wnmtmMjmtirmwm THE OMAHA BEE OrTU'tVL l'AIMM OF TIIK CITY. to c oititr.si'oMin.viN. Wk imi unv 1 lre iny tonlrllmlloni whattvo of a lltonry or poetical character! and o will not undertAo lu preierve, or to return tliesimc, In atif cao whatever. Our Man" ll -.iltl'lrntl y Jarx to more than supply our llmltcl space in tint direction, II-al N'aut. or W'nircr., In full, muit in each uml every cai n-compaiiy nnr communica tion of what nituro tourer. Thl It not In tended (or publication, but for onr own natlv faction and as proof of good faith. Our Cotimr r'ntr.NDi we will always I pleaxil to liear from, on all matters cunnccli.l wllhcrops, country politics, ami on any sub ject whatever of gneral Interpol to the ("o I1 of our Mate Any Information connect wl with tho olcctlon, and relating to lloot, acdJsnts. etc., will bo gladly received. All mrli commiiMcatlorn, however, mint lie lirkf as possible; and they must, in all cava, bo written upon one stale of the aheet only. I'OLtTICMt.. ALl. As.NOT.xcnwKXTi of candidates for ofllfo whether made by tell or friend", ami whether i uotlcesor communications to the I'.lltor, are (until nomination nrn made) Imply personal, and will bo charged as ad vcrtlMiutntu. All communications should Im addressed to B. It03i:WATi:il, ftlltor an I Publisher, Draw r 271. Wr, nro nro ngnin placed tinder ob ligations to Hon. John Tuflb for con grcMlonnl favors. It is now very doubtful Hint cith cr AniM or Uroohn will bo cx)clled, under tlio Poland Cointnitteo report nnd resolutions. Acconnixa to tlio Davenport Ga zette, c.xScnator Richnrd Yato lias been tendered tbe position of Govern ment Director on tlio Union Pacific by tlio President. Richard will prob ably accept. Wr. nro pleased to learn that the reverend editor of the llepublican is preparing to deliver a lecturo to tho Young Men's Christian Associa tion at an early day. The toxt is to be "Solemn Oaths." Swatoii Pomiuioy hns finally suc ceeded in finding a witness that did not pco York receive that $7,000. Tliis ought to bo received as nn un answerable rebuttal of nil that hns been proved against "Old Subsidy." Uv coorse. From nil that wo can learn, tho legal fraternity of this city arc almost a unit against tho new Oiiio criminal code, lobbied through our Legislature by n gentleman named Warren, who is said to bo interested in tho salo of n few of theso books. Is it not a little singular that Sen ator Schurz has preserved such omin ous ailenco upon tho most important topics of public policy -during tho present winter session of Congress. Heretofore ho nlways bad an opinion on ovory subject that happened to como up. Judqino from tho voluminous dis patches from tho Modoc scat of war, ami tho incoherent speeches inado by Captain Jack and his riotous com- rades, tho timo of pcaco in that quar ter is drawing nigh. All thct-o In dians want now and hereafter is to be severely lot nlone. Foil tho information of somebody, signing himself "Accountant," who charges, in tho Herald of this date, that "Ex-Tnx Payer's" communica tion in tlio Ilr.r. some days ago, was written by Treasurer Stcen, wo would state that is ho on tho wrong scent. Ex-tax payer is a prominent citizen who is not even remotely con nected witli our city government, nnd had no more to do with making out tho statuniont of our municipal llnnnces, than has tho editor of tho Herald. Rem. Butliih has nfter all succeed ed in carrying his point to increase tho salaries of tho Executive, Judic iary nnd Logislutivo departments. This measure was taeked on to the civil appropriation bill and passed" tho Houso Monday, byf voto of 71 to CO. It fixes tho salary of tho President nt $50,000, that or the Vico President and cabinet officers at $10,000, and lncmWs of Congress nt $7,000, each per annum from Janua ry 1st, 1S73. Tho Senato will no doubt concur in this chango. Tiik Louisiana muddle is getting worse again. Tho Scnnle, nftqr pa tlont investigation, was apparently ready to remand tho wholo Mibject to tho legal voters of that State, by declaring both of thu present State 'governments void, and ordering n now election. And now comes tho President's messago informing that body that unless they shall other wise decide, tho Executive Doj.nrt ment will continue to uphold the Kqllogg-PhiehbeokStategoverument. TUis will forco the Senato to tirrivo nt a posit! vo decision at once, otherwise . tlio muddle will grow decpor. Tin: sanctimonious editor qf the Jlepubluwi takes Senator Gwyer to task for breaking n solemn oath in voting for Webster's new consti tution bill. Wo would remind the editor of tho Republican that thoro Is a Blight di fib re n co between tlio char acter of a porsou who ns member of a Legislature votes for ah extra con stitutional measuro which .ho deems of nbsoluto necessity for the welfaro of tho people and tho character of the person who violates a solemn oath with nothing clso in view than obtaining u vuluablo titlo to u quarter ection of Undo Sam's domain by wilful perjury. Tun Wnshington National tlcpMi can referring to tho safo arrival of tho great Presidential desk, which passed through Omaha somo weeks ngj, nnd which was fully described by tho Ben, Buys: "This magnificent pieco of furni turo is now at tho Capitol, in tlio Senato tKjstoflice, and tho rush of .'viiiiiu iu3i.uiiiuu, nun uiu rusu oi vlultfira tn eon It la litilrinnia T(! considered by nil who bnvo examined it ns superior to anything of tho kind ever manufactured in this country. Wo were in error in our lormcr no tice in saying it was intended nsn "present to the President," though it was made with n view of putting in tho White Houso fur tho use of tho President nnd his successors in of lice." Wr. have no desire to pursue tho deaf nnd dumb controversy boyond its legitimnto limits. Ono thing Is self-evident, that tho moro connec tlon of gentlemen withhigh-sounding names with that institution, cannot exoncrnto parties rcsnonslblo for its intcrnnl mnnngement from chnrges of un warranted nnd rcprehcnslblo prac tices. Tho pcoplo of this Stnto tax themselves over $12,000 annually for tho mnlntcnnnco of tho unfortuunte Inmates of tho nsylum,and they have n right to demnnd that tho wardens, guardians and teachers employed therein shall nbstnin from every species of cruelty or brutality in their treatment, no matter what thoofionso may be. - 'fin: destruction by fire yesterday of tho Marshal House of Alexandria, wnero tlio gallant Ellsworth was assassinated for pulling down tho secession flap;, removes another his torical relic of the great slave-holder's rebellion. The bloody death of Ellsworth fired the northern heart more than any other cause, tho firing on Sumptcr alone oxcentcd. and tho sccno whero this dastardly mur der was perpetrated hns been visited by thousands of patriots. Tho bullet- scarred walls of the Marshal House for ever thereafter boro tho indelible evidences of tlio terrible indignation nnd bloody revengo of Ellsworth's zouaves, when they found their com niander had been so ruthlessly slain Tho Marshal House hns finnlly joined tho victims thnt fell benenth its shingle roof twelvo years ago. Peace to its ashes. Tiik new constitution matter hav ing been satisfactorily. disposed of by tho passago of an net in conformity with tho provisions of tho present Constitution, wo deem it unnecessary nt this timo to discuss tho pros and cons of Mr. Webster's constitution bill or tho Govomor'a veto thereof. Wo are, however, inclined to remark thnt tho mean and unmanly nttneks of tho Jlepublican on tho members of the Legislature who favored tho vnr ious methods tor procuring n now constitution in n spcedy-mnnner, wcro to say the least very contemptible. A person who connived at tho forgory or Judgo Mnson's letter' fifteen months ngo, in order to defeat the men penuing constitution, has no right to nbuso tho men who happen to aider with him in their views of policy, even if those vlows happen to bo without constitutional backing. Ai.Tiioucm the labor reform move ment is apparently dormant, it has, in reality, never exhibited moro enni' est activity than just nt present. Tho National Labor Council, which was in session nt Wnshington lust week, nfter transacting some very impor tant busineas relativo to the amelior ation of tho condition of tho lnbor classes,passed n resolution to circulato tho following petition in every part of tho Union, 'with a view of present ing it to tho next Congress: To the Honorable the Senate and House of Jcprescntativcs m Congress ai tembled : Tho undersigned mechanics, labor ers, &c., citizens of tho United States and voters accordingly, do petition your honorable body to amend tho luw known ns "Tho eight hour law," so that in all contracts for labor en tered into between tho United States government or any officer thereof ami individuals it shall bo particular ly and distinctly specified in all con tracts that eight hours shall consti tute a day's work, nnd nny violation thereof shall annul said contract. Tin: rca'ders of tho Republican who have noted tho senseless raving of its editor, nnd tho ceaboless barking of its Lincoln correspondent nt the heels of n privnto citizen named Ha'scall, must bo exceedingly puzzled as to the real status of citizen Has call. Thoy havo been repeatedly assured by the Republican thnt tho Individual in question was dead politically, mentally, morally and every other way, but every day wo aro miasurcd thnt Ilascnll is nt the bottom of capital removal, constitu tions, and every other imaginable legislative scheme or project. Yes terday a wholo column was dovoted by tho llepublican to Huicall for car rying Webster's constitution bill in the Senate. Really if citizen Ilas cnll hns accomplished nil theso things in spito of tho Boleinn warnings of tho Jlepublican, ho must cither bo a very potential knave, or tlio llepubli can has ceased to wield a particle of Influenco as a party organ. Mn. Nemo, whoso first name is probably Rath, Ahmanson or Gratton, indites a longthy communication in tho Pcoplo's Column of the Jlepubli can, to provo that our recent stric tures upon tho proposed Immigration bill aro based upon motives of a venal (character. Mr. Nemo's allegations in this connection nro too abuurd to require comment on our part. At tho snmo timo we desiro to reiterate that tho present Board did illegally nnd corruptly appropriate cloven hundred dollars of tho immigration fund for nu exploration, which was purely of n privnto character. If - - DCCrCtflrV TllVIOr Vfll nllln In llprMIl lllll the other members into this unau thorized money-making scheme, so much tho worse for tho other mem bers. When we stntcd thatSecretnry Taylor was, to tho best of our person al knowledge, opposed to various ille gal schemes nnd operations, wn mennt just whnt wo said. Wo were, how- over, not nwnro at that timo whnt particulnr portion of the rcsponsibiN ityofthat$l,100 item was nttached to him individually. What we desire, and what tho Bee has ndvocatcd, is cither n Board of Immigration thnt will ndhf ro strictly to tho letter and spirit of tho law, or tho abolition of the wholo system. To-day Alexander II. Stephens, the ex-Vice President of tho defunct Southern Confederacy, will bo elected to represent tho pcoplo gf Georgia in tho Congress of the United Stntes. This election isaforegono conclusion, ns there is no opposing candidate in the field. Although one of tho ablest men in the South, Stephens may also safely be classed among tho very meanest and most unprincipled. If wo had our choico between this con suraato hypocriU and Jeff Davis, we should decidedly prefer tho latter. Davis had nt least manhood enough to stand firmly by his convictions. Stevens strongly opposed secession nt tho outbrenk of tho robellion, but tho allurements of nn office, nnd that oflico tho Vico Presidency of the slnvo-bolders confederacy, wcro nlto gether too much for him. Ho suddenly wheeled nround nnd by his pretended conversion be trayed and misled thousands of southern men, who had implicit Jnith in lils integrity. When the war was near its close, Stephens was among the first of tho southern leaders to show tho white feather. It is to be hoped Congress will, when he knocks at their door, adviso him to return to that retirement to 'which by rights such infamous characters belong. Special correspondent' to the. Omaha lite. 0 FROM THE CAPITAL. Lincoln; Feb. 22. A marked chango is noticeablo in tho manner of doing business nt the Capitol, for tho past few days. Very littlo filibustering, and nn npparent desiro to expedite legislnlion.and dis pose of the vnst accumulation of bills on hand, before tho session shnll como to an end. Thursday, tho 27th., hns becen fixed upon in tho House for adjournment, but tho Sennto lias not yet concurred, and if possible to.kecp tho members, will probably hold on a day or two longer. Tho genoral appropriation bill was the subject of discussion in tho Houso yesterday, and occupied the entire day. A largo number of claims were also considered relating to tho constitutional convention, tho impeachment trial, and for printing, Ac. Tho houso seemed possessed with nn inordinato desiro for retrench ment, nnd the motion to ttrike out seemed the rule rather than tho ex ception. General Estabrook hnd n clnim for legnl ndvices in tho im peachment trinl, amounting to $G0O. Tlio Houso took a summary way of puying tho same. A resolution was carried to credit tho amount to him as part payment for delinquent taxes. Towlo did it with his little pen. Tho llepublican printing com puny hud claims amounting to over $5,000 for public printing. A motion was mnde to ttrike out, nnd a vocif erous "aye" was heard from all parts of tho House. Tho position of tho papor on tho question of the constitution, probably hnd something to do with this result. Thoro is no question, but that the House voted agaiusdaims without nny regnrd to tho obllgntions of tho State. Tho Senato rofuscd to endorse the Houso bill relating to James county, nnd amended, making tho nanio of tho county Furnas, instead ; and sent it back to the House for concur rence. aETTJNO wise. Now that tho lobby interest hns completed its business, and success fully maneuvered their little schemes, both Houses have been struck with wisdom, and havo passed a resolution excluding all persons from the floor, but members, Stnto officers and the press. "Lock the bnrn door after tho horso is Btolen." Both houses held an evening ses sion nnd diaposcd of a larere amount of business. A lnrgo delegation of rail rond men on hand, but they are com paratively ensy; no arbitrary legislai tion concerning railroads will bo en tertained, but tho bill providiutr for a railioad commissioner to investigate and report nt tho next lczislature. will propably pass. Sttnoan. An old lady roccntly refused gift of a loud ot wood from a tro that hnd been struck by lightningo through fear thatBomo of the "fluid".' might remain In tho wood nnd causo disaster to hor kitchen stove. Tho Oratorio of Estho., and tho Cantata of tho Haymakers, aro sleep ing through Western Now York with nil tho vlolcnco of tho cpizoot. Nearly a thousand young ladies havo been crnwnnd. nnd nu inmiv innrn young men been jerked higher than Human, figuratively spoaking, nnd still tho music goos nu, PI'NOICNTISTir. Theliom "M'ireuitr walking about with the baby lu tho night. Tlio 1- ivi Idians arc now coin polled to uso film, and other "wind-pushers" to keep cool. A Knns.is dentist oilers to pull slngjo teeth for a bushel of potatoes during the present dull business season, Iu Detroit if you ask n grocer for burning fluid ho lintids you a bottle or old rye neatly labelled nnd ready for use. Tho Louisville Courier-Journal remarks that jury packing has be como as much a business as pork packing. Schenectady, New York wants tho militia called out, becauso n rock fight comes of there on tho l!(!th instant. M. Da Lesseps wants to utit a canal through the Alps, but ho hns not money enough into ono dollar nnd a half. In Savannah, Gcorginf lately, a gentlemen had tho oxquisito pleasure of catching hismothor-ln-law robbing his hen-roost. Muvsvlile. ICv.. now nroudlv points four nitro glycorino factories ns indications of its likelihood to tnke a sudden rise. The snow has melted so that tho farmers in Minnesota aro no longer compelled to replenish their fires by throwing wood down the chimney. Tho local editor of the Buffalo Express has an car so finely nMuncd to harmonic strains that ho visits a chicken show daily to hear the hens sing. There is no tin mado in this country think of that when you throw nn oyster can away, or pitch an empty wireline box over iu your neighbor s bacK yard. From the New York Co.nmercial Advertiser : "Things in this city nro rapidly going ironi bad to worse. Our aldermen do not begin to dress as well or eat ns mueh as they used to." No stenni whistles nro permitted to be blown within Philadelphia's utmis. out somo oi tho manuiactur ing establishments nro putting in gongs that can be heard two miles, and which KnocK a nervous Individ unl oll'his pins when sounded. Between 7.000 nnd 8.000 vnlen tines passed through tho Rochester, N. Y post-offlco on the 14th instant. nnd the clerks were only kept up bv frequent pulls nt the Babcock iire- L-Aiiiiuiaiici iiuu copious tiraiiguis oi Jiimbcrgcr cheese. Wm. I. Cist, tho poot laureate of me uinciiuiati Lommcrctai, wrote a "Farewell to Mario," which blazed out with "Hail. Kinir of Tenors " Tho printer fixed it up so that it camo out, "linn, King nl Terrors!" Tho Commercial apologized in the next issuo. Detroit Tribune. An oil City boy, one of that class of urchins who seem sent out upon tho enrth for the solo purpose of bringing pious grown-up people to a recollection of the fact that this world is not their home, recently put somo nitro-glyccrino in his Bister's bustlo when sho was going out skat ing. A Boston merchant who paid .i dollar for a stand-up in the top gal lery at tho opera, recently, was much gratuieu to bee several young; men oc cupying 91 seats in tho parquotto, with lady friends at their sides, who nau owed mm bills lor mnny months. nnd who always professed to bo una ble to pay. A Clovoland (Ohio) lover, while going iioiuo irom uio iair ones lire side, nfter ndplininnanvonlnrr nf Hnni-l-, ing, had his noso split by the frost (so ho said) ; but when tho statement reached tho cars of another youth who was sweet on tho uuno girl, ho simpiygazeu nt nu list, smiled, nnd said 'frost ." There is always something lack ing for perfect human contentment. Salisbury, Ot., for example, has a beautiful new cemctcrv. whinli it-. proudly regards ns "superior to many of tho men rnnrups in ilin Rrntn." but. alasl thoro isn't n. dnntnr in t.lm place, nnd tho most attractive vaults aciuauy go uegging. A German physiologist has dis- Pnvnrnfl tluir. ffihornn uinnl'inrv l.i. boys "interferes with tho molecular ciiimgcs co-inciusni wuu develop ment of tissues, nnd makes tho blood corpuscles oval and irregular at tho edee." Anv parent can thusnsenr- tuin if his boy smokes by merely laicing out a nauutiii ot his blood corpuscles and observing their edges. Danbury Ncm. Duluth was mightily scared last week by a Superior City lnwyer who mado tho innocent Duluthians be lieve they were located in British Amcricn. Dubuque, Iown, is excited ovor a cow that drinks water like a dog. Any human that drinks water in that village, save its an ingredient of uis regular beverage, is a still greater curiosity. General A. B. Dyer, chief of tho Ordnance Department, hns decided on Springfield, Mass., ns tho place for manufacturing tho Hitchcock gun, ono of the four ndopted lost fall by the Heavy Ordnance Board, At Troy, N. Y.y nn owl recently carried off a fifteen-pound dressed turkoy, nnd wnscnjoyinganice, quiet thanksgiving dinner, when a ruthless mnn with a riflo blowed him through nnd found ho had bagged two birds With ono slot. This is the way a woman at Ris ing Sun, Indiana, cured a dog of sucking eggs : "Tho wifo of Thomas Murrcl, living on Detzell Shoppard's nlnce, being troubled with dogs eat ing her hen's eggs, thought sho would give them a icsson they would re member. So, placing an egg on the ground, sho took a glass bottle filled with gunpowder nnd poured a circlo around it, then hid till tho doer was nuoui 10 mco ino egg, when she would touch it on". This she did twice, but tho third time a conl of lire which sho did not ceo caught the ix)wdor nnd tho bottlo burst in her linnd, burning hor faco, neck nnd linnds. Her dress was burned entire, ly oil". Three- childrtn having fol lowed her, two of them wcro burned, one, about fivo years old, severely, the other slightly. Tho eldest, hav ing escaped unhurt, screamed for help, or they must all havo perished.' Tho dog now whines for gunpowder to eat with his eggs. .I!Nr.UAMTIi;S. Tlio old Kansas "Jaykawkers" want to bo pensioned. Iown wolves nto making mourn ing in mnny pig-pens. A petrified cat has been found in n.Hobokcn church steeple. New Orleans recently shipped n valunblo horec to tlio Pope. Cleveland, O., is suffering from its'nnnual nttnek of trichina. Cleveland, O., gnvc Stanley and Kalulu a very good reception. Tlio Winnebago Indians in Wis consin aro growing mighty saucy. New Orleans pays her coroners from $25,000 to $:)0,000 per annum. Twenty cents will buy n dollar's worth of J'crre Hauto opcrn-houso stock. Vienna turns but a great many books in tlio Jupaneso and Cliincso languages. An enterprising Floridinn keeps a boarding-house, n billiard-room, and a court of justice. A Kentucky dog went up a hol low trco sixty-flvo feot after a coon and brought him clown. Last year the Langham Hotel Company, of Loudon, mudo 10,000, principally out ot Americans. Coaches will soon run direct to tho hotels of the Yoscmito Valley as soon as tho now road is completed. Lydia Thompson aud her blondes absorbed ao,ooo ol Wow Orleans mouoy during her recent sojourn in that city. Manchester, Del., still keeps up tho habit ot tolling a bell at 9 o clock i". M., as a warning for' the pcoplo to go to bed. A QnlvcBton (Texas) crab was inteiycnught enjoying lite in a coilee pot, in which he hnd grown so ho could not get out. Londonderry, N. II., is trying to allure Barnumwith tho bait of a live-year-old boy, whoso bnted growth has not attained the weight ot twen ty pounds. Four-fifths of tho champagne sold iu New York city is made in New Jer-ey, from various chemicals, but principally from cider. Tho city physician of Boston has been sued for $5,000 damages by a lady whom ho sent to tho small-pox hospital under tho mistaken idea that tho had the disease. A Montreal virago was before "his honor," charged with being uiuiik. hi iiiu mrcm, mill, Justus nu was about pass sentence, sho "shied" a largo pieco of coal nt his head. Sho got two months moro lor thnt. Two colored men in Cleveland. O., who recovered $15,000 damages for being ejected from tlio dress-circio of tho Academy of Music, havo both opened pea-nut stands on tho streot near by, and nro comparatively nappy. Charles SMverick IVX its xt !'. o 'fcXTX'" o x- AND Wholesale & Retail OllALEIl IK FurniturE Bedding. Mirrors, Etc Uns llio Best Stocklu Omaha ANI MAKIM THE UIWlWT MUCUS. 203 Farnam Street. anlclrod-nml-wtf. O 3VE .A. JES .V. JEWELRY MANUFACTORY, M. J. JOHANNES, Diamond Setter and Manufacturing Jeweler. Twcuty-ilireo Years' Experience Ju tlio Finest Factories in Now York, Philadelphia, and Halt! more. N. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas, over McAus-- ,. land'aGnnBiore. ttSTP. O. Ilox 4l. nor!9tf OPEN DAY AND NIGIIT, Victor Restaurant 100 FARNIIAM BTUKKT. Uetwrcn 10th ami tltli, VICTOR DUCROSS, - Prop'r. TABLE8 SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING In tho Market. All Meals Sorved to Order. OiTSTERB SERVED IN EVERY BTYLE Game In season. Prices to suit the times. BOYD'S PACKING KCOTJSE, Soutli Chestnut &2VSts. OMAHA OFFICK495 Thirteenth Street, Tint National Bank BnllJIng. I am now ready to purcliato llvo lirif, an partlea selling to mo cm nulUoilto SUccnt K?r luindrixl moro lliun lir tlilmiliiir Cnst. d.18-wlf J. K. 1KJVD. FKAXK F. CUKUIF.K, Excelsior Photographer ! Caldwell Mock, Doughix St. 0MAIU, NEBRASKA, Vlowiof U. I'. It. Jl Omalia, Halt Lako City awl IrWlan l'lcturua for aale. aiiMdlf U. S. DEPOSITORY' Tho First National Bank Cor. I'uriilinm nnd l;ltli Mrrcl. T1I1C OLDKHT HANlllNll KSrAUMHIlMKNT IN NUUltASKA. (Hccccssor W Konntzu Urothcro.) EiUWIihcd In IBiS. UrKnt7.ci! aa a Nlttuual bank, Auzot yd, ltolt. Capllsl at.(l Proflta over .... f jMMIDO urnomi amu mnitrroni K. CKUIUIITUN, A.KOUNTZK, rnvildunt. C'naMua II. KOUNTZK, II. W. YATK8, Vico Pre t't. Aes't CA-lilcr. A. J. l'OI'I'I.IJTON. Attomcr. ALV1M RAtJNl)gU., NO U)WK, BMC. WOWI I'rcsUlcnt, Vico rrcnldtiut, Ciiiililvr. STATE SAVINGS BANK. N. W.COlt. KAItNIIAM 18TII UTS. Capital, $100,000, Authorized ' Capital, 8I,(MM),000. Dcpoelta at email J tinn dollar reci'hv. jnd Compound Interest allowixl on aainn. rfVKII Certificates of Deposit, Tho whole or any part ot a dapoalt after re maining In thla Hank three month, will draw Interest from dale of depoait to time of pay ment. Tho who.o or any part of a duKilt can drawn at anv time. auciJIf. The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NKtmAKKA. Caldwell, Hamilton & Co,, linitncas tramaeted eame ai that of an In eomorated hank. Accounts kept In Cnrroncy or Gold subject to Bigni ciicck wuuoui nonce. Certificates of Depoait Isaned payablo on de mand, or at fixed date boarlng interest at Blx per cent, per annum, and avaflaulo In all parts of tho country. Advances made to curtomcrj ou approved se curities at market rates of Interest. Uuy and Well Uold, Dills of Hxchange, Uuv ornment, State, County nnd City Uonds. Wo clvo special attention to negotiating Hall road and other Corporate Loans Issued within tho Htate. Draw Sight Drafts on Knpland Ireland, Hcot land and all parts of Kunipc. Bell Kuropean I'assaire Tickets. COI.I.KCTIONH I'KliAtrTLY MADR auultl EZRA MII.LAUD, President. .1. II.Mtl.t.AIUM Cashier OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, .,.. (IUIIS KIl..., Douglas and Thirteenth Strwtn, OMAIfA, .NKK. CAPITAL flOU.OOUU suiu'LuaANit i-itorm 106,00000 FINANCIAL AOUNT fOIl TIIK UNITKU UTA'i'KH AND DE8IOHATK1J DSl-OSlTOnT TOH DUnURHINtl ornoeiiB. This Dunk deala Kxchange, Uovornmcnl Bonds, Vouchers, OoUI Coin JIUJjLION ANV Q OLD DUST, and sells drafu and tnnLcs collections on parte of Europe. Drafts drawn payable In Uold or Carroncy on tho Hank of California, Kan Francisco, TICKETS for saiu to an parts of Europe via. tho Cunard and National Hteamshlp Lines, and tho Hamburg American Packet Company. Iv27-U Viows of Omaha AND Indian Fioturoa, 00 TO Photograph. G-allery . BTIIOK HKKD. LKWIS a. RKID BTRON REED & GO. The Oldest Kulabl lahe.1 Real Estate Agency IN NEUUA8KA. Keep a complete Abstract of Tltloi to 11? Us Latato In Omali and Douglas county. C12 Fourteenth St., Omalin, eb. T. X. XXX3NT33S. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DKAI.KH IN Groceries and Provisional LIQUOILS, CIOAIH IJTC, BTC, (Jrcen Hirer CUy, Wvomin? Terri tory. 21d3iu GRAND CENT1UL EUROPEAN HOTEL, Pino itrort. betwran I'oiirtli mini 1'ILIi ilrMiti ST. LOUIS, containing 150 rooms; havlug uieiy auiioii ui mora room, is now prepared to offer to the trarollnsr Public the best scram mo. ilatlnns Dooms, 73 els. to tl per day, A meals M ct, each. DOOU A THATCHED 1'ropriet City Meat Market Sheely Bros., Keep constantly on hand a large supply BEEF, PORK, Poultry, Game . nail VEGETABLIS. JurtJMUJ A. B. HUBERMANN & CO., PUAOTIOAli MauufnoturovM "WATCHMAKERS, OF JEWELRY, S. E. Cor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY & PLATED-WARE, AT WHOLESALE OU Ilinwil,. Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT ly urucriiig or us. ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE ! oarAUt GOODS WARRANTED TO I)K AS KEL'RIJSENTED.-tj Wholesale JDA.-VTJD XjEOII, West, Room in Grand Central Hotel, Farnli'am Street, V jairu!tm. OsxieiliEi, XTob i. :sr. t.a.-stxjOiR, Heal Estato Agent, and Agent for Hail Ho ad Lands, HAS 200,000 Acres of Land, In rarlous parts f Northern flsomslta, situate chiefly on and near tho Dlkliorn, Piatt, anil l)up Hirers and Ihclr tributaries, snd embracing orery rarlotr of Farming and Urailpg l.nud. f,2.&0 to SI0.00 por acre, with credit on pirl trout on. to ten years with C per cunt. Interest. b2,UwU X. HEXiXiMAXT & CO., Hare on hand now tho largest Htock of CLOTHING & GENTS'S FURNISHING G-OODS, FOR FALL AND WINTER, And aia prepared to all at LOWEST IFIGKCTIRIES. EINE CLOTHING A SPECIALITY, Tlireo large floors sloolted with tho dllTcreut linos of (roods'. M. XXellmon & Co., J1 AND !M M STIUSUT, CURMCU TIIIUTKKNTII. ai'rll'JjAwtf H H I c-A.xx3vtinxi.ia. xxmtvia : E1-VA-3STS 5c 3DTJK;IsrA.XiL, GROCERS & SEEDSMEN, 3NJ"c 2GO Pai'Ti Ti ivru. Stroot, Omalia, TCTols. V nro now oflerlnj our 1 ire stock of nitOCEIUIS, Fruits, Wooodonwaro, (llasswars, ele., at Heducod I'rlces, to nuke room for our Immousa stocks of Floltl, Forest, tJnrdon, Ornss, nnd Floner Seeds, Which we nro now rc-clvlng. M' will keep In stock every yarlety of seols n.lantpd to this cll mate, and will sell at KAdTDUN CATAl.UOUi: I'UICKS. AM. WAltUANTlU) FKEbll. Wo will kaon tha BEST LAWN M0WEII, and a variety of OarJoa and AgrtonltnrallinDlo" mentt at tho Lowest Prices. AVo always pay tho Highest Markot Prico in Cash for Clioico Iltitter ami Fresh Eggi). we-AII our (looJs aro Ouaranteed lo bo as Ilepreseuttd, G-rooorios, Frovlaloxis, Soodn, fcb3-wtl NOVELTIES AND .CHANT TAILOR Has tho Finest Stock Ever Brought to thij Market. IIIAVn sseurod tho services of ono of tho best Cutters In New York, who wilt attanit lo ha Cutting Department. I Imvo rlrcu larij luducoiiietits to my Cutter, so that I may prevent some of the best trade IcaTlu,; our city. octbJtf R. & J. WILBUR, Books and Stationery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fourteenth Street, Omalia, Neb., GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS. norCt A. HUBERMANN, MANUFACTURER AND BUYER Or RAW FURS! GtXasxi of tlxo XXlcvolx. Boar. Thirteenth. Street. - - Omaha, XTeb. A LI. KINDS OP MKIN3 DUCSdI'.ll ANO t. manner, ami aerordliiK to th latest slylu, nil be had In New York. 1872. -WTJSTTJ&tt. HI. V7. CEEMER, (Successor to Crcmer & Cook,) 33XZ1330JT I3VtXOIl.T3nil. 03D CROCKERY jChina, Lamps, G-lassware, &c. w.n Hardware. FOIl SAI.K Ofllce 143 Knritluim Ntrccl, Umitha, ATTRACTIONS M VDII IIP IN TIIK niiiT WOnKMANLIKIi 'lli'l'rwlo will basiilil ou lower terms thai sepUdtl 1872 ui is