aS a I TUB D\ILY BEK CKAHfi PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS - 916 Parnham , ba. Stk .nd 10th Strut * TERMS O ? SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Oo'py 1 y " , 1 ° advaace portpald ) . _ . . 8.W Oznjzitbs . . . . . .t.uu S monthi " ° ° TIME TABUS- THE MAILS. C , & KW. . E. B , tffiO . m. , 1:40 p. m C. B. S Q-E a > a. m. , 2:10 : p. m. 0. R. I * P. E. E. . 630 , m. , 20p. m C'&Et. Joet O . m. 8. City A P. 630a.m. U. F. E.E. , ll:40a.m. O. & B. T. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. &H.B.B. . & 40 .m. 0. * K. WIOC a. D. orram 0. * K. W. R. E , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. fc Q. , 11 a. m. , 820 p. m. C.E. I. 4P. , lla.m. , 11 p.m. C. B.St , Joo.,11a.m. , lip m. U. P. B.K. , ip.ta. 0.4 tt. V. from Lincoln , 130 p. m , B. City & P. , lift. m. B. * M. lnheb.,1 p m. Local malls for States lorra leave bat cnoe a day , vis : ISO a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p , m. Sundays. T00JIAS F. HALL. PoBUnvrt-l Arrival And Departure of Trains OHION PACIFIC. Liav . Dally Kxpreo .12:16 p. m. do , Mired . 6:10 p. m. 436p.m. do freight . 6:30 : a. m. l : p. ir. do . . . . . & 16 ft. m. 1220a.m. TIKE CASD OF THE BUBLllfGTOK. LEAVIOXIHA. t AHKOTtnUBl. Czpreas . StO p. m. I Express. . . . .10:00 a. m , Hall . cSO a. m. I Mat . .10:00 p. m. Sundays Excepted. | Bundsys Excopted. CHICAO 0-BOCE ISLAND & PACIFIC. Mall . . . .6:00 a , m. | Mall . 10:00 p. m. Expro * . B : 0p.m. | Erpress. .lOrfK ) a , m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTEKK. Uall . _ .6yO .m.lMiJl. . . . . . _ 730 p. a. Id prcw..8iOpi m. | Expnss - 10:00 ft. m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS Clir.ST. JOE tt COUNCIL BLUFFS ARMVS. Kail . _ 8:60 a. m. I Express . . .7:40 , m. CXTTCM . 60 p.m. | Hafl . 7S V. m. The only line running Pullman Bleeping Can oat of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHERK NEBRASKA. EA1L- WAT COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. xpre . 80 . m. I F-rprew - 130 p , m. Mued . .1:50 p m. ( Mixed . 10:15 : . m Dally ExcaptEundayB. 6. AM. B. R. In NEBRASKA. . AK&OT. Express - . 8:50 : ft m I Freight . . . . : . 830 ft m Freight . 6:65 p m | Exprets . ItTJpm sioux crrr & ST. PAUL B. B. ILJi . _ .6:10ftmlKrpre8i : . 10:00 am bpren . 8tOptn | M i . -720 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIB * PACIFIC. UAVH. ABMVJ8. Hail . 8a.rn.IHtn . 11:65 ft. m t Express. . . .3:10 : p. m. J Express. . . .i26 p. m. BBIDQE DIVISION U. P. B. B. Leave Omaha , daily } 8 ft. m. , B ft. m. , 10 ft m. , 11 ft. m. . 1 p. m. , X p. m. , 8 p. m. , 6 p. m , , e p. BL.J Leave Council Bluffs ; 8i5 . m. , 826 a. m , , f - , 1035 a. m. , 11:26 & . m. , 1:26 p. m. , 2:26 p. OL , -1 1:26 p. m. , 635 p. tn. , 035 p. m. , Four tripe on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 ft. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Blub U 8:26 , 11:26 a to. , and 236 and 635 p. m. rABSEHGSX TKUK8. . f Laava Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7. ft. m..8SO - o. , I p. m. , 4:60 p. m. , 7:25 p. in. , * Leave Council Binds : . 6:16 ft. m , , BU : a. m. , 11:40 a , m. 6:25 p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , 720 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. i LUTB , ARRIVE. Kail . _ ,10:48 a , m. , . < : J5p. m. Sunrtivs. ATTOKRCVB-AT-LftW. J. EN CL SH , A TfORXEV AT LAW 310 South Ihlrteenth jtSt. . , with J. M. WOOLWORTH. l GHAKUES POWELL , | CBT1CE OF THETEACE Comer ] 6th and B'amh m SU. , Omaha Neb. VKM. Sl&EBAL , Y. AT LAW Boom 6. Crelghton . 16th St. . OMAHA/NEB. 0. L THOtfAS , i i Kjai-nT AT LAW Loans money , bnyl tand 11 * rend oeUle. Ooom .6 , Orelghton Sick. . / : - A ; C. TROL'P ' , rr-fiu K.r AT LAW office in Witt ! ueorpo E. PriUhett , .ltO AT LAV. ' CrolctUiank Build A. CKADWICK , * 4T IAW Offloc 18M Farnhain \rriR et. .LPEABODV. T AWTES Offlco In Orclihton nock , ndkt U j PlXlOaco , OKAJ1A , KEBOAHKA , fUEilO. OOtlBCTIOKB KADX G'irllEH & a t tjOjrn e y s - a t - L aw , B-Dntou Clcck.rift < ionth ang Farnham AJTORNEY AT LAW. eioDX.ct . eoeoa IBTH OMAI1A. KEB. W. J. OonneH , k ttprjay-at-Law. ? OfDc'z ' > eav rooms , np ctaln , In Haracom'i c * t > rfci boilJtuj ; , N. W. corner FIft onth and rehire titrweta. K.KXOIOK HEDIGK , a t-L a w. . nt ! o * ( ilv i to all tolls cof orm'JouioS every iloacrlption ; will in cl She Ouortt of tll3 State and the OSco , ? arnham St. , oppoitt * „ AT IAW-R6om 8 jtlmfc , IMh nail DuttilM atroets. noMh s 7 , E. KASDESSDB , * - . - . --.H AT LA.V Si ! Famhtm Street . A-- . . . . . * . r. r.HiCHARDS & HUNT , iCi 216 South Fourteenth Street. SANTA OLATJSTOTJND. Oreatedt Ulecovery of the Age. tVubuctfuidiscorarteelnthtworUhaTebeenmad * 4U2VU : other IhlnjE vhero Santa Clans stayed Clill'tren ' oft a k It be makes cooda or not , ii iwaiijr leJRv > ! jlu , mountain .of , snow. , , L l ybu aa evcarglon sallnd dear te the Pelt < And juJiloUy dropped into what Bcomedllkeahole P.'horc won irot wonders they fonndatcwlind , iVblle UlrjUka bclnjt appcarod on each hand. Tli re ircre mocntatni like out. with man > > csutifal ( rrcon , Anil tir trietiwrn than ever were Been , Dird < with the bcei of a rainbow were found , While Dowers ot exquisite fragrance were grow Injtaronud. Not long wore they loft to wonder In donb < A b ltic Boon came they had heard tnnchaboot , Twaii Hanta CliUJ1 lolf and thlithoy all lay , l l ohed like the picture r caee every day. He drove up a team that looked Yry queer , TWM a team of grasshoppers instead of relndoer , He rode In a eholl Instead of a slelch , Bat he took them on board and drove them way. 'lie showed them all over bis wonderful realm , All J factories mating Roods for women and men Furrier * were working on hata great and imall , To'd thtr said they were Bending them all. < vn Klncio , the Glove Maker , told thorn at once , IU oar Glovoa we are i ending to Banco , QiOXO. i /Ine I l ! took then to friend Banpgl stort , ianta Cm-is then wbirpered m secret bB UU , ii Iu O. > iaha erury one knew Bunoe wen , Us thrrctora shauid eond his ROOdl to hte care , Knowluc ftis Jrlcadj will ret their ( oil than. Sow remciaber ye dwellers In Omaha town , A.U who want prcMatt to Bunra'i go nntnd. _ For 5lrts , collars , or RloTta f rcat asd vsull , - f , Send TOUT steter or aunt one and al . i' ' UUUM , Champion U&ttcr of the Wort wit. Om > ia Hamburg Line. STEAMERS LEAVING NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY IT ! r. 31. , rofc England , France and Germany For Paasaje apply to C IS. RI I1AKD & CO. General Fatsen er Aceatt , Ol' Broadway , If BW Yorlc. tAKK E.KOORKS HEKRY FUNDT. VINEGAR . WORKS I EBW E1EBS , Managar . Uaonfacturcr of all kinds ot * * < _ ' . . rat St. Ktt. Slh ani 10'a OHABA OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. ROSiTS Art Emporium. 1518 Dodge Street , Steel Engravings , Oil Paintings , Chromes Fancy Fnmw , FramingaSpedalty. Low prices. J. EONKEIl , 1303 Douglas fct. Good Stylet. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite postofficc. W. B. BABTLETr , 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. DTJFBENE&MEXDELSSHOK , ARCHTITECK , Boom 1) , Creighton Block. A T. LARHE. Jr. . Uoom 2 , Crelgbton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. JASIES DlVINE i CO , Fine Boots and shoes A coed assortment ot home work on hand , cor. 12th and Barney. THOS ERICSSON , S. E. cor. CthandDonglai JOBS FORTOXATUS , 60510th St. , manufactures tc order good work at { air prices. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS- J. F. LARIUMERManufaiturer. Tlsacherg'Blk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FBUEHAUF , 1015 Farnbam Street. BETTER AND EGGS- McSHANK&SCnEOEDER.theoldestB. andE. house in Nebraska , established U76 , Omaha.- BOARDING CENTRALRESTAURANT RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , southwest cor. 16th and U dge. Best Board for tbo Moncr. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2ltal9 at a.l Bours. Boxrd by toe Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cub. Furnished Rooms Supplied. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS . SNYDEK. No. 1318 14th and Harney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW R03KWATER. 1510 Farnham St. Town Surreys , Grade and Sewerage Systems a specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN G. WILLIS , liU Dodge Street. B. B. BEEMER , For details see large Advertise- mnt In Pall and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST * FHlTeCIlER , Manufacturers of Cigars , and Who esale Dealeis in Tobicew , 1305 Doug- . . r. LORES ZEN , manufacturer. BUlOth St. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Workf , Manufacturers Iron Corcke , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Windowcapa. etc. manufactured arid put up in any part ot the country. T. EINHuLD , 410 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. CONNER , 1309 Douglas St. Good Line. CLOTHING ANDFURNISHINCCOODS GEO. H. PETERSON. Also Hats , Cap * , Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , S04 S. 10th fct. CLOTHING BOUGHT. C. SHAW will pay highest cash price fir second hand clothing. Corner 10th and Faroham. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Podsre DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUUN & CO. , Pharmacist * , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Douglas Strc te. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , Wholesale & HeUU.10 Et. 0. C. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumins Street. M.PARR , Druggist , 10th nd Howard Ste DRY GOODS. NQTICNS.ETC- JOHN H. F. LEHMANN4CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Farn- ham strcit. J ; 0. Eriewrtd.-also froots & shoes , 7 th & Pacific FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , few and Second Hand Fumltnrr and Stores. 1111 Douglas. E. 0. Turgeon AgX J. BONNER , 1SQ9 Douglas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA * ENCE CO.- GCST. FRIES tCO. , ISlSHameySt , Improv- cd Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Jlailingg. Counters of Pina and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donaehue , plant * , cu. flowers , seeds , boquets etc. , K. W. cor 16'.h n < l Doiptui Rt * . FOUNDRY. JOHNWFARNE & SQNg.cor. 14th&JacksonBt. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS 21st between Cumlng and Izard. T. A. Mc3PANE , Corner. 53d and Coming Stg. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , 1300 Douglas Street , Whoegle ! Exclusively. HARDWARE IRONAWD STEEL DDIAN & LiNOWORTUT , Wholesale 110 and 112 15th Si. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WE1ST , 320 ISUi St. . bet. Farn. & liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACKERY. Ladles get year Straw , Ohio and Felt Hati done UP at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DUVE. PROP HOTELS CANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Canfleld , 8th 4Fam. DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 913 Farnham St. ' BLAVEN-S HOTEL , F. Slaven , lOlh Street. Southern Hotel , Oui. ITamrI.9th& Leaventrorth 'INTELUDEHCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DENT , 217 16th Street. JEWELERS JOHN BAUMER , 3514 Fajnham Street. JUNK- H. BERTHOLD. Rasa and Metals. LUMBER , LIME AND CEMENT FOSTER & GRAY , corner Oth and Douglas Stg. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1303 Jcugl s St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- G.A.LINDQUEST , , One of our most popular Merchant fillers Is re ceiving the latest dctigns for Spring and Sum * mer Goods for gentlemen's near. Stylish , durable and prices low at fver. 215 18th bet. Doug.&F r. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. MOQLE4 JESTER , Fresh and Cured Meats , Game , Fish. Poultry. Etc. . 2020 Gaming Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Gpods In great lariety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosier ? , gloves , corsets , &c. Cheapest Hous * in the West. Purchasers eava SO per cent. Order by Mail. 115 Fifteenth St. MILLS- OMAHA CITY HILLS , 8th and Farnham Sts. Welihang Crof. , proprietors. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No. 4 , Crelghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LSISENRING , 1. D , Masonic Block. 9 L. HART. M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. posUffice DR. L. B. GRADDY. Ocullrt and Anrist , Hth mud DonglaR Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- GEO. UtVA.l'KOF. Grand Central Caller } , 212 Sixteenth Street near MasonlcHall. First-doss Work and Prompt ness Guaranteed. PLDMBIKC , CAS AND STEAM FITTING P W. TABPY : CO. , 818 12th St. , bet. Farn ham & Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1403 Doutrlns Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HENRY A. KOSTE.1J.1412 Dodze Street. . PLANING MILL- A.MOYER , manufacturet otsash , doors , blinds , moldings , eewels , balusters , hand rails furnishIng - Ing , scroll sawing , &e , , cor. Dodce and 8th sts. PAWNBROKER J. ROSENFELD. 32210th St. bet. Fa n.&Har. REFRIGERATORS CANFIELD'S PATENT C. F. COOPMAN , llth St. . bet. Farn. & Har. SHOW CASE MANUFACTORY O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer t.nd Dealer in all kinds of Show Cases , Uprlrht Cases fcc. , 1317 Cass St. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer ot Tin Roots'and 'all kinds of BuHdlc ; Work Odd Fellows'Block , J. BONNER , 1809 Dong. St. Gotdand Cheap. SEEDS J.E7ANS.Wholesale and Retail Seed { Drills Md Cultivators. Odd Fellows Hall. & SHOE ST02ES- Phlllpp"Ling > 3Sa Farnham tt. bet. ISth & 14th. ; ' SECOND HAND STORE PEKEUNS& LEAK , 1410 DouglasSL , New and Second Hand Farniturc , House Furnishing Goodi. Jte. , bought and golden narrow marghia.- .SALOONS. HENRY KAUFMANS ; In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has " Jmt opened a most ele int BcerJIall. . Hot lunch from 10 to 12 every day. \ FL NNERYv On farnham , next to the B. & JC headquarters , hag reopened a neat and complete otabliih- mcnt. which , , barring TIRE , and Mother Ship- ton'sPropheCTi1 "ID t > * "f forjta boys with Hot Lunch on and nlftr present dare. "Caledonia , " J > itLCb > 'EB , "CT 16th Sfaeet X. CNDERTAKEsS , - s „ " CH&S. RlEWE.1 Famham bet" > 10to & llth 99 CENT STORES 'HENRY POHLMAN , toy * , notion" , pictures. Jiwelry , &t , SIS 14ta bet. Farnham & Douglas. P. C. BACKUS , 1205 Famhim gt. fancy poods. POETRY OP THE TIMES. The Change. Now put way your hand-sled , boys , Your skates lay to one side , Bring out the festive bycyde , And on it take a ride YOUUR lads and lasses take your hoops , Ind hoop'er up again. Now fly your kite * ana marbles play , And never mind the rain , Derrick. Only a Hair. Only a hair on lug shoulder , Long , and-wavy , and brown ; Only i. cock-and-bull story In exchange for his wife's deep frown. | Only a broken broomstick Wildly waved in the air ; Only a strip of court-plaster His wife had discovered the hair. Chicago Folk Lor . The .Lenten Season. "STy love/saidhe , "loan m five dollars , " And his gaza on her face was intent. 'Td lend it you , dear , if I could , but Just now all my money is Lent. " Mary Ann wanted to borrow a bonnet , Her own was so horribly bent ; But her 'friend could not loan what she needed , Her excuse was , ' 'Because it was Lent" If any one asks you to lend them A dollar , don't loan'em a cent ; This is the tune to refuse them , Yon can tell them , "You know it is Lent" "SANDY BILL. " ' Lock Melone in California. "Did I know Sandy Bill ? Well , I should eay so ! Smartest and ugliest man ever on the frontier. K > ew him first in Dead Man's gnlch when they found the placers there. Bill came down to wash dirt but he soon got tired of that and took to cards. Bat cards got away witu him. He wasn't strong enonfch for them. He used to say after he got right bad that the black spots stained his heart and the red ones his hands. He was sullen like at times and then there was trou ble. He'd pull a gun quicker than a flash , and there wonld be cold meat for the coroner In the wink of an eye. Bad man Bill was. They wanted to get him oat of the galch once and the camp council held a meeting on It , but the undertaker ( ot .the council drunk and made 'em vote Bill should stay. He was good for one branch of bus'ness , at least. Bill was cross-eyed , and when he iot right mad it used to make the boys feel queer all around. They couldn't understand exactly who he was mad at , for his eye'would take In all aides of the room , which made it sorter awkward. He shot a fellow once and got off on the plea that It was an accident on this account. Four men awore that he , , was looking right at them , and that his gun'went off in the other direction. The court al lowed that a man couldn't ba hung because of an Infirmity , but said that if such an accident happened again an overruling Providence would rake in a prominent citizen. For you see there wasa't any getting away from Bill's straight shooting , even If he had crooked eyes. When he had the drop on a man you'could bet on a fun eral with the same Christian confidence you could on four aces. But Bill went under , and in a queer way , too. It was after they found some gold lode of free milling quartz above the gnlch and the camp had become a town. Bill was running a bank above the nugget ealoori and he made it big pay. One day a fol low walked into town all rags and mis ery and went into the bank. Bill was keeping cases , and the minute he aaw the stranger he jumped up and walked over to him. There was some talk and they shook hands. Then Bill came back to the table lead ing the stranger. "Boys , " aaid ho , "when I was sick this man doctored me ; when I Was hungry he fed me ; when I crawled out of a rebal stock ade at Macon and tried to get north he helped me. sly friends are his friends. His enemies are my enemies. No matter how the cards run , half I've got is his. " Then Bill sat down , for he wasn't , much of a talker The ne'xt day the stranger came out n a better outfit , but it didn't help his looks much. There was something mean about his eyes that looked like the devil's .trademark. He * had a noiay , blustering way about him , and nobody took to Bill's pet. And it wasn't a good day for Bill when he carne , either , for after that every thing seemed to go wrong. The stranger spent an awful sight of money , and all of it came from Bill. He used to cut up and make bad breaks about the bank but Bill stood tt all , and never said a word. If any of the boys growled he'd just take In three angles of the room with his eyes and that settled matters. If they talked with him he'd just shrug his shoulders and say He was of age. One day though , Bill's bank closed. Nobody knew what it meat for awhile , but when "Georgia" that's what they called the stranger didn't turn up , it got whispered about that he had gathered up all the loose scads and skipped. BUI would never say so , though. He wouldn't talk about It at all. He just soaked his watch 'and pin and wont In for another pile with two different expressions iu bis eyes , one harder than the other. About "Georgia" he never opened his mouth. He got to drinking pretty hard after that , but his luck was big. It was hard to tell how much he won , for he would not talk about it , but he made a big winning and must , have had a nice little pile. He never said anything to anyone , and didn't seem to want any friends. Things went on this way for seme time after "Georgia" left , and then there was an excitement Two bronchos had been stolen abova the camp , and the thief was caught and brought into town. It was "Georgia , " looking more hang-dog and meaner than ever. As soon ai Bill heard of it he'went ' to the owners of'.the stock and offered them double the prlcq not to prosecute. They took it and agreed , but the thing had raised such a row that a trial was bound to come off any how. It didn't though. The day pet "Georgia" escaped from jail and getaway away scot free. There was a good deal of talk about it , and the next time Bill was seen on the streets it was noticed that he didn't wear his watch. He bet low at the tables that evening , too. too.That That changed his luck , and when a gambler's luck change * no's gone. The cards never turn up right after they have got out of the habit. It was baden on BUL. He drank hard and looked hard. Ha wore his clothes a good deal longer than he used to , and when the snow began to fly he was on the streets without an overcoat. No one could help him , he wouldn't have it. He llvbd over a little dive on an off street , and didn't allow anybody to ' come near his room. He was surly , and bitter and cgly , and when he got into a row with a man he uaed to beat Mm with anything he got his hands on. He never did that in bis better days. He'd just shoot and be done Mth It. So all the boys sort of kept. , away from 'him ' , and he got a bad ' name. W&en < he played at all it was wiA * tin-horn crowd , and qucflr itories came to be circulated after a time. There was , a good deal of "folding no" in those days , and people , got an idea that Bill might ba doing tome of it At any rate a can was killed in front of Bill's place fatly one ntorning , and when the crowd came tp and found Bill there it was quick enonRh to think that he had done It. He had been seen with the dead man the night be fore , and there was another man all muffled with them , bnt Bill wouldn't say who be was. Fact is , he wouldn't answer any questions at all , and when the trial came it didn't take the jury long to bring in a verdict of guilty. The town was a little scared up , and the people thought there ought to be an example. There was one queer thing about it though. The murdered man had a lot of money , but there wasn't a nickle on Bill. After the verdict there was an attempt by some of BOl's old friends to get a pardon , but he wouldn't have it. He sld ha was ready and milling to hang and wanted the ahow to end as soon as posaible. The only thing he teemed uneasy about was as to whether any one else else was suspected , and he would ask cautions questions about what people thought , and what'the theories concerning the murder were. The day before the hanging .he wroio a letter , put It In an envelop and addressed it , and then put both in a blank envelope. He gave this to Eeddy Jim , one of his old time pards , and told him lift to take off the blank envelope until after ho was dead , and then deliver the letter Inside to where it was addressed , and keep his mouth shut about the whole business. Beddy promised , and the next day Bill was hung , and died game. After he was dead Beddy took off the blank envelope and read the ad dress. It was "Georgia. " That made him curious , and the letter burned his hands. He had always had an idea that there was something behind the murder that Bill was try ing to conceal , and ho thought that this letter might tell what it was. So , after holding it four days , he gave It to the sheriff , who opened it. This is what was in it : DEAE OLD PAKD : The game's square. iTou saved me and I've saved you. I ain't mad or hurt because you didn't come back and take the murder off my shoulders , for I wanted to get through anyhow. The cards are against me , and there's no use fight ing luck. I only write this to tell you that some of these d d fools about here may think queer of the business and look into it , so get as far out of the way as yon can. You'd better go home and drop your way of life. There ain't no good In it. Good bye. BILL. That let in a lot of light. "Georgia" had killed the man and Bill shouldered the blame. They , tried to find him , but he was gone. He had put out for it when Bill was first tried. They never heard of him again. RELIGIOUS NOTES. There is a.Christianized Chinese re vivalist in Nevada. Messrs. Moody and Sankey > are to leave San Francisco next week for New Orleans , with a view to begin ning their labors in the latter : city. There are in Syria , after many year * of hard labor , only about 1,000 com municants in the various mission churches. The congregations average about 4,500 in all. There.are in the Episcopal theologi cal school at Cambridge , Mass. , 19 students and five professors. The whole number ot graduatoa is 51 , and they are found in 20 dioceses. The First African Baptist Church , Savannah , Ga. . is said to have a mem bership of 2,554. It is the second largest Baptist church in this coun try. try.The The number of pessons in full communion In the Presbyterian church in the United States of Amer- lea * in 1830 , as reported to the general assembly of that year , was 173,328 ; the number reported in 1880 was 577,671Tho increase is more than threefold. The largest increase of Baptists since 1870 has been in the fifteen southern states , where the gain in 761,418. In the six eastern states the increase is 10,700 ; iu the middle states , 30,903 ; in the thirteen west ern states , 64,776 ; in the territories , 6,060. The estimated Jewish population of the country it 230,257. There are 278 congregations , with a membership of 12,54.6 , representing synagogue prop erty amounting to 84,788,700 , and otb r property , Institutions , &c. , at 81,860,030. The synagogue school * are attended by 12,886 children. The four Jewish orders have a combined membership of 44,267t Eabbl SonneBchein , in the course of his fourth lecture in St. Louis on Judaism and Unitarianism , remarked : "The Unitariau church has for , its mission the task of rescuing Chris tianity from the clutches of drgma and loading it back to the true end , viz.i to do the will of the Father. The Reformed Jewish church has to convince Jews of this age to believe in the Oae and Eternal not to be lieve simply because a thing can be proved. Belief without acts is no belief at all. Modern Christianity needs a revival and wo need combina tion. That is the goil to which Ba- formed Judaism and the Unitarians are now marching. " A BooQle-RlnRer In Petticoats. San Joje Times , March 11. James W. Bothers , win lives on Seventh street , near Julia ? , was on his way home on Wednesday night , bout 8 o'clock , when he met a woman carrying a valise and evidently foot are. She asked Mr. Bothers to ac company her to a house on Eighth street , where her brother lived , a re quest which was promptly complied with by the chivalrlo Bothers. When she reached Eighth street she took out of a capacious pocket a well-filled purse and drew a ten dollar gold piece , which she asked him to change Mr. Bothers did not have the nec essary change , but went to a grocery store near by and procured the change required , which he gave to the wo man. The moment that her baud closed upon the coin she lifted her dress and fled precipitately , bnt in her flight displayed a pair of gaiters thit did not belong to a woman's accoutre * menta. Bothers soon discovered that tbo $10 he had received from her was a counterfeit , and felt that he was made the victim of .an expert thief , but he held the valise which the sup posed female had entrusted to hrm. He believed it to be valuable enough In its contents to pay him for his loss. On reaching his house he openel the valise , aud to his dismay found it stuffed with rags and papers. He is ten dollars out of pocket , and con cludes that gallantry is very dear in the end. A Texan Mother-ln-Law. Galreston News. A tall woman , wearing a aun-bon- net , came into t he office of the Galveston - veston Chief of Police yesterday morning , and , setting down hard on the end of a bench , wiped her nose , batted her eyea a time or so at the chief of police , and asked in a voice that reminded of one sharpening a saw : "Be you the galoot what looks folks upl""I "I regret to say .that I am occasion ally obliged to resort to such ex treme " measures with refractory per ' sons. "I know all that , bnt be you the ga " loot ! " , , , " " ' > J "Yes , madam. "Why didn't yon say so when I asked yon ? " "I did. " "You are a liar , and If you don't treat me like a lady I'll fold you .up and sit down on you , " and she batted her eyes some more like a terrier. " " asked the official "What do you want ? ficial , looking as if he needed rein forcements right away , and plenty of them. "I want that dirty little whelp that married my darter. I want to talk to him on business , tut he evades me. If I could onlyjjet a chance to caress him once more ! " and she breathed hard and gritted .her teeth until the oliicial felt In his pocket-for a police whistle. "What did he dol'1 "He told my darter that he would give 320 acres of land , with a gold mine on it , to' anybody who would ampertate my jaw with a bootjack. He said my month was like the gate at the fair grounds. " "He meant , I suppose , it was never shut. I don't see how ho came to make any such ridiculous comparison as that. Did you remonstrate with him ? " "You bet Idid. . I drawded him across the kitchen table by the hair with one hand , while I basted him with a long-handled skillet ; and you should have heerd him calling , me 'mother darling' and 'pet , ' but provi dence was sgin me. His bar gave way , and he lit out before I couldrea- aon with him any more. Just as like as not we will never meet again , " and she sighed heavily. "Be calm , madam , don't excite yourself too much. " "I am calm. I like to talk about these family secrets. It calls .up sa cred recollections. It makes me think of my darter's , fust husband. It was real fun to remonstrate with him. His bar didn't give. He was game. He sassed back , bnt , Lordl what a time they had holding the isqueat. That was at Arkansas , before I moved to Oalveston. There was some of his remains In one corner of the yard and a few more remains hanging on the fence , and there was right ptrtofhlm wrapped around the axe handle. The jury knew mo , so they bought in a verdict of justifiable suTv - , . . : homicide , orsomethlng like tb * . ' 'd now to think of this pes- 1. , . „ , worthless , spinple-shanked , > , v'i-eyed whelp getting clear off , exciting a Jew pounds of bar. I waut yea to find him for me. You can know hkby the brands I made on him with the hot skillet. Wanted 1 cr ampertate my JTT , the little bra-jy who'p. ' Said my mouth was like a ga e , did he ? " The official said he would hunt for him and let her know. As she wont' out she batted her eyes significantly at the official and remarked : "You had batter find that prodigal 83D , or thar'll be music at these head quarters. " ASTONISHING THE WOBLD. Fet a perfect renovation of ex hausted and , enfeebled .constitutions , female weakness and general decline , nothing so surely and epeedinply pro duces a permanent cure as Electric Bitters. Their'wonderful ' cures are astonishing the world. For Kidney and Urinary Complaints they .are a perfect specific. Do not give up In despair for Electric Bitters will posi tively cure , and that where everything else falls. Sold by all druggists , at fifty cents a bottle. (2) ( ) Jacob Loecfcmau , 274 Clinton Street , Buffalo , N.Y. . . 81 ] s he hai been usln ? Dr. Thomas' E electric Oil for'Rbcnmatlem , > he had such a lame back ho could not" do an > thing , one bottle tle hag to use his own expression "snred him up , " he thinks it the best thing in the market. Stop that Cough. If you are suffering with a Cough Cold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing BO much excitement by its wonderful cures , curiug thousands of hopeless casps. Over a million bottles of Dr. King's . 'New Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance , We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat aud lung affections , and can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and get a trial bottle free of coat , or a regular size for' 81.00. Ish & McMahon , Om- aha. (3) ( ) (3)E E action's Arnica Salvo The BEST SALVE in the. world for Outs , Bruibcs , Scree , Ulcera , Salt Rheum , Fovcr Soraa , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve L ) guarantoad to give perfect a atiafac tion in every cue or money re funded , Price 25 aunts per box. For sale by fldlV Tsh & McMahon Omaha. HEGISTBATION NOTICE. STATS Or KEBBASKA , ) DOUGLAS Coosrr , ) Notice's hereby given to the < luctoa ot the Fourth Ward. City of Omaha , Ihiti will alt In the store of James Forsyth. northwest coiner' f 16th Lad Capitol Avoouo on Monday , Tuesday and Wedne'idar , llirch 28tS. 29th and 30th , and Friday. Saturday and Monday , April 1st , 2nd and US , 1831 , for the purpnse ° ' registering ; the electors of said ward , for c.ty e ection to be held on the Mb day of AprH , 1831. Dae Notice la hereby given , that , A New List of the electors will have to ba made , owing to the changes made In the ward boundary , and tht electors will govern themselves accordingly. In wltnees whereof , I hereunto sot my hand this 18th day of March , "A. D. " 1331. JOHNS. WOOD , m0to aS Registrar. .REGISTRATION NOTICE. TH1KD All voters n rth of Howard street , east of 15th street and south of Davenport wl'l ' take notice , I tit as registrar of voters at my office ; north- eaetconer of 14th and Douglas streets ( tfo. 1324) ) up htalrg , on March 21st and Mai eh iSth , and April iln , 1881 , for rel < tration and cor rection ot 3rd ward voteis. WM. H. KILEY , m21toa4 Registrar 3rd Ward. REGISTRATION NOTICE. STAIB Or NIBBASCA , ) DOUOLAS fOCSTT , J M < Notice Is hereby given , to the legal voters of ths First Wird , City of Omah * , that I will sit at Bell's Drug Store , 820 South Tenth itrcct , on Monday. Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday , March 28th , 29th , 30th and 31H , and Friday and Sitorday , April lit and 2nd , for tbo purpose of registering the voters of said ward. A new list will be made , and all voters of laid ward nro re quested to appear personally , that their names may be propsrlv registered. Witness my haad this 21st day of March , A. D. 1831. Jf. M. STENBERO , m2 lOt _ Registrar. REGISTRATION NOTICE. SlAII OF NEBRASKA , > POCOLAS COFSTT , f88- Kotise is hereby givea thit I will Bit at the U. P. Bakery , 16th street , 610 , on Thursday , Friday and Saturday , Marth 24th , S5tb aact S6th , 1881 , for the i urpoee of regijterinr the electors of the 5th Wart , City cf Omiha , Doujlaj County. In witness whereof , I hertunto set my hand this 224 day of March , A. D. 1 81. BCHOYLEtt WAKEFIELD , m22-5t Registrar of Sail Ward. Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. The moat thorough appointed and complete Hachlno Shops andToundry in the state. Cartings ofevery description manufactod. Engines , Pomps and every class of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention given to VPell Angnrs , Pulleys , Hangers , ShaftingBridge Irons.Gecr Catting , etc Flanglornew MachineryUeachanlcal Draught n& . Models , ets. , neatly executed. BBHarnev St. . Bot. I4tn and ISth. j T1 i-l h ! CHANGING CARS BESTWZZS OMASA AM CHICAGO , Where Direct coneectionj are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore. Wash ington , AND ALL EASTERN OlTiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AM ) AUi KUST3 IS TUB BEST LINE FOB ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION liEPOT wiih Throuzh Sleeping Car Lines for all Points S OTTTBI. The New Line for 3VCOI3STB3S- The Favorite Eoute for IROOIK : ISLATSTIX The nneqnaled Inducement offered by this Line to Travelers and Touring , are as follows : cllning Ch In No extra clurge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous O. . B. & Q. Palace Diniriir Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars flttsd with Elegant Hivh-Backed Rattan Revolving Chiirs for the excluiivo use of first-claw pisjen- gets. gets.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favorite Eoute to the East , South , and Sonth-Eut. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort. Through Ticket * via thin Celebrated Line for sale at all offices In tha United Statesand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &c ( will big cheerfully riven by appl > lnir to - JAMES B. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , _ General Manager , Chicago RT LINE 1SSO. K.C.,8T.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the onlyDlroct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and tha WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Lonll * nd but one between Omahc and New York. SIX DAILY'PA'SSENGER TRAINS KUCHIX9AU Eastern & Hfestern Cities With le < a charged tmdin advance of other lines. This entire line la eqnlppsd with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cant , Palace Di > Coach- ea.MUIer's Safety' Platform"snd Coupler , end the celebrated WcEtbishocso Alr-Bnko. 33K M1AT YOUK TICKET RC 9"Vl Hanes3 City , St. Joaoph and * " . . , tST Jt > 9 andSt.Lsui3.ta Tickets for w.Jo at 11 coupon outioca In the West. J. P. BABKAUD , A. C. 1JAWES , Oen'l Sapt. . Qcn'l Van. & Ticket Aa't St. JosoDb , Ho. B Joseph , Mo , W 0. SEACHP.EST , TJcfcct Agan. , 1G 0 Farnhra Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , PflS3. Agent , Omahm. Oen'rl Accnt , Omaha. STTUECSEOF DR. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. iHTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND tTCflING PILES field at oace on the application of Pj SoaanUo' * Pile Remedy , whtcri aetm ol tcctly upon the parta afftclca , ab oH la flip Tnmota. allaying ttbe all otber remedlo atfce no nther , and tell year i t merit * . DO NOT DELAT7 cin iho drain oa the mjttesa prodoe * > ermaneBt rilanhlllty , bat bay It , TRY IT ISP CURED so CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGISTFOR IT. nwJ when yea can BO t obtala Uofhtm , w rill Bead It , prepaid , on receipt oprlc < Jr. Bo u > Uo' .TrcnU e om Flies * ent fro innppllotlon. Addre DC , BOSANKO MED10INE CO. P1QUA. O. THE COEOBADO BUSINESS COLLEGE ThU institution , located at Denver , Colorado , tha Educational and Commercial center of tha West , Is pre-eminently the beat and moat practi cal cf Ita kind for the ! MERCANTILE. TRAINING -OF- Toung Men and Ladies. oi w. 'FOSTER , Pfctijunt , D. W. OADY , SecroU y The most extensive , thorough and complete ; ralilutlon of tha kind iu the world. Thousands of accountants and Sns'ocya ' men , In the prin cipal cities and tWPA.ot the .United Slates , owe their success to our course cf training. The Bisht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new l i Ic block , at junction of throe treat car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments or the application of and Carrying out of our novel and systematic methods ol BUSINESS TRAINING. Young men who contemplate a btulnrs llfs , and parenta having Bong to educate , are particu larly requested to rend for ournnw Circular , which will give fall information aa to terai , ondltlon of entrance , etc. Address & W. FOSTER , President , T Denver Colorado. THEDAILYBEE . the Latest Home and Tele- News of th Day. FRITSCH'S PBUSSIAN THE LATEST , VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xlie only existing remedy for every spe cies cf Acute or Clironlc Disease of the Organs of Respiration , and on absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION I all-powerful vegetable preparn- JL tlon expels from the lungs and air pas- cages , the mucus and mnco-pus produced by pi'lmonnry inflammation , heale the Irritated membrasef > and renovates every organ which utilizes the breath of I-lfe. It contains no stupefying poison , nnd is In all respects a healthful medi cine. The rapidity and certainty \rith Which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the system. Free and painless expectora tion Is the mode bywhich It relieve ! the lungs , chest and throat from the burdens which oppress them ; thus arresting Con * sumption and Bronchitis In the germbe- fore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE TV 1th the most terrible scourge of our cli mate trill find Fritsch'a Prussian Cough Syi np a potent ally , and will assuredly win the fight by adhering strictly to thl ( Treat medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD inivhichlt has been administered entire success as n remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Re- gplratory Functions , nanountto _ more than FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , nnd yet the prepara tion isoulyln the Infancy of Its useful ness. The great defect of all Cough Remedies hitherto introduced Is that they are simply expulsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the ncrld secretions which are coughed np are removed , nnd the ruptured , Inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , a care is Impossible. Fritsch's Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pus ivhlch ore the con sequence of ILnnglMsease , ore thrown off by it , while at the same time it soothe * and Invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , Influenza , bronchial difllcnltles , tightness of the chesthoarse- ness , sore throat , trachitls , inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of n pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sole agents In Amrrlca. mCHABDSOH U CO , 6t.Ix > ulsMo. SOLD BY AT.T. DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. ' A now and hitherto nnknorn remedy for all diseases of the Kldneyo , Bladder , and Urinary Omni U will "positiv.sly cure Diabetes , Qravci , Drop sy , Brizht's DUcase , inability to retain or eipell tin Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high colored and scanty trine , Painful Urinating , LAMS BACK , Genera ! Weakness , and all Female Com * plaints. " It avoids Internal , medictuea , la certain Init effccta and euros when nothlnsr'else can. For aja by all Druggists or sent by mail free open receipt of the price ; 22.001 DAY EY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. * your addreaa for oar little book , Sow 3 was Saved. " UER 7. IS IT Airont for Sftbr.v < > . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AHD St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Ktliablt Sioux City Rout * I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMARCK , And all pointaln Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This Una Is equipped with the Improved - proved Wc3tiuthonso Automatic Air Brakes and atillerPlatform Coupler and Buffer , And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la onsarpaBBKl. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Can.owned and controlled yUae com pany , rnn Through Without Change between Union 1'aciflo Transfer Depot , Council Bluff ; , and St. Paul. Trains leave tha Union Pacific Transfer.Dopot at Cooncil Bluffs , at 6:1B p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. , HOURS ra .ADTAHOI OT ANT OTHEE Rourz. Returning , leave St. Paul at 330 i > . m. , ar. vLnr at Slooz City at 4:15 a. m. , and. Uni ar.on Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Biofig , at S 0 m. m. Be guro that your tickets reed via "B. C. ft t. B. B. ' F. C. rOLLF , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , TOTS * P. E. BOBINSON , Wt 0-n-l Pngs. Ap.Lt. J. H. OT3RYAN , and FaaeenKerA int , Council BtcOi Gentle Women "Who want glossy , luxnrianfc and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiM Hair mnst use LION'S ZATH1IBON. This elegant , cheap article ahrays makes the Hair KTOTT freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthyHalris the sure result of usin 3IAKE NO MISTAKE I MIOA AYT.Tl GREASE Compogedlargelyof powdered mica and islcUM i > the best and cheapest lubricator in the world. It is thebest because ! t doss not ran , but forms a highly polished surface over the axle , doing away with a large amount of friction. J t Is the cheapest because you ne d usa but half the quantity In enming your wason that you wool J of any other arle grease made , and then ran your waZon twice as long. It aniwsM eqcafly la wen for 1ID1 Oetrinsr , Ttoeshtag Ufachlnae , Your Dealer For It . octi " * * APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUGHS , GOLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation tn tha known world. By adding to TOLU BOCK and RTE ittlt Lemon Juice , you have an erellent Appetizer and Tonic , for general and family OM. Tht Imme ns and inereasinit sales and the numerous testimonial * rtccl red daily arathcbest evidences of ita virtues and popularity. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. Extract from .Beport of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : 5 „ TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL RKVKNTJ 1 WisHiaaiox U.C. , January 28,1880. f UMSTS. LAWRENCE * MARTIN , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago , Ills. : Gnrrmm : This cempotmd. in the opinion of thla office , wotdd have a sufficient quantity ) , the BALSAM OF TOLU to give It all the advantage * ascribed to this article In pectoral complaints while the whisky and the syrup constitute an emulsion rendering It an agreeable remedy to tht patient. Compounded according to the formula. It may properly be classed as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the provisions ot U. S. Revised Stitvtes. and when so stamped , may tt sold by Druggists , Apothecaries and Other Persons without rendering them liable to pay special tax aa liquor dealers. Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) QREEN. B. BAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTlN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEBS everywhere C. F. GOODMAN. AGENT , OMAHA- rf IT IS ' .10 A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is steadily " ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. . . . , The White Machine justly claims to be the vifiiw best'made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in . . . i'.nA- the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ; , 8- ; - because they find everything just aa repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last-year. All orders addressed tothe Omaha Office' will be promptly filled * JOHN ZEHRUNG , or. Davenport and 15th Sts. NEW AUD CORRECT MAP v - Proves beyond any reasonable question , that the _ . CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to toke when traveling la either direction.between Chicago and all of ihe Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest. Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities or the 'West and Northwest are Stations on this toad. Its through trains maKe close connection * with the trains ol all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , n PTJIXMAN HOTEL DINING CARS.V . . , VUUMV * * .u uu.jt r nrvx U * VcUiAumid I11C If " ' * * LUUUiAy HUlllltXHJkA C * l CUUtU jJfff-"m 'HM1 ? ! O1 ' ouxClty.Nor.Nelra3k &YanktonIJije. > > ' < . . ' J' ) ChIc3eoSt.PaulandMlnneap < ) llaIJne. . "l or. Illinois , Freeport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Lake Superior Llnd.- ' Tickets . over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents m the United States and Can.idas. Ecmembcr to ask for Tickets via this sure they read over It , and take none other. JtAKVIS nUQHirrGen'121anaEer , Chicago. W. H. SIB332TT , Geal Pass. Agent , Chicago. - HARB Y P. 1) OEli , Tlckst Aif nt C. & N. W. Ball ay , 14th andlarnham Struts. 1) . B KIMBAIi > , Assistant Ticket Aeent C & N. TV. Eallwsynth' and Farnham Strata. J. BELL , Ticket Azent C. ft N. W. Railway , "U. P. K K. Dopot. JAMlfiS T. CLARK fOeneral Agtnt. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the iVjnitnre , and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT Tm , * if M Bba th lit 1298 and 121 * Farnham Strc i ill utter ; S.01 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. i G i and Display IT SPRING I CLOTHING !