The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 04, 1901, Image 1

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Vol. 0-30. No. 37.
Close (Exciting Game Nebraska Loses
on Errors Eleven Innings Neces
sary to Decide Contest
Gaines Pitches.
Tho basphr.lj to.ams of the Univer
sities of Nebraska and Minnesota
crossed bats on the campus last Sat
urday. When the final score was
added up the northern men had won
by 5 to 3. Tho sun was hot, but was
concealed behind a cloud most of tho
time. Tho crowd was the largest of
the season and showed much spirit.
i'ho Minnesota men played good
ball and at critical times played a
laultless game. Freeman, a south
paw man, pitched a good game and
was well supported by his team.
For Nebraska, Captain Rhodes was
tho bright and particular star. His
work at short was of the grand stand
order, and brought forth continued ap
plause. No matter how hot the
grounder was Dusty would run up on
it and put tho ball to first with ac
curacy and lightning speed. Gaines
pitched good ball and should have
won tho game. The fielding of
Reoder and Bell was good, the former
making several difficult catches after
long runs. Raymond led in tho bat-
""Bu't U all happened this' way: Min
nesota was first to bat. Plyma't hit
safe, but was crowded out at second
by a hit of Freeman to Gaines. Free
man then went to second on a bad
pitch and to third by a hit by Cavn
eron. But it was of no use. Metcalf
went out to Bell and Allan was caught
at first. Nebraska went out in one,
two, three order.
In tho second, Minnesota piled up
two nice iat tallios. Leach hit safe
to right and Hurley got a free pass
Thing looked bad for Nebraska. So
lem fanned, out Varco hit tho first
ball down. Townsend missed it and
let in two scores, and that was all.
Plymut was caught at first, and
Gaines fanned Freeman, Just to show
he could.
For Nobraska, Townsend came off
tho bench with blood in tho northwest
corner of his south optic, and rub
bing his front feet in the dust,
knocked the ball over tho center
field, It was a good base hit, but
Townsend tried to stretch it into a
homer and was caught at the plate.
Rhodes fanned, and DoPutron wont
out on u foul. Tho scoro waH still
two to nothing in favor of tho north
erners, For Minnesota in tho third inning,
Cameron sent u fiy to lolt. Reeder
took aftftr it ilko a small boy after
custard pie and got it all, making a
pretty catch after a long run, Mot
calf hit between center field and right
but Allan and Leach -were caught at
first. For Nobraska, Raymond failed
to beat the bull to the initial bag, so
.Reoder, to mako suro, took tho private
car "Four balls." Ho was pushed ottt
nt second, howovor, by Doanc's hit.
Hood was caught out on a fly.
Minnesota tried hard to ncoro in
both tho fourth and fitth, getting a
man to third in tho latter, but tho Ne
braska boys hold them down, Tln
Nobraskans, in turn, could not connect
- dtMU iUl A , ,.
:safo hits to
Then came the sixth, and Nebrnsl.a
started th.3 fire works. Only four
Gophors faced Gaines in their half
For the Cowboys, it started thusty:
Hood hit safe. Boll followed with an
other to Plymat, who sent the ball tc
hucuuu. i ne uopner in tiioae pa ts i
was not on the bag, and forgot to geL
there before ho srmi ibr smii t fii-t
Tho bony nrst bnsoman for tho win-
nesotans groped around for the initial
bag, but Bell beat him to it. Thus,
what should have been a double failed.
Hood, while the Gophers were iccov
oring from the shock, stole third.
There voro two men on bases and no
outs. Tho fans went wild, and called
upon tho Cowboys to keep up the good
Gaines wont up to bat and acted
very much as though ho wanted to do
something. When Freeman sent tho
ball over the plate, Boll shot out for
second. The Gopher catcher did as
expected and thiew the ball to sec
ond. Bell slid into him and was safe.
Willie Solem was recovering, Hood
went home. The crowd jumped to their
feet as one man. While the Minneso
tans were figuring out how it all hap
pened Bell stole third. The smoke
cleared away. Freeman wiped a tear
trom his eye, and prepared to starjr
- -- ,-
again. xn.tha meantime, Gainco, wit:,
,u, urou,grm on iitsftcerwas wamn
with the ball for enough
"until we should meet again," that is, I camp at frequent intervals during the
he and the ball. Ho matte a hit al( night, were effective in kcepingQr
right -and started for first. Tho ' pheus from running any ofthe guard
Gopher pitchor gracefully fielded tho I Hnes. Captain Klinge was officer of
ball, 'slowly turned toward first, and J tno (lfty an(1 Lieutenant Stuhr officer
throw Gaines out.
Bell, however, al
through struck speechless by the
i drawing room grace of Minnesota's so-
ciety pitcher, started home before tho
ball left that individual's hand. Ho
! landed all right, and tho 'scoro was
I tied. Townsend was caught at first,
and Rhodes and DoPutron hit safe.
Raymond mado three safe hits, that
is thoy didn't hurt any one, and Ne-
' braska went to tho field.
I In tho seventh Minnesota scored one
by a two base hit and a single. Tha
Nobraskans wont out in apple pie
order. Tho Minnesotnns went out in
1-2-3 stylo in both tho eighth and
ninth. Rhodes mado two pretty stops
and Reeder ran from left field to cen
ter, catching a fiy, and incidentally
somo applause.
Nobraska scored a gooso e;g in tho
eighth, but in tho ninth well it hap
pened thus: DoPutron was caught at
First. Raymond, next to bat, walked
modestly to tho plate, swatted tho
air twico and tho ball onco. Whon tho
fans had recovered tholr breath, Ray
mond was soon on third, looking as
though ho woro frlghtoned at tho ap
plause Roodor hit safe and Iko scored.
This tied tho scoro, and it looked as
though Nobraska might win. Doano
fannod, but Reeder stole second to
oven up. Hood hit safe, but Roedor
was afraid to try for homo, stopping
on third. Hood stole second. T3oll
wont out on a fiy.
Tho Gophors wont out in tho tenth
in regular order, Nebraska tried hard
to scoro, but got a man only to sec
ond. Gaines went out on a fly, Town
send walked and Rhodes wont out to
right field. Townsend stolo second
and DoPutron walked, Raymond was
(Continued on 2d page.)
Cadets Enjoy a Taste of Camp Life at
Fremont Shirt Tail Parade Sat
urday Evening Night At
tack Repulsed.
The cadet battalion reached Fre
mont Wednesday afternoon and was
gre"e1 nl t"0 (lc1"" by " '"vs con
course of people. The battalion was
immediately formed in a column of
fours and, headed by the band, parad
ed the principal streets of tne city,
which was in gala attire in honor of
the university boys. They were then
marched to .the fair grounds in the
northern part of the city, whore a de
tail was already at work pitching
Whon tho first mess call blew at
5:30 the tents wore all pitched anl
sentinels posted and camp John J.
l-crshing took on a military appear
ance. Supper the first night consist
ed of bread and butter, black coffo.-j
anil boiled potatoes. There was littlo
j or no sleeping done in camp tho ..rst
night. The new surroundings anu tho (
cracKiing straw ueus wore not con-
uucuve 10 sieep. Tiion the sentinels
cry of "Twelve o'clock and
well! and tho sham calls
Of "Cor -V-
- t "",!
I'orai oi,, the. -guard, post rmoer,
whiu mjuuuh uuuugu uw
of tho guard tho first day.
At 0 o'clock in the morning the
reveille was blown by six trumpeters,
and the sleepy men tumbled out of tho
tents and made for the pump. Asscm-
I bly was blown at (5:25 and each com
' pany fell in for a hair hour of setting
up exercises. At 7:15 tho notes of
i "Beanie, Beanie, Beanie," sonnded
j through camp, and tho men foil in lino
with tin plates and cups for mess.
Guard mount came at 8 o'clock and
tho old guard was relieved. Captain
Langor was officer of tho day, and
Lieutenant Hewitt officer of tho guard.
Tho remainder of tho foronoon was
devoted to cleaning up the company
streets and burning rubbish.
In tho afternoon tho battalion was
formed and marched down town,
whore it took part in tho Memorial
day parade. After the return to camp
tho guard lines woro opened and tho
company streets were filled with vis
itors, who woro greatly interested in
tho camp and its surroundings. Races
woro hold on tho ground in tho after
noon nnd thoso, togothor with tho
camp attracted a largo concouo of
pcoplo from Fremont and tho sur
rounding towns.
Whon night came tho men woro
tired enough to sleep in the midst of
any kind of nolso, and whon taps was
sounded at 11 o'clock all tho men in
camp woro asleep and snoring loudly.
A light rain fell about midnight which
caused somo annoyanco to tho men on
tho guard lines.
On Friday military life began In
earnest. Captain Tukey was officer
of tho day and Lieutenant McGpochln
officii? of. tho guard. "Assembly was
Five Cents.
blown at 10 a. m. and tho companies
fell in for two hours of hard drill. Tho
guard linos were closed all day and
strict military discipline prevailed
throughout the camp. Dross parade
In the evening attracted a large num
ber of visitors from the city.
Captain Barnes was officer of the
day and Lieutenant Hull, officer of tho
guard. Saturday forenoon was a repe
tition of tho day previous. Blank cart
ridges were issued to tho men and
extended order drill was indulged in
for two hours. Company D, under
command of Captain Tukey, indulged
in some wall scaling exercises which
were highly entertaining to the on
lookers 'n tfcq grand stand. The com
pany sthoVi arms and at the com
mand of Captain Tukey tho long lino
charged on the grand stand and inside
of five minutes every man was lined
up on the roof. Company B mean
while took advantage of the unpro
tected stacks of arms and captured
them and took Captain Tukey pris
oner. At this tne meA on the roof of
the grand stand tumbled off in all
nasto and with a cheer chareed on
captain Klinge's company and recap-
tured tho rifles and Captain Tukey,
who was none the worse for his ox
nerloncG. to" t
Dregs iirt -- l-V- -J
- it- - v . - r m ,r i -mya .wl
1JI on !-" w iT r
.Sngja&Ssq Soma .TftTliSuJSiojiu
.- zrr x
cymoais belonging to
to the "base drub sf
and an order was Mued to the cftect
that if the cymbals were not founu be
fore dress parade was over tho cadets
would all remain in camp that riignf.
Strange to relate, when the battalion
marched off the parade ground mo
lost cymbals had been found in a com
pany A tent. The camp was desert
ed Saturday evening by every one but
tho men on guard duty. Every man
left camp with a night shirt secreted
under his blouse. A band concort "was .
given in tho park and tho cadots
formed a largo circle and danced to
tho music. After tho concert was over
a bugler blow assembly and a loud
voice called out, "Company Q, fall m!"
Night shirts were brought out and tho
white company formed in column of
fours, headed by part of tho band and
the people of Fremont woro mado the
spectators of a shirt-tail parade. Tho
shirt-tailors woro Invited to partake of
refreshments at one of tho soda foun
tains. The men had all been ordered to bo
in their tents when taps blow at 11
o'clock, but tho guard was kopt busy.
until 1 o'clock running In men, wfitf
tried to elude tho scntinols and-roach
thoir tents without being caught,
Time: 2 a. m. Scene: Camp Persh
ing in tho moonlight. Tirod cadets
sound asleep. Guards walking thoir
boats half asleep. Everything peace
ful and quiet.
Suddonly tho piorclng riotes of tho
call to arms blown , by six huglors
sound through tho sleeping camp, Im
mediately everything is hubbub. Tho
first sergeant runs into tho company
street with trousers in ono hand -and
shirt in tho other. "Company rvfKlT
in!" Tho tent flaps nr. and whlto4
robed figures emerge In all state"
undress. Trousers ai mixed and
won't fit, and rata can not bo found.
buckling his sword on tho run? '.The.
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