"1 yv,-" . ii 1 r 5 - -PJ , im,,..igailMTJiiMMii 35, V !;-, i-jr v -""j" HrtfWpi " V j . Bu. MlltJttf miigMTWtfaagAi-"'"nmj ' T . RjHHMmn if WSV n. IN toff MAX MEYE& & BRO.'S I -a, 1,1, Vi H HjBfflj-1 J, 229 JLKlsrSID STIRIEIET 03VCuQL.X2:yV. - - 3NT3E3:i3Xt-A.IEV.. 7S7"o(Stoa.-X3L ituEontM 3ET07r nUKuiuiuuui'i -v " wavaj ', "Emerson Pianos. Burdett, lunnrren-n Rr. TT aml in. and Snlionincrfir N'CH MclCv ' ,'tar.Ar","0TA,lr!feaiis. Prince Melodeons. 1 uM...inlrAirTf.K.' J'wMsu'v Hi blrlngs, Sheet Music mid nil kinds of Mu " meal M.'rchnniH. Mlt.ASU.MAN Executes Our 021dtf Tuning nn Kopainng. Burlington 33.oiate Tisaa Table. to tiu: EAST. SOUTH AND SOUTH-EAST. WcKlnjjl.onse Safely Ilrsi!(p. Pullman's Talnco Dining Cars. LJ w i .JK ir III! StnltoiH. Atlantic lit. Ar. Indhmpnlls. O.Ji) r. tt. do Cincinnati ll:::oi m. to l 'ansport.... S 5"i r. it. do Columbus..-.. 2.15 a. 11. l. 1 p tvpOMAUA ,:S0 ' " ilalioni. Atlantic 7.7. MM. ro Iturllngtou fl m;a. m. U.ia P. 51 .Mcnuota mi, a. m. ...i a. ji lo Chlrnzo ISllr,, 7:11 A. m in lnrll !) 51 A. M. 1:30 A. M Through cars from tho MUtourl lllvcr tu Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Lngnnsport nud '.dumbus. , , ,, Connections at tlioso points with lines Ic-vllng lo tho Last, North and South. This Is tho licst, shortest, quickest and chcipest route. Do not 1k deceived, but obtain tickets via tho llurllngton A Missouri Hirer Railroad. A. L TOUZALIN, (leu'l Ticket Agent. C. K. PERKINS. Uen'l Sup'l. 6 10 A Mill. 10 00 A. M. 1.20 r. m. 9.W A. It. G;'20 v. M. HE3STBY Xj. ZD-A-TZElrT Manufacturing Confetioner. oysters, candies, mis, etc. XVO X)owslna J3t., Coi. Tscc-olftlx, Onialia, Nebraska. aprll.l wtf, Xlawtoi-ri Ordovs JOuplloatod. CHEAP MEMS FREE HOIMS ! On'tlie l.lno o the 'UNION PACIFIC R. R. i 3a Linl Grant of 12,000,000 Acres of tho host FARMING and MINERAL Linda of Amorlca. ,0000 ACRES IX NKHRASKAIX TiIB UI.1..U' I'lATH. VALLEY ? THE GARDEN OF THEWE3T JIOW P0R SALE I These lands aro In tho central portion of tho United States, on tho 41st d?jreo o( North Lilt tilde, tho central llnool lhogre.it Timiperato Zonoof tlia Amerloiu Continent, mid (or gr.il glowing and slocw raising unitirussvl by imy In tho United fetutos, OUEAFER IN FRI0E, uora favoraUo terms jtl von. and mo?o convonlont to market than can be found LUowhere. FIVE and TEN YEAR3' OREDir QIYEiT wlthINTERE3T AT SIX PER 0EHT. CI0L0NISTS and'.AOTlIAL BETTLERS I can bay en Ton Teara'Orodlt. LAND3atthe ame l'rico to nil CREDIT FUH0iIAaEK3. A Deduction or TEX VIM CENT. l'OK CASH. 3Tx-oo IXomostoaclei for .A.ot-u.vX Sottloz's. THE IIE3T LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES! oldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. oo fJCnsavtoa to ?nroliaaora of XjcvxxcL S ! .1 for now Dascrltitlvo rniQimlvt. with now Mans, published In I.iikIIsIi. German, Swedish Danish, mailed (rvo everywhere. Add reus, O. Tp. QA.VIS. UlridAwK Uiud CoiuinUsiouer U. 1'. It, It. Co,, Uinulia, N lb i7 u- )- AtlKNTS AVANT1U) 1011 TUP. Great Industries 0' Till! VNITJili STATUS. rC PAOia and BjO Ungrailnss, sWrfCjcintedln):nglislinnd(iernuu Written-;-) v -ivAvHborn, In- VlVLlAnavTan Dross Godct Vihi' thsIMi, liUtnrv nf nil brunches ol intluslry. liuccscof iiuniifiw-ySE, I WANTED jfoWL 12'. 1 1 n nnnn a uvnc r uu u- iu. u. uuiimwiiiui., - -,Mi'aiL 9raJ I ntmTTDitn.na "i JwSHIJM I? I Hartford. Oonn. .iiR jTtaP5JEIT5. SI'VSL i,n STJKSJJ eloiwdla or arts and uimiufaitiiris.and Is the PSSW.'S IwrarTsBBBBsCsvBMnfcm V most entertaining and valuable work r l-!.CjA;lWVy) HtiglMlW'JIl'tfA formation on subjects ot general Interest (Afli;7 STPTftlnlrtSvfiWi ...rr nlfere.1 to tho nubile. It Is adapted to Vll'AATJJL4 hi llUVtlSVW MBBS y. i o wain agents in overjr town in the United States, and no his 1koIC. Our terms aro liberal. YVn irlvn nur .. ... nvoi,. jur agents sold lad copies In ellit days : another sold 383 In two rteviib iu ui:i;iiia un to agents d tl I lie wants t tho ilerchant, M.umlaiturer, Meebanle, 1 armer, Mtml-ni i.nr. and sells to Iwth old and jroungor allelasstj. Tin Vwok. Is sold by agents, who aro nuking i . .1... ftt nil imt-ttf nf tlin f ontitrv. Ills offered at tho low price o( ?.l 50. and Is tho oHeaie:t Iwokovirsold by subscription. No (atully ilioulit oj witnoui a cop ii(Tf.nt ran fall to do well with t sfve right ut territory. Onooti wt. (Int. i.,tit In irnrlftnl I receipt o( stauip. 1'or circulars and terms lo agents address tho publishers Knots Untied, or Ways and Ily-Ways In tlio Hidden American Llfo or Detectives. Wo want agents tor tills book. It discloses all the mystirlcs o( tlio Detectlvo System. It Is a record lor tho lust twenty years of tho most skillful detectives o( this country, In which the .Taltsol liank iiotinom, i iiierra, ricKpockois, ixuery .-ueu,i;ounierieii .Money Dealers, and swln lersof all clics, aro opposed and brought lolmllcu. l'rico tl 7J. bond fur circulars and terms 10 agents. wi: I'littr.iKir Tin upst t Dictionary or tlio lllblo iu tlio Entrllsli Lnniriiiitro. by Win. Smith, LI. I). 'V It li written by seventy ol tlio most distinguished divines III iUirope and America, and Is the only edition jiuuiisMM m mis country conucnei ny nr. oniiurs own liaim. it Is Illustrated Willi over liisicei aim wooueuKruiiiiK". n cuiiuiiis every name in ine Jiibie 01 importance, lind Is a book needed by eicry Christian family. It is printed iu double column, in one largo Octavo volume. Price, S I 50. Ve want agenis to' incse wnrs in nu ciues nnu towns in me cou.iry. we pay large comnils Kins and give exclusive territory. Tor circulars and terms addrtss tho publishers. Sample Jill's oi any oi our uooas seiu io any u.mri'j on receipt oi jirico. .i. n. jujiik a nxuu, I'liuiisiiers, seplKdly Hartford, Conn., Chicago, III., Cincinnati, Ohio. open day and night, niv Meat Market. Hi - tl " V'Sv4v "C?io4-.o ii t 100 DOVCILAS STIIBKT. lletwecn 12th and 13th, VICTOR DU0R0SS, - Prop'r. ADLE8 SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING In tho Market. All Mcola Served to Order. Y8TER8 SERVED IN EVER STYLE. Gnmo iu season. Piiren to suit tho llmet. Slieely Bros. ooiwCxVCBh.oia.Xj. omaha wholesaee market. Umaiia Deceembcr 30 1872 For detailed condition o( Markets and Re tailed I'r'livs, sms local columns. nurrKH AMtikuns. Choice lalilo biltlir Choltu lirkin, summer packed... DihsI lirklu - lgs, npackcl, per do Cgs alil)iH)r' louut. per Kin..... UH.tm. New Vurk IVlory, per lb Western ltevrve, per lb H'tfte n Dairy, per lb ICatT U it ii j i hi:. O. II.. lata .. CosU Uica .... Itlu, choleu ,.., ltlu, common. Nxla.... llutter . Iloston . nugar ... l'kulc . L'l.NN't.ll uuotx. IVaclios, J Hi. periau strawiicrries u Tomatoes Lima 1 lean i (IruonCoru CovaUtstcrs do do do do tUAI. UAtlll AMlMlfr. Mossburg (lltacksmlth) l'ltlsburg Slack (llUcksuiltb.)..... 1'ortbcolt....: Anthraclto - luwa Wyoming Missouri t'ntlTs. Apples (now) - 1'lgs, drums, per lb llalslns, layers, per box, new Uriel currents, Zanta, new Dried apples, eastern Dried raspberries Dried pitted cherries l'eaclxs, pared, now reaches, unparod, new (halves).. Turkish prunes, now FLOUn A.NDMKlL Hour, winter, tt Mil do do y, sack. do Nebraska do Z Meal do bolted do do plain.. llran, per ton - risii. CodllsU, (icorges liat.k Matkeral, No. 1, JC libU " ' Cits White I'lsli " bbls " " " kits Sardines, i lioxes, Kr case - I I? 41 II 0"l i SIa52 iia'.'l UXii Ilk li tli la1 CO a 5o I 75a'! UO 5 MJ o 0O.iC, 5U 4 50aj tiO .'0 00 n oo 10 (si H W S 00 li 10 10 00 $1 JU.ll W) 18 ;i oo li oo llaU4 Ml M lli'U SalO 11 Ftins. lluKato do shoe rotus Deer, dry, per lb Mink..... UHA1K. Wheat, choice milling do h'o 'i Corn Oats, In bulk lluckwhcat :..;:;- IK0! AJtD.ITKKL. Iron,conimonb.irassortod per lb, do round and spuaro do horse shoo bar do hoop and light band - Cist steel, American do Kngllsh llllsler steel American Herman steel, plow and spring... Norn ay nail rods, Hensono LIVK STOCK. Natlvo shipping steers. Native butchers' stock Hogs, on foot, 11 lb Sheep, V lb Calves, y lb. gross LAUD. Kettle, ren. choice Country, choice, per lb I'. A Co., wood caddies MAILS. lOd to COd, per keg 3 2Vrt CO 1 00 75 lflJOO 1V,i 9 OOalU Oo 1 O0.i. 50 0 OOaO 50 1 23a 1 GO 21 00 !(3 00 ti OOalO 00 3 60 10a 25 1 00a 2 25 l"80 70 20a il 20 -73 7il25 25 20 li14 4 Sa3k 8d do Cd do 4d do 3d do 3d fine blur do Wrought nails per 100 lbs Cd finishing nails, per 100 lbs 3 do do do do 10 do do do do,.. l-lll. tbl do do do... Horse nails Northwestern, per lb liurden's horse shoes, per keg.... do inule do do eirbon. ...... , Inxeod, raw , do boiled Lard, No. 1 llvutliic West Va Lubrlcatlug Oil I'lsliOII Turpcntliio rouLTny. Chicken rnovistoif). Mess pork 1 bbl Hams, plain, V lb Hams, tt lb., sugar cured llarou clear sides V lb Shoulders V Dried beef, plain I'Al.VTJj Whlto Irfad, strltllv pure do do fancy brands do Zinc, pure Trench do do do Amcilcan do dn fancy brands lied Lead, puro American I'utty, In bladder! KICK. Rangoon Carolina Sl'OAIU. Patent cut loaf Crushed Acoffeo . n extra n New Orleans., DltY GOODS PRINTi, Iiowell Amoskeac Ixndon Mourning . Mcrrlmac V bprague Wamsutta aViaS OaOK 8alu 14al5 $0 CO C S3 7 10 7 33 8 10 9 31 7 23 8 35 8 10 7 8-1 a 10 HaT3 -s 50 o;30 ZSa29 1 U5 1 10 1 00 23a30 C0.173 1 lOal 40 1 15.ll 20 10 15 00 nyA lo 12 10 20 12al3 'Jail Hair, liall Sat2 13al4 Ca7 9a3 IU 15 14 l.l)ial3K 13js 13 10 10 11J 11 QIN0IIAM8. Hartford Lancaster IIRAVV IIUOIVN SIlEKTIMtiS. Tactile extra Atlantic 11 Dwight W Sulfulk York Mills., Wamsutta ., Dl.r.AUIKO OOODS. 21 I Iincsilalo..,. 20 1 Amoskcag ., I.I it II, Hint, AC, Lime, V bbl Ceuieut,Ullca do Uiulsvillo , riaster, (Iraud Haplds Hair, per halo of 40 lhs Orcciihutchcrs Oreentured Circen calf Dry Hint Dry bait Urandoil, 10 percmi. otf, agctl 'Uii do UjUH Keep conslaully on hand a large supply BEEF, PORK, TAITJTTOJXT. iVjaAXi, Poultry, G-ame and VEGETABLES. JuuvlMtf M.Alt. No. ll'alu.. do Nn. 1 lloiu. I. X. I.. Olfvn Toilet Honey, per Krvti) !.,, uu nsiiie, 'VT il'mm.h , ramlly soap . .... Ucruian Mottled...... VtMsUlO, Tine cut chewing, sns..-. .. . Choice ....mx, Medium.... UIUHIUII. H4hMIHI l'liig.naturalleu...... Hall bright Dark navy CAKDLE3. rornphluo Tallow SALT. Coarse por lb Tlno Dairy, with hags Culry, without hags SPICKS. Pepper, V lb Allspice V lb Cassia, V lb Nutmegs, No 1 1 Nutmegs, No. 2 Cloves STARCH. Common.....: a CV& I Laundry,. (I loss 10 a 11 Corn TUAS. Young Hyson, common do do fair do do good m do do prime do do choice do do extra choice M Imperial, superior to fine do extra to choice Gunpowder, superior to fine do extra to choice Japan Natural Ieaf,une to extra flue Japan Natcral Ixsif, duo to cnoica., A TxLj& OF r ,v 0 OIIRIST- MA E . 11Y TOM HOOD. 23 ' 20 ' S 2 3 25 S 75 'SI IVMl 13Kat4 20 17 ny, : 00a2 25 00a3 25 50a I 00 4 00 00a2 25 5Ma7 7aS 12 t5il7 12al3 5a5 12 Oo 10 00 6Va7 U5a7 OOat 00 70a VO 70 50 BO COa 70 DO 21 30a 35 10)11 a 8 0 a 5 00 30c 18 20 1 M 1 20 0 CKa 7c 10a 11 55 63 73 83 a 5n a 73 a S.1 a 93 JapauNatural Ial , Oolong, fair to good Oolong, good to prims. ., Voleng, .ra,?m,T,; i,..;. 5 al 03 1 10 al SO 75 a 80 1 10 al 15 93 al 00 1 45 al 50 70 a 73 80 al 00 90 a 93 to . U 85 a 90 to 1 0 fo the jetir having now einuo nearly to nn end waiter determined to nk IJr.uidretli down once again for ClirNtintt". "Who know.-,' Kiid he to liim-elf, 'hut he limy cut the Kill out? lie uhnll have my iisisttiiiee anyhow!" J To could not Dre vail for koihc time upon his friend to nccc' the invlta tiou ; mid it win not until he declared he should intcipret h'n refiiMtl as n desire to hriug their frieiuNliiii to it cltKM?, that he pot Hrundreth to prom ise to come. Hut even then he would not come tin hour earlier than Christ mas eve. So Hraudrcth made hi air.inge incuts for the journey. And thcutlie recollection of thexamc time hist year, and of '.he Uimstfalcs and dear old Itishop'.s Cllmstoke, e.tme h.tek to him fresh and bright. In a gracious mood ho sat himself down, nud wrote to old Dimsdak, wishing him and his i.tmiiy me compliments ol tlieHcason. And then, just as ho was closing his letter, comethlng came over him and he added "I slutll he able to utter the wish almost within your hearing, for I am going down by tho evening mail on Christinas Eve to upend a short timo ntyirltuinilph Carew's. You may bo sure tho letter was a pleasant surprise at Dovecote Earm. For tho hiniplo minded old people never connected Charles Ijrandreth with tho sorrow nnd gloom that hail come ever Itosc, that had stolen the color from her checks and tho light from her eyes, and that made her sign nnd go heavily, liko one weary ot life. They only thought of him as tlio preserver of their darling; nnd they fancied tho change iu her was duo to tho shock she had received when who was lost iu the snow. "Why, tlnmol" said tho farmer, brightening, "'tis a letter fro' our Mr. llrendreth' "A cursed jackanapes!" came in a growl from a dark corner. Tlio farmer turned It was only Black Dick, as he was called in the villugc, an ill-favored lad, not many degrees removed from an idiot or a brute. Ho used to hang about poor Hose, much to her horror, mnking a display of slavish admiration for her that was almost revolting. "What's wrong wi thee, Dick?" said tho farmer. " 'A thrashed oi oust on'y for car r'in a bit mistletoe iu ma pocket to catch Itosey wi' !" "Servo you right, too I" said Mrs. Dimsdale, who shared Rosa's loathing for tho creature; "and what savs Mr. Hraudrcth, father?" "He's coming down hero to stay 'long of the Carcws, and Ml wish us a merry Christmas as he passes along tho lino o' Christmas Eve by the mail train. Hero's a merry Christ mas to him, oh, danio ?" Mrs. Dimsdalo heartily joined iu tho Wish; and then they began to talk of his stay at the" farm and about Hose's rescue; and they did not notice tho malicious grin with which Black Dick stole out of the kitchen after hearing the news con tained in tlio postscript of Charles Brandroth'a letter. "Cursed jackanapes 1" he muttered tu liimuelf, us lio went bounding across tho frosty meadows in the di rection of the railway; "who but he 'as bruk Rosey's heart ? Who but he 'as tcuk the maid away from oos honest villago mates? A ii"n thrashed oi too. But I'lJ ho oven wi' 'tin !" III. There was no moon on Christmas Eve, but tho stars were bright in the frosty sky, and the reflection from the thin sheet of snow that had fal len in tho morning refleceed what little light there was. The throb and rattle of the train that rushed so rapidly along, bearing him towards Bishop's Climstoke, seemed to fall into a regular rythm, and his imagination, heated uy re morseful memories, heemed to supply it with words " Ruthless traitor ! Ruthless traitor !" Tho words rang continuously in his cars. He could not shut thcin out by reading. They wcro liko tho sounds that repeat themselves with such maddening monotony to a man in delirium. Ho was positively grateful when ho recognized by cer tain familiar landmarks that ho was approaching Bishop's Climstoke. lie opened tlio window and leaned out. Still tho train hurried on. Now he could see the tower of tho church. Ho was getting near the villago now. Ho would feeo the farm iu a minute. Ah ! what was that ? Somo black object moving down tho side of the embankment a littlo way ahead. Tho cntrino driver must liavo seen it, for hark! thero is a warning whistle. All of a sudden tho touo of the whistle is changed. It becomes a shriek, as of terror. Then follows a tremendous grinding of breaks hurridly applied till tlio sparks rush out in a stream, Then nriso cries of alarm. And then, over all a crash tho train heaves liko a wounded snako ; tlio carriages seem to fall into splinters. A grinding, crushing roar the bellowing of escaped steam tho hiRsing of water thrown upon live coals! all this compressed into a minuto's space; nnd this tlio last thing of which Charles Brandrcth is concious I Thosooftho guai ds who aro un injured set to works to learn how the nccidont rose, and to extricate tlio passengers. Tiioy find that tho lino has been blocked with sovcral sleep ers and uptorn rails, which have thrown tho engine oft" tho track. It has been overthrown in its fall. Stoker nnd driver have been thrown somo distance, nnd lio dead or in sensibleit cannot bo clearly nsccr tallied which just yet. But there's somo ono under the engine for all that ! They can hcai a faint moaning. Whoever it is lio is as good as dead, and scaladed, nil at tho eatne timo. They extricate him. (Continued.) II. LEIIMAM, Sign and Decoration X -A. I W T Z3 3T5. , GRAINING-, GILDING, &o. OXGJ anio-troxktli St., uov27tf list. FarntiiM lid Dsuglai. nm mm NMiIW IJOK-DKU'S! , " ''tv, if I - . jr.l 4' r. FRANKLIN TYPE STEREOTYPED ELECTROTYPE FOUNDIY, 1 6b1 Vine Street, bet. 4; & 5, CINCINNATI. Allison,Smith&Johnson Alinufacturen of, and Dealer! In Book axd News Trps, AND PRINTING MATERIAL, Of every detctlption. V NEW MATERIAL! t Wfl' Jfey i A "-"V I. NEW -PBESSE3! STKREOTYI'INO tc ELECTROTYPIKO In all their satioui branches. Woou Enosavino, and Pattmn Limai roi FOUNDMI. U 1 AT Till. BEE JOB OFFICE. 1 & '. - , . -1 ' r " -K ' ,.'-3. '" BOOK UOMMEL'ICIAL. RAILROAD AND PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PBINTINGI- in nn: german:and English LANUUAf.KS Dunn ull'i XcntiiiMiuin! H.itcli ir tiik No. 138 Farnham Street lletwecii Mnth and Tenth. (hllal.llio Ili:n UtVi: for all kinds ol Printing In tho Hlghivtstvleof tho Art. KANSAS CITY, ST, JO, & Council Bluffs KANSAS AND IOWA DIVISION I'ORMS ;thc Connecting Link between tho Southern and I astern through Lines terminating at Kansas City, ami tho (Ireat Uniun nnd Central 1'aciflc Unes terminating at Han 1 ranclscn, MAICINU IT Till: HIST and ONLY DIltl.CT UOUTi: from houtheru Kansas and Kansas City to Ixivenworth, Atchison, St. Joseph. Nehraska City, jroiiNrii, iiuirns, Salt Iako City, Sacremcnto, Sin Tranclsco, hjJ the Pacific Coast. Also tho most desirable to Dh.N Vi:it, and all points In Colorado Still tllATnrrWitvl.ia rn.n..n..l.,lnn . -...-w. " .Miuiiiiii:iiuii of tho Missouri Division makes Tho Best Through L1110 from KAN SAS CITY, via St. Joseph nnu iMiriingion. TO OniOAGO:! AWt) OIMTS EAST, NORTIl AND BOUTH, Q i:xl.IIS3 PASSENfinit TIIAINS leaie O Kansas City Union Depot Dally. Passen gers taking thn Chicago Express will go through Without Change, of Cars, retching Chicago one hour in advance of oilier routes out of Kansas City. This Hue Is eiilpiod with Pullman's Palnco Sleeping nud Din- nil, cars, nicginl Day Coachej and Comfortable Smoking Cars. Miller's Safoty Plattorm and Coupler and Wostlnghouso Air llrakcs aro used on all Pasengor Trains. Ask for your tickets over tl.t KANSAS CITY, ST. JO. is COUNCIL I1LUITS RAILROAD. .l?,CKETS-5:'0.,,Io Rl " Through Tick, et Offices. A. L. HOPKINS, Gen. fiupt. St. Joseph, Jto, AC. DAWIM, ,..... . flcn' r'"' AS't, St. Joseph, Mo. HENRY N. UAUf.AND, Tcket Agent 1 (1EO. McCOMHKIl, Passenger Agent, ' Ocr. Sixth re4 Mala 8U, Kktrnu Oltr, Mo, m, Sexauer, Wlndes-ile and Retail in s Furniture Bedding, . . ; AND Livr. (Ician rr.ATiir.us, No. '.EM PVUMIIM ST., CKNTRsr, 1II.OCK Omaha, Nebiaska. Old l'Vathers llennvstrd. Silo Agent fjr Lot's Patent Hurliu Iled-r'oldlni Iiunue. nprllltf A NOBLE CHARITY. Tivrcel the Nebraska State Or phan Asylum, Tntio Drawn In Public, Docaiiibor 30th. 1872. '$230,505.00 I Tlekols $1 Kncli, or Slxjfor $5. ('Tickets sont by Etpreis C. O !., cleslrcd 1 firand Cash Prize 1 (Ir.iud CisliPriao 1 llrnnd Cash Prlo 1 lirand Ctio Prlxe 1 t'ash Prlie 1 Cash Prlro i Civil Prizes, Sl.Uiiil oaeh I Cash Prises, S.'VKl cadi i Cash Prl., 51,1100 cuh ftO Cash Prles, I'-irh Sin) 101 " " " M 2(K) " " ' 21 fi.dM) " ' ' id 3,101 " " " 5 ...,S",00 .... 2.1,000 .... 1.1,000 ,... 10,000 .... 5,000 .... -1,000 ... li.OOO .... 8,000 .... a.ooo .... r,,ono .... 5,000 .... 5,000 .... 51,000 .... 13,50.1 K,161 cash prizes nuiounllng to ?J,!0,501 This Iz-g.il Knterprlso Is endorsed by tho highest authority of thoMiitound best business men. Orer one-half tho tickets taken heforo Oct. 1st. Tho limited nuiuher on hand fll be fur nlihed Ihoso who apply Hist. Money c-m bo Kent by mill, In Registered Letter, Post Olflco Money Orders, or by Ex press. All Prizes will Ik) paid In full. Aokmis Wamxu. l'or full particulars address .i. :i.-PATTi:n, ocllOdAwtf Uencral Manager, Omaha Neh. HALL STEAM ENGINE SUCCESSORS TO HALL 1.U0S., Manufacturers'of Stoam lEziginos 1 1 Slluiug anil Mill Machinery, 23.-vilcli.xx?, Oc4.tsJtixa.gTf and nil kinds f XX1.03ST -WOXI.YZ.. COIt. NICHOLAS Al lOlli. STS L. WOODWORTH 28 Douglas Ht.,10mftlinNeb.f 1 1 DEAI.r.ll IN Carriages, Hacks, Bueglos, Patent Wheels, Ito-id Wagons Trotting Sulkies, Skeletons. Slu deliaker's Udehratoil Wagons, James It, Hill's Celebrated Concord Harness and Whips, Korao Clothing, Ilohes, Illankcts, Wagon Material nf all Doscrlp tlous, Spokes, Hubs, rellois.nnd all kinds of HARD WOOD LUMBER, ThlmWoSlsiui, Axlts and ."prlngi. maitftf ib. ;iaoi;'OKTiu:Mii,uo;ii - . . JULC7T-?icKCy MirrM iho.t itmn C. a ihnrrf co lbthjiUUict, . 1 i f fT mttprfiDdrffstUllii? M. k4VV&i thtwtUfim, lltUM lis'rst li-. i i ? risl iM" nnd pcftnilnf dffiprlnf, h' If f i '1 "'t 1-trftH A1". imiiim I - w.tIi no fcnt,1fM (! itttr Y s with n Mitmitit iii I tft.utm iutt'H i i .tl inftif ihf hs.rcttnrr(fd crcdtrrnpUttiiiiir rfnf KttiMti1 t k .hntut ht lo 1 kf lUlijerlMb .! kh t aoiMil rrtciy Rhont the hui. li frmMlti4 ib vntMTleiiee ibd iJflrt nf ft rbrtOUn vUt Mti. iiitt It ir1 1 (lf, m theuM tln lh prl if (r i rr nf Trry mlf itk! rrniftlil.rouhnl Umailrt i("i. it -hihrtcirttrrtlilBc en Ihi ml-ifeif tht fn rtstiK tiih thnt H wttttti khtmlni, fcbl taublblll rf , ns.ifttnl It n ff worlt. i i'ty 'frfrf puti for t'lnt rM. Mi i,uhI, M "ctlco to tha Afiilstoi fisi Unfotturato. hs?fM inljrlftft tolho iiotMlaiquiek4h4ftJfrritiln fstill( viitrt.or iiii( y )tii?ii rtmfJiti Hfy Dr. h iitt wfttkKfltnKiifr whssijotirdlifftioli.orttow tltior i ttr tisit litiim I'r. iii'ii rsN'iiiMi ii ,1 on Me homo of wttrtfTfn rtssitt n.lofM lif nu t ih tntt CfltfUl tarJI iii tI irf ihltcnonirr iuJ r urofft Ittn bo cod ,.1,-sl.r tr I r tnalf ii ttiCtllttt mtnllonMlu I s t( iiiim ti 1 iitrlor No. It . htgbit, urt, I trti it art. I till J tr u it, ai looli ilo. 77r --7. '.'UykL...---iH tl iii tl I '.ll mm a JJ A .s.B?i'Ssi ,rUAd -T'l'Tfc . sssTJ tv 'BEST sl" ll.S'lJ' .ftj ((., ' 'M JiiibliStiT TiiMi:i,i,. v S. U, A-eiits i i Itdoa'toay yo.i ft io ngiu iao uost rssrts!,S5na. niMlilni.. Pr.. ft) A? (&! nur rlilm.. (1J( t rtsS-SiW'ai tno agenoy atu sell It. Adores) "Xioaxxcviais'1'' i&. lVi:."Oc. 00 C'linnilifi'. Ml., .Vesv'YorV, .SnrTl SlnloMIClilrnn. uov(mlaiv3ni SCffiS imsfi AI.7.XXT.on. rSftl'ft1HffSlfcBS8BlwislfTi &g MRBDlSCASBCTTIir. In tho ivondcrfiil moillclnc to ulilch the nflllct cd aro above pointed for relief, tho dlscoM.rcr bellcics lio 1ms coin'otncd in harmony moro of Nnturo'n must sovcrclcn curatlvo properties, ulilch Ood lna Instilled Into tho vegetable Itlni; dom for healing tho sick, than were over before combined In one medicine. '1 ho evidence ot this fact is found in tho crcat larictyof most obsti nate (Uncases v, hlch It has been found to conquer. Iu tho euro of Ilroucliltlis, Sovorn OougliHtnnd tho early stages of Coiihii mo tion, It tins ostnnlrheiltho medical faculty, and eminent phjriclius pronounce it tlio Rreatut medical discmcry of tho nse. Whllo It cures the eCYcrcst (.'i.ucli. It strengthens tho (ystcmand linrlficH tho Mood, lly Its treat nud tlmroui'li blood pnrlfyliifjpropinlcs. It cures nil It U in o rK troiii tliuivnrstMcroriila tiincuni mon Hlotcli, I'lmplo or i:rup(Ion. Mercinlil dlseaxc, Mluciul I'otsnin', nnd their cirocls nro ndknted, nnd lgorous health nud n sound coiistltutlon established IlrsNlpeiU'S Salt Illicmii, &'os,r SorcM, Actily sr Kuiixli Mi I li, in short, till thu numerous dlseues caued liy bad blood, aro connuercd by tills pouorful, purlfj luj; and Inilgorallng medl- If'yon feel dull, drowsy, dchllltntcd. have fal low color of Flilu, or jcllowlsh linmn fpots on faco or body, frequent lieadacho or dizziness, bad taste In month, Internal heat, or chills niter ti'itcdMlth hot Hushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodlm;", lrrcirular appetite, and tuncuo coat ed, ion aro nill'i rim; from Torpid 1,1 ver oi lllIlotiHiipin,' Iiiinnnycuscsof "I,lvcr Coniplnliit" only part ot these symptoms aro experienced. An a remedy for nil such cases Dr. Pkrco'B iiokleu Medltnl Dlscmery has no equal, us It ellecls perfect cures, lcn Inj,' tlio III er strengthened and healthy, l'or thu euro of lln blttial UoiiNllpntloii of tho liouds It Is n never failing remedy, nnd those who ham used It for this purposo are lond Iu lis praise. Thu pioprletor oflers $1,000 roward for a mrdl clno tliat will equal It for tho euro of all thu dls ruses Tor which It Is recommended. Sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Pirpand by It. V. Pierce. M. I).. Holo Proprietor, at his Chemical Laboratory, 13-J fceucuibtiect, llull'aln, N. V. Send your ndilrrfi for u pamphlet. dcoJlJom.vw ponwAumxo and COMMISSION MERCHANT, ji)::u,i:,t i.v BUTTER, IR OS. poultoy cionit, FLOUn COAl. AQRICULTURAL lJMl'LEMENTS, STEAMBOAT AGENT, Storago for all kinds of (loojs Jan2tt 431 THIRTEENTH STREET. Newell h ?.ilLen PHOTOGRAPHERS II2C3-2. 3J,o.xaxXxviax E3t., lletwecn tltlinnd 13th oppouTnTm:oitANDci:NTiiAi..o'n:i. dcc21tf ATCHISON & NEBRASKA lEILIRO-A "D 0IKN TO STERLING, NKRRASIiA, 100 Miles from Atchison. Trains liavo Atchison at 9:11 a. jr. nnd .1.50 kin," in'i ui'i1!!'1'","! T,'UK '"Kl'land, Iowa ,2 iH.i?l,,,B,',le,Fc,0,,,,,l,KUM"i 'l It'll". I alls City, halein, Hiimbuldt, Tablo Itock uud Iteiimseh. Nebraska. CiinnocllngatTroy Junction with trains of 81. Joseph aud Ilenier City railroad for Hlawa- .,''r!? mTJ!l ' "aiiover, J'alrlmry and Meridian, and at Tecumseh with stages for I i Mr iind Uncoln,-(via Midland Patllla rail rot.,l iroin Nursery Hill.) " Passenitrs leayo Kansas Clly l,y Kansas City, clncralitoad" 'l Co""t" """' " Mluourl Pi! Only Route to Sonlliprn Npbrasl.fi mid Norllicrn Kansas. FUtrH.aupt.'and t'hl.f Eng J5LL27a9 VEGETABLE SICIIIAN RBNBWER. sm .oi'y year inei oases tlio populnrity or thi-sj vnliinblo Hnir l'ropnrntioii"; wliiili U duo to merit nlonu. Wo can rpiiin our old patrons that it fa kept fully up to it's liisrh ytiimliiiil; nnd il i.-t tlio only loliablo nntl poricctcu prop. nnitioii for 't'storinj' Gisay oh Rviikd Maui to its youthful color, making it soil, lustioii, nnd silken. Tho scalp, by its ihc, becomes white and clean. It removes nil oniptions and dandtuft, and, bv its tonic properties, pucvonti tho liiui from fallinrr out, ns it stiniu latos and nourishes the liair-glnnds. ly its use, tho hair grow. thicker niul stronger. In baldness, it icstorcs tK eapillury glands to their normal vigor, and will create u new growth, except in extremo old ago. It is the most economical Naiu Duessino overused, as it retpiires fewer applications, and gives the hair u splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Iluyes, M.D., Stato Assayor oriMassncliusctts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, nnd enrefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it tho Uicsr 1hi.i,aiiatio.v for its intended purposes." Sold by all Dmgghtt, ami Jltalert fn Metlkinrt. ... Vtioo Ono JJollar. Buckingliam's Dye POR THE WHISKERS. As our Ueno'tVcr in many cases re quires too long a time, nnd too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, wo liavo prenared this tlyo, in one preparation; which will quickly antj oflectually accomplish this icstilt. It is easily nnpliod, and produces a color which wilt neither rub nor wash o(X Sold by all Druggists, Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. N.H. C.K.UOUO.IIAN A Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For DIbqo.300 of tho Thront nnrt Luiirh, ouch no CouffhH, ColdB, Whoopliifr Counrli, Dronolaltls, Aotlima, una Consumption. Amontf tho firoat illrcoierUs rl' modern tcli uce, f.nv nro ol mora real laluo In mankind than this if. Actual remedy lor nil dlrcavs tt the 'J'lironl nud I.uni;s. A aut trial of Ut virtues, throughout this and other countries, hat shown that it does 6ur ly nud rftctually ointrol them. Tho testimony of our best clll en, of nil claws, establishes tho fact, that Citixnv Pkctoiial will and does relievo nnd euro thn nnilctlng disorder! of tho Throat and Lungs beyond cny oilier medicine. Tho most ibii," rm niTectlona of tho Pulmonary Organs )ldd to Its powcri and cases uf Consump tion, cured by this preparation, aro public ly known, to rematkablo na hardly to lio be limed, .ero they not proven lwjond dltpute. As n remedy It I .i adequate, on which tho public may rely for full protection, lly curing Coiiulm, thn limTiimu rs of inoro scrloui) dlreaso, It Mlio uiHuinibTcd lives, nud mi amount of luuerlng tipt to ho computed. It challectfoitrlal, anil ion .nces the iuo.it tceptlcal. l'.very family should 1 e; It on hand ns n protection against tho early nud iiiiktciUci1 attack of Pulmonary Affections, chich am easily met at first, hut which becotnu Incurable, nnd too often fatal, If neglected. Ten der luuirs need this defeiicoj and It Is unwlfo to ho without It, As n safeguard to children, amid tho distressing dleaes which beset tho Throat and Clie,t rf Childhood, Ciimwy Pi;ctorai. li Invaluabln; for, by ItH (liuely use, mulll tltuiles am ic-eued from prfinr-.'.turo graves, and KU'id to llin loo nnd nftectlon contred on them. It act, rpeedllynnd utrcly against ordinary colds, fi'curlng sound nnd health-restoring sleep. No ore will fuller trciiblefonio Iiinuormi nnd pain fid l'ninrliltls, uhen they know how cislly tiiey can bo cuied. Otlglnally llin product or long, laborious, and srcessful chcinlcal Investigation, no cost or toll I, rpared In making every hottlo In thu utmost pi sslbio iierrocllon. It may ho confidently re. lied upon ns possessing all tho virtues It has ever exhibited, nnd cnpablo of producing cures ns inemorablo as tho greatest It has ever elected. rr.r.rAncD nv Dr J, C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., I'rnetlcnl nntl Annlytlcnl Chemists, SOLI) ISY ALL DHUOGISTS r.VEi.YWiir.nr, .) It. IS I, i ;r "'I The MEDICAL WOSTDBR. a n iNrALLiiiLi: svccinc rou uiseashs "of the I.IVEK, IILOOU, KIDNEYS and HOW. LI.-S, and great corrective of all female drrange. menu. It contains no alchollc spirits and it the Vftt.illt iubtfiuttir Oilonitl. EUAE THIS I , A COMrLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO MESSRS. J. h C. MAGUIRK, fat. Louls, Mo : Gentlemen The undersigned having known you for many years as reliable chemists and plurmaccu. lists, and observing the effective action of )our remedies for whatever recommended, wish lo Lear voluntary evidence to the eflicacy of your last, nnn In our opinion, best preparation, "MAGUIRl.'S CUNOURANGO lllT'IERS." It Is all that you claim for it as an alterative, purgative, depurator and diutitlc, acting specially upon the liver, blood, kidneys and bowels. JOa'ni'II 11ROWN, Mayor, who adds: "I have found this the most pleasant and effective medicine I have ever used." MILES SELLS. State Tntnr.nr, rnmmt.iliw.. aflSi A J.t. fffT.I L.. 1 t M...AT . i. c,,uorsc inc iiayor s opinion iiiw.i. Kii.itr.suis, Pres. Collier Lead & Od Co. D. M. HOUSER, Prop. St. Louis Globe. W. E. WAGNnt. Clerk Probate Court. BR1TTA1NA. HILL, Attorney at Law, S. I1LOOD, late Prcs. Boatman's having Ass vor's onti S. II. LAI LIN. of I-allin& Rand Ponder Co. CIIAS. O. GONTI'.R, C'hm'n Dcin. Cen. Com, P. (!. FERGUSON, Menks" of Mo. I)cm, HENRY T. MUUI), Lite City & County Ass'r, PRANK VALLl', Cl'k Court Crlm. Correct, li. JU. UIIAAIIILKS, NORMAN I. COLMAN. Pres. Hut. & l)rov.llnV. ,,... ,. . ... ..... .. ......;.;..- inn. Kurai worm. J., s. liKI.ISNWUtlu, Pres. Y. M. C. A. U.A. SIIRYOCK, of Shryock c Cc, W. T. GAY, oi Gay, llaiincnkamp ii JAMES AIICIIKK. M.S. HARTNiriT. late Clly Collectar. TII05. WALSH, Architect, M.T.ANDREWS, nf Moody, Michel ft Co. THLKON IIAKNUM, of Ilarnuin's Hotel, And many others too numerous to tncntUu. J. & C. ftlACUIRE, Sole Proprietors, St. IiuIs, Mo. PBIOB, 75 OBNTS PER BOTTLB. novfi-lv ' d. e. oooxjx:n, GLASS AND CHINA 1IIVETER, Jewelr Paraso 1rio.l nn y, Ornaments, Work-boxes, Umbrellas, lis, etc., neatly reiialred. Clocks put lu rnla anc Cuss, (ul "ir V, California and Cuss,' f J"- 3. . 'stMUsi1 -ft. uKtkmzr:iTtuiw-7,imk:7'tsi:'ejtwv iwiisimsiiiftni ,v t -. w., Hyv.. '.f. & - v Is