of the ladies , made a beautiful
< UpUy. Farther aroand the room
iood a large doll , npon which was
i card with the inscription , rip
"Gaen ma and you any hare me. "
A person was taxed five cents for said
CBBMing * The "guess cake" waa also
.mtnagei in the aame war if you the
gweetcd iU weight you "took the
cake. " On olhar tables were dis. by
played fancy qunenaware , beautiful
book * , photographs too loTely forj
anything , and notions. ,
The dinner given yesterday waa
well patronired by up-town -rchants
rho o6uld not gel a boat to g home or
ia , and the operetta , "Lind ut Nad , "
rendered last evening , wea wll worth
wading through the mud , knee-deep ,
towitne . . ; ; ,
The Greatest Flood Ever
Deluging the Union Pacific
The Waters Break Over the
Track and Sweep Every
thing Before Item ,
From last Even Jig's Be ) .
When the grey dawn of morning
came it waa very evident that the rise
of the water , which had begun to
threaten everything on both aicea of
the river and especially ih U P
shops and the smelling works , had not
| ceased. At seven o'clock it wai fully
alx inches higher -nan at twelve oclock
last I night , and waa touching , with its
turbid wave , the tracKs and founda
tions . of the railroad comp-ny's build
ings. All of the men in the employ
of ihe cumpiny went to work ia the
ytrds , excent those in the machine
ah-ips , w/io bus ed themstlv-ts iu gt t-
tlt < ont their touls and looking afttr
the beltine" , wh ch t * e wter
At nine o'cl > ck the water wis ankle
I I dfep in miuy places and rapidly pour
ing in on 'h flura < .f nil thu bmld-
( lng < . W , rk wa then generally BUS
j peniei ani about six hundred em
ployes driven out by the advancing
tide. A huudred or m > re of thtse
found em pi iym-mt ia Hsjia'inij the
laborers to b < the track and
remove portable machinery to higher
and dryer points. At ten o'clock the
carrenti had commeacel to form be
tween the shops , aud the whole soon
assumed the appjar nceof a Venetian
suburb. Mtny of th * side tracks
were already ont of euht. All the
cars bad been drawn off from them ,
and the officials of the yards were
conau'tuu as to the feasibility of send
ing all the rolling etock to the general
yards near the depot A gang of
11 about seventy five men were em
I ploye ] ! for the eutire distance between
the shopp and the smelting works , I
and placing heavy sticks of timber
andiron Weights on the ties. Audit
became orident that their libora wtre
not without use , for by eleven o'clock
the water had risen sufficiently to
creep in under Ihe rids and at places
where the laborers had not yet
reached , to wash out the earth between
the ties. A Iaga number of people ,
beside the employes of the shops and
smelting w-rks , had by tliii time been
attracted to the river and occupied nil
of the available dry places , whence
the ; could giza upen the might ; ex
panse of water moving eo grandly |
down. The current ran at leiat 'en
I. milts an hour , aud the whole looked
like a m'gratint ; sea Measurement *
were taken as to the relative- height
of the flood at this time. It
was found th t the water was
and eeven inches above low water
mark , which is a foot nbove the high- .
st point reached in many years and
probably the highest over arrived Ht
before. When it is t.hen into con
sideratlon that this body of water
spreads over three mileo , some idea
m y be obtaimd i.f the vast amount
of ( muddy liquid which it pouring
down from the mountains and pUii-s
to mingle with the waves of the Mis
aisaippi. ,
showed the general dilapidation which
the wa'cr hid cauaed. In the car-
ahups the wood pavement had heaved
Up in many places , and caused serious
spliceuieiit of the n-mc'iinery. Here
the water waa from B > I to eight inches
p , and work entirely suspended.
In the machine shops , Nrs 1 anrl 2 ,
the wter was not sii deep , but suffi
ciently ao to prevent work. In the
boiler and the blick'tnith shop * -he
s line condition < f thingj existed.
The foundry * > nd c.r reuair , ur Lin
coln she' ' , wore iu operation at two
: l'jk , but ihd w-iter w > 8 creeping
up to a threatening pniir. nd fe ia
thit the men in these tiu 1 > i g * would
have tuqdlt Were ejprecsnd.
of the company tbe must active tep
uraliona aio being made to provide
auauiet leas i f material ihe re sturtd.
A heavy b oui hM aho bten ' 'tiilt
around the lumberyard of George A.
Hoa lund , which will nold the whole
together. ' It is fenred that the houses
'h t were yesterday vacated by the
TJuiun Paciric employee , and which
are now eurrwundrd by water uj ta
their windows , will fljat out anddo u .
stream nnlesa guy d. &
field glas disclosed that theater
-ater bus rerched a high point on the
.is A rumor waa current atioll' the
shops this afternoon that the river bud
broken through Spoon like , waahud
Rway .the r ilro d br dge and WAS
paunng through the si recta of Cuun
oil B ufls. Tnic , hortver , was found
tj be true only iu piru The river
has gone through < hd lake and the
water ia at a levd with the bridge
ties and washing throug'i them. Pn
cautions have been t Ken by hevily I at
ironiugtbe bridge aud i'suot thought
will en. No witter has yet r ashed
Oouiicil Bluffr , and it wi 1 n quire a
rise of at least three feet mord iu cause i a
much damagx in that city. J e
A BEE reporUr found Engineer 0. :
. D via , of the Water Wur > s com |
pany , in his office this mo niny. Mr.
Davis WAS a lot g time iu charge of the
government improvements of the
rivur lit this point and his opinion on or
the aspects of the present flood ia for
that re e on of much value.
" \Vhi > t ia the nature , " asked the re
porter , " thejbrenk in the government
'Mi north of the Smelting Works ? "
It ( s difficult to tell bt present , "
Mr. DcvTa , "My impression , re
ceived troui an examination yesterday ,
that tbe mattress protection to
the current , which seemed to be
playing directly igainst the bank. "
"Wnatwillbe the result ? "
"The point at which the break has like
occurred is that nt which the river
strike * most heavily , f er leaving thb
curve immediately "above If a break of
occurred there iu tne revetment
shore protection , it i , Ji.t > l i to in mm
crease very rapidly ani become quite tne
disKstroua. " and
"Doea'ithis weaken yonr faith in ]
* ' '
the theory on which the government
has protected tbe river bottoms here ? "
"Not at all. The work yon refer
to waa done by Major Boehmer , in
1878 4.t that time no settled plan
ha < i been adopted , and ths undertak
ing was new and largely experimental.
Subsequent to that time many im
provements were made in the plan ,
and I consider all the later work per
manent and
at all times. In the eddy at East-
port , opD * > eite Nebraska City , the
bank protection is holding its own
against th .action of seventy feet of
water. Here there it but twenty five
fo t exprs-d. All the late work ia
solid and substantial. "
"Is the investment of the water
works company on the rver bottom
in danget ? "
"No. I would rather have a mil
lion dollars invested there thin a
thouaand where the smelting works
are loca'ed. The works will ba sev'
oral feet above tie retch of any p is-
sibe ! nee. T io present is ui'i-ubt- '
ediy higher , even , than th t of 1857 ,
and our investment is ni h aud dry ,
though at p resell- , surrounded on all
aides by water "
the river had riieu 5i inches since
morning and had readied a point of
19 ( et-t and 10inches ab ve low water
ma < k. At Siuux City and p iots above
it is f.lting and must teen be iu here.
the water waa found in ba rising. At
p'a-'S ' along ihn mmn track of the
U P ja d the waves were at the topa
> t me ties and. deaoiie the effort * i f
the men a' wrk , washing out much of
the earth supjorts At one plnce ,
annul < hree hundr.d yards above the
Smelting Works , where tbere ia
a culvert , tlie most determined
effirta were being made to stop the
inward fl iw of the fl ) > d. Nearly
three thousand people lined the banks
and assisted the rnilroad employes in
their tffjris t combat the flood.
Lite in the afternoon the cattle in
the Bon'h birns of Her Bros. , on the
bottomlands , were removed to higher
ground , and many of them placed in
cars for shipment. The flied came
in so rapidly that the water was
nearly at the haunches of the cattle
last removed , and it was with difficulty
. that they were taken out. While su
perintending this work , Mr. Stephen
Her fell into a deep hole , and was
neirly drowned by a heavy steer fall
ing on him. The cattle In tha upper
barn were not removed , and will not
be nnlest an nnexpected rise of the
water occur * .
The measurements taken at 6 o'clcck
last night showed that the rise of the
flood during the day had been nearly
two feet , it reaching the unparalleled
point of twenty one feet , and nearly
two inches above low watermark. At
this time an extra force of men were
put on to watch and work during the
night , and , with hoes , shovels and
pole * , they were stationed at intervals
aloi'g tbe tr ck between the smelting
works and the shops , to keep cS stray
sticks of timber , and throw no an em
bankment wherever the water threat
ened to clear the track. They strug
gled bravely against the floods , and at
9:30 had raised the bank in many
pl-cea two feet above tha level of the
rails All at once a cry was beard
from the man stationed farthest up the
track , thnt
and almost before the alarm could be
spread , the waves came sweeping ankle
deep , and then to the boot tops , over
the entire length of the embankment.
All were forced to run , and the men
wadvd < iiit of the water that overtook
them bef .re they had taken fifty steps.
The fore * uf the current waa so strong
thHt it swept j ast and over every ob
stacle , pouring through the lumber
yard and acre as D mglss street into
the lake < h > t was rapidly forming be
yond. 'J he fence north of the smelt
ing works , which had up to this time
withstood the flood , came down
and the mass uf ice which it had held
btck came crushing aud grinding
through tnu ch-imitl west of the bui'd *
ings. At this j mcture the lime in the
iiuirt hiiose ut the ftmelting worka
slack d fli > f-flt that It ig Hted the tim
bers and the novel sig'it of fire iu the
midst ( . .fan eddying nea of water , wai
presented to the excited spectators.
All "f the Mnn < he w ter waa rising ,
HI d at eleven o'cl ck it measured aiz
ii.cbes abi-ve th . ' '
- MX. o'c'o k
gugp , or
nd eight inches ab > ve low water
( iiik Tf.e FC-DH c n only ho im K-
ined , n t detcnbed. T iu whula track
ciiverd wim H. foot t.f water , the lan
tern * fl sl.iny in il e drknes < , ihe
lumber jaids rapidly ti li-r , mid > he
m gity tnn.ldy . , ea irre-latibly ruithtt g
mi tuwnrd the 8 < > uth , swrwd to make
up a picture of terror and grandeur.
Gr vu fer were eiureseed
by om j
ply s uf trie Biueltinu works as to i
tie sfe'y of tha bridge , bat these are
d-ub'.lees t > roun < lless
The report waa received at eleven
o'clock hit nfuht from Council Blufla <
that the flood waa filling in the spice j
hntween the
and Union > \
Pacific tracks and that ,
the lower per * j
tionof the town Wi > s seriously threat
crowd , including several buiinesi r
men nd auuary newspaper reporters ,
found their way into the office of the
ChicHgo Lumber company , at the foot
of DuugUs street , where several of
the prominent lumber men were dis
cussing tbe tuatiun. O.itsido labor
ers were tugged in pulling lumber
from tbe water , and in protecting the
office. Each of the Iu nber deslera
had his yard protected by a boom.
The water was then ruuning * ix mile
an hour through Foster's lumberyard.
Reporii received from up "tho river
shoved that the water was still rising
Blsir. A few minutes later , when "
the patty s'arted to
move , it waa
found that the watur had begun to
and on goin outaide It was discover
ed that tht ) building waa entirely sur
rounded , and that it waa necessary to
walk several feat acrosa a timber to
reach the ctreot On every aide little
groups of men with lanterns could be
seen putting the lumber in shape to
better resist the action of the flood ,
examining and discussing tbe situ
ation. The ominous roar of tbe of
wavea to the north could be heard
more distinctly every momezt , and
the prospect for the nmelting worka a
seemed gloomy in tbe higheit degree.
At 5 o'clock yesterday afternon the
ferry cable , which connects the two
lofty masts on opposite bankj ot the
river , parted close to the mast on the
Council Bluffs aide , aud fell into the
river. In an instant the action of the
flood and ice on the cable caused the
mast * on the Nebraska aide to whip
a sapling Several men were
gathered around watching it intently ,
when it suddenly fell in the direction
the river , narrowly missing Bill
Poster T.yon * in its falL Another
, endeavoring to escape the fall of
mist , c > ught his foot in a wire ,
fell a few inches from the path of
The situation was practically un-
changed , although a little more ao.
In the TJ. P. yards the rise of the
water between eleven and twelve
o'clock was ns less than two and one-
half inches. A visit of aeveral BEE
reporters to the seen ) at a late hoar
disclosed a moat deiolate sight. The
water waa pouring with an ominous
rnabing roar through the machine
shops and emptying into the lagoon
that had formed in and below the lum
ber yards. In a imall cabin aeveral
watchmen gathered and compared
no es. One man came in with drip
piQR garments and elated that he had
walked on the main track the eutire
distance from Ninth street. In
places he waa obliged to wade through
water waist derp , but he had found
the raila mott'y in their places. The
tiea were t points loosened and float
ing under the iron , but none f thtm
had , as yet , left their place. A heavy
crash was heard in the vicinity of the
smelting worka about one o'clock in
the morning , but examination failed
to discover what had "dropped. "
Three Days Annual Rustle o )
the Omaha Sportsmen's
A special meettrg of the 0-naha
Sportsmen's club was held Thurday
at the clnb rooms over Collins &
Potty's store , for the pnrposH < f mak
Ing arrangements for the annual clu
hunt. The subject of the timf r the
hunt was the sur > j ot if lively dis
cnssion. It was finally determined
to change the usual
and also to make it prc'ically a three
day's hunt instead of one dty ,
and to fix it for Wednesday , Thursday
and Friday , April 13th , 14th and 15th.
The sides are to register at C llinn &
Petty' * on Wednesday morning after
8 o'clock and the last man is to be on
hai d with his bag of game by 6 o'clock
of the Friday evening following. Where
men are delayed by unavoidable
accidents and make it clear that
this was the cause of their delay ,
their game will be received at a later
honr In the evening. Instead of being ,
as in the past , a "man against man"
hunt , it will be a side hunt. Etch
member ot the defeated side must , as
a penalty , pay three dolhra into the
clnb treasury. The game- will be
csunted on Friday evening.
will bo counted In the usual manner ,
geese ranging from 8 to 12 , according
to tbe variety , and ducks from 1 to 5.
Canada geese are the only variety
which so ra at 12 , and canvas back ,
buff breasted , mergaucar and dusky
ducks at 5. Hawks nndowls also connt
5 each. The varieties of game which
count highest are sand-hill crane , 15 ,
and swans and eagles , 25. The numer
ous varieties of smaller gtme , which
make np thegreater part of every bug ,
conn ( proportionately. Game is said by
the old sportsmen to be very plenty ,
and with a three days hunt it is prob
able that an enormous quantity of
game will be secured. The following
Oapt. W. J. Lard , Oapt. G F. Brucker
J W. Petty , S. B. Huhawny ,
Gen. Geo. Crook , H. A. H man ,
Z T. Sprlgg , B. E. B Kennedy ,
Dr. J. .Peabody , M. W. Kennedy ,
Wm. Krug , R. N. Withnell ,
G T Mills , H. B Sackott , *
J Budd , W. H. S Hughes ,
JbhnWithnell , P. Windrem ,
J. N Thuriton , F. H BUke ,
J. F. McCartney , G B. Lke ,
D. C. Satphon , Byron Raed ,
T. L Kimball , GHO. -agUnd ,
John McCaffrey , R S Berlin ,
Ed. Johnson. J. E. Campbell.
Prang's E uter Cards at Hnspe'a.
Prang's Eister Cards at H > > ipe's.
Prang's S later Cards at H. > pa's. tf
, . Bloater's aie-a Mackerel ,
Fresh Trip ? ,
Dried Beef ,
English Salad Sauce ,
New Olives ,
Imperial Oranges ,
Re < 1 Sweet Cider ,
This instrument is no > considered
to be the sweetest toned piano it > the
world for sale on ea-y m mthly in
atnllnnnts at A. HOSPK'S Jr , 1519
Dodge street. apri.6 3t
Corn , oats , bran , baled hay and
chop feed at 'Wdahana & Bros , 8 h
and-Farnham. api7-3t
JGx.-U. S. Marshal Daily arrived in the
city yesttrday m. Tiling.
Mr. C. C. Claflin , the genial renreseuta-
tire | of Edward Ely & Co. , Chicjgo , u in
the ] c ty.
S. W. Cumminjr , General Pa senger
Agent of the Hnosac Tonne ] line.and Gene-
i ! Western Passenger Agent Clark , of
the same linewereinthecityyesterday and
left for the east in the afternoon.
Ev. D. E. Witson , a college-mate at
the R-Chester TTnivrsity of Rev. Mr
Harris , of the Baptist church , of his city ,
passed through the city yes tern ay oa
his way to Laramie , where he becomes the
pastor f th Baptist Cnuich. Mr. Wat-
EOQ was late pastor ot the Bapt'st church
at Brandon , Vt
Humph J Biff Injun I
An additional attraction at the
"Sparki" entortainment.laat night was
tha presence of the six Sioux chi * fa ,
nowhere in charge of Deputy Hirahal a
Moody , who will be present in full
war paint and wr.r costume. These
chies were Turning Bear. Homed
florae , Two Calf , Grey Dag , Bjar
Man and Bad Thunder , from
Sx > tted Tail's baad of Brnle Sioux ,
Rosebud agency , arrested and brought
here charged with murder , but re
leased by the supreme court.far want "
juris diction , and now awaiting the I
arrival of a steamer to return to their
reservation " _ , 'Thelri appearance was
great" novelty , even to those ac
customed to seeing Indians , as they
are representative men of their tribe ,
the most warlike now extant , and ap
peared in the full D
attire rf the war
Rubber Boota
and Rubbers ,
all sizes and F.
all kinds ,
at Reduced Prices ,
Wholanlt and Retail
atH. DOBLE& CO'8
Leading S-oeS'ore.
STOP in at Whipple , McMillen &
Co.'a nd see tbe finest display of
Ladies' Diamond.Ltca Necklaces ever/ / day
brought to thb market.
A New Firm , a New Stock and
a New Store.
The mud was half way to the tops
of our new patent ventilated rubber
boots , and abant the consistency of
glne , as we meandered throngh the
descending dampness yesterday afterI
noon in search of items. When round-
ing-to at the southeast corner of
Fourteenth and Harney streets ,
the legend at the head of
this column cau ht the roportorlal
eye. We called a halt deployed in sins
gle column and proceeded to recon-
mitre cigirs and tobacco of the
choicest brand * , groceries with shiny
lbels and a bran new store redolent
with the perfume of gnnd things ,
was before us. We have often wondered -
dered why grocers did not carry a full
stock of choice smokablea and chew-
abler , and here we fonnd one house
that met the want , and we went infer
for a smoke and was happy _ with the
fragrance of tha weed. So we con
cluded to write up the house , and then
we sailed in as folLiwr :
No bu-in-ss man iu Omaka Is batter
known thin Mr. Sexauer , one of our
oldest settle's , ani fan h s now taken
into par ner hip Mr. Oharl-y Meyers ,
formerly with G. H. & J S. Collins ,
an enterprising young man , and this
new firm hai opened on the southeast
c irner of 14th and Harney with a very
choice a'ld perfectly fresh stock of
groceries of all kinda , which they pur
chased for csh aud can and will sell
at ngores that will be hard to beat. A
splendid stock of cigata and tobacco
will be maintained as a specialty.
This firmlocated where all the farmers
oome to trade , will have exceptionally
good facilitiei for furnishing fresh
produce , and at all times they will en
deavor to keep on band the best of
butter and eggs. Mr. Suxauer still
miiutains his store on 13h and Dav
enport. GIva your orders to Saxauer
& Meyers. Try the new firm.
PRINTER WANTED. I want a good
printer. Good wages and n permanent
situation to the right kind of a man.
Address L. F. Hilton , Blair , Neb.
april 6 2t
1208 and 1210 furnAam * * . , Omaha.
Waterproof Boots at Fullrieae'o.
CALL in at Whipple , McMillan A
Co.'s , and see the elegant display of
Silverware just opened. Greighton's
Block , 15 th street.
Ladies' ,
Gents' ,
Boy' * ,
Childrens' ,
Rubbers and Rubber Boots ,
in largo variety ,
vary low pric's ,
H DOHLE & Co. ,
Leading Shoe Store.
Those wishing first class dressmak
ing should call at 317 N. 15th street.
Millinery opening at Carter' ? , 1222
Farnham freet , Friday and Satur
day , April 8 h and 9th.
A Gratifying Statement Prom
the Council Committee.
The following report waa adopted
by the city council lait u-omh :
ME PRESIDENT Your apecialcom-
mittee io wni m was referred the re
que-t forau ffijial examination'f the
-curds and d cum.iita iu the ci y
cl rk's ffl- * would report tii\t they
have m-de a very ti ornugh inspection
of thx various matters pertaining to
hti office , aud have found each and
eVt-ry one in the most satisfactory ard
creditable shape.
Oomp/iriug / the present condition of
the clerk'e office with that m which it
waa frund at the beginning of the of
ficial term of the clerk now managing
that important branch of the city'n
government , , we find the result most
gratifying. The j urnal and other
bonks are written np to date ;
the t ! vouchers and other documents
are all filed in such a nnnner as to
aa ab both safe and convenient of access
at all ti'jies ' , and the various supplies
purchased by the clerk under orders
of the city council , or iu the regular
l.neof his duty , areof analure iudicat-
'ug sound judgment , discretion , ana
an eye single to the city'a interest.
In abort everything is in such good
shape that its present c indition may
be recommended as a model to be fol
owed by thoae who are in the future
o ba entrusted with ita respjnsible
Saratoga's Lyceum
Communicated. ]
SAEATOOA , April 8 Tha lyceum
meeting in this placi was hoid on
Wedneaday evening laat. It attracted
large audience. President Tousley
ipened the exercises with brief ie-
marks , after which an extended pro *
jramtne waa presented. Among those
jarta especially worthy of mention were
ecitationa by Miasea May Gruery ,
Jessie Lawton and Mary Monroe , and
ex-President Elting's comio aong ,
"The Three Rogues , " Songs were
given by Master Lewis Leeiet , Hen.
James Kyner , who waa encored ; Miaa
Alice Rustin , Messrs. Thornton and
Jackaon , Mra. Frank Smith.Miss Ads
Smith aud. A. 0. Smith , Prof. J.
( right and Mra. A. A. Patrick. The
question , "Reaolved , That the whip
ping post should not be abollahed , "
waa discussed by Messrs. Littlefield ,
Elting and 15. Patrhk agalnat Meaars.
. G. Patrick and J. H. Kyner.
The question waa decided in the
negative. d
The lycenm tb n adjourned tine die. nen.
Men'a Rubber Shoes at Fullrlede'a.
Millinery opening at Carter's , 1223
Farnham street , Friday and Satnr- J h
, AprilS hand 9.b. com
Boy * ' Rabbet Boots at Follriede'i.
The Narrow Patn.
I Mr. George T. Howser , the general
secretary of the Omaha Y. M. C. A. ,
furnishes the following facts in his
I monthly report for March :
Attendance at rooms 1438
Daily mornin ? prayer meetings 89
Weekly prayer roeetinr-s 1 2
i Young men a meeting 630
Saturday eveniug soug service 450
Helpersat jail 50
Training class 18
Attendance at lectures 13) )
Mon * hly rectal reception 200
Visits tosick 9
" ' " 26
Poke Fel'o s" meeting
Lit-r ry society 99
family calls 4
Paper _ iU r buted Sunday mcrning.'OS
Invitations tn meeting 850
Everybody's meetings (10th ( st. Mis. . 145
j I It is well known to those who are
, familiar with the workings of the
I association , that their usefulness is
somewhtt impaired for want of room.
i t
j -
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , FVrSale ,
( Lost Found , Waiiu , Hoarding , tc. , will ba In-
str-ed In tneae co urms once ( or TEN ChNTS
pcrllneeich8Ubt ; jDcntlnMrl4on , FIVE CENTS
per Una Tbe first Insertion never IMS than
OJT3T TO M > AX-aaU at Law Offle *
M L . rn'riA < o.n in - i rrivDtuu Block
O.NKY To l.UArf 110U Farnlum street.
M noS2f
irANTED-Flrst- t\r \ at cr' - o ! lth
V ant Far htm. 11IU FAIT. N 5B * 8
KTrD \ r'ro-imaker ' to ei to North
W Plate Aipyat lllckmn' . 5fl1
JAUT DItutlun b ) youn < man to
' i drive carra ; * aud m ke hlorcl' te'.er-
ally uieful. JutlN BALL , Ou.aha Hiu .
TTTANTED A prsct Cil bU'inen m n , go d
i VV pain an , de Irea entl | m nt w th tall
road ooMr ct < ir notners asuMs a .t f reni.n ,
time clerk or-IraU-ir 1'ieltlrn Ha * exp-ilence
in rades track I ylnj aad reaair * . Address
Carte i , tM , office. 65-9
ore .t ahou'eot Oorl2roons ,
ctnt'il location. Address 3. A. P unj.
1818 Chicago St. Sdl-0
WANTED A first-clajs blacksmith , most' ;
pi > < r work. M. J. Eelley. Luwer 6th St ,
Council rlLfl . 68'-IS
WANTED Famished rrcm , with or without
board , by t vnKtntlemen , h ndy tv P st *
office. B.stref rences. Address H. , Ijiawor 72.
- rooms fur fami
lies to rent , at the Commercial Hotel. En
quire of Mrs. ttiubach , b. E. Cor.Q.h and
Leaven worth Ets. 663 12
WAN'IrU-Ac pible Kl'l forwa Mnr , Iron *
in ? a id ccx.tlnjf. Jnqulro northwest cor.
18th and Capitol ATC. 669-9
GOOD Hotel , immedi tel ) . 657-8
W ANT I ED A girl ( or housework , at 1115
CtlilornlaSt , bet.ZlstandKdaif. 657-8
WANTED Immediately a cook at Tlzard 5
Palac. . 65 * tl
WANTBD-A dlnlnj room girl , at the Em-
melt House. M9 3
WANTED Situation as copyist or at any
kind of writing , by a impotent y ung
lady. Ad ren "T. A. " Bee offlee , Reference
given and required. 52 > * t (
WANTED Actuation in a prirats family
by a competent scamntregs to do Umuy
stwlng , can cni ml H ; for ch'luten. Apply se m *
trets , at 715 17th St. , between Webiter and
Hurt. 616-18
WANTKD A par ner with $2,000 to Join ad-
vertta rln the extend m if an established
and one of the be * ' ptyin ; Susl eaa in th > west.
Apply to > . M. simeral , Room 6 , Crrljihton
Block. 15th at. -J6.1m
"ITT"ANTED Two mere boirdew at SIR North
VV 17lh streetbetween Dannport and Chi *
cage , east side 3H7-t (
WAvTiSD An experleuced butcher want !
to start a meat cutketi n some goull west
ern town , where there il none , or where one Is
newle' ' ; would take a reliable partner. Addre < i
K K. W hb. J - kfion. D knU Co Neb. 90-tf
RtNT 2 furnlened roorua ovei Mer *
hiuB Rxclian e , N. E. Cor 16th and
Und e treet . 2-W-t *
"TTIOR .SALE A cottage hniue of S room * with
JD 2 InU ; ground fo' f .I" . cheap. It qulre
2dll Farnhun St. , BOJ.-B * addition. f,7-tn a23
171 OR HALE Good dsr lllnf houe , S roams
1' a > > U ki'chvn ' , kood birn ndouthoUMt. in-
$ u'r at B-n on & Johin. o'j Ice office. SPS-tf
'OKALL Mais of Hoiult * and Earpy
_ counties A. KO-EWATER , 16&arn )
h m Street. 320-tt
SALE Lease and furniture of a tin" .
daas hotel in a town uf 1300 in-vbiUnt' in
State til Net rmnl-a. Haa2t eJ , the travelling
men'ireiort Inqulmat "e nfflce 218-tf
T7TOKSALE A BARGAIN A buildini ; with
fj saloon flttarea. ( arnitureand tock , on lOtb
St. , opposite tba U. P depot , for pale very cheap.
Or the fixtures , furniture andtitock will be auld
and building rented. Inquire of Kv. -EISb. .
I 'R VAI.I5 1 * ' " re carrlaZfH , at . '
- r r.n. , ' . 9I1.U
HE BEaTTHiNO YfT-H. u. la k . i-o-'a
Imperial 8rK \ l ln < Wln'r Whrft Flour
for I'.ncukcs Biscuits , a d all kimla of pastry ,
'ryit. A kv"nT _ unc r fo'It 478- '
FOKOET lbe u ceMOrof tne American
can Honto on ' ugl s ot. , bet. 9 h nd
10th for ooaid. bturdln 1 < di\u \ * and transient
cu tnmer' . Besntc ful y ,
- 4-tf .ill I - &
A la'ce rid cow , trun bird born' ,
STnAYKD a thm brother. Swiichof
tallies. A BUitu i | eoa'd for I er return or
any > nf > rm i > n letdlnj ; then to wilt r > paid by
J P. Manning ; tor er iSth and 0 * cnpo tt. .
- - . TO hUiLDERV-Sealefl piopoa.Is
_ for the erection f ihe 'enipo ary .Mu > i < *
ball fo h"l liiu' be con in < Sjen er.est , w II
i ec ! i I y tie mule fl tied uniii ihe 2"th
' Hlinssnd * eel cation < to be se > n at the
offlee > f Henry V ' , "Architec' , J cols' ni > ck.
Tbe right ton jet any orallbld-l-i ie ened By
ordur e > e : < .tl.eCimn.I.tej < jf "Mu 1 * fes'.lral
cK I .u. " H. R08ENZ.VFU. ,
64J-tf Secret ry.
, . SI. BROWN , corner of 15th .ind Chicago
. s-reetg , i-ireidytn boo cr deepen ell .
? tljfat'on cnarjnt ert. STS tt
niEAMSCAN HBUol'-At John Utrrs stable '
JL for all kmd4 of work , u r aioru le flxtmt
near co > n r > 8th and Lratenw irtri St. 378-tf
POWDER ch p i
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape ( "ream Tartar. No other
prepirition makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
orluxnrlonspMtry. Can be eat d bj' Dyspep
without fear of tbo lllj resaltlng from heavy
In-ilgentlbla food. Sold o. ly In cmi , by all
Orocen. RoTAtrBisixo POWDIK Co. ,
Metallc Caves , Cofflns , CukeU , Shronds , etc.
Faro mStre * . OthandllthOm haN b.
Tal r i SI * n Nr < tn nntl * tt ( I to
Room ! n Jacobs Flock , np stairs , comer ot
CaMul Avenue and ISth street. Beildanca
Sherman Arenut. liar e con > nil
t retl e ice T to 9 p BJ. except Wednesday * .
SHECiA'.TT Ob-tetrica n I l > is a < e ! of Wo.
. i fflre horns 8 to 11 a. m. and 2 to p. m.
nnq i i to 7 p. nt ml'-Cm
Any oat baring ; dead animal * I will remor *
mfre of charge. Leara orders ( ontheast
r of Harney and Hth St. , secoDd door.
S. P. MORSE & Co. ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
1319 Farnham Street.
The damage to our stock by smoke and water
in the F.REOF MARCH IITH , has been adjusted by the
Insurance Companies ,
We will offer our Colossal Stock of
Dress Goods , Cloaks ,
Hosiery , Cloths ,
Notions , Domestics ,
Underwear , Table Linens ,
Shawls , . Etc. , Etc. , Etc. ,
At prices heretofore unequalled and that we can
not again duplicate. The first choice is an im
portant thing in such a sale.
We feel that it is hardly necessary to assure our
patrons that a complete and competent corps of
clerks will be in attendance to wait on all cor
rectly and in turn.
. . & CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Hand Sewed Shoes a specialty
H. DOHLE' & co's.
Leading Shoe Store ,
OMA.HA , . . . . NEB.
"Will Buy and Sell
And all Transactions Con
nected therewith.
Pay lazes , Bent Houses , &o.
Call at Office , Ruom 8. Crel-jhcon Block , maha ,
Nob. apS-atf
Successor to J.'B. TI1IELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
( ivr AT = T A 3STEJB.
War r n > d a Safe. Certain and Speeiir Cnra for
lheua > atl m In > I1 Iu forma , Neura'gla. ' Lame
. ck , Pain ia the Breast and Side , aln In tbe
Itomich and KIdne > , &c I 11 an in'erna.
emedy , a Tonic and Blood furifler , and whllelt
BIUOTCI tbe Dittua U Imjrjrea ihe genera
C. F. * rlnuo , general at ba
t received bis Sprlnir Stock , and ha ! il
t tr to aclKt from. Call eailr and ijetfj K
boloa. Cleaning and repairing of all kin Ji.
One Door West of nrntcKahnnK'B.
ep Ojy
Manufacturer and Dealer In
& CO. , Celebrated
Beat In Tha WorldtJ
L412 Farnliani Ft ,
Omaha , Neb.
With the Best Selected F tock of
in Omaha.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Beat Assortment of
in the West.
At Cliicngo Prices.
1209 & 1211
Harney Street , Omaha.
Best DesignB , latest Ftvles and Artistic Wo k Prices and
Specifications fu.nt bed- Get my Pi nrea before Or
dering Work JiJs-whei .
SIGNS , Paper Hacg-ng PJain Pa'ntino- all Kinda.
IS 18 Oarney Street , . NEB.
P/opoae for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
ertire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks.
SilverWare ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 uer
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.