The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 08, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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"5U- SW-Wt
Tim Nebraskan-Hesperian.
hard to cliooso tho guards. Warren
and Thomas arc playing for tho sec
ond forward.
i Two practlco games havo been played
with tho Lincoln Y. M. C. A. Tho
scoro on tho association's own floor
was 10 to 8 in favor of tho 'varsity
boys and in tho gymnasium 29 to 13
for tho samo team. This is as good a
showing as in last year's games.
Captain Cortclyou, Ernest Hastings,
and Business Manager i3orry aro coach
ing tho team. Berry Is attempting to
arrango two trips for tho team. Ono
will bo to Sioux City, Minnesota, and
Chicago. In the latter place, a game is
to bo played with tho Ravenwood Y.
M. C. A, team which conquored Yalo in
a ono-sided contest. Tho other trip
will bo down through Kansas, playing
with the Haskall Indians and Univer
sity at Lawrence and tho Topeka Y.
M. C. A.
Tho state library association of Ne
braska held a meeting in Palladian
hall December 26th. This was the best
meeting ever heid by tho association.
More libraries in the stato wcro rep
resented than ever before. Tho lead
ing paper was by Mr. Johnson Brigh
am, stato librarian of Iowa. His sub
ject was "What a Library Commission
Can do for Nebraska."
Tho object of these meetings is the
advancement of tho library interests
of the state in every possible way, not
only by aid to existing libraries, but
especially by encouraging tho estab
lishment of new ones in the smaller
towns. Tho latter purpose tho asso
ciation hopes especially to help by the
traveling library system and a strong
effort is being mado to secure favor
able legislation this winter. In this
work tho association has tho active
support of tho Federation of Womans'
clubs and it already has the endorse
ment of the stato teachers association.
Officers for the coming year were
elected as follows: President, J. I.
Wyer of the stato university; vice
president, Miss C. C. Dennis of tho Lin
coln city library; secretary, Miss
Bertha Baumer of tho Omaha public
ir & I
The Nebraska Art Association
Exhibit in Art Gallery
Third floor of library building. Special
rate to University students of f0 cents for n
season ticket. Regular single admission, 25
An effort is being mode to have o perma
nent art exhibit and it deserves tho support
of every student and protestor.
Tho Girls' Parlor and Rest Room,
which has been fitted up In Memorial
hall, will bo formally opened on Sat
uruay, January 12. To this opening,
tho Faculty Woman's club, tho women
of tho faculty and each girl registered
In tho university aro most urgently
requested to bo present. Tho room will
be open from two till six, and It is
hoped that each ono will take this op
portunity to show her appreciation to
those who havo so kindly helped in
making this a home-like and restful
place. Let each girl take a personal
Interest In this littlo parlor and feel
that she has a part !n It.
During tho past meeting of the
state teachers association in Lincoln,
a number of teachers and principals
of schools brought to tho stato museum
specimens of importance from various
localities. Tho most important perhaps
being that from Kimball county, do
nate l by Mr. R. D. Stearns, principal
of s-hools at Kimball. Mr. Stearns
while watching tho progress of the
Union Pacific well at Kimball discov
ered at a depth of fifty-five feet a
nearly solid bed of bones seven feet
thick, a largo number of which were
donated by him to tho stato university.
Tno bones consist chiefly of the early
rhinoceros of Nebraska (Alhalops), to
gether with tho piilyocene horse,
camel, eagle, deer, and others. This
probably gives evidence that tho fa
mous rhinoceros beds of Kansas ex
; beds of
tend Into Nebras
About January 2Jst we will
place on sale at least one thous
and pieces of fine cotton wash
dress goods && The choicest
foreign and domestic fabrics of
the season will be included &&
You are invited to make se
lections while assortments are
complete jtjfi&jfirfi &&&&&&
Miller & Paine-
Misses Darlecn Woodward, Anna
Stuart and Beth Marshall wcro enter
tained at York during a part of vaca
tion by Misses Sedgwick and Carscad
den. Miss Mildred Parks visited In Ash
land during tho holidays. A party
was given In her honor on Deccmbor
28 at which a number of university
peoplo wcro present.
Miss Whiting gavo a violet lunch
eon Monday, December 31, In honor
of Miss Lathrop of New York. Tho
guests were Misses Pound, Lathrop,
0. Pound, Klrker, Dean, Barr, Kyle,
and Herron.
Tho active and alumni members of
Alpha Theta Chi held their annual
banquet on last Friday evening at the
chapter house. A seven courso dinner
was served by tho Lincoln hotel cater
ers. Tho toast list was very much en
joyed. A six-course dinner was served at
tho Sigma Chi house on New Years
evening. Later In tho evening the
samo young people attended "Becky
Sharp" in a party. Those present were
Misse3 Harley, Montgomery, Auld,
Stuart, Crawford of West Point;
Messrs. Stuhr, Peterson, Montgomery,
and Lamli3.
Alpha Theta Chi gave an Informal
party at tho chapter on Now Year's
Eve, watching tho old year out and
the new year in. Dancing was enjoyed
by all present. Light refreshments
were served during the evening. Those
present were: Dr. and Mrs. Clements;
Misses Bonnell, Poynter, Foster, Harp
er, Comptcta, Miller, Paddock, Eliza
beth Paddock, Edgren, Roberts, Henry,
Parks; Messrs. Poynter, Story, Piper,
Roberts, Martin, Humphrey, Brown,
Kendall, Compton, Towne, Higglns,
Cortclyou, and Dr. Orr.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Office 1024 O Street. Tel. 700.
Yards 19th and QSU. Tel. 720.
Business men and others recognize the import
ance of this combination by selecting the
For Western Points
fl fisSSiriaWj fl fl
To Salt Lake City
JO hours quicker than any other line
To San l'rHiicisco
15 hours quicker than any other line
15 hours quicker than any other line
To Salt Iake City
238 miles shorter than any other line
To San 1'rancisco
.110 miles shorter than any other line
To rortlaud
54 miles shorter ..than any other line
fl 1 Tor time tables nnd
full information, cull on
E. D, SL03S0N, AOENT :
On Saturaw, Docombor 29th, at Holy
Trinity Episcopal church, Miss Dora
Harloy '98, was united in marrlago to
Mr. Frank J. Gustln, law '98, of Salt
Lako City. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Rov. Francis W. Eason in
tho presence of a largo numbor of
friends of tho bridal couplo.
Miss Edna Harley was maid of
honor, and tho bridesmaids wcro
Misses Ellen Gere, Ada Heaton, and
Mabol Richards. Mr. Vilas P. Sholdon
of Nebrnska acted as best man. Tho
ushers wcro Messrs. John Harley, Paul
Fitzgerald, and A. A. Blschof of Ne
braska City.
After tho wedding a reception was
held at tho homo of tho bride, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Harloy, tho parents
of (ho bride, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Gustln of Kearnoy, tho parents of tho
groom, received tho guests. In the
back parlor, Mrs. E. C. Fol3om, as
sisted by Misses Mabel Ford, Frances
Gere, Nayslo Ames, and Clara Ham
mond, served ico cream and wedding
cake. In tho library coffee, sand witch
es and salted nuts were served by Miss
Towne, assisted by Misses Jessie
Moore, Edith Ford of Des Moines and
Nan Gilchrist of Kearney.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustln aro both grad
uates of tho state university. Tho
groom's parents were residents of Lin
coln until recently, and tho bride's
family have lived here for twenty-nino
years. Tho friends gained in theso
years would havo filled the house many
times over. The presents received
were very beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustln left Saturday
night for Kansas City, but will make
their home at Salt Lake.
Tho out of town guests wcro Mr.
and .Mrs. A. J. Gustln of Kearney, Mr.
and Mrs. Gilchrist, Nancy and Frank
Gilchrist, Miss McEwcn, Kearney;
Gcorgo Burgct, Nebraska City; Mrs.
Ford and Miss Edith Ford, Des
Molne3; David Hawksworth, Detroit;
William Brook, Omaha; Grace Mont
gomery, Roy Montgomery, Edgar,
Neb.; Miss Carrio Cook, Wahoo; Mr.
Van Burg, Hickman; Mr. Stuhr, Grand
Tho chemistry building was tho
sceno of a very enjoyable reception
last Friday evening given in honor
of Air. Hal. Beans by tho faculty and
assistants of tho chemistry depart
ment. Refreshments wcro served in
the organic laboratory where ono of
tho large laboratory desks was set
with chemical apparatus of all kinds.
After discussing the good things in
tho beakers, test tubes, crystallizing
dishes, etc., tho guests adjourned to
tho assay laboratory and popped corn
and toasted marshmellows over tho big
furnace. Those present were, Misses
Bouton, Fosslcr, Nicholson, Hartzell,
Hartzell, Qualntance, Parks, and
Messrs. Nicholson, White, Beans, Hllt
ncr, Nelson, Strahorn, Woodruff, Buck
ncr, Rose, Longley, and Walkor.
Mr. Fred Funko entertained at his
homo on Friday evening in honor of
Mr. Wade, Frank Brown, and Edwin
Funko who aro homo from tho
Shttuck Military Academy for tho va
cation. Tho decorations wcro of holly
and American beauty roses. Mrs.
Crance officiated ut tho punch bowl.
Thoso present were: Misses Ham
mond, Griggs, Thorpe, Hargreavos,
Chapln, Rathbono, Daniels, Marshall,
McPhooly, Parks, Burruss, Besa Uur
russ, Harpham, Outcalt, Funko, Wood
ward and Andrews; Messrs. Shldler,
Raymond, Raymond, Mills, Bartlott,
Klinge, Pehlaendcr, Farnsworth, Loon.
Crandall, Harry Crandall, Funko,
Wado, Brown, Funko, Crooks, Fawell,
Everett, Elliott, DePutron, .Bookman,
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