The Daily Bee. * _ - j Thursday > Korning. March 17. BJMTOIiiS , " * * * ' " Paterson Bell * coat. Vjederick , .Leading Hatter. mlltf St. Patricks Day to-day. Eggs , 20c per dozen at Buffett's. ' . . m5tf Hosp * sells Aitista'M.teriali. New Bntterick patterni , ut Cruicfc- Nice apple * T > y the barrel , at Buff- Full line of Perfumes and Toilet arti cles , at Saw's. " " August "Wilhelmj and his company pawed west Tuesday. Roshelle will appear in Omaha next Monday nd Tuesday. Eev. W. J. Harsha lectures before the Y. M. C. A-Tridaynight. Whipplt , McMillan & Co. , the'jewel- eis , Crcighton Block. o26-tf Full line cf artists' materials , at Chi- cajo prices , X uhn'a drug Btore. ml-lm Minnie Palmer at the Academy of Music to-night. Harry Lucas has taken charge of the parlor saloon on ICth street. Tbe Union Pacific b now paying for ita exemption from the snow blockade. North Star's 9th annual masquerade at Metr' Hall Saturday , 19th. m6-4t The sun cAme out bright and warm yesterday threatening a renewal of the flood. flood.Wanted Wanted A House and lot or residence lot. Address 0. , Bee office , with price and location. M2t A perfect river was running down 10th street all dayjresterday , while other streets bare their tributary streams. William Penlnni , died Much ICth , 1881 , aged forty years. The funeral * ill take place at 3 p. sa. to-day from St. Barnabas church. A mat.h beiween the Omaha Sports men's club and Workingmen's Sport men's club will take place to-day in Lake's addition. A. carload of horse * and mules arrived Tuesday night from Kansas City for James Stephenson , who is now ready to furnish a good driving horse or etont healthy mule to anyboxly with the ready cash. We ate under obligations to Marv. BeardsUy for & programme of the summer trotting meeting of the Chicago Driving Park , J uly 19th to 23rd inclusive. Purses amounting to S39.0W are offered. Mr. Tom Colter for & long time fore man for F. C. Festaer & Son , ban quit that firm and will in a few days open out for himself with ( t finely fitted job office , with type and other material entirely nev and purchased of the leading eastern foun dries. dries.The The Standard club party last ngh ? was farewell party in honor of Adolph Meyer , the well known jeweller , who leaves ted - d y for a four months rip to Europe. Even Old Probabilities favored its suc- cew with the finest day we have had for six months The post mortem made by Doctor Par * kec Tuesday in the case of John Young * resulted in ft verdict by the jury that the deceased came to his death by accidentally falling from the stain at Mance Duncan's house , which o ! course exhonerateeDunccn. This was the result predicted from the first , M the suspicions weie all the result of -nothing but neighborhood gossip. A good specimen of the letters received daily by Mayer onalroma gen. liftman living at Grand Island , who wants to Adopt a child of six months to three years of age and a girL He thinks , and very justly , that there must bo in so large * city jus Omaha some children in need of .hoses , and 1s confident the .mayor knows "what person would want in a child they Intended to bring up as their own. " Blacker or very dark brown eyes are necessary -to eligibility and the child is wanted not later than May 15th. We trust the publication o ! thb/m y result in making several per sons bppy. SECURE A BAEOAIK. * The flnest liae of table linen , napkins , toirelingg , etc. , just opened and marked ' . , lower than ever before , * T TJ WTT T T A TVJf C JF OflXTO _ _ | 1gL1j JV , _ Fr , _ " " ' * jt rA3 > tj < V OwAwf 15th and-Dodge itreota. * . < . Sixty contdlnner buckets for thirty fire cents. One gallon cool oil can * sfor fifteen cents. "Will l > e sold fo theeo low prices this week. Wat. F. STOETZRL , Tenth and Jackson Sts. PARTNER WANTED. In general hardware business. Half 'interest will be sold to a good man for , about $1,600. Address A. H. Lorejoy & Co. , Norfolk , Nebraska. „ mlD-St OMAHA , March 9 , 1881. Twill offer ct private sale daring jthe next ten day * , at my residence 1713 Chicago street all my household furniture. J. M. MABSTOH. n > 9aod8t _ WANTED. Situation by a firat-cUss watch- 'ra&ker from the east Have had ex- porienca as a salesman in a jewelry store. % Rfcftrence given and required. AddrefsZ. W. , Bee office. 16-lt Bl hop Sharp , of Salt Lkef in thfl city. George Kelley has returned from Can ada. Mrs.M.L.LateyleftforSt. Louis last evening. Sapsriatendeht J. T. Clark has return1 ed from the west. W. H. Ltwton returned Tuesday trom * atriptoTeksmah. X Capt. 0. A. H. McAuley came In Tues day from Fort Steele and is on his w y east - ' The Misses Collins , of Detroit , are visit ing ia the city , and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Purvis. G. T. Howter. general secretary of the Y. M , O , A. , of this city , returned Tues day from Plattsmouth. FraaTOffley. the gentlemanly represent ative of Metcalf Bros. , left yesterday for an extended tour through Wyoming andUtah .in the interests of his house. Forty years' trial hai proved "BLACK' DRAUGHT * ' the best liver medicine in At C. P. Goodman's. fLOST OR STOLEN. \ Pocket book containing $230 ; four $20' * , ooo $50 and ten $10 bills. Lost on 16th street betwen Webster and IT. P. block. A liberal reward will bo paid for returning the eame to this office. j6-3t TEE-BAILBOADSr- * t The Union Pacific Running its Trains to Kearney by the B. & M. President Dilloo , of the Union Paciflc , In the City. Sidney Dillon , president of the Union Eacific railway , with Assistan < 5enoral Manager Kimball , eame in from the east yesterday in ihe di rectors' car , and will remain in the city several days ; A SOCTHEEIT'-SOUTK. The Union Pacifis depot at noon to-day presented a rather confused appearance , and one not often wit nessed there. The water has risen between North Bend and Fre mont so that further efforts to tramfer passenger ? , mall and baggage abont tbo break are nseleis and through trains over the main line of the Union Pacific are abandoned. Arrangements were Taer < day made to send trains from Oma ha to Kearney by tbe B. & M. ronte , and train Ne. 7 , the emigrant train , was the first to take that road Tues day. Train No. 3 went that way yesterday , No. 4 will come in the same way , and all through trains for the preient will follow suit. An extra train was made up and run to Fremont. After to-day regular trains will be run between Fremont and Omaha and between North Benc and Kearney Junction , until the flood subsides. An ice gorge in the Platte has ta ken out a bridge near Valley ou th O. & B Y. , and trains over that line Are for the present abandoned en tirely. Everything now depends on the action of the Piatto river , as the moving of the gorges may at any time relieve or raise tha water , blockade. At Schuyler and Rogers , on the U. P. , trouble from the river is ap preheuded. The B. & M , Js running its regular trains on the main line , though there is considerable trouble from high ter nloug the road , but some of the branches are abandoned. A snow fall between Bastings and Lincoln took place Tuesday night. The Nebraska division cf the Chicago cage , St. Paul and Omaha road is still nterfered with by snow. On Mon day the snow fell to a considerable depth along the line and drifted into the cats. Thn train thai left Omaha on Monday .reached Calhoun at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon , and the train that left Tekamih Tuesday morning did not arrive until late Daesday night. EASTCBK BOADS. Trouble is anticipated by the pool inea from tbo rising of several rivers n Iowa , but no washouts are report ed HB yet. The Northwestern arrlrcd one hour late and the Rock Island Q ; wo hours late , yesterday forenoon , SPRING , 0 , SPRING 1 Spring Dolmans , Spring Circulars , Spring Wrappers , Spring Walking Suits , AT THE LOWEST PBICES. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS , Fifteenth and Dodge Sts. YELLOW ONIONS , " ) ' TERSET SWEET POTATOES , > at Morse's. FLORIDA COAST OBAKQES , ) Obituary. Oar readers will recall the announce ment in THE BEE , a few days ago of the death of Onah Shafer , which oc curred at her mother's residence , in this city. The following tribute to lor memory is taken from The Shenandoah - andoah ( Iowa ) Reporter : "How many good , beautiful chll dren , the pride of their parents' i&arts and the joy and sunshine of ; helt homes , have fallen this winter aeneath the blight of that fell de stroyer , diphtheria. Their bright eyes , their roty cheeks , their golden , sunny locks and the silvery ring of their merry laughter all lave passed away like a lovely , beautiful dream. The moth er's heart is pierced , and , like Rachel woepiue for her children , will not bo : omforted by cause they are not. Oh , bow tenderly , how eiquuitely , how eloquently appealing to a feeling na ture are those precious tears which un bidden flow as Love's last , fitting tribute to the dear ones , who have enwoven themselves in our heart's warm affections who were our light , our life , our joyl Even grief , for their Bikes , is sweetl Such a one was Onah Sbafer , who died at Omaha , last Saturday , of this disease. She was well known in Shenandoah and to many in its im mediate neighborhood , to all of whom she endeared herself by her thought ful , obedient , gentle , loving nature. The idol of a mother's hour , who cared for her with aU of a mother's lore , during most of last summer she llved with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Elliott , with whom she found a home and who to her were friends indeed. Here ever cheerful blithe , and happy tne summer passed pleasantly away , and some will well remember th'o modest pretty little girl whom we now describe , culling flowers in the gardens as they passed by , herself a fairer flower. But Au tumn c&mt > , and Mrs. Schafer removed to Red 0k , to make her bometherc , and Ouah bade farewell to her Shenandoah - andoah friends with deep regret ; consoled with the endearing thooght that she wonld never be separated from her mother , but that In their own home they would dwell happily there. How sweet is home ! To her childish fancy It was almost heaven. Red Oak contained no purer , lighter heart than boat in 0nan's bosom. Bat it seems that she was the child of vicissitude , for her mother bought a residence in Ocaaha and they removed thither. Here , they lived happily , nntil last Thursday , when , whle attending school , she was taken suddenly sick with diphtheria , and on Saturday her gentle spirit passed from earth to heaven. Her remains were brought back to Shenandoah on Monday morning's train , and af ter funeral services at ihe Congrega tional church , all that wajr mortal of Onah Shafer wu gently laid to rest by loving hands in the beautiful little cemetery on the hilL Let her' rest in peace. The virgin-Enow that en shrouds hot grave is a fitting emblem of the purity of tha heart which it contain * , and when the feathered choir return this spring they will sing the requiem cf her who once was ai g y , as gentle and at loving as them- eelvcs. " A Conservative Fireman. To tbo Editor ot Tni I&s : As a fireman , and one who has been in active sarvica in the volunteer de pariment for years , I am pleased to note the comment in Sunday morn ing's isauo of The Herald upon the proposed raise of salary ot the chlel engineer , as well as the idea conveyed through the daily papers "of Mr. Gal- ligan's eminent fitness for that posi tion. tion.I I find also in the daily papers long and strong articles of praise with re gard to his undaunted bravery and perilous feat at the fire ot Fridaj last. Had not that particular feat been performed by the brave volunteers of the various companies many times that day during the fare ? Will any .one venture to say that any member of Ho. 1 Engine company , or any other volunteer of the department , would quail to face any danger wither or without Chief Gallagan. Do not the articles referred to attach to this department a lack of that bravery es sential in a fireman. We give our chief all the credit entitled to bis position and our work shows the willingness.and readinees with which we have at all times aided him. Ii he entitled to sny more praise at a salary cf § 1200 a year than the volunteer whose services are rendered gratuit ously ? We think not. Chief engl neera do not extinguish fires , nor does public santiment ; yet , we believe that all organizations should have head and front , and we , as firemen , feel confident of our ability to furnish from the ranks such a leader when occ'slon requires. For from the ranks has our chief obtained the material which represents him in his absence. Deplorable would bo the safety of the public in case of ac cldent to our chief were there no ma terial to take his place. Where Is Sheely , Mnrkel , Kennedy , Simpson and others of our well known citi zens and firemen who have in the past led us , and successfully , too ? I am pleased , Mr. Editor , to note your comment on this matter. Upon the subject of salary and upon the expense consequent on entertain ing-visitors spoken of by Mr. Galli gan , we believe it not to be cnstoma ry , or to say the Jeast , judicious , for a chief to umako an extravagant dis- pl y upon a $1200 salary , nor do we believe it wisdom in this city council to raise such salary in order to meet each extravagance. Rather suggest a plan by whch | tbe chief can curtail expenses , that his friends and the de partment may bo benefitted thereby. Respectfully , A [ NOTE. The above is published by request. THE BEE has defiaed its petition in tha matter pratty clearly. ] MODERN SPIRITUALISM. The friends of progress in religion , spiritualists , and free thinkers gener ally , are cordially invited to attend he exercises on the 33d anniversary of Modern Spiritualism , March 31st , 1881 , at Liberty Hall , on Bart street , west of Military bridge , Omaha , Nebraska. Tbe following is the programme for the day. : 10 a. m. Invocation , short . addrefiaes and reminiasencei ; 2:30 p. B m. Anniversary address by a Spirit li ualist ; 8 p. m. Musical and literary lib eiercUep , followed by a "Social Hop" hi the spicioas ball ever the Institute , which will accommodate from two to throe hundred people. J. ED. SMITH , Manager. . mlG-d&w-lw A FULL LINE iitl of staple and fancy groceries , fresh tl EGGS , choice BUTTER , select PO 01 TATOES , etc. , etc. , at WILLIAM GESTLEMAN'S , tit 17 4t Sixteenth and Casa als. t tl .a. Card from Modoc Jim. Concerning the resolution offered by he lengthy nonentity from the Fourth 81 ward , which represents it in disgrace , Oit 81Oi ' , most emphatically refuse to relay a [ walk which neither myself , nor any one -employed by me , ever took a PiE plank from. I may state thai Messrs. E ) rexel & Mack , or their employes , - are the gentlemen who removed said walk , and I presume are willing to relay the same. As the long-nosed dyspeptic sneak has no business to occupy his weak brain , he is forced to originate some lie in order to create an impression that he is wonderfully serving his con stituents , and endeavors to build him self up-over the imaginary shortcom ings of others , even in which he shows himeolf to ba a failure. It JAMES STEI-HENSON. Gents' Rubbers , Ladies' Rubbers , Misses' Rubbers , Boy's Rubbers , Children's Rubbers , Rubber Boots. e Large assortment. New Stock , ii iia by the Car Load a at H. DOHLE & CO.'S 8t t Minnie Palmer. This popular and beautiful actress 11n 11G will appear at the Academy of Music n to-night , in "Oar Boarding School. " a Having captivated all audiences in the v 8 east by her cleverness and beauty and her inimitable specialties , she comes 0T 0r to Omaha , one of the greatest attra- T tions of the season. Of her recent 0 appearance in St. Louis in the same r piece , The Globe-Democrat says : 1 "The pl y , which abounds In music 1D 1t and mirtb , was productive of a grca D deal of merriment , and Mias Palmer , I b who is a bright little creature , full of 8 full of fun and melody , established 8V 8t herself at once in the favor of all pre V sent. She is an actress of the Lotta r v school , and prombes to atUiu to even I greater cleverness In her business than r the little lady after whom she has mod < 3a eled her style. " 3t "BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes : chills 1a 1 a and fever impossible , eod-lw At C. F. GoodmanV. Vennor'a Prediction. Mirrors at Hospe's. „ " Ono Dollar Frames for 50 cuta at Hospo's. Art School at Hospo'a. Shoes gilded at Hospe's. Two dollar chromes for one dollar at Hospe's. Curtains and Lambrequins at HospeB , "Sheet music at Hospo's , Pianos at Hospe's. Organs at Hospe's. Steel Engravings at Hoape'a. Gold Frames at Hospo'a. „ 15-tf - Electricity , Vapor , Hot Air and Manipulation , The Curative , Vitalizing-and Cleansing Ideas of To-Day Illustrated. The Omaha Turkish Bath and Electrical Institute , Under the Management of C. M. Dinsmoor , A. M. , M. D. In response to an invitation sent to yonr reporter by Dr. Dinamoor , ho shouldered hla pencil and prepared to take items , thinking that there -would bo nothing uncommon to write about , he having taken his annual bath in Cut-off lake and not being familiar .with the details of. . tha latest phase of civilized bathing. Imagine his sur prise on being shown a multiplicity of electrical apparatus that would do honor to a section of Edhon's factory ; a largo variety of costly mechanical appliances for eradicating disease , and a series of bathing rooms fitted up with scrupulous neatness , taste and elegance. The Importance of the Turkish bath as a remedial agent is , wo find , in dorsed in the most forcible language by nearly all the greatest medical au thorlties and practitioners of the present day. The various modifications of the Turkiih bath , that Tire used in special diseases , are also endorsed by the same authority in a way that leads us to believe that Dr. Dinsmoor must be quite.right when he tells us that In the cities this agency Is very largely displacing older systems of medica tion , and that only the country vil lages maintain their positions in the ancient ruts worn by the desciples of Esculap'ns. ' , Seeing the importance this now and , to the practitioner , somewhat costly system of doctoring , your re- reporter will now tell you what ho taw in an hour at the Bath Institute. First Wo were shown the electro thermal bath , with twelve electrodes arranged to communicate electricity to any part of the body. A switch board , which is a gem of beauty , con trols the flow of the electric curtents , which aro'div'ided'Into primary and secondary , made strong or light , and placed where they Trill do the most good. The electric apparatus was made by the Mclntoah Galvanic Belt and Battery company , of Chicago , and is said to be the finest extant , The details were all arranged , Dr. Dinsmoor , who is undoubtedly , a master of the electrical arts. Next wo were shown a combined gal vanic and Faradic battery run by . thirty-eight gravity cells ranged on shelves ] , and looking for all the world like a collection of candy jirs , but the beautiful silver machinery connected therewith resembled an Improved typo writer. The induction ceil , ! rhootome , polo changer , rheostat , galvanometer , hard rubber switch beard , and all the other details of this wonderful machine were shown in all their beauty , and the price of the instrument , § 700 , was probably only sufficient for a small profit mar gin ; ] to the manufacturers. Wo sro told that Chicago has nothing to surpass this ! instrument. It alao was made by the same company that built the elec trical bath. The western climate seems to be specialty favorable to the production of nasal catarrh , and for the success * fnl treatment of this disease , Doctor Dinsraore has purchased the most ap a proved instrument known to the pro fession. It was devised by Dr. Ale- Konzie , of London , and is now in general use by prominent practitioners throughout the world. In form it jreaemblea & Babcock fire c extinguisher , and it is warranted to * put the fire out of a man's nose in all stages of the conflagration. Marah's'cumulativo health lift , cost ing $100 is one of- the ornaments of the institution. In regard to this corrective of deranged circulation and muscle invigorator , nothing need be said , for almost every one is familiar with it aud all are _ unanimous , in ita favor. ! The moat remarkable , perhaps , of all the curloutfthings your reporter examined was the laryngoscope invent ed by Tobold. This beautiful Instru ment looks like ajarge silver student lamp with telephonic attachments , nntTby Us aid "red lane" is m du to appear aboUt the size of Farnham street , BO powerful are the magnifiers and refractors used. By its aid dis eases of the throat ara correctly de fined. The. Telephone Is used in both the institute and the doctor's residence , and the frequent calls for the doctor show that be has an important prao- tico outside of the sanitarium. The baths are , however , the mos t important , perhaps , of the entire out fit. The rooms are twenty-one In number , are divided into the tepid- aria m or w riu room , the calidari- um or hot room , the laridarium or shampooing room , aud the frigidarinm or cooling room , and the dressing as rooms. In the first room a pleasant warmth makes you happy ; in the second end , the torrid temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit makes the sweat run in creeks down the back and loosens the dead scarf skin ; in the third , the scientific manipulations of skilled operator produces upon your body a most delightful sensation , as he searches out every muscle and sinew and puts them separately through au energetic drill , winding up with a glorious shampoo and a nicely tempered shower both , which slides eo gradually from hot to cold that you scarcely realize the change ; then you are con la ducted to a couch , where , wrapped in sheet of spotless white , your fancies tnay lightly .turn to thoughts of that luxurious clime , where this exquisite and health-glving-'proccss had Its birth. In rooms adjoining , the sulphur- vapor , the mercurial vapor , electric , shampoo , soft water , salt water , sul phur water and Roman biths are ad ministered. The Swedish movement cure , with ita wonderful health giving manipula tions is here administered. The Tat ter is by some supposed ts derive its curative properties from spiritualistic or occult sources , but Dr. Dinamoor of denies this as do all truly scientific to men. men.Good ventilation is secured , and the most scrupulous neatness is every . where manifest. The success which has attended this establishment is re markable , considering the fact that Dr. Dinsnioor has kept his light so , well hid that even the newspaper i jj fraternity , who'-aro tupposed to ; , get I i on to everything , " have known noth ing of the extent of the Institution. Many years' experience as a practising physician , with grad uation from the beat medical schools in the land , eminently fita Dr. Dins- moor to bo tbo head of this Important enterprise. Ho employs thoroughly trained , polite and attentive assis tant ? . Mr. Faux , au experienced man in the Turkish bath business , manages that department to the full satisfac tion of all concerned. The morning hours are devoted to ladies , and in the afternoon and evening ! and Sun day mornings gentlemen have the rooms. The best people of Omaha , including bankers , merchants , profes sional and military men with their families , pitroniza regularlyhe | ( Oma ha Turkish Bath and Electrical Insti tute , and if all our readers would take a few more Turkish baths they would take far less calomel and jlap. AN ADVERTISEMENT ABOUT JEWELUY. You can buy anything in Jewelry line at the well known house of Whip pie , McMillen. & Co. , Fifteennth and Douglas street. A full stock always on hand. Late styles and prices that are away down. 15 3t Bool Estate Transfers. The following transfers were re corded at the county clerk's office Tuesday , as reported for this paper by John L. McCague , raal estate ngant and convejaucar : Julia L and Martin Jones to Jas. Ritchie , lot 10 in block 4 in E. V. Smith' * add. , w. d. $225. James Dnffey and. wife to Michael DuOey , 3 acres in nw. of so. , sec. 34 , town. 15 , ranga 13 east , w. d. § 300.Andrew Andrew J. Popploton to Millard F. Sears , lot 1 in Elizibeth Place , w. d. § 500. . John I. Bedlck and wife to Chris tian Martin , lot 7 in Redick's 2d add. w. d. § 200. Augustus Kounlze to John Sailer , lot 16 In Kountza'a 2i add. , w. d. 8225.W. . W. B. Cox and wife to Myran W. Hall , w i of aw and 30 acrea in e of sw of section 17 , town 16 , range 12 e , w. d. 81,320. Homer O. Merchant and wife to P. J. Nicholas et al. , lot 5 in block 139 , Omaha , w. d. 83,500. Wm. J. Oonnoll and wife to Wm. H. IjamH , lot 8 in Oak Knell add. , w. d. § 900. Frank H. Kueshan to Kate Mad den , parcel in sec. 22 , town. 15 , range 15 w. , w. d. § 1000. A. Kountzo and wife to Michael Robling , lots 20 and 21 in block 9 , Konntze's 3d add. , w. d. § 450. J. S. Shropshire to J. E. Riley , w. d. , lot in Nelson'a addition § 1,500. Hastings S. Campbell to J. H. Hastings , und. blk L , Shlnn's 2d adddition , q. c. d. § 500. Frank Murphy to J. A. Harbach ; a i lot 5 , block 139. Omaha ; w. d. § 3,000. Irene Lehmer to John Svatjtck ; e $ lot 6. block 254 , Omaha ; w. d. § 187 50. Liura and Samuel 0. Abbott to Georgia A. Steel ; tot 3 , in block 46 , Omaha ; w. d.6,000. . John I. Redick to Christian Martin ; parcel in s w J of section 22 , town ship 15 , range 13 , east ; w. d. § 200. Hoshelle. The public will hail with peculiar satisfaction the announcement that Manager Halbert , of the Academy of Music , has at length secured the beautiful Roshelle for two evenings of next week , Monday and Tuesday , when she will appear in "Evadno" and "Imgonar the Barbarian. " Roahello was born to greatness and her genius has al ready placed her in the galaxy of bright starato bo the bright est. She is the coming queen of tragedy and her subjects are hailing her as such every where as is indicated by the lavish encomiums of the prea ? , without exception. The Kansas City Times says : "In the character of Evadne , JEtoahello appears to splendid advant age. She declares that it IB her fa vorite role , and certain it ia that it is character which fits her face , figure , stage appearance and methods , ex ceptionally woll. It seems incredible that this 13 the third lima this talent ed young artiite hai over appeared in this character , yet , never theless such she alleges to bo the fact. She treads the boards a one to the manor born , and her work Is charac terized by an attention to detail grouping and stage effect seldom.found in many of * ihe older members of the profession. In the trying statue scene she did remarkably well , and wss Interrupted- with frequent bursts .of applause. Thia econo is very difficult , especially to the tyro in dramatic art , on account of its purely declamatory character. It h ro the dramatic stage what the mad scene in "Lucia" is to the oper atic , and hcs always baen considered one of the severest teats of the aspir ing young tragedienne. " Beauty , health , and happiness forladiea in"WINEOFCARDUl. " At 0. F. Goodman's. PROPOSALS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES. IIE1BQOARTIRS DlPlUTMEXT OK TOB PLATTB. ) OTKK or CHIEF QUARTERMASTER , > FORT OMAHA. KKB.Maixh 11. 1881. ) Sealed proposals , ia triplicate , subject to the usual cent ) iUot.B will bo received at this office until 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday , April 39 , 1SS1 , or at tbo a > me hour ( aliening for the difference in time ) at tha office * of the qua'ter- DUBtet'a at tbe lol'oin named stations , at which places ani time tbej will be opened In presence of bidders , forfurnlshinz and delivery Jlilitary Supplies du'inf ; th year commenc ing July 1st , 1SS1 , and ending June 30th , 18:2 , follows : Wood , hiy and charcoal , or euch o ( laid supplies as may be required at Omaha Da lot , Fort Omaha , Fort Niobrara , Fort Sidney , Chey enne Depot , Fort Kussell , Fort ganders , FoU Steele. Fort Hall , Fort Douglas , Fort Cameron , Fort R blmon. Fort Bridjer , Fort Laramle , Fort Fettermin , Fort McKInney and Fort Was- htkie. * " Proponlo will alio b- received at this office to the day nd hour above name ' , forths delivery on tbo cars at the p int nearest tj the D'lnes on the HnotMhe Union Pacific , o ( eight thousand tom of coal , of 2240 pounds to tto ton. Also for the delivery at ths Omaha Depot , r r at stitions on the Union Paciflc Kailroad , east from Ketrney Junction , of Iw ra'llion pounds corn , and one million i onnd < oats Bids forgra'n ' thsuld state the rate per 103 pounJs not per bushel. Prop eaU for clthar cliss of the stares aen- tionod , or for quantities less thin thewhrlere- quired , will be icceheJ. t'ach proposal ehrcld In triplicate , teperote f r each art.cle at each station , and wm > t bo accompanied by a bond the sum of one thousand dol'ars ' , ( $1000) ) , executed strictly in accordance with the printed initrart oaa , an 1 upon the blank form furnished under thUidve'ti'cmcnt , iruaranteeinzthat Uie pirtymaUu ; the propus.I ihall not withdiaw the son-e wthin s'xty dayj f cm the date an. nounced for oreniuir them ; and ih t if eaid pro posal li a-c > pted and a contract for the rapplie * bid for , awarded thereunJcr , he will , whhin ten days after bcin" notified of the award , ( provided such notification bo made within tbo sixty dayj above mcuitonetl ) , accept the tame and lurniah good and sufficient sureties , at ono , for the faithful pcrlotnnnco of the contract. ' he irovernment reserves the right ta reject anyoraUproposalg. . A preta nce will be given to articles ot domestic production. . . . Blank proposal * and piintcd circulars , statin ; the kind aid ttfmated quantities of wood , bay and char-oil required at eichsUtlon , and givln ? full instructions as to the n-anntr of biJdin , ' , cond Uns to be observed hy bidders and terms contract & > . , will be furn.shcd cnappliattl-.n this office 01 to tbe quartermasters at the various stat on i named. Envelopes containing propo.als should bo marked ! "Propoiabj for . . . . . . . . . . . .at . . . . . . . . . . . and sddre sed to tha undersijTEelor'tothorospecUropoit anl depot quartermasters. 1L , . LODINaTO.V. m5-0t Chief Quartermister. $5t S2Q Portland , JIa. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-AdTertlssmenUTo Loan , FcrSale Lost Found , Waul * , Bo nllcg. Ice. , will bo In scroll In tbejo co'umns once far TEN CENT per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS per liuo Tha flrst Insertion never less thin TWENTT-FI.NE CENTS. TOM OU = V SO J.OAJf Cail * t Law OfflM M D. L. "THOMAS. Itouina.Crelghton Block fONKT TO LOAH 1109 Farnham street L Dr. Kdward ? Losn Auencv. nov-X3-tf HILP WANTED - Troy Lmnndrr Is now prepared - WANTED-Tha out the best of work fo gents and ladies. 0-1 \TTANTED-A Rlrl who Is a flrst-classcook ' , YV can give good references , ( none c'the need apply ) can get good pay , by applying a 1601 CalUaruU street. VTTANTEDGirl to do house work , 132 YY farnhim street. . A carpenter wants a situation tc WANTED , railroad work prefered , elgh years expoiteaco , c u Elvo good refeiance. Ail ( Ires * A. V. , Bee office. 419-1 By a yon Jg man , work of any WANTtD Addresi A , Bee office. 411-ir \T7ANTfcD-to wash for four families at thai VY homes. Inquire Bee ofH-e. ' 3S9-1I PANTED Man to ork In garden. Apply W end of 18th street. H. W. BAIL. 4001 ANTED First-clan coat-makcw at Ober W foldtr iNcwmaVu , Council Uufls.Iowa 4o8-l WANTED l < y a youn ? lady a situation a cjpylat or a clerkship , dool relcrcnccs Riven. Address "K. JS. , " M. E. cor. 18th and Izirdetreeti 4091 - imali store , with lUht , dry WANTED-A .address P. O. box 745 , Cmah. 4W-1 Situation s clerk In wholcfilc o WASTED Btore ; reliable ; spoika English am German ; g-od lecomuieudalicrj. AJJrcai F. Bea cfflce. 415-1 A'on ' by a carpenter , can wotk from J\ . plans and is competent to take chirgo o Witk. Address W. . , Bee cfflce. 411-1 A competopt girl , rou tbi airood WANTED waslicr and Ircmer. East side 20tl bet. Cn'caffo and C.ts 4IO-1 "VTTANTED Two more boarders at 31S North YY 17th strcetbctween Davtnpott and Chicago cage , east side " 387-tf WOMAN Wants situation ai house-keeper A CallNo. 1215 Uowwd streetbetween 12th and IStb. WANTED A girl for general homework Must be gocd cook. Good wages to competent potent girl. Mrs. M. Rogers , comer 19th am Loavcmvorth ttrcots. 371-If Woman cook at the Omiha WANTED . S77-tf VI' M. U. DOLMAN Wanted Information o YV Wm. II. Dolmin , lately a res dent o East Otkland , California , where bo bat ax'c \ anJ Jour children who have n < t heard from him for over a year. Any one knowing whit ha * be come of him will confer a treat fayorbyaddrrsj Ing Mrs. Wm. II. Dollman , 1271 Eleventh Avenue , East Oakland , CaL 410-15 "TTTANTED To rent , for a term cf years , the YY third etory of some brick building ( ? eon to bo erected ) , situated on the co-ner of th street ia the bushiest center rf Omiha. CM o address Geo. R. Uathbun , Principal Great Wist cm Business College. 370-tf WANTSD An experienced butcher wants to start a meat aatkcti n some small weit cm town , where there ia none , or where one is neccle I ; would Uko a reliable partner. AUJrosi K. K. Wubb , Jai-kson , Dafcota Co. , Neb. 00-tf TTTANTED A good house-keep < r , 1109 Far n YY hatu street , notairfl. ' S2-tf ( Oil K6HT-KUUSES AHD Lfl t } . POR KENT The three story brick "European Hotel , " on corner of 15th an-i Karnham ttreet. The whole or part. Enquire at Davis & Snyder or B-uker Bros , Gas office. 410-18 "PTORRENT Two Jargo-very pleasant rooms Jj furnished or UufurnishenVN. K. corner IBtl and Burt. . 423-18 TT10R RENT Furnished cottage,619 north 17th JD s . , between WebsteracdCalifornia. Apply on premises. 413-li fTlOIl REST House of 8 rooms , on OiMto . Hi 1 , McCajne , opposita postoffice. 421-tf mo RENT Front cfflce , S17 S. 13th street , L between Farnham and Hsrney , out side. II. W. Cremer. 120-f FOR RENT An e ojant furnished front room with or without toard , to two gentlemen. Enquire 1519 Dodge street. 423-tf TJ OR REUT A store corner Lcaveuwurtb an j Jj lOtli S'B. AljoO mocking bird einrcrs for salr. Kr.quiro at 1'ctenon , 80410th St. 307-tl T710R RENT Forty acres Improved , farm 3 ] Jj S. W. ill Omaht. Enquire of A. Fudavson , 22nd and HarneySta. SOC-ti "KlOK KENT A furnished , south jont room. JJ Inqulro at No. 1612 Kornham St. 88i-tf JTIOP. RKNT 2 furnished rooms over Mcr- IJ dianta Exchange , N. E. Cor. 18th and Dodge atreeta. 239-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE A fine safe family horse , also a fresh milk cow aud nearly new topbnipy. L. F. Maginn , No. 8 , Grcigbton Block , Omaha Neb. 421-19 ITIOR BALK A good gentle horse , cntap. 2211 J Dodge St. GEO. B. LAKE. 403-19 TjlOR SALE Oood dwelling hou'e , S rooms JJ and kitchen , peed barn and outhouses. In- qu're ' at Benson fc Johnson's ice ffice. B93-W TTlORRENr Srocms. . Enquire MSO Douglas K Street. - 334-tf "TJ10R SALE Ten (10) ) residence lots on upper _ C Farnham street. John L. MoCatr'io , opp. P.O. 350-tf EOR SALE Maps of Tlouulis" and Sarpy counties. A , ROiEWATER , 1520 Kara- him Street. 320-tf POR S 4.LE Seven peed business lots on Faruham street. JOHN L.'McCAGUE ' , fStt Opposite Postofllce. EOR SALS Lease and furniture of n. first- class hotel in a town ot 1300 intubitanta , in State of Nebraska. Has 24 beti * , the.travellintr men's resort. Inquire at liee office. 2IS-tf" " * TJ10KSALE A CARGAIN A building with Jj saloon fixtures , f urnitura and stock , on 10th St. , opposite tha U. P. depot , for eale very cheap. Or the fixture * , furniture and stock will bo sold and building rented. Inquire of Ei > . KREISS- [ MAN. 79-tf I OR SALjJTffo" close carriages , at A. J. Simpson's. 911-tf MISCELLANEOUS- / iRVIS LAWRESCE his opened a carpenter \J chop on 13th , near I'odgc St. , formeriy I. Clojrg'a old stand , where he ia prepared to attend to all work Intrusted to him cither in or out ot town. Mill work , modcta and patterns , ito- palring of all kinds will receiro frompt atten tion. BS3-17 mEAMS CAN OE GOT At John Barr 8 stable JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures near comer 18th and Leavenvrurtb St. 378-tf POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from Cripc Crca-n Tartar. No other preparation rniV i B ufh llcht , fl. > r hot breads , or luxurious pi. try. Can bo latolby Dypej > - tics without f ar of the ilh reiul'ln ; fromheavy n indlgretible t > nSo'J ot ly In one , hy all . Grocers. I'.OTAti BAC so TownxK Co. , N'cw York. RHEUMATIC CURE " Warranted Safe , Certain and Pfeciy Cure for ElheniuaUsm in all i s term * , > enn'gia. Lame ' Bick , Paui i'l the Drcajt an > i SiJe , i ain In tbo Stcmich and KUnoyi" . tc It ia an in'crnai ' remcdy.'a Tonic and fined Purifler , n l while it reT.uvcs L e JQuosaj it im , rjyea tie cenenl i heaHh. SM5TH. BL GK & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSMCUIH. NEBRASKA C. F. Coo 1m in , gtpcril a > cnt Omaha , Keb SDBSCRIBE FOR THE WREKLY BEE , The Best in toe "West , S. P. MORSE & CO , , Ji - j . . Cash Jobbers and Retailers of ' DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! 1319 Farnham Street. We Gall .Attention to the extremely Low Prices of our present Stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS , , TabIeLinensToweIsNapkins , Table & PianoCover AND HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS IN 66-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 50 cents. r1 60-Inch " " 90 cents , Now 70 cents. 64-Inch Satin " " $1.00 , " 75 cents 64-Inch " 1.25 , " SI.OO. 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to $1.60 , Now $1 20. 68-Inch Double Datln " " 1.75 to 2.00 , Now L40. Two-yard wide Barnsley half bleached Damask at 75c. , well worth at retail $1 25 Two-yard wide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , fprmlrly $2.00 , now $1.60. 4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 75c each , Now Reduced to 45c. 5-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly $1.00 each , Now Repuced to 65c. 7-4 " " " " " - 1.25 " 95C. 8-4 " " " 1.75 " " $ | .25 10-4 " " " " 2.50 " " " " 1.95. Large siza Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match formerly $7.00 , now reduced to $5 75 each. Large size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Kapkins to match , formerly S9 00 Now Reduced to $6 5O. Large siza Linen Sets , Table' Oloths and Napkins to match , formerly $10 00 ! TCTWIEIIIS Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44 inches , reduced from 50c to 37 l-2c each. Fine twilled Barnsley Creaiji Damask Towels , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75c to 54c each. Fine French double Damask Towels , 26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. To encourage the practice , now so popular with many Ladie ? , of purchasing Embroideries early in tne year thereby anticipating the wants of summer , we make aa Annual Custom each January of of- lenng a LAJitit biUOKof cwfully selected patterns. Our stock this year has been pronounced nner and cheaper tnan ever before ; * we have Patterns and Novelties usually bought by other mer chants a year later. We have arranged to be supplied weekly with fresh goods. The prices asked are much lower than those of Eastern houses who have gained a world-wide notoriety : , .c . of Odd Pairs and various eizea. To eSect a speedy sale , wa have BUN CH- , K1NGS. In each Bunch we Have put all of one s ze some contain . , ten , > v ; pairs. eom < eight some seven five ana three , ana we have 5Oc Bunches , 75c Bunches , Sl.OO Bunches , $1 SO Bunches , S2.OO Bunches , $2 SO Bunches. - Our Spring i mportatioiu are now in New York. We have receixed lample pieces of 40 and jS-inch at SOe , XT- 5i and canassure our patrons no such values were erer lej 'ore thwcn by vs : MI i ° er D'Vtrtment Wc call attention of non-residents of Omaha to this department ; through it tee solicit orders for goods or 'ample * Orders so sent'are filled ly the return mail or express. Selections are made by competent clerics only , and ve guarantee satisfac tion or refund money. We carry ihe Largest Retail Stock west of Chicago , and a/ord you all the adeautaga of a pereonal visit throuah our Sample Em-elopes. One Price only Uarled in Figures. ' s. x5. iMicmsiE ] & oo. ANDSTILLTHELION Continues to Eoar for Moores ( ) HARNESS ifc SADDLERY , I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Mark , and all ray Goods will bo stamp ed .with the Lion and my Name on the same. No Goods are genuine without the above stamps. The best material is used and the most skilled workmen are employed , and at the lowest cash price. Anyone wishing a price Hat ot goods will confer a favor by sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOOKE. . TiH CAIIP , M. D. K. L. Sioatxs , U. D. NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PBIVATE " 15OS ? PITA.L. Now open for the reception of pa Icnta for tha rREATffSNT OF ALL CIIB'JNIO AND SCBGI 3AL DISEASES. URS. VAN CAMP & SIGGINS , Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. ODD E1LOWS BLOCK. CORNER I4TH JODCE STSOMAHA. . NEB. iOADEMTOF MUSIC ! _ JUN 3. \LBERT , . Lc83eoandManag r. Wednesday , & Tiiursdsjr March 16 and 17. A Orcit Kcw Tork and B < gton Sacces ? . MINNIE PALMER'S GAIETY COMPANY ! piominent pro- esslonaia , healed by MISS MINNIE PALMER tliemo-t Rldleulontly Fnnuy and Eitremely .anghablo Two act Farcical CotccJr Concert , by harleg P. Drown , Eeq , entitled Minnie Palmers Boarding School Lixundlnsr in Comical Situations , Attractive redaIti-BSongs , Daet j , Trios , Witty Dialogues "unnr Sajings. Etc. Coirdiiiz tchoolhaj been re-wrllten for this Bn and ranch Improved , and played with r.aturceffl five seeks in New 7ork , and Itwo 'eek in Boston. > Priori SO and 76 and $1. Beccrred g aU at 'dholm & Eri ksou'i Mondjy momine at 8 0 th nt extra chirzea. tn2-3t J. H. FL1EGEL Sacc ser ti J. H. THIELE , . HERCIUNT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , riivr i = r A * AGENTS 'JJJdL-EJ IT ! HOUSE , FiRMUSI STREET. d. A. W A K E F I E L D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER , LATH , SHINGLES , Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Lime , Cement , Plaster , &c , STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT CO. , ffear Union Pacific Depot. OMAHA , HEB. 50,000 CHEAP 1 CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. for the nszt nigety (90) ( ) days to sell4heu e.itir e stock of 9 Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ GENERAL fViUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20Ber cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor , llth & FarnhamX1 X1 We Mean Business. Copie and be Oiiviiicril. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Agaortment of WHEELS in the West , At Chicago Price ? . W.J. BROATOH , \m & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. . ' I - jinj8 ni j x W. ' v