The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 07, 1899, Image 1

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Vol.. 8-29, No. 8.
Five Cunts.
Chancellor HcHspy Shows Us (Jood
Points In 11 Clinpd Talk
T,nst Week.
Wednesday morning, in ohopol,
iho chancellor mndo tho following re
marks In regard to the alumni associa
tion of Omaha:
"Not long ago some of the university
alumni living In Omaha conceived the
idea that it would ho a good plan to
organize- a University cluh a Univer
sity of Nohraska club not an alumni
association, recognizing tho fact that
there arc a great many people who
havo been in tho university for one,
two, or threo years, but who did not
take their degree, who are just
as genuine admirers as many of those
who havo taken their degree. And so
last month an organisation was per
fected, beginning with about one hun
dred members in that city. Now what
has been the result? They havo new
nanicri coming In every day. They
have found that In all probability the
University club in Omaha will Include
at least one hundred and twenty-five
members. They thought when they
started it that It might reach a dozen
Howells, Dr. L. A. Sherman, Mrs. At-
"The president of tho club Is a man
who graduated here a number of years
ago, in tho class of '83, Mr. Wheeler.
Tho chairman of the executive com
mittee is Mr. Clement Chase. Many of
you know of these men because of the
prizes offered annually, viz: the
"Chase nnd Wheeler prizes," for Pal
Indian orations. A member of the
clnss of '97 is tho secretary. So it is
not only an organization of the older
men, but also of tho younger men.
"They propose to havo banquets.
Now thero was a timo when I looked
down upon that sore of thing; that is
theorlcally. As we become more In
tellectual we ought perhaps to rise
above such things, but I find that we
cannot yet bring men and women to
that state of intellectuality in which
they do not enjoy a good dinner. We
como together much moro cheerfully
for any purpose when there is some
thing to eat also. So this club is to
have banquets, now and then, at ir
regular intervals. Then theVo will be
receptions to tho university officers.
Those of you who pass out from Btu
dent life and become officers of the
university of lower or higher degree
can hope some day to bo received by
this club in tho city of Omaha. They
also propose to givo receptions to the
football team whether it wins or not.
"Yesterday tho club made its first
appearance Being tho last day of the
exposition, it seemed a fitting time
to invito a number of tho university
people. It hnppened to be a very busy
time and but threo of tho university
faculty wont over. Those who repre
sented the fnculty were Prof, and Mrs.
Barbour, Prof, and Mrs. Ward and Mrs.
Bessoy and myself. We woro tnkon
charge of as soon as we stopped out
of tho cor and woro not let go until
wo woro safely back to the railway
"Tho banquet presented itself In the
form of what was modestly called a
breakfast. It lasted two hours, be
ginning at eleven nnd closing at ono.
Miss Ponnock, '88, was tho hostess.
"After tho breakfast wo woro taken
to the exposition grounds, whoro our
hostess took us through tho govern
ment building. Wo woro then taken on
a gondola from ono ond of tho lagoon to
tho othor, and to the auditorium, where
wo wero treated to an excellent concert
by Bellstedt's orchestra, lasting from
two to four. After that tho reception
was held In tho building know l ns tho
bureau of public comfort. Among
those present was Congressman Mer
cer, '80. Sovcral prospective patrons
oi- tho university wero thoiv. After
luncheon at six wo started on our re
turn trip to Lincoln.
"Now I have given this because it
shows tho beginning of what seems o
me a most desirable thing, Young peo
ple, 1 urge you to organize clubs
wherever you go! Organize them in
your home town. Thero should be
such a club in every town of consid
erable size In the state. Omaha has
shown us what to do and how to do
"A few days ago the Omaha club sent
out postal cards saying in big black
letters 'Wear your colors, scarlet and
cream,' and then follows the announce
ments, in eluding an address by Prof.
Ward on Friday evening, nnd the foot
ball game on Saturday. The closing
remark is, 'You and your friends are
requested to be present on nil these
occasions and lend your encourage
ment to the progress of your Alma
Mater.' I commend tho work of this
club to you, and its enthusiastic mem
bers. Let us not only stand up for
Nebraska, but let us also stand up for
the University of Nebraska."
Mrs. Emma P. Wilson, dean of wo
men in the university, returned from
Chicago Wednesday. While there she
was in attendance at tho meeting of the
association of collegiate alumna;, Oc
tober 26 to 28. The university of Ne
braska was admitted to membership.
The association is very conservative,
admitting as members only those in
stitutions of the highest standing. The
university is being wnrmly congratu
lated upon this added proof of its high
rank among the educational instituti
ons of the country.
There are twenty-two colleges and
universities In the organization, with
an individual membership of two
thousand. The association was fav
ored by having Dr. E. Benjnmln An
drews, superintendent of the Chicago
schools, discuss tho question of "The
Public School System as a Social In
stitution." Philip N. Moore talked on the "Co
operation in the Work of Public Edu
cation." Among the other speakero
were Dr. A. P. Nightingale and Presi
dent Henry W. Rogers.
On tho reading room tablo in
Barnes' Hall, Cornell University, there
can bo found n scrap book containing
charts of all tho football games of the
leading colleges. The charts are made
by men on the side lines and are In
chargo of tho Christian association.
On tho charts, thero bolng ono for each
half, there Is traced the course of tho
ball throughout the game. Tho varl
our plays, the names of players mak
ing tho principal plays, tho direction
of tho wind and the timo of game are
all Indicated on tho charts. At pres
ent there are fifteen colleges on tho ex
chango lists, including tho big five and
tho leading Western colleges. Ilecto
graphic copies of tho charts aro sent
to all on the exchange list.
Football Tonin Worsted in Iho Iowa
Contest Saturday- Oppon
ents Fortunate
The university tenm again met defent
Saturday afternoon at tho hands of the
University of Iowa eleven, to the tune
of 30 to 0. The score is not a true
criterion to the game, which was
evenly played throughout. Iowa won
through luck and superior back field
The first touchdown was made less
than four minutes after the game was
started. Warner kicked off for Iowa,
but instead of making a long punt,
sent the ball for only a few yards to
the left of center. Koehler was unable
to get in front of the oval and before
he could recover himself Iowa had se
cured possession .f the ball. In a
series of quick plays that followed the
ball was carrie-l over the line for the
first touchdown of the game.
At the second kick-off Benedict sent
the ball forty-five yards into Iowa ter
ritory. Unfortunately the ball lit a
few feet outside of bounds and the kick
had to bo taken over. On the second
trial, It was sent to tho fifteen-yard
line. Edson caught the ball and made
fifteen yards back with it. Eby
kicked for twenty-five yards, but his
control was not good and the oval
went entirely too high for a good gain.
Tho Iowa ends went down with the
ball and stopped the Nebraska run
ner In his tracks. Williams made four
yards and ten more were given by the
referee on nccount of off-side playing.
A mass play was tried without success.
Three yards were made in two downs,
and then Gordon wont over the lino
for four more. This gain was almost
counterbalanced by a fumble the next
play that lost three yards. With the
ball on tho twenty-five yard line and
somewhat north of the goal, Crandall
tried a place kick for goal. On ac
count of tho wind, the ball went wide
of the mark.
This play gave Iowa an opportunity
for a place kick. The pigskin was sent
twolvo yards into Nebraska territory,
where Ringer gathered it in. Benedict,
Williams and Pearso made good gains
until they had carried the ball back to
tho Iowa fifteen-yard .ine, where they
lost it on downs.
Iowa again did some great offensive
work and by a series of end runs car
ried the ball back for a touchdown by
Griffith, made after a fifteen-ynrd run
on a guards' back play. Goal was
kicked, making the score 12 to 0.
The third touchdown for Iowa was
made by good team work and a piece
of good fortune at tho end of the play.
After tho ball had been carried within
threo ynrds of Nebraska's goal, and
the Iownns were just at tho point of
making a final effort to get It over, the
ball was fumbled and rolled across the
line. Quick as a flash a Hnwkeyo was
across tho line after it, thus scoring
a touchdown on a fumblo by a membor
of his own tenm.
No further scoring was done in thib
half. In tho second, Benedict kicked
off. Tho Iowans were hold to two
downs and forced to kick when they
attempted to pass tho ball. Gordon ob
tained tho ball, but the Iowa ends were
on him before ho could get started
back. After this the play becamo moro
of a life and death struggle. Nebraska
fought with equally as much vigor and
nerve as in tho former half, although
defeat seemed certain throughout the
half. Ono touchdown was made by tho
middle of tho half by Iowa.
In the next few plays Nebraska car
ried tho ball withing a yard of tho
opposite goal and wns there held for
downs. The play of tho Ilawkeyes at
these moments was magnificent. At
the close of tho first half they also
held tho Ncbraskans for downH when
the ball needed but one foot to be over.
Ono notlceablo feature of these times
was the offside play that Iowa indulged
In constantly. Several times they were
warned by the referee, and twice when
the goal was In danger did ho give Ne
braska a gain. The Inst one of these
was for half of the distance to the goal
The final scoro of the game was
made just a few seconds before time
was called. With the hall in Nebraska
territory and about twenty yards from
the goal posts, Iowa kicked. Her ends
made a great run and succeded in get
ting the ball behind the goal posts on
Nebraska's fumble. Goal made the
finnl score of the game 30 to 0. This
made two times that luck played a
more important part in Iowa's scoring
than she did herself. Crandall also
attempted a place kick for goal in the
second half, but tho ball was blocked.
Without doubt the Iowa bncks wero en
tirely too swift for Nebraska. It was a
question of actual speed and not of
football ability. No man on the Ne
braska team could best any of the
Hawkeye bncks when they wero mak
ing a 'air run for end gains. The Iowa
interference was also very strong and
easily boxed the Nebraska ends time
and again, nnd carried tho runner
around tho end for gains rnnglng from
five to thirty yards.
Captain Williams of Nebraska stated
after the game that he was very much
pleased with the manner that the team
played after he saw defeat was in
evitable. Not a man played a particle
less or with the slightest hesitancy.
Tho movements were as strong tho last
minute of play as they wero tho first.
Owing to the two touchdowns made
by Iowa on fumbles and to tho speed
of tho backs, the score Is not a crltorlon
of the merit of the game. It was full
of interest throughout and abounded in
good plays for Nebraska as well as
for Iowa. Crandall, Pearse, Benedict,
Westover, Brew and tho ends all play
ed good strong football. Gordon is
slightly light for the position of full
back and was slightly handicapped
for this reason. Little extra praise
can bo offered to Win fow.i men, as
tholr play was equally good through
out. The line-up was as follows:
Iowa. Nebraska.
Baker c. .c Koehler
Little, Brockway r. g 1. g. Brew
Eby (Capt.) r. t 1. t. Pearse
Waters r. o 1. e. Drain
Burrier 1. g. . .
Warner I. t...
Williams. P. 1.
Williams. C q.
Morton, Hoover
Edson, Staford-
, .. r. g. Ringer
.r. t. Westovor
.r. e. Cortelyou
,q.. u. Crandall
.1. h. Williams
r. h..
1. h...r. h. Benedict
Griffith f. b f. b. Gordon
Officials Barnes, referee; Stewnrt,
umpire; White, Treyner, timekepors;
Cnpoll, Moore, linesmen.