Th % Daily Bee. Paterson' Bells co ! . . Hospe s lls Artists1 Materials. m5tf " TCewfBntterick patterns , at Cnjick- ' * ' mlO-Gt * shank's. * - Full line of Perfnmeslmd Toilet oirti- cles , at SaxeV A dangerous hole on 10th street at the ewer crossing is reported- WhippU , McMfllan [ & Co. , the jewel. era , Crelghton Block. o26-tf Minnie "Palmer , at the Academy , Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Famine cf artists * materials , at Chicago cage pnces.tKuhn'fidrag store. ml-lm Quite ft little flurry of mew took place this morninsA. snow storm is a novel sisht in these latitudes. House and lot lot Address 0. , Bee office , T.ivh pric * and locafion. l4-2t TheTMinnie Palmer Gaiety compan ; will be one of the finest treats we Lav had in the amusement line this winter. Thq box sheet for 3Iargie Mitchel will be open for the sale of seats "Wednes day morning at8SO , at Edholm & Erick eon's. Peter Davis , formerly with Steele & Johnson , cf'this city , and'tnore recently a traveling salesman for Metcnlf Bros.1 dte < very enddenly , at Council Bluffs , Sun. day. He leaves wife and one child. In the police court yesterday twi drunks vrtte fined $3 and costs each , an committed. ' Two men paid a fine each fo : disturbing the peace and pounding up a special policeman , Saturday night. It is reported that a beautiful singe : in one of our choirs , who is very dear to the hearts of many Omaha friends , has procured a divorce from her husband on the ground that he failed to provide a liv ing for his family. The retiring board which for some weeks fpast has .been in session at Fort Omaha , considering the case of Captain C. B. Western , of Camp Uouglns , Utah , reached the conclusion of its labors Satur day. While the result IB .nut officially known and will not be till the president's signature approies the proceedings , -we understand that Cnpt. .Western is to be retained in his present position and will not be put on the retired list. Venus Instead of Mars. Tom Keene ia snow-bound and will not be hero Tuesday , as expected. Jt Is probable that RoBhellethe beautiful tragediennemay be secured by Manager Halbert to take his place , and in that case the satisfaction of thcatar-goera is assured. The morning papers will bo able to make a definite announcement mont with all particulars. Boshelle is the bright , -particular star at present ont , whom not'-tofh'ave seen is not to bo up with the times/ Keene tickets canTje"ch"anged for RoaKello tickets at the box office. - - Large assortment of Lunch and La dies' Work Baskets for sale at the tea store off. . 3L Bennett & Co. , 113 northJTif teenthjitreet .Omaha. PLEASED PASSEN&EES , They Express their Obligations -to the B. & M. in a Card ' ' * _ * We , the u&denlgned ladies and gen tlamen feeling ourselves under obliga tions to the managers of the B. 11. H ! B. for the courteous manner in which wohave been entertained by them during the time they keptus waiting , from early morning till even ing , in one of their elegant coaches , without disturbing us once during all that time by vword.or message , wheth er they could or would start the trainer or not , have taken this public way of expressing our thanks-all the more ef fectually. After the time stated they abandoned the train : MTC : Straus , St. Joseph. D. M. Woodbury , Lincoln. Jas. Welnberg , Milwaukee. Samuel Lederm&n , St.'Jo'seph. Ohas. H. Helnlnger , Philadelphia. E. B.ZiBauj , New York. D. Gurnsey , Watertown , N. Y. 3T. A. McKennen , Marysville , Kan. A. J. Steffey , Creston , Iowa. Miss Jeannette Hutton , St. Louis. M.UBM.Z. Noodem , Philadelphia , and many others. PERSONAL * * County Clerk Manchester is again at work-in his office. Mr. Geo. E. Gratton is able to be about again after a severe illness of several weeks. * f.MarriaRe Licenses. The following marriage licenses were issued last week by the county judge : D. G. Dvis and MUs'lIary B. Lovrary. P. K Johnson and Miss Emma 0. Pdtenon. Patrick Oooney and Miss Lizzie Sullivan. * " Geo."A. Warner and1 Miss Nancy McNutt. _ _ _ B. Hilbelar and Miss Mary A. Boie. Hans Hantcn and Mist Annie W. Skorber. Joseph Brown and Mies Esther Newman. Estate Transiera. t the counly clerk's office Sat- tHrday asreporiedfor this by paper John L.McCaguP real > esUte Bgent andxonvejancer : Chas. A Wrif-ht and wife to Henry JM. S. ' Brcs'bln > nd wife to P. W. . John H. Keilom and wife to L avitt add- > First National B.nk of Sigourney to A. P. Bro , , of njpirt , w of flw | Of " 1 Ti ni' * * to David Bowman " , , e 3 of lot 2 , u bluck ib'G , w : d.-S2,000. alary E. Byrne to Samuel Gleason , of lot 12 , in block 6 -S7 d.- A , March 9 , 188L 1 will offer at private s le during St ten d&y8' at my rcaidecca 1713 Ctucajjo street all my household I A WONDEBFUL ARTICLE. Omaha Engineers Jubilant Over a Successful Boiler Purger. An. Important Manufacture to be Carried on in our. Midst Some time &goTnE BEE announced the inauguration of a newcntcrpriso in our city , the success of which is now assured , and we can cay to-day , to a certainty , that it is only a matter of a short time until it will aasume pro portions of no little importance as a solid manufacturing interest in our midst. "We refer to the compound manu factured by Mr. James Smith , the in ventor , for purging boilers of the scale generated by the water in them. As all engineers know this scale is one of the greatest annoyances in their business , aud it has long been deemcc an impossibility to remove it. The man who could discover a perfect boiler purgor was psaured s fortune , and that man has come to the front in the person of Mr. Smith , the first results of the use of his compound in this city being given below. He claims , and with good grounds thai if his compound will remove the scale as claimed , it will also eave [ from 25 to 30 per cent. In fuel , and this is confirmed by the various engi neers consulted by our reporter. It has been used with success now ai the Smelting works , White Lead works , Nail works , Union elevators and else where , and our reporter called upon several of the engineers to-day to in quire as to their experience with the boiler purger , with the following re suits : "A DECIDED SUCCESS. " Mr. Edwd. Lamron , first assistant engineer of the smelting works , eayi the Boiler Compound is the best prep aratlon for keeping the sccle out ol boilers that he has ever used. The Missouri river water generates a ecalo in bis boilers nometimea a qnarter cf an inch thick , composed chiefly of lime. This scale * keeps the heat from coming in contact with the water , whereby a good deal of fuel is wasted. The com pound dissolves this scale and loosens it from the boiler , rendering the boilers entirely clean. Mr. Samson added to our reporter : "It is the best thing I have ever found and I pronounce it a decided success. " ENTHUSIASTIC ENDOESEMENT. Mr. Henry Clay , engineer at the White Lead Works has thorougnly tested the compound , though he had tried so many frauds that he hesitated before he-would try cgain. Ho was satisfied yesterday when six wheelbarrow - barrow loads of the scale were remov ed from his boiler. He saya , "I not only think Mr. Smith's boiler purger is a good thing but I am satisfied that It is the best thlnq ever invented for the purpose and lht it will do all that ii claimed for U. " SHORT BUT BWEET. Joslah Smith , the engineer at the Union Elevators said , " 1 have been in the business 25 years , and this compound is the best I over used. That's all I can say about it. " ON TKIAl. When our reporter called on Mr. David Morrison , engineer at the Nail Works , he responded to his inquiry , that he had just put the compound in a ohort time ago and had not yet opened the boilers. He offered how ever to open them then , aud doing so , ho was surprised to find that the scale was already disolving and falling off. "That beats all I ever saw , " he eiad , "I have tried acids and everything else recommended for the destruction of scale , but there Is nothing equal to this. It not only has done the work in a short time , but has done it thor oughly. " Our reporter put his hand in the boiler , and withdrew it again filled with the ecale , which readily detached from the sidfs of the floes and boiler , and-which had become full of pores and very soft , whereas the scale is naturally like Iron in hardness. Mr. Smith has evidently a fine chance to build up a big business , and he is already preparing to go into the work of manufacturing the article enlarger larger scale , ai ho Is nnable o eupply tbo orders already pouring in on him from this city. Ho will patent the discovery immediately , put men on the road to sell it , and push the business at once to prominence before the pub lic. Another Desperado Bounded Up. AL Garvey , the notorious desperado who killed a stock man on the round up last May in Colorado , was appre hended and arrested in Deadwood on the 28th day of February by Frank Fsrber and delivered to the sheriff of Wild , Col. , at Sidney , a few days ago. A reward of one thousand dollars is offered for his return to the proper authorities. On taking him from the jail at Sidney it was found that he had cut his shackles , and would , perhaps , have broken jail in a short time. He a also ta'd to be wanted in Texas. Decaying Decorations. The streets of the city are becoming beautifully decorated with dead dogs which for some hitch between the city scavenger and the authorities , are per mitted to lie and rot where they falL We understand that the city council some time ago , refused to pay for having carcasses hauled outside the city litniti , alleging that it was the duty of the city scavenger to attend to them. The latter declines to take the bodies away for some reason and so It goes and soon warm weather will be upon ns and then the health as well as the nostrils of our citizens will suf fer. There must be some remedy for this unusual state of affairs. Special meeting of the Omaha brick layers protective union is called on special business , on Tuesday evening , March 15lh , at 7:30 sharp , at Turn hille , corner lOih acd Howard Sts. FRESH EGGS 22fcperdozan , 4J doz n for § 100 at William Gentleman's , 16th and Ca a. Rubber Che&p , ' K Cheap Rubbers , at H. DODLE & CO.'S Central Block. White "Winter Permains , Winesaps , Genitons aad Ben Davi * apples by the barrel , at Bllffjtt'e. ' ,12-2t BOABD OF COMMISSIONERS , * * Proceedings of an Important Session Saturday. SATUBDAY , March 12. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Commissioners Knight , Drexel and Corliss. Minutes of last mc'etlng were read and approved. The following were adopted : RESOLVED , That the treasurer be and hereby is directed to cancel the n. 12 A. of sw. nw. sec.-34 , tcwn. 15 , range 13 and the proportionate tax thereon for the year 1873 , same beln assessed said year as blocks 26 , 27am 28 , Wilcox's second addition , and list said cancellation on back of this reao lution. RESOLVED , That the treasurer be and hereby is directed to cancel N E. N. E. 331513 ; also 13.20 acres in N. part S. E. N. E. 3315-13 , and the tax thereon for years 187172-73 ; also 52 acres in W. i N. W. j 34-15-13 for taxes of 1871 and 72 , said land being rsseseed said years as lots in Wilcox 1st and 2nd additions. RESOLVED , That the county clerk be and hereby Is directed to notify all assessors to meet at the county clerk's office not more than six days nor lees than two > days before the first day of April next , ( day to be named by the clerk ) , to agree on a basis of assessment mont , and such other business as may come before them. Said clerk is fur ther requested to see that all assessment mont books are carefully compared bc < fore delivering them to assessors. RESOLVED , That the county clerk be and he is hereby directed to insert in all licenses issued for sale of liquor , after the date , the words , "Subject to any legal objection under the act with respect to license to sell liquor to take eflect about Juno , 1881. " RESOLVED ; That the county treas urer be and he is hereby directed to draw from the general fund $2.45 and apply the same to the deliuquent personal tax of Chas. W. Flotkee , for the year 1879 , for services as witness. RESOLVED , That the county treas urer be and he Is hereby directed to draw from the general fund § 22.25 , and apply the same t ? the payment of the delinquent personal tax of D. Ftlzpatrick , for the years 1878 aud 1879 , for goods and labor. RESOLVED , That the county treas urer be and hereby is directed to draw from the general fund § 6 95 , and ap ply the same to the delinquent per sonal tax of Jacob Tex , for the years 1859,1800,1861 and 1863 , for services as witness. RESOLVED , That the county treas urer be and he is hereby directed to draw from the general fund $4 00 , and apply the same to the payment of the delinquent personal tax of P. M. 0. Tuttle , for the year 1868 , for ser vices as witness. The following official bonds were approved : John H. Logan , assessor , Platte Yallcy Precinct. George Frost , oversearof _ highways JSlkhorn Precinct The following was adopted : RESOLVED , That the county clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify all parties presenting accounts to bo audited by the county com missioner ; , that no account will bo allowed unless accompanied by an order signed by the commissioners or by the officer obtaining the came. Bill of Frank Murphy for an ab stract of title to 1st 5 , block 141 , was rejected. Petition waa presented by George L. Miller , and others. The following accounts were allow ed from the general fund : II. H. Gooder , petit jurer S G2 CO Wm. Brown , work on road 3 00 Tennis Alex , work at poor farm. . . 20 00 1. N. Pierce supt. po * r farm 51 0 J Sirs. L N. Pierce , matron poor firm 20 00 C. Tadeu ? , work at poor farm 14 00 Mary Phillips , work at poor farm. 16 00 A. Dauble , on account of grading. 50 CO JL Gundewon , work on road 2L 5i ) Joel A. Griffen , bailiff's fees CO 00 John Bagley , jr. , work on road. . . 12 75 Kmul Nelson , repairing c sturn. . . 6 89 Fred. Drexel , on account of servi ces January , 1881 GO 0 B. P. Knight , on account of servi ces February , 1881 7500 J. J. Points , county supt. salary November , 18SO 100 00 Henry Grebe , bailiffs fees GO 00 I" , w. Corliss , cash expended ( to Cleveland ) GL 40 Fred Drexel , cash expended ( to Cleveland ) . 64 50 G. W. Gray , printing warrants.5 00 D. Fitzpatrisk , repairing gas pipes 9 74 3I.Kogers , " 705 Brown & Lljss , duster , &c , 2 CO C. J. Green , defending indigent prisoners 50 00 A. Rosewater , m p for county. . . . 4 00 A. L. Strang , hose for county 4 00 L Bradford , lumber 47 82 Samuel Dnrnall , taxes refunded. . . 4 50 Iowa Coal Co. , coal for county. . . . 141 37 John G. Jacobs , coffins for poor. . . 16 00 Thirteen parsons , goods for poor. . . 131 CO Forty-lour persons , witnessfees. . . 2G2 05 Adjourned to the 18th inst. J. R. MANCHESTEE , County Clerk. Fine assortment cf Toilet Soaps , from 3 cents to 10 cents a cake. For sale at the tea store of W. R. BENNETT & Co. , 113 north Fifteenth St. , Omaha. Low Rubbbra High Rubbers Heavy Rubbers Light Rubbers Narrow Rubbers Wide Rubbars All sizes and all kinds , just received at H. DOULE & Co. Leading Shoo Store. Vennor'a Prediction. Mirrors at Hospe's. One Dollar Frames for 50 csnta at Hospe's. Art School at Hcspe's. Shoes gilded at Hospo's. Two dollar chromes for one dollar at Hospe's. Curtains and Lambrequins at Elospe's. - Sheet music at Hospe's. Pianos at Hospe'fl. Organs at Hospe'u. Steel Engravings at Hospe's. Gold Framed at Hospe's. Election , of Officers. The Omaha Sportsmen's club elected od officers last week as follows : President , W. H. S. Hughes ; vice- president , Gco. T. Mills ; treasurer , Wm Preston ; secretary , Z S. Spring ; jcard of managers , "Henry floman , M. W. Kennedy , J. W. Petty. Several important changes in the jy-laws are under consideration , Messrs. Lira and Brookar were chosen captains for the spring club imnt next month. Messrs. A. E Touzalin and Fred Ma'.z were elected members of the club. club.Next Next Thursday the Omsha and the Workingmen'a clut , will have a glass ball and pfgaoa shoot , and the latter club will ehoot for a medal. ' THE PEEAOHED WORD , . Rev. Sherrill Utters an En couraging Word to the Young Men. The Rev. Mr. Sherrill , of the Con gregational church , delivered a ser mon JSunday from his pnlplt upon the subject of young men. Any re marks from us upon the high quality of the discourse would be manifestly gratuitous. He said the first helps to the success of a young man were good habits and good morals ; certain and rich rewards are hold up before every young man who will persevere in good habits and pursue the path of virtue. This is true especially because of the growth and prosperity in almost every department of industry or in the pro fessions , so that if a young man will but step into the current he ia per force 'carried along to SUCCGEB. One office in tbia city which six years ago employed but sir young men , to-day employs over sixty. Every one of these who has faithfully applied him- selt is to-day at the head of a depart ment and this is not an exceptional case. What is true todaywill also be true in the years to come. It is a great help to the young men of this city that a senti ment exists among the employers looking to the habits and morality of the young men whom they may em ploy. About five years since a mer chant had said to the speaker that he wanted a good young man in his store of 1C to 18 years of age. Didn't want one of your extravagant , fait young men ; he must have one that cculd be trusted. It is good for the yoang men of this city that such a sentiment prevails. Only last week a man said to the speaker , " J won't allow a young man to work for me that even drinks beer. " "If I were in tne east to-night and a man there should ask me if Omaha were a good place for his son to es tablish himself , or if there were influ ences hero that would help him to peed habits , I should answer about like this : 'If you have ambitions for your son to get into the city council of Omaha it would be no batrier to him that he should be a drinking , profane aud lustful man ; but if you wished him to embark in some business pur suit he must have , and maintain good habits. ' That , I believeis true to the prevailing sentiment in this city. " The days of the style of Jim Fiak men are passing by , and their places are being taken by men of more sobriety and cleanliness of life. A man told me respecting a young man who had applied to him for work : "I would have taken him into my employ but his tendency to extravagance and a fast life told me that I had better watch him a while first. I soon came to the conclusion that if I employed him ho would demoralize all the rest of my help. " The Bible says it is the duty of Christians to reprove such young men as this not turn them away stating you have no vacancy , but tell them you hav.e a placa for the right kind of a person , but that the applicant won't do. Tell him frankly , that lie may see what it costs him to indulge in wicked vicea and associate with immoral reen , A large portion of the sermon has been unavoidably omitted. XOTES. The bi-monthly Sunday school con cert of ths Eighteenth Street Metho dist church took place Sunday , The church was packed. Objuui- leacon black-boards were suspended around the walla and the festoons were profuse and beautiful. Banners , de signating the classes of the Sunday school , were numerous and of brilliant hue. The singing was perfect , and the exercises were rendered In a man ner worthy the occasion. Prof. Eellum gave a very interesting ac count of his trip to the Pacific coast , which deserves reproduction hero , but our limited space won't admit it. Those who intend taking part in thejoperetta , "Land of Nod , " are re quested to meet in the parlors of the Eighteenth Street M. E. church , Fri day evening , for rehearsal. The Sherrill Literary club will meet at the residence of Rev. Snerrill Tues day evening. There were 252 persons attendant upon the First M. E. Sunday school Sunday. Bishop Olarkson Sunday repeat ed his lecture "The on Egyptian Pyra- raids , " to a large audience in Trinity. TLo lecture la full of inter eat and en tertaining in the extreme. The bishop preached in the morning at St. Bar- nabis. The trustees of the First M. E. church are considering the matter o raising the church edifice , for the pur pose of building a brick basement story , to be used as a lecture room. This is a very important measure. The Rev. Father Higgiiu , of St. Louis , will deliver a lecture on St. Patrick's night at the Cathedral in this city. The subject will be ap propriate to the day. High mass will be celebrated on that day at 9 o'clock. Rev. Haraha , of the Presibyterlan church , lectured Sunday on the life ' of St. Patrick. It was a highly interesting discourse. Mrs. Latey fang at this church Sun day.There There is a young people's prayer meeting announced at the First M. E. church this evening. The pastor of the African M. E , church is rather frank in his regular Sunday exhortation. He said Sun day , that every brother or eister who couli behave , were invited to a love- feast.'We will not have ibis whisper ing and giggling and laughing , any longer ; it is a disgrace. Our folka shout sometimes , aud say things that are funny , indeed we are often a mystery to ourselves , but this is no place for merry-making. Sup posing some of you were at a neigh bor's house , and you would misbehave while present by invitation , your hostess would not feel pleasant about i * no indeed and we dcn't feel pleasant toward yon when you come hero and won't obey our rules. " These remarks hod the desired effect. A fiisnce as deep as tha tomb prevailed for about two rninutee. Two weeks ago tht > scholars of the Tenth street mission secured a picture of the mission building , which an old lady had worked on perfo-ated card boa d , aud sent it to Mies Hitchcock , a former teasher in the school , and now of New York City. The picture is { novel in its nay , and an almost perfect likeness of the little church arourd the corner. Rubber Boots , n large stock just received at H. DOULE & Co. AN ADVERTISEMENT ABOUT JEWELBV. You can buy anything in Jewelry line nt the well known house of Whip- pie , McMiller. & Co. , Fiftcennth and Djiigla * street. A full stock always on liMid. Late styles and prices that are aioay domi. Cirload nf apples just received at Buflelt'a. * 12-2t 3TANDAKD STYLES , * Max Meyer's Old Stand Filled With H. M. & M. Pea- vy's New Stock. The New York Clothing House in Central Block. The Eacket Suit &c. , &c. , &c. Central block has long been known as the great mart of Omaha. Here are found the old staunch , reliable business houses of our western metrop olis , and the firm of H. M. & M. PBA- VY made a right royal move when they secured MAX METER'S old stand for their paammoth stock of spring styles of clothing , furnishing goods , &c. This firm has many advantages which entitle them to the rank they are tak ing among our business men. One o the largest manufacturing aud whole sale houses in this country is the par- ' out firm , and that establishment man- * manufactures all of the goods sold to the Omaha house. Every piece of woolen goods is thoroughly sponged and shrunk before - fore being made up. The best cutters are employed , and the very latest styles promptly furnished. An irn- monso lot of now light casalmere suits are now1 in stock , including "Too Racket , " a fashion that is all the rage in Now York , no gent with any pro- tontions to style being without some modifications of it. On the three floors occupied by this firm are stored a vast quantity of goods , including trunks , valises , hats , shirts and all the varied stock tnat goes to make up a complete men's outfitting establish ment , where Deadwood minors , Texas cowb-ys , army officers , commercial travelers , the lawyer , the doctor or the English lord can find just the kind of clothing required. The Peavya are gontluraen , in the full sense of the word , and are just the kind of men that are appreciated In the west. Full of energy and enter prise , liberal , polite and attentive to the wants of the public , they are sure to maintain a position amorg our leading merchants. With the change of season there will be a large amount of clothing requir ed by our Omahaa and all , no matter what color , ago , politics nationality or previous condition , ia welcome at the NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSBj and if they go thrcugh the immense stock on the first floor , take the eleva tor and explore the two upper floors , or descend to the basement , and then , If they are still lacking the article they are after , it will be sent for and if New York has such a thing it will be here instanter. THE FLOOD. The Union Pacific Transferring - ring .A-rounrl tha Inundated - undated Track. THE EAILROADS SUNDAY. Sunday morning at 7 o'clock a stub train iras sent treat from this point to the submerged section two miles west of Fremont , trhcro the passengers , baggage and mall from the train dao here on Friday afternoon were transferred from their train to the stub and brought into this city , arriving at 4:30 : p. m. yesterday. The transfer waa made by wagons and other vehicles hired at Fremont. This waa the first passenger train in from the west aiuca Thursday afternoon. The overland train for the west , which should have loft on Friday , went ont about 1 o'clock Sunday , and her load was transferred in the same man ner to the train on the other side of the water. The passengers , mail and express due here Saturday evening were ex pected about midnight Sunday , SB the transfer was made on the arrival of yesterday'a Ho. 3 at the break. How long this thing will have to be kept up the officers are unable to con jecture. At all other points inun dated the trains are running ehrongh the water , but hero it is too deap , and the water is thick with sand , which makes it impossible to force a way through. Trains were got to running regu larly on the 0. & R. V. Saturday , but the B. & M. was conslderablv troubled by vrater in the cuts , The Rock Island and C. , JB. & Q. came in a little late Sunday morn ing , and the ITorthweatera had two trains in about G o'clock last evening. This road has been the worst sufferer among iho pool lines this winter. TRAINS YESTERDAY. The only train in on tl e pool lines yesterday was the Rock Island , which waa nearly on time. The Wabash - bash came in on time a inual , and the west-bound mail train ou the Union Pacido left about half an hour lato. lato.The The work of transferring passengers around the break was continued Sunday night , and all tiaina up to date are now in. The train due Saturday afternoon ar rived at 3:50 : yesterday , and Sun- diy'a train nt 7C5 a. m. , the latter consisting of a box car , a bapgage car , four coichoi bd two cabooacs. The train duo at 3.L'5 p. m.Monday was re ported fouluurs late. A train came in from Lincoln , yia the 0. & R. V. , at 1:30 p. ra. FOR SALE. A first class piano , en tirely new. A birgiin for cash , or eaty payments. EoqiKre at EDHOLM & ER10KSON , mlO 3t Opp. the Postoffice. Sixty ceat.dinner buckets for thirty five cents. One gallon coal oil cana for fiftaen cents. Will ba eild for these low prices thn week. WM. F. STOETZEL , Tenth acd Jackson Sts. inarl4n-w-f : SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE A < k ertlscmcnts TO Loon , For Sale , Lost Found , \V nt , Boardcg , &t , will bo In * sertcd In these wJumna once for TEN CENTS per line ; each snirerinent Insertion , FIVE CEI TS per line The Jurat Insertion never less thin TWENTY-FIHS CENTS. TO LQAB-UDMEY. OUZT ( XO T/OAK Call > t law Offlca M D. L. THOMAS. Room 9 , Orolghton Block ONKY ' TO LOAH U08 Farnhun street. M' Dr. Edward * Loa Atrencv. noT-J2-tf H U > ffAOTSD rnwo men wantoJ to in Garden. D. J. Smith , I North Sherman Avenno. 3DS-14 TT7 AN1LD to wash for four families at their VV homts. Inquire Bee offi-e. 3S9-15 A pocxi stout boy , opposite pottoffice , Far store. 102-14 t - to work In earden. Apply end of 18th street. H.f. . BAIL. 4fcO-tf "TTrANTED A situation as clerk In astoroby YV ayounffmanwhospwksEn lifh Eoho uifan and German his clerked and tended bar. Address M&thow Flax , OmahaNeb. 431-14 TXT ANTED TO RENT A room , famished or YV ui fa nlshed ( unfuinUhtdprefened ) with board , suitable for gentleman and wife. Address ( at itin location tnd term , ) S. J. C. , U. P. Hed- qmrttrs. 403-15 "TT7"ANTED Two more bolder * at 31t North YV 17th streetbctwe n Davtnport and Chicago - cage , east side 337-tt Compctuitglr ) for central house WANTED Call at office of Qroff & Montgom ery , over Onulu National Hank. . 395:14 : TTTANTED Situation to work in kitthtn or YV about iho house. Inquire at the Green Treelloiiao- 391-15 TTTANTFD A middle-aged German wonan to \ \ do housework for a fj rally of two , Done but thoee who can give references need call , MRS. W. B. WOOD , 210 16th street , near Cap- itolAv.nuc. 398-15 TX A dining room girl at the Emmett - W mett House. 3S6M7 WOU VK Watts situation al house-keeper. A CallNo. 1215 Howard streetbetween 12th and 13th. 385-24 - cords of wool. Nathan WANTED-100 Farnhim street. 372-11 WANTED A girl for general iwusework. Must be RO'tl ciok. Good nagea to com petent girl. Mrs. M. Rogers , comer 10th and Le.ucmvortliEtrct.t5. 371-tf Woman ceok at the Omaha WANTED . 377-tf fTUllSTCLASlTAllLE BOARD At 2i7 Farn- J2 bam St. , bet. 15th and 16th. 355-12 TT7ANTED A worn in c"oV , at the Emmett YV House. 332-13 TEN WANTED-To Chop wood. T. Murray. TT7 M. H DOLUAN-Wanted information of YV Win. H. Dolman , lately a rea-dent of East Oakland , California , nhero he hai a wl.'c and four children who hare n t beard from him for over a > c r. Any one knowing what hat be come of him will confer a creat fav.irbyaddrrsi- ing lira. Win. U. Dollman , 1271 Eleventh Avenue , Eat Oakland , Cat. 419-16 WANTED To rent , for a term of years , the third story of some Vrick building ( soon to be erected ) , situated on tha eo ner of the street in the basineaj center rf Omilm. Cill or address Geo. R Knthbun , Principal Great Wtst- ern Business College. 370-tf "IITANTED An experienced butcher wants TV to fitart a meat narkcti n eome small west em town , wlieru there is none , or whcro one Ia needa-l ; weald take a reliable partner. AOdreis K. K. Webb , JaiJraon , Dilcota Co. Neb. 90-tJ 'ANTED A good hou3C-koep r , 1109 Farn ham street , " up ctaira. 32-tf FOR RENT-IIOUSZS AND UNO. (710UBEST ( House of 8 rooms , on Cvitol .C Ui 1 , l-'cCasuc , opposite postoffico. 421-tf TO RENT Front office , 317 S. 13th street , between Farnham and Harnsy , cut side. H. W. Cremer. 42Mf ( TTlOU RENT /n e egant furnUhod front room f ? with or without beard , to two gentlemen. Enquire 1613 Dodge street. 423-tf T710R RENT A store corner Leavcnworth an 1 JJ 10th s's. Abe C mocking birdsinrcrs for sale. Enquire at 1'ctcrson , SOI 10th st. 397-tf T710R RENT Forty acres improved , farm Si Jj S. W. cf Omahs. Enquire of A. Fudayson , 22nd and HarnfySts. 300-tf "T ORRENT 4. furnished , south lent room. JD Inquire at No. 1012 t"arnham St. fcS4-tf RENT 2 furnished rooms over Merchants FOR chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodeo streets. 289-tf FOR SALE. Wl'lbuya ' complete newspaper outfit except pr&s. Apply to S. S. drawer 13 Omaha , Neb. 302-14 T710R SALE Qood dwelling houe , 3 rooms JL ; and kitchen. j.ood bam * nd outhouses. In * qu'ra at Benson & Johnson's ice sfflce. 393-tf 10RRENT Srocm" . liiqulro 1420 Douelas 1 S'roet. T710II SALE Ten (10) ) residence lota on upper L i'arnhamstreet. JohnL. Mi.CaiC , OBP. P.O. P.O.FOU BALE Maps of Dougltt and Sarpy counties. A. KOEWATER , 1520 K m- ham Street. 320-tf EOK SVLE Seven peed business lota on Farnham street. JOHN L. McCAOLE , fott Orposi'0 ' PostoCice. SALE Lease and furniture of a first- EOK class hotel in a town of 1300 inhabitants , in Jstata of Kobraska. Has 24 beds , the travelline men's resort. Inquirn at Bee office. " 218-tf " FOR SALE A BAUOA1N-A building with ealoon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th St. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very cheap. Or the fixturej , furniture and stock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of Eu. KUEISS- MAN. 79-tf FOR AL TATO dose carriages , at A. J. Simpson's. 911-tf MISCELLANEOUS. / vUVIN LAWREKCE his opened a carpenter V/ ( hop on 13th , near Lodge St. , formerly I. Cleprg'a old stand , where he a prepared to attend to alt work intrusted to him either in or out of town. Mill work , models and patterns. Re puting of all kinds will rec2i > c prompt atten tion. 383-17 r.AA industrial facts ! The crown- , UUUUUU inir culmination ! A $5.00 bu k ior Si.Su ! ! Faimcre , f luineers , mechanics mill owner ? , miners , inerchnnts , &c. , will find in Moore'a Universal Assistant and Complete Mechanic , containing 1010 pages , 500 cnuravingi 461 tables , aud orer 1,000,000 industrial facts , calculations , processes , secrets , ml-a , &c , of rare utility in 200 trades A $5.00 boot free by- mail for S2.50 , worth its weight in gold to any mechanic , fanner cf business man. Counting costof proddnction the Univeisal Assi-Unt m the cheapest work in the Eiglish language , and cannot fall topro\oof notaulo utility to mer chants and buaiuess men generally , very many of the tables rues , formuag , receipts , etc. , con tained in it being woith to any man vastly more than the cost of Iho entire b ok. The work ele/anlly bjund in Enirl sh cloth will be sent by mail ( postage rrep&U ) for SI50. In leather binding , library style , with lettered back and marbled edges , for 3'.50. Address C. O bTOD- 33ART , H2u Chestnut street , Philadelphia , Pa. fTIEAUS CAN BE GOT At John Barrs stable JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures mar comer 13th and Ltavcnwoith St. 378-tf POWDER Absolutely Pure. Hade from Orapa Cream Tartar. No other preparation makes such light , Hiky hot breads , or limiiious pastry. Can be Mted by Dyspcp- t-cs without fear of the llli resulttaff from heaTy indigestible food Sold oily In ctnr , 'by all Oroccrs. ROTAlBAKisoPowDiRCo. , Wew York. GEO. H. PARSELL , M. B. Kpomj Jacobs Blook , np stairs , cornir of CaMtal Avenne and 16th street. Resilience corn-r Sherman Avenne and Grace street. SPECIALTY. O I ) it I tries and Discatcs of Women. Office hJuis frum 9 to 11 a. m. and ( rom 2 to 4 p. m. ay oc nroHed at present in the parlor ot Dr. A. W. Mason , Jacobs Block. ml2-6m P. GO. Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 Farnham Street. We Call -Attention to the extremely Low Prices of our present Stock of TabIeLinensToweIsNapkins , Table & PianoCover AND HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS IN 56-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 50 cents. 60-lnch " " " " 90 cents , Now 70 cents. 64-Inch Satin " " SI.OO , 75 cents. 64-Inch " " " 1.25 , " SI.OO. 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to $1.60 , Now SI.20. 68-Inch Double Datin " " l.75to 2.00 , Now 1.40. Two-yard wide Barnsley half bleached Damask at 75c. , well worth at retail SI.25. Two-yard wide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , formlrly S2.00 , now $1.60. 4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 75c each , Now Reduced to 45c. 5-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly $1.00 each , Now Repuced to 65c. 7-4 " " " ' 1.25 " " " " 95c. 8-4 " " " ' 1.75 " " " " $1.25. 10.4 " 2.50 " " " " 1.95. 1 arge size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match formerly $7.00 , now reduced to $5 75 each. Large size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Kapkinn to match , formerly $9 OO , Now Reduced to $6 50 Large size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match , formerly $10.0O , Now Reduced to $750. Laree size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match , formerly $11.00and $12.00 , Now Deduced to $9.00. Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44 inches , reduced from 50c to 37 l-2c each. Fine twilled Barnsley Cream Damask Towe's , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75c to 54c each. Fine French double Damask Towels,26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. JLJE3. . I To encourage the practice , now so popular with many Ladies , of purchasing Embroideries early in the year thereby anticipating the wants of summer , we make an Annual Custom each January of of- feiing a LAEQE STOO-tl of cirefully selected patterns. Our stock this year has been pronounced finer and cheaper than ever before ; we have Patterns and Noveities usually boDght by other mer chants a year later. "We have arranged to be supplied weekly withfreah goods. The prices asked are much lower than those of Eastern houses who have gained a world-wide notoriety : Muslin Embroideries from Ic to $ S.OO a yard , on Muslm from 1-2 inch to 54 Inches -wide. French Percale Em broideries from 6c to $2.0O a yara. French Nainsook and. Swiss Embroideries trom IScto 52 75 a yard. Here we have accumulated a larsro lot of Odd Pairs and various sizes. ToeSect a speedy sale , we have BUNCH ED SIOCKINQS. In each Bunch we have put all of one sze ; some contain ten pairs. Home eight , some seven , five and three , and we have 50o Bunches , 75c Bunches , $1.0O Bunches , SI 5O Bunches , $2.0O Bunches , $2 5O Bunches. BLACK CASHERES Our Spring importetiout are now in New York. We hare reccixcd sample pieces of 40 and 43-inch at SOc. 31.00 , $1.15 and SI. 55 , and can assure our patrons no such values were ercrlef ore shoirn Ly us : Mail Order Department We call attention of non-residents of Omalui to this department ; through it we solicit erders for yrxxls or samples Orders so sent are filled ly the return , mail or express. Selections are made by competent da-Is only , and ice guarantee satisfac tion or refund money. We carry the largest Retail Stock icest of Chicago , and a/onl you all the admutwjei of a perconal visit through our Sample Envelopes. One Price only Marled in Figures. s. iMioiesim & co. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! JOHN H. HALBCRT , - - Uansgor. ONE NIGHT ONLY , Tuesday Evening March 15. Engicemcnt cf the Popular Trascdiau THOS. W. KEENE , Suppoited by the Cliarmioglrasij Actress Miss Henrietta Yaders ! FRAZER COULTER. OCTAYIA ALLEN , FRAHK ROCHE , And a Powerful Stock Company. Under the Management of W. B. HARDEN , On wnich occasion will bo presented Shafce- spear's Grand Historical Tiazcdu in six acti of RICHARD III ! Or the Battle of Boswortn Field Qlostcr , ( ifteiwards Richard III , ) TII03. W. KEENE. Reserved Seats , $1. Sale of fes.liwill com mence 8atmd y , Hatch 12 , at 839 a. m. , at Edholm & Kricnon'a Jewelry Store. t aim AND STILL THE LION Continues to Koar for Moores ( ) HARNESS & SADDLERY , I have adopted tbo Lion aa a Trade Mark , and all my Goods will be stamp ed with the Lion and my Name on the samo. No Goods are genuine without the above stamps. The beat material is used and tha most skilled workmen are employed , and at the lowest cash price. Anyone wishing a price list ot goods will confer a favor by sending for one. DATO ) SMITH MOOEE , $2,250.000 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY- EXTRAORDINAHY DRAWING. APRIL 12th 15000 TICKETS ONLY , 722 PHIZES. SMALLEST PBIZE , § 1.000. 1 Prizi 81 OCO.OCO 1 Prize S2S.OCO 1 Prize 2DO , Q 8Przes,810COOeach 80,000 1 Prize 100.000 3 Prizes , 5.000 oa-h 40,000 1 Prize 10,000 722 Prizes am't'g to $2,250,000 Whole Tickets , $160 ; Halves , $50 ; Qoartew , S40 ; T nth3S16 ; Twentieths , $3 , Fortieth * , ? 4. Lttle Havana la govern entirely by the above drawing. 1 prf , S6.0OO 722 PHzea-$16,110. ttho'cj , $2. Ilaheg , 81. ROMAN & CO. Successoia to TAYLOR & Co. , New York. Direct all communications and money to ROMAN & CO. , General Agents , 233 Chipel Streets , Hew JUvu , f onn. ml4lm ACADEMY OF'MUSIC ! J. S. HALBERT. - - - Manager. Friday Evening1 , March 18th. The Great Artiste. MAGGIE MITCHELL ia FANCEO& The Cricket. The mest popular lady on the American Stigc. Prices s usual. Ressrved seats on aileaitei 833 Wednesday morning at Edno'.m & Erick- Z0a' fllC t fflOn I d r t home. b rnp cs w9' 5)3 I ibZU tree. Addrenj Stlaeoa & 0 Portland , Ue. ENTS FOR.DEVLIN . & CO. , idJ E , _ J FARMIAH STREET. I SO.OOO P ! CHEAPER S CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P , < 4ose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell fcheu entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , SilverWare , Pianos & Organ GENERAL ft/lUSIGAl / MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing ; Prices , WMch is from 15' to 20cer cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatoiy to moving into their New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We 3Iciin rtiisiness. Conic Jind be Convinced. till sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to ofier the consumers of the weed only iirst quality goods for their money. Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , Best 3 far a qnarter Cigar in the cit7 , BestStraight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Fina Cut a Specialty , Oar 80 J Fine Gut is a good one , Bagley's May Flower h 8 and 16 onnce tins , For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco , -AT THE t' MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 l > ouxins Street. Wears the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bngley's May Flower RHEUMATIC CURE Warranted a Safe , Certain and Speedy Cure for Rheumatism In all its form * . I.euralgla. Lame Rick , Pam in the Breast and Side , l'ain' the Stomach and Kidneyo , &c I' la an inttrnal remedy , a Tonic and Blood Purifier , rjl | removes the Dtaeasa it taprotea tbo genenl health. SMITH , BL'CK & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSHOinH.NEBRASKA- "C.F.'GooJnun , general ' jent Omaha , Keb J. H. FLIEGEL. Successor t > J."lf. TUIELB , MERCHANT TAILI& No. 122O Pouprlaa Street , - - ' - - * -