DAiLF BEE. OKAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . X SIB fanAam , Jet. 9tk and lOtk Strut * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Oopy 1 year , in advance postpaid.98.00 ) , .4X0 t months * * " . .too V TIME TAB1IS- THE NAILS. O , AN. W. B.R 6Se . m. , SiOp. : m C.E.iQ520 .nL , 2:10 p. m. C.B.-1 & P. K. B. . & -.SO a , m. , fcttp. m' O * & Et. Joe 30 a. m. 8. City & P. 630m. . D. F. R.R. , lltiO fc.rn. O. & B. T. to Uncoil' ' . 10 a. m. B. A M. R. B _ . 8:40 , m. O. ft H. W. , TOO , m. omasa 0. ft. H. T7. E. R. , 11 s. re. , 11 p. m. 0. B. & Q. , 11 . re. , 9.30 p. m. O.B I. * P. , Us , m. . 11 p.m. 0. B.fcSt , Joc.lln.m. , Up m. U. P B. K. , i p HL O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12110 p. m , B. City & P. , 11 a.m. D. M. ! n > eb.,4p. m. Local malls ( or StaUa lom lave bat OBO * a d > ,7is : 4:30 a. m. OCcaOpen from 12 to 1 p. m. EtmdlJT. T30UAS f. HALL. PosOnMt-r. Arrival And Departure ef Trains USIOS PACIFIC. LI1VB. 1XKTCT. Dsllj tipnae. . 12:16 p. m. 36 p.m. do Mix * ! . eaop.m. do Fr-isht . . .BJOs-m. 1:40 p , IT. do . 8:16 a. m. lfc * > a.m. - < CVSD or THE CUBIJSQTOH ; . ' ItlVIOXAIU. AEJCJTl OKULi. Kxprew . .3 : 0 p. m. Czprees 10:30 a. m , Mali 6:03 a. m. if all 10:00 p. B. Bon day d Except d. Eund&rB Szeoptod. CHIOAOO.-ROCK 1BLAXB i PACIFIC. ion . _ .fcOS . m. 1 Mill . IfcOO. p. m. Express. . . . . .SliG p.m. | Express. . . . 10:00 . m. CHICAOO NOETHWESTEnK. Mill . . . .er'OK.in.lMal ! . - 730p.m. K Pine- . . . . R.-M p ] m. | Express .lCS * .m. Enndnyi exceptod. KASHAS crrr.BT. JOE * CODKCIL BLUFFS tXlTK ABJUTE. KiJl.Bart a. m. J Express..7 : < 0 . m. Kxrrea . 0.-00 p. m. | M D . li" * Tne only line running Pollnan BlMplujCin OSt ot Omiua to Union IHpol. OHA1IA & NORTIIERK NEBRASKA. RAIL WAY COMPANY. ' - Leave. Arrlre. Expre _ . .S:00 a. m. I Frpreae _ . : M p , m. vViuftl . lMp nulllxed | . lo : 5a.m Dolly ZicptSnnd j- . B ft If. R. R. In NEBRASKA. LKAVI. Throajh Cxpre.- . 8iO m Freight and /.cairn . . . . ,7.00pm A.R1IVH Kxprwa . * : OP n 8flO m Biour cur & ST. PAUL B. B. UJl . 6:1C : am I Express . 100 am Express . -8.10 p in M . 730 p BJ , WABASU , hT. LOUItifc PACIFIC. UJLVU. AXRITXS. SUU . 8 . m. I MU1 - 11:65 a. a Exprta..8 : 0 p. m. | Exprcee..t : 5 p. a. BSIDO C DIVISION U. P. B B. Leivo Onnfo , d&Ilp 3 a. m. , 8 a. m , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , 8 p. m. , 5 p. m. , 8 p. fnLfvtt CotmcU Ha da ; SSfi c.m. , l& 5a.m.liaSa.m.,13Sp UL3S p. S36P. m. , 6:25 p-nL , 626 p.m. , Four trips on Sunday , ! cavtn ; Omaha at B and 11 a. m. , J and 5 p. m. ; Council BluOt U B:2i. 11:26 a tn. , nod 235 and 625 p. m. MBSXaOBA TUIKS. _ Le Te-Om hi : < Ja. m. , 7 a. m. , 830 . m. , 1 'p. m.-4-.fiO p. m. , 7.-4S p. m. , Lev Couudl BlaHa : Clb a. m , , ftM a. m. , 11:43 am.5S5p. m. , 7.-00 p. m. , 750 p. m. pallr except EunJay. OMAAA & EEPUEUCiN VALLEY B. . * LXATX , iRWVT. jf ll . 10:46 tin. , , i.S5p.m. TUIIr exceot /J. ENCUSH , i TtORSEY ATLATV 310Boutli Ihiitetnlh St. , vitti t- - * - ' J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , E Of THE PEACE Corner ISth and JUSTICE Eta. , Omaha Neb. M. SIME3AL. * TTOBNKT AT LAW Boom B , Crelghton V. Block. I5th St. OMAHA. HEB D. U TKOKAS. AT ix > ns money , bnyi 8C IUm Block- A. C. TROOP , TIORSTT AT LAW OSco In Hejaoom'i A B'ock. ' 'fih Gcore lhm:08 : rurnham St. OHAHA.HEB. DEXTER LTHQKA8 , AT LAW CroicBhank Build ASTOEKST A. M. CKAQWIGK , JTOBNEY AT LAW Office 16M Tamhaa . fltr ct. H-H.LFEAHODY , ruBiio. OOEMOTXOWB KAD O'BRiEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys -Law , ornCS-Pnlon BlockFiHeenth anc * Famham 33. S. r&aEZBTTfiJQJH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. fcRSACR BLOCK. COS. DOCQ-'fi I BTH STg. OHAHA. KEB. _ cW. : J. Oonnell , _ T * Attorney-at-Law. OfficFront room * , op stall * , U rLrick linUdmg , N. W. corntir ntteontn and BtroetB. . IUBIGS. KEDIGE REDICK , Attornejs-at-Law , tCcM wlU I * rCVaw o ! ev the aeco United States. OiBcu' , ? * "inam St. , -Oonrt lions * . EDWAfiO W. b ? * TTORSEt. AT LAW-EoO 6 A , Bloc * , Itth and PootiM ttraoU. 8. F. &A3DER80K , TTORK27 AT LAW SU Famhan Ctre { L. Omaha Kscratfc * . O. J. RICHARDS & HUNT , ori ? ay s-a tL a w , Omoa 15 South Fourteenth Street. SA.NXA aiiADS FOUND. Or > ? at 8t l > lBOOvery of tbo A e. , "Among tJt + f th'cpa where SacU Ciaus stayed Children ott j V U Uo nukeg good * or not , li roaily he t * In a mountain of enow. Lut ynr aa ovJarslon tailed cJaar to the Po' 'Where wondirowonder _ lbey found anew land , iThile falry-Uk J belngi appeared on each hand. There were nscvcntalni like cure , with mere beautiful preen , Amil far brijhtcr ( Mcs than ever were e a , Birds with the hne9 of s rainbow were lonnOI , While Bowers of cxquliite fragrance > ere grow Ing aronnd. 'Hot long were they lett to wondar In conbf . beluff teen came the/ had Lend much about , TWM Santa Clans' celf and t hi * they all aay , 3e looked like the plcturo r c oe every day. Ha ilron up a team that looked very queer , CwM .team of caeehoppen Inttrad of reindeer , He rvde In f hell ln t < ad of a tlelrb , EBl to took them n boxrd and drove them way. netfmnred thoa ill urcr his wooJerful reals , And tactorle * malda ; Roods Jor womtn mnd men Farrlen wen working on hate great and email , To Banco' * tber ald they were sending them au. KrU EiBRle , the Qlora Maker , told them at one * , All our Glares ie irj sindln ; to Bonce , Santa ibowed thrin BOtpecdcrt and many thins * doro. J" " ylnx I als * took tlicss to friend Bonce * ! Itow. 8 1 ta Cltus Uion whtiporcd a iscrot he'd UU < j j { tk Omaha erory one Imew Bunce well , He thereon ) ( HMiid eend hit jro J to hit care , Knowlcf i < a frlsada will ( at their fall chare. Kow reaissjNM'ye dc-c'.lors la Oaaha town , AU who wa i tSNSmti to Bance1 * p > ronad. For lilrtoolite , Or clovci preal aad small , B nd jocr slrtcr or aaJ oa and a ! Bonce , Cham plonUiHerd the Wctt.Douclu at. OmOi Hamburg Line. , . . " XEAYINa KEW YORK EVERY TUORSDAT AT S r. u. , roi v England , France and Germany For FASBSfH apply to C. U. IIICEEAKD & CO. 3 . < 5encral TaHenjer Afentt , Bl Broadway , New Tort. H % NEGA8 WORKS ! EENSTKREBS , Manager Manufacturer of all Unds ot " "V" I N" S QA. . I VIA 5t e ( . C ( > > oiuJWU OX ABA OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , ART EMPORIUMS i'fU : BO15"3 Art Emporium. 1518 Doige otr t , Steel Enmnnji , IMI Paintings , Chromes flancr Fronts , Pramlnp aSpedalty. Low prices. J. BOSKEtt , 1803 Douglas St. Goad Style * ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE. opposite postofflee , JT. B. BARTLETT. 817 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS- DUFRENE AMEND ELSSHON , ARCHTITECrS , Boom 14 , Creighton Block. A T. LAB E , Jr. , Room S. Crelghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES fcaYINE & CO , Fine Bootiand Shoes A coed assortment of home work on hand , cor. 12th and Harney. TH03 ESICKSON , S. E. cor. Gib snd Douglas JOHS rORTUNATUS , COS 10th St. , manufacture * to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS. J. F. LARRItreR , Hinufaeturer.'Vlischers'BIk. BOOKS , NEWSAHD STATIONERY J. I. FRUEHAUr , 1015 Farnham Street. B TTERANDECCS. UcSBAKE&SCDBOEUEK.theoldettB. andE. house in Nebraska , established 1S75 , Omaha. BOARDING CENTRALREaTAURANT REaTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , southwest cor. 16th and Dodge. Best Boird for the lloner. Satislaction Guaranteed. ileali at a 1 Hours. BoirdbytheDay , Week or Month , Good Terms for Cub. Furnished Booms 8uppU d. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS TTU.EKYDEti.yo. 1319 Uth and Harney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW BO3EWATEE , 1510 Farnham St. Town Surreys , Qnde and Sewerage Systems a specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN G. WILLIS. UK Dodge Street. B. B. BEEUEB , For details s e Urge Advertise- oat in Pail and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST FR1TCCHER , Uaaufacturcn of CIgan , and Who esale Dealers in Tobiceo < , 1305 Ueug. V. r. LORES 2EK. njinuUcturer. 6H10lh St. CORNICE WORKS , Western Cornice Woikf , Uanafacturers Iron Corn ! e , Tin , Iron and Slate EooQnr. Orders from any locality ( .romptiy executed In the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 UcOge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Windonraps , etc. manufactured and put up in any part o ( the country. T. EINHuLD. 16 Thirteenth fit. CROCKERY. J. CONKER , 1309 Donglai St. Good Line. CLOTHING ANDFURNISHIKCCOODS OEO. H. PETERSON. Also Bats , Capp , Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. 10th it. CLOTHING BOUGHT. a SUAW will pay highest cash price f > rscond hand clothing. Corner 10th and Farnham. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. Williams' Block. Cor. Itth & Dodge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUQN&CO , Pharmacist * , Flr.e Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and DiUglasStretta. W. J. WHITEHOU3E , Wholesa'e & RcUU.16 St. 0. C. FIELD , 2022 Koilh Side Cumloc Street. M.PABU , Druggist , 10th nd Jo ard Sx DRY GOODS. HBTIiNS , ETC- JOHN H. F. LEIIUAMf 4 CO , New York Dry Goods Stori , 13iO ndlS12Fam. fr"n street J. C. Enewrld , a > o > ojt < As-iots , 7 tb& FaciSc ' FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , Vc r and Second Hand FDmltnre and StoTGB , 1114 Douglas. E. O. Turgeoa AcX J. CONNER , 1509 Douglas St. Fine Goods , &C. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FEKCE CO. GCST. FRIES CO. , 12iSnamey6t. Improv- eJ Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Sailings , Counters of Pin and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donajrline , planU , cu fiowen , icods , bcqueU etc. , K. W. cor 16th and Doirlaa SU. FOUNDRY. CROCEB3. Z. STEVENS 2i t"b twotn Coming and Izard. T. A. Kc3nA ? E. Corner SSd TJ Coming Sts. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTTE & CO , 1808 Douclas Street , Wholeaile Exclusively. HARDWARE IRONAWD STEEL D3LAK & LiNQWORTUY. Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th fct. A. HOLMES , corner 1C * and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WEIST , 323 13th St , bet. Farn. & liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles get yoor Straw , Chip and Felt Hals done np at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol atenue. WU. DOVE , PROP HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. CinGeld , Bth & Fam. DORAN HOUSE , P. n. Gary , 913 Farnham St. 8LAVEJTS HOTEL , F. SUreu , 10th Street. Southern Hotel. Cm. ITamil Oth& Lcatcnworlh INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. UBS. LIZZIE DENP , 217 ICth Street. JEWELERS JOHNBAUJIER , 13U Fainhim Street. JUNK- H. BERTHOLD , Ran and Mrtals. LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER & GRAY , corner C h and Douglas Slg. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1803 Douglas St. Good Yaricty. MERCHANT TAILORS. G.A.LINDQDtSr , One ot onr most popular Merchant Tailors is re celrlng the latest detlgni for Spring and Sum mer Goods for Kentlemm's we r. Sly'ltb , durable and prices lo\raicver. 215 18th bet. Doug , fc Fir. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. UOQLE& JESTER , Freeh and Cured Ueata , Game , Fish. Poultrr. Kte..S020 Cuming Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. HINDER , Wholesale and Retail , Ftiicy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card BoaniB , Hoiierv , gloves , corseU , tc Cheapeit Haufo In the West. Purchaser ! save 31 per cent. Order by Matt. 115 Fif > enth et. MILLS- OilAUACirr MILLS , 8th and Farnham SU. Wei-"bans Cro * . . proprietors. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. H.CJ8B8. Jf. D. , Boom No. 4 , Crelghton Block , Uth 5treet. P. S. LSISENKT50 , V. D , Uotonlc Block. Q L. HART , II. D , . Eye aad t' . PPposUfflce DR. L.TJ GRAD Y. Ocnllrt and Aorltt , Uth and DoDRUvi PHOTOGRAPHERS- CEU. litYN , 1-KOP. Grand CtntralGaller } . 212 Hlxtecnlh Street neir Masonic Hall. Hnt-cUsaWotkandPrompt- ness Guaranteed. PLUMBING , CAS AKD STEAM FIHINC f W. TARl'Y & CO , 216 12th St. , bet. Kara- ham & Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FTTZPATRICK , 1109 Douglas Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HEX1.Y A. K03TEKS.H12 Dodt-e Street. PLANING MILL. A.MOYER. manufacturer of sash , doersblinds , mcMIngt , newels , balusters , hand rail , furnish- ; ng- . scroll tawing. A.C. . cor. Dodge snd 9th sts- PAWNBROKER J. ROSESFELD. 32210th St. bet. Fam. & Har. REFRIGERATORS CANnELD'S PATENT C. F. OOODMAK. Hth St. . bet. Tarn , & Bar. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY 0. J. WILDE , llan .hc < areri > nd Dealer In all Unds of Show Castr , ljprlrttC * e &e. , 1S17 Can St. STOVES AND TINWARE- A.BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roots and all kinds of Bnndlnir Work Odd Fellows' Block. J.BOSSER.lS09Douc. St. OocJanJ Cheap. SEEDS J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed { Drills and ColtlTators. Odd Fellows Hall. SHOE STOSES. Phllpp L nr , ISta Farnhamtt. bet. 13.n & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE PEKKIN8 &LBAK , 1416 Dsuglas 3L , New and Second Hand Furniture , lit.use Furnishing QoooX & s. , bought an d sod ! en narrow cargtos. SALOONS- BEKBY KAUFMANS , In tbsuw brick block on Doulai Street , has jnst opened a most elfgant Deer Hall. Hot Lonch from l p > } ? FLUTNERT. On Famhaa , o xt to the U. & U. headanartui. ha reopened a Mat aal coqiplete cstabUsh- racnt which , baninc riBE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecr.Ul beopca forthebojsvith Hot Lanih en and afUr pns nt diU. "Caledonia. " J. FALCONER. 679 Uth Street BWOtTAXERS CHAS. RTKWE , 1012 Fambam bet 10th & llth 99 CENT STMES HENRY P3HLMAN , toyji. notions pictarcs , jrwelry , t : , EU Uth bet. Farnham & Douglas. P. 0 , BACKU3,1386 Farahun .St. fancy good * . MEXICO. ! SOME 1TKMS OF INTEREST OF VARIOUS I KINDS. Cincinnati Times-Star. j From Vera Cruz to the high plateau that ia reached at and beyond Orizaba the signs of fertility to an un paralleled extent are visible avery where from the train. The cars are open ones , and permit the traveler to enjoy the sight as he travels along. Rich sugar cane and banana and cifiia plantations are seen on either hand , and are charming beyond des cription. Bananas , pine-apples and the other luscious fruits of the coun * try are offered at the stations at fabu lously low price * . M : . D. paid quarter for a bunch containing over thirty bananas , large and luscious , and was told that he had paid 50 per cent , above the customary price. Land is likewise cheap to a degree past be lief. Ten equare miles was offered him while there for § 3,000 , and ho learned from a man from the United States who paid , two years or so ago , § 3.600 for a plantation containing ten tqaare miles and a coffee plantation in bearing and a largo banana grove besides. Labor is cheap , farm hands being had at 25 cents per day , and as on the large plantations the proprietor usually sells supplies to the hands , and gene rally at his own prlces.the cost of run ning a hacienda is naturally a rather light tax on the owner's pocket. The party of Cincinnatlans , of which Mr. Dickson was one , while in the Oily of Mexico , made up a party for a sort cf picnic to go out to the "floating gar dens. " These were some three miles out from the city , and approached through a canal some 100 or ICO feet wide. When reached these are Unds jast elevated above the lake , covered with loxutlent vegetation , where the vegetables that supply the capital are grown in the rich and inexhaustible alluvion. The lands sink into the lake with their superabundant moisture during the wet months , but their friable soil is dredged out of the canals that di vide these squares like the streets of a city , and the earth is thrown np again and again planted with vegeta bles for the inhabitants of the city. These pictureique gardens have given Mexico the title of "the Venice of America. " Mr. Dickson said that while out hero their guide , an Italian resident , speaking several languages , employed a troupe , composed of six or seven musicians , two singers and two dancers. These amutod the American party for two hours or more , and were more than satisfied when they received $2 by way of com pensation for the entire troupe. The Indians , men and women , In discriminately cultivate those gardens , and on the way out Mr. Dickson said that he saw rows of fifteen or twenty women washing. These were stripped to the waist , and some were wholly nude. The latter modestly turned their backs as the party passed. Mr. D. said that he found the natives gen erally as modest as thosa of many other countries , Egypt for example , where the native Fellahs he lias seen tuck up their long night-gown-like only garment , called majestic > lly a bonrnonse , securely about their necks to convey a party of ladies ashore from a Nile dahabveth , or in Damascus where a holy person thinks nothing of walking the street without more rai ment than Undine's uncle Knhloborn. The cost of a carriage is cheapness itself In the Oity of Mexico in com parison with this country , or a baga telle as compared with Havana. A two-horse carriage costs 50 cents per hour , or 25 cents a single course in Mexico. In Havana one would cost § 8jjf > rhpur gold. Whtrt one of onr own conscientious haokmen would charge , some of us would perhaps know , who have tried it in a city of 300,009 inhabitants. Mexico is a beautiful city , with houses chiefly brick and stucco , built plainly about a central court with grand carriage entrance or porte cochere , and charming to the eye. The city Is extremely compactly built , hardly a vacant lot being seen. Rents are about as with us aa to cost , but tenants are far more permanent The pavements are not firBVclasj. Thete arj the suburbs , ou'sldo the city limits being mrshy and a regular Pontino Marsh in the wet season. Hotels are superb in appointments and comfort , and generally cheap. One of our friends had a parlor with three email sleeping room adjoining , for $2 per day ; and Mr. D , wife and daughter 10 yoirs of age were boarded at the table d'hote superbly supplied , at $1.50 the three. A saddle horao of fine Arabian stock will cost a gentleman SI for an afternoon. The ladies walk or ride in the streets as freely as here , but every body gies to the Alameda diily to ride if they are able to , or ait on the benches as at the Boss Boulogne , in Paris , and tea the others if they cannot ride themselves. It Is eti quette fcr gentlemen to admire and exclaim opanly , "What a beautiful wonnn , " or , "Oh , you lovely crea ture , " to any pretty woman ho sees pass , and the women move on appar ently unconscious , but store np these "flowers , " as they call them , to re count in the evening to their friends , aud really deem them very precious acquisitions. The Mexican ladles of the batter class did not impress cur part > immensely by their beauty , but the Indians , men and women , were generally a handeome raca , infinitely more so than our northern aborigines. The favorite resort of gentlemen is the cafe , or what \ro should call saloons ; theie are fitted up beautiful ly , and men sit hero all the evening &nd smoke and chat and drink aguar diente or gin or pulque. The latter is a sort of drink having about the amount of intoxicating qualities , ac cording to Mr. Dickson , of the ephemeral wine of the modern Groak , or as Gau. Burbank expressed it , of our common beer. It is made from the well-known fcgavo plant , or maguey , that Is grown extensively in the wild plateau on which Mexico is situated , for this purpose. The phut , at a suitable siza , say about ten years of age , hag the crown cut forming a basin , or dish , into which the juices of the plants , rootp and remaining leaves exude. This is dipped out and fermented , and looks and tastes a little like buttermilk , but has some intoxicating or at least exhilarating qualities that makes it the passion of the Indian population of that country. Our soldiers under Gen. Scott took to it kindly when nur army was there thirty odd years ago. Mexican coffee , that is beginning to ba largely cultivated , Is equal to Java , and Mexican tobacco and cigars are largely sold both here aud in Havana as the best cf Bnban leaf. Batiness in the Oity of Mexico is largely controlled by EnE1"1 * and Gor man capitalists , and , haying enor mous means invested , itislikelyto be hard to dispossess them , even with Yankee grit Taxes are assessed on the income of property so that vacant houses or lands are not burdened by imports. Titles to property are generally straight and records so clearly kept as to make it sa/o to pake investments. In appearance Mexico is a better cultivated country by far than Cuba tndfromVeraCrustoOrlzida is of won derful fertility. From the latter city tha soil | i arid and uninviting , pro ducing cacti in cudL s quantities apd numberless and limitless migppy ( agave ) plantations. The drink , pulque , made from this plant , remains good only R few days , but the fiber of t plant is manufactured into cloth , and possibly also paper. a From New Mexico a railroad , owned by a B ston company , aud in which Mr. Emery find some other Cincinnati capitalists are Interested , runs north for a distance of about forty miles. It is to be ultimately extended to meet onr advancing lines. Charters exist and companies have been formed for two lines , but it is probable that these will be united and bat one built. Mr. Jay Gould , as we know , is pushing his Texas system rapidly towards Liredo , on the R-o Grande , and the Atchison and Siuta Fe are also pushing their linea. One thing ia sure , that the only practica ble route to the Mexican caoital must pass the broad plateau lying between the two mountain chains -following the eastern and western coast line of the ) Mexican republic. This is ele- vatsd some 7,500 feet above the sea , and enjoys a temperate climate. . It avoids the rugged deline to the coast on either side , that it would bo impos sible without a frightful cost to over come. It would , moreover , cement itself to onr American railway sys tem , and no doubt ultimately make the Interests of'Mexico and the United States identical. Verily , when this is accomplished , as it will be no doubt iniide of two years , we shall realize that "peace has her victories uo less renowned than war. " Gen. Grant , in contem plating the great future developments possible from the pushing of onr rail roads into Mexico , was stirred from his stolidity more profoundly than he has since the surrender at Appomattox. Such a railway would pass through ten Mexican cities aver aging near 30,000 inhabitants , and many smaller towns , and develop an agricultural , mining and manufactur ing industry that are now little dreamed of by either them or us. "Finally , " said Mr. Dickson/'think of sneezing under one of onr northern blizzards and straightway checking onr trunk for the city of the Monto- znmas , where the temperature aver ages about 79 ° , and never goes below 50 ° , and where a fire is never needed fcr comfort , that we may , when these roads are done , almost without a change of car ? , step into summer in lo's than 72 hours' travel. Think for a moment about changing onr frigid winter , with the thermometer at zero , for the palm or banana groves of that region , whore ice and frost are never seen except upon the inaccessi ble summits of its mountain peaks and smoking volcanoes. "Think of those and avoid enthus iasm , dear reader , if you can. " Wrltlns for the Press. Causeur knows that he will deserve and win the thanks of all managing editors if ho can but impreas these few simple rules upon the minds of those who write for the press : 1. Write upon one aide of the sheet only. Why ? Because it is often necessary to cut the pages into "takes" for the compositors , and this cannot bo done when both sides are written upon. 2. WrHe clearly and distinctly , be ing particularly careful in the matter of proper names , and words from foreign languages. Whj ? Because yon have ne right to aak cither editor or compositor to waste his time puz zling out the results of your selhah- ness. 3 Dnu't write in a microscopic hand. Why ? Because the compoaitor has to read it across his case , at.a dis tance of nearly two f jet ; also , because the editor often wants to make addi tions and other changes. 4. Don't begin at the very top of the first page. Why ? Because if you have written a head for your article , tha editor will probably want to change It ; and if you have not written one , which is the hotter way , he must write one. Besides , he wants room in which to write hij instructions to the printer as to the type to bo used , where and when the proof is to bo sent , etc. 5 Hover roll your manuacriptr Why ? Because it maddens and exas perates every one who touches it editor , compositor and proof reader. 6. Be brief. VY"hy ? Because people ple dou't road long atorioa. The num ber of readers which any two articles have is Inversely proportioned to the spaca of their respective length. That Is , a half-column article is read by four times aa many people as one of double that length. 7. Have the fear of the waste-basket constantly and steadily * belora your eyes. Why ? Because it will save you a vast amount of useless ] labor , to say nothing of paper and postage. 8. Alwaya write your full name and address plainly at the end of your let- ler. Why ? Because It will often ' happen that the editor will "want to commuuicato with you , aud because he needs to know the writer's name s a guarantee of good faith. If you use a pseudonym of initials , write your own name and address below it ; it will never bo divulged. 9. "These precepts In thy memory keep , " ant ? for fear yon might forget them cut them out and put them where you can readily run through ( hem when tempted to spill innocent ink.- [ Boston Trrnscrlpt. THE SMALLEST MAN. JOHN LEWIS , OF 1XONIA , JEFKEBSON COUNTY , WISCONSIN. " Correspondenc * ot tbe Chicago Tribune. WATEETOWN , Wis. , March 25. To day , in the little cemetery at Ixonia , Jeffenon county , there was laid away to its final rest the body of John Low- ii , the smallest man in America , and with scarcely a rival in the world for dimiQUtiveueas. As stated in a tele gram , Lewis died on Monday , March 21 , at the home of his parents , in the township of Ixonia , six miles east of this city , of congestion of the stomach after a brief Illness. John Lewis was born in Ixonia in 1857 , being 24 years of ago at the time otbls dccois ? . His parents , Lewis and Catherine Lewis , are natives of Wales. They have had seven children , three sons and four daughters , their dwarf being the oldest. With the exception of John all their offspring are of full average size , well formed , and of good intel lect. lect.As As a biby , John was of fair average aiza ; but appears not to have gronn much after his second year. This wonderful little man was only twenty- seven inches high , and hii average weight of iata years was pnly nineteen pounds , corresponding la size tn a Full-grown infant about 18 month old. Tom Thumb , considered at onetime so much of a prodigy , is about forty Inches high , and twice the weight Lewis was. . Even Commodore Nutt seemed tall by thtfaido of the Ixonia dwarf. Lawbiad around faca , with an intelligent.look , blue eyea , black' , bushy hair , and fait cpmplexion. He w perfect and symmetrical In form , except that his iands were without thumbs , and one'foot was a club and alightlr"turned in"at Ihe/i'tki ? , J e was fend of. dress his' favorit coat being tha conventional blno frock with brass buttons. It w&s usually found impossible to find a haf-small enough " " for him" , "which made it necessary lo make one for him expressly. When dressed in his best , he looked like a miniature Broadway swell. He recelved > a-common tchool edu cation , such ts his neighborhood aff- prded , and was Usually' drawn to achoo } In a litflo wagon'by his broth ers and sistprs. He was a bright scholar , both IP the English and Welsh langUBgosf was especially noted for his retentive mpmory , and codd repent most of the now testament by heart. He Wis possessed o" considerable - able religious zeal , attending church cervices regularly , nd was invariably able to repeat the text and tell the part of the bib'e it cmld be found , in , when he returned home. In the Ixonia Welsh Methodist church , of which he was a member , the privilege was generally accorded him of giving out aud reading the hymns , which ho did standing on the pulpit small , to basnre , but no less earnest , tpscimen cf the church mili tant. But , notwithstanding his fer vor as a religionist , the ungovernable ness of his temper often got the mas tery of him. When aroused to an ger , ho was quite deepertte , and would make it somewhat unpleasant for his brethren of the household many a time chasing his brothers aud sisters out of the house on such occasions , using his club foot as a weaoou to the beat possible advantage. He ever maintained by his conduttthat , though he had been outstripped in stature , he was complete master at the hearth stone. stone.He made a study of agricultural topic ? , and remembered clearly the different kinds ot grain the fields had boon sawn with the previous year. A strange peculiarity he possessed , of pulling his coat off at meals and keepIng - Ing on his hat. He was a hearty eater , and a great tea-drinker his death no doubt being hastened by hia ravenous appetite. He had a great aptitude for making money. Whan a pig , for instance , was given him by his sire , the circum stance did not by any manner of means furnish an illustration of the adage , "Boy's pig and daddy's ba con , " for the progress of the growth of the animal was closely watched , and , when killed , the money obtained for the pork was soon in the little man's pocket. So in the case of a hen : her laying and incubations were properly noted , and the profits accru ing placed where they would do the moat good. . In this way Lewis had accumulated some money at the time of hia death. The greatest distance he ever was away from home was when he attended a Welsh Church Synod at Oahkoah , a few yean ego. Lewis never exhibited himself , al though numerous offers had been made him to do so. F. T. Barnum had his photograph , and wrote him on the subject of making an engage * mont with him , and other showmen corresponded with him , having the same object in view ; but to all such he turned a deaf ear. Mrs. Lewis was vary emphatic in her determination that her dwarf son ahould never leave his home , especially for the purpose of showing himself to the public. She always took great care of him , and , on account of his misfortune , dlanlsy- ed a tenderer feeling for him than for any other of her children. When Tom Thumb and Commodore Nutt exhibited in this city some eight years ago , John Lawia went to eeo them. All three of these men- midgets were greatly interested in one another. Nutt admitted he was beaten , but pointed to Lewis' hands end feet as an offset for over-height. Thumb had nothing to say , being quite tall by the side of the Ixouia competitor. An additional peculiarity of Lewis' memory , which may bo mentioned here , was , that ho never forgot a name , something that few , of more robust body and greater intellect than he , could boaat of. John Lewis exercised the right of suffrage for the first time last fall Garfield receiving his vote for presi dent , and Humphrey E. Humphrey , democrat , his neighbor ana friendfor assemblyman. From this it will be seen that Gen. Garfield had not only the largest support , but the smallest supporter , in the country. Given up by the Doctors. Where doctors have failed to cure , and have given their pr.tien'.s ' up to die , Electric Bitters have often been Usod.andjLCuraeffacted , greatly to the astonishment of all. Diseases-of tha Stomach , Liver , Kidneys and Urinary Organs are positively cured by Electric Bitters. Tnoy invariably euro Constipation Headache and nil Bilious Attacks. Try them , aud ba convinced that they are the best med icine over used. Sold by all drngehts at fifty canta a bottla. (3) ( ) GBEATEST REMEDY KNOWN , Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption 'a certainly the greatest medical remedy over placed within the reach of Buffeting humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they 'owe their'lives. Not only does it jwwi- tfcely cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchlts , Hay- Fever , Hoarsness and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you are getting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggist , J. K. Isn , and got a trial bottle frco of cost which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For bale by lah & McMahon. (4) ( ) ) 11EGISTKATION NOTICE. tTAT Or NEBRASKA , Dorans co-xrr , , Kotice's hereby given to tha ilecto-s of the Fourth Ward. City of Omaha , lh tl will sit In the store of James Forsyth. northwest coicer if 10th and Capitol Avootn. on Monday , Tuesday and WeJno'day , lurch 2Stn , 29th and 30th , and Friday. Saturday and Monday , April lit , 2nd and 4t5 , 1831 , for the purpose of registering the ejacton , of said waid. fnr c.tro ection to be held on the Mh d y of April , 1891. Due Notice is hereby given , tbat , a New List of the electors will hare to be rows , owing to the changes mule In tbe nard boundary , and tbt electors will govern theirsslvcs nccoroinsjly. In witness whereof , I hereunto Bet my hand thU 13th day of JIarcb , "A. D. " 1331. JOHNS. WOOD , m'.Oto a5 Registrar , REGISTRATION NOTICE. THIRD WARD. All voters n rth of Howard street , out ofJEth street and scutii of Davenport wi'l Uko notice , I lit as registrar o ( voters at my office , north- cast co rier of Hth and Douglas sueeti ( lo. 1324) ) up tblts , on March 21st and Match > 8th. and April 4tn , 1SS1 , for reti'tratlon and cor rection of 3rd ward voters. Wil. H. RILF.Y , m2.toat He'gtrar3rd Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE. ETJTI Or NIBUSKA , ) DOCOUAS roraiv , j Notice Is hereby gi en to tha legal vctira of th3 First Wjrd. CUy ot Onulu , tbatl will sit at { he office cf Sliven'8 Hotel on Tinth street , on Mnnday , Tne day , Wedn d y and Tliuraday , March 28th , 29th , 30th and 31 , and Frldiy ind Saturday , April 1ft and 2nd , for tte purpose of regirtenng the voters of siid ward. A new list will be made , and all voters o ! sail ward are re quested to appear rcrsonaliy , tbat their nuncs may bo prop rlrreijtercd. Witness my ha id this 2 Isi diy of March , ' D. 1881. r. if. STEKBERO , mi ; IQt _ ' RegUtrar REGISTRATION NOTIO . Dpnotis Canrrr , KO'.IM Is hereby givea thit I will * it a ; tbe U , P , Bakery , on Uth street , on Thursday , Hani ) 31st , 1831 , for the I urpose of Tegiterinthe | ilcc. ItsglitrarSthWard. REGISTRATION NOTICE. SIXTH WAKD. . 1'ottceU hereby givea to the Jegtl votsrs o ! the eiith Ward of tb * City of Omaha , that I will Eit at mr itfru , Vf > . Zi22 Cmnin ? street , te'.ween 20th and fl t s'reet * , on Tneaday , "Wednesiay , ThnrsJay. Saturday and Monday , ofMaich.lStn.IOtb , Slst ind April 3d and 4tb , for i he purpose of registering the vou raof siUl ord. Anewll4ltrillbcm Je , and all yote of Ead ward are reqoesUdrto appear Inpejaon that tfteirnamei may be properly regigtered. Witness my hand this 23th day of March , A. P.ISSU C , aFIECD.l . . ? ' " . NO CHANGING CARS OMASA AND CHICAGO , Wbe-e Direct connections ar Made With Through Sleeping Oar Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash- instoi ) , AND AUd EASTERN OlTiBS. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapoIisCmcinnatiLouiS' ville. ASD ALL FOISTS IS TOS THK BEST LINE F6R ST. LOUIS , Whore Direct Connrctions are made in the UNION IJEPO whh Throuzh Sleeping Car Lines for all Points s o The New Line for 3PIBS J COIZsT HI S. The Favorite Koute for ZROO.K : T < = J-T. -rq-rx The cneqniled Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tonrirts , .TO as follow : The celebrated Pullman (10-wheelj ( Palace Sleep- lag Cars , inn only on this Line , a , B. & Q. P.l c Drawlng-Koom Con , with Barton's Re clining Cn Irs No extra cturge { or Seata In Reclining Chairs. The famous C. , B. & Q. Palace Dinlntr Cars. Qorgcons Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant Jliifh-Bicked Rattan Revolting Chiirs for the oxclmlvo nae of first-class passen gers. gers.Stel Trade and Superior Equipment , corn- lined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment , nukes this , above all others , the favorita Route to tbe East , South , and Sonth-Eut. Try It , and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort. Through Tickets Via thi ? Tele * rated Line for sale at all offices in tbe United States and IJinada. All Information about Bates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &cwill be cheerfully given by appljinir to JAMES R. WOOD , General Passenger A cent , Chicago. T. J. POTTER , General Uanager , Chicago TUN 1SSO. K.G.ST.JGE&C.B.R.R. , ll the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and tha WEST. Ho change of cars between Omaha led Bt , Lodi And but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Kuoznaa AIA ' Eastern & TOsteni Cities With leas charges and in advance ot other Uncg. This entire line la equipped with Pullman1 ! Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Da > Coach * CB.Mlller'B Safety Platform and Coupler and tha celebrated Wfetlngbonza Alr-Urako. JV8EE THAT TOUR TICKET BEADSTM OS" Via Kansas City , St. JoB8 h andT „ Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In tha Weat. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWZ3 , Gcn'ISapt. . Goal Pssa. & Ticket Art St. Josooh.Ho. Bt. Joseph , Uo , W O. SEACHBEST , Ticket Agon. , 1020 Farah&B Street , AN07BORDEN , A. B. EAUNAUD , Pae9. Agent,0maha. OenrlAzent , Omaha. BY THE USE OF BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEPY- ! PHERHAL7 EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES leldt at once on the application of n UxutnUo'ii Pile Remedy , irhlCB act tii ccUrnpoo Uieparta afltectcU , Bh rola > he Tnmoio. allaying the JaUmce Itdl ill other renwuc * luiTe fWltorl fry M atte no otfacr , and tell XomerltB. DO NOT DES.AU toUl tbe dmln on the 7stera prodas * crmanent dltnMHty , but btgr It , TRYBT LOURED PRICF , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR fT , nsJ trben yea can notobtala ttofblm , w Till Bend It , prepaid , onree Iptorpric < Jr. Bovualio'a Trcatlae on Plica aent fre in application. Addret * OR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO , P1QUA. O. TEE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thla institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of th West , Is pre-eminently the beet and moat practi cal cf its kind ( or the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Secretary The moat extensive , thorough and compteto nstlttttion o ! tha kind In the world. Thoinndj o ! accorcntanta and Eustaces mon , In the prln * dpal dties and tewn ot the United SUtea , owe Lhclr success to our coarse of training. The Bisht Kind of Education for Young Men and ladies. Flea , now brick block , at Junction ot three treei car Unez. Desantly fitted nd farnlihed apirtmimU or the application of and corryinj oat of oar novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TMLOTG , Young men who Tontetnplat * a-btulnra Ufa , and parent ] having Kins to educate , are particu larly requested to send for oar ntw Circular , which will gire foil Information aa to terar , ondltloa cf entrance , etc. Address a , W.FOSTEB , President , n" Denrer Colorado. 7 mUlas the Latest Home and Tele- - , * , i "Sytn'olth Day , , .if. ' / BO H ij . . -iv , " 4. FRITSCH'S PBUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existing remedy for every species - cies cf Acute or Chronic Dlsoma of the Organs of Kesplratlon , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! ii io all-powerful vegetable prepara. JL Uon expels from the lungs and air pas * Bagel , the mucus and muco-pus produced bypnlmormry inflammation , honlc the Irritated membranes , and ronovntes every organ which utilizes the breath of Ufo. It contains no stupefying poison , and Is In all respects a healthful medi cine. The rapidity and certainty " - Which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH h astonishing. Its effects fro deeper than tha more symptoms of pulmonary dis > enso and discharges the cause from the sy tem. Free and painless expectora tion Is the mode bywhich It relieve * the lungs , chest and throat from the burdens which oppress them ; thus arresting ; Con sumption and Bronchitis In thegermbe- fore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTL1NB FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of our ell > mate trill ilnd Frltsch's Prussian Conch Syi up a potent ally , and will assnredly win the flglit by adhering strictly to this great medicine. The GASES NOW ON RECORD In which It has been administered with entire success as a remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Re spiratory Functions , amount to more FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , and yet the prepnra - tion Is only In thelnfancy of Its useful- ness. The great defect of nil Cough Remedies hitherto Introduced Is that they are simply expnlsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are couched up are remoodnnd the ruptured , Inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , a cure is impossible. Fritsch's Prussian Conch Symp accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pns which are the con sequence of Xuiiff Disease , are thrown off by it , while at the same time It soothes and Invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , Influenzabronchial dlnicultles , tightness of the cheat.hoarse- ness , sore throat , trnchitls , inllamma- tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , It has net er been equaled. Sole agents In America , BICHABDSOJi It CO , SLLoulj.JIo. SOLD BY ALI , DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. ' A cow and uliceo cakcowa remedy for all llErasoe at the Hldnriya , 2 = ddsr , nd Urinary Or ars. It will posrnr sly cure Diabetes , UraTei , Drop sy , Bright'a Dbcase , Inability to retain or expell tin Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high cole red and scanty rrins. Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Genera ! Wukccsa , and all Female Com' plalnta. It avoids Internal medicines , la certain In it effects and cnra when notUlnj elBe can. For Bale By all Dmggiata or sent by mail free upon receipt of the price , ? 2. < X > . DAY 1 Y PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. your wldreaa tor ocr little book , How 8 WM Ssrod. " K. tin. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AKD St. Paul & Sioux Oity RAILROADS. The Oftf Karaite Sioux City Itouiel 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUPPS to ST. PAUL , MINNBAPOIJS DULUTH , or BISMAEOK , i.nd all polntaln Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. Thlj line 13 equipped with the Im proved Westlnghonaa Automatic Air Brakes and tflllcr Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AMD COMFORT g unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Carsowned and controlled ! > y the com pony , run Through Withznt Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trams leave the Union PacUa Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 5:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and Bt. Paul at 11335 a. m. , making JK9-TEN HOURS IN ADVANCS OT ANY OTHER Rocn. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p. m. , ar * rivLiP at Sioux City at 4:45 a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Conndl BInBg , at Sao a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. * P. R. R. ' F. C. HILLS , Snperln ndent. Missouri Valley , lowal F. E. ROBINSON , Ass't Oen'I PUB. Agent. J. H. O-BBYAlf , and Paswnger Agent , Conndl BInDl Gentle Women "Who * want glossy , luxuriant and wavy iresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must nso LYON'S KATH1IEON. This elegant , cbeap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , bealthyHalr is the sure result of using Eathoiron. SIAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXT.7. . QEEASE Composed largely of powdered mica and blnlm a the beat and cheapest lubricator In the world , t Is thebest because ! t don not ( ram , but farms a highly polished corface orer the azle , dolnjf aw y with a large amount of friction. It is tha cheapest because TO need use but half the quantity in greulnff your wazon thatyo'3 9&oll of any other axle ? reaM rnauv , ad then run your wajon twice aa lea ; . It angw ra ennalir u well for lini' Otufag , Tbresblng lUachlnto , SsfKlttttiC. , * * tat wagon * Send fer Pocket Cyclopedia of Thing * Wortn Knowing. Mailed ree to any addrees. MICA MAHUFACTORIKC CO. , 81 MICHIGAN AVENDB. CHICAGO. Your Osaler For it - ctta KIDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Blight's Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney tr Bladder "Diseases. Also for Yello-w Fever Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. -HTBy She distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUSIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT wa hay. discovered KlDNEQES.whlcb acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Onj iw , removing In Jurlow depoiita formed in tha bladdtr and preventing any straining , smarting seruatlcn heat or irritation . . . . . * * - * v w.v. u\ * * > j uu * ui ujmo. ibcau uv uiojiai * ii fcuuo , iuoil ciiiirikes 3nu unucnti arcumrtances without in Jury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficulties It has a very pleasant and agrebla tuta and flavor. It has been difficult to male a prepA U > n containing'positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to tbe stomach Before taking any Lirer medicine , try a bottle of KONEGKX to CLSANSK tha KIDNKYS from foul matter. Tryit and you will always nsd t as a family medldno. Ladies ttf eclally will like It an d Gentlemen willfind KIDNEQEN the best Kidney Tonic ever nsedt NOTICE Each bott'e ears tha rstrcituro ot LAWRENCE & MARTIN. asoa rroprlctary Oorern ment Stamp , which permits KIDMEGEN to be sold ( without Ucenss ) ty DrnjsUts , Grocers * nd Other Peraona tverywhere. t Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. If not found at your DrajsUta or Grocers , wo will send a bottle prepaid to the nearest sxpteat office to yon. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBUGGISTS , GROOEBS and DEALERS everywhere Wholesale ajenU in Omaha , BTEELE , JOItNSOK ft CO. , will supply the trade at nuuraf cta ITZS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITESEWING WAGHSi E Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor. The White Machine Justly claims to ho the best made , the easiest running , the Simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of. in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor * Davenport and 15th Sts. Omaha. 'JL'IHIK NEW AND CORRECT Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & ' NORTH-WESTERN. R'Y Is by all odds the best toad tor you to take when travellns la cither direction between ' Chicago and a ! ! of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine this Sfap. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ol all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal Hnes.rnna each way daily from two to fburormoro Fast Exnrean Trains. ItUtUo only road west of. Chicago that uses the - f - ' " PULL3SIAE' HOTEL DINJ2TG 'CARS. "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " "WInonaJIinnesota& Central Dakota Line. " ) 'SiouxCIty.Nor.Ncrjraska&YanktonlJii hicaso.SH'auIandJIInneapolisUne. 1 "Jior. Illinois , Freeport & Dubuqne Line. " "Milwaukee. Green Biw & Lake Superior Lino. " Tickets over thl3 rocil are sold by ail Coupon Ticket Agents m the Unlta States and Canndas. j Remember to ask for Tickets via this road , be snro they read over 11 , and take none other. HAEVIK HCGHITT.GenTManascr , Chicago. W. fl. SmSEIT.Gen'Lrass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. OOEU Tlck t Az nt C. &K. W. R ilw y , tb ardJFarnham'.Stretts. O. KIMBALL , Assistant Ticket Acent C & N. W. Kailwiy,14th and Farnham Streets. J. BELIi. Ticket xtrent C. & K. W. Railway , U. P , E , R. Depot. JAMK3T. OLARg'Oeneral Ag nt. And Everything pertaining to ine l'r.raitnra ana Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 8EV/ / GOODS AT ap Ii mba th ul 1298 and 1210 F&r&lmn. diresi. 1001 FARNHAM , cor. IBtli. Grand SPRING LOTH ING ! > H J *