The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 01, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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as to our needs, no one connected with the
University is at fault; as statements have
never been more plain and business-like, and
never were submitted so early in the session
even before the session began. Of course,
it is barely possible that in the hurry and
press of legislative business these reports
have not been read, or at least have not been
carefully read. If true, this is rather a mis
fortune than a fault.
Every one knows that the University will
receive every cent of its revenues. There
is no reason why it should not receive them,
there is every reason why it should; and
there is no disposition in the present legisla
ture to leave money in the treasury, idle. But
it is a very self-evident fact that the revenues
of the University are not sufficient for its
maintenance. If Nebraska had a reasonably
truthful assessment, the three-eights of a
mill tax, added to revenues from the original
land grants from the general government,
might suffice. But as assessments are now
made, the revenues are increasing but a
thousand dollars a year, while attendance
has increased nearly a hundred per cent, in
the last year alone. The total enrollment
at this writing is nearly an even thousand.
Before another legislature can meet it will
be nearly doubled. The state of Nebraska
is certainly not going to turn these young
men and women away!
But if it does not do this, the legislature
must appropriate from the general state fund,
for buildings. There is no alternative. The
detailed expenditures for instruction aud in
cidental expenses are before the members.
The statement has been made up by exper
ienced men, business men, and men who
have no personal interest whatever in the
matter other than a very sincere desire to
servo the state. It is impossible to change
these materially, or to change them at all in
the way of transferring from the demands
on the state general fund to demands on
University revenues, without at once reduc
ing the instructional force, and thereby ren
dering necessary a reduction in the number
of students.
For the Faculty are carrying work at a
disadvantage to-day, because of the need of
more recitation rooms, and better library
and reading room facilities. Already the
Regents are obliged to quarter the Collide
of Law in ronted rooms in the city; and the
shop work (wood and metal working) is prac
tically at a stand. To leave buildings in
statu ouo for three years for it will take
nearly a year after another legislature can
meet to finish a building while the throng
of students is steadily increasing, is educa
tional suicide. Those whose parents can
pay the tuition fees demanded elsewhere, and
those in cities having a high grade of local
schools, may manage to push on. But what
of the seventy per cent now in the rural dis
trict schools ? "They can wait. " But time
does not wait, and opportunity does not
wait and for hundreds of such children the
next two years will determine whether they
are ever well educated or not.
It would seem absolutely essential, there
fore unless the University is to go back
ward that the legislature grant the Univer
sity revenues for the purposes named: and
that from the general fund it grant enough
to complete the library building, to erect
the building for extension of shop work, and
to make such additions to the water service
as will afford ample protection against fire.
Beyond this the legislature ought to go.
But this is the least it can do without posi
tive injury and neglect.
Never, in the history of the University,
has the result of legislation in regard to it
been of as vital importance as at present.
The marvelous growth of the institution has
placed it where it is unable to stop or to re
cede. The increase in the number of stu
dents; the higher educational methods of
teaching that are now in vogue; the splendid
laboratory facilities, and the advantages of a
largo and well selected museum, all attest
the wonderful advance and the splendid pos
sibilities yet in store for our University.
The members of the present legislature are
men who, above all others, should know the