lf -L - r Jie Kost Mteiitttal ed cal Wt- corerj of the Agi Etwj Mah his own I'hys'claH. rI Frazier's Great Bemed j HOW I GOT A WIFE. The people of the United States hve been humbugged nth all kind o( Patent M dicines, quacks and iiuixj-lers, lor the past lew years, in a nion shsmciul manner. 'The wrlur of the following is one uf the victims, and wishes to presents very pUlucav. Believing that by cleansing tie b ood was the only true war of banishing disease, and being sgre.t suflerer fr-m week lgsenda scrofulous jiffi-cil n, and fter trying many kinds of Vatent .aJIIclnes and tht ' Bpst eminent Plivsictans, I omimenced doctoring n.if .n,i t Ust d covered a Blood Searcher. or'Root Bitters,-whiclroue only gave me ini mediatereleif, but alter.a few week effected a radical cure The cougtileft me, my lungs became strong and ojid.mr appetite good, and the ac-olulous disease had disappeared. Feeling confident that my Discovery possessed ..HrfuI healinz Y.rt aes. leave it to others afflicted, and found it effected ibe most niiracu- I lous cures in uousanus 01 cases, iiui uum curing Cough .Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Scrofula apd We.k Lung, but all diseases caused from humors in ihe b cod. The demand from my friends and ether. bearitogabout these Bitters becoming rery great, I commenced put ting them up for aile, railing hem FBAZIfeiTS -B0OT BITlERSr I wa a first backward'in" presenting either mykclf or medicine to the fublic-not being a Patent Med-cine Man, but am getting brately oier that. I have sold thousands of bottles .l my Boot Bitters, and it Is my deire and determination to place the same within the rea of every suflering man, woman aad,childoa the face of tha civilized sJobe. ' r The'griniJ principle that operates in these Boot .Bitters is the power they possess in cleans ing the turgid blood and banishing the vile humors from the system. Boot Bitte-s are strictly a Medicinal Preparation, compounded from rooti combined with, herbs and plajta, many of whlub were used in me gooa oiu ys .of our forefathers, twben people were curly some simple root or herb, and when Calomel and other pois.us ot the mineral kingdom vtere unknown; Ther open all tha na ural passages of the body, cast out disease,take away-all sickness and build up ths system with pure blood, hcuce they must reach all diseases by purifica tion and nourishment. . Ko persosre n take Boot Bitten and remain long unwell."" Victory upon victory they hive gaiued over disease and death in all stations and conditions in life. Thev are constantly ef- fectluz cures of tue utuio.l iuiLoriance. ior FBOM TITE LOW GERMAN OF FR. REUTEB. (Translated for the BEC bv L. W.) ( Continued.) Now I could tell you a long story how it all went on, but I know bet ter than to do that. Such a matter rnever comes oft as smoothly as we read about them in novels, and the reality causes a fellow to sweat as much as if he were doing his hard est work in life. Among an hun dred, ninety-nine are apt to commit the biggest blunders on an erranu of this kind, and even if these hun dred should come home the happi est fellows in the world, still ninety nine will say: "May God forbid that we should get into a similar fix again ; but should we have to do it a second time, we'll surely be much "smarter about it " After an hour and a half 1 came back again, happj- to the top of my hat, and possibly may have looked it ; and as in my bachelorhood life, I had got into the habit of talking to myself, I cannot, when I think: back to it now, find much fault with people when they got out of my road rather quietly and looked very sharp at my feet to see if they were as steady as my hand. When l was naif a oiock iroin uome yet, my uncle came running to me end commenced to hug me on the open street and skid : " Hold your tongue, hold your tongue; I know all, and when is the wedding to come off ?" X tried to silence him and said: "keep quiet at least on the street," tinsumpUoniSLfuis rofuiou, e- nu caiigat iiold or liu arm ana ruptlous, Utarrb, Weik Lungs i ost Vitality took him home; but when we gOt and Broken-down Constitutions these Boot fa and met Fjau ButOWn Setting Bmers are nnirasaly admitted to be the most J womle ful Medical l'lacovery known to the worlJ. ririe.rhing properties pene trate every po.uonof the human frame, sooth ing the Lungs, sttengtheoiug the Stomach, Eidnejs and tVver, cleansing ihe blood lrotn every Und of amor. No other medicine will, cure Chronic f Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Fits, tDiuintss, Ilcadacbe, Dyspepsia, FeTeraud Ague, Cosllteuess, Piles, Urinary DiseasesfKiiluey Dlseue, and "Liver Complaint, so quickly as this Boot Bitters. All such diseases are caused from a bad stomach and a poisonous condition of the blood. For weakly, nervous young men, suflering from loss ot memory.-loss of energy, etc., caused lroui abuses in early iife.aud to uellcate f emales.theim atrengtheniug Bojt .Bitters are e.pecLdly re commended. Oue bottle will do more toward eradicating Syphilis, Scurvy. Tetter, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, 1 timers, Cancrrous forma tlous. Dropsy. Erysipelas, lt Rheum, UU-ers, Boils, Flesh Worms, Blotches, Pustules, fcrup "tions, pimples on the face, aqd Con upi ious from the Blood than all otter remedies,! u exuteuoa. G. Ttf. FRA5HER CX'ET'.EX'A.SrO, OHIO.! Frarlers Root Bitters are sold by all Ihe lead lnz Druggists, storekeepers and Chemists, bold Wholesale by Strong i Cobb iw ,Prior street, and Benton Myers A Canfieia, 127 Wat er street, Cleveland, O. ; B. L. Fahnestock &. la., Pittsburg; Oeorge . OluIwIu A Co., Boston; John F. nenry Carran 4 Co , United States Medicine House, 8 and 9 Co loge Place, New York; Wyth Brothers, Pbiladelphta ; 1-ul-lcr ATuller; CUcago ; John L. Park, Cncmiu ti, and other first-class Drug Houses. Miow thlssotlee to your druBPt crstore teer! Ask TfoFFBAZlElH KOttt BJTTEBS, and aceept no substitute whatever. lrtce witn Jn the re-ch ol aU-Sl per bottle : six . botUei, 33. jyl-dr IMPORTANT TO Commercial Travelers. COMMEBCIa:. TRAVELERS who solicit orderVby CARD, CATALOCJUE, TRADE LlsT, SAMPLE. OR OTHER cPECIMEK, also those who visit their c "'1',"""" $& trade by liurchases made DlBtCT .FUOM Slt)CK, and who travel in any section, by EaU or BoaMeWng ny class cfjoods, axe re quetted to send tneir BUsIKESs and PBr VATE ADDRK-SS, as Ulow.'st.tlog UjJ of goods they sell, aud by -whom employed; also those who are at present under no engagement. Thl matte, is of GREAT 1MPOBTASCE INDIVIDUALLY to sa eiuien of this clas, or men soliciting trade in this msnncr. It is Ihertfore XsPUCIALLT desired that this notice Buy met the eye ol ALL Commercial Travelers, and Salesmen in this country and , that they will AT OXCE give it their atien--ion. Thoe who comply with above request will be CONFIDENT! ALLY treated and duly ad vised of object io TbjW, Plase addicss, (by letter only), CO-OPER.TION, care Geo. V. Rowell A Co., 41 Park Row. JySeodlm New Yohk Citt. joun HAiiamL Practical Watchmaker, 171 raniPta , 8. tOor. 11th St, OMAHA NEB APPLETOJST'S American CYCLOPAEDIA Bew Eevised Edition. , EnUrely rewritten by tbe ablest writers on every lUbject. Printed from new type, ,ta illustrated with Several Thousand """ . J mar. jngraTiaji ua Th wortorigfa-Hr f.nbltohi4 aaaecthe UUe SmrfSedidliCJ, since whlcfc Usee, the wide cfreuUUon 'wWchlt hattainelnaH parU of fh"unl edfiutca, and the signal developments which have-taken place 1 every brant lence Utertture, anil art. bave-lndoeed the .rl'aidpubliahersM.uUltnt an exact Znd SorouA jrevUlOn.and IOlUsm dltlon entIUe4,"K AMKBlclxCrcxOPAk. P WUhln th laittin yaari Kiejyj ogress of dls covcrr In ev;ry department of knowledge has uade a new work ol reference an Imperative want. The movement of J-imcalafralr, ha, k.pt Dace witnxneaiscurnc. T n T , i rllUul.PPUcaiontothelndu.tra.n arts and me couiracuo - v-- - -. soclrtllls. Great sraw and-conaequani, tctoIu Uot. nave occured, Involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of ouron country, which wasatlU height-when Uie lt volameof the old work appeared, .has hsppdy been ended, and a new course of commercial and Industrial activity has been commenced. Large' aeeasttons to cor ggrhleal knew edge have bees ma-to by ths ladetiWfahU ex p'orerajof Alrtea. -.U,.., , rh great political revolutions of tha last decade, with the natural result ot tbe lapse of time have brought Into public view a multitude at new men, who- names are In every one's mouth, and ofwhose Uvea every one is curious to know -the particulars. Gnwt battles have bceu fought and lmporun JLVeS-SrWr-a! which the details are aa-yt preeerved-oiilr ftLMWspper6rta the tranJent ubllc. itonso! tbe tSy. but which ought now to take theUnUW In permanent atvi authentic history. t hSlOgJTbeV the aim of the dltors to of ?b7 mosTf5nl TdUcovertoa In science, of ererr fresh producUon .In literature, and of thenewest inrenUon in tb -practical rtiL as wall aato give a succinct rnd original record of the progress of poliUcal and historlal evenU The work haa been begun after long and care ful preUmlnary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrylnr ca to -woceful 'termtnatioB."" . - , . . foneof-the original atewotvpa platn hare bMapjed. bat every pseehaa been printed on new tn! lonuln'IaeL.tw yciopsxus, the tfame pun jus.. wttii" " ir iser fnuoiuj ywiv Mt anil vim IQUI uapiHTBUJCuw w . vv with t..it Hih &far sieaterseciinuu 7. ' -.i viih .ii-)i imnrovements in Its ,v..iaon as have been sujjjested by longer ex- PrCUlotrUonswhkJ an tatroeloced for the first time In the present adltlon UTe been ke ot pictaru' eacct, nut to aded not for tbe sal -lesf and na'lsTairauNory, asjttorpu 'most .bjjvous and rntTwieie.wre oTwesery MtVew meclAsriM Wi-UMulactnMe,' Al thourirJntended lor Instruction ratter, than embaiishmfEt, no pains hare bean spared to inrt. tei? artistic excellence: .the cost of thXxecuf-Vis enormous JxhUltabeUeved ihev will tnda welcome reception as an ad laMfeitarerfCrclopSto.anA worth, Its hlgt 'iaracte'. . . , The wot ii WM to SubscrlbOT onlr. WMe OBUTwyoIesJlua4C It-tnlUbe com rJettd In sixt-en UrgeocttTO Tolnmes. each Snnunlngb(mtefltpalfuUy UlastrateA with acTeraltluBsana Wood EngraTlng nd with -"pBicE'AirD sTTXK or'BnrDnra.'1 - t B esltxa Ckth, per tqI. .. . - W.10 In Library Leather, per TO) , 6.00 Jn ilall Turkey Morocco, per yol ,. 7.00 In HaUBslMix, extra gUt,pervbl S.00 la fuUKoniSCO. anUque, gilt edges, jr vol , ".OO Jn full Bussla, per Tol 10.00 JhroBTcSarosnew t4rt, fiueceedlng to Inms, until cnmpleUoa, wul U ' Issued once In two months. Specimen pagea of tha AnxJca Ctclo-i-aidia, showing type, Uliutraliosia. etc. will be tent ratbs on application. FIRST CLASS C1SVASMHQ AGEXIS-j ..WAJrreP; . : .Address the Publishers, P. Appleton & Co., 549 $ 551 Broadway, ?-' : -JiewYorE S37tl . the table, then his heart fairly jumped on to his tongue, and his eyes sparkled like diamonds, and, pointing with the thumb over his shoulders towards me, he said: "Do you see, ' Frau Butown, there ho stands, my sister's son! Is now going to be married as well as any body." And as now the good old woman came and offered her iiest wishes and wanted to know who the fair ono was, he had more to say to her than I had, aud after she had gone, he turned to me in quite a cross manner, saying, that I were a hypocrite, a hardened one, and that I was showing a corrupted heart, for being able to shut up all my happiness within myself. Well, I had to sit down and tell him all about the matter and though at first he has quite well pleased, he commenced to shake his head and said: "that is not quite as I should have done;" and when I had told him nil he got up and made a face as heavens in April, when.it really does not know if to let some rain fall or let the suit shine instead; he shook his head, and nodded nodded and shook his head and at last he said: "Well, I think that I should have gone through the matter In much better style," and then he asked at what particular verse of the chapter 1 had done my kneeling? Well then I had to con fess that there had not been any kneeling. Then he got mad and took his hat and said. 'Well, then I'll wish you a good appetite. And cling to what you have, for how long you will have it I don't know. You have crowed much too soon; tho matter is not nearly fixed; the very act of kneel ing is indispensible, and without yourwhole engagement is not bind ing, I at least, should not be sur prised if, in the course ot a day or two, tbe matter should be broken off. Another thno yqii had better follow my a4voe," And thus he went, But iu spite of all that a wonder fully nice time commenced now, a happy time. Of this, also, I oouid tell a long story- but I know "better than that. The highest joy and the deepest grief should not be con fided to the next best one; and al though I believe that all those who read this are mannerly and sober folks, still it might happen, that this or that confounded fool would try to mako game of me, and that, of course, would be annoying. But to a real honey-cake you must take a little pepper aud I did not escaae the pepper. At just eve Uncle Matblas tried to put on a lit tle uno and then, but at last when he saw that my engagement was a lasting one, and when he, himself, had paid my little girl aud her folks a cordial visit, andhad; on tlm oc casion also, iiad the opportunity to convince himselCof her ability as a .fish cook, then he saved hla popper aud I dipped Jnto.the honey-pot. Now he commenced to picture to all who were patient enough to listen, my happiness in such glow Jng colors that soon so many funny stories were told about me that I 'hardly knew where to save myself. I was teased wherever I showed myself five paces from home every one I knew pommonoed to grin, and whenT asked what they were grin--ning about, the answer invariably was, just as if they had all coun selled togother ; HQh, nothing," If in the evening I came to the club, and I had resolved under no I rcumstances to give up iuis so ciety ;4rstjyi because it suited nie very much to linger around there for a day or two, aud, secondly, be cause I thought that I could learn a good deal in the distinguished so olety I met theie. Well, when I came there, then they commenced to whisper and a nudging in the side and a writhing of the eyes, and then they commeuced to tell stories, what this one' had said before the wedding, and what he said after wards, and similar things; and when at last I got wind aud asked if thesti were broad hints' at me, they unanimously said : "Oh no we only mean.' And when at last I stopped going to the club for these "very reasons, and stai'l at home, then Frau Butown commenced at mejf 1 wanted to have this fixed so, or if she should fix that so. She did not know how 1 wanted everything arranged now. And she was an old woman and had waited on many a gentle man, but none who was engaged to be married; T therefore must havp patience with her, for certainly it woulA uoUast flauch longer. Then as to eleanlngTuy clothes; I was quito right, that was not good enough for ray future wife, for as .'Aeh&d understood that young lady was brought up like a princess, and had never put her finger in a drop of cold water; but her own eyes wera already getting too old to de tect .every Utile down on the coat and if my girl should shortly hap uen to come and see me. of course she could do that, and as'far as stfe 1 ut?rset sswurautUin uau uu objections. And when X Wanted her to make a fire in the evening, why did 1 not say so, and how' could she know, I had always gone to the club; why did I not go now ? And then she knelt down before the stove and blew into the ait hole that the coals commenced to glow ana her face reflected the shine that I could not help to think continually ; God pardon my many tresspasses, I know very welt that this la Frau Butown, and Is a ohris tiH -widow, "but haw is it that her talk makes me think continually of the distinguished people who are sdd to live deep under us in a place which is said to be dreadfully hot? And why do J think that there are ; possibly one or two there who are blowing into the coals to just warm up. my married state a little? - Here you may see, that all my apprehensions were not really gone. and they were destined to best'll greater, when one afternoon I came home from my lady. For as I came along the street, I heard a big noise. People were looking out of the windows, and be fore one of the houses, quite a num ber were standing looking into the door. And when I was just trying to pass the door, out flies Groser Obst, and lays in the gutter. "My God ! neighbor; what is the matter?" "Whit do you think? My women folks have just thrown me out doors." "But why?" "Neighbor," says the grocer, "I'll tell you. My wife and I can't agree." -Of course this matter was no concern of mine, and therefore I did not stop much longer, but thought I would tell uncle Mathias about it. And so I did, and told him the whole affair, and asked : "Uncle what does the fellow mean?" "Well," says he, sunk in deep thought; "and you say his women folks, wife and mother-in-law, just put him out of doors ?" "Yes," said I, "he himself said it" "And he was sitting in the gut ter?" "Yes." "Well, then I guess the matter is perfectly all right, and stands thus : Jie wants to boss the concern and she wants to boss, and if she stands in the house and he lays out side, it seems to me as if she is tho boss." I do not know what made me feel so annoyed and blue just now. I had never looked at the matter in that light "Uncle," said I, "you know mo and youalso know her, whodoyou think will be the boss in our house?" "I do not know," says he, "but from her looks I do not think that she would like to sit outside." "The deuce," said I. "Well," says unci; Mathias, "do not be alarmed, for I do not think she will be quite as bad as that ; but a imnic sne will nave a nice, amia ble government over you. You will be tied firmly and securely to her apron string, and I guess she .will find ways and means to drive all your notions out of your head." "Oh," says I, "lam not afraid, T shall try to turn her mind a little after wo are onco married." "Do not rely on that," said mv uncle, "do you not know tho old saying." Money and Commerces Daily Heview. Office Omaha Daily Bee, 1 July 17, 187-L f Monetary affairs are quiet, busi ness being fair and steady. In a few days times will be somewhat changed, and there will be an- in creased activity,as the County banks and merchants will regain all the funds to help move tbe crops. Dis counts fair, exchange in tolerable demand. THE FIBST NATIONAL BANifj quotes : Land Grcnts (selling) $815.00 i ana warrants, (loo acres buying) 176.00 Land Warrants (160 acres selling) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (1C0 acr-s buyine).- 176 Do. Selling. 185.0t, Exchange on JSew xork, 1-5 or on perct. Groceries are dull, quiet; sugars are firm at yesterday's quotations' and owing to the rise, are in d mand. Dry goods are looking some fair orders from the received and shipped ; 1 quiet. Produce, as usual, is in mand. The market is well with small fruits and prices remain about the sameL a downward tendency Fish. The market is well plied with salted and cured fish there is nothing doing in Wines and Liquors. Trajlf good, both local and couni Hardware. Coun coming In steadily, price list. LEATMEI a - mm Sole do , CalUaading brands Domestic Ii iWt da r.1 Mperloot sa do ...! ! Best Buffalo Solei ao a. Matasnoras di Best Oak Baltimore French HcsaJockCpi Oak di Uraln Iinlnss. Toppiaes. Morocco ( 36&ZSe Ho. 2, 22c; No. 1.33c ,( A9C SI 4032 00 2 402 50 11 ooli SO Jl S51 75 jena-soe do fasstS iVffl nr fftAt . q ,- "., rift flBBnsn n ill da do (sZaa) . do .gjpt Kid.) Welt-aaiaaeK. ner side. BcofllMhlM OaKWaiasn J7 00(310 00 111 00(314 00 3$5e An i Oak Uoe . ir bolt,. .... Ltatber, Pittsburg,' do No. 1, do o. 2, . du H?mlo.k Harness Leather, ho. 1 do do k Line do FaW Bridle, per slde. lessavvouars, per aor.. otausaav- qo uo ScotcBJIdo do ('oncoaVdo do fresK jm v- upJMp ocaFtrade gc4Lie- stocked egetabpp. ay JE&L BTjgaj i fe- ao Cclkflbi , aE3k'Xv 36t0c S3 0O&S 23 .I3 50SP 0O 4C 007 00 4c70c ' -.43c 40t2c !ZZ.44rt46c .3940c GROCERIES. STEELE dc JOHNSON 533-510 14TH ST. CLARK dt FfiENCn COB, FABNHAM AND 11 TR ST. PUNDT, METES BAAPEE, 212 FABN HVM ST.,-r-WnOLESALE IEALEBS MORQAN 4 OALLAQHEB, 205 Faill- hom St WHITNEY, BAUSEBMAN Co., 247 Douglas St J. J. brown & bbo.. Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. CHICAGO (fcNOBTHWES'N SUGARS. N0.-2, S7&S9C .S6 00(37 00 125 50&25 SO !2I SU S3C00 SS3 00 The Popular Route from OlsLJLTH -A. Granulated pr lb rovdered do . Crushed do Bat cut loaf do . Standard A do . Circle A do . Extra C do Yellow C do . N O choice do . thet (Black) per foot, 1324c do (Kussett 'do ISAI'lc t Dash Leather, , 15c SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Pabb'co, 6 l-26 34 ; Savon dc., Chemical Olire, 6 to Pahn,S514; German Mot- 1-4.6 1.2. GOODS AND UPaoLSTEBEB'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer aad dealer in fine art goods, 270 FarnhaHs Street, furnishe?. the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. COFFEES. Rio choice pr C. do prime do . do good do . OGJava 12 11 12 13 .llXalip rioxaiojl 2Ca27 2S&2S :4j23 31a33 SVUUPS. Common pr gallon.. Good do .. Choice do do M 0 molasses- Banzoon choke.. Carolina..... CANDLES. orders are change in j. J. OMAHA MABJBRS. Caretullv CorretSaT Dallr DRY GOODS. brown & Bito.Cor. 14th. and Douglasltotreets. Aliens...... American... Amoakeag. urisioi.. Garners.. tTS. Hamilton. Merrimack 1 Peabody . . Richmond.. Simpson's- BLEAC Bright 4-t Boot G Cabot 4-1 Lonsdale.. N. V. Mi.ls.. Peterboro-. Suffolk L . SHIRTINGS. "2r- "After the wedding yoar chances are past, You must turn hxr before If jou want It to lust'" "Xo, said I, "that's altogether new to me," and made a face as if I had heard some terrible news. ''Well, then I'll tell you aBtory," says uncle, the moral of which you will learn from your wife, if you do not follow my advice. And with that we sat down, and uncle com menced. (2b be continued.) TUE CUMINO ITUVQQLF, 'The voters of our nation, a ne'tr was known betore, Are rising from Pacific's straui To Atlantic's rocsy shore.-; Why Is this mighty change? hat can tbe meaning be f The rising of the msie? From northern lake to southern sea. The spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' itra es Forbids a nation drenched in patriots' blood, Should sink to that of slaves ; The motto which our coins once bore, Though obsolete long since, -Remain as ever tr-e: not unecent fortribttte, .duiiuuj lousier aeienae. Party ties and party laws Are but aa ropes of sand. Toe lights of mm to tw a man Should govern Freedom's land. Then shsil our Flag more proudly float O'er land as well as sea, And nations yet unborn shall gladly gret The emblem of ttie free. In trade we'll try to deal, Aa'man should deal with man. And while we seek to live ourselves. We'll sU aa cheap as anybody can, Ard if a hat you need, Or friend you chance to meet, Remember Bunce, the Hatter, On Upper Douglas btreeL BLstACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperell 8J do do 9 10 OOTTONAD S. Farmers and Martisnics... ..... Great WesternVj-. .-.-...- UtiOWN SHEETINGS. Albion, A.JE& Rdtwrd. B...jjS Grantviile, EL". .-......... Germania, 1-B.... ....- .......... Laugley-ig:...,, g$T GINGHAMS. g-z:zr.:::z:zzz:zz lAMelva4Ta-eN mmswt f TICKINGS. Atuosheer. a c . . jx- li KM r law.... te AmoskvsMtTHM.. B-averfrafkBB... 9 9 '- it, a 9 9 12 li "s 8 8J SI 8 10X 'j ii 12 12! 12 Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 ioch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walaut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; 3 iach 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 15c; 2 inch 1280c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 5010c; 2 inch 1020q 3 inch 15S0c. Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each t dditional foot, 75c per pair. BEPPS. Union ind all wool terry, per yard 1 503 fr, Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 CO. MATTBASSES. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior. 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAI& LIST Subject to change of market witnout 1 WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. B. R. track hot. i srnbam at GEO A. HOAGLANI . M Weak A Co -..... Schof en ..........-... SOAP. Missouri Vrlley.... Kirk's Savon... ......... M. Weak A Co- tchofer'a Germsn........-...-Kirk's standard - ... do aterUng ...... PLUG TOBACCO. Ulack goods, Western......-.-..... do do Virginia.....- do do Lorrilsrd's..... .... Bright do do do .. dj do Virginia .-.. Natural leaf ... DBIED FBUITS. California peach's per pound do appies ao Ftate do do New currants....... do prunes . . do German cherries do blackberries-... do rasDberries-.. do raisins, per box... .... do seedless raisins, per pound... SALT. New in barrels .. .. do dairy .-..... .... CAWNED GOODS. 2 pound canMyer'soys-ers, per case. 1 do do do do do 2 dc do William's do do 2 do do peaches per case... . 3 do do do do -. . 2 do do tomatoes do ...... 3 do do do do - Corn, Trophy per case-.. . do Wieslow do .... do Yarmouth do .. Strawberries, do ....-... Baspberries, do - Pineapples, 1. do .... TEAS. Oo'.on s, per pound ...... . Young Hyson, per pound . Gunpowder, do do -. FLOUB. Snow Flate, (WeUs A Nieman) Gold Dust XXXX Iowa City California ...... ..... . 3543 6063 TOaSO 0 16a7 lCjal7 6aC 45 45a50 52a37 o7a65 50a55 7S3I 16al7 ltaltg 8aa I4a 17 21 3ga40 3 40 ..$2 70a2 SS .. 4 SOii 75 .$ 23al SO .2 3012 75 - 4 00a4 25 5 00 . 6 50a7 00 - 3 50a3 75 500 5 IO 5 50 5 50 . 4 30a5 00 5 50 550 TO Chicago and the Easti! AND THE Onlv Siroot 3Et,otxte TrWaterIoo,Fort Dodce.DakaqBe.tja Crossw, lrmJrie Dta Ctttess. AVUsoaa, St. faal, Dnlatfa, Jaunvllle, Ktao atna, Orecaa ttsi, Kaclae, Mtrreai'a Polat, Wakrtewa, Oaak0sa, Ion Da Lac. JMadlsca aad Mllwaaaseo. It Being tha Shortcstand FUst Comsleted Line Between OMAHA and CHIC AGO, Constant tmprorrm nts have taken place in tbe way of reducing Grade, and plartng iron with Steel lUils. addinz to ita rolling stock new and Elegant DAI and 8LKEP19K1 CARS Equipped with the "WvsUughouse Air Brake" and "Miller Platform." establishing comlorta bm and cttmmcdlous Eating llouses.olfcringsll the comforts ot traveling the age can produce. From to 10 Fast Express Traius run exek way dally over the various lines of this toad, lous sccuxuix n me traveler selecting wis route sure and certain connections In any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connection. AT MISSOUBI VALLEY JUNCTION', for Sioux City, Yankton and points reached via. aioux uiy ana racinc rauroaa. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk. ATMASUAxLferSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR BaPIDS for Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Charles City, Burlington and St. Louis. AT CLINTON for Dubuqne, Dunieith, Prai rie du Cbien, La Crosse, and all points on the KEAKNEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU The only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And ajxai:iTe euro for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia JferV vous Debility, Dri?PT Kon-retenticn or Incoitlnence of Urine, Ir' Utlon. lnoamation or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHEA, Loucoerhoe or Whites, Diseases of the Pmtrate Gland. dUne In the Bladder. Colcul ur. DON'T BUY! VST1LVODHAVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED dsliW OTTH LOV AND RESERVOIR m . - ms.-fsmi .ami 1 1 1 ssmBSk.atsm'. .-- '74 ORAVSC. OB BRICKt :dcst IPOS1T, DE. Aad Mucus or MUky .Discharge. Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON larFreeport, Badao Mllwan kee aad aUMUtaln Wiaconaia. AT CHICAfMsriUaUralivarUBailasdlaw eutelCMaaaa. taaHeaalaraeHias via this aad aa lalstaiataa aa- awaia. ussasssBT-aaa aadasaaattaa aftaaV.r.s.B laataflrj W. . afasTJiatXX ewa'irasBBB TaSb tat MAIVOI HkMttT. TAtt. taeavataH. U. w. KinST. am'i.aari BAGS. yli3l? DENIMS. t -jc Itlaymakeat Otis, it Ufcr. utis, u z. . YANKEE NOTIONS KMtrz mohk a co., 231 Faniham Street. spool cui-tun.; jClark's O. N. T Coat's Merrick's.. . , e?C w eUEBK. C J. EASaMBf. UUERE & k'AEBAClf, $g JEANS. 23i 16 12 4U Joists, studding and sills, 20 it, and un- uer ........... . i uu M . 900 .21 00 . 25 00 . 22 00 . 50 OU . 35 00 JO 00 Oaaiiies, heavy weight. . .o llrht do Jjd. lour buihel- adeo gunnies. sln tugs, Amoskeg A . o do LudJow a a- 2575 40al 00 COal 25 450 3 10 3 00 75a5 10 IA4J19 17M1S laaia 18 30a31 M35 Omaha tit St Louis Short Line 1874! Over 20f t, each ad dluonal ft add'l Fencing Mo 1 ..... ... no no 2- I 1st common boards -. . ! Mnil iIa .In "A" stock boards, lu and 12 inch. "B" no du do ao "f An ,1.. An An do do do do & jJfBiestle. J fSasnestic .Mt.nl.. PAPEB COLLABS. ns' best.. illiaw.. utic- tkanler. tt SUAWL3. ittoman strip?.. ... BlllUiS. White common ' medium- MJ 3 0P6 70 70 42K 2 00 l6 00 f 90 135 1 80 260 NEB. a ANUFACTUKER OF Spring and Farm Wagons, HVUUIKI AHP "JAltMI 1UK. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IXPLEMENrS TABTICUL.B A TTENTION TAI T( A HOBSKHHOIOHO. aWEf pairing f wagons and blacksmithln promptlv done at reasonable prices mydawg fcil ' curtom made.. calico ""zrznnzii".7zi!!izii OVEBALL3. Brown drill ........ ' dnck .... ,.. Blue drill ' duck . . "Whlie .. . . COBSETS. French whalebone .... .. I1iii kn "Comet l-.'.'.'Z .... fcPBINO SKIKTS. Linen printed.-.-... " ruffled.- .... " fluted GENERAL COMMISSION. $2 25QG 50 .. $10 0 . 15 Od 30 00 31200a24CO . 4 75.7 50 $0 507 25 7 75a9 00 . 7 00a7 50 8 00a9 50 . 3 00s3 50 -$5 2518 00 15 00 22 50 8 9 00 12 00 1500 1st clear, 1, IK. 1 aad 2 Inch 65 00 2a ao ao 3d do do Flooring, clear. do 1st common do 2d do do 3d do do nsrrow, clear. it ciear ceiling K incn. 2d do dn liinrh 1st 2d 1st clear aldinz. 2d do do .... 1st common siding.., xa ao ao .. "A" shingles Extra No 1 shingles. Common No 1 shingles Lath per 1000 D A 11 pickets etr 100. Square do do do O G Batten pe' lineal l. Rough do do do ciear cemng y, liicu. - do do $ luch. ..... do do Y inch. do .do yt inch 55 00 45 00 .-50 00 .-40 00 S5 00 -27 50 ..45 00 .. 35 00 32 50 -.30 00 -.27 50 -27 00 -26 00 - 21 03 ..20 00 - 425 .. 3 00 .2 00 350 3&0 - l SPICBM. Nutmegs, Penang bestjier pound.. CIjtci uo do . Atspice .do do - Cinamon bark do do COLUMBIA BIVEB SALMON. J bbls., loO lbs J9 50Q10 00 1 n cans, per dor.... .. 2 do do - .... WHITE FISH. No. 1 kits ...- ... Family in kits-. ..... H bbls Kamily in bbls MACEERLL. 1 33j1 4( CO 18a.O 35at6 , 2 50M 2 75 , 3 Wdi 4 CO . 1 153 l 25 1 lOdt 1 20 .eso7oo . 5 59(3 C 10 The Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is tbe only dire line to fill-. XjOTjIS AUD THE EAST, FBOM OMAHA AND THE "WEST NO CHANGE . uui between OmnnaandSt. Louts ana bit oi e between OMAHA snu AcW YOB&. This th Only -Jne running a 1'ULL.nAJI 8LEEPIJVO CAIt EAST KltOH OnAHA.'ON AKR1VAL. UF TUE UNION PACIFIC KXPllhSs TRAIN. awPassengcrs uklng othei routes nave a disagreeable transfer at the Hirer button. KEARNEY'S Extraot BuoH-a ! Ptrmaaently Curcsallj Diseases otthe Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Men, Women and CblUren, No Hotter What the Age! Prof. Steele savs: "One bottle ot Keartvey'j Fluid Extract Buchu la worth more than all ether Buchua combined." Price one dollar per botlleor,!lx bottles for five dollars. Depot 104- DuanerSt., N. Y. A physician in attendance to answer corrcs poudence and give advlcoigratis. aVTSend stamp for pamphlets, free..aj Crane A Brighami Wholeu ie Agents, San Francisco. Cal. a 8i wimm A3 WE HAVE TWtLMJ OOOD EEASOK3 why thev wm dj rourwork. Quick ana Easv. Cheapo and Clean. UThey are che pest to buy. They are besi to use, jajsM Thej bate evenly and quickly, 7 Their operation is perfect, 2bbv They hare always a good draft. gm Ther are made or the bestinater Jal aa They roast poifectly, s a They rctjulre but Utile fuel, x ncj are very tow priced, They ara easily managed. They are suited to all localities. Evary stoveguaranteedtoglveutlsfactton SOLD BV llfflsior Co., -TO THt NERVOUS & DEBILITATED Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS, (Glazed.) 35 per cent off Chicago list. DOOBS, (Wedged) 35 per cent Off CI tcago l'st. BLIND9. 30 per cent off list. White lime per bbl Lonisvllle cement per bbl Plaster paris per bbl Plastering hair per bushel Tarred felt M Plastering bos tii.. ....... .81 752 00 ,. 3 O0M3 25 - 3 S0g3 75 40 4 y, OILS. I'ALNT'j, GLASS, &e. N. I. D. SOLOMON. ROBEKT C. 8TEELL. tbe 100.000 ACHES BICI FABHEJG L1BD 1H HEBEA1 500 HanscomPlac TTOUSES AND LOTS m the eityCOmaha, s s jor saiecneaD ana on cooa termi Boeos 4c mix Eeal estate hrokers,oince over Macki on lAKue sb opposiie cew nusiomce' THE OMAHA WEEKLY BE rs ACKNOWLEDGED BVEVEBYBODY L be the BFST PAPE Published in Nebraska BM-- BMn GUotsl x fjto store. Tr Has T&. 2Torc fMmUer Readings Advertisementt than 11 Contains and Less any Newspaper Pubwjhed in the West, jf Enioracmg a choice selection of Dews and iaiscellaneous'ajatter with live Editorials on all Important top ics; completo and reliable telegraph ic) and local market reports totheoay . t ni --ailA of issue, ana a variety oretate, ernandWestera correspondene together make up a newspaper dom equalled and .never sum fcverv article troinc into the umns of the BEE is carefully l5o ijjiized, and everything that caaiV fend the most' scrupulous, rejefffcis!. RepublioansPoli av But Independec. in princlaiavitlve policy of the BEE is, and aliaays has been, to expose aud denounar abus es and corruption in the tic without fear or favor. J. (J. KOSENFstLD gives Ufl following quotations this day : TttiHai aofitTA 11 In fuha Tmra fiair, at 10c per dozen ; Live 'Chickens, dull,at 2 002 50 per dot; Gooseberries, 2 50 per bu. ; Cher ries, 5 OOper bu ; Oranges, 9 00; Lemtms, 14 00 per box. ana Rasp berries, 20c per quart: blackberries, 25c; apples. 1 00 to 1 25 per box. HARDWARE. 301IX T, KDOJ.B. IKON. Common bar.... Horse shoe tut Norway nail rod-.. STEEL. Cast plow. .American casq, oc'sgon and square Jcbsbd's EnelUh da do (Borden's horse shoes, per keg . .uo muie ao ao .8 jj it n& 22- 25(3 40 725 825 Northwestern horse nails . 22a 21 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 per cent. Stor half patent axles, discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to 60d per keg. 8d Uo td do 4d do 3d do 3d fine do lOd finis'ng do 8d do do 6d do do lOd casing do 8d do do 6d do do Wrought, all sizes . BOLTS. Carriage and tire- discount BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fast jointdiscount Cast, loose pin reversible-. do MISCELLANEOUS. ITay and manure forks discount Hoes and gaiden rakes do HLNQES. Strap and T...- .discount 4 10 4 35 4 0 4 85 6 10 7 10 5 Si 5 GO 5 85 4 85 6 10 5 35 5 85 Coal OU 19 Unseed OU, raw. 105 " " hl'd 1 10 Turpentine. ts Headlight OU 23 Lard Mil, Ko IS tZfl 00 " " " 2.. 70 " " winter " "strain'dj " Lubricating I ,tt W. Va. f PAlNTb, AC White Lead, St. LouU, SrticUy Pure " " " " VancyBrsbdi Putty In Bladders . .... Enameld Glass, colors, ai sq. ft. ... Window Glass. 50 V e discount Family, in kits 1 10 1 20 No. 1, do . 1 GOig 2 00 Mess, do 3 00 3 25 FamUy, H W-s 7 (XXa 8 00 No. 1, de 9 OOylO CO Sardines, i boxea, IS 50ijl7 to CIGARS. A. E. simpson, Manufacturer, 532 15th Street. IL Upman M. f S5 00 lteconstruction.... .... ..... do 31 00 Grand Central do 35 00 Universal.... . do 40 00 Yara -..... . .. do 43 00 La lloquet- . do 60 00 bimon Pure do 0 CO Fariigas .. do 75(0 Yours Truly. do b5 00 Gold Medal do 60 00 La Eapanola. do 60 00 Triple Crown ..... do 75 00 Uenry Clay . do 100 00 De Viller do 100 00 YViUer. , do 100 00 18T6 .. ... do 75 to CALHOUN MILLS FLOUB. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel sacti -. 2 90 8 Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific It. It. PAViOCKH TnAIMS DAILY! BEACHING ALL EA3TBV AHD WE3TEBN CITIES With l.ess Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westiiujhouae Air Brake. aWSce that your tickets read via KnuaaNCJty H', Joseph A. C'onaell Uliiflk Italrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. OF BOTH SEXES. 30 0BASQE F0S AD7I0E AHD BTJLTATI0H". COir- Tlckets for sale at cor. streets, and U. 1. Tenth and Farnhara Depot, Omaha. J03.TEHON, Fass. Agt. GEO. I- 3BADBUBY, Gen Agent. .F.BARNARD, Gen'l Supt. St. Joseoh. A. C DAWES. Gen'l Pars. Agt., HU Joseoh. T)R J. B. DYOTT, graduate f Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable -works, jan be consulted on all dis-i eases of the SexutJ and urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing A practice of 30 years enables iilai to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. ass-Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10c. J. B. DY0711,M.D. Physlcion and Surgeon, 104 JDuane street. N. Y. jnairig ST. LOUIS, mo., svt T-"r ROGERS. aXToltax'ASHXx.A aVaaar aaU sa aavlvA,Ts. "wmatT W C?Caw laaWar V a.'aa!ss. la WJ"" Om aAAT. SI2S1 0 FELLEBl Q9 900 Or Saxcar-Coalcd, Concentrated, Real and Herbal Juice, Antl BlUoaaCrannlca. XilE'-LIXTI-E GIANT" CATIL1BT1C or Slultaasi In Parro Payalc. Tho novelty or modem Medlcai. Chemical and PhariKatculical Science No uo of any locset taking (his lar;e. repulolvc and naweous pilLt, co.nposl of cneap. crude, and balky ingredients, Tthearuocaa by a careful application of chemical science, extrax' all tha cathartic and other mvdl. tins! properties from tho most valuabio rocts and herbs, and coarhtrjto them into a minute Gran nie, aearct'ly larger than a anuatard aeel, thatcan borcjuVhrsnallovred by Uwwool tho most sensitive tomacnjaiu! fastldlons tastca. lic&litila Furajatlvo I'cllct Represents, In a nnyt concentrated form, ta rauc cathartic power m 19 embodied la any of too lar pills foend for rale & the drr shops. From their wonderful cs, thartwt fower, in proportion o their size, people whoiiv? not tried tnern on. apt to rnppoMi teat thcyaiitnfra or drastic in ctTi-ct. bntsachlsnot at all the MlA the different actlvo medicinal prln inianr u-hirtr .'hcv ara comrxved beta? ao bar. clples of whicfc fhey aro composed beta; nrjJuca a xaot noarrliliia; and Calomel cr cr bImiji - 1 uo TIS, SHEET-LR0N. WISE. AC. JlTLT02f ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. ."N ELATE. 10x11 1C, lair quality.. luxu ic, oesi quality. luxl IX 12x12 IC 12S12 IX 14x20 IC 14x20 IX do do do de do do do do do do do do J4x20IXXdo 14x20 IXXX 1M plate DC lOdtdate DX. 100 plfcte DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing IC charcoal Booing IX do 10x14 IC coke 20x23 IC charcoal roofing.. 30x28 IC charcoal roofing.. etxxt i-A. cnarroai. (best quality) ao do do do do do do do do do do do BLOCK TIN. 10x20 coke (for gutters)., Large Pics. Smell pigs... uar ua. .118 00 - 13 50 -16 50 -14 00 -17 00 15 SO 17 50 20 50 23 50 23 50 14 00 17 00 20 00 15 00 , 16 00 12 50 27 50 32 5(1 28 00 2100 35 86 38 70 pre 80 pre 35 do 30 pre 25 do 28 pre boBOli- - .Subscription Price; $1 50 Per Ann IN ADVANCE. E KOSEWATER, EDITOR AND rEOPBIETOE, IQSfUrnhaStrfct, Omalia, XTb? aayM WRENCHES. . Tail's black discount Mure Coe'a Iinmitation ... do 45 do Coe's genuine ,- do 3 do SCREWS, American Iron- 45 pr c do brass :. 40 pre " aGBICULTCBAI. DCLSMENTB. SCTTDI. Holt's Ha.st Klng.per do.-, net-. semDlon Heald'a Eureka - do SPADES AND SHOVELS. Bowlsnd'sKo2 black ahevels, D li do do polished ilo do - do do black spades do Ifoore do polished do do do's "spring point" L 11 shovels AXES. Lippencott's Western Crown- do do 4 b-vtfed COFFEE MILLS. ke's Jio 3. iron box: net do do 103 do do do 25 Union ir eo do 35 do BHiinii FIXES. Hargrave, Smith A Co., , discount American ile Co do "HAMMERS. ITdole's. A E No 1, lf, 2 isamond's A EN6 3 do do 4. 14 26 12 00 10 00 too 12 00 13 00 12 00 13 00 13 68 1100 use 6 2S 75 1 11 00 13 00 pre I do ldo do knjlnters No 1 do do do 2 . It do do do 3- r . luviuicia. s'shlDrUnr.Nol. I do do 3 . do doi cut do 1.. o daS.U.M 9 0S 10 30 10 00 13 50 14 08 $7 0. too 9 00. J .SO ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 30 in do do do Ir. half casks- do do do in 250 B casks.. Sheet 34 to 35 Inches per sheeL -loners soiaei ixira reunea.. do ao no. i-.... do do vnfli'f Ui metal SHEET IRON. .First quality, Numbers It to 24-.. ao ao ao zo. do do do 26- do do do 7 Charrosl, both sides smothe do No U do da : do do 27. JnnUta,No. 14- ao .io do do 27 IU 8 23 21 0-2 Bus-iaMrfact7to II. do ko. I, stained tnin lull bundles, add one cent. AVAmerlcax iatat'n Bnsala, U Nos. Leas than full bundles add one cent. GALVANIZED. No.l4to2U do St to 24. do X to 35 do Sit, , 40 31- -Ust .do .dc .do Full bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPER. Braziers Ilo t - do 10 to T2 do 12VftolwQB. -S-eathing, 14 aud 16 o Planl-hed. 14and 16' Nos. 7, 8 and , PlanUh .do 15 16 IT Ik 30 Bolt copper- Copperbbttoms- - 38 45" 48 B0 ' .38 BMannWTRE.' ie: it iiX -.! "- Nos. 0 to 6 14 8,8.9 10,11 16 13 19 ,J4 90 Hob. 15,16 ; 18 Par bmadieU par cantd 19 THE GRAND CENTBAL BOUTE FBOM OI-AHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, 1avenport and Bock Island. All Passenger Trains are equipped with the Wtixohou Patst Air Bkakxs and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. S Fast Express Trala s LeaTe Pally ennetting as follows: AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad, for Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, Xcokuk and St. Lonis. AT GKINMbLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, -Dnbuqne A St. Paul, At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western branch, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul Railroad for points north. AT BOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport, Be.- lit, Racine. Mil waukee and all points In northern Illinois and Wisconsin. AT BOCK ISLAND with the Bocktord, Bock Island and St, Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK .ISLAND with the Peoria A Rock Island. Railioad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU J UNO., with branch, for Hen ry, Lacere, Chilllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Ball road for points nort.h and south. AT CHICAGO with MU lines East, North and South. THBOUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, v la this line, can be procured, and any infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the ticket office of the compiny, 12s Farnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal Ucket offices along the line of the U. P. R. ft. VaxdaliA ROUTS IE A. S ?. 3 TEAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. tOUIS WITH Pollman Palace Cars THB00GH WITHOUT CHASGE Basra-age ecated Troas;b to Prlaclaal Eaatcrm Poiats. all A. M. 8M1TH, Gen'l Pass'rAg't, Chicago. J. H. LACEY, Ticket Aceat, az H. BIDDLE, Gea'l Sup't Chicago. 8. a STEVENS. Oea'lWeatarnAg't Sioux City & Pacific R. K. Tbe Shortest aad oaljr Direct Reate fro COTOTCIL BLUFFS TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Points In NORTHERN IOWA ft MINNESOTA. PULLMAN P.CE SLEEPTNG CARS On all night trains 7ia this route. 1. At XT. P. Transfer Railroad for Omaha. COSSKXTieXS. with Union Pacific 2. .At Council Bluff, with Kansas CItv. St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroad for St. Louis and all points south. 3. At Mi-sourl Vslley with the Chicago and Northwestern railway lot Chicago and all points east. 4. At Slonx City with Sioux City and S Paul, Illinois Central and DacoU Southern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River, during nxvlgstiox'- and with stages for all points in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern vallroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At FremoutNebraaka. with the Union Pacific railroad Jar aU,jdlnt west and the Pacific coast. 1 ' . ' '7. AtWbnarwItastegeaforNorfolkandal? points la Northern Nebraska. ataTTickets tor sale In Chicago and North western Railway oOces& aWBe sure y6ur tickets read via S. C A P. Railway. U BUBNETT, Sup't. F. a HILLS. Gen. Ticket Art. - GEO. W. OBATTAN. 9 7. Agent, Oftaha. Indianapolis. " Cincinnati, 'LonisTrille. Chiuago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, NEW YORK Arrival oi Trains from the YetC ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland! Buffalo Boston TICKETS Are for Sale at the) CasnBSSW'a OsMec. M. K. corar Voatrtb Cheataat , St.Loals, aad at the Prlaclaal JU1' wsy Oflkca 1st the Won. CHAS. BABCOCK, C. E. RUSSELL, S'thern Pass. AVt, West'u Pass. Agt. Da A T. las crrr, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLBrT, Gen i Supt., Gen'l Pass. Ag't. 20U Ixdukapolh St. Loci. Tx7Xo (states Confectioners' Tool Works, T-.os. lUs & Bro, Mannlacturcrs o Confectioners'Tools Machine Dloalda, Ice Cicaasi Preexers. etc., Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth. St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNQ MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored, impediments to Marriage Removed. Mew metloj of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, liOU ABD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., aa Institution having a high eputation for honorable conduct and proles rlonal kills. e5dAw3rn diaries Popper, WHOLESALE BUTCHER HO CATTLE BROKER, ALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH feb27ft M. Keller. Proprietor rf th RISING SUN AND LOS ANGELES TINEYIIDS. ttior oasrh,yct gcutirMi.ttdlyoporatliiB; cathartic 330O UovrarJ Is iicrcbyoffcred by tho pro. prielor or .ncso i'cucm, o any cncmisi woo. upon analysis, viu nrw in mem any other forms of mercury ot any otni poison. m ' JJelna; entirely TCjrctablo.no Mrttcnlar ear Is .cqoirud vrhilo uin them They ope rate uJthont dlstnrbanco to tho constitution, d -t, orocc:tion. For Jaundice. Ilcadacbe, Coaatip.ttlon, Impure niood, Patu Iu tavaboalucra, TiKBdicaa of tho Cheat, nlsluca, Sour Eructations tol tho StoHcll Bad tto lu ioutb Blt3ia nttacka. Pain in Tcloii of Kidney, internal Fever, Uatcd foclliia bout Stomach, Kttflh of Blood io ftc.ad. High Col reel Urluc, IJUM'ocfai,illiy and filaomr ft'orcbodiuifa, taka Dr. Pierce) PIoaaaiitPurKatlve Pellet In explanation of tho remedial power if my Tur- fitlvo PelieuivcrfO great n variety ot diseases, tvlshtoraytfct their action upon tho anlaaal economy li uulvoraul, not a. f'laudortIaaau;eacaiiiiin;thclraana ire 1prcasv 40 decs not impair themi their unsarcontlntfand being enclosed la gtw bntltes nrcscrvo their 1rt1uM unimpaired for Mr Jcshoftimc. In any climate, fo thai they are ai -V3VS fro!i and reliable, .which f not tho ca.a ritii tbe pibs found in tho drns stores, put np ia chcip vrood or paste-board boxes. Recollect that fjrai disoie tvhero a Laxative, Altera tiro or Purajatlvo is indicated, theso llttlo JVilcts urih rIi Ihe most perfect satlsfacUon to all wnouwULem. They aro Hold by nil ctitrrprlalBK ,Sru;glKta at 2 J couU a bottle. ' Do not allow any rirngslst to lndcro you to take anything eli that ho may ray isfnst 01 tnxid as my 1 cllclo beennso ho makes a target Sroflt on that vrhith ho recommends. If your racist cannot snpply them, encloso S3 centa .and tcceive them oy rrtnrn nnil from 1 B. f. PJfiCX', J. I , rnpr,. BUFFALO, N. X- ASK FOR PYLE'S o K Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES AND 3R.lfTDIIS IC KTT.LTTl ft Co., Corner.of Battery azun7ashlngton.SU. SAS FRAIf CISCO, mai7U C'At,. PASSENGERS Being East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.K., hould take th "LINCOLN BOUTE" ATCHISON NEBRASKA RAILROAD' SALE RAT US! 'J AND BAKING SODA' Proprietors: 1 Eetabzishxd 181: Thomss MrLLs, 1 Qko. M. Mrtts, CATALOGUES BEST AxxxaPJ'Aanaa.J Vj npoc application. Bur7w3sa .3XT - TXiOe.', IStk St, bet Fu i Etrmej. AU kinds of TAILORING,' dANING aad BEPALTNQ done at rsaaosabU ratal astU Aad xura tor tbeauelv tha choice of Six Popular if.atea from ltaLea to hlcard h! St. Louis, .AU making Reliable C .inactions and being Shipped srlta Palace Day and fflsspiar Cvt. AU delay and inconvenience arrlvlnj; from Ferries acd transfers can be avoided West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets via ATCHISON sail tha ATCH19UX HbBASA RAILROAB. Direct and Sellable Connections are also made with tha A. T. A S. F. B. K. for the Great Ariuusas Tllej k Colerade, And with all Unes running South to points in Southern Tfsnsss and tbe Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets via LINCOL Sc ATCHISON CHA3. C.SMITH, W. F. WHITr; Gea'l Supt. Gea'l Pass. Ag't. la MX A?3es, Kaaasui Jfllna, Meyer A Baapke and Whitney Bauserman A Co CASTLE BROS., IMPORTERS OP TEAS AND Xast India. Good, 313 aad ilU FROST STREET San Franci - California. mcbG PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE.' Samuel C. Smith, LocalJAgeit'forthe TJ. P. R. R. LANDS, Colu2abusf - XTeb. Government Lands Located ! U. P. Lands Sold! In proTed Farm s aRdTorratoUwt OASH3I OR ON LONG-TIME!! JSrAll Commuaications Cheer fully Answered OITT STOV23 ST.ORX. E. F. COOK, 537 14th St, beta-Ms Doaglu aad Doa Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Wre, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Jsp-tnned and French Ware 01 and. Tin Boo9n?. Outtars and Spontingana ho Work dooa and rcmle d. tbitX ! . r