T II E 11 E S P K U IAN. IEcI. G. Yates, O ST. JLJLtZiZ? BOOTS AND SHOES SPECIAL PRICES TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. flSB&Hfar v iOt Corner loth and P Streets DEFARTIWKNT STORK. XDress Goods, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, AND CORSETS A SPECIALTY. Special Lines for Students. Wttotct & Ef nut BOOTS & SHOES. Always Latest Styles and Lowest Pi ices to be Vound with us 1043 O STREET. Carpets ! I 1 I 2 O STREET, LINCOLN. NEB. THE VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS MADE BY Y Portrait and Landscape Photographer The only place where you can get group of yourself phnros taken. Views taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed Special RhIcs to Students! 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. IMI. -WAILiT, I00T AND SHOE MAKER- Tltcpalrlnfj Neatly and Promptly Done: .JJurr Block, formerly 1227 N street. K. STANHOPE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllcc hour 9 toll a. in. an (12 to 4 p.m. Heslclonco, 1520 K. Street. Ofllcc in the Holmes block, Eleventh sticct, near O. M.L. JOYCE. 11. OBXT1IUM Mi5gkits) f puiaste fllco nt Humphrey JJro's, Corner of O uuu" intli St. we have tho only upright plauo truck in the city. LINCOLN 1 Ss)r r Js 7ff C,m7sJSJ?nrZf is uaztfr Offers superior facilities, for acquiring a knowledge buslncs arithmetic, commercial law. short-hand. uin.wiii.iiiK, correspondence, ana toistrraphy. Forclrculure address, I). It. LILLTBBlBafe. i'rffl., l.TKAftTV VPti Lincoln, Ukk Headquarters for Rtibber Clohing, Rttbber Gloves and TEIISTZLsTIS SHOES Alsa anything that is made of Rubber at Chicago prices. Students 'Remember and call at The LINCOLN RUBBER COMPANY, 1236 6 htrcct. ? ;