Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1881, Image 4

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Mooring , Feb. 25. "
Patereon sells coal.
Qneen Esther lo-night.
_ rjubuisbulk perfumeatKohn's.
Jack Rabbits 25 ct . each , at Buffette.
Imported cigars , at Saxe's , druggist.
Jack Rabbits 25 c's. each , at Buffetts.
Whii'ple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel.
era , Crtighton Block. . o26-tf
llabbits 2 for 25ete , at Buffette. 25-2t
Itemembar" Danish Society's Mas
querade Feb. 26th , If
Fresh ESJJS. 25 cents per dozen at J.
I. Nichol 15th ard Dodje.
Don't forget , the Danish Society's
Masquerade is on Saturday the 2Gth. If
Eggs , Oranges and Lemons , 20 cents
pjr dozen at Buffets. 23-41
Genuine Panish Kia Gloves , at L. C.
Enewold , 13 h and Jackson Sts. vrf&s
| -Babbits 2 for 25cts , at Buffetts. 25-2t
The TL P. jiay car retnmed
from the vest last evening.
Babbits 2 for 25cts , at BuffcUs. 25-2t
There \vas another scow stein on the
V line of the ST. T. & 0. road nsar Oakland
The jewelry store of Max Meyer &
Bro. is being removed to its new and ele
gant quart : rs , corner llth and Farnbam.
A considerable number of base-burners
are taking a rest x.ow. All ths dealers
have caw of seal on the way out from Chi-
cajo , but that don't help out , jnst at
. The mournful undertaker now re-
markt in a subdued tote to his intimate
friend that the bung has dropped out of
the casket trade , and physicians tell the
inquirer that the health of Omaha people
is very good.
Thektet kink in hair fashion , -which
IB jtwt coming in , is the Bcrnhardt wave
a light , soft , crimped mass from the fore
head to the loops or roll at the back of the
head the Bernhardt wave , through the
fluffy masses -which the wind may blow
and the sun may shin ? .
Thera u no nece'sity for tbe class
known as tramps to increasa in numbers
this year. The Denver 4 : Rio Grand rail
way calls for 5,033 men to act as graders ,
track layers and tie cutters. "Wages range efficiency , as follows : Gra-
dera , SI to $1. 25 per day and board ; track
layer * , 8L75 to S3.5J per day ; board ,
$ i.CO per wiclc ; Ue-cutle.T * . 6 cents per tie ;
b > ard , CO to 75 cents per day.
T .e "Union Pacific h is contracted for
Su,000 tons of t-ixty-pouud ateel nu 6 , 5 , ( 00
tons of forty-pound rail , twelve first-class
pas .engcr coaches , five first-class narrow
gnage coache * , 00 box caw , 'J33 cattle
cars , eighteen tea wheeler. Taunton
engines , an 1 23 narrow gaaje cngin s ,
tel > e delivered during the present year.
Rev. Mr. Ingram , p stor of the Chris
tian church in ibis city , was compel'ed to
Rive up his deeply interesting meeting in
Fal's City , on account of a severe cod !
which settled on his lungs , and completely
prostrated him. lie returned horns on
Tuesday and since that time has been un
der the care of Dr. Mercer , aud hopes by
Sunday to be able to meet his congregation
at the morning service , but iv ill not beable
to preach in the evening.
- AT
.Whipple , McMillen & Co.'e ,
Grmehton Block ,
15th street. 24-31
of every description , Rubbers , and a
fall line of goods of this kind , all of
which will bo aold at bottom figures , at
tha new shoe store of H. BASWITZ ,
1422 Douglas tlrect , near Fifteenth.
feb21-eod St
Mrs. Geo. HOWST , wife of the general
'necreUry cf theY. M. C. A. has gone for
a visit to friends in Cameron , 111.
Mr. Ralph Bayard , night editor of the
New York Star , favored THE BEE with a
c U yesterday. Mr. Bayard was form
erlyof the JLeadville Chronicle , and is now
oa his way to Denverand other Colorad0
points to look after extensive mining inter-
ests. He will return in about three weeks.
P. L. Wilaon and wife loft on yea-
terday'e train for San Francisco , their
"future home.
Es'ey Organ.
Estey Organ.
Estey Organ.
At Ecspe'e.
At IJospo'fl.
At HoepoV.
Kimball Organ.
Klniball Organ ,
lumbfdl Organ.
21-3t At A. Hope's , jr.
A Youtfcrul Artist.
* One of the pleasant features of the
entertainment at the Academy of Mu-
ilo list evening was the singing by
Tennla McClelland , the little daughter
of Dr. McClollaud. Daring the ban
quet Bcono Prof. Soiger arranged it to
have her sing , "Baby Mine , " which
'aha did , holditg & larga doll baby in
her arms aud accompanying the eoiig
with appropriate action , The close of
each verse was follotrcd byn round
of applause from the audienw , and
.the littlo.ilngor was enthusiastically
encored. Miss Jaanio sang at the
'rehearsal ' a few evenings since , when
car reporter was present , and it Is not
too much to say that she gives great
promho of being a fine singer and
Actress should her future ba devoted
'tojthtt Hub.
Tno Railroads.
j 'The trains In from the o&st to-day
* were""a little late , bat brought good
Icacs , and an extra coach was required
.for the west bonnd train in coiuo-
Several new day coaches for the
Southern Pacific , of Arlzora , came in
to-day nnd go west oa train No. 7 tlis
Northern llall Bouces.
] Oouncllaian Stepheu&on left to day
.for Niobr ra City , via Dancau and
Korfclt , to be absent & week or ten
JsyB. The , government has j act or
dered the mail teivice between Kio-
ferara and O'Neill , a distance of fifty
miles to be .run els. titats a weokin-
Ttead of once a week , and Mr. Steph-
i goes up to perfect his arrtnge
therefor , bsing the contractor
.for that lino. Ho forwarded ssvera
'head of horses by train No. 5 , this
morning , aua will procure additi6nal
vones up there.
„ 5Ji
An Hour in the Court of King
The Ups and Downs of an An
cient Politician.
Omaha is not an old town. She h&s
scarcely entered upon her third decado-
of years. Scores of hsr inhabitants
recollect the time when the noble red
man ( ? ) held almost unmolested sav
within her'limits. List night she
might have been mistaken for one cf
the early New England settlement
canld &n uninformed observer have
bsheld the scene presented upon Iho
boards of tbo Academy of Iiuic , and
tboHvro'11'0 Society might have been
supposed to have been onjanizid but
a ehort time after Boston became ibo
terror of timid debutantes in the mu
sical wnld. The a dienco went to
he Academy cf Mcsic Thursday PX-
jecting a cer-Jain degree of crndencrs ,
mt were most agreeably surprised to
ind a stciaty to well trained as to
render a long and intricate oratorio ,
without a visible break iu the entire
The Harmonic society may well bo
iroud of the success attained. Musi
cal societies do not npring fully fledg
ed into 'existence. Tnsre is much
> auutaking work td be done before
any society can come before a large
mdcoolly critical audience and achieve
och a triumph as the "Omaha Har
monic Society" did last oveninjr.
Miss Zella Neill as "Q leon Esther"
made a very happy impression. Her
voice showed to the beat advantage in
the ' To Djum" rendered near the
close of the oratorio. It was a char
acter ID show the range of her voice
more affectively than any aolo she had
Before appeared in. Her high notes
especially clear and true , &nd tbo
sweet , warbling , bird-like trills exe
cuted , at ones surprised and delighted
tier hearers. Vfo predict a brilliant
future for Mies Neill , ad an artistic
nature has aff&rdsd her
an attractive personal appearance , and
her voicajhasbatn so carefully traincdr
lior success as a musician is already
assured. If Kansas City has lost a
mucical star in Miss Nelli , Omaha's
galaxy has been happily brightened
by it.
Miss Lzze Gallanted was en
thusiastically received in her solos
and sng them with good efL'ci. Her
voica Bounded out clearly and dis
tinctly when she gave the cole in the
cnorns , "God is a llofuge. " A groit
point has been won by a singer when
this ficully is giinr.J. It is an inde
scribable eO'ecf , but iba voica must
seem to stand alone in itn indivital
ity. Old play-goers recollect this pe
culiarity of Jenny Lind's voice. No
matter how Urge the chorus or how
mai.y instruments in the orchestra ,
icr voice in the solo part of a chorus
always came out clear i.nddlatli eland
bell-like with the chorus , but not of it.
.Mrs. Goo. Van O.-mau sing ssrcct--
y and dlspliyed great dramatic abil-
ty. Few professionals cou'.d ED' well
> ersonato Hannn , wife and child , as
did Mr. Wilktns , jslrs. Van Orman
, nd little Jennia McClelland. Mr.
Wilkins iras in good voice and his
acting was a Burpriaa to his hearers ,
was natural and unaffjoted ; wo
seemed to saotha real Haman before
U3. First as the Echoming politician
of the kind's household , proud of his
position and hating the Jew , Murdecai
with a genuine hitred. Afterwards ,
the brokjn-hearloi , defeated , cin-
demned man ; tha dramuic effect
when the king pronounced sentence
npon him , vra as fiae &s is often soon
amang profeEstcnalt.
Mr. J. Xorthrup never appeared
better than he did as "Mordccai , "
his vcica sonnded well and his
oxosution waieTactivs. W c uinot p-xss
by the "High Priest" as given by
Mr. Armitnge. His eol" , "Thou
wilt keep him in perfect pesco" wasono
of jtho gems of the evening. Mr. Pen-
nail as "Herald" only gave ns an in
timation of his ability. H'-s voice is
ploacing one , as is nlsoDr. Lawis ,
appeared ES "Harbonsh. "
The march and muEic cf tha little
ones was a very attractive feature of
; ho entertainment ; the graceful unaf
fected naturalness of their motions
charmed all , and i ho wed as tbe result
of cireful ( raining1. Prof. Seager
displays wonderful ability as a musical
director and mioipjlator of a largo
Wo arc glnd to knoT an opportuni
ty is to ba given thc&a who did not see
last evening's performance to eeo the
oratorio cither this evcuing cr this
afternoon at a matineo.
Nothing so fine as "Qiecn Esther1 ,
has over been given by the homo tal <
ent of Omaha before , : < nd it is to be
hopol their cffortB wIll bo rrcognizsd
as the BO highly deserve to bo.
Dcmorest At the residence of bis
mother , In this city , of consumption ,
Albert H. Demorcst , aged 31 years.
Funeral at the Lutheran church to
T at 2 p. m.
"of every description , Rubbers , and a
full line cf goods cf this kind , all of
which will be said at bottom figures , at
thenewnhooEtoreof H. BASWITZ ,
1422 Djugl&s street , near Fifteenth.
Real EttatoTransrera.
Tha following tranefcra jrcro re
corded at the county clark'a office yes
terday , as reported by John L. Me
Cague , real estate ogcat and convey
ancer :
Anna Seltzelo to JosiabB. Redfiild ,
pirtcfJot45nblockl02 , w. d. § 450.
Win. T. Soarnan and wife to Mads
Jensnn , lot 15 in block 5 nf Borgj &
Hill's addition , w. d. $325.
Cmie E Wclsluns to Strah J.
Danharp , e i of lot 11 And 12 of Keya' .
sub-divitiou , v d. § 1200.
Josiali B. R'dGell and wife to C.
B. Redfield , part of lot 4 , in block
102 , tr. d. § 400.
Josiab B. lledSeld end wife to Luke
G. Bed field , part of lot 4 , in block
102 , vr d. 8400.
Ch&s. 0. RedOeld et al. , to Jonah
B. Rsdfield , north 22 feet 'of lot 4 in
block 102 , w. d. ? 12CO.
Who Deserts Her Home and
Friends in a Suspi
cious Manner.
Claiming to Have Secured a
Place in Omaha.
There is a cloud of sorrow hanging
ov r a household in Council B'.uffr ,
cinaed by the mysterious and un
grateful actions of awajward daught
er , jujt insrging from girlhood to
oDming womanhood. The Nonpa
reil tolls tha story as follows :
"The daughter was treated in Iho
most tender manner by her parents ,
sbo rccpived a liberal education and
was given all the advantages for en
joyment and pleaaurb possible by the
parents , who are in rather pinched
circumstances. A wealtbg aunt of
the young lady , however , has for
some years bean lavishing wealth and
o clothes upon her handsome and
accomplished niece , which , wo fear ,
was one of the prime causes of 'turn-
Ing her head , ' and gradually educat
ing her for a life of case rather th'an
ono of ucefalneea. During a visit t. >
this aunt in Uixon , 111. , sometime ago ,
ths young girl received the attentions
of a commercial man , who caused her
Lo believe that she had captured his ,
heart. The aunt dhcouraged his ad
dresses , and advised the niecs-to have
nothing to do with him. But
she continued to receive his at
tention ? , and finally , in the hope of
breaking off what shs regarded an un
fortunate attachment , the aunt sent
the girl back to her home in this city.
But iteee.-na this did not have the de
sired effect , as it now transpires that
the girl received loving cpiatlca from
the traveling man , and on one or two
occasions met him at the Union Pacific
depot. The father of the girl , learn
ing of his daughter's danger , found
the young man at the O den house
not long ago and informed him that
if he over knew him to speak to his
daughter or write her another letter
he would blow his brair.s out the first
time he met him. "
"A week ago the young lady went
to Omaha on a-viaiv to friends or rela
tives , and on Monday hat returned
to her home. Her parents vrcro glid
to see her , and begged thutshe remain
at hcme and again become the dutiful
daughter * that she once was. But
what was their surprise and sorrow to
bo told by the cirl that she had got a
clerkship in Cruicksbank's store in
Omaha , and would go bck at once to
go to work. Pleading and bogging
r.vtiled tha parents nothing ,
and the girl departed for Omaha , as
blie s\td , in the afternoon. But upon
reaching the Union I'aciSc depot at 4
o'clock aha was eetni to purchase a rail
road and le p5n < car ticket win get
abocrd the Waba < h train. Since then
her almost heart-brokon parents have
seen or heard nothing of their way
ward diugtiter , aud are , aa * matter of
course , nearly distracted over her con
duct. To add to their fears and sorrow
row , it 13 now known that tha girl's
lover , the commercial man , wai in
Cousc'l Bluffi on Monday , but left
either that day or tbe d y following.- "
"Tho parents and friends have only
jpno solution for the mysterious con
duct of the girl , and 'hit ' is that shu
lias elopad with tha traveling man or
va.a induced by him to leave home
nnd meet him at some point on the
Wabash. The purchase of a sleeping
car ticket would rather indic&ta that
she was a through passenger to St.
Louis or Chiagand tint tha trav
eling man vraa a passenger on the
same train. "
For various reason ? , and in tha
bopa that : ll will yet coins out right ,
the names of all parties in the unfor
tunate affair are for the present with
in pound package , suits the taste of
everybody. Vfe salect the finest
grades of Goffaa , anl by roasting aud
pasting every weak freshness is In-
surea. Try a pickaso , and you wll
con'.iaua t ? UJQ i" . Pat up and sold
by J. B. FRENCH & Co.
Linen and rmbroidery eala at L.
B. "Winkles & Son's.
Attention Co. H. '
A fpccial meeting of Co. H. will be
held on Tuesday , March 1,1881. All
members are requested to be present.
HK.NKT BOLL > , Capr.
Full line cf Man's Ladies' Misses
and Children's shoe ? , nt the new shoe
atoraof H. BASWITZ
, 1422 Wouglaa i
St. , , near loth. 21-ood 3t
cooked ready for the table. WHITE
pound packages. Ouca mo3 , you
will never bo without it.
Sold by J. B. FRENCH & Co.
"Temperance Bee Hive. "
O tring to the oed attendanca and
success of last evening's meeting , it
was thought best for tbo coming
give the programme of tha entertain ,
merit. Probably some cf our friends
who arc waiting to 333 "of what h
this compoeed , " insy ba induced to
join us , as it is very tliinly to ba soon
that the popalsr cide of the question
is not for temperauco In O-naha. We
will not weary in we'l daiug. All are
cordially invited thia evening at 7:30
o'clock. . O. C. Mission , corner of lO.h
street and Cspitol avenup.
Song G. H . 'Audience
lliading of First Psalm Mrs. Wai t r
Solo Miss A. Van Oim n
Addre s ( Twenty m'nntes.1
Son ? Mr. Charlton
Social ( Twenty minutes. )
Song Mrs. Charlton
Recitation. Blanche Sylvester
Solo Mr. W.E. Grntton
Joh Uil ings' ' 'La ar Ueer".Mrs. Wall
Duet Ar. ! : . Gratton and AV. K , I\ ash
P/ssident W. C. T. t7.
- iliss . A. THOMAS , Secretary.
212 ICth street near Masonic Hall
guarantee strictly "first class work , "
nd promptness. Give us a trial.
cocked ready for the table. WHITE
OATS and Wurrs WHEAT GEITS in 2
pound packages. Onca used , you
will never be without it.
S ild by J. B FRENCH & Co.
Occident * ! Hotel ,
corner of Tenth and Howard streets ,
J. J. Paynter , proprietor. Ibis ho
tel his been repaired and furnished
with new furniture throughout , and
affords firairda&s accommodation o
the traveling public. Charges reason
able. ftf
Opening of the Nebraska Medi
cal and Surgical laslitute.
The new bridge , the extension of
the Union Pacific shops , and the daily
advent of new enterprises balokor'j
the wonderful growth of our city
To-day we announce the opening tf
the Nebraska Medicil and Surgi-ral
Institute , tbe moat complete nnd ex
tensive private establiihment for ( he
treatment of patients west of the
In Vsn Gimp , M. D. , a resident
practitioner for over fifteen yews , has
allied to hisaid E. L 'SigeftuaM. D. ,
arid to these two well known doctors
are we indebted for this addition to
ourre-sourcas a3 a ci'y. ' Oar ropo-
ter took a list of items at ths insti
tution , as follows :
In room 2 we found the paraphenelia
common to fiwt-class practitioners
offices , including cisea of surgical in-
slrumentp , a largo aesortmcut of the
new and improved porcus-felt oplinta
for fractures , ate. , electric apparatus ,
surgical appliances , etc , a very.coru-
pleto library of medical works , and
huge pilas cf the latest and
therapewtical journals , n few tasty
on the walla and iho diplo
mas aud state medical society csrtiG-
Of this society Dr. Van Carop
is president.
Room No. 1 is an elegantly furnish
ed private consultation parlor for la
dies , and here wo were shown the
most unique nnd convenient cperatiug
chair wo have ever aaen. No. 11 ia
also a private consultation room. No.
1 ( ) is devoted to the dispensary , which
ia ia charga of Mr. Charlea Coleirnn ,
and which contains n very complete
aworhaent of drugs.
Naxt wo visited the wards that are
now balng fitted up forpstionto , seven
In number. The halls and rooms are
very spacious and well lighted. The
location , northwest corner Fourteenth
and Dodge , ia in the very heart of the
city , and yat removed froai tha jir
and noisa of the leviing thuroush-
Telephonic communication with
Council BluQj an.l all parta cf the
city , including the rcai Icncoa of both
physicians , makes the naff institute
at all times conveniently accessible to
the peop'.o of the twin cities.
For ten years Dr. Van Camp has
treated every ciso ofsioknois in t.Jio
writers faciily. Tha public htvo for
m-.ay yaara olaaaed him among our
vary best and ablest physicbna.
Dr.'E. L. Siggins graduated ; nl8G7 ,
has bsen iu > active practice since
that tiino , and has bosoaio very popu
lar with all ho have mat him pco-
feasionally cr aicU'ly. Ilia ekill
is highly commended.
Wo hope that this new private hca-
pitil will meat wsth the success
it deserves and to cur readers through
out the state vre can say that if they
rrq-iira surgicil or mcdicsl treatment
it would be well for them 10 corres
pond with tha Nebraek.i Medical
Surgical Institute.
t Your Own Pficiv
Now is your time to oecuro a big
b'.rgaia. 106 framed chromes at 75
cents ; 47 nil paiuting in gold frames ,
at from 5.00 to 08.00 ; 115 f ramaa at
from 10 cants to 35 00 cash ; 5,500
feet of molding cut in frames to fit
pictures a * jmthxlfp ice.
Above goods were partly damped
daring the late snow storm r.nd are
now offered at the above low prices.
A. Hosra , Jn , 1519 Docile sirees.
. f25-lf
Full line of Men's , Ladica' , Misses
and Children's shoes , at the now shoo
store of H. BASWITZ , 1422 Doughs
St. , near Fifteenth. 21-eod-3t
Written for THE EEI.
Oh ! no , she is mt lost , the loved and
cherished ,
Tho' shiaiberitis cTeap bene.ith the church
yard sod ;
iTis but tha worthle'3 c.nkct < hat has
perished ,
"WhHo she ha5 gone before U3 unto God
She is not lo t ; in youth's 1 right sunny
She gave her heart with all iti hopes to
Go3 ,
Then frooi tha woilJ and its alluremects
lurcin ? ,
She meekly walked the path her Master
She is not lost ; her lamp was trimmed , and
burning- ,
When rang tha midnghtciy , ' Beholl ,
He is here1 !
Aud bri lit ai dawn of the eternal
morning ,
It shone iu death's lone vale , screna and
cle ir.
She is not lost ; for with a love undying.
She gently hovers o'er the friend * lelt
here ,
And towards the pearly gate is ever
To dr w the wandcr'ng feet of those EO
Oh ! no , the ia not 1 at , tha lovid and
cheri > hed ;
Ste livea ia heaven , to fade and die no
more ;
And whei thess tenements of clay have
rerished ,
Our souls will greet her on the eternal
2th ! , 1SSI. L. E. D.
cooked rea-Jy for the table. WHITE
OATS and WHITE WHEAT Gr.ira in 2
poand pa-jkagsj. Oic3 msJ , you
will never be without it.
Sold by J. B. FEESCH G Co.
of every description , Enbbers , and a
full line of gooda of bhis kind , all cf
which will bo sold at but on figures fit
tbe now shoe store of n. BA-iWITZ ,
1422 Douglas etreet , nar F.fteenth.
Workingrnon know whore to go for
your drink of pura Kentucky 10 cent
whiskey , imported gins and Irish
whiskeys , Budweisor beer. Agent for
St. Gotthard Bitters.
D. L. McGccKw ,
jaa 27-lm 3U South lOfch St.
, \
Precautions Necessary to Keep
Siaall-Pos Out of Omaha.
Qaita a nnmber of citizsns are tak
ing the wise precaution of having their
families vscciu.ited. .In view of the
fact that ( ho small pox has developed
itself nt almost all the lowm alocg
the Mifsonri river and is likely to
breakout iu Omaha any day , the ex
ample ia worthy of being followed.
The disease this year is of tbo meat
malignant typo and many of the
Bnuli towns in western Iowa have
Buffered considerably from iis
tcrriblu presence. The fact that three
greatlii'03 of railway traversing the en
tire breadth of that state daily bring
to thh point their loads of passengers
makes our danger of being visited by
tha dreadful disease doubly to be
feared aa it can ba carried in on cloth
ing and communicated in the easiest
Tha exlramo cold weather nnd
storms cf snow and wind have ren
dared our ciiizjns rather careless , and
tha city was probably never in a filth
ier condition thin at present , and it
seams almost an impossibility to
ramedy the evil uatil there Is a general -
oral break up. Should the emall-pcx
breakout in the o"iy the wind , which
blows so persistently , would carry the
contagion all over the city aud prove
erriblo in its ravages.
It will be well for citizens to bear
in mind that there is a city ordinance
providing f jr the infliction of a pen
ally of § 50 for ths failure to report to
the authoritioj a caaa of contagious
diacase , and if Uu smallpux should
braikontaad the city is quarantined at
once aud patients removed to the pest
house it might prove of good assis
tance in chsck'iiv its spread. Let
everybody ba on ths look out aud
avoid all tint will add -to the danger
from so much droadoi a visitor.
The Educators of Our Rising
Generation in Council.
They Meet in Omaha
Oa the 29b , 30th and 31st of
Marc'i ths annual meeting of the
Stica Tosichcra' Aaeociaticn of Nobras-
k % yrill bo hsid in this city , in the
High School building. Tha ECSMOIJ
protuisei to bjone of tljqnio.fc inter-
c&Uo and profitable meetings cf the
kind oror hold in the etate.
Tha programme cumpriaca a graal
v rioty of iutareating subjacfs , and
auificient time will ba given the mum-
bira of Iho aasoctatioa fors fuil dia-
cuisios of thesj and such other sub
ject ci m\y be 4 { asted on the oc
casion. All # " f tep.ired oxcic'aes
will bs sfe&ct ifad apicy , und inter
sparcad with music.
001 aha ia accasaiblo by raiTroad from
ever/ t cf the sfatr , aud ample
provision will bo made by her citizens
for all wno attend. lleducicl rales
will ba furnsh ) ? < i to nil at ths hoteh
and other bordiag places , and ladies
wlllb ) furniihod entertainment by
private citizens free of charge. Mom
bora having paid fall railroad faro goIng -
Ing over any route will ba returnee
by the same route at one-fourth rate.
For further information cill at tha
ofBco oi the city tuperinttjndent ol
public instruction , northeast corner o ;
Fifteenth and Djdgo etrceti , or ad
dress at O.-nalu , auy ona of the com
rnltteo on losal arr-iHgotneatj , which
in aa follows :
CoQiuiitteo on Local Arrangements
& .1) . Line , anpofintcndon1 ; of Om& '
h public pchools ; James B. Brutier
principzl of North school , Omr.ha , anc
J. J. Points , superintendent of public
instructions in Douglas county.
The ollicers of the &asoci < ) tion are
president , Prof. Samuel Aughey , o
Iho State University , Lincoln ; vice
presidents , tha couaty superintend
ents ; recording secretary , Prof. H.
H. Nicholsou , State Normal ecbool ,
Pern ; corresponding necrotary , Mias
Ellen DeOou , lligh school , Lincola ;
treasarer , Prof. Henry N. Blake , State
Normal school , Peru.
Executive Committee Hobi. Cur
ry , principal State Normal school ,
Peru ; M. E. Wihou , principal of pub
lie sehoolc , lirownvillo ; Mr ? . M. G.
F. B'ake ' , public school , Beatrice ;
Miaa Eloauor Kingsley , High school ,
Lincoln ; W. H. Scott , Onwh'a.
The prosninjrno of exorcisej in
cludes :
First Day Addrasa of Welcome ,
Hon. B. E. B. Kennedy , Omaha.
Rsaponse Hon.V. . W. W. Jones ,
state superintendent of public in-
atruetbu , Lincoln. Inaugural Ad
dress Prof. Samuel 4 ughey.
Second Day Paper , the ploca of
history in common Rchools , C. J. Da-
via , etty sup'-'riutsrsdent of public in-
atruc iar , Hstirg3. . Paper ' -Vhat
pducatst ? MifsEr-C Cajey , teacher ,
North Platta. Di-cussion Shpull the
uationsl government eetabliah and
maiotjiin , and by snflhiant saclion ,
render f fLetlva a nysttm of public in-
strucliontiroiv.liouttheCrr.HFdStfttet ; ?
Pnpor The education of thft blind ; its
liis-tory and scopu , , J. B P.vrmclee ,
nrinc'pRl of Kobraska iaatituton ; for
the blind , Nebraska City. Paper
The ijrap'alc syjtnm a a univonal Ian-
gUijgo , Hon. S. R Tijonuaon , city eu-
psrinteadnrst of publ'o ' instruction ,
Lincoln. Papsr Au hi'tcrlcU ctudy ,
Prof. Geo. K Church , stale univcnity ,
Lincaln. P par The essential ele
ments in education , G. B. liine , city
aupcriotbitdunt of .public instruction
Third Day Paper , books in their
relation to education , A. K Gowdy ,
principal Pawnee Academy , Pawnee
City Paper , tha'aima and methods
of Americin education , olissElaieDe-
Ooa , teacher , high school , Lnc3ln.
Paper , the history of the Nebraska
s'at'J teachers' a's * > ciiIon , Prof. J SI.
McKensie , S'ate ' Normal school , Peru.
Discussion , should the eligibility of
eht * , manly and city anperinteudonts
be legally restricted to proff ssional ad-
acalora holding either the highest
grade of atat certificate cr a rccultr
diploma from chartered college ,
university , or uoraaal school. Pap
er The aduci'ion of deaf mute ? , J.
A. Giilespfe , principal Nebraska in
stitute for the "deaf and dumb , Oma
ha Paper County normal institute ,
thsjr aim and management , J. A.
Smith , county superintendent , Wa-
hoo. Paper The high Bchool course ,
Wellington W. Drumniond , principal
high school , Fremont. Paper The
dignity of the teachara' work , E. B.
Fairfiehl , chancellor state university ,
Lincoln. Elocution and Beaiiug
Mlaa Lydla Ball , Lincoln.
Found Certificate of deposit from
Omaha Bank. Inqairo at thistffico.
MmCS-AdverllsamentsTo Lean , For Sale ,
Lest Found , Wants , Boirding , &c. , 'will bo in-
irlcd in thcEo co'umns once for TEX C NT3
per lineeach ; oubscqacnt Insertion , FIVE CE T3
> cr line The firat insertion never less thsn
tO JX > AJC Cstl L '
MCHZT . 7/IOH A3. Ko u ? . ( l-olijhtop Block
TO LOAH 13C3 Finth-Mo Btrcj ;
.VI IT. KdwuriJa Loan Agcccj' . nov.J2-tf
Empl yracnt f-ra well-educated
and hyorabl ncomnicnded m n , a good
citre'pondcnt in ( ho Engliah , German and
Uanish bngna e * , a trtutvortby bookkefper
ard pretty tocfJ pcnmin. AdrciS"0 l > , , " Kco
olfica. f85-23
BOARDWtJSTEO Iiprlvilef milry two
gcutltmin , refcrencs ( iiven. AdJre83 ( xp'a-
gue , careuf ftewfpa'er Union , Ci y. 350-25
WANTFD A kitc'jon cirl , at the Emmett
Bun c 33M
A i irl forceneral honsearotk Ii
WAiNTKIi ' fam'Iy , one who can a'Blsl m sew.
nj , preferred. Call on iaturday or Monday at ES3-JS
WANTED A capaUo girl In a smalt family ,
N. E. corner 17th Mid Capital Avenue ( up
stnir ) . S31-2i
| 7iXr.RIENCf.D ta'ctUdy or co.yUt | by aa
12J activcbii'lncsjptrsjD , rfercnce. A IclrcM
"Cu inei.y'"u3offi c. 382-25
- ; , ' and all ki da of nritine
1 ctbly kii.l promptly dons. Adilrtsi
" 1 ceoifica. 333-tf
WAMiEtt A mat cook to io * * f , i'00 < l
wvge'jininmdwi/eprcfcrred / Empl > imnt
al-of.r\vfa. Lnquiro nt J. I ! . French i I o.
Y\7"A7ilEO Goo3 gM for gmoral housework
t V at noitliwcit corner IS'.h and Capital
Avenue 376-2 J
WAST D To rent cottajo of about 4 rooms
Address II , OinEelJ Homo. 375-cod 3t
" \T7"A"TKD \ . youn. , lar e , good st ppnp !
Y bjjgy horse. A Idreaadr-wcr 5J. rvt -
oHce. ! 377-U
"T"\TAtiTtr Ag'rl to do general housaworlc ,
> V 12U D vnpott bt. , tet. 12th and 32th
Elrccta 371-tf
WANTED To rent , fur a term cf jeais , tlie
third story of aomebriukbuild ! 1T | ( 'oon
to lioe-ccted ) , situated on the co mr of the
street in the bjsineijcantor rf Omiha. Cltor
nddrrsa Goo. R lUthbun , Principal Great Wist-
cra Doziness College. 3(0 If
covk , at Mrs. Mo
1 l' < y oa ToppUtou St. , bet. 2Uh sn 12Jd
33 ? tf
TT7"ANTED A pool Enjlishand Gtrroan cor-
I V risrondent , must boa first-ola's i en mm.
/.ddroawilhrefore.ic.s W. U. , Bcecfflce. " 4l-f
WANTKOThoroagty c mpetect SJ3at
19 ; u Farnham St. Good waot.s. SJ3-U
" \T7"ANTfP Apocd girl f.T general hou e-
> V work , must bo a t ; < od cook and tr-iilicr
and iramr Apply southeast cjrn r 20lh { .ind
California SIB.
WANTED An experienced bntthcr wmts
to btirt a nioatnaiketi nsomcotaaU cat
crn IOVMI , wnerc there is noun , or where one is
nefdoiuoad ; ta eareliahle partner. Addrei *
K. K. Webb , Jatka.n , D Kota Co. .Vch. 90-tf
EIi A coed hi-usc-kcoo r , 110S Far n
him street , up rtnirs. 32-tt
FOR RKNT Rocm rented by r-gNter with
bjiid , southviejt cornerluth and Captiul
Avaaue. t84-28
"OOR RENT One furnished room rn Douglas
I ? bat. 17th and 18th , 2 Kocka P. O.
Erqulre l to. 17 7 SOU-tf
J.1O11 ftKNT A tt'.ruishud , a atli lent room.
X ? Inquire utlfo 1012 faniham St. 84-t {
RErr 2 fcrnisheJ ronu OTCT Her-
eiaiits Kxchonge , N. E. Cor. 18th tnd
? 0r SALE Vy plasa of fonrawH InTVc t
1. Omaha , wilh good hulldinss. and loti ol
friit , terms % ery easy. Als > , l have for si'o a
fine pjir of < oodsized hortcj , with new lumber
n-aron arid liarncaO.i onj jo r time il
< Jejirfd. I.'nqjiro U'h St. O7tr 6tatc lianlc ,
Cnulia.Ncb. 373-1 w't
"JTiOlt SALE About siK tLocsand feet of co'd
f1 sl't-evinj and iKiintlinir. Enquire J J
I'hi bin , at VThitnrj'sBhoi store , 1421 Donzlaa
sircaC. 36 VJ
T7C.R SALE Ten (10) ) residence Iota on upper
V i'arnhimsireet. Jolm L. JljCasnc , op .
"IT OU hALE Maps oj Tlouitlm ard Sarpy
J } ctuntics , A. ItO.EWATER , 152) Inn-
h&m Street. 320-tf
TT10R SALE Hons9 and lot at 81250.07. JOHN
JL1 I . McCAGl'E , Cpp. I'ostfincp. JIQ-tf
Finit S vf.K Savcn coed bosine'S Iota on
J Far ham street. JOdrf r. . HcCAGf E
fjtf Ofposi-e
7710U SALS Lease ana larnlture of & tint-
JD hotel in a tovn of ICOO inuabltantd , in
Suite 1 Nei > ras1 > a. Has 21 U-Jj , ti.c traveliine
men's resort Inquire at Bteofflco 213 tf
TT OR 3AI.E A BARGAIN A buiWm ? with
I ; saloon fixtures , furnitnroani ! stcc't , oi'lOth
&t. . opposIU ) tha U. P. depot , for rale very cLoap.
Or the fixture * , furniture and stock \dll be &jd |
and building rented. Inquire of El > . JO-EISb
HAN. 7 > - f
"T OR SALE T o clcse carriages , at A. J ,
JJ "Jlnipaon's. Pll-lf
mEAMS CAN 8K GOT At John Barr's stable
JL f r all fcii.di of wort , at reasonable fluurcs
n ar'corntr )2tli ) and Lcavcnw'jrth St. 37S-tf
I will jhe ? 53 for I'formitiru
J I , that wulItaJ to hodtt * ti .nottheSrate
that thr .w poiao i la my > ard on the co-ncr of
9th and II > rney to-Jay. JAM Eb K. MORTOX.
John S. ELalbsrt , - - Manager.
Mond&y Evening , February 28.
Greatest Attraction of the Season
will bo eupported Ly
The Great Pilmi Dcnna Sprrinx
( Contralto )
( MusicalDirector ) , and HERR RELN-
HARD RIOHTEU , ( Vto'iii Yirturso ) .
Tickets rcducd to usual pr'ee ? . Feserrrd
seals at Max llcy-sr k B 01 , after lhurt > cay !
morninjr , ftb. 2Un , at 0 a. m , without estra
I. VAtt CAXP , IT. D. K L. Siooua , M. D.
t - - " * = iH i3' < : ' * StTCK5-V sS KiS = - " - - <
Now opei lot th J reception cf pa itns far the
Physicians & Surgeons ,
P. "
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
I3I& Farnham Street.
We Call Attention to the extremely Low Prices
of our present Stock of
TabeLinensTowelsNapkins ! , Table & PianoCovers ,
66-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 50 cents.
60-Inch " 90 cents , Now 70 cents.
64-Inch Satin SI.OO , " T5 cents.
64-Inch " 1.25 , " SI.OO.
68-Inch Double Satin ( I 1.50 to 31.60 , Now SI 20.
68-Inch Doub'e ' Datin 1.75to 2.00 , Now 1.40.
Tv/o-yard wide Barnsley half bleached Damask at 75c. , well worth at retail SI 25.
Tv/o-yard v/ide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , formlrIyS2.00 , now $1.60.
4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 75c each , Now Reduced to 45c.
5-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly SI.OO each , Now Repuced to 65c.
7-4 " " " ' 1.25 " " " " 95c.
8-4 " " < 1.75 " " " " SI.25.
10-4 " " " " " " "
- 2.50 1.95.
$11.00and $12.0O , Now Keduced to $9.00.
Very heavy double Damask Towel ? , 24x44 inches , reduced from 50c to 37 l-2c each.
Fine twilled Barnsley Cream Damask Towe's , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75c to
54c each. Fine French double Damask Towels,26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c.
finer . aud . cheaper _ thin . . ever . bsfoiv : "wo _ Lava Patterns _ _ _ and J ovetie _ _ ; : ! usually bought by other mer-
chants * ---ix. Tl j l 3x 1 ? ii ? iin * " -t a mt *
a year ] at ° r. "We have airanged to be supplied weakljr withfresli soods.0 The prices asked
are much lower than those oi Jttetern honses who have gained a world-wide notcrieij :
Muslin Embrorferie9 Trr/m 1C to $ .OO a yard , on Mualm frr.ra 1-U mob to 54 Inches vride. Frecch Percale Em
DroiaerJea Irom 5c to S2.OO a yara. Froncti Kniasooicnnd Swlas Kmbroiderlea rrom IScto S2 75 e. yard
Here "we have accumul tedalararelot of Odd Pairs and various sjzo = j. Tooflocc aspaody salfwa have BUNOH-
E .siOCKtNGS. In each Bnncn-we htfo puiBlI of nn S2c-ariri8coi'.fc n t-onn olsht , SPTTIO seven ave
nd three , and we have 50c Bunches. 75c Bunches , $1 CO tunchei$1.CO Bunthes , $2 OO Bunches , $2 5O Bunches.
BLACK . CASHJ1RES Oitr Spring importations are nor ii ICew Yiurlr. We hnrt rcceUtd sampli e pices of tyanil jS-tnch at Cilc ,
.00 , 51. Jo ttnd $1.25 , and can assure our pntrorx noaurh mines vert ertr litforr tfiemi ly us :
our i'.e Price only
1 m m
Absolutely Furs ,
Uads trom Gr.ipo Cream TaiUr. Ko other
preparation raakcs such ll bt , llsky hot brcaim ,
-or luxtsrioiU . Can I - .
pastrr. * o Ua by clj-T.erlK-9
wltbont fear of the 11 reaullln ; from ho 'r.-
boJ ! pnv in cans tiv r.l ! Rroccrl.
Complimenary ! to Omaha Har-
moiiic Society.
Thursday and Friday E
And Saturday MaUaee at 2 O'clock.
The fc'r lliant Historic Opera
Mediae , Fercbn and Jewish Costume.
Grand Chonu & Semi-Chorus.
R. W. SEAQER , . . . . Director.
Doom Open at 7 , Commences at 8
i SO ceut ; nejerrnd Seats 75 ct ? .
Kts rve-l StiU loay be pio.und at Jin
Meiera. en and alter" Munday , tebruary 21t ,
at 9 a. m.
LibritKS conUinla all tbe words cf the opeia
10 cents eac"1.
tseo may be onlgrcd at 1 : 0. fjg.Ct
Succeuon to J. II. TIIIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
A T = T A
Acy on havln ? dead aclaulj I wDl remoro
them free of chirge. Leave crden Eoutheaat
cam t of Ilamsy nl lith St. , ecconi door.
Por. One Tea * ,
rre ? 08 rMi § & o , r-i
iii3 rn&a iLsLS8\i \
& ? , & UlLj
bjTa notnicnt c !
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
use ! Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. - - - - PROP.
117 14th St. . : ? g oogsNortii
J. T ) opose.for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell thou
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
deweiry , Giockss , ; : :
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos Si Organ ,
At Manufacturing Prices , WMch is from 15 to SOuer
cent , faeiow any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Scan business , fome aii ] b Convinced.
* Wl
All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enroled to
oiler IIic coiismiicrs of { he weeil only il t
< iuaiitj ootfs for their money ,
Best straight lOc Cigar ia the city ,
Bssfc 3 for a quarter Cigar in ths o '
Bet Straight 5c in
Cigar tha city , - -
Detroit Pin Cut a Specialty ,
Oar 80 j Fine Out is a good ons ,
Bagle/s May Flower ia 8 asd 16 ounce tin.v
. For 40c we havs bang tip Smoking Tobacco
14 17 Dons'as Street.
Weare the only Dsalerain the Celebrated Bnglej'e