THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXI. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA; NOVEMBER 15. 1S91. No. 4 THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hi:sikrian Publishing Associ ation, ol the Universit y of Nebraska. GEORGE L. SHELDON, '92, Managing Editor. ASSOCIATES: JAMES A. HARKLEY, '92, -C. C. MARLAY, '93, - Editorial Literary COMMENT - Atiii.kiic j Local and ( MlSCKLI.ANY EXCHANGE J. L. MARSHALL, Jr., '93, Alumni, Former Studknts F. D. HYDE, '92, -C. M. SKILES, '92, N. II. 11ARR, '93, I J. C. PORTERFIELD, '92, PAUL PIZEY, '93, E. M. POLLARD, Husinkss Managers. TKKMS OH SUllSCRll'TION: One copy, per college year, (in advance) One copy, one college tei in Single copy St.oo .IO ADVERTISING KATKS ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make Tub IIusperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. ."Subscriptions on our books will be continue unlit ordered stopped. Address all communications to Tub IIbsi-buiaN, Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. F. D. Hyde, Pres. Miss Vbsta Grey, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Geo. L'. Sheldon, Pres. N. U. Bark, Sec'y. DELI AN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Lura Stockton, Pres. Miss Ida Matthews, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY V. M C. A. N. B. Barr, Pres. L. E. Troycx, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Lulu Green, Pres. Miss Elizaiieth Field, Sec'y. EDITORIAL NOTES. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. II. JoiiNSTON,Prcs. Paul Colson, Sec'y. It is sincerely hoped that the chancellor's iq ist in regard to persons calling at his office before thry go sauntering through ihe halls, knocking on the various doors in search of some student, will be strictly observed. If matters are so pressing that a body cannot wait fifteen, twenty, or even thirty min utcs, then, of course, permission may be granted. Bit, unless such is the case, let the recitation go on undis turbed. Continued interruption during a recitation is annoying and. a nui&niicc to both students and pro fessor. It is hoped that this rcipie-t will pr ditto some reflections on the par? f the prowling halntc. v ,..', ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. Paul Pizey, Vicc-Pres: Geo. L. Sheldon, Sec'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB, F. C. Kesyo::, Pres. Miss Rosa Bouiun, Sec'y, The sentiment in George W. Danvcr.V article on the accredited high school system seems not to have been approved by some of his fellow alumni. In this issue of The Hesperian, we publish the views of other members of the university alumni. It is not our intention to comment upon this subject ; but we willingly publish whatever anyone has to say concerning the system. If our university accredited system is faulty or wrong, then it i for the best interests of the university that such should bo known in order that whatever faults there may be, may be properly adjusted. If, on the contrary, the accredited system is eminently the proper thing, then that fact should be thoroughly set forth. The students have ample reasons for rejoicing over the increased library facilities. In addition to the already liberal library privileges, the students may now have the pleasure of loitering in the library five evenings of the week from 7 to 10 o'clock p. m. The students have long wish for such a privilege", and will, no doubt, take due advantage of the same.' We believe that we express the sentiments of every stud ent in extending most hetirty thanks to the faculty for bringing about tins change. The library will be in die efficient charge of Miss Green during the eveniugs, when it will be used only as a library of reference. Since the number of stud ents have increased, the classes are so large that there are not enough books on a single subject to supply each member of the class. Two or three members of the class will not be able to monopolize the refer ence books any longer. The faculty are always ready to adopt measures and make those changes thai are most beneficial to the students,