MAHT OMAHA , Established 1871. MORNIiiG EDITION. ' _ , . b B , WILLIAMS SONSl * Oor. DodgefanS I * ! 4 In tMs Department we ; V are offering special Induce- All Linen TabletDamask' 50c , worth 70c ; 5-8 Ger will ofier the balance , of ' our SL25 NjipMriBab'SLOO , zani i All-Linen ' "SapHn at Sl 50. ' Bargain. ' We will sellourbest Turkey : - key Eed,5D.c L Another lot , of,4tha Extra Sizevfo woffi ls at-20c , 30c. Whe have fonr lots of Damask Hnck and Twil led Towels at 16 l-2c each , Slendid Value , We will V7orfchj$34q4 (3ur ( S5.00 Kaplan , ' sligM gsplidj kin , slightly solid , $3.0lk We"ioffar ihe. .balanoar f our'fiae's'Bts' at greatly "re- ducad prices. , . J rseilles-Quil's" Lower , , than evefBamsleT Damask inBleadli- ed at $1.00 , $ L25 , $1.50 and $1 75 , actually worth 50o more" per yard. v' ' ( I Oiss ' CoohecD Tqnlards af 12 1-26 , former pribe 16 2-3c. ) - * _ . * " - f 4 Embroideries f Now" open the lateab'novelties in Edginga and Insertions , all qualities aacU g widtteyr Our lenge competitioni fc. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' " " irCash House , " Dodga and Fifteenth Streete. c 'FOUE1 N EVENTS. . ' ) . - GOEN-O TO PAHAITZEIHB : SpecUl Di p tcb-lo 3ha Bee. - ) LOXDON ; Fjbrnnry 19 1 s. m. A ' -dispatch Iron New Castle says Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood and Gen. Sir Gocrgo Oolley-- have decided to. make no. * .movement until their whole force ! * " ' concentrated. h'suppnaTd that this -will give them a decided , victory . .over the Boera , aud also closa ihe JVTBr. L > t i . CABLEGRAMS. .Specli DUpatchcs to Tni BEE. Over the Waterloo courseyoaterdny , 3n the deciding race for the Waterloo ' ' " " beat cup Miller's "Princess D'agman" ' " . " 'jjBrockle Bank's "Bishop. JjaycocV , the Australian eculler , 'party of epcrtsicen saw him off. A dispatch froai Athens says an alarming var feeling prevails in that city. city.Jn _ s. published intorvievr with James Stephen's , head..centre of , the Fenian SrganiaatiDn , hoi yi Ireland mnsT * * jHave'aregtjlar-fi'ghb to gain her iud& jpendence. The e rl of Leafield died yesterday , in the 06th year of his a e. _ In the house ot commons night the conflict on the epsaker'a notes was continued. Jiord William Pitt Lenox is dead. Ho ? vas the younger son rf 'ChtrleB Gordon Jjennor , 1C. G. , duke of Rich- tnond. A Oonstantinople tli pitch sayt Cauat Halzfeldt has arrived at Stani' .bough. A dispatch from Duaban saya there 5m no ch anco of a f ght before Laings- . , ' * * " * mecklia attacked. . , i55 WA | dispatch from Calcutta saysyAb- dul Hohmth's movements excite greit jilam in Calcutta. , „ : , ' < & g P l&k. Home fiupatch'ayi jth&pspasf i- rprjsses great anger over the Purnoll- Rehefort confcrcnco at Paris. Tia agitation ia favor of the Boer * ia iocroasinR throughout Germany. Typhns fever is epidemic at Sefisia. There is tarrib'.o dutreas amoag > be inhabitanU , attLmSajTdoatlis aratra- ported. t-VIVA 7 J 1 Perfldloua Peppermint CHICAGO , February 18 10 p. m. Sirs. Annie Porter , wife of Andrew Porter , blacksmith , t 1319 State atreSl , fitarted down townni day ! | two" isjo with S1200 to "buy a piano and a silk dress. She made s call npon a , i friend , Mrs. Snlltran , who introduced - " it t tec to hcronTilliad , and ' oioe young mm , Frank Loomii. They had a pleasant chat , and drank some peppermint. Finally , going out for a 4 walk , they entered a restaurant and 4r nV5nbre.p < ! ppermint supposed no .fare been dragged , jiaj M r . = . P Srl5r * Boon fell a&lesp , and wu taken 'homo in a hick. When eho rooorerad she oandhermonpynnd all her jewelry gone. llr * . Scdltvan and the young Hion were arrested , and a portion ol tho. property recovered. _ KerossMjCalamlty. cfjg , ' EpecUI Dtewteh toTbe Bte-J LEADVILLK , Col. , February 19 1 a. . * m. A. miner , named McMillan , from Man&fieU. Pa. , living alone on tbe i headwater * of the Gunnison river , wai yesterday found dead fn hie cabin. His limbs and bandi were burned to fi tamg' , and his bo3y frp so 'olid.nn is supposed the accident win capjad by the explosion of a t Over § 300 in gold was found in few trunk. $ he PnndingjBill Pinjilly Passes . . - 'theSenate. V * > S Jtuo > Wh\ch"fQ Y tes the Neces- of an Extra Session. Credentials of Gen. Van Wyck are Presented to ipccIU Dispatch to Tbe Bee. WABHISGTON , February 18The difigiblll Mltafc.B'jjSp Jn'3ha .eon- at 10:40 : a. m. A separate vote en each amendment adopted in the com mittee of the whole was demanded. , , ia.r. , Thurman advocated a mluiinum of fifty "dollars us the denomination 'of the trea8Bty cotes ! This-was rejected byjf vole ! ofj6 ioliirj THe dehbunua- don , therefore , stands ten dollars and .multiple * thereof , . i ' S * < The Erodehtials-bf Charles H. Van Wyck , as senator from Nebraska , for Blxf6ars7ffonT March 4 , 1881 , and bf John Ft.Mtller as senatqc irpm Mr. Vest introduced a bill to incor porate an inter-ocaanic ship railway : ompany , and for other.purpcsai. Ferred to the committee on affaire. The eenato than resumed th > con sideration of the funding bill , and all the amendments rreporiedifruim tno ' committee of tne nhilj'wcrj agreed Jo ; , except * ectioti7 which WBapissed ; , -avor uufil . fthe ndi'viduali . . DrBp'oaltiona ff t * > SI * < - < Mf T * * Mk fflf ! j.o smena Jrore acted upon. S 1 m6ti3hof ? JTrSTiiorman 'he bill S Oa . . . . . , t * - * ' * ' - * -o- - * ! : - K.-V t" lt t fr < ? * providtng for tha orbctioffof n'fire- proof. building at Colnmbua , Ohio , at 4-cost uot exceeding $403,003 , wit 'tikenupand pataeo1. f"j vOo motionlfTirr. LSgan , the bill for the relief of Wm. H. Gill was ta ken up and. passed. \Th9MnatattT6t ? resumed , t e con- slierition'ofihe'fundingiblll ; ) proceed- iri loTote oii'ttfe'amindraent agreed to in the c immittee of the whole , Khich : war passed yeas 43 , nays 20 , If sere. Thgul's , Plumb and S sunders voting iii , the affiraialive. AU the. ! " JIB yard'a. motion , to ; make the la1 3"Tper | " cen'wasrejecfed. . AJ I Ti Btroggle ; bet ween the appro- [ jtt > uji cammittto and the Eelect com mit too on diseases cf cattle , the bill making appropriations for the support of < the government o ! the District of Colnmbia was 4aken > up , land all the committee's amendmnata r-groed to , and thefcill'p ! ae8. Mr/Allisoa reported the legialatire judicial- and exoeativo apnropriation bill , Bnd on motion of Mr. Jlansom the river and harbor bill was taken from the table and referred to the commltlee'crfconunerce ; " The honsa bill for -ihe relief of WilliimTR , WilmerTlaTo collector of internal revenue , was taken up and passe4. i - - ' ToVbill'for ' the establishment of a bareau of . 'ftnimal industry , known is the cattle bill , was , taken up , and the amendments .reported ! from the com mittee on agriculture ! > were agreed to. Pending farther motion on.the cattle bill , Ihe senate , on motion of Mr. ' ' Morgan , went Into executive session , and-wien 'ttie rdoorswere opened ad- juuruod. . ' " HOUSE. ThVhousa on an indirect iasuejmade to'tako , up , Ihe'liiHifor therieliaf of Gen- Fitz'-John' Porter , , refused to tike up bills on-thit'bouBe ' calandar , , by 114 yeas to 117ays. - The house tbenwontinto commit tee' otfthe , agrieuliural appropriation billi After. conidarabler discussion > ver < r'lhe < numorp.QB amendments the bill was 'finally pissed and , the honje- jtB p. m , adjourned. . CAPITAL NOTES. FKEKABDO WOOD'S KESIAISS AT THE CATITAJi. 3pdal Dhpatch to The Bee. WASHCfQTOx , February"18j The remilns'or Honr-FornaaapWoLd ar- rivje hcro Sieslerdaf ruoitmng. in charge of his son and the committee of the house appointed to meet the remains at PitUburg. The party waa met at the depot by the committee of ways and means , of which he was chairman , aiul the sergeant at-arms of the houee. The remain * were taken to his Idto residence. The funeral BsrviciB-wiil'bo hold this afternoon , and the remains taken ti New York on tha night train , to reach New York Snnday morning. All idea of an extra session is disii- pated by the passage of the funding bill in a shape to be readily concurred in by tha bouse. Mr. 'Cox has giren notica that he will call up the previous question on the "apportionment bill to day , but a the house will , adjourn at 2j > . .ra. .totaffea'd ! iheftraeri [ ! of n-fFet- nando Wood , ( t is doubtful it Mr. Oox will succeed. The appropriation committee lias begun work on the general deficiency bill , which Is the last of the appro- 'pmtion ; bills , and thejjBxyect to have ' ' itready o'repqrt'Wlyjnext week. Of co'nrsa'there'wni ba an extra session of the senate after the 4th ol March , to confirm Gen. Garfield's ' cabinet , and such other nominations ai he ms jr dcjlrp to make. There seems to ba & genfraj sen'.i- 'm6nt3hfaVoOniii ' i nB Mi < ite con firmation Tf Mr. Shepherd' to ba United States district-attorney for the Southprn-dietrlct.oLNewYork. Mr. CbaTclTngVtt s saia regards the ap pointment very favorably , while Gen. Garfield wrote a personal letter In Mr. Shepherd's behalf to Mr. Hayes. r 9 ; | | ; . .s'he ' repabjicanTepresenjeitivM Jield & caucus last evening to consider Ihe apportionment bill. They were over throe hours In consultation , and.fin- alif adjourned without reaching any conclusion. Another caucus wiH be held on Tuesday ejreaing next , trhea itjUjOioe'cted * jHo6 > 6f ; action jyil } be determine upon ! AHESICA77 OK FOEEIGK SHIPS ? A pamphlet has just been brought out by Mr , Charles L. Hill , of thp etate department , in which ho in quires into the caose ot the decline of American commerce , andgr tbe title ofn"Amarican or Foreign ShlpsJ" I'- t tjan , and has accompanied his argu ment , yhicb is in effect an answer to Senator Deck's lite spaecb , mthrae * ' * Z V X > new tables otgreat value. { Jtta shownj. that England now pays as .eubaidif s to , her difleront line ? , over tbreo million dollars yearly , , and that thoX United * States also contributes to ttie euoporP of English steamship lines § 15S.qQO : " yearlr , while givlrg to its own liriea" " less hau one-third of that sum. Ir. Hilli vstimatca that the earning ; of foreign ships daring Just , , year , f jam , AmsrJcin ports , was § 147,000,000. TUB WOOD OBSEQUIES. The following arrangements , hr.vo beea-aado ror.thofuneral of. .tho. la to Hon. Fernando Wood : The funeral services wllliba heldi at h3residcricb ; Dr. "Paret , pastor of the 'Epiphany ; church , wiUgfllcIato. 1'b ? following , gentleman hayo been selected by the family aa pall bsators : "Speaker. B/m- . dall , Senators Thurman of Ohio , and Bayard of Delaware , Representatives 'Lovi P. Ttf ortpn of Now York , and George B. Loring of Massachusetts , ex-Judgo Swsyae of the supreme court , W. W. Corcoran , and ex-Mayor Barrett of this city. The remains will leave on the 10 o'clock afternoon train for New York , accompanied by 'the following committee appointed by the house of representatives : Hons. Jahn Randolph Tusker , William P. Vtye , James Phelps , Mark H. Dun- nell , ,11 , G. Mills , William McKenley , John G. Carlisle , Simon B. Chitten- den aud Walter Hatching. There will bo no public ceremonies in Now York. The remains will be taken di rectly upon their arrival in New York to Trinity cemetery , Chrrnanville , .and placed in the receiving vault for interment. CLASSIFIED , CENSUS. , . The censui office announces tno fol lowing approximate distribution of " 3 total population of the country among the several cl ' : Males , 5,520,582 ; females , 24,632,284 ' ; na- jives' of the United Stiles , 43',475i506 ; 'foreign born , 0,077,360white ; ? , 43,404,877 ; colored , 0,577,151 ; Indiana and half breads not jn tribal ; relations on reservations 'under the care of the government , 05,122 ; . Chinese , 105,463 ; other Asiatic ? ; 2005. The number of col ored persons to each 100,000 whites is 15,153 , aaainat 14,528 in 1870. Tha number of females to every 100- 000 malea h 90,501 , against 07,801 In 1870. The number of foreign born persona to every 100,000 natives Is 15,359 , against 16,875 in 1870. FBOM BAD TO WORSE. HOMBOLDT , NEB , February 1C. To the Editor of The Beo. I moved from Ohio one year ago this month. My chief object was to get away from high and exorbitant taxation , and also .a country run by a set of political rats , rings and cliques , and full of corruption to the core. Yes , so tospeak , they are nothing more than so many legal daylight thieves and robbers in their way cf doing business. My short experience here ia , that I have simply jumped out of tbe frying-pan into the fire. I am reading your paper , and take a great deal of'interest in your edito rials and reports concerning our po litical rats just now at I ncoln. I want to say that it is with much pleasure and satisfaction that I view the bold , fearless and manly stand you have taken in fighting those evils which I find prevailing among ns to such an alarming extent. Such political acrobat } aa Church Howe and his associates in politics , would corrupt the morals of the angel Gabriel , if he had to aasociato with them in politics. -hey were cnn- ceived in EL , , born in iniquity , Bap tized in rascality , and have practiced It politically ever since. Now , I assure you thifc you have the hearty thanks and aympattr of all good citizens that have tho-wolf are of this new state and their homes at heart. You are sure to get your rt- . .ward , sooner or , later , for right.will prevail. I have no aspiration to become a newspaper correspondent , but per haps will open upon this subject again In .the near future. i TAXPAYER. THE SPAMBH ITCH. WELLS , NEB. , February 14. To the Editor of TCK Bis. Why can't there be something done in this session of the legislature to , make\ law to prohibit herds of Texas or Mexican poniea from being driven Into this atato and. seeding us every year with the Spanish itch ? A great rniny valuable horses have died with the Spanish Itch in thi : neighborhood within the past year. There should ba strict laws passed to stop diseased horses or ponies from coming into the state. This is a matter tbat every farmer should look into. I auppoaa petition * should ba sent to the state legislature. Pieasa stir tnls Spanish itch question up , and oblige WHEELER 0. , WICKS , ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dispatches to Tha Ees. A deed for 7,000 ncrcs of land , heretofore in controversy between the thofWinona . & 'St. Petsr and ttie S . Paul & Sioux City roads , , has beep , delivered by the governor to the forr mer corporation. The remains of the eccentric physi cian , Dr. Rowadin , of Hamburg , Ind. , .were forwarded fp Washington , Pa. , yesterday , for.crematlon. Ex-Police Justice Alvin Salisbury died yesterday in Chicago , aged 61. He.vas pne.of tjie best-ltnown of. the old citigana of ChigQ. Twenty-five houses were barnod at Scottsboro , Ala. , yesterday. LQES , $40,000. FORT SMITH , Ark. , February 8. The trial rf , Geo. W. Padgett for mur der of' Vm. H. Stephens tprminated in a verdict tf guilty of mnrdor. LjrrtERocp , Ark , February 18. In Benton county , 0. D. GqnteV , a brother of Congressman Tom Gnnter , shot , and , it ia thought , mortally wounded a man named L. B. Gam ble , PnTSErnio.'Pa. , February 18. The remains of Hon. Fernando Wood will not arrive in this , city , cntij to-night , the special car containing thebody bo- .ing cut off at St. Louis. NEW YORK , February 8. A letter , ' ' 'ha's beeare.csye4ftqin ] Trickett , the "oarsman , saying ha would leave Eng land for America. Ho' will "train fit Saratoga lake , and take part in all professional regattas , endeavoring to get.matchos.'ffith all prominent Atcer- icwn J . . Important' Evi'dence of' a Servant GM : in' ! tjia WhittakercCase ? y Grant ; Denies that He .Egbert Lincoln for rthe AtJ J - - - - " -t oraej-Generalship , ReportCpntradicted thatJoe : ' Emmet Died in , Sti , ' - Louis. .A Female Detective 'Brings Seven Illinois Murder ers to Justice. Disclaiming tne Mortgage. Special dispatch to.TanOiaK. . CHICAGO , February 18 10 p. m. The Chicago Baptist university is about to file a bill1 in' the name of the state of Illinois , to have a mortgigo of SISOjGOO against their institution , hold by the Union Mutual Life lanK- ranee company , declared.invalitL 'Th'e. ' claim is that the mortgaging of the in stitution by former trustees was ilia- gnl , 83 it was donated by Stephen A. Donglai for educational purposes ? > nd never to ba alienated from the same. SpacUl dlspstch to The loa. NASHVILLE , Tonn. , January 19 1 a. m. Ai Springfield special to The B .inner says the evidence in the La Prado murder case waa closed ycstjr day , and the argument begun. Lou Small , Bob Treat and Jim Higgins endeavored to prove an alibi , but wore not successful. The evidence discloses the fact that it waa the plan of the murderers to kill quite a number of citizena in the neighborhood had they' ' not been thwarted. This explains tha determination on the part of many that the negroes shall die. Argument in the case will close this evening , and the jury will 'return a verdict in the morning. It is rumored that the negroes say Sprlng6eld must protect the prisoners , and refer to the mob bing of a negro ut Clarkville , a year or two after which the town was burned , The threat is indirect , and the truth of it is doubted , although one of the city ofiicula professes to have received such a warning through a letter. It h thought that it the jury convicts the murderers there will be no trouble. "Dutch ? " Emmet Still Lives. Special Dispatch to The Bes. i CHICAGO , February 19 1 a. m. A dispatch from St. Louis contradicts the report of the death of Joe Emmet. He Las not been in that city for some time , but hid brother-in-law , Dennis Sway , laft the inimitable "Fritz" a few days ego in New Orleans , alive and well. The Whi takerCourtmartlal. . Special Dbpatch to Tha Bee ! NE-wYonir , February 19 1 a. m. At the WhlttakercDurtmartial yester day n young .girl , Etta Danike , was placed In the witness chair , and said that she lived with Col. Lasalle'a fam ily at Weat Point. She testified to having received a bundle containing u bloody handkerchief , .and pieces of belting from Drummer Knittlo , and to having washed them , and to have then given them bick to the colonel. She untied the knots In the belting with a fork , aa they were tied too hard f jr her to untie with her hands. Col. Lazalle was recalled , and briefly questioned aa'tb his giving a handker chief and belting to hia orderly , and .receiving . themback , from hia servant. E. T. MoEnany ; clerk in tbe quarter master's department at the military academy , identified the handkerchief oflered in evidence aa similar to those issued -to Oideta. Further proceed ings were postpanad-until Wednesday next. ! A JLjUnatic's.'Froak. Special Dispatch to Tns Bsa. NEW FORK , February 19 1 a. m. A number of pedestrians , while pass ing Twentieth street and Third avo- enue , yesterday afternoon , were at. tractod by the suspicious movements of a-yonng woman , who was carrying a baby In1 her arms , and loading a lit tle girl two years old by the hand. The woman sat down upon a stoop , and before any bystanders could in terfere , she drew a largo"claspknife , and cut a deep , gash in the girl's threat. The woman was immediately seized and harjjd over to the police. She gave the name .of Mary Carroll , and stated that she knew what she had done , and waa. not sorry for it. Ou being examined by a physician-it waa found that. she. had also cut her own throat , and waa undoubtedly of unsound mind. Bota-the wonjan and child were sent to a hospital. Jt is doubtful if the child will recover from itsinjuries. . Shrewd Bo 2. lr _ Special Dispatch to The Bee WATJKESIIAW , Wis ? , February 18 10 p. m. A woman forty years of age , employed jn 1)19 ) Siate Industrial Ephoolhepe , It is discovered , tiaa as sisted aeyer r oys about twenty years of age , Ip escape recently. Th'ey die : covered her weaknes3and would make love to her , when aha vould help them ' out The Viol was discovered through s Jettef which she had written to one , and not finding hini , was returned ti her. Singular Warning1. Special Dispatch to The BesJ. L/JSj ASQELOS , PAJJ.J February If } 10 p. m Wednesday night a fire broke out in the lower part of the rea- -idenoo cf Simon White. * The family had all retired , and were asleep. The flames spread rapidly from the kitcaen and speedily enveloped the adjoining poms. Lying on a shelf In the dining room pantry was a Joailed wirolpet. Th.e heat became BO Intense th'at the cartridges ip fchp pifltol. 'we're ex. pjoded. ' Thp nojsa aronjed tbe , In mates o ! the house , who ijp to that time had been slumbering , .unoon scions of their peril. They all suc ceeded in escaping from the burning building , nuV just in time to save their Itrep. . The entire structure with all' their- furniture and clothing v&a cocsnmed. " l : " * * Cheap Glory. Bp dal dtapatch to "nm PJB CHICAGO , February 19 1 a. m. Half a dozen of tlje most prominent ohfesns of Chicago' , in interviews V be published to-day , repudiate and discourage the -jchdine j ! a'.r.rl- ' ' ed for celebrating .tho decennial anni versary , of the-Ghlcsgp fire next fall. , They cay the whole thin ! ? was sttrtcd" by patty officuiT JiqpJDgpalitfcsl pre- formant. iChiswitf probably pat an cn'd io the proposed celebration ? ' " ' 5 Bpodat dbpatchta t < > iThe B o NEwYoUK , Feb'tturjrig ' liam. Senator 0 .nkling broakf ja'ted with a friend at tho.rifjji Avpnuo hotel yes * lerday moming gjjl'hoy ' ' In one poriie and were tliOj humor. * * Whilfl thus engaged the eon- atox was handed tha card of n repor ter , and in response sent back word tbat bo would ba ghi to aeo him When greeted by tha reporter hie said : ' "I receive your card , bat really T cannot talk of political affairs with a newspaper nfsn at pres ent. " "Can't you say something about the visit you have just made to President-elect Garfield at Mentor ? " "Wei1 , yes ; I had a pleasant ; trip ; vrm most hospitably entertained by one of the kindest hosts in the world. I left Mentor on the early train yes terday morning , and reached New York late in the evening. I intend to leave \Vaahlrgton on tLo 11 o'clock trim this morning. " Senator Conkling informed a friend that ha would be in New York ajaln abont the 25 : h of this month' . By a somewhat singular coincidence Senator Bhino will ba at ' "Windsor hotel the last week in the mouth. By some ones' it is conjectured thai overj- turea are being made to establish ' 'friendly relations between Oonkling and Blairie. Choked to Destn. Special Dispatch to The Boa. WATNESHDED , GA. , February 19 1 B. m. The governor was telegraphed to Thursday by a prominent gentle man of this olace foe further respite of three weeks for Frank -Twigga , the murderer. No answer being received , Twigga was huog at t u'rtaen minutes past 12 yesterday , on the earne gallows , - lows in the jiil yard used for his i brother Mo SB. Before the cap was adjusted he said : "I now stand at the point of death. There is no use for me to tell a lie about it. If brother Moso had told in tbe court-house what 1i3 told mo , I would now' ' be free. I am prepared to die. Good bye to everybody. Christ has promised , - ised to ba with me. " The nooae was looao and his nek wia not broken. He wa < j strangled to death in twenty minutes. No Choice Yet. Special Dispatch to The B o. HARKISBOBG , February 19 1 a. m. The proceedings the joint com mittee yesterday were dull. After taking the thirty first ballot it was agreed to adjourn until to-morrow. The result of the ballot was : Beaver 78 , Wallace 82 , Bayno 69. Elevated Belt Railroad. Special Dispatch to the Bee. CINCINNATI , 0. , February 18 10 p. a. The bult railroad company orgin'zjd for the purpose of bnildink elevated connec.iou tracks between the raiJroada cantering in this city , opened their subscription books to day , and stock amounting to.SlCO.COO was taken. , _ , A League of Bobbers. ttr Micl Kispatch to The Bee. GENEVA , February 10 1 a. m. , A vary interesting murder trial is abcut to begin here before Judge Kel- lum , on a change cf venue , from De Kalb county. Seven young men of Sandwich are under indictment for the murder of Hiram P. Allen , a wealthy citizen of that place , on the night of Febrmry 16 , 1880. Mr. Allen was awakened by a man at the foot of his bed r fling his pockets. He jumped up and grappled "Twith the burglar , Mis. Allen hid in the closet. Several shots were fired and Mr. Allen fell dead. Another bu-glar in the ha'I ' said : /'Have you finished the old caas ? . Why don't you come along ? ' ' They then , ran out. M-'ss Allen , aged 20 , heard them end saw them from the staiirway , but was afraid to go down until they were .gone. A pieca of tal low candle and a , cap , whichjho-as- saasius left , furnished a clew ) pointing to several prominent young men of Sandwich. A female detective' waa employed , arid , by the use of ' wiles , known only to herself , she gained the confidence of one and iadnced him td tell the whole story. It was that these seven young men , 0. C. Wood ruff , 0. Crawford , , T. 0. EllisW. . Thomas , E. A E mmpns , Bf. A. ICeifenborg and J. A. Deer , 'had been for over two years leagued together for the purpose , af burglary and high way robbery- whether heacknowl ; ? edged which one shot Mr. Allen , does not appear. The prosecution ohira to have abundant evidence , but they also expect one of the number to turn state's ovidcnce. POLITICAL POINTS. Spaclal DiFp tctcpw The Bee : . CIBYELANP , 6VFeb. . 19 1 a m. Hon. 'Ijjjierf ' Storra , of'Ghicagi > } stop ped hBr yesterday. Ho oaidjn apyi vaUkconvenation. wifluaSgentleman connected with The Lsado ; that he had just returned from New York , wheroho has been canvassing the senti ment ofjoadtog republican politicians. He dined with Hamilton Fishpond a number of pther ppmlhen gontre- , men , and ' merGrant and repreVecia- lives of 'Oonkllng. ' He.sayS Levi P. Morfotf will "not get a place in the cabinetbnt all - NeW York factions have-agreed upon.Charles G. Folger , who I ? to ba made , secretary'of the ta ' " * p "i : Conkllng's . . „ reference to Folger's appointment ; John A. Logan , who called on Garfield - field .several day.B ago. did'ao' 'tor 'ftp purp6seoj. ! nrgiog the appointment of Robert ' Lincoln . "a fatt6rney.fgeneral. ; Logan' told Girfield that .Grant strongly endorsed Lincoln , and Gar- fiel'dryeaterday received a letter from Grant'denying Eogan'" V ' . o'y. Jfurrfty. of OtaH. . .andGen. . Gajficld Ulked'Jn ( , tbe MSrpion quw- " ' ' tfon"yeVteruay-'for an hour'and'fh'e ' presidanf'eect ] wi-qg ? | [ t { o { h'p" sub ject thoroughly in hts , inaugural adr dress , which will be extemporaneous. Blaine U not expected at Mentor. Girfield.haaLnot decidodjwhen orhow * he'is ' to goto Washington ; " " . . Spceul Dbpotcb to.tbs Ezx WAsmkoiON , February 19 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi , and lower 5igsonrl valleys | " farmer ele < w or partly cloudy' Breather' ! nortRVesl winds , bpcoming light and variable , thence shifting-to 6qh ( with ary or falling barometer , New Torfe Money and Stocks. \VALfi STREET , February lr. At 1 p.m. the prices weie as.follows : MONEY 5@6 pet cent sexchnnRe.hishsr , at4.84@4.87. J OOVZRNJIEST3. i Steady. * " ' B ! " US C's , ' 81. r. . L 01 $ IT S4'a . 1 14 ' U S 5'a . . ' . . .I m | Currency 6s..l 155' U S 4i's..l 13 I . STOCKS. > 80. Han&StJoe. . , NYO ; . i40 | L'S ' . 13i * N J C : . . . ' 109 Lakollrie . 68i 1C . 13 > Jj &N . 94 0 C . .7 53 Northwestern. . 131 | M C. . . . . . . . . ! ll9i pfd , . 142" NP . 464 O&M . 4r > | . .pfd . . . . . 7tSTOV . 4J UP. . f..liI TM . 01 OP . ; 904 QTcsilver Man..i . 40g pfd . G2j Metropolitan. . 121 Eeadinj . ; . C5 , , C S . i.flS KI . 138i CC&IC..253 StP&O . 48 D &H . 113 pfd . 10CJ Del&Uck..rr6i StPuul . 115) ) D&KioGrandelOCi Wcbash . 50i Erie . 50 pfd.- . . ; . 90J , Pf . 9li y&C. . . ; . 87 M &C . . 13 * _ CnicsRo Produce Market. CuiCAao , February 18. \Vheat , corn .and , oats ? ere in mod erate request and a shade easier ; mess pork , lard and short ribs mot with a fair demand , but prices' 'declined at the close on'charige. Wheat Spring wheat , March sold at 98J983 ( , April , 9999J3 ; M yl 02i © 1 02g'June ; ; § 1 01 1 Olfryear ) 90c , closing at 98j@98go for March ; 99@99gcforlApril ; ; 81 021 02g for May ; 90 90 0 ' for the-yaar Corn Msrch'eold at 37g@37io ; Miy , , 42J@42cjJonei42@-12io : ; July , , Oata March old at29 J293c ; May , 33 @ 33c,3une ; ' , 33 j@33ic ; Joly,32io. Mesa Btrk'March.aio 55@15 57 * ; April , $15'C7i@15 75 ; May , , § 15 7i@ 15 90 ; closing at 815 55lo ' 57i for March ; 815 7015 72 for April ; 815 85@15 90for - May ; sales 15,500 bbla. ' ' Lard March sold at1025@10.27 * ; April , § 10 3510 40 ; May , § 10 45 ® 10 47A ; ; sales 5,250 tierces. iBaTicMea S.iort ribj for Mirch sold .at , § 7 92fc [ 95 ; April , , ? 8 02A@ 8 05 May , 88 108 12J ; sales 700,000 Ibs. Chicago Live StocS tlarnet. CmcAao , February 18. GUtile Thare.wsB an active market for , cattle yesterday afternoon , but owing to Ihe more liberal receipts than for several days , prices ruled weak and a shade lower , with a fair number left over tihsold ; to-dayibwing to the snow storm during the night trains on the different roadr were within short distance , but were unable to get round the "Y" up ; to 11 o'clock , and bnyers were doing very little In the way of pnrchas'cg , the only sales repcrted were , for cows and bulls , at § 3 35 ; 83 40 for a lot of choice shipping steers ; , the fresh , receipts were 4,500 head. head..Hogs Trains were late In arriving owing to the snow blockade , and only a moderate number of hogs were re ceived up to the hour our reporter left the yards , and prices ruled firm at abont yesterday's- figures ; ] shippers were the principal buyers ; sales ranged at580@600 for liqht packing 'and shipping ; 35 505 90 for heavy packIng - Ing ; 85 7036 50 for good to extra smooth heavy shipping lota for Phil adelphia ; the freeh receipts , fprn 14.500. head/ , , ' ' r St. Lou la Produce MarKOt. ST. Louis , February 18. Tiour Unchanged. Wheit Dull and a shade cfi ; No ; 2 red 'winter ' ; § 1 Olil 01 J for cash ; ? 1 02i@l 02 | March ; SI 04gl Ol for April ; 81 OG1 OoJ ® ! 05 fforMay ; No. 3 doj 9892jjcNo. 4 do , nominal. Corn A shade better , but slow at " 372@38s for cash ; 37 3 fox. February ; .38jj382B forilarch ; 39 3 , for April ; 4040jc | for 'May ; 40c for Jqne. Pats Dall3333c ; ' for cash ; 33jc { for ' April ; 34i@34o for'Msy. 'Rye Steady , at 88c. Birley ; Dull arid unchanged ; prime to fancy , 80@$1 05. Load Quiet at 84 C2J. Butter Unchanged at dairy , 20 ® 27c. 27c.Eg3 Lower at 18s. Whisky Steady at 81 00. Pork Higher at 815 75 for casfi ; 81600forM y. Dry Salt Meats Higher and firm at 85 00 ® 8 OO S 25. Bacon Qale't at ? 5 8i@8 70 ® Lrd Nominally higher. Rjceipta Flour SjOOO bbls ; wheat , 8,000 ; corn , 14,000 ; oata , | 1,000 ; rye , none ; barley , none. Shipments JFlour , 8,000 ; w.'ieat , 1,000 ; corn , 5,000 ; oate , none ; rye , none ; barley , none. St. Louis Live titoctc Market. St. LWis , February. 18. Hogs Active , but lOc lower ; ligljt S'ljpplng , § § " 255 f 5 ; Yorkers ' and altlmores , ga 75@G 00' ; mjd 'packing , 85 BOigS " GO ; choice to fancy , | GlO6 50. .Receipts , (5,500 ( head ; shlp'menta 3,000. New Tqrs.iToduca Market NE 'YORK , February 18. Flonr Bjcelp'8,22,000 ' ; bbls ; sales , lljOCdbbls ; dull ; round hoop Ohio , ? ! 40@5 00 ; choice do , 85 106 75 ; superfine western , 83 604 00 ; com : niCjn g good extra do ) " 54 30@f"6tj ; choice do , do , 34 60@4 75 ; choice white wheat do , § 5.006600. Butter Dull and heavy ; Ohio , 13@ 28c. 28c.phqoia - Dall at SOl J fore o fancy. Sugar Weak. Molasses Unchanged. Jetroleum CJaiet ona firm. Rice Jn fair demand and steady. Coffee Dall and weak. Spirits of Turpentine Dull at 45 © 46o per gal. Rosin Unchanged. Tallow Firm atGgo per Ib. - , i' c- flcJtton Fjrmvsales GC'ffJea ; mid- jdlfng uplands , .811 561 ; middling Qrlean ? , $ } . ! gl | | fHture , .barely steady ; . Febmary$11 80 ; Mircb , 111 45 ; April , 811 61r May 811 73 ; June , 811 85r July , $11 93. Wheats-Steady ; Chicago , SI 15 ® 1 16 ; MUwaukee , 81 17 ; No. 2 SiW ALAp i ii'i.8l'tf MTayjaaUa , S q,000 bu. ' Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 67@P8' . Sales EO OO bu. aixed , c 'u. 3do , Pork $10 70017 BO'fer JI y. TIIB ARCTIC IBR1TATOR Boreal-Blizzards Continue ' jfco. Sow ! Ove Hill j , . ' and Dale , Gliicflgo Eiorgesftom a Beanfcr ; 'Jiil'Spread Averaging Two 1 9t * 'iyp * i * p'-jwx jffi * * * ' * ' " * ' * ftfai % . * * - ! $ t- tmfru c as - ? get- t Indiana and Ohio Suffering From Overflowing ' . Rivers. ' Oonkling Paj-tially Appeased by the Nomination of j Shepard. Will It Never tet Up. ! Speelal.Dfapatch'tc.Tlia Uea ! CHIOAQO , IS The snow stormcon inuad with uuabatod fcry from dark laatnight , until noirly ten o'clock this a. m. , when it ceaisea. The "fresh fall { a about two fees fnilep'h' . The slrcelr car tracks have been opened , * ezcopt in the suburbs. .Alt trains on th * railroadu nro Jelsyod f jr hours , ymd Bomo ara entirelj''aSanJoned. | Floods. SpccM Dispatch in nVcn , CiNcnyj.Ti , 0 , February 18 4 p | m. R in began falling heavily early last evening aju continued all night. There are serious indications , in many places , of .further idisaatora by flood. SpecliICLapntSii to Tac E-30 , ViSCFN.VEfi , Ind. s Fobruaty ,18 , 4 p ! m , The \Vatath river ill continues to 11,30 rapidly and threatens to over flow its bants. ThoEtnbriuins river , which runs into tha Wabash six miles balow this city , has'bicked up aoveral mllea into Lawrence county , Illinoi'p , and badly damaged the growing crop ) . Farmers are despondent aa they ex pect aa much Jevaatatntioo as accoin. paniod the disastrous flood of 1575. A Crumb for Conbllagr. Special Dispatch to Tha Bea. CIEVELAXD , Febrairy 18 4 p m. A repnrt is in circulation here that the president's withdrawal of Forst- er'a name is duo to the conference with Conk llng and that Shepard , a red hot Conkling man , will 'ba ' nominated as Gan. Woodford'a suacessor , in a day or two at farthest. Tao nomina tion will ba made at the suggestion of Garfield , who would like to see Stan ley Matlliowa confirmed. Woodford'3 Successor. Special Dispatch to TLo Ecu WASHINGn < w , February 18 4 p. m. The president haa just eent to the senate the nomination of Elliott F. Shepard , to ba Uni.'ed States dis trict attorney f K the southern dis trict of New York , in plrco of Gen. Stewart L. U'oodford. Tne Funding Bill rasses. tlpociil Dupatcli to Tha E e. WAsniNQTOS , February 18 4 p. ra. The funding bill haa passed the aanate by o vote of 43 ayes to 20 nays. Joe Emmet Reported Dead. CHICAGO , February 18 i p. m. There is lumos here to-day that Joe Emmet , the well known peraonator of the character of Fritz , died last uight IK Bf. Loi.ii , . Undoubtedly" " tha beat shirt-In tha United States ia manufactured at the , Omaha Shirt Factory. Tha superiority of Material and workmanship , com * oined with their great Improvements , that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the moat durable and beat fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the n jdorate price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make ia guaranteed firat-class and will refund the nipue'y if found 'otherwise. 1 Wfi" make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chcmoSs underwear , made np with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids and weak-lunged persons wo v br spo.jlal inducements In the mannoj * hco goo da are made for their protectuji. GOTTIIEIMEE , in street. ViHEGAR WORKS ) EENST KEEBS , Manager Uacnfaclnrer ot sU kinJi of "V I 3i f Si.-Btt. 3STOTIOD53 , Any ono havln j dead auloials I will remove them free o ! chirga. Leavf tfitra southeast corn t o ( Usmsf n-.t I4th Ft ; , seconJ door. ' * CHARLES'SPLITT. . FEVEli AND AGUE. There b no civilised n oa In tha t7e3tern Hemiaphorp la wMch the ntUity ol Hosfetisr' * mina thHltt t9 u a tonic , contctiye , and utl- MUocs tcedtcine. 1 < not known ondappredatsd. wTiUeitbamertldBo for M MMOEJ nd alt climates , It fa esptdally suited to the complaint * jrafcerated by the weather. Meg tto purest and neit veetabla BttenUnt In th * world. . * For sale by Uraggisla and Dealen , to ' MB cp- llv ( orHo t tVr' Alciiavttor1S31. AMERiC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamsliips Leayloz Kew Tort ? itrj Tbnradaj at2p.m. . England , France andQermany. For rasaie apply to . . C..B.RICHARD & Passenys Brso,4ay , NewTotk & Hi -i-y & $ - S.- - - Greeit'Sale ' of W A TV Tn""H Seamless to close out tit S1.25 , forraerflric8.Sl.75. AlotofConpeJonvensatcS125 : , iormr price , $1.75 ! iokokS- Binton Undressed at SL25 , former price , $1,75- And-a-verv Great ? nanfnQpnnmdd ol 2 5tatton Glovesthat we want to CLOSE 0 UT , and we will let them go at 75c. Would also call the attention to the Litest Novelties hr 1 * Oner1 i/ * f * \ / \ T \ -Hi i ± r CJ O JLJ Jusfrece've ; and consistingc 'rhe Hew Vermic'eUa Lace Scarfs and Fichus. And Misses' and Children's Eiceracfc Braid Collsrs , a MoafBeaufi- M Efi t , " ' " " wHand Imbroidered Sw s Gcods in Scarfs and HCQU ? . , ! BALBBIGAN HOSE SsLfLGiftOKEDi i 65c , 75c , 856 , NOW 50cts. , - - , . , . These era yery Great Bargains , and ought to bo taken * tip. AT , - _ * - , Great Bargains in . C O E , S E T S 'K TheFrench tell Side Steels - pou and DoubTo-SteenrT * Y out t close out at 75c , former price , $1.25. " < o We are Sole Agents for thia coldbrated Franch Corjet ar- knowledged to bo the BE 3T Coraas ia tbo Worid , Sold by in at New x ork pncea. , ( J A. GRUlGKSHAriK & GO. r > i it Wholesale ami Kcihil 31aiTux . ' ' ' . * J..J lif & * 3 J EWtl i-t Cold amr Sflrcr TOh ( and Jewelry Gome and Se& OUFStock asWe-WillPePleaset ; to Show , Goods. . / ! EDHOLM ER1CKSON loth & pnafoffico > HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , I Iron and Wagon Stock , . the Best .Assortment of WHEELS. . in the West. : ' " At ' : ' ' Chicago I'rice > ; VV d. BROATCH- - fc 1211 . - . + > Harnpy Street , Omaha.f J nl8-Cnf Van intnrer of all kinds of Summer Bologna ( Cerve.'at Wnrstrf ) SAUSAGE Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled , , 1714 Bart St. , Omaha Neb. de23-tj A GRATIFYIHG FACT THAT THE WHITESEWIHO MAOHsN Gives universal Satisikction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavon * tAU t- The White Machine insfcly claims to bo the - beet made , the easiest nmning , the 'simplest in construction and tha' most perfect Machine in' the market. The "White Co. , 'employ aa agents inon of in tegrity , and , purchasers are always aatiafled.j , * * : because they find , everything , just aa repres-e- ented. * * * Everybody should use this Machine. The. ' T sales so far this year are more than double'- * ' "the cbrfesponaingtime last year. . AU orders addressed to the Omaha Office. - < .will be promptly filled. , „ -v.JOHH ZEHRUNG ; . - . , . . Cor , DavciiDort and 15th Sts. Omahn.