The Daily Bee. Mon y Morning. March 14 * P wraon eellscoal. See Polack's advertisement Fitderick , ijeading "Hatter , mlltf Ho > pi sell * Artists' M.terial * . inStf New Entterick patterns , at Cruick- _ , . , rnlO-Gt * shank E. -Standard club party Wednesday night Seven arrests were made for the of fense of driving over the fixe how on Fri day list. Every other man you meet on the ttreeU nuw-a-days is on insurance ad- jnaUr. Masiie Mitchell will appear in the r le of 'Fanchon" Friday evening , at tne Academy. The front row of seats in the gallery is being reserved for the Tom Keene per formance Tuesday night. Friend * of the Young Men's Christ iana sociation are cord.aUy invited to at tend their nodal reception at their room * this evening. Bernard Linde- A benefit was given mann , the comedian , at the Omaha Stadt theater last night. The U. C. L. dramatic club fcxs been photographed in a group , in tie costumes worn in "Waiting for the Verdict" Tbe thaw continued yesterday with the effect of faking off a good deal of enow nd ice , but there ia a foot of solid ice still left. The directore car of the Union Pacific went cast last evening with Assistant General Manager Kimball on board. Mr. Kimballgoes to Chicago to meet Sidney Di'lon ' , who left New York yesterday far . Some the great western metropolis. double leaded soap-suds may be expected from The Herald pretty Bhorthly. Full lice of Perfumes and Toilet arti cles , at SareV Maggie Mitchell's dale is changed to Friday , tbe 16th. Whipple , McMillan i& Co. , the jewel Block. o'2G-tf en , Crcighton Tbe ice at this point Btfll serves as a rival to the U. P. bridge. Reserved seata for Mincie Palrcer go on sals Monday morning at 8:30. Fnlllinecf artists' materials , at Chicago ' store. ml-lra cage prices. Knhn'u drug -iiot , F < vi ns , Houses tnd Lands. LOO'K over Benus * new column of bargains on 1st page. "Frederick" Bells the cheapest hats and stoik-at iowerf. caps , can-res Ihe largest prices. Hati from SI up practical Hatter. For lAuds , Lots , Houses and Farm * ooi over BenuY new column on first page Brrgains. Whose place is it to rf move dead dogs from the streets ? The carcass of a defnnct cnr still adorns Fifteenth street , near the street car line. For want of space we cannot give the full address of Dr. Baujher , which he de livered last nisht at the "Temperance Bcs Hive. " The well-known letteixarrier. Andrew Peterson , Ulalaoff by a severe sprain of the leg , caused by his horse clipping and falling on him. The State Board of Public Lands aa Buildings Friday aRreednpjn tbe de tails of the new improvements to bo m < * de - Oin Def and Dnmb Institute , near this city. Ths board speak in high terras of the excellent management of Prof. Gil- lespie and his wife nnd the prcficoccy of hi * pupils under the competent Seachern. Election of Officers. The Omaha Sportsmen's club olccl cd officers last week asfollcmt : President , W. H. S. Hughes ; vlcc- prealdent , Geo. T. Slilla ; tren8urerf Wm. Preston ; Becretarr , Z. S. Spring board of managers , Homy Eoman M. W. Kennedy , J. W. Pottr Severalimportant cnanges In the by-Uwa are under contidoralion , . Meara. Lard and Brookor vere chosen ciptnino for tha Epriag dub hunt next month. Measra. A. E. Tousalin. and Fred Halz were elected mcmbora of th club. club.Ntat Ntat Thursday the Omaca end the "Worklngmen'B club will hare a g B ball and pigeon shoot , and the Ititie club will ahoot for a mednl. MarrlaKO Licenses. The following marria o licansei wore issued , kst week by thacountj judge : D. G. Davis and Miss Mary B. La wary. P. J. Johnaou and Mise Eiama C Peterson. Patrick Oooney eud Mica Lizzie Sullivan. Geo. A. Warner and Miss Hcncy D. Hilbelar and Lliss Mary A. Boie. Hani Hanticn and Mies Annla W. Skorber. Joseph Brown and MIES Esther Newman. Board of Trade Mooting- A meeting of- the board of trade will bo held on Monday ovoniug , March 14. Hew msmbers will bo raado welcome , end all citirens having pUnc to propose for building up the city. Estimates nlready inada indi cate that the building nnd improve- ' men's in Omaha , for 1881 will require 30,000,000 brick in their conctrucilcn almost 100 per cent graster thr.n the entice production of 1880. Sev eral manufacturing enterprises are needed to utilize the surplus products of oar eoil , end they ca ba eecnred if citizens generally will unite la In ducing capitalists to locate hero. Propositions of grounds , etc. , adapted for industrial enterprises , can bo util ized either ei so n.uch stock , or other wise ; tnd property-holders ara re quested to Eoud to the undersigned any donations they wish to make to eastern capitalists for Buch purposes. W. 0. B. ALIEK , Seo'y. AUAU K KP&8 Horace Newmwi went west yesterday. Superintendent Tutbilt , of tbe St. Joe k. Western , was in the city yesterday. CoL J. J. Dickey returned yeaterd y from Chicago , accompanied by Thomas T. Ecksrt , jr. , tbo sou of General Manager Eckert of tbe consolidated W. TJ. telc > graph company. T. J. Martin , agent of Eoshclle , the tragedienne , is in tbe city. W. H. Hurlbut , traveling agent cf tba Canada Southern railway was iu tbe city yesterday. be Misses Collins' , of Detroit , are in the city visiting Mrs. Uobert Purvis. PA01S , The Various Firms Again on Deck To-Day. The Mayor's Card to the Du- | rants. There are but fevr dotaila to be a-'ded to onr acconat ox FrVtsj's fire. Tha ncibunt o ! 1cm nl&ted waTery Tory nearly ccrrect3 and we present belor the list of policies held ty the different firmn , with the companies and agencler. The firm of leh x , LSc- LKhon are temporarily located iu the old ezprcsa office , ne fc door to Me- Ham&r&'s , stxd Rre with commendable enterprise preparing tooooa ootasraia in the shortest possible liaio. Milton Bogere & Son filled out their stock from their warehouse Mid opened up tn naual this morning. The ? estimate their loss on atcck to be bat ween giC- 030 and $20,000. Tuere vt two ! eat or wafcjrtin tha cellar , where there w.i aJ&rge stock of tin , sheet iron and hollow ware , which ia ren dered almost cseless. Oa the eecond leer the Japanned and atamped Roods frere daui- and arc now not considered perth fifty cents on the dollar.- The clock -m > s 7aac2 r.t 550OOD , and WEB etored oafivo floors , Riid vator touch ed it alL A new roof will have to bo put on. which will coat in the vicinity The building orraed by Dr. J. K. Lsh was erected in the inoat Bubotan ; tial m nnor rnd thu lo or floor clc- iCtly.finhhed. It-cost 030,000 , and b totally ruined. Mr. McKcnzie , vho waa mentioned yesterday as being overcome by tha Bmolie , veo Korce'e nanngor Inetead o * Ornickehank'a and wao not eprioas- ly injured. Ho wan oat In good ahapo to-day. Lforca will opan coon wish a new stock of colossal proportions. Mra. Frfink Weltero cent tha Pro- rzn cereral gallono of hot coffee , which they greatly cpprcciatoct. Tha engines Saturday were busy fill ing up tha ciatomc. Major Chaee eent n commnnlcatiou of which the follcmng ia n copy , to the Duranta Satorday morning : EXECUTITK DEFT. , GITS HAIL , ) . , March 12th , 1831. J To the U31cre and Uembeis oi TJ. P. Duratt Fire Engine Co , Oniahj. GBSTLKMEH : Ia benalf cf the citi- sena of thli city , tlio Cra department generally , and , eapaslaliy in behalf cf tfcoaa whoso property wtc no ranch in jured and greatly furdir c.udugercd by the fire , yestordftyj on i'uruaia otreot , which broke out in Ih & SIcMnhon'n drug otore , I moat cor- diaily hojeby oztend you esrcsst thanks for your prompt responsa lo my telephone to yon , after the fire wfit niidor fearful headway lo cjme to our ralicf. Yocr sen and your engine did nobly , and gtsilly and most timely assisted ua. If the "Dniant" should ov er need the aid of Bra engines lion. J , 2 cr S , ona or all , call on them and Igu1 r-1- tee that yon fill Lavs the f uU f orco nt yourcarvica on chort notice , togothar with the efcont ! aid of our ckiliful chisf. Gratofriliy yccra , The follovruig is the inccraace list - ro fer as comnletod. I3H & UACSIAHOJI STOCK. PhosnU of ILirtford C 2,503 Lancashire of England 2,000 London Assurance 2,000 7.sCsIcsa 1,000 Norwich Union 2,030 Liverpoool , London & Globe SCOT - Totsl 514.500 ; jtchest r of New Tork , ci store , furniture-"ndfixtures..0 1,509 ) , Aetna , on building S 8,000 Connecticut , on bnilding S 4,000 E. P. MOSSS fi : co. Phoenix of I/ondon . S 5.0CO Snringfieldof Stato'chnKctta . B.OOO Imperial & Northern oi England . . . S 50 Continental of Kcw Yori . 2,500 r National of Hartfcr.l. . ' . . . . . 3,500 Hartford . 7.001 : London antraccG. . . . . . S.7CQ Norwich Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,7oC Home Ne'er York . 4crO , te Homo Hew York ( furniture ) . 500 North Amerira . 4OCO , : Liverpool , London tt Globe. . . . . . . . , OCO ; Merchants of St. Joe . 2-ri ( 0 Connelirat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Wiliiamsbarg City . . . . . . . . . 3,5.0 Total . . . , . $54,009 TAXHi WILCOX , BDItDIKO. Manhattan . S 2.SOO Orient of Hertford . 1,500 Orient of Hartford , fixtures . 1,000 Connecticut . 2,501 . Traders. . . . „ . . . 2,600 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vlOJtOO , MILTON nOGEES AHD BOSS STOCK. German American. . . . . . S 5,000 Koyal . . . . . . . . . . . ? ,0')0 ) Ponnsj-lvania. . . . . 2,500 London Assurance . 5,020 Hamburg-Bremen . . . . . . 2,000 Home of liew York . 5fOO FrankUn . . 2,57) ) . London & Lancashire . 2,500 Total . 527,000 MILTON nOGEBS BTJODIKG. Continental . 2,530 Niagara . 2,00 L..L. & Globs . 2,500 Total 57.CCO- Ulrrora at Hocpa'c. Ladies end Children Shoes in Gost and Kid. Firai-class make. All warranted , pt FTJILTIIEDS'S. Art School at Eospn's. TbBt ssulcldo. ( Joronor C'ncobc received an r.nsTror to hla telegram oE Friday frost the express agent el Toledo , Ohio , direct ing him to flhip thn rem&faa of GTOES- ocbachor , the snicido , At once , to that fiiSy. Tha oaten or will chip the body , together with the suicirlcs personal effsctc , on to-morroir'a train. &OUS3 WANTED. Aboct April J , n G or 7 room honea. State location and terms. AddraM P. 0 bo : 710. Organs at Hosps'e. BEATDY1TOP. BUSINESS. Ho bsg to Infcrra car patrons r.t home and abroad that ro ara ready to -fill all orders c ua hsva largo cucnti- ties of gcoda stored la one ware houses which the Cro did not reach. Ecsosctrnlly , KOQESS & SCKS. AuExcolar.t Bepressntatlvs. "We wers Fiiday favored with pleasant call from Mr. Silas Bannis ter , & gantlem&a who comes'to Omcha with the hlghoat rcconnneadatlons to represent the irall known housa cf A. A. Devoro & Son , Impertfng tailors , of Chicago. This firm , whose reputa tion h firmly cctabiished wherever their agents haye gone , esnda Mr. to Ocsha for tha Srat' ' tlrao. tlrao.Mr. Mr. Bannlpter Is located t tha Metropolitan hotel , where hn ls fa- pared with a Cue line oJ bample1 ; .to ts.Eo raeasarea and fill orders o2 aU hinds. He Till resift'.cruitiltheiOti. ud nolicils tha visits of all .who desire to inspect hla line of lample ? whsihs ? they make an ordsr or anl. Ea Trill bo found to ba n laosl courte na snd pleuan * fcrtlsESEn. to Jtal ihc2e who hare leJsuro tiaio do bolter than io call upon alra. Wirier Pcrraalua , > 7inezRps ; Gcnitons .nd Boa Davis opplss by the batral , ri Buffatt'n. 12-2t Stsal Enj caviugs at Eocpa'fl. 'EAiL AND SI3B. Tlie Flood Alrer.dy Getting in Its Work on the Former. Preparations for It on the Latter. thit tha 'acnaoa for rnaw bloefcudea ia about over , rra bsgia io { i el n foretaste oi tha flood ifhioh nay | be expected to tpnsM in ail Its | "overshadowingfastness'1 within the next month's timo. xlic lolloping rats iho dination ca iho railroads at S P. * . Wut tj * T3S 2. JUT ) il. Thia lias ia comparatively ia good i shapp , not being co much oxpceed to the sncrcsshmenta of ihe Flclto rives rs tbo Union Pucific. Tha l aln rlco Fridsy ctternoca r.rrivod & few hoara late , but aii trtlns ware moving patui- day and nearly on tizo. IQE UJCOH ? ACIFIO In tadiy deinomiizsa , having about threa u > isa o ti-acbander ths Trat3r ; which is eight to tea iachos ahove ths raile. Of this amount pbont ivro milas lies botwoan Yalhy snd Fra- moni , a hrlf nillo bstwcan Fremont and Norlh Bead , Dnil a sniatl cection nosr Gibbons. Ho trainc tro mo'Iug in cither dircLtion on tha naia lisa and aetc oa tha I-incola breach. The overlaad'trsla , dec in this city at 3:25 I IL in. Friday , waa tied up at Schnylei1 , and the train dug et ths rr.ino honr Saturday it Pi = mOre3k. . ! ? ho weat bound mail Irtln got r-c fa ? n j Graca ji"rdr.y , whose chc want dead. Ho. S of Csturday vas lying rst.thie ter- miana of the road 7/rav'ng ' for the ] j raoyinn-of the waists , i'he trala ciis- patcher did not tnovr when she would got , 8-Tiy , Ono freiRht train ATM sent ous ti fr as Yr.liey Saturday ; Trcin No. 7 , Frit's ? night , niih thrsa care cf onigrints , rraa slUl told at us city. It wts inipoeaible tc tail when the trains ' .rcald gei to moyiug , though it Trill rsquiro bat a thort iirn to get thiags iu chopo it tha irfctor uoao not vrach out too much tmck. 4 BiSTEBN IilSS' ' . The Wpbaah caroo in on t ! no. The "E. 0. was oao hour kt . The "Mctcuiora" rearmed Ji r reg ular Irlr-a acroaa the brido. ; . Tha 6. , B. & Q. wrc , reported coy- Ga honra lit ? . Sco OhScfijjo and Horthwc'.tara tras erpectcd ia 17 hours Itta. , The Bock Island had oa train In from Dos Moiaca about 10 o'cbcfe end erueclod another in daring the after noon from Chicago. SHE BIVEB. Th3 river at ihia point ia beginning \ to ojoa , the channel brlcg apparent to tha width cf abovt filtj feet. The steam ferry , "Unfi'nr. " had basn cut Iooe , or letter tha ice has bosn brolrca for oevorr.l fesi r ounJ , to cave ib froru the clsaitcr h Ssicll Iho oM "Iroao" a fav ? y ars ninca at tba HrsakJccj oi tha river. Atbost , if it ojcapaa Trifthoni injcry , the owners chould consider theaisalres foriunat . "Iho LUyj" 1 Ilia little g > vcrnci2at tug T/hisu has kia ail winter rt the foot or Karney street , ia beiug cul out cf the ! C9 ; r-nd hoisted nnoa tlio wharf , hfh ! : end QIJ. TEE EJILKOADS TSSl'SEDAT. Yoalevdny rconiln : ? r.t 7 o'clccb a a'rb train TTSI esct wcai froa thio point to the cn'omar cd nsotioc t-ro miles wer-i cf Frsncat , vrh'-o the passeagara , ba zsJ nn'i mall fron the tralu nuo hero oa Friday afternoon were transferred from thair train lethe the stub and brought ialc thiij ciy , j arriving at 4:50 p. ia. yesterday. The transfer vfM rasda by wtgonn r.tsd tbo Qrt passenger Ircln in from the west tiuco Thnrsday afternoon , The overland train for the rreit , wliish chould hive Joffc on Friday , went oat - r.bout 1 o'clunlc yesterday , r.r.d hsr load waa transferred In ti > o BKB pan- ; netto the train oa iho other alda of the water. The ca Eengare , mail aad ezpresi duo hero S turdty orcnlng were cs- pected about midnight last aghi : sa the traaafe * wrs made on the arrive ! of yestcrdaj's Ko. 3 at .tho break , How long this thing will here lo bo kept nn Iho officers wo tuiablo to con- jectiiKJ. At ell other paints inca- dated the trains are rannin.-j ohro'agtt the wat3r : bet hare it In too dcop , and the wttT is thiob rlth rnad. nhlchr makes it icposiblo to fcrca a throcgh. Trains weso got to rcnning regu larly on the 0. &HL Y. Saturucy , but ths B. & IT. wr-3 xjnldsrcblv tronblod by water la tbo cute. The Rock Isiaart tud 0. , B. & Q cams in n litt'e hto yesterday morn ing , tad.tha . Korthwestccn l > cstTo trains in eboat 8 o'clock isifc oyoning. This ro&d h 3 bean the worst auffore * p.mong t : 3 pool lines this trintsr. , - > i 11 .03 at HOCDO'B. The Ari School on JJod o clrcai , thai w s recently ostsblisbcd , bto aioi trfth flattering .GCCS S , 10 nuch co that for tlo ccsomncdatba cf thoao vho can not pttond on lessoa days , n night tcsool trill be established rt rs- duced prioea. Chsjea trill moot Wednesday and Friday evenings t 7SO o'clock. Good Cftlf acd Gost Sheet : to rroar in wet weather , tt 'S , near ISth tzd Douglas. SOOIM , NOTES. An Interesting Week at the Academy of Music. _ Masquerades , BsMs , Parties and Weddings . tTat-ircUy Evening's EEK. the pleasant entertainments TrhJcc have tsKcn place during tlie pvtReek the nri-ato niRaqaer-de party natter the aanagamont of Mr. j J. Ed. Sruiih , at Masonic Hall , last night , deservca special mention. Mr. Smith's ability and success os a man ager was Grtr.bllshed years Ego and he hold h' ' ovrn all the Usae. Notwith standing tha ezesralits condition of tlo streets and tup discouraging etato of the weathsc the attendance last niaiif. 83 good , and the parly paoi off in tlio nsost sociable manner Imaginable. Hotzol nnd Irvine , musical caterora , furniahed the music , "Mle Smith noted RS prompter , lo the aatlafaotion o ! all. Dancing continued after en- until n Ulo hour. BiLLS AND PASTIKS. The Hooks' masquerade tasoa place Slaroh 22d. The bsl of Omaha Engine Co. Ko. 1 , cccuro on the ? 5tu. 'A banquet mm ball will be given by ilieBnr ntn thokr.tof the month. The North Star ( society will RIVO a maeqaewdo at Mets hall March ISth. The Lyran society gires a fine rcc- qnerado at Tcrnor hall tonightvitu preparations on an ole snS tcale. The lant Home Circle party takes place in Council BluA'a next Monday evening. A number of Omaha people trill aHen.i. The Lewis Escalator Braaa Band Trill give a grand ball at Maronlc Hall , Icthand Capital Avemio , Thursday evening , March Slat. On Monday O73iiinj [ a farairell parly T7CE given at the rsaidendo of Mrs. J. 0. Rcsaiifield. The suiprlso vis 3 pleasant ono , about fifteen couples bolif ; in attoudauce , who look music and refreshments ulih them. Mn. Jlos3c eld and fanily and Miss Eos- cafieid lof : Wednssaay for Denver , which Is to be theJr fcturo homo. An oojoyable masquerade , partlci- patod in by taachara and nupllo , took pljwa ct the I > oef ? nd Dumb institute on Monday night last. After an hour of fun , rofreanmentsreo carved. Among those representing characters were : Blioa Mary filcCowDa , beggar ; Russell Cmit'u , Henrv WardBeecher ; Mrs. Reed , Mrs. Buckley , Misses Buttrick and Gillagher , ghosts ; Mi 3 Andcrcou , actcatr ; Master StafforJ , chief-clog-n-tho-B ! n ; Master Dickin son , swan. Superintendent Gillespia and his excellent tfli'o sre to bo cvadit- edwith doing all in their power to make tbo institute a homo for the children and not a drenry ionao of refuse , pnd that they nucceed in this laudable undertaking our rapcrtsr , vho has visited the pleasant spot can tsstify. We trust thslr ahadown may ns7or grovr leas. TJHUY LYCEUM. The fifth in the Unity Lycaum rour.-.3 of lectures Trill be givsa next FrldcT evening at the Unitarian church , by Prof. Gee. E. . Church. Subject : "Sunday , Ita Uca and Abuse. " Thin lecture rraa recently delivered , in Lincoln and created quite a sensation. * WEDDlKGS AJTD ANNT7ERSABIES. A party oi neighbors end friends nnitad last evening In giving nn agreeable surpcfae party lo Mr. and I-ira. T. . W. Manville , residing ia Shiun's addition , the any being the 25th anniversary of their marriage. A numbii- appropriate ) gifts nero given the v/orthy couple and G highly eajojable C7ouing w&s pr.sed 5y p.11. The ? .ilver wedding anniversary ot j Mr. rna Mrs. Olsrk Voodcan oo- S j curred on the 9th inst , end their beau - I \ tifal pkco oa Ciimlng ctrest wro on I tL&S "evaning invaded by a uavty of S friends The in addition to supplying I the rofrcahtfientfi/or the evening , ove- j eeatod them with an elegant silver I Eervi-jQ , inscribed "Mr. and Mra. | I Clark Woodman , 1856-1881. " jj us. and Mrs. Parker celebrated j r thslr tenth wedding anniversary on Wednea-lfty , and their fuendn vicitcd thorn that oveniug with the usual ac companiments ofjelegaut oonvenlra. Mr. GBOIRO S. Ste'eaa , cuporin- tandsnt ; of tha car and building de partment ot the Union PaciPc , and Mt 2. LL Z. Lewis were married on Monday last at the residence of the bride'a olator , Mrs. George Master- ] man , at Mishawaukeaj Ind. , the Jlov. t D. Cone pfllciatiog. An extended wadding trip vriil ba made before the return to Omaha. Will McMillan , tlie well known jeweler , of the firm of Y7hipplo & McMillan , ia expected her e very shortly with hli bride , and their advent - vent is looked forward to with no little - tlo interest. The following account cf the Treddiug ia taken from Tha Chicago Tinisa : On Wednesday evening , February 23d , ot V/arsaw , occurred one or the j most brilliant society evonln known in j j the hbtory of that village , tbe occn- | sion being the marriage of Itliss Maud I McCnlIoifih , for twelve years past a > roniiiont nnd bells of Euglewood , to 5 W. E. McMillan , cf Omaha , Neb. The beautiful and popular bride has long been identiQed wttli the Gr ham school , and haa ondoarcd hersrfff to all with whom she has j como in conta"t , both in ashed > end cosiety circles. The groom Is a j member of the jewelry firm of Whip- _ pie , Mcalillen & Co. , of Omaha. The ? ceremony rras performed at the rasi- | dance cf tlia cteu-falher end mother j of the bride , Mr- and Mrs. ITathan ] Whallsy , at 9 p. in. , by the Rev. Dr. W. ? . Lloyd , recior el the Episcopal | church at Carthage , 111 , and' the scr- vlco was the beautiful and impressive one used in that church. Tha brida vas attended by Mr. and MTB. . 0. ® . Wyman , brother in-lafTcndslcterof ihecroo Mr. Nathan Whalley giving away the bride. Tha brida was dressed in cream-eoloro'l erttin de Lyou , full round train , the front , fme chirring of piftlu craaui-colored catin ; the neck square , the dress elegantly trimmed in duchcsao lacoornamentdiamonds and nntnral flopen. The present' ' wera numerous and costly , bearing teotircony io the nifjh esteem In which the happy couple are held. 8ASAT03AT Mrs. Ch&a. uruanlg is cponding a Jaw daxo at 1-rcmont with nor . mother. The Lyceum meeting , on Wednea- d y evening , proved vsrv interesting. Tha question "Eesolvcd : Weah- ingtcn is more entitled to ba called Great than Napolocn , " WES debated Tied laft cpan until nezt week , when the third issue of the piper' will ba raid. A delegation from the Eazird- ville Lycenm added materially to the iuisrezt cf the progj-onisie. The surprise party givoa to Mr , Bertie Brewatsr on Thursday avoning was nn oscxsion long to bo remember ed nnd dcc'dedly the best of the cc - eoa. Dancing formed the prlnclpia arauBemsnt while the guinea cane in ' for f their share of attention.Tn'jfes tJvitisa were kepi no until a late hour , The ri-frtahmonla wer-a elcgaut sett ityjlnded &U th * delicacies of the csa- eon. Among thos ; present crere : Mr. | Frank G. Patrick , Lfr K. B Christie , ! ? . W. Touuhyj Mr. j usben BUon. Mr. Frank Pol ton , Mi' . Louis Liitlcficld , Mr.7. . J. Tccelay , JiUm Alice BnBtin , Hhss Jennie M. Patrick. Bliss TZmllla Maililesaa ; of Cc ha , Mtia Jnin GariRslej IsOes 3assio Hoj j Cauailand and ethers , Ojci.'cs. TEHFEBAKCE J5EE HIYS. Tha treating laet eveaiat ; wan nrgo- ly 1 attended , conridering the dreadful o'ondition of the sirdatn. The exar- cisea coaunencfid Trith vocil and In strumental aiosSo , folloTiS.i "by read ing the ecriprureo and prayer by the Eev. Dr. Ban-tier , who th-jn delivered - orod r. vary escelient and spyrop.nato addro3 , whiyh va.i ; T foid of the us ual coruraoujplace Snecdolcs , with which ifcinuerauuo Iccturca slwr.ya injerepsresd. Jig dononitrststl rsry dourly. tha true fandamenl'l principle : ; upon nhioU ell Iwapercnoo secbtka abould work , and closed hfa intrirealing und iaetruciive sddraas ; by beautifully iliuatr tiug "bosjo iti- fiueaoe. " At the clo > jo of a ten minutes in termission , which foliowod the Doc tors rampriie , Ur , Julius 3''ootnor ' fa- voted thn andieuca.rith music , which WM rendered in a very rppstcrly ucn- par upon the zither ; after which fol- lonrrd reoltalioji. Ccene "Poli'oo Ocnrt , " whichrefojires 110 comnenh , snlnce It to rsv. it w.a recited by 5fro. V/nil , "tho iniiaitaLle. " The faieaes Van Orma and Sf Ivoatae , ? nd Olicri- ton Brothers contributed much to the cnjoyniout of tha evening , by Inter- operaing Ih3 exercises with come very choice vocal music. Alter boTing a forr renarkn fro-n Jlr. Eodgera , fnbsiinlf oitemparnnos. Hrs. Euttouglia , tte very lidy-ltko president , moved to the front of the platform , tnd , with a short butclioiea- lyorded pddriE3 ; lu whicb eho made plain to all gentlemen rrfleenfc thair duty ra voter-j , closed iho meeting , We are vary sorry to say from come cause wa ciid not hear fcho interootia raporf , that io usually raii nt thera meetingc , by Mi.-.a Thomrx , the Oi'or- gotic yonng ESC AT THE ACADEMY. AEr EN'JCESTAIMIEHTS. Tha eorleo of ait entertainmonta givan { lurbs ibo T/cel : by Jndga VA F. Bick , han formed ono of the moo ! ; attractive a aus8mevirs of the scaeon , each ovonlnga exbibitlon inorsssing ia intorsGt , though tha insloment Trcath- or pravontod a largo r.tteidanco Li i bt tha trip wra thrtu&h Iniiit , , where iho Judge for cwmtQoa jcnva held e. high official por.ition under tuo British government nnd bocams thor oughly conversant with the hlatcry , inaunero and customs of thitt great empires wen for Britain's r.rorn fay V7arran Hpstinga , Iho roslcsi here , ercopt Hanoloon thn Firafc , l/iat / ovs lived. The looture accompanying tlia magnificent viawa wm ezcccdiu iy attractive - tractive and added lo thn general gsod iapressbn al ready mada by iho able gentleman who ic condncticg the ou- stBinrnecta. The concluding entertainment - tainmont of the cecies , thli evening , will include a visit to Windsor OMtlo the gerns froratho att galleries of En- ropa and vlera of the lakoa"of Sillar- ncy. TOU SSEKS. Thonila cr\lao recervcd csab for the. performance of Tom ths 5-ole of Sichnrd ITI. next Tuesday evening wra Imrnensa and the aridi- cncc wll ba on ths largest nnd most seleot of the season. Tbo ersiinent tragedian comes to U3 locommendbd In lavish terms by the roprojea tive press of the nation. MIXNIE PALMSB. . Mlrnis Palmer , a prcity litiln Hdy , in whcr.a.ntyl' } naivotto and 7ivacitv are combined , fnllown Keene on \7eclnosday snd Thnrcd-xy ovenlngs , In the ' 'Boardings Schools , " . " - ricso which baa iho reputation cf bsing a rollicking , nt rsy , iauf-hablo and rUEi - cai farce , which keeps the p.udienco in a roar throughout Iho evening. OTHER EirriJUTAISiiEUrS. Maagio Mitchell , .with har ccniuaj ny , appears on the IGth. The Harry Larkan comrcanv is booked Tor thu S3d. The "Eooma for USD t"'combina tion will be hero on tbo 26th. An oreuJKg witii" Slnkepewo , bv Mips Helen Mar White , is promised about the 2Ist. District Court. The following procaadinga were bad in the district court Frifay , the Hon. James \7. Savage preEiding : Howe 73. Schneider ; verdict for de fendant. Shillock vs. Hcndriz ; detaurror EUS- tainsd. Mills vs. Lipnlncalt ; n\oticn sus tained and leivo to Clo amended peti tion in ten days. State vs. Gallagher ; moiion for new trial overruled. Ppotinrn vs. Oounell , cir.I. ; notion overruled. Eeddv'n. Smith ; moion ! overruled. Kiiltger ot al. -Hartmaa ; leave to raply in ten days. Parker vs. Forbes , ot al. ; Gent ordc ? of ooutinnction. Ish vs. Fickes , et al. ; iirat order of conlirmation. Seof vs. Elguttor : lor,7o to aaa\or by 28th of ilaivh. Habbca vs. Eouiokj ot al. ; demurrer overruled. Shillock vs. Eeudrir ; dismissed without prejudice. Bonnet , ct al. yITroaaio ; motion overruled. Cutler & Procior VB. Ffossio ; attarh- ment discharged ; ioave io file politico in error ia two d ya. Eosdlorf & Oo. vs. Frocloj same. Goodrr > an vs. Kennedy ; motion for now trial granted Dewing v.x O'RoTrke ; motion ovnr- ruled. ruled.Mast Mast & Co. vs. Ghrhtir.ueon ; iudg- uyat on verdict. Thotjsw VB. Thorcaa : sliow nc3 of § 50 for counsel fees to be paid in twenty clays. Morrow"vs. . Jonc- : ; motion over ruled. Borden vc. Continent- ! ! Sro in nr- onca company ; -aotion cn tRinsd ; leave to r.inend renly in ten dayr. State va Davis ot r.l.j motion ovoi1- rttled. lloudtoriT&Go. va Trccain ; wotion custainedleave ; to ociaad vcri&ci- tiou. tiou.Prsaton Prsaton vs. Elpen ; mo > ion overruled - ruled ; leave to amend certiCcato o : county judge Redick va. O. Ir. W. li. E cos- pacy ; Icavo to amend snaner ia two Board of cotnmisnlonera or Donglaa county 73. Ooanoll et r.i ; damr.rrer ovetruled ; leave to file pnawer in ten days. days.Ksynoldi va. Hosobocmj Iowa CT rcfilo demurro * by Wednesday. Harrington va. Beynolda oi el. ; plaintiff oi-dercd to giro security for costs biforo dny of tiifl. Bnshrncn va. ; motion over ruled. ruled.Eospa va. McOafierhr ; leave to rnsbe petition , raoro definite byHoa - day. i SPECIAL BTG S. liOtlCS-AJrer'Iwtnset Ta ida , ! os Fonnil , ' "u u , Biwrd'.cj , ic. , vBl T < a in- E , r. = d in tlia j coitm-i3 cars fir TKIIteIT3 pt-r , Uncjeid : eubsi-o.aentInsertion , F1V2 C r r Uas Sta * rsi JnceiUru 3Crl'j ; RENTS. FB iS.C- . . . tfif f1 Ajtj ? 3 tOAi M3e rreaV late H-.KU lei 1 5 ' to ycirs' tiwa cnCcatclssslaiprov- d city acd { ann r-rcpxiy. Apply t UgaiS wl i-st'ta - : U ioviiiirsy , 15th aa-I Poj U ? \ rc\KY t iVL Er. nd- Tro jrera b < nrdera at 113 North 17th r.trectbt-\ Datnpori * ad Cil- XX-'t "rTT'-vNTKD Cora patent ? ir ! : r Cfn < ral 5iouo- YY trerk. CilUt ofJco ui 3ro2 6 itoitTrom- orj , ever 0-ni-u Ni'loml Sink. 335:14 ' i 5 iJJ ? . &D Si : n or a .orS i.x hoc ; ? . snl tits Crce.i Kl-16 WAKXEU Room wllh or wttfcout board'07 gint bud tif . P/c'tr rcons in prints lim-ly located vest of 13th bi'treen Faiacra vjd furt , wnvcalcat to day bOitJ. AdJs C. IT. , 2 cfici. SbC-12 Ty 7AhTKD Small irl to < a' u cns of a cai'd. V . .rnaalrs Cutreiith , < crter G.xci rtrco . UJ3-12 TT7ANTKD Azooi Oormaa eirl tn ftko care > Y o : chiljrcc , fCS Jit.'csti ! at ! . , L = California and Wcb = ij.-J Stg. SOM2 VV ' 3l.onCT'"iVfoTai.mIy ) oJ two , nons iut tbi o who cva tn > o ro'arjiws n-'C't call , HIS. T. B. V/OOD , ! :13 : IGtU rtwct , i oir Cap- " ? T7"AJtTnD By f. thcltoMn v nicsly Jurnklj- Y / s-rct-ni wllh ccirJ. Pi7te unily ure- iar il Ad < Jrct3 J. B. . . , Dir-v r Jl , Post O'ucc. "ETTAHTSD Ci'Ka'.ionla ritire tn oo t JV cl.- ; ' J i = d. Jcqalra cl \ V.wProrwi , 3S112 D A dlrbj rocra girl nt Jho S ii Hcuu. SS3-17 - . TYOilAK T/ant ritmtlca aj hc - . .Mk3pc - . t - Call Ho. 1215 Hcrord a'rtct , bctvjji. tJth r.WA. 7RD Iti c.f4tnly cfthi'uo. G U vji .tsgcnr.nJ pcrniacsa * . Eitjjflon " tatld- ftctory. Caat ! room 7 , Vlliliero Cloclc. up S irr. tSM2 fANTED 100 corii ? of srool. Kitlian. Sb.cHon,1513Firniara'reci. S/2-11 " TirAIITED A jfrl ior r.3--wl hluser/oii. 1 7 Ka i bo good cooi. God " -&KM lo < cn-- patant. glr' ' . KKJ. lr. Kogcr ? , ccmsr IStlj anu th Et-reir. STUa csoi nt ILs ILsS77J nom S77-J V7 ti lTCfJ5.Ei7ABLSEOAHD J.t 2/7 Fare- JJ ban' Ot , btt. ICth . ' IGth. S < 5-I2 TrASTiL : > itst-i'3 ; cooi ! nKJUtey : , as V 7 277 ifarnhani Cc , Ut. ICtU and Wift. All sS 2 Crtcn t9J Elia C" > the iuimatt ' ' i/TEW WAfiTCD-To Chop -vood. T. Ilurray. TT ; il. II DdLSIAK-Wasted inicrc\-t'o.i of V ' i"iij. U Bolrcii , Htoly a rei dsnt o ! Hist Oj'.tnd Oalifcmia , Tlura Ii3 LSI a vi'a aJ { car tfcil'jroavio ! hax ? cat board * roui hits Tc * Tcr a ycir. Asy cm hnovnig hit I' ? te- carec at u'si T.lllconhr i cr at fav 'rfcy3 < 3drr . Hn. Wsx. . Uo'laan , 15 1 n t V.lsnd , Cl. ir /"iNTGD To rent , f cr 3 tern : of yesrs , tbo . y third story nt ssmo irlcib-ilji ! > ii ! ( voou to ba areccdBitualcJ : on tfcs cs ici ol tha strcc * ia iho bcisli.e3irnter r { Oailu. Oil ! Of tddceo ftco P. EUtbbun , Principal Qrc'.t T7c t- " VTA'T D > n CipT'e t V to sUft a uoivn"tk9ti atoiaesraall ot era lo-rn , whrrs the i K r.caz , or v.l.src onu ia neede.7oaW tiVotiroliallc nartn.r. > ddra-f E. K. 1 < ! ) , Javliiiu , PmoU'Co. If.t. . M-t > lJTEn Afiooda > vo-l. ' > eDtr , 1109 Tim rtraot , fp'Wrr K2-t ' f ! . F.-CT-KJi ifc , fK'J LfUlO. T OR RS.Ti Qroi ! fainlabsi' rcorji , ea'tzb'e I' for ono or I've gsit'iircn , f ic * lioc < o ! \7itlmel ! Boaj" . f T710R CEirV Btrs , 277 1'arriom It , , bet. 15lh J anJlCth. -1"--1 * ND OaGAKR FORHFHI At'rcm J. Cl to to fO CO per montn. ? . U. bewc' , SIS f. 10th St. 31G. . : OE H S7 Hovae cl S roow , oa t'i Jtal } . ' Htl , 4Sl- ! I F7XC - ? I13ST Front rdoo , 817 S. ISth fttnst. | JU bcl ceFroham ! sad Harco-r , met sdo. ! ; il. f. o.onsr. xy- FOR tEin Ai. n cjant Jurnls'ind * rcr\t ro iu Itli or vithout be rd , to two tcctl'me Enqwro 1BI9 Dodga Ktreet. iij { "VTORiirS' ! . ' A Etors corner LovcnwortU tai JL ? Kti ! n'o. AljoCraccXl-g bird clnrera for eale. Unquir rt Petiwon , tOilCthsf. SS7-t : ' .1 . . . . j Inc jir J at Ho. M12 rt-nbara St. a.U 3 KyiTE 2 fancied roori cvot cr- ch-nts Sich ? . t ? , If. K. f-sr. IJth > SJ ; strcst' . IS/ * } SOOA Willbnya coaiplcfo r.cT.cpapcrouiGt XnJU ! czcrpj pr < K3 > pnly to s. U. draver 1'J OraibFeb. . 3J21i i S ME GooJ dr/clllnj hoa'c , S roas3 i' sud'itchcn. toed lnrn ndoTiLorui- ! ! - qu'ro at Ern = oa & Johnson's ! ca owes. U3-U 0EHS A srLaHDID U5T OF 12 Hoiiiw , Lola , Irarua fnd is , In ho ) i4w cclumn oa 1st T710 fc RCNF 3 rood ? . Enquirn HiJ'Doa'V' ' r < 3trsct. PW-tf TTlOil S ALE T.n0'rcdd9ace ! Iota on cppcr ' tarn'iamntroct. Johili. HcCrcao , e-3i > , ? 0. KS-U' PAf.lC Uap of T > o" < Hj atd Sz JJ ccuntlei A. KOSATIU' , 15S ) harq Strj-.t. _ VnO ? CvLK Savca good bnstnoa Jots on J ? Farnhaoi Etreet. JOIIW & . JltCAGCH , Kit _ Onpoilto Pcjto'iice. TTIOR SAIi2 Letja and icrr. . ur3 o'ailrct- JL' CEOI l.o'-l In A town ti 10 > 3 InhJti'a ta. in atalo ol I'olraia. KE ? 24 Lot' ' " , the tnr-llia ? men's resort. Joqairnat BeaoHco. " 218-tf LfE A RAKGAIK A l.uiWm ? with ea'cosflvtcras , fnmitaroicdHloc'f , on iBtli bt. , oprc3'tetb.3U , P circot.iirri'iovt.r. , ' ch-nin. Or the SMuroi.fornUure&sii specie .ril ! lia eold iwd buildinj rrntod. Inquire cl Ey. KRE1S3-1 MAK. 7CtJ . ] O IS , FAHU3 , HOUt 3 A&3 T.AKD5. iOO\ _ LJ cvtrDEJII& ' now column Gibsrgi'aa ' en let I'-wo. ; rt A. F01 n \KKII oP ltay iwpy sia'i C T 3 j i-n j o'd. iniuirao ! H-cna ) J Kcwe'.l , Iinar- anzi Ai-oiit , Ho. UP 3 ] 5Ui itrcct. 3D16 LASPU. orcr nsrcs'umn ' cl lu Absolutely Pure. ilsd : frcra Orp3 Crcitn 7 tar. So oiiier prwaretisn zualcj uh lijht , fliiy I * ; iiri'-ir. cr jrjturious p * try. Ctn ts nztea y c ! ' pipt T itl.ont fear ol tha illirfsoJtJnv from lia r- tifetstlblirc&d. ' . Ccld ociy In tin 1 7 til Ut xK. Korit Ciwsa TOWDIR Co. , New Tort. HB 8 $ * " fc fffc 8 Pi § For Sae. ! 1,000,000 Acres LAN N BBEASEA. Ssleofca.'l w a-n carij clay not iivoacl Land , bat laud owned by ron-rtwi'lentv ; T/ho ara tired yayiagissea , and ? ra olrering ! their Isndsnt i-he IOTT price of 88 $8 , and $10 per acr9 ; on long sine and easjtarais. Wa also oyor for sale Improved Farms IN Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash ington Counties. Also , an Immense List ot Omaha City Reai Estate , Inak'ding SlBgcnt Seciclar.c < isBufll- _ non nnd Residence Lot3Chei ! rsnutec { sndLols end r. largo number of Lots ' in moj' c the Additions to Ojn hf Also. Small TzacU of 5 , 10 ana 20 acres ia sad near the city. V7e fiavo good opporinnitioi for racking Lonns ; end in ail cnsea personally ezaa > ino tltjM and talcn tiye y p cca vioa to ir.- a ro safety ot mono ? to invented. 'Tro ofier nnmsll Hat of Special . eggs & Hill , 2.3 r n K 1403 KorthSideof Para. St. , Opp. Grand 05ntrJi Eotel , I Omaha , ITeb. R 5 r1 tstl located r-t'tlencc lot In . * UJ IJe cit , , 21st nnil lioc'sn Sts. EUS2S HiLI , . { "HP ffi ? l" A very sic * 5 room ccttaio. rSflkS Wf Lln leasju groped runts fr 520 ' SOCeS&HILL. ' "OS "ii > Ifwlj'tsooJ 5 roam wi TiJjd 'iliJv , lia Hot , near E orcnsU'cIIa : A - sry oc.i9ii,3ltO > . LOCC3 t HILL. 5 * cw usu-ool 4 r - jToil la * . G.h and Fornham. Caiy KQj , re . .ilccd lijvn. TncaSuCC.i . i HILL. ; heel , 6 roosn , Isr/s IIHV n TV , K.ih dean and cei'inj. EOGKh ft 31LL. ; rai2roUT < o r'jcico lowi H Shlaaa = a < lilion , rcrictt 1.3 10 at oute SCO . < , b-at csU oacr icsi- ' . , SiCOO. UCOU3 i H. " t. FIHK Kt.4'DEHCC the raviet. O-.DT Distil for f3 = : a. a.E03GS&HILL. . iroJ lot * , Sbiun'a 3d aJ- ( .U.lOJ , JUO tavb. EGGCS&EItL. Ane > lj-sory brick ft ? iiiS ( " . .thS low , on ICt and Dougiiw , OUOO. I.iCC3 ! ft HILL. rlH § &LS tc EOUJ laity < I > tinng to Lund c. Cuctuosi. , OGCO. JJOGOii & HILL. About .00 lot : In Kjnnlzc t Rcth'3 fidhioii , fuit south nczc 1-Jsaifss , ejiroi'uloJ by fine iinprcrcniMis audas to per cat clieapr thru sn < o'.Lerloti.n us naikst. Sate sioncy by biiTing ( .bi c Jois. fg'WiJ © & , : ; . . - ' ! j miPr j b'octs S. C. o > dpot , a'.l "osrticd "ith DUD large . .e.-s. ria.eiireo3tl ! > los60 ! ) to i C-CC. BOCCS ft lllLL. force Tsrycbsjp _ Jo.j In ! & HILL. Choiii ccrr r lot. JiS-flctoaS.3 . Qfi.f E ? * KS ca svh , 27.i ! , i , O/'ii-iG W li R id 30 II S.s. , he.Tteo n , Bo , 75. las si"l ibe MOpcrcd u.tcusinu oi * res. . P'jc iraciotioiaS'-CO to § 100 Wo linvr oocclu-dsl to ucf to/limcjn , onancrs cUaiso la tazn t > s fcoaic tnd m'i ' Ovidfa-rf. TVI tosialnH on tm ll p yscejf , nod BJ' ' toMlniionnoul i/p ; , _ , IcO tcre , D mica fr'm cily : --V , yr.vli jraaa'nr.cter ' ; bahaco ten IT rol In ? pnult , oTy 3cil'j Iron ri-lio-0. CIO porfiis. f.03fT3 ft HILL , fHJl5 ; ftftS R * - " acr" ? ! 'i one L 'jS U/SL isilcstru = c.ty , tivstcd , Living boricg ol niter , toxci nica Vjl- I-ys. 'loo tatffs rJl si ct-Ua n tiJi preiria. PricaJ OferEc.c. tx'JGS & UILt , . vjn t5SI t IS'acrt1 : ! iM0 ! ' wtct El1- Kuunicg watsr , JO ecus i JliT .cd. * Eocas&mti. ' J ICOaTCS tnilloj north eli i Rlhhorn Elal'on , must be EcliI for what rtwill" C ? 0 aerccr.ext unth ol Dina- S8./S tttt o'jls la1511 A good and des-ratb tract , rana djTn en to valley c ! P p- j pillion , 00 E JGGC it Hliij. j I I PiiO GA3C 7/0 zirojjn ore tody , ymileo J3'yj3 A-L ? wtctof Ficjioat , ualllfvel j IsnJ , pro > 'ao.nj 1 < urr iro-'lh of BUW , is high I vi'Icy , rkh roll and mrci from .iilnid iod J tide track , in good Eslvmcjt a-i J co Latter lnd EOGOSiiliili. A bisbly Improved farm oj < tJfi3 ? J 1 6i L& EiO imita , 3 ra'es f lorn uty. rai > ccii.cnlzci tl > :3 land , o * ner nut a practical ( aiacr , deUnuinol to c.l. A good Jowao ma Tiitli jnesna. HILL. GAS E ] 0 cr-Jln ESS. l.townlB , 53 UALil rinjol' . l u fcc sold thfl ! tb. ioaaa i mn. IC33acr ; on.ind near Mi" . . ! 3l Station , ClOOriuar Ek- horn , 51 VuflO.4303 acr ia north part o : county , 5 "to S'O ; Mitt cats , C to 5 miles from ' / ' el tha 13k- F'orsDCj , S3tcClo5/COar ; J'ssit - Lor.i , Si lo Jt' ; in.OJD cr s BiiUerJu Ibrougb tt > 8 ccunty , 43 to Oi ? . TJieaLo'e lacja 1's cir and adjoin r early every fum m ite eottaty. snd cm csitly bo f old en anult csob pajaaat , with balance in 1-2. 3 i ini 5 years ; .mo. rcsidenco prop- T Ie3 cover bcfcre < C ed aud cot tuowa In ths n iikst ra beiajt for eels. I/Kiliorus nillcnly I cciidr J-non top-jrchaserd ' Uiaiicr btt-.5-c , " CyGGS t H1LD. TKPiOVKDAP.US TTebafofor sile many X Improved t&rza aroruid Ocahc , an I in all I arts o ! Donglfs , S py asd T/'ishicgten coon- lice. AUo is nr > la lax * . Fcr do : iption aid i r'cts cail on m. - } A BOSIIirSSLaTSFOBCALE-CnFarnbam JL > J izd Bootjlos BtrcsU froai f3300 to S3CO. BCGQS & IIILL. SALE 3 LnslntS ! lot next' west of Uason'c Tempi * prSco tdrinced ol S 000 SCOG3 t HILL. TTVOrt SiLE 3 boicsT3 tola west cf Odd Fel- lewd tlJcV. ? KW eacb. eacb.BtGCSiHILL o LE bnsc ! 3lot8 Booth t Ida Pcnr EOTl . btt ccTlitU and 13tn. { 35 0 eieh. EOUGSiHlLE. "C > OR. AtE 1C ) icrte , ccverod flith yoangr jj liaioer ; living water , : unoai.det by iin- pr Tidfaiins , only ie ea miles from cl'r.Chcip- ea.Un Jen hind. EOQCStlllLL , P.rsoas rontenplatin ? toyinz Ji' iTd co * fall examine our Ijtof laud ? . COG03 & HILL Omaha , RffbWj Collins , PffSR ! n n PH a ( u JJ il &H y H or Cheyenne , u iL S y7&\ G-jlorado. /Spring and Summer ! J E 1-3 LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Men , Boys and Children. Clothing MSade to Ordsr in tlie Latest Styles. Prices to Suit All. Fnrnliam Street , near .Foe ; TSHE3 ! * tJ - Tjiclde , Base Balls asid a ? u\l \ line of Sonrt for Prica List. MX M d ; CO. . Qjaaha , Neb. MAX MEYER WKOLESALS , . . . < ? > i x. > ; .1 IH 13 . ' Tobacco , § 5 ctiMis pel' pouiui upwards , Pipes from 25 cants jier Cigara from 815.00 1000 D. B. AVot ol go 31 18 i b 4 B H U & B > \ ! iP lUl ) ( 'Br IS1 SS IP f A & 9 5 d WliGlscsio rjoalsr in Fora'sn and Sonisotlo Vrali , , tfobbcrot Ilamj , Baccn.Lsnl , Hultcr . , Vpr-f , Poul'r/ , Can * ind Counter rrolacs Oaserally rurjh stnt pent for'all k.-itla tf Gucdi ajid Ucrcln-idba set kept In stcch hlm ell tto tuna bitflj sc'ccted r.tU car" , anJ Mllod it cn nt Market rzV 3. General Western Agent for BOOTES OYAL BSAKD OYSTEES , sscl Wholcsalo Dealer In Fresh Lake , River and Sa't Water Fish.J J esditr3m r Dealer in Hardware , j /f > / > f 17 1 FI Si uPialslf iill t and Tinware. Steve Repairer , Job Worssr and MaKiifaclwrsr of a Kistis cf Cajis * SJJd Jcelisr.n ANB HAILB , Iron snd Wagon Stock , the Boct Aseo'lcont of W H E E i S > in the " ? 7cft. ? t JSic32o Prices. W.J.BRQATOH , S Harney S'cres ? , Omaha. At Wholesale I Neckwear. The Lateai Styles ! Tiie Largest Variety ! The Yory Best Prices H'f reAgenieforCoIiuloid Canal's and CnfEe.Bubber Ocatc end O Star'CTmbrslJns SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. . 34th and Dodge Sta. , Omahn Warranted a Gafc , Certain and Speedy Cara for lUicumat&n in ? ll i s foraw , Htnnv' ' i j. Lams & -c'f , Pun ja the Ere t and Side , i ain In tba Stomach acd Kidnnje , &c I < is an internal remedy , a Tonic and Eiocd itiriQer , anJ while It removes the DUeaaa p. Im troves tba central health. SMITH , DL CX & CO. , PBOPRIETOfiS , PUTTSMflinH.KEiJBASU. C. F/GooJimn , general ajeat Omaha , Htb Bla if SKCCSOT to J.1H. TCI flESCHAKT ? AILO 8 > No. J220 Dorglco A t = r oc