THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XV. LINCOLN, NEB., DECEMBER 22, 1886. No. Vh THEHESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semi-monthly by the IlKsrEKiAN Publishing Associ. ation, of the University of Nebraska. W. S. PERRIN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. ASSOCIATES: P. V. CLARK, 87. FANNIE A. 1IAKER, '89. A. H. HIGELOW, '87. C. S. I.OMNG1ER, '89. liUSIXRSS Manackr - - - - C. V. R1r.Ki.0w. TKKMS OK SUHSCRII'TION: One copy, per college year, .... $1.00 One copy, one half year, 50 Single copy, .10 ADVKRTISI.Nfi KATKS OX AI'IM.ICATIOX. Address all communications to ThkHesi'KRIAX, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. The matter of new buildings must again be noted in order to correct a wrong inference which has been rightly drawn from previous remarks on the subject. The recommedattons for an Industrial College building (a general Science Hall) were overlooked because there seemed to be no question but that we would get that building at least, and there was cei tainly no one who questioned the immediate need of a Science Hall. We are glad to note the fact that steps are being taken to secure funds with which we may undertake the advertisement so strongly urged by us in a for mer number. The Chancellor has recommended a nice little sum to be used in the publication of theme and thesis work by undergraduates, beside the work of member.; of the faculty and graduate students on subjects of wider importance. Newspaper adver tisements only publish the fact that our institution is in existence; the catalogue states what we profess to be, and the advantages which we can offer. The publication of work done here, whether by instructor or student, proves to the world that we are accomp lishing something, and moreover gives it an oppor tunity to test the work done, as to whether or not it sustains us in ourjclaims to the rank of a university. As before remarked it is the only proper and ade quate method of advertising our young but flourish ing University. The proofs of the Chancellor's Biennial Report came too late to get the review it deserves in this number of the Hesperian. Farther along in these columns, however, we have printed a few clippings which will give the students some idea of the nature of that report. Beside the appropriation for new buildings, the need of more instructors is rightly mentioned. Fifteen salaried professors are now bur dened with the care of over three hundred students, more than can properly be forced upon them. The chair of Philosophy is vacant, and the report recom mends that it be filled as soonas the proper man can be secured for the place. Assistants in Geology and Chemistry are also greatly needed. We are also to have an instructor in Rhetoric and English, a most impera tive need. Withal, our prospects for real growth seem now assured, and we might perhaps add, flattering. The location of the Nebraska Wesleyan Universi ty at Lincoln occasioned surprise in some circles, but now that the question is settled, it is time to consider the possible outcome. That the establishing of such an institution is of importance to the State Universi ty is to be declared; but it should be added that the character of the institution and its management are of yet greater importance. The Nebraska State Uni versity does not look upon its neighbor with jealousy. The presence ol a possible competitor may act as a healthful stimulant on our own work, and if our in stitution can only hold its own when it has no com petitors, it were better it had not been founded. Though opposed on principle to sectarian schools, we believe that properly conducted the proposed uni versity may, under the circumstances, do good work if the promises made during the canvas be fulfilled and the institution be organized as then outlined. In view of the difficulties to be encountered we are jus tified in admitting a shade of doubt into our statement.