Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1881, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
The President Overwhelmed
With -Protests Against an
" * Extra "Session-
A .
ArUnited. States Signal1 Sta-
"tiori to 'tie Established in
the Polar Regions.
Tji yjl akt ; .Still 'Wrangling
dyer the Election of
. . March 25.-The.- _
I&ror3firof : senate was prefaced this
forenoon by the Introduction of areso-
lutioa by Senator Ingalls asking the
secretary of war to submit data as fo
the number of appointment ! and
ehapges made outside of the army in
that department .daring the Ust eigh-
tr-aa months , with Information alo-of
salaries paid in premiies. TheMao- :
lation WM referred for printing.
The regular order was stated by the
Tice-presideot .to postpone action on
the reiolutlon of Senator Dawes to
let omcers of the tenata , until the
let of December next. The yeas and
ays baring be n ordered , Senator
Johnston , of Tirginia , took the floor ,
aid aude a long apeech. The senacor
Eiads a detailed review of the politi
cal kistory of hl colleague , Senator
Mahoae , to How that he was elected
a democrat , and was hand and hand
withlUddlakarger , who was nomina
ted by tie roptblioani for senjeant-at-
arms el the aaute , nd that both
were men'tjia repablloaDi conld not
euiatafitlf'taka Into , their.ranks.
Kr.Dairu anggeated to-the senator
frosa Virginia that kh rcuisrks would
kve saore foree if fte skoald tr lt an-
ill aome day whea Senator Mahbne
WM Dot neocaearlly absent.
M ? . Joknion replied that so long as
tha aeoatoff itam 'Massachusetts in
sisted upon tha .resolution , BO long
weald ke feel eblfged to speak.
Among other thlrgi he claimed the
repabllcsps , im aowlcatlng Riddle-
barcer , endorsed bs ! fiotncltlviews. .
Mr. Lof o denltd the juitica of
tkls assertion , aad ditauntd the mit-
UfforroKjtiaae. .
Kr. Torbcts tkreatened to take
part la ike interruption if the senator
frosa Illinois persisted in interrcgating
Mt. Jebnston.
Mr. Logan said he tras perfectly
willing , bat Mr. Johnson insisted on
proceeding wltk his speech end pre-
seated nameroua newspaper comments
oa the Rlddlebsrgar bill. More than
an hoar was consumed in reading
At 2:50 Mr. Pendleton moved that
tke senate go iato executive session , ;
but the motion was lost by a tie vote.
Kr.HoM followorl thi .with a.
ipssoh , In which he charged the dem
ocrats with hypocraay in criticizing
republican action , and he In turn was
followed by Mt. Brown , who cohtin-
aed the same -argument indulged in
by Him yesterday.
At 3:20 : Mr. Morgan moved to go
Into executive session , and an aye and
nay vote resulted in the defeat of the
motion , tbeVotel > eing a tie.
Mr. Harris.called for the ayes and
Bays on'his 'motion to lay on the table ,
and the result was the same es on the
preceding motion.
A'dlscusslon'then arose to the char
acter of Rlddlelprcer's politics , whom
the republican * had nominated as ser-
of senate which
KMtt-at-arms the ,
lasted for some time. At 6 o'clock
Saaator Dawet and Senator Bayard
said they .recognized the useleisness of
further contest to-night , and on mo
tion of the former the senate ad-
tfMto ) Dtapittcbw to The Bee.
WjujniKOTON , March 25 , 4 p. m.
The following nominations were sent
to the eenate : Robert Holt , Illinois ,
assistant secretary of state ; Nathan
W. Spaulding , Colorado , assistant
treasarer of tha U. S. at San Francis-
o , Oat ; Ohaa. M. .Levy-Colorado ,
assistant appraiser-district of San
FrancisbbDaniel Sherman , New York ,
to be agent of Indians 'n New York ;
Second Lleat. Edward Marby , 7th in
fantry , to be first lieutenant.
The Impression here this morning
asaong senators is , with few excep
tions , against an extra aoition. Bank
ers aud broken , predict .nona will be
Oftlled. Persons who up to a late hour
last might were predicting It , now say
they think there will bo none.
This change of opinion seems to have
been inspired by those senators who
kare this morning conversed with the
president and Secretarys Bliiue and
Windom. ItIs understood that an
official announcement of a decision
apoa the question of an extra session
will ba made immediately on the ad
journment of a mteting of the cabinet
Xo omaial announcement of the facl
ks been mads , bat it can bo stated
eoafidantly that there will be no call
fee an extra session. The president
last sight prepared a statement of hit
riews against calling one , and submitted -
ted it to the ctblaet to-day. This It
admitted OB all aides as finally dispos
ing of the matUr , rspemlly t it "Ii
mnierstood t\iat thrre is only one mem
ber of the cabliet In faror of the ex
tra aesalon.
tolb * B * .
It is loftraei t at the president hai
ncciroA protests from buslneas mei
LQ all puts of tha country , Including
Tew Yek , Boston , PMltdslphla , Bil
tlmora and all the western cities
avalBat aa axtn sesrion , and beiuj
klwself originally opposed to it , scemi
to warravt the ronclnsion arrived at bj
all who/have Ulked with him on thi
tubjtet that .be 'will not call one ,
Th BrongMt * outelde presture in favoi
f aa extra eession comes from south
* republicans , who are anxious t <
an a committee sent down sonti
to Icqulra into the legality of the re
* t elections for congressmen in cer
Win districts.
The cablnnt a ulo B yesterday wa
oosapiritlvely ahbrt. Secretary Blain
was not present. He is confined t
kls konae by a aero eye caused by cold
The axtra session question traa no
touched , presumably on account o
tae absence of Mr. Blaino. Nevei
theleis , the statements made in a pre
Tioaa dispatch are suWstantially coi
root. : ?
The secretary of state says that th
wpoit that Commodore Shufeldt ha
been sent on a special mission to China
for the purpose of organizing the Chi
nese. navy is without any foundation.
Commodore Shuf eldt has -just returned
from a special cruise of the "liccn- .
deroga , " during which he visited
Cores , as seemed possible -that cir-1
cnmstanccs might make it desirable to
renew the effort to. open commercial
relations withCorea.
By a computation made.atthe-Treas-
ury department it eeema th t the rate
of interest realized by purchasers of
the recent French loan is equivalent to
about 4 per cent.
The comptroller ct the treasury has
appointed A. J. Hay bauk examiner
for Indiana in place of E D. Lynch ,
resigned , to take effect on the first of
April next.
The friends of Hon. Stanley 3Iat-
, thews are apprehensive that the nom
ination made by the president for the
iNewYork collectorslup'msy'havB ! ln %
fluenco against the-speedy action on
his' nomination for the supreme court
vacancy. They believoif his nomina
tion Is reported to the senate either
favorably or adversely he will be con
The pressure for foreign appoint
ments is .unprecedented. Noarly-every
ex-member of congress thinks he
should hare a comfortable 'consulate
where there is dothing to do but draw
President Garfield has approved the
planes nbmhted by Lieutenant Greoly ,
U. S. A. , for the establishment of a
meteorloglcal station at Indy - Franklin
lin bay. The proper detail of officers
and men-wlllbe made by'he ' war de
partment In a few days , Lieutenant
Greely will be placed in command.
Secretary Blaine has -purchased the
entire square ofgronnd on the S.Jutt
Circle , excepting only the lot on
which Senator Don Cameron is build
ing his residence , and will erect there
on a block of handsome houses.
Senator Cameron , of Pennsylvania ,
who has tasen a leading and active
part in the organization o % and bring
ing forward the movement to elect
the senate officers , left last night for
his home at Harrisburg , to ba aba out
for a week.
There Booms to bo good grounds for
the statement that the president has
decided to remove the present post
master of Cincinnati.
The department of state Issues , for
the information of American cattle
dealers , an order of the Canadian gov
ernment , .published at Halifax , aa
follows : "Steamboat agents are noti
fied by the collector of customs thnt
he will nut permit steamers carrying
cattle from this port to b cleared out ,
if , heaving landed cattle in Great
Brltala from American ports , within
three months from the time of ship
ping cattle here. This order of the
government at Ottawa will be strictly
enforced. . "
Special Dlgp&tclits lo Tile CfrOi
The woman arrested in .New York
Thursday under the name of Florence
McNeil , charged with stealing $1,200
worth of diamonds from a jeweler in
Chlcagoatarted for Chicago yesterday ,
with Detective Hartman.
Charles C. Knhlor , a cigar maker of
Detroit , attempted to kill his wife
yesterday morning , while drunk. Ho
fired four shots , one of which took
effect In her iaw. He then tried , to
shoot himself , but the weapon missed
fire Kuhler was arrested. . , '
Kernan's Monumental theatre in
Baltimore , was Injured by fire last
Edward S. Roberts , the well known
"torpedo" man died at .THusville1 . , Pa. ,
A party -colored Louisville youths
came out of a religious revival meet
ing last nlqht , and got into a row , in
which razors and , pistols were used
freely. One man 'was seriously stab
bed In the back , and another was shot.
William Carter broke into Fanny
Perry's house , at Louisville last night ,
and was arrested for burglary. Fanny
got a license and went to thojjail and
married him , to avoid testifying
against him.
The .guage of the Indianapolis ,
Delphi & Chicago railroad will be
changed Sunday fromihtee foot to the
ordinary width. The road is about
forty miles long , and extends from
Rensellear , Ind. , to Delphia , connect
ing at Bedford with the Louisville ,
New Albany & Chicago.
CHICAGO , March 25. Mrs. Dr.
Ward , of this city , who has recently
been the subject of much scandal , has
been arrested in New York City on
complaint of Charles W. Perkins , a
money lender , who charges that she
took a diamond ring valued at $200
from him and pawned It.
LrrrLB ROCK , Ark. , March 25.
George W. Birmingham , living neai
Yelona , in F lkner county , w&s shot
while at work in the field. There ic
no clue to the assassin or the motive.
Mayor K. A. Watkins , son of the late
Dr. Watkius , and a lawyer known
throughout the state , died yestoiday.
frehistoric Eellc.
Spedil Dbpttch to The Bee
BELLEFONTAINE , 0. , March 25 10
p. m. Henry Selfer and others cul
down & large ash tree. It made twc
saw logs , each fourteen feet long. Or
the top of these , thirty feet from the
ground , Imbedded in solid timber and
looking as if it had been there for sgei
was found the thigh Hone of an adul
human being , presumed to be a man
* *
Stabbed In the Heart ,
fipodil dtapilch to Th * Bee.
BALTIMORE , March 25 10 p m.
Aspeclal to The News states that 01
Monday-last , while a number cf yonn ,
men were returning from a party ii
Accomes county , Va. , they became in
rolved in a quarrel , which ended ii
William Northam stabbing Solomoi
Byrd through the heart. Byrd1
corpse was found stretched across.
tree next morning. Northam escaped
and is supposed to have come to Balti
Eastern Extension of vhe Norther
SpecUl DUpttch to The-Bee.
MxKXEiPOLis , Minn. , March 2G
a m. The contract for the construe
o tion of the first nine miles of th
Northern Pacific extension , east of th
N. P. junction , was let yesterd'ay t
St. Paul parties , the work to bo con :
pleted August 1. This is the fin
really tangible evidence that the con
pany would actually 'build , eastwat
along the south shore of Lake Super
or , andf ( or this reason is looked upc
as highly important.
r - -
' * - f
TheEussian Government Promises -
. ises Radical Eeform Both at
Home and Abroad.
Gladstone's Afghan Policy
Firmly Sustained by Par
Boera Disperse to Their
Homes to Hnjoy the Peace
Their Valor Won.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. '
j IioNDoNMMar : 1 25 10"p.'m. A
despatch fronrEPanBwBtatea-th3i prf- "
vate telegrams received there from
Stanford affirm that a ccmplete under
standing has been arrived at between
the porte and the ambassadors of the
powers at Constantinople on the great
Greek question , and that the conference -
once has ended its work to the satis
faction of the ambassadors. This ie
in direct contradiction to previous re
ports between the powers and the sul
tan on subject and is doubted in po
litical circles.
iSpeUl Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , March 25 10 p. m.
Interest in the Lawson suit against
Labouchere was revived tc-day by the
appearance of Mr. Gladstone , who has
been summoned in behalf of Mr. .La
bouchere , as witness ( or the defense.
Mr. Gladstone appeared in very' poor
health , and very feeble. 'He was in
vited to a seat en the bench , whence
he testimony. Hi said the tel
egram published by The Telegraph , al
leging that he had entered in to cor
respondence with Greece in reference
to n settlement of the Greek frontier
question , for the gurposo of obtaining
certain conceptions for England in re
turn for her influence , wss altogether
false. He admitted that he had told
Lawson that some measure must be
taken for his ( Gladstone's ) vindication ,
but beyond the article published in
response to this , Lawaon had no ex
cuse whatever for his criticisms and
strictures' upon the government policy
or upon the cabinet.
Special Diipatch to Tns BKB.
1 a. m. This , the greatest - railway.
centre in southwest Germany , will , it
is anticipated , attract an unusual num
ber of visitors during the npprcaching
summer. No fewer than five district
exhibitiona of importance will bo held
here this year. There is to be a
balneological exhibition , including
every kind of appliance for public.
private and medical bathing. Next
there is to be an exhibition of patents
and patterns , intended to premote the
Interests and protection of inventors.
Further , there will be an exhibition of
another of all the local industries of
Frankfort. Finally , there will be tha
international exhibition of leather
goods , boots , shoes , gloves , harness
and tanning material.
Special DliDatcbo to The Bee.
LONDON , March 26 1 a. m. A
dispatch from St. Petersburg saya
there is fresh and inspired proof of
Russia's pacific policy , and desire fur
Internal reform. Tha Central Asian
advance will be arrested , resistance
will bo made to panslavism , and no
corruption permitted in any of tha
departments ; peaceful relations with
England will bo Btuctly cultivated.
The Prince of Wales and Alexander
III. are very great friends.
Special dispatch to The Bee. .
NICE , France , March 26 1 a. m.
JSo list of the victims of the opera
house fire has yet been published.
The bodies in most cases-are .cilcined
and disfigured beyond recognition.
' ' "
During the fire "several peo'ple' frantic"
with terror threw themselves from the
top of the .theatre , and wore dashed
to pieces. . It is clear that the calami
ty was .the result of unpardonable
carelessness. The' gas pipe behind the
scenes had not been repaired or re
newed for the last eleven years , and
an escape of gas , which occurred four
months ago , was temporrrily stopped
with cement the day before the lire.
Another essape of gas was discovered
during the reheanaL Two inexperi
enced plumber's apprentices were left
to attend to it without superintended
or. It is supposed they did their
work imperfectly , and consequently
the .escaped gas concentrated behind
the drops , and as soon as the burners
were lighted in the wings , thavex -
plosion occurred. The meter was .in
stantly turned off , and the theatre
thereby plunged into darkness , hence
the panic and stampede. Very fen
persona were injured , but , the numbei
of deaths was remarkably large. Twc
hundred and fifty people were crowded
into a small gallery with only one
narrow door , which opened into the
ward as a means of egress. The ma-
iority were Nicers or Italians. There
was a public interment , .yesterday ol
eighty-five victims The shops and
other places ot business were closed.
Subscriptions have b ° en opened foi
the relief of the families of the dead ,
Sp dal dispatch to The Bee
LONDON , March 26 1 a. m.
Liinginek was clear of Boera by r ,
o'clock Thursday evening. The ]
marched off in an imposing columi
of 8000 men and 250 wagons. Neithei
men nor herses show any traces o
sickness. They vill disperse afte :
reaching their own territory. Thi
toyal commission has a difficult task t <
perform , as a nujority of the Boer
view it with suspicion.
ecud oispitch to TH * Bit
LOKDON , March 26 1 a. m. In tb
house of commons last night , Hon
Ed ward Stanhope's resolution , that th
withdrawal of the British forces fror.
Candabtr was not conducive to th
true interests of India , was resumed
and the Marquis of Hartington mad
a long speech , iu which he held-the
the retention of Candah&r would lea
to anarchy , confusion and cndlei
trouble , and argued in favor of witt
drawal for pecuniary and patriot !
reasons. Sir Stafford Northcote mad
a very firm and pointed speech in leat
ing the opposition. . He condemnc
the policy of the , government as
piece of masterly inactivity. On-
division" of the honao there was 2 ]
votes for Stanhope's motion to 3 !
; vbtes against it. The annonncemei
'of the vote caused prolonged cheer In
'A dispatch from Teheran Bays an a
tack npon TJrmich , by Kurds , 13 hour
ly expected. The Persians are un
provided for a renewal of hostilities.
Special Dispatch to THK HEX.
PARIS , March 26 1 a. m. The
situation at Tunis is increasing in
'gravity. ' The French consul-general's
( reply to annddrees conteins an accusa
tion against Bey , and-declares that
the French flg is menaced.
Special Dlapitch U Tax Bat.
LONDON , March 25 4 p. m. The
liberals in parliament are said to bo
'considering the proposing of a motion
'condemning the 'terms of peace -wUh
'the BoersB. "
Home rulora are considering' 'the
expediency , of calling /attention to the
recent "utferancea ! oP several. Irish ,
fudges and asking their , dismissal. '
Special bUpaUEes to TLe Bee.
LONDON , March , 26 1 a. m.It is
reported th&t an attempt WAI made
'to Intercast the ' 'Australia , " which
left London for New York Thursday.
She ia supposed to have on board
John Colman , who is suepected aa be
ing one of the persons concerned in
an alterant to blow up the Mansion
House. Toe police waited with a tug
for the "Australia" off the" month of
the Thames.
apodal Dispatches to TUB BB * .
Sir Charles Reed , 'chairman of the
Lonaon school -board , is dead. Ho
was a mompor of parliament for Saint
Ives , a LL , D. and an F. R. A. S.
A dispatch from , Athens says the
Greeks are reported as daily prepar
ing for war.
| The report of the viceroy of India
describes the condition of India as
prosperous , and after the war expens
es are paid , it is hoped there will be
no cause for anxiety in respect to the
finances of India.
M.-Gambott ? , at the banquet' the
Paris chamber of commeice laat night ,
eaid that Franco was 'now reaping the
bletainc3 from democracy , and now ,
that she had conquered- freedom ,
and ho and his colleagues had been
liberated , they 'hope to become re- '
forming. *
A monster , democratic mooting was
held in Madrid yesterday , at , which
slavery in Cuba was severely- con
demned. '
It isboKevoJ.that new Portu
guese ministry "ivfll meet and decide
to support the majority , of tha cortes.
, A dispatch from Dnrban saya it ia
reported that.theroia dissension among
the Boers at "tho terms -of peace- and
outbreaks .aro prodiited.
* Exploits of a Dizzy Dame.
Special , Dispatch to The Bea.
OHIQAOO , March 26 i a. m. An
evening paper has the following gossip
about Mr . Ward- who
sip - , - was nrreat-
ed iu New York under the name of
Clar.enca FJorerica McNeil , for pawn-
co ono'Vettfibs : In * . Tram
and wife werj stopping a few months
ago at the Palmer house. She iraa
her hnsbaud'a .junior by many yean ,
aud. beautiful in faca and figure , and
fond of excitement and social pleasure.
The attentions T of ti armypfficartb
Mrs. Ward excited Dr. Ward's appre
hensions , and ho removed with his
wife to the Tremont house. Ho. came
in one night , and found .she had gone ,
bag and baggage , leaving1 no word of
her whereabouts. In a few dayshow-
dver , ho fouud she was living on the
West Side. He was compelled to ba
satisfied with" 'her explanation , that
she was tired of hotel . lite , ' and the
doctor settled , down" to live with her
again. She find a second time , and a
few days afterward Dr. Ward was as
tonished to find her in a house of ill
fame on Fifth avenue , installed as its
mistress. It was a few days before
this discovery that Mrs. Ward had
gone to Perkins and borrowed the
diamonds. When Dr. Ward visited
; the place next day , after his disco veiy
of her whereabouts , she' , had fled. He
learned thai she went cast with New
York drummer.
Hnodo Island Conventions.
Spec ! * ! Dispatch to Tns Bu
PROVIDENCE , R. I. , March 25 10 ;
p. m. The Rhoda Island prohibition
convention , held hora to-day , nomi
nated Albert C. Howard , ot East
Pfovldfluca for governor , aud. A. B.
Chadray , of Wickford for lieutenant-
governor All the rest of the ticket
is the same as the republican. The
'Rhode ' Island state greenback con
vention uaa also hold to day , and
nominated Charles P. Adams for gov
ernor ; and James Jofferaou for lieu
tenant governor , Hwiry Appleton
for secretary of state' ; DAVid Moore
for treasurer ; aud F. W , Robinson
for attoruay-general
.Afcer the Hog-Pat Butter Makers.
Sjmciil Dispatch tolhaBcs.
NEW YORK , March 25 10 p. m.
Thi > assembly committee on' public
health met to-day to resume the In
vestigation of the manufacture and
sale.of oleomargarine butter , lard and
cheese. Several of the moat promi
nent wholesale butter and cheese mer
chants of this city testified that there
was much adulteration of cheese , and
the counterfeit article was made from
oleomargarine lard aud various oils.
They considered the adulterated arti
cle aa unhealthy , as deodorized animal
fat entered into its composition , aud
as a very prevalent disease among
hogs was scrofula , there was no rea
son why it should not bo transmitted
to the consumers of the bogus article.
The production of the adulterated ar
ticle is rapidly increasing in the west.
The butter question 'will be taken up
All Safe.
Special DtepaUh to'The Bee' '
NEW YORK , March 26 1 a. m.
A rumor that William Walter Phelps
was injured iu the fire of the open
house at Nica , ia without foundation ,
A dispatch was received from hlu
yesterday by Mr. Bond , stating ths , '
ho was safe and at Florence.
Bolting Preachers
Special Dispcteh to The Bee
CINCINNATI , 0. , March 26 1 a
m. The Protestant clergy of thi
city have determined most unanimous
ly to oppose the re-election of Jacob
republican candidate tor mayor , t
meeting has been held , and a commit
tee appointed to draw up the pape
: G setting forth the reason for their at
J6at tion. They cliim that Jacob Las no
at enforced the laws against gamblin
dens , Sunday variety shows , lew
songB , etc. , and the republicans in tl
state legislature have neglected t
pass needful temparanca and Sunday
laws , which had been Introduce ? ! and
petitioned for.f (
JNew York Money ana Stscte.
WALL STREET , March 23.
At 1 p.'m. the'prices were as follows :
MOSET Kve per cent , exchange ,
Bteadyat : S4.80i@4.83.-
- ( - ;
TTS6V8li.J.02l'-UB4's 111J
U S 5's..l 111' Currency 6'a..l . 30
JT S 4i's.i : 111/
WTJ. Imjyjs. . . , 1274
00 &IC. . . . . . 2411-Northwestern..122"
! NYG..W33 ; 0&31 43
NJC.-995 .PM. . . . . - . . . . , 55J
1C. . . . . . . . . . .13414 ileaOiuj * . . . . . . . 6 ! )
Ohio Cen.l.-29Pst.Paul 110
N.P ' . T41S"VWSbaRb . . . . . . 4'4
Manhattan -l'i < 3SP pf' ' „ - . - . . * r.- . . ' 87 §
Altou.r -.v':12. < trsiJ < & : < Xf S 744
C. S 703 Han'fcSt.'JlSir&'Wi'
Del&H 1085 Pfd 1014
Erie .47 ? C'P ' , 83.J
I'M ' C3 ? C&A. , . . 1351
K & T 46 | NP , 43J
1 Chicasro Produce Market. .
CmoAao , March 25.
Wheat March , § 1 00 bid ; April ,
§ 1 00jj@l OOi ; May.Sl 051 05J ;
June , SI OC1 OGJ ; July , SI 04 ;
year , 95c bid ; closing at § 1001 COffer
for April ; SI 051 05 | far May ;
SI , ' 051 06 bid for .June ; § 1 04J ®
1 04jfor July ; 95@95 cfor the year.
. Corn April , 39. ; asked and 38Jc
bid ; May ; aold at 42jjc ; Juno , 42io ;
JTuly , 43@43Jc ; August , 43fc ; closing
at 42l@42 a for. May ; 42J42 c for
" '
June ; 4343jc'for July ; 43J@43fa
for August.
Data March , offered at 29c and
29Jc Hid ; April , 29J@29a ; May , 34 ]
@ 34c ; June , 33c ; July , 32c.
Mesa Pork April , § 15 15' bid aha
S15 20 aakod ; May sold at § 15 25 ®
15 30 , June , § 15 37i@15 40 , closing
at 515 25@15 27i for May ; S15 37i
bid for June. Sales , 11,500 barrels"
Lard April offered at $10' 37i ;
May sold a10 47i ; June , § 10 57A ;
July , 10 GSf'yei ? , § 10 15 ; cloa-
lug at § 10 45@10 47i for May : S10 55 ®
1057i for June ; § 10 G5@10 G7i for1
July ; § 10 15@10 17 for tha year.
Sales 3000 tierces.
Bulk Meats Short ribs , April ,
sold at § 7 57i ; MayS7 G7i ; June ,
7 75 bid ; closing at § 7 57i@7 60 frtr
April ; $7 657 70 for ftlay ; § 7'75 ' ®
7 80 for June. Salea.250,000 Iba.
Chicago Live 'Stock Marmot.
CHICAGO , March 25.
; Hoga The market ruled dull and
Drices declined 5@10a on the figures
qurrent on yesterday ; shippers word
the principal purchasers for light and
heavy grades ; Bales ranged from go Go
@ 5'80 for Jieht shipping and packing ;
85 355 80 for heavy picking , and
from ? 5 606 10 for fair to choice
smooth huavy shipping ; an extra
heavy lot sold at $ G 50 , but ia no cri
terion of the gsnoral markut ; there
was a dull and weak , feeling , with a
downward tendency ; fresh receipts
were 10,000 head.
Cattle The retoi Vlc - futtqy * -
anc'o of"ouyerrttfti "market ruled fairly -
ly active and prices wcra tolerably
steady ; there was a fair number of
good to choice cattle among the arfiv-
ala , and buyers wera Jn the yards , with
a prospect that a large number will
change hands during the day ; prices
.ranged at S3 150455 for cows ; $4.25
@ 4 75 for fair to good shipping steers ,
and from , § 5 25@5 90 for choice to
extra choice shipping beevoaj there
> T&a nothing done in stockera.
Sheep The market was qnlat and
10@15c Ipwer , o.wlng to the continued
largo receipts.
St. Lioula Live titoclc Market
" ST. 'Loois , March 25.
Hogs Lower and weak ; York-
era and Baltimorea , § 5 505 70 ;
mixed packing , $5 205 60 ; choice
to fancy , heavy , So 756 00 ; recoipta ,
4 100 head ; ahipiacnts , 3800 head.
New Yor& Produce Market.
1 - NEW YORK , March 25.
Flour Eeceipts , 17,000 barre'e ' ;
aalea' , 14,000 barrels ; active and in
buyers'favor , but without important
Wheat A shade stronger and mod
erately nctivc ; sales of 8,000 bushels ,
No. 1 white , March , at SI 2l ;
85,000 bu No. 2 red , March , at. [
SI 23 § ; 144,000 bu. , April , at 121 | ®
1.22J ; 96,000 bu. , May , at $1201 ®
56,000 bu. , June , at § 1 1'J ®
Corn Shade easier and dull ; mixed
western spot , 57@59&c ; futures 54 ®
59 c ; sales , 40,000 bushels
Oats Shade easier ; western ; 43 @
48c ; ( ales , 35,000 buahela , including
No. 2 , March , at 44Jc.
Beef Unchanged.
Pork Firm but quiet ; old mess ,
§ 15 00.
Lard Spot , higher and atro'ng "at
S10 80. . . .
Butter Firm for choice ; OhipylO
® 29c.
Oheese Steady al 813jo. ,
Sugar Firm wlih fuir trade. ,
Molasses Quiet and steady. . .
Petroleum Unchanged. ; } , '
Rice Fairly active.
Coffee Steady ; freight firm.
Spirits of Turpentine Firm at 4Gc
per gallon.
Boain Steady.
Eggs Western firm at 22ia.
Cotton Quiet and a teady'ealca ; 1320
bales ; middling uplands , lO 75 ; Or-
leinaSlf' ; 00 ; futures quiet and
steady ; Mjifch , . S10 50 ; April , § 10 51 ;
May , § 10 59 ; June , 10 68 ; July ,
§ 10 77Auguat ; , § 1Q > 8L
Wheat Irregular ; No. 2 red win
ter , § 1 23i f.-ir Bh ; § 1 22 § for
March ; § 1 21 for April ; § L 20 for
May ; § 119 for June. Sales , 200,000
Corn Qnlet ; No. 2 , 59i@59c.
.Sales , 160,000 ba.
Oata Qnfet.
' Whisky Nominal. -
Pork lo 9.0 bid.fdr April ; § 15 , 8C
015 90 , for.May.
L d § 10 80@11 00 for cash :
§ 10 774 bid for March ; S1080@108E
for April ; S10 8510 87 $ for May ;
S1090for June ; § 10 92i@10 95 foi
July ; $10 45 era ler toc the year.
Sr. Louis , March 25.
Wheat Opened higher and declined
No. 2 red.Sl 05 for cash ; SI 051 Ooj
for 'March ; SI 051 | 05J for April
SI 061@1 071 06f for May ; § 1 OGJ ( <
1 Obf for June ; $1 01 $ ® ! Olil Olj
fir July ; 97@97 | < S97c for the year
No. 3 do , 98ZC ; No. 4 do , 94 Jc bid.
Corn Opened higher aud declined "
41gc for cash ; 41i ° for April ; 41g < 5
4141 for May ; -ilc fi r June ; 42
@ 42c for July.
Oats-r-Higher at 3G36fc for cast
" 34cbldfor April ; 40c for June.
Rye Firm at SI 05.
Barley Quiet at 80c@Sl 05.
Lead L-mer td sell ; § i 25 bid. .
Buttet Quiet and unchanged jdairy ,
E gs Quiet and unchanged ailSic.
Whisky Steady at § 1 06
Pork Firmer at S15 50@15 601
Dry Salt Meats Bolter at § 4 80@
4 907 657 707 857 ' 90 ; bacon ,
higher at S7 G28 508 708 75.
Lard Higher at § 10 25.
, Racolpto Flour , 7000bbls ; ; wheat ,
84,000 bu ; corn , 67,000 ; pats , 10,000 ;
rye , 1000 ; barley , 9,000.
i Shipments Flour , 16,000 bbls1 ;
wheat , 13,000 bu ; corn , 142,000 ; oata ,
25,000 ; rye , 1,000 ; , barley , none.
Qrant'd Successor.
Special Dispatch < o the Bis.
NEW YORK , March 26 1 a. m.
Ilu h J. Jovrott baa as yet given no
anawor aa tq his acceptance of the
'presidency ot th'a world's fair commis
sion. A special meeting will bo held
to-day , Tvhen Mr. Jetrett will give a
definite answer concerning the posi
tion tendered him.
Labor Resolutions.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
.CUICAUO , March .25 4 p m. The
Chicago Tradu 'and , L bor Union , at a
meeting last ni ht , adopted , resolu
tions aeaiust iho importation , o ;
Proiich-Canadiau artisans Into this
and .other cities of the Union.
.Mr. Henry F. Gilltg , founder of
the American Exchange .In London , is
now in Chic.igt ) fo'r the purpose of es
tablishing a branch in , which ,
ho thinks , will have great influence in
increasing European travel to this
country. ,
Tne Republican Prlmarlea. .
The republican central committee
met last evening in the office of the
chairman , Col "E. F. Smythe , to 'de
cide upon a time for the primaries and
convention to nominate city officers.
She committee attended iu full
force , except that Mr. Hascall was
substituted for Mr. Mullen in the
Second , Mr. Wo'odworth' for Mr.
Cummings and Mr.-Grandpre for Mr.
Green in the Third , Mr. Goldsmith
for Mr. Kent in the Fourth and Mr.
Rathburn for Mr. Cumings in the
S xth ward.
The firat question , wa to decide th ?
number of delegates sent Tram
each .ward io the convention which
was. quickly agreed npon as seven.
Then the day for the. priamies'-was'
discussed. Evidently the exposure
by Tus BEE last evening of the pro
posed call .of the primaries for this
evening had a wholesome effect , for
after diicuzsing Monday as thaday
for : the primaries , it 'wsa thought wise
to disarm all suspicion and name Tues
day , between the hours of 4 and 7 , aa
the time to hold them.
It wag-tne.n-ae3en.i" : im "
ventTon on xnursoay aF2 oxuotiL
a committee was appointed to secure a
hall and attend to any other business
incident to the event.
The committee ia 'Messrs. Gold
smith , Haicall and Leeder.
It was charitably agreed that tha se
lection of councllmeh from the several
wards loft to the ward cau- ;
cuees. , . i
The .representatives of each ward
wore then invited to name a place for
holding the primary in their .respec
tive wards , which was finally settled a *
follows : ' -
Flrat Slavnn'a hotel , ' Tenth street.
Second Wllanz Hall , corner
Leaven worth and .Thirteenth streets.
: Third The .drug store corner of
Douglas and Twelth streets.
.Fourth' The sheriffs office.
: Fifth Corner of Webster and Six
teenth streets.
Sixth Corner of Bart and Twen
tieth streets.
The committee adjourned , sine , die ,
these duties winding up its official
existence. - . - . - . . .
' Bound Over.
The case of the.State against Par
ker and Sawyer came up before Judge
Hswes Thursday afternoon , the
judge finally deciding to bind the de
fendants over in tbo sum of § 1,000
4ch to appear at the June term.of the
istrict .court , in Douglas county ,
Jounsel for the prisoners declared
iheir intention .to obtain a habeas cor-
> us in supreme court' this week. Un-
osa they should be .released under
hat proceeding they will'be/.hold for
ppearance at the district court.
' , This case is of especial interest to
.he wholesale dealers of Omaha. Par
ker & Sawyer wore merchants in Sa.
iue county and bought goods of Too-
lt & Maul , Steele , Johnson & 0o.
Meyer , Raapke & Co. , and Reed
Jones & Co. , of this city , on credit
These men were leading and influen
l citizens of Saline county and sup
poaed to ba perfectly straight , bu
they sold out aud beat all the firm :
above referred to'out of tha amount o
the respective bills.Suits wore brongh
lnftt them here for faUe pretences
It was sworn that in one instanc
they had shown a travelieg man a cri'
containing 30,000 bushels of corn am
ave him to understand it was the !
property. '
There are several technicalities , 01
some of which it is hoped to obtaii
the , habeas corpus. It ia claimed tli
papers were illegally made out , th :
the suit should have been brougli
against them In their own county , an
ttiat Judge Hawea has no jnrlsdictioi
The outcome'Is of direct' interest t
every one of the wholesale
It will settle whethei they have or hat
not any protection against this cla :
of frauds.
A. clothes-line , U a harmless thin
when stretched from pole to poleui ;
til you start across the yard , and st
into a hole. Then , aa you make
forward lunge , it stops , you , so I
Hpeak and throws you down , and , jerl <
you to the middle of neck's tweak.
Terrible Suffering of Set-
tiers in the Snow Drifts j
of Dakota.
Houses Torn Down for Fuel
to Keep their Bodies
The Life Blood of Residents
Slowly Ebbing Away .
-in-Texas. .
Home . . and * Foreign . Pacts
t ,
' . Prairie Triala.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
DOBDQUE , Iowa , March 254 p. in.
Mr. S eruett , who has arrived here
to viait friends , tells a horrible story
of his experiences during the ' winter
at Bit ; Lake , Dakota. He-homestead-
od 150 acroa two yeara ago and last
year harvested 60 acres of wheat
yielding 25 bushels per aero , for
which he realized twelve hundred del
lars. With this he laid , in a supply
of fuel and fixed up for the
winter , otherwise his family would
have periafied. Two neighboring
fnmiliea , not so - well fixed
oame to live with them aqd the three
families m the'house ' had hard work
to keep from freezing. Their fuel ran
out and they used up all the railroad
tiea and telegraph p'ltea .they could
dig out of'thesnowv Then the hocaoa
of the other t wo families were liUlo by
little torn down and burned and near
ly all their furniture 'went ' the same
way. A German neighbor named
Becker , with a "four horae
team.attempted tb roach this station
for a sapply of coal He was caught
in a snow drift and two days after
ward fonnd frozen stiff in his sleigh ,
his faithful dog'lying on his breast ,
alao dead. The five horses were ail
frozen stiff , standing upright in the
drift. Becker's body _ waa taken
home to his bereaved wife 'and
children. Ic was nailed iu a atont box
and placed in the corn crib nntll it
could be buried iu the spring. Anoth- .
cr family had lived for'sume ' time on
a < ? up made of an ox hide Mr.
[ Sternet' , however , eaya the people
'are not 'discouraged ; 'they like the
country , which has a deep fertile soil ,
and they will heraaftar prop ire for a'
hard wiuter.
Texas Bores"
Sn'cil Dlapatch to THM Bn
PALESTINE , Tex. , March 25 4. p.
m' . Abont two miles from , this city a
fatal diflioulty took place between
Robert and-Jeff Watts , two-brdthers ,
resulting in the death"of Jrff from
knife wounds inflicted by the handset
ot hia brother.
Four Tivr TW . ivr. . < .i. o .t „
mA letter fromCaptain SmithjJ
. .
-miltatt Ol m * -j i ' rTSTJSSi"
TCaliy , * a " weaffh'y "wercliatit and
ranchers , on both sides bf iha Rio
Grande , waa assassinated hat night by
Dohn Eavers. The particulars are
nst known.
'The Cheratl mountains are said to
ba literally swarming with proapect-
ora. It is said that coal hasbeen fouud
ja' great ahnndinco in Mexico near
Prosldo. Lwge 'numbera of persons
are' passing hero en route to El Paso.
' Logan's Mash.
Spedal Dispatch to The Be .
SOMEBSET , Ky. , March 25 4 p. m.
F. V. Logan , United States Deputy.
Collector , has just returned -from a
mophsbino raid in the mountains of
Vayne county. He smashed throo'
tilla ; ouo of the stills was one hun-
Ired and fifty foot under the proand ,
md was enteTed by climbiug down a
OmiE rCATTB,1 |
im or.CniKi Coiuimiav : OP stmaisiiixci , }
OMAlli , NEB , February 2il , 188L )
Sealed proposals , la trlpliate. aabject to the
loi.s will be received ' t thb office
r at the otBce * of the Acting Asslst rt Coin
missailes ol Sab istcnce at'tbe ( oliowinz lumcd
X)3t3 until 12 o'clock noon , on the 20 ih day of
Vpril , 1331. at which tirao and places llioy will
e optiiM In the prc encacf biddci4for furnish-
In ? and delivery of all the Ires' ! beef from the
ock , for i.sua , aad cholcu cuts lor ale to o-
ictra required .by the Subsistence Department ,
United Stat ATEJJ , for these posts , for the
: al year commcuciny July 1st. 1311 , viz : Foita
ridjfer ; Cimcron' , Douglas , 1'ett inian , Hill'
Laramle , ilch'iiineyf Klobrata , Omahi. liobin-
on , lliusell , Sanders , Kidney. Hteelc , Wailukie
lipycnno depot and .Umahi depot.
The propasili for fresh l > e f for usna must
be on separata steels from thoao for choice cats
lor sales.
Separata proposals for each poft are required
and only such will be considered.
The Rover ment .reserves the ryht to rejec
any or all hidj. >
BUnk proposals and instructions to bidder. ' ,
jiving fall inhumation as to the manner of til-
din ? , conditions to bo observed by bidders , and
terms ot contract and pajmont will be furnish
ed on application to this , office or to , the com
m&saries'at the various posts' named.
NI proposals will be considered unUss aicom
ponied by the "lust uctions vo bidders" abov
referred to. '
Knvelopei containing proposes should be
marked "Proposals forl-'re-h Beefat. ; . . , . . , . . / '
andiddlresjedto th's undersigned ofto the re
spective post commU = arir9.
in22-6t Chief , f. S.
D. T. .MOUNT ,
' 'Manufacturer andJDe'aler in
: . " ' arid
; Agents , for JAMES R. BILL
i & CO. , Celebrated
! jtSTTho Best in The World's !
a 1Q2 Farnham St. ,
a Omaha , Neb.
it i
tr. i .Gco'.K. . ibitlibun , Principal.
13 Oreighton Block- - OMAHA
. ' Send for'Circular.
. - > '
' - 'S ' : G&TB ENSONCO. .
CarMDtcn and BiUJere , faY9 , remold to Ho
M3.J ) dge Street , mhera.thay mielprepired t <
ti o1 . kind yorkln.theirlinoon.sbort n < rtki
aOjul. uu * * o * r-
_ .
vtreuoruble * rate a. .
10th St. , bet Jackson & Jones.
Now known as the cheapestplaceinthe city for
Everything sold for cash only. >
Special Offerings this Week :
1 Lot Diaper Toweling , $125 per piece , of 10 yards' ' , ,
1 Lot Dress Goods lOc , others ask 15.
1 Lot Brocade Dress Goods 22 l-2c , others ask 25c.
1 Lot Merrimack Shirtings 7c , others ask 8 l-2c. ' ' J
1 Lot Heavy Canton Flannel 12 l-2c , others ask' , ,
16 2-3c.
. 1 Lot Shaker Flannel 15c , others ask 25c.
1 Lot Cheviot Shirtings 12 l-2c , others ask5c ; ' ' '
; 1 Lot Crash Toweling 5c , others ask 8 l2c."V < J
1 Lot Linen Huck Towels 25c , others ask 40c. ' * *
1 Lot Turkisk Bath Towels-25c , others ask 50c. )
, 1 Lot Turkey Eed Damask 50c , others ask. 65c. Jal
. 1 Lot Men's Brown Half Hose 12 l-2c others ask 200.- " " :
1 ' Lot Ladies' Striped Hose lOc , others ask I6c. v' '
I'Lot Men's Merino Underwear ' ' ' *
50c , others aak 65c.
1 lot Men's Cheviot Shirsts 75c , other ask $100. : t - *
i "HOW ARE YOU OFF FOB SOAP ? " , „ 1-07 , „ ndJ
3 Cases Oat Meal Toilet Soap , 10 cents a Box. . " ' - -
Orders by Sail Carefully Filled.i !
- - - - Manager.
Wholesale and Retail Mana.
. . . .
) ' -.a ' { >
. ' ' .
. - j * 1
Ooldund Silver
. and Jewelry In tke. , . .
. * *
City. .
.i < f
Come and See Our Stock " *
- ! #
as We WiU Be Pleanti , y
to'Show Goods.
' i'-t
' - fj t
loth & Podge , Opposite Po toMa . * ' '
I 4rent
- . ' for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell ;
etire stock of " - - >
. . ' . _ " ' * * * ! ii'-i * ' *
V'f 4 -
fr * - I * J.
Diamonds , Watches , " > , < . * , . * * . * *
Jewelry , Clocks. t * * * * * I
_ _ . .
- ' - -fvrf M
Silver-Ware , . -
. Pianos & Organ -
At Manufacturins ; Prices , Which is from 151 * 20 a *
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale HOUM ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. Hth & Farnham j
We Mean Business. Come and be Coimiced.
'i/ ) A. WAKE FIELD.
- Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , \ 1 \
Cement , Plaster &c ,
ITear Union Pacific Depot. OMAHA , HEB. >
sctorer ol > U Uodfl ot
Bummer Bologna ( Gervelat "Wonrt ) a
SAUSAGE Specialtiy. Orders promptly flll i- '
, VnABurfc St. , Omah * Nell. " - -