Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1881, Image 4

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    * " BREVITIES.
Paterson sells coal.
T-rederick , J eading Hatter. mUtf
See PolackV advertisement.
JOSO re idence lots. Urais , agent
500 "business lots. Gallon Bemis.
BenuV new map of Omaha , 25 cent ? .
Berni f real estate boom . First page.
250 bouses and lots. Bemis1 agency.
200 farms and 900,000 acres land. Bemis
ajent. _ _
Try'Ji3axe's choie * , " * best Sc dgar in
High colored sweet Oranges at Buf-
fefs. 24-21
Children School Holt , c/wop , Fredericks.
-AVhipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
era , Creichton Block. o26-tf
Five varieties of nice apples , by the
barrel , at Buffet's. 21-Ct
Finest af sornnent of tooth brushes at
Saxe'e , warranted.
High colored sweet Oranges at Buf-
fel'a. 24-2t
Full line cf artists * materials , at Chic -
c \so prices. Juhn's drng store. ml-lm
No 1 engine company will bold their
fourth annual ball on Wednesday evening ,
March 30th , at Masonic Hall.
The coming Icily election will be dis
cussed on Fiiday evening at a mass meet
ing at Bohemian Hall Thirteenth street
The ice is reported breaking up in the
Matte river in the vicinity of Willow Is
land Brady Island , andbeginn'nj to move.
Judge Dundynot being on hand atLin-
colnWednesday , for the adjourned term of
the TT. S. court , another adjournment was
taken to the.28th inst.
We publish to-day a very interesting
article on the manufacture of nails in
Omaha. It may be found in another col
umn on this page.
Arrangements havebeen made by Gen.
McBride , ot the State Fair Board , to
plant two barrels of seed oysters in Salt
creek and tbe salt basins west of Lincoln.
Two large government safes have been
received at the post-office building , one for
the office of Col. Watson B. Smith , clerk
of the TJ. S. court , and , lbeother for the
office of JohnD. Campbell , custodian.
The parties to the Stratton-Duke
elopement affair have been heard from at
Kansas City , where they registered as man
nd wife. They left there ostensibly for
Omaha , but are believed to be in Missouri.
The plans for the additions to the IT ,
P. shops ] are to be made after Superinten
dent Stevens' return from his bridal tour.
The proposed addition tj'tho headquart
ers will not be made this year.
"Jack" Smith and his brother , two
Will known professional base base ball
playerepaseed through thecityyesterdayon
their way to 'Frisco , to fill then- engage
ment with the "Knickerbocker * " of that
It-Appears that-mulm- nonr p h" " !
law wom a,5vli9io , Ti,4roperly"and have"
lived in the precint forty jdrys ] are permitted -
, mitted to vote/ for chool-direcUirs Spsae
if lawyers f claim , however/ that under the
constitution otNebraska"women" are"not"
allowed to vite , and that therefore 'the
newBch'toliaw is unconstitutional.
Will Killingsworth , who has been in
the employ otn. ! G.Tun ) . Co. for the past
--three "yearvJss 'chief-clctL left -for'fit
Lonii yesterday where he has accept '
d-as.more lucrative position with the
wholesald dry-goods house of Ilice ; , Stix &
Co. Toe gentleman Jias many friends in
this city.
Th < f present tliaw paling sad havoc
with the unfinished grade on upper Farn-
ham'street , Although a BmaU cm vert has
"been jiut in near 22A straj t iseiitirely
jnado uate ( tocarry off all the water which
tjomes off the hillsides. TJiete as ,
'versal.desire'among property" holders in
that vicinity lo liave the sewer extended
up thatrJSr , and it-seems to to only a mat-
terofllttJo time untll such course will
'hare tobe' aken.
in'nny jquantitychep
at ED. 0. EBrimo' ! ,
m r21oorc NeartJ. P. depot.
WAKTED. Good Tiome for -fine
healthy boy five months old. ' For
informarionaddrcss A. "B. , at this of
fice. 1 1 AW. . ffiar2S-3t
Bibber Boots , at Fullriodo'e.
THE PUREST and -freshest drags
tobe had at SCHBOTCH & BECHT'S
Opera House Drug Store , 211 Fif
teenth street. m23tf
Campaign Shots.
The street corner loafer is sun
ning himself while he talks politics.
If Charlie Banckes hadn't joined that unanimous report about
thoembezzlement of the republican
committee funds , Colonel Smythe
would withdraw iu his favor.
J. J. L. C. Jewett offers to sign
his name in full on the $100,000 sewer
bonds as mayor of Omaha. Nobody
can counterfeit that signature.
Hvicall swears fcy all there fa
good or bid that ho will have that
$1,000 license law the
city council if ho is re-elected from
the second ward.
Firnnan Haddtu , "J
SmoJxd Mad.crel , > Fleming's.
George's Baite Cod Fuh J
Winter WhewtTlonr , for Pnncakee ,
BUcuUn , nd nil kmds of pastry. Try
it. A k your grccpr for il.
l 1
Chicoso Sl ani-J > jB
rcmqrei to second door east oL
ld placoS' L. KBOITZSCH.
Tbe Booming Platte.
Information has been received
* *
cohaitioa "of the Piatfa which Reid's
to the belief that thair bridga fouth
of K arupy will go ontrthia after *
'nooa if it'hwnTit alreadydone so. f
It IB learned also that ta\ orge h s
formed .it the mouth of the Loup river , *
aud if it is not relieved at unco nit , is.
feared that the Platte will form a new
channel aboo throa miles wel of , its
_ at &s ,
LiOBp , Kid
a tcHatance
, , .
of mativ. miles. -4.
Sale Hotel a id 5aloon , good
paying , nnfl j tisfactory rea on for ,
celling , at South Fifskatreat , Council
BlaflV , Iowa lax &r Horncix.
T ro lounges for ealo , cheap , at 3031 "
S. Tenth rcol. 23-21
Appearance of the River -
jSecuring the "Undine"
A Riverman's Opinion.
At the Smelting "Works
- % *
Gloomy Prediction Eegard-
ing.Miesouri Bridges.
The sun has already made himself
felt on the ice hereabouts , not BO
much , as yet , on the rircr ice as In
the streets , -which are contributing
their rivulets to swell the tide in * he
grand receiver. By the time the
snow and ice in the city returns to ita
riginat liquid form , the contribution
to the Missouri from these sources
will not be insignificant ,
A ttrall along chore to-day gave bat
little proof of the great swell farther
up stream. Tbe ire lining the shore
is rapidly breaking up and quite a
stream rushes by , tossing great cakes
of ice on its surface , like shavings on
a brook. This ice is principally what
has been for weeks heaved up abont
air boles and is by no means of the
great thickness of that amid stream.
The latter may be seen from the shore
forming a wall of Ice on the other side
of the , as yet , narrow open stream.
This stream stops about opposite the
ferryboat "Undine , " which has been
ice bound all winter , six hundred feet
or * so north of the bridge.
The Undine was yesterday firmly
secured by means of large anchors
Imbedded near the railroad track , to
which three inch Jiawsers reached
from the Undine. 'Conversing with
an old river hand in charge of the
boat , on the prospective break up in
the river , he said :
"Ihardly _ think we'll have the gen-
eralb'reak up for a week yet , though
it the weather continues like to-day it
may come within the next three
or four days. The ice in the river is
thicker than ever before , and it will
take B good little spell of heat to
weaken it. The rise altogether so far
cin't amount to more thiiu five feet ,
but what it will be , of course , is a
matter of more speculation. That the
river will rise higher than it has in
many yean there is no donbt , and we
have got to look out for some damage
by'the flood. "
The ( rail in front of the smelting
works is yet ten or twelve feet above
the surface of the river , and there is
little fear expressed abont the works
in respect to the fbod. The govern
ment rip-rap , however , is thought to
bo entirely inadequate for the coming
Boss Stout , who is in Omaha , and
who is a practical bridge builder ,
makes tbe gloomy prediction that
with the presoatistate of the river the
bridges at several points along the
Missouri must go out. " - .
A two foot rise was announced at
Vermillion Tuesday.
tyatfches Tuesday-night. This seems
to "be" from tfie Tellowstono , as the
previous "one was from the Cheyenne.
Teams continuec0orcroEarthe ice at
Sioux City until-Tuosday afternoon.
Two broke through into the .threa
foot water beneath , bnt wore extricat
ed without loss.
The following dispatches regarding
tha condition of the river from The
Sioux OiryJonrntl :
} YAKKTON , D. T. , March 22. The
ice is even with thotop of Ihe T > ank
on the other tide , of the river. The
mail-cafrler has just crossed from the
Nebraska. , .eide. Ho hallmarks out
and eays that the river has raised ell
o ! ten "feet since it first started. Of
this rite four or fire feet is since yes
terday morning. The weather in nnc ,
clear , calm and warm.
.YAKKTON , D. T. , March 22 8:30 p ,
m. The river has boon raiting steadl-
ly.all day , bufcsnnot give the' exact
amount Sf therise. . The people on
the Nebraska sldo'aro keeping watchers
out to-night expecting to-navo to take
to the hllL
BlSMAECK , J ) . T. , March 22 ! Clear
and-jrarm with fresh northwest wind.
Rtver .rising-some. It -commencing
to break at Standing Rookr No dan
ger yet. River remains the same ai
Pierre. Weather partly cloudy , mod
erate and calm. . - .
FOET STJLLV , D. T. , March22. The
weather is very warm with a gentle
wind blowing from the southwest and
clear. Vater rising slowly up to high-
water mark. The ice Is broken loose
from the -banks , but utill remains on
top and firm. The same condition re
ported above.
FOBT RIND AIL , D. T. , Mrirch 22
8:35 : p. m. The river Is bank full and
rising slowly. The weather is clear ,
warm and pleasant.
Good line of Ladies' Gcat and Kid
Shoes for spring wear , at Fullriedo'e ,
near Thirteenth and Douglas.
It is to the advantage of every lady
in Omaha and vicinity to call and ex-
amlno onr now importations of spring
styles in BLA.OK and COLORED
silk costumes , ULSTERS , CIECTJLARS
and JACKETS. We sell colored stnfi
suits ready made cheaper than yon
can buy the material.
t-m 1408 Farnham Street.
Try the VERBENA , best 63 cigar
in the market. Solo Agents ,
Opera House Drug Store , 11 Fifj-
tcenth street. > rn23tf
Mt Oalvsry Commandory moeta
for work Friday evening , March 25.
rn24t2 T f Commander.
J * _
" . . . r
f > ir o. o.
* 3 f . -IV , * * . .
- - T.
Regular meeting c > f Coveaant JJe-
greeTjodgs No. 1 I. 0. 0. F. , this
Thurada'y evening , at TrSO
All der reo members are requested lo
bo present. K G. CLIFF ,
I"1 , ' ' j j Secretary. '
"BEjfsr's Oj > era House Pharmacy , 211
Fifte ithalreet. , m23tf
tt % _ _ '
- "Der Donske Foreningr. " The Da -
i h a < = aociation will hold a general
meeting Saturday , 2S alt. Members
are rqfusfited to meet.
* * ' *
Spring yfjloflf Ypung Slen's Neb
liles at tLolSreat Now York Hat Co.
Creighion block , Fifteenth Si. l
Business Meetings of the
Board of Managers.
Important Fish Exhibit Two
Chariot Races ,
Wednesday the board of managers
of the state board of agriculture met
at tht > . Wlthnell house to transact
-business connected with the next No
"btasta State fair. The following mem
bers were present : J. 0. McBride , of
Lincoln , Becretary ; Judge Kinney , of
Nebraska City ; Charles Walker , of
Bloomiogton ; Gov. Furnas f Brown-
ville ; Hon. A. D. Williams , of Hast
ings ; andOhrls. Hartman , of Omabs.
Arrangements were completed with
A. McDonald and wife , of Chicago ,
to give a ch&riot race on each day of
the fair.
Some few changes were made in the
premium list. .
The board decided that horses in
the roadster class must be shown to
wagon , and tnrf horses will be exclud
The sh commission , represented by
Commissioners Livlgstone and Kaley ,
laid before the board their views on
the subject of an exhibition of fish
and the process of hatching. The
board appropriated $300 to pay the
expenses of the exhibition at the
State fair. This will be one of the
most attractive features of the fair ,
and will embrace forty or fifty aquar
iums , containing different varieties of
the fish being introduced by the com
mission , as well as the native fish.
The board met again yesterday
for a brief session.
It was decided to offer a premium
of $25.00 for the best oil painting , 20
by 30 inches , enclosed in gilt frame ,
the work of a native born Nebraska
girl , of not over eighteen years of
age.The subject of printing was
brought up , but its consideration
postponed to the next meeting.
A brief discussion took place on &
proposition which is pending to offer a
trotting premium of § 100 , to be com
peted for by roadsters , lo be driven to
wagon by their owners , and excluding
all track horses. Judge Kinney , of
Nebraska City , was the principal
champion of this movement. Its con
sideration fas also postponed to the
next meeting.
The board adjourned to meet on the
jcall of the president. It is expected
the next meeting will bo held in &
month or six necks.
The Runaways Register at
Kansas City as Man ,
and Wife.
The Slid Napper's Achieve
ments Down the River.
The cloud which has hang over the
later facts in the Stratton-Duko elope
ment has been removed at laat by. the
-receipt of Raman City papers with
later facU in the affair. The Evening
Star of Tuebday has the following :
"The elopement of Charlie Duke
with his school teacher , Miaa Ella
Stratton , or rather the elopement of
Miss Stratton with Dake , which Is just
at present turning Omaha society
upside-down , has become of local im
portance inasmuch as the co-jplo
stopped here in their fl.'ght , and in
addition to this Miss Stratton once
moved and had her being here.
arrived at the Tremont house Thurs
day last about eight o'clock in the
evening and departed for Omaha the
next morning on the 9:42 train. Miss
Stratton is well known in Kansas City ,
Having been an assistant in the Morse
school. She lived here some two
years ago and boarded in the May
street house , and later on Sixth street
while Capt. Hazley was manager.
Miss Stratton came here from Niles ,
Mich. , and while here held a good
position in society , though "the boys" '
all agreed that her most prominent
failing was a violent deairn to marry.
"An Evening Star reporter fount" " a
gentleman who know her well and
said he was never so "surprised as when'
he read
While here ehe visited him and
sought his advice , bnt he very peremp
torily told her she had committed an
error which neither advice nor council
would euro , and refused to lend his
assistance in any form. The purpose
of the couple was to remain here some
few days , but the cool reception they ,
met ou every hand hastened their return - /
turn - - " " " " :
; 3 , xJ""N
"Many in this city will remember a-
flashing blonde , who ever dressed in ,
the latest fashion , and who could
count her admirers within the ore-
cincts of Quality Hill.
"Many young men wlUiTrevive a
memory of hours passed with the
and whp knows but some could a ( ale
nnfold of checked ambition and unre
quited IOVQ that made purpose a myth
and prTda a target. TrnthTs stranger ,
than nrtion , and.if any have memories
pleasant cr otherwise , perhaps con
solation can be deiived from the cs-
capads. Jtis a fact thai several
young" lawyers and a stockman r.s-
saulted her ; affections wliile sns re-
malnedlicro , but all'in'vaiir. ' L She
was"ajgerfect "Diana wKen CnDid
playedTiis last ( rump And won. The ,
nanits ofi fiife Tremont resistor were
Charles S Puke and wife , and as the
oouplp returned to Omaha , ; the-prob
' "
abilities' " are that they wcro "quiqtjy
marrfecU-wTjIle ere : " ' " j ,
The parties-did uut arrive in Oon-
ha and probably will not. They are
said to be in Missouri.
Choice Enta Baga turnips" Peach
Blow and Eirly Rose potatooaj alio
ndtter and eggs , at
22-5f. 16th and C ss Streets.
, - * " , ' Ticket Xnlevea.
X'1 couple of English miners ar-
rlVecF in Omaha yesterday from
Belleville , 111.'who lold a _ pitiful
story"-of ill. luck. They purchased
emisjraul tickets to Reno , Nevada , Via
SKLauistancf while iiT'theuCtra'n ' at
the Union" aspot in tLtt JattUr ciiy n
man slipped up to 6rib-of them und
cilledou"llcfcakn ' ThB7ticket was
relinquished trxthe" suppose - . condua-
tpr andX\a \ disappeared. The \iciun
reached Omaha- all right , but wts ,
penniless nd uuablo to coutiutM his
journey further without help.
A first-class Watchmaker , imraeciato-
ly ; none bar a S rat-class workman
need apply. , " - \
tkBtrcet , , opposite Jhe postoffice. . . '
f TOT nslssC ' 'o\
Important Improvements t in
the Nail Works The Oma
ha Foundry.
The Nail Works have just closed a
contract with the Omaha Foundry ahd
Machine company for a large addition
| to their plans. TKs improvement
will enable the Nail company to re-
dnco the cost of production very
materially. The iron castings for
their work are xhe largest ever run by
any establishment in the west , several
pieces weighing over four tons oach.
Heretofore the Nail company have
been compelled to go to Pittsburgh
for these fcastlngs , bat the facilities
of the Omaha Foandry"enabla them
to produce the same work here
at a less cost to the Nail
company. TJia work is under charge
of Mr. A. R. Davies , superintendent
of the Omaha foundry , one of the
most ingenious and skillful mechanical
engineers in the west. The "Omaha
engine" and "Omaha power hoist , "
manufactured by the same company ,
were designed also by Mr. Davies.
This company , In addition to the large
amount of architectural iron wcrk
made by them , are turning out from
eight to ten f their engines and
hoists a month for the mining trade in
Colorado and Montana.
When our citizens can supply them-
aelv.B at a home manufactory with
iron store fronts , steam engine' , hand
and power hoist * , etc. , they should
never send their money to the east.
Nine-tenths of the money paid out by
these Iron works finds its way back to
Omaha business menv Patronisa your
town and your town will patronizn
All fine Spring styles now ready , at
the Great New York Hat Store. '
An entirely new slock , the largest ,
finest and cheapest ever shown in this
city is now open , comprising every ar
ticle required by gentlemen ; but we
would call special attention to our
splended assortment of Ties , contain
ing every one of the late noveltiesniid
our very large assortment of Hosiery ,
Underwear and Gloves. All of theae
goods we ar6 celling at prices that
must soon build up large trade in
this new department.
mar23-2t A. OKTJICKSHANK & Co.
The Northwestern morning train
arrived six hours late to-day , and
as the U. P. through express waited to
make connection , it did not leave un
til avlate hour in the afternoon.The
C. , B. & Q. and Hock Island arrive
on time this morning.
The first train will pass over the
temporary "U. P. trsck west of Fre
mont some time Jo-night , and , passen
ger and freight trains will resume
their accustomed course over the main
line to-morrow.
Trains on the St. Paul and Omaha
road now run through to Oakland
and return , and expect to break the
way to Sioux City within the week.
The Sioux City and St. Paul road
has abandoned itsjcs bridge across
the Missouri at Blair and runs its
trains via Omaha until the river is
clear. ,
* " "VV ? * * < '
* AND -
* -J AT ' -
Creighton block , Fifteenth St.
. 1
15c per dozen at Wm. 'Gentleman's
corner Sixteenth andCasa SS7It '
The Lidies' of Omaha a're delighted
with the groa.t bargains Jn Trimmed
and Untrirumod Hats just received
at-thajBostpn Store Tenth a'tre
" "
' BreaMng EaUroad'KuIes.
Judge Doane , Hon. B. E. B. Ken
nedy , Mayor Chase , Col. Smytheand
some other legal lights , 'boarded a
train atiho U. Pv depot Monday to
proceed to Papillioh ; where ' * Jndga
Savage is holdingcourt. . It may bo
imagined that the pjtisnca of these
gentlemen . .was about exhausted , as
hour after nour"dMgged alolig , and at
2 o'clockthe train.had-notrleft. None
of'thp genllome'n ? dared Jcujjo far
away7fo Tear the trairTjbuld"depart
during vthelt absence , and , , the only
way in which''tho . niQnoto nyk" > was
brokenTraa when a metnbecof * the
party occasionally stepped to the de
pot to "see n friend. " The train
finally left at 3:30 : , 'and the inconoed
legal entlemanTrero becoming-some
what 'imolllfied , when , abjout thro'e
miles out , the trains mot the "stub1"
train 'from Fremont. jMrT H * T. .
Clark , of Bellevue , discovered on the
rear platform of the incoming train ,
the placid countenance of Judge Sav
age , and exploded a verbal bombshell
among his companions by announcing
the fact There was "hurrying in hot
haste. " One jjenlleman pulled the
bell , while Mayor Chase , rushing io
thu rear platform , brandished a news
paper at the departing trtln , in the
hope that he could stop the train. He
suctecdei finally in attracting atten
tion , pnd at laet the other train came
to a atop , and the discomfited Omahjw
walked to It , wih the exception of
one or two who were in the smoking.
c r , and who did not know the frill
history ot their discomfiture nntil
they reached Omaha Wednesday.
Is was found that Judge Savege had
adjourned court lo 'April 30th , and
the little ppaode ftnri iehedtf subject
for m ny-jokes until the fatty reached
FOR RUNT 2 new houses , south-
IGth St. Enquire of BOGOS & Hni. ,
_ _ . Pjatte Kiver Ranches.
W. C. B. Allou nnd-X3ouoty Com
missioner Co'rliss left for the w tThurs-
Osy to loulcafier their s'ock on the-
Platie. It is unrlerstnod tliat the
timbers of'a ruinfed bridge from soir.e
point abovc-liave combined with the
ice to f.-rtu a jgorga tt .Brtdy Islari'd ,
by vl.irh consiaetab"le damage has- '
been done , some hay destroyed and
.f * t * b < JJO j - * , ' * o
some live stock t tened. j ' "
The Temporary Building to be
Erected at Rogers' Park
Offlcera Elected ,
A meeting of the executive com
mittee for the Missouri Valley Saen-
gorfest , ( which is composed of seven
members each from the Concordia
and M&ennerchor societies' of this
city ) , was held on Wednesday evening
at Tivoll hall. The following officers
were elected :
Fest President Mar Meyer.
Vice-Presidents 0. S. Ohaee , H.
Konntze , Fred. Drezel , S. R. John
son , C J. JKarbach , B. TzschacB ,
Frank Murphy , Christ.1 Hartman ,
John Croighton , Henry ollnLrI.
Fruehauf , Henry Eicke.
Henry Toss has been selected to
draw the plans for the temporary
buildipg IrTwhlch the Saengerfest will
be held. They contemplate a building
80 by 132 feet In dimensions which
will be erected iu Rogers Park on
Sixth streeteast , of HermanKonntzo's
residence. This park comprises twen
ty acres and is in every way fitted for
this event.
It was decided to invite the Har
monic Society , the Glee Cluband the
Lyran Singing society to participate
in the affairs.
Some other matters were discussed ,
which cannot at present bo made pub *
lie. It is certain , however , that the
feat will have a largo attendance from
all parts of the west , and will bet
nnlees some unforeseen accident oc
curs , the most successful ever held by
the asaoei&tion. *
This season's importation has ar
rived and Is now open. It consists of
a Splendid line of French Dress goods ,
Silks , Ribbons , Licea , Gloves and
Hosiery We are also showing a very
choice line of Buttons and soma ele
gant Novelties in Cloaks , Ulsters and
Walking Jackets. Remember the
first selection of these goods is always
the best , and many of onr styles we
cannot duplicate.
m23-2t * A. CRCICKSHNK & Co.
HenryD-ihleleft for the eastWedne-day.
Hon. A. Poland , of The Glen wood ( la. )
Journal , called at this office yesterday.
Dr. S. S. Livingstone , of Plattsmouth ,
is in the city.
Major O'Bryan , general agent of the St.
Paul line , has returned from a trip to Ken
tucky. ' " i
Mr. A. X/ruiclcBhauk has returned from
New York , where he has been making se
lections of goods.
United States Marshal Bierhower has
returned from Washingtonand New York.
* - "
* *
j i
, Vic. Bierbower , Esq. , the Sidneylawyer ,
is in the city. <
C. A. Whiitier , traveling agent of the
Hanibal & St. Joo'railroad , is in the city.
C61. T. H. Stanton U. S. A. , chief pay
master of the Department of the Platte ,
left for the east yester afternoon. , j
D. W. Hitchcock-Esq. , general Aus
tralian agent of Pacific railroads , left for
the west to-dayraridrwilltake the steamer
at SanFrancisT6 ( f5FhIs new iield of labor
April 9th. So will make his headquart
ers ot Sydney. T '
Jag. P' Dike , of , the firm of'Dike & ;
Motter , of Skidmore , Mo. , is stopping in
i the city aon his way from the east , the
guest of Mr. Annin. . >
si Haverly'a Strategists.
Uaverlyra new comedy , company
appeared at tee Academy of Music
Wednesday to a good house in their
new cojtnedy of _ ' The _ Strategists , "
and the least thai can bo said is that
the perforraanco-tork the house by
stcrai. Naturally the comedy is in
itself with very little plot , but-It
abounds in comical situations , and Is
lively and sparkling , without a single
dull liao. Mr. J. B. Polk , who took
tha principal part , is one of the most
pleasing and versatile comedians who
ba e visited Omaha , and of .the re
mainder of the larga company it can
be truthfully eaid ( hat there is not a
poor actor in the crowd. A.stronger
comedy company or better comedy of
Its class have not been seen in Omaha.
The company appears again " thin
> ' i. j
evening. '
„ No head-ache or back-ache for Jadies
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. " '
j ? M *
- . . ' - - . . ! , * * , " _ - - At [ f , C. F. Goodman's. ,
-Real Estate Transfers- '
The folio wing-transfers were re
corded at the county clerk's office
yestordayaB reported for this paper by
John L. McCsgue , real estate agent
and conveyancer : <
Isaac Edwr.rds et al. to Webster
Snyder , parcels in sections 17 and IS ,
tp. 16 , range 13 e , q. c. d. $130. '
Henry Holla and wife to William
Seivsrs , undivided lot 1 , block 23 ,
w. d.Q maha 55.
Joh'r ! < Crouch and wife to John B.
Silvls. lots Gand 7 , block 11 , town of
Waterloo , w. d 5175
Mary J. R. Adama to Edward W.
Morgao , wj lot 3 , block 118 , Omaha ,
w. a. 51600. , 3 .
John Johneon to Trasten Wollen ,
sej of sej sec.,12 , tp. 16 , range 10 e , ,
q. c. d. § 200. " J
" Ellen Kussmann to W. T. Seaman ,
lot 10 , block "Yr' ? fihinn's third oddi-
* "
tfou w. d. § 150. *
Mary Baysfit _ l. to George D.
Phillips , se of sej , sec. 11 , tp. 16 ,
range 10 e. , w. d { 500 ;
H. A. Boyd and wife to G. M , Tnn-
nlson , i " of nwi , sec. 10 , tp. 14 ' rviao
10 , w. d" 51200.
R. and J. L. Thomas to James Me-
Laughlln , B ' of se | , see 32 , tp. 16 ,
range 10 , w.'d. § 800.
William Flnney io William F. Laing ,
pwt r'fsyc. 10 , tp. 15 , range 10 , ve , d.
. . .
Successor to ] a. THIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
Ita fusi roc hel hh Sp'ltts StocV. aad "has
251 patterns to'el ccIron" Callelrly
bnd get j ur choice.
ppo Boof'WetJt o' Ornicijshaak'e.
tp Oiy
rr nt l Safe , Cwrtaln and . poe-t > Cure for
i Jlbeu7iatvm ip ill i g forms , > eUra'Rla Lame
J.ll ( , K , Pain iu the Urntst and Side , i-ain In tbe
fctru > cu aud KidnejK. fa I u JO m'ernal
feiKdxi a Tonic and tlcx.d lurjfier , an I while it.
.rouicycs tte Disciii it iraprjvcs the ; cneral
' '
* C.T.OooJnjin , fceneril 'ai'-.jiO ba
< r nOBie. bampci wOl
, t fret Addrwil Stlaraa & Co
Portland , Mo. , .
i J.K l
A AAA TO LOAN At 8 per cent In-
JiOU.UlIU tertst , Irf innis of $2500 and
tipw&rds/for 3 to 5ye r , on tnd
farm properlyr Eliiis' B iL EiTAiB and LQAa
ADSSCT , 15th > nd Douglu kin.
OB3T < O LOAK-CU1 at Item 0 U
M D. L. 7HOHA8. Room 8 , Crelghtoo. Block
ONKY ( TO LOAH U09 Farnhun ro t.
M Dr. Zdwudfl Lo n Agency.
Hitf wwrrra
Two flrst-chss girls , at Hudson
WANTED Douse , 1S10 Barney street. Must
coma well recommended. < 66 S5
A YOUNQ GIRL WUhea a Biraation to > aks
Jc re of children or as second girl Sioiki
Uermui. Call or address ( or thrca aayf , at 1719
Cass street , corner Isth , 471-24
A good gltl fur fftn ral ftwe -
WAN1ED Eist side 20tb , bet. thlogo and
Can. . 4C9-U
'TTI/AiNTED By an.a-.UTO yjun ? uarrled
VV jnan.-wholsa eood peanuu and com
petent boox-keepor , plact to work. Addtca
C. B. , Bee OfflceT 0-25
Girls between 16 and „ , ,
WANTED I.iodllnt : cans. Acplj at once to
Omaha Paint and ColcrCoTTCorner 9th and
Jones street } . 473-2 *
- for general houeowork ,
WANTED-Glrl ill , be piid to a comoettnc
girl. Call at Bee Office. 433-tf
\TTAJiTKD-Byonooftbe largest Whota
VV Clothinj Houses In New York City , for
the coming fall trade experienced s > Ie men.
Those bavin ; experience and commanJlnx a
good trade will find tnis a flnt-cla 8 opportunity.
Apply at once w.tb references to A. B. C. , Post-
office Box 303 , New Yo kUty. 401-W&5-9
Womin cook and two dininz
WANTED girls , at the Pacific House. 4QM3
A panner with $2,000 to join ad
vert is : ria tbc extension bf an esUllisheJ
and one of the bo' piyin ; insli'ess in thcat. .
Apply to V. tv. Simeral , Room C , Creighton
Slock , 15th St. 456-lra
WANTED Good girl at a private boardia ?
hoasc. Inquire No. 1C6 southwest cor
ner llth and Dodge. 453-25
WANTED & gardener7man or man and
wife to worktuo acna of pround on
shar'swlll ; furnish e\ cry thing needed , ( , ooJ
dwelling. Inquire corner lth and Capitol ave.
Mr. Martins. 452-25
TTTANTED Cook at 1 iiard's t ahce. 454-lf
WANTED Partner in a good paying butcher
business. Address L. J. L. , this office.
WANTED At end vf lEth street cir
track. U W. Ball. 440-tf
WANTED A good c'ek , wisher and ironcr.
442-23 2110 Cos ) street.
T o nntnrnkhed roorca with
WANTED for two , iu central locution. Ad-
Jresa A. B. X. , Feat Office Box 665 432-24
Two mere hoarders at 313 North
WANTED . Dav tnpoit and Chicago
cage , east side . 387-tt
WOMAN Wants situation ai house-keeper.
A Call.Ho.-12IS lloirard street , between 12ih
and IStb. 385-24
WANTED A girl for general hoa-mwork.
Must bo goad cook. Oood waxes to corn-
potent girl. Mrs. M. Rogers , comer 19th and
Leavenwortu streets. 371-tf
An experienced butcher want !
to start a meat nntkot ! n some small west
em town , where there is none , or where one la
ncedo-l ; would take ftreliaolo partner. Address
E. K. Webb , Ja. kson , Dakota Co. , Neb. 90-tf
"TTTANTEn Agoodhouse-kcep\r , 1109 Farn
YY bam street , up flairs. 32-tf
FORRKNT Twonewcottag s , fi and 6 large
roomj , bay windows , and all convenience ]
situated on the hill. Apply to S.T. Peteraeri ,
15th and DouglasEtg. , over BojhmanN store.
t t
A ro"m la thopnstofflco , at Blair , Neb./sait-
abu for news sand : , book , stationary , eta , etc.
T31ilr contains about 2,000 inhab tints , and hilf
of the people in the county get thtir mall at this
office , foe particulars address L. Hilton , Blair ,
Neb. 4s-eod26
AND LAND Bemis rents hoosei ,
HOUSES , hotels , farms , Iota , linds , offlc f ,
rooms , eta See 1st pige.
i ,
T10RBENT Twovery large pleasant room * ,
F willfwnishifdtsired. N. E. corner 16th
and Burt. - 460 24
KENT Nicely furnished room. Apply
FOR corner Hth and llowarlStj.
Brik stora In Jaco1V Block ,
EORRBNI Capitol Ave. Jno. G. Jacobs.
- 430-tf
"T710R RENT A store corner Loatonworth an i
JD 10th S's. Also6 mocking bird&inrcrs for
sale , inquire at Ectersou SOl 10th st. S97-U
KKST 2 fumlahed rooms ovei Jder-
FOrt Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th tnd
Dodirc strceti. 2 < Mf
J10R SALE A cpan largo mules , 6 jcar * old.
! Inquire at the rlintcra Botua. 465-24
SALE A cottage home of 5 roonu with
FOR ; Rround forale , cheap. Inquire
2314 Farnham St. , BogirV addition. 467-to a33
TJEMISSe'ls houses , lots , farms , lands , fcee
D 1st ptRC.
FOR SALE Forces ardponies , at corner ICth
and Izird , at lUdman's barn. 457-1
T710R SAtB A , cr load cf Rood horie < < for
Jj draft or road , a few good family horses ;
New Barn. 16th St. , bet. Farnham and Dou la ? .
E. GOUNT. 431i4
B 1st page.
TT10R SALE Gcod dwelling home , 3 rooms
Jj and kitchen , good bam and outhouses. In
quire at Bunsen i. Johnson's ice office. 393-tf
PIOR SALE Ten (10) residence loU on-upper
tj Farnham street. JehuL. ileCagno , op.i.
P. 0. Si9-tf
D Eilld' NEW C1TTJIAPS , 25a See Isi pace ,
SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy
FOR . A. KOaEWATER , 1520 Kain-
ham Street. 320-tf
OR SALE Seven good businejf lots on
F Farnham street T "JOHN L. M cCAO IE ,
f5tt Opposite Po&tofSce.
SALE Leasa and furniture ofanrst-
EOR hotel Iu a town of 1300 inhabitant * , in
State of Nebraska. Haa 21 beds , Iho.traveliimr
men's resort. 'Inquire at uee office 213-tf
B ElUi' REAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page.
OK SALE A RAKGAUt-A bulldm ? with
E saloon fixtures , furniture and etoclc , on 10th
St. , opposite tbe O.P. depot , for sale very cheap.
Or the fixture ! , furniture and stock will bo anld
and building rented. Inquire of Eu. KHEliS-
MAN. ' 79-lf
F OK SALJ4 TJVO CIOEB carnages , at A. J.
SImtwon'B. . 911-tf
T O3T PCcket book , on Sunday altemoon In
JJ red ttrcci car on loutn end ot track ;
a purjof cotainlni ; a small turn of money , an
eastern Stir pass'a number of cira * i'.h
owner's cimc , and a tin typo A reward will
be gireri for Its reluiu to corner Jt'i and Pacific
strtets. , _ 472-21
liKMIa Has rattt at Ion liiU of houses , lot ; ,
JJ landi anil farms fur taie. Uallaod get
7 ,
TRA r'D-Abro ncneytRr old mire colt.
O whltofice. AnylDformntionrtgardin the
same may be Itf tat mr ( arm , 4 r ilea < .at on
Paplllloii road. C. ttutpbal. 417-2t
fpEAMS CAN PE ODT At John Barr stable
JL for all kinds of work , U reasonaBle figures
nor corner ISth and Lea-venw.rth St. 378-tf
Absolutely Pure.
JJado from Grape Cream Tartar , No ether
prepiritlcn maku nch light , ftakr hot bieads ,
or luxurious pat try. Can bo cated by Dyspep-
: ica without fear of the Ilia resulting Iromhcary
ndlgectlble food. Sold otly In cant , by all
Grocer *
For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
Selected in an early day not
Railroad land , bnt land owned
by non-residents , who are tired
paying taxes-and are offering
' their lands at the low price of $6
$8 , and $10 per acre , on long
time and easy terms.
We also offer for sale
Jmproved Farms
Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash
ington Counties.
Also , an Immense List of
Omaha City
Real Estate ,
Including Elegant Residences , Basi-
new and Residence Lots , Cheap Houses
and Lota , and a large number of Lota
in moat of the Additions to Omaha.
Also , Small Tracts of 5 , 10 and 20
acres in and near the city. We have
good opportunities for making Loans ,
and in all cases personally examine
titles and take every precaution to in
sure safety of money so invested.
Below we offer a small list of Special
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 North Side of Faro , St. ,
Opp , Grand Central Eotel ,
Omaha. Neb- !
CAI C Best located residence lot la
OnLC the city , 2Ut .bdJJodgn Sts ,
CAI C A-\erynies 5 room cotUfre ,
OnLC leased ground renta for S20
per u ontti. KOGQS & HILL.
CAI C New house of 5 room with
OHLCi b&U lot , near Brownell'g Hall.
\erypleaaint location , $1100.00.
CflD CAIC New housed 4 rooms with
rUIl OHLl. lull lot , 8ih and Farnham.
Only J20u , required down. Price * UOO.
CflD t AI C New * OBsa with halicity lot.
rUn OHLC near High School , 6 rooms ,
larxe bay wiru'ow , high doora and celling. )
Evirjthiug perfect , 21tO. BOQGS & HILL.
COD C AI C Corner of two choice lota In
rUn OHLC birm'a addition , request cite
to at unco sao m it bast Cish oiler.
Cf\D CAIC - fiood aBd deslrablo resi-
PUn OHLC dence propetty/ilCOO
A FINE BFSIDENCE-Kot In the market.
J [ * Owner will stll for ? 6500.
. foaasjtniLL.
CAIC 4coodlotg , ghinn'B 3d ad-
OHLC diiioa , 315 > ea < h. ' '
CflD CAI C Anew U-story bride house
rUn OHLC with 2 lull , on corner 23th
ana I > uUjm , zilOOt BUGGS & BILL.
CAI C A verr fine residence lot ,
OHLC to eomo party drtiring-
build a flue Louie , 8CCO. BOO US & HILL.
CAI C About 'JOO Iota in Kountzot
OHLC Kuth'a addition , Jiiit south
utat. Mir/ avenue flSOtoSiR IhaeloUare
near bualnesa , tarrounleJ bv fine improvements
audaie 40 per cent cheaper th&u nn >
tie maiket. tiae money by buying the > o lots.
EtHJt.b & KILL.
CAI C 10 Iots > 'la ' for fine
OnLC residence. on'Paik.Wild ave
nue , 3 bluciaj. K. of. depot , all covered with
flue large trees. Pilco extremely low. $800 to
$700. BOGGB & BILL.
CAD CAI C Spmo Vel7 cheip lots In
Mill OALC Lake's addition.
CflD CAI C Cbeip corner lot , corner
rUn OHLC UoUjtuand Jefferson Stg
CAI C 9J lota on 2Mb. 27tb , SStb ,
OnLC 29th nad 80th Sts. , between
, Dojglas mnd tbe proposed extensioa
of Dod o street. Prlc < - rangefrom00 ! to Si 00
We bac concluded to gi o men of soull means ,
onomore chauco to secure a borne and will
build Imu t3 on these InU on aaiall pijmeaw ,
and wilt cell lou on monthly pAjmcnU.
C A I C 1EO acre ? , 0 miles from city ;
OHLC about 30 acres very choice
with runnlnjcrater ; balance gcnily
rolling praliir , on y 3 miles from' nUroax. $10
per acre. B > UOS S HILL.-
CnD C Al C * - ° acre3 Ia one tract. 12
Tun OHLC miles fromcity , < 0 acres cnl-
tivated , Living spring of water , some nice vil-
leys 'i he lanu is all first-dais li h pralrio.
Price 810 per acte. BuQQS & HILL.
CAI C ICOacnsimlla east of Elk-
OHLC born Station on railroad ,
Ku inmj niter , lO acres ciUIvated. '
nudes A HILL.
CAI C ICOicrea H miles north of
OHLC Wkhom Station , must bo
sold for what it will bring.
Q Al C SO acres next south of Dina-
OnLC A good and
desirable tract , junadwwn on to valley of I'ap-
pillloH$10. BCGGS&UILL.
CAI C 7 0 acres In onetody.TtaMes
OHLC west of Fremont , ia all level
isnd. prodacjirf henry growth of " 83 , la blgh
vabey , rich soil and } mllej from railroad and
Bide track , in good BetUcmeat and no better land
can be found. OGOS & HILL.
CflD CAI C A highly Improved farm of
rUn OHLC 240 acre * , 3 miles from city.
Fine improveu ents on this land , owner not a
practical farmer , determined to tell. A good
opening for eome man with means.
CAI C 160 acres id sect- , town 18 ,
OHLC range II. Mnn be sold this
moutb. EOOGS & HILL.
CAI C 2COO acres cf land near HU-
OHLC lard Station , 3SOO near Kk-
bom , 83 totlUjiUCO acres in north p-irt of
county , $ to 8lO ; SOW acres ; 2 to 3 miles from
Florence. $5 to $ lu ; & 00 acres wedt of the Kile.
horn , JMofl" ; 10,000 acre * scattered through
the county. $8 to $10.
the above , lands lie near and adjoin nearly
every faim In tie county , and cm mostly ee
fold small cash with balance in
on payment , 1-2-
3 i and 6 } ears tune.
CflD CAI C Several One residance prop *
Tun OHLC enies never * before cffered
and not kcowu lathe market is being for tale.
Locations willcnly remade known to purchasers
ilaontajr. buikess , " " BOGOS & HILL.
TMPKOVED FARMS We have for sale many
JL Improved farms around Omaha , aoJ In au
parts of 'Douglas. Sarpy and Washington coun
ties. Also tarms iu lonra. for de-o.iption
and prices oil on n > . '
-I A B08rNES3LOT3FOR8ALE OnFaninarn
J.U and Don las streets from fSJOO to .13:00.
8AT.E 8 business lota next1 west of
FOR Temple price advanced of f 000
sacb , BOOQS&niLL-
nrnOR SALE 3 business lots west of Odd Fel-
J ; lows block. $2500 each. .
EOGGSimtt ,
T70E HALE 2 builne * * lota south rnle DOQ ; >
JD las St. Dttwetn 12th and 13Ur. $3500 each. ,
TTJOK SALE 160 acres , covered hh yonnj
J } Umbsr ; Living water , surronndeor bv Jm-
proved fanni , only seven miles from dty. Cheap.
est land on hand. BOGGS & HILL.
Persons contemplating buying should notfafl
examine onr Hit of landt' BOGGS & HILL.
Omaha , , pfl I 1 ft ] /
' '
CheyeA ULAUIVt.- „ , Colorado
W "a-j-if -J'
- , - _ . - ,
j -
. . < = VJ , ' < "JOBS ? . l
' * * - * TOJ J
r\ n /-v - *
Spring and Summer . : : r
J ,0003
; Boys and GhildreliT
Clothing Made to Order in thelatest Styles.
Prices to Suit All.
322 Farnham Street , near Fourteenth.
Dealer in Hardware ,
. and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job Woraer and Mannfactarer of a
Kinds of Cans.
Tenth and Jackson Streets ,
. Steam JPmnpsIBngino Trimmings , MiningIMaohiuery ,
k , L. STBANQ205arnbBni RtTe t Omaha. Neb
O 3ME .A. lEC .A. .
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and afullliu&of
Send" for Price Eist. " ' > - -
. '
m.w * " 'M1XU1HEYER & CO. , Omaha , N b.
> i'
Tobacco , 35 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars"from S15,00'per 1000 npwards. t
J. A. . W A K E F I E L D.
. .
* t
- 'Pickets- Sash * ; Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime ,
Cement , ; Plaster , &c.
gear TTDionTacifig.Pepjt. OMAHA , NEB.
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we wi'tti.irfdle COUNSELMEN'8 FRESH OYSTERS wfcich
° tl" bej : * n the market. A-Lrga as-orfment f CANDY aud SUGA R ,
leJdolinay tr de.
GATZ & FKEE33AN , 510 llth St. , Omaha.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Best Assortment of
WH E Frrlr-
. - '
I I U. 'L ' ; Lij'\v
At Chicasfo Price * .
Harney Street ,
J . . ' " n ,
Han actnrer of ! ! kinds of ,
Summer Bologna ( Certrelat Wurptu )
SAUSAGE Specialtiy. Orders promptly fllJod
, 1714BurtSt. , Oma&a rfeb. ! deZS-t
a *
0 ' 1 A i. " "v " Jd HIT