jyl.'--;,---,, i&jfismsm Jlttuva IV ,UHHB- - "-- J-r, j. .KJSJBiBMUlAaaH reiTJ'''-'-'"l" .. . AtaB . 4 uv?m' srqtfss? .-'.', T.'.. jf jaWS!KaE-ja MPr-Ki'.sv f" jwywa r HBhKWiBfWWSft i ?yMM1S5yi,, . ! 'iMiSMfe;!S!y , t II i TiimiriaHiin ti iiwii n -gaSTrinm i i 5- !i ! (V. tr KI. (t i. Thh Nebraskan-Hesirian ' I . I ' -Ml-i l'.l......f..-1! J - -- &$ SOeiETY JUNIOR PROMENADE. Tho Junior Promcnado of tho Class of 1902 waB hold at tho Lincoln hotel lost Friday evening. It was an ex ceedingly pretty party with heautlful dccoratlonB. Scarlet and cream was draped from tho pillars in tho rotunda and tho light in tho parlors was soft ened by crimson shades. Ico was Borved in tho ordinary from a table beautifully decorated with scarlet rib bon and crimson roses. "Walt's or chestra furnished tho music. Tho crowd was tho largest In tho history of University parties. Tho chaperons wore Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews. Professor and Mrs. Barbour, Dr. and Mrs. Fling, Professor and Mrs. Fossler, Mrs. Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. Clements, Misses Johnson, Richards, Jackson, Tultey, Louise Tukey, Hays, Hargreaves, Emmons, Blanche Em mons, Roblson, Macomber, Maud Ma comber, Hunt, Mario Wiesner, Honey well, Cobb, Daniels, Garten, Welch, Funke, Outcalt, Howland, Hamilton, Belle Hamilton, Woods, Griggs, Ham mond, Anna Robinson, Heacock, An drews, Houtz, Ratcliff, Dlmmlck, Post, Douglas, Miller, McHenry, Burruss, Bjss Burruss, Stewart, Sedgwick, Auld, Bonnell, Cady, Loomls, Gould, Shaw, Reese, Watklns, Bradt, Jenkins, Thorpe, Hallle Post, Bennett, Mabel Bennett, Louise Hargreaves, Jessie Outcalt, Atfnew, Marshall, Atrinmm, Spinney, Mandrid, Woodford, Hazlott, Carson, Maynard, Cooley, Billings, Putnam, and Misses Douglas, Wilkins, Schwartz, Connell, Bartlett, Allen, of Omaha; Sullivan of Kansas City, Shedd of Ashland; Payne of Hastings; Kenny of Blair. Messrs. McCreory, Tukoy, Watkins, Rlcketts, Humphrey, Longley, Martin, Smith, OHM, Roberts, Peterson, Paterson, Wehn, Swartz, Hanson, Stark, Snick, McKillip, Mus aer, Holmes, Roth, Ustlck, Bartlett, Cowglll, Seacrest, Fawell, Bliss, Les ter, Funke, Barnes, A. K. Barnes, Klmbal, Brown, Homnn, Mudgc, Clapp, AdaniB, Mann, Woodruff, Culver, Mor rison. Hoffnoll, Carnalmn, Cartnell, Hedge, Lewis, Heuck, King, Anderson, Andrews, Hayes, Shedd, Doweeso, Pow ell, Crandall, Holt, Cuscaden, Hecker, Sawyer, Welch, Sumner, Farnsworth, Raymond, Isaac Raymond, Lau, Alex Lau, Johnson, Pancoast, Andreson, Everett, Wltmann, Matson, Baldwin, Bunker, Garoutte, Folsom, Bunhu, Augh, Erwln, Crelgh, of Omaha. The members of tho committee wore R. B. Adams, chairman; Guy Cowgill, master of ceremonies; J. H. Boll, Charles Abbott, Longley, Horn, Les lie, Crandall, Culver, Matson, Swain, A. K. Barnes, Anderson; Misses Wirt, Hayes, Bonnell, Thomas, Gertrude Macomber, and Reeves. Delta Delta Delta will entertain on February 14 at tho homo of Miss Auld. Mr. and Mrs. James Manahan, Mlssca Poynter, Mamie Miller, Maudo Hazlott, Mackln, Cady, Daisy Bonnell, Winni fred Bonnell, - Edna Gund, Koehlor, Lummory, Davenport, Bertha Du Tell, Leo Loomls, Fern Abbott, Florence Roberts, -Afties, "prankish," Garnet Greer, Sydney Murphy; Messrs. Peterson, Stuhr, Horn, Ewart. Rainoy, Stratton, Fitzgerald, Kees, VanBurke, Wehn, Hawksworth, Landls, HanBon, Swartz, Montgomery, Saxton, Shaw, Arends, Finarty and W. H. Auld. MONDAY CHAPEL EXERCISES. Musical exercises under tho direc tion of Mrs. Raymond wore-rendered in chapel yestacday. .The first num ber was "Roifiahza Marschner" ren dered by Miss Ensign and Miss Elche on tho cello and violin with Mrs. Ray omnd at tho piano. Miss Reynolds then gave one of her ever popular songs which was greeted with ap plause. Following the musical program, Dr. Fling spoke on tho historical and po litical aspects of the reign of Queen Victoria. By way of introduction, he said that all his remarks which were not historically sound were to bo con sidered as applying to political ques tions. Dr. Fling said tho English gov ernment was "A Democracy In realty and a monarchy but In name." Con tinuing he said Victoria did not rule in England but came to the throne when the democracy was a party. In spite of her name, England and espe cially her colonies have been more democratic than tho United States. Tho effect of the death of the Queen upon tho monarcny will depend upon tho ruler. He must keep out of poll tics. Tho hereditary head of the En glish government represents tho whole pcoplo while the president of the United States represents a party. The United States government started de centralized while the English govern ment started centralized. Tho Unltpd States tends to centralization and En gland to decentralization. OC-KXtNKXKV JSmith Premier Tubulating and Billing;, Machine. An Ever Ready,... effective ' Tlmo and Labor Saving Device ...tor Premier Users. Simplifies Bill Maklnjr and writing figures of different denominations In columns. It In no way Interferes with the typewriter for usual lines of work. ask rem Dcscnirrivc TABULATOR CATAIOOUC The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. p "" SAME SHAPE "" SU.JTWO QUALITIES Burr, Burr, Burr-r-r-r-r Thats Its exactly I Thf Burr BarberShop 120 North Twelfth Street . . . . Most Students know the place , , Be with the crowd Miss Carson entertained Kappa Alpha Thcta at tho Lincoln hotel last Thursday afternoon. All enjoyed tho impromptu music, recitation and story tolling. Delta Delta Delta and Sigma Chi enjoyed a masquerade on last Tuesday evening given for thorn by MI.ss Eola Mao Auld. Tho costumes represented clowns, harlequins, Turks, country boys and girls, Indians, llowor girls, golf girls, and Japanese and Egyptian girls. Red carnations, ferns, and' smllax were used as decorations for the rooms. After tho dancing a five course supper was aervod by Mr. am! Mrs. J. H. Auld and Misses Alice Auld and Florence Roth. Tho guests were: STANFORD DEBATE. The arrangements for a debate with Stanford have been progressing in a most satisfactory manner. The debate will bo held in Lincoln if a low rail road rato can bo secured. The bringing of three men from the Pacific coast to Nebraska is a large undertaking. The men from that in stitution must bo willing to looso two or three weeks from their school work. It takes almost three days to make the journey. After such a tiresome trip, several days would bo necessary to get Into trim for a debate. Tho ex penses w(h bo between threo nnd four hundred dollars, requiring an audi once larger than has ever turned out tc any former debate. However tho of fleers of tho debating association be lievo that a debato with such an instl tution would attract almost as much attention as tho interstate oratorical contest two yeara ago. In that case, tho contest would provo n good success in a financial way. Tho solectlon of tho dobators has caused considerable discussion. How over tho best will bo chosen so as to Insure tho confldenco of tho audience In tho local men. W. S DIMICK Proprietor I NEW. EDITIONl Webster $ International Dictionary New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Phrases and Definitions S Prepared under the direct super vision of W.T. HARRIS,Ph.D.,LL.D., United States Commissioner of Edu cation, assisted by a large corps of competent specialiuts and editors. Rich Bindings. d 2364 Paces 5000 Illustrations Better Than Ever for Homo, School, and Office. We also publish Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Gloisnrvof ScnttUliYVnrds and I'hrusex. " First cUrh in quality, second cIiihb in size." Specimen paces, etc. of liolh books sent on application. G. fd C. Morrlam Co. Publishers Springfield a Mass. WEBSTER'S IKTtnNATK)tUL( .DICTIONARY, Oliver Johnson, dentist, cor. 11 & O. Newly Gqulpped First-Class Service OIVB US A CALL AND YOU WILL UG CUSTOflEK. IRewpovt Cafe (Opponlte I'uiike Opera House ?,neuWn:?. De,lci,c'" 126 so. 12th st. 'I THE PHOTOGRAPHER: Makes Lantern Slides Nebraska College of Oratory Prop. Edward L. Maooi, Principal Walsh Hall .... Corner Twelfth and N StrctiU Cnll and Inquire about our system Special roJtfiJo.Universily students G, G MENZENDORF, ' i Former Instructor ot MUSIC !N UNIYERSIfY Of NEBRASKA, Will be pleased to Rive lowest ralei to tudentsdealrliiK Instruction in music. For information call at Studio. Brace Building, . . 5tk and O Street TUB POPULAR .fPetry's bakery.. 234 South eleventh St. Whce the CIlbicflST " Jlnkery Goods, and PIN1.ST Confcclioncjry may be obtniued. f 'HH''r The Lincoln Academy Comer 11th and QSU. t College and University Preparation. Mirroam. lAtlason. Ph.D. (Yale.) T FKINOtPAU M.4.4HH-H'Hfr-r"fr'r The Globe Delivery Co. lose ost Baggage Phone 1722 PafCelS OIVB US A CALL R. S. YOUNG BUILDING HND SUPPLY 60. Wholesale and Retail DttUtt In eHL Office 1024 O Street. Tel. 700. Yards 19th and Q Su. Tel. 720. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE LH ttaaV afl M Wk. aH A M1 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anvono sending nuliclrhanddpucrlpllon may rnut I Inns hi rlctly cotillilont fail. quickly iiacurlulu our opinion fruo wlietlior am union is linmauiy puieninnia. iiuiiniuuirn- IIiiiKlliookon Patents Bj nun fico ol'tost (money xursocurlnu uutcuts. l'titnuts tuUeii through Mumi & Co. rccolvo tptclnl notice, without clinrao, In tho Scientific fimericatt. A handsomely lllnstrntfld wooklr. T.nrcost cir culation nf amy nrloniltlo Jouniul. 'i'unns, 13 a your: four niimtliB.ll. Boldbynll nowsdonlor MUNN & Co.3G,Bfoad New York Branch Olflco. C25 V BU Woabinatpn, D. C. Proclamation M MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND CLOTHING, WE KEEP THE CORRECT THINGS , , V The B. L. Waine Clothing Store i Kv