1 - . . ' . . . . .'. : MMMMH w.ww-iPsTr- rw: - .-rrwspRreSsW - t r i pm- 'THi HIS PERI A K. The UNIVERSITY OF tApa i -fift. " ' &1 ? ? CHAJtLES E. BESSEY, Ph. D., Acting Ciuxgilloiu i for tafN ' lTrm hfi && , i $ jt, Afr. j, 9go.. MnajjnajajiOiHHi Br tLs?-? ? SWfK 55'. :J y nCar . -n m i n ii .t ana WW . NEBRASKA. . : - Br 4 IF Jprr B?" t The .University k At head of the tmblfc edueatsftnel teaaTef Utt Stoat. ' U oka to cntiiie and coM&Ute tha uhmw. asapmin fte pwtelftc schooh, and snre to aU an opportenitf f lirl eukure k literature and science, ini in such teofc Mcel and profetaieu cwras M hU front time to ban o THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIEHCE, AMB THE ARTS. CHARLES X. MSSXY, WC. D., MUK, Tire Cumkkl Cou, kadtng to 0 A of Arts, affords a'Madnf hi Hie Ancient Literatures. TttC LITERARY COORCS. karfKuff to the I kc of Letters, offers a training in History, Ml MOttCW Languages. " THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. ixwn . nicies, m. p., mak. The course in Gwtmal ScnmcK, kadiag to the degree el Bachelor of Scknee, offers a liberal evocation, m which the Modem Sciences and the Modem Laaguag es are given t&osl : advantngec r offered to XLfrftkwrptr hmmvw, WJiroiU rCrn W SCR OT reCO, OT piSCC Ot TMNM on the ttk condition of wmtmam the hatelkctunl mt ami lunyicntfons revisit for admnefon to sue an iastitutke. f THE LATIN SaiOOL. JAMES T. UMt, I'M. ., inHNCIFAt. i I tiik achool itreparaUon k afforded foe all the Uftdeegrau at Courses ia the Cqi.LECK op Literature, Science and Tire Arts, and also fpr those i the Uhiversxty. The preparatory stdkt ran throw two years. Apptfcafttc Tor admission to the First Year will be examined on the fol lowing subjects: fgiitJk Grmmmmr Jtritkmlic, Gtvrrsiy, vMftttryftkeUm4i3. Graduate of hif schools aocredited for the Mimr Com jWw iocdif Awora, Cohwabw, FairwKmt, Frkndr Cifchon, harvard, JHkbnm. McCook, North Loup, Ord, Rod Ckmd, Sutton, Torwaaisk BoMrcdfe wHiWHtr) n 3mitW io th Second Yoaff dm oo prasea uiion of dipkoaas. THE COLLEGES. Txx TJmrwaanr coaokt of twocoUefoi, or Mdavfrado ate iaajaitaimU. Graduates of the Letin school, or of the hk i diask accredit for the awior roarse (indaaW sow Akaa, AahUnd, Aaharm, Boatrkc, Edgar, Frwwoat, Gnmd Maud, Kcarnejr, Uocotn, IfebraMca Clrr, nattamoath pad iaea) are adaMtted Into thoTreahiaojt d of eithar al- rotniacnce. The ELECTIVE COURSES IW SCIENCES, lead ia to the same deerre, afl'ord a trmiainc in special liaekad in to Agricultural, Electrical or Scientific work. The course in Civil ENcntuniMa odfitrsmKh traintwrai wiu m a jHs;aaa nr inc mkwww wna Uifjiat For thoac who con apena but a year or tarn kt MMwmmmty course in Agriculture. w oeeav StwdanU in the Industrial College muor tar rates ranfinf nroaa 15 M af oaaaipar upon toe quauty ot work. ibaZlBOMMMMlnO fBachilaii ad r kitt 00 presentation of Inadcota hi both. cotkMs attend nsaoanibk, and have crerr adrantniii adbrdod by nk thoae studjriaf in other dtportnalntianii tholw ltruaned and eaponenced Uaurankj SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS. Misses wooRE ao cocanust. Instmctfon PTcwindjfawingacdTaintinglratWtaCaata! atm lik, nature, and wodakia the profMJjahrc order. Punttts t rcotiuea to prorMie eoaett ana suatenai; an atant, atao not casts and studies fe furmchad in the sruite. The cWr for daily loduriaeia umrks k $. PVf in advance. rrecinatroctKm ntvf tociaaaosin ArtHiataH nr, rVattc Anatonur an Thc Conne a. Uk incknko fhskntMan on e Pkne rorte, Organ sad Violin, Yoke train and. Mnefeal ThOeru, Fees for indirwlgal or dans instrnctfon are modaraia" tk ibwim JT. 8. JDAI.S8, X4Mhi.pfc. TlMBMt EnMflEBHnftJk WASHER .naauanakatUlmWaaVntohnVwoali nnnnnnnnHnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnwawttig Mrtu 7nnauaaniMflMMfaUPWanjnHt4al m tt aaatnr and la feat Vats n any oftar mMMnana thawstld. WsDaato9a, aadltttMAwMkA MkMclan wltkoat labUaa.wawmrRaaltteaMwhlk that aanats awsiBcIraw f7 toffMaoriMnflk. Vnrwnai tniwioaawannnEfatwiHaw. iaiMaawaanatsnwwa : tMS-wajaar. JBma.nrisa. only o. nhjghMna UaarMmanwa. ""fj dPvZndW WlnnM Wf nHPf isfci GOTO Ike HESIXJAN OFFIC Af D SEE tfce LA3LGB IKROSKOPES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. OT-' -f Iff V . J t-urts OF ? -:"' ' 1 v ' .MB ri'-mlt iaan " ""? if .""in rJf - tm. ft . ja nvBBBM l . iratBe . yHafet vMafiMnJnV j 1 .