Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 01, 1886, Image 1

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Vol. XIV.
There would be no complaint, from the pedestrians at
least, if the ordinance requiring people to keep their walks
clean was more strictly enforced.
The Law and Order League has made a start and is at
tempting to suppress gambling in Lincoln. The great mass
of the people are with the movement in spirit if not in
We would suggest to the correspondent of the Omaha
Excelsior that the "University Notes" arc typographically
wretched. Of course this is the fault of the compositors; and if
the said correspondent "would visit them personally they
would probably rectify the matter.
Now that a patient has gone from Lincoln to Pasteur's hos
pital in Paris, more attention will be given to his theory and
his work. Certainly the so-called cure is worthy of careful
stndy;andif it is, as it seems to be, reliable, a hospital will
be established somewhere in the United States.
Lincoln may not be the most populous city in the state,
and probably is not, for the Omaha people dispute it. But is
it not a little strange that all state meetings, oi almost every
description convene here. There is scarcely a week in which
there is not a state convention of some kind held in the city
of salt. Straws show which way the wind blows, and we can
not blame our Omaha friends for feeling unfriendly toward
Li ncoln.
If any thing was necessary to bring Senator Beck before the
people of this country in a prominent and favorable light, he
has found the right key in his position on the silver question.
Seldom has Congress listened to a more able speech than
Beck's late one on Silver coinage. Taking a broad view of
the right side of this question, and supporting it by .in elo
quent and convincing argument, Senator Beck has placed him
self in the front ranks of his party, if not of the whole country.
"Whom the gods wish to destroy, ihey first make mad,"
holds good in the case of the "Nebraska Stale Oratorical
Association," One year ago it started with bright prospects,
flourished for avdiile, and seemed destined to be successful,
but was made mad and has gone to pieces. Whether this is
for the best or not, we will not attempt to say, as we were
the first to leave, but the fate of the association shows that it
takes a very little thing to cause trouble between rival col
leges. The difficulty with which the St. Paul M. E Church in this
city was keptwarm during the cold wave is a warning to peo
ple to patronize home industries. The steam in that building
was put in by an eastern firm and is very imperfectly
done; while the other churches, where the work was done by
resident firms can be kept comfortable. There are but few, if
any, things that we have to send out of the state to get done,
and the sooner this fact is recognized by the people the better
for all parties.
Presidents Eliot and McCosh will debate the question oi
''Religion in Colleges" at the Nineteenth Century club, New
York, on Fcb'y 9th. '
An invoice of 169 books has just been received for the chem
ical laboratory. Among others are thirty-nine volumes oi
the Chcmcal News, fifty-six volumes of the "Chemisches Ccn-tral-Blatt;"
twenty-eight volumes of the"I5erichteder deutsch
en chemischen gescllschaft;" (All the above mentioned com
prise the entire number of issues from the beginning;) twenty
three volumes "FrcseniucZeitschriftfueranalytischeChemie;"
nine volumes "Jahresbericht der reincn Chemie;" six volumes
ofKopp's "Geschicte der Chemie;" one French German
English dictionary. These works are all standard, written in
German, and form a good nucleus for a model library.
It is difficult to see why there should be any discussion over
the admission of Dakota as a state. She has population suffi
cient and more, and keeping her longer as a territory is de
priving her of her just rights. If the Democratic party
could see beyond its own nose, it might see something to
cause a change in its attitude toward the territory. If the
Democratic Congress should heartily endorse her admission,
Dakota might send Democratic Senators and help elect another
Democratic President. But Dakota is bound to be a state
some day, and when the time comes she certainly will oppoe
the party that has kept her from her rights so many years.
At last Lincolahasa Base Ball association and will join a
league. If this could be made simply an amusement or an ex
ercise there would be no objection offered. But that is not
the object. It is only another method of gambling. It is not
pleasing to think that men will spend all their time and ener
gy in training horses for the track, so that some one wh
knows less about horses will lose hismoney thereby. But bow
much more disgusting to think that human beings will devote
their lives to training themselves foi the same purpose. The
writer never attended many match games of ball but ventures
to assert that there is more gambling, more drunkenness, an4
more general deviltry at the average base ball match than at
any other out door amusement. For ihis reason, and this
alone we are sorry that the Capital City has taken the fever.
Our hearts go out in sympathy to oar brethren at York
college. Trouble has been abroad in their midst. For some
reason the President of the college became dissatisfied with
the management of the Collegian. The editors were dis
charged and a new board appointed by the President And
as the oratorical association, under whose auspices the paper
bad been published, did not take kindly to the action of the
president, it was immediately disbanded by the great bead of
the. college. That is abcut the situation at present, and we
feel sorry for the boys at York. From our standpoint it
would be hard so be obliged to render an account to the fac
ulty for everything done, and we do not believe that it is the
best plan. However wc do not desire to moralize on college
government, but simply to extend our sympathy to our friends
at York. Boys we weep with youl