THE DAILF BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING C , 916 .ParnAatn , bet. ttk and IDA SHU * TEBKS OF EUBSCBIFTION , t Copy 1 year. In advance postpaid ) . , | B. 6 months " " . ' * * 5 8 montna " " . > _ TIME TABUS- THE MAILS. \ O , * H , W.B.B J * > . m. , 0 B. * Q.BSO a. HL , S0 p. m. a B. I Sf. B. B. , 830 a , is. , fctO p. m C-AEt. JoeiSO a. m. 8.Clty4P.BSOa.ia. 0. F. R.B. , Ill0am. O. * R. V. to LIncolp , 10 a. m. B. M. B. B. . B : 0 a. m. O , k N. W. , 730 a. . onraM C. ft N. W. R.B , , 11 a. nu , 11 p. ea. 0. & ft q.,11 a. m. , 830 p. HU O.R. I. iP. , 11 a. m. . 11p.m. a B. fc fit , Jo * . , 11 a.m lip m. O. P. B , R. . 4 p. m. O. A R. V. from Uncoln , 11UO p. B. B. City * P. , B. & M. Inheb. , I p. rn. Ix > cl malls for State * low * iMTft bet am t day , TK < 30 a. m. Office open from IS to 1 p. THOMAS r. Arrival Ajad Departure * f Trains UKION PACIFIC. UA.VB. Dally Express..UOS p. m. do Mixed 8:10 p. so. do rrolght.i:30 a , m. MOP , * . do _ .8:16 a. m. IS0afi. TIME OABD OF THE BURUNBTOK. LIITC OXABA. I HOT * WCAKI. Express. . . . .biO p. m. J CxprasB.1030 a. n , Jail . _ :00 m. m. I IbEl . 1030 p. SB. Sundays Exempted. | Sundays Esesptad. CHICAO O.moCK 1BLAKB ft PACIFIC. nan . _ .e Ok.K. l u . nwop-Bx. Erprcs.3iO : pm. I IipiWi.l < WO a. m. CHICAGO 2COKTHWISTEKH. XaL . _ .t : > Ga.mIMaH . - T30p- . I > prtf _ . . .Jitlpm. : ] I EJLII taa .1030 m. rn. Bondays accepted. _ EAXEAE CITY , BT. JOE * COUKCH. BLUm LI1V1 IJLKm. li .L . _ .8.-00 a. m. I Xxcreas.7l v ra. ErpreM . 6400 p. m , | HaO . 7:86 J. tn. The only line ronnlmc Pnflman StaeptetOaii ant of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA ft NOBTHEBH NEBRASKA EAtt * WAYOOHPAKT. Leave Arrive. XzrreM . .80 a. m. I Frpreas _ .t30 p , . Hired . WOp m. I Mixed . 10:45 a. m Dally Except Sundays. B. & M. B. B. la KdRASKA. LKJ.TS. Thrush Erpre * _ . fcSOa m freight ted Aceom . . . TOTprn AKUTK. Throuph Express . * -Op m htaud Aceom. . . . . . 840 a B EIOCZ CITY ft ST. PAUL B. R. K U. . . . . . _ . . 8:10 : a m I Express. . 1WO m . 8.40pm I M i. . . . . -2ft p B ST. LOUIS ft PACIFIC. UAVM. UtWTM. Call . Ba.B.jKifl - 111 a. B Express SiOp. m. | xprees.fcS6 p. SB. BRIDGE DmEION O. F. B. B. Leive Omaha , dally ? 8 a. nu , t a. BL , 10 B. . 11 i. m. . 1p.m. , 1 p. B.Ip.B.p.Bt.ap. m. . inn Conndl Blufft&K a * BL , fcM a. Bn IOM a-n. , 1135 vm. , 136 p , BLfcM p. rtL , B35 p. m. , 6:25 p. m &S6 p. B Tour trips on Bandar , Intlnc OBaha at 0 aa < II a. m. , ! and 6 p. m. ; Cornell Blrfi at 11:26 . nv , and S5 and 136 p , B. Irtssre Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7. a , p. m. , i O p. m. , 136 p. a. , Leave Ooundl BlnUK 6:18 a. HI , , KM a 11:10 ami&ASp. m. , 7K)0 ) p. B. , 7SO p. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA ft REFUBUCAK VALLEY B. LUVC , 10t5a.B.t Dallr except Snodav * . ATTMIIiTl-AT-LAW. J. ENGLISH , > TTOBJfEY AT LAW-S10 Soulh Ihlrteenth Ji. SU , 1ta J. M. WOOLWORTH. CHARLES POWELL , "USTICE OF THE PEACE Comer Hth and Farnham 8U. . Omaha Keb. WM. SIMERAL , * TTORNET AT LAW Room 6CrelghtoB A Block , 18th St. . OMAHA , KKB. D. L THOMAS , A TTORKXT AT LAW Loaai money , fceyt J\ . and Belli real ectata. Boom 8Crel Bton Block. A. C. TRNf , AT LAW-0 9 In ATTORKir Oeorf * K. Prtto > U , 1MB I arnham St. WiAKA.KKB. DEXTER LTRHIAt , AT LAW OnrimmilTTf ATTORKET A. Mi CHAWIK , TTORNET AT LAW-OfiM 1IM . Btr ct. Lt.WTKB OSLoe In CrelfbtOB BioA , Met U PoetOfflce , OOIUOTSOM Q'lRIEN ft IARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Liw - - * ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH ILfJK. HR. NNHTM CTB. OKAHA , JTKB. W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. Office : Front rooms , m ftaintn new brick tmlldlnj , K. W. eetfiM fMUUi nd Famham Street * . . KIDICX. UEDICK * REBIGK. Attorneys-at-Law. attention wU tw ctT * > te an KJuBt orporatloni ot ( Terr decsriptton ; wtll practice In al Rhe OonrU ct the BUU and th United State * . Office , ratnham Bt , oppoctU Oonrt Bonee. EDWARB W. SIMERAU AT LAW BOOB e Block , UthandDoa < liitr U. BO dB 6. F. HAHBERUX. TTORKZT At LAW Ml ItafBham L Omaha Ktbrxka. W. T. KICBMM. O. J. Ho If RICHARDS & HUNT , Auon ? < 5ys-at-Law , .0i * < "IE Sonth Tocrtecnth Strtet. $6 NT 6 OtAtI8 of otlj r thla i wb n GasU OlaOi stayed Children oft ask U he make * coodf or not , It rwJly he Area In a mountain of now. Last year an excursion Bailed clear to the Pol * And taddcnly dropped In to what teemedtlktabol * Where wonder of wonders they found anew land , TYhlle falry-uke being ! appeared n each hand. There were mocnUlnj like ourf , with more be.uttful preen , And tar brighter ikle * than eret were aeen. KrJa with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of ezqulilte * In aronnd. Not long were they left to wondr In donta & beln ? Boon came they had heard mnch abost , Twu Santa Claus1 self and th Isthey all s y , ? elw > ked like the picture f etee erery diy. He drove cp a team that looked rtrr queer , 'Twaa a team of crasaboppen Int&ead of retndMT , Be rode In a shell Instead of a tielch , But he took them on totrd and dnra them away. He showed them all urer his wonderful realM , And iactorloa making poods for women and man Furriers were working on haU gnat and KtalL To Bnnce'd ther raid they were sending them aU. Kris Kindle , the Glore Maker , told them at oooe , All our Oloves we an sending to Bono , Bauta ( bowed them suspenders and maor thlsfi Saylnr I alse took thea * to triesd fiance's stan. Santa Claua then whispered -wont bcM UU , As In Omaha every one knew Boooa wan. He iherolore ahemd aend his cooda to Us eats , Knowing his friends will got their fall sbara. Now ternamber ye dwellers In Omaha town. All who want prcaonU to Bonce's p > rofBd. For shirts , collan , or clovoa great aad ssoaU , Send your aister or aunt one and al _ Bunco , Champion Batter ot tbe Wast , Boadat eot. Omaha Hamburg Line. WEEKLY LINE OP STEAMERS LEAVIKO NEW YORK EVERY T1IOBSDAT AT 2 r. . , TOR Sngland , France and Germany For Passage apply to C. B. RICHAKB & . General Passenger Agents , 61 Broadway , Maw Toxic. EAVK E.MOORES UEKRY PUKDT. VINEGAR WORKS ) EENST EEEBS , Muuer rE E ntt it i Met. aOJTZaTA JTJTJI' OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AtTOMMfm J.O. E03T8 Art Eraporium , 15 Dodge nnfUUP lnUBf a , Chromes . BOSKEB , 1968 DoagUa 81. Good Style * . REAL ESTATE. JOHN U MoCAQUE. opposite poatoSce. W.K.BA&TLETT.n7 Sooth 13th Street. OCFKEKEaiKEKDELSBHON ; ABCBnTTECTS , Boom 11 , Crtlgtton Block. A T. LABOE. Jr Boom 2. Crelgbton Block > Mere AMD JAKES OlVtNE & CO , FineBooUand Shoea. A good assortment of bom * work on hand , cor. Uth and Barney. TE03 EBICKSON. 8.E. cor. 16th andDongiaa JOHNTOBTONATUS , 69510th St. , mMnfactnrea v order good \ erk ct fair prices. Bep fb ? dee * . J. F.'EABRtireft. Mjinnf uturtr. VIss chert * BPr. W9KS.IKWSAMSTATWKBY J. 1. FBOKUAUr , 1015 Fwnhsm Street. B.TTCIAKDECCS- McSHAXE & SCQEOEUEK. the oldest B , nd E , house to Nebmk , e Ublls1iedU76 , Otiuhs. MRlHtt CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , cmtttwwt cor. 16th and Ocdge. Best Baud for the Moner. Sattt&eUon QCtMbleed. If * Jl t 1 Hours , BjxrdbyttilDty , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnltbed Boom * Supplied. CAMMCCS AM MAB WAC8MS lTM.8NrDKH.Ko. 1319 nth sod Hsroey St ClYli ENCMBIS AM SWYEYMtft. AJTOREW KOSKWATER , 1610 Farohsm St. Town Surreys , Qnd and Sewerage Systems a KKCHAKTS * JOHN Q. WILLIS , 1114 Dodre Street. S. B. BECKER. For details s * Urge Adrertls * * nat In Dan and Weekly. KMtSAWTiMCM. WEST A nilTcCHER , Uanntactunn of CIgu * , d Who Male Dealers In Tobaccos , 1305 Uvag. r. LOSES ZEJT. sainpticterBr , 61410th St. . WMKSi Western Cornice Work ? , lUnafccturers Iron OorcKe , Tin , Iron and Slate BooBnr. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the beet manner. Factory and Office 1810 Dodge Etrcrt. Oalranked Iron Cornices , Window caps , etc. BianBfactandaad put up la any part ot the country. T. BISHuLD , 4lB Thirteenth St. , " . . BOKKEB , 1389 Douglai St. Good Line. CUTRMC AM FVftWSHfttGC&MS OEO. H. PETERSON. Abe Bite , Cap * , BaoU , Shoe * , Kotloai and Cutlery , 801 S. 10th tt. CLBTHtNG IWCHT. a SHAW will pay highest cash price f r second hand clothing. Coner 10th and Farnham. ' KNTISTS. DR. PAUL. Wmiagar Block. Cor. 15th k Dodre MK5nUKTSAM LS. KTJBHJ.CO. . Fancy Goods , OCT. lithaUd W. J. WXRBKK7II , Wholesale k Ket H,18 tt C.C. FIELD , Ml Herthbde Cuialnt Strt.t , StfAM. HTMIM.NITWNLTC. JOHH H. F. LEHUAKN&CO. , Hew York VTJ Goods Store , 1310 and 1S12 Farn- ban street J. C. Enewold , also koots & shoes , 7 tb A. Padflc A. F. CROSS , 5e < r and Second Hand Furniture and Otevee , 1114 Douglas. E. O. Turreon Agt. J. BONNES , 1SB9 Dooclas St. Fine Goods , &c- FENCE WMKS OUAHA FENCE CO. GUST. FRIES * CO. , ISIS Hamey St. Improv. eJIce 1)0X0 , Iron and Weed Fences , Office tunings. Counters of Pun and Walnut. FUR T. A. Donaehue , plinU , ctt. floWen , seeds , boqnets etc. . K. W. cor 16ib nd Donclae Sts. F8MBRT. JOIIM WKARKB A SQNd.cor. Htht Jackaonit. CMCER8. Z. STEVENS SlitbMwMBCnming and lard. T. A. McSHAVE , Corner S3d tx& Coming Sts. KATTtll. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , 1886 DoHgto Slrtfct , Wholenle KAMWAK KM A B STEEL DOLAJJiLlNQ WORTHY , WholttjJf , 110 and lit 15th St. A. HOUCES , contr let * anil ClU drnla. MRMtSS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WEIST , 31 13th St. , bet. Faro. * Har. MAT AM MNMETIUACHERY. Ladles get roar Straw , Chip and Felt Hati done mp at northeMt corner BeVentcentii and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE. PROP CASHKLD HOUSE , & ' . Cabfield , 9th k Farn. DORiM HOUSE , P. BlCary , SUFambamSt. BLAVEK'8 HOTEL , r. Slaren , 10th 9 treet. Boa then Hot * ! . Oat. Famel.Ctht Le t en worth rNTELUKIICE 8FFKE. MRS. LIZZIE DENT , 11T 16th Street. xmias JOHK BACKER. < jtj Fainham Street JVKK- E. BCRTHOLD , Rain nd Ketats. LVMin , UK AM CEMENT FOSTER & ORAT , corner 6Vh and Douglu SU. UMPIAMKAtSWARE. J. BO5KES , USB Douglas 6U Good Variety. KRCWWT TAHMJ * One otow Bed popular Merchant rallors Is re- celling * * * bA * * dedgns for Spring and Sam- raere U for gentlemen's weir. StylU&.dnrable and pltaes low -never , SIS 18th bet. Doug. IKAT.IMMCETS. The Boston Market. MOQLEk JETTER , Fresh and Cored II eats , Game. Ftoa. Poaltir , Etc. , 2020 Curalnt Street. MHlrKEJtY. HR8. C. A. RTKOER , Wholesale and ReUlL Fancy Good * ia great tariety , Zephrrs , Card Boards , Htnlerr , gloves , coneU , tc. Cheapest Boaee In the Weit , Purchmssrs lave SO per cent. Order by Kail. 116 Fifteenth Bt. MUS. OMAHA CITS' MILLS , 8th and Farnham Sts. Wetehaaa Snt. , proprietors. _ SBRCEOXS. W. 3. GIBBS , M. D _ Boom No. 4 , Crelghton Block. Uth Street. P. 8. LEISENfUKG , V. D , Hasenle Block. L. HABT , M. D. , Eye and Kar , opp. posteffice DB.L.B.GBADDT. OcolUt and AorUt , 14th and Douglas Streets. Or.nd Central Osll-rj. 21i Flrtftnth ness Gcarunteod. pirnwnc , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P. W.TABPY&CO. . 210 ink St. , bet. Faro- bam k Douglu. Work prosoptly attended to. D.FITZPATRICK. 1189 Poadaa Street. PAWnNCMH PAKKNAKCINC HEKRY A. K03TER8.1US Dodge Sireet. MHl. J. ROSEKTKLP , 110th St. bet. Farn. & Har. KmCEMTMB CANFIELO'S PATEKT C. F.OOODMAy , Hth St. . bet. Farn. A Bar. SMW CAK MMWFACTORT O.J. WILDE , IlamitacUtrertJsd Dealer In all kinds ot Show Caw , UprirhtCase * ic , 13U Cua St. STUrtSAWTHnrAIE. A. BURKESTEB , Dealer In Store * and Tinware , and Mannlactorer otTlnBooCaaad all kind * ot Banding Work Odd Fellows' Block. J.BOSHKB.MBOPoug. St , Good and Clmn. SEEBS J. EVAKS. Wholesale and Betall Seed Prills and Cultivator * . Odd Falters II all. INKSTKCS * Phlllpp TJJC. 1S Farnham st. bet. 13th fcllth. xem MM STME FCKKIK8 & LEAR , 1116 Douglaa St. , Kew and Second Band Furniture , H u Furnishing Oooda. J c. , bought and aoldon narrow matins. SAtMNK- BENBY KAUFMANN , IB tht w brick block on Douglas Street , baa Jotopentd a moat elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lone * from 10 to It everrdav. FLAXSEBT , . . . , JMI neeiBad a Beat and complete establlah- SMsrt rhkk. tUMlsu : FISE adMotkw Ship * i ni Pr pfcCT , wta bopea for the boys wiu Hot&aiefcooaadsJUrpresratdate. J. FALCOrog. 678 IRh Street RHCWC , Ml Farnfcaaa bet.lBtJi * llth ten eotiMM. r.XftACKWrtWrmMlHBi sttaacycvods. s ' M AGRICULTURAL. Selecting Trees for Planting. Personi of experience almost Invar iably select email tteea , Tfbetber they ro int&nded for shade , ornamentation or the production of Fruit. On the contrary , persons who have had no ex perience in the matter choose those that are quite large and tall. They have an idea that they trill effect a rain of several yean' growth by plant ing verr large trees. Observation and experience show that such fa not ordinarily the case. A large tree that has been several times transplanted in the nursery grounds , the roots and branches being judic'onaly pruned. each time , may , If rt OMe be t n in. tuo nigging up and setting out. be made to grow ete&dlly v&ea. pl&ed in a permanent Situation. As a rale , however , if the transplanting ba done In the ordinary careless manner , the tree will show signs of vitality during two or three yean , and will then per ish. Sometimes a few branches will live , and at other times a sucker will shoot out on one side , bllt in either base the tree will be wanting in sym metry and beauty. Generally a tree suffers by removal in proportion to its age and size. If it is young and small it can be transplanted without an/ es sential injury to therools ; if , however , it Is large it will be very difficult to prevent Injury to the roots. If trees not more than three years old receive after they are transplanted the same cultivation they would have received had they remained In the nursery , they will rarely fail to make a good growth. Some persona insist on receiving no trees that are not straight and tall , and are , perhaps , Ignoranta of the fact that all specimens of certain varieties are crooked and comparatively short Dealers who ard very scrupulous , will satisfy their demands by giving them trees of the form and size they demand , but they are not true to name. Perambulating treevenden seldom Carry as samples sny trees that are not tall , straight , and covered with smooth bark , they will l&bfcl abd bill them to suit the de mands of customers. Trees having extremely long or tap roots can only be transplanted with any prospect of their living when they are quite small. Trees obtained of local nlir-otymsn are much mote likely to live and thrive than those procured from a dis tance. They are ont of the eronnd a shorter time , are injured less by ex posure , am subjected to ! ti3 same climatic influences they have been ac customed to , and are generally planted In a soil similar to that In which they formerly stood. Preventing Scab 8n Potatoes. Potatoes produced from the newer varieties are less likely to ba scabby than thosa raised from the seed of varieties that have commenced to "ran oat" The character of the soil in which potatoes are raised an im portant influence on them In this res pect Potatoes grown in soil that con tains considerable iron are very likely to have rough SkinS Or to be so scabby that it is necessary to pare them be fore they are cooked. They are In no. condition to be baked , as their ap.- pearance will prevent their being placed on a tasty table. Potatoes sell much better if covered with a smooth skin tree from spots or felem&hea of any kind , tfof home consumption they are greatly to be preferred. The time employed in removing the skjn from potatoes biforr they are eooked is considerable , and the lets Involved is largo ffhtn they are high. The most valuable portion of the tuber is nearest to the surface , and in remov ing the ildn before cocking fre lose the Part thftth \ tit tnS greatest value tor food. A farmer's wife in writing to a Kansas paper has this to say on the subject : Housewives dislike the sabbyiour , vy potatoes that have in the latter days been so common. They do not look nice , they ar * wasteful , and there Is nothing pleasant abont tnom. Still we scrapa and wash , and wash aud scrape , for baked potatoes era a rod luxury , and we do not raht them boiled , The other day a frhiid told me how to prevent potatoes being so rough and toabby. Two years before , his brother , a small farmer , fell short of manure , and set his wits to work to provide a cheap substitute. He had mannied part of his potatoes in ) the the hill. He had a quantity of forest leaves that he had used to bank his house , piled up in the barn yard ; so , for want of something better , ho fin ished manuring his potatoes with the leaves. Theee potatoes grew fully as well , were as large , and had more blossoms than those mannrad from the compost heap. When he harvested them the contrast jwas more marked. The potatoes were more uniform In size , larger and more of them , and they were perfectly smooth. Last yenr he plowed as many loads of leaves into his ground-as if it were manure , then he put them into the hill and planted his po tatoes as usual. The result was far ahead of the preceding year. The potatoes yielded splendidly , and not a scab was found on the whole piece ; the potatoes were as smooth and good as potatoes raised thirty years ago. He told his brother that he was not philosophical enough to explain the reason , but he vte satisfied that the decaying leaves furnished the right kind of plant food for rotatoes , and that hereafter he should use It In pre ference to any other fertilizer , and earnestly recommended his brother to do the same. Soft Corn. Various persons who have had long experience in Iowa , nays The State Begifter , are predicting that sound earn onld bp J $ ! pet tmfhel ono ya-ir hence. They cKm ( that hlrsye after a long and cold winter there have been partial failures of the corn crop unripe , soft , and frost-bitten. This Is not a necessary consequence. We have noticed in twenty-six years' ob servatlon that when from any cause corn was planted late the results have been soft corn. When wheat and oats can be sown in March , then there is time to prepare corn-ground in April ready for planting in early May. But when winter lingers late into the spring so that the work on the farm cannot bo commenced till the middle of April or later , then it is impossible with our large farms and limited help to plant the corn in time to insure a sonnd crop. lu our experience in this climate wa have never known the cold to continue in the spring toe late , If corn was planted as soon as the soil would permit , to prevent the matur ing of a good crop. Oar work is by the nature of our crops too much crowded. Having little or no winter wheat , we bavo everything to do in the spring wheat , eaU , flax , pota toes , and corn , all crowded Into our short springs. This is the cause of soft corn following a long winter. And the coming spring , that farmer who plants good seed , in the uiual season , will need no insurance company to guarantee a good , sound crop. Oar farms by some process must be arranged differently. More prepara tion for the spring planting must be done in the fall So many crops which need planting at the same time must be partially abandoned. Not only the crowd at seeding time greatly re duces the profit of the farm , but dif ferent arrangements for harvest must be made. At present our corn , has to be abandoned too soon to cut the h y. And before the hay is done the wheat claims attention , and. Its demands Boat be heeded , Before it Ur sniely ia ' hock the heavy crop of cnla'is crippled down and half destroyed. WJth the ordN aary force on the fens these crowding claims cannot be attended to. Htll of the hay is left Until it drop's Itfl seed , wbgn it i& not sb good as brighl straw. The oats will have to be har' Vested at double cost and half lost. It is better , therefore , that the farmer do not arrange to have these three crops calling on him at the same time. Bet ter abandon some on * of the crops which cannot be harvested. And It needs w sdom to rightly decide what is best to do. But it Is evidently wrong to toil to raise a crop and then let it Unavoidably go to aste. GAME AND FOOD FISH. THE PBOFAOATION OF THE VAB10US knfDS or JISH , AND THE \VATZES IK WHICH THEY WILL THBIVE. Seth Qretn in S. Y. Trlbulle. Many people seem to entertain the Idea that our game fish are not food fish , and that the 7ork of the fish commissioners has been confined al most exclusively to the propagation and increase cf game fish. The fact of the matter Is that our better class of ffeth water food fish is composed principally of game fish. It costs no more to cultivate a good variety of fish than it does an inferior one , and I am sure the people would rather live on beef than liver ] especially tthen one costs no more than the other. Some waters are not calculated to produce the best varieties of fish , and it is therefore Impossible to stock such waters with anything but the more common kinds. For instance , some persona rrrlto mb thEt they have a small like in their vicinity , perhaps a mile or two long and proportionately wide , principally muddy bottom , and containing flags and pond Hllies , and they wish to stock it with black bass. My reply is that black bafts will net do well In such water , for the reason that it does not answer the requirements of their nature. * They require clear , bright water , with a rocky bottom , and crawfish for food , also a larger territory for their increase ] as in water suitable for them tnby multi ply rapidly. They thrive best In large , clear lakes and swift , rocky rivers. For such waters as described above , I would recommend yellow perch and bull hoadtf , and if It con tained both of these Varieties ) abd it was desired to put in another kind , I would advise Oavrego bass , a fish close ly resembling the black bars in ap pearance , but differing greatly in hab its and other particulars * I am frequently called upon to fur nish salmon trout for small lakes , riv ers and creeks. I have tried the ex periment many times of patting them In such watery but the ? hSVa Invari ably failed to thrive. The cnly waters they do well in are large , clear water lakes having a depth of not less than 100 feet. They are strictly a deep lake fish. In fihallow ia&ei the water gets too warm for them , and unless they can have access to the deep , cold water , beyond the penetrating rays of the sun , they will surely die. Money-Orders. K.Y. Snn. "Of or § 51,000,000 In hard cash passed through our bands last year , " said Mr. William Fllmley , the gen * era ! Superintendent o ! the money- order .department Jh Ihg Sew York postomce , yeaterday. "By our hands I mean the whole department New York does about one-eighth of the entire business of America. I can safely eay that the sjateta now ! n .vogde ia itt perfect na we cab reasona bly expect it to be , no matter how much polishing we give it "It seems incredible that thl vast affair is 3 young in yO > rs. It was only sixteen yoar5 _ Ego that 0 , F. Mc Donald conceived and started the idea of the money-order department into life. Before that it was only by the most elaborate care and lynx-eyed precaution ; that eVbn sffiall amounts of money could be sent from one point to another with any certainty of safe carriage ; but now its safety has be come such an assured fact that people never consider the idea of hslns ; their money at all , biit stmp'ly make ont an orderand send It on its way. Who ever hears of a loss nowadays ? Mr. McDonald , the originator of the now at its head. He is the chief of the money-order system 'In Washington. A recent recommenda tion of his in relation to the , fees charged for sending money through the Money-Order Department is a re duction from ten to five cents on amounts not exceeding $5 ; and on or * ders over 5 , and not over SiO , a re duction from ten cents to eight cents , and an extension of the limit ot the amount that may be sent in any one case from $50 to $100. I am in favor of Chief McDonald's recommendation , and think , though I'm by no means sure , that Postmaster James , now that he is in the Cabinet an Postmas ter General , will view it favorably also. " "What is the smallest amount yon ever ma'de ont an order for ? " Mr. Plimley considered a moment ) and then touched a little electric batten - ton on the side of his desk. The desk is a curiosity. It has a row of eight or ten buttons down each side , with a bronze plate over each one , eetling forth _ in black letters exactly what clerk in an indicated department may ba expected to answer. On the top Is another long row of buttons , and at each end are mere , eight and nine being grouped together on one plate in some instances. While the general superintendent talked to the reporter yesterday _ his business went on as usual. He touched one button , and in a momenta clerk appeared with a bundle of checks and immediately withdreTT. Mr. Pllmloy signed 2 or 3 checks , touched a button , and they ra taken a y by another clerk. He nt righton and signed several more , touched a 'third button , wheu the third clerk appeared , and so on during the whole interview. Mr. Plimley now pressed one of the mystic but tons , and in half a minute a uniform ed clerk stood by his side. "What's the smallest money-order ever sent ! " "One cent , sir. " "Many of them ? " "Very few. They were probably sent for a joke. Quite a number have been sent for 5 , 10 or 15 cents , but people In general fail to see the wis dom of paying a fee of 10 cents for sending five. " "Very good. " The clerk bowed and withdrew , and Mr. Plimley turned to the reporter and said : "The increase in the amount of money we handle will interest if not astonish yon. The number * of money orders issued during Ihe fiscal year was 7,240,537 for the Thole United States. This in money reach ed the enormous sum of $100,352- 818.83. Ovei a hnndred millions passed in absolute safety through our hands. The fees paid to the poatoffice department reached the aggregate of $910,452 80. For the transaction of all this an immense amount of corre spondence is necessary. We wrote nearly 40,000 letters last year. " "You spoke of the increase " "True , If you are not tired of fig ures I will give you some more. In 1879 we had 1,161,378 transactions , amounting in money to $43,652,274.- 37. This was an increase over 1878 of 100,119 transactions and $5,000 - ? A D6Xfc J8" ' 1880 8howed 1,351,095 transactions , annuatine In all to S51,531,740.o This wfs a gain over the previans year of 189720 transactions , and § 7,679,476 .67. The work is constantly increasing. The average of all the orders Is § 13. " "Draw It m'JiT M tha bor With the tooth Eid. to tha csrsd * r us532 r. Glveh up by tha Doctrira. dbStora have laiied to care , and have given their pf.tienla up to die , ElectrloJBitiers have often been need , and a core effected , greatly to the astonishment of all Diseases of the Stomach , L'ver , Kidneya and Urinary Organs are positively cured fey Electric Bitters. Tney Invariably care Constipation Headache and nil Bilious Attacks. Try them , and ba convinced that they are tbe beat med icine ever Used. Sold bjr all drngsUs at fifty canto a bottle. (3) ( ) Stop that Cougn. If yon are Buffering with a Cough Cold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption ) loss of voice , tickling of thB thro * . ; or AHy affection ol the Throat or Longs , use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy thaUs causing BO much excitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless caaoa. Over a million bottles of Dr. fiSn a If8w DisepPiifj * have bMh used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections , and can cheerful * ly recommend it to all. Gall and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for $1.00. ' Ish & McMahon , Om- aha. (3) ( ) EacBU a'a ' Arnica SsUvo The BHT8ABV6 lb the world foi. Onta , BrnlBeB , ScfeS , UlcefS ; Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands ; Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve la guaranteed to give perfect aatiafac * tlod In every-CMo or money re landed , Frloo 35 oosto.pnr bt . For afile by 8dly lab & McMahon Omaha. REGISTRATION NOTICE. MATH OP NEBRASKA , \f Notice 18 hereby given to the. ( lectors , of.thb Fonrtl ! Ward , City of Omaha , tliat I will sll in tha store of James Foray th , northwest coiner cf " " .handCapitol Avenue on Monday , Tuesday -ud Wednesday , H < uch 2Stn. 29th and 30th , and Friday. Saturday and Mondjy , April 1st , 2nd and 4th , 1831 , for tha purpose of registering the electors of aald waid , for c ty e eetion to be held on theBth day o ! April , 183li Bus Nbtlth U hertby gfveH , that , a rfe * LBt ot M electors will Have to be made , owing to the changes made in tbe ward boundary , and tbt electors will govern theirselves accorolnslv. Inwi'nnswhererf , I hereunto set my hand this 18th day of March , "A. D. " 1881. JOHN 8. WOOD , nietorJ " fi'glrtnr : REGISTRATION NOTICE. THtED WABD. All Voters n rtH ot HowardrtreSt , eatt oi ] 5lb street and aonth of Davenport will take notice , 1 lit is rogls rar ot voters at my office , north east oo uer of 14th and Douglas streets ( So. J324) up utalra , on March 21st and Uaich igtb , and April 4tn , 1831 , for rezUtratton and cor rection of 3rd ward Toters. WMi H. B1LEY , mil to at .BUgtttrlr 8rdWrd : REGISTRATION NOTICE. STATI Or NSKUSKA , > _ , DocoLAs.foninT , fr Uonday , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday. March 28th , 20th , 30th and 3l3t , and Friday and Saturday , April lit and Znt , for the purpose of registering the voters of aald ward , A new list Will be made , and all voters ot mid ward are re- ( ( nested to appear personally , that their flames may be proptHrfcliteral : , . . WltUess mjhiad this 2lit da of MaiccH , Aj D.18S1. F. M. 8TENBERO , . m8210t Beghtrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby givoa that I will sit at tbe U. P. Bakery , on 16th street , on Thursday , March list , 18S1 , for the i urpoee of registering the dec ors of the 6th War ! . SCHUYLEK WAKEFIEU ) . m 8-tol2 BejrHtrar 6th Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE. BIXTfl WARDi Nollcels hereby given to the lcr-1 voters of the elxth Ward ot the City of Omaha , that 1 will sit at mv ttrre , No. 3022 Cnmlnz street , between 20th and list a reetr , on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thuraday. Saturday and Monday. of Mai cli S9th. 30th , 31st , and April 2d and 4th , for the purpose of registering the voters of silo ftara. , A llewjiat ftlll be Wade , an ! } , all fqlSrS ot sa'd ward are requested to appear Inperson that their namei may be properly registered. Witness my hand this 23th day of March , A. D , 188L C. C. FIELD , m29 6t Brglstrar. Emopeanlieinedy Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. It Ia a positive care f or Sptrmatorrhea , Seminal Weakness , lajpoteuey.and aa dUeases naoltln ; Irom Self-Abuse , aa Mental Anxiety , Loss ot Memory , fains In the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to , Consumption Insanity and an early grave The Spedfie Usdldne U bsing use with wonder * tnl success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write 'f&T them and Ret full particulars. Prica , Specific , I1.CO perpackage , or six pack * ages for J5.00. Address all orders to . B. SIMPSOK MEDICINE CO. , Hos. ' M and 108 Main St. , Buffalo , ff. T. Sold In , maha by 0. F. QCOdCan , 1. rT. Bell I. K. I Jh ind all drnxgiisa every where . _ _ _ IseniMtwly PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES - PLIES AND TRANSPORT ATION. T\EPABTMENT OF THE 1NTEBIOB ; Office JLot Indian Affairs , Washington , March 23 , 1SSL Sealed proposals , Indorsed rroooaats for Beef , Bicon , Hour , Cot " > \ng \ or Transportation , &c. , ( M the case miy be , ) and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Mo * . 65 and 67 Wooster Street , h tw Yoik , will be received un- tif 11 .m. of Monday , May 2 , 1831. for fumish- Idg for the Indim service about 800,000 pounds Bacon , 40,000,000 poundt Beet on the hoof , 129- 000 pounds Beans , TO 000 poundi Ba Vine Powder , 2,300,000 pounds Corn , 760,000 pounds Coffee , 8- SOOOOOpound8FIour,212,000 pounds Feed.300,000 voundi Hard Bread , 75 00) pounds Hominy , 9.- 000 pounds Lard , 1,650 br.rrela Uess Fork , 233- 000 pounds Rice , 11,100 pounds Tea , 72,990 ronnda Tobacco , 200,000 pounds 5alt , 200,000 pounds Srap , 6,003 tounda Soda , 1CSOCOO pounds Sugar , and 8D3OOOpoTini3 Whei' . Also. Blanka's , Woolen EU ! Cotton goods , ( c nsistaj In r t of levins : , 36.000 yards ; Standard Calico , 300,000 ya rds ; OiHlin , 23,000 yards ; Duck , fro * from all sizing , 175,003 yards ; Denims , 17,000 yards ; Gingham , 50,000 rw1' ; Kentucky Jeans , 20,000 yards ; Satinet , 4,500 vards ; Brown Sheeting , 218,00) yards ; Bleached bhcetlni ; , 9,000 yards ; Ili.kory Shirting , 12,000 yaids ; Calico Shirting , 6,000 yards ; Winsey. V 600 yards : ) Clothing. Groceries , Kotions , Hardware - ware , Medical Supplies ; and a long Hat ot mis cellaneous articles , such as Harness , Plows , , Forks , tx. , and for 475 Wagons required for the service In Arizona , Colorado , Dakota , Idaho , Indian Ten , Minnesota , Montana , Ne- bnuka , Nevada ami Wisconsin , to be delivered at ChicjRO , Kama * , City and Sioux Ci'y. ' A'so , Transportation mr such of the Supplies , Goods and articles that may not be contracted for to be delivered at the Agencies. Bids mvut be made Out on Government blanks. Schedules showlnz tbe kinds and quantities of subsistence supplies required for each Agen. cr. and the kinds and quantities , in cross , of all other goods and articles , together v , ftb blank proposals and terms for contract and bond , con ditions to be observed by bidders , time and place c f del'viry ' , terms of contract and pay ment , transportation routes , and othernecejsarv Instructions wid be furnished upon application to the Indian Office in Washington , or New. , 65 and ef Wooster Street , New York , Wm. U. Ljon , No. 483 Broadway , Ken York ; and to the Commk sulei of Subsistence , U. S. A , ' at Chicago cage , Saint Louis , Saint Paul , Lcavenuortb , San Francisco , Omaha , Cheyenne , and YanUton , and the Postmaster at Sioux City. Bids will be opened at the bour and day above stated , and bidden are invited to be present at the omniuc. CSRTinCD CHECKS. All bids must be accompanied by certified chccta upon Botue United Stitci Depositor } ' or Atsistant Treasurer , for at leatt flve per cent , of the amount of the propoaalf. THOMAS M.NICHOL , mar28-lin Actln ; ComnJasinner. .a week J12a day at home.ejailj made ; cash ' ontnt fnM.Addiea Tine fc Cn.Pnrtlml.W AQEHTSWANTKD EOK tha Fastest Selling Book ot the Agel Foundations or Success. ' BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. Th * lawa ot trad * , legal forms , how to traa * . act biulneaa , ralnabl * tables , codal etiq-Mtt * , carltamentarj naage , how to conduct public builnets ; Infect Ills a complete Guide to Sac. cetaforallclasaea. A family necesd-y. Addrtan terdrcaUrsandsp cUlsr = \NCHOB PUB- UaHINO CO. . St. LouU. Ho. TWO DOLLARS WIU , SEOTJBB THE WEEKLY BEE For One Year. NO CHANGING CARS -8E.HWtJjf- OMAHAAND CHICAGO , Where Dir ct connections are Made Wth Through Sleeping Oar Lines TO Tort , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash- inntou , AND ALT. KASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via pEGRlA fer Indianapolis.CincinnatiiLoUJs- ville. ASD AU FOIM3 IX THS BSst LlNfi Ftffl ST. LOUi § , Where Direct Connections are made In tha UNION liEPOT wi h Through Sleeping 1C Car Lines for all Points s The Nett JLiiie ibf IDES 3vCOIIsrg-S- The Favorite Eoute for . Thb Uneiiaaled Indllce.ra.6nti fffCrM br thla Line to Travelers and Tourists , are aj follows : Iho celebrated Pullman (16-wheel ( ; Palace ble-p- tojr Cars , iun only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. P.lace PrawlnKoom Core , with Horton's Ue > cllnlnsCh In No eitra charge for Snta In Rpcljn'njr ChalM , The ' -.mous f . B. & Q. Palace Dinlnr ban. uo'retSJa SmBllH * CIrs fltUd with Elegant Hi h-Backed Rattan Revolrlu ; Chain for the excluiiro use of flrat-tlass pjasen Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com * lined with their Great Through Car Arronje- ra8ti ttaScD thb , abofe all qthcrr. the faTOrite Route to thr East , So'uth , ana SoathKst : Try it , and you will find tratelinc a luxury Instead of % discomfort. Thronc-h Ticket * via thh Celebrated Line for ale at aU offices in the United Stateaand Canada. All information abont Rates ot Fare , Sleeping Car Aecommodationi , Time Tables. &c , will be JAHE3R.WOOT , Oeneral Passeneer Ageut , Chicago. T. J7 POTTER. Oenaral Manager , Chicago SHORT LINE 188O- K. C,8T.JBE&(3.B.R.R. ( , ST. LOUIS AND THE From OMAHA and th * WIST. Ho change ol can between Omaha and Bt. Looll and bat on * between Omaha andTfew York. StZ DAILY PAOSSrTQHB TBAINS Eastern & Western Cities With Itta charKea and In advanca ot other lines. TEH4&tlT9 Use , 13 CTttlwel wlUi PBUman'l Pklaca Sleepuir CUB , falace * Sj Coachl esUlll < r'g Safety Platform aad Conpler and the celebrated nestlngbonso Air-Brake. BKS THAT TOUR TICKET BEADS It JWla Kansas City , St. Joseph andM > Ilcketa for sale at all coupon itatlons In t West. J. T. BARNABD , A. O. DAWES , Oenl Bnpt. . Qen'l Para , ft Ticket Az't St. JoaoDh , Ho. 8L JvKfb. Uo , W 0 > SJ5ACHKKST , Ticket Agen. , ANDY BORDKN , A. B. BARNARD „ , Pug. A ent,0maha. Gen'rl Azent , Ocahi. BT THE USE OF DR. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. IM1ERNAL. EXTERNAL. AND JTCHING PILES ttM fat f t * on tbo appllcatloa of p Be mk * > ' * > Plto Bcmedy. if-ctlyBpoa the parts BCt t , nhaorfala T iaiai , ll yiag tfap tateaue tit * DO NOT DELAV dnla oa tb j teia prodoc * t disability , bat bay It , TRY IT LOURED PRICH , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , HMl Vt&ea ye can not obtala Itondm , vr rill netad H prep M , on receipt ofprlc Jr. BMnaketi Treatlie OB File * vent f r j Add , DR , 9QSARKO THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of the West , la pre-eminently the beet and most practi cal oflts kind for thej MERCANTILE TRAINING or Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Piealdent , D. W. OADY , Secretaiy The most extensive , thorough and complete nrtltntlon of the kind In the world. Thousand ! of accountants and Business men , In the prin cipal dtles and towns of tha United States , owa their success to our course of training. Tie flight Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. < Fine , new brick block , at Junction of three treet car lines. Elegantly Otted and furnished apartments or the application of and carrying ont of our novel and svgteuntlc methods of BUSINESS TEAEOTGh who contemplate a businnj Ills , and parent * having ions to educate , are partlctt * larly requested to aend lor our new Circular , 'which will giro full Information as to terrnl , ondltlon ot entrance , etc. Addreaa & . W. POSTEE , President , rr Denver Colcrado. THE DAILY BEE the Latest Home and Tele * New ? < > f | b , Day. PRUSSIAN lough Syrup f HI LAf ISf VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existingreinedj - for BTery pe. cies cf Acute or Chronic Dlseosa ol the Organs of Respiration , and an nbsoluto SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION I ri\mS nll-ptmerful vegetable preparo- _ L tlon expels from the lungs and air pat- B.izes , the mncns and mnco-pus produced by ppluionarj- Inflammation , heale the Irritated membrane * , and renorates every organ which utilizes the breath of LlfOi It contains nostnprfylnc poison , ilntl Is Ih all respects a healthful medi cine. The rripfdlijr and rtalntr with which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the or stem. Free and painless expectora tion is the m8de by itlllch It relieves the lungs , chest and throat from the otirdens ttliich oppress them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the germbe- fore they rerfch the more dangerou * stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with tha most terrible scourge of onr cll- nmtd trill find Frlt.ich's Prussian Couch Syi djf > n , ppte.nt ally , and will assuredly win the fight U * adhering strictly to thl * ; reat ruedlclno. 'JThS CASES NOW ON RECORD in which it hns been administered with entire success as a remedy for every ta- riety of malady which affects the Ite- uplrnturr raiictlons. amount to more thatt FIVE THOUSAND it the present date , nndyet the preparil .ion Is only in the Infancy of its useful ness. The great defect of all Cough ItelllFtHx * hitherto introduced Is that thcj-cfrt simply expiilHory. Ilenco they nre.ljsaiess ) , fur miles * the causes of the ncrla WJ-retidfls .which are coughed np are rental , e < Iaii < i UiS f iljttured. Inflamed or maturated surfaces healed Hild re * itored to their natural tone , a cure it mpn.siblo. 1'ritsch's Prussian Cough Sjrup accomplishes theie objects. The mucus mill mueo-pus which are the con. se < iuee ; oCXltnjrUiscase nre thrown off by it } wUllo dt t t > s.tiilfl time It soothes and iUtfatfrlUeS Hie weakened tissued. "LIFE FOR THE IUN6S , " For coughs , colds , Inflnonm.broUtillftl llnlcultles , tightness of the chesthoarse- nc. s , nero throat , trachltls , Inflamma tion Cf tilt UJDJJSJ difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all UlsSf defs of n pulmonary nature , it has net er been equaled ! Sola scents in America , BICHABD503 It CO , 8t.Ixral3.Mo. EOJJ3 BT AIX DRUGGISTS. 25 CENTS. ' A new and hitherto unknown remedy for all Kl < lnrys , Bladder , and Urinary It will posittr ly care Diabetea , draffil , Drop- y , Brlzht's Disease , Inability to retain or oxpefl h ? Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , bleb cokred and scanty trine , Patnfnl Urinating , LAME BACK , Uenera ! Weakncsa , and all Female Cora- plaints. H avoids Internal medicines , la ceftcin la It effects and euro when nothlnsr else can. For sale by all Drngglata or sent by null free cpcn receipt of the price , 82.00. DAY MEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. fS 3 year Rddrera for onr little book , How t ra Saved. " UK1 K. f3H Airent nr K SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC A1TD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old EtUable. Sioia. City Rout * I 100 SIILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUETS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROK , Lnd all point * In Northern Iowa. Minnesota anj Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Im > iroved Wcstlnghonse Automatic Air Brakes and Illler Platform Conpler and Bnflor. Aad lor SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Elegant Drawlnr Room tnd llcepln ? Caraowned and controlled * ) y the com > any , ran Through Wlthcut Change between Tnlon VadBc Transfer Depot , Council Bluff ? , and St. Paul. Trains leare the Union Padflt Transfer Depot at Council Bloffa , at E:1S : p m. . cachlng'Sloux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Pan ! at.ll:05 a. m. , HOURS is ADTANCZ 07 ANT OTHEB BOUTS. Kttomlnp , leave St. Paul at 330 p. m. , ar * rlvi-i at Sioux City at 4:45 a. m. . and Union ? aciflc Trancler Depot , Coundl Bluff * , a. m. Be sure that your tlsketa read via "S. C. fe P. B. R. ' F. C. BOLLS , Superintendent. Missouri Valley , Iowa * F. E. BOBDf SON. Agj/t Oen't Para. Agent , J. H. O-BRTAIT , and Paamnger Agent , Conadl tilzBt Gentle Women Who ffant glossy , luxuriant and Travy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair most use LION'S KATEAIEON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , kee s it irom Jailing' ont , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , health/Hair is the sure result of using Hathairoa. MAKE NO MISTAKE I MICA AXLE GEEA8E Composed largely ol powdered mica and Jsinslas- la the best and cheapest lubricator In the world. It lathe best because ! t dot * notirnm , but forms a highly polished surface over the axle , dolnz away with a large amount of friction. It Is the cheapest because von need use but half thi ijuantlty In greacln ? your wazon thatyou woul. of any other axle grease made , and then run your waron twice aaloi ? . It answers egcallv aa well for Mill Gearing , Threshing | M chlne , Bnzleafcc.aa for wagons-Send f r Pocke Cyclopedlaof Things Wortn Knowing. Mafled 31 Ask Your Dealer For It' A.ISTIP APPETIZER SURE CURE For OOUGHS , COLDS , BBONOHITia ASTHMA , OONSUMP- TION , and aU Dfeeaaes of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation In the known world. BT adding to TOLU ROCK and RTR ittlt Lemon Juice , ytra have an exellent Appetizer And Tonic , forgenrra ] and forallTwe. The immense and inereulni ; tales and the nunMrona testimonial ? nctlTed dally ar. the bat evidence * of its virtues and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PAMTIflM . DOST BE DECEIVED by unprincipled dralen who try to paha 08 upon roc U/VJ I I l/lli common Rock and Bye tn place ot our TOLU ROCK and RYE , which Is thr only HEUICATED article made , tbe GENUINE nafta * a GOVERNMENT STAilP on each bottle. Extract from Report of tha Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL RZYSNU 1 Wxsnnaioa 1) . C. , January 18,1SSO. I Messrs. LAWRENCE & UAKTCf , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago. IIlL. Oi.TTLiaxs : Tills cemponn J. In the opinion of this office , wotdd hara a faffldtat qnaotltT the BALSAM OF TOLU to give It all the advantages ascribed to this article In pectoral complaint ! while the whisky and the syrup constitute an emulsion rendering it an agreeable remedy to thi jatlent. Compounded accordinar to the formula. It may properly ba clawed as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the prorlalona ol U. a. Revised SUtutcf. and when so lumped , rray te told by Dru < gists , Apothecaries and Other Persons without renderinsr them liable to pay fpeoUI tax as liquor dealers. Tours Respectfully , ( Signed ) OBEEN. B. BATJM , Commlaaloner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , &ROOEES and DEALERS everywhere C. P OOODlf AN. AGENT , OMAHA XT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine lastly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in oonstruotion and the most perfect Machine in the market. " The White Co. employ aa agents men of integrity - tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied. because they find everything jnst as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha .Office will be promptly filled JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts. Oaiaha * THIS .Niiw AND CORKECT 3CAF J'strsfs PraTesteyondTany reasonable question that tha CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y * Is by all odds the best road for yon to take when ttayellns In either direction betweenT ' Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. ' Carefully examine this 3fjip. The Principal Cities of tha "West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains moke close connections with , the trains of all railroads a * junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal Hnes.nnw each way 'dally from two to fotaormwo Trains. ItU tluiouly road west of Chicago that uses tlio - - - -r -j- PULLMAN HOTEL DUtDfG C \ It Is the only rmd that mni PuHman Sleeping Cars Korth or Korthwwtot Chicago. It has nearly M-tZ.CS OFiiOsW. ItlomwthofollowlngTrunlcIJnes : "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " " Wlnona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Line. " uSIoiLxCUy.Nor.Nebnukrt&YanktonJJne."MChlca50.St. Paul and Minneapolis Line. "Aor. Illinois. Freeport & Dubuque tine. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Lake Sanerlor Line. Tickets mcr tins rusd are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States and iicmcmbcr to .ask for Tickets/via this road , bo sure- they read over It , and take none other. KAEVIX HUGUnT.Genaaianascr. Chicago. W. E. SKSSCTT.Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HA.RRY P. ODEL. Tlclt-t Ant C. 4S. Vf. lUllwij , Itth ndir rnh mBtr8 t . 1) . B KIMBALL , Aas.aUnt T ckat Azent C * N W. B llwar , 14 in mad F rnKnn Streets. J. BELL , Ticket eiitC. ft H. W. Railway , U. P. B. R. Depot ; .TAM reS T. CLARK "Oaneril Artnt. _ HIVER1GK. , BEDDING , FEATHERS. ind Everycliiim pertaiiiflg to i ie i'rrnitoe dpholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSOBTMEHT OF NEW GOODS and 1310 Farnhaw Street. ap II nu/a th Ut utter , 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. rand Display SPRING CLOTHING ! -tta