IBl THE NEBR ASK AN -HESPERIAN Vol. 8-29, No. 10. LINCOLN, NOVEMBER 21. 1890. Five Cents. PHI DELTA CONTENTION. Delegates Assemble From Over District ami Discuss Frnt Affairs. Zeta province of Phi Delta Thcta met in Lincoln Thursday, Friday antl Sat urday of last week. The three days were spent in festivities of various sorts and in transacting the business of the province. A most enjoyable visit was the statement of each of the dele gates when leaving. The Zeta province includes the Uni versities of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kan sas, Nebraska, Illinois, Northwestern, Chicago, Knox, Lombard. Missouri, Washington, Westminster, Iowa Wos lcyan and Iowa. The men began to arrive on Wednes day, but the first session was not held until Thursday afternoon. Acting Chancellor Bessey opened the meeting w.th a few words of welcome. The afternoonsand evenings were devoted to the sessions until five were held. The members of the Nebraska chapter have many friends and they proved it by the elaborate and brilliant entertainment of visitors. Thursday afternoon from 4 to C Mrs. Will Morrison gave a tea to the conven tion. The university colors scarlet and (ream, were used in the parlors where Mrs. Morrison received her guests and the delicious odor from a large bowl of roses filled the a'.r. The dining room was in pink. The soft mellow light coming from shaded candles filled the room with tender, warm red. Miss May Burr andMiss Nell Holdbrook poured thp coffeend chocolate. They were as sisted by the Misses Tukey, Garten, Houtz, Welch, Curtis, lionise Tukey of Omaha, Maude Macomber, Richards, Edmiston, Whiting, Kenny, Wetzel, Hammond, Mulliken and Hamilton. The punch room was in blue and wh.te, the Phi Delta Theta colors. Blue and white shades covered the globes of the lamps and a huge bunch of white chrysanthemums added the final grace ful touch to the decoration. The fol lowing young ladies were in the punch room Misses Davis, Burnham Cole. Outcalt, Jackson, Raymond, Webster, Macomber, Miner, Hargreaves, Woods, Honeywell. Danils. Hayes. Haecker and Cochrane. A number of old Ne braska Phis returned for the conven tion and lent their numbers to the act ive chapter and the visiting delegates in making the afternoon very enjoy, able. Thursday afternoon the Phi Delta Thetas gave a smoker at their frater nity house to all the members of t!" convention. It was the first time that the men were all together and the even ing will always be dear to the hearta of all who were present. Chapter songs and college yells were given, and after a Dutch lunch souvenir pipes were given to each man. Friday afternoon the Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity was at home to the members of Phi Delta Theta conven tion and a few fr'endB from each soror ity at the home of Miss Mabel Rich ards. Miss Richards was assisted in jeceiving by Miss Clara Hammond and Earl McCreery. The culminating social event was tLe dance at the Lincoln given Friday night by Phi Delta Theta In honor of their guesUs. The hotel was orllllantly beautiful with lanterns, palms and colors. The fraternity flag hung over tho rotunda. The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Webster, Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott and by the delegates and visit ing members. The parents of all resi dent members were invited as chap crones. Cosy corners were arranged in tho parlors, where pink decorations were used. The ordinary was in blue and white. The two colors crossed the ceiling in graceful curves and the table had blue satin ribbons and white chrys anthemums. Coffee and cake were served there. The punch bowl was In a Japanese corner under an umbrella. The dancing hall was more elaborate than usual witli scarlet and cream, and countless lanterns and flags were used. The Delta Gamma chapter house again opened its hospitable doors Sat urday morning for a breakfast In nonor of the Phi Delta Theta province con vention. To some of the visitors the idea of tho girls having a fraternity house was new and the house was well examined from parlor to den. Many delightful experiences wore exchanged and the pleasant talk lent a keen appe tite to the delicious breakfast that was eerved by the ladies. JAYHAWKS WIN THE GAME. GROWTH OF CORNELL. Perhaps the most interesting feature of President Schurman's last report to the trustees of Cornell university is the description of the overcrowding of class rooms, lecture rooms and labora tories, due to the very rapid growth of Cornell. Two years ago there were 2,131 students of all kinds, last year 2 543, and this year it is estimated that there will be a total enrollment, when complete, of nearly or quite 3,000. The overcrowding puts Cornell in immedi ate need of a hall of languages, a hall of agriculture, a hall of forestry, a col lege of fine arts, or at least a hall of architecture laboratory building for medical studeris at Ithaca, and exten sive additions in the Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering. He notes also that the growth of classes at Cornell is seriously overburdening the staff of instruction, which should be Increased at once, and that it calls for a very great ana prouawy continuous increase in laboratory equ'pment. All the new buildings needed immediately could be erected for $700,000, but more is needed in endowments for professor ships and laboratories. He reports that the l.Lrary of Cornell has more than doubled in seven jears, containing now 220,022 volumes and 30,000 pamphlets, and that the use of the library has more than trebled in that time. He asks that some friend of the university endow the great law library of the In stitution to provide for its always keeping up with the times; $75,000 to 1100 000 would suffice. During the year 1868 99, the first year in which Cornell enjoyed the UBe of the infirmary pre sented by Dean Sage and William H. Sage, there were 184 patients, the aver age da'ly number being six, the maxi mum fourteen. The illnesses ranged from mumps to Brlght's diseases and cerebral meningitis. TO STRENGTHEN UNIVERSITY. The gift of 1250,000 from John D. Rockefeller to Brown university lias stimulated the alumni committee that is engaged In raising the $2,000,000 en dowment to strengthen the existing de partments. Mr. Rockefeller's gift is on condition that $1,000,000 be raised be fore the next commencement Tho other pledges, amounting to about were made on tne vomnuust Piny Nebraska to a Standstill and Win on End Plays SOSO. Kansas Jayhawkers defeated the Ne braska foot ball team on the campus Saturday by a score of 3G to 20. The game was fought inch by Inch through out, neither side gaining anything ex cept by the hardest kind of foot ball. Great preparations had been made by the Nebraskans for the reception of tho Kansas team and their entertainment during their stay in this city. The (in graceful wrangle of two years ago was not entirely forgotten and it was the desire of all the students to blot this out if possible. Two thousand people saw the game from the side lines. Nebraska was the universal favorite, and the organized rooting that had been prepared for the game was carried out with excellent eftect. The crowd was the largest that has been seen on the campus this year. Colors were everywhere, entirely around the field. Several of the differ ent societies had prepared to make the occasion a gala day. The Delian liter ary society had a gayly decorated stand in the center of the west side of the field. A large number of members oc cupied this. The society had also or ganized a quartet, which sang several songs that they had written for the oc casion. On the opposite side of the field the Sigma Chi fraternity was stationed on a large band wagon. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity had a large tally-ho highly decorated, where they watched the game with their lady friends. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity also attend ed in a body. This organization is hold ing a district convention In this city at the present time and a large number of visiting delegates also watched the game. Kansas appeared on the field early and was greeted by the crowd with a parody on their yell. They trotted the full length of the field and lined up for signal practice. The Nebraskans did not appear until almost tJmc for the game to be called. They wtre greeted with the university yell and with yells for each individual player. Three min utes later Captain Williams and Cap tain Avery met in the middle of the field. Captain Avery won the toss and chose the south side of the field, with the sun on the backs of his players. Benedict kicked for Nebraska to the five-yard line. Right Halfback Moore returned the ball ten yards before he was downed by the Nebraska men. The line-ups and plays that followed were fast and furious. On the second play Kansas fumbled, but did not lose the ball. Tucker, left half, took the ball around the left end for ten and fifteen yards In two plays, while Moore made ten more around the other end. This was followed by sev eral plays of a similar nature. End runs characterized the play throughout the first half of the game. These gains do not indicate a weakness of the Ne braska ends, but rather a weakness on the part of the other's defense. Captain Williams played a decidedly weak game on the defensive, and a large degree of the defeat is due to his work. Time after time, then Drain, the end, had gotten In and broken the interference, 27f.fl00. that the whole $2,000,000 be raised by wmJartlH faied to get his man, with June, the result that the runner made from five to twenty-five yards. Five minutes after play was started Kansas made the first touchdown of tho game. Smith, right guard of the visit ors, kicked an easy goal, after a klck at by Owen to Avory. Benedict kicked off the second time, making a full fifty yards on the line-up. Kansas made five yards around the right end and was held for two downs without gain, thus forcing a kick. Benedict, for Nebraska, made ten yards, and Williams failed to cover any territory when the ball was given -to him. Kingsbury made two yards and a half, thus taking the ball within fifteen yards of the goal. The signal for a place was given, and Bene dict sent the sphere squarely over the goal. Kansas made another touchdown a few minutes later after some of the hardest playing of the game. As in the early part of the half, nearly all the gains were made around the ends, with an occasional guards' back play that netted a few yards through the center. Several brilliant tackles were made in these plays by Drain and Cortelyou. In one case Cortelyou broke through the line and stopped the runner before he had time to start with the ball, and in another Drain was fast enough to get the quarterback before he had passed the ball. Tho third touchdown was made in the same manner as the other two. Oc casional guards' back plays for slight plays and long end runs did the work effectively. Tho touchdown was made on a quick line-up, after time had been called to allow one or two men to get into shape. Kingsbury proved to be the weak spot in this case, apparently making no elfort whatever to hold his man. Smith kicked goal, making the score 18 to 5. No further scoring was none during the remainder of the half. Nebraska had the ball the greater part of the time, but succeeded In getting It only to the Kansas twenty-five-yard line, when time was called. Kingsbury had retired after the third touchdown on account of injuries received during the earlier part of the game. The socond half was characterized by the great kicking by Benedict. It was said by many of the old foot ball enthusiasts to be the finest ever seen on the home grounds. Kansas had no man that in any way compared witli him In the length or effectiveness of his punts. Three times after the ball had been carried by the Nebraska boys to within twenty-five yards of the Kansas goal Benedict fell back for a place kick, and in each case he sent the sphere squarely between the goal posts. One of these kicks was made after a run by himself of over forty yards on a double pass. KanBas also did great work and made three touchdowns in this half, the same as in the firBt. The play as a whole was steadier than in the first, with con siderable more excitement. Benedict, Crandall, Drain, Cortelyou and PearBC were the strong points of the Nebraska team. Kansas was too evenly matched to pick out stars. Captain Avery man- I aged the team well. On the whole, the game was compar atively free from slugging or any of the disagreeable features which are very often common. In comparison -with the Iowa team, it might be said that the backs are not as fast as the Hawkeyes, with the line defense a shade better and the interference about tho equal. The n 9