THE DAILY BEE. CONGRESS i still fighting over funding and a throe per cent bond will probably bo voted. OHCECB HOWE atill insist * that he overheard of * 1 a granger. Who granger parting his hair in the middle. - -Mfc HOIMAK , of Dakota m kei h > vo'co heard on every important question in the house tnd it gives * orth 8 clfar and < rno nol every lime. * STAKIEY MATTHIAS nomination has not benn withdrawn , and the railra d kings are anriotwlv urging open their conereanumal tools hit early confirmation. ' * * " ' - - ' ME. PARSELT/S pronnclamonto his pro3uced an excellent effect in trenglhen'ng ' the land leazae organi zation and aarellinsthe ; list of Irish sympathizers. " SEJTATOB TJOiSE'u owrrr V.H pro- Tides that Omaha shall pay its lawfn ] debts. What d e * the Herald dta- cover erfravtgjint or delr'm ntal to the city In the enunciation of such - * principle. THE Om h Herald is for consolida tion and competition , both of which , according to ihat excellent railroad authority , are in ihe interest of the people. Just bow the ridiculous COD- tradictlon can be reconciled the Her * aid falls to explain. THR Serald refers to the excellent London correspondent of the World as "Samuel J. Jennlng * . His name is Louis and not Samuel J. The Herald lyoss have cot so In the habit ef pre i fixing Samuel J. to the name of Sir. Tildra that the error is excaiablo. ' Aye now after the unprofitable BBS- Tsioi , if th * > democrati were only per- fe = : ly certain of the position < f David Dv s and Svntor Mahnne they . wouldn't feel so badly over the pros- pact of the next session an 4 another republican Administration. ' IOWA is very prolific in candidates fur United States senator to succeed Senator Kirkwood. The names of Governor Gear , Hon. Hiram Price and James K. Wilson are prominently mentioned. If Senator Allison > a ele vated to n cabinont porttion another seat in the scntte w.ll be vacant , and , must be war me i baa Iowa in an. PDBUC opinion throughout the Unit I ed States Is rapidly crystallizing on the subject of anti-monopoly legislation. Eight years ago THE Ban began its battle upon this issue , single handed and nlone. To day there is hardly a prominent city In the United States ; which cannot boxst of an inflaencial journal which devotes much of its at tention to this great and all abiorbing brae. THERE is no better time than the .present for the democratic party to follow Editor Dana's ad/icv > , and "study astronomy. " Three of the .largest planets can now bo seen every evening in the western sky , in close proximity to each other and in nearly a straight line. Of thc , the bright- ' * wt4fl Venus , the next above is Jupi ter , and the third is Saturn. "Venus , if vievrd through a small telescope , presents the appearance of a half moon. It is now east of the sun and appears to us as the evening star at a distance of some 66,000,000 of miles from that body. At present 'the planet is about twen'y six million five hundred thousand miles distant from the earth. Venus is smaller th in Ihe earth and completes her revolution on her xis in twenty-one hours. Jnpiter is the largest pltnet of the - ; > lar system and is distant at the pre- ' tent time from the sun 475.000,000 of miles. The volume of JopUer exceeds the "earth 1234 times. He is accom panied by four satellites which are orly visible with a telescope. Saturn , the third "f the groan , has been receding from the earth for two ' .years. He is now 872,000,000 miles - 'distantfrom the onn. Saturn is about 800 time * larger than the earth. AITEII the 4 > i of March , 1881 , the" complexion of the United State * $ least * Kill be materially charged. Speculation over the result of the senatorial election * , excepting in the "cue ot Pennsylvania , haa ceased , and the table of democrats and repnbli- case is-BOW settled. Fifteen state * are represented by a aolid republican delegation in the senate and an equal' ' number by democrats. Seven staves , . and a divided delega Jon , while two , Illinois and Virginia , have sect "independents" to the senate cham ber Thenoit senate will ba com tl posed of seventy air members. The tlK tlU aolid oath and -Oregon are "wholly K demoerttic in their representation , -tl , while Colorado , Connecticut , Iowa , tl Kaasw , Miine , Masiachusetla , Mich til igan , Minnesota , Nebraska , New th thWl Hampshire , Ne York , Pennsylvania , Wl Rhode Island , Vermont and Wisconsin - WlHi sin wheel solidly into the republican in ranks. California , Lmiaiana , Nea- th da , Nor Jersey , Ohio andJSKdiana eft eftbr will have delegations dividedlietween br Ihe republican and democratic side , l&i while Illinois and Virginia send Davis l&iwi ani ttihone , who are classed as inde pendents. This classification assumes thtt tha i legist a-ure of Pennsylvania , which hw 1-j-ge republican m jorlty , will 96' elect a republican in place of Wail - ph l co , ( Dem ) , before the 4th prox. phtei S > ma Teppbliean pjpera are Sti Brown. " of Gebrglt , tt an I aw dent , but we think him a democrat for and BO hara p'iacd him M a demo cej crat. Toe two who can esfcly be ott ; clawed an iodap-ndenti areDms of JHnoi. and Mahoae of Virginia. wi U of republican antecedent. , 1 elected by indepandent votw'b t cab with at ] Democratic - leaning , . one onei i a rota , * , d witkwcJ k.tred ITS JL * of the bonrbLn demociacy as Justine the belief tbat he will oftener voti with the republicans than the demo srate ; and he has given out that he wil not go into caucus with the latter for the election of officers and the forma tiou of committees. 'If , either Davis or Mahone vofrs'wlth 'the republicans the casting vote of the VicerPresi dent will give that party . .control 6 : the senate. The term of Senator Ktl logg , of Lauishna. expires in 1883. His successor is sure to bj a democrat. But the same year also expire the terms of McEherson-dom..of ( New Jereay , Grovcr , ( d m. ) of Oregon anc Davis , ( ind. ) of Illinois ; wiiuso suc cessor ; are all likely to bejrepnblicant , in which cue the senate would then stand : Republicans , 39 ; democrats , 36 ; independent , 1. THE B. & M. P. . B. It very nnfortnnate In possessing the friendship .of THE O&IAHA BEI and Lincoln Globe. Theo inflaenta' anti-monopolists ( ? ) urn always skoa- Inc against the Union Pacific railroad , but they troclosn as cIcmsJabonjLthe "B. &M. road. It makes no dlflereBCB to Rosewater or Eaton whether that road monopnlizeathe grain trade along their lines or not , they ore Knntinp the Union Pacific Whkt ifttie Br& M. does charge the aame price per car for freight across the Missouri river as the Uni n Pacific does , they have a right to , but the Union Pacific should haul freight over for nothing It makes a great difference to these gentleman where the blows in ? a the oppressed are to be 'ruck. ' If we are correctly informed , the Union Pacific company dos not own , nor has It an Interest In-any ehapo or minnerj fn single elevator along its line ] whiln Uir generally n n-TerstootT t hat the B & II owns or controls nearly every nlevitor along its main line and brincho' , and has-driven out healthy competition" In grain "trade at , most ooints in ihe-South Watte cnuntry. [ Central Nebraska Pres . The 'pceltion of THErPsrAHA BEE npon ttid railroad question iMM pplied evbry monopoly , not oniy-lniNebras- k ? but In the United States , isjfoo . * ' ' ' v i * i * * 'well "known to require explanation. THE BEE certainly makes no exception in-tha cese of the Burlington & Mis souri R. R. It is as ready to expoce and denounce unfair dealing , extortion .and . 'discrimination on the part of that corporation1 * managers , as it has been in the case , with tho.Union Pa < clfic. THE BEE has no reason to be' lieve that rha Burlington. < fc Missouri company are actuated by any higher ; principles in 'their traatmant oFr/tKe public thtn the Unlon"Pacific J Res ports of discriminations , and rc.xtor tions agalust shippers-and producers on that line are constantly coming into this .office. ' 'SucbJcases can only ' r * * * be met by & rigid railway law. Such ' by the present leghliture , and it has been directing -U its.effirij to that end. It H no loncer necessary for THE BEE/to specify/the willroadi which are- working 'againtt the * interests osts of the poopletf Nebraska. All the ro ds 'hire t p'ooiediheir issues and , combined againstlany legis lation by the'pqoplellookiD'g to the re striction of ihetr ] unbjidlec abuse of power. In. its policy , and treatment of the public the'B.'M. road differs very ltttlafrbm : the Union Pacific and must come nnder the operation of the . same lain. A monopoly iTa monopoly no matter what the initials of its cor- porate\name. \ 'OiiAHA ' , February 18 , 1881. To the E-ljtcjiot Tffli TB : . My DEAR SIB : yourtreference in THE BEE lasfnight in connection with the artiela' of - ? 'Pfi'Ssab ' Publico" does me lee much farpr. Not having seen Thfl Lincoln Journal TIT unabla to say whether at not I a tfieSuthor of the cb-nmBnicatioB. , I reiaember * > Uing' Jlettir to a member o ! the DodslM county/dtlega- tion iniaVor f-the i igr tfton bid , bntciibi.6treeall.the facfifii ; jsueiDg THE EKE pr any 'paper , r-of iaconsia- tencyl' ' , " " ' ' \ t' ItT ig. possible' that * my Wews and figurn were embodied ia the article referred to by another ; p fty as they wereliqHntended to ba printed. Ifa regard tothe mtgration bill , it k a santter in 'which northern , central and weste.'n Nebraska1 are vitally in terested , and ought to ( ai ? . In tie general appropriation bill for the at te government , the city of Lincoln gets directly .afede-indircctly the benefit of ? 318,142 erel4 ive of the personal expenses' -iVejfstate ofSciils aud the members of Ka leg IsUture. In. mdiiti'in 'the prl > S ed 'eapitol appropriation will givii.Ilier 1150,000 more. - _ , The immigration" bill-aks > t6Tonly 6000 per .annumX J ought 'to be double ) a d'-ifs fopeFationB will em- bracelhe.\te. ! " "lien , why give onepi > cality/nBftrir : 55)000 Md refuse $12,000' ; theialanceio ! the state. / 'Iuv eRard to the dstierof. immigra tion' c6mmiuioner , .the commissioner -public lanJs'And1' buildings would be a good nab to-perform'them. Dam ' - - THE BEET * heartily in favor of im . . " ' ' * " - -y"- 3t farther it' It is mot./however , in i.i- ' , ' " . * v Jr * * * - voeof creatinga , board ofjmmigra- .J it , , riu eXpeni ( the ap lfqpria the expenditure of $6OQObal ; against the certaihifooluh-ezpefiditure of that ram , if appropriated "as""proposed "by the bill to create a com'm > sioa.vVhat SLe editor of Tun BEE insists is , that .he Best effective means of placing he advantages of Nebraska before the rorld be emplojod. It hea saUafied * lf that the most efficient method is this caae.tha cheapest method , und hat through'the' freo' 'circulation of fttefclly compiled , tatatica of Se- f * \t \ i & yi iraska'a soil , cltaaato ndj unoccupied mis more good could be accomplivhed rithont such a ioard than with one. ItMtrna that the appropriation pro- ecdis , amalL Under the proposed thod of applying it , it would be too mall for smy practical use. But S'iOO ' applied jn th .printing of pain- bleU' ai\d adrertislng their free dis- ibation ! throughout' the United taU * A ° Burope , would do an im- \ lens * a.onnt -of Tmraigratton work , yfebr * . * * [ * n < P * * DIKSer Psr i9& on > t& money in vested than any ker" Jw5w * ° t expending the same noBuk Two Wn of a miner -Brooklyn Height * . on/hr V ie.fthem.topped. Double charjro shot fro'mVapritiB cniv ' , , , fel" 1 j f i armteo * od ak edl ' * JOTTINGS. California. A fire at Dkiah , last week , deatroyec over § 15,000 in property. Enthusiastic moating * of the land loogne are beiij held throughout the Six hundred jurors were called in the K-illoch murder case before a jurj could be selected. Numbers of bodies drowned in the late fl > oda are being Cashed ashore on the banks of the rivers. The safe of the Southern Pacific road , a * Downey City , was broken oponJUst week , and § 100 taken Charles Crocker has purchased a ranch of 143,000 acres in San Diego countv , the consideration of being $207,000 , , A call has been mide by the Catho- lic'-cnurcli in San Francisco for snffi eient frnds to construct a new and ele gant cathedral. r Sh'aat.a Bufferedheavily from the late inundations. AH the bridges ou Trinity river were swept away and no mails were received for fourteen day * . Jamea Mai IIP , a miner , was fonnd foully murdered iu his own mining claim , Nevada , last week. Several buckshot had been firedinto.his body , and there were two ghastly wounds ii | his head and ojie on his side , each sev eral inches uetp/iZwj by a miner's pick.Tho The oldest orchard in California i Htid to be in San Benito county. It was planted soon after the foundingof the od ! fusion of San Juan Biptists , about the vear 1775. The ptar trees in it have crown to an immense size , and although over 100 years old , still baar an abundance of fruit of the finest qudity. The lowland ranches in the central portion of California are so badly flooded as to be worthies * for cultiva tion this season. In some instances the land has been irretrievably mined. In the case of a ransh north of Sacra mento which had been under cultiva tion for over twenty year ? , the rush of water covered the land Vvith a deposit of gravel from"eighteen inches to two feet deep. Nevada. Oireon is working hard for the in sane asylum. Nevada has 5420 Chinese within its borders. In Lyon county there are five Indi ans who pay taxes. , The Spring Valley mines-are report ed as looking finely. > * The Crystal Pt-ak brewery was burned last week by an incendiary. In White Pine mining district 2tf- 000 locations Tiave been made to date. The assembly have passed the Williams ' anti-monopoly resolution by a'voteof 30 to 3. Many buildings are being torn down at Gandelaria and moved over to Gold Muntain. . Two girls , dressed in boys' clothes , have been discovered stealing wooden on the Comstock by night. t Chamberlain's Stationin Ling valley , has ) > ceu visited by a furious gale , doing considerable damage. The heavy rains give a favorable outlook to Nevada farmers and stock men , ensuring plenty of water and good cr.-ps. The Trucked meadows have the ap ' pearance of a little inltnd sea. Many of the ranches are under water by the overflow of the Truckee river. . ' . Oregon. Soap Creek , Banton county , suffered - ed heavily fro in a fire last week ; Loss § 3,000. A 'pan of th Eugene City bridge fell down on < he 6th instant , entailing .a loss of § 3,000. The river is once more open from Portland to Lewiston , and steamers are miking regular trips. According to legislative enactment Oreiron is to have n school for deaf mutes , located a * Salem , Marion coun ty. Tha lots of stock has been fearful. Reports from the D > lles indicate ihu . d'ath of nea'ly eigh'y ' per cent. In Wasco county the loss of fifty percent , is reported. Recent storms' have unearthed an Inditn graveyard at tha month of the Crqnille river , where shells and beads ; representing Indian money , are found among the skeleton * . ( The carp pond at Ensreuo City , Or. , was oterfiowedbv thu recnt freshet , and it is estim ited that nearly 5,000 young fish were carried cut and lest. Fortunately the seven parent fish re > mained in the pond. , The preliminary turvey for a nar row guaga railroad is soon expacted to be mad' from Grand Ronde 'Valley , Jamhill county , through Tillamouk Valluy and on to Astoria. It is thought a very feasible route can be found. A cjclone occurred on the 6h uear Silcm. Saveral school children were' lifted bodily from the ground and car ried about ono hundred yards. No one was reported HS having been sari- ' p ously injured. Five buildings were } overturned. - c cb Waenlngton. The Skagit miniijg exciteuieut has * almost entirely died on- / ' No Portland mail has been received at Walla "Walls for twenty days. The river at Olyiup'a was higher during the late storm than ever before. The loggers anticipate & fine season owinu to tha plentiful supply of water in the stream ? . Skippers report a phantom ship In the Columbia river. Her weird lights are seen in "storms and darkness. The shore line of Puget sound is " over'1800 miles in length , measuring the numerous bends , bays , turns and b indentions. Work on the western division of the Northern Pacific has been s'eri- oufly impeded owinp to the weather , but w lL 110w go forward with great rapidity. 1 Rhilroad loggers near Olympia late iu ly cut a tree which was 112 feet with out limbs , straight as &u arrow and without i.nots or jliws. It was sawed into four monster logs. Montana. % Vhe territory is overrun with va grants. Scarlet fever Is 'prevailing in Mis- souh county. Daring 1880 the Alice mill turned out § 444.840 tf bu'lion. Immense herds of buffalo line the' bank" of the Yellowatcne'in Ouster county. . ; * ' An eagle tasaanrinir seven feet from tip to tip was shot near Deec Lodge last week. ThoH eb-\ndmm estimates the \ \Mi of sh ap in Smith river valley at lO.'OOO head. Three hundred white men are vig is orously pusiing forward the Utah & Northern road toward Butte. At Bnfialo Rapids the buffalo in of vaded the town . * nd were shot by ranters from the cabin doors. Half breeds in Chateau are killing it'lefor their hides asd pretending hat they died of starvatinni The Tetn river. haa subsided , ia [ Forty or fifty head of cattle were pi drowned , considerable ; cordwood. was at washed away , and the houses and fences more or less damaged by the flood. flood.A A miner at the Alice mine fell Irena a scaffold last week and ws irapalec on thn.handle.of .apick , He died three hours literv * Joseph Belief < ; 0fs , Blsckfo-t , ' ' pione2r of California j and''Montana , was frozen twdeatn alfew days ago , while on. his'way rroia D ' . Bhckfoot. Two miners of the Barker mlnginj district , which is beyond Benton , hac 3 pleasant dessert .to f their dinner a short time sinceIn ; their search for leadthey had been , engaged inthe forenoon in putting in a blast , anc just before noon touched it off 'anc vent to their dinner without "looking at theTesuUs * = iJJpQnitheirTeJturn""thcy strolled leisurely , nip ,4totwhere the earth" had been torn up"bythe * shot nd discoveredlo-thoir great surprise thai a lead of. richejCore had been drt f closed. , , , , t * ' O . - , ' Mil ford's pntnpJiDgjijiill Is crowded with business. - . , Proctor has been IsoturTng to large audiences in'"SaU Lake. A eerios of popular lecturaa is to edify the citizens of Salt Lake. Timber , will cover 20,000,000 acres of-land-in W shingt n ccunty. A riob strlko has been made in Ihe Cerro Gordo mine In Southern Utah' . Salt Like is .ngiin going after her saloon keeper's for sellingwhisky , after houre. ' - . , The Frisco 'Mining-and ' Smelting company has resumed its'-bullion ship ments. ' * During January the Utah Central railroad shipped 21,000,000 pounds o'f freight. Bullion shipments from Silver Roof , for ihe month of Januaryraggregated ' § 49j907.91 , * ' The Bsrbeo& Walker mine , at Sil ver Rsef , is working thirty men in ore and running'the inill daily. j , 'The Horn silver'mine at Frisco is contemplating extensivu improvements and development. A rich strike w s made .in. the - Qi borne mine , near. Silver Raef , a few daysago , of a four foot vein of high grade ore. Prpvo Oi'y ' saints have bean cele brating the.eighty first anniversary of the birth of .the martyr Lyrum Smith. The Ogden'-"Pilot" is1' the name of the new daily soon to be a' Ogden by Editor Littlefield ; of The ElkoPost. , ' t \ " A" Salt Lrle butcher named Glade took a dose ot morphine list week to 'ease pain , and was with difficulty res cued from the grave , Arizona. The hglrlttnre haa petitioned the 'government ' to establish a branch mint at Phoenix , A colony is" being * formed' Sim Bernardino'for ' the pnrpoao of settling in Arizona , probably qni the Gila rivertwentyfive miles" from Gild Band. It is reported""lhat 300 Mormons are now preparing to leave Utah and join others of their people who have 'already settled at.Mtsa rlvar , about twenty miles fromPhcenx _ ? They go under orders from the head of their church. A cemetery near .Silver City ( N. M/ ) was located on ajrue old gold claims .under ! the , , suppoiition that the val- u.blo ere had.all been 'aken from that locality. Now.a . rich strike is repotted and last claims of the dead miners , though they still , hold posses sion ia person , are .liable to be jumped. Idano. > The river is open from Lewis ton to the sea. The road'from Boise to Blackfoot are imiacsable. Idihn City has a "temperance , musi cal and literary club ? Crushing ha v'commenced at the .Ouster mill , on Yankee Fork. ' : Saw" Tooth district will'be.the scene of " "live operation early , in the spring ; Ore aseayirig from § CO to $100 has been struck in the Cremer mine in Alburns county. " , Tvo smelvers areT * lying at Ogden awaiting shipment to 'the Wood river country. " Two hundred men will at once be set to work in * Boise county on the Wolverine aod OrpwirPqint mines , , The people of ; Salman City' have levied a lax of. three percent , to build a fine school building ; There are at leasV150 acres of iich placers in the Stanly Basin and it Is estimated thai ; , folly § 12,000 will be taken out during the present winter. Extenjivotnachinei'shops and round house are beidg ereoteti ajTEagle Rook by the Utah asdNbrttiern road. Eagle Rock will be the end nf th'a'firat pas- : sengdr and second 'freight divisions. . The dam and.reserv.oir toi supply the post at Boise , barracka wi h water are being built. Tha latter will have a capacity of 50,000 gallons , and will be.-ctagonal in nhaps , built , of brick ! and cemented outside and inside. , The cost of the entire improvement will approximate § 8500. i. Wydmlnsr. . Chejenhe's Maionio < temple is' froa from debt. i Green river has a paper , The Sweet * water Gsfotto. Prof Proctor'sjecttires at Laramie were well.attendodr v . - k ' -H The roadjfrtn Laramieto Cummfcs City Im beoa , bcated. S x hundred and thirty miners work in the Rock Springs mines. A Territorial Historical society baa been organized'at Cheyenne. Frederick J. Hiutori Jias been ap pointed territorial geologist. The "Boomerang , eili | Nye's new paper at Laramie , will start in a few ; days. days.Five Five thousand antelope were eeea one herd last week betw.een Peru ; and , Marairon. Carbonates .assaying § 60 per ton have been found on Crow : creek , twon- tylmiles from : Cheyenne. < > , \ . Oatt'e on Lanceandjlat Creeks ate f looking well and'the loss will not ex 1 ceed two par cent. ] Lirgeoutfi sand.leaving for Cnm- mins Cita and a boom of big dimec- , ( siena is abobt to begin. " 4 > , ' * 1I I The accounUpf Judge Crosby , late receiver of public , ID ouies at Evanston , ( * ' ' ' " s a'shortage'o'f § 1100. 1 Big Nose George .seems to-be in better - ter spirits' ' than before , his sentence , and all fears , that he , will , not survive unlJljhls execution h-vve subsided.t JL man named Anderson , en- 1 ployed in the Rok Springs coal mines , I was badly crushed between-two cars on' , the inclined plane kifew ago. He serfoutly injured , A U ; P. train last'w ek ran into a herd of antolopa .five or ahf mile reas't R > ck Springs , killing alarge num ber of the animals. They wsre so " nnmerons that the bteps were broken off of the locomotive in colliding with them. them.Much Much dlssattsaction and grntnbling heard from the Warm Springs peeK pie about the bridge acrosa'the Platte a that plsoe , and grave .fears are ex- .r CwMnr-J-- ' ; " Vj SwS.- ) pressed that It will go out with the high water in the spring. Colorado. Denver is to have a new Baptist church. ' - . i. A new daily will soon be eterted in Leadvillo. * i The Baaaick mine' is to have1 an , electric light. , The old city 'market at Denver was burned last week. The Rio Grande rood has. ordered sixty now coaches , Colorado bullion product for 4881 will reach 26,000,000. - - A-fire alarm is sounded onoe a week , at Canon City for drill. . : The minor * of Gilpia couuty look forward to a prosperous year. Twenty more furnaces are to be added to the Denver rolling mill. It will coet § 60,000 to "plant" the electric light apparatus in Denver. A carbonata strike ia reported in the Severe lode , Elk mountain. Smelters can bo worked economically in South Park , owing , to the abund ance of coal. The deaf inute institute at Colorado Springs has been voted an appropria tion of , § 20,000. The Denver city council has ordered 6000 photugcMphs-of the city for dis tribution in the east. A hNorJe""wfw fouiid"ln therJ5'foot shaft near Silver Cliff last week , and had to be killed , and removed in pieces Tha Kokomi Giant machinery will bo established at the mine aa BOOU as the snow ia cleared from the roads. - A Wonderful Winter. NewTork Sun. This , winter is ono of exceptional severity in Europe as well as in all parts of the United States. ' People have been accustomed to congratulate themselves in the cliniitt > of t bostates , and territories of the Pacific coast , wheie the air is so temparud by a warm current from the shores of Japan that snow and ice are rarely seen there ; but this year they 'are greater sufferers than wo .on the ouldcr Atlantic. While the states east of the Rocky mountains have experienced the discomforts of severe cold , on the other side of that r.inge 'there has bo.-jn i-umensa destruction of. property by flood * that h < tvo sur passed in extent duythiug cvor re corded before. The devastation caused along the line of the Union Pacific , and in the valley of the Sicrameuto hts been announced by telegraph , but later reports from Oregon show that alao in one of- the choicest farming re- gious of that productive statP there baa been serious and wide-eproad da- aster. Meantime wo hear that in some 'parts of Mexico parsons have frzan to death ; that in Holland the dykes have been swept away by the sea , and a whole province inundated , causing great loss of property and much suffering ; that in London there has beou fl > ocla and snow-aturms that have necessitated a temporary sus pension of all business , and inflicted damage to the amount of $10,000- 000 ; that in Russia large colonies of Germans have been reduced to ex treme destitution , and tbat in France the military have bien called but to assist in clearing the roads. This ia an extraordinary hit of calamities from' storm and winter's cold , and will doubtless ba regirded by s > ma as a fulfillment of thu predictions thqt serious disturbances of the elements would be occasioned this year in con sequence of the position of the plane tary bodies , while those who have an nounced 1881 as thu date of the oud if the -sorld will doubtless begin to set their housts in order. ' Ihe Pacific Coast Happy. On' the Pacific coast we have known p'sople who had not , stirred from their beds for six weeics , on account of in flammatory Rheumatism , to b = ; cured in less than one we > * k by St Jacobs Oil , ea\s Max Baumeiater , Esq. , Walla Walls , Washington , territory. CEfillEHEDK RHEUMATISI , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , tooth , Ear and Hoadaclb , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. K Preparation on earth xqualg ST. JACOES Oit aa m * afe , sure , timpte and cheap External Bemedj. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling ontla.of 50 Cent * , and crery one suffer ing with pain can hare cheap and poiitlre oroof . of itaclalmi. / DirwttcnsInETerenXangnagM. , SOLDBTALLDBUGMSTSATODEALEBS IH MEDIOIHE. A ' A. VOGZLER & CO. , ' Grentle Women Who irant glossy , Inxnriant and wayy tr ses of abundant , beautiiul Hair most nso IIOJTS KATIIAIBON. This .elegant ) cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any'desired position. Bean- tlfol , healthyHair is the sure result of using Katnairon. AOES13 WANTED FOR OyR NfcW BOOK , G "Bible for the Young , " Beimr the storj of the Scriptures by lUv/Ueo. " Alexander Croot , D.-D. inaimpe and attrac- tlve Ultimate for ol l and youiij. < rf.hi-ely Ulastratei. irakin amo'it lute'cttlLgr and 1m presoro'youth's luatructor. Every parent will secure tnu work , p eacber * . iou abould dr- eoiual- . Piles 8100. ie Ben- * for circofaw with extr termsl i J. H , OBAMBEBd & CO. , MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine. SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE , -Thepopular demand for the .GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded thit : oi any previous year during the Quarter of n Century in which this "Old llellable" Machine\has.been before the public. In 1878 , we sold 356,422 Machines.- . 1879 we sold 431,167 Machines. Excesa'over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewhrg Machines a Day 1 I _ _ For every business day In the rear. rear.The "Old EeliabV , That Every BEAL Singer ; s the Strongest , Singer Sewing Machine the Simplest , the Most chine .6 8. thia Tyadi Mark /K "cast S * into ' tht Durable Sewing Ma Iron Stand , and em chine ever yet Con- bedded in < the Arm of straotfed. " t"he Machine. , THE SiNCER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office : Ir4 Union Square , New York. 1,000 Subordinate Offices , in the 1/nited States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices in tfce Old World nnd South America sepl6-d&wtf McMAHON J Successors to Jas. K. lab , DRUGGISTSPERFUMERS. . Dealers in Fine Imported. Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders' &c. A full line of Surreal Instruments , Pocket Cases , Trasses and Supporter * ; Absolutely Para Drugs and Chemical * nsed In Dispensing. Prescription * filled at any hour of the nlglit. Jus. K.jlsh. Lawrence BIcIMahon. Y V. iHTZ'S MILWAUKEE B i In Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office , 23P Dou laf * FM.IOAOmaha EAST INDIA Q Z O HER & GO , , MAMUFAOTURHRB , Oeo. P. Bern is SEAL ESTATE AGENCY. ISih < t IJ glat Sit. , Omaha , Neb rait k oucy docc STKIOIM k broksrage bust- a&33. Does not jpctnicto , am ] therefore any a- < alnaonlt3 boohaanlcsureJ tolls pitront. In jteaJ of being gobblnl up by the aitent & HILL. HEAL ESTATE BROKERS No OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Offlce Korth feIJa opp Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency- - DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , 'Ne'or. 100,000 ACBE3 carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sale. Great Bargains in Imprctad farms , and Omaha city propert- . O. f. DAVIS. WEBSTER 8NTBKK , Late Land Com'r U. P. R. B o-leb7tt 8TR05 RS1D. L5WIS KYID. Byroii Reed & Co. , EEAL ESTATE AGENCI IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abitract o ( title to all Real Estate In Omaha and Ponglag County. mayltl QHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metalic C.-vses , Coffins , Caskets , Sliroudg , etc. Fatn m Strae . CthindUth.Omahs , Keh AOE-iTS WANTED EOll ihe Fastest KelJInjc Book of thi Age ! Foundtitioiis of Success. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMR The laws ottrado , . legal forma , bow to 'Tana- act Dirli.fHs , valaible tables , lodal etiquette , rariiuneutiry nsaye , how to conduct public bu.'lnctaf-ct ! it l3 comnl9t Gnd9 : to Snc- ceaa f or all cla-'tt g. A 'family neccssi.y. Addreg for drc"Ur and special terms. iNCHOl ? PUB LISHING Ct > . St. Louis , Mo. A. W. 33 E 3STTIS T , OFFIC : Jacob's B ck , corutr Capitol Are. and vi. Street. Om hn W K SHOW GASES ItUtVTJiCtURXO ITO O- "WmDIE 1317 CAS3 ST. , OMAHA , NEB. NEB."I "I TUB MERCHANT TAILOR , bprepared to make Pants , 9mts andovercoats , to order. Prices , flS and workman ship guaranteed to unit. One Door Weat of nrnlcSshanfc'p. inir U. < J. MERCHANT TAILOR Capital Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , " OtflAHA - - MKH Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop , & Manager , The moat thorough appolnte t and compfet Machine Shops and Fptuidry In the state. OaatlncB oev-ry ! description mamifacted. EuulrieV , Pumpo and eyeiy claaa of machinery aada to order. i , pedal attentlenr given to * IFell Angnrs , Pulleys , Hangers , ShaftiniBridge Irons , Geer etc PlAcatcrne-iT M cnluerjUe cbinlc l Draught II. Mcxjels. etc. , neatly vacated. ftQ-Hnrrtov .at. Bat 14tb and 16th OK. A. S. F NDEKY , OONSULTING PHYSIC IAK ; iA3 FEKMAHKNTLT LOCATED HIS MED. I ICAL OFFICE. ' S Tenth Stteet , - OUAHA , NEBRASKA ' OQerlcg tla icnrlcea fii all departments o aedidne M > { eutftij , both in cenciU n pxlal pracU > d acute and chronic Jiseasei Ca conjnlted cl ht and dajr , and will vlsita art of the dty and const ; on receipt of lotuk BAKK1HC HOUSES THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALO WELL , H AMI LTCNICO ttU3lnt ! > tranracted same u tbat o n Incor porated Basic. Acconntg kept Iu Carreiicy or void suhjoct to tight check without notice. Certificates ot drpoalt laouJ parable In three , Bix and twelve muntha , hearing Interest , or on demnnd without Intercut. Advances made to rnstomera on approved se curities at market ratrg of Interest Buy and Bell zold. blllgot exchange Ocvern meut , SUte , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on Endand , Ireland. Scot land , and all parta of Europe. Sail European Ptame Tlckeia. ROUECTIQHS PROMPTLY MADE. auzldt U. S DEPOSITORY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farn&am Streets. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IK OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUKTZE BROS. , ) IffTABLllIISD IS I860. Organized u a National Bank. Angcst 50,1S03. Capital and Profits Over2 > 300,000 , Specially antborUai by the Secretary or Tnantry to receive Subscription to tba U.S.4 PER CENT. FUHDED LOAN. OFF1CE33 AND DIHSCTOFS Hnjfjui KCUHYII. President. AuaosTUS KoCKTia , Vicf P/saidenl. EL W. TATZS. CJtiMer. A. J. POPHJTO3 , Attorncj Joan A. Cs'iaarov. , F. H. Diva , 4.Kf t Oaii ! i. Ikli icDk tftoolvea Jopoolt withant r ctrd to amonnts. Issuea nmo cntlfl atea t-fa.An Interest. Dra < a drafts oa Sin Branclaco and principal cities of the Uattod Stated , alsj London , Dublin , Edlr.barsb % nd the principal cltliM of tbe contl * ner.t of Europe. Bella pieaiee Ucketa fur Emigrant ! In tba In. man ue. HOTELS THE IRIGINAL. ; R10CS HOUSE dor. Randolph St. & 5ta Ave , , OHIOAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the 'btulneaa centre , coureolent to plicrfl of amusement. Elciracily ( omlibed , .containing all modern Improvement * , passenger elevator , a : J. H. CUJIUIWS , Proprietor. oeietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council Bluffs. Iowa * On line o Street Railway , Omnibtn'o and from an trains. BATHS Parlor floor $3.00 per day ; leesnd floor : $2.60 per day ; third floor , 12.00. The best famished ant ] most coaiinodloaa hoc * ) In the city. OEO.T. PHELPS Prop- FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner' ! resort , good accommodation * , arge sample room , charges re&aonable. Special attention given to tmvcllne men. Il-tl H. O HILLURD Proprietor. INTER -OCEAN HOTEL , Oheyenne , Wyoming- Flrtt bu , Fine arge < Sample Koona , out Mock from depot. Trains stop from 20 minutes to 2 hour * for dinner. Free Bua to and ( rom Depot. Katea 2.00. J2.CO and { 3.00 , according to room : inzla meal 75 cents. A1) . BALCOM , Proprietor. W BORDEN. Cnlef Clerk. mlO-l UPTON HOUSE , Scliuylcr , Neb. Fliet-chsa HeoM , Good Vfeall , Oood Eedj Airy Boon * , and kind and accommodating treatment. Twngood sample room * . Speoa attention paid to commercial tnrtleis. S. MTT.T.EK . , Prop. , " r. Were i oa < < i/i'diy at nraididi ( ) mvle ; aj A Iboatfit fr .A4dtMJ Troa It CaPorUoJ. ! ! Ike Popular Clothing House of JLHEtLMAN & CO. . Find , on , account of the Season so far advanced , and having * a very large Stock of .Suits , Overcoats and Gents' Furnishmg . _ c Goods left , . They Have : i REDUCED PRICES that can notfail to please everybody BEMEMBEE THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE , 1311 and 1313 Farnham St , , Corner 13th , GOODS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. PIANOS ORGANS. J" . S. S.GHIOKEBING GHIOKEBING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J. & 0- Fischer's Eanos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort W ayne-Organ . Go's. Organs , I deal in Pianoa and Organs exclusively. Have had years experience in the Business , and handle only the Best. J. S. WRIGHT , > 218 16th Street , City Hall Building , Oniulia , Neb. HALSBT V. FITOH. Tuner. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FRESH M EATS& PEG VISIONS , GAttE , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE OITTTMARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House. Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. R. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING < i POWER AND HAND PUI PS Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS s < m ? n , 206 Faniham Ptrwt Omaha , Neb IE IM : o j. B. DETWILER , * THE CARPET MAN , Has Removed From His'Old Stand on Douglas St. , to His NEW AND ELEGANT STORE , ; 13I3 iFarnhamStreet ; Wttere He WillilJeiPleased , tof " " Meet ; alia His Old " " / " ' -Mk Sk---- " - - - - - - - - - '