THE HESPERIAN.. U The Southern University Monthly pleads nausea in the fnco (if fncts nnd arguments. Tlint is a childish complaint. We wish, moreover, to explain that vc do not complain but claim. The much talked af monthly literary magazine ol Brown university, present Vol. I, No. i, for April. It is n very good exhibition of college literary ability. Its poetry is consider ably above the average college variety. The Tuftonian asks, MIs the college press free?" Most emphatically no. College editors, like politicans, to get an nfliee must be prudent with their tongues or rather with their pens. .If you don't think S'vwritc to to the exchange editor or thi M. S. U. Argus. Some time since the Norfolk Collegian wanted someone to please tell them all about "McGlnty." Wonder if the deni girls" have yet found out. If they haven't and will wait a little longer, perhaps the old man himself will come back and tell thorn a wondrous tale, more marvelous by far than any of Jules Verne's. The Owl, Ottawa College, "disclaims the remotest con nection with the Mutual Admiration league," at which we hinted several issues back, but yet acknowledged that it "is a laslidious bird, and not every kind of food is agreeable to its tarte." That is nearly what we said and wc are glad thus to be confirmed in our statement. This editor has at last got hold of the Nebraska W. U. paper. It is now called the Eccritean, more classical, you know, than Hatchet and besides comparisons with George's hatchet story arc odious at least just at present. The paper, however, is vciy well rooted for so young a growth. Wc pre dict that the next issue will make the hair fly. The Vaster Miscellany thinks that The Hesperian's argu ments against fraternities would gain much in force if they were to lose somewhat of their bitterness and personal per judice. This is but a sample of the general charges brought against The Hesperian by different college papers. If they would give some specifications we would appreciate it. Moreover we never expect to become more prejudiced or bitter than those that attack us. Furthermore it is only by making arguments which cut that we are able even to recieve a reply from a servile college press and besides we arc in this matter to fight and not to girc sugar coated arguments. We mean to have the courage of our convictions and to let them be known, for truth will out. In reading the criticisms vented in some of the exchange columns we arc often reminded of the story of the high school student who cribbed an essay from Bolingbroke, who was noted for the brilliancy of his style but at the same time a lack of thought. Now, this student handed in the essay and received a fair mark from the professor, together with the remark that there was considerable immaturity in his style, but that his thought was excellent. Similarly, some time ugo, some paper, we forget which one, criticised an oration that appeared in The Hesperian as being but fair in style and lacking in original thought. The College Review now says that it is a well written oration giving in eloquent words of praise the admirable works of its subject, Charles Stewart Parnell. It is said that great minds run in the same channel. Is it possible that small minds run in different courses. We would not think so. The Simpsonian denounces The Hesperian's attitude toward fraternities. It says that among its exchanges there is but one parallel to The Hesperian and that is the ex change department of the Niagara Index. A beautiful simile! It then says that whether wc continue our fight for notoriety or because wc arc genuine anti-frats, wc but disgust other people and produce no effect. An to disgusting people it makes all the difference in the world who and what they are, urn) judging from the notices wc arc constantly receiving, we arc led to believe that some little effect nt least is being pro duced. The Simpsonian declares our accusations against the Greek system to be ungrounded and false. In reply to this mere assertion, it gives us great pleasure to look to the inside a moment and refer to a letter written by a member of the Simpsonian stnfTto the organ of his fraternity, the Palm. In this letter he gives the inside of matters at Simpson. He says he is compelled to report a growing feeling of opposition to fraternities and a consequent lack of frat activity. He accounts for this by saying that fraternity there has come to mean nothing but scheming for office and that the chapters located there have for the past few years assumed but little piomlnence except in these capacities. He then goes nu to say that when they saw that this wa? hurting them (and he assigns no other reason) they quit their meanness. In view of all this, then, shall they say our statements nnd accusa tions arc ungrounded and false? And are we to feel that we are talking to the wind even though our paper is such an in significant sheet, as some of our fra exchanges arc pleased to call it? May we never so belittle ourselves as to try to be little the utterances of any exchange of however low a rank, by taunting them about their position. The following from the Practical Student of the Ohio W. U. is interesting reading to say the least: "The inter state oratorical contest will occur nt Lincoln, Neb., on Thursday evening, May i under the auspicics of Nebraska State University. Mr. H, C. Peterson, chairman of committee on entertainment, sends out a letter from which the following is nn extract: It has been suggested to have a ball immediately after the banquet.' All the denominational schools of the state have objected for reasons probably sufficient to them. If the visitors are to be kept here until Friday evening it will be necessary that the entertainment that evening be especially good. We have the unqualified approval of our plan from the executive committee of the inter-state association. One qf the members of this committee is from the Ohio Wesleynn University, probably as Christian a school as Nebraska can boast.' Wc quote this to protest against the use made of the name of our university as apparently sanctioning the proposed ball in opposition to the ideas of the denominational colleges, of Nebraska. While Mr. Allen was a student here at the time he was elected to his position in the inter-state association, he has not been in college for nearly a year; and . whatever his opinion in regard to the ball, wc do not believe that with his knowledge of the position of our university on the amusment question he would pretend to give the proposed ball the sanc tion of the university. We cannot believe that this letter, emphasizing so especially the fact that the representative of the Ohio Wesleyan University, a pre-eminently Christian In stitution approves of the ball, was published with Mr. Allen's approval." "" T. . ..i . . y.u. . ' . Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's. , u Get your shirts and underwear at the Captal City Shirt -Factory. 939.O street. $75.00 to $250.00 a month can be made working" for us. Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments 'may be profit ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va.